BurgerTip 33 KB

  1. # BurgerTip
  2. $burger_work_din = {
  3. burand = rand(0, 6)
  4. if burand = 0:
  5. 'You lit lamp on the table communicator. Anatoly Borisovich calls you to itself.'
  6. act 'Go to the office Chubais':
  7. cls
  8. gs 'stat'
  9. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work2.jpg"></center>'
  10. bossrand = rand(0, 3)
  11. if bossrand = 0:
  12. 'You went into his office and approached the table Chubais. He turned his head to you "<<$name>>, bring coffee."'
  13. act 'Bring coffee':
  14. cls
  15. gs 'stat'
  16. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work3.jpg"></center>'
  17. 'Did you go to the kitchen and prepared coffee for the boss. Then brought his boss.'
  18. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  19. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  20. end
  21. elseif bossrand = 1:
  22. 'You went into his office and approached the table Chubais. He turned his head to you "Svetochka. Take these documents, and go to the chief accountant. Formalize it and you bring them to me."'
  23. act 'Go to the chief accountant':
  24. cls
  25. gs 'stat'
  26. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work9.jpg"></center>'
  27. 'You took the papers and went to the chief accountant. Elena G. irritably took documents, muttered something under his breath, put the signature and printed several accounts. "To Bring the Director."'
  28. act 'Go to the director':
  29. cls
  30. gs 'stat'
  31. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work2.jpg"></center>'
  32. 'Taking the documents you went back to the director''s office and gave him the documents.'
  33. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  34. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  35. end
  36. end
  37. elseif bossrand = 2:
  38. 'You went into his office and approached the table Chubais. He turned his head to you "Svetochka. Take these documents and bring them to Ivan, let will immediately"'
  39. act 'Go to Ivan':
  40. cls
  41. gs 'stat'
  42. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work7.jpg"></center>'
  43. 'You took the papers and went to the senior manager Ivan.'
  44. 'Ivan sat in his office and worked on the computer. You gave him a folder with documents "Chubais said to do this immediately." Ivan took the folder from your hands and you ran eyes nodded.'
  45. act 'Go to her':
  46. cls
  47. gs 'stat'
  48. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work.jpg"></center>'
  49. 'Documents giving you went to his office.'
  50. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  51. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  52. end
  53. end
  54. elseif bossrand = 3:
  55. cls
  56. bossexrand = rand(0, 3)
  57. horny += 10
  58. gs 'stat'
  59. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/boss<<bossexrand>>.jpg"></center>'
  60. 'You went into his office and approached the table Chubais. He got up from the table and walked over to you'
  61. if bossexrand = 0:'Chubais came up to you and passionately pressed to the wall covering you with kisses.'
  62. if bossexrand = 1:'His hand slid down your stomach and crawled under her skirt, you felt his hand began to caress your pussy.'
  63. if bossexrand = 2:'He grabbed you in the ass and lifted up her skirt you began to knead your soft ass.'
  64. if bossexrand = 3:'Anatoly Borisovich put his hands on your hips, his hands slid up your skirt bullying.'
  65. act 'Kiss':
  66. cls
  67. horny += 10
  68. gs 'stat'
  69. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossex.jpg"></center>'
  70. 'Anatoly Borisovich sat on the couch holding you firmly in their hands. He put you over the top and began to kiss you and fondle your ass.'
  71. dynamic $boss_din_bj
  72. act 'Continue':
  73. cls
  74. horny += 10
  75. gs 'stat'
  76. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossex2.jpg"></center>'
  77. 'Anatoly Borisovich began to undress you and threw you back. He kissed you and you climbed his hands between her legs feeling the pussy'
  78. bosstipsexrand = rand(1, 10)
  79. if bosstipsexrand >= 3:
  80. dynamic $boss_din_sex2
  81. elseif bosstipsexrand < 3:
  82. 'Chubais fingers began to fondle your anus and you feel like you went his finger in the ass.'
  83. dynamic $boss_din_anal2
  84. end
  85. end
  86. end
  87. act 'To kneel':
  88. cls
  89. gs 'stat'
  90. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossex1.jpg"></center>'
  91. 'You kneel before the head and began to unbutton his pants with his thin fingers. Anatoly Borisovich stood before you and not moving silently staring you in the face. Finally, you undid his pants and shoved his hand into his pants boss groped his cock.'
  92. act 'Caress cock through the briefs':
  93. cls
  94. gs 'stat'
  95. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossBJ.jpg"></center>'
  96. 'Vashie thin fingers lowered pants with the chief, and his standing member mound protruded through the panties. You kissed briefs in place mound feeling firm flesh through the fabric. Then playfully took in his mouth dick right through the panties and began to fondle.'
  97. dynamic $boss_din_bj
  98. end
  99. dynamic $boss_din_bj
  100. end
  101. end
  102. end
  103. exit
  104. elseif burand = 1:
  105. cls
  106. gs 'stat'
  107. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work5.jpg"></center>'
  108. if PSBBtimes = 1:
  109. bosstiprand = rand(0, 3)
  110. if bosstiprand = 0:
  111. TerminalPapper = 1
  112. DayTerminalPapper = daystart
  113. 'Came out of the office Anatoly Borisovich and walked up to you. "<<$name>>, take these documents to the North area, in a storage terminal, then you can be free today."'
  114. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  115. elseif bosstiprand = 1:
  116. 'Came out of the office Anatoly Borisovich and walked up to you. "<<$name>>, I''ll leave up for lunch. But now bring up products, you accept the products instead of me."'
  117. act 'Take products':
  118. cls
  119. gs 'stat'
  120. 'To the rear entrance truck arrived with food. To you approached the driver with the instruments of acceptance. You signed the documents and ordered the baggage handlers to unload the car.'
  121. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  122. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  123. end
  124. elseif bosstiprand = 2:
  125. BankPapper = 1
  126. dayBankPapper = daystart
  127. 'Came out of the office Anatoly Borisovich and walked up to you. "<<$name>>, run to the bank with these documents. How otneseshsya documents can be free today."'
  128. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  129. elseif bosstiprand = 3:
  130. 'Came out of the office Anatoly Borisovich and walked up to you. "<<$name>>, call programmer who have part-time, my PC is broken"'
  131. act 'Call programmer':
  132. cls
  133. gs 'stat'
  134. if sosedQW = 0:
  135. 'Soon entered the office of a young, tall guy with a big bag. He asked that broke, you showed him the chief of the computer and the guy sat down at the computer fix. Soon he graduated and earned a computer.'
  136. elseif sosedQW > 0 and sosedKnowWork > 0:
  137. sosedKnowWork = 1
  138. 'Soon the office entered Timothy, your neighbor. He asked that broke, you showed him the chief of the computer and the guy sat down at the computer fix. Soon he graduated and earned a computer.'
  139. elseif sosedQW > 0 and sosedKnowWork = 0:
  140. sosedKnowWork = 1
  141. 'Soon the office entered Timothy, your neighbor. He was surprised to see you. You chatted cheerfully, Timothy is working part-time in bystroezhke, repairing office equipment, charges cartridges.'
  142. end
  143. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  144. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  145. end
  146. end
  147. elseif PSBBtimes = 2:
  148. bosstiprand = rand(0, 3)
  149. if bosstiprand = 0:
  150. 'Came out of the office Anatoly Borisovich and walked up to you. "<<$name>>, I have to leave early today, here''s a print, well, so far." Anatoly Borisovich then left the office.'
  151. bburand = rand(0, 10)
  152. if bburand = 0:
  153. 'To your office went senior manager Ivan.'
  154. dynamic $din_Ivan_work
  155. if kompromatLife = 0 or kompromatBlackMail > 1:
  156. 'Ivan grinned "I need shtampulki on here these papers." You took the seal and stamp on paper Ivan.'
  157. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  158. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  159. end
  160. elseif bburand = 1:
  161. 'To your office assistant manager went Sergei.'
  162. 'Sergei looked you carnivorous eyes "Anatoly Borisovich at?" You said no.'
  163. if sergeyPQW = 1:
  164. 'Pimply young man chuckled and sat on the edge of the table. "<<$name>>, you''re dynamite. Cafe I invested for you, and you with me here and so cost.''s No nice of you."'
  165. elseif sergeyPQW = 0:
  166. 'Pimply kid sat on the edge of the table "<<$name>> you cool the girl can descend to something?"'
  167. act 'No! And do not even think about it!':
  168. cls
  169. gs 'stat'
  170. 'You have rejected this rookie and he jumped up from the table left his office.'
  171. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  172. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  173. end
  174. act 'Come on.':
  175. cls
  176. gs 'stat'
  177. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work7.jpg"></center>'
  178. 'Sergei delighted and promised to go after you left. Working time has come to an end and re-entered the office Sergei. "Come on."'
  179. act 'Go.':
  180. cls
  181. minut += 60
  182. horny += 15
  183. water = 24
  184. energy = 24
  185. salo += 2
  186. fat += 20
  187. gs 'stat'
  188. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/kafe2.jpg"></center>'
  189. 'You went with Sergei and logged in located not far from bystroezhki cafe. Sergei ordered drinks and food and you sat down at the table. Order soon earned and you began to eat and drink wine. Soon you''re a bit tipsy and the conversation flowed naturally. Sergei called the waitress and paid with her. You went out with his partner, and pimply he suddenly hugged you "<<$name>>, went to me."'
  190. act 'Refuse.':
  191. cls
  192. minut += 15
  193. sergeyPQW = 1
  194. gs 'stat'
  195. !!'<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/kafe2.jpg"></center>'
  196. 'You refused molestation obsessive brat and left.'
  197. act 'Leave.':gt 'down'
  198. end
  199. end
  200. end
  201. exit
  202. end
  203. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  204. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  205. elseif bburand = 2:
  206. 'To your office came chief accountant Lena.'
  207. 'Lena looked disapprovingly you "Chef at home?" You said that he was gone. Lena lipped gone.'
  208. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  209. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  210. elseif bburand = 3:
  211. 'To your office came personnel manager Vic.'
  212. 'Vick you smiled "Chef at home?" You replied that he was gone. Vick said he would call the next time left.'
  213. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  214. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  215. elseif bburand > 3:
  216. 'Allotted time you sat in the office alone, bored and expanding solitaire on the computer.'
  217. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  218. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  219. end
  220. elseif bosstiprand = 1:
  221. 'Came out of the office Anatoly Borisovich and walked up to you. "<<$name>>, went along with me, have fun."'
  222. act 'Go with Anatoly Borisovich':
  223. cls
  224. gs 'stat'
  225. '<center><img src="images/maggot/car.jpg"></center>'
  226. BurMestoRand = rand(0, 1)
  227. if BurMestoRand = 0:
  228. 'You got in the car to Anatoly Borisovich and you went to the residential area of ​​the city. Soon the car stopped near the sauna. Chubais said with a smile. "I made room for us."'
  229. act 'Go to the sauna':
  230. cls
  231. gs 'stat'
  232. if SaunaWhore > 0:
  233. BuSWworkEnd = 1
  234. 'You are logged in to the sauna and suddenly faced with mother at the entrance, which provided you work in the sauna. She said with surprise, "<<$name>>, what the hell, are you now indvidualka? Slugger I work, and even dare to come here?" Anatoly Borisovich wondered, "What''s going on here, then you know the <<$name>>?" Nurse laughed, "Do I know <<$name>> Yes her pussy real goldmine! Of course I know it, I have it working as a prostitute." Anatoly Borisovich blushed, "How? <<$name>>? You''re just a whore?" You began to mutter, trying to come up with on the fly how do you otmazatsya. Anatoly Borisovich shook his head. "I was wrong about you, <<$name>>." After that, he went silently out of the sauna and you heard his car left. Nurse continued to laugh at you "<<$name>>, you''re a whore, and if you manage to still Okrut decent guy, if your past will come up, then you no self-respecting man, to live is not. Consider it a free lesson to you."'
  235. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  236. elseif SaunaWhore = 0:
  237. 'You are logged in to the sauna and Chubais held you in luxurious rooms which he made. He quickly began to undress and you too undressed. Then he walked up to you. "<<$name>>, I suck."'
  238. act 'Further':
  239. cls
  240. minut += 5
  241. bj += 1
  242. gs 'stat'
  243. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossBJS.jpg"></center>'
  244. 'You squatted in front of the boss and taking dick kissed his hand. His cock began to twitch gradually rising. You prick the skin baring penis and licked it. Then you cupped member lips and began to suck him. Do you feel as a member in your mouth uvilichivaetsya gradually in size and becomes harder, finally gets full member and you suck it with sucking sounds covering saliva. Anatoly Borisovich pulls his dick out of your mouth and steers you to the bench.'
  245. act 'Further':
  246. cls
  247. minut += 5
  248. protect = 1
  249. $boy = 'Anatoly'
  250. dick = 12
  251. silavag = 0
  252. gs 'stat'
  253. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossSexS.jpg"></center>'
  254. 'Anatoly Borisovich put a condom on the penis and lay down on the bench pulling your hand to yourself. You have thrown a leg over the boss stomach and sat on top of him, then you took his hard hand and sent it into my pussy.'
  255. dynamic $sexstart3
  256. sweat = -3
  257. 'You heard Anatoly Borisovich groaned and twitched a few times, he took you with ebya and you saw that sperm filled condom.'
  258. 'Then you went into the shower to wash. Coming out of the shower, you saw that Anatoly Borisovich already dressed. "<<$name>>, I''ve got to run." He kissed you and left.'
  259. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  260. end
  261. end
  262. end
  263. end
  264. elseif BurMestoRand = 1:
  265. 'You got in the car and suddenly the phone rang boss. He frowned and picked up the receiver. "Yes dear, I will soon." He hung up. "We have to go home, <<$name>>, quick suck, and I''ll go."'
  266. act 'Suck':
  267. cls
  268. minut += 5
  269. bj += 1
  270. cumlip += 1
  271. swallow += 1
  272. gs 'stat'
  273. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossBJcar.jpg"></center>'
  274. 'Anatoly Borisovich sat on the couch waiting for your actions. You leaned over and unzipped his pants taking out his cock from his pants. You leaned over his groin and his lips wrapped around his flaccid penis, which gradually began to get up in your mouth. You sucked it as deep as possible and faster, trying to boss that finished. Finally Anatoly Borisovich little moan and warm liquid squirted into your mouth. Trying not ispachkad expensive car you started to swallow cum boss. After Anatoly Borisovich finished, he put his dick in pants and said goodbye to you.'
  275. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  276. end
  277. end
  278. end
  279. exit
  280. elseif bosstiprand = 2:
  281. 'Came out of the office Anatoly Borisovich and walked up to you. "<<$name>>, call programmer who have part-time, my PC is broken"'
  282. act 'Call programmer':
  283. cls
  284. gs 'stat'
  285. if sosedQW = 0:
  286. 'Soon entered the office of a young, tall guy with a big bag. He asked that broke, you showed him the chief of the computer and the guy sat down at the computer fix. Soon he graduated and earned a computer.'
  287. elseif sosedQW > 0 and sosedKnowWork > 0:
  288. sosedKnowWork = 1
  289. 'Soon the office entered Timothy, your neighbor. He asked that broke, you showed him the chief of the computer and the guy sat down at the computer fix. Soon he graduated and earned a computer.'
  290. elseif sosedQW > 0 and sosedKnowWork = 0:
  291. sosedKnowWork = 1
  292. 'Soon the office entered Timothy, your neighbor. He was surprised to see you. You chatted cheerfully, Timothy is working part-time in bystroezhke, repairing office equipment, charges cartridges.'
  293. end
  294. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  295. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  296. end
  297. elseif bosstiprand = 3:
  298. 'Came out of the office Anatoly Borisovich and walked up to you. "<<$name>>, you have to stay at work today. Come to me now partners for business negotiations."'
  299. act 'Further':
  300. cls
  301. minut += 60
  302. gs 'stat'
  303. 'By Anatoly Borisovich two men came and they settled down in his office. Anatoly Borisovich occasionally caused you that would bring coffee. An hour later, the men were gone and Anatoly Borisovich let you go.'
  304. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  305. end
  306. end
  307. end
  308. exit
  309. elseif burand = 2:
  310. 'To your office went senior manager Ivan.'
  311. dynamic $din_Ivan_work
  312. if kompromatLife = 0 or kompromatBlackMail > 1:
  313. 'Ivan grinned "I need shtampulki on here these papers." You ran to the boss and he stamped on the document, and then you classify documents Ivan.'
  314. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  315. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  316. end
  317. exit
  318. elseif burand = 3:
  319. 'To your office assistant manager went Sergei.'
  320. 'Sergei greedily examining you said "Ivan told these documents include the main, on the signature."'
  321. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  322. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  323. exit
  324. elseif burand = 4:
  325. 'To your office came GlavBukh Lena.'
  326. 'Lena arrogant as ever with mine said "I need a print head of the payment for these." You classify documents to the chief, he slap seals and documents you gave Lena.'
  327. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  328. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  329. exit
  330. elseif burand = 5:
  331. 'To your office came personnel manager Vic.'
  332. 'She smiled at you, "I''ve brought the documents, who is retiring as always, you need to put the press." You classify documents to the chief and he slap stamps. After that you classify documents Vick.'
  333. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  334. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  335. exit
  336. elseif burand = 6:
  337. 'To your office came elegantly dressed woman with an arrogant person.'
  338. if gossipBU < 10:
  339. 'The lady looked scornfully asked you and disgust "at Shreds?" You nodded his head, a lady came in without knocking into the office to Anatoly Borisovich and after a while they went out together, Chubais said on the way "Yes dear, certainly today''ll come to your mother." When the woman left Antaoly Borisovich chuckled "My wife is a rare bitch."'
  340. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  341. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  342. end
  343. if gossipBU >= 10:
  344. 'Lady you looked contemptuously and angrily opened the door to Anatoly Borisovich, you heard her shrill voice, "Tolia, I know all about your adventures with his sekretutkoy, and if you do not immediately vygonish this slut from work, then I myself leave you, you understand? " Anatoly Borisovich zabubnil "Yes, dear, you know, I just love you." He was red in the face out of the office and you threw the paper on the table, "Write on his own!"'
  345. act 'Write a statement of resignation':
  346. cls
  347. work = 0
  348. PersSecWork = 2
  349. Pay = PersSecWorkTimes * 2500
  350. PersSecWorkTimes = 0
  351. money += Pay
  352. gs 'stat'
  353. 'You wrote a statement of resignation and quickly signed his boss, he was counted out to you <<pay>> rubles your paycheck and said, "It''s over <<$name>>, get out of here."'
  354. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  355. end
  356. end
  357. exit
  358. end
  359. }
  360. $boss_ass_din = {
  361. bossassrand = rand(0, 3)
  362. if bossassrand = 0:'When you bend over to pick up the papers from the table, then got a slap on the ass savory from Anatoly Borisovich.'
  363. }
  364. $boss_din_bj = {
  365. act 'Get a member of cowards':
  366. cls
  367. numbjrand = rand(0, 14)
  368. wantrand = rand(0, 3)
  369. bj += 1
  370. gs 'stat'
  371. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossBJ<<numbjrand>>.jpg"></center>'
  372. 'Did you get a member of pants around his boss and his <<$liptalk>> his lips purple head. Your tongue quickly worked on a smooth surface of the head feeling all the twists member. Clasping member you took it into his mouth to the throat and began to move her head. Your eyes stared at the curly pubic Chubais and sometimes his hair tickling your nose.'
  373. if wantrand = 3:
  374. 'Anatoly Borisovich took a member of your mouth "<<$name>>, I want you."'
  375. dynamic $boss_din_bendover
  376. elseif wantrand = 2:
  377. 'Anatoly Borisovich muffled groan "<<$name>> if you prodolzhish, then I finish"'
  378. dynamic $boss_din_bendover
  379. dynamic $boss_din_bj2
  380. elseif wantrand < 2:
  381. 'Anatoly Borisovich groaned obviously going to finish.'
  382. dynamic $boss_din_bj_cum
  383. end
  384. end
  385. }
  386. $boss_din_go_toilet = {
  387. act 'Go to the toilet':
  388. cls
  389. gs 'stat'
  390. bosstoirand = rand(0, 10)
  391. if bosstoirand = 10:
  392. gossipBU += 1
  393. 'You went to the toilet, but in the hallway accidentally collided with Ivan. Ivan looked at you with a grin and turned away went about his business.'
  394. dynamic $boss_din_toilet_wash
  395. elseif bosstoirand = 9:
  396. gossipBU += 1
  397. 'You went to the toilet, but in the hallway accidentally encountered a chief accountant Lena. Lena looked at you and saw sperm muttered "whore" and went on her way.'
  398. dynamic $boss_din_toilet_wash
  399. elseif bosstoirand = 8:
  400. gossipBU += 1
  401. 'You went to the toilet, but in the hallway accidentally collided with the personnel manager Vika. Vick saw you cum and her eyes widened in surprise, then she wrinkled her nose in disgust and walked away.'
  402. dynamic $boss_din_toilet_wash
  403. elseif bosstoirand = 7:
  404. gossipBU += 1
  405. 'You went to the toilet, but in the hallway accidentally encountered a deputy manager Sergei. Pimply young man Serge saw semen on you and laughed, "That''s because cocksucker" after he ran somewhere.'
  406. dynamic $boss_din_toilet_wash
  407. elseif bosstoirand < 7:
  408. bosstoirandin = rand(0, 10)
  409. if bosstoirandin = 10:
  410. gossipBU += 1
  411. 'You quietly slipped into the toilet, but the toilet nose to nose faced the chief accountant Lena. Lena looked at you and saw sperm muttered "whore" and went on her way.'
  412. dynamic $boss_din_toilet_wash2
  413. elseif bosstoirandin = 9:
  414. gossipBU += 1
  415. 'You quietly slipped into the toilet, but the toilet faced nose to nose with the personnel manager Vika Vika saw you cum and her eyes widened in surprise, then she wrinkled her nose in disgust and walked away.'
  416. dynamic $boss_din_toilet_wash2
  417. elseif bosstoirandin < 9:
  418. cumface = 0
  419. cumfrot = 0
  420. if cumface > 0:$deytoibur = 'Standing at the sink, you have washed the face, wash sperm.'
  421. if cumfrot > 0:$deytoibur2 = ' Discreetly wipe the semen from clothing failed blouse and left a large wet spot.'
  422. 'You quietly slipped into the toilet. <<$deytoibur>><<$deytoibur2>>'
  423. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  424. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  425. end
  426. end
  427. end
  428. }
  429. $boss_din_toilet_wash = {
  430. cumface = 0
  431. cumfrot = 0
  432. if cumface > 0:$deytoibur = 'Standing at the sink, you have washed the face, wash sperm.'
  433. if cumfrot > 0:$deytoibur2 = ' Discreetly wipe the semen from clothing failed blouse and left a large wet spot.'
  434. 'You went into the bathroom and turned the water in the sink. <<$deytoibur>><<$deytoibur2>>'
  435. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  436. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  437. }
  438. $boss_din_toilet_wash2 = {
  439. cumface = 0
  440. cumfrot = 0
  441. if cumface > 0:$deytoibur = 'Standing at the sink, you have washed the face, wash sperm.'
  442. if cumfrot > 0:$deytoibur2 = ' Discreetly wipe the semen from clothing failed blouse and left a large wet spot.'
  443. 'You turned the water in the sink. <<$deytoibur>><<$deytoibur2>>'
  444. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  445. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  446. }
  447. $boss_din_bj_cum = {
  448. act 'Remove the member of his mouth':
  449. cls
  450. gs 'stat'
  451. reaktrand = rand(0, 10)
  452. if reaktrand <= 5:
  453. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossBJcum.jpg"></center>'
  454. 'You took time member of his mouth. The hour is a member of sperm splattered on the floor, you caressed member hand until finally Anatoly Borisovich not exhausted. After that he removed his pants and member sat at the table.'
  455. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  456. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  457. elseif reaktrand > 5 and reaktrand < 9:
  458. cumfrot += 1
  459. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossBJcum2.jpg"></center>'
  460. 'You took time member of his mouth. The hour is a member of sperm splattered on the floor, you caressed member hand until finally Anatoly Borisovich not exhausted. then he removed the cock in his pants and sat down. Starting to brush up, you notice that you got some sperm on her blouse.'
  461. dynamic $boss_din_go_toilet
  462. elseif reaktrand >= 9:
  463. cumface += 1
  464. cumfrot += 1
  465. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossBJcum3.jpg"></center>'
  466. 'Once you have removed the member of his mouth as directed jet of sperm hit you in the face. You closed your eyes and you immediately got sperm on eyelashes. When you rubbed their eyes, they saw that the sperm just got on your clothes.'
  467. dynamic $boss_din_go_toilet
  468. end
  469. gs 'stat'
  470. end
  471. dynamic $boss_din_bj2
  472. }
  473. $boss_din_bj2 = {
  474. act 'Continue to suck':
  475. cls
  476. cumlip += 1
  477. gs 'stat'
  478. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossBJcum4.jpg"></center>'
  479. 'You continued to suck and immediately poured into your mouth warm sperm, which was mixed with saliva while you continued to suck dick deciduous.'
  480. act 'Spit out':
  481. cls
  482. gs 'stat'
  483. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossBJcum5.jpg"></center>'
  484. 'When sperm ceased to flow out of the penis you spit cum rushed out of his mouth, but his mouth was nasty, sharp taste of sperm.'
  485. boburand = rand(0, 10)
  486. if boburand > 2:
  487. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  488. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  489. elseif boburand <= 2:
  490. cumfrot += 1
  491. gs 'stat'
  492. 'Spitting sperm you notice that a few drops of semen got you on her blouse.'
  493. dynamic $boss_din_go_toilet
  494. end
  495. end
  496. act 'Swallow':
  497. cls
  498. swallow += 1
  499. gs 'stat'
  500. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossBJcum6.jpg"></center>'
  501. 'You rushed to swallow warm and nasty sperm in the mouth but left an unpleasant taste of semen.'
  502. boburand = rand(0, 10)
  503. if boburand > 2:
  504. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  505. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  506. elseif boburand <= 2:
  507. cumfrot += 1
  508. gs 'stat'
  509. 'Spitting sperm you notice that a few drops of semen got you on her blouse.'
  510. dynamic $boss_din_go_toilet
  511. end
  512. end
  513. end
  514. }
  515. $boss_din_bendover = {
  516. act 'Lie chest on the table':
  517. cls
  518. gs 'stat'
  519. !!bossfuck
  520. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossbendover.jpg"></center>'
  521. 'You bent down and went chest on the table, with his hands and parted skirt ass.'
  522. bosstipsex = rand(0, 10)
  523. if bosstipsex <= 8:
  524. 'Anatoly Borisovich rubbed a little head of his penis on your mokrenkaya pussy.'
  525. dynamic $boss_din_sex
  526. elseif bosstipsex > 8:
  527. 'Anatoly Borisovich bent down and spit you on the ass, then you felt his finger collected saliva and you went into the anus.'
  528. dynamic $boss_din_anal
  529. end
  530. end
  531. }
  532. $boss_din_sex = {
  533. act 'Moan':
  534. cls
  535. bosstipsex = rand(0, 10)
  536. $boy = 'Anatoly'
  537. dick = 12
  538. silavag = 0
  539. pose = 1
  540. gs 'stat'
  541. !!bossfuck
  542. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossfuck.jpg"></center>'
  543. 'You relax and feel like your lower jaw spread logged into your body hard cock, you could not stand and make a light moan from the feeling of fullness.'
  544. dynamic $sexstart2
  545. !!dynamic $sexcum
  546. bosswantrand = rand(0, 10)
  547. if bosswantrand >= 3:
  548. cumass += 1
  549. '<<$boy>> took out of you cock and you feel like a stream of sperm you naked by the ass.'
  550. 'You took a napkin and wiped the sperm with his bare ass, but you are not rubbing, the sperm still left on your body.'
  551. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  552. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  553. elseif bosswantrand < 3:
  554. 'Anatoly Borisovich took a member of your pussy and uper it in your ass.'
  555. dynamic $boss_din_anal
  556. end
  557. end
  558. }
  559. $boss_din_anal = {
  560. act 'Relax the anus':
  561. cls
  562. bosstipsex = rand(0, 10)
  563. $boy = 'Anatoly'
  564. dick = 12
  565. silavag = 0
  566. pose = 1
  567. gs 'stat'
  568. !!bossfuck
  569. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossanal.jpg"></center>'
  570. 'You relax and feel like in your anus braced hard cock trying to push your sphincter.'
  571. dynamic $analsex
  572. !!dynamic $sexcum
  573. cumanus+= 1
  574. '<<$boy>> and groaned as you felt something in your ass was dispensed heat from the sperm.'
  575. 'Finally Anatoly Borisovich took out your cock and the buttocks took it in his pants.'
  576. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  577. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  578. end
  579. }
  580. $boss_din_sex2 = {
  581. act 'Moan':
  582. cls
  583. bosstipsex = rand(0, 10)
  584. $boy = 'Anatoly'
  585. dick = 12
  586. silavag = 0
  587. pose = 0
  588. gs 'stat'
  589. !!bossfuck
  590. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossfuck2.jpg"></center>'
  591. 'You relax and feel like your lower jaw spread logged into your body hard cock, you could not stand and make a light moan from the feeling of fullness.'
  592. dynamic $sexstart2
  593. !!dynamic $sexcum
  594. bosswantrand = rand(0, 10)
  595. if bosswantrand >= 3:
  596. cumbelly += 1
  597. '<<$boy>> took out of you cock and you feel like a stream of sperm you naked by the ass.'
  598. 'You took a napkin and wiped the sperm with his bare ass, but you are not rubbing, the sperm still left on your body.'
  599. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  600. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  601. elseif bosswantrand < 3:
  602. 'Anatoly Borisovich took a member of your pussy and uper it in your ass.'
  603. dynamic $boss_din_anal2
  604. end
  605. end
  606. }
  607. $boss_din_anal2 = {
  608. act 'Relax the anus':
  609. cls
  610. bosstipsex = rand(0, 10)
  611. $boy = 'Anatoly'
  612. dick = 12
  613. silavag = 0
  614. pose = 0
  615. gs 'stat'
  616. !!bossfuck
  617. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/bossanal2.jpg"></center>'
  618. 'You relax and feel like in your anus braced hard cock trying to push your sphincter.'
  619. dynamic $analsex
  620. !!dynamic $sexcum
  621. cumanus+= 1
  622. '<<$boy>> and groaned as you felt something in your ass was dispensed heat from the sperm.'
  623. 'Finally Anatoly Borisovich took out your cock and the buttocks took it in his pants.'
  624. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  625. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  626. end
  627. }
  628. $din_Ivan_work = {
  629. if kompromatLife > 0 and kompromatBlackMail = 0:
  630. 'Ivan grinned "<<$name>>, <<$name>>. I could not have imagined that such a cute girl, this rich life." he put the photo on your desk. You picked her up and looked. <<$kompromatFoto>>. Ivan gladly stretched like a cat caught the mouse "<<$name>> understand, everything would be fine, but our chief claim to a political career. And in politics it''s not just that his secretary loves to act in this way. He, too, will suffer." So, you can collect things and find new employment. "When Anatoly Borisovich know, you fly out of here with a bang."'
  631. dynamic $din_Ivan_work2
  632. act 'Keep silent':
  633. cls
  634. kompromatBlackMail = 1
  635. minut += 5
  636. gs 'stat'
  637. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work5.jpg"></center>'
  638. 'Ivan seeing your silence frowned slightly. "Okay, baby, you will destroy the pride." Ivan got irritated and cleaned photo in his pocket.'
  639. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  640. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  641. dynamic $din_Ivan_work2
  642. end
  643. end
  644. }
  645. $din_Ivan_work2 = {
  646. act 'Ivan plead not show these pictures':
  647. cls
  648. minut += 5
  649. gs 'stat'
  650. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work5.jpg"></center>'
  651. 'You began to plead not show pictures of Ivan boss. Ivan chuckled, "I see you are ready to cooperate.''ll Go to my office to discuss."'
  652. act 'Go with Ivan in his office':
  653. cls
  654. kompromatBlackMail = 2
  655. gs 'stat'
  656. 'You came to the office of Ivan and he closed the door with a key. "Well baby, I want to start to look at you naked. Undress!"'
  657. act 'Undress':
  658. cls
  659. kompromatBlackMail = 2
  660. gs 'stat'
  661. 'You undressed feeling the gaze of Ivan. When you were naked in front of him, he slowly walked across the room, staring at you. His hand took you for the chest and you feel his fingers covered your nipple. "Not bad, not bad. Maybe we''ll get along and. Now on your knees bitch and open your fucking mouth wide."'
  662. act 'Get on your knees and open your mouth':
  663. cls
  664. kompromatBlackMail = 2
  665. cumface += 1
  666. facial += 1
  667. boy += 1
  668. gs 'stat'
  669. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/ivanfacial.jpg"></center>'
  670. 'You knelt down and opened his mouth. Ivan got dick out of his pants and began to masturbate in front of your face, watching you with his gaze. "I knew you''d be my whore!" sperm from his cock splattered on your face. Then another and another jet. After Ivan finished on your face, he put his dick in his pants and said, "Okay, get out of my office slut, and do not forget, I do not report anything to the chief, but you are in my hands."'
  671. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  672. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  673. end
  674. end
  675. dynamic $din_Ivan_work3
  676. end
  677. dynamic $din_Ivan_work3
  678. end
  679. }
  680. $din_Ivan_work3 = {
  681. act 'Refuse':
  682. cls
  683. kompromatBlackMail = 1
  684. gs 'stat'
  685. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work7.jpg"></center>'
  686. 'You refused to undress. Ivan sighed. "All the same, you stupid pussy, and I''m tired of messing with you, it is easier to get rid of you once and for all." Ivan went to the door, opened it, and pointed out to you at the door.'
  687. if PSBBtimes = 1:dynamic $dinBistroWork
  688. if PSBBtimes = 2:dynamic $dinBistroWork2
  689. end
  690. }
  691. $din_Ivan_work4 = {
  692. act 'Refuse':
  693. cls
  694. kompromatBlackMail = 1
  695. gs 'stat'
  696. '<center><img src="images/qwest/sosed/work7.jpg"></center>'
  697. 'You refused. Ivan sighed. "All the same, you stupid pussy, and I''m tired of messing with you, it is easier to get rid of you once and for all." He turned and walked away'
  698. act 'Leave':gt 'down'
  699. end
  700. }
  701. --- BurgerTip ---------------------------------