@@ -141,6 +141,71 @@ task :clean do
+task :autofix do
+ #check links
+ files.each do |file|
+ twee_source = File.read(file.source_file)
+ twee_source = twee_source.lines.each_with_index.map do |line, lineno|
+ line.chomp!
+ line
+ line
+ .scan(%r{\[\[(.+?)\](\[(.+?)\])?\]})
+ .map { |x| x[0] }
+ .each do |link|
+ case link.scan('->').length
+ when 0
+ #link contains no ->, probably not a problem
+ text = dest = link
+ passages[title][:outbound_links] << \
+ { passage: dest, source_line: "#{file.source_file}:#{lineno}" }
+ when 1
+ # no problem
+ text, dest = link.split('->')
+ passages[title][:outbound_links] << \
+ { passage: dest, source_line: "#{file.source_file}:#{lineno}" }
+ else
+ puts "#{file.source_file}:#{lineno} link contains multiple -> definitely a problem".colorize(:red)
+ next
+ end
+ if text.start_with?('\'')
+ if !text.end_with?('\'')
+ puts "#{file.source_file}:#{lineno} link text (#{text.inspect}) does not end with single quote despite starting with one".colorize(:red)
+ next
+ end
+ text = text[1..-2]
+ text
+ .to_enum(:scan, '\'')
+ .map {Regexp.last_match.offset(0)[0]}
+ .each do |offset|
+ if text[offset - 1] != '\\'
+ puts "#{file.source_file}:#{lineno} link text (#{text.inspect}) contains unquoted single quote in body".colorize(:red)
+ end
+ end
+ elsif text.start_with?('"')
+ if !text.end_with?('"')
+ puts "#{file.source_file}:#{lineno} link text (#{text.inspect}) does not end with double quote despite starting with one".colorize(:red)
+ next
+ end
+ text = text[1..-2]
+ text
+ .to_enum(:scan, '"')
+ .map {Regexp.last_match.offset(0)[0]}
+ .each do |offset|
+ if text[offset - 1] != '\\'
+ puts "#{file.source_file}:#{lineno} link text (#{text.inspect}) contains unquoted double quote in body".colorize(:red)
+ end
+ end
+ elsif text =~ /\A[\[\]'"\\]*\z/
+ puts "#{file.source_file}:#{lineno} link text (#{text.inspect}) contains special characters but is not quoted with single or double quotes".colorize(:red)
+ end
+ end
+ end.join("\n") + "\n"
+ File.write(file.source_file, twee_source)
+ end
task :lint do
task :lint do
titles = Set.new
titles = Set.new
passages = {}
passages = {}