# poli if $ARGS[0] = 'start': cla *clr $sexloc = $CURLOC set hosprand = rand(0, 10) set minut += 5 '
' '
' clr gs 'stat' fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) 'Doctors appointments costs 1,000.' 'VD testing cost 1,000.' *nl 'Abortion at the woman´s request can be made up to 84 days of pregnancy. The cost of abortion is 20,000 rubles.' *nl 'Be warned, abortions are dangerous to health. There is always a risk of complications and the possibility of sterility.' if workhosp = 1 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 9 and week < 6:act 'Exit to replace':gt 'poli', 'beginwork' *nl act 'Leave Clinic':gt 'street' if health < (vital * 10 + stren * 5) and money >= 1000: act 'Treat health (1,000 rubles)': cla set money -= 1000 set minut += 60 set health = vital * 10 + stren * 5 + 1000 if hosprand = 0:gt 'poli', '0' if hosprand = 1:gt 'poli', '1' if hosprand = 2:gt 'poli', '2' 'The doctor did give you a shot and you immediately felt much better' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end if willpower < intel * 5 + will * 5 and money >= 1000: act 'See a therapist (1,000 rubles)': cla set money -= 1000 set minut += 60 set willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5 + 1000 set manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo if hosprand = 0:gt 'poli', '0' if hosprand = 1:gt 'poli', '1' if hosprand = 2:gt 'poli', '2' 'You lie down on a couch at the therapist and told him about his troubles, and you immediately become much happier.' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end if money >= 1000: act 'Get a VD test (1,000 rubles)': cls set money -= 1000 set minut += 60 gs 'stat' 'You took the tests and after a short wait the doctor called you into his office.' if venera > 0:'The doctor pulled a sad mine and said that you are not going smoothly with analyzes.' if GerpesOnce = 1: 'You have found genital herpes. This disease is not curable and it can only jam at a time.' if Gerpes >= 3: if GerpesNapr = 0:GerpesNapr = 3 & 'Here you have the direction of the shots herpes. Needs a course out of 3 injections, each injection will cost 1,000 rubles each.' if GerpesNapr > 0:'Go for shots herpes direction I gave you.' else 'Herpes you in an inactive stage, take vitamins and he does not show himself.' end end if SifacOnce = 1: 'You found to have syphilis. It is not curable, the deadly disease which nowadays have learned to restrain, but not much more.' if Sifilis < 15: 'Now you have syphilis in the inactive stage. Therefore, no special meaning in therapy.' elseif Sifilis >= 15: if SifNapr = 0:SifNapr = 10 & 'Here you have the direction of the shots from syphilis. Needs a course out of 10 injections, each injection will cost 5,000 rubles.' if SifNapr > 0:'Go for injections of syphilis. Long course, 10 days. But it is necessary, severe.' end end if TriperOnce = 1: 'You found gonorrhea. In principle, this disease is curable.' if TriperNapr = 0:TriperNapr = 5 & 'Here you have the direction of the shots gonorrhea. Needs a course out of 5 injections, each injection will cost 1,500 rubles' end if KandidozOnce = 1: 'You found candidiasis. Or as it is popularly called thrush. Thing is not curable, but not very dangerous, besides easily suppressed.' if KandidNapr = 0:KandidNapr = 1 & 'The pharmacy can buy pills.' if Kandidoz < 30:'Now you candidiasis in an inactive stage, take vitamins, and he does not show himself.' end if venera <= 0:'Doctor is pleased that you do not have a sexually transmitted disease.' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end if GerpesNapr > 0 and money >= 1000 and GerpesUkolDay ! day: act 'Go for shots of herpes (1,000 rubles). Remaining <> in the direction of injection': cls set money -= 1000 set minut += 60 GerpesUkolDay = day gs 'stat' GerpesNapr -= 1 'You made a very painful injection in the ass.' if GerpesNapr = 0:Gerpes = -10 & 'It was the last injection' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end if SifNapr > 0 and money >= 5000 and SifUkolDay ! day: act 'Go to injections of syphilis (5,000 rubles). Remaining <> in the direction of injection': cls set money -= 5000 set minut += 60 SifUkolDay = day gs 'stat' SifNapr -= 1 'You made a very painful injection in the ass.' if SifNapr = 0:Sifilis = 0 & 'It was the last injection' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end if TriperNapr > 0 and money >= 1500 and TriperUkolDay ! day: act 'Go for shots of gonorrhea (1,500 rubles). Remaining <> in the direction of injection': cls set money -= 1500 set minut += 60 TriperUkolDay = day gs 'stat' TriperNapr -= 1 'You made a very painful injection in the ass.' if TriperNapr = 0:Triper = 0 & Venera -= 1 & TriperOnce = 0 & 'It was the last injection' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end 'In the waiting room is an advertisement.' *nl ' Private Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinic provides the following treatment.' ' Complete cure for herpes 150,000 rubles.' ' Complete cure of syphilis 350,000 rubles.' ' Complete cure for yeast infection 50,000 rubles.' ' Treatment requires hospitalization on first Monday of each month' if GerpesOnce = 1 and money >= 150000 and week = 1 and day <= 10: act 'Go to private clinic for the complete cure of the herpes. (150,000 rubles)': cla set money -= 150000 set day += 3 week += 3 GerpesOnce = 0 Gerpes = 0 Venera -= 1 gs 'stat' 'You have lain three days in private clinics and were completely cured of herpes.' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end if SifacOnce = 1 and money >= 350000 and week = 1 and day <= 10: act 'Go to private clinics for the complete cure of syphilis. (350,000 rubles)': cla set money -= 350000 set day += 3 week += 3 SifacOnce = 0 Sifilis = 0 Venera -= 1 gs 'stat' 'You have lain three days in private clinics and were completely cured of syphilis.' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end if KandidozOnce = 1 and money >= 50000 and week = 1 and day <= 10: act 'Go to private clinics for the complete cure of the thrush. (50,000 rubles)': cla set money -= 50000 set day += 3 week += 3 KandidozOnce = 0 Kandidoz = 0 gs 'stat' 'You have lain three days in private clinics and were completely cured of thrush.' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end !!'Abortion on a woman´s request can be made up to 84 days of pregnancy. The cost of abortion 20,000 rubles' !!'Warn abortions are dangerous to health. There is always a risk of complications and the possibility of not getting pregnant in the future.' if money >= 20000 and preg = 1 and pregtime < 84: act 'Abortion (20,000 rubles)': cla set vidage += 1 set abort += 1 set money -= 20000 set abortrand = rand(0, 10) if age > 18: if abortrand < 10:set preg = 0 if abortrand = 10:set preg = 2 else if abortrand < 4:set preg = 0 if abortrand >= 5:set preg = 2 end set pregtime = 0 pregtalk = 0 '
' 'You spread out on a gynecological chair, the doctor entered your vagina tool and parts ripped out of you fruit.' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end if preg = 1 and pregtime = 280: act 'Have': cla set vidage += 1 set preg = 0 set pregtime = 0 set pregtalk = 0 set numkid += 1 set daykid[numkid] = day set monthkid[numkid] = month set yearkid[numkid] = year set $father[numkid] = $father set haprikid[numkid] = rand(0, 3) set glacol[numkid] = rand(0, 3) !!'
' 'You put on the bed and lit up. Began a terrible pain in the abdomen, you yelled with all the dope and finally gave birth.' set polkid[numkid] = rand(0, 1) if polkid[numkid] = 0:$polreb[numkid] = 'girl' & 'The doctor said that you had a girl.' if polkid[numkid] = 1:$polreb[numkid] = 'boy' & 'The doctor said that you have a baby boy.' kid += 1 act 'Give the name of the child': $kidname[numkid] = input ("What do you call a baby?") if $kidname[numkid] <= 0: if polkid[numkid] = 0:$kidname = 'Masha' if polkid[numkid] = 1:$kidname = 'Misha' end act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' end end end if sick > 0 and ninelsex = 0 and polisickday ! day: act 'See a Doctor': cla *clr polisickday = day set terrnd = rand(0, 1) if terrnd = 0:gt 'poli', 'drPP' if terrnd = 1:gt 'poli', 'ninel' end end if sick > 0 and ninelsex > 0 and polisickday ! day: act 'See Dr Ninel': cla *clr polisickday = day gt 'poli', 'ninel2' end end if horny >= 90 and ninelsex >= 1 and ninelday ! day and sick <= 0: act 'Search for Dr Ninel': cla *clr set ninelday = day set ninelrand = rand(0, 2) if ninelrand = 0: 'At the reception you skzali that Ninel in his office' act 'Go to Ninel':gt 'poli', 'ninel3' end if ninelrand = 1: 'At the reception you were told that today do not accept Ninel' act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street' end if ninelrand = 2: 'At the reception you were told that Ninel today calls' act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street' end end end if katjob > 0:act 'Visit the chief doctor':gt 'poli', 'glavdoc' if zub > 0: act 'Go to the dentist': cls zubpay = zub * 30000 gs 'stat' 'The dentist looked at you and said, prosthetics that will cost <> rubles' act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street' if money >= zubpay: act 'pay for prosthetics': cls money -= zubpay minut += 60 zub = 0 gs 'stat' 'You paid prosthetics and dentist within an hour completely put in order your teeth.' act 'Get away from the clinic':gt 'street' end end end end if anus > 5: act 'Go to the proctologist': cls minut += 15 if analplugIN ! 0:analplugIN = 0 gs 'stat' '
' 'You`ve come to the office to the proctologist. He immediately asked you to undress from the waist down and tilt.' if anus <= 15:'The doctor examined your anus and said "Well , slightly distended anus, but no abnormalities."' if anus > 15 and anus <= 25:'The doctor examined your anus and said "You stretched anus and sphincter. I would rekkomendoval procedures, 1,000 rubles per session, This will help decrease the anus to normal size."' if anus > 25 and anus <= 35:'The doctor examined your anus and said "You have greatly distended anus, most likely your sphincter is not able to keep the intestinal gas. I would rekkomendoval procedures, 1,000 rubles per session, This will help decrease the anus to normal size."' if anus > 35:'The doctor examined your anus and said "oh my God! You need to be careful with his booty obraschatsya, you have the same here now fall intestine. I would rekkomendoval procedures, 1,000 rubles per session, This will help decrease the anus to normal size."' end if money >= 1000 and anus > 15 and proktologday ! day: act 'Checkout procedure': cls money -= 1000 minut += 60 proktologday = day anus -= 5 gs 'stat' '
' 'You paid for the procedure and the doctor an hour tinkering in your ass causing her to order.' act 'Get away from the clinic':gt 'street' end end act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street' end end if glass > 0: act 'Go to the optometrist': cls gs 'stat' 'Optometrist examined you and said that you can do laser vision correction 100 thousand. But from reading books eyesight can deteriorate again.' if glass = 1:'Doctor looking at you add, Of course you can buy glasses that will be better to look at you. 8,000 rubles.' act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street' if money >= 100000 and glass ! 0: act 'Pay for laser correction (100,000 rubles)': cls money -= 100000 minut += 60 blizoruk = 0 glass = 0 gs 'stat' 'You paid for laser correction.' act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street' end end if glass = 1: if money >= 8000: act 'Buy Points (8,000 rubles)': cls money -= 8000 minut += 60 glass = 2 gs 'stat' 'You bought a new, more stylish glasses.' act 'Leave the clinic':gt 'street' end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'drPP': cla *clr set minut += rand(3, 10) clr gs 'stat' 'You sit in the corridor of coughing and ohayuschih old women waiting for their turn.' 'Finally, the turn came' act 'Login to Account': cla *clr '
' if drPP = 0:'At the table sits an elderly bald man felicitous appearance. "Hello, sick. My name is Peter, I am your local therapist - he says, looking at you through his glasses."' if drPP = 1:'Sit at the table Peter. He smiles at you and says, "Hello, sick."' drPP = 1 '(You) - Hello, doctor.' '(Doctor) - What complain sick?' act 'Complain': cla *clr set minut += 5 '(You) - Oh, Doctor, I like a cold - laid nose, throat aches ... and cough.' '(Doctor) - So-Low has a ...?' '(You) - Yes, a little.' '(Doctor) - Well, let´s hear you' act 'Follow the instructions of the physician': cla set minut += 20 '
' 'The doctor listened attentively your lungs, looked into his throat, gave a thermometer - to measure the temperature and finally concluded:' '(Doctor) - Do not worry - common cold - SARS. Buy in a drugstore here these drugs, lie in bed a couple of days and everything will be alright. The main thing - do not supercool.' '(You) - Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye.' act 'Go home':gt 'street' end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ninel': cla *clr set minut += rand(3, 15) clr gs 'stat' 'You sit in the corridor of coughing and ohayuschih old women waiting for their turn.' 'Finally, the turn came' act 'Login to Account': cla *clr if ninelmet = 0:'At the table sits a pretty young girl in a light robe. Robe unbuttoned so that does not hide her small but beautiful gud. "Hello My name is Ninel Pavlovna, I replaces your local therapist - she said, scrutinizing you."' if ninelmet = 1:'Ninel sitting at the table. She smiles at you and says, "Hello, World."' if horny < 30: act 'Hello, Doctor.': cla *clr set ninelmet = 1 set minut += 5 '
' '(Dr.) Good afternoon. At that complain?' '(You) - Oh, Doctor, I like a cold - laid nose, throat aches ... and cough.' '(Doctor) - Temperature is?' '(You) - Yes, a little.' '(Doctor) - Clear. Undress.' act 'Follow the instructions of the physician': cla *clr set minut += 20 '
' 'The doctor carefully proslushala your lungs zaglyanula the throat, dala thermometer - to measure the temperature and finally zaklyuchila:' '(Doctor) - SARS - nothing serious. Observe bed rest and take these medications here. A couple of days will be healthy. And avoid hypothermia.' '(You) - Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye.' act 'Go home':gt 'street' end end end if horny >= 30: act 'Hello, Doctor.': cla *clr '
' '(Dr.) Good afternoon. At that complain?' '(You) - Oh, Doctor, I like a cold - laid nose, throat aches ... and cough.' '(Doctor) - Temperature is?' '(You) - Yes, a little.' '(Doctor) - Clear. Undress. Fully' act 'Undress': cla *clr set horny += 10 '
' 'You stand perd doctor completely naked and confused pytaetel hide behind hands.' 'The doctor comes to you and gently hugs the shoulders:' '(Doctor) - What are you, my dear - do not be shy. I´m a doctor. What´s your name?' '(You timidly) - <<$name>> ...' '(Doctor) - Do not worry, <<$name>> - I heal you. Come on - breathe deeply.' act 'Breathe': cla *clr set horny += 10 clr gs 'stat' '
' 'Dr. vylushivaet your lungs. Her hands were light and gentle touching stethoscope frankly laskiayut your chest.' 'You feel the growing excitement' '(Doctor) - Here we go. Taper open your mouth - ah-ah-ah-ah ...' act 'A-ah': cla *clr '
' 'You open your mouth and the doctor examines your throat reddened' '(Doctor) - Well. Now let´s took my temperature. Sit on the couch and spread your legs.' '(You) - Why?' '(Doctor) - We measured rectally - so reliable.' '(You) - Uh-uh ...' '(Doctor) - Do not worry - it does not hurt.' act 'Substitute ass': cla *clr set horny += 10 clr gs 'stat' '
' 'The doctor arranged for you on the couch in this position that you were red, smeared lubricant between your legs and gently introduced a thermometer into the anus. It really does not hurt, you understand - even pleasant.' 'The doctor began to slowly move the thermometer back and forth in your ass and the fingers of the other hand - to stroke your pussy. Thanks lbrikantu her fingers sklzyat very easily and gently.' 'You feel that you are excited stronger. Your nipples harden, pussy doctor flowed at hand ...' act 'Doctor, what´s happening?': cla *clr set minut += 10 set horny += 10 clr gs 'stat' '
' 'The doctor takes a thermometer and begins openly caress your pussy moisten with desire.' 'Are you confused and horrified by her behavior, but she was so gentle, and you are so excited that you simply can not resist. The only thing that you manage - is choking sprsit:' '(You) - Doctor, what are you doing? What´s going on?' '(Doctor) - A - felt! I knew immediately that you were one of us, and therefore I can use his power quietly.' '(You) - So you´re a magician, too?' '(Doctor) - Yes, only my special magic - Tantric. Heard of it?' '(You) - No, I do not remember ...' '(Doctor) - It´s magic, based on sensuality and sex. Roughly speaking, I can cast only when having sex.' '(You) - So ..?' '(Doctor) - That is, if we have sex with you - I heal you. Do you agree?' '(You) - And what in return?' '(Doctor) - Nothing - I´m doing it solely for my own satisfaction. I see you, have orgasms only if conjure.' '(You) - Then of course - I agree.' '(Doctor) - Then get on your knees on the couch.' act 'To kneel': cla *clr '
' 'You knelt down and turned back to Ninel. She took off her robe, meanwhile, remained in her stocking feet and you gasped when he saw her strapon.' 'Dr. lubed dildo and your pussy lubricated and grinned:' '(Doctor) - Well, baby, let´s curable!' act 'Ah-ah-ah!': cla *clr set minut += 10 set horny = 100 clr gs 'stat' '
' 'With these words she has driven a powerful push in you dildo.' 'You gasped in surprise, then again, and again, and yet - already with pleasure.' 'Doctor fucked you familiar confident movements, moaning with every jolt - it seems she is not afforded less fun than you - you were just ecstatic. Unusual decor, shame and skill Ninel quickly led you to the peak' act 'I´m going to come!': cla *clr '
' '(You) - I´m going to come! - You shout - Please, please, please!' 'Ninel topples onto the couch, pulling you along, you find yourself at the top and start frantically jumping on an artificial penis, screaming and vzvizkivaya acute, almost unbearable pleasure.' 'A few more movements, and you start to cum, screaming and twitching in a paroxysm of incredibly long orgasm.' '(Doctor) - Now it´s my turn. Come on, girl - try.' act 'Ninel humor': cla *clr set horny = 0 set orgasm += 1 set lesbian += 1 set ninelsex += 1 if ninelsex = 1:set girl += 1 set SUB += 1 set vagina += 1 set sick = 0 set health = vital * 10 + stren * 5 + 1000 set willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5 + 1000 set manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo clr gs 'stat' '
' 'Ninel strap breaks and presses his face to you raspalennye flowing pussy juices. You begin to wield her tongue in a few seconds and comes in Ninel orgzazme. She screams and beats his chest and squeezing out of her vagina in your face squirting thick whitish fluid' act 'Dress': cla *clr '
' 'With trembling hands, you start natyagivavt panties. Ninel already slipped the robe only her flushed face recalls rough sex, which she just worked with you.' '(Ninel) - Well, how do you feel?' '(You) - Ooh ... Just perfect - you answer and only then realize how much you are right - the disease has disappeared, you are full health and in good spirits. A sweet bouquet exhaustion makes this even more pleasant sensations' '(Ninel) - Well, you see. It´s magic, baby. Mm-m ... You´re just a miracle - a long time I did not get so much pleasure from their magic. If you get sick again - just come to me or calling home. Well, if you just want to spend your time - look for me in the clinic.' 'You promised to be sure to find her, cleaned up and left' act 'Get out of the clinic':gt 'street' end end end end end end end end end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ninel2': cla *clr 'You come to the office and Ninel contemptuously throwing old ladies sitting in the hallway:"No line" - come into the office.' act 'Login to Account': cla *clr '
' 'Ninel looks up from some medical scribbling, to know you and smiles:' '(Ninel) - Hi, Svetsik. Again ill?' '(You coughed into his fist) - Yeah. I´ll fly?' '(Ninel) - Sure, baby. Undress - I´ll listen.' '(You) - Why? You´re a magician ...' '(Ninel laughs) - Silly. How could you not know much about magic. I´m must to know what will be treated, otherwise it will happen as the old song - make like a thunderstorm, and got a goat. Magic - the exact thing' '(You) - Here´s how ... Well then, of course.' act 'Undress': cla *clr set horny += 10 '
' 'You undress and Ninel hears your lungs. As usual, her arms are light and tender and touching her stethoscope on your chest swell sultry heat' '(Ninel) - Yes ... You again wheezing. Lets say "ah-ah-ah"' act 'A-a-a': cla *clr '
' 'You open your mouth and carefully inspect your Ninel Sore throat' '(Ninel) - Painting familiar. What are you? Absolutely not kept. Temperature there?' '(You with a smile) - Pit.' '(Ninel sly) - Like it? And just afraid ... The first major Down on the flank and knees to her chest tighten.' act 'Lie on the couch': cla *clr set horny += 10 set minut += 10 clr gs 'stat' '
' 'You take the desired position and Ninel starts fucking your ass thermometer. You get excited, your pussy lips are opened, one begins to ooze grease. You moan softly' '(Ninel) - What, baby, like it? Come on let´s see - how.' act 'Substitute pussy': cla *clr set horny += 10 set minut += 5 clr gs 'stat' '
' 'You roll over onto his back and pushes the legs. Ninel gets vvobit Speculum and flushed it in your vagina. You quietly ohaete from udovolstvaiya and Ninel echoes you passionate heavy sigh. It looks like your kind of wide-open vulva her great-ons' act 'Oh-h ..!': cla *clr set horny = 100 set minut += 15 clr gs 'stat' '
' 'Overcome with passion, Ninel quickly takes off her robe, showing sticking out between his legs and pulled the strap to your lips' 'You eagerly kissing, while skilled fingers Ninel play with your excited clitoris, causing warm waves of pleasure through your body to disperse' '(You) - Fuck me! Hurry! - You ask. Ninel grins, continuing to tease your clitoris hand' '(Ninel) - Ask me' '(You) - Fuck me - please! Rather, I ask!' '(Ninel) - Ask better. I see the way you want it' act 'Beg and pray': cla *clr set minut += 20 '
' '(You) - Please, please, please! Fuck me! Do with me what you want - I´m all yours! Rather only - please, soon!' 'Ninel puts on a strap and snarling drives it in your bosom lust blazing. You cried out Put your feet up, trying to make rubber penis entered you as deeply as possible.' 'Ninel fucks you faster, moaning and groaning with every jolt, and you moan and podmahivat struggled.' '(Ninel) - On your knees ..! Turn around! - Choking doctor ordered' act 'Substitute ass': cla *clr set horny = 0 set minut += 10 set orgasm += 1 set lesbian += 1 set SUB += 1 set vagina += 1 set sick = 0 set health = vital * 10 + stren * 5 + 1000 set willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5 + 1000 set manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo clr gs 'stat' '
' 'Moaning with excitement you get on your knees and bulging ass to Ninel it easier to get in, but it is in no hurry' '(You) - Come on - faster! - Ask you - I almost ..! - But Ninel panting orders:' '(Ninel) - Ask! Beg, plead me little mokroschelka!' '(You) - Please, please, please-ah-ah-ah! - You shout - Fuck me, fuck! I want to come! Yes - I´m a whore, I mokroschelka, but please, please, please, let me finish! Fuck-me-a-ah!' 'Strap on your sticks into the inflamed vagina and nachenaet peck like a jackhammer. Blink and you pierces wild orgasm. You scream in agony and beats, your rules knees weakened and you fall on kusheku shuddering in the throes of sensual and Ninel all stops and orgasm does not end ...' 'Finally you end immediately and Ninel commands:' '(Ninel) - A well appease me now, little slut. Come on - how do you know how!' act '...': cla *clr '
' 'You´s turnover on the back and Ninel sits on your face. You diligently oruduete tongue and lips obihazhivaya its wide-open jaws and swollen erect clit, and she was screaming and sobbing crotch crawl across your face until he finally comes in a scream and starts to cum. She cums long, yelling, shaking like a fever and abundantly filling your face thick and sticky liquid' act '...': cla *clr set horny += 20 '
' 'When he finished, Ninel rises and slowly dressed, showing you their perkrasnoe body. It´s unbelievable, but you again rises excitement.' 'Ninel somehow sees this and smiles' '(Ninel) - Oh, no - enough is enough. But you come in something else - fun.' 'And you will realize that once again will be a little too. You are healthy, satisfied - and thanks for that.' act 'Thank Ninel and go':gt 'street' end end end end end end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ninel3': cla *clr 'You come to the office and Ninel contemptuously throwing old ladies sitting in the hallway:"No line" - come into the office.' act 'Login to Account': cla *clr '
' 'Ninel looks up from some medical scribbling, to know you and smiles:' '(Ninel) - Hi, Svetsik. Again ill?' '(You with feigned suffering grimace on his face) - Oh, Doctor - my pussy is burning, and all flows. Perhaps she is seriously ill.' '(Ninel smiling) - my poor child. Now we are going to fly it.' act 'Tear off his clothes': cla *clr '
' 'Groaning with impatience you tear off her clothes. Ninel also took off the robe and the front of your face rocked strap.' '(Ninel) - Suck it, baby. Make it hot and wet, as you yourself' 'You bites his lips in a dildo and start sucking, squishing and abundantly irrigating his saliva. You can see how excited looking at this Ninel.' act 'Fuck me!': cla *clr set minut += 10 '
' 'Remembering that this Ninel loves you begin to beg her to fuck you soon. You do not even need to pretend to be this - the desire to literally burn you.' 'Ninel finally heed the request. She rudely puts you on your knees and begins to drive the strap and measured in your inflamed vagina. You ahaete screams and each push. Your feet are weakening.' act 'Fall on the couch': cla *clr set minut += 20 '
' 'You fall on the couch. Ninel knocks you on your side and play continues. You drawl and voluptuously moan from her breasts too pulled out a deep groan and bestial growl' 'My God, as you well.' '(Ninel panting) - I can not - let itself ..!' act 'Ninel saddle': cla *clr set horny = 0 set minut += 10 set orgasm += 1 set lesbian += 1 set SUB += 1 set manna += 15 set willpower += 15 set vagina += 1 clr gs 'stat' '
' 'You obediently mnyaete pose. Ninel leans back on the couch, and you sit down on top of her and strung on a dildo.' 'You jump on the strap, and squealing nadrachivaya fingers clit when Ninel beneath you starts to twitch and moan. You understand that it ends, and it works as a trigger - you go in orgasm.' 'Few seconds, you are fighting with Ninel and scream in paroxysms of passion, and then fall exhausted on the couch' '(You) - Thank you, dear. It was great ...' '(Ninel) - Oh yeah, Svetsik. Come again.' act 'Freshen up and go':gt 'street' end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'glavdoc': set minut += 5 'You logged in and asked whether you take on the job.' 'Chief doctor looked at you. "Oh yeah, that girl you was talking about Catherine. Okay, listen working conditions"' '"Work will be on weekdays, come with 8 to 9 hours, and come out on the shift will work up to 16 hours. Do not come to you this day will not be counted in the salary. Salary paid on 25th, the spent per shift - 1000 rubles. "' '"Labor should hand over to the personnel department. You understand, will work?"' if work = 0: act 'Find a job': cla set workhosp = 1 set work = 1 'You classify working in the personnel department.' act 'Exit':gt 'poli', 'start' end end if workhosp = 1:act 'Resign':gt 'poli', 'discharge' act 'Exit':gt 'poli', 'start' end if $ARGS[0] = 'beginwork': cla *clr '
' '
' 'You have replaced the clinic.' act 'Start work': set smena += 1 gt 'WorkHosp', 'start' end act 'Resign':gt 'poli', 'discharge' end if $ARGS[0] = 'discharge': cla set minut += 10 set workhosp = 0 set work = 0 set pay = smena * 1000 set money += pay set smena = 0 'Chief doctor looked at you:"Here is your payment <> rubles and employment history. Goodbye."' act 'Leave':gt 'street' end if $ARGS[0] = '0': cla *clr '
' 'During the examination, the doctor starts to stick to you, clearly alluding to the intimate relationship' act 'Send it':gt 'poli', 'start' act 'Fun': set picrand = 11 set guy += 1 xgt 'sex', 'var' end end if $ARGS[0] = '1': cla *clr '
' 'You examine the two doctors, they touch you everywhere clearly go beyond what is permitted' act 'Send them':gt 'poli', 'start' act 'Fun': set picrand = 11 set guy += 2 xgt 'sexdvoe', 'var' end end if $ARGS[0] = '2': cla *clr '
' 'Going to the office you caught nurse africana stoyuschee kneeling before the doctor with smacking sucking his cock.' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' act 'Login to Account': cla *clr '
' 'When you walked in, jumped out of the doctor´s office, and unmet ostavshayusya nurse glared at you, but after a moment in her eyes flashed light robe and dropping it came to you and vskhvativ one-handed for a second back pressed to his chest drew you to your' act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start' act 'Let her': cla *clr set guy += 1 set girl += 1 set lesbian += 1 '
' 'She prispustila with you pants and bent his couch over, began to process your pussy with his tongue' act 'Lick her': cla *clr '
' 'You oprakinuli her on the couch and dug his lips in her black pussy, she exuded an smell that just drives you crazy, you could not put it down and licked her pussy to put their tongue inside pussy and anus, in this state you found and returned the doctor.' act 'Proceed three':set picrand = 11 & gt 'podrsex', 'var' end end end end --- poli ---------------------------------