# enemy !!Calculation of the enemy`s attack !!in this block is selected on the basis of the variable program enemy attacks if $ARGS[0] = 'start': cla if program = 0:xgt 'enemy', 'fighter' !!!Action Programme simple attacker fizuhoy if program = 1: xgt 'enemy', 'fighter2' !!Action Programme fizuha and knives if program = 2:xgt 'enemy', 'fighter3' !!Action Programme fizuha, knives, it_mists if program = 3:xgt 'enemy', 'fighter4' !!Action Programme fizuha, knives, it_mists, clones if program = 4:xgt 'enemy', 'fighter5' !!Action Programme fizuha, knives, it_mists, clones, paralysis if program = 5:xgt 'enemy', 'kisame' !!Action Programme Kisame if program = 6:xgt 'enemy', 'tobi' !!Action Programme Toby if program = 7:xgt 'enemy', 'gedomazo' !!Action Programme Toby if program = 8:xgt 'enemy', 'gun' !!program of action firearms if program = 9:xgt 'enemy', 'sasori' !!Action Programme Sasori if program = 10:xgt 'enemy', 'konan' !!Action Programme Conan if program = 11:xgt 'enemy', 'hidan' !!Action Programme Hidan end if $ARGS[0] = 'hidan': cla if zerkaloV > 0:set barierV = 0 if zerkaloV <= 0:set barierV = 5500 if healthV < vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5:set healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5 if zerkaloV > 0: set healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5 set mannaV = intelV * magikV + magikV * 100 + vitalV * 10 set willpowerV = willV * 10 set health -= 400 set manna -= 500 '<<$nameV>> yells "RITUAL BEGINS!" and stands in a circle inscribed in blood on the ground.' 'He stabs himself and you feel like the pain pierces the body.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if zerkaloV <= 0 and defence > 0: set damTipV = 5000 set bonusShV = 100 set hidanAtk = 1 '<<$nameV>> yells "Your existence offends DZHASHINA MY GOD!" and throws you in his scythe trehlezviynuyu driving it by a line.' if klon > 0:set klon = klon / 2 & '<<$nameV>> yells "Mraz I slaughter YOU LIKE A PIG!"' xgt 'atakA1', 'atak' exit end if zerkaloV <= 0 and defence <= 0: set damTipV = 300 set bonusShV = 100 set hidanAtk = 1 '<<$nameV>> yells "You will die a blasphemer!" and throws you in his scythe trehlezviynuyu driving it by a line.' if klon > 0:set klon = 0 & 'Your clones turned into steam from the blow spit. <<$nameV>> yells "I IMMORTAL Ravager! And YOU SHIT!"' if tuman > 0:set tuman = 0 & '<<$nameV>> yells "You´re pathetic in their vain attempts SPRYATATSYA FROM ME!"' xgt 'atakA1', 'atak' exit end end if $ARGS[0] = 'konan': cla if round < 6: set mannaV -= 10 set damTipV = 500 '<<$nameV>> adds signs hands and you are flying sheets of paper.' if klon > 0:set klon = 0 & 'Your clones turned into steam from hitting the paper.' xgt 'atakA1', 'atak' exit end if round >= 6: if unmaterialV > 5 and defence > 0: set mannaV -= 250 set damTipV = 15000 set bonusShV = 100 '<<$nameV>> takes to the air on the white wings and pulled out from her wings paper falls on you in a flood of flying with terrible speed paper swords.' if klon > 0:set klon = 0 & 'Your clones turned into steam from hitting the paper.' xgt 'atakA1', 'atak' exit end if unmaterialV > 5 and defence <= 0: set mannaV -= 20 set damTipV = 450 '<<$nameV>> creates a paper boomerangs that fly in your direction.' xgt 'atakA1', 'atak' exit end if defenceV <= 0 and unmaterialV <= 5: set mannaV -= 250 set defenceV += 3000 set defenceMV += 3000 set defenceWV += 3000 'Conan shoots up to its paper wings like an angel. Around it starts spinning paper creating her protection.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if unmaterialV <= 2 and konanD < 3: set mannaV -= 150 set konanD += 1 'Conan stops meditating in the air.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if konanD >= 3: set mannaV -= 250 set konanD = 0 set unmaterialV = 20 'Conan crumbles in the air for thousands of sheets of paper.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'sasori': cla if SasoriBody > 1:set damTipV = 1000 if SasoriBody = 1:set damTipV = 2000 set poisonAV = 1 set defenceV += 10 set defenceMV += 20 set defenceWV += 50 set mannaV -= 10 if SasoriBody = 1 and defence > 0: set defSasori = defence * 20 / 100 set defence -= defSasori 'of rain falls on top of steel needles greatly weaken your defenses.' end '<<$nameV>> shoots at you the whole cloud of poisonous spines.' if klon > 0:set klon = 0 & 'Your clones turned into steam from the blow needle.' xgt 'atakA1', 'atak' end if $ARGS[0] = 'gedomazo': cla if klon <= 0 and tuman <= 0: set magweapbonusV = 5000 '<<$nameV>> with a furious roar of effort on you for its huge stone fist.' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' exit end if klon > 0 or tuman > 0: set klon = 0 set tuman = 0 set mannaV -= 500 '<<$nameV>> makes a terrible roar and air shock wave sweeps over the battlefield.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end end if $ARGS[0] = 'tobi': cla !!program attacks Toby if unmaterialV <= 0 and IzanagiV = 0 and GedoMazo = 0: *clr '<<$nameV>> fingers to his lips and said quietly, "KUCHIE SAINT BUT JITSU."' 'you will see Huge stone statue of a demon, and you rushed to the attack.' set GedoMazo = 1 set $nameV = 'Gedo Mazo' !!stats set strenV = 1000 set speedV = 100 set agilV = 90 set reactV = 100 set vitalV = 5000 set intelV = 50 set willV = 50 !!skills set magikV = 1 set boxingV = 100 set shootV = 100 !!parameters set healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5 set mannaV = intelV * magikV + magikV * 100 + vitalV * 10 set willpowerV = willV * 10 set BonusAtakV = 0 set BonusDefV = 0 !!Programme of Action set barierV = 1500 set program = 7 xgt 'fight', 'start' exit end if unmaterialV <= 2 and IzanagiV = 0 and GedoMazo > 0 and TobiStena = 0: set mannaV -= 500 set TobiStena = 1 set defenceV += 25000 '<<$nameV>> makes Arcanum and reinforcing the skin blackens his body and creating protection of 25,000 units.' set barierV = 2000 xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if unmaterialV <= 2 and IzanagiV = 0 and GedoMazo > 0 and TobiStena = 1: set mannaV += 6000 set TobiStena = 2 '<<$nameV>> makes the magic sign and you feel like it´s magical energy increases sharply.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if stun > 0: set magweapbonusV = 2000 '<<$nameV>> triumphantly said, "Now you´re dead."' 'He grabs you by the throat and lifts his hand in the air.' 'His fingers like steel and they squeeze your throat with terrible force.' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' exit end if defence >= 5000: set defence = 0 set defenceM = 0 set defenceActPar = 0 set defenceActParM = 0 set defenceAct = 0 set defenceActM = 0 set defAtk = 0 set mannaV -= 100 set stunV = 1 '<<$nameV>> close your eyes and you saw of him as a tear ran down a drop of blood.' 'He opened his eyes become completely red with black veins and said Amaterasu' 'In your face rushed black devouring flames destroy your lightning protection.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if tuman > 0: set tumanV += tuman set tuman = 0 '<<$nameV>> adds the magic signs your hands and mist coming under his control enveloping the review of you.' 'He will attack you.' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' exit end if unmaterialV > 0 and klon <= 0: set stunnerV = 1 set mannaV -= 20 set magweapbonusV = 800 '<<$nameV>> attacks you gathered the manna in the hand.' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' exit end if unmaterialV > 0 and klon > 0: set klon = 0 set stunV = 1 '<<$nameV>> adds signs hands and all your clones just turn into steam.' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' exit end if unmaterialV <= 0 and tobizanagi < 2: set mannaV -= 250 set tobizanagi += 1 !!set unmaterialV = 10 '<<$nameV>> adds the characters by hand.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if unmaterialV <= 0 and tobizanagi = 2: set mannaV -= 250 set tobizanagi = 0 set unmaterialV = 20 set stunV = 1 '<<$nameV>> folds his hands and marks around his eyes twisted vortex.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end end if $ARGS[0] = 'kisame': cla !!program attack Kisame if defenceV <= 0 and kisamePro = 0: set kisamePro = 1 set mannaV -= 150 set defenceV += 1500 set defenceMV += 1500 set defenceWV += 1500 set defenceActParV = 500 set defenceActParMV = 500 set defenceActV = 10 set defenceActMV = 10 '<<$nameV>> adds the marks around his hands and formed water sphere protecting it from damage.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if defenceV <= 1000 and kisamePro > 0: set mannaV -= 500 set defenceV += 5000 set defenceMV += 5000 set defenceWV += 5000 set defenceActParV = 500 set defenceActParMV = 500 set defenceActV = 10 set defenceActMV = 10 set defAtkMV = 10 '<<$nameV>> adds the marks and the space around the hands begins pogruzhatsya water.' if klon > 0:set klon = 0 & 'Your clones turned into steam from hitting the water.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if defenceV > 1000: set kisamerand= rand(0, 3) if kisamerand= 0: set klonV += 3 '<<$nameV>> adds the characters by hand.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if kisamerand> 0: set mannaV -= 250 set damTipV = 1500 set damTipMV = 2500 set bonusShV = 50 '<<$nameV>> adds the characters in the hands and fly sharks have created from the water.' if klon > 0:set klon = 0 & 'Your clones turned into steam from hitting the water.' xgt 'atakA1', 'atak' exit end end '<<$nameV>> attacks.' xgt 'enemy', 'fighter' end if $ARGS[0] = 'gun': cla !!program directly attack !!gs 'atak' set damTipV = 1500 '<<$nameV>> shoots at you.' xgt 'atakA1', 'atak' end if $ARGS[0] = 'fighter': cla !!program directly attack !!gs 'atak' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' end if $ARGS[0] = 'fighter2': cla !!program directly attack set deystrand = rand(0, 1) if deystrand = 0:xgt 'atak', 'enemy' if deystrand = 1: set knifeV = rand(1, 3) '<<$nameV>> have a throws <> the blades' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fighter3': cla !!program directly attack if tuman = 0 and tumanV < 5 and mannaV > 10: set mannaV -= 10 set tumanV += 10 '<<$nameV>> produces a fog on the battlefield.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end set deystrand = rand(0, 1) if deystrand = 0:xgt 'atak', 'enemy' if deystrand = 1: set knifeV = rand(1, 3) '<<$nameV>> have a throws <> the blades' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fighter4': cla !!program directly attack if tuman = 0 and tumanV < 5 and mannaV > 10: set mannaV -= 10 set tumanV += 10 '<<$nameV>> produces a fog on the battlefield.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if klonV < 1 and mannaV > 15: set mannaV -= 15 set klonV += 1 'is washed' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end set deystrand = rand(0, 1) if deystrand = 0:xgt 'atak', 'enemy' if deystrand = 1: set knifeV = rand(1, 3) '<<$nameV>> have a throws <> the blades' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'fighter5': cla !!program directly attack if tuman = 0 and tumanV < 5 and mannaV > 10: set mannaV -= 10 set tumanV += 10 '<<$nameV>> produces a fog on the battlefield.' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if klonV < 1 and mannaV > 15: set mannaV -= 15 set klonV += 1 'is washed' xgt 'fight', 'sta' exit end if stun < 1 and manna > 20: set stunnerV = 1 set mannaV -= 20 '<<$nameV>> attacks you Gouge.' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' end set deystrand = rand(0, 1) if deystrand = 0:xgt 'atak', 'enemy' if deystrand = 1: set knifeV = rand(1, 3) '<<$nameV>> have a throws <> the blades' xgt 'atak', 'enemy' end end --- enemy ---------------------------------