preSYS2.qsrc 36 KB

  1. # preSYS2
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. if genbsize = '': genbsize = 22
  4. if $soc_grup = '':gs 'preSYS2', 'none'
  5. act 'Pick a social group': gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  6. act 'Set attributes': gt 'preSYS2','modatt'
  7. act 'Set skills': gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  8. act 'Set appearance':gt 'preSYS2','modapp'
  9. act 'Set relationships': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  10. act 'Set purse': gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  11. act 'Set items': gt 'preSYS2','modite'
  12. act 'Set money (<<money>>₽)': money = input 'Set Cash Amount' & gt'preSYS2','start'
  13. if custom_csb ! 1: act 'Return to preset character menu': gt 'preSYS', 'charselect'
  14. act 'Confirm these options':
  15. dynamic 'grupvalue[<<grupTipe>>] = 50'
  16. if $soc_grup = 'nerd':
  17. traits['nerd_points'] = 60
  18. traits['nerd_status'] = 2
  19. traits['nerd_lernHome'] = 5
  20. elseif $soc_grup = 'gopnik':
  21. traits['nerd_points'] = -20
  22. end
  23. if pcs_inhib < 10: pcs_inhib = 10
  24. !!This line should get sveta to wear school uniform because she has no other clothing with > 50
  25. if pcs_inhib > 50: gs 'clothing', 'wear', 'school', 6
  26. if bag = 1:
  27. !!using current combination should prevent having more than 1 bag at the start of game.
  28. dynamic $currentpursetype + '_purses[<<currentpursenumber>>] = 1'
  29. gs 'obj_din', 'old'
  30. end
  31. if custom_csb = 1:
  32. killvar 'custom_csb'
  33. gt 'preCSB', 'intro_7'
  34. else
  35. gt 'preCUST', 'SGStart'
  36. end
  37. end
  38. end
  39. if $ARGS[0] = 'modapp':
  40. cla & *clr
  41. if genbsize = 0:genbsize = 12
  42. 'Choose base genetic breast size: (this is the genetic disposition and not the actual size at game start)'
  43. nl
  44. if genbsize = 2:
  45. 'Very small - Currently set'
  46. else
  47. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 2 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Very small</a>'
  48. end
  49. if genbsize = 7:
  50. 'Below average - Currently set'
  51. else
  52. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 7 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Below average</a>'
  53. end
  54. if genbsize = 12:
  55. 'Average - Currently set'
  56. else
  57. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 12 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Average</a>'
  58. end
  59. if genbsize = 17:
  60. 'Above average - Currently set'
  61. else
  62. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 17 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Above average</a>'
  63. end
  64. if genbsize = 22:
  65. 'Large - Currently set'
  66. else
  67. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 22 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Large</a>'
  68. end
  69. if genbsize = 27:
  70. 'Extra large - Currently set'
  71. else
  72. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 27 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Extra large</a>'
  73. end
  74. if genbsize = 32:
  75. 'Really big - Currently set'
  76. else
  77. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 32 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Really big</a>'
  78. end
  79. if genbsize = 37:
  80. 'Massive - Currently set'
  81. else
  82. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 37 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Massive</a>'
  83. end
  84. if genbsize = 42:
  85. 'Getting silly - Currently set'
  86. else
  87. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 42 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Getting silly</a>'
  88. end
  89. if genbsize = 47:
  90. 'Crazy big - Currently set'
  91. else
  92. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 47 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Crazy big</a>'
  93. end
  94. if genbsize = 57:
  95. 'Freakishly big - Currently set'
  96. else
  97. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 57 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Freakishly big</a>'
  98. end
  99. if genbsize = 67:
  100. 'Will struggle to open doors or see the ground big - Currently set'
  101. else
  102. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 67 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">Will struggle to open doors or see the ground big</a>'
  103. end
  104. if genbsize = 87:
  105. 'You''ve been eclipsed by 2 small moons - Currently set'
  106. else
  107. '<a href="exec:genbsize = 87 & gt ''preSYS2'',''modapp''">You''ve been eclipsed by 2 small moons</a>'
  108. end
  109. act 'Body fat (<<salo>>/200)': gs 'preSYS2','setsalo' & salo = nstat & gt 'preSYS2','modapp'
  110. act 'Return': gt'preSYS2','start'
  111. end
  112. if $ARGS[0] = 'setgenbsize':
  113. nstat = genbsize
  114. nstat = input 'Enter value that ends in a 2 or a 7. For example, 2, 7, 12 etc.'
  115. if nstat > 97:
  116. msg 'Please enter a value less than or equal to 97'
  117. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  118. elseif nstat < 2:
  119. msg 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to 2'
  120. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  121. elseif nstat mod 5 ! 2:
  122. msg 'Please enter a value that ends in 2, or a 7'
  123. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  124. else
  125. exit
  126. end
  127. end
  128. if $ARGS[0] = 'modite':
  129. act 'Fake passport (<<fakepassport>>/1)':
  130. if fakepassport = 0:
  131. fakepassport = 1
  132. else
  133. fakepassport = 0
  134. end
  135. gt 'preSYS2','modite'
  136. end
  137. act 'Laptop (<<komp>>/1)':
  138. if komp = 0:
  139. komp = 1
  140. else
  141. komp = 0
  142. end
  143. gt 'preSYS2','modite'
  144. end
  145. act 'Cosmetic items':gt 'preSYS2','modite_cos'
  146. act 'Pharmacy items':gt 'preSYS2','modite_pha'
  147. act 'Miscellaneous items':gt 'preSYS2','modite_mis'
  148. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','start'
  149. end
  150. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_setup2':
  151. dynamic 'if <<$ARGS[1]>> < 0: <<$ARGS[1]>> = 0'
  152. dynamic 'if <<$ARGS[1]>> > 100: <<$ARGS[1]>> = 100'
  153. dynamic 'x = <<$ARGS[1]>>'
  154. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD><<$ARGS[2]>> (<<x>>/100)</TD><TD><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">100</a></TD>'
  155. end
  156. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_setup3':
  157. dynamic 'if <<$ARGS[1]>> < 50: <<$ARGS[1]>> = 50'
  158. dynamic 'if <<$ARGS[1]>> > 200: <<$ARGS[1]>> = 200'
  159. dynamic 'x = <<$ARGS[1]>>'
  160. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD><<$ARGS[2]>> (<<x>>/200)</TD><TD><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> = 200 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">200</a></TD>'
  161. end
  162. !!Values reversed just for inhib use
  163. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_setup4':
  164. dynamic 'if <<$ARGS[1]>> < 0: <<$ARGS[1]>> = 0'
  165. dynamic 'if <<$ARGS[1]>> > 100: <<$ARGS[1]>> = 100'
  166. dynamic 'x = 100-<<$ARGS[1]>>'
  167. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD><<$ARGS[2]>> (<<x>>/100)</TD><TD><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:<<$ARGS[1]>> = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">100</a></TD>'
  168. end
  169. if $ARGS[0] = 'modite_cos':
  170. $metka = 'modite_cos'
  171. '<center><b>Cosmetic items</b></center>'
  172. *nl
  173. *nl
  174. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  175. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'kosmetica', 'Cosmetics'
  176. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'stanok', 'Razors (number of shaves)'
  177. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'krem', 'Sunblock'
  178. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'hscrunch', 'Hair scrunchies'
  179. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'hpingrip', 'Hair pins'
  180. '</table></center>'
  181. !act 'Shampoo (<<shampoo>>/100)': gs 'preSYS2','setval3' & shampoo = nstat & gt 'preSYS2','modite_cos'
  182. act 'Return': gt'preSYS2','modite'
  183. end
  184. if $ARGS[0] = 'modite_pha':
  185. $metka = 'modite_pha'
  186. '<center><b>Pharmaceutical items</b></center>'
  187. *nl
  188. *nl
  189. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  190. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'prezik', 'Condoms'
  191. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pregtest', 'Pregnancy tests'
  192. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'tabletki', 'Birth control pills'
  193. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'lekarstvo', 'Antibiotics'
  194. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'vitamin', 'Vitamins'
  195. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'painkiller', 'Painkillers'
  196. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'mosolmaz', 'Ointment for chafing'
  197. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'lubri', 'Lubricants'
  198. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'lipbalm', 'Lip balms'
  199. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'fatdel', 'Weight loss pills'
  200. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'tampon', 'Tampons'
  201. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'sanpad', 'Sanitary napkins'
  202. '</table></center>'
  203. act 'Return': gt'preSYS2','modite'
  204. end
  205. if $ARGS[0] = 'modite_mis':
  206. $metka = 'modite_mis'
  207. '<center><b>Misc items</b></center>'
  208. *nl
  209. *nl
  210. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  211. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'siga', 'Cigarettes'
  212. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'dur', 'Cocaine'
  213. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pranik', 'Tea Biscuits'
  214. '</table></center>'
  215. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modite'
  216. end
  217. if $ARGS[0] = 'modpur':
  218. *clr & cla
  219. if $ARGS[1] ! '':
  220. $currentpursetype = $ARGS[1]
  221. currentpursenumber = ARGS[2]
  222. end
  223. *clr & cla
  224. if $currentpursetype = '':
  225. 'You do not own a purse.'
  226. else
  227. bag = 1
  228. if $currentpursetype ! 'boutique':
  229. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/purses/<<$currentpursetype>>/<<currentpursenumber>>.jpg"></center>'
  230. else
  231. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/purses/moncheri/<<currentpursenumber>>.jpg"></center>'
  232. end
  233. 'Your current purse is <<$currentpursetype>>_<<currentpursenumber>>.'
  234. end
  235. act 'Return': gt'preSYS2','start'
  236. act 'Get cheap':
  237. *clr & cla
  238. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/gm.png"></center>'
  239. i = 1
  240. :loopcheappurses
  241. *p '<a href="exec:gt ''preSYS2'', ''modpur'', ''cheap'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/purses/cheap/<<i>>.jpg" height="300" /></a>'
  242. i += 1
  243. if i <= 14:jump 'loopcheappurses'
  244. end
  245. act 'Get dolls':
  246. *clr & cla
  247. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/island/dolls.png"></center>'
  248. i = 1
  249. :loopdollspurses
  250. *p '<a href="exec:gt ''preSYS2'', ''modpur'', ''dolls'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/purses/dolls/<<i>>.jpg" height="300" /></a>'
  251. i += 1
  252. if i <= 22:jump 'loopdollspurses'
  253. end
  254. act 'Get fashionista':
  255. *clr & cla
  256. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/fashionistat.png"></center>'
  257. i = 1
  258. :loopfashionistapurses
  259. *p '<a href="exec:gt ''preSYS2'', ''modpur'', ''fashionista'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/purses/fashionista/<<i>>.jpg" height="300" /></a>'
  260. i += 1
  261. if i <= 15:jump 'loopfashionistapurses'
  262. end
  263. act 'Get kats':
  264. *clr & cla
  265. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/pussycat.png"></center>'
  266. i = 1
  267. :loopkatspurses
  268. *p '<a href="exec:gt ''preSYS2'', ''modpur'', ''kats'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/purses/kats/<<i>>.jpg" height="300" /></a>'
  269. i += 1
  270. if i <= 14:jump 'loopkatspurses'
  271. end
  272. act 'Get moncheri':
  273. *clr & cla
  274. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/moncheri.png"></center>'
  275. i = 1
  276. :loopboutiquepurses
  277. *p '<a href="exec:gt ''preSYS2'', ''modpur'', ''boutique'', <<i>>"><img src="images/pc/purses/moncheri/<<i>>.jpg" height="300" /></a>'
  278. i += 1
  279. if i <= 17:jump 'loopboutiquepurses'
  280. end
  281. act 'I do not want a purse':
  282. bag = 0
  283. $currentpursetype = ''
  284. currentpursenumber = ''
  285. gt 'preSYS2','modpur'
  286. end
  287. end
  288. !!This is used to set value, is used to avoid any values that go below 5.
  289. if $ARGS[0] = 'setval':
  290. nstat = 0
  291. nstat = input 'Enter value in multiples of 5. For example, 5, 10, 15 etc.'
  292. if nstat > 100:
  293. msg 'Please enter a value less than or equal to 100'
  294. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  295. elseif nstat < 5:
  296. msg 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to 5'
  297. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  298. elseif nstat mod 5 ! 0:
  299. msg 'Please enter a value in multiples of 5'
  300. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  301. else
  302. gs 'stat'
  303. exit
  304. end
  305. end
  306. !!This is used to set values, that can go below 5 and ranges from 100 to -100.
  307. if $ARGS[0] = 'setval2':
  308. nstat = 0
  309. nstat = input 'Enter value in multiples of 5. For example, 5, 0, -5 etc.'
  310. if nstat > 100:
  311. msg 'Please enter a value less than or equal to 100'
  312. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  313. elseif nstat < -100:
  314. msg 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to -100'
  315. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  316. elseif nstat mod 5 ! 0:
  317. msg 'Please enter a value in multiples of 5'
  318. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval2'
  319. else
  320. exit
  321. end
  322. end
  323. !!This is used to set values, that can go to 0 and ranges from 0 to 100.
  324. if $ARGS[0] = 'setval3':
  325. nstat = 0
  326. nstat = input 'Enter value in multiples of 5. For example, 0, 5, 10 etc.'
  327. if nstat > 100:
  328. msg 'Please enter a value less than or equal to 100'
  329. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval3'
  330. elseif nstat < 0:
  331. msg 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to 0'
  332. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval3'
  333. elseif nstat mod 5 ! 0:
  334. msg 'Please enter a value in multiples of 5'
  335. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval3'
  336. else
  337. exit
  338. end
  339. end
  340. if $ARGS[0] = 'setsalo':
  341. *clr & cla
  342. '20 = underweight, slight, wiry'
  343. '40 = slender, skinny, lean'
  344. '60 = healthy, toned, ripped'
  345. '80 = cute, muscular'
  346. '100 = chubby, curvy, herculean'
  347. '120 = overweight, stocky'
  348. '140 = fat, heavy set'
  349. nstat = salo
  350. nstat = input 'Enter value in multiples of 20. For example, 20, 40, 60 etc.'
  351. if nstat > 200:
  352. msg 'Please enter a value less than 200'
  353. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  354. elseif nstat < 20:
  355. msg 'Please enter a value greater than 20'
  356. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  357. elseif nstat mod 20 ! 0:
  358. msg 'Please enter a value in multiples of 20'
  359. gs 'preSYS2', 'setval'
  360. else
  361. exit
  362. end
  363. end
  364. if $ARGS[0] = 'modgrup':
  365. *clr & cla
  366. 'Your current social group is <<$soc_grup>>.'
  367. act 'Nerd, Geek, Student': $soc_grup = 'nerd' & grupTipe = 3 & gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  368. act 'Athlete, Jock':$soc_grup = 'jock'& grupTipe = 2 & gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  369. act 'Popular, Cool, Beautiful':$soc_grup = 'cool' & grupTipe = 1 & gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  370. act 'Gopnik, Rebel, Punk, Troublemaker':$soc_grup = 'gopnik' & grupTipe = 4 & gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  371. act 'Outcast, Loser, Goth, Ugly':$soc_grup = 'outcast' & grupTipe = 5 & gt 'preSYS2','modgrup'
  372. act 'Return':gt 'preSYS2','start'
  373. end
  374. if $ARGS[0] = 'modatt':
  375. *clr & cla
  376. $metka = 'modatt'
  377. '<center><b>Attributes</b></center>'
  378. *nl
  379. *nl
  380. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  381. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup3', 'willpowermax', 'Willpower'
  382. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_stren', 'Strength'
  383. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_agil', 'Agility'
  384. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_vital', 'Endurance'
  385. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_intel', 'Intelligence'
  386. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_sprt', 'Spirit'
  387. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_react', 'Reaction'
  388. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_chrsm', 'Charisma'
  389. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_prcptn', 'Perception'
  390. if MagikDostup = 0: gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_magik', 'Magic'
  391. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_grades', 'Grades'
  392. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup4', 'pcs_inhib', 'Inhibition'
  393. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_heels', 'Heels'
  394. '</table></center>'
  395. nl
  396. act 'Return':
  397. stren_lvl = pcs_stren
  398. agil_lvl = pcs_agil
  399. vital_lvl = pcs_vital
  400. intel_lvl = pcs_intel
  401. sprt_lvl = pcs_sprt
  402. react_lvl = pcs_react
  403. chrsm_lvl = pcs_chrsm
  404. prcptn_lvl = pcs_prcptn
  405. magik_lvl = pcs_magik
  406. grades_lvl = pcs_grades
  407. inhib_lvl = pcs_inhib
  408. heels_lvl = pcs_heels
  409. stren_lvlst = pcs_stren
  410. agil_lvlst = pcs_agil
  411. vital_lvlst = pcs_vital
  412. intel_lvlst = pcs_intel
  413. sprt_lvlst = pcs_sprt
  414. react_lvlst = pcs_react
  415. chrsm_lvlst = pcs_chrsm
  416. prcptn_lvlst = pcs_prcptn
  417. magik_lvlst = pcs_magik
  418. grades_lvlst = pcs_grades
  419. inhib_lvlst = pcs_inhib
  420. heels_lvlst = pcs_heels
  421. gt'preSYS2','start'
  422. end
  423. end
  424. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl':
  425. *clr & cla
  426. act 'Mental skills':gt 'preSYS2','modskl_men'
  427. act 'Sport skills':gt 'preSYS2','modskl_spo'
  428. act 'Beauty skills':gt 'preSYS2','modskl_bea'
  429. act 'Artistic skills':gt 'preSYS2','modskl_art'
  430. act 'Job skills':gt 'preSYS2','modskl_job'
  431. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','start'
  432. end
  433. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl_men':
  434. *clr & cla
  435. $metka = 'modskl_men'
  436. '<center><b>Mental Skills</b></center>'
  437. *nl
  438. *nl
  439. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  440. if MagikDostup = 0: gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_splcstng', 'Spell Casting'
  441. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_humint', 'People skills'
  442. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_persuas', 'Persuasion'
  443. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_observ', 'Observation'
  444. '</table></center>'
  445. nl
  446. act 'Return':
  447. humint_lvl = pcs_humint
  448. persuas_lvl = pcs_persuas
  449. observ_lvl = pcs_observ
  450. splcstng_lvl = pcs_splcstng
  451. humint_lvlst = pcs_humint
  452. persuas_lvlst = pcs_persuas
  453. observ_lvlst = pcs_observ
  454. splcstng_lvlst = pcs_splcstng
  455. gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  456. end
  457. end
  458. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl_spo':
  459. *clr & cla
  460. $metka = 'modskl_spo'
  461. '<center><b>Sport Skills</b></center>'
  462. *nl
  463. *nl
  464. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  465. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_jab', 'Jabs'
  466. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_punch', 'Power Strikes'
  467. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_kick', 'Kicks'
  468. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_def', 'Defence'
  469. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_run', 'Running'
  470. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_vball', 'Volleyball'
  471. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_ftbll', 'Football'
  472. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_wrstlng', 'Wrestling'
  473. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_shoot', 'Marskmanship'
  474. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_bushcraft', 'Bushcraft'
  475. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_chess', 'Chess'
  476. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_icesktng', 'Ice Skating'
  477. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_gaming', 'Gaming'
  478. '</table></center>'
  479. nl
  480. act 'Return':
  481. jab_lvl = pcs_jab
  482. punch_lvl = pcs_punch
  483. kick_lvl = pcs_kick
  484. def_lvl = pcs_def
  485. run_lvl = pcs_run
  486. vball_lvl = pcs_vball
  487. ftball_lvl = pcs_ftbll
  488. wrstlng_lvl = pcs_wrstlng
  489. shoot_lvl = pcs_shoot
  490. bushcraft_lvl = pcs_bushcraft
  491. chess_lvl = pcs_chess
  492. icesktng_lvl = pcs_icesktng
  493. gaming_lvl = pcs_gaming
  494. jab_lvlst = pcs_jab
  495. punch_lvlst = pcs_punch
  496. kick_lvlst = pcs_kick
  497. def_lvlst = pcs_def
  498. run_lvlst = pcs_run
  499. vball_lvlst = pcs_vball
  500. ftball_lvlst = pcs_ftbll
  501. wrstlng_lvlst = pcs_wrstlng
  502. shoot_lvlst = pcs_shoot
  503. bushcraft_lvlst = pcs_bushcraft
  504. chess_lvlst = pcs_chess
  505. icesktng_lvlst = pcs_icesktng
  506. gaming_lvlst = pcs_gaming
  507. gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  508. end
  509. end
  510. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl_bea':
  511. *clr & cla
  512. $metka = 'modskl_bea'
  513. '<center><b>Beauty skills</b></center>'
  514. *nl
  515. *nl
  516. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  517. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_makupskl', 'Makeup Skills'
  518. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_danc', 'Modern Dancing'
  519. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_dancero', 'Erotic Dancing'
  520. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_dancpol', 'Pole Dancing'
  521. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_cheer', 'Cheerleading'
  522. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_mdlng', 'Modelling'
  523. '</table></center>'
  524. nl
  525. act 'Return':
  526. makupskl_lvl = pcs_makupskl
  527. danc_lvl = pcs_danc
  528. dancero_lvl = pcs_dancero
  529. dancpol_lvl = pcs_dancpol
  530. cheer_lvl = pcs_cheer
  531. mblng_lvl = pcs_mdlng
  532. makupskl_lvlst = pcs_makupskl
  533. danc_lvlst = pcs_danc
  534. dancero_lvlst = pcs_dancero
  535. dancpol_lvlst = pcs_dancpol
  536. cheer_lvlst = pcs_cheer
  537. mblng_lvlst = pcs_mdlng
  538. gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  539. end
  540. end
  541. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl_art':
  542. *clr & cla
  543. $metka = 'modskl_art'
  544. '<center><b>Artistic Skills</b></center>'
  545. *nl
  546. *nl
  547. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  548. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_vokal', 'Singing'
  549. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_instrmusic', 'Instrumental Music'
  550. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_photoskl', 'Photography'
  551. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_artskls', 'Artistic Skills'
  552. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_perform', 'Performance'
  553. '</table></center>'
  554. nl
  555. act 'Return':
  556. vokal_lvl = pcs_vokal
  557. instrmusic_lvl = pcs_instrmusic
  558. photoskl_lvl = pcs_photoskl
  559. artskls_lvl = pcs_artskls
  560. perform_lvl = pcs_perform
  561. vokal_lvlst = pcs_vokal
  562. instrmusic_lvlst = pcs_instrmusic
  563. photoskl_lvlst = pcs_photoskl
  564. artskls_lvlst = pcs_artskls
  565. perform_lvlst = pcs_perform
  566. gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  567. end
  568. end
  569. if $ARGS[0] = 'modskl_job':
  570. *clr & cla
  571. $metka = 'modskl_job'
  572. '<center><b>Job Skills</b></center>'
  573. *nl
  574. *nl
  575. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  576. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_compskl', 'Computer Skills'
  577. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_comphckng', 'Hacking'
  578. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_hndiwrk', 'Handy-work'
  579. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_sewng', 'Tailoring'
  580. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_servng', 'Serving'
  581. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup2', 'pcs_medcn', 'Medicine'
  582. '</table></center>'
  583. nl
  584. act 'Return':
  585. compskl_lvl = pcs_compskl
  586. comphckng_lvl = pcs_comphckng
  587. hndiwrk_lvl = pcs_hndiwrk
  588. sewng_lvl = pcs_sewng
  589. servng_lvl = pcs_servng
  590. medcn_lvl = pcs_medcn
  591. compskl_lvlst = pcs_compskl
  592. comphckng_lvlst = pcs_comphckng
  593. hndiwrk_lvlst = pcs_hndiwrk
  594. sewng_lvlst = pcs_sewng
  595. servng_lvlst = pcs_servng
  596. medcn_lvlst = pcs_medcn
  597. gt 'preSYS2','modskl'
  598. end
  599. end
  600. if $ARGS[0] = 'none':
  601. !!Attributes Reset - I know most of these att&skl are not in need of reset, but I dont know how to use loops and I wanted this to clear all changes made by choosing social group and/or player choices.
  602. pcs_stren = 30
  603. pcs_agil = 30
  604. pcs_vital = 30
  605. pcs_intel = 30
  606. pcs_react = 30
  607. pcs_sprt = 30
  608. pcs_chrsm = 30
  609. pcs_prcptn = 30
  610. pcs_grade = 75
  611. pcs_inhib = 10
  612. pcs_heel = 5
  613. !!Mental Skills Reset
  614. pcs_humint = 0
  615. pcs_persuas = 0
  616. pcs_observ = 0
  617. !!Sport Skills Reset
  618. pcs_jab = 0
  619. pcs_punch = 0
  620. pcs_kick = 0
  621. pcs_def = 0
  622. pcs_run = 0
  623. pcs_vball = 0
  624. pcs_ftbll = 0
  625. pcs_wrstlng = 0
  626. pcs_shoot = 0
  627. pcs_bushcraft = 0
  628. pcs_chess = 0
  629. pcs_icesktng = 0
  630. pcs_gaming = 0
  631. !!Beauty Skills Reset
  632. pcs_makupskl = 20
  633. pcs_danc = 0
  634. pcs_dancero = 0
  635. pcs_dancpol = 0
  636. pcs_cheer = 0
  637. pcs_mdlng = 0
  638. !!Artistic Skills Reset
  639. pcs_vokal = 0
  640. pcs_instrmusic = 0
  641. pcs_photoskl = 0
  642. pcs_artskls = 0
  643. !!Job Skills Reset
  644. pcs_compskl = 0
  645. pcs_comphckng = 0
  646. pcs_hndiwrk = 0
  647. pcs_sewng = 0
  648. pcs_servng = 0
  649. pcs_medcn = 0
  650. !!social group Reset
  651. grupTipe = 0
  652. grupvalue[1] = 0
  653. grupvalue[2] = 0
  654. grupvalue[3] = 0
  655. grupvalue[4] = 0
  656. grupvalue[6] = 0
  657. gs 'npc_relationship', 'socialgroup_setting', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  658. !!npc relationship Reset
  659. npc_rel['A11'] = 60
  660. npc_rel['A129'] = 30
  661. npc_rel['A133'] = 30
  662. npc_rel['A28'] = 50
  663. npc_rel['A29'] = 50
  664. npc_rel['A33'] = 70
  665. npc_rel['A34'] = 50
  666. !!items Reset
  667. money = 2000
  668. fakepassport = 0
  669. fantasybook = 0
  670. glass = 0
  671. hscrunch = 0
  672. kosmetica = 0
  673. pirsC = 0
  674. PirsC1_owned = 0
  675. shampoo = 0
  676. siga = 0
  677. stanok = 0
  678. swim_start = 0
  679. tampon = 0
  680. !!apprnc & sex stat reset
  681. genbsize = 22
  682. pcs_skin = 40
  683. salo = 80
  684. pcs_tan = 0
  685. pcs_throat = 0
  686. pcs_vag = 0
  687. stat['bj'] = 0
  688. stat['hj'] = 0
  689. stat['vaginal'] = 0
  690. $soc_grup = 'outcast'
  691. grupTipe = 5
  692. end
  693. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel':
  694. act 'Family':gt 'preSYS2','modrel_fam'
  695. act 'Popular Kids':gt 'preSYS2','modrel_pop'
  696. act 'Athletes':gt 'preSYS2','modrel_ath'
  697. act 'Nerds':gt 'preSYS2','modrel_ner'
  698. act 'Gopniks':gt 'preSYS2','modrel_gop'
  699. act 'Outcasts/Loners':gt'preSYS2','modrel_out'
  700. act 'Teachers/Coaches':gt'preSYS2','modrel_tea'
  701. act 'Others':gt'preSYS2','modrel_oth'
  702. act 'Return':gt 'preSYS2','start'
  703. end
  704. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_fam':
  705. if npc_rel['A28'] < 0: npc_rel['A28'] = 0
  706. if npc_rel['A29'] < 0: npc_rel['A29'] = 0
  707. if npc_rel['A33'] < 0: npc_rel['A33'] = 0
  708. if npc_rel['A34'] < 0: npc_rel['A34'] = 0
  709. if npc_rel['A28'] > 100: npc_rel['A28'] = 100
  710. if npc_rel['A29'] > 100: npc_rel['A29'] = 100
  711. if npc_rel['A33'] > 100: npc_rel['A33'] = 100
  712. if npc_rel['A34'] > 100: npc_rel['A34'] = 100
  713. '<center><b>Family relationship levels</b></center>'
  714. *nl
  715. *nl
  716. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  717. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Stepfather: <<npc_rel[''A28'']>></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">100</a></TD>'
  718. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Mother: <<npc_rel[''A29'']>></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">100</a></TD>'
  719. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Sister: <<npc_rel[''A33'']>></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">100</a></TD>'
  720. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Brother: <<npc_rel[''A34'']>></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', ''modrel_fam''">100</a></TD>'
  721. '</table></center>'
  722. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  723. end
  724. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_setup':
  725. if npc_rel['<<$ARGS[1]>>'] < 0: npc_rel['<<$ARGS[1]>>'] = 0
  726. if npc_rel['<<$ARGS[1]>>'] > 100: npc_rel['<<$ARGS[1]>>'] = 100
  727. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD><<$npc_firstname[''<<$ARGS[1]>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$ARGS[1]>>'']>>: <<npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>'']>></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] = 0 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">zero</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] -= 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 10</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#ff9999><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] -= 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">minus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] += 5 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 5</a></TD><TD bgcolor=#99ff99><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] += 10 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">plus 10</a></TD><TD><a href="exec:npc_rel[''<<$ARGS[1]>>''] = 100 & gt ''preSYS2'', $metka">100</a></TD>'
  728. end
  729. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_pop':
  730. $metka = 'modrel_pop'
  731. '<center><b>Popular kids relationship levels</b></center>'
  732. *nl
  733. *nl
  734. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  735. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A1'
  736. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A4'
  737. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A14'
  738. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A15'
  739. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A17'
  740. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A23'
  741. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A146'
  742. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A147'
  743. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A148'
  744. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A25'
  745. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A139'
  746. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A140'
  747. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all boys in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 1, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_pop''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  748. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all girls in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 1, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_pop''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  749. '</table></center>'
  750. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  751. end
  752. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_ath':
  753. $metka = 'modrel_ath'
  754. '<center><b>Jocks relationship levels</b></center>'
  755. *nl
  756. *nl
  757. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  758. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A3'
  759. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A5'
  760. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A8'
  761. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A13'
  762. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A18'
  763. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A19'
  764. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A22'
  765. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A149'
  766. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A150'
  767. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A141'
  768. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all boys in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 2, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_ath''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  769. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all girls in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 2, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_ath''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  770. '</table></center>'
  771. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  772. end
  773. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_ner':
  774. $metka = 'modrel_ner'
  775. '<center><b>Nerds relationship levels</b></center>'
  776. *nl
  777. *nl
  778. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  779. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A2'
  780. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A6'
  781. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A12'
  782. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A16'
  783. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A151'
  784. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A152'
  785. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A153'
  786. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A142'
  787. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all boys in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 3, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_ner''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  788. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all girls in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 3, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_ner''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  789. '</table></center>'
  790. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  791. end
  792. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_gop':
  793. $metka = 'modrel_gop'
  794. '<center><b>Gopnik kids relationship levels</b></center>'
  795. *nl
  796. *nl
  797. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  798. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A9'
  799. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A10'
  800. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A11'
  801. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A20'
  802. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A21'
  803. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A24'
  804. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A154'
  805. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A155'
  806. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A156'
  807. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A157'
  808. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A158'
  809. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A143'
  810. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A144'
  811. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A145'
  812. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all boys in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 4, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_gop''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  813. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all girls in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 4, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_gop''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  814. '</table></center>'
  815. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  816. end
  817. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_out':
  818. $metka = 'modrel_out'
  819. '<center><b>Outcast kids relationship levels</b></center>'
  820. *nl
  821. *nl
  822. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  823. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A7'
  824. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A159'
  825. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all boys in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 5, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_out''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  826. !! '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all girls in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 5, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_out''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  827. '</table></center>'
  828. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  829. end
  830. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_tea':
  831. $metka = 'modrel_tea'
  832. '<center><b>Teacher relationship levels</b></center>'
  833. *nl
  834. *nl
  835. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  836. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A26'
  837. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A128'
  838. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A129'
  839. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A130'
  840. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A131'
  841. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A132'
  842. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A133'
  843. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A134'
  844. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A135'
  845. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A136'
  846. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A137'
  847. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A138'
  848. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all men in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 0, 6, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_tea''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  849. '<TR bgcolor=#ffffff><TD>Set relationship level for all women in this group</TD><TD><a href="exec: gs ''preSYS2'',''setval2'' & gs ''preSYS2'', ''pol_grup_set'', 1, 6, nstat & gt ''preSYS2'',''modrel_tea''">set value</a></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>'
  850. '</table></center>'
  851. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  852. end
  853. if $ARGS[0] = 'modrel_oth':
  854. $metka = 'modrel_oth'
  855. '<center><b>Others relationship levels</b></center>'
  856. *nl
  857. *nl
  858. '<center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=25 bgcolor=#808080><TH></TH><TH>Set to zero</TH><TH>Minus 10</TH><TH>Minus 5</TH><TH>Plus 5</TH><TH>Plus 10</TH><TH>Set to 100</TH>'
  859. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A69'
  860. gs 'preSYS2', 'modrel_setup', 'A112'
  861. '</table></center>'
  862. !!Volleyball Coach is here because it wasnt being controlled by grup6 the teachers/coaches.
  863. act 'Return': gt 'preSYS2','modrel'
  864. end
  865. if $ARGS[0] = 'pol_grup_set':
  866. !!ARGS[1] 0 is boys, 1 is girls. ARGS[2] 1nerd 2jock 3cool 4gopnik 5outcast 6teachers. ARGS[3] is changes to value
  867. r = 1
  868. :pol_grup_set_loop
  869. if npc_gender['A<<r>>'] = ARGS[1] and npc_grupTipe['A<<r>>'] = ARGS[2]:
  870. npc_rel['A<<r>>'] = ARGS[3]
  871. end
  872. r += 1
  873. if r <= aarraynumber :jump 'pol_grup_set_loop'
  874. end
  875. --- preSYS2 ---------------------------------