class ForestFodder extends RoomRandomFodder { constructor () { super(); //this.cloneInterface(ForestFodder.POSSIBILITIES.getOne()); this.backgroundImage = "roomForestFodder"; } public static beautified : Array = []; // This defines the important rooms first public static definedRooms (rooms : Array) { let plainifyAround = [ [Forest.CentaurCoordinates[0] - 1, Forest.CentaurCoordinates[1] + 1, 5, Forest.CentaurCoordinates], [Forest.OrcCoordinates[0] + 1, Forest.OrcCoordinates[1] + 1, 5, Forest.OrcCoordinates] ]; plainifyAround.forEach((coordinates) => { let availRooms = rooms.filter(room => { return !ForestFodder.beautified.includes(room) && room instanceof ForestFodder && room.getDistanceToCoordinates( coordinates) <= coordinates[2]; }); availRooms.forEach((room) => { ForestFodder.beautified.push(room); room.cloneInterface(ForestFodder.PlainsPossibility); if (coordinates[3] == Forest.CentaurCoordinates) { let directionTo = room.getOverallDirectionTo(coordinates); room.description.add("You can see a settlement with wooden walls to the " + DirectionNames[directionTo] + "."); } if (coordinates[3] == Forest.OrcCoordinates) { let directionTo = room.getOverallDirectionTo(coordinates); room.description.add("You can see a fortified settlement with spiked defensive walls to the " + DirectionNames[directionTo] + "."); } room.extraConnectionChance = 100; }); }); } // This makes the paths and mustbe done AFTER the extra connections happen public static makePaths (rooms : Array) { // initial rules: // There is a beaten path from the Witch Hut to the Centaur Village // There will be a beaten path from the Orc Village to the Ominous Cave. let beatenPath : Array = []; let destinations : Array = [Forest.WitchHut, Forest.CentaurVillageSoutheastGates]; function makePath (start, end) { let pathTo = start.getAStarPathTo(end); pathTo.forEach((path) => { let room =; if (room instanceof ForestFodder && !beatenPath.includes(room)) { beatenPath.push(room); } }); if (!destinations.includes(start)) destinations.push(start); if (!destinations.includes(end)) destinations.push(end); } makePath(Forest.WitchHut, Forest.CentaurVillageSoutheastGates); makePath(Forest.WitchHut, Forest.MazeEntrance); makePath(Forest.OrcVillageNorthwestGates, Forest.OminousCave); // makePath(Forest.OrcVillageSouthGates, Forest.Pond); // makePath(Forest.CentaurVillageSoutheastGates, Forest.Pond); beatenPath.forEach(room => { room.cloneInterface(ForestFodder.BeatenPathPossibility); if (!ForestFodder.beautified.includes(room)) ForestFodder.beautified.push(room); let pathFollows = "The path continues "; let directions = []; room.connections.forEach((room : RoomRandom, direction : Direction) => { if (beatenPath.includes( room) || destinations.includes(room)) { directions.push(DirectionNames[direction].toLowerCase()); } }); for (let i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) { if ((i + 1) == directions.length) { pathFollows += " and "; } pathFollows += directions[i]; if ((i + 1) < directions.length && directions.length > 2) { pathFollows += ", "; } } pathFollows += "."; room.description.add(pathFollows); }); } // Last resort to find purpose for rooms. public static panicModeBeautify (rooms : Array) { // Give purpose to rooms without purpose let realFodder = 0; rooms.forEach(room => { if (!ForestFodder.beautified.includes(room)) { room.cloneInterface(ForestFodder.POSSIBILITIES.getOne()); realFodder +=1; } }); console.log(realFodder.toString() + " rooms were left without real purpose, out of " + rooms.length.toString() + " rooms."); } public static POSSIBILITIES : OneOf = new OneOf(OneOf.ROTATING_RANDOM); public static addPossibility (...pos : Array) { ForestFodder.POSSIBILITIES.addPossibilities(...pos); } public static BeatenPathPossibility : FodderPossibility = { name : "Beaten path", description: "You are in a beaten path through the woods. " }; public static PlainsPossibility : FodderPossibility = { name : "Plains", description : "The woods have mostly cleared up, leaving you in open fields with lush green grass. " } } ForestFodder.addPossibility({ name : "Clearing in the Woods", description : new Say("The trees have cleared around here and you can finally see something other than leaves up ahead, even though the lush green plains leave you exposed.") }); ForestFodder.addPossibility({ name : "Dense Forest", description : new Say("There are so many trees around that you can barely see where you are going, the floor is littered with sticks and leaves.") }); ForestFodder.addPossibility({ name : "Flowery Plains", description : new Say("This colorful area has dozens of types of flowers all around.") }); ForestFodder.addPossibility({ name : "Pond", description : new Say("The forest opens up to a crystalline pond.") });