* Quick Cheat Sheet of markers!
* When making a description take these markers into account while describing the action! If a marker describes something
* please include it if you add it to the description. Example: if you describe the attack as a "heavy hit!", make sure
* to add the HIGH_DAMAGE marker, we don't want a "heavy hit!" to be displayed for an attack that caused 1 damage.
* Mandatory Markers - Include only one and clone description for each
* CombatHit.FULL_DODGE
* CombatHit.FULL_HIT
* Mandatory Markers - Include only one and clone description for each. These don't show up in FULL_DODGE
* CombatResult.KNOCKED
* CombatResult.KNOCKED_OFF
* CombatResult.KILLED
* Non-Mandatory Markers - Include at most one per description, none makes a description fit more attacks. These don't show up in FULL_DODGE.
* CombatDamage.LOW_DAMAGE
* CombatDamage.MEDIUM_DAMAGE
* CombatDamage.HIGH_DAMAGE
class CombatDescription extends ContentDescription {
public static DESCRIPTIONS = [];
public constructor (name : string) {
super(name, new ContentGroup());
public addUnit () {
let unit = new CombatUnit();
( this.group).addUnit(unit);
return unit;
public static getDescription (target : ContentGroup) {
return ContentDescription.pickDescriptions(CombatDescription.DESCRIPTIONS, target);