pavResidential 11 KB

  1. # pavResidential
  2. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  3. $loc = $CURLOC
  4. $metkaStreet = $ARGS[0]
  5. $locStreet = $CURLOC
  7. if sound = 0:
  8. if month >=11 and month <= 12 or month >=1 and month <=3:
  9. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23: PLAY 'sound/street2.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30
  10. if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7: PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30
  11. else
  12. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23: PLAY 'sound/street2.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/street_leto.mp3',30
  13. if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7:PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30
  14. end
  15. end
  16. cla
  17. *clr
  18. litltown = 1
  19. alkoblock = 0
  20. boynumBlock = 0
  21. !music_on = 0
  22. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk<a href="exec:dynamic $objnewmenu">.</a></h4></center>'
  23. '<center><img src="images/etogame/gorodok.jpg"></center>'
  24. '<center>You are in the residential area of a provincial town in a rural area of Russia. Population: about 10000 inhabitants.</center>'
  25. '<center>Apart from the old palace and fort, it looks much like all the other towns in the area. The tallest building in town is the <a href="exec:gt ''ParChurch'',''start''">church of St Nikolas</a>.</center>'
  26. ''
  27. if belgangQW=1000 and hour>=16 and hour<21 and daybelisex!daystart:gt 'BelSex', 'outing'
  28. if belgangQW=100 and hour>=16 and hour<21 and daybelisex!daystart:gt 'BelSex', 'drive'
  29. if belgangQW=9000 and belgangday<daystart:gt 'BelSex', 'pay'
  30. if GorSlut = 6 and rand(1, 10) = 10:
  31. 'A guy approaches you, and asks if you want to earn some money. He''s offering you 100 <b>₽</b> for a quick fuck in the bushes.'
  32. act 'Go with him': $boy = 'Stranger' & sexpartkno = 0 & gt 'gevent', '5'
  33. act 'Decline':gt $curloc
  34. exit
  35. end
  36. if AlbFather >= 1:
  37. if AlbFaterBlackTime = 0:AlbFaterBlackTime = totminut + 2880
  38. 'You can see election posters on the walls all over town. They say: "Vote for Boris Barlovsky!" Wait a minute... isn''t that Albina''s father?'
  39. end
  40. if AlbFaterBlackTime > 0 and AlbFaterBlackTime <= totminut and hour >= 16 and AlbFather = 1:gt 'AlbFatherQW'
  41. if hour >= 16 and hour <= 22 and AlbFather = 2 and AlbZaDay + 30 < daystart and year > 2015:
  42. gt 'AlbStarsEnd'
  43. end
  44. if StoryLine > 0 and hour < 4 and motherWorry = 0 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and age < 18:
  45. motherWorry = 1
  46. end
  47. if rand(1, 5) >= 4:
  48. if GorSlut = 3:'You catch people staring at you intently, as if they''re supposed to know who you are but can''t quite remember why. You sincerely hope they don''t realize your promiscuous adventures are the reason why. The occasional person chuckling and pointing at you crushes those hopes, and you quickly keep walking before they get a chance to say anything.'
  49. if GorSlut = 4:'People look at you with lewd grins on their faces, some of them even making vulgar gestures. Looks like they know what you''ve been up to.'
  50. if GorSlut >= 5:'Everywhere you go, people recognize you as a whore. Some even come over and slap you on the ass, claiming they know you like it when they do, or claiming they want to sample your goods. An elderly woman sitting on a bench calls out to you, loudly calling you a slut and a whore. You hide your face and run away as fast as you can, before she can draw too much attention to you.'
  51. end
  52. gs 'stat'
  53. gs 'outdoors'
  54. if car > 0 and cardrive = 20:
  55. cardrive = 20
  56. 'Your <a href="exec:gs ''carF'', ''start''">car<<$car>></a> is parked in the street.'
  57. end
  58. if StoryLine = 1 and ParHomeBlock = 0:
  59. 'You live in one of the apartment blocks in the old part of Pavlovsk, and the door to the <a href="exec:minut += 2 & GT ''pod_ezd'',''etaj_1''" class=plain>apartment building</a> is right there. Your <a href="exec:minut += 5 & GT ''korrPar''" class=plain>parents'' home</a> is on the second floor there. <<$gcartext>>'
  60. elseif StoryLine = 1:
  61. 'One of the apartment blocks in the old part of Pavlovsk, and the door to the <a href="exec:minut += 2 & GT ''pod_ezd'',''etaj_1''" class=plain>apartment building</a> is right there. Your parents live here, but you are no longer welcome in their home. <<$gcartext>>'
  62. else
  63. '<<$gcartext>>'
  64. end
  65. if rexCar = 1 and rexCarDay = daystart and hour >= 21 and hour < 23 and rexSisTalk = 3:
  66. 'Rex is in his car, waiting for you at the parking lot near the apartment building where your parents live.'
  67. act 'Join Rex in his car':gt'reks','avto'
  68. end
  69. if rexCar = 1 and rexCarDay = daystart and hour = 21 and rexSisTalk = 4:
  70. 'Rex is in his car, waiting for you at the parking lot near the apartment building where your parents live.'
  71. act 'Join Rex in his car':gt'reks','avto2'
  72. end
  73. if SchoolBlock = 0:
  74. $schoolname = ' and the local <a href="exec:gt ''gschool'', ''start''">school</a>.'
  75. else
  76. '.'
  77. end
  78. 'The town surrounds the old place grounds which are now a large <a href="exec:gt ''gskver'', ''park''">public park</a>, close to the resisdential area is the <a href="exec:gt ''glake''">lake</a>.'
  79. 'The town square features a <a href="exec:gt ''gdk''">community center</a><<$schoolname>>'
  80. 'A <a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''Gshveyfab'', ''start''">garment factory</a> named Paris Commune is situated in the industrial area on the outskirts of town. Inhabitants of Pavlovsk can store their cars in the <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''garmassiv''">garages</a>.'
  81. ''
  82. if Enable_tablemap = 0:
  83. if storyline = 1:'<a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''shulgahome''">The Shulgin family</a> live in the apartment above your parents.'
  84. if ArtemBeInHome > 0 and artemblok = 0:'<a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''artemhome''">Artem Chebotarev</a>, one of your classmates, lives in the same apartment building as your parents, on the first floor.'
  85. if BeInJulMilHome = 1 and hour >= 18 and hour <= 20 and week < 6 or hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and week >= 6:'<a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''JuliaMilVhod''">Julia Milova</a>, one of your classmates, lives in the same apartment building as your parents, on the third floor.'
  86. if BeInNatBelHome = 1 and hour >= 18 and hour <= 20 and week < 6 or hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and week >= 6:'<a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''NatBelHome''">Natasha Belova</a>, one of your classmates, lives in the same apartment building as your parents, on the fourth floor.'
  87. if DimaBeHomeOnce = 1 and DimaRudeBlock = 0:'<a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''dimaGoHome2''">Dimka Nosov</a>, one of your classmates, lives in one of the fancier houses in town.'
  88. if katjaFirstKiss >= 1:'<a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''KatjaHome''">Katja Meynold</a>, one of your classmates, lives in the richer part of town.'
  89. if LariskaHomeIn > 0: '<a href="exec:minut += 15 & GT ''LariskaHome''">Larissa Gruzdev</a>, one of your classmates, lives about 15 minutes away from your parents.'
  90. if beinalbinahome > 0:'<a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''albinaporog''">Albina Barlovskaya</a>, one of your classmates, lives in one of the few luxurious mansions Pavlovsk has to offer.'
  91. else
  92. st_count=0 & $show_table=''
  93. if (serge_shulgin >=70) or (serge_shulgin >=30 and week < 6 and hour >= 16 and hour <= 23) or (week >= 6 and hour >= 10 and hour < 16) or (week < 6 and hour >= 16 and hour <= 23) or (hour >= 0 and hour < 2):
  94. gs'show_table','Apartment of Uncle <a href="exec:minut += 15 & GT ''shulgahome''" >Shulgin</a>.','3'
  95. else
  96. gs'show_table','Apartment of Uncle Shulgin. Not now.','3'
  97. end
  98. if ArtemBeInHome > 0 and artemblok = 0:gs'show_table','Apartment of <a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''artemhome''">Artem Chebotarev</a>.','3'
  99. if BeInJulMilHome = 1:
  100. if hour >= 18 and hour <= 20 and week < 6 or hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and week >= 6:
  101. gs'show_table','apartment of <a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''JuliaMilHome''">Julia Milova</a>.','3'
  102. else
  103. gs'show_table','apartment of Julia Milova. Not now.','3'
  104. end
  105. end
  106. if BeInNatBelHome = 1:
  107. if hour >= 18 and hour <= 20 and week < 6 or hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and week >= 6:
  108. gs'show_table','apartment of <a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''NatBelHome''">Natasha Belova</a>.','3'
  109. else
  110. gs'show_table','apartment of Natasha Belova. Not now.','3'
  111. end
  112. end
  113. if DimaBeHomeOnce = 1 and DimaRudeBlock = 0:gs'show_table','Fancier house of <a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''dimaGoHome2''">Dimka Nosov</a>.','3'
  114. if katjaFirstKiss >= 1:gs'show_table','house of <a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''KatjaHome''">Katja Meynold</a>.','3'
  115. if LariskaHomeIn > 0:gs'show_table','House of <a href="exec:minut += 15 & GT ''LariskaHome''" >Lariska Gruzdevaya</a>, in richer part','3'
  116. if beinalbinahome > 0:gs'show_table','Luxurious mansion of <a href="exec:minut += 15 & gt ''albinaporog''">Albina Barlovskaya</a>.','3'
  117. if st_count > 0 :'<TABLE BORDER=1><<$show_table>></TR></TABLE>'
  118. end
  119. act 'Go to the high street':minut += 5 & gt 'pavCommercial'
  120. if StoryLine = 1 and ParHomeBlock = 0: act '<b>GO HOME</b> (Parents'' Apartment)': minut += 5 & GT 'korrPar'
  121. if kanikuli = 0 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and week < 6 and hour >= 4 and hour < 9: act '<font color = green><b>Go to school</b></font>': minut += 1 & gt'gschool','start'
  122. act 'Wait':
  123. cla
  124. waiting = input ("How long would you like to wait? (Not more than 120 minutes)")
  125. if waiting <= 0 or waiting > 120:
  126. minut += 15
  127. elseif waiting > 0 and waiting <= 120:
  128. minut += waiting
  129. end
  130. act 'Check the time':gt $curloc
  131. end
  132. if StoryLine = 1 and hour >= 8 and hour < 23 and spafinloc = 6 or spafinloc = 7 or spafinloc = 11 or spafinloc = 16 and rand(0, 3) = 0 and sosedday ! daystart:
  133. cls
  134. sosedday = daystart
  135. gs 'stat'
  136. if sosedknow = 0:
  137. sosedknow = 1
  138. 'As you walk though Pavlovsk, someone calls out to you "<<$name>>!" You turn around and see uncle Misha, your neighbor. He looks at your face in amazement: "Your face looks like a mess! What is that?"'
  139. 'You blush and hesitate, trying to inconspicuously wipe the sperm off your face. It''s obviously not working; he already noticed. You see his eyes widen when he realizes what it is. "I see. Looks like you had fun", he grins as he continues on his way.'
  140. else
  141. 'Once again you run into uncle Misha, your neighbor. He notices the sperm on your face: "Again? Looks like you''ve been busy, girl. Nice look, it suits you."'
  142. end
  143. act 'Continue':gt $curloc
  144. exit
  145. end
  146. if magik >= 1 and mainQW = 0 and altQS = 1:
  147. cla
  148. *clr
  149. mainQW = 1
  150. '<center><img src="images/qwest/main.jpg"></center>'
  151. 'At the entrance to the apartment building you see Karin and Juugo. Karin adjusts her glasses and looks around, while Juugo seems to have his head in the clouds not really paying attention to his surroundings. His tattoos are not visible.'
  152. 'Karin closely looks around you: "I felt a burst of energy. Were you attacked by a magician?"'
  153. act 'No?':gt 'mainQW'
  154. exit
  155. end
  156. if storyline ! 0 and AndRev = 1 and hour >=22 and hour >=2 and rand(1,100) >= 90 and AndRevstart ! daystart:
  157. cls
  158. '<center><img src="images/qwest/main.jpg"></center>'
  159. 'It was late and you were hurrying to get home when you are suddenly grabbed from behind. A large hand covered your mouth and you cannot scream. A powerful arm wrapped around your arms and chest and lifted you from your feet. You are dragged into an alleyway between two buildings and the arm around you loosened for just a moment.'
  160. act 'Continue':
  161. cls
  162. '<center><img src="images/qwest/main.jpg"></center>'
  163. 'Before you could try to escape, you felt something sting your arm and you felt your body relax against your will. Just before your eyes closed and you lost consciousness, you heard a familiar voice rasp in your ear. "Now you''ll pay for breaking my nose, you little slut."'
  164. act 'Continue': gt 'boilerroom', 'start'
  165. end
  166. end
  167. if rand (0,2) ! 0:gs 'din_bad' & dynamic $mobile_check
  168. --- pavResidential ---------------------------------