bratva_studioQW_strings.qsrc 41 KB

  1. # bratva_studioQW_strings
  2. $_vstr[1] = 'You entered the Studio. Vengeance is working on the video.**Recruited Actresses, a couple of hired actors and the operator Stas sweat shoot hard scenes.**You some time with the satisfaction of watching a little plant, and, nodding to the guys, go.'
  3. $_vstr[2] = 'You went into the dressing room. The actress is preparing to shoot. And your hired makeup artist again somewhere wears. Maybe he`s hitting on the actor guys.? A little chat, you helped the girl with makeup and hair styling:\\- You look spectacular, well done! Come on, feats..//'
  4. $_vstr[3] = 'You looked in the dressing room.. In the bath once again fuck girls Actresses who came to the light of one of the bandits.**Admiring a little, you sent a kiss and left, so as not to interfere with entertainment.'
  5. $_vstr[4] = 'You went into your office. And there discovered as Gennady pulls Studio makeup artist. She is blissful, moaning.**\\- You slut, Inca. ,//- you chuckled,\\- Gena, attaches it - let the work goes!//**\\\- No problem, kitty.! Next time, I hope, the ass will substitute, and that straight anal virgin. Yes, Inca? For the fucking fun give!///**\\\- Oh, uh, Aah....nah, I`m not in the ass.!///- the makeup woman whined.**You shook your head and once again thought that it would be necessary to dismiss this goat.**And walked away so as not to disturb Gennady Vasilyevich to have fun.'
  6. $_vstr[5] = 'You went into your office. A gang of bandits flunked one of the Actresses and briskly fuck in all the cracks.**"Damn, the camera is necessary!”.**After evaluating the scene and a little watching, you felt like start and went out, so as not to interfere with the men to have fun.'
  7. $_vstr[6] = 'You include a newly-filmed pornomateriala on my laptop and see the fucking girls. The rollers are excellent, very Groovy!**The hand she reaches to lift the skirt.'
  8. $_vstr[7] = 'You get to the panties and stroke your crotch through the fabric.'
  9. $_vstr[8] = 'Then pushing her pussy and caress sexual sponges fingers.'
  10. $_vstr[9] = 'Pulling off the panties, you climb on the table - it`s more convenient. Pink Bud under your fingers noticeably moistened.'
  11. $_vstr[10] = 'You excitedly caress the pussy with your fingers, gradually deepening into the bosom.'
  12. $_vstr[11] = 'And, having shifted to the side, continue to quench the inflamed lust, starting to moan softly.'
  13. $_vstr[12] = 'Standing on all fours, you furiously pleasuring a trembling pussy.'
  14. $_vstr[13] = '\\\- Light...Oh boy...,///- to the office tried to enter the Studio make-up artist Inna, catching you in a spicy view,\\\- I must be at a bad time....I`ll Popo…///**\\- Stand!//- barely looking up from his exciting lessons you cry,\\- I need you.. Come on in....Ugh, damn, Inca, that`s ubiquitous. Go sit on the couch.//'
  15. $_vstr[14] = 'You sit next to the girl on the couch and then hug her.**\\- So, Gennady somersault, Yes?//**\\\- Well...sometimes...just...and that, he same himself and at all…///**\\- No one`s against it, even though you don`t know what kind of man he is.. And still showing off, in the ass do not give. You`re all gone, sweetheart.? What do you say Gennady, and do it. Understood?//**\\\- But I didn`t.! Not want. It hurts, they say.///**\\- Hoity toity, what FIFA! Where do you work?? And who gave you this job?? In short, not nomadic, Inca! Let`s try with you in the ass. I`ll help you.//**\\\- That...mmm....right now?///**\\- Exactly. Kiss me!//'
  16. $_vstr[15] = 'The girl obediently kisses you. She obviously likes it.'
  17. $_vstr[16] = 'You lower her blouse and squeeze the Boobs, licking the nipples.**\\\- Ohh, Sveta.!///**\\- Ohh, Sveta. ,//- you mimic,\\- get undressed..//'
  18. $_vstr[17] = 'The girl undresses and, in the course of action, caresses you, helping to remove clothes.**\\- I have one unfinished business.,//- with a chuckle you report and take out a couple of toys from the Desk drawer-such props you have in the Studio a lot,\\- Here.. Play with my kitty. I almost came when you broke it off..//'
  19. $_vstr[18] = 'You lay down on the couch and, closing his eyes, shoved one of the toys in his mouth, imagining another depraved scene.**Inna began to process your fluttering bosom, slowly introducing another Dildo.'
  20. $_vstr[19] = '\\- Oh boy......iyiiih, great, push, Inca.! And this.!//- you pobejali pussy from a pair of toys.'
  21. $_vstr[20] = 'Then, without removing toys, have fun with ina, which seriously fired up and engaged in his cave.'
  22. $_vstr[21] = '\\- Well, one more time I...Oh, God, I`m coming.!//- you, reaching the limit of bliss, massaged the clitoris with trembling fingers.**Inna helped to bring you to orgasm excited pussy, pushing her deltacom.**You finally cum.**\\- Naarmann-Oh, UV! And now, my love, let`s take care of you. Ass substitute!//**\\\- Maybe not.?///**\\- Need to, need to! You`ll like it. I can see you`re burning up..//**You lubricated the girl`s ass with lubricant.'
  23. $_vstr[22] = 'She settled back, holding the buttocks and gently entered her anus toy.**\\\- Ow! ow!...and like nothing...possible...Yes, come on, Sveta.!///'
  24. $_vstr[23] = '\\- What, bitch, like? Thought so.!//- you parted the buttocks of the girl and admired.**\\\- Mommy-Ah, Aah...yeah, a little....Oh, okay.!///**\\- Yeah, now we`ll insure, you`ll be no worse than our prima donnas!//'
  25. $_vstr[24] = 'You laid Inna on her back, pushing her legs apart as much as possible and opening her buttocks. And, laughing with relish slapped on the buns, while playing deltacom in the narrow hole.'
  26. $_vstr[25] = 'Then they began to vigorously push the girl`s toy into the anus. She moaned hysterically and soon violently ended, revealing the sex of the sponge with your hands.'
  27. $_vstr[26] = 'Embracing makeup artist after orgasm, satisfaction:\\- Ready, Inca. You`re not an anal virgin anymore.. Consider it elevated.. Well, no problem.?//**\\\- AM...well, sort of. That`s great.. Well, as men will?///**\\- I`ll find out sometime. On occasion. And you definitely will quickly turn up.//**You had a little friendly chat, solved a couple of business issues and escorted Inna out of the office.'
  28. $_vstr[27] = 'Then lie down on your back, revealing the pussy heated to the limit and, closing your eyes, imagine the scenes from the viewed videos.'
  29. $_vstr[28] = 'Issuing languid moans and slightly shaking his head from side to side, you quickly reach the highest point of pleasure and spread in a sweet orgasm.'
  30. $_vstr[29] = 'Sitting on his haunches, flushed and happy you finally caress the hole and lick my fingers.'
  31. $_vstr[30] = 'Phew, like let go, you can go back to work!'
  32. $_vstr[31] = 'You go to your office and see a very familiar spicy picture-your makeup artist Inca passionately sucks Gennady.**You, as usual, were going to move away, not to interfere, but Gennady called out to you:**\\\- And, Svetik, just come in, all your office! Lesse we here quickly!///'
  33. $_vstr[32] = 'The couple moved away from your table and took a fancy to the couch, and you sat down on your chair and began to watch with interest. Inca, straddling Gennady, began to jump and squeal on his instrument.'
  34. $_vstr[33] = 'Then Gennady laid her on her back and began to enter the ass, Inca squeaked and rubbed her clitoris, but did not mind, passionately sitting down.**\\- Ha! No wonder I then ass developed!//- you proudly commented.'
  35. $_vstr[34] = 'Inca continued to RUB her crotch, and Gennady began to RAM her ass.**This scene started to turn you on.**Turning to you, he winked:\\\- Well done Shine, without you, you would be a tight hole left unopened!///'
  36. $_vstr[35] = 'Inca knelt and deliberately framed his own buns.**\\\- Gennady Vasilyevich, still want! Plant it properly.,///- with a flush in the cheeks, asked the girl.**\\\- Svetka a distraction from work, is not the case...well, bitch.!///- Gene drove unit languidly arched Inna.**\\- Oh, fuck her all you want,//- enjoying the spectacle, replied you.**Happy couple stopped paying attention to you. Soon the girl burst into screams of violent orgasm and fell on the sofa.'
  37. $_vstr[36] = 'Slightly recovering herself, she got on all fours and began to suck Gennady`s cock.**\\\- Oh yeah, I`ll let you down! Come right in your mouth!///'
  38. $_vstr[37] = 'You with a lascivious smile admired how the Inca opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, Gene, as if on command, shot right on target.**\\\- Well, swallow? Come on, as an actress learn!///- he told the girl hoarsely..'
  39. $_vstr[38] = 'Inna, without hesitation, swallowed every drop.**\\- Brick!,//- you lightly clapped your hands,\\- Inca, maybe you`ll start filming.?//'
  40. $_vstr[39] = 'The Inca was smiling, and her face was dripping the remnants of sperm:**\\\- Well, thank you, of course, but I`m fine with the job now..///**\\- Oh, and sorry for such a lost talent...Although you would on the exterior work. Okay, look, I can`t get all the juice out of the actors.!//**\\\- Oh, right there actors! Here Is Gennady Vasilich... Well, except quite a bit, hee hee…///**\\- Go already, I have to work, and your obkonchennye mordaha distracting.//**The girl got dressed and left. Gennady also began to gather, and you went to work, feeling itchy panties.'
  41. $_vstr[40] = 'You went into his office and saw Gennady and Stas who openly groped Incubator.**\\\- Inna, come on, I`ve been shooting naked Babes all day.!///- passionately urged Stas.**\\\- The boys, well, I don`t even know if the Light will go?///**\\- I`m here.!//- entering the office and sitting on the couch you said.**\\\- Oh, Shine! Maybe you can help us?///- asked Gennady.**\\- Yes, I`d love to, but I still so much to be done... Inca , entertain men, don`t break!//'
  42. $_vstr[41] = 'Men, hearing your approval, quickly pulled off her skirt with makeup.**\\\* Oh, you have a nice ass, Inca. ,///- praised Stas,\\\- I`ve seen a lot of them, believe me.!///'
  43. $_vstr[42] = 'Then lifting her blouse, they began to caress a very attractive body. You, in what already times, thought: “Eh, what`s all the porn talent!!”**\\- Inca, serve the men like in the movies Actresses do, just for the role! You, heh, and play not need to.//'
  44. $_vstr[43] = 'Makeup girl got rid of her blouse and, kneeling, was virtually professionally to meet guys, before aggressively shaking his head:**\\\- Light, I will not be removed!///**\\- Yes, I understand, come on suck!//- disappointed you snorted.'
  45. $_vstr[44] = 'Men put New right on your Desk, she immediately began processing tool mostusers number of Stas, Gennadiy, slightly pushing her lace panties, he began to fuck her hole.'
  46. $_vstr[45] = 'Then Gennady sat down on the table, enjoying a Blowjob, and Stas fell in behind her.**\\- Stas, in strong loin its drag!//- enthusiastically cheered for you.**\\\- So she is... that does not give the same…///- banal has gycol Stas.**\\\- Insert, I do not mind…///- breaking away from the tool Gennady, said Inna.**Stas, noticeably cheerful, carefully entered her ass and began to fuck.'
  47. $_vstr[46] = '\\- So, the table I liquid do not fill!//**All three of them moved to the floor.. Gene lay down comfortably, the Inca immediately saddled his unit with his ass and began to sit on the entire length of a very impressive size, not forgetting the cock of Stas.'
  48. $_vstr[47] = '\\- Inca, you probably haven`t taken two yet.?// - you playfully inquired.**\\\- N-no.…///- in slight confusion she answered.**\\- Well then now is the perfect time to try! Stas push her pussy its good for you!//**\\\- Or maybe not... Ah-Ah-ahhh!///- Inca did not have time to finish, and the body of Stas was already in her pussy.'
  49. $_vstr[48] = 'Two members drilled Inca holes, she moaned and wriggled like a snake.**\\- Well, Inca, two is better than one?//- with a chuckle you asked, feeling all the growing excitement.**\\\- Vouch! So great.!///- through the moans she snapped.'
  50. $_vstr[49] = 'The men turned the makeup artist and changed the holes.**\\\- Inna, now I will come to you more often,///- said Stas.**\\\- Ho-o ro-o-shoo, Oh only-a grease grab!///'
  51. $_vstr[50] = 'Inca began to move herself on the cock, increasing the pace until she screamed and began to shake.**\\- That I understand.! Cumshot so cumshot! And I didn`t want,//- with excitement you stated.**\\\- Sveta, shut up, please... I`m ashamed enough.!///- hard breathing answered you Inca,\\\- God, you`re still watching and commenting..///**\\\- Ha ha ha.,///- Gennady laughed\\\- soon as your boss will be: she ends up like a machine gun when she puts a couple!///**You blushed slightly, and Inka looked at you and grinned knowingly.'
  52. $_vstr[51] = 'Stas still a little fuck Encino ass and pulled her buttocks.**\\\- Oh, thank you, Inusa whole day suffered!///**\\- Her holes are at your service truth, Inca?//- you were sarcastic..**\\\- Well ... I don`t mind…///- shamelessly babbled Inna.'
  53. $_vstr[52] = '\\\- Inca, about me not forgotten?///- asked Gennady bringing her back in my fantasies,\\\- Suck it, worker.!///**The makeup girl quickly woke up and began to diligently serve the powerful organ of the Gene.'
  54. $_vstr[53] = 'Soon Gennady discharged into her mouth, most of the truth Inca spilled, but looked very happy.**\\- Well, all the milk spilled!//- you complained,\\- all clothes will be in the end now!//'
  55. $_vstr[54] = 'Inca smiled sweetly, continuing to caress the hands of the cock. She didn`t seem to care a bit about what you said..**\\\- Don`t get dirty, I`ll go shower!///- she answered, then stood up, turned her ass to you and went naked into the shower, not paying attention to staring at her Studio workers.**\\\- Brazen yet,///- Gennady chuckled,\\\- you`d better bring her up..///** \\-Yes, it is useless,//- you waved your hand.**The men dressed and went about their business, and minutes later 15 came back for my clothes already solenopsae Inna.'
  56. $_vstr[55] = '\\- I look from the former embarrassment there is no trace left?//- maliciously asked you dressing makeup girl.**\\- Well, Light, you are always so Frank to ask questions... And comments from you - the port workers would envy... I.. I.. in general... obkonchalsya on two members in front of three people, and the cries of probably the whole Studio heard... In short, it is too late to be embarrassed.///**\\- That`s right.! The main thing is that she was happy, and Stas and Gena fuck so that little does not seem, I know, tested, so to speak, on their own experience!//**\\\- Oh, Sveta, I didn`t know they were already busy with you.,///- Inca said apologetically..**\\- Aah, don`t worry, they`re both enough and Gennady we rushing everything that moves,//- you laughed.,\\- you mean the work does not forget, and my office is at your disposal, it`s funny to look at you!//**\\\- Thanks, Light, I ran to work!///'
  57. $_vstr[56] = 'Then Gennady sat down on the table, enjoying a Blowjob, and Stas fell in behind her.**\\- Stas, in strong loin its drag!//- enthusiastically cheered for you.**\\\- Yeah, I can`t wait.! - breaking away from the instrument Gennady asked Inca.**Stas off the beaten path entered her ass tightly and began to gouge under the lustful yelps.'
  58. $_vstr[57] = '\\- So, the table I liquid do not fill!//**All three of them moved to the floor.. Gene lay down comfortably, the Inca immediately saddled his unit with his ass and began to sit on the entire length of a very impressive size, not forgetting the cock of Stas.'
  59. $_vstr[58] = 'Two members drilled Inca holes, she moaned and wriggled like a snake.**\\- Well, Inca, two is better than one?//- with a chuckle you asked, feeling all the growing excitement.**\\\- Vouch! So great.!///- through the moans she snapped.'
  60. $_vstr[59] = 'The men turned the makeup artist and changed the holes.**\\\- Inna, now I will come to you more often,///- said Stas.**\\\- Ho-o ro-o-shoo, Oh only-a grease grab!///'
  61. $_vstr[60] = 'Inca began to move herself on the cock, increasing the pace until she screamed and began to shake.**\\- That I understand.! Cumshot so cumshot! And I didn`t want,//- with excitement you stated.**\\\- And itself something can be think the entire such a the right,///- breathing heavily, Inca replied.**You blushed a little, and the Inca looked at you and smiled depraved:**\\- You make a deal, I`ll fire you, slut,//- whispered to you quite clearly, so that the girl heard.'
  62. $_vstr[61] = 'Stas still a little fuck Encino ass and pulled her buttocks.**\\\- Oh, thank you, Inusa whole day suffered!///**\\- Her holes are at your service truth, Inca?//- you were sarcastic..**\\\- Well ... I don`t mind…///- shamelessly babbled Inna.'
  63. $_vstr[62] = '\\\- Inca, about me not forgotten?///- asked Gennady bringing her back in my fantasies,\\\- Suck it, worker.!///**The makeup girl quickly woke up and began to diligently serve the powerful organ of the Gene.'
  64. $_vstr[63] = 'Soon Gennady discharged into her mouth, most of the truth Inca spilled, but looked very happy.**\\- Well, all the milk spilled!//- you complained,\\- all clothes will be in the end now!//'
  65. $_vstr[64] = 'Inca smiled sweetly, continuing to caress the hands of the cock. She didn`t seem to care a bit about what you said..**\\\- Don`t get dirty, I`ll go shower!///- she answered, then stood up, turned her ass to you and went naked into the shower, not paying attention to staring at her Studio workers.**\\\- Brazen yet,///- Gennady chuckled,\\\- you`d better bring her up..///** \\-Yes, it is useless,//- you waved your hand.**The men dressed and went about their business, and minutes later 15 came back for my clothes already solenopsae Inna.'
  66. $_vstr[65] = 'You went into the dressing room and heard a noise in the bathroom. Quietly coming and opening the door, you saw the Inca in the bathroom caressing with Gennady.**\\\- Take in the mouth, raise the combat readiness, In!///- rising, he said.'
  67. $_vstr[66] = 'The girl nodded understandingly and began to process his tool.**\\\- What is there?///- you heard a familiar voice behind you and turned around.**Albert was behind you.. You whispered softly:\\- Gennady with our make-up girl having fun as usual.//**\\\- Oh, let me see.!///- got interested in the ringleader.'
  68. $_vstr[67] = 'Meanwhile, Gennady had already roasted it in the pussy.**\\\- Let`s go say Hello or something.,///- albert said in your ear and pushed you forward..'
  69. $_vstr[68] = '\\\- So-so, Gene, have fun, means?///- entering the room he said,\\\- and about our World forgot?///**\\\- Oh, Alberty!///- as if nothing had happened, he said, as he continued to fry the Inca\\\- Well how about this forget! Join. Innochka, of course, not against, and? You don`t mind, my little slut.?///**\\\- Oh no, what are you. That is, Yes, join us,///- overcoming the slight embarrassment invited makeup artist.'
  70. $_vstr[69] = 'You came to a couple. Inca reluctantly climbed down from the tool and sent you in the mouth, hinting that it is necessary to process, albert also pulled up your dress and started farming matzo rolls.**\\\- Inca, go do my housework.,///- patting you on the buttocks, veel leader.'
  71. $_vstr[70] = 'The excited girl pulled out of the pants Assembly, and the Ala began to diligently work on it until Gennady give juice to your basking body.'
  72. $_vstr[71] = 'After parting with clothes, albert sat the makeup artist on his cock and began to intensively harit her. You just pulled off her panties, and then sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi and invitingly spread her legs, Gene without further ADO engaged in your mink, driving your tool to the full length.'
  73. $_vstr[72] = '\\\- Svetulya, come closer to us,///- moaning called Inca, blushing as fiery samovar.**You threw off your dress and climbed into the bathroom, exposing your back to Gennady.**\\- Let`s kiss, my slut,//- you whispered, starting to kiss the makeup girl.**\\\- That`s my slut,///- Gennady chuckled, vsazhivaya in your current pussy.**\\- Ahh....ouch, yeah, whatever.!//- you moaned.'
  74. $_vstr[73] = 'Men changed you, twirling in the tub. Albert quickly planted you in the ass, and you and the Inca for a couple began to process the organ of Gennady, bringing it to stone hardness.**\\\- Ohh, well-Oh, girls, go on.,///- blurring in a blissful smile hoarse published Gene.'
  75. $_vstr[74] = 'After some time, he has zealously banging New ass, and you vengeance gratified Alberta.**\\- Two want!//- pausing, you said.**\\\- Vasilich, lady wants doplatek,///- looking for a good seat winked at the leader.'
  76. $_vstr[75] = 'You are located near the bathroom, the men have become accustomed to tear you to the full, and the Inca began to play with your Breasts, obviously hoping to be in your place.**\\- Inca, and you will be dragged with a doublet! Really, boys.? - noticing her uneasiness, you said through moans.**\\\- No problem, just on the way!///- albert nodded..**\\- Fuck me first, and harder.!//- you blurted out, more and more losing control of lust.'
  77. $_vstr[76] = 'The men turned to you and began vigorously to clatter your holes, speeding up the pace, you fingers were prothalli pussy spread in front of you Inky. This continued until you screamed from orgasm and reflexively stuck in the Inkin mink almost all his palm.**\\\- Light, III-and-and it hurts!///- she screamed and jumped off your hand.**\\- Uh ... Oh, I accidentally...hee hee, almost.,//- panting from the waves of pleasure and realizing that went too far, you said,\\- now it`s your turn..//'
  78. $_vstr[77] = 'Inca rubbed her crotch for a while, apparently she was really hurt.**\\- And let`s go to the next room, on the couch,//- you suggested.**Going there Inna finally took a long-awaited couple of members, and you are located on the edge of the diva playing with his still oozing pussy and a new start.'
  79. $_vstr[78] = 'The men are already accustomed to themselves turned the girl and exchanged holes. Inca spread her legs apart, so wide that it seemed she sat on the twine.**\\- Wow, you`re a gymnast, Inca. ,//- laughing, you said,\\- Alik, she clearly wants you to RAM her deeper.!//**The leader began to furiously peck Inkina mink. She screamed and shook, then went limp.. When albert freed her pussy, she flowed juice.**\\- Albert, fuck me for the second round.,//- looking at the current girl, you said.'
  80. $_vstr[79] = 'You and albert settled on the couch and he began to fry you powerfully in the ass.**Departed from orgasm Inka, engaged in member Genes, his voluptuous sucking.'
  81. $_vstr[80] = 'Gennady lowered the first abundantly Bay Inkin mouth milk.**\\\- This tastes good,///- slazav leftovers from Genes tool, said happy makeup girl.'
  82. $_vstr[81] = 'You came to the second orgasm in a few minutes and suddenly felt as albert discharged directly to astrahany anus. You synchronously shook and you realized that orgasmed at the same time.**\\\- Oh, Svetik, Yes you did come from the hot jet of my milk in your ass?///**\\- Yep!//- giggling, you answered\\- Inca, come to me!//'
  83. $_vstr[82] = 'The girl climbed up to you on the sofa and you began to lick the remains of sperm on her face. When her face was already clean licked, you kissed Inca.**\\- It will be necessary to repeat,//- you said, getting up and going to the shower.'
  84. $_vstr[83] = '\\\- Well as business?///- asks al.**\\\- Beautiful girls brand new is?///- adds Gennady with a chuckle.**\\- Both.,//- you smile,\\- work hard and all other bodies.//**\\\- A show which filmed!///'
  85. $_vstr[84] = '\\- Ooh, it`s not relent, hee hee! Here, from the last, the most bottom-hole!//**The men watch the footage, commenting on the obscene. You can see how they stick their Dicks in their pants.**\\\- Proper!///- without looking up from the screen, albert estimates.'
  86. $_vstr[85] = 'This time the whole gang is in your office..**\\\- Svetik, as achievements? Cat, you`re not bored, becoming a business lyadi?///- men gurgle and lasciviously wink at you.**\\\- Let me see some movies.! And everything is so beautiful leaves. The clatter themselves, and not one pair of shoes, that`s really.///**\\- Yes, enjoy the boys,//- you`re showing recent footage..'
  87. $_vstr[86] = '\\\- Oh, fuck the cute, cool, straight boner.!///**You, along with the men watching videos and quickly start.'
  88. $_vstr[87] = '\\\- You`re getting good, Svetik.!///- albert looks at you appraisingly.**\\\- Exactly, the work is going well. That`s what it means to choose the right profession,///- adds Gennady.**\\- I try!// - proudly answer you and slightly spinning in front of the men, happy that your appearance appreciated.'
  89. $_vstr[88] = '\\- Boys, a movie, and me and in life want. All work and no play, and you are different skewer…,//- you settled in a seductive pose, throwing off your shoes.**Gennady pulled your leg:\\\- Well, correct what the Bazaar!///'
  90. $_vstr[89] = '\\- Yeah.? I`m ready.! Fry me like before!//**Guys, chobotov and peremignuvshis, spread your legs out to the sides.'
  91. $_vstr[90] = 'And began to pull off clothes. Gennady caressed your zatrepetali rosettes through panties and took in his mouth almost immediately napryachsiya nipple.'
  92. $_vstr[91] = 'You knelt down and, busily lowering his pants, began to play with the fluttering members of the hand and mouth.'
  93. $_vstr[92] = '\\\- Jump on the bolt, nah!///- Albert sat on top of you and pushing strong unit strong pretrial wet womb.**Then Gennady changed places with him and irritated your pussy to squish.**\\\- Open the back door, craftswoman.!///'
  94. $_vstr[93] = 'You with a languid moan took the unit in a slightly greased anus and sweetly fidgeted on it.'
  95. $_vstr[94] = 'You began to take turns hammering in the ass, putting cancer. You, beside yourself with lust, bent, pushing the buttocks and did not forget to suck the penis of the second partner.'
  96. $_vstr[95] = '\\- Oh, I can`t, both at once, boys.!//- have you whined happily and rolled his eyes, getting the desired,\\- WO-o, like this, ooh!//'
  97. $_vstr[96] = 'Placing you in another position, the pair of thugs were frantically ruscifolia both slits. You heartily mumbled, dissolving in the rolling wave of bliss and rubbed your fingers Clit:**\\- Uuuhh, mommy, Yes, as well!//**Orgasm sweet spread over his body, forcing him to falter spread legs.**\\\- Well, Shine, you, as always... AAA shit...come down.!///'
  98. $_vstr[97] = 'You are back from sweet space, again fell on his knees and began to milk the sperm from the shaking cock.'
  99. $_vstr[98] = 'Albert with a groan discharged into your greedy mouth. Sperm you for the most part merged on sisechki.'
  100. $_vstr[99] = 'Then swallowed the charge from the warhead Gennady.'
  101. $_vstr[100] = 'And again poured on his chest.**\\\- Whew, rollback! Cho milking, Svetlan, Actresses, huh caught?///**\\- While not hungry,//- you giggled.**\\\- Okay, mood all apnuli type, work, not let us hinder,///- Gennady grinned.**\\\- Labour...for my benefit - inspires,///- al laughed as he dressed..**The men left, leaving you piquantly neglected.'
  102. $_vstr[101] = '\\- What, overexerted from our bottom-hole products, Yes?//- with a chuckle you ask and resolutely take off your outer clothing,\\- Relax quickly?//'
  103. $_vstr[102] = 'Men happily nod and start to squeeze your charms.'
  104. $_vstr[103] = 'You get down on your knees and stroke their rearing Dicks through their pants.**\\\- We miss your Golden mouth, Svetik.!///- says Dimas.**\\\- Come more often!///'
  105. $_vstr[104] = 'You open your mouth wide and massive bolts hang over your face.**\\- Ah-Ah, so would all and ate!//'
  106. $_vstr[105] = 'And begin to work on the growing bodies, pushing a couple at once.'
  107. $_vstr[106] = 'Each bandit in turn fuck your hungry mouth.**\\\- Ah, buzz, nah, deeper take!///**\\\- Svetik, and three accept?///**\\- Umfff...APF..easy.!//'
  108. $_vstr[107] = 'You cram as many as three at a time, the mighty bolt.**\\\- Supersocke!///**\\\-Yes lads, finally, a real master!///'
  109. $_vstr[108] = 'Fuck you between Goecek while you are busily absorbed in the trembling delirium members, affectionately attracive their hands.'
  110. $_vstr[109] = '\\\- On-Ah, all, pussy, take!///**You open your mouth to the full, exposing the tongue.'
  111. $_vstr[110] = 'Men almost simultaneously pull you in the mouth and on the face flooding with sperm.'
  112. $_vstr[111] = 'You swallow and smile happily:\\- Wow, guys, long time not so fun, once all!//**\\- I`m gonna go take a bath in the dressing room.. Who gets bored-knows where to find me,//- you wink lasciviously and shake your hips, moving away.'
  113. $_vstr[112] = '\\- Maybe you will try?//- shamelessly putting his hand on the groin Gennady offer you,\\- I`m privacy.! And then there`s the atmosphere we have a specific, even the most under the camera get up.//**\\\- So and get up, already well,///- albert said, looking at you with lust..'
  114. $_vstr[113] = 'The men immediately began to pull off your clothes and grabbed the Boobs:\\\- Ha, you know, you don`t have to ask us twice.!///**You sweet breathed.'
  115. $_vstr[114] = 'While Gennady greedily licked your strained nipples, al licked his ear and whispered:\\\- Show the class what you learned on the set.///'
  116. $_vstr[115] = '\\- Oh, I know how to better these things,//- you knelt down and, having got from trousers the shot-up bodies began to passionately suck.'
  117. $_vstr[116] = '\\\- Heh, substitute that machine, the mine will dissipate the old memory,///- Scarlet stole with you the rest of his clothes and stretched his anus adding to the lubrication of helpful submitted by you handbags.**You excitedly turned his ass under his fingers and giggled " Anal scene, double first!”'
  118. $_vstr[117] = '\\\- Right, Svetik, fucking all in work...take!///**You are standing on half-bent legs with cancer, got a solid dignity of albert in the anus and quite mumbled, sucking in the penis of the second partner.'
  119. $_vstr[118] = '\\\- My turn, bro.,///- said Gennady and put you in the position of a rider, becoming stronger to drive a stick on full.'
  120. $_vstr[119] = '\\\- On my jump, Shine, let me plant!///- You changed the pose and the partner receiving ass all the more powerful blows and happily nasazhivayas.**Moaning loudly from lust you asked the men to fill both holes.'
  121. $_vstr[120] = 'Hot bolts immediately drilled both cracks, gradually bringing you to ecstasy.'
  122. $_vstr[121] = 'The bandits also re-launched you and violently pushed his two guns with extended legs:\\- Awww, hospodi-AI, more-Eee-yo,-ka-aanchal th!//- you screamed hysterically, hugging and pulling Gennady closer.**And spread in the long-awaited orgasm.**\\\- Nah, Shine, finally became hot as a hydrogen bomb! Let`s take the mouth earned!///'
  123. $_vstr[122] = 'You quickly fell into the usual position and began enthusiastically to milk the members.'
  124. $_vstr[123] = 'Gennady shot back the first. You coyly looking up, merged with the tongue the cum on his chest.'
  125. $_vstr[124] = 'Then in your eagerly substituted mouth albert finished.'
  126. $_vstr[125] = 'You swallowed a salty charge of seed and quite stroked the bodies of the bandits:\\- Oh, I always miss that, boys.! Need to more often meet.//**\\\- Cases,///- al chuckled,\\\- but you`re good then don`t forget!///**Men, dressed, left the office, leaving you to work on.'
  127. $_vstr[126] = 'You take a bath and relax. A couple of center bandits comes to you "on the light", taking advantage of a kind invitation.**They undress.. Gennady joins you, sitting in soapy warm water. You have fun talking, laughing over dirty jokes.'
  128. $_vstr[127] = 'And, feeling an unbearable itch of excitement, you begin to turn, showing a naked wet body. Along the way, wash off the sweat, dust and sperm.**Gennady, grinning, admires and at the same time decides to shave quickly.**\\\- Well, Shine, I`m hard again.,///- Albert shows combat-ready dignity,\\\- do you want to jump on the soldier?///**\\- Still as,//- you nod enthusiastically.'
  129. $_vstr[128] = 'Albert gets to you in the bathroom and, bowing your head, shove in your mouth vosemnadtsatiletiya body.**You swallow him Horny and sit, legs outstretched in front of obrushilsya Gennady.**The language is a bit indulges your already trembling from lust pink rosebud.'
  130. $_vstr[129] = 'You suck growing aggregates both men.'
  131. $_vstr[130] = 'Albert bends you and duplay cock in pussy abundantly current.**You blissfully mychite, processing member Genes.'
  132. $_vstr[131] = 'Then the partners change on the hole and you with boorish jokes Fucks Gennady.**You frantically surrender, feeling the approach of orgasm.'
  133. $_vstr[132] = 'And you finish, standing on all fours, in ecstasy licking the cock in front of you.'
  134. $_vstr[133] = 'Gene drives you soapy tool in the ass. You all bend that trailing leg and prodolzhaete bliss.'
  135. $_vstr[134] = 'Then your anus occupies the staff of the leader, who firmly harits the ass, periodically slapping you on the buttocks.**You squeal happily.'
  136. $_vstr[135] = 'Pose back and spread her buns themselves, went a little deeper.'
  137. $_vstr[136] = '\\\- You`re gonna jump, boss.,///- Albert sits you on his hands and you get members in both thirsty mink, passionately hugging and kissing with the leader.'
  138. $_vstr[137] = 'Gene pulls you to face him and progrevaet squishing pussy:\\- Iiii, yeah, still want to cum!//**You are screaming hysterically, ready for a new orgasm.'
  139. $_vstr[138] = '\\\- Ah, nah, bitch.!///- Al cut in you in the ass and gets a powerful fucking.**You shake in ecstasy and all go small tremor violently rolling sweet feelings.'
  140. $_vstr[139] = 'Having bought the full, the men put you on your knees and you work hard on their trembling with excitement, ready to erupt bolts.'
  141. $_vstr[140] = 'And with zafakannoy istomlennostyu, finally, get a couple of almost simultaneous fountains of sperm in her mouth.'
  142. $_vstr[141] = 'After swallowing the seed and licking the heads of the members, you rise with satisfaction and quickly dressed go back to the office to work:**\\- Bye-bye, boys.. Thank you for a wonderful time!//**\\\- Yeah, please..///'
  143. $_vstr[142] = 'You work in an office Cabinet, dealing with cases.'
  144. $_vstr[143] = 'Comes your employee Stas, the main operator of the Studio:\\\- Light, can?///**\\- Yeah, come on in!// - you say Hello to a friendly very attractive in your opinion guy.'
  145. $_vstr[144] = 'And discuss problems with equipment, capricious girls-Actresses, emerging complexity…**Stas complains about how it all got.**\\- Oh, I only here the brain is not par, Stas! I generally thought that to relax-then no!//**\\\- Well, I can help such a charming boss.,/// - with clear hint says Stas.'
  146. $_vstr[145] = 'You, with some regret, sigh, and discourage the employment.**Stas walks away, leaving you alone in the office.'
  147. $_vstr[146] = 'That would be great.. Tired, already stiff shoulders.'
  148. $_vstr[147] = 'Stas goes behind your chair and begins to massage the shoulders, quickly putting his warm hands to the Breasts. Squeezing and caressing Boobs, he quickly turns you on.**\\- Yeah, like this.!//- your nipples harden, she thinks the spark of excitement and you`re ready to have sex.'
  149. $_vstr[148] = 'Stas pulls a hand to your groin and fondles pussy, Stripping along the way.'
  150. $_vstr[149] = 'You, lying down on the table and spread her legs, enjoy cunnilingus. Your trembling pussy pushes out juices.'
  151. $_vstr[150] = 'Beside himself with excitement you get the body of the operator and quickly bring it to the stone hardness, pleasing her mouth and hand.'
  152. $_vstr[151] = '\\- All right, let`s go on the couch, fuck me hard.!//**You pull the man behind you and substitute a hole.'
  153. $_vstr[152] = 'Stas harit your exhausted pussy. You moan sweetly under his measured blows.'
  154. $_vstr[153] = 'Then sit on top and enjoy, stretching the pleasure as long as possible.'
  155. $_vstr[154] = 'The operator skillfully twirls you in different poses, but you do not have enough for the transition to complete bliss.**\\- U-Umm, Stas, let`s ass, resperdol as these Sluts for the site!//'
  156. $_vstr[155] = 'You substitute the ass and the operator licks and kneads the anus, adding grease.'
  157. $_vstr[156] = 'You sit down on a member and, rhythmically moving, pull the clitoris.**\\- Ooh-ooh..Yes, matter!//**\\\- Well,, you`re awesome finally! That`s where you should be.!///**\\- Z-zna-a-Yuu!//'
  158. $_vstr[157] = 'Stas fucking you from behind in between the buns. You bend over and moan, feeling that you will finish soon.'
  159. $_vstr[158] = 'Then resolutely arranged in a pose rider, putting his feet on the thighs of men. Entering in unison with his movements, you finally get the right stimulation, and tilt your head, catching the coveted anal orgasm.'
  160. $_vstr[159] = 'Stas accelerated sharply, placing you at the love nest.'
  161. $_vstr[160] = 'And, surono vzdrochnul, splash your hot body with jizz fountain.'
  162. $_vstr[161] = 'You, playing, lick the seed from the belly and Breasts.**\\- Nice, Stasik.! Thanks! I feel much better. M-Myya, well, let`s get back to work, or something…//**Happy operator, forgetting about their problems, going and leaving.**You also dress and bring yourself in relative order.'
  163. $_vstr[162] = 'In your office Cabinet comes Gennady:\\\- Well, look, the weekend, and she`s like a bee here, all in the work!///**\\- Oh, Gena! How nice of you to drop by..//**\\- Passing by,//- the man grins.'
  164. $_vstr[163] = '\\\- You`re good.?///- Gennady gently strokes your face.**\\- Oh, who would appreciate more,//- you slyly babble and languidly caress.'
  165. $_vstr[164] = '\\\- Ah, with our pleasure, heh.. I`m gonna go put one in..///**You go back to work.'
  166. $_vstr[165] = '\\- Gennady Vasilyevich, I`m all burning,//- you begin to openly molest a man,\\- pull me back stronger today!//**\\\- The idea was,//- laughing Gennady,\\\- come on, Shine.!///'
  167. $_vstr[166] = 'You get down on your knees and, having got from trousers the tool Gennady, pleasuring him with her mouth.'
  168. $_vstr[167] = 'A man puts you cancer and lustfully licks the crotch.'
  169. $_vstr[168] = '\\- Oh, I can`t! enter, Therefore, faster,//- you moan while your partner pulls off your clothes.'
  170. $_vstr[169] = 'The man puts you on the desktop and eagerly punches the leaking pussy.**You Horny give.'
  171. $_vstr[170] = 'And selflessly RUB your Clit while you enjoy rude.'
  172. $_vstr[171] = 'Gennady licks your anus. Then he adds lube to it..'
  173. $_vstr[172] = 'Cut in the hot and intense cock in your anus. You`re squealing and blissful..'
  174. $_vstr[173] = 'Then get up on all fours, exposing the ass for a radical fuck. And get into the gut to the root.'
  175. $_vstr[174] = '\\\- Top-Lightyear jump!///**You get in the pose of a rider and voluptuous must be mounted, reaching ecstasy.'
  176. $_vstr[175] = 'And soon you finish, completely dissolved in a violent anal orgasm, screaming loudly for the whole Studio.'
  177. $_vstr[176] = 'Gennady speeds up and frantically hammer your ass, squeezing your chest and thrusting your hand in the expiring juices pussy.'
  178. $_vstr[177] = '\\\- Get down, fucking, swallow...quickly, Shine, shore!///**You quickly fall to your knees and are sucked into the partner`s cock.'
  179. $_vstr[178] = 'A man with a groan cums in your mouth. You happily swallow a generous dose of sperm.'
  180. $_vstr[179] = 'Lick your cock and fingers from the last drops of seed and relaxed shake your head:\\- Ugh, that`s what I needed.! Well, you clatter, Gena - vaasche!//**\\\- Ha, mogem.!///- the bandit grins. Winks at you and dresses up.**\\\- I`ll go, kitty. In a couple of places, have to go. Don`t miss it.///**\\- Yeah, bye-bye, look in.!//'
  181. $_vstr[180] = 'To you in the office looked Gennady:\\\- As iTouch, Svetulya? You take guests to different places?///**\\- Oh, Gena, come!//- you drag a man to your workplace and start flirting.'
  182. $_vstr[181] = 'Gennady masterly kisses you and very unceremoniously pulls for immediately aroused pussy:\\\- Yeah, I miss you. I can smell you.!///'
  183. $_vstr[182] = 'Thug you strip, you happily throw yourself outerwear and laughing revel in its games with your napravleniya dochkami.'
  184. $_vstr[183] = 'Squatting down, you pull off the man`s pants and, with the experience of a skilled whore, swallow the rearing dignity.'
  185. $_vstr[184] = 'While you are pleasuring your partner, sucking his eggs, Stas comes into the office:\\\- Oh..oops! Bad timing, I guess. …///**\\\- Oh, come on, take part,///- laughing Gennady.**\\- Stasik, hee-hee, Ah join us!//**\\\- And..well..with pleasure, what.///'
  186. $_vstr[185] = 'You enthusiastically nasasyvayut both cock, shoving deeper.'
  187. $_vstr[186] = 'Then you pull off your clothes and you yourself help the process, trying to get down to business.'
  188. $_vstr[187] = 'Getting cancer continue to play the cock Genes. Stas duplay you wet Kisunko your body and steadily Harith.'
  189. $_vstr[188] = 'You sit down on a member of Gennady and get a sweet squishing pussy from below, not forgetting to smack the bolt of the second partner.'
  190. $_vstr[189] = 'Brushing the anus, you have to drive a stick in the ass.'
  191. $_vstr[190] = 'And banging ass in turns.**\\\- Yeah, avai, bitch.! Pori her young, tight, Shine likes it a little rough!///**\\- Mmmmhhhh!//- blissfully acknowledge you, not letting member of his mouth.'
  192. $_vstr[191] = 'Sitting on a cheerful Gennady, you substitute the ass Stas and happily squeal:\\- So, yeah, how good it is when everything is filled! Intelligence...Yii, mommy.! I`ll cum soon!//**\\\- Light, Svetlana.!///'
  193. $_vstr[192] = 'Partners change in your holes and talking so vehemently that you sexiw lip, and mumbling animal, shaking in orgasm.'
  194. $_vstr[193] = '\\\- Ow, fuck, swallow, Shine!///- Gennady first erupts in your outstretched wide-open mouth directly into protruding tongue.'
  195. $_vstr[194] = 'Stasik relish cums in her mouth and face.'
  196. $_vstr[195] = 'You blissfully swallow sperm and suck cock.**\\- K-ka-if, I-KF, you have something important at work, Stas?//**\\\- Uh, uh, no.…///**\\- Ah, okay.. Then free, hee hee hee.//**\\\- I also drove, Svetlana. Hang in there, in short, in front of his mouth.///**Men leave, leaving you pretty battered, but very happy.'
  197. $result = dyneval($bformat,$_vstr[args[0]])
  198. killvar '$_vstr'
  199. --- bratva_studioQW_strings ---------------------------------