pav_train.qsrc 15 KB

  1. # pav_train
  2. $loc = 'pav_train'
  3. $loc_arg = ''
  4. $menu_loc = 'pav_train'
  5. $menu_arg = ''
  6. menu_off = 0
  7. $location_type = 'public_outdoors'
  9. if sound = 0:
  10. if month >=11 and month <= 12 or month >=1 and month <=3:
  11. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23: PLAY 'sound/street2.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30
  12. if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7: PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30
  13. else
  14. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23: PLAY 'sound/street2.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/street_leto.mp3',30
  15. if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7:PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30
  16. end
  17. end
  18. clr
  19. gs 'stat'
  20. '<center><h2>Pavlovsk''s train station</h2></center>'
  21. if month >= 11 or month <= 3:
  22. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  23. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_day.jpg"></center>'
  24. else
  25. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  26. end
  27. else
  28. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 18:
  29. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_day.jpg"></center>'
  30. else
  31. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_night.jpg"></center>'
  32. end
  33. end
  34. *nl
  35. 'Pavlovsk''s modest train station. You can enter the central hall of the <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''pav_train_hall''">train station</a>. Attached to the train station is the <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''gkafe''">Borislav''s cafe</a>' + iif(storyline = 1,' where your mother works','') + '. Also nearby is the small <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''pav_station'', ''station_outside''">police station</a> of Pavlovsk. '
  36. *nl
  37. 'The front of the train station has a large square, where you can find a <a href="exec:minut += 1 & gt ''pav_train_market'', ''start''">market</a> on most days.'
  38. *nl
  39. 'A rather run-down <a href="exec:minut += 1 & gt ''HotelHole''">hotel</a> is just across the square, where travelers can spend the night. The manager is always looking for maids among the local young girls. Because of it''s frequent use by the local prostitutes, most people prefer to stay at the middle-class hotel by the main road.'
  40. if dimaRevChoice = 5 and dimaRevenge = 4 and dimaTrain = 0: gt 'dimaRevenge', dimaRevenge
  41. if kidaloa = 0:
  42. podrand = rand(0, 5)
  43. if money >= 5000 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and podrand = 0 and monthKidalo ! month:
  44. *clr & cla
  45. menu_off = 1
  46. monthKidalo = month
  47. gs 'stat'
  48. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk''s train station</h4></center>'
  49. if month >= 11 or month <= 3:
  50. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  51. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_day.jpg"></center>'
  52. else
  53. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  54. end
  55. else
  56. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 18:
  57. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_day.jpg"></center>'
  58. else
  59. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_night.jpg"></center>'
  60. end
  61. end
  62. 'When you arrive at the train station, it''s impossible to not notice a girl holding a microphone and a man following her with a large camera. They''re coming straight towards you. The girl beckons you to come closer and glances over at towards the man holding the camera, who gives her a subtle nod.'
  63. 'She turns back to you and happily exclaims: "Hello! We''re shooting a pilot for TV. It''s going to be a novel program: it is a show in which we hand out gifts to random strangers, and then film their response. It''s called "Happiness in Russia", we''re hoping it will catch on all over the world. We have chosen you to be part of our pilot, congratulations!"'
  64. 'She grabs hold of a large box the camera man handed to her. It''s beautifully wrapped, with a nice bow to boot. She whispers to you: "This box contains a brand new laptop! Just act surprised when you open it!"'
  65. act 'Say you have no time':
  66. *clr & cla
  67. gs 'stat'
  68. kidaloa = 1
  69. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk''s train station</h4></center>'
  70. if month >= 11 or month <= 3:
  71. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  72. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_day.jpg"></center>'
  73. else
  74. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  75. end
  76. else
  77. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 18:
  78. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_day.jpg"></center>'
  79. else
  80. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_night.jpg"></center>'
  81. end
  82. end
  83. 'Even though you definitely wouldn''t mind a new laptop, you simply don''t have time to talk to them right now. You politely decline and walk away before they can protest. A few minutes later you see the two of them hastily running across the square, while some poor guy opens the fancily packed box only to find a brick in it. By the time he realizes he got scammed, they are long gone. Looks like you dodged a bullet there!'
  84. act 'Return to the station' :minut += 15 & gt $curloc
  85. end
  86. act 'Wow, this must be your lucky day!':
  87. *clr & cla
  88. gs 'stat'
  89. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk''s train station</h4></center>'
  90. if month >= 11 or month <= 3:
  91. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  92. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_day.jpg"></center>'
  93. else
  94. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  95. end
  96. else
  97. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 18:
  98. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_day.jpg"></center>'
  99. else
  100. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_night.jpg"></center>'
  101. end
  102. end
  103. 'You happily take the box from the girl''s hands as the man starts filming. The girl holds the microphone closer to her mouth, and invites you to give some shout-outs to relatives and friends while you''re on TV. Then she points the microphone at you. You gladly accept the invitation and address your friends and family enthusiastically while looking at the camera, sincerely hoping you did not leave anyone out. Then the man turns the camera away for a second.'
  104. 'The girl tells you: "Unfortunately, the government doesn''t just let us give away items for nothing. We''re legally obligated to have our winners pay VAT over the amount of money their gift is worth. In your case, this comes down to 5000 <b>₽</b>."'
  105. act 'Pay the VAT and check out your new laptop':
  106. *clr & cla
  107. money -= 5000
  108. kidaloa = 1
  109. if pcs_mood > 5: pcs_mood = 5
  110. gs 'stat'
  111. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk''s train station</h4></center>'
  112. if month >= 11 or month <= 3:
  113. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  114. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_day.jpg"></center>'
  115. else
  116. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  117. end
  118. else
  119. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 18:
  120. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_day.jpg"></center>'
  121. else
  122. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_night.jpg"></center>'
  123. end
  124. end
  125. 'You quickly give them the money and enthusiastically begin to pull at the bow. When you finally manage to tear the wrapping paper off and open the box, you only find a brick wrapped in newspaper. You look up trying to find the man and girl to get your money back, but they are nowhere to be found. You feel terrible for being scammed out of your money, and angrily stuff the box in a garbage can before you move on.'
  126. act 'Return to the train station':minut += 15 & gt $curloc
  127. end
  128. act 'Say you can''t afford it right now':
  129. *clr & cla
  130. gs 'stat'
  131. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk''s train station</h4></center>'
  132. if month >= 11 or month <= 3:
  133. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  134. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_day.jpg"></center>'
  135. else
  136. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  137. end
  138. else
  139. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 18:
  140. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_day.jpg"></center>'
  141. else
  142. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_night.jpg"></center>'
  143. end
  144. end
  145. 'With some regret in your voice, you apologize to the man and girl and explain that you can''t afford to pay the VAT right now. They try to explain to you that this could very well be a one-time opportunity and that you are missing out on a free laptop, but you have to decline. You simply cannot afford to spend the money you have right now on a frivolous purchase like a laptop, even if it comes really cheap.'
  146. 'Sympathizing with you, they promise to look for you if they ever come back to Pavlovsk for another episode of the show.'
  147. act 'Thank them and leave': minut +=15 & gt $curloc
  148. end
  149. end
  150. exit
  151. end
  152. end
  153. if kidalob = 0:
  154. podrand = rand(0, 5)
  155. if money >= 1000 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and podrand = 5 and ($clothingworntype = 'moncheri' or $clothingworntype = 'fashionista') and monthKidalo ! month:
  156. *clr & cla
  157. menu_off = 1
  158. monthKidalo = month
  159. minut += 5
  160. gs 'stat'
  161. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk''s train station</h4></center>'
  162. if month >= 11 or month <= 3:
  163. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  164. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_day.jpg"></center>'
  165. else
  166. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  167. end
  168. else
  169. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 18:
  170. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_day.jpg"></center>'
  171. else
  172. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/pavtrainstation_night.jpg"></center>'
  173. end
  174. end
  175. 'As you walk across the square towards the station, you notice two well dressed men staring at you. After some brief consideration they come towards you, and you can just about hear what they''re saying: "Wow, she''s just the model we need. She has this... Claudia Schiffer feel to her, don''t you agree?"'
  176. 'You can see the other man nod just as they get close to you, and one of the men stops you: "Excuse me, miss. We are opening a new fashion store in the city and are looking for a model to feature in our advertisements. We have been looking for just the right girl all day and... I think we just found her!"'
  177. 'The second man nods enthusiastically as the first man continues: "We would be able to offer you 10.000 <b>₽</b> for an extensive photo shoot, featuring our clothing line."'
  178. gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'medium'
  179. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  180. act 'You''re not interested (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  181. *clr & cla
  182. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  183. gs 'stat'
  184. gt $curloc
  185. end
  186. else
  187. act 'You''re not interested (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  188. end
  189. act 'Agree to do the photo shoot':
  190. *clr & cla
  191. minut += 2
  192. gs 'stat'
  193. 'Wow, this offer sounds amazing! There is no way you can decline. The guys take you to the back of the railway station, and the guy who hasn''t said anything to you pulls out an expensive looking camera, mounting it on a tripod near some trees.'
  194. 'The first guy approaches you and says: "The shoot will be against a natural background. We''ve done market research, and have determined that the picturesque background of the outdoors is by far the most desirable option for our campaign. There is only one problem... your dress is not what we are looking for at all. You''ll have to change."'
  195. 'The guy opens the trunk of his car and gives you a rather cheap looking sundress. "You can change your clothes inside the car, no one will notice", he says.'
  196. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'medium'
  197. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  198. act 'Refuse and leave, you''re not taking off your clothes! (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  199. *clr & cla
  200. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  201. gs 'stat'
  202. gt $curloc
  203. end
  204. else
  205. act 'Refuse and leave, you''re not taking off your clothes!(<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  206. end
  207. act 'Change into the sundress':
  208. *clr & cla
  209. !! ths will either add the sundress or simply set it to a certain damage level
  210. dynamic '<<$clothingworntype>>[<<clothingwornnumber>>] = 0'
  211. dynamic '<<$clothingworntype>>H[<<clothingwornnumber>>] = 0'
  212. dynamic '<<$clothingworntype>>S[<<clothingwornnumber>>] = 0'
  213. gm_dress[52] = 1
  214. gm_dress_h[52] = 20
  215. gm_dress_b[52] = pcs_hips
  216. gm_dress_s[52] = 0
  217. minut += 10
  218. gs 'clothing', 'wear', 'gm_dress', 52
  219. KILLVAR '$lastwornclothingtype'
  220. KILLVAR 'lastwornclothingnumber'
  221. gs 'stat'
  222. 'You quickly get into the car and take off your dress, and put on the dress the man gave you. You give your <<$titsize>> breasts a squeeze through the fabric, adjusting the dress a bit so it fits well around them for the photo shoot.'
  223. act 'Pose for the camera':
  224. *clr & cla
  225. kidalob = 1
  226. minut += 5
  227. gs 'stat'
  228. 'You get out of the car leaving your possessions in there, figuring it''s easier to just collect them when you change back to your regular clothes. You get out and walk to the tree the camera is aimed at. The guy who hasn''t said a word mans the camera, while the first guy instructs you how to stand in several poses. "Very nice, very nice... now turn your back to the camera!" The camera clicks several times. "Excellent. Now tilt your head backwards and close your eyes." You do as instructed, waiting for the now familiar click of the camera. It never comes.'
  229. act 'Ask what''s taking so long':
  230. *clr & cla
  231. money = 0
  232. minut += 5
  233. if pcs_mood > 50: pcs_mood = 50
  234. gs 'stat'
  235. 'After a while you turn around and open your eyes, wanting to ask the guys what''s taking so long. You open your eyes right on time to see the car, with the guys in it, speed off and zip around a corner. Then you realize: all your stuff is still on the back seat of the car! Slowly realizing you have just been scammed out of your good dress and all of your money, you sit down on a tree stump and hold your head in your hands for a minute or two, pondering how you could''ve been so stupid as to believe them.'
  236. act 'Return to the train station':gt $curloc
  237. end
  238. end
  239. end
  240. end
  241. exit
  242. end
  243. end
  244. gs 'family'
  245. act 'Walk to the Commercial area (0:10)':minut += 10 & gt 'pav_commercial'
  246. act 'Walk to the highway (0:15)':minut += 15 & nroad = 20 & gt 'road'
  247. act 'Walk to the Old Town (0:15)':minut += 15 & nroad = 19 & gt 'liam'
  248. act 'Enter the station building': minut += 3 & gt 'pav_train_hall'
  249. --- pav_train ---------------------------------