dimaHome.qsrc 79 KB

  1. # dimaHome
  2. $menu_loc = 'dimaHome'
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'home':
  4. $menu_arg = 'home'
  5. menu_off = 0
  6. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/house.jpg"></center>'
  7. 'You walk up the path from the street to a relatively large, nice looking two-story house. You notice balconies on the front and side of the home. You exhale a deep breathe as you wonder what it would be like to live in such a nice place. You approach the front door and knock.'
  8. if SchoolAtestat = 1 and kanikuli > 0:
  9. !!20% chance that mother answers saying he isn''t home. Just to show Dimka does other stuff.
  10. if ((week < 6 and (hour > 15 or (hour = 15 and minut >= 30)) and hour < 19) or (week >= 6 and hour >= 9 and hour < 19)) and rand(0,4) ! 0:
  11. 'A few moments later Dimka''s mother answers the door. "Oh, you must be one of Dimka''s friends. Maybe more than friends." She says with a sly smile as she invites you in. "He is in his room, feel free to go on upstairs."'
  12. act 'Enter': gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  13. !!On Fridays after 19 the mother won''t answer the door.
  14. elseif (hour >= 8 and hour < 14) or (week ! 5 and hour >= 19 and hour < 24):
  15. 'A few moments later Dimka''s mother answers the door. "I''m sorry, Dimka isn''t home right now. But I will let him know you stopped by to see him." With a smile she closes the door.'
  16. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  17. else
  18. 'After knocking several times, no one answers. It seems that either no one is home, or everyone is asleep.'
  19. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  20. end
  21. else
  22. !!20% chance that mother answers saying he isn''t home. Just to show Dimka does other stuff.
  23. if hour >= 9 and hour < 19 and rand(0,4) ! 0:
  24. 'A few moments later Dimka''s mother answers the door. "Oh, you must be one of Dimka''s friends. Maybe more than friends." She says with a sly smile as she invites you in. "He is in his room, feel free to go on upstairs."'
  25. act 'Enter': gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  26. !!On Fridays after 19 the mother won''t answer the door.
  27. elseif (hour >= 8 and hour < 14) or (week ! 5 and hour >= 19 and hour < 24):
  28. 'A few moments later Dimka''s mother answers the door "I''m sorry, Dimka isn''t home right now. But I will let him know you stopped by to see him." With a smile she closes the door.'
  29. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  30. else
  31. 'After knocking several times, no one answers. It seems that either no one is home, or everyone is asleep.'
  32. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  33. end
  34. end
  35. end
  36. if $ARGS[0] = 'hallway':
  37. $menu_arg = 'hallway'
  38. menu_off = 0
  39. $location_type = 'indoors'
  40. killvar '$locclass'
  41. *clr & cla
  42. minut += 1
  43. gs 'stat'
  44. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Entrance hall</font></h4></center>'
  45. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/hallway.jpg"></center>'
  46. 'You walk into the entrance hall of Dimka''s house, noticing that it is tastefully decorated. There is a small closet for your coat with a set of shelves and a mirror. This room leads to all other areas of the house.'
  47. act '<b>Leave Dimka''s home</b>': gt 'pavResidential'
  48. act 'Living Room': gt 'dimaHome','livingroom'
  49. act 'Kitchen': gt 'dimaHome','kitchen'
  50. act 'Bathroom': gt 'dimaHome','bathroom'
  51. act 'Study': gt 'dimaHome','study'
  52. act 'Basement': gt 'dimaHome','basement'
  53. act 'Go upstairs': gt 'dimaHome','hallway2'
  54. end
  55. if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom':
  56. $menu_arg = 'bathroom'
  57. menu_off = 0
  58. *clr & cla
  59. minut += 1
  60. $metka = 'bathroom'
  61. $loc = 'dimaHome'
  62. $metkaM = 'bathroom'
  63. $locM = 'dimaHome'
  64. gs 'stat'
  65. $location_type = 'bathroom'
  66. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Downstairs bathroom</font></h4></center>'
  67. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/halfbath.jpg"></center>'
  68. 'You enter a half bathroom with a large sink area and hardwood floors. The toilet sits along the far wall. It all looks very spotless. The main bathroom with the tub and shower must be upstairs, you assume.'
  69. 'You can do your hair and makeup in the <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a> above the sink.'
  70. gs 'din_van', 'prvt_pee'
  71. act 'Leave the bathroom': gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  72. end
  73. if $ARGS[0] = 'livingroom':
  74. $menu_arg = 'livingroom'
  75. menu_off = 0
  76. *clr & cla
  77. $locclass = 'livingr'
  78. minut += 1
  79. gs 'stat'
  80. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Living room</font></b></center>'
  81. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/livingroom.jpg"></center>'
  82. 'The spacious living room is very clean and tidy. Everything appears perfectly in place, the couch is a large L shape, with shelves set against the back. Several very large windows provide a great view of the manicured lawn. Hanging on the main wall above the fireplace is a huge flat screen TV. You are astonished by how crisp and stylish everything seems. Nothing like your own home.'
  83. act 'Leave the living room': gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  84. end
  85. if $ARGS[0] = 'kitchen':
  86. $menu_arg = 'kitchen'
  87. menu_off = 0
  88. *clr & cla
  89. minut += 1
  90. $locclass = 'kitr'
  91. gs 'stat'
  92. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Kitchen</font></b></center>'
  93. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/kitchen.jpg"></center>'
  94. 'You enter the kitchen, finding that it matches the decor and cleanliness of the rest of the home. All the granite and glass surfaces are polished to a reflective gleam. A large chandelier hangs above the kitchen table, while the tiled floor glints in the light.'
  95. !!Dimkas mother will be here 50% of the time from 06:00 to 22:00 on all days but Fridays then from 06:00 to 19:00
  96. if (hour >= 6 and hour <= 22 and rand (0,1) = 1) or (hour >= 6 and hour <= 19 and week = 5):
  97. 'You see Dimka''s mother Olya is in the kitchen, drinking tea. She is finely dressed with flawless makeup. You don''t think she has noticed you yet.'
  98. if met_DimkaMother = 0:
  99. act 'Talk': gt 'dimaHome','kitchen1'
  100. else
  101. act 'Talk': gt 'dimaHome','kitchen2'
  102. end
  103. end
  104. act 'Leave the kitchen': gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  105. end
  106. if $ARGS[0] = 'study':
  107. $menu_arg = 'study'
  108. menu_off = 0
  109. *clr & cla
  110. minut += 1
  111. gs 'stat'
  112. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  113. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/study.jpg"></center>'
  114. !!make it so there is only a 50% chance he is here even if the hours are correct
  115. if ((hour >= 18 and week <= 5) or (hour >= 9 and week => 6)) and rand(0,1) = 0:
  116. if met_DimkaDad = 0:
  117. 'You see Dimka''s father Leonid sitting behind a beautiful polished large wooden desk. He is well dressed and not bad looking, for an older guy. He seems to be working on something, you don''t think he has noticed you yet.'
  118. if hotcat > 6:
  119. gt 'dimaHome', 'study1'
  120. else
  121. gt 'dimaHome', 'study2'
  122. end
  123. elseif met_DimkaDad = 1:
  124. 'You see Dimka''s father Leonid sitting behind a beautiful polished large wooden desk. He is well dressed and not bad looking, for an older guy. He seems to be working on something, you don''t think he has noticed you yet.'
  125. if hotcat > 6:
  126. gt 'dimaHome', 'study3'
  127. else
  128. gt 'dimaHome', 'study4'
  129. end
  130. end
  131. else
  132. act 'Leave the study': gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  133. end
  134. end
  135. if $ARGS[0] = 'hallway2':
  136. $menu_arg = 'hallway2'
  137. menu_off = 0
  138. $location_type = 'indoors'
  139. killvar '$locclass'
  140. *clr & cla
  141. minut += 1
  142. gs 'stat'
  143. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Entrance hall</font></h4></center>'
  144. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/hallway1.jpg"></center>'
  145. 'You enter the long upstairs hallway of Dimka''s home. It displays a warm, welcoming decor. This hall leads to all the other rooms on the second floor.'
  146. act 'Go downstairs': gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  147. act 'Dimka''s Room': gt 'dimaHome','dimkaroom'
  148. act 'Parents Room': gt 'dimaHome','dimkaparents'
  149. act 'Guest room': gt 'dimaHome','guest'
  150. act 'Bathroom': gt 'dimaHome','bathroom2'
  151. !The balcony doesnt exist at the moment
  152. !act 'Balcony': gt 'dimaHome','balcony'
  153. end
  154. if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom2':
  155. $menu_arg = 'bathroom2'
  156. menu_off = 0
  157. *clr & cla
  158. minut += 1
  159. $metka = 'bathroom'
  160. $loc = 'dimaHome'
  161. $metkaM = 'bathroom'
  162. $locM = 'dimaHome'
  163. gs 'stat'
  164. $location_type = 'bathroom'
  165. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Upstairs bathroom</font></h4></center>'
  166. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/bathroom.jpg"></center>'
  167. 'This restroom has a large sink area and tile floors. The toilet sits along the far wall. You also notice a walk-in shower and large bathtub. You imagine how luxurious it must feel to bathe in here.'
  168. 'You can do your hair and makeup in the <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a> above the sink.'
  169. *nl
  170. if pirsA + pirsB + pirsC + pirsD + pirsE + pirsF + pirsN + pirsG + pirsGL > 0:'<a href="exec:dynamic $pirManage">Manage Piercings</a>'
  171. if shampoo > 0:
  172. act 'Take a shower (0:15)':
  173. *clr & cla
  174. menu_off = 1
  175. minut += 15
  176. dynamic $showerdin
  177. gs 'stat'
  178. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Upstairs bathroom</font></h4></center>'
  179. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/mitsa.mp4"></center>'
  180. 'You decide to take advantage of the luxury shower. As the warm water flows over your entire body from the massive shower head, you feel your whole body relax in the comforting stream.'
  181. if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
  182. act 'Get out and dry off': gt 'dimaHome','bathroom2'
  183. end
  184. act 'Soak in the bath (0:30)':
  185. *clr & cla
  186. menu_off = 1
  187. minut += 30
  188. pcs_sweat = 7 + rand(0,4)
  189. pcs_mood += 20
  190. pcs_skin += 1
  191. if frost > 0:frost = 0
  192. pcs_horny += rand(0,2)
  193. dynamic $showerdin
  194. gs 'stat'
  195. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Upstairs bathroom</font></h4></center>'
  196. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bathroom/wash4.jpg"></center>'
  197. 'You smile to yourself as you draw a bath in the impressive tub. You relish the feeling as you slowly glide into steamy water and relax.'
  198. 'Then you begin to lather your body, gently gliding your soft hands over your smooth curves, and wash yourself thoroughly.'
  199. if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the bath.'
  200. act '"Wash" your pussy':
  201. *clr & cla
  202. if obdysh = 1 and rand(0, 5) = 1:gt 'vann', 'v4'
  203. minut += 10
  204. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/home/bathroom/wash7.mp4"></center>'
  205. *nl
  206. 'You turn on the faucet, lift your legs and scoot your ass over to align your pussy with the jet of warm water. It feels really good and soon a warmth begins to grow in your abdomen.'
  207. if pcs_inhib < 30:inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
  208. pcs_mood += 15
  209. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  210. gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 10
  211. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  212. act 'Get out and dry off': gt 'dimaHome','bathroom2'
  213. end
  214. end
  215. act 'Get out and dry off': gt 'dimaHome','bathroom2'
  216. else
  217. '<font color="red">You''ve run out of shampoo and will have to buy some more before you can wash yourself.</font>'
  218. end
  219. gs 'din_van', 'prvt_pee'
  220. dynamic $bteeth
  221. dynamic $tampon
  222. dynamic $basin
  223. dynamic $removepan
  224. act 'Leave the bathroom': gt 'dimaHome','hallway2'
  225. end
  226. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimkaroom':
  227. *clr & cla
  228. $menu_arg = 'dimkaroom'
  229. menu_off = 0
  230. minut += 1
  231. DimaBeHomeOnce = 1
  232. gs 'stat'
  233. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  234. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/dimkaroom.jpg"></center>'
  235. if dimaFilm = 1:
  236. menu_off = 1
  237. gt 'dimaEv','blackmail'
  238. else
  239. 'Dimka''s room is surprisingly clean and organized for a boy, you think. The decorations are fairly tasteful and every object has an air of quality about it. Along one wall next to the bed is a wardrobe with mirrored doors, a small zebra pattern love seat sits along a wall near the bed. Next to the love seat is a mini fridge and just above that on a shelf is a high-end stereo system. There is also a fancy, masculine desk with a top-of-the-line computer setup on it and a laptop lying nearby as well. You can''t help but wonder how expensive it all is. Sitting at the desk is Dimka, he turns to face you as you enter the room.'
  240. act 'Talk to Dimka':gt 'dimaHome','dimka_chat'
  241. act 'Look around':
  242. *clr & cla
  243. menu_off = 1
  244. minut += 10
  245. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Dimka''s room</font></b></center>'
  246. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/dimkaroom.jpg"></center>'
  247. if npc_rel['A1'] >= 80:
  248. 'You snoop around, opening drawers, and looking in the closet. Dimka has a lot of nice clothes which are all neatly folded or hung up in his closest. Somehow you doubt he is the one that takes such care of his stuff and imagine his mother running about, maintaining appearances. In one of the drawers next to his bed you find a small bag of white power. Other than that, there doesn''t seem to be anything interesting about his room.'
  249. else
  250. 'As you start to look around his room, Dimka says. "What the fuck do you think you''re doing? It''s pretty rude to go snooping around someone''s stuff." You cringe inwardly and give him an apologetic look. You know you''d react the same way if someone did it to your room too.'
  251. end
  252. act 'Talk to Dimka':gt 'dimaHome','dimka_chat'
  253. end
  254. end
  255. act 'Leave Dimka''s room': gt 'dimaHome','hallway2'
  256. end
  257. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimkaparents':
  258. $menu_arg = 'dimkaparents'
  259. menu_off = 0
  260. *clr & cla
  261. minut += 1
  262. $locclass = 'bedr'
  263. gs 'stat'
  264. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Dimka''s parent''s room</font></b></center>'
  265. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/parentsroom.jpg"></center>'
  266. 'You enter the master bedroom and it just as clean and neat as the rest of the home. The furniture is all highly polished wood. You feel almost overwhelmed by how beautifully the room is decorated.'
  267. act 'Look around':
  268. *clr & cla
  269. menu_off = 1
  270. minut += 10
  271. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Dimka''s parent''s room</font></b></center>'
  272. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/parentsroom.jpg"></center>'
  273. 'You snoop around, opening drawers, and looking in the closet. Everything is perfectly in place and neatly arranged. You don''t find anything of interest, Dimka''s parents seem pretty boring, you think to yourself.'
  274. act 'Leave':gt 'dimaHome','hallway2'
  275. end
  276. act 'Go into master bathroom':
  277. *clr & cla
  278. minut += 1
  279. $metka = 'bathroom'
  280. $loc = 'dimaHome'
  281. $metkaM = 'bathroom'
  282. $locM = 'dimaHome'
  283. menu_off = 1
  284. killvar '$locclass'
  285. gs 'stat'
  286. $location_type = 'bathroom'
  287. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Master bathroom</font></h4></center>'
  288. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/masterbath.jpg"></center>'
  289. 'The master bathroom is a huge space with a large sink area and tile floors. The toilet sits along the far wall. You can''t help but feel impressed by the size of the walk-in shower and deep bathtub. It all looks very expensive.'
  290. 'You can do your hair and makeup in the <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a> above the sink.'
  291. *nl
  292. if pirsA + pirsB + pirsC + pirsD + pirsE + pirsF + pirsN + pirsG + pirsGL > 0:'<a href="exec:dynamic $pirManage">Manage Piercings</a>'
  293. if shampoo > 0:
  294. act 'Take a shower':
  295. *clr & cla
  296. minut += 10
  297. dynamic $showerdin
  298. gs 'stat'
  299. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Bathroom</font></h4></center>'
  300. '<video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/igor/mitsa.mp4"></video>'
  301. 'You take a quick shower.'
  302. if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
  303. act 'Get out of the shower':
  304. 'You get out of the shower and dry off.'
  305. act 'Get dressed': gt 'dimaHome','Go into master bath'
  306. end
  307. end
  308. act 'Take a bath':
  309. *clr & cla
  310. minut += 20
  311. dynamic $bath
  312. gs 'stat'
  313. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Bathroom</font></h4></center>'
  314. '<center><img src="images/shared/home/bathroom/wash4.jpg"></center>'
  315. 'You take a quick bath.'
  316. act 'Get out of the bath':
  317. 'You get out of the bath and dry off.'
  318. act 'Get dressed': gt 'dimaHome','Go into master bath'
  319. end
  320. end
  321. else
  322. '<font color="red">You''ve run out of shampoo and will have to buy some more before you can wash yourself.</font>'
  323. end
  324. gs 'din_van', 'prvt_pee'
  325. dynamic $bteeth
  326. dynamic $tampon
  327. dynamic $basin
  328. act 'Leave the bathroom': gt 'dimaHome','dimkaparents'
  329. end
  330. act 'Leave':gt 'dimaHome','hallway2'
  331. end
  332. if $ARGS[0] = 'guest':
  333. *clr & cla
  334. $menu_arg = 'guest'
  335. menu_off = 0
  336. minut += 1
  337. $locclass = 'bedr'
  338. gs 'stat'
  339. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Guest Room</font></h4></center>'
  340. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/guestroom.jpg"></center>'
  341. 'You enter the guest bedroom and it just as clean and neat as the rest of the home. The furniture is all highly polished wood. You feel almost overwhelmed by how beautifully the room is decorated.'
  342. act 'Look around':
  343. *clr & cla
  344. menu_off = 1
  345. minut += 10
  346. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Guest Room</font></h4></center>'
  347. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/guestroom.jpg"></center>'
  348. 'You snoop around, opening drawers, and looking in the closet. Everything is perfectly in place and neatly arranged. You don''t find anything of interest.'
  349. act 'Leave':gt 'dimaHome','hallway2'
  350. end
  351. act 'Leave': gt 'dimaHome','hallway2'
  352. end
  353. if $ARGS[0] = 'basement':
  354. *clr & cla
  355. $menu_arg = 'basement'
  356. menu_off = 0
  357. minut += 1
  358. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Basement</font></h4></center>'
  359. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/basement.jpg"></center>'
  360. 'You walk down the stairs into the basement, even the basement in this place is nice. A door leads off to the utility room and another leads off to what looks like a fairly large part of the basement.'
  361. act 'Go back upstairs': gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  362. act 'Try the door':
  363. *clr & cla
  364. menu_off = 1
  365. minut += 1
  366. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Basement</font></h4></center>'
  367. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/basement.jpg"></center>'
  368. 'You walk over to the door and try it to open it. It won''t budge, the door is locked. You look around and don''t see a place for a key. Giving up you go back upstairs.'
  369. act 'Go back upstairs': gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  370. end
  371. end
  372. if $ARGS[0] = 'kitchen1':
  373. *clr & cla
  374. menu_off = 1
  375. minut += 1
  376. gs 'stat'
  377. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Kitchen</font></b></center>'
  378. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/olya.jpg"></center>'
  379. 'As soon as she notices that you''ve entered she jumps up, quite frightened.'
  380. '"Oh, I''m sorry! I didn''t mean to startle you." you tell her.'
  381. 'She manages to let out a somewhat fake smile, "No no, don''t worry! It''s completely my fault. I wasn''t aware we had guests."'
  382. 'You smile back, "I''m <<$pcs_firstname>> but you can call me <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''m in the same class as Dimka."'
  383. 'Uncertain how to react she replies back,"O-Oh, hello, I''m Olya and am Dimka''s mother. Please take a seat, let me make some tea."'
  384. act 'Have a seat':
  385. *clr & cla
  386. menu_off = 1
  387. minut += 1
  388. gs 'stat'
  389. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Kitchen</font></b></center>'
  390. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/olya.jpg"></center>'
  391. 'Olya starts humming on a tune while she brewing the tea, she looks really happy doing it.'
  392. '"You shouldn''t go through the trouble. I don''t want to be of any trouble." you remark.'
  393. 'Olya smiles back, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>> it''s my pleasure to serve. My boys already expect me to act that way so I''m more than happy to serve you too, especially since my sweet Dimka has been mentioning you."'
  394. act 'He has?':
  395. *clr & cla
  396. frost = 0
  397. alko -= 1
  398. minut += 10
  399. pcs_health += 10
  400. pcs_mood += 20
  401. pcs_energy += 20
  402. if pcs_hydra >= 100:
  403. pcs_hydra += 25
  404. else
  405. pcs_hydra += 50
  406. end
  407. cumspclnt = 2
  408. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  409. pcs_breath = 0
  410. gs 'stat'
  411. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Kitchen</font></b></center>'
  412. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/olya.jpg"></center>'
  413. 'You''re a bit taken back as Olya mentions that Dimka''s been talking about you to her, "I don''t mind to pry but what has he said about me?" you curiously ask.'
  414. 'She frowns a little, "He likes to keep me in the dark and doesn''t really share what happens in his life. He likes to talk to his father more, I guess boys will be boys." she shrugs her shoulders.'
  415. '"I''m so sorry it wasn''t my intent to make you upset." you explain yourself as you notice Olya is getting a bit sad.'
  416. 'As soon you utter the words she snaps out of it and begins to excuse herself, "Oh no no, I''m so sorry. Don''t worry about me, I''ll manage. It was really silly of me. Please don''t tell Dimka that I was upset or anything..."'
  417. 'She''s really acting strange, but you decide to let go of it as Olya hands you over a cup and some cookies and the two of you spend some time talking to each other.'
  418. act 'Goodbye':gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  419. end
  420. end
  421. end
  422. if $ARGS[0] = 'kitchen2':
  423. *clr & cla
  424. menu_off = 1
  425. minut += 1
  426. gs 'stat'
  427. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Kitchen</font></b></center>'
  428. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/olya.jpg"></center>'
  429. 'Noticing you, Olya smiles and greets you, "Hello <<$pcs_nickname>>, I''m glad to see you again. Do you want some tee?"'
  430. 'You look worryingly at her, "I would like to but I have to talk to you about something."'
  431. 'Olya looks at you in fear, "What''s wrong <<$pcs_nickname>>? Did anything happen to you?"'
  432. act 'Tell her':
  433. *clr & cla
  434. minut += 1
  435. gs 'stat'
  436. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Kitchen</font></b></center>'
  437. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/olya.jpg"></center>'
  438. if dimafilm = 1:
  439. 'Your breathing is heavy and you can feel a few sweat drops trickle down your back, "I have an issue that I have to talk to you with, it regards Dimka."'
  440. 'Olya observes you closely, "Y-Yes? What has he done now?"'
  441. 'You take a deep breath, "H-He''s gotten hold of a video of mine and has been blackmailing me into slavedom."'
  442. 'Olya as if she''s relieved begins to speak, "Oh, don''t worry about that <<$pcs_nickname>>. It''s only a faze he''s going through, it should pass relatively quickly."'
  443. 'Taken a back by how causally she''s dismissing it you decide it''s not worth to pursuing it as you''re talking to deaf ears.'
  444. act 'Goodbye':gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  445. !! elseif husband is hitting on Sveta
  446. !! 'Your breathing is heavy and you can feel a few sweat drops trickle down your back, "I have an issue that I have to talk to you with, it regards Leonid."'
  447. !! 'Olya observes you closely, "Y-Yes? What has he done now?"'
  448. !! 'You take a deep breath, "I-I don''t want to be upsetting you but he''s been hitting on me quite openly and I wanted you to that."'
  449. !! 'Olya keeps quiet for a moment and then starts to smile, "Well, you are attractive so I''m not surprised Leonid would do that. Don''t worry <<$pcs_nickname>> I''m sure he''s only playing around."'
  450. !! 'Taken a back by how causally she''s dismissing it you decide it''s not worth to pursuing it as you''re talking to deaf ears.'
  451. !! act 'Goodbye':gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  452. else
  453. 'Your breathing is heavy and you can feel a few sweat drops trickle down your back, "I have an issue that I have to talk to you with, it regards you."'
  454. 'Olya starts franticly looking around, "Oh my, really? What have I done now to upset you?"'
  455. 'You take a deep breath, "Nothing really, I''m not upset or anything but I have a feeling that both Dimka and your husband might be using you."'
  456. 'Olya keeps quiet for a moment and then starts to smile, "You''re worried about me? Thats sweet of you to worry but there''s no need to worry about me. We''re a happy family and I love my boys."'
  457. 'You feel there''s something more behind the facade but you don''t want to press on as you don''t have anything more to go on.'
  458. act 'Goodbye':gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  459. end
  460. end
  461. end
  462. if $ARGS[0] = 'study1':
  463. *clr & cla
  464. menu_off = 1
  465. minut += 1
  466. gs 'stat'
  467. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  468. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  469. 'Noticing you, he stops and looks towards you, "Hello <<$pcs_nickname>> What can I help you with?"'
  470. 'You stumble a little as you''re surprised that the man knows your name, as you''ve never met him before in your life.'
  471. act 'How do you know my name?':
  472. *clr & cla
  473. minut += 1
  474. gs 'stat'
  475. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  476. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  477. 'After the initial chock, you finally manage to compose yourself, "H-How do you know my name?"'
  478. 'The man begins to laugh, "Sorry about that but my son has been talking about this wonderful girl he''s met so as soon I noticed you, I just assumed he was talking about you."'
  479. 'You''re barely able to notice it but you''re blushing by his comment, "T-Thank you for the compliment."'
  480. act 'Dimka has mentioned me?':
  481. *clr & cla
  482. minut += 1
  483. gs 'stat'
  484. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  485. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  486. 'You continue on, "I don''t mean to pry but has Dimka been mentioning me?"'
  487. 'The man grins, "Yeah, he can''t stop going on about you. But I must say you far exceed my expectations. I must say I''m pretty surprised that my son succedeed to attract someone this beautiful."'
  488. 'By now you feel your cheeks heating up, and you''re pretty sure that your cheeks have turned red, "T-Thank you once again. You''re far too kind."'
  489. '"Now if you excuse me I must head back to work. The name is Leonid by the way. Don''t be a stranger to visit me again if you have any questions or need any help with anything." he tells you as he returns to his desk.'
  490. act 'Goodbye':gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  491. end
  492. end
  493. end
  494. if $ARGS[0] = 'study2':
  495. *clr & cla
  496. menu_off = 1
  497. minut += 1
  498. gs 'stat'
  499. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  500. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  501. 'He looks up indifferent towards you, "And how can I help you?"'
  502. 'You''re taken a back a little by his brashness, "H-Hi, I didn''t mean to bother you, I was looking for Dimka."'
  503. 'The man let''s out a loud sigh, "You won''t find him here. He''s probably somewhere else around. As you should be."'
  504. act 'Sorry to have bothered you':
  505. *clr & cla
  506. minut += 1
  507. gs 'stat'
  508. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  509. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  510. 'Noticing he''s getting annoyed, you tell him that you''re sorry to have bothered him as he shoo''s you off.'
  511. 'Just as you''re about to close the door, he speaks up, "Tell Dimka to come visit me when you find him. I need to tell him not to let people run around the house by themselves."'
  512. 'You keep quiet and nod disheartened.'
  513. act 'Close the door':gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  514. end
  515. end
  516. if $ARGS[0] = 'study3':
  517. *clr & cla
  518. menu_off = 1
  519. minut += 1
  520. gs 'stat'
  521. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  522. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  523. 'Noticing it''s you, Leonid open-hearteningly welcomes you, "Come in my dear, it''s been a while since I''ve seen you last. Have you been avoiding me?" he teasingly says.'
  524. 'Smiling, "No not at all, I''ve just been busy with school and Dimka." you reply.'
  525. '"I understand, bet you and Dimka have been having fun with each other?" Leonid asks.'
  526. act 'How come?':
  527. *clr & cla
  528. minut += 1
  529. gs 'stat'
  530. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  531. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  532. 'His question is strangely put and you start to wonder why, "It''s kind of personal, Leonid. Why do you wonder?"'
  533. 'He smiles as he explains himself, "Nothing in particular, I just wanted to know what my boy has been up to. I don''t want him to take advantage of someone beautiful as you."'
  534. 'You blush as you hear him go on, "Nothing to worry about Leonid. Dimka and I are having a great time with each other."'
  535. act 'Keep on talking':
  536. *clr & cla
  537. minut += 1
  538. gs 'stat'
  539. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  540. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  541. 'The two of you are having quite a nice chat as Leonid inquires about different things. All of a sudden he drops a bomb, "Tell me <<$pcs_nickname>> are you still a virgin?"'
  542. 'You''re taken aback by his question as you begin to stutter, "W-Why do you want to know that?"'
  543. 'He begins to laugh, "I''m just curious, and would like to know."'
  544. act 'Say yes':
  545. *clr & cla
  546. minut += 1
  547. gs 'stat'
  548. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  549. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  550. 'Your face turns red as you meekly answer, "Y-Yes, I am..."'
  551. 'Leonid smiles and gently touches your arm, "Nothing to be ashamed of <<$pcs_nickname>>. It''s quite uplifting hearing that there are still younger people out there waiting to have sex."'
  552. '"I-I guess..." you shyly answer back.'
  553. '"Don''t worry I''m sure the right one will come sooner or later." he comforts you.'
  554. 'You smile and nod, "Thank you for the talk but I have to be going now."'
  555. act 'Goodbye':gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  556. end
  557. act 'Say no':
  558. *clr & cla
  559. minut += 1
  560. gs 'stat'
  561. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  562. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  563. 'You confidently answer back, "No I''m not a virgin. I''ve been having sex and it''s quite exciting I must admit."'
  564. 'Leonid begins to laugh, "Yeah, having sex is pretty great, I agree. It''s good hearing that you''re so fond of it."'
  565. 'You nod, "Yeah, I like the sensation it gives me and it''s quite special sharing it with someone you care about."'
  566. '"That sounds like you''re really enjoying yourself. But if you excuse me now I have to go back to work. I have some important stuff that need some serious planning..." he tells you.'
  567. act 'Goodbye':gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  568. end
  569. gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'medium'
  570. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  571. act 'Not his business (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  572. *clr & cla
  573. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  574. minut += 1
  575. gs 'stat'
  576. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  577. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  578. 'You cross your arms, "That''s something I would like to keep to myself and I don''t want to talk about it with you."'
  579. 'Leonid has noticed that he crossed the line and backs off, "Aren''t you feisty. If you don''t feel talking about it, don''t worry we don''t have to."'
  580. 'By now the whole situation is getting awkward and you just want to leave the room, "I need to head out now. I had a pleasant time talking to you."'
  581. 'Leonid, dejected, "I understand. I hope I didn''t make things too awkward between us. Come visit me whenever you like."'
  582. act 'Goodbye':gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  583. end
  584. else
  585. act 'Not his business (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  586. end
  587. end
  588. end
  589. end
  590. if $ARGS[0] = 'study4':
  591. *clr & cla
  592. menu_off = 1
  593. minut += 1
  594. gs 'stat'
  595. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  596. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  597. 'Seeing you once again entering his study, Dimka''s father irritably ask you, "What are you doing back here again? Didn''t Dimka tell you that this room is off limits?"'
  598. 'You nod, "Yes, he did but..."'
  599. 'The father frowns as he continues on, "So what do you want? I don''t have time to deal with your issues..."'
  600. act 'Never mind':
  601. *clr & cla
  602. minut += 1
  603. gs 'stat'
  604. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Study</font></h4></center>'
  605. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/leonid/leonid.jpg"></center>'
  606. 'Seeing Dimka''s father upset you lose track of why you needed to see him, "S-Sorry, but it''s totally slipped my mind why I wanted to see you."'
  607. 'He crosses his arms, "Not very attractive nor smart... Such a disappointment... I need to talk to my son about this, he should really search for someone else, this won''t do, at all."'
  608. 'Knowing you messed up, you''re only able to stand there and take the verbal beating Dimka''s father is spewing. As he finishes you quickly excuse yourself and tell him that you won''t be bothering him again...'
  609. act 'Close the door':gt 'dimaHome','hallway'
  610. end
  611. end
  612. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimka_chat':
  613. *clr & cla
  614. menu_off = 1
  615. minut += 1
  616. gs 'stat'
  617. if dimaFilm = 1: gt 'dimaEv','blackmail'
  618. dima_chat_counter += 1
  619. if dima_chat_counter > 4: gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_seduce'
  620. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  621. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/dimkadesk.jpg"></center>'
  622. 'As you enter his room, Dimka walks over and sits on the love seat. He pats the cushion next to him. You walk over and take a seat on the comfy love seat as well.'
  623. act 'Make small talk':
  624. *clr & cla
  625. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  626. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  627. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  628. 'The two of you chat about a variety of things, mostly school, music, and what has been going on in Pavlovsk lately.'
  629. act 'Talk about something else': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_chat'
  630. act 'Stop talking': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaroom'
  631. end
  632. act 'Ask about Igor':
  633. *clr & cla
  634. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  635. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  636. if igor_DimaNos = 4:
  637. 'He looks at you with disgust. "That faggot? What about him?"'
  638. act 'What happened?':
  639. *clr & cla
  640. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  641. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  642. '"I thought you guys were friends, what happened?"'
  643. 'His scowl grows as he begins to look even more pissed off answering the question. "The fucking faggot dressed up like a girl and tricked me into dating him." He gives you a dirty look. "Don''t think I don''t know about the part you played in it. He admitted everything to me."'
  644. act 'We weren''t trying to trick you':
  645. *clr & cla
  646. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  647. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  648. 'You shake your head and speak calmly, trying to get him to see from Igor''s point of view. "We weren''t trying to trick you. I was just helping Igor come to terms with how he feels and who he really is. I know the last thing he wanted was to hurt you."'
  649. '"Then the sick little faggot should have told me then and there. Not agree to go out on a date with me. Did he tell you what happened on our first date?"'
  650. 'Without even waiting for a reply he continues ranting. "We come back here and he fucking sucks my dick! Swallowed the whole load without hesitation! How fucking disgusting is that!"'
  651. *nl
  652. '"He was even eager to go out again, but I found out the truth. I nearly beat him to death, but then I had a thought. I figured that if the little sissy slut wants to be my bitch so bad, I''ll show him what it really takes. I gave him just what he thought he wanted. I fucked him like the faggy cunt he is." You can tell he is pissed, perhaps it is best to change the subject before he takes it out on Igor or maybe even you.'
  653. act 'Talk about something else': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_chat'
  654. act 'Stop talking': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaroom'
  655. end
  656. end
  657. else
  658. '"Igor and I have been friends almost as long as I can remember. We always hang out together and I know he has my back, no matter what." He goes on to tell you a few funny stories from when the two of them where kids and use to play together.'
  659. end
  660. act 'Talk about something else': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_chat'
  661. act 'Stop talking': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaroom'
  662. end
  663. act 'Ask about Lavrenti':
  664. *clr & cla
  665. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  666. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  667. 'He busts up laughing and then shakes his head, it takes him a few minutes to get himself back under control. "Oh, that drama? Well, turned out the girl he was dating was a complete slut and he blames me."'
  668. act 'So what happened?':
  669. *clr & cla
  670. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  671. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  672. 'He seems to consider whether he wants to tell you or not and then shrugs before launching into the story. "So I was throwing one of my parties and he brought this girl he had been seeing. She was a year younger than us, I have no idea what he saw in her. She looked alright, I guess, but nothing special. I knew my boy could do better, but whatever. Anyway, after the party had been jumping a while I felt like I needed a break. So I headed up here to my room and his girl follows me. Before I knew it, she was on her knee''s sucking my dick like there''s no tomorrow. So I was like, Fuck it. If this is the kinda whore she is then I should have fun and tell Lavrenti to dump this slut in the morning. So I turned her around and started fucking her. I could tell she had been well used and recently, she was pretty loose even for me."'
  673. *nl
  674. 'He pauses a moment. "Anyway, while I''m pounding this bitch from behind, Igor opens the door and looks in, then runs off. Before I know it almost everyone is piling into my room while I am banging the slut. She doesn''t care and or even seem notice, she just keeps moaning like the slut she is." Dimka mimics some whoreish moaning before bursting into laughter. He gathers himself a moment later and continues. "That''s when Lavrenti busts in and sees me plowing this slut and he fucking loses it! He runs over and punches me in the face, so I jump up and start giving him a beat down, asshole naked and everything."'
  675. *nl
  676. 'He pauses and shakes his head. "After some of the others broke up the fight, I tried to explain to him that she came onto me. He wouldn''t hear it, though. This bitch is barely even paying attention and he starts whining about how he loves her and shit. She just straight up ignores him, it was pathetic and he blames me for it to this day!"'
  677. act 'What happened to her?':
  678. *clr & cla
  679. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  680. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  681. 'Being curious what happened to the girl, you decided to ask. "So what happened to her?"'
  682. 'Dimka shrugs a bit. "Lizaveta said she moved in with her aunt or something in Pushkin, I think. Changed schools after everyone knew she was a slut and treated her accordingly." Not sure what more to say about it, you decided to move to a different subject.'
  683. act 'Talk about something else': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_chat'
  684. act 'Stop talking': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaroom'
  685. end
  686. end
  687. act 'Talk about something else': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_chat'
  688. act 'Stop talking': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaroom'
  689. end
  690. if met_DimkaMother ! 0:
  691. act 'Ask about his mother':
  692. *clr & cla
  693. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  694. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  695. 'You decide to ask about his mother after having meet her. "Your mother seems nice."'
  696. 'He shrugs a bit. "Yeah I guess." He answers in a dismissive tone.'
  697. act 'What do you think of her?':
  698. *clr & cla
  699. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  700. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  701. 'You decided to press on anyways, as you want to know more about her. "She seems, well I don''t mean to be rude but, overly subservient I guess." You say, trying not to sound rude.'
  702. 'He snorts a bit. "Yeah, like my dad says, She has been well trained." He seems to find that amusing and, apparently, all the answer you need. Something about the way he says it makes you think there is more to it.'
  703. act 'Talk about something else': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_chat'
  704. act 'Stop talking': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaroom'
  705. end
  706. act 'Talk about something else': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_chat'
  707. act 'Stop talking': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaroom'
  708. end
  709. end
  710. if met_DimkaDad ! 0:
  711. act 'Ask about his dad':
  712. *clr & cla
  713. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  714. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  715. if hotcat > 6:
  716. 'You decide to ask him about his dad after having meet him. "I think your dad was coming on to me."'
  717. 'He gives you a dark, hate-filled look for a moment but then shrugs a bit. You get the sense that the look wasn''t directed at you. "I am sure he was just messing with you." His tone indicates this area of conversation is over.'
  718. else
  719. 'You decide to ask him about his dad after having meet him. "Your dad seems pretty rude."'
  720. 'He chuckles a bit. "Well you''re not his type and you aren''t anyone important to him. So that makes you something to be tolerated at best. My dad sees only two kinds of people: Those that are useful to him and those that are not. And you fall into the later." You get the feeling he finds that amusing.'
  721. act 'Talk about something else': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_chat'
  722. act 'Stop talking': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaroom'
  723. end
  724. end
  725. end
  726. act 'Ask about the future':
  727. *clr & cla
  728. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  729. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  730. 'You are curious what his plans are for the future. "What do you plan to do once we graduate?"'
  731. 'He seems to think on that for a few moments. "Well, go to the University for sure and get my business degree. Then I will move to the city and start my own business." He doesn''t ask about what you plan to do, nor does he seem interested.'
  732. act 'Talk about something else': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_chat'
  733. act 'Stop talking': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimkaroom'
  734. end
  735. act 'Ask if he has a girlfriend':
  736. *clr & cla
  737. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  738. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  739. 'You know many of the girls think he is cute and you are pretty sure he has dated some of them, but you don''t know if he is serious with anyone. "So do you have a girlfriend?"'
  740. 'He shakes his head no. "Not really, I date a few girls and we have fun, but nothing serious." Then he smirks a little bit and looks at you. "Why? You interested that position?"'
  741. act 'Maybe':
  742. *clr & cla
  743. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  744. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  745. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  746. 'Your cheeks flush read as you suddenly feel put on the spot. That is not what you meant... but he is awfully cute and all the other girls would be so jealous. "I don''t know, maybe..." You trail off hoping he feels the same way.'
  747. act 'Wait for his reply':
  748. *clr & cla
  749. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  750. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/cocaine.jpg"></center>'
  751. 'He looks you over for a moment before answering with a smirk. "Well any girl that wants to be my girl has to know how to party." With that said he leans over and digs in a drawer. As moves back you see him holding a bag of white power. He dangles it between his fingers, letting it sway back and forth enticingly. "Take a hit of this and prove you''re you know how to have fun."'
  752. gs 'willpower', 'drugs', 'resist'
  753. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  754. act 'No (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  755. *clr & cla
  756. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  757. npc_rel['A1'] -= 1
  758. gs 'stat'
  759. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  760. '<center><img src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
  761. 'You shake your head meekly. "No thanks, I can''t."'
  762. 'He looks disappointed, but maintains a sympathetic smile. "Ok, it''s too much. I get it. How about you drink some alcohol with me then?"'
  763. gs 'willpower', 'drink', 'resist'
  764. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  765. act 'No (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  766. *clr & cla
  767. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  768. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  769. gs 'stat'
  770. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  771. '<center><img src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
  772. 'You shake your head again. "No thanks."'
  773. 'His face suddenly twists in disgust. "Then why the fuck are you here?" Before you can even answer that, he continues. "I think you should leave. I got more important things to do." With that he gets up and ushers you out of his house quickly.'
  774. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  775. end
  776. else
  777. act 'No (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  778. end
  779. act 'Ok':
  780. *clr & cla
  781. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  782. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/drink.jpg"></center>'
  783. 'He nods and turns to dig around in the mini fridge. Dimka pours two glasses half full with juice and then adds some vodka to them. His body is obscuring your view of the glasses as he prepares the drinks.'
  784. gs 'willpower', 'drink', 'resist'
  785. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  786. act 'Change your mind (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  787. *clr & cla
  788. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  789. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  790. gs 'stat'
  791. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  792. '<center><img src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
  793. 'Feeling uncertain, you shake your head no. "Actually, I don''t want to drink. Thanks, though."'
  794. 'His face suddenly twists in disgust. "Then why the fuck are you here?" Before you can even answer that, he continues. "I think you should leave. I got more important things to do." With that he gets up and ushers you out of his house quickly.'
  795. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  796. end
  797. else
  798. act 'Change your mind (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  799. end
  800. act 'Drink':
  801. *clr & cla
  802. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  803. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  804. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/drink.jpg"></center>'
  805. 'You take the offered glass of booze. Dimka raises his glass and clinks it against yours before quickly taking a drink. You follow suit and swallow a large gulp of the liquor. You almost gasp. He made it really strong, you can barely taste anything but the vodka. You continue drinking and, after several more sips, you start to feel light headed. It''s like your brain is fuzzy and you feel like everything is moving underwater. Your head swims as you look over at him and see a huge grin on his face.'
  806. act 'Further': gt 'dimaEv', 'drugged'
  807. end
  808. end
  809. end
  810. else
  811. act 'No (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  812. end
  813. act 'Ok':
  814. *clr & cla
  815. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  816. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  817. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/doaline.jpg"></center>'
  818. 'You nod ok, still unsure about the decision. Dimka sprinkles some of the cocaine on the table and cuts it up into lines using a credit card he removed from his wallet. He hands you a drinking straw and leans back, giving you room to do a line. Tentatively you bend over with the straw held to your nostril. You snort up a line of coke and then throw your head back as the feeling hits you almost all at once. A rush of adrenaline and endorphins surges through your body, making it tingle and pulse in the most delightful of ways. Through the sensation you feel your pussy immediately begin to leak it''s juices.'
  819. act 'Further': gt 'dimaEv', 'cocaine'
  820. end
  821. end
  822. end
  823. gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'easy'
  824. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  825. act 'No (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  826. *clr & cla
  827. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  828. gs 'stat'
  829. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  830. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  831. 'You shake your head, confused. This conversation really went off the rails and not in a direction you intended. "No. I mean, I like you, but not like that, not that..."'
  832. 'He interrupts you. "Hey it''s cool, I am not looking either. I just want to have some fun. So, how about you and I have some fun?"'
  833. 'Fun sounds all well and good, but what does he mean? "What kind of fun?" You ask him as you eye him suspiciously.'
  834. act 'Wait for his reply':
  835. *clr & cla
  836. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  837. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/cocaine.jpg"></center>'
  838. 'He looks you over for a moment before he leans over and digs in a drawer. As moves back you see him holding a bag of white power. He dangles it between his fingers, letting it sway back and forth enticingly. "Take a hit of this and we can have some real fun."'
  839. gs 'willpower', 'drugs', 'resist'
  840. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  841. act 'No (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  842. *clr & cla
  843. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  844. npc_rel['A1'] -= 1
  845. gs 'stat'
  846. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  847. '<center><img src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
  848. 'You shake your head meekly. "No thanks, I can''t."'
  849. 'He looks disappointed, but maintains a sympathetic smile. "Ok, it''s too much. I get it. How about you drink some alcohol with me then?"'
  850. gs 'willpower', 'drink', 'resist'
  851. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  852. act 'No (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  853. *clr & cla
  854. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  855. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  856. gs 'stat'
  857. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  858. '<center><img src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
  859. 'You shake your head again. "No thanks."'
  860. 'His face suddenly twists in disgust. "Then why the fuck are you here?" Before you can even answer that, he continues. "I think you should leave. I got more important things to do." With that he gets up and ushers you out of his house quickly.'
  861. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  862. end
  863. else
  864. act 'No (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  865. end
  866. act 'Ok':
  867. *clr & cla
  868. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  869. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/drink.jpg"></center>'
  870. 'He nods and turns to dig around in the mini fridge. Dimka pours two glasses half full with juice and then adds some vodka to them. His body is obscuring your view of the glasses as he prepares the drinks.'
  871. gs 'willpower', 'drink', 'resist'
  872. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  873. act 'Change your mind (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  874. *clr & cla
  875. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  876. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  877. gs 'stat'
  878. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  879. '<center><img src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
  880. 'Feeling uncertain, you shake your head no. "Actually, I don''t want to drink. Thanks, though."'
  881. 'His face suddenly twists in disgust. "Then why the fuck are you here?" Before you can even answer that, he continues. "I think you should leave. I got more important things to do." With that he gets up and ushers you out of his house quickly.'
  882. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  883. end
  884. else
  885. act 'Change your mind (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  886. end
  887. act 'Drink':
  888. *clr & cla
  889. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  890. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  891. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/drink.jpg"></center>'
  892. 'You take the offered glass of booze. Dimka raises his glass and clinks it against yours before quickly taking a drink. You follow suit and swallow a large gulp of the liquor. You almost gasp. He made it really strong, you can barely taste anything but the vodka. You continue drinking and, after several more sips, you start to feel light headed. It''s like your brain is fuzzy and you feel like everything is moving underwater. Your head swims as you look over at him and see a huge grin on his face.'
  893. act 'Further': gt 'dimaEv', 'drugged'
  894. end
  895. end
  896. end
  897. else
  898. act 'No (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  899. end
  900. act 'Ok':
  901. *clr & cla
  902. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  903. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  904. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/doaline.jpg"></center>'
  905. 'You nod ok, still unsure about the decision. Dimka sprinkles some of the cocaine on the table and cuts it up into lines using a credit card he removed from his wallet. He hands you a drinking straw and leans back, giving you room to do a line. Tentatively you bend over with the straw held to your nostril. You snort up a line of coke and then throw your head back as the feeling hits you almost all at once. A rush of adrenaline and endorphins surges through your body, making it tingle and pulse in the most delightful of ways. Through the sensation you feel your pussy immediately begin to leak it''s juices.'
  906. act 'Further': gt 'dimaEv', 'cocaine'
  907. end
  908. end
  909. end
  910. else
  911. act 'No (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  912. end
  913. !! I changed the else condition so it matches up with generic boyfriends, because i think the variable boyfriend doesnt exist ... if it does a third elseif must be added for boyfirend or generic boyfriends and the if conditions must be changed
  914. if NikoVolkovQW >= 5 or fedorKozlovQW >= 1 or pcs_lover ! 0:
  915. act 'I have a boyfriend':
  916. *clr & cla
  917. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  918. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  919. if NikoVolkovQW >= 5:
  920. 'You tell him. "I have a boyfriend, you know? I''m dating Niko."'
  921. 'He busts out laughing. "That loser? Oh god I thought you had more sense than that. You know you could do much better than him don''t you?" He says as he genly strokes your hair.'
  922. elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 1:
  923. 'You tell him. "I have a boyfriend you know, I''m dating Fedor."'
  924. 'He busts out laughing. "Fedor? Oh god I thought you had more sense than that. I mean if it was Lazar or Ivan, maybe. Fedor is just a hanger on, you know you could do much better than that, don''t you?" He says as he strokes your hair.'
  925. else
  926. 'You tell him. "I have a boyfriend you know, I''m dating <<$loverdesc[0]>>."'
  927. 'He busts out laughing. "<<$loverdesc[0]>>? Oh god I thought you had more sense than that. You know you could do much better than him, right?" He says as he strokes your hair.'
  928. end
  929. gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'self', 'easy'
  930. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  931. act 'No I don''t think I can (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  932. *clr & cla
  933. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'self'
  934. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  935. gs 'stat'
  936. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  937. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  938. 'You shake your head no and push his hand away. "I doubt that, he makes me happy."'
  939. 'Dimka gives you a disgusted look. "Then why the fuck are you here?" Before you can even answer that, he continues. "You know what? I think you should leave, I got more important things to do." With that he gets up and ushers you out of his house quickly.'
  940. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  941. end
  942. else
  943. act 'No I don''t thnk I can (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  944. end
  945. act 'Maybe':
  946. *clr & cla
  947. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  948. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  949. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/talk.jpg"></center>'
  950. 'You blush slightly. "You think so?" You ask, looking up into his captivating eyes.'
  951. 'He strokes your hair a bit more deeply. "A girl like you? Any guy would die to have you as his girlfriend, and most would treat you like a queen. How about we have a drink to celebrate?"'
  952. gs 'willpower', 'drink', 'resist'
  953. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  954. act 'No (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  955. *clr & cla
  956. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  957. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  958. gs 'stat'
  959. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  960. '<center><img src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
  961. 'You shake your head no. "No thanks."'
  962. 'He gives you a disgusted look. "Then why the fuck are you here?" Before you can even answer that, he continues. "I think you should leave, I got more important things to do." With that he gets up and ushers you out of his house quickly.'
  963. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  964. end
  965. else
  966. act 'No (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  967. end
  968. act 'Ok':
  969. *clr & cla
  970. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  971. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/drink.jpg"></center>'
  972. 'He nods and turns to dig around in the mini fridge. Dimka pours two glasses half full with juice and then adds some vodka to them. His body is obscuring your view of the glasses as he prepares the drinks.'
  973. gs 'willpower', 'drink', 'resist'
  974. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  975. act 'Change your mind (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  976. *clr & cla
  977. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  978. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  979. gs 'stat'
  980. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  981. '<center><img src="images/pc/no.jpg"></center>'
  982. 'Feeling uncertain, you shake your head no. "Actually, I don''t want to drink. Thanks, though."'
  983. 'His face suddenly twists in disgust. "Then why the fuck are you here?" Before you can even answer that, he continues. "I think you should leave. I got more important things to do." With that he gets up and ushers you out of his house quickly.'
  984. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  985. end
  986. else
  987. act 'Change your mind (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  988. end
  989. act 'Drink':
  990. *clr & cla
  991. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  992. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  993. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/dimkahome/drink.jpg"></center>'
  994. 'You take the offered glass of booze. Dimka raises his glass and clinks it against yours before quickly taking a drink. You follow suit and swallow a large gulp of the liquor. You almost gasp. He made it really strong, you can barely taste anything but the vodka. You continue drinking and, after several more sips, you start to feel light headed. It''s like your brain is fuzzy and you feel like everything is moving underwater. Your head swims as you look over at him and see a huge grin on his face.'
  995. act 'Further': gt 'dimaEv', 'drugged'
  996. end
  997. end
  998. end
  999. end
  1000. end
  1001. act 'Kiss him':
  1002. *clr & cla
  1003. npc_rel['A1'] += 1
  1004. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1005. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss.jpg"></center>'
  1006. 'You decide that, instead of answering him, you will show him. You lean over and press your lips against his. He quickly pulls you closer as the two of you start to kiss.'
  1007. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'unknown'
  1008. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist'
  1009. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1010. act 'Stop kissing (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1011. *clr & cla
  1012. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1013. npc_rel['A1'] -= 1
  1014. gs 'stat'
  1015. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1016. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/stop.jpg"></center>'
  1017. 'You make out for a minute or two before you choose to pull away so that things don''t go too far. You have to push him away with your hands to make him stop as he tries to lean in to continue. "Sorry, I got carried away. Can we just go back to talking?" You tell him.'
  1018. 'He frowns a little. "Come on baby, you started this. Don''t leave me hanging." He says before attempting to lean into you again.'
  1019. act 'Give in': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_makeout'
  1020. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist'
  1021. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1022. act 'Stop kissing (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1023. *clr & cla
  1024. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1025. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  1026. gs 'stat'
  1027. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1028. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/stop.jpg"></center>'
  1029. 'You push him away with all your strength and finally force him to back up. "I said no."'
  1030. 'He suddenly gets furious. "Oh, you fucking tease! Get the hell out of my house, then!" With that he gets up and practically drags you out of his house, pushing you out the front door, before slamming it behind you.'
  1031. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  1032. end
  1033. else
  1034. act 'Stop kissing (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1035. end
  1036. end
  1037. else
  1038. act 'Stop kissing (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1039. end
  1040. act 'Make out': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_makeout'
  1041. end
  1042. end
  1043. act 'Stop talking': gt 'dimaHome','dimkaroom'
  1044. end
  1045. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimka_makeout':
  1046. *clr & cla
  1047. menu_off = 1
  1048. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1049. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss1.jpg"></center>'
  1050. 'He wraps his arms around your neck and pulls you in close and soon the two of you are kissing passionately. The kisses are full of eager lust and urgent need. You feel yourself getting more and more aroused. Then he starts pulling your clothes off.'
  1051. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 3, 'unknown'
  1052. gs 'stat'
  1053. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist'
  1054. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1055. act 'Stop him (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1056. *clr & cla
  1057. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'type'
  1058. npc_rel['A1'] -= 3
  1059. gs 'stat'
  1060. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1061. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/stop.jpg"></center>'
  1062. 'You pull away before things go too far and catch your breath, as you start pulling your clothes back in place. You have to push him away with your hands several times to make him stop trying to undress you. "Sorry, I got carried away. Can we just go back to talking?" You tell him.'
  1063. 'He frowns a little. "Come on baby, you started this. Don''t leave me hanging."'
  1064. act 'Give in': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_knees'
  1065. gs 'willpower', 'action', 'type', 'hard'
  1066. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1067. act 'I said no (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1068. *clr & cla
  1069. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'type'
  1070. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  1071. gs 'stat'
  1072. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1073. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/stop.jpg"></center>'
  1074. 'With that he reaches back in and tries to pull your top off again, You push him away with all your strength and you barely manage to force him to back up. "I said no."'
  1075. 'He suddenly gets furious. "Oh, you fucking tease! Get the hell out of my house, then!" With that he gets up and practically drags you out of his house, pushing you out the front door, before slamming it behind you.'
  1076. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  1077. end
  1078. else
  1079. act 'I said no (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1080. end
  1081. end
  1082. else
  1083. act 'Stop him (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1084. end
  1085. act 'To your knees': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_knees'
  1086. end
  1087. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimka_seduce':
  1088. *clr & cla
  1089. minut += 1
  1090. gs 'stat'
  1091. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1092. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss.jpg"></center>'
  1093. 'As you sit together you turn to say something to him as he suddenly leans in and starts kissing you. His hands stroke your face and hair gently as his kisses you passionately.'
  1094. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'unknown'
  1095. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist'
  1096. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1097. act 'Stop kissing (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1098. *clr & cla
  1099. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1100. npc_rel['A1'] -= 1
  1101. gs 'stat'
  1102. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1103. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/stop.jpg"></center>'
  1104. 'You pull away before things go too far and catch your breath. You have to push him away with your hands to make him stop, as he tries to lean in as you pull away. "Sorry, Can we just go back to talking?" You tell him.'
  1105. 'He frowns a little. "Come on baby, I like you. Don''t leave me hanging."'
  1106. act 'Give in': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_makeout2'
  1107. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist'
  1108. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1109. act 'Stop kissing (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1110. *clr & cla
  1111. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1112. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  1113. gs 'stat'
  1114. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1115. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/stop.jpg"></center>'
  1116. 'You push him away with all your strength and finally manage to force him to back up. "I said no."'
  1117. 'Dimka''s face suddenly turns into anger and confusion, obviously upset. "I thought you liked me, but whatever! I think you should leave." With that he gets up and escorts you to his bedroom door and closes it firmly behind you. Unsure what else to do you leave his house.'
  1118. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  1119. end
  1120. else
  1121. act 'Stop kissing (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1122. end
  1123. end
  1124. else
  1125. act 'Stop kissing (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1126. end
  1127. act 'Make out': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_makeout2'
  1128. end
  1129. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimka_makeout2':
  1130. *clr & cla
  1131. menu_off = 1
  1132. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1133. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss1.jpg"></center>'
  1134. 'He wraps his arms around your neck and pulls you in close and soon the two of you are kissing passionately. Dimka smothers your mouth with his, kisses full of eager lust and urgent need. You feel yourself getting progressively aroused as a heat builds inside you. Dimka begins pulling at your clothes, attempting to remove them.'
  1135. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 3, 'unknown'
  1136. gs 'stat'
  1137. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist'
  1138. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1139. act 'Stop him (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1140. *clr & cla
  1141. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1142. npc_rel['A1'] -= 3
  1143. gs 'stat'
  1144. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1145. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/stop.jpg"></center>'
  1146. 'You pull away before things go too far and catch your breath. You have to push him away with your hands to make him stop, as he tries to lean in as you pull away. "Sorry, Can we just go back to talking?" You tell him.'
  1147. 'He frowns a little. "Come on baby, I like you. Don''t leave me hanging."'
  1148. act 'Give in': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_knees'
  1149. gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist'
  1150. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1151. act 'I said no (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1152. *clr & cla
  1153. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1154. npc_rel['A1'] -= 5
  1155. gs 'stat'
  1156. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1157. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/stop.jpg"></center>'
  1158. 'With that, he reaches back in and tries to pull your top off again, You push him away with all your strength and finally manage to force him to back up. "I said no."'
  1159. 'He suddenly gets furious. "Oh, you fucking tease! Get the hell out of my house, then!" With that he gets up and practically drags you out of his house, pushing you out the front door, before slamming it behind you.'
  1160. act 'Leave Dimka''s home': gt 'pavResidential'
  1161. end
  1162. else
  1163. act 'I said no(<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1164. end
  1165. end
  1166. else
  1167. act 'Stop him (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1168. end
  1169. act 'To your knees': gt 'dimaHome', 'dimka_knees'
  1170. end
  1171. if $ARGS[0] = 'dimka_knees':
  1172. *clr & cla
  1173. menu_off = 1
  1174. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  1175. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1176. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss2.jpg"></center>'
  1177. if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
  1178. 'As the makeout session continues, Dimka takes every opportunity to strip you of your clothing. Soon enough you find yourself wearing just your panties.'
  1179. else
  1180. 'As the makeout session continues, Dimka takes every opportunity to strip you of your clothing. Soon enough you find yourself naked in front of him.'
  1181. end
  1182. 'With you undressed he pulls you up to stand with him, giving you another kiss. Then he pushes you down roughly to your knees as he pulls his shirt off. You know what he wants, so you start unbuttoning his pants. You tentatively pull his dick free and start stroking it with your hand. It doesn''t take very long till it is rock hard and pointing at your mouth.'
  1183. gs 'arousal', 'hj', 3, 'unknown'
  1184. gs 'stat'
  1185. act 'Suck him':
  1186. *clr & cla
  1187. npc_rel['A1'] += 3
  1188. gs 'boyStat', 'A1'
  1189. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1190. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss3.jpg"></center>'
  1191. 'You mouth waters as your wrap your lips around his juicy cock. You use one hand to gently stroke his balls and the other to stroke his shaft in rhythm with your head. You look up into his eyes with his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick in your mouth, looking for approval as you suck your way up and down his shaft. After a few minutes you feel his hands on the back of your head and he starts forcing you towards him as he thrusts his hips. Both of you hands move to his thighs as he begins to facefuck you, his cock sliding down your throat, gagging you viciously. Soon he is slamming into your esophagus balls deep until you feel yourself reaching the limit of what you can handle.'
  1192. *nl
  1193. if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
  1194. gs 'panties', 'remove'
  1195. dimka_pantycheck = 1
  1196. 'Finally he pulls his dick out of your mouth and kicks his pants off. You sputter and spit as he pulls you up to your feet. He sits down on the couch, reaches over and pulls your soaking panties down around your ankles before helping you step out of them. He turns you around and then pulls you back towards him.'
  1197. else
  1198. 'Finally he pulls his dick out of your mouth and kicks his pants off. You sputter and spit as he pulls you up to your feet. He sits down on the couch, then he turns you around and then pulls you back towards him.'
  1199. end
  1200. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'deepthroat', 'rough'
  1201. gs 'stat'
  1202. act 'Take a seat':
  1203. *clr & cla
  1204. gs 'boyStat', 'A1'
  1205. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1206. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss4.jpg"></center>'
  1207. 'You reach between your legs and grab his throbbing dick, guiding it into your wet pussy, as he pulls you down onto his lap. You feel his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock, slide into your hungry twat, filling it up. You slowly lower yourself down, impaling yourself on him. As you adjust to the sensation you begin to slowly ride his shaft, and as it feels better and better you pick up the pace.'
  1208. 'After several minutes of you controlling the position, he reaches both hands under you knees and pulls your legs up. He then starts pounding you furiously from the bottom and starts fucking you in this position. After a few moments of this he stands pushes you up to your feet, obviously tired of holding you up to fuck you.'
  1209. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'unknown'
  1210. gs 'stat'
  1211. act 'Get fucked':
  1212. *clr & cla
  1213. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1214. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss5.jpg"></center>'
  1215. 'Once you reach your feet he gets up as well and turns you to face the couch. He then pushes you forward, bending you over at the waist. You hands have barely touched the couch before you feel his dick slide back in your wet pussy. As soon as he is in he begins relentlessly pounding your cunt as hard as he can, his balls slamming against you. Dimka slaps your ass hard as he fucks you, the force of his hips slapping against your butt forces you forward slowly until you find yourself kneeling on the couch.'
  1216. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough'
  1217. gs 'stat'
  1218. act 'Hey you missed':
  1219. *clr & cla
  1220. gs 'boyStat', 'A1'
  1221. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1222. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss6.jpg"></center>'
  1223. 'He continues railing you, showing no care for your pleasure, only his. After a while he has your head pushed down onto the arm of the couch with your shoulder pinned against the arm and the back of the couch. You feel somewhat trapped with no room left to scoot forward.'
  1224. *nl
  1225. 'Without warning he pulls his cock out of your dripping hole for a moment and repositions himself. He gets up on the couch, standing on it to get a higher position. You then feel the head of his cock pressed against your asshole! Before you can even protest he shoves it in your ass, plunging as deep as he can go in a single thrust. You cry in pain and pleasure, tears welling up in your eyes. You scream out "That''s my ass!"'
  1226. 'Dimka doesn''t seem to care as he drives his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick deeper into your ass. You beg him to pull it out but he coldly replies. "Shut the fuck up, slut!" as he continues pounding your aching butthole.'
  1227. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
  1228. gs 'stat'
  1229. act 'Not as bad':
  1230. *clr & cla
  1231. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1232. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss7.jpg"></center>'
  1233. 'After several agonizing minutes he pulls out for a moment before rolling you over onto your side laying across the arm of the couch. You want to ask him to stop but as soon as he has you repositioned he slips his rod back in your ass. You grit your teeth at the pain and pray that it will be over soon. "At least now it is a bit loosened up. And in this position he can''t go as deep which makes it feel a little better." You think, trying to reason with yourself in this powerless situation.'
  1234. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'rough'
  1235. gs 'stat'
  1236. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1237. act 'Thar he blows':
  1238. *clr & cla
  1239. gs 'cum_call', 'butt', 'A1'
  1240. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1241. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/sex/home/kiss7.jpg"></center>'
  1242. 'After a few more minutes Dimka begins to grunt and spasm. He suddenly pulls his dick out of your abused hole and you feel his hot cum spray against your inner thighs and ass. After his orgasm subsides he climbs down off the couch and starts to get dressed again, while you clamor for some tissues to wipe his cum off you.'
  1243. gs 'stat'
  1244. act 'Get dressed':
  1245. *clr & cla
  1246. minut += 5
  1247. cumspclnt = 15
  1248. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  1249. if dimka_pantycheck = 1: dimka_pantycheck = 0 & gs 'panties', 'wear'
  1250. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  1251. dimaFilm = 1
  1252. dimasexday = daystart
  1253. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1254. '<center><img src="images/pc/seeporn.jpg"></center>'
  1255. 'As you start to get dressed, still trying to make sense of what just happened, you notice Dimka checking something on his computer. Just as you''re finishing pulling on your last bits of clothing, you hear him chuckle. "Now your mine you worthless fucking slut. I own your ass! You got that?!?"'
  1256. 'You look at him confused, thinking he must be joking still but then you realize he is serious. "What are you talking about?"'
  1257. *nl
  1258. 'An evil grin plays across his face. "I''m glad you asked." Dimka says picks up a remote before turning on the tv. As soon as the screen turns on you see webcam video of him fucking you. Your face drains to pale white as you realize he''s just recorded you having sex with him. Just as the shock is setting he makes his play, "If you don''t do everything I say and come by here at least once a week to service me, I will make sure everyone in school gets a copy of this video. Oh, and your parents as well, just for good measure, whore."'
  1259. 'Your blood runs cold as the threat sinks in. You know what this would mean to your reputation, at school and at home with you mother.'
  1260. act 'Run out of his house': gt 'pavResidential'
  1261. act 'Plead':
  1262. *clr & cla
  1263. minut += 5
  1264. '<center><h4><font color="maroon">Dimka''s Room</font></h4></center>'
  1265. '<center><img src="images/pc/tears1.jpg"></center>'
  1266. '"Please, you can''t do this to me! Please delete it." You beg and plead with him, hoping to undo this mistake.'
  1267. 'Dimka laughs in your face. "I don''t think so, slut. You''re going to be my cock sock from now on, or else everyone will learn just how loose your dirty cunt really is." Tears begin to spill from your eyes as you realize you''re trapped and powerless, destined to be a plaything for this monster as long as that video exists. Not knowing what else to do you mournfully gather your stuff and run out of his house, his laughter echoing in your ears as the tears stain your face.'
  1268. act 'Run out of his house': gt 'pavResidential'
  1269. end
  1270. end
  1271. end
  1272. end
  1273. end
  1274. end
  1275. end
  1276. end
  1277. end
  1278. --- dimaHome ---------------------------------