npc_3510_init.qsrc 1.3 KB

  1. # npc_3510_init
  2. !! Rudolph Baryshnikov
  3. !! Failed dancer due to injury. Member of the board and instructor. Potential couch caster, despite his charm it masks a bitter nature over his failures and isn''t afraid to take that out on students or sabotage students careers if they cross him.
  4. !! Will help with Sveta's career if she has a high enough slut rep or has failed her assessment, only in the first year in dance school. Uni years will be approached differently.
  5. !! Appearance: tall, short black hair and is a charismatic charmer. Is an influential character and will use the power to get what he wants. Descends from Russian Aristocracy but never admits it but this gives him a lot of influence and power.
  6. !! His personality is a coercive and dominant, he likes to make his victim to feel helpless so they become dependent on him. Sex is secondary, it''s' all about control and subverting their victims into doimg what he wants.
  7. !! The corruption of Sveta is slow and insidious making her question everything about dance, her life and who she is if she falls under his influence. Maya can only help up to a point before potentially falling victim to Rudolph herself.
  8. !! В тихом омуте черти водятся. be wary the calm pools are inhabited by devils.
  9. --- npc_3510_init---------------------------------