123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # usage:callvalidator.py source=<src_input_dir> [file=<filename> | list=<listfilename>] [folder=<folder>]
- # tries to determine whether calls like gt 'location', 'event' are valid or not.
- from os import listdir
- from os.path import join
- import sys
- import re
- from io import open
- from time import perf_counter_ns
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
- from textwrap import wrap
- runtime = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
- runtime[0] = perf_counter_ns()
- idir = ''
- validLocationCalls = []
- locationFileList = []
- locationList = []
- missingLocations = []
- locationCallList = []
- callFileList = []
- calledLocationList = []
- validate = 'all'
- locationsToIgnore = ['boystat', 'exp_gain']
- fileToIgnore = ["%s.qsrc" % loc for loc in locationsToIgnore]
- fileToIgnore += ['booty_call_after.qsrc','booty_call_condoms.qsrc','booty_call_cowgirl.qsrc','booty_call_cum.qsrc','booty_call_doggy.qsrc','booty_call_favorite_part.qsrc','booty_call_leave.qsrc','booty_call_miss.qsrc','booty_call_morning.qsrc','booty_call_pillow_talk.qsrc','booty_call_pillow_talk2.qsrc','booty_call_reactions.qsrc','booty_call_sex.qsrc','booty_call_shower.qsrc','booty_call_sms.qsrc','booty_call_start.qsrc','booty_call_stats.qsrc','booty_call_talk.qsrc','booty_call_virgin.qsrc','booty_call_work_talk1.qsrc']
- commentLine = "^(\s*!+)"
- blockCommentStart = "(^\s*!+.*{)"
- blockCommentEnd = "(}[^{]*$)"
- blockComment = False
- callLinePattern = "(gt|gs|xgt|xgs)(?:\s*(?:'|\"))(\w+)(?:'|\")(?:(?:,\s*)(?:'|\")(\w+)(?:'|\"))?"
- findCallLine = "(?:^\s*!+.*{)|(?:^[^!]*)(gt|gs|xgt|xgs)\s*(?:'|\")(\w+)(?:'|\")(?:(?:,\s*)(?:'|\")(\w+)(?:'|\"))?|(?:}[^{]*$)"
- calledLinePattern = "(?:^\s*!+.*{)|(?:(?:if|elseif)?\s*\(?\$?(?:ARGS|args)\[(?:0|i)\])(?:\s*(?:=|!|<|>|>=|=>|<=|=<)\s*(?:'|\"))(\w+)(?:'|\")|(?:}[^{]*$)"
- findLocationValues = "(?:(?:if|elseif)?\s*\(?\$?(?:ARGS|args)\[(?:0|i)\])(?:\s*(?:=|!|<|>|>=|=>|<=|=<)\s*(?:'|\"))(\w+)(?:'|\")"
- runtime_text = ["Setup started","Started callfile build","","","Sorting and ordering the lists for the files","","All is finished"]
- assert (len(sys.argv) == 2 or len(sys.argv) == 3 or len(sys.argv) == 4), "usage:\ncallvalidator.py source=<src_input_dir> [file=<filename> | list=<listfilename>] [folder=<folder>]"
- idir = str(sys.argv[1].replace("source=", ""))
- if len(sys.argv) == 4:
- vdir = str(sys.argv[3].replace("folder=", ""))
- else:
- vdir = idir
- validationTarget = ''
- runtime[1] = perf_counter_ns()
- print("%s: %d: %d" % (runtime_text[0], runtime[1], runtime[1]-runtime[0] ))
- if len(sys.argv) > 2 and "file=" in str(sys.argv[2]):
- validationTarget = sys.argv[2].replace("file=", "")
- callFileList = [join(vdir, sys.argv[2].replace("file=", ""))]
- validate = 'file'
- if len(sys.argv) > 2 and "list=" in str(sys.argv[2]):
- validationTarget = sys.argv[2].replace("list=", "")
- validationListFile = join(sys.argv[3].replace("folder=", ""), sys.argv[2].replace("list=", ""))
- try:
- tree = ET.parse(validationListFile)
- root = tree.getroot()
- for file in root.iter('Location'):
- callFileList.append(join(file.attrib['folder'] if "folder" in file.attrib.keys() else idir, "%s.qsrc" % file.attrib['name'].replace('$', '_')))
- except:
- try:
- with open(validationListFile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as ifile:
- lines = ifile.readlines()
- for index, line in enumerate(lines):
- temp = line.strip(" \r\n\t").split(";")
- file = temp[0].strip(" \t")
- if ".qsrc" not in file:
- raise SyntaxError()
- raise SyntaxError("Incorrect file content: '<filename>[; <folder>] expected, found %s." % line,(validationListFile, index, 1, 'if ".qsrc" not in temp[0].strip(" \t"):', index, len(line)))
- if len(temp) == 2:
- callFileList.append(join(temp[1].strip(" \t"),file))
- else:
- callFileList.append(join(idir,file))
- #endfor
- #endwith
- except SyntaxError as e:
- raise SystemExit("Invalid list filed: %s" % e.msg)
- #endtry
- #endtry
- validate = 'list'
- #endif <- "list="
- if validate == 'all':
- validationTarget = idir
- callFileList = [join(idir,f) for f in listdir(idir) if ".qsrc" in f]
- #endif
- # Build the list of valid calls
- locationFileList = [f for f in listdir(idir) if ".qsrc" in f and f not in fileToIgnore]
- runtime[2] = perf_counter_ns()
- runtime_text[2] = "Building valid calls list [%d files]" % len(locationFileList)
- print("%s: %d: %d" % (runtime_text[1], runtime[2], runtime[2]-runtime[1] ))
- for file in locationFileList:
- with open(join(idir, file), 'rt', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as ifile:
- lines = ifile.readlines()
- location = lines[0].strip(' #\r\n').strip(' ')
- if location not in locationList: locationList.append(location)
- blockComment = False
- for lineNo, line in enumerate(lines):
- #getting locations
- workline = line.strip(' \t\r\n')
- locationsInLine = []
- isCommentedLine = blockComment
- match = re.search(calledLinePattern, workline)
- if match != None:
- potLine = re.findall(findLocationValues, workline)
- if not blockComment and re.search(blockCommentStart, workline) != None:
- blockComment = True
- isCommentedLine = True
- if not blockComment and re.search(commentLine, workline) != None: isCommentedLine = True
- if potLine != None: locationsInLine = potLine
- if blockComment and re.search(blockCommentEnd, workline) != None: blockComment = False
- #endif
- for match in locationsInLine:
- record = {"location": location, "function": match, "isCommentLine": isCommentedLine}
- recordInv = {"location": location, "function": match, "isCommentLine": not commentLine}
- if record not in validLocationCalls and recordInv not in validLocationCalls:
- validLocationCalls.append({"location": location,
- "function": match,
- "isCommentLine": isCommentedLine})
- elif recordInv in validLocationCalls:
- # if commentLine of recordInv is TRUE then set it to false.
- # if commentLine of recordInv is FALSE then leave it alone
- if recordInv["isCommentLine"]:
- index = validLocationCalls.index(recordInv)
- validLocationCalls[index]['isCommentLine'] = False
- #endif
- #endfor <- match in locationsInLine
- #endfor <- lineNo, line
- #endwith
- #endfor
- # build a list of all the calls happening
- runtime[3] = perf_counter_ns()
- runtime_text[3] = "Building call list [%d files]" % len(callFileList)
- print("%s: %d: %d" % (runtime_text[2], runtime[3], runtime[3]-runtime[2] ))
- for file in callFileList:
- with open(file, 'rt', encoding='utf-8', newline="\n") as ifile:
- lines = ifile.readlines()
- location = lines[0].strip(' #\r\n').strip(' ')
- for lineNo, line in enumerate(lines):
- workline = line.strip(' \t\n\r')
- match = None
- temp_match = re.search(findCallLine, workline)
- if temp_match != None and not [res for res in locationsToIgnore if res in workline.lower()]:
- potLine = re.search(callLinePattern, workline)
- if not blockComment and re.search(blockCommentStart, line) != None: blockComment = True
- if not blockComment and potLine != None: match = potLine
- if blockComment and re.search(blockCommentEnd, line) != None: blockComment = False
- #endif
- if match != None:
- valid = 0
- reason = ""
- searchRecordF = {"location": match.group(2), "function": '' if match.group(3) == None else match.group(3), "isCommentLine": False}
- searchRecordT = {"location": match.group(2), "function": '' if match.group(3) == None else match.group(3), "isCommentLine": True}
- if searchRecordF['function'] == '':
- if searchRecordF not in validLocationCalls: validLocationCalls.append(searchRecordF)
- valid = 1
- reason = ""
- elif searchRecordF['location'] not in locationList:
- valid = -1
- reason = "Location `%s` doesn't exist - No file containing this location was found in the specified folder." % (searchRecordF['location'])
- if searchRecordF['location'] not in missingLocations: missingLocations.append(searchRecordF['location'])
- elif searchRecordT in validLocationCalls:
- valid = -2
- reason = "`%s, %s` exists but is either commented out or is in a comment block" % (searchRecordT['location'], searchRecordT['function'])
- elif searchRecordF in validLocationCalls:
- valid = 1
- reason = ""
- else:
- valid = -3
- reason = "Location `%s` exists but couldn't find any entrypoint expecting `%s` as $ARGS[0]. Please confirm whether this is a bug or not." % (searchRecordF['location'], searchRecordF['function'])
- #endif
- locationCallList.append({"callinglocation": location,
- "file": ifile.name,
- "lineNo": lineNo+1,
- "calltype": match.group(1),
- "location": match.group(2),
- "function": '' if match.group(3) == None else match.group(3),
- "valid": valid,
- "reason": reason})
- #endif# <- Match != None
- #endfor <- line in lines
- #endwith
- #endfor
- runtime[4] = perf_counter_ns()
- print("%s: %d: %d" % (runtime_text[3], runtime[4], runtime[4]-runtime[3] ))
- missingLocations = sorted(missingLocations)
- validLocationCalls = sorted(validLocationCalls, key=lambda k: (k['location'].lower(), k['function']))
- invalidCallsMade = [call for call in locationCallList if call['valid'] < 0]
- invalidCallsMade = sorted(invalidCallsMade, key = lambda k: (k['callinglocation'].lower(), k['lineNo']))
- invalidLocations = []
- invalidCallsToMissingLocation = 0
- invalidCallsToCommentedCode = 0
- invalidCallsToMissingFunction = 0
- invalidLocationMissing = 0
- invalidCommentLine = 0
- invalidFunctionMissing = 0
- locationsMakingInvalidCalls = 0
- currLoc = ''
- for call in invalidCallsMade:
- record = {"location": call['location'], "function": call['function'], "valid": call['valid'], "reason": call['reason']}
- if call['callinglocation'] != '':
- locationsMakingInvalidCalls += 1
- currLoc = call['callinglocation']
- if call['valid'] == -1: invalidCallsToMissingLocation += 1
- if call['valid'] == -2: invalidCallsToCommentedCode += 1
- if call['valid'] == -3: invalidCallsToMissingFunction += 1
- if record not in invalidLocations:
- invalidLocations.append(record)
- if record['valid'] == -1: invalidLocationMissing += 1
- if record['valid'] == -2: invalidCommentLine += 1
- if record['valid'] == -3: invalidFunctionMissing += 1
- invalidLocations = sorted(invalidLocations, key=lambda k: (k['location'].lower(), k['function']))
- runtime[5] = perf_counter_ns()
- print("%s: %d: %d" % (runtime_text[4], runtime[5], runtime[5]-runtime[4] ))
- with open('valid-calls-by-location.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile:
- currLoc = ''
- ofile.write("---- List of valid calls by location\n")
- for call in validLocationCalls:
- if call['location'] != currLoc:
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write(" ---- %s -------------\n" % call['location'])
- currLoc = call['location']
- ofile.write(" '%s': Commented Line: %s\n" % (call['function'], call['isCommentLine']))
- with open('valid-calls-by-location.md', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile:
- ofile.write("## Valid Calls per Location")
- currLoc = ''
- for call in validLocationCalls:
- if call['location'] != currLoc:
- currLoc = call['location']
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("### %s" % currLoc)
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write('| "Function" | Is Comment |\n')
- ofile.write("| ---------- | ---------- |\n")
- ofile.write("| `'%s'` | %s |\n" % (call['function'], call['isCommentLine']))
- ofile.write("\n")
- with open('invalid-calls-missing-locations.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile:
- ofile.write("----- Summary ------------------------------------------\n")
- ofile.write(" Locations called incorrectly : {:>3}\n".format(len(invalidLocations)))
- ofile.write(" Location/File doesn't exist : {:>3} [{:>3.2f}%%]\n".format(invalidLocationMissing,(invalidLocationMissing/len(invalidLocations))*100))
- ofile.write(" Commented out code : {:>3} [{:>3.2f}%%]\n".format(invalidCommentLine, (invalidCommentLine/len(invalidLocations))*100))
- ofile.write(" Value not expected/handled : {:>3} [{:>3.2f}%%]\n".format(invalidFunctionMissing, (invalidFunctionMissing/len(invalidLocations))*100))
- ofile.write("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
- ofile.write(" Locations making incorrect calls : {:>3}\n".format(locationsMakingInvalidCalls))
- ofile.write(" Total number of invalid calls : {:>3}\n".format(len(invalidCallsMade)))
- ofile.write(" Calls made to non-existing location: {:>3} [{:>3.2f}%%]\n".format(invalidCallsToMissingLocation, (invalidCallsToMissingLocation/len(invalidCallsMade))*100))
- ofile.write(" Calls made to commented location : {:>3} [{:>3.2f}%%]\n".format(invalidCallsToCommentedCode, (invalidCallsToCommentedCode/len(invalidCallsMade))*100))
- ofile.write(" Calls made with unexpected value : {:>3} [{:>3.2f}%%]\n".format(invalidCallsToMissingFunction, (invalidCallsToMissingFunction/len(invalidCallsMade))*100))
- ofile.write("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
- ofile.write(" Missing locations called : {:>3}\n".format(len(missingLocations)))
- ofile.write("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("{:^80}\n".format("---------- List of Invalid Calls by location ----------"))
- currLoc = ''
- for call in invalidLocations:
- if call['location'] != currLoc:
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write(" ---- %s -------------\n" % call['location'])
- currLoc = call['location']
- wrapis = wrap(" {:<34}: {}\n".format("'%s'" % call['function'], call['reason']), 125, subsequent_indent="{:<31}".format(' '), break_long_words=True)
- for line in wrapis:
- ofile.write("%s\n" % line)
- #endfor <- call in invalidLocations
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("{:^125}\n".format("---------- Calls made by location ----------"))
- currLoc = ''
- for call in invalidCallsMade:
- if call['callinglocation'] != currLoc:
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write(" ---- %s [%s]-------------\n" % (call['callinglocation'], call['file']))
- currLoc = call['callinglocation']
- ofile.write("Line {:>4}: {} '{}', '{}'\n".format(call['lineNo'], call['calltype'], call['location'], call['function']))
- for line in wrap(call['reason'].replace("`", "'"), 90, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ', break_long_words=True):
- ofile.write("%s\n"%line)
- #endfor <- call in invalidCallsMade
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("{:^80}\n".format("---------- List of Missing Locations ----------"))
- ofile.write("\n")
- for location in missingLocations:
- ofile.write(" {:<25} [{}] \n".format(location, join(idir, "%s.qsrc" % location)))
- #endwith
- with open('invalid-calls-missing-locations.md', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile:
- ofile.write("## List of Invalid Calls\n")
- currLoc = ''
- for call in invalidLocations:
- if call['location'] != currLoc:
- currLoc = call['location']
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("### %s" % currLoc)
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write('| "Function" | Is Comment |\n')
- ofile.write("| ---------- | ---------- |\n")
- ofile.write("| `%s` | %s |\n" % (call['function'], call['reason']))
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("---\n")
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("## Calls made by locations\n")
- currLoc = ''
- for call in invalidCallsMade:
- if call['callinglocation'] != currLoc:
- currLoc = call['callinglocation']
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("### %s\n" % call['callinglocation'])
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("| File | Line No. | Call | Reason |\n")
- ofile.write("| ---- | -------- | ---- | ------ |\n")
- ofile.write("| {} | {:>4} | `{} '{}', '{}'` | {} |\n".format(call['file'], call['lineNo'], call['calltype'], call['location'], call['function'], call['reason']))
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("---\n")
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write("## List of Missing Locations\n")
- ofile.write("\n")
- ofile.write ("| Location | File |\n")
- ofile.write ("| -------- | ---- |\n")
- for location in missingLocations:
- ofile.write("| %s | %s |\n" % (location, join(idir, "%s.qsrc" % location)))
- #end
- runtime[6] = perf_counter_ns()
- print("%s: %d: %d" % (runtime_text[5], runtime[6], runtime[6]-runtime[5] ))
- print(runtime_text[6])