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[text edit] clean up VolleyTrenCentr

Spackled Lanturn 3 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 29 tillägg och 29 borttagningar
  1. 29 29

+ 29 - 29

@@ -11,58 +11,58 @@ gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak18.jpg"></center>'
 if ShowerIvan = 4 and centr = 1:
 	centr = 2
-	'You entered the gym and saw your coach talking to a strange man.'
+	'You enter the gym and see your coach talking to a strange man.'
 	act 'Say hello to Coach':
 		cla & *clr
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak11.jpg"></center>'
-		'After greeting Mikhail, an awkward silence followed, because you didn''t know what to say.'
-		'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, what are you doing here?" Mikhail asked you in astonishment.'
-		'"Well, I wanted to improve my physical fitness and since the sports club doesn''t open until 14:00, I figured it was worth the trip into the city to come here," you explained hastily.'
-		'The coach looked at you with an approving nod, "That is good, <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
-		'The stranger smiled at you and said, "I am Guang. Your coach and I are old friends from when we used to compete against each other. He represented the people of the Soviet Republics and I, naturally, represented the people of the republic of China. After my team beat his so many times, his government finally convinced me to change sides as it were. Now I train the atheletes of the Russian Federation and Mikhail and I meet here from time to time."'
-		'"I am sorry, <<$pcs_nickname>> and Guang, but my wife is expecting me and I must be going," the coach said, looking at his watch then departed leaving you in the company of the Chinese trainer.'
+		'After greeting Mikhail, an awkward silence follows because you don''t know what to say.'
+		'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, what are you doing here?" Mikhail asks you in astonishment.'
+		'"Well, I wanted to improve my physical fitness, and since the sports club doesn''t open until 14:00, I figured it was worth the trip into the city to come here," you explain hastily.'
+		'The coach looks at you with an approving nod, "That is good, <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
+		'The stranger smiles at you and says, "I am Guang. Your coach and I are old friends from when we used to compete against each other. He represented the people of the Soviet Republics, and I, naturally, represented the people of the Republic of China. After my team beat his so many times, his government finally convinced me to change sides as it were. Now I train the athletes of the Russian Federation, and Mikhail and I meet here from time to time."'
+		'"I am sorry, <<$pcs_nickname>> and Guang, but my wife is expecting me and I must be going," the coach says, looking at his watch. He then departs, leaving you in the company of the Chinese trainer.'
 		act 'Ask about the coach':
 			cla & *clr
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak12.jpg"></center>'
-			'As soon as Mikhail left, you bombarded the other trainer with questions about the coach, wanting to know about his life, his girlfriend, about competitions and, of course, about the European championship. Dumbfounded, Guang stared at you, unable to get a word in edgewise for the next few minutes as you jumped from subject to subject without pause.' 
-			'Guang finally managed to force himself into the conversation as you paused momentarily to draw in a breath.'
-			'"If you don''t know these things, it means that Misha didn''t tell you, so why should I tell you and betray my friend''s trust?" he asked you.'
-			'You were at a loss, not knowing how to proceed. Fearing that he was going to continue to scold you, you prepared to leave.'
-			'"Now, if you had some huangjiu, I would happily answer some of your questions," he said dreamily.'
-			'You stared at the Chinese trainer in puzzlement, not understanding what he is asking for.'
-			'"Huangjiu is rice wine from my country," he explained sighing wistfully, "Sadly, it is hard to find outside of great cities like St. Petersburg or Moscow."'
+			'As soon as Mikhail left, you bombard the other trainer with questions about the coach, wanting to know about his life, his girlfriend, competitions and, of course, the European championship. Dumbfounded, Guang stares at you, unable to get a word in edgewise for the next few minutes as you jump from subject to subject without pause.' 
+			'Guang finally manages to force himself into the conversation as you pause momentarily to draw in a breath.'
+			'"If you don''t know these things, it means that Misha didn''t tell you, so why should I tell you and betray my friend''s trust?" he asks you.'
+			'You are at a loss, not knowing how to proceed. Fearing that he is going to continue to scold you, you prepare to leave.'
+			'"Now, if you had some huangjiu, I would happily answer some of your questions," he says dreamily.'
+			'You stare at the Chinese trainer in puzzlement, not understanding what he is asking for.'
+			'"Huangjiu is rice wine from my country," he explains sighing wistfully, "Sadly, it is hard to find outside of great cities like St. Petersburg or Moscow."'
 			'"Okay, so if I bring you a bottle of wungzoo wine you will answer my questions?" you ask eagerly.'
-			'"Huangjiu," he corrected you, "it is called huangjiu. If you find me a bottle, I will answer any question you like."'
-			'"It is a deal," you exclaimed and started to head for the door then turned back to Guang, "Where can I find your rice wine, your Huangjiu?"'
-			'The older man just smiled at you and shrugged.'
+			'"Huangjiu," he corrects you, "it is called huangjiu. If you find me a bottle, I will answer any question you like."'
+			'"It is a deal," you exclaim and start to head for the door then turn back to Guang, "Where can I find your rice wine, your huangjiu?"'
+			'The older man just smiles at you and shrugs.'
 			'You think about it and remember there were a couple of Chinese merchants at the market back home. Maybe one of them will have the rice wine.'
 			ShowerIvan = 5
 			act 'Move away':gt 'fit', 'start'
 elseif ShowerIvan = 5 and centr = 2:
-	'You saw Guang and hurried over to him.'
+	'You see Guang and hurry over to him.'
 	act 'Greet Guang':
 		cla & *clr
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak13.jpg"></center>'
-		'You went up to Guang and said hello.' 
-		'"Have you brought it?" he asked.'
+		'You go up to Guang and say hello.' 
+		'"Have you brought it?" he asks.'
 		if ricewine = 1:
 			act 'Give him the wine':
 				ricewine = 2 & ! to close out the rice wine quest
 				ShowerIvan = 6 &! close Chinese
-				'You show him the bottle of wine and stared questioningly at the other coach.'
-				'Guang sighed, "Okay, I will answer one of your questions, but don''t bug me anymore, and slow down, you talk like a rabid monkey."'
-				'You felt offended for being compared to a rabid monkey, but you restrained yourself.'
+				'You show him the bottle of wine and stare questioningly at the other coach.'
+				'Guang sighs, "Okay, I will answer one of your questions, but don''t bug me anymore, and slow down, you talk like a rabid monkey."'
+				'You feel offended being compared to a rabid monkey, but you restrain yourself.'
 				act 'Ask question':
 					cla & *clr
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak15.jpg"></center>'
-					'About the European championship, tell me why the coach doesn''t want to talk about it," you asked after taking a deep breath.' 
-					'Guang bit his lip thoughtfully, then began the story.' 
+					'About the European championship, tell me why the coach doesn''t want to talk about it," you ask after taking a deep breath.' 
+					'Guang bites his lip thoughtfully, then begins the story.' 
 					'"The stories are true, your coach really was on the national team. And they did make it to the European championships."'
-					'With bated breath you listened to the story.'
+					'With bated breath, you listen to the story.'
 					act 'Play on':
 						cla & *clr
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak14.jpg"></center>'
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ elseif ShowerIvan = 5 and centr = 2:
 							act 'Surprised':
 								cla & *clr
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak17.jpg"></center>'
-								'"He almost ended up in jail, but the officials decided to avoid a scandal and just kicked Mikhail off of the team," guang concluded his story.'
-								'"Now I understand why coach shies away from me whenever we start to get close," you thought to yourself.'
+								'"He almost ended up in jail, but the officials decided to avoid a scandal and just kicked Mikhail off of the team," Guang concluded his story.'
+								'"Now I understand why coach shies away from me whenever we start to get close," you think to yourself.'
 								act 'Move away':gt 'fit', 'start'
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ elseif ShowerIvan = 5 and centr = 2:
-			'"Why are you here then?" he asked as he walked away from you.'
+			'"Why are you here then?" he asks as he walks away from you.'
 			act 'Move away':gt 'fit', 'start'