clothing_QV 13 KB

  1. # clothing_QV
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'list':
  3. $regularwornclothingtype = ''
  4. '<center><table border=1><TH><a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''wardrobe''">Organize clothing</a></TH><TH><a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''store''">View stored clothing list</a></TH><TH><a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''unwanted''">View unwanted clothing list</a></TH></center>'
  5. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  6. act 'Strip':gt 'clothing_QV', 'strip'
  7. end
  8. act 'Return':gt 'wardrobe'
  9. '<center><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''gm''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/GM.png"></a></center>'
  10. if ARRSIZE('average') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''kats''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/pussycat.png"></a></center>'
  11. if ARRSIZE('expensive') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''fashionista''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/fashionistat.png"></a></center>'
  12. if ARRSIZE('formal') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''moncheri''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/moncheri.png"></a></center>'
  13. if ARRSIZE('fetish') > 0 or ARRSIZE('burlesque') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''sexshop''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/sexshop/shop_name.png"></a></center>'
  14. if ARRSIZE('exhibit') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''exhibitshop''"><img src="images/locations/oldtown/exhibitshop/shop_name.png"></a></center>'
  15. if ARRSIZE('alternative') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''dolls''"><img src="images/locations/city/island/dolls.png"></a></center>'
  16. if ARRSIZE('exercise') > 0:'<center><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''sports''"><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/sports.png"></a></center>'
  17. end
  18. if $ARGS[0] = 'gm':
  19. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/GM.png"></center>'
  20. if StoryLine = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and schoolS[6] = 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''school'', 6"><img src="images/pc/clothing/6school/6.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  21. i = 1
  22. :loopcheap
  23. if cheap[i] = 1:
  24. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'cheap', i
  25. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  26. if CloStyle ! 5:
  27. if cheapS[i] = 0 and cheapH[i] > 0 and cheapB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and cheapB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''cheap'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/1cheap/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  28. else
  29. if cheapS[i] = 0 and cheapH[i] > 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''cheap'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/1cheap/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  30. end
  31. end
  32. end
  33. i += 1
  34. if i <= ARRSIZE('cheap'):jump 'loopcheap'
  35. i = 1
  36. :loopoffice
  37. if office[i] = 1:
  38. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'office', i
  39. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  40. if officeS[i] = 0 and officeH[i] > 0 and officeB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and officeB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''office'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/5office/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  41. end
  42. end
  43. i += 1
  44. if i <= ARRSIZE('office'):jump 'loopoffice'
  45. i = 1
  46. :loopschool
  47. if school[i] = 1:
  48. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'school', i
  49. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  50. if schoolS[i] = 0 and schoolH[i] > 0 and schoolB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and schoolB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''school'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/6school/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  51. end
  52. end
  53. i += 1
  54. if i = 6: i = 7
  55. if i <= ARRSIZE('school'):jump 'loopschool'
  56. i = 1
  57. :loopuniform
  58. if uniform[i] = 1:
  59. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'uniform', i
  60. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  61. if uniformS[i] = 0 and uniformH[i] > 0 and uniformB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and uniformB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''uniform'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/10uniform/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  62. end
  63. end
  64. i += 1
  65. if i <= ARRSIZE('uniform'):jump 'loopuniform'
  66. act 'Return': gt 'clothing_QV', 'list'
  67. end
  68. if $ARGS[0] = 'kats':
  69. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/pussycat.png"></center>'
  70. i = 1
  71. :loopaverage
  72. if average[i] = 1:
  73. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'average', i
  74. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  75. if CloStyle ! 5:
  76. if averageS[i] = 0 and averageH[i] > 0 and averageB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and averageB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''average'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/2average/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  77. else
  78. if averageS[i] = 0 and averageH[i] > 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''average'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/2average/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  79. end
  80. end
  81. end
  82. i += 1
  83. if i <= ARRSIZE('average'):jump 'loopaverage'
  84. act 'Return': gt 'clothing_QV', 'list'
  85. end
  86. if $ARGS[0] = 'fashionista':
  87. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/fashionistat.png"></center>'
  88. i = 1
  89. :loopexpensive
  90. if expensive[i] = 1:
  91. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'expensive', i
  92. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  93. if CloStyle ! 5:
  94. if expensiveS[i] = 0 and expensiveH[i] > 0 and expensiveB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and expensiveB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''expensive'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/3expensive/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  95. else
  96. if expensiveS[i] = 0 and expensiveH[i] > 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''expensive'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/3expensive/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  97. end
  98. end
  99. end
  100. i += 1
  101. if i <= ARRSIZE('expensive'):jump 'loopexpensive'
  102. act 'Return': gt 'clothing_QV', 'list'
  103. end
  104. if $ARGS[0] = 'moncheri':
  105. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/moncheri.png"></center>'
  106. i = 1
  107. :loopformal
  108. if formal[i] = 1:
  109. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'formal', i
  110. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  111. if formalS[i] = 0 and formalH[i] > 0 and formalB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and formalB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''formal'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/4formal/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  112. end
  113. end
  114. i += 1
  115. if i <= ARRSIZE('formal'):jump 'loopformal'
  116. act 'Return': gt 'clothing_QV', 'list'
  117. end
  118. if $ARGS[0] = 'sexshop':
  119. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/sexshop/shop_name.png"></center>'
  120. i = 1
  121. :loopfetish
  122. if fetish[i] = 1:
  123. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'fetish', i
  124. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  125. if fetishS[i] = 0 and fetishH[i] > 0 and fetishB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and fetishB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''fetish'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/8fetish/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  126. end
  127. end
  128. i += 1
  129. if i <= ARRSIZE('fetish'):jump 'loopfetish'
  130. i = 1
  131. :loopburlesque
  132. if burlesque[i] = 1:
  133. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'burlesque', i
  134. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  135. if burlesqueS[i] = 0 and burlesqueH[i] > 0 and burlesqueB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and burlesqueB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''burlesque'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/13burlesque/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  136. end
  137. end
  138. i += 1
  139. if i <= ARRSIZE('burlesque'):jump 'loopburlesque'
  140. act 'Return': gt 'clothing_QV', 'list'
  141. end
  142. if $ARGS[0] = 'exhibitshop':
  143. '<center><img src="images/locations/oldtown/exhibitshop/shop_name.png"></center>'
  144. i = 1
  145. :loopexhibit
  146. if exhibit[i] = 1:
  147. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'exhibit', i
  148. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  149. if exhibitS[i] = 0 and exhibitH[i] > 0 and exhibitB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and exhibitB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''exhibit'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/9exhibit/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  150. end
  151. end
  152. i += 1
  153. if i <= ARRSIZE('exhibit'):jump 'loopexhibit'
  154. act 'Return': gt 'clothing_QV', 'list'
  155. end
  156. if $ARGS[0] = 'dolls':
  157. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/island/dolls.png"></center>'
  158. i = 1
  159. :loopalternative
  160. if alternative[i] = 1:
  161. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'alternative', i
  162. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  163. if alternativeS[i] = 0 and alternativeH[i] > 0 and alternativeB[i] >= (pcs_hips - 8) and alternativeB[i] <= (pcs_hips + 8):*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''alternative'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/14alternative/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  164. end
  165. end
  166. i += 1
  167. if i <= ARRSIZE('alternative'):jump 'loopalternative'
  168. act 'Return': gt 'clothing_QV', 'list'
  169. end
  170. if $ARGS[0] = 'sports':
  171. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/sports.png"></center>'
  172. i = 1
  173. :loopexercise
  174. if exercise[i] = 1:
  175. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'exercise', i
  176. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  177. if exerciseS[i] = 0 and exerciseH[i] > 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''exercise'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/7exercise/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  178. end
  179. end
  180. i += 1
  181. if i <= ARRSIZE('exercise'):jump 'loopexercise'
  182. act 'Return': gt 'clothing_QV', 'list'
  183. end
  184. if $ARGS[0] = 'gym':
  185. if $regularwornclothingtype = '':
  186. $regularwornclothingtype = $clothingworntype
  187. regularwornclothingnumber = clothingwornnumber
  188. end
  189. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/sports.png"></center>'
  190. i = 1
  191. :loopexercise2
  192. if exercise[i] = 1:
  193. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'exercise', i
  194. if CloExhibit <= pcs_exhibition:
  195. if exerciseS[i] = 0 and exerciseH[i] > 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''exercise'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/7exercise/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  196. end
  197. end
  198. i += 1
  199. if i <= ARRSIZE('exercise'):jump 'loopexercise2'
  200. act 'Return': gt $loc, $metka
  201. if $clothingworntype ! $regularwornclothingtype: gs 'clothing_QV', 'gym2'
  202. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  203. act 'Strip':gt 'clothing_QV', 'strip'
  204. end
  205. end
  206. if $ARGS[0] = 'gym2':
  207. act 'Change back into your regular clothes':
  208. $clothingworntype = $regularwornclothingtype
  209. clothingwornnumber = regularwornclothingnumber
  210. killvar '$regularwornclothingtype'
  211. killvar 'regularwornclothingnumber'
  212. gt 'clothing_QV', 'gym'
  213. end
  214. end
  215. if $ARGS[0] = 'cloak':
  216. i = 1
  217. :loopcoat
  218. if coat[i] = 1:
  219. if coatH[i] > 0:*p '<a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''change'', ''coat'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/clothing/11coat/<<i>>.jpg" height="250" /></a>'
  220. end
  221. i += 1
  222. if i <= ARRSIZE('coat'):jump 'loopcoat'
  223. end
  224. if $ARGS[0] = 'strip':
  225. if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
  226. '<center><img src="images/pc/clothing/nude.jpg"></center>'
  227. '<center>You strip down to your panties.</center>'
  228. else
  229. '<center><img src="images/pc/clothing/nude1.jpg"></center>'
  230. '<center>You strip completely naked.</center>'
  231. end
  232. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  233. act 'Choose something to wear':
  234. if $regularwornclothingtype = '':
  235. gt 'clothing_QV', 'list'
  236. else
  237. gt 'clothing_QV', 'gym'
  238. end
  239. end
  240. act 'Leave': gt $loc, $metka
  241. end
  242. if $ARGS[0] = 'change':
  243. *clr
  244. cla
  245. gs 'clothing_attributes', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2]
  246. '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$clothing_image'', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2])>>"></center>'
  247. $RESULT = FUNC('$short_description', $ARGS[1], CloStyle2)
  248. $RESULT += '<<ARGS[2]>>'
  249. '<<$RESULT>>'
  250. if $ARGS[1] ! 'coat' and $ARGS[1] ! 'swimwear':
  251. gs 'clothing_descriptions'
  252. '<<$description>>'
  253. else
  254. FUNC('$clothing_name', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2])
  255. end
  256. if CloBimbo = 1:'This item is considered bimbo clothing.'
  257. if CloStyle = 4:'This outfit can be used for prostitution.'
  258. if $ARGS[2] = 'uniform':
  259. if CloStyle2 = 1:
  260. 'This outfit is considered to be a maid uniform.'
  261. elseif CloStyle2 = 3:
  262. 'This is a stripper outfit.'
  263. else
  264. 'This outfit is a server uniform, suitable for jobs that require one.'
  265. end
  266. end
  267. if $ARGS[2] = 'school':
  268. if CloSkirtShortness < 5 and CloThinness < 5 and CloBra = 0:
  269. '<font color="blue">This uniform complies with the school regulations on skirt length.</font>'
  270. elseif CloSkirtShortness = 5 and CloThinness < 5 and CloBra = 0:
  271. '<font color="blue">This uniform slightly breaches the school regulations on skirt length.</font>'
  272. else
  273. '<font color="red">This uniform makes a mockery of the school uniform regulations.</font>'
  274. end
  275. end
  276. if $clothingworntype = $ARGS[1] and clothingwornnumber = ARGS[2]:
  277. 'You are wearing this outfit.'
  278. elseif CloExhibit > pcs_exhibition:
  279. 'You don''t feel confident enough to wear an outfit this revealing.'
  280. elseif ARRPOS('$CloLosTyp', $ARGS[1]) ! -1 and ARRPOS('CloLosNum',ARGS[2]) ! -1 :
  281. 'You lost these clothes somewhere, maybe you can find them again?.'
  282. else
  283. if CloExhibit + 10 > pcs_exhibition: 'You find this outfit more revealing than you are completely comfortable with but that makes it quite exciting too.'
  284. act 'Wear this outfit':
  285. gs 'clothing', 'wear', $ARGS[1], ARGS[2]
  286. if $regularwornclothingtype = '':
  287. gt 'wardrobe'
  288. else
  289. gt 'clothing_QV', 'gym'
  290. end
  291. end
  292. end
  293. act 'Return': gt 'clothing_QV', 'list'
  294. end
  295. --- clothing_QV ---------------------------------