bratva_thief_strings.qsrc 14 KB

  1. # bratva_thief_strings
  2. $_vstr[1] = '\\- I want to learn how to steal!//- you say enthusiastically.**\\\- Perfectly. We`ve just got something coming up.. Hut one fryer break have. Quietly you will get, there the Plough will help you with a door.. Fleece all to what hands will reach out. But, more importantly, the papers, some of us preterani. Here`s a plan not to lose. See, will fall, will puff quiche in full, no one to pull you will not! Well, sucked it up, kitty?///**You nod vigorously..**\\\- Come on, then, or what?///- Godfather slams you in the arse.**\\- That, so immediately?//**\\\- Duc and Cho pull. While we watch, we will prepare. We`ll dress you in overalls. Not are you going there gonna put on?///'
  3. $_vstr[2] = '\\\- So what a bullshit artist? Not gonasi, work with your teat, what is your most.///'
  4. $_vstr[3] = 'You arrive in an inconspicuous van to the right house. The bandits give you more detailed instructions. Dressed and wearing a hat with slits for eyes and mouth, you go to your first business, jittering with excitement and danger.**Pahan professionally opens the locks, whispering:\\\- Here`s some bullshit, and! Come on, thief.. Good luck!///'
  5. $_vstr[4] = 'You carefully look inside. Like quietly.'
  6. $_vstr[5] = 'And penetrate into the apartment, stepping as quietly as possible. Giant butterflies flutter in the stomach. You`re a little shaken.'
  7. $_vstr[6] = 'Making his way past one of the rooms, you saw her peacefully sleeping couple.'
  8. $_vstr[7] = '“And the man did so,” didn`t fail to notice you purely mechanically. "Man, I gotta clean this up.! Means, and here, perhaps? And there on the tables and the keys to the drawer with the documents...”'
  9. $_vstr[8] = 'You snake crawled on the floor, whistled the keys.'
  10. $_vstr[9] = 'And at the same time cleaned the purse: "Wow, looks like currency! Rich Pinocchio something. Been!”'
  11. $_vstr[10] = 'Then, not reassured, went on.'
  12. $_vstr[11] = 'From the boxes povytaskivali the bling and need the bandits documents and tucked it in the bag.'
  13. $_vstr[12] = 'Checked all the tables, finding another pack of money.'
  14. $_vstr[13] = '"Well, it looks like there`s nothing else of value to restrain!"you decide and suddenly hear the slapping of bare feet on the floor. Quickly looking around, look for a place to hide.**You hide and freeze. I think the guy went to the bathroom.. What`s amiss?! You tremble like a leaf and almost piss yourself with fear. The adrenaline is off the charts. You feel like thumping heart.'
  15. $_vstr[14] = 'Phew, that was a close one! Soon the owner again, and falls asleep, even started snoring. You some time and listen on tiptoe to bring down the crime scene.**At the exit you are met by bandits, you jump into the van and leave as quickly as possible. Congratulate you, Pat you on the back, at the same time squeezing the soft spot and say that you are now “their own Board”.**Giving a bag of prey, you ask to drop you near his home. Force priblatnennym jargon, you`re mumbling:\\- Oh, boys, I`ve been overrunning, all on the retreat, already pounding. Go to shower and sleep!//'
  16. $_vstr[15] = 'Suddenly, behind you heard the slapping of bare feet on the floor.'
  17. $_vstr[16] = 'And then you were grabbed from behind. Heavy men`s hand tightened on the neck:\\\- Okay, and what the fuck kind of Ghost is that??!///'
  18. $_vstr[17] = '\\\- Oh, wow, girl.!///- the man was amazed.**\\\- Release me...I accidentally...I don`t...I…//**\\\- Yeah, you can explain it to the police.!///**\\- Please don`t.!//- you whisper imploringly.'
  19. $_vstr[18] = '\\- Just don`t put me in jail.. I the first time this here is...I won`t, honestly.! I`ll do anything you want.. You want to fuck me?. Just let go!//**\\\- Fuck you say criminal element? Well, let`s try your mouth. Like - I`ll think.///**You get down on your knees and pull out of the panties privstavshiy body of the owner " Wow, he`s almost ready, an erection from sleep such that whether?”.'
  20. $_vstr[19] = 'You habitually covered your lips with the head of a pretty dignity of a peasant and began to suck hard.'
  21. $_vstr[20] = '\\\- Oh, there, swallow.!///**You are hard smacked, showing all they are capable of. The fear, the adrenaline rush and my favorite pastime has quickly taken you.'
  22. $_vstr[21] = 'The man took the mask off your head.:\\\- Ha, what a cute. Why did you become a thief?///**You shrugged, not letting the cock out of his mouth.'
  23. $_vstr[22] = 'The victim of an attempted robbery was easily thrown you to the extensive love nest and his clothes were torn at the crotch:\\\- Now work out the freedom, get in position!///'
  24. $_vstr[23] = 'You got down on all fours, holding his ass and into your pussy then rammed his fledgling staff.'
  25. $_vstr[24] = 'The owner of the apartment wrapped your hands behind your back and started with all the dope figachit your dripping pussy.'
  26. $_vstr[25] = '\\\- On you, bitch, like this.! Remember, stealing is not good.! Understood?///**\\- D-yeah.!//**\\\- Quiet, don`t yell, not alone in the house!///'
  27. $_vstr[26] = 'The man with obvious pleasure firmly spanked you on the ass'
  28. $_vstr[27] = 'Then he ordered to take his feet with his hands and began to harit in his mouth.'
  29. $_vstr[28] = 'Soon you were ripped off the remnants of clothing and you yourself, beside yourself with excitement, jumped on the cock, happily sitting down.'
  30. $_vstr[29] = 'Forgetting about everything, you quickly approached the finish line and groaned, ending.'
  31. $_vstr[30] = 'The man shoved you his body trembling with excitement and you skillfully milked him dry.'
  32. $_vstr[31] = 'Having lowered sperm to itself in a mouth and on a face.**Is a master sweet cachaca and reached:\\\- Like tried.///**\\- I can go.?//- with bated hope you asked.**\\\- Tell me everything from the bag and scat, snot criminal. Only, ha-ha, clothes leave. Still tattered.. Naked you will run, in than mother has given birth! Put the mask back on, you fool.! Thief, nah!///'
  33. $_vstr[32] = 'You pulled on the mask, the man laughed and gave you a pendel.**You quickly ran to the exit.'
  34. $_vstr[33] = 'And, running away, faced with the awakened wife of the owner. “Oops!”.**Quickly jumping out the door, you got to waiting for you bandits, and hysterically shouting\\- Come on, come on, let`s go, I`m on fire.!//, huddled naked in a corner of the van.**The bandits, swearing, gave the gas.**Pahan slapped you in the face.:\\\- Fucking stupid.! Here`s how to know!///. You begged me to take you home.. Bandits threw you some rags to cover up and landed near your house.**\\\- This is where you live, bitch.? Tomorrow come to the house, you will work off a jamb Yes we will train you. And then wait, come here and easy punishment will not get off…///**You are still leaving your disastrous adventures, cotton legs skedaddle to yourself.'
  35. $_vstr[34] = 'You come to a familiar apartment and ring the doorbell.'
  36. $_vstr[35] = 'You met Gennady, and immediately presses against the wall:\\\- Well, slut, messed up?///**\\- Well, it happened, I tried.,//- you babble, making excuses.**\\\- Now you`re gonna try, chicken,///- Gennady squeezes your crotch,\\\- Well, clothes off, run to work!///'
  37. $_vstr[36] = 'You undress and wait for the bandits, sitting in a pose of slave obedience.'
  38. $_vstr[37] = 'The first falls Dimas and knocks you to the floor. He squeezes your face and slaps your pussy:\\\- If you`re ready, Horny teenager?///**\\- Ummm-GU.!//**From anticipation of a rough and dirty fuck-up you already take your breath away.'
  39. $_vstr[38] = 'Comes the rest a gang of. Dimas wringing your hands:\\\- Acrobatics will learn agility in the case you add, come on, slut fucking!///'
  40. $_vstr[39] = 'Dimas grabs your leg, lifting it up, you balance on tiptoe one leg while the men unbutton their pants.'
  41. $_vstr[40] = 'Habitually catch the mouth of the first member and suck on weight.'
  42. $_vstr[41] = 'Your leg is being lifted even higher.. Asprawl in the form you Minette the bandits, plant such a method even faster than usual.'
  43. $_vstr[42] = 'Bandits undress, Dimas continues to twist and wring your body like a toy.**You squeal.:\\- Aiy, Dima, you`ll break my bones!//**\\\- Nothing will break, Sally, practice! Lie down and keep your feet on the weight!///'
  44. $_vstr[43] = 'You lay down on the floor as ordered and spread your legs, lifting them up:\\\- Oh, wet pussy already, throat whore pass, so much fun!///**You step on your throat with your foot and start fucking in pussy in turn.'
  45. $_vstr[44] = 'You are blissful and moaning, one of the bandits, laughing, presses your face with his Shoe.**This rudeness only excites you more.'
  46. $_vstr[45] = 'Choking, with a crushed throat, you get another cock in a copiously oozing crack.'
  47. $_vstr[46] = 'You sit on the dick and fervently prostragivajut throat, replacing the members in your throat and zataskivaya to tears mixed with snot.'
  48. $_vstr[47] = 'Especially trying to chisel through the throat perevozbudilsya Dimas.'
  49. $_vstr[48] = 'And he couldn`t resist cumming you on the cheek, abushov a mouthful of cum:\\\- Ahhh, bitch, swallow!///**You mumbling and Gloria, swallowed a portion of the seed. Steamed and hot as a bath, the only thing you want is new members in holes.'
  50. $_vstr[49] = 'You fill up and pierce both cracks with members. You happily yell, sticking out your tongue.'
  51. $_vstr[50] = 'And orazmyrat violently with stifled once again by the throat.'
  52. $_vstr[51] = 'You continue to furiously fuck in different poses. Dimas puts his foot in your mouth and you diligently suck his fingers.'
  53. $_vstr[52] = 'Gennady sits on your chest and substitutes your ass. You enthusiastically lick, feeling that the more perverted you are, the more it gets you back.'
  54. $_vstr[53] = 'Finally, the men back and they start to pull you in the mouth the rivers of sperm.**You swallow greedily.'
  55. $_vstr[54] = 'And have fun taking your warm favorite liquid on your face.'
  56. $_vstr[55] = '\\\- Well, macnica still have fun?///**\\- Khaaaa-FFh!//- in addition, you spit on obruchalnoe face and told to open my hole.'
  57. $_vstr[56] = 'Then, pouring the body by the urine, piss aiming straight for the pussy.'
  58. $_vstr[57] = 'The Pahan laid you on the table and pissed on your face and head, forcing you to lick all the urine with your tongue.'
  59. $_vstr[58] = 'You diligently carried out the order.**\\\- Wash everything here, and today is free!///- says the leader albert,\\\- then going to train every day with guys that will give you two drove to the gym. And just try again to fill up the case, slut! Well, all understood?///**\\- Yes, Alec. ,//- obediently you nod, continuing to lick the piss.'
  60. $_vstr[59] = 'You washed the floor in the room and began to gather home, deciding not to tempt fate while the bandits in this mood.'
  61. $_vstr[60] = 'You came to the fancy gym. Sanek sent you to run on the simulator:**\\\- Run fast also important Shine!///**\\- Yeah, I see.…//'
  62. $_vstr[61] = 'You`ve been warming up a lot with the guy.. He even taught you to crawl quietly.**After stretching and different exercises for agility, bandit dragged you to another room.**\\\- Come on, pull the bar a little..///**\\- And it me, too, need to?//**\\\- We`re deciding what you need.!///'
  63. $_vstr[62] = 'You began to raise the bar in the stop lying down, finding just took a shower Pahan, who was not slow to join your workout.'
  64. $_vstr[63] = 'The bandits, having fun, dropped the barbell on your throat, pressing its steel crossbar.'
  65. $_vstr[64] = '\\- Akhhh-yahh!//**\\\- Don`t overdo it, pacifier.! Now we will train in a different way,///- whinnied the Pahan.'
  66. $_vstr[65] = 'You have your hands tied to the bar on the rack of the simulator.'
  67. $_vstr[66] = 'And immediately put in her mouth cock.'
  68. $_vstr[67] = '\\\- Suck, swallow and get! On your ass, a twat! Al said to properly teach you, so we will try!///**\\\- Slap her hard, mate.!///'
  69. $_vstr[68] = 'You spanked on the buttocks red marks, parallel nariva in her mouth. You felt that such a prelude turns you on wildly.'
  70. $_vstr[69] = 'Sanya launched its fledgling bolt in your onlineplease cave. You drawl moaned from pleasure, not releasing the second cock mouth.'
  71. $_vstr[70] = 'Tying you in another position, you again began to swing to beat on the ass.\\\- In your favorite hole dragging, asshole!///'
  72. $_vstr[71] = 'Bandit thoroughly kneaded you anus and poured some immediately stuck sports oil.**You even trembled in sweet anticipation.'
  73. $_vstr[72] = 'And arched under propanolide anus cock.'
  74. $_vstr[73] = '\\\- Come on, future star of the underworld, in both crevices, as you like!///**You were laid between two hot male bodies and began to furiously harit in two bows, pulling the hair. You, excitedly fidgeting, with pleasure gave.'
  75. $_vstr[74] = '\\\- Ahaha, you wet it, bro.///- "the star of the underworld”!\\\-Here, bitch.!///**\\- Uh-huh.! More strongly! Still! Fuck you....ahhh.!//'
  76. $_vstr[75] = '\\- Mom-and! Come on, come on, WA-AGH-cum-Yuu!//- you howled, echoed by the wave flowed around the room.**\\\- Yes, she is rather the star of hard porn. Well you`re always yelling something so, Svetik?!///**You only shake your head, experiencing a delightful orgasm.'
  77. $_vstr[76] = 'The guys tore your holes to a new uncontrollable wave of excitement.'
  78. $_vstr[77] = 'Then lowered to the floor and drove just two units in the ass. You enthusiastically shrieked, almost without feeling pain, only pleasure and delight.'
  79. $_vstr[78] = 'Caught Masturbation orgasm on a particularly violent frictions in your restarurantes intestine.'
  80. $_vstr[79] = 'You descend into the mouth two the dollop konchalov.**\\\- Don`t spill it, nipple, suck it to the last drop!///**\\- AAM-um!//'
  81. $_vstr[80] = 'You with feeling of full satisfaction sucked members.'
  82. $_vstr[81] = '\\\- Okay, practice is over for today.,///- decided to Pahan, admiring how you swallow cum.**You quickly ran into the shower and returned to the bandits.**\\\- Come on, I`ll give you a ride home. ,///- added Sanek, dressing.**You were taken to the place of residence and told to fix the material, training yourself.'
  83. $result = $_vstr[args[0]]
  84. killvar '$_vstr'
  85. --- bratva_thief_strings ---------------------------------