/// /** * These are the overall results of the roll. Every attack will have at least one of these. * If making a new description, you should clone it for each CombatResult variant. */ class CombatHit extends ContentMarker { public static MISS = new CombatHit("Miss", true); public static HIT = new CombatHit("Hit", true); public static CRITICAL = new CombatHit("Strong Hit", true); } /** * These are markers that explain what happened because of the attack. * They are mandatory. * When making an attack, you should clone the description for each of those, adding this information to it. */ class CombatResult extends ContentMarker { public static KNOCKED = new CombatResult("Target was knocked down by the attack", true); public static KNOCKED_OFF = new CombatResult("Target was knocked off by the attack, becoming unconscious", true); public static KILLED = new CombatResult("Target was killed by this attack", true); } class CombatPokeResult extends ContentMarker { public static AGGROED = new CombatResult("Target is now hostile", true); public static ANNOYED = new CombatResult("Target is almost hostile", true); public static NOHEAT = new CombatResult("Target didn't mind", true); }