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English translation for QSP.

Joel 6 vuotta sitten
1 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 153 lisäystä ja 0 poistoa
  1. 153 0

+ 153 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  <Statements>
+    <Keyword name="pl" desc="PL [expression] / *PL [expression] - output text to an additional / main description window, then a new line"/>
+    <Keyword name="clear" desc="CLEAR / *CLEAR - cleaning additional / the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="clr" desc="CLR / *CLR - cleaning additional / the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="p" desc="P [expression] / *P [expression] - output text to an additional / main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="nl" desc="NL [expression] / *NL [expression] - transition to a new line, then output the text to an additional/ main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="msg" desc="MSG [expression] - output of the message in the information window"/>
+    <Keyword name="wait" desc="WAIT [#expression] - stop execution of the program for a specified number of milliseconds"/>
+    <Keyword name="act" desc="ACT [$variable],[$path to the image]:[operator] &amp; [operator] &amp; ... - adding an action"/>
+    <Keyword name="delact" desc="DELACT [$variable] / DEL ACT [$variable] - deleting an action"/>
+    <Keyword name="cla" desc="CLA - clearing the action list"/>
+    <Keyword name="cmdclear" desc="CMDCLEAR - clearing input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="cmdclr" desc="CMDCLEAR - clearing input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="cls" desc="CLS - clears the screen, leaving only a list of items"/>
+    <Keyword name="menu" desc="MENU [$expression] - displaying a menu with a given name"/>
+    <Keyword name="settimer" desc="SETTIMER [#expression] - specifies the timer interval for the counter location"/>
+    <Keyword name="dynamic" desc="DYNAMIC [$line of code],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - dynamic code execution"/>
+    <Keyword name="set" desc="SET [variable name]=[expression] - setting the value of a variable"/>
+    <Keyword name="let" desc="LET [variable name]=[expression] - setting the value of a variable"/>
+    <Keyword name="killvar" desc="KILLVAR [$name],[#index] - delete all variables / specified variable"/>
+    <Keyword name="copyarr" desc="COPYARR [$array-receiver],[$source array] - copying the contents of an array to another array"/>
+    <Keyword name="addobj" desc="ADDOBJ [$variable],[$path to the image],[#position] / ADD OBJ [$variable],[$path to the image],[#position] - adding an item"/>
+    <Keyword name="delobj" desc="DELOBJ [$variable] / DEL OBJ [$variable] - object removal"/>
+    <Keyword name="killobj" desc="KILLOBJ [#position] - removal of all items / of the item in the given position"/>
+    <Keyword name="unselect" desc="UNSELECT - cancellation of object selection"/>
+    <Keyword name="unsel" desc="UNSEL - cancellation of object selection"/>
+    <Keyword name="killall" desc="KILLALL - delete all variables and items"/>
+    <Keyword name="opengame" desc="OPENGAME [$expression] - Loading the game state"/>
+    <Keyword name="openqst" desc="OPENQST [$expression] - opening and launching a game file"/>
+    <Keyword name="addqst" desc="ADDQST [$expression] - adding locations from the specified file"/>
+    <Keyword name="killqst" desc="KILLQST - delete all added via ADDQST locations"/>
+    <Keyword name="savegame" desc="SAVEGAME [$expression] - preservation of the game state"/>
+    <Keyword name="refint" desc="REFINT - interface update"/>
+    <Keyword name="showacts" desc="SHOWACTS [#expression] - display / hiding action list"/>
+    <Keyword name="showinput" desc="SHOWINPUT [#expression] - display / hiding the input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="showobjs" desc="SHOWOBJS [#expression] - display / hiding a list of items"/>
+    <Keyword name="showstat" desc="SHOWSTAT [#expression] - display / hiding an additional description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="if" desc="IF [#expression]:[operator1] &amp; [operator2] &amp; ... ELSE [operator3] &amp; [operator4] &amp; ... - condition"/>
+    <Keyword name="else" desc="IF [#expression]:[operator1] &amp; [operator2] &amp; ... ELSE [operator3] &amp; [operator4] &amp; ... - condition"/>
+    <Keyword name="elseif" desc="ELSEIF [#expression]:[operator1] &amp; [operator2] &amp; ... - alternate state"/>
+    <Keyword name="exit" desc="EXIT - completion of the current code"/>
+    <Keyword name="end" desc="END - completion of a multi-line form IF / ACT"/>
+    <Keyword name="jump" desc="JUMP [$expression] - go to the specified label"/>
+    <Keyword name="gosub" desc="GOSUB [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - processing of the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="gs" desc="GS [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - processing of the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="goto" desc="GOTO [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - go to the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="gt" desc="GT [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - go to the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="xgoto" desc="XGOTO [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - go to the specified location without clearing the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="xgt" desc="XGT [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - go to the specified location without clearing the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="play" desc="PLAY [$path to an audio file],[#volume] - playing an audio file with a specified volume"/>
+    <Keyword name="close" desc="CLOSE [$path to an audio file] / CLOSE ALL - stop playing a sound file / all sound files"/>
+    <Keyword name="view" desc="VIEW [$path to the graphic file] - image view"/>
+  </Statements>
+  <Expressions>
+    <Keyword name="and" desc="[#expression 1] AND [#expression 2] - logical &quot;and=&quot;"/>
+    <Keyword name="or" desc="[#expression 1] OR [#expression 2] - logical &quot;or&quot;"/>
+    <Keyword name="obj" desc="OBJ [$subject] - checking the presence of an object in a backpack"/>
+    <Keyword name="loc" desc="LOC [$location] - checking the existence of a location"/>
+    <Keyword name="no" desc="NO [#expression] - negation"/>
+    <Keyword name="mod" desc="[#expression 1] MOD [#expression 2] - calculation of the remainder from division"/>
+    <Keyword name="desc" desc="DESC([$expression]) - returns the text of the basic description of the location"/>
+    <Keyword name="$desc" desc="$DESC([$expression]) - returns the text of the basic description of the location"/>
+    <Keyword name="iif" desc="IIF([#expression],[Expression_Yes],[expression_no]) - возвращает одно из выражений по условию"/>
+    <Keyword name="$iif" desc="$IIF([#expression],[Expression_Yes],[expression_no]) - возвращает одно из выражений по условию"/>
+    <Keyword name="input" desc="INPUT([expression]) - shows the text input window and returns the entered value"/>
+    <Keyword name="$input" desc="$INPUT([expression]) - shows the text input window and returns the entered value"/>
+    <Keyword name="isplay" desc="ISPLAY([$expression]) - checks if the specified file is currently playing"/>
+    <Keyword name="max" desc="MAX([expression 1],[expression 2], ...) - returns the maximum of the argument values"/>
+    <Keyword name="$max" desc="$MAX([expression 1],[expression 2], ...) - returns the maximum of the argument values"/>
+    <Keyword name="min" desc="MIN([expression 1],[expression 2], ...) - returns the minimum of the argument values"/>
+    <Keyword name="$min" desc="$MIN([expression 1],[expression 2], ...) - returns the minimum of the argument values"/>
+    <Keyword name="rand" desc="RAND([#expression 1],[#expression 2]) - returns a random number between the given"/>
+    <Keyword name="rgb" desc="RGB([#red],[#green],[#blue]) - returns color code based on 3 components"/>
+    <Keyword name="getobj" desc="GETOBJ([#position]) - returns the name of the item located in the given position"/>
+    <Keyword name="$getobj" desc="$GETOBJ([#position]) - returns the name of the item located in the given position"/>
+    <Keyword name="dyneval" desc="DYNEVAL([$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ...) - returns the value of the dynamically evaluated expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="$dyneval" desc="$DYNEVAL([$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ...) - returns the value of the dynamically evaluated expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="func" desc="FUNC([$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ...) - processing specified location as a function"/>
+    <Keyword name="$func" desc="$FUNC([$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ...) - processing specified location as a function"/>
+    <Keyword name="arrsize" desc="ARRSIZE([$expression]) - returns the number of elements in the specified array"/>
+    <Keyword name="arrpos" desc="ARRPOS([#starting index],[$array name],[value]) - search in an array of an element with a given value"/>
+    <Keyword name="instr" desc="INSTR([#initial position],[$text],[$search text]) - search for text occurrences"/>
+    <Keyword name="isnum" desc="ISNUM([$expression]) - checks if the specified string is a number"/>
+    <Keyword name="trim" desc="TRIM([$expression]) - removes adjacent spaces and tabs from text"/>
+    <Keyword name="$trim" desc="$TRIM([$expression]) - removes adjacent spaces and tabs from text"/>
+    <Keyword name="ucase" desc="UCASE([$expression]) - converts small letters of text to large"/>
+    <Keyword name="$ucase" desc="$UCASE([$expression]) - converts small letters of text to large"/>
+    <Keyword name="lcase" desc="LCASE([$expression]) - converts large letters of text into small"/>
+    <Keyword name="$lcase" desc="$LCASE([$expression]) - converts large letters of text into small"/>
+    <Keyword name="len" desc="LEN([$expression]) - returns the length of the specified string"/>
+    <Keyword name="mid" desc="MID([$text],[#start],[#length]) - cuts out a string of the specified length starting from the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="$mid" desc="$MID([$text],[#start],[#length]) - cuts out a string of the specified length starting from the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="replace" desc="REPLACE([$text],[$search text],[$text to replace]) - replaces the specified string in the text"/>
+    <Keyword name="$replace" desc="$REPLACE([$text],[$search text],[$text to replace]) - replaces the specifieed string in the text"/>
+    <Keyword name="str" desc="STR([#expression]) - converts a number to a string"/>
+    <Keyword name="$str" desc="$STR([#expression]) - converts a number to a string"/>
+    <Keyword name="val" desc="VAL([$expression]) - converts a string to a number"/>
+    <Keyword name="arrcomp" desc="ARRCOMP([#starting index],[$array name],[$template]) - search in an array of an element corresponding to a regular expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="strcomp" desc="STRCOMP([$expression],[$template]) - checks the specified text for consistency with a regular expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="strfind" desc="STRFIND([$expression],[$template],[#number]) - returns a substring, corresponding to the group numbered [#number] regular expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="$strfind" desc="$STRFIND([$expression],[$template],[#number]) - returns a substring, corresponding to the group numbered [#number] regular expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="strpos" desc="STRPOS([$expression],[$template],[#number]) - returns the position of the substring, corresponding to the group with the number [#number] regular expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="countobj" desc="COUNTOBJ -returns the current number of items"/>
+    <Keyword name="msecscount" desc="MSECSCOUNT - returns the number of milliseconds, elapsed since the start of the game"/>
+    <Keyword name="rnd" desc="RND - returns a random value from 1 to 1000"/>
+    <Keyword name="curloc" desc="CURLOC - returns the name of the current location"/>
+    <Keyword name="$curloc" desc="$CURLOC - returns the name of the current location"/>
+    <Keyword name="qspver" desc="QSPVER - returns the version of the interpreter"/>
+    <Keyword name="$qspver" desc="$QSPVER - returns the version of the interpreter"/>
+    <Keyword name="selobj" desc="SELOBJ - returns the name of the selected item"/>
+    <Keyword name="$selobj" desc="$SELOBJ - returns the name of the selected item"/>
+    <Keyword name="selact" desc="SELACT - returns the name of the selected action"/>
+    <Keyword name="$selact" desc="$SELACT - returns the name of the selected action"/>
+    <Keyword name="curacts" desc="CURACTS - returns all current actions as code"/>
+    <Keyword name="$curacts" desc="$CURACTS - returns all current actions as code"/>
+    <Keyword name="user_text" desc="USER_TEXT - returns text in the input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="$user_text" desc="$USER_TEXT - returns text in the input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="usrtxt" desc="USRTXT - returns text in the input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="$usrtxt" desc="$USRTXT - returns text in the input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="maintxt" desc="MAINTXT - returns text in the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="$maintxt" desc="$MAINTXT - returns text in the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="stattxt" desc="STATTXT - returns text in an additional description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="$stattxt" desc="$STATTXT - returns text in an additional description window"/>
+  </Expressions>
+  <Variables>
+    <Keyword name="args" desc="ARGS - array with procedure parametersarray with procedure parameters / function"/>
+    <Keyword name="$args" desc="$ARGS - array with procedure parameters / function"/>
+    <Keyword name="result" desc="RESULT - the variable contains the result, returned by the current function"/>
+    <Keyword name="$result" desc="$RESULT - the variable contains the result, returned by the current function"/>
+    <Keyword name="disablescroll" desc="DISABLESCROLL - if the variable is not equal to 0, it prohibits auto-scrolling of the text in the output"/>
+    <Keyword name="disablesubex" desc="DISABLESUBEX - if the variable is not equal to 0, it prohibits the use of &quot;subexpressions&quot; in the text"/>
+    <Keyword name="nosave" desc="NOSAVE - if the variable is not equal to 0, the user can not save the game state"/>
+    <Keyword name="debug" desc="DEBUG - if the variable is not equal to 0, then disabling the game ID check when the state is loaded"/>
+    <Keyword name="$counter" desc="$COUNTER - variable contains the name of the location-counter"/>
+    <Keyword name="$ongload" desc="$ONGLOAD - variable contains the name of the location-the state load handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$ongsave" desc="$ONGSAVE - variable contains the name of the location-a stateful handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$onnewloc" desc="$ONNEWLOC - variable contains the name of the location-new location handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$onactsel" desc="$ONACTSEL - variable contains the name of the location-the action selector"/>
+    <Keyword name="$onobjsel" desc="$ONOBJSEL - variable contains the name of the location-object selector handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$onobjadd" desc="$ONOBJADD - variable contains the name of the location-addon handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$onobjdel" desc="$ONOBJDEL - variable contains the name of the location-object removal handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$usercom" desc="$USERCOM - variable contains the name of the location-input line handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="usehtml" desc="USEHTML - if the variable is not equal to 0, then includes the possibility of using HTML"/>
+    <Keyword name="bcolor" desc="BCOLOR - the variable contains the background color"/>
+    <Keyword name="fcolor" desc="FCOLOR - variable contains the main font color"/>
+    <Keyword name="lcolor" desc="LCOLOR - variable contains the main color of links"/>
+    <Keyword name="fsize" desc="FSIZE - variable contains the main font size"/>
+    <Keyword name="$fname" desc="$FNAME - variable contains the name of the main font"/>
+    <Keyword name="$backimage" desc="$BACKIMAGE - the variable contains the path to the background image"/>
+  </Variables>