gadukino 19 KB

  1. # gadukino
  2. if $ARGS[0] = '':
  3. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  4. $loc = $CURLOC
  6. if sound = 0:
  7. if month >=11 and month <= 12 or month >=1 and month <=3:
  8. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23:PLAY 'sound/zima2.mp3',30
  9. if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7:PLAY 'sound/zima2.mp3',30
  10. else
  11. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23:PLAY 'sound/ptica.mp3',30
  12. if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7:PLAY 'sound/ptica.mp3',30
  13. end
  14. end
  15. clr
  16. gs 'stat'
  17. gs 'outdoors'
  18. '<center><h4>village Gadyukino</h4></center>'
  19. if month >= 5 and month <= 9:
  20. if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  21. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/street.jpg"></center>'
  22. else
  23. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/street_night.jpg"></center>'
  24. end
  25. else
  26. if hour >= 8 and hour < 18:
  27. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/street_winter.jpg"></center>'
  28. else
  29. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/street_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  30. end
  31. end
  32. 'A small village with a rickety wooden houses.'
  33. if StoryLine = 1:'In one <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''Gaddvor''">huts live your grandparents</a>.'
  34. if miraQW > 0: 'Through the three houses is the house <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''MiroslavaHome''">Miroslava</a>.'
  35. if hour >= 6 and hour < 20:
  36. if month >= 5 and month <= 9:
  37. act 'Walking through the village':
  38. cls
  39. minut += 15
  40. gs 'stat'
  41. temp = RAND(0,100)
  42. if temp < 4 and meadow = 0:
  43. gt 'gadukino', '1'
  44. elseif temp >= 4 and temp < 10:
  45. gt 'gadukino', '2'
  46. elseif temp >= 10 and temp < 30 and temper >= 30 and sunWeather = 1 and miragopQW = 7:
  47. gt 'gadukino', '3'
  48. elseif miragopQW >= 11 and temp = 30 and temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  49. gt 'gadukino', '4'
  50. elseif miragopQW >= 11 and temp = 31 and temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  51. gt 'gadukino', '5'
  52. elseif miragopQW >= 11 and temp = 32 and temper >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:
  53. gt 'gadukino', '6'
  54. elseif miragopQW >= 15 and temp = 33 and temper >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:
  55. gt 'gadukino', '7'
  56. elseif miragopQW >= 20 and temp = 34 and temper >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:
  57. gt 'gadukino', '8'
  58. elseif miragopQW >= 20 and temp = 35 and temper >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:
  59. gt 'gadukino', '9'
  60. elseif miragopQW >= 30 and mirasextimes > 50 and temp = 36 and temper >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:
  61. gt 'gadukino', '10'
  62. elseif miragopQW >= 20 and temp = 36 and temper >= 20 and sunWeather = 1:
  63. gt 'gadukino', '11'
  64. elseif temp = 37 and temper >= 20:
  65. gt 'gadukino', '12'
  66. elseif temp = 38 and temper >= 20:
  67. gt 'gadukino', '13'
  68. elseif temp >= 39 and temp < 50:
  69. gt 'gadukino', '14'
  70. elseif temp = 50 and temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  71. gt 'gadukino', '15'
  72. else
  73. gt 'gadukino', '16'
  74. end
  75. end
  76. end
  77. end
  78. end
  79. if $ARGS[0] = '1':
  80. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/trail_meadow.jpg"></center>'
  81. 'Walking through the village, do you notice between the two neighbor`s houses for a small path, leading between the kitchen gardens where-in thickets...'
  82. act 'To go on it':
  83. cls
  84. meadow = 1
  85. minut += 40
  86. gs 'stat'
  87. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/meadow.jpg"></center>'
  88. 'You decide to go on it, but ten minutes later disappointed rested in dense thickets. You was about to leave, but then I notice barely noticeable, clearly laid out what-the wildlife trail. Once you get on it through the brush, you see not long since overgrown with fruiting trees of the garden, which when-then, surely, belonged to a local farm, until it fell apart. After a little more, you see long ago overgrown dirt road - judging by the grass on it, it has long no one uses. After wandering for about twenty minutes, you sure, what local do not go here, and if we go, it is very rare. You decide to go back and, to your huge surprise, go right in my backyard...'
  89. act 'Fine':gt 'Gaddvor'
  90. end
  91. end
  92. if $ARGS[0] = '2':
  93. if miraQW = 0:
  94. *clr
  95. cla
  96. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Miroslava.jpg"></center>'
  97. 'Walking, you notice unfamiliar young girl, which by the collar tries-it is possible to drag the calf. He grunts with displeasure, shakes head and fold instead, to go, worth, dead, on the spot.'
  98. act 'Help':
  99. cls
  100. miraQW = 1
  101. minut += 15
  102. gs 'stat'
  103. if miragopQW = 0:
  104. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Mira.jpg"></center>'
  105. elseif miragopQW > 0 and miragopQW < 4:
  106. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Mira3.jpg"></center>'
  107. elseif miragopQW >= 4 and miragopQW < 8:
  108. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira0,<<rand(0,5)>>.jpg"></center>'
  109. elseif miragopQW >= 8 and miragopQW < 12:
  110. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira1,<<rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  111. elseif miragopQW >= 12 and miragopQW < 20:
  112. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira2,<<rand(0,5)>>.jpg"></center>'
  113. elseif miragopQW >= 20:
  114. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira3,<<rand(0,3)>>.jpg"></center>'
  115. end
  116. 'You decide to help the girl, but at the same time out of curiosity and to know what-something about it, as in Gadyukino strangers - rare, even more fantastic. You walk up to her and gently slap the calf in the ass, after which he immediately begins to move forward. Stranger thanks you between you and myself tied the conversation during that time, while the company decide to help to ward off her animal home. Miroslav turns out to be quite sociable girl and conversation, you`ll quickly learn, they recently were forced to move to the village. From-the huge debts of the father they had to sell all the property, including an apartment in the city center, and on the money, they have left, they could afford to buy a house only in that seedy village... You reach her house and she invites you to come to visit her at any time, and then in the village after the town of boring horrible.'
  117. act 'Finish':gt 'gadukino'
  118. end
  119. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  120. elseif miraQW > 0 and (temper < 15 or sunWeather = 0) and temp < 7:
  121. cls
  122. if miraQW < 25:miraQW += 1
  123. minut += 10
  124. gs 'stat'
  125. if miragopQW = 0:
  126. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Mira1.jpg"></center>'
  127. else
  128. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Mira4.jpg"></center>'
  129. end
  130. 'You meet Miroslav, which just goes in the water, and she willingly stops with you for a little chat..'
  131. if miragopQW >= 20:
  132. act 'Let them Shine by Manda':
  133. cls
  134. minut += 5
  135. temp = RAND(0,30)
  136. gs 'stat'
  137. if mirasextimes < 50:
  138. if temp < 5:
  139. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSP2.jpg"></center>'
  140. 'You say Mira, so I dedicated a little bit of her pussy and she relaxed, seemed casual, sits down on the fence and, looking back, with a mischievous smile pulls aside panties...'
  141. elseif temp >= 5 and temp < 10:
  142. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSP.jpg"></center>'
  143. 'You say Mira, so I dedicated a little bit of her pussy and she relaxed, seemed casual, rests his hands on the bench, providing you with views of her bare pussy.'
  144. elseif temp >= 10 and temp < 25:
  145. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSP1.jpg"></center>'
  146. 'You say Mira, so I dedicated a little bit of her pussy and she relaxed, seemed casual, sits down on the fence and slightly spreading his legs, shows you her naked pussy.'
  147. else
  148. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSP5.jpg"></center>'
  149. 'You say Mira, so I dedicated a little bit of her pussy and she relaxed, seemed casual, sits down on those caught near the bench and, quickly glancing around, turned to the side and arched, shows you his naked dumpling...'
  150. end
  151. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  152. else
  153. if temp < 5:
  154. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSP3.jpg"></center>'
  155. 'You say Mira, so I dedicated a little bit of her pussy and she relaxed, seemed casual, sits down on the fence and, glancing around spreads her legs... You are surprised to see, both of her rastrogannoj pussy oozes cum.'
  156. ' - Who did that to you? - with interest I ask you to Mira, but with a Flirty smile responds to you, what is the secret.'
  157. else
  158. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSP3.jpg"></center>'
  159. 'You say Mira, so I dedicated a little bit of her pussy and she relaxed, seemed casual, sits down on his haunches... You notice, how much Radovana her cunt and pinched the bump sticks out a working anus...'
  160. end
  161. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  162. end
  163. end
  164. end
  165. act 'Finish':gt 'gadukino'
  166. elseif miraQW > 0 and miragopQW < 4 and temp >= 7:
  167. cls
  168. if miraQW < 25:miraQW += 1
  169. minut += 10
  170. gs 'stat'
  171. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Mira2.jpg"></center>'
  172. 'You meet Miroslav c the calf and you, fun laughing, remember your acquaintance.'
  173. act 'Finish':gt 'gadukino'
  174. elseif miraQW > 0 and miragopQW >= 4 and mirasextimes >= 10 and temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1 and temp < 7:
  175. cls
  176. horny += 20
  177. temp = RAND(0,1)
  178. minut += 5
  179. gs 'stat'
  180. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad.jpg"></center>'
  181. 'Walking through the village, you happen to notice Mira, suction Mitike in the backyard. She chomps her lips, almost completely absorbing member into her mouth, and sometimes glancing at the sides.'
  182. if temp = 0:
  183. cls
  184. minut += 5
  185. gs 'stat'
  186. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad1.jpg"></center>'
  187. 'A couple of times you think, she`s here-here you will notice, but she never notices, continuing to please help him. He tilts his head back and Mira, quickly nadrachivat member hand, directs it in my mouth, taking it mitkina sperm. Swallowing her, she licks Mitkin cock and tucking it into his pants, rising from his knees, and you, not wanting to be discovered, hastily deleted.'
  188. else
  189. 'Until he finally notices you. She immediately blush rapidly, but it does not stop sucking, only occasionally squints eyes in your direction. Realizing, she noticed you, you, as if not seeing anything unusual, with the most peaceful views go away...'
  190. end
  191. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  192. elseif miraQW > 0 and miragopQW >= 6 and mirasextimes >= 10 and temper < 18 and sunWeather = 1 and temp >= 7:
  193. cls
  194. horny += 20
  195. minut += 10
  196. gs 'stat'
  197. temp = RAND(0,1)
  198. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad2.jpg"></center>'
  199. 'Walking through the village, you happen to notice Mira, Fucks with Mitka. It, outstretched feet, slowly groaning under makinami shocks, nadrachivat clitoris, and that, roughly hammering in his cock, with one hand unceremoniously squeezes her Breasts.'
  200. if temp = 0:
  201. cls
  202. horny += 10
  203. minut += 5
  204. gs 'stat'
  205. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad3.jpg"></center>'
  206. 'They are so involved with each other, `re ignoring everything else, but because you quietly continue to watch, as soon Mitka drives in Mira his member until it stops and starts to cum. After a couple of minutes, a little breathless, they begin to freshen up and you decide to leave.'
  207. else
  208. cls
  209. horny += 20
  210. minut += 5
  211. gs 'stat'
  212. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad3.jpg"></center>'
  213. 'They are so involved with each other, `re ignoring everything else. You are looking at and understand better, what Mitka Fucks her in the ass, without a condom, so it, surely, so writhing under him. After a while Mitka one jerk drives into her ass his cock until it stops and growling, starts to cum...'
  214. end
  215. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  216. else
  217. '<center><H4>Village Gadyukino</H4></center>'
  218. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/walk.jpg"></center>'
  219. 'You kill time, walking through the village.'
  220. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  221. end
  222. end
  223. if $ARGS[0] = '3':
  224. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraQW7.jpg"></center>'
  225. 'Walking through the village, you notice Miroslav, digging in his garden. She stands and cancer, to your amazement, shines bare promiently...'
  226. act 'To approach it':
  227. cls
  228. miraQW = 1
  229. minut += 15
  230. gs 'stat'
  231. if miragopQW = 0:
  232. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Mira.jpg"></center>'
  233. elseif miragopQW > 0 and miragopQW < 4:
  234. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Mira3.jpg"></center>'
  235. elseif miragopQW >= 4 and miragopQW < 8:
  236. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira0,<<rand(0,5)>>.jpg"></center>'
  237. elseif miragopQW >= 8 and miragopQW < 12:
  238. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira1,<<rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  239. elseif miragopQW >= 12 and miragopQW < 20:
  240. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira2,<<rand(0,5)>>.jpg"></center>'
  241. elseif miragopQW >= 20:
  242. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/mira3,<<rand(0,3)>>.jpg"></center>'
  243. end
  244. 'You quietly sneak up to her, but she notices and turns, immediately rapidly blushing. You a few seconds of silently staring at her, and then unceremoniously asked, why is she without panties. Miroslav, pushing eyes, wrinkled from foot and leg, explaining, what happened, very hot, and here it is... You remind her of her second wish, and ask to sit down. Miroslav reluctantly agrees, and when he sits down, you order her, she`ll show you the crotch, and then you are considered bad. The girl mumbles that-incoherently, but then for half a minute lifts up her skirt and gives you a good look at my crotch.'
  245. act 'Watch':
  246. cls
  247. minut += 2
  248. horny += 15
  249. gs 'stat'
  250. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Mirawish2.jpg"></center>'
  251. 'You enjoy the view, then you comes to mind is a crazy idea and you decide to make a second wish. Mira says sadly, that thought, if this was your second wish, but you are responsible, that just could not resist, then the she speaks, to followed you.'
  252. act 'Exit to the road':
  253. cls
  254. minut += 45
  255. miragopQW = 8
  256. gs 'stat'
  257. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/Mirawish2_1.jpg"></center>'
  258. 'Out on the road you say Miroslav, so she posed as a prostitute, this will be the second desire. Mira nods sadly, looks around and seeing, the street was quiet, fulfills your desire...'
  259. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  260. end
  261. end
  262. end
  263. end
  264. if $ARGS[0] = '4':
  265. cls
  266. minut += 5
  267. horny += RAND(15,30)
  268. gs 'stat'
  269. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad5.jpg"></center>'
  270. 'Walking through the village, you notice for sheds for Vasya to Mira. The one with moans rides on his cock and, it seems, not anything around sameet, you can not say about the Vasyaney... You decide not to risk it and leave the couple alone.'
  271. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  272. end
  273. if $ARGS[0] = '5':
  274. cls
  275. minut += 5
  276. horny += RAND(15,30)
  277. gs 'stat'
  278. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad6.jpg"></center>'
  279. 'Walking through the village, you notice for sheds for Vasya to Mira. The one with moans rides on his cock and, it seems, not anything around sameet, you can not say about the Vasyaney... You decide not to risk it and leave the couple alone.'
  280. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  281. end
  282. if $ARGS[0] = '6':
  283. cls
  284. minut += 5
  285. horny += RAND(15,30)
  286. gs 'stat'
  287. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad7.jpg"></center>'
  288. 'Walking through the village, you notice behind the bushes Kolambu with Mira. The, squatting, passionately smacks her lips on his cock...'
  289. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  290. end
  291. if $ARGS[0] = '7':
  292. cls
  293. minut += 5
  294. horny += RAND(20,40)
  295. gs 'stat'
  296. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad8.jpg"></center>'
  297. 'Walking through the village, you notice behind the bushes Kolambu with Vasya and Mira. That is to see you butt naked on all fours and take turns sucking boys members...'
  298. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  299. end
  300. if $ARGS[0] = '8':
  301. cls
  302. minut += 5
  303. horny += RAND(20,40)
  304. gs 'stat'
  305. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraHorny.jpg"></center>'
  306. 'Walking through the village, you see Mira. She sits on the fence and constantly looking intensely RUB yourself pussy, when no one is watching...'
  307. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  308. end
  309. if $ARGS[0] = '9':
  310. cls
  311. minut += 5
  312. horny += RAND(25,50)
  313. gs 'stat'
  314. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad9.jpg"></center>'
  315. 'Walking through the village, you notice Mira behind fences with Kalambay. She squirms and moans, but dutifully peddles her bare butt Calamba, trying to shove in her bottle...'
  316. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  317. end
  318. if $ARGS[0] = '10':
  319. cls
  320. minut += 5
  321. horny += RAND(50,100)
  322. gs 'stat'
  323. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad10.jpg"></center>'
  324. 'Walking through the village, you see Mira, facing Mitka with his pants down and sticking his fingers Cebu anus, shows him prolapsed ass...'
  325. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  326. end
  327. if $ARGS[0] = '11':
  328. cls
  329. minut += 5
  330. horny += RAND(25,40)
  331. gs 'stat'
  332. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/MiraSexGad11.jpg"></center>'
  333. 'Walking through the village, you meet Mira, which corrects the shoes. However, she without panties and with her pussy white thread sticking out of a tampon...'
  334. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  335. end
  336. if $ARGS[0] = '12':
  337. cls
  338. minut += 5
  339. gs 'stat'
  340. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/GadLol.jpg"></center>'
  341. 'Walking through the village, you see two grandmas, sawing boards...'
  342. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  343. end
  344. if $ARGS[0] = '13':
  345. cls
  346. minut += 5
  347. gs 'stat'
  348. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/GadLol1.jpg"></center>'
  349. 'Walking through the village, you see two thieving grannies, load-bearing boards with dilapidated farm...'
  350. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  351. end
  352. if $ARGS[0] = '14':
  353. cls
  354. minut += 5
  355. gs 'stat'
  356. if temper >= 20:
  357. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/GadLol3.jpg"></center>'
  358. 'Walking through the village, you see local elite. They kindly smile in your face, and as soon as you pass by, immediately start whispering among themselves...'
  359. else
  360. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/GadLol2.jpg"></center>'
  361. 'Walking through the village, you see local elite. They, as if on command, all together subside and hard where to start looking-to the side, as soon as you approach him...'
  362. end
  363. act 'Pass by':gt 'gadukino'
  364. end
  365. if $ARGS[0] = '15':
  366. cls
  367. minut += 5
  368. gs 'stat'
  369. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/GadLol4.jpg"></center>'
  370. 'Walking through the village, you see the younger generation. They happily smile you teeth and staring with all his eyes...'
  371. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  372. end
  373. if $ARGS[0] = '16':
  374. '<center><H4>Village Gadyukino</H4></center>'
  375. '<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/walk.jpg"></center>'
  376. 'You kill time, walking through the village.'
  377. act 'Escape':gt 'gadukino'
  378. end
  379. act 'Go to the river':minut += 20 & gt 'gadriver', 'start'
  380. act 'Exit the highway':minut += 30 & nroad = 15 & gt 'road'
  381. --- gadukino ---------------------------------