MakeQSP.bat 983 B

  1. @ECHO off
  2. :: Set those lines to fit your setup.
  3. :: This is where glife.qsp will be copied. If you don't want to move it just comment (::) the line below.
  4. set CP_TO=..\GL_ECV
  5. :: This is the program used to open glife.qsp. If you comment this line windows will launch the default app to open glife.qsp
  6. set QSPGUI=..\QSP\qspgui.exe
  7. :menu
  8. cls
  9. echo.
  10. echo -- QSP Compiler and Launcher --
  11. echo.
  12. echo (B)uild (R)un (F)ull (Q)uit
  13. echo.
  14. set /p action=Choose an action:
  15. if %action% == b goto build
  16. if %action% == r goto run
  17. if %action% == f goto build
  18. if %action% == q goto exit
  19. :build
  20. echo.
  21. echo Building ...
  22. @ECHO ON
  23. python -3 locations glife.txt
  24. txt2gam.exe glife.txt glife.qsp > nul
  25. @ECHO OFF
  26. echo.
  27. if defined CP_TO (echo Copying glife.qsp to "%CP_TO%" ... & copy glife.qsp %CP_TO% )
  28. echo.
  29. echo Done.
  30. if %action% == f goto run
  31. pause
  32. goto menu
  33. :run
  34. echo.
  35. echo Running ...
  36. if defined CP_TO (start %QSPGUI% %CP_TO%\glife.qsp ) else (start %QSPGUI% glife.qsp )
  37. :exit