NikoDreams.qsrc 38 KB

  1. # NikoDreams
  2. !!Music by Derek and Brandon Fiechter
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'Family':
  4. *clr & cla
  5. pcs_hairbsh = 0
  6. pcs_makeup = 1
  7. cumspclnt = 1
  8. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  9. gs'stat'
  10. '<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Anya <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
  11. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/progulka.jpg"></center>'
  12. 'You feel hands, patting your leg. You open your eyes to see Anya kneeling next to you. "<<$pcs_firstname>> are you alright? It looks like you were having a bad dream." You quickly look around and realize that you are in your bedroom. Anya stands up then says, "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, everyone is waiting for us." You tilt your head as you reply, "Who''s waiting for us?" Anya responds, "You know, Mom, Dad, Kolka. Have you hit your head your something? Come on, you know that we can''t eat breakfast without you." Anya takes your hand then leads you to the kitchen.'
  13. act 'Enter kitchen':
  14. *clr & cla
  15. gs'stat'
  16. '<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Vladimir <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
  17. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vladimir/father.jpg"></center>'
  18. 'You enter the kitchen to see Your stepfather and Kolka laughing at a joke that you can''t quite hear. They both stop laughing as you enter. Anya offers you a chair which you sit on as Anya sits down next to you. You look around in relief, '+$OpenInnerThought+'That whole thing was just a dream. Oh it feels so good to be back home.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You hear something bumping against the kitchen door.'
  19. act 'Turn to see what it is':
  20. *clr & cla
  21. gs'stat'
  22. '<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
  23. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
  24. 'Your mother backs out of the kitchen with a tray of food then places a dish on food in front of each of you then says, "Nice of you to finally join us <<$pcs_firstname>>. I was beginning to think that you were never going to wake up." You giggle as you begin eating.'
  25. act 'Eat breakfast':
  26. *clr & cla
  27. gs'stat'
  28. '<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
  29. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
  30. 'Your mother suddenly exclaims, "HEY! No eating until your brother gets here!" You look and see your stepfather whispering in Kolka''s ear, but stopping as soon as you face them. You point to Kolka as you say, "Mom, Kolka is right there." Your mother crosses her arms as she replies, "I''m not talking about Kolka." She then walks back to the kitchen as Your brother and stepfather continue cackling while whispering into each others ears. You look around in confusion until you hear light moaning nearby. You then peek over the kitchen doorway to see your mother bent over the stove with a dark burly figure pressing against her bottom. You suddenly feel someone''s hand on one of your breasts.'
  31. act 'Turn around':
  32. *clr & cla
  33. gs'stat'
  34. '<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Kolka <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
  35. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/kolka/brother.jpg"></center>'
  36. 'You turn to see Kolka squeezing your right breast as he gives your stepfather a thumbs up. You push Kolka away then hear your stepfather shout, "Hey don''t push your little brother like that!" You respond, "But he touched me!" You mother enters the room with her pants at her angles. "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, it''s not like all the other boys haven''t already fucked you before. Why not let your brother have a chance?" Kolka quickly adds, "Yeah <<$pcs_firstname>>, don''t be selfish!" You see everyone in the room scolding you then hear a voice shout. "Don''t worry everyone, I will put this bitch in her place!"'
  37. act 'Turn to see who it is':
  38. *clr & cla
  39. gs'stat'
  40. '<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Yurik Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  41. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/avatars/threaten1.jpg"></center>'
  42. 'You turn to see Yurik Volkov without any clothes on, walking into the room before grabbing you by your throat then pushing you against the wall.'
  43. act 'Continue':
  44. *clr & cla
  45. gs'stat'
  46. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/ra8.mp4"></video></center>'
  47. 'You can faintly feel something entering your vagina and can feel your tears leaking down your cheeks. You can faintly hear some soft voices in the distance. "Hey watch her head!... Don''t drop her!... Come on get that door open!" A few seconds later, you hear someone whispering in your ear. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. This is your place now. You didn''t think that you can keep that precious body to yourself, did you?"'
  48. act 'Turn around':
  49. *clr & cla
  50. gs'stat'
  51. '<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  52. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile1.jpg"></center>'
  53. 'You slowly turn to see Niko standing right next to you with a wide grin on his face as he says, "You never need to worry my princess. I will keep your pussy well fed with all the cocks in town." before he leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek.'
  54. act 'Continue':
  55. *clr & cla
  56. gs'stat'
  57. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/cum/cum10.mp4"></video></center>'
  58. 'You suddenly hear Yurik groan as he begins pumping his cum inside of your pussy before walking away while saying to Niko, "What a worthless whore. Couldn''t even rock her hips a bit. If I wanted to fuck a blow up doll, I would have kept fucking her mother." He then leaves as you start hearing the soft voices again, but they sound closer. "Is she going to be alright...? She will be fine. She just needs some more rest... she''s moving. Do you think she is...?"'
  59. act '...':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath'
  60. end
  61. end
  62. end
  63. end
  64. end
  65. end
  66. end
  67. end
  68. end
  69. if $ARGS[0] = 'Woods':
  70. *clr & cla
  71. if music_on = 1:
  72. $track_loop = 'sound/happyhome/HappyHome.mp3'
  73. volume = 100
  74. music_loop = 1
  75. pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 0 & gt ''NikoDreams'', ''Woods''">Turn off the music</a>'
  76. else
  77. music_loop = 0
  78. close all
  79. pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 1 & gt ''NikoDreams'', ''Woods''">Play music</a>'
  80. end
  81. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
  82. VKWoods = 1
  83. VKSmiley = 3
  84. gs'stat'
  85. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/1.jpg"></center>'
  86. 'You can feel grass on your face which you quickly brush away before looking around and noticing that you are in the middle of the woods with a mist that surrounds you. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What''s going on? Why am I here? How did I get here? Where am I?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You stand up then look around to try to get your bearings when you begin hearing music along with the sounds of laughing in the far distance. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where is this music coming from? Was that a person laughing? Maybe they can help me.'+$CloseInnerThought+' you begin heading in that direction when you suddenly feel a cold chill down your spine. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Something about that laughter is...unnerving.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
  87. *nl
  88. 'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
  89. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 2'
  90. end
  91. if $ARGS[0] = 'Woods 2':
  92. *clr & cla
  93. VKWoods = 2
  94. VKSmiley -= 1
  95. gs'stat'
  96. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/2.jpg"></center>'
  97. ''+$OpenInnerThought+'These woods are so dark. How did I get here?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
  98. if VKSmiley = 1:
  99. 'You can hear laughing close by.'
  100. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
  101. elseif VKSmiley = 2:
  102. 'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
  103. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
  104. elseif VKSmiley = 3:
  105. 'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
  106. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
  107. end
  108. if VKSmiley = 1:
  109. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
  110. else
  111. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 3'
  112. end
  113. act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
  114. end
  115. if $ARGS[0] = 'Woods 3':
  116. *clr & cla
  117. VKWoods = 3
  118. VKSmiley -= 1
  119. gs'stat'
  120. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/3.jpg"></center>'
  121. ''+$OpenInnerThought+'Still so dark. Am I even going the right way?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
  122. if VKSmiley = 1:
  123. 'You can hear laughing close by.'
  124. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
  125. elseif VKSmiley = 2:
  126. 'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
  127. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
  128. elseif VKSmiley = 3:
  129. 'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
  130. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
  131. end
  132. if VKSmiley = 1:
  133. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
  134. else
  135. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 4'
  136. end
  137. act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
  138. end
  139. if $ARGS[0] = 'Woods 4':
  140. *clr & cla
  141. VKWoods = 4
  142. VKSmiley -= 1
  143. gs'stat'
  144. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/4.jpg"></center>'
  145. ''+$OpenInnerThought+'More woods? At least I can see some light.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
  146. if VKSmiley = 1:
  147. 'You can hear laughing close by.'
  148. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
  149. elseif VKSmiley = 2:
  150. 'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
  151. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
  152. elseif VKSmiley = 3:
  153. 'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
  154. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
  155. end
  156. if VKSmiley = 1:
  157. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
  158. else
  159. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 5'
  160. end
  161. act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
  162. end
  163. if $ARGS[0] = 'Woods 5':
  164. *clr & cla
  165. VKWoods = 5
  166. VKSmiley -= 1
  167. gs'stat'
  168. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/5.jpg"></center>'
  169. ''+$OpenInnerThought+'Must keep moving. There must be a way out of here.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
  170. if VKSmiley = 1:
  171. 'You can hear laughing close by.'
  172. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
  173. elseif VKSmiley = 2:
  174. 'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
  175. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
  176. elseif VKSmiley = 3:
  177. 'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
  178. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
  179. end
  180. if VKSmiley = 1:
  181. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
  182. else
  183. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 6'
  184. end
  185. act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
  186. end
  187. if $ARGS[0] = 'Woods 6':
  188. *clr & cla
  189. VKWoods = 6
  190. VKSmiley -= 1
  191. gs'stat'
  192. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/6.jpg"></center>'
  193. ''+$OpenInnerThought+'Will this ever end? That freak is still lurking around.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
  194. if VKSmiley = 1:
  195. 'You can hear laughing close by.'
  196. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
  197. elseif VKSmiley = 2:
  198. 'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
  199. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
  200. elseif VKSmiley = 3:
  201. 'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
  202. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
  203. end
  204. if VKSmiley = 1:
  205. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
  206. else
  207. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 7'
  208. end
  209. act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
  210. end
  211. if $ARGS[0] = 'Woods 7':
  212. *clr & cla
  213. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/WeePee.mp3', 40
  214. VKWoods = 7
  215. VKSmiley -= 1
  216. gs'stat'
  217. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/7.jpg"></center>'
  218. ''+$OpenInnerThought+'Will I be trapped here forever? Oh wait, what is that?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You can see a pair of train tracks ahead of you and you can hear the music getting louder as you approach the tracks.'
  219. if VKSmiley = 1:
  220. 'You can hear laughing close by.'
  221. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
  222. elseif VKSmiley = 2:
  223. 'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
  224. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
  225. elseif VKSmiley = 3:
  226. 'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
  227. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
  228. end
  229. 'You can hear a woman crying in the distance.'
  230. if VKSmiley = 1:
  231. act 'Head toward the train tracks':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
  232. else
  233. act 'Head toward the train tracks':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 8'
  234. end
  235. act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
  236. end
  237. if $ARGS[0] = 'Woods 8':
  238. *clr & cla
  239. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/WeePee.mp3', 60
  240. VKWoods = 8
  241. VKSmiley -= 1
  242. gs'stat'
  243. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/8.jpg"></center>'
  244. 'You begin walking on the train tracks toward a light at what appears to be, the end of the forest. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Is this it? Am I out of this forest?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
  245. if VKSmiley = 1:
  246. 'You can hear laughing close by.'
  247. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
  248. elseif VKSmiley = 2:
  249. 'You can hear laughing in the distance.'
  250. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 50
  251. elseif VKSmiley = 3:
  252. 'You can hear someone laughing, far away.'
  253. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
  254. end
  255. 'You can hear a woman crying nearby.'
  256. if VKSmiley = 1:
  257. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
  258. else
  259. act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Home'
  260. end
  261. act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
  262. end
  263. if $ARGS[0] = 'Woods Home':
  264. *clr & cla
  265. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/WeePee.mp3', 80
  266. if VKHappyHome = 0:VKHappyHome = 1
  267. gs'stat'
  268. '<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Happy Home">></font></h4></b></center>'
  269. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/mansion/happyhome.jpg"></center>'
  270. if VKTeeHee = 0:
  271. 'You finally approach the end of the forest when you see a derelict house. As you walk toward the house, you can can see; what appears to be a woman standing in the middle of the path, leading to the house while crying. '+$OpenInnerThought+'She must be stranded here like me. Maybe I can help her.'+$CloseInnerThought+' you suddenly feel a cold chill down your spine before seeing a strange looking <a href="exec:gt ''NikoDreams'', ''TeeHee''">cat</a> on a tree stump, licking its paw.'
  272. else
  273. 'There is an old derelict house in the distance, but the path to the house is blocked by a crying woman. <a href="exec:gt ''NikoDreams'', ''TeeHee''">TeeHee</a> continuously rubs against your leg while purring softly.'
  274. end
  275. *nl
  276. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/weepeeidle.jpg"></center>'
  277. act 'Approach the crying woman':gt 'NikoDreams', 'WeePee 1'
  278. end
  279. if $ARGS[0] = 'TeeHee':
  280. *clr & cla
  281. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/TeeHee.mp3', 100
  282. gs'stat'
  283. if VKTeeHee = 0:
  284. '<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"Strange Cat">></font></h4></b></center>'
  285. else
  286. '<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"TeeHee">></font></h4></b></center>'
  287. end
  288. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/teehee.jpg"></center>'
  289. if VKTeeHee = 0:
  290. 'You approach the cat and it turns to you with a creepy grin as it says, "TeeHee who is thee?" You recoil in shock before replying, "You can talk?" The cat replies, "Only if you want me too, TeeHee." You respond, "Um what do you want exactly?" The cat replies, "What do I want? You approached me TeeHee." You respond, "You''re right. My name is <<$pcs_firstname>>. What is yours?" The cat replies, "My name is TeeHee and I am so happy to meet thee."'
  291. *nl
  292. 'You pet TeeHee''s head, causing her to begin purring before saying, "This is the end of the path for now. Come with me to return to your own path TeeHee." You reply, "But that woman might need my help." TeeHee frowns as she responds, "She doesn''t need you for reasons you may think. You really should come with me, not WeePee."'
  293. else
  294. 'We meet again <<$pcs_firstname>>. Have you come to re-join your own path, or do you wish to stay and face WeePee''s wrath?'
  295. end
  296. act 'Accept TeeHee''s offer': VKTeeHee = 1 & VKWoods = -1 & VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
  297. act 'Walk away':VKTeeHee = 1 & gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Home'
  298. end
  299. if $ARGS[0] = 'Smiley 1':
  300. *clr & cla
  301. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/RIP1.mp3', 90
  302. gs'stat'
  303. '<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Smiley">></font></h4></b></center>'
  304. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/smiley2.jpg"></center>'
  305. 'As you are walking through the forest you hear loud laughing behind you then suddenly feel something rubbing across your throat, causing a stream of blood to begin pouring out of your neck. You let out a scream as your energy fades and the ground rushes toward you...'
  306. act 'Rest in peace': VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
  307. end
  308. if $ARGS[0] = 'WeePee 1':
  309. *clr & cla
  310. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/WeePee.mp3', 0
  311. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/WeePee2.mp3', 100
  312. gs'stat'
  313. '<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"WeePee">></font></h4></b></center>'
  314. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/weepee.jpg"></center>'
  315. 'As you approach the crying woman, she instantly turns around then lunges toward you, shoving her hand into your chest and pulling out your heart as she stares into your eyes, watching your life slowly drain away...'
  316. act 'Rest in peace': VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
  317. end
  318. if $ARGS[0] = 'Woods Hide':
  319. *clr & cla
  320. gs'stat'
  321. if VKSmiley = 1:
  322. '<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Smiley">></font></h4></b></center>'
  323. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/smiley.jpg"></center>'
  324. 'You quickly duck behind a tree just as a horrific looking man, wielding a bloody battle axe and wearing clown makeup, comes out of the mist. He begins laughing loudly as he walks past the tree that you are hiding behind. He doesn''t seem to notice you as he then walks back into the mist.'
  325. VKSmiley = rand(3,4)
  326. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
  327. else
  328. '<center><b><h4><font color=#ff00cc><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
  329. *pl '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
  330. 'You quickly duck behind a tree then stare into the forest. You wait for a few seconds before realizing that there is nothing there. You get out from behind the tree then brush the dirt from your leg.'
  331. *nl
  332. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/<<VKWoods>>.jpg"></center>'
  333. end
  334. act 'Continue':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods <<VKWoods>>'
  335. end
  336. if $ARGS[0] = 'Friends':
  337. *clr & cla
  338. gs'stat'
  339. '<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00>Viktoria "Vicky" Meynold</font></h4></b></center>'
  340. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/vicky.jpg"></center>'
  341. 'You slowly open your eyes and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but... where am I?" Vicky replies, "After what happened at school, we were bored, so we decided to have you dance for us." You tilt your head. "Dance.. for us?" Vicky giggles as she points to her right. You turn to see Katja Meynold and Natalia Pavlova sitting on the seats right next to the bed. Katja says, "Come on <<$pcs_firstname>>. What are you waiting for?" Natalia adds, "Don''t worry, I threw away all your clothes. Whores don''t need clothes." You look down and notice that you are naked. Katja suddenly slams the bed frame. "Enough messing around! DANCE WHORE!"'
  342. '<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
  343. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
  344. act 'Dance':
  345. *clr & cla
  346. gs'stat'
  347. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/sex/cam/Cam2.mp4"></video></center>'
  348. 'You quickly stand up then begin dancing. '+$OpenInnerThought+'I need to keep dancing because ...Umm...Why am I dancing?'+$CloseInnerThought+' Vicky reaches forward then shoves her fingers inside of your vagina while Katja sticks her finger in your ass. Natalia walks up to you then begins squeezing your breasts. Vicky then says, "And they thought that Sonia was a whore." Katja giggles as she responds, "That''s just silly. <<$pcs_firstname>> is the only whore here." Natalia replies, "I agree, I don''t even know why she thought that she could hide it." '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why are they being so mean to me? and why can''t I stop dancing?'+$CloseInnerThought+' Vicky gives your ass a firm smack as she says, "Alright, we kept the boys waiting long enough!"'
  349. act 'Boys?':
  350. *clr & cla
  351. gs'stat'
  352. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/exposed1.jpg"></center>'
  353. 'Vicky pulls you toward the door which opens on it''s own and you end up in the school hallway with all the boys hollering. "Hey everyone! The whore is here!" The boys all charge you and begin rubbing on your body while making lude comments,'
  354. 'Artem: "Here is the whore again! <<$pcs_firstname>> doesn''t even care about trying to hide it."'
  355. 'Petka: "I know right? She is such a worthless whore. I almost don''t even want her anymore."'
  356. 'Radomir: "I know right? Her pussy is probably all stretched out by now. It''s like ground zero."'
  357. act 'Boys?':
  358. *clr & cla
  359. gs'stat'
  360. '<center><b><h4><font color=#ffa200><<"Lesco Tsarev">></font></h4></b></center>'
  361. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/7.jpg"></center>'
  362. 'Lesko then walks up to you and says, "It may be used up but I might as well try it." Lesko then grabs you by your hair then pulls out his dick then shoves it in your mouth.'
  363. act 'Suck Lesco''s dick':
  364. *clr & cla
  365. gs'stat'
  366. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/blowjob3.mp4"></video></center>'
  367. 'You begin sucking Lesko''s dick as the boys around you, begin hollering.'
  368. 'Lena: "Wow! <<$pcs_firstname>> is even sucking Lesko''s dick. What a fucking cumdumpster!"'
  369. 'Lera: "She seems to be enjoying it too. Gross!"'
  370. 'Mr Anatoly: Don''t look at me. I never taught her that.'
  371. act 'Continue':
  372. *clr & cla
  373. gs'stat'
  374. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/hall1.mp4"></video></center>'
  375. 'Lesko then pulls you up on top of him and you begin riding his dick while tears stream down your face. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why is this happening? Why are they all laughing at me? Please someone make this stop!'+$CloseInnerThought+''
  376. act 'Continue riding Lesko':
  377. *clr & cla
  378. gs'stat'
  379. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/Home/bedroom/cum/cum3.mp4"></video></center>'
  380. 'Lesko groans then begin pumping his cum inside of you. You look down to see an almost endless stream of cum filling you up, causing your belly to inflate.'
  381. act 'Continue':
  382. *clr & cla
  383. gs'stat'
  384. '<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Anya <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
  385. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/progulka.jpg"></center>'
  386. 'Suddenly Anya grabs you by your hair then leads you to the door as she says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> Mom needs to speak with you."'
  387. act 'Walk through the door':
  388. *clr & cla
  389. gs'stat'
  390. '<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
  391. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
  392. 'You enter the room, recognizing it as your apartment. Your mother is standing in front of you with a sneer on her face. "<<$pcs_firstname>> You let those boys get you prenant? I can''t believe you!" Anya adds, "Not only that but she has also been eating my pussy." Your mother''s eyes widen, "SHE WHAT?" Kolka speaks up too. "She also had sex with me and is the mother of my child." Your mother is seething with rage as she grabs onto a knife then drives it into your stomach, causing a large stream of cum to leak out.'
  393. act 'Fall':
  394. *clr & cla
  395. gs'stat'
  396. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/friends/darkness.jpg"></center>'
  397. 'You fall to the ground then stare at your stomach, watching on as an almost endless stream of cum, pours out of you. You suddenly hear someone whisper in your ear, "Hey, are you alright?" You look around to see who said that, but see nothing at all. You are surrounded by darkness. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where did everyone go? Where am I? It''s so dark.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You hear the voice whisper again, "<<$pcs_firstname>> wake up..."'
  398. act '...':minut += 120 & gt 'NikoEv2', 'Niko Wake'
  399. end
  400. end
  401. end
  402. end
  403. end
  404. end
  405. end
  406. end
  407. end
  408. end
  409. if $ARGS[0] = 'Classroom Dream':
  410. *clr & cla
  411. gs'stat'
  412. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/rest.jpg"></center>'
  413. 'You can feel yourself getting getting tired, so you lay your head down on your desk to rest as you wait for the school period to end. After a few seconds, you hear, "Who''s that, sleeping in my class?" You immediately sit up, pretending that you weren''t laying down as you continue listening to the teacher teach the lesson, "Always remember to double check the problem, so that you can be confident with your solution." Now let''s move on to the next lesson... How to treat a whore. For this lesson I will need a volunteer. Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, come up in front of the class."'
  414. act 'Who me?':
  415. *clr & cla
  416. gs'stat'
  417. '<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
  418. *pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
  419. 'You recoil in shock. "Wha... me?" The teacher places both hands on the desk then says, "Of course I mean you. Do you know of any other whores that haven''t already volunteered?" You can just barely make out Sonia under the table sucking on the teacher''s dick.'
  420. act 'Walk to the front of the class':
  421. *clr & cla
  422. gs'stat'
  423. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/stand.jpg"></center>'
  424. 'As you reach the front of the class you feel your clothes falling off, you quickly try to grab them, but they dissolve in your hands. You try covering your body, but then the teacher shouts, "STOP COVERING YOURSELF YOUNG LADY! Whores should always keep their fuckholes on display." You can feel your body trembling as you finally approach the front of the class. The teacher says, "Now this is what you do to a whore. Notice her pussy here? This is the best place to fuck, but don''t get carried away, or she could end up pregnant with a whore baby." He then motions you to come toward him.'
  425. act 'Move closer':
  426. *clr & cla
  427. gs'stat'
  428. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/blowjob1.mp4"></video></center>'
  429. 'As soon as you get close the teacher grabs you then pushes you onto your knees. He pushes his penis against your lips and says, "Open up, for your reward." You open your mouth, allowing his penis to enter. You begin sucking his dick eagerly, for what feels like a few minutes before he grabs your waist then lifts you up, dropping you on top of his desk.'
  430. act 'See what he does':
  431. *clr & cla
  432. gs'stat'
  433. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/sex.jpg"></center>'
  434. 'He then pushes you over then rams his dick inside of you and begins thrusting. All you can think about if the humiliation of being fucked by your teacher, in front of your class. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why is this happening. Why me? Will I never have a normal life again? Will I always be...'+$CloseInnerThought+' You suddenly hear a soft voice whispering in your ear, "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, are you okay? Come on, get up..."'
  435. act 'Continue':
  436. *clr & cla
  437. gs'stat'
  438. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/leave.jpg"></center>'
  439. 'You open your eyes then see all of the students getting out of their chairs and leaving the class while chatting with each other. You feel a hand on your shoulder shaking you, so you quickly turn to see Natalia with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright <<$pcs_firstname>>?" You take a second to collect your thoughts before responding, "I don''t know why I keep having these terrible nightmares." Natalia rubs your back as she responds, "Things must be so hard for you. I''m so sorry." Not wanting to worry Natalia, you give her a fake smile then say, "They''re just dreams, I''ll be fine."'
  440. act 'Smile at Natalia':
  441. *clr & cla
  442. NikoEv = 13
  443. gs'stat'
  444. '<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
  445. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/Natalia/love/smile1.jpg"></center>'
  446. 'Natalia rubs on your forehead when you suddenly hear heavy breathing then turn to see Petia who says, "Are you two gonna kiss?" Natalia recoils in shock then shouts, "Go away, you perv!" Petia quickly walks away. Natalia looks back to you then says, "We can talk later." You smile as you respond, "That sounds great." You both walk out of the class.'
  447. act 'Leave Classroom':minut += 5 & gt 'NikoEv2', 'Lunch Chat'
  448. end
  449. end
  450. end
  451. end
  452. end
  453. end
  454. end
  455. if $ARGS[0] = 'Puppeteer':
  456. *clr & cla
  457. VKPuppetDream = 1
  458. gs'stat'
  459. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/rest.jpg"></center>'
  460. 'You can feel the day drag on so slowly, so you rest your head on the desk trying your best to focus on anything but todays lesson, the light occasionally creeps in between your arms so you keep re-adjusting until you can no longer feel any light creeping in, causing you to feel at peace as you slumber through the lesson.'
  461. act 'Wake up':
  462. *clr & cla
  463. gs'stat'
  464. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/1.jpg"></center>'
  465. 'You awake then slowly lift your head, looking around the room but immediately recoil in shock, when you notice how dark the classroom is. You quickly think to yourself, '+$OpenInnerThought+'Whoa, how long did I sleep? Ohh shit, I must have slept through the whole day. I should probably get home before the school doors are locked up for the day.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You quickly shove your books into your bag then walk for the door.'
  466. act 'Go to the hallway':
  467. *clr & cla
  468. if music_on = 1:
  469. $track_loop = 'sound/happyhome/happyhome.mp3'
  470. volume = 40
  471. music_loop = 1
  472. pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 0 & gt ''NikoDreams'', ''Woods''">Turn off the music</a>'
  473. else
  474. music_loop = 0
  475. close all
  476. pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 1 & gt ''NikoDreams'', ''Woods''">Play music</a>'
  477. end
  478. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3', 25
  479. gs'stat'
  480. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/2.jpg"></center>'
  481. 'As soon as you reach the hallway, you hear a strange muffled laugh in the distance, along with a strange melody which sounds very far away. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Who could that be? Maybe someone is flooding one of the bathrooms again, but that music though. Where is it coming from? Maybe outside?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
  482. act 'Head downstairs':
  483. *clr & cla
  484. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3', 50
  485. gs'stat'
  486. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/3.jpg"></center>'
  487. 'You reach the bottom of the stairs to hear the laughing getting louder. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Hmm I must be getting closer to whoever is laughing.'+$CloseInnerThought+' The hallway is so dark but you can see a light at the end.'
  488. act 'Continue down the hallway':
  489. *clr & cla
  490. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3',75
  491. gs'stat'
  492. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/4.jpg"></center>'
  493. 'You continue walking down the hallway until you reach a strange puddle on the floor, coming from one of the lockers. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What is this stuff? Did someone have a drink in their locker which spilled?'+$CloseInnerThought+' When you look closer, you notice that the locker is slightly open, leaking with the strange liquid.'
  494. act 'Open the locker':
  495. *clr & cla
  496. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3', 100
  497. gs'stat'
  498. '<center><b><h4><font color=#FFA200><<"Puppet">></font></h4></b></center>'
  499. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/puppet.jpg"></center>'
  500. 'You slowly open the locker to find a creepy doll there, which is constantly laughing in an automated voice. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Who left this doll here? and why is it all wet? What is this stuff?'+$CloseInnerThought+' The doll is heavier than it looks and seems to be covered in a thick warm liquid. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What is this?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You look closely at the liquid as you hold up the doll to the light then notice that the liquid is dark red; almost like blood. The doll has some strings attached to both of it''s wrists and ankles. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Maybe it''s a puppet?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You look into it''s eyes and notice your own reflection next to something else...'
  501. act 'Turn around':
  502. *clr & cla
  503. PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppeteer.mp3', 80
  504. gs'stat'
  505. '<center><b><h4><font color=#FFA200><<"Puppeteer">></font></h4></b></center>'
  506. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/puppeteer.jpg"></center>'
  507. 'You turn around but quickly get grabbed by your cheeks then launched onto the ground by a horrific looking man with long sharp nails. You dive to the side, dodging a swipe of his nails before quickly crawling away, just to get grabbed by your ankles and dragged back. You let out a loud scream as you suddenly get pulled back, toward the insane laughing man. You quickly turn to the man as he drives his sharp nails into your eyes...'
  508. act '...':
  509. *clr & cla
  510. music_loop = 0
  511. close all
  512. gs'stat'
  513. '<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
  514. *pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
  515. 'You quickly jump up screaming to then notice that you are still in class. The whole class is staring at you in shock. Mr. Tsarev asks; in a concerned voice, "Miss <<$pcs_lastname>> what''s wrong?" You stand, completely speechless for a few seconds before hearing the bell sound. You use this time to quickly pack up your things then head for the door as some of your classmates whisper to each other.'
  516. *nl
  517. 'Arkadi: "Whoa, what is her problem?"'
  518. 'Niko: "Maybe <<$pcs_nickname>> is on the pipe or something?"'
  519. 'Natalia: "I hope that she is okay."'
  520. 'Christina: "I bet she was just looking for attention. i wouldn''t put it past her."'
  521. 'Bella: "Maybe she is just a psycho bitch and she finally snapped."'
  522. act 'Quickly leave the classroom': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  523. end
  524. end
  525. end
  526. end
  527. end
  528. end
  529. end
  530. end
  531. if $ARGS[0] = 'Night Out':
  532. *clr & cla
  533. gs'stat'
  534. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/dk_night.jpg"></center>'
  535. ''
  536. act '':
  537. *clr & cla
  538. gs'stat'
  539. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/1.jpg"></center>'
  540. ''
  541. act '':
  542. *clr & cla
  543. gs'stat'
  544. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/2.jpg"></center>'
  545. ''
  546. act '':
  547. *clr & cla
  548. gs'stat'
  549. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/3.jpg"></center>'
  550. ''
  551. act '': gt'', ''
  552. end
  553. end
  554. end
  555. act '':
  556. *clr & cla
  557. gs'stat'
  558. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/.jpg"></center>'
  559. ''
  560. act '': gt'', ''
  561. end
  562. end
  563. if $ARGS[0] = 'Toilet Time':
  564. *clr & cla
  565. gs'stat'
  566. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/dk_night.jpg"></center>'
  567. ''
  568. act '':
  569. *clr & cla
  570. gs'stat'
  571. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/4.jpg"></center>'
  572. ''
  573. act '':
  574. *clr & cla
  575. gs'stat'
  576. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/4.jpg"></center>'
  577. ''
  578. act '':
  579. *clr & cla
  580. gs'stat'
  581. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bathroom/toilet/vket.gif"></center>'
  582. ''
  583. act '':
  584. *clr & cla
  585. gs'stat'
  586. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/.jpg"></center>'
  587. ''
  588. act '':gt '', ''
  589. end
  590. end
  591. end
  592. act '':
  593. *clr & cla
  594. gs'stat'
  595. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/.jpg"></center>'
  596. ''
  597. act '':
  598. *clr & cla
  599. gs'stat'
  600. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/.jpg"></center>'
  601. ''
  602. act '':gt '', ''
  603. end
  604. end
  605. end
  606. end
  607. --- NikoDreams ---------------------------------