gschool_lessons 66 KB

  1. # gschool_lessons
  2. !!exhibition_exp += 3 - This is an example for adding gains to exhibitionism
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'morning':
  4. if detention_set = 1 and week = 1:
  5. cls
  6. detention_set = 2
  7. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/50.jpg"></center>'
  8. 'The principal is waiting for you in the hall, and with a simple curl of a finger, she summons you to follow her to her office.'
  9. act 'Follow': gt 'gschool_office', 'principal'
  10. else
  11. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  12. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  13. 'Walking down the halls, you barely notice the poor state of the school anymore, having grown used to it. Approaching your locker, you see several of your classmates who you wave to. The first bell rings to attend morning class and now you debate cutting class.'
  14. gs 'gschool_gossip', 'morning'
  15. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'class'
  16. act 'Skip one of your classes':
  17. cla
  18. *clr
  19. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  20. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  21. 'You don''t feel like attending all of your classes this morning. Surely no one will miss you if you skip one of your three morning classes.'
  22. act 'Go to girl''s bathroom': gt 'gschool_girls_bathroom', 'start'
  23. act 'Go to boy''s bathroom': gt 'gschool_boys_bathroom', 'start'
  24. !! act 'Go to old school building': gt
  25. end
  26. end
  27. end
  28. if $ARGS[0] = 'class':
  29. if hour = 10:
  30. minut += 60
  31. school_lunch = 0
  32. urand = rand(0, 8)
  33. if lernHome = 0: pcs_grades += 2
  34. if lernHome > 0: pcs_grades -= 1
  35. if pcs_grades > 100: pcs_grades = 100
  36. if pcs_grades < 0: pcs_grades = 0
  37. lernSkill += 1
  38. lernHome += 1
  39. if schoolSorev = 1: schoolSorev = 0
  40. elseif school_lunch = 1 and hour ! 14:
  41. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'afternoon2'
  42. end
  43. cla
  44. if hour <= 11 and (week = 2 or week = 4):
  45. $teacher = 'Anatoly E.'
  46. $teacher[1] = 'Anatoly E.'
  47. $teacher[2] = 'Anatoly E.'
  48. else
  49. $teacher = 'Ilya Yenotin'
  50. $teacher[1] = 'Ilya Yenotin'
  51. $teacher[2] = 'Ilya Yenotin'
  52. end
  53. gs 'stat'
  54. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/urok<<urand>>.jpg"></center>'
  55. if late = 1 and hour = 10: 'Under the disapproving gaze of the teacher, you feel guilty for being late.' & late=0
  56. 'You sit in the classroom and listen to the monotonous droning of your teacher, doing your best not to fall asleep.'
  57. if pav_slut >= 25:'During the class you hear classmates whisper nasty things about you, and sometimes they make lewd gestures when the teacher is not looking.'
  58. if soniaPS = 1:soniaPS = 2 & 'Everyone is talking about Sonia today. Apparently, she got very drunk last night at the disco and gave five guys blowjobs, at the same time! Her reputation is ruined, now that everyone thinks she''s a whore. No one wants to be seen with her anymore and Sonia herself looks distraught and keeps to herself.'
  59. if Enable_skipnoevclass > 0 and ($teacher = 'Ilya Yenotin' or RAND(1,100) > Enable_skipnoevclass):
  60. gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end' & !skip class ev if 1.not Anatoly E. or 2. rand < set chance by illume
  61. elseif rand(1,100) < 3:
  62. *clr
  63. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/sleeping.jpg"></center>'
  64. if pcs_grades >= 80:
  65. 'You''re far too tired to pay attention in class today. You don''t even know what the lesson is about, as you keep dozing off.'
  66. 'You''re snapped back to consciousness when you hear <<$teacher>> call your name. Everyone looks at you expectantly, and you realize that you were just asked a question about the topic.'
  67. 'Taking your best guess at what the teacher might be asking, the entire class is shocked as you somehow manage to produce the correct answer, since it must''ve been obvious to everyone that you were sleeping. <<$teacher>> tells you, "Very good, but try and keep your head up during class, if you don''t mind."'
  68. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  69. else
  70. 'You''re far too tired to pay attention in class today. You don''t even know what the lesson is about, sense you keep dozing off.'
  71. 'You''re snapped back to consciousness when you hear <<$teacher>> call your name. Everyone is looking at you expectantly, realizing that you were just asked a question about the topic.'
  72. 'You take your best guess at what they might be asking. Some of the other kids snicker when you say something that''s obviously wrong. <<$teacher>> chides you for sleeping in class, and asks for someone else to inform you of the correct answer.'
  73. 'It was an embarrassing experience, but the sudden adrenaline surge helps you to stay awake during the rest of the period.'
  74. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  75. end
  76. else
  77. if rand(1,100) < 3:
  78. if pcs_skin < 20:
  79. *clr
  80. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/gossipb.jpg"></center>'
  81. 'Entering the classroom, you overhear your name in a boys conversation.'
  82. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>? She wouldn''t look half bad if it wasn''t for the acne."'
  83. '"I know. All day yesterday, I just couldn''t stop staring at that whitehead. I just wanted somebody to pop it so that I wouldn''t have to look at it anymore."'
  84. '"The boys go silent when they notice you walking past, hoping you didn''t catch the details of the conversation.'
  85. elseif hotcat > 8:
  86. '<<$teacher>> is talking to the class about current political events. A few students are engaging in the discussion with the teacher, while most of the others are simply waiting for class to end.'
  87. 'You, however, find yourself suddenly aware of having eyes on you. Looking around the classroom, you catch quite a few of the boys stealing glances at you. You''re not the only one who notices, either, as a few of the other girls have caught them in the act. One even gives you a dirty look, as if you were somehow responsible for it.'
  88. else
  89. gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_girl_arg', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
  90. gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_girl_arg1', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
  91. 'Waiting for class to start, <<$rand_girl1>> reapplies some of her makeup. <<$rand_girl>> compliments her on her look, but <<$rand_girl1>> complains: "I wish I didn''t have to use so much foundation, though."'
  92. '"Wouldn''t it be nice to have <<$pcs_nickname>>''s skin?" <<$rand_girl>> suggests. "I bet she barely needs to use anything on it."'
  93. end
  94. elseif rand(1,100) < 3:
  95. if hotcat < 7:
  96. *clr
  97. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/kiss/kiss.jpg"></center>'
  98. 'On your way into the classroom, you find yourself forced to pass by a couple off to the side of the hallway, caught in the middle of a fairly passionate kiss. They get giggles from some of the girls, and comments from a couple of guys as people walk past.'
  99. elseif hotcat < 9:
  100. 'On your way into the classroom, you find yourself forced to pass by a couple off to the side of the hallway, caught in the middle of a fairly passionate kiss. Opening his eyes as you approach, the boy catches sight of you. His eyes continue to follow you as you walk past and into the classroom.'
  101. else
  102. 'On your way into the classroom, you find yourself forced to pass by a couple off to the side of the hallway, caught in the middle of a fairly passionate kiss. Opening his eyes as you approach, the boy catches sight of you. For a moment, it seems like he''s forgotten what he was doing as the two of you make eye contact.'
  103. 'Realizing why he''s suddenly stopped kissing her, the girl grabs his face and forcibly turns it back to. You walk a little faster as you pass them, hoping to avoid an awkward confrontation.'
  104. end
  105. end
  106. act'Listen attentively to <<$teacher[1]>>':
  107. *clr
  108. cla
  109. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/attention.jpg"></center>'
  110. pcs_grades += 1
  111. if $teacher = 'Anatoly E.': npc_rel['A26'] += 1
  112. if RAND(1,2) = 1:
  113. 'You listen attentively to <<$teacher[1]>> for the duration of the class. Today''s lesson was interesting and informative, and you feel you learned from taking part in class.'
  114. else
  115. 'You listen attentively to <<$teacher[1]>> for the duration of the class. You particularly enjoy the debate section.'
  116. end
  117. if rand(1,100) < 3:
  118. *clr
  119. cla
  120. school_event_hour = 1
  121. gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_boy_arg', 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0
  122. gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_girl_arg', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
  123. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/crash.gif"></center>'
  124. '<<$teacher>>''s lecture has fallen into a droning rhythm that has brought you, and most of your classmates, into something of a trance as you slowly approach the end of the class you so desperately yearn for.'
  125. 'That comes to an abrupt end when a loud crash from the back of the room nearly startles you out of your chair.'
  126. 'As one, everyone in the room turns to look, only to see <<$rand_boy>> on the floor, his desk overturned; his cellphone sliding across the floor before clattering against the wall. Silence is soon replaced by laughter. The eyes of the entire class on him, <<$rand_boy>> struggles to act nonchalant as he works to quickly return his desk to an upright position and gather the items that had fallen to the floor.'
  127. '<<$teacher>> scowls at him, and is about to offer a few stern words when the bell rings. He''ll likely get a talking to, but as class is over, you won''t get to listen in. One of the girls audibly wonders what he was doing when he fell.'
  128. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  129. exit
  130. end
  131. act'Ask a question about the lesson':
  132. cla
  133. if $teacher = 'Anatoly E.': npc_rel['A26'] += 1
  134. if RAND(1,4) = 1:
  135. gt 'gschool_events', 'disrupt'
  136. else
  137. pcs_grades += 1
  138. *clr
  139. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/26.jpg"></center>'
  140. '<<$teacher>> nods approvingly, always happy to see his students engaged in his class. He happily spends some extra time explaining the topic again, and answers any extra questions you might have. You feel smarter, thoroughly understanding today''s lessons now.'
  141. end
  142. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  143. end
  144. if $teacher = 'Anatoly E.' and pcs_apprnc > 60 and npc_rel['A26'] >= 40:
  145. *clr
  146. if npc_rel['A26'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A26'] < 60:
  147. ivrand = 1
  148. elseif npc_rel['A26'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A26'] < 80:
  149. ivrand = RAND (1,3)
  150. elseif npc_rel['A26'] >= 80:
  151. ivrand = RAND (1,4)
  152. end
  153. if ivrand = 1:
  154. !!check to make sure I got these images for all these options in the correct place.
  155. npc_rel['A26'] += 1
  156. if RAND(1,3) = 1:
  157. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/blackboard.jpg"></center>'
  158. 'Today, there''s a test about the homework you hopefully did. Anatoly E. calls you forward a lot, having you write your answers down on the board. When he asks you for the fourth time today, you begin to suspect he keeps asking you just because of how cute you look in your school uniform, and blush a little as you pick up the chalk once more.'
  159. elseif RAND(1,2) = 1:
  160. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/engaged.jpg"></center>'
  161. 'Today, school turns out to be quite interesting. Instead of just teaching, <<$teacher>> spends the hours engaging the students in a discussion about all sorts of topics. Whenever you say anything, he compliments the eloquent way you engage in discussion and uses you as an example for the rest of the class.'
  162. else
  163. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/engaged.jpg"></center>'
  164. 'Today, you had to work hard at school. It certainly payed off though, and <<$teacher>> does his best to involve you in the lessons.'
  165. end
  166. elseif ivrand = 2:
  167. gt 'gschool_events', 'legs'
  168. elseif ivrand = 3:
  169. gt 'gschool_events', 'help'
  170. elseif ivrand = 4:
  171. npc_rel['A26'] += 1
  172. if RAND(1,2) = 1:
  173. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/teacherhelp.jpg"></center>'
  174. 'You sit at your desk, writing a summary on today''s lesson to help you study later. Suddenly, <<$teacher>> comes up from behind you and puts his hand on your shoulder. He takes his time and patiently corrects your mistakes, leaning in a bit closer than is appropriate from a teacher. You don''t mind though, <<$teacher>> is always nice to you.'
  175. else
  176. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/teachpic.jpg"></center>'
  177. 'As you are solving some maths dilemmas in your text book, you notice <<$teacher>> walking past your desk. When you hear a suspicious *click* you quickly look to your side, and see that he has his phone in his hand, and was quietly trying to make a photo of your legs from the side! He notices you looking at his hand, very embarrassed by the fact that you caught him. As he tries to walk away, you call him towards you and whisper in his ear, "Let me know next time, so I can get into a more elegant pose first." before sending him off with a lewd wink.'
  178. end
  179. end
  180. end
  181. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  182. end
  183. act'Daydream':
  184. *clr & cla
  185. pcs_grades -= 1
  186. if RAND(1,2) = 1:
  187. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/sleeping.jpg"></center>'
  188. 'Today''s lessons don''t particularly interest you, and you find yourself drifting off constantly. After a while you notice <<$teacher>> has stopped teaching and is looking at you intently, asking you to pay attention. Apparently this is already the third time he asked; you missed the first two completely while you was lost in your own thoughts. The whole class is looking at you now.'
  189. if $teacher = 'Anatoly E.' and pcs_apprnc > 60 and npc_rel['A26'] >= 40 and sub < 30:
  190. cla
  191. act'Don''t pay attention':
  192. cla
  193. if rand(1,100) > 3:
  194. school_event_hour = 1
  195. gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_boy_arg', 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0
  196. gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_girl_arg', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0
  197. 'Almost the entire period has been a lecture, and a quick glance around the room suggests that most of your classmates are on the verge of falling asleep.'
  198. 'Not all, however. You catch some male voices sniggering from the back of the room.'
  199. 'Turning in your chair, at first you can''t make out what''s going on. However, you soon notice that <<$rand_boy>> is missing.'
  200. 'Well, not missing exactly; you can see his legs. It seemed like, perhaps, he was retrieving something he''d dropped on the floor, but then you realize he''s actually leaning far out to the side, holding out his phone.'
  201. 'It all becomes clear in an instant. In her lecture-induced haze, <<girl>> is sitting with her legs apart and <<$rand_boy>> is maneuvering his phone for a discrete upskirt photo.'
  202. 'He''s over-extended himself, however, and two of the other boys in the back row have noticed it. The legs of his chair have lifted off the ground slightly as he stretches out, and it seems like a miracle that he''s been able to remain balanced this long.'
  203. 'Contrary to all expectations, he manages to get the shot and return to a proper sitting position. The other boys shake their heads in disbelief, but <<$rand_boy>> takes a moment to examine the booty before holding his phone up to them and putting his hard-won reward on display: Several upskirt photos of <<girl>> that are sure to spread around school like cooties at a kindergarten.'
  204. act 'Leave the classroom': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  205. elseif pcs_dom > 70:
  206. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/bored.jpg"></center>'
  207. !!This one should add 5 demerits for this or the else below
  208. '<<$teacher>> tries to convince you of the importance of todays lesson, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, please pay attention, this is very important. Today''s topic is going to be on the exam for sure."'
  209. '"Of course, sir. Please continue your super-fascinating lesson. Just keep it a bit up-beat please. If you talk any slower, I might fall asleep!" you answer boldly.'
  210. 'The whole class bursts into loud laughter, and <<$teacher>> has a rough time getting everyone to quiet down.'
  211. '"Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, get out of class! I should call your parents, and let the principal know you''re being impossible! Out, now!"'
  212. act 'Don''t leave the classroom':
  213. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/bitchflip.jpg"></center>'
  214. '"What good would that do? Are you trying to get me to start smoking to pass the time? I''m not interrupting your classes, just leave me alone. I''m having some... girl problems. Would you like me to talk about those instead?" you answer brashly, not having any intentions of getting up.'
  215. 'Your teacher doesn''t know what to say, and after a while just decides to continue his classes. Obviously, you don''t learn anything today. You hear one of the boys behind you mutter your being a bitch, you turn around and flip him off.'
  216. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  217. end
  218. act 'Leave the classroom':school_event_hour = 1 & gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  219. else
  220. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/angryteacher.jpg"></center>'
  221. 'The eyes of <<$teacher>> grow narrower, and even though you roll your eyes at him, you sit through the rest of the lesson in silence, at least pretending to pay attention sometimes. You don''t learn anything today, though.'
  222. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  223. end
  224. end
  225. act'Try to focus on the lesson':
  226. cla
  227. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  228. end
  229. end
  230. act'Try to focus on the lesson':
  231. cla
  232. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  233. end
  234. else
  235. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  236. end
  237. end
  238. act'Play with your phone':
  239. !!make sure the images for all the options will work
  240. *clr & cla
  241. pcs_grades -= 1
  242. if RAND(1,3) = 1:
  243. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/phone.jpg"></center>'
  244. $school_class_txtrand = 'The lesson is so boring that you have to do something to keep yourself entertained. You take out your phone and begin to play a mobile game, hoping the lesson will be over soon.'
  245. elseif RAND(1,2) = 1:
  246. !!this should result in 5 demerit
  247. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/classroom/bored.jpg"></center>'
  248. $school_class_txtrand = 'Unfortunately, <<$teacher>> notices you''re not listening at all and asks you to put your phone away. You decide not to make things worse and put your phone back in your pocket. The lesson feels like it takes forever to end, and you''re glad when it''s finally over.'
  249. else
  250. $school_class_txtrand = 'This lesson is so boring that you have to do something to keep yourself entertained. You take out your phone and begin to play a mobile game, hoping the lesson will be over soon.'
  251. end
  252. if $teacher = 'Anatoly E.' and pcs_apprnc > 60 and npc_rel['A26'] >= 40:
  253. cla
  254. gt 'gschool_events', 'phone'
  255. else
  256. ''
  257. '<<$school_class_txtrand>>'
  258. end
  259. act 'Wait for the end of the lesson': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lesson_end'
  260. end
  261. end
  262. end
  263. if $ARGS[0] = 'afternoon':
  264. !!added image and text to the next two parts make sure it works please.
  265. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'afternoon2'
  266. act 'Skip one of your classes':
  267. cla
  268. *clr
  269. ''
  270. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  271. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  272. 'You don''t feel like attending all of your classes this afternoon. Surely no one will miss you if you skip one of your three afternoon classes.'
  273. act 'Go to girl''s bathroom': gt 'gschool_girls_bathroom', 'start'
  274. act 'Go to boy''s bathroom': gt 'gschool_boys_bathroom', 'start'
  275. !! act 'Go to old school building': gt
  276. end
  277. end
  278. if $ARGS[0] = 'afternoon2':
  279. cls
  280. minut += 60 * 2
  281. hour = 14
  282. minut = 0
  283. schoolprogul -= 1
  284. if week ! 1 and week ! 3 and week ! 5:
  285. urand = rand(0, 8)
  286. lernSkill += 1
  287. lernHome += 1
  288. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'class'
  289. else
  290. gs 'stat'
  291. school_event_hour = 0
  292. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/fizra.jpg"></center>'
  293. 'On Wednesdays and Fridays, you have gym class as always. After everyone gets dressed and gets ready for gym class, Viktor Pavlovich conducts a roll call to ensure everyone is there.'
  294. if week = 5 and LocalRun = 0:
  295. if schoolSorev = 0:schoolSorev = 1
  296. 'Mr. Pavlovich announces that the inter-school running competition will be held this Saturday at 11:00. If you want to participate, you should come to school between 10:00 and 11:00.'
  297. elseif week = 5 and LocalRun = 1:
  298. if schoolSorev = 0:schoolSorev = 2
  299. 'Mr. Pavlovich announces that the inter-school running competition will be held this Saturday at 11:00. If you want to participate, you should come to school between 10:00 and 11:00.'
  300. end
  301. fizrarand = rand(0, 4)
  302. if fizrarand = 0:
  303. pcs_mood -= 5
  304. fat -= 5
  305. pcs_sweat += 30
  306. run_exp += rand(1, 2)
  307. 'After the roll call, Mr. Pavlovich announces that you will be going on a run today.'
  308. act 'Run':
  309. *clr
  310. cla
  311. if temper >= 10 and sunWeather = 1:
  312. !!I changed temper to 10 which is 50F which is plenty warm for running. For weather I would like to change it so as long as it isn''t raining/storming or really bad weather.
  313. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/fizra2.jpg"></center>'
  314. 'Since the weather is nice outside, Mr. Pavlovich decides to stage the run outside, on the forest track on school grounds, near the old school building.'
  315. if pcs_horny => 90 and npcSex[3] = 1:
  316. 'As you run through the forest, you feel a hand on your ass. It''s Ivan; he''s much faster than you, and sprints past you to show you how fast he can be when he wants. He then pauses and lets you catch up, and you run together for a while.'
  317. act 'Show him your tits':
  318. cla & *clr
  319. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/fizra3.jpg"></center>'
  320. 'Making sure no one else is near you, you pull up your shirt and reveal your <<$titsize>> boobs to Ivan. You almost immediately notice his erection growing in his tight shorts, and he awkwardly tries to hide his boner. As you pull your shirt back where it belongs you give him a sweet smile and say, "Try hiding that while you''re running past everyone!"'
  321. 'He grimaces as he sprints away from you, carefully checking to make sure no one is near him. You have a knowing smile on your face when, at the end of the class, his friends ask him why his lap time was so much slower than usual.'
  322. act 'Finish run':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys'
  323. end
  324. act 'Laugh it off and let him go':
  325. cla
  326. '"Very funny, Ivan," you tell him as you give him a wink. He salutes you theatrically as he sprints off again, finishing the run well before anyone else.'
  327. act 'Finish run':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys'
  328. end
  329. end
  330. else
  331. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/fizra1.jpg"></center>'
  332. end
  333. 'You join the class in running laps around the gymnasium. Half-way into the fourteenth lap, you wonder if there''s any way gym class could be more boring than this.'
  334. act 'Finish the run':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys'
  335. end
  336. elseif fizrarand = 1:
  337. gs 'exercise', 'tier2', 1, 'agil_exp'
  338. 'After the roll call, Mr. Pavlovich announces that you will be taking turns performing vaults.'
  339. gs 'gschool_events', 'fiz_rand'
  340. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys'
  341. elseif fizrarand = 2:
  342. gs 'exercise', 'tier2', 1, 'stren_exp'
  343. gs 'stat'
  344. 'After the roll call, Mr. Pavlovich announces that you will all be doing pull-ups today.'
  345. act 'Pull ups':
  346. *clr
  347. cla
  348. gs 'exercise', 'tier2', 1, 'stren_exp'
  349. if temper >= 18 and sunWeather = 1:
  350. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/fizra5.jpg"></center>'
  351. 'Since the weather is nice, the class will be having their gym class outside today.'
  352. else
  353. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/fizra6.jpg"></center>'
  354. end
  355. 'You wait for your turn and then do your best to do as many pull-ups as you can.'
  356. gs 'gschool_events', 'fiz_rand'
  357. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys'
  358. end
  359. elseif fizrarand = 3:
  360. gs 'exercise', 'tier2', 1, 'vital_exp'
  361. gs 'stat'
  362. 'After the roll call, Mr. Pavlovich announces that you will all be working on general fitness today.'
  363. if rand(0,1) = 0:
  364. 'The boys get it a little harder, as they''re asked to do full pull-ups, but everyone needs to do the sit-ups. The instructor is actually counting and recording how many each person does, so it''s a bit more stressful than usual.'
  365. if pcs_apprnc >= 60:'Some of the boys stop what they''re doing when it''s your turn, coming over to shout some words of support.'
  366. if pcs_stren <= 40:
  367. 'Unfortunately, sit-ups aren''t your strong point, and you''re unable to do as many as most of the girls.'
  368. elseif pcs_stren <= 60:
  369. 'In the end, you wind up doing a perfectly respectable amount, better than most of the girls, but less than the jocks.'
  370. else
  371. 'You''ve done enough sit-ups in the past that this isn''t too much of a challenge. Eventually you stop just because the instructor seems to be getting tired of counting.'
  372. end
  373. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys'
  374. else
  375. 'For one of the activities, the teacher breaks everyone into small groups and has you compete to see who can jump rope the longest. Many of the boys pay special attention to the girls as they jump rope.'
  376. if pcs_cupsize <= 20:
  377. if pcs_agil <= 40:
  378. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/jumpr.gif"></center>'
  379. 'You''re barely able to do more than a few before you get tripped up on the rope. The teacher wants to make sure you get enough exercise, though, so you''re made to give it a few tries.'
  380. elseif pcs_agil <= 60:
  381. 'Jumping rope is a surprisingly good workout. While you never win any of the competitions, you don''t embarrass yourself, either. You''re tired by the time you''re done.'
  382. else
  383. 'The other girls in your group are surprised at just how long you can jump rope without messing up. You manage to go the longest in a couple of rounds of the competition.'
  384. end
  385. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys'
  386. elseif pcs_cupsize <= 60:
  387. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/jumprb.gif"></center>'
  388. if pcs_agil <= 40:
  389. 'You''re barely able to do more than a few before you get tripped up on the rope. The teacher wants to make sure you get enough exercise, though, so you''re made to give it a few tries. A number of the boys grumble each time you fail to go for more than a couple of seconds.'
  390. elseif pcs_agil <= 60:
  391. 'Jumping rope is a surprisingly hard workout. You don''t win any of the rounds, but you find that a number of boys have come over to watch you compete, and offer their support. You have no doubt why the boys are watching, you can feel your boobs bouncing with every jump.'
  392. else
  393. 'With your fitness skills, you easily manage to outlast the other girls. You could actually jump rope for quite a bit longer, but notice that the longer the class goes on, the more boys have found their way over to watch you. Some of the girls you were competing with make snide remarks about just which particular parts of you they are so keen on watching.'
  394. end
  395. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys'
  396. else
  397. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/jumph.gif"></center>'
  398. if pcs_agil <= 40:
  399. 'You''re barely able to do more than a few before you get tripped up on the rope. It''s hard to get the coordination right, and your breasts always seem to be in the way. The teacher wants to make sure you get enough exercise, so you''re made to give it a few tries. There''s outright jeering from some of the boys whenever you screw up. One of them shouts: "C''mon, already! We want to see them bounce!"'
  400. elseif pcs_agil <= 60:
  401. 'Jumping rope is a complete misery. You can''t manage it for very long; although your coordination and endurance are there, the pain from your breasts slapping around builds up fast. The girls you''re competing with are sympathetic at first, but that slowly goes away as some of the boys wander over to cheer you on. It''s completely apparent what their eyes are focused on each time a round begins.'
  402. else
  403. 'You''re easily in good enough shape that this should be a snap, but each time you jump, your breasts slap up and down pretty hard, and in no time they''ve gotten really sore. Fitness means enduring a little pain sometimes though, so you try to press on for as long as you can bear it. What ultimately stops you is the hooting and hollering from the boys. By the end of the period, almost all of them have come over to gawk at your boobs.'
  404. end
  405. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys'
  406. end
  407. end
  408. elseif fizrarand = 4:
  409. cls
  410. gs 'exercise', 'tier2', 1, 'stren_exp'
  411. gs 'stat'
  412. 'After the roll call, he announces that you will all be taking turns climbing the ropes today.'
  413. if pcs_horny >= 100:
  414. pcs_horny = 0
  415. orgasm += 1
  416. rope_orgasm += 1
  417. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/fizra8.jpg"></center>'
  418. 'You climb the rope as instructed, and can''t help but feel the rough robe rubbing against your pussy through your clothes. You do your best to climb up, but the rubbing of the rope against your pussy gets more and more intense as you try to climb higher. After a few seconds the stimulation from the rope against your clit brings you to orgasm, and you have to do everything in your power to not fall down as you quiver against the rope, stifling your moans. Your teacher looks up to you and says, "Why are you shaking, Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>? Are you tired or something? Go ahead, come down then."'
  419. elseif pcs_horny >= 50 and pcs_horny < 100:
  420. pcs_horny += 20
  421. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/rope.jpg"></center>'
  422. 'You climb the rope as instructed, and can''t help but feel the rough robe rubbing against your pussy through your clothes. You do your best to climb up, but the rubbing of the rope against your pussy gets more and more intense as you try to climb higher. You manage to reach the top, but the rubbing of the rope has got you all worked up. With a bright blush on your face you slide back down, making sure the rope doesn''t rub against your most sensitive spots.'
  423. end
  424. gs 'gschool_events', 'fiz_rand'
  425. act 'End of lesson':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys'
  426. end
  427. end
  428. end
  429. if $ARGS[0] = 'postphys':
  430. cls
  431. gs 'stat'
  432. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/postphys<<rand(1,4)>>.jpg"></center>'
  433. if zverevaQW = 1:
  434. postphys_event = daystart
  435. 'After class, Mr. Pavlovich returns to his office. For some reason, Christina Zvereva is following him while all other students go to the locker rooms as usual.'
  436. act 'Listen in on Christina and Mr. Pavlovich':
  437. cls
  438. gs 'stat'
  439. 'You quietly move up to Mr. Pavlovich''s office, to listen to what they''re talking about. You hear Christina saying, "Please, sir, you can''t let <<$pcs_nickname>> go to the regional competition!"'
  440. 'He replies, "<<$pcs_nickname>> beat you fair and square, Christina. There''s not a whole lot I can do about it."'
  441. 'Christina''s voice again: "But you promised! Please? I''ll make it worth your while if you choose me over her, sir..."'
  442. 'After a few seconds of silence, you hear him smirk, "Is that so, Christina? You know what to do then, this is not your first time here." Seconds later you hear a gasp from your teacher, and then soft moaning from him.'
  443. act 'Try to see what''s happening':
  444. cls
  445. zverevaQW = 2
  446. pcs_horny += 10
  447. gs 'stat'
  448. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/christina/sex/school/chcoachbj.jpg"></center>'
  449. 'You lean over and try to look through the keyhole. You''re flabbergasted by what you see: Christina is on her knees in front of Mr. Pavlovich, and is sucking him off like her life depended on it.'
  450. act 'Burst into the room':
  451. cls
  452. zverevaQW = 3
  453. gs 'stat'
  454. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/christina/sex/school/chcoachbj.jpg"></center>'
  455. if pav_slut < 25:
  456. 'You open the door and enter Mr. Pavlovich''s room. Christine is startled, jumping up from her kneeling position and desperately wiping her mouth while your teacher quickly stuffs his erection back into his shorts. "Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, has no one taught you you should knock!? Me and Christina were just discussing some important matters!" he exclaims, pretending to be insulted by your sudden intrusion.'
  457. *nl
  458. 'You can''t believe he''s even trying! You tell him just that, "Christina was using her mouth, but it certainly wasn''t for talking! You''re letting her suck you off so she can go to the regional competition instead of me!"'
  459. *nl
  460. 'He drops the charade, but has a confident grin on his face, "Who would believe you? It''s your word against mine, and the word of our school''s star athlete Christina Zvereva. The principal would consider it slander! Your parents would be outraged! Face it: You don''t have shit on me, so get out of my office. Christina, get back on your knees, we''re not done." The last part was directed at Christina.'
  461. *nl
  462. 'Christina obliges, rubbing his cock through his shorts as she looks you in the eye. Having regained her confidence in knowing that she''ll be your school''s admission for the contest, she parrots, "Face it bitch, you can''t prove a thing. Now get the fuck out, Mr. Pavlovich and I have more to discuss."'
  463. elseif pav_slut >= 25:
  464. 'You open the door and burst into Mr. Pavlovich''s room. Christina pulls off her teacher''s dick in a panic reaction, but regains her confidence when she sees it''s you, "Look what the cat dragged in, it''s <<$pcs_nickname>> the <<$pcs_nickname>>. I recognize that look, you want to suck him off too, don''t you? That''s okay, we can share."'
  465. act 'Give him a blowjob with Christina':
  466. cls
  467. if fizrukSex = 0:fizrukSex = 1 & guy += 1
  468. if kristinaSex = 0:kristinaSex = 1
  469. npc_rel['A18'] = 100
  470. gs 'stat'
  471. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mff/fiz.jpg"></center>'
  472. 'You nod and get down on your knees next to Christina, thinking maybe if you outperform her, he will still pick you for the competition. She diligently takes off his clothes and takes his penis in her hand, sucking on it for a little while before offering it to you. You follow her lead and obediently take his cock in your mouth, sucking on it and trying to take it as far down your throat as you are comfortable with. After a while she pushes your face away and closes her lips around it, sucking him off until he shoots his load inside her mouth. Unwilling to share, she swallows it and then goes to the changing room to get dressed. You might be faster than Christina, but she definitely outperformed you here.'
  473. act 'Go and get changed': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys2'
  474. end
  475. end
  476. act 'Go and get changed': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys2'
  477. end
  478. act 'Keep looking':
  479. cls
  480. gs 'stat'
  481. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/christina/sex/school/chcoachbj.jpg"></center>'
  482. 'Mr. Pavlovich groans, and after a few minutes he can''t hold back any more and shoots his load into Christina''s mouth. She diligently swallows his sperm without even taking her mouth off his cock, giving it a thorough tongue-bath before tucking it back into his shorts. You hear her ask, "Did I do a good job, sir? Did I earn my spot in the regional championships?"'
  483. *nl
  484. 'He groans, petting her head as he instructs her to stay on her knees for a while longer, "Absolutely babe, as long as you keep taking care of me, I''ll make sure you''ll be running those championships. Don''t get up, stay there and keep nuzzling. I think I can go again in a minute."'
  485. act 'Admit defeat':
  486. cla
  487. *clr
  488. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/cumf10.gif"></center>'
  489. 'As you see Christina happily dig her face into his groin, you quietly close the door and leave. It looks like, despite being the better runner, you won''t be going to the regional championships.'
  490. act 'Go and get changed': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys2'
  491. end
  492. end
  493. act 'Admit defeat':
  494. cla
  495. *clr
  496. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/cumf10.gif"></center>'
  497. 'Yeah, you''re not willing to do that. As you see Christina happily dig her face into his groin, you quietly close the door and leave. It looks like, despite being the better runner, you won''t be going to the regional championships.'
  498. act 'Go and get changed': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys2'
  499. end
  500. end
  501. end
  502. elseif fizrukSex > 0 and kristinaSex > 0:
  503. 'When the class is dismissed, Christina approaches you, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, sweetie, Mr. Pavlovich wants you to join me again in his office. He wants us to ''entertain him'', if you know what I mean. Want to join me?"'
  504. act 'Entertain Mr. Pavlovich with Christina':
  505. cls
  506. stat['bj'] += 1
  507. if fizrukSex = 0:fizrukSex = 1 & guy += 1
  508. if kristinaSex = 0:kristinaSex = 1
  509. npc_rel['A18'] = 100
  510. gs 'stat'
  511. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/christina/sex/school/chcoachbj.jpg"></center>'
  512. 'You follow Christina, and follow her lead as she squats before your teacher. She diligently takes off his clothes and takes his penis in her hand, sucking on it for a little while before offering it to you. You follow her lead and obediently take his cock in your mouth, sucking on it and trying to take it as far down your throat as you are comfortable with. After a while she pushes your face away and closes her lips around it, sucking him off until he shoots his load inside her mouth. Unwilling to share, she swallows it and then goes to the changing room to get dressed.'
  513. act 'Go and get changed': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys2'
  514. end
  515. else
  516. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'postphys2'
  517. end
  518. end
  519. !!second note, make sure to randomize the teachers for the classes that is not Anatoly, the other ones that can be random teachers of classes would be numbers 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, and 55. the rest of them would have a specific class like PE etc or they don''t teach classes.
  520. if $ARGS[0] = 'postphys2':
  521. if zverRageQW = 10 and postphys_event ! daystart:postphys_event = daystart & gt 'gKristinaZv'
  522. cls
  523. $metka = 'postphys2'
  524. $loc = 'gschool_lessons'
  525. $gt1 = 'gschool_lessons'
  526. $gt2 = 'postphys2'
  527. gs 'stat'
  528. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/postphys<<rand(1,4)>>.jpg"></center>'
  529. 'You enter the girls locker room and find several other girls already inside, undressing, changing, heading for or returning from the showers, or simply chatting with each other. You ignore the young women in various states of undress around you, find your locker, and start to take off your clothes.'
  530. gs 'gschool_gossip', 'gym'
  531. act 'Get dressed': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'dress'
  532. !!This should just let Sveta change to any clothes since Gym is always the last class at school.
  533. act 'Have a shower': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'shower'
  534. act 'Use the mirror':
  535. cla
  536. gt 'portmirror', 'start'
  537. end
  538. if pcs_hairbsh = 0:
  539. act 'Brush your hair': gt 'portmirror', 'brush'
  540. end
  541. end
  542. if $ARGS[0] = 'shower':
  543. cls
  544. shower_shave = 0
  545. gs 'stat'
  546. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/change.jpg"></center>'
  547. 'After taking off all of your clothes, you gather up your towel, washcloth and soap, then head to the showers; you are greeted by wafts of steam and several girls who are giggling and gossiping among themselves, apparently oblivious to your existence.'
  548. if (pcs_leghair > 3 or pcs_pubes > 3) and stanok > 0:
  549. 'In a clumsy moment, you drop your soap with loud clatter. As you crouch to pick it up again, you notice that you badly need to shave your legs and bikini area.'
  550. act 'Ignore it': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'shower2'
  551. act 'Better shave':
  552. cla
  553. shower_shave = 1
  554. 'Blushing slightly - now that you''re aware how badly groomed you are compared to the other girls - you quickly head back to the locker and gather up your shaving cream and razor as well.'
  555. act 'Return to the showers': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'shower2'
  556. end
  557. else
  558. act 'Return to the showers': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'shower2'
  559. end
  560. end
  561. !!second option adds act after shower text below, act 'Shave' that act only shows up if the act Better shave was choosen.
  562. if $ARGS[0] = 'shower2':
  563. cls
  564. dynamic $showerdin
  565. gs 'stat'
  566. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/postphyssho<<rand(1,7)>>.jpg"></center>'
  567. 'You pick one of the empty shower heads at random and turn the water on, letting it pour over you and run down your body, caressing you in the relaxing way that is unique to hot showers - after PE, this feels simply great. After a few moments of basking in this joy of modern civilization and silently thanking providence that you life in an era where this is commonplace, you lather up your body with soap. You barely pay any attention to the other girls showering with you, their conversations mostly drowned out by the sound of the shower.'
  568. if rand(0, 9) = 0:
  569. *clr
  570. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/showerspank.gif"></center>'
  571. 'You pick one of the empty shower heads at random and turn the water on, letting it pour over you and run down your body, caressing you in the relaxing way that is unique to hot showers - after PE, this feels simply great. After a few moments of basking in this joy of modern civilization and silently thanking providence that you life in an era where this is commonplace, you lather up your body with soap. You barely pay any attention to the other girls showering with you, their conversations mostly drowned out by the sound of the shower.'
  572. 'As you wash off the soap, you turn just in time to see one girl start spanking another one; most of the girls in the shower room stop what they''re doing to watch the antics of the two of them. After several fairly hard smacks, they stop and laugh about it, the ''victim'' rubbing her butt with strange glee, before everyone returns to showering.'
  573. end
  574. if shower_shave = 1:
  575. act 'Shave':
  576. *clr & cla
  577. minut += 20
  578. if pcs_leghair ! 0 :stanok -= 1 & pcs_leghair = -5
  579. if pcs_pubes ! 0 :stanok -= 1 & pcs_pubes = -5
  580. pcs_horny += 5
  581. if stanok < 0: stanok = 0
  582. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/shave<<rand(1,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  583. 'Once you have washed your hair and body, you stand next to the shower and lather up with your shaving cream before you turn your attention to the stubbles on your legs and bikini area. Once you are satisfied with the smoothness of your bottom half, you wash off any remaining cream and soap before turning off the water.'
  584. act 'Return to locker room': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'post_shower'
  585. act 'Check out the other girls': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'post_shower2'
  586. end
  587. end
  588. act 'Return to locker room': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'post_shower'
  589. act 'Check out the other girls': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'post_shower2'
  590. end
  591. if $ARGS[0] = 'post_shower':
  592. cla
  593. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/nudepic2.jpg"></center>'
  594. 'You grab your towel and diligently dry off your body. With your hair still wet, you wrap the towel around you, ready to return to the locker room and put that blow dryer to use.'
  595. act 'Get Dressed': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'dress'
  596. end
  597. if $ARGS[0] = 'post_shower2':
  598. cls
  599. pcs_horny += 5
  600. gs 'stat'
  601. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/postphyssho<<rand(1,7)>>.jpg"></center>'
  602. 'Before leaving, you pause a moment by the door and casually glance back at the other girls who are still showering, pretending to be unsatisfied with your shave so you can check out their naked bodies. Several of them are really good looking and you can feel yourself getting aroused as you watch them lathering up their wet, nubile, naked bodies. Biting your lip, you give a particularly pretty girl a final, longing, lingering glance before going back to the locker room to dry your hair and get dressed. You don''t think anyone noticed you watching them.'
  603. gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 2
  604. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  605. gs 'stat'
  606. *nl
  607. 'You grab your towel and diligently dry off your body. With your hair still wet, you wrap the towel around you, ready to return to the locker room and put that blow dryer to use.'
  608. act 'Get Dressed': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'dress'
  609. end
  610. if $ARGS[0] = 'dress':
  611. cls
  612. $metka = 'dress'
  613. $loc = 'gschool_lessons'
  614. gs 'stat'
  615. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/change.jpg"></center>'
  616. 'You take your clothes out of your locker and start putting them on. This takes longer than expected, however, since you get distracted several times while getting dressed - sometimes by other girls engaging you in a brief conversation, sometimes by something or someone catching your eye. By the time you are finished, most of the other girls have already left the locker room.'
  617. 'You can choose another outfit while you''re here.'
  618. !!below is a list of random incidental events that can happen in the locker room while getting dressed. Set up how we did the in class events, I would say 25% chance one of them happens and then random which one it is. Or what ever chance you feel works best. Also you might want to put them in gschool_events file as well. Not sure, I am leaving them here because I was working on the locker room and these take place in the locker room.
  619. if postphys_event ! daystart:
  620. if rand(0,10) = 0:
  621. cls
  622. postphys_event = daystart
  623. pcs_mood += 10
  624. gs 'stat'
  625. gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_girl_arg', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0
  626. gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_girl_arg1', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0
  627. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/lockerflash.jpg"></center>'
  628. 'Several other girls come in from the showers together, wearing their towels. <<$rand_girl1>> picks up her phone and holds it up to take their picture when <<$rand_girl>> see''s this. She stops and, with a lewd smile, pulls her towel wide open, showing off her naked body as <<$rand_girl1>> takes the picture. Several girls giggle at <<$rand_girl>>''s antics while others whistle or cat call. All in all, everyone has a good laugh at the moment.'
  629. *nl
  630. 'You take your clothes out of your locker and start putting them on. This takes longer than expected, however, since you get distracted several times while getting dressed - sometimes by other girls engaging you in a brief conversation, sometimes by something or someone catching your eye. By the time you are finished, most of the other girls have already left the locker room.'
  631. 'You can choose another outfit while you''re here.'
  632. elseif rand(0,10) = 0:
  633. cls
  634. postphys_event = daystart
  635. pcs_mood += 10
  636. gs 'stat'
  637. gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_girl_arg', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0
  638. gs 'gschool_events', 'rand_girl_arg1', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0
  639. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/locselfiedan.gif"></center>'
  640. '<<$rand_girl1>> is at the mirror, taking a selfie of herself while trying to look all sexy. As she does, <<$rand_girl>> walks up beside her and then starts to dance next to her, bending over and grinding her butt against <<$rand_girl1>>''s. <<$rand_girl1>> can''t help but laugh and grind back, and soon both of them are teasing each other and laughing, along with many of the other girls in the locker room that saw the whole thing.'
  641. *nl
  642. 'You take your clothes out of your locker and start putting them on. This takes longer than expected, however, since you get distracted several times while getting dressed - sometimes by other girls engaging you in a brief conversation, sometimes by something or someone catching your eye. By the time you are finished, most of the other girls have already left the locker room.'
  643. 'You can choose another outfit while you''re here.'
  644. elseif rand(0,10) = 0:
  645. cls
  646. postphys_event = daystart
  647. gs 'stat'
  648. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/lockerroom.jpg"></center>'
  649. 'You are running extra late today. By the time you finally finish dressing, nobody seems to be left in the room or shower. You take a few steps towards the door, convinced that you are the last person here, when you hear a soft moan. At first you think you misheard but... there it is again.'
  650. act 'Ignore it': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'dress'
  651. act 'Take a peek':
  652. cls
  653. !!two random girls from class or unknown girls. only those we listed as bisexual or lesbian
  654. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/les<<rand(1,3)>>.jpg"></center>'
  655. 'Curious, you sneak toward the source of the soft, feminine sounds. As you get closer, you are sure you are about to come across a couple of girls making out... and, sure enough, when you peek around the next corner, you spy two girls you don''t know making out and feeling each other up. Their display of passion is so infectious that you are tempted to join them, but they seem so into each other that you would feel guilty intruding on their tender moment. That doesn''t make it any less arousing to watch, though.'
  656. gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 1
  657. gs 'stat'
  658. act 'Leave them in peace':gs 'arousal', 'end' & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'dress'
  659. act 'Masturbate':
  660. cls
  661. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/mast<<rand(1,2)>>.gif"></center>'
  662. 'As you watch them, you feel yourself getting horny, <b>really</b> horny, and before you know it, you have slipped your hand under your clothes and have started masturbating. As you watch them more, the girls oblivious to their aroused observer, you pull some of your clothes away to make it easier to fondle yourself. You stifle your moans as best you can, but you don''t think they can possible hear them over their own, the couple too absorbed in kissing and caressing each other to notice anything around them.'
  663. 'Your fingers make their rounds around your clit in smaller, harder circles, your eyes glued to lovers, and you feel yourself getting closer to a climax.'
  664. $orgasm_txt = 'About a second later, you feel like a small explosive went off inside you, and you have to clamp one of your hands over your mouth to keep yourself from shouting as the other continues to rub your clit. The climax hits you hard and your legs nearly give out, your whole body shaking and shuddering like an actual shockwave is passing through it. You are momentarily blinded by the pleasure but after a few seconds, you get yourself back under control.'
  665. gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 10
  666. minut -= 10
  667. gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 10
  668. 'As you do, you hear their joined moans of pleasure grow to crescendo that fills the room and your ears. Then, all goes quiet. You peek around the corner again and watch them talk softly for a moment, exchanging final kisses before they get up to get dressed. You quickly straighten out your clothes as well and head for the exit as quietly as you can - you don''t want them to know you have been spying on them.'
  669. $orgasm_txt = ''
  670. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  671. gs 'stat'
  672. act 'Return': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'dress'
  673. end
  674. end
  675. exit
  676. elseif rand(0,10) = 0:
  677. cls
  678. postphys_event = daystart
  679. gs 'stat'
  680. !!Someone took a picture of Sveta, We will need a argument to decided on who it could be. eventually will lead to the picture going up all over and everyone at school seeing it
  681. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/nudepic<<rand(1,3)>>.jpg"></center>'
  682. 'While you are still naked, you hear a couple of girls giggling. You turn to look at them, but they are not looking at you. Confused, you follow their collective gaze but can''t see anything in that direction that would be worth a laugh. Glancing back at them, you see them looking at you and giggling again - obviously, something happened that you missed; something that they thought was funny. You wonder what it was.'
  683. *nl
  684. 'You take your clothes out of your locker and start putting them on. This takes longer than expected, however, since you get distracted several times while getting dressed - sometimes by other girls engaging you in a brief conversation, sometimes by something or someone catching your eye. By the time you are finished, most of the other girls have already left the locker room.'
  685. 'You can choose another outfit while you''re here.'
  686. end
  687. end
  688. act 'Choose an outfit':postphys_event = daystart & gt 'clothing_QV','list'
  689. !!act 'Return to gym':
  690. !!I would like to keep the gym open until 18:00 so kids can work out in the gym or use the showers/locker rooms after school. A lot of schools do that when they have sports teams that practice after school and some do it to give the kids a place to be that is safe. Right now the return to gym will do nothing but eventually I will add stuff.
  691. act 'Leave school':
  692. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  693. msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before you leave the changing rooms.</font></b>'
  694. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'dress'
  695. else
  696. gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  697. end
  698. end
  699. end
  700. if $ARGS[0] = 'npc_data':
  701. !!$npc_firstname[i] - npc given name stored since MGX
  702. !!$npc_nickname[i] - npc nick name stored since MGX
  703. !!$npc_lastname[i] - npc surname name stored since MGX
  704. !!$npc_usedname[i] - npc usual used name name stored since MGX
  705. !!$npc_notes[i] - npc character description stored since MGX
  706. !!npc_rel[i] - npc relationship stored since MGX
  707. !!npc_love[i] - npc lust for PC stored since MGX
  708. !!npc_gender[i] - 0 - male, 1 - female stored since MGX
  709. !!npc_rel['A<<i>>'] - Starting relationship
  710. !!npcPol[i] - sex, 0 - male, 1 - female
  711. !!grupTipe[i] - social group, -1 - outcasts, 1 - nerds, 2 - jocks, 3 - cool kids, 4 - gopnik, 0 - teachers
  712. !!1 - cool kids
  713. !!2 - jocks
  714. !!3 - nerds
  715. !!4 - Gopnik
  716. !!5 - outcasts
  717. !!6 - teachers
  718. !!
  719. !!===========================Male Students=======================
  720. !!
  721. !!Dimka Nosov
  722. $static_num[1] = 'A1'
  723. npcPol[1] = 0
  724. grupTipe[1] = 1
  725. $npcGo[1] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 1 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A1'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A1'']>></a>'
  726. !!Artem Chebotarev
  727. $static_num[2] = 'A2'
  728. npcPol[2] = 0
  729. grupTipe[2] = 3
  730. $npcGo[2] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 2 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A2'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A2'']>></a>'
  731. !!Ivan Prokhorov
  732. $static_num[3] = 'A3'
  733. npcPol[3] = 0
  734. grupTipe[3] = 2
  735. $npcGo[3] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 3 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A3'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A3'']>></a>'
  736. !!Igor Kruglov
  737. $static_num[4] = 'A4'
  738. npcPol[4] = 0
  739. grupTipe[4] = 1
  740. $npcGo[4] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 4 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A4'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A4'']>></a>'
  741. !!Fedor Kozlov
  742. $static_num[5] = 'A5'
  743. npcPol[5] = 0
  744. if fedormasha = 1: grupTipe[5] = 5
  745. if fedormasha = 0: grupTipe[5] = 2
  746. $npcGo[5] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 5 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>></a>'
  747. !!Petka Klyuyev
  748. $static_num[6] = 'A6'
  749. npcPol[6] = 0
  750. grupTipe[6] = 3
  751. $npcGo[6] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 6 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A6'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A6'']>></a>'
  752. !!Lesco Tsarev
  753. $static_num[7] = 'A7'
  754. npcPol[7] = 0
  755. grupTipe[7] = 5
  756. $npcGo[7] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 7 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A7'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A7'']>></a>'
  757. !!Svyatoslav Voinov
  758. $static_num[8] = 'A8'
  759. npcPol[8] = 0
  760. grupTipe[8] = 2
  761. $npcGo[8] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 8 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A8'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A8'']>></a>'
  762. !!Vitek Kotov
  763. $static_num[9] = 'A9'
  764. npcPol[9] = 0
  765. grupTipe[9] = 4
  766. $npcGo[9] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 9 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A9'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A9'']>></a>'
  767. !!Dan Ryzhov
  768. $static_num[10] = 'A10'
  769. npcPol[10] = 0
  770. grupTipe[10] = 4
  771. $npcGo[10] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 10 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A10'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A10'']>></a>'
  772. !!Vasily Shulgin
  773. $static_num[11] = 'A11'
  774. npcPol[11] = 0
  775. grupTipe[11] = 4
  776. $npcGo[11] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 11 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A11'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A11'']>></a>'
  777. !!Marcus Larson
  778. $static_num[27] = 'A146'
  779. npcPol[27] = 0
  780. grupTipe[27] = 1
  781. $npcGo[27] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 27 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A146'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A146'']>></a>'
  782. !!Andrey Aleksandrov
  783. $static_num[28] = 'A147'
  784. npcPol[28] = 0
  785. grupTipe[28] = 1
  786. $npcGo[28] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 28 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A147'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A147'']>></a>'
  787. !!Mefodiy Utkin
  788. $static_num[29] = 'A148'
  789. npcPol[29] = 0
  790. grupTipe[29] = 1
  791. $npcGo[29] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 29 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A148'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A148'']>></a>'
  792. !!Lazar Utkin
  793. $static_num[32] = 'A149'
  794. npcPol[32] = 0
  795. grupTipe[32] = 2
  796. $npcGo[32] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 32 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A149'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A149'']>></a>'
  797. !!Erast Vagin
  798. $static_num[33] = 'A150'
  799. npcPol[33] = 0
  800. grupTipe[33] = 2
  801. $npcGo[33] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 33 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A150'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A150'']>></a>'
  802. !!Evgeny Kuznetsov
  803. $static_num[35] = 'A151'
  804. npcPol[35] = 0
  805. grupTipe[35] = 3
  806. $npcGo[35] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 35 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A151'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A151'']>></a>'
  807. !!Feofan Krupin
  808. $static_num[36] = 'A152'
  809. npcPol[36] = 0
  810. grupTipe[36] = 3
  811. $npcGo[36] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 36 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A152'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A152'']>></a>'
  812. !!Gerasim Vasilyev
  813. $static_num[37] = 'A153'
  814. npcPol[37] = 0
  815. grupTipe[37] = 3
  816. $npcGo[37] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 37 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A153'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A153'']>></a>'
  817. !!Radomir Popov
  818. $static_num[39] = 'A154'
  819. npcPol[39] = 0
  820. grupTipe[39] = 4
  821. $npcGo[39] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 39 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A154'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A154'']>></a>'
  822. !!Lavrenti Romanov
  823. $static_num[40] = 'A155'
  824. npcPol[40] = 0
  825. grupTipe[40] = 4
  826. $npcGo[40] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 40 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A155'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A155'']>></a>'
  827. !!Arkadi Fyodorov
  828. $static_num[41] = 'A156'
  829. npcPol[41] = 0
  830. grupTipe[41] = 4
  831. $npcGo[41] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 41 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A156'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A156'']>></a>'
  832. !!Roman Yakovlev
  833. $static_num[42] = 'A157'
  834. npcPol[42] = 0
  835. grupTipe[42] = 4
  836. $npcGo[42] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 42 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A157'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A157'']>></a>'
  837. !!Valentin Bogdanov
  838. $static_num[43] = 'A158'
  839. npcPol[43] = 0
  840. grupTipe[43] = 4
  841. $npcGo[43] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 43 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A158'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A158'']>></a>'
  842. !!Petia Alkaev
  843. $static_num[47] = 'A159'
  844. npcPol[47] = 0
  845. grupTipe[47] = 5
  846. $npcGo[47] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 47 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A159'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A159'']>></a>'
  847. !!Nikolai Volkov
  848. $static_num[61] = 'A189'
  849. npcPol[61] = 0
  850. grupTipe[61] = 4
  851. $npcGo[61] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 61 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A189'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A189'']>></a>'
  852. !!
  853. !!===========================Female Students=======================
  854. !!
  855. !!Julia Milov
  856. $static_num[12] = 'A12'
  857. npcPol[12] = 1
  858. grupTipe[12] = 3
  859. $npcGo[12] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 12 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A12'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A12'']>></a>'
  860. !!Lariska Gruzdeva
  861. $static_num[13] = 'A13'
  862. npcPol[13] = 1
  863. grupTipe[13] = 2
  864. $npcGo[13] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 13 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A13'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A13'']>></a>'
  865. !!Katja Meynold
  866. $static_num[14] = 'A14'
  867. npcPol[14] = 1
  868. grupTipe[14] = 1
  869. $npcGo[14] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 14 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>></a>'
  870. !!Vicky Meynold
  871. $static_num[15] = 'A15'
  872. npcPol[15] = 1
  873. grupTipe[15] = 1
  874. $npcGo[15] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 15 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A15'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A15'']>></a>'
  875. !!Natasha Belova
  876. $static_num[16] = 'A16'
  877. npcPol[16] = 1
  878. grupTipe[16] = 3
  879. $npcGo[16] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 16 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A16'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A16'']>></a>'
  880. !!Inna Devyatova
  881. $static_num[17] = 'A17'
  882. npcPol[17] = 1
  883. grupTipe[17] = 1
  884. $npcGo[17] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 17 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A17'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A17'']>></a>'
  885. !!Christina Zvereva
  886. $static_num[18] = 'A18'
  887. npcPol[18] = 1
  888. if zverSlutQW >= 2:
  889. grupTipe[18] = 0
  890. else
  891. grupTipe[18] = 2
  892. end
  893. $npcGo[18] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 18 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A18'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A18'']>></a>'
  894. !!Lina Starov
  895. $static_num[19] = 'A19'
  896. npcPol[19] = 1
  897. grupTipe[19] = 2
  898. $npcGo[19] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 19 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A19'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A19'']>></a>'
  899. !!Lena Kotova
  900. $static_num[20] = 'A20'
  901. npcPol[20] = 1
  902. grupTipe[20] = 4
  903. $npcGo[20] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 20 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A20'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A20'']>></a>'
  904. !!Lera Tsarev
  905. $static_num[21] = 'A21'
  906. npcPol[21] = 1
  907. grupTipe[21] = 4
  908. $npcGo[21] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 21 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A21'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A21'']>></a>'
  909. !!Bella Artamonov
  910. $static_num[22] = 'A22'
  911. npcPol[22] = 1
  912. grupTipe[22] = 2
  913. $npcGo[22] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 22 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A22'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A22'']>></a>'
  914. !!Albina Barlovskaya
  915. $static_num[23] = 'A23'
  916. npcPol[23] = 1
  917. grupTipe[23] = 1
  918. $npcGo[23] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 23 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A23'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A23'']>></a>'
  919. !!Pauline Sebagotulina
  920. $static_num[24] = 'A24'
  921. npcPol[24] = 1
  922. grupTipe[24] = 4
  923. $npcGo[24] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 24 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A24'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A24'']>></a>'
  924. !!Sonia Ivanko
  925. $static_num[25] = 'A25'
  926. npcPol[25] = 1
  927. if soniaPS > 0:
  928. grupTipe[25] = 5
  929. else
  930. grupTipe[25] = 1
  931. end
  932. $npcGo[25] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 25 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>></a>'
  933. !!Stasya Pavlov
  934. $static_num[30] = 'A139'
  935. npcPol[30] = 1
  936. grupTipe[30] = 1
  937. $npcGo[30] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 30 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A139'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A139'']>></a>'
  938. !!Lizaveta Petrov
  939. $static_num[31] = 'A140'
  940. npcPol[31] = 1
  941. grupTipe[31] = 1
  942. $npcGo[31] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 31 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A140'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A140'']>></a>'
  943. !!Veronika Sokolov
  944. $static_num[34] = 'A141'
  945. npcPol[34] = 1
  946. grupTipe[34] = 2
  947. $npcGo[34] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 34 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A141'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A141'']>></a>'
  948. !!Zinaida Alkaev
  949. $static_num[38] = 'A142'
  950. npcPol[38] = 1
  951. grupTipe[38] = 3
  952. $npcGo[38] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 38 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A142'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A142'']>></a>'
  953. !!Alyona Alkaev
  954. $static_num[44] = 'A143'
  955. npcPol[44] = 1
  956. grupTipe[44] = 4
  957. $npcGo[44] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 44 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A143'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A143'']>></a>'
  958. !!Anushka Konstantinov
  959. $static_num[45] = 'A144'
  960. npcPol[45] = 1
  961. grupTipe[45] = 4
  962. $npcGo[45] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 45 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A144'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A144'']>></a>'
  963. !!Ekaterina Maksimov
  964. $static_num[46] = 'A145'
  965. npcPol[46] = 1
  966. grupTipe[46] = 4
  967. $npcGo[46] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 46 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A145'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A145'']>></a>'
  968. !!
  969. !!===========================Teachers=======================
  970. !!
  971. !!Anatoly E. Tsarev
  972. $static_num[26] = 'A26'
  973. npcPol[26] = 0
  974. grupTipe[26] = 6
  975. $npcGo[26] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 26 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A26'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A26'']>></a>'
  976. !!Ilya Yenotin
  977. $static_num[48] = 'A130'
  978. npcPol[48] = 0
  979. grupTipe[48] = 6
  980. $npcGo[48] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 48 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A130'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A130'']>></a>'
  981. !!Viktor Pavlovich
  982. $static_num[49] = 'A131'
  983. npcPol[49] = 0
  984. grupTipe[49] = 6
  985. $npcGo[49] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 49 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A131'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A131'']>></a>'
  986. !!Aleksandrina Volkov
  987. $static_num[50] = 'A134'
  988. npcPol[50] = 1
  989. grupTipe[50] = 6
  990. $npcGo[50] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 50 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A134'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A134'']>></a>'
  991. !!Yeva Sokoloff
  992. $static_num[51] = 'A135'
  993. npcPol[51] = 1
  994. grupTipe[51] = 6
  995. $npcGo[51] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 51 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A135'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A135'']>></a>'
  996. !!Serafim Ivanov
  997. $static_num[52] = 'A129'
  998. npcPol[52] = 0
  999. grupTipe[52] = 6
  1000. $npcGo[52] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 52 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A129'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A129'']>></a>'
  1001. !!Olga Aleksandrov
  1002. $static_num[53] = 'A136'
  1003. npcPol[53] = 1
  1004. grupTipe[53] = 6
  1005. $npcGo[53] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 53 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A136'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A136'']>></a>'
  1006. !!Raven Braakman
  1007. $static_num[54] = 'A137'
  1008. npcPol[54] = 1
  1009. grupTipe[54] = 6
  1010. $npcGo[54] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 54 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A137'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A137'']>></a>'
  1011. !!Arina Orlov
  1012. $static_num[55] = 'A138'
  1013. npcPol[55] = 1
  1014. grupTipe[55] = 6
  1015. $npcGo[55] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 55 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A138'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A138'']>></a>'
  1016. !!Ruslan Kuznetsov
  1017. $static_num[56] = 'A132'
  1018. npcPol[56] = 0
  1019. grupTipe[56] = 6
  1020. $npcGo[56] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 56 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A132'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A132'']>></a>'
  1021. !!Makar Vasilyev
  1022. $static_num[57] = 'A128'
  1023. npcPol[57] = 0
  1024. grupTipe[57] = 6
  1025. $npcGo[57] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 57 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A128'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A128'']>></a>'
  1026. !!Rolan Matveev
  1027. $static_num[58] = 'A133'
  1028. npcPol[58] = 0
  1029. grupTipe[58] = 0
  1030. $npcGo[58] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 58 & GT ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A133'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A133'']>></a>'
  1031. end
  1032. --- gschool_lessons ---------------------------------