Volleyball ========== A ~game~ interactive sex fantasy. Built with Twine 2, twee2, and SugarCube 2. [Play Online](https://anongirlygirl.neocities.org/Volleyball%20Chapter%201%20v0.4.html) [Forum Thread](https://www.tfgamessite.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9357) [IGDB Entry](https://www.tfgamessite.com/index.php?module=viewgame&id=1291): [Source Code](https://git.catrenelle.com/ruduki2/volleyball) # Dependencies relatively modern version of ruby programming language with `rake`, some scripts only work on windows, but most are cross-platform. `bundler` will install all other dependencies. # Building `rake release` will generate release.html `rake export` will export the twee2 source code into Twine 2 (this will only work on Windows currently, but that's just how the scripts are written, nothing inherent) `rake import` will import code from Twine 2 back into twee2 source files. (same about it only working on windows) `rake lint` will run some source code checks to make sure there are no obvious source code problems.