pav_shared_apt.qsrc 38 KB

  1. # pav_shared_apt
  2. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  3. close all
  4. if $ARGS[0] = 'update':
  5. rentWeekly = 2000
  6. if rentLeft <= 0:rentLeft = 0
  7. !how much of the unpaid weekly rent is left
  8. if orgB > 100:orgB = 100
  9. price_cook = 50
  10. price_clean = 50
  11. price_handjob = 50
  12. price_blowjob = 100
  13. price_vaginal = 150
  14. price_anal = 200
  15. price_special = 250
  16. ! time calculations
  17. weekNum = (daystart - (daystart mod 7)) / 7
  18. ! pcs setup
  19. $pcs_font = '990099'
  20. !pink
  21. ! servitudeLvl = 0 - no service, pays rent
  22. ! servitudeLvl = 1 - nonsexual service
  23. ! servitudeLvl = 2 - sexual and nonsexual service
  24. ! nerd guy
  25. ! shy, polite, but latent kink (giving golden shower, etc.)
  26. ! brown hair, hairy, pale skin
  27. ! average dick, hairy balls
  28. ! not paying attention to his own image and looks, wears glasses
  29. $nd_name = 'Oleg'
  30. $nd_font = '0096FF'
  31. !blue
  32. nd_leaves = 9
  33. nd_comes = 18
  34. nd_sleeps = 23
  35. nd_wakes = 8
  36. if nd_rel > 100: nd_rel = 100
  37. if nd_rel < 0: nd_rel = 0
  38. ndDick = 17
  39. nd_cumMax = 80
  40. nd_cumMin = 15
  41. if nd_cumVol > nd_cumMax:nd_cumVol = nd_cumMax
  42. if nd_cumVol < nd_cumMin:nd_cumVol = nd_cumMin
  43. nd_horny = (nd_cumVol * 10000 / nd_cumMax) / 100
  44. if nd_served = 1:nd_hadSex = 1
  45. !flag if there was already a sex between him and Sveta
  46. !sex flags: nd_bj ; nd_bjDeep ; nd_swall ; nd_vag ; nd_vagCumInside ; nd_vagCumInsideUnwanted ; nd_anal ; nd_analCumInside ; nd_analCumInsideUnwanted
  47. !unlocked sex: nd_doAnal ; nd_doPornpos
  48. !nd_cleaned = 1 - if was cleaned this day already
  49. ! gopnik guy
  50. ! rude, the younger the better, aggresive, hard
  51. ! dark hair, dark skin
  52. ! above average dick, somehow maintained hairs; event: he will take some enlarging pills testing his monster cock on Sveta
  53. $gp_name = 'Nestor'
  54. $gp_font = 'CC0000'
  55. !red
  56. gp_leaves = 11
  57. gp_comes = 19
  58. gp_sleeps = 23
  59. gp_wakes = 9
  60. if gp_rel > 100: gp_rel = 100
  61. if gp_rel < 0: gp_rel = 0
  62. gpDick = 22
  63. gp_cumMax = 100
  64. gp_cumMin = 30
  65. if gp_cumVol > gp_cumMax:gp_cumVol = gp_cumMax
  66. if gp_cumVol < gp_cumMin:gp_cumVol = gp_cumMin
  67. gp_horny = (gp_cumVol * 10000 / gp_cumMax) / 100
  68. if gp_served = 1:gp_hadSex = 1
  69. !flag if there was already a sex between him and Sveta
  70. !gp_bj ; gp_bjDeep ; gp_swall ; gp_vag ; gp_vagCumInside ; gp_vagCumInsideUnwanted ; gp_anal ; gp_analCumInside ; gp_analCumInsideUnwanted
  71. !unlocked sex: gp_doAnal ; gp_doPornpos ; gp_doVacuum
  72. ! sportsman guy
  73. ! blond hair, tanned
  74. ! latent gay, muscular and athletic, secret fantasies of being used by femboy (or at least a girl with strapon)
  75. ! bellow average dick, shaved
  76. $sp_name = 'Yakov'
  77. $sp_font = '009900'
  78. !green
  79. sp_leaves = 7
  80. sp_comes = 16
  81. sp_sleeps = 22
  82. sp_wakes = 5
  83. if sp_rel > 100: sp_rel = 100
  84. if sp_rel < 0: sp_rel = 0
  85. spDick = 14
  86. sp_cumMax = 60
  87. sp_cumMin = 10
  88. sp_horny = (sp_cumVol * 10000 / sp_cumMax) / 100
  89. if sp_cumVol > sp_cumMax:sp_cumVol = sp_cumMax
  90. if sp_cumVol < sp_cumMin:sp_cumVol = sp_cumMin
  91. if sp_served = 1:sp_hadSex = 1
  92. !flag if there was already a sex between him and Sveta
  93. !sp_bj ; sp_bjDeep ; sp_swall ; sp_vag ; sp_vagCumInside ; sp_vagCumInsideUnwanted ; sp_anal ; sp_analCumInside ; sp_analCumInsideUnwanted
  94. !mood setup
  95. if nd_mood = 1:$nd_mood = 'very good'
  96. if nd_mood = 2:$nd_mood = 'good'
  97. if nd_mood = 3:$nd_mood = 'normal'
  98. if nd_mood = 4:$nd_mood = 'bad'
  99. if nd_mood = 5:$nd_mood = 'very bad'
  100. if gp_mood = 1:$gp_mood = 'very good'
  101. if gp_mood = 2:$gp_mood = 'good'
  102. if gp_mood = 3:$gp_mood = 'normal'
  103. if gp_mood = 4:$gp_mood = 'bad'
  104. if gp_mood = 5:$gp_mood = 'very bad'
  105. if sp_mood = 1:$sp_mood = 'very good'
  106. if sp_mood = 2:$sp_mood = 'good'
  107. if sp_mood = 3:$sp_mood = 'normal'
  108. if sp_mood = 4:$sp_mood = 'bad'
  109. if sp_mood = 5:$sp_mood = 'very bad'
  110. gs 'stat'
  111. if pavSharedAptDebug = 0:
  112. elseif pavSharedAptDebug = 1:
  113. '<a href="exec:pavSharedAptDebug=2">Debug</a>'
  114. elseif pavSharedAptDebug = 2:
  115. '<a href="exec:pavSharedAptDebug=1">Debug Close</a>'
  116. '<a href="exec:pavSharedAptDebug=0">Debug Disable</a>'
  117. $nd_name+' relation: '+nd_rel
  118. $gp_name+' relation: '+gp_rel
  119. $sp_name+' relation: '+sp_rel
  120. 'rentLeft: '+rentLeft
  121. 'weekNum: '+weekNum
  122. 'rentWeekNum: '+rentWeekNum
  123. 'servitudeLvl: '+servitudeLvl
  124. 'servicePaid: '+servicePaid
  125. 'cashPaid: '+cashPaid
  126. 'step: '+step
  127. 'subStep: '+subStep
  128. 'gp_mood: '+gp_mood
  129. 'gp_cumVol: '+gp_cumVol
  130. 'gp_cumVag: '+gp_cumVag
  131. 'gp_cumAnal: '+gp_cumAnal
  132. 'gp_cumSwall: '+gp_cumSwall
  133. 'nd_cumVol: '+nd_cumVol
  134. 'nd_cumMax: '+nd_cumMax
  135. 'nd_horny: '+nd_horny
  136. 'gp_horny: '+gp_horny
  137. 'sp_horny: '+sp_horny
  138. ''
  139. nd_served = 0
  140. nd_mood = 2
  141. gp_served = 0
  142. gp_mood = 2
  143. sp_mood = 2
  144. sp_served = 0
  145. end
  146. end
  147. ! accomodation advert
  148. if $ARGS[0] = 'advertNo30':
  149. $menu_loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  150. $menu_arg = 'advertNo30'
  151. menu_off = 1
  152. minut += 2
  153. seenAd = 1
  154. gs 'stat'
  155. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/stairs/pod_ob'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  156. '<br>As you pass by the advertisments, you notice a sign - "сдаeтся в аренду комната" (Room for rent!). Some guys are looking for a roommate. They live in an apartment in of the other buildings in the apartment complex.'
  157. act 'Continue':gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
  158. end
  159. ! door No 3 - shared
  160. if $ARGS[0] = 'doorNo30':
  161. CLOSE ALL
  162. $menu_loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  163. $menu_arg = 'doorNo30'
  164. menu_off = 1
  165. act 'Go back outside':gt 'pav_complex', 'start'
  166. if pavSharedAptEnabled = 1:
  167. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/podezdhr.jpg"></center>'
  168. '<br>You stand before the entry door to apartment No 30. The apartment you share with three others'
  169. act 'Go inside':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  170. else
  171. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/sharedapt/aptno3door.jpg"></center>'
  172. '<br>You stand before the entry door to apartment No 30. There is a sign on the door saying - "сдаeтся в аренду комната" (Room for rent).'
  173. act 'Knock on the door':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  174. end
  175. end
  176. ! apt hall
  177. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  178. $menu_loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  179. $menu_arg = 'start'
  180. menu_off = 0
  181. $locM = 'pav_shared_apt'
  182. $metkaM = 'start'
  183. $loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  184. $metka = 'start'
  185. $goBack = $metka
  186. $location_type = 'private'
  187. killvar '$locclass'
  188. gs 'pav_shared_apt', 'update'
  189. if introDone = 0:gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  190. minut += 2
  191. gs 'stat'
  192. if courtletter_date <= daystart and courtletter_date ! 0: gt 'sentence', 'letter'
  193. ! do this once a day
  194. if daystart >= tomorrow:
  195. tomorrow = daystart + 1
  196. nd_mood = rand (1, 5)
  197. nd_served = 0
  198. nd_cleaned = 0
  199. nd_cumVol += rand(15, 30)
  200. gp_mood = rand (1, 5)
  201. gp_served = 0
  202. gp_cleaned = 0
  203. gp_cumVol = rand(20, 40)
  204. sp_mood = rand (1, 5)
  205. sp_served = 0
  206. sp_cleaned = 0
  207. sp_cumVol += rand(5, 20)
  208. end
  209. ! do this every time
  210. rentLeft = rentWeekly - servicePaid - cashPaid
  211. '<center><h3>Hallway</h3></center>'
  212. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/sharedapt/hallway.jpg"></center>'
  213. 'It is week number <<weekNum>>.'
  214. if weekNum < rentWeekNum:
  215. if rentLeft > 0:
  216. 'You have left <<rentLeft>> <b>₽</b> of rent to pay for the next week.'
  217. if servitudeLvl >= 1:
  218. 'You may still pay it in <a href="exec:gt ''pav_shared_apt'', ''payCash''">cash</a>, if you want.'
  219. else
  220. 'Pay it in <a href="exec:gt ''pav_shared_apt'', ''payCash''">cash</a>.'
  221. end
  222. else
  223. 'You have already paid the whole rent for the next week.'
  224. end
  225. elseif weekNum >= rentWeekNum:
  226. if rentLeft = 0:
  227. !rent was forepaid, everything OK, proceed to next week
  228. rentLeft += 2000
  229. cashPaid = 0
  230. servicePaid = 0
  231. rentWeekNum = weekNum + 1
  232. elseif rentLeft > 0:
  233. !rent was not fully paid
  234. 'You did not pay the whole rent for this week. You still have to pay <<rentLeft>> <b>₽</b>.'
  235. if money >= rentLeft:
  236. !not enough cash to pay it manually
  237. 'You still can pay it in <a href="exec:gt ''pav_shared_apt'', ''payCash''">cash</a>, otwerwise you''ll be kicked out!'
  238. else
  239. !in future add some way to serve your way out
  240. 'You do not have enough money to pay the rest of the rent in cash, even if you wanted to. Guess you''ll have to find a new living place...'
  241. rentPaid = 0
  242. pavSharedAptEnabled = 0
  243. home_owned[13] = 0
  244. end
  245. end
  246. end
  247. act '<b>Leave and go outside</b>':
  248. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  249. gt 'pav_complex', 'start'
  250. else
  251. msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed.</font></b>'
  252. gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  253. end
  254. end
  255. if NatbelQW['QWstage'] >= 4 and week < 6 and hour = 7 and kanikuli = 0 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and (PCloStyle2 = 4 or Enable_sforma = 1):
  256. act 'Go pick up Natasha before school': gt 'natbelEv', 'carrybooks'
  257. end
  258. if rentPaid = 1:
  259. 'A large apartment currently serves as shared living. As well as the normal living spaces, there are four bedrooms, one rented by you and three occupied by <a href="exec: gt ''pav_shared_nd'', ''ndDick''"><font color=#<<$nd_font>>><<$nd_name>></font></a>, <a href="exec: gt ''pav_shared_gp'', ''gpDick''"><font color=#<<$gp_font>>><<$gp_name>></font></a>, <a href="exec: gt ''pav_shared_sp'', ''spDick''"><font color=#<<$sp_font>>><<$sp_name>></font></a>.'
  260. 'You stand in the hallway. '
  261. *nl
  262. 'From the hallway several doors lead to <a href="exec:gt ''pav_shared_apt'', ''ndRoom''"><<$nd_name>>''s</a>, <a href="exec:gt ''pav_shared_apt'', ''gpRoom''"><<$gp_name>>''s</a> and <a href="exec:gt ''pav_shared_apt'', ''spRoom''"><<$sp_name>>''s</a> rooms.'
  263. 'The last doors lead to the <a href="exec:gt ''pav_shared_apt'', ''pcsRoom''">room</a> you have rented.'
  264. *nl
  265. !! Wardrobe is here, because Sveta''s bedroom is actually the unused living room, with no wardrobe, so she is using the hall cupboard.
  266. 'There are no cupboards in your livingroom cum bedroom, but there are several hall <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">closets</a>, that you can use to store your clothes</a>, with a large tall <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a> attached.'
  267. *nl
  268. if servitudeLvl >= 1:'A computer printed <a href="exec:gt ''pav_shared_apt'', ''list''">list</a> hangs on the exit door.' & *nl
  269. 'You can access your <a href="exec: quick_dress = 1 & gt ''wardrobe'', ''default''">default clothing</a> options directly.'
  270. act 'Go to your room':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'pcsRoom'
  271. act 'Go to the bathroom':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'bathroom'
  272. act 'Go to the kitchen':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'kitchen'
  273. act '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>><<$nd_name>>''s room</font>':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'ndRoom'
  274. act '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>><<$gp_name>>''s room</font>':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'gpRoom'
  275. act '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>><<$sp_name>>''s room</font>':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'spRoom'
  276. end
  277. if home_owned[2] = 0 and kid > 0:
  278. *clr & cla
  279. pavIntroStep = 0
  280. introDone = 0
  281. minut += 5
  282. !Need to have some actual story to this with NPC reactions.
  283. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/revenge/crying.jpg"></center>'
  284. 'You''ve been kicked out of the apartment due to having children.'
  285. pavSharedAptEnabled = 0
  286. home_owner[13] = 0
  287. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_complex', 'start'
  288. end
  289. end
  290. if $ARGS[0] = 'payCash':
  291. menu_off = 1
  292. minut += 2
  293. cash = rentLeft
  294. if money >= cash:
  295. 'You have decided to pay the remainder of the weekly rent in cash. It makes '+cash+' <b>₽</b>.'
  296. cashPaid += cash
  297. money -= cash
  298. rentPaid = 1
  299. pavSharedAptEnabled = 1
  300. home_owned[13] = 1
  301. else
  302. 'You do not have enough money to pay it.'
  303. end
  304. act 'Proceed':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  305. end
  306. if $ARGS[0] = 'payService':
  307. menu_off = 1
  308. minut += 1
  309. 'The amount '+price+' <b>₽</b> was taken in account of your weekly rent.'
  310. servicePaid += price
  311. act 'Continue':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  312. end
  313. if $ARGS[0] = 'rentSetup':
  314. menu_off = 1
  315. minut += 2
  316. 'You get a list of paper, saying the weekly rent fee is <<rentWeekly>> rubles.'
  317. rentPaid = 1
  318. introDone = 1
  319. rentWeekNum = (daystart - (daystart mod 7)) / 7 + 1
  320. act 'Continue':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  321. end
  322. if $ARGS[0] = 'intro':
  323. menu_off = 1
  324. gs 'pav_shared_apt', 'update'
  325. if step > 0:
  326. '<center><img border="5" bordercolor="<<$sp_font>>" height="150" src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/sharedapt/sp/sp.jpg"> <img height="150" src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/sharedapt/gp/gp.jpg"> <img height="150" src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/sharedapt/nd/nd.jpg"></center>'
  327. ''
  328. end
  329. if pavIntroStep = 0:
  330. minut += 2
  331. pavIntroStep = 1
  332. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/sharedapt/sp/sp.jpg"></center>'
  333. ''
  334. 'The door are opened by a young, nice looking athletic man.'
  335. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Hi sweetie! What do you need?"</font>'
  336. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Hello, my name is <<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>. I''ve seen the advert that someone here have a spare room for rent?"</font>'
  337. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Yeah, that''s true. Come in, I''ll call the guys and we can talk about it. I''m <<$sp_name>> by the way."</font>'
  338. act 'Go in':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  339. elseif pavIntroStep = 1:
  340. minut += 3
  341. pavIntroStep = 2
  342. 'You go through the door in a hallway. By the amount of coats and shoes you guess there are about 3 or 4 people living here.'
  343. 'The guy disappears in one of the doors and you can hear talking him to someone.'
  344. 'They seem to be trying to talk quietly, but you can hear a sentence or two..:'
  345. ''
  346. '"..a girl I tell you.." "..nice one, really, with nice round tits man.." "..better than another dick, idiot.." "..ok ok just be done with it.."'
  347. ''
  348. 'In a while three young guys appear in the hallway.'
  349. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"So that''s her guys. <<$pcs_firstname>>, could you introduce yourself to guys?"</font>'
  350. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Hello, my name is <<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>. I would like to rent the empty room in your apartment."</font>'
  351. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"Well now that''s what I like! Finally this won''t be such a gay party!"</font>'
  352. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"<<$pcs_firstname>> please excuse my friend <<$gp_name>>, he is such a rude prick to everyone. My name is <<$nd_name>>."</font>'
  353. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"Yup, I''m <<$gp_name>>."</font>'
  354. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"So you would like to live here with us?"</font>'
  355. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Yes. I need a new place to stay."</font>'
  356. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"How old are you girl?"</font>'
  357. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"<<$gp_name>>! Not this again!"</font>'
  358. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"It''s OK. I am actually <<age>> years old. Why do you ask?"</font>'
  359. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"He''s just idiot, don''t listen to him."</font>'
  360. if age < 18:
  361. '(You can see <<$gp_name>> rub his crotch just a brief moment after you told him your age. What''s he up to?)'
  362. end
  363. if knowpreg = 1:
  364. act 'Ask about children':
  365. cla
  366. pavIntroStep = 50
  367. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"I thought I should tell you, I''m currently pregnant. How you feel about having children in the apartment, will this be a problem?"</font>'
  368. act 'continue':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  369. end
  370. elseif kid > 0:
  371. act 'Ask about children':
  372. cla
  373. pavIntroStep = 50
  374. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"I thought I should tell, I''m mother. How you feel about having children in the apartment, will this be a problem?"</font>'
  375. act 'continue':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  376. end
  377. else
  378. act 'Continue':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  379. end
  380. elseif pavIntroStep = 2:
  381. minut += 3
  382. pavIntroStep = 3
  383. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"So what do you guys say, will you take me in?"</font>'
  384. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"We may. But first, do you have the money to pay the rent?"</font>'
  385. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Well, of course I don''t expect to let me live here for free. But I hope the rent is reasonable.."</font>'
  386. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"It is indeed."</font>'
  387. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"<<rentWeekly>> rubles. Per week."</font>'
  388. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Uhm. That''s quite a lot. I''m not sure if I''ll be able to afford this.."</font>'
  389. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"You can pay other ways if you''d like!"</font>'
  390. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"<<$gp_name>>!"</font>'
  391. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"What do you mean by other ways?"</font>'
  392. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Well <<$pcs_firstname>>, since we are just guys here, and since we suck at these things, we could use someone as you, a girl I mean, to be something like our, let''s say, handmaiden. If you know what I mean."</font>'
  393. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Like cooking and cleaning?"</font>'
  394. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Yes, exactly."</font>'
  395. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"And more."</font>'
  396. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"Oh my... I give up."</font>'
  397. act 'More what?':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  398. elseif pavIntroStep = 3:
  399. minut += 3
  400. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"More services."</font>'
  401. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"What kind of ''more services''?"</font>'
  402. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Girl to guys kind of services."</font>'
  403. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"You mean to be a whore for you? Instead of paying the rent???"</font>'
  404. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"Please <<$pcs_firstname>>, don''t get mad. <<$gp_name>> is not just idiot, he is a rude idiot. We are definitely not asking you to be our whore or something like that."</font>'
  405. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"As <<$sp_name>> told you, we could decrease your rent if you would do some homekeeping stuff we really suck at. But only if you want, of course."</font>'
  406. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"So what do you say <<$pcs_firstname>>?"</font>'
  407. act 'Say that you changed your mind about this':pavIntroStep = 40 & gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  408. act 'Say you will pay the rent the normal way':pavSharedAptEnabled = 1 & home_owned[13] = 1 & pavIntroStep = 10 & gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  409. act 'Say you don''t mind doing the homekeeping stuff':pavSharedAptEnabled = 1 & home_owned[13] = 1 & pavIntroStep = 20 & gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  410. act 'Say you don''t mind anything':pavSharedAptEnabled = 1 & home_owned[13] = 1 & pavIntroStep = 30 & gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  411. elseif pavIntroStep = 10:
  412. minut += 2
  413. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Fine. So the rest of this week you have for free, but you need to prepay the next week. OK?"</font>'
  414. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Yes, OK, I understand."</font>'
  415. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"So the room is over there.</font>'
  416. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Wait, Isn''t that the living room?"</font>'
  417. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Yes it is, but we don''t use it, so we are renting it out. There is all you need, a bed, a table with chair, all this stuff, we even put a curtain over the doorway. Just move in when you want. See you later <<$pcs_firstname>>!"</font>'
  418. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"Have a nice day <<$pcs_firstname>>."</font>'
  419. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"See ya later girlie..."</font>'
  420. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Later guys!"</font>'
  421. servitudeLvl = 0
  422. act 'Continue':pavIntroStep = 0 & gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'rentSetup'
  423. elseif pavIntroStep = 20:
  424. minut += 2
  425. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Fine. So the rest of this week you have for free, but you need to prepay the next week. OK?"</font>'
  426. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Yes, OK, I understand."</font>'
  427. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"We will pepare a list of the charges for the homekeeping services you may want to do, so it''s clear how much will be deducted form your rent."</font>'
  428. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Cool!"</font>'
  429. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"So the room is over there.</font>'
  430. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Wait, Isn''t that the living room?"</font>'
  431. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Yes it is, but we don''t use it, so we are renting it out. There is all you need, a bed, a table with chair, all this stuff, we even put a curtain over the doorway. Just move in when you want. See you later <<$pcs_firstname>>!"</font>'
  432. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"Have a nice day <<$pcs_firstname>>."</font>'
  433. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"See ya later girlie..."</font>'
  434. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Later guys!"</font>'
  435. servitudeLvl = 1
  436. act 'Continue':pavIntroStep = 0 & gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'rentSetup'
  437. elseif pavIntroStep = 30:
  438. minut += 2
  439. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Fine. So the rest of this week you have for free, but you need to prepay the next week. OK?"</font>'
  440. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Yes, OK, I understand."</font>'
  441. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"We will pepare a list of the charges for the homekeeping services you may want to do, so it''s clear how much will be deducted form your rent."</font>'
  442. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"The extra stuff services will be there too, girl."</font>'
  443. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"OK.."</font>'
  444. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"So the room is over there.</font>'
  445. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Wait, Isn''t that the living room?"</font>'
  446. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Yes it is, but we don''t use it, so we are renting it out. There is all you need, a bed, a table with chair, all this stuff. Just move in when you want, we even put a curtain over the doorway. See you later <<$pcs_firstname>>!"</font>'
  447. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"Have a nice day <<$pcs_firstname>>."</font>'
  448. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"See ya later girlie..."</font>'
  449. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"Later guys!"</font>'
  450. servitudeLvl = 2
  451. act 'Continue':pavIntroStep = 0 & gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'rentSetup'
  452. elseif pavIntroStep = 40:
  453. minut += 2
  454. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"I told you idiot not to scare her away!"</font>'
  455. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"Sorry man! We can still lock her to the radiator like I suggested in the first place.."</font>'
  456. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"Just shut up already!"</font>'
  457. ''
  458. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Sorry <<$pcs_firstname>>. We respect your decision. If you change your mind and room is still empty, let us know and we can talk again. Goodbye!"</font>'
  459. act 'Tell them goodbye and leave':pavIntroStep = 0 & gt 'pav_complex', 'start'
  460. elseif pavIntroStep = 50:
  461. minut += 2
  462. !add dialogue for returning after being previously expelled from apartment
  463. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"I''m sorry <<$pcs_firstname>>, but we don''t want children or pets in the apartment!"</font>'
  464. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"If you get rid of the kid, come back and see us."</font>'
  465. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Don''t mind him. There''s simply not enough room for 4 people, plus kids or pets. I hope you understand"</font>'
  466. if home_owned[2] = 1:
  467. act 'Suggest a compromise':
  468. cla
  469. pavIntroStep = 2
  470. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"I can leave them with my parents for the time being, and keep them away from the apartment, how does this sound?'
  471. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"Are you certain you want to do this?"</font>'
  472. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"Sounds good to me!"</font>'
  473. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"hmmmm"</font>'
  474. act 'Continue':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  475. end
  476. act 'I wont leave my children':
  477. cla
  478. pavIntroStep = 0
  479. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>"OK, I will make do with my current accomodation.'
  480. '<font color=#<<$sp_font>>>"We understand"</font>'
  481. '<font color=#<<$gp_font>>>"Damn"</font>'
  482. '<font color=#<<$nd_font>>>"No problem <<$pcs_firstname>>"</font>'
  483. act 'Continue':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'intro'
  484. end
  485. else
  486. '<font color=#<<$pcs_font>>>OK, I understand.</font>'
  487. act 'Thank them and leave':pavIntroStep = 0 & gt 'pav_complex', 'start'
  488. end
  489. end
  490. end
  491. ! the pricelist
  492. if $ARGS[0] = 'list':
  493. menu_off = 1
  494. $metka = 'list'
  495. minut += 2
  496. $goBack = $metka
  497. '<center><h3><<$pcs_firstname>>''s pricelist</h3></center>'
  498. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/sharedapt/list.jpg"></center>'
  499. ''
  500. 'The basic weekly rent is <<rentWeekly>> rubles.'
  501. 'It is possible to pay it in cash, or offer services instead. The prices are folllowing:'
  502. ''
  503. '---------------'
  504. ''
  505. 'Cooking a warm meal: '+price_cook
  506. 'Cleaning the apartment: '+price_clean
  507. if servitudeLvl >= 2:
  508. ''
  509. 'Handjob: '+price_handjob
  510. 'Blowjob: '+price_blowjob
  511. 'Sex: '+price_vaginal
  512. 'Anal sex: '+price_anal
  513. 'Special treats: '+price_special
  514. end
  515. ''
  516. '---------------'
  517. ''
  518. 'Not having paid the full weekly rent at the beginning of a new week will lead to termination of the accommodation services.'
  519. 'Signed: <a href="exec: gt ''pav_shared_nd'', ''ndDick''"><font color=#<<$nd_font>>><<$nd_name>></font></a>, <a href="exec: gt ''pav_shared_gp'', ''gpDick''"><font color=#<<$gp_font>>><<$gp_name>></font></a>, <a href="exec: gt ''pav_shared_sp'', ''spDick''"><font color=#<<$sp_font>>><<$sp_name>></font></a>, <<$pcs_firstname>>.'
  520. ''
  521. '---------------'
  522. act 'Continue':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  523. end
  524. ! paying with money
  525. if $ARGS[0] = 'payRent':
  526. menu_off = 1
  527. minut += 1
  528. 'You decided to give the guys money, instead of serving them.'
  529. 'You just spent <<paid_rent>> cash.'
  530. money -= paid_rent
  531. gs 'stat'
  532. act 'Continue': gs 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  533. end
  534. if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom':
  535. $menu_loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  536. $menu_arg = 'bathroom'
  537. menu_off = 0
  538. minut += 1
  539. $location_type = 'bathroom'
  540. $loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  541. $metka = 'bathroom'
  542. $metkaM = 'bathroom'
  543. $locM = 'pav_shared_apt'
  544. '<center><h3>Bathroom</h3></center>'
  545. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/vanrpar.jpg"></center>'
  546. *nl
  547. 'Modest bathroom, containing all that young people need for their daily life, such as:'
  548. 'A Shower, toilet, <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>, where you can ' + iif(pcs_hairbsh = 0,'<a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''brush''">brush</a>','brush') + ' your hair, a sink and even a bath tub.'
  549. *nl
  550. gs 'din_van', 'private'
  551. gs 'stat'
  552. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  553. end
  554. if $ARGS[0] = 'kitchen':
  555. $menu_loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  556. $menu_arg = 'kitchen'
  557. menu_off = 0
  558. *clr & cla
  559. minut += 2
  560. $loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  561. $metka = 'kitchen'
  562. $locclass = 'kitr'
  563. gs 'stat'
  564. gs 'kit_din'
  565. '<center><h3>Kitchen</h3></center>'
  566. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/kuhrpar.jpg"></center>'
  567. 'It''s a modest kitchen, but has all that is needed.'
  568. 'You can cook breakfast for the guys between 6:00 and 7:00 and dinner for them between 18:00 and 19:00'
  569. ! dishes
  570. if cltarelka > 0:
  571. 'Above the sink are <b><<cltarelka>></b> the clean plates'
  572. else
  573. '<b><font color = red>You have no clean dishes left.</font></b>'
  574. end
  575. if dirttarelka > 0:'The sink has <b><<dirttarelka>></b> dirty dishes. <a href="exec: dynamic $dirtarm">that need to be washed</a>.'
  576. if fairy > 0:
  577. 'Above the sink is some detergent to wash the dishes with. There is enough for <b><<fairy>></b> uses.'
  578. else
  579. '<b><font color = red>You do not have enough detergent, you should buy some from the supermarket.</font></b>'
  580. end
  581. ! food
  582. if eda > 0:
  583. if cltarelka = 0 or edahot > 0:$edagot = ''
  584. if cltarelka > 0 and edahot = 0:
  585. $edagot = '<a href="exec:dynamic $edagotd">Cook a meal for yourself (0:30)</a>'
  586. end
  587. 'In the refrigerator there''s enough (your own) food for <b><<eda>></b> servings. <<$edagot>>'
  588. end
  589. if edahot > 0:'<a href="exec: dynamic $edahotd ">On the table is ready meal (0:30).</a>'
  590. if edaD = 0 and eda = 0:'<b><font color="red">You have nothing to eat, the refrigerator is empty!</font></b>'
  591. if hour = 6 or hour = 18:'<a href="exec: gt ''pav_shared_apt'', ''cookForGuys''">Cook meals for the guys (1:30)</a>'
  592. dynamic $edasnack
  593. dynamic $driwater
  594. dynamic $dritea
  595. dynamic $fill_bottle
  596. dynamic $pranik
  597. dynamic $edaD
  598. dynamic $fatdel
  599. dynamic $lekarstvo
  600. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  601. end
  602. if $ARGS[0] = 'cookForGuys':
  603. menu_off = 1
  604. cla
  605. *clr
  606. $loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  607. $metka = 'kitchen'
  608. minut += 90
  609. kuhdrova = 0
  610. pcs_mood -= 10
  611. gs 'stat'
  612. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/kitchen/cook.jpg"></center>'
  613. 'You prepare three meals, using what you can from the guys food. Its not very healthy but you''re not planning to offer to do their shopping too.'
  614. price = price_cook
  615. act 'Leave the meal':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'payService'
  616. end
  617. if $ARGS[0] = 'cleanForGuys':
  618. menu_off = 1
  619. cla
  620. *clr
  621. minut += 60
  622. poroshok -= 3
  623. pcs_mood -= 10
  624. gs 'stat'
  625. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/apartment/stir.jpg"></center>'
  626. price = price_clean
  627. *nl
  628. 'You collect piles of dirty clothes around the room, carry them into the bathroom, put them in a basin and then pour washing powder on them. You wash them until they are finally clean.'
  629. cumStainCh = rand (0, 100)
  630. if servitudeLvl = 2 and cumStainCh <= 50:'<i>You notice bedsheets with what seems as dried out cum. Probably remainder of one of yours "servings". Maybe it is really better to swallow everytime, you wonder?</i>'
  631. act 'Hang them to dry out and leave':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'payService'
  632. end
  633. ! living room & pc bedroom
  634. if $ARGS[0] = 'pcsRoom':
  635. $menu_loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  636. $menu_arg = 'pcsRoom'
  637. menu_off = 0
  638. $loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  639. $metka = 'pcsRoom'
  640. $location_type = 'private'
  641. $locclass = 'bedr'
  642. minut += 2
  643. gs 'stat'
  644. gs 'pav_shared_apt', 'update'
  645. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Living Room</font></b></center>'
  646. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sharedapt/bedroom/sofabed.jpg"></center>'
  647. *nl
  648. 'The living room wasn''t in use by the other apartment occupants, so it is now rented to use as a bedroom. It''s sparsly decorated, with, a <a href="exec:gt ''bed'', ''start''">sofa bed</a>, against the back wall.'
  649. *nl
  650. 'Beside the sofa bed, is an old cabinet, with your <a href="exec:gt ''budilnik'', ''start''">alarm clock</a> on top.'
  651. *nl
  652. 'Your <a href="exec:gt ''budilnik'', ''start''">alarm clock</a> is set to <b>'+iif(timer < 10,'0<<timer>>','<<timer>>')+':'+iif(timerM < 10,'0<<timerM>>','<<timerM>>')+'</b> during the week and <b>'+iif(timerEnd < 10,'0<<timerEnd>>','<<timerEnd>>')+':'+iif(timerEndM < 10,'0<<timerEndM>>','<<timerEndM>>')+'</b> during the weekend. It is currently turned '+iif(budilnikOn = 0, '<a href="exec: budilnikOn = 1 & gt $loc, $metka">OFF</a>.', '<a href="exec: budilnikOn = 0 & gt $loc, $metka">ON</a>.')
  653. *nl
  654. if TV = 0:$TV = 'a great place for a TV, if you had one.'
  655. if TV = 1:$TV = 'an old CRT <a href="exec:gt ''TV'', ''start''">TV</a> sits on the shelf'
  656. 'There is an wall unit at the other side of the room, <<$TV>>. Everyone in the household spends their time in their own rooms, so there was never a reason to use the living room for its intended purpose.'
  657. *nl
  658. 'On the other side of the sofa bed are your old <a href="exec:gt ''clothing'', ''view_clothing_list'', ''wardrobe''">suitcases</a>, which you could use to store the clothes you don''t often wear.'
  659. *nl
  660. 'There is no door to the living room, instead there''s <a href="exec:view''images/shared/sharedapt/bedroom/curtain.jpg''">curtain</a> covering entry to the room, which gives you a modicum of privacy; not much better than the state of the non-existant window curtains'
  661. act '<b>Leave the room</b>':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  662. act 'Sit on the sofa bed':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'sofabed'
  663. if obruch > 0: '<br>A hula hoop stands in corner of the room. '
  664. if skak > 0: 'A jump rope is on a shelf. '
  665. if bookYog > 0: 'A yoga mat is rolled up in a corner. '
  666. gs 'exercise', 'start'
  667. *nl
  668. if komp = 1:'Your <a href="exec:gorodokKomp = 1 & gt ''Komp'',''start''">laptop</a> is sitting on small table.'
  669. if student > 0 and kursovik < 100:
  670. act 'Do coursework (1:00)':
  671. cla
  672. *clr
  673. minut += 60
  674. kursovik += rand(pcs_intel / 20, pcs_intel / 10)
  675. if kursovik > 100:kursovik = 100
  676. pcs_mood -= 10
  677. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/study.jpg"></center>'
  678. 'You sit down on the sofa bed and do your coursework, you''ve finished <<kursovik>> percent of it.'
  679. act 'Stand up':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'pcsRoom'
  680. end
  681. end
  682. if vcard > 0: act 'View your vintage porn cards':card_deck = 0 & gt 'card'
  683. if card > 0: act 'View your new porn cards':card_deck = 1 & gt 'card'
  684. if dur > 0:'You have <<dur>> doses of Pale Lady, hidden from the other housemates.'
  685. if dur > 0 and narkday ! daystart:
  686. act 'Use some Pale Lady (0:05)':
  687. cla
  688. *clr
  689. minut += 5
  690. narkday = daystart
  691. gs 'drugs', 'cocaine'
  692. gs 'stat'
  693. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/drugs/dur.jpg"></center>'
  694. 'You snort some Pale Lady, feeling dizzy for just a moment. After that you feel fantastic, and incredibly horny.'
  695. act 'Continue':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'pcsRoom'
  696. end
  697. end
  698. if gobelen>0:'You have <<gobelen>> completed tapestries.'
  699. if pcs_sewng >= 40 and tkan > 0:'You have enough fabric for <<tkan>> lessons.'
  700. if pcs_sewng >= 40 and tkan <= 0:'You do not have any fabric.'
  701. if pcs_sewng >= 80:
  702. if newgobelen = 0 and tkan > 0:
  703. act'Start a new tapestry':
  704. cls
  705. tkan -= 1
  706. newgobelen = 1
  707. minut += 15
  708. gs'stat'
  709. 'You spend 15 minutes at the embroidery frame, preparing the fabric and outlining the pattern for the tapestry.'
  710. act'Set the tapestry aside':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'pcsRoom'
  711. end
  712. end
  713. if newgobelen>=1:
  714. 'Your tapestry is <<newgobelen/10>> percent finished.'
  715. act'Work on the tapestry for an hour':
  716. cls
  717. minut+=60
  718. sewng_exp += rand(pcs_intel/10, pcs_intel/5)
  719. gobramax = (pcs_sewng - 70) * 6
  720. gobramin = (pcs_sewng - 70) * 2
  721. newgobelen += rand(gobramin,gobramax)
  722. gs'stat'
  723. if newgobelen < 1000:'You spent an hour working on your tapestry, which is now <<newgobelen/10>> percent finished.'
  724. if newgobelen >= 1000:
  725. newgobelen = 0
  726. gobelen += 1
  727. 'Your work on the tapestry is done.'
  728. end
  729. act'Set the tapestry aside':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'pcsRoom'
  730. end
  731. end
  732. end
  733. if tabletki > 0 and prezik + prezikcount + preziksabo > 0:
  734. 'Your <a href="exec:gt ''stol'', ''bc''">birth control</a> tablets are in the cabinet next to your bed, along with some <a href="exec:gt ''stol'', ''bc''">condoms</a>.'
  735. elseif tabletki > 0:
  736. 'Your <a href="exec:gt ''stol'', ''bc''">birth control</a> tablets are in the cabinet next to your bed.'
  737. elseif prezik + prezikcount + preziksabo > 0:
  738. 'Your <a href="exec:gt ''stol'', ''bc''">condoms</a> are in the cabinet next to your bed.'
  739. end
  740. ''
  741. if sewing_kit = 1:
  742. 'Your <a href="exec:gt ''sewing'',''start''">sewing kit</a> is stored on a shelf.'
  743. end
  744. if tovarL > 0:'You currently have <<tovarL>> trinkets to sell at the station. The maximum you can carry with you is 30.'
  745. dynamic $wearpan
  746. dynamic $removepan
  747. !gs 'subkid'
  748. act 'Relax on your bed': gt 'bed', 'start'
  749. end
  750. if $ARGS[0] = 'sofabed':
  751. $menu_loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  752. $menu_arg = 'sofabed'
  753. menu_off = 0
  754. $loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  755. $metka = 'sofabed'
  756. *clr & cla
  757. gs 'stat'
  758. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sharedapt/bedroom/sofabed.jpg"></center>'
  759. '<center>A small sofa bed, when not unfolded, is just big enough for you to curl up on and take a nap.</center>'
  760. if TV = 1:
  761. act 'Watch some TV':gt 'TV', 'start'
  762. end
  763. if pornMagazine > 0:'<br>There is a porn magazine under the sofa cushions'
  764. gs 'events', 'read_porn'
  765. gs 'events', 'read'
  766. if pcs_horny >= 50:
  767. act 'Masturbate':gt 'selfplay', 'start'
  768. end
  769. act 'Take a nap (1:00)':
  770. if pcs_sleep < 90:
  771. pcs_sleep += 10
  772. pcs_health += 5
  773. minut += 60
  774. gs 'stat'
  775. 'You sleep about an hour.'
  776. else
  777. minut += 5
  778. gs 'stat'
  779. 'You are not tired enough to sleep, even for a short nap.'
  780. end
  781. end
  782. act 'Get up':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'pcsRoom'
  783. end
  784. if $ARGS[0] = 'ndRoom':
  785. $menu_loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  786. $menu_arg = 'ndRoom'
  787. menu_off = 0
  788. $loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  789. $metka = 'ndRoom'
  790. minut += 2
  791. '<center><h3><font color=#<<$nd_font>>><<$nd_name>>''s room</font></h3></center>'
  792. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/sharedapt/nd/room.jpg"></center>'
  793. ''
  794. 'The room is surprisingly not as messy as one would expect, given that <<$nd_name>> is an IT guy.'
  795. 'There is one large window with bed bellow it, but the whole room is dominated by a large table with several computers and monitors.'
  796. 'Looking at it one would say that this must be a den of a hacker.'
  797. if hour >= nd_sleeps and hour < nd_wakes:
  798. '<<$nd_name>> is sleeping in his bed.'
  799. elseif hour >= nd_wakes and hour < nd_leaves:
  800. '<<$nd_name>> is already awake, getting ready to leave.'
  801. act 'Approach him': gt 'pav_shared_nd', 'nd'
  802. elseif hour >= nd_leaves and hour < nd_comes:
  803. '<<$nd_name>> is not here.'
  804. elseif hour >= nd_comes and hour < nd_sleeps:
  805. '<<$nd_name>> is currently behind his desk, doing some clever IT stuff.'
  806. act 'Approach him': gt 'pav_shared_nd', 'nd'
  807. end
  808. if servitudeLvl >= 1 and nd_cleaned = 0:
  809. if poroshok >= 1:
  810. act 'Clean the room':nd_cleaned = 1 & gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'cleanForGuys'
  811. else
  812. 'You don''t have enough laundry detergent to clean the room'
  813. end
  814. end
  815. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  816. end
  817. if $ARGS[0] = 'gpRoom':
  818. $menu_loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  819. $menu_arg = 'gpRoom'
  820. menu_off = 0
  821. $loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  822. $metka = 'gpRoom'
  823. minut += 2
  824. '<center><h3><font color=#<<$gp_font>>><<$gp_name>>''s room</font></h3></center>'
  825. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/sharedapt/gp/room.jpg"></center>'
  826. ''
  827. 'Messy room. Clothes everywhere.'
  828. if hour >= gp_wakes and hour < gp_leaves:
  829. '<<$gp_name>> is already awake, getting ready to leave.'
  830. act 'Approach him': gt 'pav_shared_gp', 'gp'
  831. elseif hour >= gp_leaves and hour < gp_comes:
  832. '<<$gp_name>> is not here.'
  833. elseif hour >= gp_comes and hour < gp_sleeps:
  834. '<<$gp_name>> is currently on his bed, listing through some magazines.'
  835. act 'Approach him': gt 'pav_shared_gp', 'gp'
  836. elseif hour >= gp_sleeps or hour < gp_wakes:
  837. '<<$gp_name>> is sleeping in his bed.'
  838. end
  839. if servitudeLvl >= 1 and gp_cleaned = 0:
  840. if poroshok >= 1:
  841. act 'Clean the room':gp_cleaned = 1 & gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'cleanForGuys'
  842. else
  843. 'You don''t have enough laundry detergent to clean the room'
  844. end
  845. end
  846. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  847. end
  848. if $ARGS[0] = 'spRoom':
  849. $menu_loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  850. $menu_arg = 'spRoom'
  851. menu_off = 0
  852. $loc = 'pav_shared_apt'
  853. $metka = 'spRoom'
  854. minut += 2
  855. '<center><h3><font color=#<<$sp_font>>><<$sp_name>>''s room</font></h3></center>'
  856. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/sharedapt/sp/room.jpg"></center>'
  857. ''
  858. 'Tidy room full of sporting stuff like dresses, equipment and trophys. On the walls hang several posters of famous sport guys.'
  859. if hour >= sp_wakes and hour < sp_leaves:
  860. '<<$sp_name>> is already awake, packing his bags to leave.'
  861. act 'Approach him': gt 'pav_shared_sp', 'sp'
  862. elseif hour >= sp_leaves and hour < sp_comes:
  863. '<<$sp_name>> is not here.'
  864. elseif hour >= sp_comes and hour < sp_sleeps:
  865. doesStuff = rand (0, 100)
  866. if doesStuff < 50:'<<$sp_name>> is currently on his bed, listing through sport magazines.'
  867. if doesStuff >= 50:'<<$sp_name>> is working out on the floor.'
  868. act 'Approach him': gt 'pav_shared_sp', 'sp'
  869. elseif hour >= sp_sleeps or hour < sp_wakes:
  870. '<<$sp_name>> is sleeping in his bed.'
  871. end
  872. if servitudeLvl >= 1 and sp_cleaned = 0:
  873. if poroshok >= 1:
  874. act 'Clean the room':sp_cleaned = 1 & gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'cleanForGuys'
  875. else
  876. 'You don''t have enough laundry detergent to clean the room'
  877. end
  878. end
  879. act 'Leave':gt 'pav_shared_apt', 'start'
  880. end
  881. --- pav_shared_apt ---------------------------------