bratva_home_events_strings.qsrc 46 KB

  1. # bratva_home_events_strings
  2. $_vstr[1] = 'The door to the apartment opens, and you with a sinking heart waiting for today to start the day.**But this time there is only one of the groups - is Gennady.'
  3. $_vstr[2] = 'It is gloomy and obscene grins:**\\\- Cock sang it`s time-good morning kids. My cock wants your neck, my preles-s-St! Come on, make it delicious as you can!'
  4. $_vstr[3] = 'You, for the form of a heavy sigh, lasciviously stuck out your tongue and ran a finger over it:\\- Mmm, it`s not hard.. You`re welcome.//'
  5. $_vstr[4] = 'Habitually knelt down and helped the man with the pants.**\\\- Come on you pie hole we practice, FIFA!///- Gennady slapped you in the mouth rubber didak.**\\- U-mmmmfff!//'
  6. $_vstr[5] = '\\\- Deeper, bitch.! Hard to exercise - easy in battle,///- you are not easily shoved the toy and showed that cope with any tests.**\\\- Yeah, you have a great working nipple.. Well, let`s get started.///'
  7. $_vstr[6] = 'Gennady shoved his prestasie farm you on the cheek. Very flattering that your views and efforts immediately caused a huge boner. You grabbed a breast and began to caress them, while the man, warming up, popping you in the cheek hardening unit.'
  8. $_vstr[7] = '\\\- Come on, let`s go, swallow!///**You began skillfully sucking, quickly aroused.'
  9. $_vstr[8] = '\\\- Great, Shine.! What you diligent! Stick out your tongue. Yes, more, fool! Just like this! Now get the fuck down.!///'
  10. $_vstr[9] = 'Gennady pushed your head on the bed and, standing on top, drove your cock in her mouth to the maximum, began to famously fuck throat.**You mumbled, playing his strong noodle, continuing to stroke his strained Boobs and involuntarily reaching the other hand to the clitoris.'
  11. $_vstr[10] = '\\\- Deeper of the nipple, even! Look at me.! Nah, buzz.! Work, work!...///'
  12. $_vstr[11] = 'Gennady began to rigidly bend down your head, pressing in the groin and finally shoved the cock deep into your throat. You began to gather tears in the corners of your eyes.'
  13. $_vstr[12] = 'The swollen man threw you on the bed like a limp doll and with such force cut into the throat convulsively sucked in the air and felt the tears still splashed from his eyes.**\\\- Aah, on, fuck, how do you fucking take!///'
  14. $_vstr[13] = '\\\- For its feet themselves grab and will continue!///- beside himself with excitement shouted Gennady.**You obeyed and lay down in this position tasty smacked member. The man happily dragged your head, sticking the tool.**The entire process only pleasure you humoured fucker how could.'
  15. $_vstr[14] = '\\- Oh, God, get me off for real, I`m so turned on!//- you moaned in a fever.**\\\- Wow, you`re a fucking light.! No question, sweetie, put your hard-working ass in there..///**\\- Yeah, yay.! I`ll lubricate!//- you quickly stuffed in the ass lubricant.'
  16. $_vstr[15] = 'And willingly pushed the rolls.'
  17. $_vstr[16] = 'Gennady drove the bolt into the anus and began to intensively prachanivate. You groaned with pleasure.'
  18. $_vstr[17] = 'And soon finished with widely spread legs, screaming with ecstasy.'
  19. $_vstr[18] = 'Finally, you framed her mouth under the final volley and milked a portion of the coveted sperm, slightly sobbing snot.**\\\- Phew, here you are nyasha! Well, thanks for the service, it`s time. Do not miss here, our joy! Wait and come back!///'
  20. $_vstr[19] = 'You waved your hand after swallowing the prize.'
  21. $_vstr[20] = 'Gennady himself lay down on the bed, putting you in front of him on his knees and continued to zealously pull your head.**\\\- Come on, bitch, deeper and faster.! You will succeed!///**\\- Hmmm-mmmfffff!//**\\\- Yes, swallow to the root, uuu, na-Ah, well done!///**"When will you be discharged? Damn, I had to substitute the slits!” thought you felt like his throat easily accepts the male staff.'
  22. $_vstr[21] = 'Finally, you framed her mouth under the final volley and milked a portion of the coveted sperm, slightly sobbing snot.**\\\- Phew, here you are nyasha! Well, thanks for the service, it`s time. Do not miss here, our joy! Wait and come back!///'
  23. $_vstr[22] = 'You waved your hand after swallowing the prize.'
  24. $_vstr[23] = '\\- Fuck you, asshole.! Myself suck, if you make it to pierce! Try another bottle from their podbiral!//- suddenly plucking courage, you answer, showing him the middle finger. You even take your breath away from the courage of their own words and begins some jitters, but you finally were able to fight back!'
  25. $_vstr[24] = '\\\- You`re fucking unbelievable.!///- Gennady furious grabs you by the throat and squeezes,\\\- Can, you right now repay the fuck?///**\\- Ghhh-xxx!//- griphite you prosadochnye and pitifully shake my head.**\\\- Well, you`re gonna fuck around.?///**\\- N-Xe-o, I p-hone-alaaa!//**\\\- Open your mouth wide, impudent whore!///'
  26. $_vstr[25] = 'The rapist puts you on your knees and snatching his pants, thrusts raised the dignity of you in the open mouth. He seems very excited to be messing with you..'
  27. $_vstr[26] = '\\\- Take the cheek, bitch.! Look at me, don`t get distracted!///**You helplessly ask for my picture while you drag over the head. And, despite everything, slightly start the engine.'
  28. $_vstr[27] = 'You start to play hard cock, entering into the taste.**\\\- Ahh, nah, not too bad, bledisha! Come on harder.! I`ll teach you discipline now, you fucking bitch.!'
  29. $_vstr[28] = 'Gennady firmly binds you with ropes, biting into the body, pulling his hands behind his back.'
  30. $_vstr[29] = 'And restorative on the bed up in the air, widely divorced feet.'
  31. $_vstr[30] = 'Then he puts his fingers in your rose and turns them inside. You groan from the humiliation, and suddenly Nakata lust.'
  32. $_vstr[31] = '\\\- What, fuck, leak? Want, Yes? Dick Lee fingers bent?///- bandit growls, squeezing your throat.**You try to scream with fear and lack of oxygen, but...only more excited!'
  33. $_vstr[32] = 'Gennady cuts the bolt into your anus and furiously hollows, then dragging you by the hair, then sticking his fingers in his mouth.**You squeal with pain in the anus mixed with perverted desire.**\\\- Well fuck your shit, tight shit on you, stupid rowdy, so donors did not show.///**\\- I-I, I won`t, I won`t.,//- you squeal.'
  34. $_vstr[33] = '\\\- Come here, suck, spermogonia!///- the rapist pulls you to the floor and roughly otherway in the mouth to tears and snot.'
  35. $_vstr[34] = '\\\- UY blyayaya, open mouth full schA-AAA cum-ooh!///**You filled my mouth pours a rich river of sperm. You swallow, shedding slightly.'
  36. $_vstr[35] = '\\\- All swallowed, bitch? Tongue out, show me! All right.. What to say?///'
  37. $_vstr[36] = '\\- Thanks!// - through the power of you spit out with drops of sperm.**\\\- It to you for Breakfast, for lunch feed to vomit, get ready!///**You sobbing, while Gennady casually unties you and tells him to put himself in order.'
  38. $_vstr[37] = 'The front door opens and the apartment falls all the same noisy company of men. Sober, cheerful, they are in joyful anticipation.**You have instantaneously fluttered in his stomach: "Oh, what will happen again!”.**Bald, which is kind of like they have in charge, seeing you grinning:\\\- And here is our devaloka!///**Gennady chuckles and looks at his watch:\\\- Al, come on, quick with the nipple, I have to report to the authorities today.///**Albert nods.:\\\- Well, ready quickly, but with the soul? In mochalku take so we rushed ahead.///'
  39. $_vstr[38] = 'You slutty Levites and winking at the men, throwing off the rags.'
  40. $_vstr[39] = '\\\- Come on guys!///**\\\- About! It`s our way! Well done, girl!///'
  41. $_vstr[40] = 'The leader grabs you by the hair, but suddenly just gently stroking:\\\- Svetik-sadakane, come to work, my fish! Bubbles pop!///'
  42. $_vstr[41] = 'Albert puts you on your knees..'
  43. $_vstr[42] = 'Men gather around and bending your head on the move shoved into the mouth meaty cock.**\\- Guu-uhff!//- make you hard and swallow.'
  44. $_vstr[43] = 'You take turns serving everyone. The rest is pretty Yuk and obscene comment:**\\\- Harder, push it all the way in.!///**\\\- Hey, my turn.!///'
  45. $_vstr[44] = 'You barely have time to each member, trying to please him sweeter.'
  46. $_vstr[45] = 'You zastrahovat the throat to tears, moving head. Someone behind you pulls your hands behind your back.**It`s just forest starts.'
  47. $_vstr[46] = 'At last, drive so that already sparks from eyes:**\\\- Come on, fucking deeper, yeah-Ah-Ah, swallow more, more, to the root!!///'
  48. $_vstr[47] = 'Bald squeezes your throat with pushed almost into the esophagus member:\\\- Aaah, bitch, goes, nah, Lesse cum!///**The fucker with a wheezing moan ejaculates you deep into the throat and you feel the flow of hot seed inside.'
  49. $_vstr[48] = 'You are roughly attracted to the next crotch and forced to lick the eggs.**What you do with enthusiasm and do, not forgetting the handle with the other, already trembling predlazeniy bolt.**\\\- Uh, lick, Shine, like this....OOO, all, Cup your mouth, now eat!///'
  50. $_vstr[49] = 'You readily open your mouth and get a portion of brackish sperm.'
  51. $_vstr[50] = '\\\- Ah, fuck, let me now...swallow, swallow!///'
  52. $_vstr[51] = 'You arrive in the mouth of a new jet. You close your eyes and swallow.'
  53. $_vstr[52] = 'The rest are abundantly discharged on your face.**\\\- Cool-Oh! Beauty! She`s crazy.!///**You really feel the rush of lust.**\\\- Let`s lick it off and wipe your face,///- tattooed leader throws you a towel.'
  54. $_vstr[53] = 'You wipe yourself with it and wrap yourself in it..**\\\- Did you like it?///- Dimas asks with a laugh.**\\- Wow, this is great!//**\\\- Our girl! Okay, don`t be bored, let`s go back.///'
  55. $_vstr[54] = 'You send thugs after outgoing air kiss.'
  56. $_vstr[55] = 'You stand in a hand-to-side pose:\\- Look, you`re tired. How many can?! Let me go already. I am not your slave!//**\\\- And who are you then?///- genuinely surprised the rapist,\\\- you are a slave and you will do as you are told. Intuite this ohamevshego fucking lads!///'
  57. $_vstr[56] = 'You can easily grab, overcoming a slight resistance, just laughing trying to fight back.'
  58. $_vstr[57] = 'Bring down on a trawler and completely expose.'
  59. $_vstr[58] = 'Bald squeezes your throat muscular tattooed hand and mercilessly squeezes.'
  60. $_vstr[59] = 'Dimas roughly crucifies your mouth. You roar, howling with despair.**\\\- What the fuck are you gonna do next??///**\\- Ahh....nohea-at, no, Lord!//**\\\- Come on, slut, suck it like it`s the last time!///'
  61. $_vstr[60] = 'You take turns shoving them in her face members.**You are taken to appease them hopelessly.'
  62. $_vstr[61] = 'Men drag you by the hair, spitted on rearing staffs.**You, crying, suck, gradually even starting to get excited.'
  63. $_vstr[62] = '\\\- On, bitch, deeper into the sperm collector! Don`t move, swallow it all!///**\\\- We must punish the bitch,///- decides the leader, grabbing you by the crotch,\\\- in a flash, we`ll split the shit, so she doesn`t fuck again!///'
  64. $_vstr[63] = 'You ruthlessly knead and stretch the anus. You squeal.**And still excited about it.'
  65. $_vstr[64] = 'Dimas cuts you cock in the anus and at the same time plunges his thumb into the pussy.**\\\- Ow-aaai, NEA-AAT,///- you yell plaintively, feeling like the body is weak again and the desire is growing.'
  66. $_vstr[65] = '\\\- Well pendure her from a couple in the ass!///- albert says.**You yell a good Mat when your ass is pierced by two hot hoses. Bald gags your mouth:**\\\- In uproarious, naughty, and deaf can.///'
  67. $_vstr[66] = 'Astrahov your ass, you back throw on the knees:**\\\- You`re gonna fucking choke.!///'
  68. $_vstr[67] = 'You otgremyat mercilessly in the throat to tears and snot under the helpless smykivka.**\\\- Plaque-and, all, suited…,///- moaning Dimas.'
  69. $_vstr[68] = 'And violently erupts you almost into the esophagus.**You can hardly keep from vomiting, and suddenly discover how the excitement flares up more in the lower abdomen.'
  70. $_vstr[69] = '\\\- Substitute the fuck!///- screaming bald and pulls you in razdavlenny mouth.'
  71. $_vstr[70] = '\\\- And now the next!///- another rapist approaches you and ejaculates.'
  72. $_vstr[71] = '\\\- Eat, whore!///**You pull in all the received cum and swallow, sobbing.'
  73. $_vstr[72] = 'You are forced to lick and suck the eggs ready to finish the bandits.'
  74. $_vstr[73] = 'And finally, abundantly obsfuscate face.'
  75. $_vstr[74] = 'Albert`s squeezing your neck.:**\\\- Just try to break more. Such Cunts you`ll get to forget your mom`s name.. Sucked, whore?///**\\- Moo-hoo-hoo.!//**You`re crying with your hands over your face..**\\\- Go wash yourself.. Come back - you`ll get more.///**Rapists, quickly gathering, leave.'
  76. $_vstr[75] = 'The room filled up bandits. A couple of them kind of tipsy, but not drunk.**\\\- Let`s go to the cards or something!///- offers Gennady.**\\\- And who loses - is to lick a sour pussy little girl,///- adds with a laugh bald.**\\\- Beneath one`s dignity to do such bets, al!///- outraged other rapist, they call him Godfather.**\\\- Don`t want to play. Hey, baby.,///- turns in your direction leader,\\\- get on all fours.. The card table will work.///**\\\- Inside! Blackjack and whores! Everything I love!///- Dimas laughs.'
  77. $_vstr[76] = 'You with a sigh become as ordered and on your back begins to play a merry band. Dimas loses, over him small neigh:**\\\- You blew it, demon.!///*\\\- Fuck.! This is because Svetochka, ass shines here, impossible to concentrate. Well, you screwball, spreading legs, now predlagaem you to the giblets.///**\\\- Svetka you do not drive, thump - do not sit down rampers, simpleton, ha ha ha!///**Gennady bends your head to the floor:\\\- Come on, table, suck my leg..///'
  78. $_vstr[77] = 'You lick the bare toes of the son, while the men play one more round.**\\\- Come on, me.,///- decides the leader with tattoos. You are lifted and albert puts his foot in your mouth.'
  79. $_vstr[78] = 'You obediently suck. Gennady squeezes your Boobs, starting to turn you on.'
  80. $_vstr[79] = 'You again put on all fours and begin to masat buttocks, stroking and patting on the ass.**\\\- Forward, Dimas, duty calls,///- laughs bald,\\\- interesting chick, just blew.///**\\\- Oh, no big deal!///'
  81. $_vstr[80] = 'Dmitry crawl under your legs apart and otlizal conocco. You groan with pleasure:\\- Yeah, Oh, that`s good.... more, please.!//**\\\- Come on, Svetulya, in position and hands behind your back!///'
  82. $_vstr[81] = 'The bald one shoves a finger in your anus, promazyvaya lubricant.'
  83. $_vstr[82] = 'Your buttocks push wider, together spit and knead the anus with your fingers all and Sundry.**You quietly moan and slutty expose the ass, moving the pelvis towards.'
  84. $_vstr[83] = 'Then they suck men at a time, usnsa members of saliva.'
  85. $_vstr[84] = 'And gladly substituted ass to the cock of a bald. Albert, puffing and breathing hard, punches you like a jackhammer.. You just squeal under particularly powerful blows and enjoy.'
  86. $_vstr[85] = 'The bandits vpendjurivajut you in both holes and fuck intensely.'
  87. $_vstr[86] = 'Albert puts a belt around your neck and tightens it.:\\\- Come on, swim away, Krasulya! Less oxygen, more buzz .!///**Gennady again shoves your foot in your mouth and you greedily sucked into it.'
  88. $_vstr[87] = 'You zastrahovat to oblivion and you really start to sail. In the eyes of the dark, you are almost disconnected, but suddenly the whole body permeates the long-awaited powerful orgasm at the very moment when you are thrust at once two cock in the ass.'
  89. $_vstr[88] = 'Men in turn shoot you in the mouth. You blissfully squinting, accept fountains of seed.'
  90. $_vstr[89] = 'Albert refills you a whole river of sharply smelling konchalov.'
  91. $_vstr[90] = '\\\- Well, swallow and you win,///- laughing bandits.**\\- UGC-XX,//- you unquestioningly swallow, even getting slightly wound up again.'
  92. $_vstr[91] = 'To stained sperm face respondeat card:\\\- All six are yours, Shine!///'
  93. $_vstr[92] = '\\\- Are you okay at all?///- Gennady is carefully interested in.**\\-, like. So it was fun!//**\\\- Smartly! Next time, maybe you can play with us..///You are gently ruffled on the hair and left alone.'
  94. $_vstr[93] = 'Bald grabs you by the throat, choking, and pulls up:\\\- Here`s what to do with you, bitch.?! Quite lose the scent! Now teach!///**\\\- Disciplinary sanction!///- stern is coming to you a hefty Gennady, removing the belt.'
  95. $_vstr[94] = 'You with force give birth to hands behind a back and throw a belt on a neck. Then shove the bolt into his mouth and sharply attracted to the groin.**You cry and suck cock. Gennady pushes deep into your throat.'
  96. $_vstr[95] = 'You are painfully dragged by the hair with a belt around your throat, forcing you to play the cock.**Habitual occupation, though with rough violence involuntarily excites.'
  97. $_vstr[96] = 'Put back on all fours, spanking the ass with belts.**Pahan unceremoniously pushes you a stronger lump in the pussy. You twitch, however, accept the inevitable.**A pussy, meanwhile, responds and slightly lets the juice.'
  98. $_vstr[97] = 'Rapists twist your hands and squeeze your buttocks:\\\- It`s time to break your shit, slut.!///'
  99. $_vstr[98] = 'You relish spit on the ass and roughly knead the anus.'
  100. $_vstr[99] = 'And each mercilessly progrevaet your anus. You`re squealing..**However, the pain soon mixed with a little pleasure.'
  101. $_vstr[100] = 'In your ass cut just a couple of bolts. You yell, trying to escape, but sandwiched between strong men you can not even move:**\\\- Son of a bitch, you don`t like something?!///**\\\- Yes, she likes everything, on, fuck, deeper, do not yell!///'
  102. $_vstr[101] = 'You fuck in both cracks, legs wide apart.**Instead of screaming from the throat already torn moans. The heated body itself is given to the process and you are suddenly thrown into ecstasy.'
  103. $_vstr[102] = 'The leader clamps your mouth and nose, squeezes the throat with a belt and you almost lose consciousness. His eyes darkened from lack of oxygen, and at this point you rocked the magical power of the discharge.'
  104. $_vstr[103] = '\\\- Let me shoot the slut in the pussy!///- yells Dimas and furiously drills your pussy.**The rapist orgasms with a strangled moan and you feel the tremors pouring into your bosom of sperm.'
  105. $_vstr[104] = 'Men pull you to the floor and fuck in the throat. You slurred mychite and Glorieta a cock.'
  106. $_vstr[105] = 'You are dragged on members to a semi-conscious state and crucify your mouth with your hands:**\\\- All, I on finish!///**\\\- In permotriassic dirani merge!///**\\\- Go teluha, take protein food.///'
  107. $_vstr[106] = 'The whole group together cums in your mouth, holding your head:**\\\- Now eat completely! Well, nipple.!///'
  108. $_vstr[107] = 'You pulled a face and swallow. Pleased with the bandits stuck to your face cards:**\\\- Lost, a Horny teenager!///**\\\-Ha ha ha.!///**\\\- Well, turn your ass around and open your pussy!///'
  109. $_vstr[108] = 'On your ass with marker writing something together and gogochut.**You only sobbing from the humiliation and shame that came under tyrants.**Men leave, leaving you to experience alone.'
  110. $_vstr[109] = 'One of the bandits, like a chase Pahan, comes into the room:**\\\- Svetik-Blowjob, want to have fun with you while the center of the case decide?///**\\- And how?//**\\\- Well, a little slave play. Although Cho for you to play, would-ha-ha... So, all sorts of things. Come on, you`ll like it!///'
  111. $_vstr[110] = '\\\- Okay, I`m tired so tired. Then somehow. You`ll break, heh..///'
  112. $_vstr[111] = '\\\- Then get on your knees over there.!///- you point out place.**\\- Yep!//**You settle in a habitual pose, rubbing knees a floor, the man puts on you a collar and suspends it on a chain..**\\\- First, with a whip, we`ll provoke you a little!///'
  113. $_vstr[112] = '\\- Ow! ow!!//- you scream when the Plough begins to slightly ohazhivat your naked body with a leather whip-nine-tail.**It suddenly turns you on and covers the desire.'
  114. $_vstr[113] = '\\- And it doesn`t hurt! Still! Abruptly!//**\\\- You got more, bitch.!///- man slapping your ass,\\\- How do you like it?///'
  115. $_vstr[114] = '\\- Yeah.! Uh, I thought it was a stupid Perv.! Still!//- you arrive with a whip on the Tits,\\- Wow, moms.!//**\\\- I`m gonna show you Perv, baby.!///'
  116. $_vstr[115] = 'A man hangs you by the shackled hands, and then bends cancer.'
  117. $_vstr[116] = 'He puts a burning candle on your back and shoves a hook with a steel ball in your ass.'
  118. $_vstr[117] = 'Balloon fun chpokaet, penetrating your anus.**You quietly moan, bending back and enjoying.'
  119. $_vstr[118] = 'Godfather throws your back and butt is melted with hot wax. You slightly twitch and squeal, getting more and more sensual pleasure.'
  120. $_vstr[119] = '\\\- Just like this! I look good to you, got a taste?///**\\- Ummm, I`m really psyched! You can still whip?//'
  121. $_vstr[120] = '\\\- Yeah, take that, motherfucker.!///**\\- Uiiii-yaah!//'
  122. $_vstr[121] = 'Bandit captures you in the new position and pushes the lifted bolt to your mouth:**\\\- Suck it now!///**\\-Me-Yaya!//'
  123. $_vstr[122] = 'You voluptuously Blowjob with professionalism dear whore, feeling like lust floods the whole body.'
  124. $_vstr[123] = 'Pahan unfolds you and drives back between the rolls, pre-lubricated cock.**16-inch easy Harith on your ass.**You give passionately, twirling backwards, and moving your pelvis forward.'
  125. $_vstr[124] = '\\\- Another hot one, bitch.!///- you on back again it`s dripping molten wax.**You shamelessly mooing from the piercing sensations, quickly reach a stunning anal orgasm and tremble like a leaf in the wind, ending.'
  126. $_vstr[125] = 'Godfather, you relish otdovat, erupts on your buttocks.**\\- Oh, that`s great.! I also came! Thanks.!//**Then you hear a noise and applause. It turns out the remaining members of the group were watching the whole scene. However, you are no longer confused.'
  127. $_vstr[126] = '\\\- Leave her so, Pachanyc, let Powys. Looks cool!///**You are happy to play a helpless doll-victim for satisfied viewers.**Before you leave, the men release you and advise a good wash.'
  128. $_vstr[127] = 'Into the room bursts a driver groupings Sanya, pretty young thug:**\\\- In, our tumbler!///'
  129. $_vstr[128] = 'He grabs you by the throat and squeezes you with both hands:**\\\- You behave badly, slit, they say you should be punished. I have to take care of your upbringing..///'
  130. $_vstr[129] = 'Sanya roughly promptly you for Boobs, twisting nipples. You squeal and beg:\\- No, it is not necessary! God, when will you leave me alone?!//**Your sensitive papillae, however, are strained.'
  131. $_vstr[130] = 'The bandit takes off his belt, engulfs it around your neck and pulls:\\\- Go, nipple.! We`ll beat the fucking feminism out of you with our Dicks.!///'
  132. $_vstr[131] = '\\\- Come on, talk to me open!///**You, sighing in despair, take a cock in your mouth.'
  133. $_vstr[132] = 'The guy, pulling you by the belt around the neck, intensely harit in the papilla. You even get excited by swallowing his tool.'
  134. $_vstr[133] = '\\\- Oh, Godfather, join, rasheem fucking couple so harder.///**You nariva alpacino feel someone behind starts you matzo for all the soft spots.'
  135. $_vstr[134] = '\\- MA-Umm-XX!//- you publish, shuddering when the second member is pushed into your pussy.'
  136. $_vstr[135] = '\\\- Al told the slave to tie,///- Pahan starts to tie you to the Cabinet. You`re a little frazzled, but resigned.. And again took a lover from behind, gradually warming up.'
  137. $_vstr[136] = 'You are in a helpless position, so do not move, fuck in turn. Pussy soon allow rich juice.'
  138. $_vstr[137] = '\\\- Fucking bitch, she`s all wet!///**\\\- Slut, only for mind kochevryazhitsya! Ugh, you stupid fuck!///- Godfather spits you right in the face.**You close your eyes and whimper with humiliation.'
  139. $_vstr[138] = 'Behind the cock screwed in the ass. You`re screaming through the rope.. Pahan presses his flushed 16-centimeter spat on your cheek.**Against my will, the pain and humiliation you give birth - you realize with horror. You want to they continued...doing things! And harder.!'
  140. $_vstr[139] = 'You insert a gag, put on handcuffs and sit astride a member:**\\\- Wow, her hole already raschehlili! Yes, there is soon the trolley will stop!///'
  141. $_vstr[140] = '\\\- Fucking both slits.!///**\\- Guyyyy-x!//- you muffled yell through the gag rather from pleasure.'
  142. $_vstr[141] = 'You turn over and again piled on the holes. The godfather pulls off the gag:\\\- Shit, you`re fucking high.! Come on, ori.: I`m a fucking whore!///**\\- Yyy-Ah...I-AA send-th-Juha fuckin ` -ya-a-a!//- you vote in perfect ecstasy.'
  143. $_vstr[142] = 'Soon you are shaken by a long multiorgasm and you dissolve in bliss.'
  144. $_vstr[143] = 'The bandits put you head down and mercilessly ocharovat throat.'
  145. $_vstr[144] = 'You swallow their trembling overexcited aggregates in the juice of your holes to the root, swirling your legs.'
  146. $_vstr[145] = '\\\- On you, whore, in a pizden finally!///- Sasha growls hoarsely, clenching his your throat and violently vulva dick in pussy.'
  147. $_vstr[146] = 'Both the rapist eyakulyat you in the mouth and in the process richly obsfuscate face.'
  148. $_vstr[147] = 'And left lying in the sperm tied. You`re ashamed.. You feel hotelsawana dirty cheap. But simultaneously it is necessary to suppress the sweet memories it was so good.**Before leaving, albert casually releases you and tells you to freshen up.'
  149. $_vstr[148] = 'Bathroom does not close on the latch and in your misery it leans slightly drunk Gennady:\\\- Ekha-Ah, nah. As the way! I need you, motherfucker.! Open your mouth, you`ll work the toilet!///'
  150. $_vstr[149] = 'You opened your mouth and a stream of urine immediately rushed into it.**\\\- In the already understand why you created the pig! Swallow and swallow, not cramps muzzle! Let me pour you all over...///**Hot, spicy-smelling urine drizzled over your face.'
  151. $_vstr[150] = 'You sobbed, lowered your eyes and, having overcome disgust, swallowed part of.**Gennady continued to urinate in your mouth until he emptied all the liquid reserves.**\\\- You spill a lot, you stupid cunt.! Ah nothing, will learn!///**When the man came out, you cried with humiliation and self-pity, but could not drive away one thought:**“But maybe it is better to obey? Like nothing terrible, and did not beat.”'
  152. $_vstr[151] = 'You with shout " No! Go to hell!"you try to push Gennady away, but the athletic bandit easily copes with you.**Then throws on his knees and grabbing her hair several times dips into the toilet with his whole head:\\\- You yet, fucking a twat?! Follow orders and don`t run.! Well, open your mouth, whore, or drown you right now.?!///**\\- Yeah.!//- with hatred spit out you,\\- do your job, just leave it alone.//**\\\- Bitch, you`re a Greyhound! To teach you more and teach! Nothing, then become as silk. Come on, wider fucking!///'
  153. $_vstr[152] = 'Gennady urinates in your open mouth and pours the whole face with a pungent smell of urine. You close your eyes, trying to turn away from what is happening.**\\\- Well you, Chushka, spill? Swallow it now!///**You, having overcome disgust, swallow salty nasty liquid.**The man leaves, and you can only cry uncontrollably from disgusting feelings, humiliation and despair. You suddenly, with horror felt a little bit excited. “Do what I can to make?! Maybe you should check? Next time, I won`t resist.. Better about yourself to know these things!”'
  154. $_vstr[153] = 'You go into the bathroom and find there disguised bandit. I think his nickname is " Dimas”:\\\- Op, FIFA! Long time no see, haha! Have a seat to push and shove his cunt dildos out there I`m a fucking game. Well, not understand, or what? Birr!///**\\- Okay.! Now!//'
  155. $_vstr[154] = 'You shoved a rubber Dildo between your labia, and Dimas, suddenly laughing, began to pee directly on your pussy.**You were seized by a strange excitement.**\\\- Come on, jump on the hose, you`re used to it.! Sit down.!///'
  156. $_vstr[155] = 'You, under the jets of urine, flooding your whole body, began to ride on an artificial penis, more and more wound up'
  157. $_vstr[156] = '\\\- Come in her mouth, obsosy even to the last drop!///**You sucked the drops of urine off the head with some sort of perverse pleasure.**\\\- Wait here, maybe someone else need the toilet, go at the lads ask. Yes, good to have Dildo fuck. On your knees wait, slave!///**"What I do?!” a shaking astonished you, obediently kneeling.'
  158. $_vstr[157] = 'Soon came another group, and zerjav, you peed in your helpful filled mouth:\\\- Well you fucked nyasha cool. I think we found you were high.. Uh, comrades, who else wants to drain?! Get over here.!///'
  159. $_vstr[158] = 'You poured urine into several powerful jets and you have really got. You started swallowing urine with pleasure, shaking your head, exposing your face and Breasts, even moaning.**After you piss, you are a few squeamish advised to wash thoroughly.**"I`m the last pervert!"- involuntarily giggling, you think, licking.'
  160. $_vstr[159] = 'In the bathroom after you unceremoniously enters a couple of bandits. They immediately take off his pants:**\\\- Get in the bath, open the smack.. You already know what to do, doll.!///'
  161. $_vstr[160] = 'One undressed gets near you in the tub and let the urine stream into your mouth:**\\\- Yeah, that`s it, drink, stay focused.. Look at me.! Attaboy! It`s been a good girl.///**Idiotically flapping eyelashes and almost sticking his tongue out of zeal, you clearly understand that something like that and waited, even secretly hoped.**You finally got easy. You spit on any norms, selflessly surrendering to the process.'
  162. $_vstr[161] = 'The second also uses your mouth as a toilet bowl while having fun laughing:**\\\- Look how she likes it!///**You have not crevices, swallowing urine, and catch myself start from smayh vulgar forms of humiliation and dirty perverted.**Men leave, leaving you to worry: "God, what`s happening to me? Who I turn into?! How can I like it?”'
  163. $_vstr[162] = 'You go into the kitchen, finding that the whole group together-having dinner, a little drinking and discussing business.'
  164. $_vstr[163] = '\\\Sit, eat, drink!///- albert throws indifferently.**\\\- You need to keep your strength up, haha,///- laugh the rest.'
  165. $_vstr[164] = '\\\- Come on, get out and MOP the floor.. Earn-eat,///- decides the ringleader in response to your request.**\\\- Yes let naked washes, so more fun,///- support others.'
  166. $_vstr[165] = 'You start wet cleaning in the Nude.'
  167. $_vstr[166] = '\\\- Oh, the way she swings her ass! I even got up. Come on, get your ass up, bend over.!///- encouraged you to “the Demon”.**You feel the excitement of greedily watching the eyes.'
  168. $_vstr[167] = '\\\- Svetik, oil????? in the chamber get. Olive, present. I brought from Italy,///- Gennady tells you.**\\\- And RUB, you`ll be like a show-off whore in porn magazines.///**\\- All right!//'
  169. $_vstr[168] = 'You RUB the body with oil in front of everyone.**\\\- Show, show! Come on, fuck yourself.!///**\\\- Come on, baby, the audience is asking,///- bald nods.'
  170. $_vstr[169] = 'You are exposed in every way, caressing pussy with your fingers.'
  171. $_vstr[170] = 'And soon, starting, you start to fuck yourself with your palm.'
  172. $_vstr[171] = 'Inflated, you began to breathe heavily and moan slightly, squeezing his buttocks.**And heard the cheering applause..**\\\- Well, now, and will fuck up, perhaps!///'
  173. $_vstr[172] = 'Men rise and take out ready-made cock out of his pants.**You`re willing to sit on his haunches and suck.'
  174. $_vstr[173] = 'You are laid back on the table and the bolt is punched into the expiring pussy.'
  175. $_vstr[174] = 'Each in turn Fucks a squishing pussy. Another fucker squeezes you Clit and you cry orgasmoral.**\\\- Bitch, she`s yelling again! At least shut your mouth.!///'
  176. $_vstr[175] = 'You, all smeared in food and oil, enjoy a rough fuck.'
  177. $_vstr[176] = '\\\- Well, that in the shit stuffed, easy to go! Like clockwork....haha!!///- Gennady screws you cock in the anus. On the other side of the table you shove in her mouth. You ask for my picture in full abandon.**\\\- About, all, nah, suitable conductive giveback right in her shoot! Nah, nah, nah.!///**\\\- Let`s tale, together ass skanks!///- team leader.'
  178. $_vstr[177] = 'The bandits end up in a queue in your anus.'
  179. $_vstr[178] = '\\- Ooh, whoa, whoa.,//- you mutter, feeling that a little more and the sphincter will not stand, releasing a river of sperm back.**And the laughter of men, bullet run to the bathroom.'
  180. $_vstr[179] = 'In the bathroom, relax the gut and with pleasure release all the seed from the hole at will.'
  181. $_vstr[180] = 'You are so satisfied that your lips do not slip lascivious smile.'
  182. $_vstr[181] = '\\\- Rags off, Shine amuse us for a while,///- tells you tattooed al.**\\\- Yeah, there`s the cream concentrated for the cakes from the tin.,///- Gennady nods. You have the impression that this "blat-Hata" belongs to him.**\\\-Only prettier, for show. Play a stripper..///**\\- Well...okay, I`ll try.//'
  183. $_vstr[182] = 'You were showing off, flashing your naked bodies..'
  184. $_vstr[183] = 'Then took the tube and squeezed on his tongue cream.'
  185. $_vstr[184] = 'And continued, mouth full nabasham.**The imitation of familiar actions, you are slightly aroused.**\\\- Ahaha, it seems, spermoholics,///- there was applause.**\\\- Deltacine take out the giant game. Play with yourself and we`ll see!///'
  186. $_vstr[185] = 'You, grabbing the enchanting size of an artificial penis, began to lick it, pouring cream.**\\\- Not a bad sight. Into sui`s mouth!///**\\\- Yeah, practice.!///**\\\- Practice make perfect,///- with a monstrous accent flashed Gennady.'
  187. $_vstr[186] = 'You tried to shove in his mouth dellacasa, even his eyes bulging from zeal.**The bandits snickered fun:**\\\- In the ass try!///'
  188. $_vstr[187] = 'You tried to shove a little bit into the anus:\\- Ow! ow!!//**\\\- Deeper, deeper, you`re used to!///'
  189. $_vstr[188] = '\\- Nope, not climbing, I tear!//**\\\- Okay, teluha, develop, don`t worry!///**\\\- A-ha-ha, yeah will try!///**\\\- Good to suffer, sufferer, sit down to eat, swing brandy, if you want.///'
  190. $_vstr[189] = 'The room comes from a couple of bandits - frostbite demos and young drove Sanya.**\\\- Well, you fucking Mare, you`re all fluttering.?///- you notice in the hands of have Dimas strange steel adjusting and scared cringe.**\\\- Come here, fuck.! Now you`ll be as quiet as a sheep.///'
  191. $_vstr[190] = 'You wear an iron pad that covers your neck and shackles your hands. Dimas puts a gag in his mouth:\\\- You know, you deserve to be punished, slut, yeah.?///'
  192. $_vstr[191] = 'You are whipped. However, more for the thrill.'
  193. $_vstr[192] = 'Then expose the ass and spreading her buttocks, begin to knead the anus.**Sanek takes a rubber toy:\\\ - Come on, young, mine her clean!///'
  194. $_vstr[193] = 'Your ass is invaded by a Dildo. Sanek hard perdolit your gut toy.**You scream through the gag..**Again, helplessness and violence excite you.**It`s starting to scare.'
  195. $_vstr[194] = '\\\- What, ready to work without quirks, whore?///**\\- Mmmm.!//- you desperately nod your head.**\\\- Then swallow!///- your mouth is released from the gag and immediately plugged with a member.'
  196. $_vstr[195] = 'Your head is planted on the cock, and the bolt is screwed in the ass Sanka.'
  197. $_vstr[196] = 'Herat you mercilessly and you start gradually, not feeling a pain in the ass poprawitsja.'
  198. $_vstr[197] = 'Men change, twirling you like a doll, and trying to zasandalit deeper. You are already involved in the process, getting perverted pleasure.**And once again hate yourself for it.'
  199. $_vstr[198] = 'You are slapped in both slits and slapped, legs wide apart. You clench your teeth so as not to moan with pleasure, but all in vain. Pussy is flowing abundantly and you just fly at full speed to the peak.'
  200. $_vstr[199] = '\\- Awww, yeah, Lord-and-! Deeper, here is the kind-aaaaaak!//**You orgasmoral violently, hysterically yelling.'
  201. $_vstr[200] = '\\\- What okonchilas bitch? Ready to take a couple to the shit?///**\\- No, no, no, no, please.!//'
  202. $_vstr[201] = 'You squeal, getting two Dicks in the anus, feeling that even a little bit and there something will break.**\\- Mammy! IAEA-x!//**\\\- Come on, bitch, practice.!///**You, through the pain, still begin to enjoy the fullness and even catch yourself on the crawling movements of the pelvis in time with male frictions.'
  203. $_vstr[202] = '\\\- On, slut, get, fuck the present,///- Sanek, pulling you by the hair, with a groan cums in your anus.'
  204. $_vstr[203] = 'Member since Spokane out of your hole and you feel it pouring from you after cum.'
  205. $_vstr[204] = 'Dimas, pressing your head, shoots a fountain in your mouth. You just seed covering eyes.'
  206. $_vstr[205] = '\\\- So lie down, now, ass expose, let the lads will look!///**The rest of the rapists laughing, entering the room, considering you in all your glory.**Pahan picks you up and drags you to the bathroom.'
  207. $_vstr[206] = 'You can barely move on your legs.:\\\- Come on, move your buns, nipple.! You haven`t got everything you deserve.!///'
  208. $_vstr[207] = 'In the bathroom you shove a roll of toilet paper in your mouth.'
  209. $_vstr[208] = 'Godfather with a laugh to piss on your face.'
  210. $_vstr[209] = '\\\- Come on, don`t turn the fuck away, you like it.!///'
  211. $_vstr[210] = 'You realize in horror that he is right and you it`s crazy hot.'
  212. $_vstr[211] = 'Finally, freeing from the pads, you paint the body obscene inscriptions, under a slightly drunken neighing gathering gang.**Men leave, leaving you alone.'
  213. $_vstr[212] = 'On the floor you notice someone dropped a document.'
  214. $_vstr[213] = 'Well, here we are. It turns out that this hefty male Gennady-some important bump in law enforcement. These reptiles will be nothing even if they write a statement! Only make yourself worse. You break through cold sweat: goes with you and then can do anything!**You are covered by a wave of despair and despair'
  215. $_vstr[214] = 'That`s a twist.! It turns out that this hefty male Gennady-some important bump in law enforcement. That`s what get up every lawlessness, without fear. Very, very interesting.. And promising.**You were even glad to find the information.'
  216. $_vstr[215] = '"God, how I look!” I think you almost do not recognize myself in the reflection.'
  217. $_vstr[216] = 'You go to the kitchen in the hope to agree on release.**\\\- Maybe you Caucasians to sell, the`ll blow?///- thoughtfully taps his chin, “demAs”.\\\- Hassle more, throw this stuff, tired of breaking. I`m one of those pacifier looked after, lads…///**\\\- In short, bind her, so as not twitched, finally upalm,///- decided to bald.**\\\- No, no, no, God, Yes, well again.!///- you have cried.'
  218. $_vstr[217] = 'You tied your hands to your feet and put the bolt in your mouth, plugging endless babble.**You with complete despair began to suck.'
  219. $_vstr[218] = '\\\- Bitch, take two in the smock!///**\\- Umphhhh…//**\\\- Here`s a stupid whore, does not learn!///'
  220. $_vstr[219] = 'You began to tear in the pussy, crushing his head with his feet and slapping his buttocks with all the dope.**You even the habit of violence were gradually instituted under a member.'
  221. $_vstr[220] = 'Pussy let the juice, you tried to give up and have fun, unwittingly opening her mouth. You immediately put there bare foot.**You instinctively sucked the thug`s fingers..'
  222. $_vstr[221] = '\\\- Give me your bitch`s pussy so I can remember.,///- you flunked albert, having begun intensively charity.**You groaned, giving in to the growing lust.'
  223. $_vstr[222] = '\\\- And now in the guts, nah,///- the leader slapped you in your anus 18-cm staff. You screamed and immediately got a cock in your mouth.'
  224. $_vstr[223] = 'The leader`s cock in your anus was replaced by a thick hose of Gennady.'
  225. $_vstr[224] = 'You sat on a member and began to tear furiously in two holes.**A hot wave of excitement doused the body and soon you gave up on their own.'
  226. $_vstr[225] = 'You shoved another tense bolt in your mouth and you sucked into it with all diligence.'
  227. $_vstr[226] = 'Someone slapped you hard in the face, and behind yelled, I think, Dimas:**\\\- Aaah, I`m taking the whores to the shithole....whoo-hoo, na-Ah!!///**Your intestine with the acceleration vburilsya natural jackhammer and let it charge hot seed.**You almost completely failed in animal sensations, hating yourself for it.'
  228. $_vstr[227] = '\\\- Now there grease even drown Huarte her ass doublet!///'
  229. $_vstr[228] = 'You screamed under a couple of members in the anus, but got used to just half a minute and even opened a trembling hand buttocks wider.'
  230. $_vstr[229] = 'Soon, getting in the ass to the full, you ached from the surging anal orgasm with three members in the holes.'
  231. $_vstr[230] = 'Bandits one by one began to cum in your ass.**\\\- Aah-GHH, that`s it, buzz,///- roared the last, slapping you fountain deep in the gut.**You have little thought of safetnet, hardly noticing that you painted the rolls labels.'
  232. $_vstr[231] = '\\\- Get up, wettail, show me how the art turned out!///- you are on faltering feet slipped and kicked ass.'
  233. $_vstr[232] = 'Albert with power opened your mouth and poured almost a whole bottle of vodka. You, choking and gurgling, he swallowed the alcohol and solovely.'
  234. $_vstr[233] = '\\\- Turn off you, fucking, in pace,///- behind you threw a rope around his throat and strangled. In the eyes of went black and you lost consciousness.'
  235. $_vstr[234] = 'Woke up on the street, through an unknown period of time, with a heavy head, completely Nude, lounging on the pavement. Nearby, however, were thrown the remains of your tattered clothes. You pulled REMCO and staggered his way into the dusk, trying to learn the area.**It seems to be the Northern part of the city.'
  236. $_vstr[235] = 'You go to the kitchen in the hope to agree on release.**\\- Boys, Alicec, I was like me, right?? Well everyone is doing. Here is recognized that want to...//**\\\- Yes you brilliant, World-simpatyulya!///**\\- Can I come with you?? Well, in the Affairs of any. I also want to try!//**\\\- You`re driving, pacifier.!///- pakhan jumped up.**\\\- Shut the fuck up,///- pulled brother albert,\\\- The girl is suitable in any way. And use it will find it and in addition stuck-took. In the us, and the brains of this. What say you, Gennady light Sergeyevich, your advice?///**\\\- You are right,///- Gennady mastersky patted you on the cheek,\\\- why not try. We will test in business. If it doesn`t fail,…///**\\\- And if you fail, and it itself can fall off,///- added Dimas. You he at all always seemed the most frostbitten. It seems not in vain.**\\\- In short, I think. Plus to you for the initiative. Well, run, do something, baby.. Yes at all can go home. Dimas, doors open, something to keep when she is all ready.///**\\\- Come On, Shine,///- Gennady slapped you on the ass,\\\- Come. Will you deal.///**\\\- Grease don`t forget.///**\\\- Ha ha ha.!///**\\- Wow! Cool-cool! Yo, thanks, Alicec, Hanicke! I will not fail!//'
  237. $_vstr[236] = 'You see a door that`s not tightly closed.. I think one of the rapists forgot to lock her up.. This is a chance to get away from the gang and try to forget everything that happened.'
  238. $_vstr[237] = 'After thinking carefully, you decided that you are satisfied. Fuck? And well, that fuck! Humiliate? You like it. I`m not going anywhere, or they`ll catch me and punish me. Need to be obedient. Yes, and tough guys, they should be friends, and not run from such happiness.'
  239. $_vstr[238] = 'You that is spirit fly out the door and a bullet rush to the exit of the entrance. The street is dark, there is some industrial area and the area is completely unfamiliar to you.**You run where your eyes look and finally begin to recognize the neighborhood. This Northern district. Already to the Park at hand.'
  240. $_vstr[239] = 'Barely leaning out the door to give the Deru, you hear a shout from behind:**\\\- Hey, where are you going, slut??!///**\\- Aaaaaa, somebody help me!//- in desperation, you cry out loudly, feeling as you grab and drag back.'
  241. $_vstr[240] = 'Squeezing your throat and not giving to fight back, George and Dima drag you to the kitchen, to the rest of the company.'
  242. $_vstr[241] = '\\\- Albert, you know what, this motherfucker`s gonna leave us.!///**\\\- Yes you Cho? Ay-ay-ay! Well, this can not be lowered!///**You griphite, gasping, hands clenching your throat.'
  243. $_vstr[242] = 'You pinch your nose and under the cruel laughter shove almost the entire palm in your mouth:\\\- Fucking sperm collector.! Oh wait I have!///'
  244. $_vstr[243] = 'You put a tight plastic bag on your head and hold until you lose consciousness from lack of air.'
  245. $_vstr[244] = 'Bald brings you to your senses by sticking under a stream of cold tap water.'
  246. $_vstr[245] = 'Then fills the sink and keeps you under water. You almost choke, blowing bubbles.'
  247. $_vstr[246] = 'One of the rapists with a swing hits you with a rolling pin on the ass. You yell.'
  248. $_vstr[247] = 'You put to the wall and take turns whipping a piece of wire on bare Boobs. It hurts terribly. You`re roaring bitterly and vainly begging the bandits to left. On the body are abrasions.**\\\ - Don`t run, you bastard, don`t run, or we`ll tear your legs off. And don`t yell so fucking ears roll up.///'
  249. $_vstr[248] = '\\- Aaaaahhhh, enough, please.! I won`t! I`ll do anything for you, just stop.. Please, I understand.! Well, excuse me-e-e me-Aah!//**\\\- Good, do not spoil the goods,///- stops albert,\\\- maybe we`ll sell it to the Caucasians.///**\\\- Just bring it up first, haha!///**\\\- Come on, let`s fucking go.!///- Gennady drags you.**You throw on the sofa in the room and with the force of bred legs.'
  250. $_vstr[249] = 'Your pussy roughly gouge hand.'
  251. $_vstr[250] = 'Another bandit pushing your labia pushes you just two hands in the vagina.**\\- Waaaaahh-no-at, neaa-Eee!!!!//- in vain you tear from side to side.**\\\- Tight yet, but it`s temporary, bitch!///'
  252. $_vstr[251] = 'You get fucked with both hands. You screaming and yelling obscenities good, feeling so sever inside.'
  253. $_vstr[252] = 'Finally, you drive a bottle of champagne into the pussy and leave to lie in a semi-unconscious state.**You haggard pull out a foreign object from the long-suffering womb.'
  254. $_vstr[253] = '\\\- In short, we decided to check you in, Svetik. You will cope - there will be to you a lot of happiness and a pack of Huy in addition. Three tasks to choose from. If you do not pull something, it is better not to undertake, and then painfully punish.///**\\- I will try! I always try, you know.. And that to do?//'
  255. $_vstr[254] = '\\\- In short, we decided to test you again in Shine. You will cope - there will be to you a lot of happiness and a pack of Huy in addition. If you do not pull something, it is better not to undertake, and then painfully punish.///**\\- I will try! I always try, you know.. And that to do?//'
  256. $result = dyneval($bformat,$_vstr[args[0]])
  257. killvar '$_vstr'
  258. --- bratva_home_events_strings ---------------------------------