Developer instruction
rachels edited this page 3 years ago

Dev's Guide

If you are considering contributing to this project, please, read the contribution guide linked below.

Contribution Guide

Syntax Highlighting

If you use Sublime Text as a text editor, this post teaches how to make use of its advanced highlighting:

Notepad++: There is a syntax file included in the repository. Lantera has write a step-by-step guide for Notepad++ here
Sublime Text


If you want to help as a dev for this project, the route is something like:

  1. Create your account (it is a different on from the main TFGS site).
  2. Fork This will create a copy that is your own.
  3. Change whatever your like, and push them to your own repository.
  4. Submit a pull request. This is the git way of asking someone else to merge your code to the game.

Formatting comments when posting commits

Please use one of the following terms:

  • fixed
  • changed
  • added
  • removed
  • text edit

Added and removed are for files being added or removed, fixed is for bug/code fixes, changed is for when events are changed and text edit is for changes to the text that'll appear on screen.

These are for searching to aid those working on the files.

Can you also include filenames (unless its a large number of files) and include any description you feel will help.

If adding content that is disabled (due to being WIP) can you comment in the file that its disabled and include your name so that it doesn't get activated in error.