module Forest{
export let MazeEntrance = new RoomRandom("Ancient Crypt", false, true);
export let MazeCoordinates = Forest.rnc.generate(-3,0, 3, 6);
MazeEntrance.description = new Say(
"These fields are clear of trees, but you can see what appears to be a small rock crypt with two stone pillars to the sides of its entrance. ",
"The crypt appears ancient: there is moss growing on it and most of the rocks that make it are chipped or broken. ",
"Yet, it stands. There is a writing on the slab on top of it, but between the moss and the weird symbols used to write it, you can't imagine what it means."
MazeEntrance.backgroundImage = "roomCrypt";
export let MazeMinotaurGuard = new MinotaurGuard();
Forest.MazeEntrance.trickyCode = (options : TrickyOptions) => {
let blocked = !options.map.isFree(Forest.MazeCoordinates[0], Forest.MazeCoordinates[1]);
while (blocked) {
Forest.MazeCoordinates[0] -= 1;
blocked = !options.map.isFree(Forest.MazeCoordinates[0], Forest.MazeCoordinates[1]);
return options.x == Forest.MazeCoordinates[0] && options.y == Forest.MazeCoordinates[1];