# goplust VasanLust = rand(0, 100) BerezaLust = rand(0, 100) VitekLust = rand(0, 100) KotilLust = rand(0, 100) UdmurtLust = rand(0, 100) SeriLust = rand(0, 100) GLust = 0 if VasanLust >= 50 and VasanTut = 1: VasanTut = 2 GLust += 1 $gopV = 'Bob nail looks at you look greedy' elseif VasanLust < 80 and VasanTut = 1: $gopV = 'Bob nail looks at you with indifference' elseif VasanTut = 0: $gopV = '' end if BerezaLust >= 60 and BerezaTut = 1: BerezaTut = 2 GLust += 1 $gopB = 'Birch looks at you with interest' elseif BerezaLust < 95 and BerezaTut = 1: $gopB = 'Birch does not look at you' elseif BerezaTut = 0: $gopB = '' end if VitekLust >= 60 and VitekTut = 1: VitekTut = 2 GLust += 1 $gopVi = 'Vitek on driving with your breasts look' elseif VitekLust < 90 and VitekTut = 1: $gopVi = 'Witek delves into the phone' elseif VitekTut = 0: $gopVi = '' end if KotilLust >= 70 and KostilTut = 1: KostilTut = 2 GLust += 1 $gopK = 'Crutch rummage your figure leer' elseif KotilLust < 90 and KostilTut = 1: $gopK = 'Crutch schelykaet Semyon' elseif KostilTut = 0: $gopK = '' end if UdmurtLust >= 80 and UdmurtTut = 1: UdmurtTut = 2 GLust += 1 $gopU = 'Udmurt hard stare and stare at you as you see in his pants, the bulge between his legs grow.' elseif UdmurtLust < 90 and UdmurtTut = 1: $gopU = 'Udmurt squats and spits on asphalt' elseif UdmurtTut = 0: $gopU = '' end if SeriLust >= 90 and SeriTut = 1: SeriTut = 2 GLust += 1 $gopS = 'Grey spits on the pavement through their gold teeth and grinning mischievously staring at your feet.' elseif SeriLust < 95 and SeriTut = 1: $gopS = 'Gray turned away and talking on the phone' elseif SeriTut = 0: $gopS = '' end $gopnik = '<<$gopV>> <<$gopB>> <<$gopVi>> <<$gopK>> <<$gopU>> <<$gopS>>' --- goplust ---------------------------------