443_sell_young_clothes 3.3 KB

  1. # sell_young_clothes
  2. <<<<<<< 443_sell_young_clothes
  3. set mag = 1
  4. =======
  5. set mag=1
  6. >>>>>>> 443_sell_young_clothes
  7. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  8. $loc = $CURLOC
  9. $metkaM = $ARGS[0]
  10. $locM = $CURLOC
  11. <<<<<<< 443_sell_young_clothes
  12. '<B><center><font size = 4>Women´s Clothing</font></center></B>'
  13. *nl
  14. act '<font color = navy>Go</font>':
  15. minut += 1
  16. =======
  17. '<B><center><font size=4>Women`s clothing</font></center></B>'
  18. *nl
  19. act '<font color=navy>Get_Away</font>':
  20. minut+=1
  21. >>>>>>> 443_sell_young_clothes
  22. gt 'young_shop'
  23. end
  24. if odekis[1] = 0:
  25. <<<<<<< 443_sell_young_clothes
  26. act '<font color = navy>See the first variant of clothes</font>': set numdres = 1 & payclo = 10000 & gt 'loker','odekis'
  27. end
  28. if odekis[2] = 0:
  29. act '<font color = navy>Display a second embodiment of clothing</font>': set numdres = 2 & payclo = 10000 & gt 'loker','odekis'
  30. end
  31. if odekis[3] = 0:
  32. act '<font color = navy>See the third variant of clothes</font>': set numdres = 3 & payclo = 10000 & gt 'loker','odekis'
  33. end
  34. if odekis[4] = 0:
  35. act '<font color = navy>See the fourth variant of clothes</font>': set numdres = 4 & payclo = 10000 & gt 'loker','odekis'
  36. end
  37. if odekis[5] = 0:
  38. act '<font color = navy>See the fifth variant of clothes</font>': set numdres = 5 & payclo = 10000 & gt 'loker','odekis'
  39. end
  40. if odekis[6] = 0:
  41. act '<font color = navy>See the sixth variant of clothes</font>': set numdres = 6 & payclo = 10000 & gt 'loker','odekis'
  42. end
  43. if odekis[7] = 0:
  44. act '<font color = navy>See the seventh variant of clothes</font>': set numdres = 7 & payclo = 10000 & gt 'loker','odekis'
  45. end
  46. if odekis[8] = 0:
  47. act '<font color = navy>See the eighth embodiment of clothing</font>': set numdres = 8 & payclo = 10000 & gt 'loker','odekis'
  48. end
  49. if odekis[9] = 0:
  50. act '<font color = navy>See the ninth variant of clothes</font>': set numdres = 9 & payclo = 10000 & gt 'loker','odekis'
  51. end
  52. if odekis[10] = 0:
  53. act '<font color = navy>See a tenth embodiment of clothing</font>': set numdres = 10 & payclo = 10000 & gt 'loker','odekis'
  54. end
  55. =======
  56. act '<font color=navy>View first variant of clothes</font>':set numdres=1&payclo=10000&gt'loker','odekis'
  57. end
  58. if odekis[2] = 0:
  59. act '<font color=navy>See the second variant of clothes</font>':set numdres=2&payclo=10000&gt'loker','odekis'
  60. end
  61. if odekis[3] = 0:
  62. act '<font color=navy>See the third variant of clothes</font>':set numdres=3&payclo=10000&gt'loker','odekis'
  63. end
  64. if odekis[4] = 0:
  65. act '<font color=navy>View fourth variant of clothes</font>':set numdres=4&payclo=10000&gt'loker','odekis'
  66. end
  67. if odekis[5] = 0:
  68. act '<font color=navy>View the fifth variant of clothes</font>':set numdres=5&payclo=10000&gt'loker','odekis'
  69. end
  70. if odekis[6] = 0:
  71. act '<font color=navy>View a sixth embodiment of clothes</font>':set numdres=6&payclo=10000&gt'loker','odekis'
  72. end
  73. if odekis[7] = 0:
  74. act '<font color=navy>View seventh embodiment clothes</font>':set numdres=7&payclo=10000&gt'loker','odekis'
  75. end
  76. if odekis[8] = 0:
  77. act '<font color=navy>View eighth embodiment clothes</font>':set numdres=8&payclo=10000&gt'loker','odekis'
  78. end
  79. if odekis[9] = 0:
  80. act '<font color=navy>View ninth embodiment clothes</font>':set numdres=9&payclo=10000&gt'loker','odekis'
  81. end
  82. if odekis[10] = 0:
  83. act '<font color=navy>View tenth embodiment clothes</font>':set numdres=10&payclo=10000&gt'loker','odekis'
  84. end
  85. >>>>>>> 443_sell_young_clothes
  86. --- sell_young_clothes ---------------------------------