Ver código fonte

- adjusted gitignore
- intro ...

Your Name 6 anos atrás

+ 0 - 1

@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 29 - 3

@@ -146,6 +146,13 @@ screen sideBar():
                     text "{size=10} Might: [player.might] {/size}"
                     text "{size=10} Money: [] {/size}"
+        # replace with composition of body parts
+        # face overlaid with hair (trasparent)
+        # upper body, overlayed with necklace
+        # 2 ring slots
+        # lower body
+        # shoes
         add sideBarImage
 # The game starts here.
@@ -542,10 +549,29 @@ label intro:
     Katrina "Might improves and shapes your sense - your very nature of beeing a deamon. It can grand various perks - not only can it heal wounds and cure deseases - luckily also STDs"
     Narrator "She makes a short break and seems to think about something lying in the past and then continues"
     Katrina "Some can even stop their aging process or force people to do their bidding. Ohh an of course sex there are lots and lots of ways to use might before, during and also after sex."
-    Narrator "She grins and licks her lips."
+    Narrator "She grins and winks at you."
     Narrator "..."
-    Narrator "You look at her - thats a lot to take in. And that last one - was that? - did she hit on you?"
-    Player ""
+    Narrator "You look at her - thats a lot to take in. And that last one - was that? - did she just hit on you?"
+    Player "Uhh Marjorie told me that you could get me work and that you shuld say that you turned me ..."
+    Katrina "So you wouldn't appear out of nowhere? This is a bad idea, Stella forbade us to turn more humans."
+    Player "Stella?"
+    Katrina "The local succubus-queen. She controlls the downtown redlight district."
+    Katrina "Usually she is quite fair, but in this case she was adamant, there is not enough might for all of us. With internet porn on the rise and all that..."
+    Narrator "She keeps to herself a few seconds and after some thinking says:"
+    Katrina "The only thing I can think of is that we call you a travelling succubus and hope that noone asks too many questions. Every travelling brethren has the right to stay in a district for two weeks."
+    Katrina "That buys us time. Afterwards we need to find a new solution."
+    Narrator "She pauses again."
+    Katrina "About work - do you have any skills or experiences?"
+    Player "I finished highschool."
+    Narrator "You exclaim with pride in your voice. Katrina sighs"
+    Katrina "That won't do us much good. If you truly are a succubus - and a strong one at that - then you'll be overwhelmed by hunger tomorrow evening and Joe won't let you use his gloryhole again."
+    Katrina "He might seem like an asshole, but he cares for Marjorie - he won't go es far for you and that wouldn't be a lasting solution anyhow."
+    Katrina "Can you dance? Are you experienced in bed? You sounded a bit unexperienced if I may say so."
+    Narrator "Your face turns red."
+    Player "Uhh - well I kissed a few boys and even gave one a blowjob in the back of his car after prom."
+    Katrina "I take that as a no. What about dancing?"
+    Player "Dancing? Like standard dance?"
+    Katrina "Like table dancing... since you obviously won't hitup many guys on the street I thought that may help you and perhaps pay your bills."
     # This ends the game.