# Girl Life (ЭТО) [English Community Version] - github edition ## Quick start (for Unixy machines) * clone/fork the repo * make edits to the files in `locations` * run `./txtmerge.py locations glife.txt` * run `wine txt2gam.exe glife.txt glife.qsp` * test that it works * commit your changes * push and/or send a pull request ## Quick start (for Windows machines) * Double click the MakeQSP.bat * Enjoy :) ## What exactly is all this? In an effort to make editing the text of Girl Life easier, I set up this repo. This is based on the english community version. There are two branches: `master` and `releases`. On the `master` branch I will keep my version of the game as I make edits, merge pull requests, etc. while the `releases` is where you'd get things that you expect to actually work. ## Where are the images? Not here. Shouldn't you know this already? ## What is `glife.txt`? It turns out that `glife.qsp` is not the friendliest format for this game, but if you use `qgen` you can export the game in what they call `TXT2GAM` format. This is how `glife.txt` is obtained. Note that this is a large text file encoded in UTF-16, so git still has some trouble with it. ## What are the python scripts? Since `glife.txt` is large and in UTF-16, I wrote two scripts, one that splits this file into one file per location, and puts them in `locations` after turning them to UTF-8, another that takes the UTF-8 files from `locations` and generates a UTF-16 file in `TXT2GAM` format. ## I modified something in `locations`, ran the `txtmerge.py` script, now what? Assuming you ran something like ./txtmerge.py locations glife.txt you now need to turn `glife.txt` into a `qsp` file. On my system, I use `wine` to run `txt2gam.exe`, works quite well: wine txt2gam.exe glife.txt glife.qsp ## Where do I get `qgen` and `txt2gam.exe`? * [qgen](http://qsp.su/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=46&Itemid=56) * [txt2gam](http://qsp.su/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=52&Itemid=56)