Browse Source

Merge branch 'master' of

# Conflicts:
#	locations/AppearanceSystem.qsrc
#	locations/Cheatmenu_din.qsrc
#	locations/_attributes_danilovich_outfits.qsrc
#	locations/_attributes_eroto_shoes.qsrc
#	locations/_attributes_office.qsrc
#	locations/_attributes_salacious_dress.qsrc
#	locations/_attributes_school.qsrc
#	locations/body.qsrc
#	locations/body_desc.qsrc
#	locations/body_structure.qsrc
#	locations/boyStat.qsrc
#	locations/cikl.qsrc
#	locations/din_bad.qsrc
#	locations/drugs.qsrc
#	locations/exhibitionistshop.qsrc
#	locations/gschool_chats.qsrc
#	locations/hotel_anna.qsrc
#	locations/hourly_events.qsrc
#	locations/leonid.qsrc
#	locations/npcgeneratec.qsrc
#	locations/npcgenext.qsrc
#	locations/prostitution_functions.qsrc
#	locations/sex_ev_after.qsrc
#	locations/sex_ev_cum.qsrc
#	locations/stat.qsrc
#	locations/stat_display.qsrc
Zedrt 2 months ago
100 changed files with 5882 additions and 4943 deletions
  1. 9 0
  2. 8 8
  3. 29 0
  4. 22 0
  5. 0 1
  6. 130 102
  7. 4 4
  8. 124 94
  9. 64 64
  10. 219 215
  11. 44 44
  12. 90 58
  13. 492 572
  14. 74 99
  15. 14 14
  16. 9 9
  17. 13 13
  18. 2 2
  19. 1 1
  20. 5 11
  21. 1 1
  22. 135 117
  23. 22 22
  24. 5 5
  25. 33 61
  26. 2 1
  27. 0 91
  28. 210 102
  29. 1 1
  30. 36 36
  31. 1 1
  32. 1 1
  33. 3 5
  34. 8 7
  35. 3 3
  36. 36 77
  37. 31 31
  38. 163 165
  39. 51 51
  40. 1 1
  41. 6 9
  42. 8 9
  43. 4 7
  44. 1 1
  45. 4 6
  46. 1 1
  47. 214 214
  48. 13 12
  49. 1 3
  50. 49 49
  51. 1 2
  52. 36 36
  53. 326 90
  54. 0 21
  55. 191 51
  56. 2 8
  57. 31 31
  58. 12 12
  59. 4 4
  60. 71 71
  61. 15 15
  62. 3 3
  63. 9 9
  64. 17 17
      locations/Voltrener - WIP.qsrc
  65. 2 2
  66. 1 1
  67. 1 1
  68. 1 1
  69. 101 92
  70. 99 98
  71. 48 38
  72. 1 2
  73. 2 3
  74. 48 45
  75. 149 149
  76. 163 163
  77. 1 1
  78. 86 43
  79. 123 71
  80. 76 49
  81. 341 219
  82. 116 113
  83. 162 162
  84. 39 39
  85. 2 1
  86. 152 152
  87. 139 139
  88. 34 31
  89. 3 4
  90. 35 35
  91. 199 165
  92. 91 74
  93. 1 1
  94. 2 2
  95. 110 70
  96. 145 45
  97. 292 83
  98. 1 1
  99. 1 1
  100. 0 76

+ 9 - 0

@@ -45,3 +45,12 @@ glife.7z.tmp

+ 8 - 8

@@ -75,16 +75,16 @@ set /p action=Choose an action:
 if defined QSPFILE (
 	if %action% == b goto build
-	if %action% == d goto build_debug
-	if %action% == r goto run
-	if %action% == f goto build
-	if %action% == v goto parser
-	if %action% == q goto qgen
 	if %action% == B goto build
+	if %action% == d goto build_debug
 	if %action% == D goto build_debug
+	if %action% == r goto run
 	if %action% == R goto run
+	if %action% == f goto build
 	if %action% == F goto build
+	if %action% == v goto parser
 	if %action% == V goto parser
+	if %action% == q goto qgen
 	if %action% == Q goto qgen
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ goto menu
 echo Running ...
 if defined CP_TO ( start %QGEN% %CP_TO%\%QSPFILE% ) else ( start %QGEN% %QSPFILE% )
-goto exit
+goto menu
@@ -141,9 +142,8 @@ echo validating...
 "%BATDir%%QSPParser%" --level warn "%BATDir%glife.txt" > "%BATDir%validation.log"
 @ECHO off
-echo Done - Exiting.
-goto exit
+goto menu

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+@ECHO off
+SET LOCATIONS=%CD%/locations
+cd ./qsrc2tw/tools/QSRC2TW
+CALL QSRC2TW.exe -in "%LOCATIONS%" -out "../../twine-code"
+cd ../..
+REM Check if node is installed
+node -v 2> Nul
+if "%errorlevel%" == "9009" (
+    echo node could not be found
+) else (
+	call npx tsc
+	call npx esbuild "temp/typescript.js" --minify --outfile="twine-code/-generatedFromTS/typescript-min.js"
+	CALL "%~dp0qsrc2tw\tools\tweeGo\tweego_win64.exe" --head "%~dp0qsrc2tw\twine-code\misc\head.txt" -o "%~dp0glife.html" "%~dp0qsrc2tw\twine-code"
+) else (
+	CALL "%~dp0qsrc2tw\tools\tweeGo\tweego_win86.exe" --head "%~dp0qsrc2tw\twine-code\misc\head.txt" -o "%~dp0glife.html" "%~dp0qsrc2tw\twine-code"

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+pushd "$1" > /dev/null
+cd ./qsrc2tw/tools/QSRC2TW
+./qsrc2tw -in "$LOCATIONS" -out "../../twine-code"
+cd ../..
+if which node > /dev/null
+	then
+		npx tsc
+		npx esbuild "temp/typescript.js" --minify --outfile="twine-code/-generatedFromTW/typescript-min.js"
+	else
+		echo "Node could not be found"
+popd > /dev/null
+./qsrc2tw/tools/tweeGo/tweego_nix64 --head "./qsrc2tw/twine-code/misc/head.txt" -o "./glife.html" "./qsrc2tw/twine-code"

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1253,7 +1253,6 @@
 				<File name="locations\univer_din.qsrc" />
 				<File name="locations\univer.qsrc" />
 				<File name="locations\trashplace.qsrc" />
-				<File name="locations\torgpred.qsrc" />
 				<File name="locations\TimofeiMetro.qsrc" />
 				<File name="locations\Timofei.qsrc" />
 				<File name="locations\tanvanr.qsrc" />

+ 130 - 102

@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@
 	<Folder name="Stats">
 		<Location name="DNA"/>
+		<Location name="time"/>
+		<Location name="stat"/>
+		<Location name="hourly_events"/>
 		<Location name="cikl"/>
-		<Location name="daystart"/>
 		<Location name="yearstart"/>
 		<Location name="dina"/>
 		<Location name="MenuMainLoc"/>
 		<Location name="starenie"/>
-		<Location name="stat"/>
-		<Location name="hourly_events"/>
 		<Location name="stat_display"/>
 		<Location name="stat_sklattrib"/>
 		<Location name="stat_sklattrib_lvlset"/>
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
 		<Location name="kid"/>
 		<Location name="pattest"/>
 		<Location name="subkid"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Homes">
 		<Location name="homes_properties"/>
 		<Location name="homes_properties_attr"/>
@@ -81,10 +83,13 @@
 		<Location name="pcs_has_attr"/>
 		<Location name="grades"/>
 		<Location name="internet_mobile"/>
+		<Location name="library_functions"/>
+		<Location name="clinic_functions"/>
 	<Folder name="Sleep">
 		<Location name="pre_sleep"/>
 		<Location name="pre_sleep_events"/>
+		<Location name="sleep_reflections"/>
 		<Location name="dream_events"/>
 		<Location name="sleep"/>
 		<Location name="sleep_simple"/>
@@ -103,12 +108,11 @@
 		<Location name="medical_din"/>
 		<Location name="sweat"/>
 		<Location name="piercing_management"/>
+		<Location name="tattoo_management"/>
 		<Location name="$face_image"/>
 		<Location name="$body_image"/>
-		<Location name="$pube_image"/>
 	<Folder name="Stimulus">
-		<Location name="boyStat"/>
 		<Location name="pain"/>
 		<Location name="arousal"/>
 		<Location name="arousal_oneline"/>
@@ -125,11 +129,12 @@
 	<Folder name="Clothing">
 		<Location name="wardrobe"/>
+		<Location name="changingroom"/>
+		<Location name="outfit"/>
 		<Location name="clothing"/>
 		<Location name="clothing_QV"/>
 		<Location name="$clothing_image"/>
 		<Location name="$pcs_outfit_image"/>
-		<Location name="changingroom"/>
 		<Location name="clothing_attributes"/>
 		<Location name="clothing_descriptions"/>
 		<Location name="$short_description"/>
@@ -241,11 +246,11 @@
 	<Folder name="Phone">
 		<Location name="telefon"/>
+		<Location name="telefon_schedules"/>
 		<Location name="phone_selfies"/>
 		<Location name="phone_selfies_popup"/>
 		<Location name="SMStext_builder"/>
 		<Location name="SMS_selfies"/>
-		<Location name="SMS_selfies_popup"/>
 	<Folder name="Prostitution">
 		<Location name="street_walker"/>
@@ -284,19 +289,24 @@
 		<Location name="intro_uni_m"/>
 		<Location name="intro_uni_tg"/>
 		<Location name="intro_initialization"/>
+		<Location name="intro_initialization_sg"/>
 		<Location name="intro_initialization_city"/>
 		<Location name="intro_customization"/>
 		<Location name="intro_sg_select"/>
 		<Location name="intro_sg_select_custom"/>
 		<Location name="intro_city_select"/>
 		<Location name="intro_functions"/>
+		<Location name="stat_explanations"/>
 	<Folder name="NPCManage">
-		<Location name="npccleanc"/>
 		<Location name="npcgeneratec"/>
-		<Location name="npcgenext"/>
 		<Location name="npcpreservec"/>
+		<Location name="npccleanc"/>
+		<Location name="npcgenext"/>
 		<Location name="npcrnamefile"/>
+		<Location name="npcStat"/>
+		<Location name="npcStat_clean"/>
+		<Location name="boyStat"/>
 		<Location name="npcstaticdefaults"/>
 		<Location name="npcstatic1"/>
 		<Location name="npcstatic2"/>
@@ -317,11 +327,7 @@
 		<Location name="ender"/>
 		<Location name="nill"/>
 		<Location name="test"/>
-		<Location name="kikbox"/>
-		<Location name="initKik"/>
-		<Location name="Kikatak"/>
-		<Location name="enderKik"/>
-		<Location name="razrKik"/>
+		<Location name="kickboxing_funcs"/>
 	<Folder name="Furniture">
 		<Location name="bed"/>
@@ -351,9 +357,12 @@
 		<Location name="shop"/>
 		<Location name="bank"/>
 		<Location name="kiosk"/>
+		<Location name="newspaper"/>
+		<Location name="newspaper_pages"/>
 		<Location name="taxi"/>
 		<Location name="events"/>
 		<Location name="flash"/>
+		<Location name="blackmailer"/>
 		<Location name="street_event"/>
 		<Location name="rape_events"/>
 		<Location name="fame_events"/>
@@ -387,7 +396,6 @@
 		<Location name="bdsm_dressing"/>
 		<Location name="bdsm_landing"/>
 		<Location name="bdsm_dining"/>
-		<Location name="bdsm_library"/>
 		<Location name="bdsm_ballroom"/>
 		<Location name="bdsm_garden"/>
 		<Location name="bdsm_conservatory"/>
@@ -396,7 +404,6 @@
 		<Location name="bdsm_bedwest"/>
 		<Location name="bdsm_bedeast"/>
 		<Location name="bdsm_gameroom"/>
-		<Location name="bdsm_livingroom"/>
 		<Location name="bdsm_bathrooms"/>
 	<Folder name="Trade Representative">
@@ -460,12 +467,15 @@
 		<Location name="pav_aptcourtev"/>
 		<Location name="pod_ezd"/>
 		<Location name="praiders_garage"/>
+		<Location name="praiders_garage_chat"/>
+		<Location name="praiders_garage_events"/>
 		<Location name="praiders_garageev1"/>
 		<Location name="pod_whore"/>
 		<Location name="gopsex"/>
 		<Location name="misha"/>
 	<Folder name="Home-Parent's Apartment">
+		<Location name="home_family_init"/>
 		<Location name="bedrPar"/>
 		<Location name="bedrPar2"/>
 		<Location name="sitrPar"/>
@@ -494,7 +504,6 @@
 		<Location name="brother"/>
 		<Location name="brother2"/>
 		<Location name="brother_voyeur"/>
-		<Location name="brother_voyeur_sex"/>
 		<Location name="brother_shower_sex"/>
 		<Location name="brother_lessons"/>
 		<Location name="seeporn"/>
@@ -539,14 +548,21 @@
 		<Location name="dinnpc"/>
 	<Folder name="Artem Chebotarev">
+		<Location name="artem_chebotarev_schedule"/>
 		<Location name="artem_events"/>
 		<Location name="artemhome"/>
 		<Location name="artem_date_events"/>
 		<Location name="artem_sex"/>
+		<Location name="artem_nush_sex"/>
+		<Location name="artem_dorm"/>
+		<Location name="artem_date_events_uni"/>
+		<Location name="artem_sex_uni"/>
+		<Location name="artem_nush_sex_uni"/>
 	<Folder name="Igor Kruglov">
 		<Location name="igorev"/>
 		<Location name="igorhome"/>
+		<Location name="igorsex"/>
 		<Location name="igor_schedule"/>
 	<Folder name="Katja Meynold">
@@ -599,13 +615,19 @@
 		<Location name="anushkamaksim"/>
 		<Location name="anushka_konstantinov_schedule"/>
 		<Location name="valentin_bogdanov_schedule" />
-		<Location name="radomir_popov_schedule" />
 		<Location name="arkadi_fyodorov_schedule" />
 		<Location name="band_tour_anushka_SMS"/>
+	<Folder name="Radomir">
+		<Location name="radapt"/>
+		<Location name="radaptev1"/>
+		<Location name="radchat"/>
+		<Location name="radomir_popov_schedule" />
+	</Folder>
 	<Folder name="Sonia">
 		<Location name="soniadisco"/>
 		<Location name="soniahome"/>
+		<Location name="soniaev1"/>
 	<Folder name="Generator">
 		<Location name="placer"/>
@@ -625,8 +647,8 @@
 		<Location name="fbDormD"/>
 		<Location name="fbGar"/>
 		<Location name="zsoft_gopskverGorSlut"/>
-        <Location name="pav_park_meet_event"/>
-        <Location name="pav_park_meet_kol_event"/>
+		<Location name="pav_park_meet_event"/>
+		<Location name="pav_park_meet_kol_event"/>
 	<Folder name="Employment Systems">
 		<Location name="emp_functions"/>
@@ -806,6 +828,7 @@
 		<Location name="albina_chat"/>
 		<Location name="albina_chat2"/>
 		<Location name="albina_sex_chat"/>
+		<Location name="albina_sex_scenes"/>
 		<Location name="albina_lazar_sex"/>
 		<Location name="albina_school_sex"/>
 		<Location name="albina_house_events"/>
@@ -833,6 +856,7 @@
 		<Location name="podezdM"/>
 		<Location name="sexm"/>
 		<Location name="dateM"/>
+		<Location name="dateF"/>
 		<Location name="kinoM"/>
 		<Location name="parkM"/>
 		<Location name="kafeM"/>
@@ -840,9 +864,24 @@
 		<Location name="anekdot"/>
 		<Location name="stihi"/>
 		<Location name="love"/>
-		<Location name="brosok"/>
 		<Location name="gossips"/>
+	<Folder name="Boys">
+		<Location name="BDman"/>
+		<Location name="BDsex"/>
+		<Location name="boylove"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Lover">
+		<Location name="lover"/>
+		<Location name="lover_call"/>
+		<Location name="lover_change"/>
+		<Location name="lover_likes"/>
+		<Location name="lover_love"/>
+		<Location name="lover_living"/>
+		<Location name="lover_meet"/>
+		<Location name="lover_pref"/>
+		<Location name="pronouns"/>
+	</Folder>
 	<Folder name="Salon">
 		<Location name="salon"/>
 		<Location name="masseuse_work"/>
@@ -886,55 +925,30 @@
 		<Location name="pornhist"/>
 		<Location name="pornschedule"/>
-	<Folder name="Boys">
-		<Location name="BDman"/>
-		<Location name="BDsex"/>
-		<Location name="boy"/>
-		<Location name="boyfrend"/>
-		<Location name="boylove"/>
-	</Folder>
 	<Folder name="music">
 		<Location name="music_actions"/>
 		<Location name="music_bedroompractice"/>
 		<Location name="music_onlinemusic"/>
- 		<Location name="music_gigstarts"/>
-   		<Location name="music_guitarlesson"/>
-   		<Location name="music_buskingevents"/>
+		<Location name="music_gigstarts"/>
+		<Location name="music_guitarlesson"/>
+		<Location name="music_buskingevents"/>
 		<Location name="music_delparco"/>
 		<Location name="music_checks"/>
-	<Folder name="Lover">
-		<Location name="girl"/>
-		<Location name="girlfriend"/>
-		<Location name="dateF"/>
-		<Location name="lover"/>
-		<Location name="lover_change"/>
-		<Location name="lover_likes"/>
-		<Location name="lover_love"/>
-		<Location name="lover_meet"/>
-		<Location name="lover_pref"/>
-		<Location name="lover_pronouns"/>
-		<Location name="pronouns"/>
-	</Folder>
 	<Folder name="City Center">
 		<Location name="city_center"/>
 		<Location name="city_train"/>
 		<Location name="agentned"/>
 		<Location name="kameraKPZ"/>
-		<Location name="bass"/>
 		<Location name="burger"/>
 		<Location name="burgerWork"/>
 		<Location name="BurgerTip"/>
-		<Location name="moncheri"/>
-		<Location name="lusso"/>
 		<Location name="butoilet"/>
 		<Location name="city_nightclub"/>
 		<Location name="city_nightclubToilet"/>
 		<Location name="Club2"/>
-		<Location name="danceclass"/>
 		<Location name="city_library"/>
 		<Location name="city_hermitage"/>
-		<Location name="fit"/>
 		<Location name="talent_agency"/>
 		<Location name="casting"/>
 		<Location name="tatiana_lab"/>
@@ -943,22 +957,33 @@
 		<Location name="alexandriaChat"/>
 		<Location name="alexandriaEv"/>
 		<Location name="alexandriaSex"/>
-		<Location name="shop_fashionista"/>
 		<Location name="office"/>
 		<Location name="restoran"/>
+		<Location name="city_mall"/>
 		<Location name="hairsalon"/>
 		<Location name="shopdacha"/>
-		<Location name="sportShop"/>
+		<Location name="shop_danilovich"/>
+		<Location name="shop_lusso"/>
 		<Location name="shop_scandalicious"/>
-		<Location name="torgcentr"/>
+		<Location name="shop_fashionista"/>
+		<Location name="shop_moncheri"/>
+		<Location name="shop_gm"/>
+		<Location name="shop_materinstvo"/>
+		<Location name="shop_photography"/>
+		<Location name="photography_work"/>
 		<Location name="yarik"/>
 		<Location name="zoomagazine"/>
-		<Location name="budgetclothes"/>
 		<Location name="city_musicstore"/>
 		<Location name="city_musicstore_stock"/>
-		<Location name="shop_materinstvo"/>
-		<Location name="shop_photography"/>
-		<Location name="photography_work"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Havana Fitness Center">
+		<Location name="havana"/>
+		<Location name="havana_pool"/>
+		<Location name="havana_dance"/>
+		<Location name="havana_crossfit"/>
+		<Location name="havana_crossfit_funcs"/>
+		<Location name="havana_running"/>
+		<Location name="havana_kickboxing"/>
 	<Folder name="City Residential">
 		<Location name="city_residential"/>
@@ -997,7 +1022,7 @@
 		<Location name="TerminalOffice"/>
 		<Location name="ilyroom"/>
 		<Location name="trFatherMisha"/>
-		<Location name="dk"/>
+		<Location name="city_commcenter"/>
 		<Location name="kakuzu"/>
 		<Location name="youry"/>
 		<Location name="alex"/>
@@ -1020,7 +1045,6 @@
 		<Location name="MartinSex2"/>
 		<Location name="MartinSex3"/>
 		<Location name="casino"/>
-		<Location name="mqroom"/>
 		<Location name="city_hotel"/>
 		<Location name="deckShuffle"/>
@@ -1028,7 +1052,7 @@
 		<Location name="city_redlight"/>
 		<Location name="bordel"/>
 		<Location name="bordelv"/>
-		<Location name="sexshop"/>
+		<Location name="shop_erotomaniac"/>
 		<Location name="stripclub"/>
 		<Location name="cfnm"/>
 		<Location name="stwork"/>
@@ -1048,6 +1072,7 @@
 	<Folder name="University">
 		<Location name="uni_grounds"/>
 		<Location name="uni_dorm"/>
+		<Location name="uni_dorm_events"/>
 		<Location name="uni_admin"/>
 		<Location name="uni_cafe"/>
 		<Location name="uni_library"/>
@@ -1095,6 +1120,7 @@
 		<Location name="therapist"/>
 		<Location name="therapist_reminder"/>
 		<Location name="therapist_hotel"/>
+		<Location name="therapist_home"/>
 		<Location name="gevent"/>
 		<Location name="pav_park"/>
 		<Location name="pav_park_sex"/>
@@ -1128,31 +1154,36 @@
 		<Location name="pav_beach_chat"/>
 	<Folder name="Gadyukino">
-		<Location name="gadhouse"/>
-		<Location name="grandmahelp"/>
-		<Location name="grandpahelp"/>
-		<Location name="gaddvor"/>
-		<Location name="gadsarai"/>
-		<Location name="gadbana"/>
+		<Location name="gad_gphouse"/>
+		<Location name="gp_elene"/>
+		<Location name="gp_elene_schedule"/>
+		<Location name="gp_zlatek"/>
+		<Location name="gp_zlatek_schedule"/>
+		<Location name="gad_gpchores"/>
+		<Location name="gad_gpyard"/>
+		<Location name="gad_gpbarn"/>
+		<Location name="gad_gpbath"/>
 		<Location name="gadukino"/>
 		<Location name="gadukino_event"/>
-		<Location name="gadriver"/>
-		<Location name="meadow"/>
-		<Location name="gadprostitutes"/>
-		<Location name="gadfield"/>
-		<Location name="gadgarden"/>
-		<Location name="gadmarket"/>
-		<Location name="gadroad"/>
-		<Location name="miroslavahome"/>
-		<Location name="gadforest"/>
-		<Location name="gadforest_event"/>
-		<Location name="gadforestlost"/>
+		<Location name="gad_river"/>
+		<Location name="gad_beach"/>
+		<Location name="gad_prostitutes"/>
+		<Location name="gad_field"/>
+		<Location name="gad_store"/>
+		<Location name="gad_road"/>
+		<Location name="gad_miroslava_home"/>
+		<Location name="gad_forest"/>
+		<Location name="gad_forest_events"/>
+		<Location name="gad_forest_lost"/>
+		<Location name="gad_meadow"/>
 		<Location name="gad_church"/>
-		<Location name="swamp"/>
-		<Location name="swamp_yard"/>
-		<Location name="swamphouse"/>
-		<Location name="swampspring"/>
-		<Location name="backwater"/>
+		<Location name="gad_market"/>
+		<Location name="gad_swamp"/>
+		<Location name="gad_swamp_yard"/>
+		<Location name="gad_swamphouse"/>
+		<Location name="gad_swampspring"/>
+		<Location name="gad_swamp_woods"/>
+		<Location name="gad_backwater"/>
 	<Folder name="Gadyukino Characters">
 		<Location name="hunters"/>
@@ -1161,7 +1192,6 @@
 		<Location name="hunter_ambient"/>
 		<Location name="hunter_favors"/>
 		<Location name="hunter_interactions"/>
-		<Location name="swamp_woods"/>
 		<Location name="andreihunter"/>
 		<Location name="igorhunter"/>
 		<Location name="sergeihunter"/>
@@ -1170,6 +1200,7 @@
 		<Location name="mitkabuh_group"/>
 		<Location name="mitkasex"/>
 		<Location name="miroslava"/>
+		<Location name="miroslava_schedule"/>
 		<Location name="mirasex"/>
 		<Location name="mirafather"/>
 		<Location name="grigory"/>
@@ -1221,8 +1252,8 @@
 		<Location name="avtonorm"/>
 		<Location name="avt"/>
 		<Location name="avb"/>
-		<Location name="zaprF"/>
-		<Location name="zaprFWash"/>
+		<Location name="fuelstation"/>
+		<Location name="fuelstation_carwash"/>
 		<Location name="abduction"/>
 		<Location name="abductionCustomer"/>
 		<Location name="autosalonF"/>
@@ -1233,8 +1264,8 @@
 	<Folder name="Quest">
 		<Location name="qwIzoldaApp"/>
-		<Location name="qwloc"/>
-		<Location name="qwmeet"/>
+		<Location name="vladimirQW_loc"/>
+		<Location name="vladimirQW_meet"/>
 	<Folder name="Game Menu">
 		<Location name="$menu_setting"/>
@@ -1282,8 +1313,6 @@
 		<Location name="hookup_after"/>
 	<Folder name="Misc">
-		<Location name="beg"/>
-		<Location name="beg1"/>
 		<Location name="housing"/>
 		<Location name="husb"/>
 		<Location name="husbSex"/>
@@ -1307,6 +1336,7 @@
 		<Location name="HotelRoom"/>
 		<Location name="hotel_anna"/>
 		<Location name="hotel_anna_gear"/>
+		<Location name="hotel_anna_sex"/>
 	<Folder name="Vasily">
 		<Location name="vasilyhome"/>
@@ -1337,10 +1367,9 @@
 		<Location name="rasputin_walkway"/>
 		<Location name="rasputin_show_bur"/>
 		<Location name="rasputin_show_var"/>
-		<Location name="exhibitionistshop"/>
+		<Location name="shop_exhibitionist"/>
 		<Location name="kseniyaQW"/>
-		<Location name="parks"/>
-		<Location name="lug"/>
+		<Location name="pushkin_parks"/>
 		<Location name="dibodi"/>
 		<Location name="city_suburbs"/>
 		<Location name="din_pav"/>
@@ -1356,12 +1385,6 @@
 		<Location name="koncepod"/>
 		<Location name="koncepod1"/>
-	<Folder name="crossfit_north">
-		<Location name="crossfit_north_box"/>
-		<Location name="crossfit_north_wod"/>
-		<Location name="crossfit_north_record"/>
-		<Location name="crossfit_north_girlmeet"/>
-	</Folder>
 	<Location name="LBZhouse"/>
 	<Location name="BanSexType"/>
 	<Folder name="Magic">
@@ -1378,19 +1401,24 @@
 	<Folder name="Ballet_career">
 		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_init"/>
 		<Location name="core_library"/>
-		<Location name="ballet_npc"/>
-		<Location name="npc_3501_init"/>
-		<Location name="npc_3510_init"/>
+		<Location name="npc_274_init"/>
+		<Location name="npc_283_init"/>
 		<Location name="maya_residence"/>
 		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_center"/>
 		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_res"/>
 		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_class"/>
 		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_evt"/>
 		<Location name="ballet_global_evt"/>
-		<Location name="ballet_secrets"/>
+		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_secrets"/>
 		<Location name="marlilnsky_theatre"/>
 		<Location name="pushkin_theatre"/>
-		<Location name="st_petersburg_canals"/>
+		<Location name="city_canals"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="npc_quests">
+		<Location name="quest_data_a274"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="beta_code">
+		<Location name="beta_journal_quests"/>
 	<Location name="cleanHTML"/>

+ 4 - 4

@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 	gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub', 'unknown', 'prostitution'
 	gs 'stat'
 	if klismaday ! daystart:
-		act 'Continue':gt'AnalPR','3'
+		act 'Continue':gt 'AnalPR', '3'
 		money += 2000
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 	'The man shouts angrily, "Get lost you whore... you''re lucky I''m letting you leave without beating you up! You can forget about your money!"'
 	act 'Leave quietly':gt $locSex, $metkaSex
-	act 'Insist he pays anyway':gt'AnalPR','4'
-	if pcs_intel >= 50:act 'Apologize and make amends':gt'AnalPR','5'
+	act 'Insist he pays anyway':gt 'AnalPR', '4'
+	if pcs_intel >= 50:act 'Apologize and make amends':gt 'AnalPR', '5'
 if $ARGS[0] = '4':
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '5':
 	'He then says, "Good enough. Lie down in the grass."'
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'unknown', 'prostitution'
 	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Let him fuck you':gt'AnalPR','6'
+	act 'Let him fuck you':gt 'AnalPR', '6'
 if $ARGS[0] = '6':

+ 124 - 94

@@ -2,18 +2,17 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
-        PC's appearance is updated regularly in stat.qsrc.
-        Note: A huge part of PC's appearance is from base appearance, which is updated once a day. Because it's
-        a global variable, it does not show in this function in particular, but it's used in 'CalcAppearance'
-    }
-	if pcs_makeup = 6 and bimbolevel >= 2: extra_supnatvnesh = 2*bimbolevel - 2
+		PC's appearance is updated regularly in stat.qsrc.
+		Note: A huge part of PC's appearance is from base appearance, which is updated once a day. Because it's
+		a global variable, it does not show in this function in particular, but it's used in 'CalcAppearance'
+	}
 	clothingBonus = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcClothingBonus')
 	accessoriesBonus = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcAccessoriesBonus', bonusZ, PShoQuality)
 	groomingBonus = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcGroomingBonus')
 	groomingPenalty = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcGroomingPenalty')
-	pcs_apprnc = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcAppearance', (supnatvnesh + extra_supnatvnesh))
-	Hotcat = func('AppearanceSystem', 'ConvertToHotcat')
+	pcs_apprnc = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcAppearance', supnatvnesh)
+	pcs_hotcat = func('AppearanceSystem', 'ConvertToHotcat', pcs_apprnc)
 	killvar 'clothingBonus'
 	killvar 'accessoriesBonus'
@@ -43,6 +42,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcFaceBonus':
 		eyelashesBonus = 0
 	elseif pcs_lashes = 1:
 		eyelashesBonus = 1
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 	elseif pcs_lashes = 2:
 		eyelashesBonus = 6
 	elseif pcs_lashes = 3:
@@ -53,46 +53,55 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcFaceBonus':
 		eyelashesBonus = 9
 		eyelashesBonus = 10
+	elseif pcs_lashes >= 2:
+		eyelashesBonus = pcs_lashes + 1
+>>>>>>> 6af3bb103cc93dca8524f56c2a75104978e92aff
 	eyelashesBonus = FUNC('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', eyelashesBonus)
 	!!	Setting Eye Size bonus
-	if pcs_eyesize = 1:
-		eyeSizeBonus = 1
+	if pcs_eyesize <= 1:
+		eyeSizeBonus = pcs_eyesize
 	elseif pcs_eyesize = 2:
 		eyeSizeBonus = 3
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 	elseif pcs_eyesize = 3:
 		eyeSizeBonus = 5
 		eyeSizeBonus = 5
+	else
+		eyeSizeBonus = 2
+>>>>>>> 6af3bb103cc93dca8524f56c2a75104978e92aff
 	eyeSizeBonus = FUNC('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', eyeSizeBonus)
 	!!	Setting the Lip size bonus
-	if pcs_lip = 0:
+	if pcs_lip <= 0:
 		lipBonus = -2
-	elseif pcs_lip = 1:
-		lipBonus = 0
-	elseif pcs_lip = 2:
-		lipBonus = 1
-	elseif pcs_lip = 3:
-		lipBonus = 3
+	elseif pcs_lip <= 2:
+		lipBonus = pcs_lip - 1
 		lipBonus = 3
 	lipBonus = FUNC('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', lipBonus)
 	result = eyelashesBonus + eyeSizeBonus + lipBonus
 if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcAttributeBonus':
-	tempAttributeBonus = (pcs_agil / 5) + (pcs_vital / 5)
+	tempAttributeBonus = (pcs_agil + pcs_vital) / 5
 	result = func('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', tempAttributeBonus)
 	killvar 'tempAttributeBonus'
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcVisibleAgePenalty':
+	if vidage < 20: tempAttributePenalty = (5*(20 - vidage) + 1) / 2
+>>>>>>> 6af3bb103cc93dca8524f56c2a75104978e92aff
 if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcTeethPenalty':
@@ -126,51 +135,52 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'SetBodyShapeBonus':
 			result = 8
+	! Succubus gets maximum appearance bonus
+	elseif succubusflag > 0:
+		result = func('body_structure', 'appearance_bonus', 22, 90)
 	!!Setting the pcs_apprnc bonus based on fat and strength
-		tempBodyShapeBonus = func('body_structure', 'appearance_bonus')
+		result = func('body_structure', 'appearance_bonus')
 		!!This modifies bodykoef for high or low pcs_mass['body'] values
-		if salocatnow = 0 or salocatnow >= 7:
-			tempBodyShapeBonus -= 8
-		elseif salocatnow = 1 or salocatnow = 6:
-			tempBodyShapeBonus -= 4
+		if pcs_mass['body'] < 8 or pcs_mass['body'] >= 98:
+			result -= 8
+		elseif pcs_mass['body'] < 23 or pcs_mass['body'] >= 83:
+			result -= 4
-		if bodyVars['vofat'] > 0: tempBodyShapeBonus -= bodyVars['vofat']
-		result = tempBodyShapeBonus
-		killvar 'tempBodyShapeBonus'
+		result -= max(0, bodyVars['vofat'])
 if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcClothingBonus':
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
-		if pcs_bmi >= 19 and pcs_bmi < 30:
+		if func('pcs_has_attr', 'OR', 'body_bmi_normal', 'body_bmi_overweight'):
 			! Healthy and overweight
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 			tempRevealing = 405
 			PCloQuality = 7
+			result = 15
+>>>>>>> 6af3bb103cc93dca8524f56c2a75104978e92aff
-			tempRevealing = 0
-			PCloQuality = 1
+			result = 0
-		if pcs_bmi < 19:
+		if func('pcs_has_attr', 'OR', 'body_bmi_starving', 'body_bmi_underweight'):
 			!Skinny and severely skinny
-			tempRevealing = ((400 - PXCloThinness) + (500 - PXCloTopCut) + (400 - PXCloBottomShortness))/2
-		elseif pcs_bmi >= 19 and pcs_bmi < 30:
+			tempRevealing = ((400 - PXCloThinness) + (500 - PXCloTopCut) + (400 - PXCloBottomShortness)) / 2
+		elseif func('pcs_has_attr', 'OR', 'body_bmi_normal', 'body_bmi_overweight'):
 			!Healthy and overweight
 			tempRevealing = (PXCloThinness + PXCloTopCut + PXCloBottomShortness)/2
-		elseif pcs_bmi >= 30:
+		else
 			!Moderately overweight and above
-			tempRevealing = ((400 - PXCloThinness) + (500 - PXCloTopCut) + (400 - PXCloBottomShortness)) * 3/4
+			tempRevealing = ((400 - PXCloThinness) + (500 - PXCloTopCut) + (400 - PXCloBottomShortness)) * 3 / 4
+		result = tempRevealing / 76 * PCloQuality
+		killvar 'tempRevealing'
-	result = tempRevealing/ 76 * PCloQuality
-	killvar 'tempRevealing'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcAccessoriesBonus':
@@ -178,6 +188,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcAccessoriesBonus':
 	shoesQualityBonus = ARGS[2] & !! PShoQuality
 	!!bonuses for certain underwear
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 	if PanQuality = 6:
 		pantyBonus = 4
 	elseif PanQuality = 5:
@@ -196,6 +207,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcAccessoriesBonus':
 		braBonus = 2
 		braBonus = 4
+	if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
+		if PPanQuality => 4:
+			pantyBonus = PPanQuality - 2
+		else
+			pantyBonus = PPanQuality - 1
+		end
+	end
+	if $braworntype ! 'none':
+		if PBraQuality => 4:
+			braBonus = PBraQuality - 2
+		else
+			braBonus = PBraQuality - 1
+		end
+>>>>>>> 6af3bb103cc93dca8524f56c2a75104978e92aff
 	result = coatQualityBonus + shoesQualityBonus + pantyBonus + braBonus
@@ -209,34 +236,41 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcGroomingBonus':
 	makeupBonus = pcs_makupskl/5 - 5
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 	if pcs_makeup = 0: makeupBonus = -5
 	if pcs_makeup = 1: makeupBonus = 0
 	if pcs_makeup = 5: makeupBonus = 30
 	if pcs_makeup = 6: makeupBonus = 50
 	breathBonus = pcs_breath * 5
+	if pcs_makeup = 0:
+		makeupBonus = -5
+	elseif pcs_makeup = 1:
+		makeupBonus = 0
+	elseif pcs_makeup = 5:
+		makeupBonus = 30
+	elseif pcs_makeup = 6 and bimbolevel >= 2:
+		makeupBonus += 2 * (bimbolevel - 1)
+	elseif pcs_makeup = 7:
+		makeupBonus += pcs_makeupskl / 10 - 50
+	end
-	tempGroomingBonus = makeupBonus + breathBonus
+	breathBonus = 5 * pcs_breath
+>>>>>>> 6af3bb103cc93dca8524f56c2a75104978e92aff
-	!result = tempGroomingBonus
-	result = func('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', tempGroomingBonus)
+	result = func('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', makeupBonus + breathBonus)
+	killvar 'breathBonus'
+	killvar 'makeupBonus'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcGroomingPenalty':
-	if pcs_lipbalm > 0:
-		lipBalmPenalty = 0
-	else
-		lipBalmPenalty = 5
-	end
+	if pcs_lipbalm <= 0: lipBalmPenalty = 5
 	hairPenalty = (1 - pcs_hairbsh) * 10
 	!! buzzcut penalty to pcs_apprnc
-	if pcs_hairlng < 10:
-		buzzCutPenalty = 10
-	else
-		buzzCutPenalty = 0
-	end
+	if pcs_hairlng < 10: buzzCutPenalty = 10
 	!!Small penalty for not wearing deodorant, if pcs_sweat is low enough
 	if deodorant_on = 0 or pcs_sweat >= 20: deodorantPenalty = 5
@@ -252,11 +286,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcGroomingPenalty':
 	!Glasses Penalty
-	if glass >= 2 or glass = 0:
-		glassesPenalty = 0
-	elseif glass = 1:
-		glassesPenalty = 10
-	end
+	if glass = 1: glassesPenalty = 10
 	!hair color fade penalty
 	if pcs_haircol ! nathcol:
@@ -265,15 +295,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcGroomingPenalty':
 	! Leg hair penalty
-	if pcs_leghair <= 0:
-		legPenalty = 0
-	elseif pcs_leghair <= 3:
-		legPenalty = 3
-	elseif pcs_leghair <= 6:
-		legPenalty = 6
-	else
-		legPenalty = 9
-	end
+	legPenalty = max(0, min(3 * (pcs_leghair / 3), 9))
 	result = sweatPenalty + glassesPenalty + hairDyePenalty + buzzCutPenalty + legPenalty + lipBalmPenalty + hairPenalty + deodorantPenalty
@@ -293,32 +315,37 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcAppearance':
 	temp_apprnc = pcs_apprncbase + clothingBonus + accessoriesBonus + groomingBonus - groomingPenalty
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 	if temp_apprnc >= 250: temp_apprnc = 250
 	if temp_apprnc < 0: temp_apprnc = 0
+>>>>>>> 6af3bb103cc93dca8524f56c2a75104978e92aff
 	!Any super natural bonuses are allowed to go above the max scale
-	result = temp_apprnc + superNaturalBonus
+	result = max(0, min(temp_apprnc, 200)) + superNaturalBonus
+	killvar 'temp_apprnc'
+	killvar 'superNaturalBonus'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ConvertToHotcat':
-	if pcs_apprnc <= 40:
+	if ARGS[1] <= 40:
 		result = 1
-	elseif pcs_apprnc <= 60:
+	elseif ARGS[1] <= 60:
 		result = 2
-	elseif pcs_apprnc <= 80:
+	elseif ARGS[1] <= 80:
 		result = 3
-	elseif pcs_apprnc <= 100:
+	elseif ARGS[1] <= 100:
 		result = 4
-	elseif pcs_apprnc <= 125:
+	elseif ARGS[1] <= 125:
 		result = 5
-	elseif pcs_apprnc <= 150:
+	elseif ARGS[1] <= 150:
 		result = 6
-	elseif pcs_apprnc <= 165:
+	elseif ARGS[1] <= 165:
 		result = 7
-	elseif pcs_apprnc <= 180:
+	elseif ARGS[1] <= 180:
 		result = 8
-	elseif pcs_apprnc <= 199:
+	elseif ARGS[1] <= 199:
 		result = 9
 		result = 10
@@ -328,33 +355,36 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'AdjustFromBMI':
 	tempValue = ARGS[1] & !!value to be adjusted
-	if pcs_bmi < 16:
+	temp_bs_class = func('body_structure', 'get_class')
+	if temp_bs_class < 100:
 		!! severely underweight
-		tempValue = tempValue * 50 / 100
-    elseif pcs_bmi < 19:
+		result = tempValue * 50 / 100
+	elseif temp_bs_class < 200:
 		!! underweight
-		tempValue = tempValue * 95 / 100
-    elseif pcs_bmi < 25:
+		result = tempValue * 95 / 100
+	elseif temp_bs_class < 400:
 		!! healthy weight
 		!! normal bonus
-    elseif pcs_bmi < 30:
+		result = tempValue
+	elseif temp_bs_class < 500:
 		!! overweight
-		tempValue = tempValue * 95 / 100
-    elseif pcs_bmi < 35:
+		result = tempValue * 95 / 100
+	elseif temp_bs_class < 600:
 		!! moderately obese
-		tempValue = tempValue * 80 / 100
-    elseif pcs_bmi < 40:
+		result = tempValue * 80 / 100
+	elseif temp_bs_class < 700:
 		!! severely obese
-		tempValue = tempValue * 55 / 100
-    elseif pcs_bmi < 45:
+		result = tempValue * 55 / 100
+	elseif temp_bs_class < 800:
 		!! very severely obese
-		tempValue = tempValue * 50 / 100
-    else
+		result = tempValue * 50 / 100
+	else
 		!!morbidly obese
-		tempValue = tempValue * 40 / 100
-    end
+		result = tempValue * 40 / 100
+	end
-	result = tempValue
 	killvar 'tempValue'
+	killvar 'temp_bs_class'
 --- AppearanceSystem ---------------------------------

+ 64 - 64

@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
 # BDman
 if $ARGS[0] = 'givi':
 	!!stopboy = 0
-	gs 'boyStat', 'A41'
-	$boybody = 'small'
-	$boybod = 'thick'
-	$boyface = 'bald'
+	gs 'npcStat', 'A41'
+	$npcheight = 'small'
+	$npcbuild = 'thick'
+	$npchair = 'bald'
 	!!security, is responsible for the money and requirements 0 beggar, 1 middle_peasant 2 rich
 	finance = 2
 	!!check in appearance, a parameter pcs_apprnc
 	vneshBoy = 40
-	$boyClo = 'dressed in a leather jacket and cap'
+	$npcClo = 'a leather jacket and cap'
 	!!0 - ass less 80, 1 back from 80 prior_to 100, 2 ass over 100
 	figurBoy = 2
 	!!0 - chest less 3, 1 breast 3-4, 2 breasts bigger 4
 	titBoy = 1
 	!!favorite hair color 0 - black, 1 - brown, 2 - redhead, 3 - blonde
 	hairBoy = 3
-	!!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor
-	harakBoy = 2
+	!!character: npc_gentle=1 - soft; norm ; npc_rough=1 - aggressor
+	npc_rough[$boy] = 1
-	izvrat = 1
+	npc_pervert[$boy] = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ashot':
 	!!stopboy = 0
-	gs 'boyStat', 'A42'
-	$boybody = 'average growth'
-	$boybod = 'muscular'
-	$boyface = 'black-haired'
+	gs 'npcStat', 'A42'
+	$npcheight = 'average growth'
+	$npcbuild = 'muscular'
+	$npchair = 'black'
 	!!security, is responsible for the money and requirements 0 beggar, 1 middle_peasant 2 rich
 	finance = 1
 	!!check in appearance, a parameter pcs_apprnc
 	vneshBoy = 60
-	$boyClo = 'dressed in a leather jacket and cap'
+	$npcClo = 'a leather jacket and cap'
 	!!0 - ass less 80, 1 back from 80 prior_to 100, 2 ass over 100
 	figurBoy = 2
 	!!0 - chest less 3, 1 breast 3-4, 2 breasts bigger 4
 	titBoy = 2
 	!!favorite hair color 0 - black, 1 - brown, 2 - redhead, 3 - blonde
 	hairBoy = 3
-	!!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor
-	harakBoy = 2
+	!!character: npc_gentle=1 - soft; norm ; npc_rough=1 - aggressor
+	npc_rough[$boy] = 1
-	izvrat = 1
+	npc_pervert[$boy] = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'arthur':
 	!!stopboy = 0
-	gs 'boyStat', 'A73'
-	$boybody = 'average growth'
-	$boybod = 'muscular'
-	$boyface = 'black-haired'
+	gs 'npcStat', 'A73'
+	$npcheight = 'average growth'
+	$npcbuild = 'muscular'
+	$npchair = 'black'
 	!!security, is responsible for the money and requirements 0 beggar, 1 middle_peasant 2 rich
 	finance = 2
 	!!check in appearance, a parameter pcs_apprnc
 	vneshBoy = 100
-	$boyClo = 'dressed in a leather jacket and cap'
+	$npcClo = 'a leather jacket and cap'
 	!!0 - ass less 80, 1 back from 80 prior_to 100, 2 ass over 100
 	figurBoy = 2
 	!!0 - chest less 3, 1 breast 3-4, 2 breasts bigger 4
 	titBoy = 2
 	!!favorite hair color 0 - black, 1 - brown, 2 - redhead, 3 - blonde
 	hairBoy = 3
-	!!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor
-	harakBoy = 2
+	!!character: npc_gentle=1 - soft; norm ; npc_rough=1 - aggressor
+	npc_rough[$boy] = 1
-	izvrat = 1
+	npc_pervert[$boy] = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'abdula':
 	!!stopboy = 0
-	gs 'boyStat', 'A91'
-	$boybody = 'long'
-	$boybod = 'skinny'
-	$boyface = 'gray'
+	gs 'npcStat', 'A91'
+	$npcheight = 'long'
+	$npcbuild = 'skinny'
+	$npchair = 'gray'
 	!!security, is responsible for the money and requirements 0 beggar, 1 middle_peasant 2 rich
 	finance = 2
 	!!check in appearance, a parameter pcs_apprnc
 	vneshBoy = 100
-	$boyClo = 'dressed in a leather jacket and cap'
+	$npcClo = 'a leather jacket and cap'
 	!!0 - ass less 80, 1 back from 80 prior_to 100, 2 ass over 100
 	figurBoy = 2
 	!!0 - chest less 3, 1 breast 3-4, 2 breasts bigger 4
 	titBoy = 2
 	!!favorite hair color 0 - black, 1 - brown, 2 - redhead, 3 - blonde
 	hairBoy = 3
-	!!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor
-	harakBoy = 2
+	!!character: npc_gentle=1 - soft; norm ; npc_rough=1 - aggressor
+	npc_rough[$boy] = 1
-	izvrat = 1
+	npc_pervert[$boy] = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'hasan':
 	!!stopboy = 0
-	gs 'boyStat', 'A92'
-	$boybody = 'average growth'
-	$boybod = 'abdominous'
-	$boyface = 'black-haired'
+	gs 'npcStat', 'A92'
+	$npcheight = 'average growth'
+	$npcbuild = 'abdominous'
+	$npchair = 'black'
 	!!security, is responsible for the money and requirements 0 beggar, 1 middle_peasant 2 rich
 	finance = 2
 	!!check in appearance, a parameter pcs_apprnc
 	vneshBoy = 100
-	$boyClo = 'dressed in a leather jacket and cap'
+	$npcClo = 'a leather jacket and cap'
 	!!0 - ass less 80, 1 back from 80 prior_to 100, 2 ass over 100
 	figurBoy = 2
 	!!0 - chest less 3, 1 breast 3-4, 2 breasts bigger 4
 	titBoy = 2
 	!!favorite hair color 0 - black, 1 - brown, 2 - redhead, 3 - blonde
 	hairBoy = 3
-	!!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor
-	harakBoy = 2
+		!!character: npc_gentle=1 - soft; norm ; npc_rough=1 - aggressor
+	npc_rough[$boy] = 1
-	izvrat = 1
+	npc_pervert[$boy] = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'kamil':
 	!!stopboy = 0
-	gs 'boyStat', 'A97'
-	$boybody = 'average growth'
-	$boybod = 'thin'
-	$boyface = 'black-haired'
+	gs 'npcStat', 'A97'
+	$npcheight = 'average growth'
+	$npcbuild = 'thin'
+	$npchair = 'black'
 	!!security, is responsible for the money and requirements 0 beggar, 1 middle_peasant 2 rich
 	finance = 2
 	!!check in appearance, a parameter pcs_apprnc
 	vneshBoy = 100
-	$boyClo = 'dressed in a leather jacket and cap'
+	$npcClo = 'a leather jacket and cap'
 	!!0 - ass less 80, 1 back from 80 prior_to 100, 2 ass over 100
 	figurBoy = 2
 	!!0 - chest less 3, 1 breast 3-4, 2 breasts bigger 4
 	titBoy = 2
 	!!favorite hair color 0 - black, 1 - brown, 2 - redhead, 3 - blonde
 	hairBoy = 3
-	!!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor
-	harakBoy = 2
+	!!character: npc_gentle=1 - soft; norm ; npc_rough=1 - aggressor
+	npc_rough[$boy] = 1
-	izvrat = 1
+	npc_pervert[$boy] = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'aslan':
 	!!stopboy = 0
-	gs 'boyStat', 'A98'
-	$boybody = 'small'
-	$boybod = 'thin'
-	$boyface = 'black-haired'
+	gs 'npcStat', 'A98'
+	$npcheight = 'small'
+	$npcbuild = 'thin'
+	$npchair = 'black'
 	!!security, is responsible for the money and requirements 0 beggar, 1 middle_peasant 2 rich
 	finance = 2
 	!!check in appearance, a parameter pcs_apprnc
 	vneshBoy = 100
-	$boyClo = 'dressed in a leather jacket and cap'
+	$npcClo = 'a leather jacket and cap'
 	!!0 - ass less 80, 1 back from 80 prior_to 100, 2 ass over 100
 	figurBoy = 2
 	!!0 - chest less 3, 1 breast 3-4, 2 breasts bigger 4
 	titBoy = 2
 	!!favorite hair color 0 - black, 1 - brown, 2 - redhead, 3 - blonde
 	hairBoy = 3
-	!!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor
-	harakBoy = 2
+	!!character: npc_gentle=1 - soft; norm ; npc_rough=1 - aggressor
+	npc_rough[$boy] = 1
-	izvrat = 1
+	npc_pervert[$boy] = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'muhtar':
 	!!stopboy = 0
-	gs 'boyStat', 'A99'
-	$boybody = 'small'
-	$boybod = 'thick'
-	$boyface = 'black-haired'
+	gs 'npcStat', 'A99'
+	$npcheight = 'small'
+	$npcbuild = 'thick'
+	$npchair = 'black'
 	!!security, is responsible for the money and requirements 0 beggar, 1 middle_peasant 2 rich
 	finance = 2
 	!!check in appearance, a parameter pcs_apprnc
 	vneshBoy = 100
-	$boyClo = 'dressed in a leather jacket and cap'
+	$npcClo = 'a leather jacket and cap'
 	!!0 - ass less 80, 1 back from 80 prior_to 100, 2 ass over 100
 	figurBoy = 2
 	!!0 - chest less 3, 1 breast 3-4, 2 breasts bigger 4
 	titBoy = 2
 	!!favorite hair color 0 - black, 1 - brown, 2 - redhead, 3 - blonde
 	hairBoy = 3
-	!!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor
-	harakBoy = 2
+	!!character: npc_gentle=1 - soft; norm ; npc_rough=1 - aggressor
+	npc_rough[$boy] = 1
-	izvrat = 1
+	npc_pervert[$boy] = 1
 --- BDman ---------------------------------

+ 219 - 215

@@ -7,114 +7,114 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	!!gs 'BDsex', 'start'
 	if NoGuy = 0:guy += 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/pet/petting1.jpg"></center>'
-	if harakBoy = 0:
-		'<<$boydesc>> hugs you and gently caresses your breasts.'
+	if npc_gentle[$npcID] = 1:
+		'<<$npcdesc>> hugs you and gently caresses your breasts.'
 		gs 'willpower', 'cuni', 'force'
 		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
 			act 'Order him to lick you (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'force' & gt 'BDsex', 'kuni'
 			act 'Order him to lick you (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
-		end	
-		act 'Stroke his cock':gt 'BDsex', 'hj'
-		act 'Suck his dick':gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
-		act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-		act 'Go on all fours':gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
-		act 'Do anal':gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
-	elseif harakBoy = 1:
-		'<<$boydesc>> skillfully caresses your breasts.'
+		end
+		act 'Stroke his cock': gt 'BDsex', 'hj'
+		act 'Suck his dick': gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
+		act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+		act 'Go on all fours': gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
+		act 'Do anal': gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
+	elseif npc_rough[$npcID] = 0:
+		'<<$npcdesc>> skillfully caresses your breasts.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
 		gs 'stat'
 		if rand(0, 100) < 70:
-			'<<$boydesc>> strokes and caresses your pussy with his fingers.'
+			'<<$npcdesc>> strokes and caresses your pussy with his fingers.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', -5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
-			if rand(0, 2) < 2:
-				'<<$boydesc>> moves to lay you down on your back.'
+			if rand(0, 2) ! 0:
+				'<<$npcdesc>> moves to lay you down on your back.'
-				act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+				act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-				'<<$boydesc>> turns you face down.'
+				'<<$npcdesc>> turns you face down.'
-				act 'Stand on all fours':gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
+				act 'Stand on all fours': gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
-			act 'Suck him':gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
+			act 'Suck him': gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
-			'<<$boydesc>> asks you to suck his cock.'
+			'<<$npcdesc>> asks you to suck his cock.'
-			act 'Stroke his cock':gt 'BDsex', 'hj'
-			act 'Take by mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
-			act 'Tell him you prefer to lay down and happily spreading your legs for him':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+			act 'Stroke his cock': gt 'BDsex', 'hj'
+			act 'Take by mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
+			act 'Tell him you prefer to lay down and happily spread your legs for him': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-	elseif harakBoy = 2:
-		'<<$boydesc>> hugs you and passionately caress your breasts.'
+	else
+		'<<$npcdesc>> hugs you and passionately caresses your breasts.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
 		gs 'stat'
-		tmpbrand = rand(0, 100)
+		temp_rand = rand(0, 100)
-		if tmpbrand < 70:
-			'<<$boydesc>> caresses your pussy with his fingers.'
+		if temp_rand < 70:
+			'<<$npcdesc>> caresses your pussy with his fingers.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', -5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
-			killvar 'tmpbrand'
-			if rand(0, 2) < 2:
-				'<<$boydesc>> moves to lay you down on your back.'
+			if rand(0, 2) ! 0:
+				'<<$npcdesc>> moves to lay you down on your back.'
-				act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+				act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-				'<<$boydesc>> turns you around.'
+				'<<$npcdesc>> turns you around.'
-				act 'Go on all fours':gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
+				act 'Go on all fours': gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
-		elseif tmpbrand >= 70 and tmpbrand < 90:
-			'<<$boydesc>> grabs the back of your head and pulls you to face his penis.'
-			killvar 'tmpbrand'
+		elseif temp_rand >= 70 and temp_rand < 90:
+			'<<$npcdesc>> grabs the back of your head and pulls you to face his penis.'
-			act 'Take by mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
+			act 'Take by mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
 			gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'resist', 'easy'
-			if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
-				act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' & gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-				act 'Stand on all fours (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' & gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
-			else
+			if pcs_willpwr < will_cost:
 				act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
 				act 'Stand on all fours (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
+			else
+				act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' & gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+				act 'Stand on all fours (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' & gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
-		elseif tmpbrand >= 90:
-			killvar 'tmpbrand'
-			'<<$boydesc>> tells you that he wants to take you in the ass.'
+		elseif temp_rand >= 90:
+			'<<$npcdesc>> tells you that he wants to take you in the ass.'
-			act 'Do anal':gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
+			act 'Do anal': gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
 			gs 'willpower', 'anal', 'resist', 'easy'
-			if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
-				act '"I do not want to!" Lie on your back and spread your legs (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'anal', 'resist', 'easy' & gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' & gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-				act '"I''ll do it doggy style, but not in the ass!" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'anal', 'resist', 'easy' & gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' & gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
-			else
+			if pcs_willpwr < will_cost:
 				act '"I do not want to!" Lie on your back and spread your legs (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
 				act '"I''ll do it doggy style, but not in the ass!" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
+			else
+				act '"I do not want to!" Lie on your back and spread your legs (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'anal', 'resist', 'easy' & gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' & gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+				act '"I''ll do it doggy style, but not in the ass!" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'anal', 'resist', 'easy' & gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' & gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
 			gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'force'
-			if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
-				act 'Take him into your mouth (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'force' & gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'force' & gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
-			else
+			if pcs_willpwr < will_cost:
 				act 'Take him into your mouth (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
+			else
+				act 'Take him into your mouth (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'force' & gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'force' & gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
+		killvar 'temp_rand'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'kuni':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/kuni/kuni.jpg"></center>'
 	'You undress and lay on the bed, bringing his face to your pussy.'
-	'<<$boydesc>> lays down between your legs and begins to work his tongue across your pussy.'
+	'<<$npcdesc>> lays down between your legs and begins to work his tongue across your pussy.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 10, 'dom'
 	gs 'stat'
 	if pcs_horny >= 90:
@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'kuni':
 		$orgasm_or = 'custom'
 		gs 'stat'
-		'His tongue work is exciting, but after awhile, you begin to grow bored.'
+		'His tongue work is exciting, but After a while, you begin to grow bored.'
-	act 'Stroke his cock':gt 'BDsex', 'hj'
-	act 'Take by mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
-	act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-	act 'Go on all fours':gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
-	act 'Do anal':gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
+	act 'Stroke his cock': gt 'BDsex', 'hj'
+	act 'Take by mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
+	act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+	act 'Go on all fours': gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
+	act 'Do anal': gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
@@ -141,22 +141,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'BDsex', 'org'
-	if harakBoy > 0:
+	if npc_gentle[$npcID] = 0:
 		if rand(0, 10) >= 8:
-			'Suddenly <<$boydesc>> pulls out of you and takes you by the shoulders, guiding you to your knees before him.'
+			'Suddenly <<$npcdesc>> pulls out of you and takes you by the shoulders, guiding you to your knees before him.'
-			act 'Take it on the face':gt 'BDsex', 'facial'
-			act 'Open your mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'swallow'
+			act 'Take it on the face': gt 'BDsex', 'facial'
+			act 'Open your mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'swallow'
-	if harakBoy = 2:
+	if npc_rough[$npcID] = 1:
 		if rand(0, 10) >= 8:
-			'Suddenly <<$boydesc>> pulls his member out and begins to fondle your ass, preparing it for penetration.'
+			'Suddenly <<$npcdesc>> pulls his member out and begins to fondle your ass, preparing it for penetration.'
-			act 'Do anal':gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
+			act 'Do anal': gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 	gs 'BDsex', 'cum'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'BDsex', 'end'
+	act 'Leave': gt 'BDsex', 'end'
@@ -176,22 +176,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex2':
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'BDsex', 'org'
-	if harakBoy > 0:
+	if npc_gentle[$npcID] = 0:
 		if rand(0, 10) >= 8:
-			'Suddenly <<$boydesc>> pulls out of you and takes you by the shoulders, guiding you to your knees before him.'
+			'Suddenly <<$npcdesc>> pulls out of you and takes you by the shoulders, guiding you to your knees before him.'
-			act 'Take it on the face':gt 'BDsex', 'facial'
-			act 'Open mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'swallow'
+			act 'Take it on the face': gt 'BDsex', 'facial'
+			act 'Open mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'swallow'
-	if harakBoy = 2:
+	if npc_rough[$npcID] = 1:
 		if rand(0, 10) >= 8:
-			'Suddenly <<$boydesc>> withdraws and begins to fondle your ass, preparing it for penetration.'
+			'Suddenly <<$npcdesc>> withdraws and begins to fondle your ass, preparing it for penetration.'
-			act 'Anal':gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
+			act 'Anal': gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex2':
 	gs 'BDsex', 'cum'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'BDsex', 'end'
+	act 'Leave': gt 'BDsex', 'end'
@@ -228,19 +228,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'anal2':
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'bdsex', 'an'
-	if harakBoy > 0:
+	if npc_gentle[$npcID] = 0:
 		if rand(0, 10) >= 8:
-			'Suddenly <<$boydesc>> pulls out of you and takes you by the shoulders, guiding you to your knees before him.'
+			'Suddenly <<$npcdesc>> pulls out of you and takes you by the shoulders, guiding you to your knees before him.'
-			act 'Take it on the face':gt 'BDsex', 'facial'
-			act 'Open mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'swallow'
+			act 'Take it on the face': gt 'BDsex', 'facial'
+			act 'Open mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'swallow'
 	gs 'bdsex', 'ancum'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'BDsex', 'end'
+	act 'Leave': gt 'BDsex', 'end'
@@ -259,72 +259,71 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hj':
 	gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5
 	gs 'stat'
-	if rand(0, 100) >= 75:
-		if harakBoy = 0:
-			'<<$boydesc>> moans, "I''m going to come."'
+	if rand(0, 100) < 75:
+		'<<$npcdesc>> Now finish.'
+		act 'Take it on the face': gt 'BDsex', 'facial'
+		act 'Open mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'swallow'
+	else
+		if npc_gentle[$npcID] = 1:
+			'<<$npcdesc>> moans, "I''m going to come."'
 			act 'Let ends':
-				cla
-				*clr
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/handjob/hand2.jpg"></center>'
 				if protect = 1:
 					gs 'cum_manage'
 					protect = 0
 					if sexcontra = 4:
-						'<<$boydesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his hot and sticky cum, and then a slimy feeling. You realize that the condom burst.'
+						'<<$npcdesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his hot and sticky cum, and then a slimy feeling. You realize that the condom burst.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
 						gs 'stat'
 					elseif sexcontra = 5:
-						'<<$boydesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his hot and sticky cum. As he pulls out, you feel a ghostly sensation, as if he didn''t come all the way out. Looking down, you see his bare dick.'
+						'<<$npcdesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his hot and sticky cum. As he pulls out, you feel a ghostly sensation, as if he didn''t come all the way out. Looking down, you see his bare dick.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
 						gs 'stat'
-						'<<$boydesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his hot and sticky cum.'
+						'<<$npcdesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his hot and sticky cum.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
 						gs 'stat'
 					sexcontra = 0
-					'<<$boydesc>> finishes, covering your hands in his hot and sticky cum.'
+					'<<$npcdesc>> finishes, covering your hands in his hot and sticky cum.'
 					spafinloc = 13
 					sexpartkno = 1
 					gs 'cum_manage'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'BDsex', 'end'
+				act 'Leave': gt 'BDsex', 'end'
-			act 'Take by mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
-			act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-		elseif harakBoy = 1:
-			'<<$boydesc>> groans, "<<$pcs_nickname>> take my cock in your mouth or let me fuck you!"'
-			act 'Take by mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
-			act 'Lie on your back and spread her legs ':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-		else
+			act 'Take by mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
+			act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+		elseif npc_rough[$npcID] = 1:
 			tmpbrand = rand(0, 100)
 			if tmpbrand < 70:
-				'<<$boydesc>> caresses your pussy with his fingers.'
+				'<<$npcdesc>> caresses your pussy with his fingers.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', -5, 'sub'
 				gs 'stat'
 				killvar 'tmpbrand'
 				if rand(0, 2) < 2:
-					'<<$boydesc>> attempts to lay you down on your back.'
+					'<<$npcdesc>> attempts to lay you down on your back.'
-					act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+					act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-					'<<$boydesc>> turns you around.'
+					'<<$npcdesc>> turns you around.'
-					act 'Stand on all fours':gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
+					act 'Stand on all fours': gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
 			elseif tmpbrand >= 70 and tmpbrand < 80:
-				'<<$boydesc>> tells you that he wants your ass.'
+				'<<$npcdesc>> tells you that he wants your ass.'
 				killvar 'tmpbrand'
-				act 'Anal':gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
+				act 'Anal': gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
 				gs 'willpower', 'anal', 'resist', 'easy'
 				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -341,17 +340,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hj':
 					act 'Take him into your mouth (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
 			elseif tmpbrand >= 80:
-				'<<$boydesc>> forces your face down on his member.'
+				'<<$npcdesc>> forces your face down on his member.'
 				killvar 'tmpbrand'
-				act 'Take by mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
+				act 'Take by mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
-		end
-	else
-		'<<$boydesc>> Now finish.'
-		act 'Take it on the face':gt 'BDsex', 'facial'
-		act 'Open mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'swallow'
+		else
+			'<<$npcdesc>> groans, "<<$pcs_nickname>> take my cock in your mouth or let me fuck you!"'
+			act 'Take by mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'minet'
+			act 'Lie on your back and spread her legs ': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+		end
@@ -362,55 +362,79 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'minet':
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'bdsex', 'autobj'
-	if rand(0, 100) >= 75:
-		if harakBoy = 0:
-			'<<$boydesc>> moans, "I''m going to come."'
+	if rand(0, 100) < 75:
+		'<<$npcdesc>> Now finish.'
+		act 'Take it on the face': gt 'BDsex', 'facial'
+		act 'Open mouth': gt 'BDsex', 'swallow'
+		if npc_gentle[$npcID] = 1:
 			act 'In the palm of your hand':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/handjob/hand2.jpg"></center>'
 				if protect = 1:
-					'<<$boydesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his cum.'
+					'<<$npcdesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his cum.'
 					protect = 0
 					sexcontra = 0
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
-					'<<$boydesc>> finished all over your hands covering them in hot and sticky cum.'
+					'<<$npcdesc>> finished all over your hands covering them in hot and sticky cum.'
 					spafinloc = 13
 					sexpartkno = 1
 					gs 'cum_manage'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'BDsex', 'end'
+				act 'Leave': gt 'BDsex', 'end'
+		end
+	else
+		if npc_gentle[$npcID] = 1:
+			'<<$npcdesc>> moans, "I''m going to come."'
-			act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-		elseif harakBoy = 1:
-			'<<$boydesc>> groans, "<<$pcs_nickname>> take my cock in your mouth or let me fuck you!"'
+			act 'In the palm of your hand':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/handjob/hand2.jpg"></center>'
+				if protect = 1:
+					'<<$npcdesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his cum.'
+					protect = 0
+					sexcontra = 0
+					gs 'arousal', 'end'
+					gs 'stat'
+				else
+					'<<$npcdesc>> finished all over your hands covering them in hot and sticky cum.'
+					spafinloc = 13
+					sexpartkno = 1
+					gs 'cum_manage'
+					gs 'arousal', 'end'
+					gs 'stat'
+				end
+				act 'Leave': gt 'BDsex', 'end'
+			end
-			act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-		else
+			act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+		elseif npc_rough[$npcID] = 1:
 			if rand(0, 100) < 70:
-				'<<$boydesc>> caresses your pussy with his fingers.'
+				'<<$npcdesc>> caresses your pussy with his fingers.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', -10, 'sub'
 				gs 'stat'
 				if rand(0, 2) < 2:
-					'<<$boydesc>> tries to lay you down on your back.'
+					'<<$npcdesc>> tries to lay you down on your back.'
-					act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ':gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
+					act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
-					'<<$boydesc>> turns you around.'
+					'<<$npcdesc>> turns you around.'
-					act 'Stand on all fours':gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
+					act 'Stand on all fours': gt 'BDsex', 'sex2'
-				'<<$boydesc>> tells you that he wants your ass.'
+				'<<$npcdesc>> tells you that he wants your ass.'
-				act 'Anal':gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
+				act 'Anal': gt 'BDsex', 'anal2'
 				gs 'willpower', 'anal', 'resist', 'easy'
 				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -421,44 +445,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'minet':
 					act '"I''ll do it doggy style, but not in the ass!" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
-		end
-	else
-		'<<$boydesc>> Now finish.'
-		act 'Take it on the face':gt 'BDsex', 'facial'
-		act 'Open mouth':gt 'BDsex', 'swallow'
+		else
+			'<<$npcdesc>> groans, "<<$pcs_nickname>> take my cock in your mouth or let me fuck you!"'
-		if harakBoy = 0:
-			act 'In the palm of your hand':
-				cla
-				*clr
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/handjob/hand2.jpg"></center>'
-				if protect = 1:
-					'<<$boydesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his cum.'
-					protect = 0
-					sexcontra = 0
-					gs 'arousal', 'end'
-					gs 'stat'
-				else
-					'<<$boydesc>> finished all over your hands covering them in hot and sticky cum.'
-					spafinloc = 13
-					sexpartkno = 1
-					gs 'cum_manage'
-					gs 'arousal', 'end'
-					gs 'stat'
-				end
-				act 'Leave':gt 'BDsex', 'end'
-			end
+			act 'Lie on your back and spread your legs ': gt 'BDsex', 'sex'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'facial':
 	minut += 3
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/facial/facial<<rand(11, 15)>>.jpg"></center>'
 	if protect = 1:
-		'<<$boydesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his cum.'
+		'<<$npcdesc>> finishes, filling the condom with his cum.'
 		protect = 0
 		sexcontra = 0
@@ -468,22 +468,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'facial':
 		gs 'cum_manage'
 	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Brush up':gt 'BDsex', 'end'
+	act 'Brush up': gt 'BDsex', 'end'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'swallow':
 	minut += 3
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/mouth/cum<<rand(20, 29)>>.jpg"></center>'
 	if protect = 1:
-		'<<$boydesc>> finishes, and you feel the condom balloon up in your mouth.'
+		'<<$npcdesc>> finishes, and you feel the condom balloon up in your mouth.'
 		protect = 0
 		sexcontra = 0
 		'Thick jets of sharply smelling sperm fill your mouth.'
-		gs 'cum_call', 'mouth_swallow', $boy, 1
+		gs 'cum_call', 'mouth_swallow', $npcID, 1
 	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Brush up':gt 'BDsex', 'end'
+	act 'Brush up': gt 'BDsex', 'end'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 	if BDcafe = 1:
 		BDcafe = 0
-		act 'Leave':gt 'city_residential'
+		act 'Leave': gt 'city_residential'
 	elseif Yuri_sex = 1:
 		Yuri_sex = 0
 		cumspclnt = 4
@@ -499,27 +499,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'Yuri lets you have a quick shower and dress before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.'
 		if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'city_industrial'
-	elseif $boydesc = 'Michael N.':
+		act 'Leave': gt 'city_industrial'
+	elseif $npcdesc = 'Michael N.':
 		act 'Leave':dynamic $brodilr
 	elseif InYouHome = 1:
 		InYouHome = 0
-		'<<$boydesc>> politely says goodbye and leaves.'
+		'<<$npcdesc>> politely says goodbye and leaves.'
-		act 'Leave':gt $home['entrance'], $home['entrance_arg']
+		act 'Leave': gt $home['entrance'], $home['entrance_arg']
 	elseif GoToGuy = 1:
 		GoToGuy = 0
-		act 'Leave':gt 'city_industrial'
-	elseif harakBoy = 1:
-		harakBoy = 0
-		cumspclnt = 4
-		gs 'cum_cleanup'
-		'You wash quickly in shower and <<$boydesc>> begins to hurry you out.'
-		if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
-		act 'Leave':dynamic $brodilr
-	elseif harakBoy = 0:
+		act 'Leave': gt 'city_industrial'
+	elseif npc_gentle[$npcID] = 1:
 		minut += 15
 		pcs_horny += 1
 		pcs_hairbsh = 1
@@ -530,17 +523,28 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 		'You go into the bathroom and turn on the shower, lathering body and washing as well as you can.'
 		if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
 		act 'Leave':dynamic $brodilr
-	elseif harakBoy = 2:
-		'<<$boydesc>> won''t even let you go to the bathroom to clean up.'
+	elseif npc_rough[$npcID] = 1:
+		'<<$npcdesc>> won''t even let you go to the bathroom to clean up.'
 		act 'Leave':dynamic $brodilr
-	elseif finance > 0:
-		if finance = 1:money += 300
-		if finance = 2:money += 500
-		'<<$boydesc>> gives you money for a taxi and kicks you out of the apartment.'
+	elseif npc_gentle[$npcID] = 0 and npc_rough[$npcID] = 0:
+		npc_gentle[$npcID] = 1
+		cumspclnt = 4
+		gs 'cum_cleanup'
+		'You wash quickly in shower and <<$npcdesc>> begins to hurry you out.'
+		if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
 		act 'Leave':dynamic $brodilr
-	elseif finance = 0:
-		'<<$boydesc>> kicks you out of the apartment.'
+	!! These will never trigger?
+	elseif npc_finance[$npcID] > 0:
+		if npc_finance[$npcID] = 1: money += 300
+		if npc_finance[$npcID] = 2: money += 500
+		'<<$npcdesc>> gives you money for a taxi and kicks you out of the apartment.'
+		act 'Leave':dynamic $brodilr
+	elseif npc_finance[$npcID] = 0:
+		'<<$npcdesc>> kicks you out of the apartment.'
 		act 'Leave':dynamic $brodilr
+	!! This will never trigger
 	elseif GoToGuy = 0:
 		act 'Leave':
 			tmpgorand = rand(0, 2)
@@ -559,7 +563,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'org':
 	if mc_inventory['contraceptive_pill'] <= 0 and mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0:
 		dynamic $prezik
 		protect = 1
-		'<<$boydesc>> takes a condom and puts it on his <<dick>> centimeter member.'
+		'<<$npcdesc>> takes a condom and puts it on his <<dick>> centimeter member.'
 		if preziktype = 2:
 			sexcontra = 7
@@ -651,27 +655,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'org':
 		if orgazm = 0:
 			pcs_mood -= 15
-			'You groan in pain when <<$boydesc>> enters you, tears flowing from your eyes as you endure the feeling of having a red-hot rod between your legs. You cry and moan while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
+			'You groan in pain when <<$npcdesc>> enters you, tears flowing from your eyes as you endure the feeling of having a red-hot rod between your legs. You cry and moan while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
 		elseif orgazm = 1:
 			pcs_mood -= 10
-			'You bite your lip in pain when <<$boydesc>> enters you, a twinge of pain between your legs. Frowning, you moan in pain while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
+			'You bite your lip in pain when <<$npcdesc>> enters you, a twinge of pain between your legs. Frowning, you moan in pain while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
 		elseif orgazm = 2:
 			pcs_mood -= 5
-			'You wince at the sudden pain when <<$boydesc>> enters you, the pain between your legs gradually calms and becomes quite tolerable. You try to get aroused while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy, but it is not enough.'
+			'You wince at the sudden pain when <<$npcdesc>> enters you, the pain between your legs gradually calms and becomes quite tolerable. You try to get aroused while his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy, but it is not enough.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
 		elseif orgazm = 3:
 			pcs_mood += 5
-			'You are startled by the feeling as your pussy is stretched when <<$boydesc>> enters you. A shiver of pleasure starts from between your legs and travels up your spine as each stroke of his <<dick>> centimeter fucks into your pussy.'
+			'You are startled by the feeling as your pussy is stretched when <<$npcdesc>> enters you. A shiver of pleasure starts from between your legs and travels up your spine as each stroke of his <<dick>> centimeter fucks into your pussy.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
 		elseif orgazm = 4:
 			pcs_mood += 10
-			'You are startled by the feeling as your pussy is stretched when <<$boydesc>> enters you. A shiver of pleasure starts from between your legs and travels up your spine as each stroke of his <<dick>> centimeter fucks into your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and ripple grows in the lower abdomen, but the feeling never peaks, instead decreasing in strength even as it remains with you until the end.'
+			'You are startled by the feeling as your pussy is stretched when <<$npcdesc>> enters you. A shiver of pleasure starts from between your legs and travels up your spine as each stroke of his <<dick>> centimeter fucks into your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and ripple grows in the lower abdomen, but the feeling never peaks, instead decreasing in strength even as it remains with you until the end.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
 		elseif orgazm = 5:
@@ -682,7 +686,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'org':
 			gs 'stat'
 		elseif orgazm = 6:
 			pcs_mood += 5
-			'You feel every centimeter as his member enters your pussy when <<$boydesc>> slides home. It is a pleasant feeling, but his dick is significantly smaller than you prefer and <<dick>> centimeter is not enough for you. Gradually, a pleasant ripples grows in your lower abdomen, but the feeling never rises to true orgasm.'
+			'You feel every centimeter as his member enters your pussy when <<$npcdesc>> slides home. It is a pleasant feeling, but his dick is significantly smaller than you prefer and <<dick>> centimeter is not enough for you. Gradually, a pleasant ripples grows in your lower abdomen, but the feeling never rises to true orgasm.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -690,7 +694,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'org':
 		if pcs_vag <= dick:pcs_vag += 1
 	elseif stat['think_virgin'] = 1 and mesec <= 0:
 		pcs_mood -= 15
-		'You bite your lip in pain and tears gush from your eyes when <<$boydesc>> enters you, breaking your hymen. You moan while weeping as his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
+		'You bite your lip in pain and tears gush from your eyes when <<$npcdesc>> enters you, breaking your hymen. You moan while weeping as his strong <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -708,7 +712,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum':
 			sexpartkno = 1
 			gs 'cum_manage'
-			'<<$boydesc>> groans and you feel each jet of sperm paint the walls of your womb with seed.'
+			'<<$npcdesc>> groans and you feel each jet of sperm paint the walls of your womb with seed.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
 			pcs_mood -= 15
@@ -719,14 +723,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum':
 				spafinloc = 14
 				sexpartkno = 1
 				gs 'cum_manage'
-				'<<$boydesc>> shouts, pulling out to finish on your stomach.'
+				'<<$npcdesc>> shouts, pulling out to finish on your stomach.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
 			elseif pose = 1:
 				spafinloc = 4
 				sexpartkno = 1
 				gs 'cum_manage'
-				'<<$boydesc>> shudders, pulling out just in time to paint your ass white with semen.'
+				'<<$npcdesc>> shudders, pulling out just in time to paint your ass white with semen.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -734,15 +738,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum':
 	elseif protect = 1:
 		protect = 0
 		if sexcontra = 4:
-			'<<$boydesc>> groans and you feel heat building deep inside, and then a slimy feeling. You realize that the condom burst.'
+			'<<$npcdesc>> groans and you feel heat building deep inside, and then a slimy feeling. You realize that the condom burst.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
 		elseif sexcontra = 5:
-			'<<$boydesc>> groans and you feel heat building deep inside. As he pulls out, you feel a ghostly sensation, as if he didn''t come all the way out. Looking down, you see his bare dick.'
+			'<<$npcdesc>> groans and you feel heat building deep inside. As he pulls out, you feel a ghostly sensation, as if he didn''t come all the way out. Looking down, you see his bare dick.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<<$boydesc>> groans and you feel heat building deep inside. You realize that he has filled the condom.'
+			'<<$npcdesc>> groans and you feel heat building deep inside. You realize that he has filled the condom.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -756,20 +760,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'autobj':
 	'You little fingers caress his <<dick>> centimeter shaft before you take the head into your mouth and began to suck.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'sub'
 	gs 'stat'
-	if harakBoy = 0:
-		'<<$boydesc>> closes his eyes in pleasure, enjoying the caress of your lips.'
+	if npc_gentle[$npcID] = 1:
+		'<<$npcdesc>> closes his eyes in pleasure, enjoying the caress of your lips.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
-	elseif harakBoy = 1:
-		'<<$boydesc>> stares expectingly at you until your lips glide over his hard dick.'
-		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
-		gs 'stat'
-	elseif harakBoy = 2:
+	elseif npc_rough[$npcID] = 1:
 		if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0
 		pcs_hairbsh = -1
-		'<<$boydesc>> grabs your hair and begins to fuck your mouth roughly, each thrust strikes against the back of your throat as tears flow from your eyes.'
+		'<<$npcdesc>> grabs your hair and begins to fuck your mouth roughly, each thrust strikes against the back of your throat as tears flow from your eyes.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
 		gs 'stat'
+	else
+		'<<$npcdesc>> stares expectingly at you until your lips glide over his hard dick.'
+		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
+		gs 'stat'
 	pcs_horny += pcs_throat + 10 - (willpowermax / 10)
@@ -784,33 +788,33 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'autobj':
 		gs 'stat'
-	!!'Finally <<$boydesc>> groans and you realize that he is at his limit.'
+	!!'Finally <<$npcdesc>> groans and you realize that he is at his limit.'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'an':
 	!!if analplugin = 1:
 	!!	analpluginbonus = 10
 	!!	analplugin = 0
-	!!	if pcs_ass < 16:'<<$boydesc>> pulls the plug out of your narrow and tight ass.'
-	!!	if pcs_ass >= 16:'<<$boydesc>> pulls the butt plug out of your ass, hot juices dripping from your now unstoppered hole.'
+	!!	if pcs_ass < 16:'<<$npcdesc>> pulls the plug out of your narrow and tight ass.'
+	!!	if pcs_ass >= 16:'<<$npcdesc>> pulls the butt plug out of your ass, hot juices dripping from your now unstoppered hole.'
 	!!	if pcs_ass + analpluginbonus < dick:'You scream and bite your lip at the sharp pain when the <<dick>> centimeter dick parts your ass and plunges home.'
 	!!	if pcs_ass + analpluginbonus >= dick:'You groan and a satisfying fullness spreads through you as the <<dick>> member centimeter dick forces its way into your ass.'
 	!!	!!gs 'BDsex', 'ancum'
 	gs 'dinsex','boy_wants_anal'
-	'<<$boydesc>> lays you on your stomach on the bed, spreading your ass apart as he begins to massage and open your anus with his fingers, first one, then two.'
+	'<<$npcdesc>> lays you on your stomach on the bed, spreading your ass apart as he begins to massage and open your anus with his fingers, first one, then two.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5, 'sub'
 	if pcs_ass < 10:
 		'You groan in pain as his third finger invades your ass.'
 		'You feel your asshole stretch to accommodate his third finger.'
-	'<<$boydesc>> abruptly pulls his fingers out of your ass and you feel his hard cock rest against your hole.'
+	'<<$npcdesc>> abruptly pulls his fingers out of your ass and you feel his hard cock rest against your hole.'
 	if pcs_ass + lubonus < dick:'You scream and bite your lip at the sharp pain when the <<dick>> member centimeter enters your ass.'
 	if pcs_ass + lubonus >= dick:'You groan and a satisfying fullness spreads through you as the <<dick>> member centimeter dick forces its way into your ass.'
-	'<<$boydesc>> stops his assault for a moment, giving your ass time to adapt to the cock invading it before he starts you again, this time even more insistent.'
+	'<<$npcdesc>> stops his assault for a moment, giving your ass time to adapt to the cock invading it before he starts you again, this time even more insistent.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub'
 	gs 'stat'
 	if pcs_ass + lubonus + 2 < dick:
@@ -826,7 +830,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'an':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ancum':
-	'Finally <<$boydesc>> grabs your tight ass and drives home, hilting his dick in your aching ass and slapping your pussy with his balls as he cums.'
+	'Finally <<$npcdesc>> grabs your tight ass and drives home, hilting his dick in your aching ass and slapping your pussy with his balls as he cums.'
 	spafinloc = 3
 	sexvolume = 20
 	sexpartkno = 1

+ 44 - 44

@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 	belybj = rand(0,2)
 	if belybj = 0:
 		'<<$boydesc>> puts his large hands on your shoulders and forces you downwards. Even though you''re trying to cooperate and drop to your knees as soon as you realize what he wants, he''s still kind of rough with you. "Start sucking, <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
-		act'On your knees':gt 'BelSex', 'bj1'
+		act 'On your knees': gt 'BelSex', 'bj1'
 	elseif belybj = 1:
 		'<<$boydesc>> tugs at your clothes, letting you know that he wants you naked. You quickly obey and assist him in taking your clothes off. He nods approvingly, definitely liking what he sees. "Very nice, girl... but you''d look even better with my cock in you."'
-		act'Drop down on your knees':gt 'BelSex', 'bj2'
+		act 'Drop down on your knees': gt 'BelSex', 'bj2'
-		'<<$boydesc>> is staring intently into your eyes, pawing between your legs while you unbutton his pants, grabbing hold, you strip them down to his knees. His cock is hanging freely, twitching from excitement...'
-		act'What now?':gt 'BelSex', 'bj3'
+		'<<$boydesc>> is staring intently into your eyes, pawing between your legs while you unbutton his pants, grabbing hold, and pulling them down to his knees. His cock is hanging freely, twitching from excitement...'
+		act 'What now?': gt 'BelSex', 'bj3'
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj1':
 	belact -= 1
 	picrand = rand(0,12)
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/bj<<picrand>>.mp4"></video></center>'
-	'You take <<$boydesc>>''s <<dick>> cm cock in your mouth and begin stimulating his glans. You can clearly see on <<$boydesc>>''s face that he''s getting irritated at you for trying to prolonge things and just wants you to suck him off quickly.'
+	'You take <<$boydesc>>''s <<dick>> cm cock in your mouth and begin stimulating his glans. You can clearly see on <<$boydesc>>''s face that he''s getting irritated at you for trying to prolong things and just wants you to suck him off quickly.'
 	'You do your best to suck him off, trying to go deep as possible, but <<$boydesc>> is not pleased. He grabs you by the back of your head and begins forcing it closer and closer towards his fat stomach. You start gagging but he just tells you to relax your throat and it will all be fine.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'deepthroat'
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj1':
 			belsexpayment = 300
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
-			act'Get up':gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
+			act 'Get up': gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
 	if belact > 0:
 		belyvag = rand(0,3)
 		if belyvag = 0:
 			 '<<$boydesc>> grunts loudly while you suck him off. "Time to give you a real pounding!"'
-			act'Get in position':gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal1'
+			act 'Get in position': gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal1'
 		elseif belyvag = 1:
 			'<<$boydesc>> paws at your ass while you suck him off before he tells you "Get on your back, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''m going to fill you up."'
-			act'Lie down on your back':gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal2'
+			act 'Lie down on your back': gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal2'
 		elseif belyvag = 2:
 			'<<$boydesc>> looks down on you as you''re sucking. He pulls out his cock, lifts you up and throws you onto the bed. "Show me your ass, <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
 			act 'Get on all fours':gt 'BelSex', 'doggy'
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj2':
 	belact -= 1
 	picrand = rand(0,12)
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/bj<<picrand>>.mp4"></video></center>'
-	'You look at <<$boydesc>> with lust in your eyes. Dropping down on your knees without being asked, you unbutton his pants, exposing his full erect cock. Wrapping your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips around his strong and warm cock, you quickly begin by sucking the head, caressing it with your tongue and lips.'
+	'You look at <<$boydesc>> with lust in your eyes. Dropping down on your knees without being asked, you unbutton his pants, exposing his fully erect cock. Wrapping your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips around his strong and warm cock, you quickly begin by sucking the head, caressing it with your tongue and lips.'
 	'<<$boydesc>> lets out a small groan, clearly enjoying himself. Turned on by seeing <<$boydesc>> enjoying the blowjob, you start sucking his cock while caressing his balls.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj2':
 	if belact <= 0:
 		'Your tongue is giving every bit of his cock it can reach its attention as you bob your head back and forth.'
-		'Your lust takes over and you take him as deep into your mouth as you can, keeping him there until you start to gag and have to come up for air. Taking few breaths to recover, you take him inside again, rapidly moving your head, sucking and deepthroating him for all you''re worth.'
+		'Your lust takes over and you take him as deep into your mouth as you can, keeping him there until you start to gag and have to come up for air. Taking a few breaths to recover, you take him inside again, rapidly moving your head, sucking and deepthroating him for all you''re worth.'
 		act'Keep sucking':
 			gs 'cum_call', 'mouth_swallow', 'A113', 1
@@ -98,17 +98,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj2':
 			belsexpayment = 300
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
-			act'Take a shower':gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
+			act 'Take a shower': gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
 	if belact > 0:
 	belyvag = rand(0,3)
 		if belyvag = 0:
 			 '<<$boydesc>> grunts loudly while you suck him off. "Time to give you a real pounding!"'
-			act'Get in position':gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal1'
+			act 'Get in position': gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal1'
 		elseif belyvag = 1:
 			'<<$boydesc>> paws at your ass while you suck him off before he tells you "Get on your back, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''m going to fill you up."'
-			act'Lie down on your back':gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal2'
+			act 'Lie down on your back': gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal2'
 		elseif belyvag = 2:
 			'<<$boydesc>> looks down on you as you''re sucking. He pulls out his cock, lifts you up, and throws you onto the bed. "Show me your ass, <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
 			act 'Get on all fours':gt 'BelSex', 'doggy'
@@ -143,17 +143,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj3':
 			'He squeezes the last few drops of sperm into your mouth and then sticks his dick in your mouth. You swallow his cum obediently and then suck his dick clean, licking every tasty inch of it you can reach. Once he goes soft in your mouth, he pulls out his cock.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
-			act'Take a shower':gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
+			act 'Take a shower': gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
 	if belact > 0:
 	belyvag = rand(0,3)
 		if belyvag = 0:
 			 '<<$boydesc>> grunts loudly while you suck him off. "Time to give you a real pounding!"'
-			act'Get in position':gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal1'
+			act 'Get in position': gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal1'
 		elseif belyvag = 1:
 			'<<$boydesc>> paws at your ass while you suck him off before he tells you "Get on your back, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''m going to fill you up."'
-			act'Lie down on your back':gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal2'
+			act 'Lie down on your back': gt 'BelSex', 'vaginal2'
 		elseif belyvag = 2:
 			'<<$boydesc>> looks down on you as you''re sucking. He pulls out his cock, lifts you up, and throws you onto the bed. "Show me your ass, <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
 			act 'Get on all fours':gt 'BelSex', 'doggy'
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vaginal1':
 	picrand = rand(0,7)
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/vadim/sex/mitka<<picrand>>.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'<<$boydesc>> lifts you up, grabs you by the hair, and shoves you onto the bed. You land on your back, as he quickly moves in, you spread your legs. He starts touching your pussy lips with his fat fingers, you let out a moan as he penetrates you with his finger.'
-	'"That''s enough, you''re all wet and ready now." he says. He grabs hold of his penis slowly slides his member into your wet cunt, softly parting your nether lips. As your pussy walls envelops his cock you let out a soft moan.'
-	'Hanging over you, looking into your eyes he starts build up quite a bit of speed. "You''re a pretty good fuck <<$pcs_nickname>>, but I''ve had better." he says as his sweat drips all over you.'
+	'"That''s enough, you''re all wet and ready now." he says. He grabs ahold of his penis and slowly slides it into your wet cunt, softly parting your nether lips. As your pussy walls envelop his cock you let out a soft moan.'
+	'Hanging over you, looking into your eyes he starts to build up quite a bit of speed. "You''re a pretty good fuck <<$pcs_nickname>>, but I''ve had better." he says as his sweat drips all over you.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -182,19 +182,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vaginal1':
 		belsexpayment = 600
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/vagcreampie/creampie3.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'<<$boydesc>>''s movements speed up as he keeps pounding you balls deep without showing any signs of slowing down. You think this will go on for a while, but suddenly you hear <<$boydesc>> grunting while cumming deep inside you.'
-		act'Take a shower':gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
+		act 'Take a shower': gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
 	if belact > 0:
 		belanal = rand(0,2)
 		if belanal = 0:
 			'<<$boydesc>>''s sweat is dripping all over your body. He is huffing and puffing as he pulls out. "Give me a second to catch my breath and then I''ll finish this. Give me your sweet little ass," he says, breathing heavily'
-			act'Take him in your ass':gt 'BelSex', 'anal1'
+			act 'Take him in your ass': gt 'BelSex', 'anal1'
 		elseif belanal = 1:
-			'<<$boydesc>> wipes the sweat off his forehead, clearly worked up from fucking you. Nevertheless, he''s not done with you and tells you to that he wants your ass next.'
-			act'Present your ass':gt 'BelSex', 'anal2'
+			'<<$boydesc>> wipes the sweat off his forehead, clearly worked up from fucking you. Nevertheless, he''s not done with you and tells you that he wants your ass next.'
+			act 'Present your ass':gt 'BelSex', 'anal2'
 			'<<$boydesc>> pulls out of your pussy as the sensations make you moan; "Oh don''t worry sweetheart, I''m not done yet. It''s your asshole next. Assume the position."'
-			act'Get fucked from behind':gt 'BelSex', 'analdoggy'
+			act 'Get fucked from behind': gt 'BelSex', 'analdoggy'
@@ -217,19 +217,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vaginal2':
 		belsexpayment = 600
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/vagcreampie/creampie1.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'<<$boydesc>> groans loudly. His cock stiffens as you feel a jet of warm sperm hitting deep inside your womb.'
-		act'Take a shower':gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
+		act 'Take a shower': gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
 	if belact > 0:
 		belanal = rand(0,2)
 		if belanal = 0:
 			'<<$boydesc>>''s sweat is dripping all over your body. He is huffing and puffing as he pulls out. "Give me a second to catch my breath and then I''ll finish this. Give me your sweet little ass," he says, breathing heavily'
-			act'Take him in your ass':gt 'BelSex', 'anal1'
+			act 'Take him in your ass': gt 'BelSex', 'anal1'
 		elseif belanal = 1:
 			'<<$boydesc>> wipes the sweat off his forehead, clearly worked up from fucking you. Nevertheless, he''s not done with you and tells you to that he wants your ass next.'
-			act'Present your ass':gt 'BelSex', 'anal2'
+			act 'Present your ass':gt 'BelSex', 'anal2'
 			'<<$boydesc>> pulls out of your pussy as the sensations make you moan. "Oh don''t worry sweetheart, I''m not done yet. It''s your asshole next. Assume the position."'
-			act'Get fucked from behind':gt 'BelSex', 'analdoggy'
+			act 'Get fucked from behind': gt 'BelSex', 'analdoggy'
@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'doggy':
 	sex_temp += 1
 	picrand = rand(1,5)
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/vag/doggy/vagdog<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'With his cock rock hard and nicely wet he lifts your body, turns you around, and tells you to get on all fours on the floor. He gets down on his knees. Streching your butt cheeks slowly, he runs his shaft along your wet pussy, teasing you, all of a sudden he shoves his cock into your pussy and starts pounding away, not caring about your enjoyment. He just wants to fuck.'
-	'Holding you by the hips, he pounds on without slowing the pace, only occasionally stopping to catch a breath. "Isn''t he going to slow down soon?" you think to yourself. But you''ve underestimated him, instead he grabs your hair and pushes himself even deeper inside.'
+	'With his cock rock-hard and nicely wet he lifts your body, turns you around, and tells you to get on all fours on the floor. He gets down on his knees. Stretching your butt cheeks slowly, he runs his shaft along your wet pussy, teasing you, all of a sudden he shoves his cock into your pussy and starts pounding away, not caring about your enjoyment. He just wants to fuck.'
+	'Holding you by the hips, he pounds on without slowing the pace, only occasionally stopping to catch a breath. "Isn''t he going to slow down soon?" you think to yourself. But you''ve underestimated him, instead, he grabs your hair and pushes himself even deeper inside.'
 	'You moan loudly as he rams his cock deeper and deeper. You hear him panting and grunting he must''ve reached his limit...'
 	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'sub', 'prostitution'
@@ -252,19 +252,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'doggy':
 		belsexpayment = 600
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/vagcreampie/creampie4.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'<<$boydesc>> keeps on pounding you from behind. You feel his cock getting stiffer and twitching inside of you. You turn your head and look him in the eyes, pleading that he pulls out and cums on your ass instead. But <<$boydesc>> isn''t budging. He keeps on going, pulling your hips towards him, filling your womb with splashes of semen.'
-		act'Take a shower':gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
+		act 'Take a shower': gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
 	if belact > 0:
 		belanal = rand(0,2)
 		if belanal = 0:
 			'<<$boydesc>>''s sweat is dripping all over your body. He is huffing and puffing as he pulls out. "Give me a second to catch my breath and then I''ll finish this. Give me your sweet little ass." he says, breathing heavily'
-			act'Take him in your ass':gt 'BelSex', 'anal1'
+			act 'Take him in your ass': gt 'BelSex', 'anal1'
 		elseif belanal = 1:
-			'<<$boydesc>> wipes the sweat off his forehead, clearly worked up from fucking you. Nevertheless, he''s not done with you and tells you to that he wants your ass next.'
-			act'Present your ass':gt 'BelSex', 'anal2'
+			'<<$boydesc>> wipes the sweat off his forehead, clearly worked up from fucking you. Nevertheless, he''s not done with you and tells you that he wants your ass next.'
+			act 'Present your ass': gt 'BelSex', 'anal2'
 			'<<$boydesc>> pulls out of your pussy as the sensations make you moan. "Oh don''t worry sweetheart, I''m not done yet. It''s your asshole next. Assume the position."'
-			act'Get fucked from behind':gt 'BelSex', 'analdoggy'
+			act 'Get fucked from behind': gt 'BelSex', 'analdoggy'
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cowgirl':
 	sex_temp += 1
 	picrand = rand(1,6)
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/vag/cowgirl/vagcow<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'<<$boydesc>> lies on the bed. He smirks as he tells you that you''ll be doing all the work today. You look at him, still a bit confused after the blowjob you''ve given him. Wasn''t that enough? "Don''t waste my time <<$pcs_nickname>>. Come here!" Not daring to do upset him even more, you crawl on top of <<$boydesc>> and guide his cock inside your vagina.'
-	'He grabs your hips, controlling the rhythm as you to ride him. He wants it fast. Fast, deep and hard, without any regard to you, or that he actually bumps into your cervix in this position. You keep riding him at the same rhythm as he moves his hands grabbing you breasts instead.'
+	'<<$boydesc>> lies on the bed. He smirks as he tells you that you''ll be doing all the work today. You look at him, still a bit confused after the blowjob you''ve given him. Wasn''t that enough? "Don''t waste my time <<$pcs_nickname>>. Come here!" Not daring to upset him even more, you crawl on top of <<$boydesc>> and guide his cock inside your vagina.'
+	'He grabs your hips, controlling the rhythm as you ride him. He wants it fast. Fast, deep and hard, without any regard to you, or that he actually bumps into your cervix in this position. You keep riding him at the same rhythm as he moves his hands grabbing your breasts instead.'
 	'Unable to think of anything but the pleasure, you moan so loudly that you are almost screaming. Wanting to ride out this intense feeling, you completely forget that you''re supposed to please <<$boydesc>> as you orgasm while riding him.'
 	$orgasm_or = 'yes'
@@ -288,19 +288,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cowgirl':
 		belsexpayment = 600
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/vagcreampie/creampie2.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'You keep switching the tempo as you ride <<$boydesc>>, from the looks on his face he''s ready to explode. You speed up even more wanting him to finish as soon as possible. As you''re thinking about pulling out not wanting him to cum inside you, you realize that you are too late. <<$boydesc>> suddenly explodes inside of you.'
-		act'Take a shower':gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
+		act 'Take a shower': gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
 	if belact > 0:
 		belanal = rand(0,2)
 		if belanal = 0:
 			'<<$boydesc>>''s sweat is dripping all over your body. He is huffing and puffing as he pulls out. "Give me a second to catch my breath and then I''ll finish this. Give me your sweet little ass," he says, breathing heavily'
-			act'Take him in your ass':gt 'BelSex', 'anal1'
+			act 'Take him in your ass': gt 'BelSex', 'anal1'
 		elseif belanal = 1:
-			'<<$boydesc>> wipes the sweat off his forehead, clearly worked up from fucking you. Nevertheless, he''s not done with you and tells you to that he wants your ass next.'
-			act'Present your ass':gt 'BelSex', 'anal2'
+			'<<$boydesc>> wipes the sweat off his forehead, clearly worked up from fucking you. Nevertheless, he''s not done with you and tells you that he wants your ass next.'
+			act 'Present your ass': gt 'BelSex', 'anal2'
 			'<<$boydesc>> pulls out of your pussy as the sensations make you moan. "Oh don''t worry sweetheart, I''m not done yet. It''s your asshole next. Assume the position."'
-			act'Get fucked from behind':gt 'BelSex', 'analdoggy'
+			act 'Get fucked from behind': gt 'BelSex', 'analdoggy'
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'anal1':
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/analcreampie/cumanal<<picrand>>.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'You can tell <<$boydesc>> is close to his orgasm. He huffs and puffs quite heavily now. Seconds later he firmly grabs your hips, his movements more erratic, and you feel his cock spasming inside you as he shoots his cum deep inside your asshole. The cum feels kind of warm inside you, and it slowly dribbles from your asshole once he pulls out his cock.'
-		act'Take a shower':gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
+		act 'Take a shower': gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'anal2':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/analcreampie/analcum.jpg"></center>'
 		'You can tell <<$boydesc>> is close to his orgasm. His cock is stiff and has gotten larger inside your anus. Seconds later he firmly grabs your hips and you feel his cock spasming inside you as he shoots his cum deep inside your asshole. The cum feels kind of warm inside you, and it slowly dribbles out as you get up off of him.'
-		act'Take a shower':gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
+		act 'Take a shower': gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'analdoggy':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/analcreampie/kafeanpie.jpg"></center>'
 		'You''re at your limit and just as you want to beg him to take it easier, you feel him twitching behind you. All of a sudden you feel his warm cum shooting inside you. It slowly dribbles down your thighs as he pulls out of you.'
-		act'Take a shower':gt 'BelSex', 'shower'
+		act 'Take a shower': gt 'BelSex', 'shower'

+ 90 - 58

@@ -44,14 +44,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			bossrand = rand(0, 3)
 			if bossrand = 0:
+				killvar'bossrand'
 				'When you enter Anatoly''s office he glances up and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, bring me a cup of coffee."'
 				act 'Fetch him a coffee':
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/diner/work3.jpg"></center>'
 					'You deliver him a coffee on a little tray, with cream and sugar on the side. He doesn''t comment on your extra effort.'
 					if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			elseif bossrand = 1:
+				killvar'bossrand'
 				'When you enter his office, Anatoly tells you: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I need these documents sighed by the accountant. Take them to her, and see that she signs them. When he does, return them to me."'
 				act 'Go to the chief accountant':
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/diner/work9.jpg"></center>'
 					'You hand the papers over to the accountant. Lena mutters something under her breath, before reading though them and signing. "OK, back to Anatoly, girl," she says, handing you the documents.'
 					act 'Back to Anatoly':
 						gs 'stat'
@@ -81,6 +83,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			elseif bossrand = 2:
+				killvar'bossrand'
 				'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I need Ilyushkin working on these documents in a hurry", Anatoly says. You grab the papers, and scamper out of the office'
 				act 'Take the papers to Ilyushkin':
@@ -105,6 +108,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			elseif bossrand = 3:
+				killvar'bossrand'
 				bossexrand = rand(0, 3)
 				pcs_horny += 10
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -115,6 +119,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 				if bossexrand = 1:'His hand slides down your stomach, and crawls under your skirt. You moan softly when his hand begins to caress your pussy.'
 				if bossexrand = 2:'He grabs your ass, and lifting up your skirt begins to knead your ass like dough.'
 				if bossexrand = 3:'He puts his hands on your hips, and slowly raises your skirt.'
+				killvar'bossexrand'
 				gs 'boyStat', 'A74'
 				act 'Kiss him':
@@ -127,9 +132,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
 					minut -= 5
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Suck his dick': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bj'
 					if stat['think_virgin'] = 0 or pcs_ass > 0:
 						act 'Have sex':
@@ -141,15 +146,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 5, 'sub'
 							gs 'stat'
 							if bosstipsexrand >= 3:
 								act 'Moan': gt 'BurgerTip', 'sex2'
 							elseif bosstipsexrand < 3:
+								killvar'bosstipsexrand'
 								'His hand goes further finding your sphincter with one of his fingers. The probing of his finger leaves no doubt about what he wants.'
 								gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5, 'sub'
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Take it in the ass':gt 'BurgerTip', 'anal2'
@@ -170,7 +176,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 						gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
 						gs 'stat'
 						act 'Suck his dick': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bj'
@@ -189,12 +195,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			bosstiprand = rand(0, 3)
 			if bosstiprand = 0:
+				killvar'bosstiprand'
 				BurgerQW['TerminalTask'] = 1
 				BurgerQW['TerminalTaskDay'] = daystart
 				'Anatoly comes out of the office, and asks, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I know it''s lunch time, but I really need these documents taken to the storage terminal in the city industrial area to be signed. I''ll give you the rest of the day off if you take care of it for me," he finishes, with a smile.'
 				act 'Deliver the papers':gt 'city_center'
 			elseif bosstiprand = 1:
+				killvar'bosstiprand'
 				'Anatoly comes out of the office, and says: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, before lunch I need you to head down to the loading dock, and sign for a shipment of food that''s due to arrive. There''s a gold star in it for you if take care of this for me."'
 				act 'Go sign for the shipment':
@@ -210,6 +218,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			elseif bosstiprand = 2:
+				killvar'bosstiprand'
 				BurgerQW['BankTask'] = 1
 				BurgerQW['BankTaskDay'] = daystart
 				'Anatoly comes out of the office, and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, please run these documents to the bank for me. I''ll give you the rest of the day off if you take care of it for me," he finishes, with a smile.'
@@ -243,14 +252,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			bosstiprand = rand(0, 3)
 			if bosstiprand = 0:
+				killvar'bosstiprand'
 				'Anatoly comes out of the office and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I have to leave early today. Here''s a few papers for you to file,"  He hands you a folder on his way out of the office.'
 				bburand = rand(0, 10)
 				if bburand = 0:
+					killvar'bburand'
 					'The senior manager Ilyushkin shows up in your office.'
 					if $BurgerQW['IlyQWBlackmailPhoto'] = '' or BurgerQW['IlyQWBlackmail'] > 1:
-						'Ilyushkin grins, "Honey, I need you to put your stamp on these papers." You give Ilyushkin a sceptical look, as you find your company stamp. Then you put your stamp on the papers, and hand the back to Ilyushkin.'
+						'Ilyushkin grins, "Honey, I need you to put your stamp on these papers." You give Ilyushkin a skeptical look, as you find your company stamp. Then you put your stamp on the papers, and hand the back to Ilyushkin.'
 						if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 							act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
@@ -265,7 +276,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					'The assistant manager Sergei shows up in your office.'
 					'Sergei looks at you with carnivorous eyes, "Is Anatoly around?"'
 					'"No, he just he just left." you tell him.'
+					killvar'bburand'
 					if BurgerQW['sergeyQW'] = 1:
 						'The pimply young man chuckles, and sits on the edge of your desk. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re dynamite. We are very lucky to have a girl like you around," he says, leering at you.'
 					elseif BurgerQW['sergeyQW'] = 0:
@@ -300,7 +311,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/diner/kafe.jpg"></center>'
 								'Sergei takes you to a local restaurant not far from work. He orders food and drinks for both of you, after you find a table. Soon you are chatting, eating and drinking wine with Sergei. Before you realize it, you start feeling a little tipsy, but the conversation is still pleasant enough. When you are finished Sergei pays for everything, and invites you back to his place.'
 								act 'Let him down easy':
 									minut += 15
@@ -327,7 +338,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					'Lena comes up to your desk and asks, "Is the boss around?"'
 					'"No, he stepped out," you reply.'
 					'She purses her lips looking at you with disapproval, before she turns to go.'
+					killvar'bburand'
 					if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
@@ -335,7 +346,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 				elseif bburand = 3:
 					'The personnel manager Vick comes into the office looking for the boss. When you tell her he is gone, she mutters something about personnel, and walks out'
+					killvar'bburand'
 					if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 						act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 					elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
@@ -351,6 +362,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			elseif bosstiprand = 1:
+				killvar'bosstiprand'
 				'Anatoly comes out of the office and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, let''s get out of here and go have some fun."'
 				act 'Go with Anatoly':
@@ -361,19 +373,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					if BurMestoRand = 0:
 						'You get in the car with Anatoly, and soon arrive at the sauna in the residential area. Your boss gives you a wicked little grin and says, "I made reservations to get us a private room."'
+						killvar'BurMestoRand'
 						act 'Go to the sauna':
 							gs 'stat'
 							if SaunaWhore > 0:
 								BurgerQW['SaunaWhoreKnown'] = 1
-								'When you enter the sauna and stop dead in your tracks when you see the madam."<<$pcs_nickname>>, what a surprise are you coming back to work for us."' 
+								'When you enter the sauna and stop dead in your tracks when you see the madam."<<$pcs_nickname>>, what a surprise are you coming back to work for us."'
 								'Anatoly says, "Whats going on here?"'
 								'"Oh, you don''t know? Little <<$pcs_nickname>> is one of the best little cocksuckers I''ve ever had work for me, and her pussy is a goldmine," she laughs.'
 								'Anatoly is furious: "How? <<$pcs_nickname>>? You''re just a common whore?" If that''s the case you can stay here, and ply your trade. I guess I was wrong about you." He storms off, and moments later you here the screech of his car tires as he drives away.'
 								'The madam continues: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re a whore. You will always be a whore. If you do manage to trick some nice man your past will eventually catch up with you. Consider this a free lesson."'
 								act 'Leave':gt 'city_residential'
 							elseif SaunaWhore = 0:
 								'You head into the sauna, and up to your luxury room. Anatoly doesn''t waste anytime undressing, and motions for you to do the same. When you are both naked, he motions for you to come to him. You know just what to do.'
@@ -382,17 +395,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossbjs.jpg"></center>'
-									'You kneel before your Anatoly, and shower his groin with gentle kisses and little licks. He is rock hard and ready in no time. You tease him a little by sucking on just the tip of his cock, for awhile. When it looks like he can''t take it anymore, you slide his entire cock into your mouth. You bob your head up and down vigorously, savoring the taste of the boss''s cock. Before you can finish him, he pulls himself from your mouth, and motions for you to follow him to the bench.'
+									'You kneel before your Anatoly, and shower his groin with gentle kisses and little licks. He is rock-hard and ready in no time. You tease him a little by sucking on just the tip of his cock, for a while. When it looks like he can''t take it anymore, you slide his entire cock into your mouth. You bob your head up and down vigorously, savoring the taste of the boss''s cock. Before you can finish him, he pulls himself from your mouth, and motions for you to follow him to the bench.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 									gs 'stat'
 									if pcs_vag = 0:
 										'Wait! You''ve never had sex before!'
 										'Anatoly grins and says, "It''s not that big of a deal just lay down on this bench and relax. All secretaries do it for their bosses from time to time."'
 										'He continues, "Now just spread your legs a little. I promise you''ll enjoy this, just maybe not as much as me."'
 									act 'Further':
 										minut += 5
@@ -433,13 +446,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 										gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'sub'
 										gs 'arousal', 'end'
 										gs 'stat'
 										act 'Leave':gt 'city_residential'
 					elseif BurMestoRand = 1:
+						killvar'BurMestoRand'
 						'You get in the car, but before you can go anywhere Anatoly''s phone rings. He frowns before answering, "Yes dear, i will soon." He hangs up and says to you, "I''ve got to get home. Could you do your boss a favor, before I have to head home to the old battle axe?"'
 						act 'You''re great at giving favors':
@@ -449,11 +463,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossbjcar.jpg"></center>'
 							'Determined to send Anatoly home with a smile, you lean over and unzip his pants. You wrap your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lipss around his flaccid penis, and start working your magic. Soon your mouth is full of hard throbbing cock. You make an effort to get him home quickly, and suck like a woman possessed with the need for seed. He does finish quickly, and you slurp it all down with a smile. Anatoly gets himself back in his pants, and sends you on your way saying, "Thanks babe, you''re the best."'
 							gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 							gs 'arousal', 'end'
 							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Leave':gt 'city_center'
@@ -461,6 +475,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			elseif bosstiprand = 2:
+				killvar'bosstiprand'
 				'Anatoly comes out of the office, and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, call the that guy we had set up our computers. The on button of my PC seems to be broken."'
 				act 'Call the computer guy':
@@ -484,6 +499,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 			elseif bosstiprand = 3:
+				killvar'bosstiprand'
 				'Anatoly comes out of the office, and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I need you to stay late today. I have some men coming in for a meeting, and I might need an extra set of hand around.'
 				act 'Sure thing boss':
@@ -500,12 +516,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 	elseif burand = 2:
 		*clr & cla
+		killvar'burand'
 		if $BurgerQW['IlyQWBlackmailPhoto'] ! '' and BurgerQW['IlyQWBlackmail'] = 0:
 			gt 'BurgerTip', 'ily_work'
 		elseif $BurgerQW['IlyQWBlackmailPhoto'] = '' and BurgerQW['IlyQWBlackmail'] > 1:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/diner/work.jpg"></center>'
 			'The senior manager Ilyushkin shows up in your office.'
-			'Ilyushkin grins, "Honey, I need you to put your stamp on these papers." You give Ilyushkin a sceptical look, as you find your company stamp. Then you put your stamp on the papers, and hand the back to Ilyushkin.'
+			'Ilyushkin grins, "Honey, I need you to put your stamp on these papers." You give Ilyushkin a skeptical look, as you find your company stamp. Then you put your stamp on the papers, and hand the back to Ilyushkin.'
 			if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
@@ -524,6 +541,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 	elseif burand = 3:
+		killvar'burand'
 		'The assistant manager Sergei shows up in your office.'
 		'Sergei looks at you with carnivorous eyes, "Is Anatoly around?"'
 		'"No, he just he just left." you tell him.'
@@ -536,6 +554,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 	elseif burand = 4:
+		killvar'burand'
 		'Lena comes up to your desk and asks, "Is the boss around?"'
 		'"No, he stepped out," you reply.'
 		'She purses her lips looking at you with disapproval, before she turns to go.'
@@ -548,6 +567,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 	elseif burand = 5:
+		killvar'burand'
 		'The personnel manager Vic comes into the office looking for the boss. When you tell her he is gone, she mutters something about personnel, and walks out'
 		if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
@@ -558,11 +578,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 	elseif burand = 6:
+		killvar'burand'
 		'An elegantly dressed woman shows up at the office.'
 		if BurgerQW['SlutReputation'] < 10:
 			'The lady looks at you scornfully and asks, "Is he in there?" You nod your head meekly. Without knocking she marches into Anatoly''s office. A short time later they both come back out. "Yes dear, I''ll see you at your mothers house later, I promise," he says, as he ushers her out the door. After she is gone, he chuckles, "My wife is a rare bitch."'
 			if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 			elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
@@ -573,7 +594,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 		if BurgerQW['SlutReputation'] >= 10:
 			'She looks at you with contempt, and storms into Anatoly''s office. You can here her screaming through the door: "I know all about your adventures with that slut out there. If you don''t send your whore packing immediately I''m leaving you, and taking you for everything you''re worth." With that she storms out of the office, and spits on you on her way out the door.'
 			'A few minutes later Anatoly comes out, and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I''m sorry, I can''t afford to lose my marriage over you. I''m going to have to insist on your resignation."'
 			act 'Write a letter of resignation':
 				work = 0
@@ -581,6 +602,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 				Pay = BurgerQW['SecretaryTimesWorked'] * 1250
 				BurgerQW['SecretaryTimesWorked'] = 0
 				money += Pay
+				killvar'Pay'
 				gs 'stat'
 				'You quickly write out something that effectively says "I quit!" with some fancy words thrown in.'
 				'Anatoly pays you the <<pay>> <b>₽</b> you are owed, and says, "It''s over <<$pcs_nickname>>, get out of here."'
@@ -609,7 +631,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj':
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 	gs 'stat'
 	if wantrand = 3:
 		'After a short time, Anatoly takes his cock from your mouth and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I want all of you."'
 		if stat['think_virgin'] = 0 or pcs_ass > 0:
@@ -630,6 +652,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj':
 		act 'Finish him by hand': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bj_cum'
 		act 'Continue to suck': gt 'BurgerTip', 'bj2'
+	killvar'wantrand'
+	killvar'numbjrand'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet':
@@ -675,7 +699,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet':
 			gs 'cum_cleanup'
 			'You go into the bathroom, and turn the water on in the sink. <<$deytoibur>><<$deytoibur2>>'
+			killvar'$deytoibur'
+			killvar'$deytoibur2'
 			if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 			elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
@@ -683,6 +708,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet':
+	killvar'bosstoirandin'
+	killvar'bosstoirand'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet_wash':
@@ -694,9 +721,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet_wash':
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
 	cumspclnt = 6
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
-	'You go into the bathroom, and turn the water on in the sink. <<$deytoibur>><<$deytoibur2>>'
+	'You go into the bathroom, and turn the water on in the sink. <<$deytoibur>><<$deytoibur2>>'
+	killvar'$deytoibur'
+	killvar'$deytoibur2'
 	if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 		act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 	elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
@@ -715,7 +743,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet_wash2':
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
 	'You go into the bathroom, and turn the water on in the sink. <<$deytoibur>><<$deytoibur2>>'
+	killvar'$deytoibur'
+	killvar'$deytoibur2'
 	if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 		act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 	elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
@@ -735,27 +764,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj_cum':
 		gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Go to the toilet': gt 'BurgerTip', 'toilet'
 	elseif reaktrand > 5 and reaktrand < 9:
 		gs 'cum_call', 'clothes', 'A74', 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossbjcum2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Not wanting a mouth full of cum, you decide to jerk Anatoly to completion. Oh dear, it looks like your clever plan backfired. Anatoly managed to shoot his load all over your pretty outfit. It looks sexy, but you better head to the bathroom before it stains.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Go to the toilet': gt 'BurgerTip', 'toilet'
 	elseif reaktrand >= 9:
 		gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'A74', 1
 		gs 'cum_call', 'clothes', 'A74', 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossbjcum3.jpg"></center>'
 		'Not wanting a mouth full of cum, you decide to jerk Anatoly to completion. You realize your error when jets of semen splatter against your face and clothes. You manage to get most of it off your face with a tissue, but you better get to the little girls room before it stains your top.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Go to the toilet': gt 'BurgerTip', 'toilet'
@@ -771,7 +800,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj2':
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Show him how full your mouth is':
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -780,19 +809,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj2':
 		boburand = rand(0, 10)
 		if boburand > 2:
+			killvar'boburand'
 			if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 			elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
 				act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 		elseif boburand <= 2:
+			killvar'boburand'
 			gs 'cum_call', 'clothes', 'A74', 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			'Afterword, you notice you got some of his semen on your blouse.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Go to the toilet': gt 'BurgerTip', 'toilet'
@@ -806,12 +837,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj2':
 		boburand = rand(0, 10)
 		if boburand > 2:
+			killvar'boburand'
 			if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 				act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 			elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
 				act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 		elseif boburand <= 2:
+			killvar'boburand'
 			gs 'cum_call', 'clothes', 'A74', 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			'You notice that you didn''t get it all. A few drops of semen are staining your blouse.'
@@ -839,7 +872,6 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
-	bosstipsex = rand(0, 10)
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A74'
 	pose = 1
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -848,24 +880,26 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 	'You urge him on with your moans, and a little wiggle of your hips.'
 	!!gs 'dinsex','sexcum'
 	bosswantrand = rand(0, 10)
 	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub'
 	gs 'cum_call', 'precum', 'A74', 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	if bosswantrand >= 3:
+		killvar'bosswantrand'
 		gs 'cum_call', 'butt', 'A74', 1
 		'<<$boydesc>> withdraws his cock, and shoots hot streams of semen all over your naked ass.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 			act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 		elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
 			act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 	elseif bosswantrand < 3:
+		killvar'bosswantrand'
 		'Without warning, Anatoly takes his cock from pussy, and pushes it against your sphincter.'
 		act 'Give it to him': gt 'BurgerTip', 'anal'
@@ -873,7 +907,6 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'anal':
-	bosstipsex = rand(0, 10)
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A74'
 	pose = 1
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -881,10 +914,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'anal':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossanal.jpg"></center>'
 	'You push your hips back presenting your ass for Anatoly.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'auto_lube', 'anal'
-	!!gs 'dinsex','sexcum'
 	gs 'cum_call', 'butt', 'A74', 1
 	'He finishes by giving you a little smack on the ass and a "good girl".'
 	gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub'
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -898,7 +930,6 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sex2':
-	bosstipsex = rand(0, 10)
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A74'
 	pose = 0
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -914,18 +945,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex2':
 	gs 'stat'
 	if bosswantrand >= 3:
+		killvar'bosswantrand'
 		gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', 'A74', 1
 		'<<$boydesc>> withdraws his cock, and shoots hot streams of semen all over your naked ass.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		if BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 1:
 			act 'Have your lunch': gt 'burgerWork', 'work'
 		elseif BurgerQW['WorkShift'] = 2:
 			act 'Leave work': gs 'burgerWork', 'work2'
 	elseif bosswantrand < 3:
+		killvar'bosswantrand'
 		'Without warning, Anatoly takes his cock from pussy, and pushes it against your tight little ass.'
 		act 'Take it in the ass':gt 'BurgerTip', 'anal2'
@@ -934,12 +967,11 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'anal2':
 	act 'Take it in the ass':gt 'BurgerTip', 'anal2'
-	bosstipsex = rand(0, 10)
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A74'
 	pose = 0
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossanal2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You brace yourself, as he pushes his rock hard cock against your tight little sphincter.'
+	'You brace yourself, as he pushes his rock-hard cock against your tight little sphincter.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'auto_lube', 'anal'
 	!!gs 'dinsex','sexcum'
 	gs 'cum_call', 'anus', 'A74', 1
@@ -959,8 +991,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ily_work':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/diner/work.jpg"></center>'
 	'The senior manager Ilyushkin shows up in your office.'
-	'Ilyushkin grins, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, <<$pcs_nickname>>, I would have never imagined this from a sweet young thing like you." He puts a photo on your desk. You pick it up, and take a look. <<$BurgerQW[''IlyQWBlackmailPhoto'']>>. Ilyushkin is looking at you like a cat about to catch a mouse: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, we can''t have this our boss has aims at a career in politics. If something like this were to get out it would it would... well we can''t let that happen. I''m afraid you are just going to have to quit. Anatoly can''t be known as a man who keeps a slutty secretary."' 
+	'Ilyushkin grins, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, <<$pcs_nickname>>, I would have never imagined this from a sweet young thing like you." He puts a photo on your desk. You pick it up, and take a look. <<$BurgerQW[''IlyQWBlackmailPhoto'']>>. Ilyushkin is looking at you like a cat about to catch a mouse: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, we can''t have this our boss has aims at a career in politics. If something like this were to get out it would it would... well we can''t let that happen. I''m afraid you are just going to have to quit. Anatoly can''t be known as a man who keeps a slutty secretary."'
 	act 'Plead with him not to show the pictures': gt 'BurgerTip', 'ily_work2'
 	act 'Keep silent':
@@ -1005,7 +1037,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ily_work2':
 				BurgerQW['IlyQWBlackmail'] = 2
 				gs 'cum_call', 'face', 'A76', 1
 				guy += 1
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/ilyushkin/sex/ilyfacial.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1031,7 +1063,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ily_work2':
 			act 'Refuse (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
-		end	
+		end
 	gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'medium'
 	if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
@@ -1043,7 +1075,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ily_work2':
 		act 'Refuse (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
-	end	
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'ily_work3':

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 492 - 572

+ 74 - 99

@@ -11,26 +11,26 @@
 !!	Cum Array indices:
-!!	cumarrnam : Sperm Owner
-!!	cumarrppt : Sperm Potential Potency (max sperm delivery)
-!!	cumarrcpt : Sperm Current Potency	(current amount of sperm)
-!!	cumarrdel : Sperm "Delivery" (method of *VAGINAL ONLY* acquisition)
-!!	cumarrcon :	Contraception type used
-!!	cumarrage : Sperm age in hours
-!!	cumarrkno : Did you know/realize who did it?
-!!	cumarrcnt : Unique identifier of the exact which time the MC has had this sperm incident occur.
+!!	$cumarrnam : Sperm Owner
+!!	cumarrppt  : Sperm Potential Potency (max sperm delivery)
+!!	cumarrcpt  : Sperm Current Potency	(current amount of sperm)
+!!	cumarrdel  : Sperm "Delivery" (method of *VAGINAL ONLY* acquisition)
+!!	cumarrcon  : Contraception type used
+!!	cumarrage  : Sperm age in hours
+!!	cumarrkno  : Did you know/realize who did it?
+!!	cumarrcnt  : Unique identifier of the exact which time the MC has had this sperm incident occur.
 !!	Spatter Array indices:
-!!	sparrloc : Location of the sperm, as per cumarrdel
-!!	sparrnam : Spatter Owner
-!!	sparrppt : Spatter Potential Potency (Used to increase potency if you don't clean yourself out)
-!!	sparridt : Did you know/realize who did it?
-!!	sparrvol : Volume of the spatter. 40 is average.
-!!	sparrslc : Spread status of the spatter. High volume can spread the contaminant from it's starting place.
-!!	sparrcnt : Unique identifier of the exact which time the MC has had this spatter incident occur.
+!!	sparrloc  : Location of the sperm, as per cumarrdel
+!!	$sparrnam : Spatter Owner
+!!	sparrppt  : Spatter Potential Potency (Used to increase potency if you don't clean yourself out)
+!!	sparridt  : Did you know/realize who did it?
+!!	sparrvol  : Volume of the spatter. 40 is average.
+!!	sparrslc  : Spread status of the spatter. High volume can spread the contaminant from it's starting place.
+!!	sparrcnt  : Unique identifier of the exact which time the MC has had this spatter incident occur.
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 						sparrvol[sparrtemp] += sexvolume
 						cumsumbod += sexvolume
 						cumsumvag += sexvolume
+						cumloc[0] = 1
 						condom_break = 1
 						stat['broken_condoms'] += 1
 						stat['last_broken_condom'] = daystart
@@ -265,6 +266,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 					sparrvol[sparrtemp] += sexvolume
 					cumsumbod += sexvolume
 					cumsumvag += sexvolume
+					cumloc[0] = 1
 					condom_break = 1
 					sparridt[sparrtemp] = cumarrkno[cumarrtemp]
@@ -285,6 +287,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 					sparrvol[sparrtemp] += sexvolume
 					cumsumbod += sexvolume
 					cumsumvag += sexvolume
+					cumloc[0] = 1
 					sparridt[sparrtemp] = cumarrkno[cumarrtemp]
 					sparrslc[sparrtemp] = 0
@@ -322,6 +325,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 				sparrvol[sparrtemp] += sexvolume
 				cumsumbod += sexvolume
 				cumsumvag += sexvolume
+				cumloc[0] = 1
 				sparridt[sparrtemp] = cumarrkno[cumarrtemp]
 				sparrslc[sparrtemp] = 0
@@ -370,48 +374,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			sparrage[sparrtemp] = 0
 			sparrcnt[sparrtemp] = stat['cum_count']
-			if $pantyworntype = 'none':
-				if spafinloc = 2:
-					spafinloc = 1
-				elseif spafinloc = 5:
-					spafinloc = 4
-				end
-			end
+			!! if no panties cum goes to labia or butt
+			if ($pantyworntype = 'none' or $clothingworntype = 'nude') and (spafinloc = 2 or spafinloc = 5): spafinloc -= 1
+			!! if no clothes but cum loc is on clothes
 			if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
-				if spafinloc = 2:
-					spafinloc = 1
-				elseif spafinloc = 5:
+				!! clothes in groin area
+				if spafinloc = 6:
 					spafinloc = 4
-				elseif spafinloc = 6:
-					if rand(0,1) = 0:
-						spafinloc = 1
-					else
-						spafinloc = 4
-					end
+					if rand(0,1) = 0: spafinloc = 1
+				!! clothes
 				elseif spafinloc = 7:
-					if rand(0,1) = 0:
-						spafinloc = 14
-					else
-						spafinloc = 15
-					end
+					spafinloc = 15
+					if rand(0,1) = 0: spafinloc = 8
+					if rand(0,1) = 0: spafinloc = 14
 			sparrloc[sparrtemp] = spafinloc
@@ -424,13 +401,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			sparrvol[sparrtemp] += sexvolume
 			cumsumbod += sexvolume
-			if spafinloc = 3:
-				cumsumass += sexvolume
-			end
+			if spafinloc = 3: cumsumass += sexvolume
 			sparridt[sparrtemp] = cumarrkno[cumarrtemp]
 			sparrslc[sparrtemp] = 0
+			cumloc[spafinloc] = 1
 		if cumarrppt[cumarrtemp] < cumarrcpt[cumarrtemp]:cumarrcpt[cumarrtemp] = cumarrppt[cumarrtemp]
 		sexpartkno = 0
@@ -462,19 +438,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	if cumsumass >= 60:
 		arrmodtmp = arrpos('sparrloc',3)
 		if sparrslc[arrmodtmp] <= 0: sparrslc[arrmodtmp] += 1
 	if cumsumvag >= 60:
 		arrmodtmp = arrpos('sparrloc',0)
 		if sparrslc[arrmodtmp] <= 0: sparrslc[arrmodtmp] += 1
 	killvar 'sexspecpot'
 	killvar 'cumnostd'
+	killvar 'arrmodtmp'
+	killvar 'sparrtemp'
+	killvar 'cumarrtemp'
+	if $cumboy ! '': $boy = $cumboy & killvar '$cumboy'
@@ -529,7 +506,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cumeater_icon':
 	j = 0
-	if cumloc[j] > 0 and j <> 12 and ((j <> 0 and j <> 3) or FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', j) = 1 or cheatKlisma = 0): gs 'cum_manage', 'cumeater', j
+		if cumloc[j] > 0 and j <> 12 and ((j <> 0 and j <> 3) or FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', j) = 1 or cheatVars['enema'] = 1) and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_private', j) = 1: gs 'cum_manage', 'cumeater', j
 	if j < 17: j += 1 & jump 'cumeater_icon_jump'
@@ -539,8 +516,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cumeater':
 	if i ! -1 and i < arrsize('sparrloc'):
 		cumloc[12] = 1
-		spafinloc = 12 & sexvolume = sparrvol[i] & sexunaware = 0 & sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[i] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[i] & cumarrkno = sparridt[i] & cumarrage = sparrage[i] & cumnostd = 1 & gs 'Cum_Manage'
-		pcs_breath = 0
+		spafinloc = 12 & sexvolume = sparrvol[i] & sexunaware = 0 & sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[i] & cumnostd = 0 & gs 'Cum_Manage'
 		$part = ''
 		if cloc = 13:
@@ -587,9 +563,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cumeater':
 				'You collect the sperm from your <<$part>> with your fingers and lick them, enjoying the tart taste.'
-			if FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', cloc) = 1 and cheatKlisma = 1:
+			if FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', cloc) = 1 and cheatVars['enema'] = 0:
 				cumspclnt = 15 & gs 'cum_cleanup'
-			elseif (cloc <> 0 and cloc <> 3) or cheatKlisma = 0:
+			elseif (cloc <> 0 and cloc <> 3) or cheatVars['enema'] = 1:
 				gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleanloc', cloc
@@ -699,7 +675,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 			$txtloc_adj = 'all over '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your labia'
 			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumpussy/cumpus'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg''">labia</a>'
-		elseif i = 2 and PCloPanties > 0:
+		elseif i = 2 and PCloPanties = 1:
 			$txtloc_adj = 'across '
 			$txtloc = 'the front of your panties'
 			$icon_txtloc = $txtloc
@@ -711,7 +687,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 			$txtloc_adj = 'all over '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your butt'
 			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumass/cumass'+rand(1,6)+'.jpg''">butt</a>'
-		elseif i = 5 and PCloPanties > 0:
+		elseif i = 5 and PCloPanties = 1:
 			$txtloc_adj = 'painting '
 			$txtloc = 'the back of your panties'
 			$icon_txtloc = $txtloc
@@ -737,20 +713,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 			$icon_txtloc = $txtloc
 		elseif i = 11:
 			if pcs_haircol = 0:
-				$cum_face_image = 'brown/'
-				$cum_face_image += rand(1,31)
+				$cum_face_image = 'brown/<<rand(1,31)>>'
 			elseif pcs_haircol = 1:
-				$cum_face_image = 'black/'
-				$cum_face_image += rand(1,23)
+				$cum_face_image = 'black/<<rand(1,23)>>'
 			elseif pcs_haircol = 2:
-				$cum_face_image = 'red/'
-				$cum_face_image += rand(1,19)
+				$cum_face_image = 'red/<<rand(1,19)>>'
 			elseif pcs_haircol = 3:
-				$cum_face_image = 'blonde/'
-				$cum_face_image += rand(1,25)
+				$cum_face_image = 'blonde/<<rand(1,25)>>'
 			elseif pcs_haircol > 3:
-				$cum_face_image = 'custom/'
-				$cum_face_image += rand(1,20)
+				$cum_face_image = 'custom/<<rand(1,20)>>'
 			$txtloc_adj = 'across '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your face'
@@ -929,7 +900,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 				$icon_txtiscum = $txtiscum
 				if j <= 4 and pcs_traits['cumeater'] = 1 and $txtiscum = 'cum' _ 
-				and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_private', i) = 1 and ((i <> 0 and i <> 3) or FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', i) = 1 or cheatKlisma = 0):
+				and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_private', i) = 1 and ((i <> 0 and i <> 3) or FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', i) = 1 or cheatVars['enema'] = 1):
 					$txtiscum = '<a href="exec:gs ''cum_manage'', ''cumeater'', <<i>>"><font color=#0064FF>' + $txtiscum + '</font></a>'
 				if $txtperson ! '':
@@ -955,12 +926,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 		if j < 7: j+=1 & jump 'ageloop'
-		if stat_cumloc_check = 1 and cheatKlisma = 1 and (FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_private', i) = 0 _ 
-		or (i <> 0 and cumsumass = 0 and cumsumvag > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 0) = 0) _ 
+		if stat_cumloc_check = 1 and _ 
+		  ((i <> 0 and cumsumass = 0 and cumsumvag > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 0) = 0) _ 
 		or (i <> 3 and cumsumvag = 0 and cumsumass > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 3) = 0) _ 
-		or (i > 3 and cumsumvag > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 0) = 0 and cumsumass > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 3) = 0)):
+		or (i >  3 and cumsumvag > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 0) = 0 and cumsumass > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 3) = 0)):
 			stat_cumloc_check = 0
+		!! if stat_cumloc_check = 1 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_private', i) = 0: stat_cumloc_check = 2
 	if i < 18: i+=1 & jump 'cumlocloop'
 	killvar 'i'
@@ -1101,7 +1074,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 !! ARGS[1] forced cum leak (sex intercourse) in values like 20-100
 	cumforced = ARGS[1]
-	if (menu_off = 1 or cumdectime+15 > totminut) and cumforced = 0: exit
+	if (cumforced = 0 and (menu_off = 1 or cumdectime + 15 > totminut)) or cheatVars['no_cum_leak'] = 1: exit
 	if arrsize('sparrvol') > 0:
 		cumsumvag = 0
@@ -1130,7 +1103,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 							cumsumvag += sparrvol[idx]
 							!! seeping out
 							if FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 0) = 1 or cumforced/rand(2,3) > sparrvol[idx]:
-								cumamount = min(sparrvol[idx]*3/2, (totminut-cumdectime)/15 * max(rand(1,3), rand(sparrvol[idx]/pcs_vag, vgape*40) - InSleep*rand(2,5) + iif(pcs_horny>50, min(100,pcs_horny)/10 - 4,0)) + cumforced/rand(5,10))
+								cumamount = min(sparrvol[idx]*3/2, (totminut-cumdectime)/15 * max(rand(1,3), rand(sparrvol[idx]/max(1,pcs_vag), vgape*40) - InSleep*rand(2,5) + iif(pcs_horny>50, min(100,pcs_horny)/10 - 4,0)) + cumforced/rand(5,10))
 								sparrvol[idx] -= cumamount & cumsumvag -= cumamount
 								cumvol[0] -= cumamount
@@ -1139,19 +1112,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 								if sexvolume > 0:
 									spafinloc = 1
 									sexunaware = iif(cumforced=0,iif(rand(0,4)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0),0)
-									sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = 0 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+									sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 1
 									gs 'Cum_Manage'
 									cumvol[1] += sexvolume & cumloc[1] = 1
 								if cumforced = 0:
 									!! 2 = 'On your panties over your vagina'
-									if $pantyworntype <> 'none' or PCloPanties > 0:
+									if $pantyworntype <> 'none' or PCloPanties = 1:
 										!! isprokp - sanitary pad absorption
 										if isprokp <> 1:
 											spafinloc = 2
 											sexvolume = max(1, cumamount/2)
 											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,3)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
-											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = 0 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 1
 											gs 'Cum_Manage'
 											cumvol[2] += sexvolume & cumloc[2] = 1
@@ -1161,7 +1134,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 										if sexvolume > 0:
 											spafinloc = 9
 											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,2)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
-											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = 0 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 1
 											gs 'Cum_Manage'
 											cumvol[9] += sexvolume & cumloc[9] = 1
@@ -1172,7 +1145,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 										if sexvolume > 0:
 											spafinloc = 6
 											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,4)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
-											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = 0 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 1
 											gs 'Cum_Manage'
 											cumvol[6] += sexvolume & cumloc[6] = 1
@@ -1193,7 +1166,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 							cumsumass += sparrvol[idx]
 							!! seeping out
 							if FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 3) = 1 or cumforced/rand(2,4) > sparrvol[idx]:
-								cumamount = min(sparrvol[idx]*3/2, (totminut-cumdectime)/15 * max(rand(0,1), rand(sparrvol[idx]/(pcs_ass*3/2), agape*20) - InSleep*rand(4,8)) + cumforced/rand(7,15))
+								cumamount = min(sparrvol[idx]*3/2, (totminut-cumdectime)/15 * max(rand(0,1), rand(sparrvol[idx]/max(1,(pcs_ass*3/2)), agape*20) - InSleep*rand(4,8)) + cumforced/rand(7,15))
 								sparrvol[idx] -= cumamount & cumsumass -= cumamount
 								cumvol[3] -= cumamount
@@ -1202,7 +1175,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 								if sexvolume > 0:
 									spafinloc = 1
 									sexunaware = iif(cumforced=0,iif(rand(0,4)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0),0)
-									sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/2 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+									sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 1
 									gs 'Cum_Manage'
 									cumvol[1] += sexvolume & cumloc[1] = 1
@@ -1213,19 +1186,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 										spafinloc = 4
 										sexvolume = max(0, cumamount/2)
 										sexunaware = 0
-										sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/3 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+										sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 1
 										gs 'Cum_Manage'
 										cumvol[4] += sexvolume & cumloc[4] = 1
 									!! 5 = 'On your panties over your butt'
-									if $pantyworntype <> 'none' or PCloPanties > 0:
+									if $pantyworntype <> 'none' or PCloPanties = 1:
 										!! isprokp - sanitary pad absorption
 										if isprokp <> 1:
 											spafinloc = 5
 											sexvolume = max(1, cumamount/3)
 											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,3)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
-											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/3 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 1
 											gs 'Cum_Manage'
 											cumvol[5] += sexvolume & cumloc[5] = 1
@@ -1235,7 +1208,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 										if sexvolume > 0:
 											spafinloc = 9
 											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,2)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
-											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/4 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 1
 											gs 'Cum_Manage'
 											cumvol[9] += sexvolume & cumloc[9] = 1
@@ -1246,7 +1219,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 										if sexvolume > 0:
 											spafinloc = 6
 											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,4)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
-											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/3 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 1
 											gs 'Cum_Manage'
 											cumvol[6] += sexvolume & cumloc[6] = 1
@@ -1258,14 +1231,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 					!! 1 = 'On your labia'  4 = 'On your butt'
 					elseif (i = 1 and sparrvol[idx]*((totminut-cumdectime)/15) > rand(2,5)) _ 
 						or (i = 4 and sparrvol[idx]*((totminut-cumdectime)/15) > rand(4,8)):
-						if $pantyworntype <> 'none' or PCloPanties > 0:
+						if $pantyworntype <> 'none' or PCloPanties = 1:
 							!! 2 = 'On your panties over your vagina'  5 = 'On your panties over your butt'
 							sexvolume = rand(sparrvol[idx]/2, sparrvol[idx]) - iif(i=1,isprokp*rand(15,30),0)
 							if sexvolume > 0:
 								sparrvol[idx] -= sexvolume
 								spafinloc = iif(i=1,2,5)
 								sexunaware = 1
-								sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx] & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 0
+								sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 0
 								gs 'Cum_Manage'
 								cumvol[iif(i=1,2,5)] += sexvolume & cumloc[iif(i=1,2,5)] = 1
@@ -1275,7 +1248,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 							if sexvolume > 0:
 								spafinloc = 6
 								sexunaware = iif(rand(0,4)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
-								sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/3 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+								sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 0
 								gs 'Cum_Manage'
 								cumvol[6] += sexvolume & cumloc[6] = 1
@@ -1291,7 +1264,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 							sparrvol[idx] -= sexvolume
 							spafinloc = 0
 							sexunaware = 1
-							sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx] & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 0
+							sexspecpot = -1 & $cumboy = $boy & $boy = $sparrnam[idx] & cumnostd = 0
 							gs 'Cum_Manage'
 							cumvol[17] -= sexvolume & cumvol[0] += sexvolume & cumloc[0] = 1
@@ -1308,9 +1281,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
 					if sparrvol[idx] > 0: cumloc[i] = 1 & cumvol[inx] += sparrvol[idx] else cumloc[i] = 0 & cumvol[inx] = 0
+				elseif sparrvol[idx] <= 0 and ($sparrnam[idx] = '' or sparrloc[idx] ! 0 or (sparrloc[idx] = 0 and sparrage[idx] > 10)):
+					gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleandeposit', idx
 				!! reset just in case
-				sexvolume = 0 & cumnostd = 0 & cumarrkno = 0
+				sexvolume = 0 & cumnostd = 0
 			if idx > 0:idx -= 1 & jump 'sparrlocloop'
 		if i < 18:i += 1 & jump 'sparrvolloop'
 		killvar 'i'

+ 14 - 14

@@ -12,34 +12,34 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'relate':
 !!Comparing two DNA string to determine genetic relation
 	!!First sample
 	!!own ID
-	temp1[0] = $mid ($ARGS[1], 1, 10)
+	temp1[0] = val($mid($ARGS[1], 1, 10))
 	!!mother ID
-	temp1[1] = $mid ($ARGS[1], 12, 10)
+	temp1[1] = val($mid($ARGS[1], 12, 10))
 	!!father ID
-	temp1[2] = $mid ($ARGS[1], 23, 10)
+	temp1[2] = val($mid($ARGS[1], 23, 10))
 	!!maternal grandmother ID
-	temp1[3] = $mid ($ARGS[1], 34, 10)
+	temp1[3] = val($mid($ARGS[1], 34, 10))
 	!!maternal grandfather ID
-	temp1[4] = $mid ($ARGS[1], 45, 10)
+	temp1[4] = val($mid($ARGS[1], 45, 10))
 	!!paternal grandmother ID
-	temp1[5] = $mid ($ARGS[1], 56, 10)
+	temp1[5] = val($mid($ARGS[1], 56, 10))
 	!!paternal grandfather ID
-	temp1[6] = $mid ($ARGS[1], 67, 10)
+	temp1[6] = val($mid($ARGS[1], 67, 10))
 	!!Second sample
 	!!own ID
-	temp2[0] = $mid ($ARGS[2], 1, 10)
+	temp2[0] = val($mid($ARGS[2], 1, 10))
 	!!mother ID
-	temp2[1] = $mid ($ARGS[2], 12, 10)
+	temp2[1] = val($mid($ARGS[2], 12, 10))
 	!!father ID
-	temp2[2] = $mid ($ARGS[2], 23, 10)
+	temp2[2] = val($mid($ARGS[2], 23, 10))
 	!!maternal grandmother ID
-	temp2[3] = $mid ($ARGS[2], 34, 10)
+	temp2[3] = val($mid($ARGS[2], 34, 10))
 	!!maternal grandfather ID
-	temp2[4] = $mid ($ARGS[2], 45, 10)
+	temp2[4] = val($mid($ARGS[2], 45, 10))
 	!!paternal grandmother ID
-	temp2[5] = $mid ($ARGS[2], 56, 10)
+	temp2[5] = val($mid($ARGS[2], 56, 10))
 	!!paternal grandfather ID
-	temp2[6] = $mid ($ARGS[2], 67, 10)
+	temp2[6] = val($mid($ARGS[2], 67, 10))
 	killvar 'gen_relationship'

+ 9 - 9

@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'Start':
 		gt 'FedorEv', 'Strela Chat'
 	elseif FedorvsDimka = 2:
 		gt 'FedorEv4', 'Dimka Aftermath'
-	elseif GorSlut = 1 and fedorkoztalk = 0 and FedorLove = 0:
+	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and fame['pav_slut'] >= 150 and fame['pav_slut'] < 250 and fedorkoztalk = 0 and FedorLove = 0:
 		gt 'FedorEv', 'Gorslut'
-	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and GorSlut > 1 and FedorLove = 0:
+	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and fame['pav_slut'] >= 250 and FedorLove = 0:
 		gt 'FedorEv', 'Gorslut 2'
 	elseif fedorKozlovQW = 10 and FedorLuv < -5:
 		gt 'FedorEv2', 'Fedor Breakup'
 	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and dimaFilm = 1 and FedorvsDimka = 1:
 		gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Vs Dimka'	
-	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 20 and GorSlut < 2:
+	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 20 and fame['pav_slut'] < 250:
 		if rand(0,1) = 0:
 			gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date 2'
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big9.jpg"></center>'
-	'When you approach Fedor, Vitek sees you walking Fedor''s way and follows you right away. He shoves Fedor roughly: "What do you think you''re doing, punk? <<$pcs_firstname>> is <b>mine!</b>" Fedor turns his face to Vitek and calmly says, "I''m not doing anything. <<$pcs_firstname>> is with me now, so you should just leave us alone." Vitek theatrically moves his hand to his ear, and says, in a threatening voice: "What did you just say!?" to which Fedor calmly replies: "You heard me." You can tell that Vitek is seething with rage now, the knuckles on his clenched fists turning white. Fedor moves his face even closer to Vitek''s and repeats, also clenching his fists: "You heard me. Get away from <<$pcs_firstname>>, Vitek."'
+	'You approach Fedor, and wrap you arms around him, as he does the same, embracing you firmly, when Vitek quickly approaches Fedor from behind, before violently shoving Fedor back, and saying in a menacing tone, "What do you think you''re doing, punk? <<$pcs_firstname>> is <b>mine!</b>" Fedor turns his face to Vitek, and firmly states, "<<$pcs_firstname>> is with me now, so why don''t you hit the road?" Vitek theatrically moves his hand to his ear, and says, in a threatening tone, "What did you just say!?" To which Fedor boldly replies, "You heard me." You can tell that Vitek is seething with rage now, as his face turns red, and the knuckles on his clenched fists, turn a deathly white. Fedor moves his face even closer to Vitek''s, and repeats, also clenching his fists: "You heard me. Get away from <<$pcs_firstname>>, Vitek."'
 	act 'Tell Vitek you want to be with Fedor':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big9.jpg"></center>'
-		'You tell Vitek that you don''t want to be with him any more. You can tell he''s very angry, and has to restrain himself from hitting you in the face. Ultimately he exclaims "Fuck you, bitch!" and leaves, kicking over several garbage cans on the way. You fear that this might not be the last thing you''ve heard of him.'
+		'Not wanting to see Fedor hurt, you tell Vitek the truth, "Vitek please calm down, I know we had some fun together, but I''m with Fedor now." Vitek grimaces, obviously furious with both of you, but fortunately, has enough composure to restrain himself from hitting you in the face. He ultimately, calms himself, before looking you in the eyes, and shouting, "You''re going to pay for this, you fucking cheating, bitch!" Vitek begins walking away, but not before kicking over several garbage cans on the way. you can''t help but shutter at the feeling that this might not be the last you''ve heard of him.'
 		act 'Continue':gt $curloc
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 		minut += 5
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/Strela/fvsv.jpg"></center>'
-		'Vitek suddenly hits Fedor on the chin with a quick jab, which sends Fedor flying backwards landing on his back on the pavement. Vitek immediately gets on top of him, grabbing him by the collar with his left hand while he keeps punching Fedor in the face with his right hand. Fedor tries to ball up and kick Vitek, but doesn''t manage and Vitek gives him a hard kick in the ribs when he gets back up, which makes Fedor double over grasping his stomach. When Fedor tries to get up, Vitek kicks him against the head which makes Fedor fall over again. Then you see Vasily and Dan coming around the corner, they run towards Vitek when they notice he''s fighting. "Vitek, what''s going on?" Vasily asks. Vitek kicks the now prone Fedor once more in his sides. "This fucker is trying to steal my girl!" he exclaims, pointing at Fedor. For a moment' 
+		'Vitek suddenly hits Fedor on the chin with a quick jab, which sends Fedor flying backwards; landing backward on the pavement. Vitek immediately climbs on top of him, grabbing him by the collar, with his left hand, while punching Fedor in the face with his right one. Fedor tries to ball up and kick Vitek, but doesn''t manage to phase him, as Vitek gives him a hard kick in the ribs when he gets back up, which makes Fedor fall over grasping his stomach. As Fedor tries to get up, Vitek kicks him in his head, which causes Fedor fall over again. As Fedor hits the ground, you see Vasily and Dan coming around the corner, they run towards Vitek when they notice that he''s fighting. "Vitek, what''s going on?" Vasily asks. Vitek kicks the now prone Fedor, once more in his sides. "This fucker is trying to steal my girl!" He exclaims, pointing at Fedor.' 
-		'you''re scared he''s going to beat you up too, but he doesn''t. Dan moves over to Fedor''s barely conscious body and asks: "Hasn''t anyone told you that it''s rude to steal someone''s girl, Fedor? What do you have to say for yourself?" Fedor looks up, barely realizing what''s going on any more. His face is all busted up, but he''s not willing to let it go: "<<$pcs_firstname>> is my girl..." he moans. Vasily laughs like a jackal, while Vitek is furious once more: "You little shit! I''m going to..." Dan interrupts him: "Relax, Vitek. Look at his face. I think he realizes his mistake. Or do you want to make things even worse for yourself?" That last question was directed at Fedor.'
+		'Feeling terrified that Vitek might hurt you too, in his blind rage, you remain silent. Dan moves over to Fedor''s, as Fedor struggles to remain conscious, and asks: "Hasn''t anyone told you that it''s rude to steal someone''s girl, Fedor? What do you have to say for yourself?" Fedor looks up, barely realizing what''s going on any more. His face is all busted up, but he''s not willing to let it go: "<<$pcs_firstname>> is my girl..." He groans. Vasily begins laughing like a jackal, while Vitek furiously shouts at Fedor once more: "You little shit! I''m going to..." Dan interrupts him: "Relax, Vitek. Look at his face. I think he realizes his mistake. Or do you want to make things even worse for yourself?" That last question was directed at Fedor.'
 		'<center><b><font color="maroon"><<"Vasily [Shulga] Shulgin">></font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big11.jpg"></center>'
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorangry.jpg"></center>'
-			'Fedor slowly rises to his feet, and softly mutters: "Fucking Gopniks..." Vasily hears him though, and immediately slams his fist into Fedor''s face. Fedor tries to keep standing, but immediately gets hit by Dan as well. No longer able to support his weight, he falls to his hands and knees. Vasily jokes: "Look at him... already assuming the position!" making the other Gopniks laugh. Vitek kicks him in the stomach again, and Fedor lies flat on the ground. Vitek looks at Dan and asks: "Can you believe I have to put up with this shit?"' 
+			'Fedor slowly rises to his feet, and softly mutters: "Fucking Gopniks..." Vasily hears him clearly, immediately slamming his fist into Fedor''s face, but Fedor refuses to fall until he is immediately hit by Dan in his stomach. No longer able to support his weight, he falls to his hands and knees. Vasily jokes: "Look at him... already assuming the position!" Making the other Gopniks laugh. Vitek kicks him in the stomach again, knocking Fedor onto his back, laying flat on the ground. Realizing he won, Vitek looks to Dan and asks: "Can you believe the shit I have to put up with?"' 
 			act 'Hear what Dan has to say':
 				*clr & cla
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 				gs 'stat'			
 				'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/Strela/fedor.jpg"></center>'				
-				'Dan replies: "We could ask Vadim Bely to take care of him. He''ll know how to punish Fedor in a way that he''ll never forget." Vitek nods: "Good plan. Set it up, will you?" He then turns to Fedor "We''re settling this tomorrow, kid. You better be here after school, it''ll be ten times worse for you if you don''t." He then waves for his friends to follow him "Come on guys. Let''s go have some beers in the park, I need to relax. <<$pcs_nickname>>, if you want to join us, you know where we''ll be." Vitek and Dan leave Fedor on the ground and head for the schoolyard exit, but Vasily walks over to Fedor and kicks him in the ribs one more time, still laughing that signature jackal laugh of his. He then joins his friends, and moments later they''re gone.'
+				'Dan replies: "We could ask Vadim Bely to take care of him. He''ll know how to punish Fedor in a way that he''ll never forget." Vitek nods: "Good plan. Set it up, will you?" He then turns to Fedor "We''re settling this tomorrow, kid. You better be here after school, it''ll be ten times worse for you if you don''t." He then waves for his friends to follow him "Come on guys. Let''s go have some beers in the park, I need to relax. <<$pcs_nickname>>, if you want to join us, you know where we''ll be." Vitek and Dan leave Fedor on the ground then head for the schoolyard exit, but as they pass Fedor, Vasily quickly kicks him in the ribs one more time, still laughing that signature jackal laugh of his. He then joins his friends, and moments later, they''re gone.'
 				act 'Leave the school courtyard':gt 'pav_residential'

+ 13 - 13

@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Train Tracks':
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'	
 		gs 'stat'			
-		act 'Walk home with Fedor': gt 'pav_residential'	
+		act 'Walk home with Fedor': gs 'homes_properties', 'go_straight_home'	
 	act 'Offer him your hand':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Train Tracks':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/park/nokiss.jpg"></center>'
 		'You think to yourself "This is going too fast." so you offer Fedor your hand. He is a little surprised at first but kisses your hand nonetheless. Fedor lowers your hand as he releases it and after a few moments of silence you notice a Fedor''s posture lowers as he turns away from you "It''s starting to get late, we should probably get going before your parents start to worry about you." He says, with a meek smile as he takes your hand and walks you home.'
-		act 'Walk home with Fedor': gt 'pav_residential'
+		act 'Walk home with Fedor': gs 'homes_properties', 'go_straight_home'
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movies 2':
 				*clr & cla				
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/mall/cinema/sex/kinosex3.jpg"></center>'
-				'You slowly turn back to Fedor and notice that he forgot to zip his pants and you can see his underwear poking out, so you slowly reach out to zip it for him when you feel sudden excitement as your hand is over his crootch and with out thinking you reach into his pants and start rubbing on his penis. You can feel how rock hard his cock is and unable to stop yourself you start jerking him off hearing him softly moan. You then look up to him to see him biting his lip trying not to make too much noise.'
+				'You slowly turn back to Fedor and notice that he forgot to zip his pants and you can see his underwear poking out, so you slowly reach out to zip it for him when you feel sudden excitement as your hand is over his crootch and with out thinking you reach into his pants and start rubbing on his penis. You can feel how rock-hard his cock is and unable to stop yourself you start jerking him off hearing him softly moan. You then look up to him to see him biting his lip trying not to make too much noise.'
 				act 'Continue jerking him':
 					*clr & cla
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movie 4':
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'	
 		gs 'stat'			
-		act 'Go Home': gt 'korrPar'
+		act 'Go Home': gs 'homes_properties', 'go_straight_home'
 	act 'Say goodbye and leave':
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Movie 4':
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/movies/endbye.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'You put your index finger on his lips. "Sorry but I just re-applied my lipstick." and then you back up into your apartment as you say, "Bye" Fedor then tilts his head downward and looks noticeably upset as you close the door.'
-		act 'Go Home': gt 'korrPar'
+		act 'Go Home': gs 'homes_properties', 'go_straight_home'
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home':
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/movies/endbye.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'You tell Fedor that you need to go and he wraps his arms around you, giving you a warm hug as he replies, "I understand, maybe next time." and he walks you home. Fedor fetches your coat and walks you out the door. When you arrive at your apartment, you give Fedor a soft kiss on the cheek. "Until next time." as you give him a wink and close the door.'
-				act 'Go home': gt 'korrPar'
+				act 'Go home': gs 'homes_properties', 'go_straight_home'
 			act 'How can I say no to that? <b><h4><font color=#ff00cc>[Go steady]</font></h4></b>':
@@ -575,11 +575,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Wash Up':
 	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 25
 	if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
-	sweat = 7 + rand(0,4)
+	gs 'sweat', 'add', 7 + rand(0,4)
 	hapri = 1
 	mop = 1
 	cumspclnt = 1
-	gs 'cum_cleanup'	
+	gs 'cum_cleanup'
 	frost = 0
 	FedorLuv = 100
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Wash Up':
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'	
 			gs 'stat'
-			act 'Go home': gt 'korrPar'
+			act 'Go home': gs 'homes_properties', 'go_straight_home'
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate Kiss':
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'	
 	gs 'stat'		
-	act 'Walk home with Fedor': gt 'korrPar'
+	act 'Walk home with Fedor': gs 'homes_properties', 'go_straight_home'
 	act 'I''ll be fine on my own': gt 'pav_residential'
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Skate End':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/Skate/skate5.jpg"></center>'
 	'You and Fedor decide that you''ve had enough skating for today, so you both sit down on a nearby bench and discuss your favorite subjects in school, along with past experiences. After a few minutes of chatting Fedor says, "I had a great time with you <<$pcs_firstname>>. Would you like me to walk you home or will you be fine on your own?"'
-	act 'Walk home with Fedor': gt 'korrPar'
+	act 'Walk home with Fedor': gs 'homes_properties', 'go_straight_home'
 	act 'I''ll be fine on my own': gt 'pav_residential'
@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park End':
 	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/park/walk2.jpg"></center>'
-	'Fedor takes you by the hand then leads you to your apartment while you both chat about various things. When you arrive at your apartment, Fedor spins you around then gives you a passionate kiss as he pushes you against the wall for a more passionate kiss, before pulling off you and giving you a wink as he turns away and walks off.'
+	'Fedor takes you by the hand then leads you home, while you both chat about various things. When you arrive at your place, Fedor spins you around then gives you a passionate kiss as he pushes you against the wall for a more passionate kiss, before pulling off you and giving you a wink as he turns away and walks off.'
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/endkiss.mp4"></video></center>'
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Park End':
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'	
 	gs 'stat'		
-	act 'Leave': gt 'korrPar'
+	act 'Leave': gs 'homes_properties', 'go_straight_home'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Breakup':

+ 2 - 2

@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'End Date 2':
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/endkiss.mp4"></video></center>'
-	act 'Walk home':gt 'korrPar'
+	act 'Walk home': gs 'homes_properties', 'go_straight_home'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'TV':
@@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Dimka Aftermath':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/console2.jpg"></center>'
 	'You approach Fedor, he stands up and hugs you. "I''m so sorry about not getting there in time. I can''t believe I was so careless and it was you that paid the price." You give Fedor an innocent smile as you place your hand on his cheek and say, "It''s alright Fyodor. He used to make me do things far worst than that." Fedor clenches his fists as he responds, "That fucking coward will never harm you again. I will make sure that he learns his place from now on."'
-	'You give Fedor a soft kiss. "I know that I will always be safe with you." Fedor looks into your eyes. "I will always love you <<$pcs_firstname>>." You reply, "And I, you, Fyodor" then you both share a long passionate kiss.'
+	'You give Fedor a soft kiss. "I know that I will always be safe with you." Fedor looks into your eyes. "I will always love you <<$pcs_firstname>>." You reply, "And I, you, Fedor" then you both share a long passionate kiss.'
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/kiss2.mp4"></video></center>'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1909,7 +1909,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Shower 2':
 							IvanPregChat = 1
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bathroom/Shower/shower4.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'Fedor gives you a passionate kiss as he increases the pace of his thrusts and you do your best to match his thrusts with your own. After a few seconds, Fedor groans and you feel his seed filling your womb with its warmth as you continue thrusting your hips attempting to drain his dick completely. Fedor gives you a passionate kiss and then looks you in the eyes as he says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> what have i done to deserve a perfect girl like you?"'
+							'Fedor gives you a passionate kiss as he increases the pace of his thrusts and you do your best to match his thrusts with your own. After a few seconds, Fedor groans and you feel his seed filling your womb with its warmth as you continue thrusting your hips attempting to drain his dick completely. Fedor gives you a passionate kiss and then looks you in the eyes as he says, "<<$pcs_firstname>> what have I done to deserve a perfect girl like you?"'
 							'His words of affection catch you off guard as you are left speechless for a few seconds then you recover your thoughts and respond, "You''ve treated me with love and affection and handled my heart with care and that is why you deserve everything I can offer you." You both stare at each other in silence until Fedor gives you another long kiss and then dries off and gets dressed before leaving the room.'

+ 5 - 11

@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Hall':
 		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/Hall/Sex/hall1.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You pull down Fedor''s pants, revealing his rock hard penis which you wrap your fingers around and begin stroking as he caresses your cheek, admiring your beauty. You continue stroking his penis as you look into his eyes to see a very lustful look in them, turning you on, knowing how badly he wants you.'
+		'You pull down Fedor''s pants, revealing his rock-hard penis which you wrap your fingers around and begin stroking as he caresses your cheek, admiring your beauty. You continue stroking his penis as you look into his eyes to see a very lustful look in them, turning you on, knowing how badly he wants you.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'dom'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -513,8 +513,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Smoke':
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	npc_rel['A5'] += 5
-	mc_inventory['cigarettes'] += 1
-	gs 'drugs', 'smoke'
+	gs 'drugs', 'smoke', 1
 	cumspclnt = 2
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
 	pcs_breath = 0
@@ -531,13 +530,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Smoke 2':
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	npc_rel['A5'] += 5
-	mc_inventory['cigarettes'] += 1
-	gs 'drugs', 'smoke'
-	cumspclnt = 2
-	gs 'cum_cleanup'
-	pcs_breath = 0
-	pcs_mood += 100
-	gs 'stat'
+	gs 'drugs', 'smoke', 1
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/Hall/smoke.jpg"></center>'
 	'"Sure thing." Fedor hands you a cigarette then puts one in his mouth as he collects his lighter from his pocket then lights both cigarettes. You both spend the next few minute gossiping about your classmates.'
@@ -644,7 +638,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Strength':
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 30
-	gs 'exp_gain', 'stren', rand(1, 4) + (steroid_dose - rand(0,steroid_dose)) & gs 'obj_din', 'steroids'
+	gs 'exp_gain', 'stren', rand(1, 4) + rand(0, drugVars['steroids_dose']) & gs 'obj_din', 'steroids'
 	fat -= 1
 	pcs_mood += 5
 	gs 'sweat', 'add', 30

+ 1 - 1

@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ if GboyBalabol[numnpc] = 1:
 			GboyBalabol[numnpc] = 2
 			gs 'stat'
-			'You think about what he said. Because of the rumours, a lot of people have already a bad opinion about you and you don''t want to lose your <<$bfTitle[numnpc]>>, too. So you reluctantly decide to forgive him.'
+			'You think about what he said. Because of the rumors, a lot of people have already a bad opinion about you and you don''t want to lose your <<$bfTitle[numnpc]>>, too. So you reluctantly decide to forgive him.'
 			act 'Leave':gt $loc, $loc_arg

+ 135 - 117

@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
 # HotelRoom
+if hotelRoomDays[$region] - daystart <= 0 and hour > 11: hotelRoom[$region] = 0
+if hotelRoomDays[$region] - daystart < 0: hotelRoom[$region] = 0
 if $ARGS[0] = 'normal':
 	*clr & cla
-	$locM_arg = 'normal'
-	$locM = 'HotelRoom'
-	$loc_arg = 'normal'
-	$loc = 'HotelRoom'
-	$prevloc = $loc
+	gs 'shortgs', 'setloc', 'HotelRoom', 'normal'
 	$location_type = 'private'
-	$menu_loc = 'HotelRoom'
-	$menu_arg = 'normal'
 	menu_off = 0
 	hotelWiFi = 1
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'internet_mobile', 'get_access', 'free'
+	gs 'music_actions', 'clear_restrictions'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Your normal hotel room</font></b></center>'
-	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelRoomDays[$hotel] - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
+	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelRoomDays[$region] - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
-	'Your hotel room is not very large, but it has everything you need and is quite stylish. The large <a href="exec:gt ''bed2''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
-	'Your hotel room also has a <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(mc_inventory['tech_computer'] = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
+	'Your hotel room is not very large, but it has everything you need and is quite stylish. The large <a href="exec:gt ''bed''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
+	'Your hotel room also has a <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>' + iif(mc_inventory['tech_computer'] = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
 	if $ml_guitar['location'] = $loc: 'Your guitar rests on its stand next to your bed.'
-	gs 'music_actions', 'music_icon'
+	gs 'music_actions', 'start'
 	act'Go to the hotel lobby':
 		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
-			gt $hotel
-			killvar '$hotel'
+			if $region = 'pav':
+				gt 'pav_hotel'
+			else
+				gt 'city_hotel'
+			end
-			msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before leaving your hotel room.</font></b>'
-			gt'HotelRoom','normal'
+			msg '<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before leaving your hotel room.</font></b>'
+			gt 'HotelRoom', 'normal'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] ! 0:
-		if money >= 100:act'Order room service (0:30) (100 <b>₽</b>)':gs 'food', 'h_food'
+	if hotelRoom[$region] ! 0:
+		if money >= 100:act 'Order room service (0:30) (100 <b>₽</b>)': gs 'food', 'h_food'
 		act 'Drink some water (0:01)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_wat'
-		if $hotel = 'pav_hotel': gs 'prostitution_functions', 'prostitute_outfit_at_home'
+		if $region = 'pav': gs 'prostitution_functions', 'prostitute_outfit_at_home'
+		gs 'wardrobe', 'default_clothing_options'
 		dynamic $fatdel
 		dynamic $lekarstvo
 		dynamic $vitamin
@@ -50,44 +50,43 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'better':
 	*clr & cla
-	$locM_arg = 'better'
-	$locM = 'HotelRoom'
-	$loc_arg = 'better'
-	$loc = 'HotelRoom'
-	$prevloc = $loc
-	$menu_loc = 'HotelRoom'
-	$menu_arg = 'better'
+	gs 'shortgs', 'setloc', 'HotelRoom', 'better'
+	$location_type = 'private'
 	menu_off = 0
 	hotelWiFi = 1
-	$location_type = 'private'
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
-	gs 'stat'	
+	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'internet_mobile', 'get_access', 'free'
+	gs 'music_actions', 'clear_restrictions'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Your luxury room</font></b></center>'
-	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelRoomDays[$hotel] - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
+	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelRoomDays[$region] - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
-	'Your hotel room is not very large, but it has everything you need and is quite stylish. The large <a href="exec:gt ''bed2''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
+	'Your hotel room is not very large, but it has everything you need and is quite stylish. The large <a href="exec:gt ''bed''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
 	'Your hotel room also has a small flat-screen <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(mc_inventory['tech_computer'] = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
 	if $ml_guitar['location'] = $loc: 'Your guitar rests on its stand next to your bed.'
-	gs 'music_actions', 'music_icon'
+	gs 'music_actions', 'start'
 	act'Go to the hotel lobby':
 		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
-			gt $hotel
-			killvar '$hotel'
+			if $region = 'pav':
+				gt 'pav_hotel'
+			else
+				gt 'city_hotel'
+			end
-			msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before leaving your hotel room.</font></b>'
-			gt'HotelRoom','better'
+			msg '<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before leaving your hotel room.</font></b>'
+			gt 'HotelRoom', 'better'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] ! 0:
-		if money >= 100:act'Order room service (0:30) (100 <b>₽</b>)':gs 'food', 'h_food'
+	if hotelRoom[$region] ! 0:
+		if money >= 100:act 'Order room service (0:30) (100 <b>₽</b>)': gs 'food', 'h_food'
 		act 'Drink some water (0:01)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_wat'
 		act 'Have a coffee (0:05)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_cof'
-		if $hotel = 'pav_hotel': gs 'prostitution_functions', 'prostitute_outfit_at_home'
+		if $region = 'pav': gs 'prostitution_functions', 'prostitute_outfit_at_home'
 		dynamic $fatdel
 		dynamic $lekarstvo
 		dynamic $vitamin
@@ -95,46 +94,45 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'better':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'best':
-	*clr & cla	
-	$locM_arg = 'best'
-	$locM = 'HotelRoom'
-	$loc_arg = 'best'
-	$loc = 'HotelRoom'
-	$prevloc = $loc
-	$menu_loc = 'HotelRoom'
-	$menu_arg = 'best'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'shortgs', 'setloc', 'HotelRoom', 'best'
+	$location_type = 'private'
 	menu_off = 0
 	hotelWiFi = 1
-	$location_type = 'private'
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
-	gs 'stat'	
+	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'internet_mobile', 'get_access', 'free'
+	gs 'music_actions', 'clear_restrictions'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Your royal suite</font></b></center>'
-	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelRoomDays[$hotel] - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
+	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelRoomDays[$region] - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
-	'Your hotel room is quite spacious, and is beautifully furnished. For a second, you wonder why a hotel in a town like Pavlovsk even has such a luxurious suite. The room is filled with expensive appliances. The gorgeous <a href="exec:gt ''bed2''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
+	'Your hotel room is quite spacious, and is beautifully furnished. For a second, you wonder why a hotel in a town like Pavlovsk even has such a luxurious suite. The room is filled with expensive appliances. The gorgeous <a href="exec:gt ''bed''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
 	'Your hotel room also has a huge flat-screen <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(mc_inventory['tech_computer'] = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
 	if $ml_guitar['location'] = $loc: 'Your guitar rests on its stand next to your bed.'
-	gs 'music_actions', 'music_icon'
+	gs 'music_actions', 'start'
 	act'Go to the hotel lobby':
 		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
-			gt $hotel
-			killvar '$hotel'
+			if $region = 'pav':
+				gt 'pav_hotel'
+			else
+				gt 'city_hotel'
+			end
-			msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before leaving your hotel room.</font></b>'
-			gt'HotelRoom','best'
+			msg '<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before leaving your hotel room.</font></b>'
+			gt 'HotelRoom', 'best'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] ! 0:
-		if money >= 100:act'Order room service (0:30) (100 <b>₽</b>)':gs 'food', 'h_food'
+	if hotelRoom[$region] ! 0:
+		if money >= 100:act 'Order room service (0:30) (100 <b>₽</b>)': gs 'food', 'h_food'
 		act 'Drink some water (0:01)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_wat'
 		act 'Have a coffee (0:05)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_cof'
 		act 'Make some tea (0:05)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_tea'
-		if $hotel = 'pav_hotel': gs 'prostitution_functions', 'prostitute_outfit_at_home'
+		if $region = 'pav': gs 'prostitution_functions', 'prostitute_outfit_at_home'
 		dynamic $fatdel
 		dynamic $lekarstvo
 		dynamic $vitamin
@@ -143,98 +141,112 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'therapist':
 	*clr & cla
-	$hotel = 'pav_hotel'
-	$locM_arg = 'therapist'
-	$locM = 'HotelRoom'
-	$loc_arg = 'therapist'
-	$loc = 'HotelRoom'
-	$prevloc = $loc
-	$menu_loc = 'HotelRoom'
-	$menu_arg = 'therapist'
+	gs 'schedule', 'A186'
+	gs 'shortgs', 'setloc', 'HotelRoom', 'therapist'
+	if $prevloc ! $loc: gt 'therapist_home', 'hotel_enter'
+	$location_type = 'private'
 	menu_off = 0
 	hotelWiFi = 1
-	$location_type = 'private'
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
-	gs 'stat'	
+	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'internet_mobile', 'get_access', 'free'
+	gs 'music_actions', 'clear_restrictions'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Your husband''s hotel room</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/room.jpg"></center>'
-	'Your hotel room is not very large, but it has everything you need and is quite stylish. The large <a href="exec:gt ''bed2''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
+	'Your hotel room is not very large, but it has everything you need and is quite stylish. The large <a href="exec:gt ''bed''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''therapist_home'', ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
 	'Your hotel room also has a small flat-screen <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(mc_inventory['tech_computer'] = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
 	if $ml_guitar['location'] = $loc: 'Your guitar rests on its stand next to your bed.'
-	gs 'music_actions', 'music_icon'
-	act'Go to the hotel lobby':
+	gs 'music_actions', 'start'
+	act 'Put on your clothes and go to the hotel lobby':
+		gs 'underwear', 'wear'
+		gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
 		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
 			gt 'pav_hotel'
-			killvar '$hotel'
-			msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before leaving your hotel room.</font></b>'
-			gt 'HotelRoom', 'better'
+			msg '<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before leaving your hotel room.</font></b>'
+			gt 'HotelRoom', 'therapist'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] ! 0:
-		if money >= 100: act'Order room service (0:30) (100 <b>₽</b>)': gs 'food', 'h_food'
-		act 'Drink some water (0:01)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_wat'
-		act 'Have a coffee (0:05)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_cof'
-		dynamic $fatdel
-		dynamic $lekarstvo
-		dynamic $vitamin
+	act 'Drink some water (0:01)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_wat'
+	act 'Have a coffee (0:05)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_cof'
+	if hour = 17 and minut >= 45 or hour = 18:
+		act 'Cook dinner (0:30)': gt 'therapist_home', 'cook'
+	elseif money >= 100:
+		act 'Order room service (0:30) (100 <b>₽</b>)': gs 'food', 'h_food'
+	end
+	dynamic $fatdel
+	dynamic $lekarstvo
+	dynamic $vitamin
+	gs 'therapist_home', 'set_Hotelacts'
+	if pcs_sweat >= 20 and locat['A186'] = 2:
+		cla
+		'"Hun, you need a shower, go clean up," he says and you go to the bathroom and clean up.'
+		act 'Take a shower (0:10)': gt 'therapist_home', 'shower'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'shower1':
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 1
 	hotelmc_inventory['shampoo'] =  1
-	$locM_arg = 'shower1'
-	$locM = 'HotelRoom'
-	$loc_arg = 'shower1'
-	$loc = 'HotelRoom'
+	gs 'shortgs', 'setloc', 'HotelRoom', 'shower1'
 	$location_type = 'bathroom'
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>The bathroom of your hotel room</font></b></center>'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 1:
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A small and unpretentious bathroom, that is nevertheless quite stylish and has everything you need.'
-	elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 2 or therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A nice looking and spacious bathroom, with separate bath tub.'
-	elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 3:
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A very luxurious and spacious bathroom, fit for a king.'
+	if hotelRoom[$region] = 1:
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
+		'A small and unpretentious bathroom, that is nevertheless quite stylish and has everything you need.'
+	elseif hotelRoom[$region] = 2 or therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
+		'A nice looking and spacious bathroom, with separate bath tub.'
+	elseif hotelRoom[$region] = 3:
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
+		'A very luxurious and spacious bathroom, fit for a king.'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
+	if hotelRoom[$region] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
-			gt $hotel
-			killvar '$hotel'
+			if $region = 'pav':
+				gt 'pav_hotel'
+			else
+				gt 'city_hotel'
+			end
 		act 'Return to your room':
 			hotelmc_inventory['shampoo'] =  0
-			if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 1:
+			if therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
+				gt 'HotelRoom', 'therapist'
+			elseif hotelRoom[$region] = 1:
 				gt 'HotelRoom', 'normal'
-			elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 2:
+			elseif hotelRoom[$region] = 2:
 				gt 'HotelRoom', 'better'
-			elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 3:
+			elseif hotelRoom[$region] = 3:
 				gt 'HotelRoom', 'best'
-			elseif therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
-				gt 'HotelRoom', 'therapist'
-	gs 'din_van', 'private', 'hotelroom', iif(hotelRoom[$hotel] = 1, '', 'bath')
+	gs 'din_van', 'private', 'hotelroom', iif(hotelRoom[$region] = 1, '', 'bath')
 if $ARGS[0] = 'tv':
 	*clr & cla
-	gs'stat'
+	$menu_loc = 'HotelRoom'
+	$menu_arg = 'tv'
+	gs 'stat'
 	if therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -243,11 +255,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tv':
 	'You turn on the TV and make yourself comfortable on the bed.'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
+	if hotelRoom[$region] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
-			gt $hotel
-			killvar '$hotel'
+			if $region = 'pav':
+				gt 'pav_hotel'
+			else
+				gt 'city_hotel'
+			end
 		act 'Get up from the bed': gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -259,15 +274,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'watch_tv':
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 60
 	pcs_mood += rand(10,20)
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv0,'+rand(0,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
 	'You are watching the country''s main television channel. None of their programs are really worth watching, but the distraction is welcome anyway.'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
+	if hotelRoom[$region] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
-			gt $hotel
-			killvar '$hotel'
+			if $region = 'pav':
+				gt 'pav_hotel'
+			else
+				gt 'city_hotel'
+			end
 		act 'Get up from the bed': gt $loc, $loc_arg

+ 22 - 22

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'home':
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/aptdoor.jpg"></center>'
-	act 'Leave':gt'pod_ezd','etaj_3'
+	act 'Leave':gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_3'
 	if kanikuli = 0 and hour > 6 and hour < 15 and week < 6:
 		'You knock on the door, but no one comes to answer. Julia must not be home.'
 	elseif hour > 20 :
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fridge':
 		$julia_sanw = ''
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/kitchen/fridge.jpg"></center>'
 	'You open the fridge and see:<<$julia_tea>><<$julia_water>><<$julia_sup>><<$julia_lefto>><<$julia_sanw>>'
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fridge':
 			pcs_breath = 0
 			minut += 5
 			gs 'stat'
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/food/tea.jpg"></center>'
 			'You find some tea and make it.'
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fridge':
 			act 'Continue': gt 'JuliaMilHome', 'kitchen'
 	elseif juliawater_count >= 0:
-		act 'Have some water': 
+		act 'Have some water':
 			juliafood_day = daystart
 			juliawater_count -= 1
 			pcs_health += 10
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fridge':
 			act 'Continue': gt 'JuliaMilHome', 'kitchen'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom':
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom':
 	menu_off = 0
 	minut += 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Bathroom</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/juliahome/bathroom.jpg"></center>'
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom':
 	'The toilet sits along the wall next to a small bathtub.'
 	'You can do your hair and makeup in the <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a> above the sink.'
-	if pirsA + pirsB + pirsC + pirsD + pirsE + pirsF + pirsN + pirsG > 0: '<a href="exec:dynamic $pirManage">Manage Piercings</a>'
+	gs 'piercing_management', 'set_manage_string'
 	act 'Leave the bathroom': gt 'JuliaMilHome','hallway'
 	act 'Take a shower':
 		menu_off = 1
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom':
 		noshampoo = 1
 		dynamic $showerdin
 		gs 'stat'
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Bathroom</font></h4></center>'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/home/bathroom/dush.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_room':
 				gs 'grades', 'homework', 'school', 'yes', 1, 1, 'A12'
 			juliaQW['homework_day'] = daystart
-			gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'love' 
+			gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'love'
 			lern += rand(3,6)
-			gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', rand(1,2) + (mentats_dose - rand(0,mentats_dose))
+			gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', rand(1,2) + rand(0, drugVars['mentats_dose'])
 			gs 'stat'
 			*clr & cla
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_room':
 								act '"Oh, really? Do tell!"':
 									minut += 5
 									gs 'arousal', 'verbal_erotica', -10
-									gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'love' 
+									gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'love'
 									gs 'stat'
 									*clr & cla
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_room':
 								act '"Go on, keep going!"':
 									minut += 5
 									gs 'arousal', 'verbal_erotica', -10
-									gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'love' 
+									gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'love'
 									gs 'stat'
 									*clr & cla
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_room':
 										*clr & cla
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/julia/sex/jultit.jpg"></center>'
 										'Julia bares your chest and slowly lowers her kisses, slowly trailing her way down to your chest. You do your best to stifle your moans when she takes your nipple in her mouth, gently biting it as her fingers rub the other one. Then her fingers find their way down between your legs, pulling your clothes to the side.'
-										gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'adore' 
+										gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'adore'
 										gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'lesbian'
 										gs 'stat'
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_room':
-									act 'Ask her to please stop touching you': 
+									act 'Ask her to please stop touching you':
 										gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'hate'
 										gs 'arousal', 'end'
 										gt 'JuliaMilHome', 'julia_room'
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_room':
 								act 'Whoa! Tell her to stop right now!':
-									gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'loathe' 
+									gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'loathe'
 									gt 'JuliaMilHome', 'julia_room'
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_chat':
 	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 2
 	gs 'stat'
 	*clr & cla
 	if npc_sex['A12'] = 1 and juliaQW['date'] = 0:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big12.jpg"></center>'
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_chat':
 			act 'Go to the University':
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'like'
 				gs 'stat'
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big12.jpg"></center>'
 				'You get a bit excited. "I am planning to attend the University too. Now I will for sure know someone there."'
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_chat':
 			minut += 5
 			gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'like'
 			gs 'stat'
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big12.jpg"></center>'
 			'You ask her, "So what have you been up to lately?"'
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_chat':
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', -30
 				minut += 15
 				gs 'stat'
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/julia/juliacry.jpg"></center>'
 				'You quietly walk in and sit on the bed next to Julia.'
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_chat':
-		!!I commented this out for now as it needs to be more meaningful, like dating her for awhile
+		!!I commented this out for now as it needs to be more meaningful, like dating her for a while
 		!!if tiprand = 0:
 			!!'Julia mentions in passing that she used to be friends with Julia Milov, but cut the ties after Julia kept borrowing money despite not being able to pay any of it back. Julia frowns, and you can tell they used to get along quite well.'
 			!!if julia[SexTalkJulia] = 4 and NatbelQW['QWstage'] > 8 and julia[JuliaNatSexProposed] = 0:
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'leave_apartment':
-	gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_3'	
+	gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_3'
 --- JuliaMilHome ---------------------------------

+ 5 - 5

@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ if KFOnLineReaga > 0:
 			$KGOLname = input("Enter your nickname")
-			if $KGOLname <= 0:msg 'Not valid nickname' & gt $curloc
+			if $KGOLname = '': msg 'Not valid nickname' & gt $curloc
 			'Your nickname <<$KGOLname>>'
 			'You must select the player race'
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ if KFOnLineReaga > 0:
-	if karta + bankDebtLimit >= 1000:
+	if karta >= 1000:
 		act 'Payment akkuaunta':
 			karta -= 1000
 			KFOnLineReaga += 30
@@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ if KFOnLineReaga > 0:
-	if karta + bankDebtLimit > 0:
+	if karta > 0:
 		act 'Buy game coins (1 ₽ = 1 Game Coin)':
 			KGOLdonat = input("How many coins do you wish to purchase?")
-			if KGOLdonat <= 0 or KGOLdonat > karta:
+			if KGOLdonat <= 0 or karta < KGOLdonat:
 				msg 'Not valid operation'
 				karta -= KGOLdonat
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ else
 	'Welcome to the online game Vertep World'
 	'To play this game you have to pay 1, 000 <b>₽</b> for 30 days via online banking.'
-	if karta + bankDebtLimit >= 1000:
+	if karta >= 1000:
 		act 'Payment':
 			karta -= 1000
 			KFOnLineReaga += 30

+ 33 - 61

@@ -133,11 +133,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
-	if mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-		Act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-	else
-		act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
-	end
+	act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
@@ -430,11 +426,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'chat':
 		act 'Tell Katja, that you have decided that boys are fun after all <br><font color="red">(Katja will start asking about sex with boys again)</font>': gt 'KatjaHomeTalk',  'boy_yes'
-	if mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-		Act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-	else
-		act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
-	end
+	act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'shower':
@@ -779,17 +771,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'homework':
 	npc_rel['A14'] += 2
 	gs 'grades', 'homework', 'school', 'yes', 1, 1, 'A14'
 	lern += rand(2, 4)
-	gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', rand(0, 1) + (mentats_dose - rand(0,mentats_dose))
+	gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', rand(0, 1) + rand(0, drugVars['mentats_dose'])
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big14.jpg"></center>'
 	'For half an hour you and Katja pour over your books, you fully learn the lessons and pretty well understand the material.'
 	act 'Finish': gt 'KatjaHomeTalk'
-	if mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-		act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-	else
-		act 'Say goodbye and leave': minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
-	end
+	act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Sextalk':
@@ -1249,12 +1237,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj_talk1':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big14.jpg"></center>'
 				'"Yeah. I''ve given a few," you admit.'
 				'"What''s it like?" Katja asks, eyes wide with excitement.'
-				gs'KatjaHomeTalk','bj_talk2'
+				gs 'KatjaHomeTalk', 'bj_talk2'
 		elseif stat['bj'] > 0:
 			minut += 3
 			katjaQW['horny'] += 5
-			gs'KatjaHomeTalk','bj_talk2'
+			gs 'KatjaHomeTalk', 'bj_talk2'
 		act 'No':
@@ -1324,7 +1312,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj_talk2':
 	act'It''s boring':
 		cla & *nl
-		'"It''s boring," you roll your eyes. "You have to keep sucking the whole time and after a while, my jaw just starts to ache with the motion. It''s a dick in your mouth, I don''t know what to tell you.'
+		'"It''s boring," you roll your eyes. "You have to keep sucking the whole time and after a while, my jaw just starts to ache with the motion. It''s a dick in your mouth, I don''t know what to tell you."'
 		'Katja seems taken aback, looking almost worried. You guess you just shattered some impressions she had about giving head.'
 		act 'Continue':
 			minut += 5
@@ -1445,10 +1433,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tender_kiss':
 					if $loc = 'katja_dorm':
 						act 'Stop talking': gt 'katja_dorm', 'start'
-					elseif mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-						Act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-						act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
+						act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
@@ -1493,10 +1479,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tender_kiss':
 					if $loc = 'katja_dorm':
 						act 'Stop talking': gt 'katja_dorm', 'start'
-					elseif mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-						act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-						act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
+						act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
@@ -1784,11 +1768,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'boy_discussion':
 		'You smile. "Okay, I''ll try to dance with him at the disco, and see if I can test him for you."'
 		'"You are the bestest friend!" she says with a huge smile and gives you a tight hug.'
 		act 'Talk about something else': gt 'KatjaHomeTalk'
-		if mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-			act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-		else
-			act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
-		end
+		act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
@@ -1812,11 +1792,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'anal_discussion':
 		'"He trains in the gym at the community center in the late afternoon. You might have luck talking with him there. I''ve also heard a rumor that he sometimes uses the women''s shower there," she tells you.'
 		'You smile. "Okay, I''ll try to see if he''s up for something there and try him out for you."'
 		act 'Talk about something else': gt 'KatjaHomeTalk'
-		if mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-			act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-		else
-			act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
-		end
+		act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
@@ -1839,10 +1815,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'preventation_talk':
 	if $loc = 'katja_dorm':
 		act 'Stop talking': gt 'katja_dorm', 'start'
-	elseif mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-		act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-		act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
+		act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
@@ -1871,11 +1845,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'random_park_sex_talk':
 				act 'Tell Katja that you think she should use birth control': gt 'KatjaHomeTalk', 'preventation_talk'
 			act 'Talk about something else': gt 'KatjaHomeTalk'
-			if mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-				act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-			else
-				act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
-			end
+			act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
@@ -2014,13 +1984,21 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'uni_tell':
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 15
-	katjaQW['know_going_to_teaching_degree'] = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big14.jpg"></center>'
-	if katjaQW['know_katja_uni'] = 0:
-		'You tell Katja that you have enrolled at the university to study to become a teacher. She replies that she also plans to do the same and that it will be fun studying at the university together. She bombards you with questions about how your enrolment process went.'
+	if $university['enrolled_in'] = 'teaching_studies':
+		katjaQW['know_going_to_teaching_degree'] = 1
+		if katjaQW['know_katja_uni'] = 0:
+			'You tell Katja that you have enrolled at the university to study to become a teacher. She replies that she also plans to do the same and that it will be fun studying at the university together. She bombards you with questions about how your enrolment process went.'
+		else
+			'You tell Katja that you have also enrolled to study teaching at the university. She replies that it will be fun studying at the university together before you spend the next few minutes talking excitedly about what you know about the program.'
+		end
-		'You tell Katja that you have also enrolled to study teaching at the university. She replies that it will be fun studying at the university together before you spend the next few minutes talking excitedly about what you know about the program.'
+		if katjaQW['know_katja_uni'] = 0:
+			'You tell Katja that you have enrolled at the university to study <<func(''uni_programs'', ''program_name'')>>. She replies that she plans to enroll to study to become a teacher, but that you will probably still see each other often there.'
+		else
+			'You tell Katja that you have also enrolled to study  <<func(''uni_programs'', ''program_name'')>>. She replies that she is enrolled in the program to study become a teacher, but that you will probably still see each other often there.'
+		end	
 	if $loc = 'mey_home':
 		act 'Talk about something else': gt 'KatjaHomeTalk'
@@ -2036,16 +2014,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'katja_uni_tell':
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 15
 	katjaQW['know_katja_uni'] = 1
-	katjaQW['knows_dorm_room_number'] = 1
+	if katjaQW['QWstage'] >= 2: katjaQW['knows_dorm_room_number'] = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big14.jpg"></center>'
 	if katjaQW['know_going_to_teaching_degree'] = 0:
-		'Katja excitedly tells you that she has been accepted into the university to study teaching. She then tells you about how great the program is. She also tells you that she is going to move into room 26 at the university dorm at the beginning of August.' 
-		if university['student'] = 1 and $university['enrolled_in'] = 'teaching_studies':
+		'Katja excitedly tells you that she has been accepted into the university to study teaching. She then tells you about how great the program is.'+iif(katjaQW['QWstage'] = 2, 'She also tells you that she is going to move into room 26 at the university dorm at the beginning of August.', '')
+		if university['student'] = 1:
 			act 'Tell Katja that you''re going to the university': gt 'KatjaHomeTalk', 'uni_tell'
-		'Katja excitedly tells you that she has also been accepted into the university to study teaching and that it will be fun studying at the university together. She also tells you that she is going to move into room 26 at the university dorm at the beginning of August. You then spend the next few minutes talking excitedly about what you know about the program.'
+		'Katja excitedly tells you that she has also been accepted into the university to study teaching and that it will be fun studying at the university together.'+iif(katjaQW['QWstage'] = 2, 'She also tells you that she is going to move into room 26 at the university dorm at the beginning of August.', '')+'  You then spend the next few minutes talking excitedly about what you know about the program.'
 	if $loc = 'mey_home':
 		act 'Talk about something else': gt 'KatjaHomeTalk'
@@ -2076,10 +2054,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'boy_no':
 	if $loc = 'katja_dorm':
 		act 'Stop talking': gt 'katja_dorm', 'start'
-	elseif mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-		act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-		act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
+		act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
@@ -2104,10 +2080,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'boy_yes':
 	if $loc = 'katja_dorm':
 		act 'Stop talking': gt 'katja_dorm', 'start'
-	elseif mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-		act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-		act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
+		act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
@@ -2123,7 +2097,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fisting_ask':
 	'"But it does sound so hot!" she says. "Maybe... you could..." her voice trails off. After a moment, she continues. "Maybe you could show me..."' 
 	'"You want me to fist myself here in front of you?" you ask.' 
 	'"No, I want you... to..." her voice falters again.' 
-	'"You want me to fist you?" you ask. She doesn''t say anything, but slowly nods. "Right now?" Again she doesn''t say anything, but nods."'
+	'"You want me to fist you?" you ask. She doesn''t say anything, but slowly nods. "Right now?" Again she doesn''t say anything, but nods.'
 	act 'Show Katja how fisting is done': gt 'katja_sex', 'first_fisting'
 	act 'Say you will do it another time':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -2131,10 +2105,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fisting_ask':
 		'You tell Katja that you are not in the mood right now, but you might do it another time if she asks.'
 		if $loc = 'katja_dorm':
 			act 'Stop talking': gt 'katja_dorm', 'start'
-		elseif mey_vika['key'] = 1:
-			act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'
-			act 'Say goodbye and leave':minut += 5 & gt 'pav_residential'
+			act 'Leave the room': gt 'mey_home', 'start'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'znakomstvo':
 		katday = daystart
 		telkat += 1
-		gs 'telefon', 'AddContact', 'A219', 'icon_kat',"$telsob = 'Kate' & gt 'telefon', 'mobilaraz'","hour >= 8 and hour <= 20","",""
+		gs 'telefon', 'AddContact', 'A219', 'icon_kat', 0
+		gs 'telefon', 'SetCallSchedule', 'A219', "$telsob = 'Kate' & gt 'lover_call', 'mobilaraz'", "hour >= 8 and hour <= 20", "", "0"
 		kat = 1
 		npc_rel['A219'] += 1
 		minut += 30

+ 0 - 91

@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# Kikatak
-if $ARGS[0] = 'player':
-	defsumV = agilV + reactV + KikDefV
-	defkofV = defsumV * 20 / 100
-	defV = rand(defsumV - defkofV, defsumV + defkofV)
-	if popad >= defV * 2:
-		'<b><font color="green">HIT</font></b>'
-		damageKrit = damage * 20 / 100
-		damage += damageKrit
-		healthV -= damage
-		pointKik += 1
-		'<font color="green">You have dealt <<damage>> points of damage.</font>'
-		if damage >= healthV * 20 / 100:
-			pointKik += 1
-			'<font color="green"><<$boydesc>> falls to the ground.</font>'
-			if healthV < (vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5) / 4:
-				'<font color="green"><<$boydesc>> is knocked out. You''ve won!</font>'
-				xgt 'enderKik', 'winKO'
-				exit
-			end
-		end
-	elseif popad < defV * 2 and popad >= defV:
-		'<font color="green">Contact</font>'
-		healthV -= damage
-		pointKik += 1
-		'<font color="green">You have dealt <<damage>> points of damage.</font>'
-		if damage >= healthV * 20 / 100:
-			pointKik += 1
-			'<font color="green"><<$boydesc>> falls to the ground.</font>'
-			if healthV < (vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5) / 4:
-				'<font color="green"><<$boydesc>> is knocked out. You''ve won!</font>'
-				xgt 'enderKik', 'winKO'
-				exit
-			end
-		end
-	elseif popad < defV:
-		'<font color="red">You''ve missed.</font>'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'enemy':
-	defsum = pcs_agil + pcs_react + pcs_def
-	defkof = defsum * 20 / 100
-	def = rand(defsum - defkof, defsum + defkof)
-	if popad >= def * 2:
-		'<b><font color="red">You''ve gotten hit.</font></b>'
-		damageKrit = damage * 20 / 100
-		damage += damageKrit
-		pcs_health -= damage
-		pointKikV += 1
-		'<font color="red">You have received <<damage>> points of damage.</font>'
-		if damage >= pcs_health * 20 / 100:
-			pointKikV += 1
-			'<font color="red">You have fallen to the ground.</font>'
-			if pcs_health < (pcs_vital * 10 + pcs_stren * 5) / 4:
-				'<font color="red">You are knocked out. You''ve lost!</font>'
-				xgt 'enderKik', 'lossKO'
-				exit
-			end
-		end
-	elseif popad < def * 2 and popad >= def:
-		'<font color="red">You''ve gotten hit.</font>'
-		pcs_health -= damage
-		pointKikV += 1
-		'<font color="red">You have received <<damage>> points of damage.</font>'
-		if damage >= pcs_health * 20 / 100:
-			pointKikV += 1
-			'<font color="red">You have fallen to the ground.</font>'
-			if pcs_health < (pcs_vital * 10 + pcs_stren * 5) / 4:
-				'<font color="red">You are knocked out. You''ve lost!</font>'
-				xgt 'enderKik', 'lossKO'
-				exit
-			end
-		end
-	elseif popad < def:
-		'<font color="green">Missed</font>'
-	end
---- Kikatak ---------------------------------

+ 210 - 102

@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	!!elektro += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
-	'Your computer boots up, and soon you''re looking at your operating system''s main screen.'
+	'Your computer boots up and you''re soon looking at your operating system''s main screen.'
-	act 'Shut your computer down': 
+	act 'Shut your computer down':
 		killvar '$subs'
 		killvar 'access'
 		gt 'komp', 'fin'
 	act 'Play Solitaire (0:20)': gt 'komp', 'pasians'
 	if AlbinaQW['flashdrive'] = 1:
-		if $loc = 'dachain' or $loc = 'sitr' or $loc = 'bedr' or $loc = 'bedr2x' or ($loc = 'uni_dorm' and $loc_arg = 'dorm_room') or ($loc = 'city_mansion_residence_2' and $loc_arg = 'yoffice') or ($loc = 'pav_shared_apt' and $loc_arg = 'pcsRoom') or ($loc = 'mey_home' and $loc_arg = '3') or ($loc = 'city_house_res_misc' and $loc_arg = 'livroom') or $loc = 'nichBedroomServant' or (locat['Anya_inroom'] = 0 and $loc = 'bedrPar'):
+		if $loc = 'dachain' or $loc = 'sitr' or $loc = 'bedr' or $loc = 'bedr2x' or ($loc = 'uni_dorm' and $loc_arg = 'dorm_room') or ($loc = 'city_mansion_residence_2' and $loc_arg = 'yoffice') or ($loc = 'pav_shared_apt' and $loc_arg = 'pcsRoom') or ($loc = 'mey_home' and $loc_arg = 'guest_bedroom') or ($loc = 'city_house_res_misc' and $loc_arg = 'livroom') or $loc = 'nichBedroomServant' or (locat['Anya_inroom'] = 0 and $loc = 'bedrPar'):
 			act 'Check Albina''s flash drive': gt 'albina_house_events', 'flash_drive'
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	!!act 'SunReview of the Dead': gt 'KGZstart'
-	!! If the access uses one of the home connections (i.e. Sveta is at home, or in a location that she owns)
-	!! and the 'internet_enabled' value is 1, the Sveta is paying utlities.
+	!! If the access uses one of the home connections (i.e. Sveta is at home, or in a location that she owns and the 'internet_enabled' value is 1, then Sveta is paying utlities.
 	!! Now electricity can go up - but by 5???
 	elektro += 5
@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	!! arrived here from mobile net.
 	!! Sveta can access the internet if > 0
 	if subscription[$subs] > 0:
-		if access['metered'] = 0: 
+		if access['metered'] = 0:
 			act 'Browse the internet': gt 'komp', 'browse'
 			act 'Browse the internet - You have <<subscription[$subs]>> minutes of access left': gt 'komp', 'browse'
@@ -55,30 +54,29 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'browse':
 	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	menu_off = 0
 	act 'Close the browser': gt 'komp','start'
 	!! TODO: Update
 	!! check if the original account still valid?
 	!! if account_used > 0
 	!! There are 3 ways this can happen during the use of the inernet:
-	!!  1. Sveta is using a minute based internet and ran out of minutes.
-	!!  2. Sveta is using a subscription, she didn''t have enough money to pay the monthly fee, grace period expired and 
-	!!		the interned service has been cut off
-	!!  3. Sveta is using a free internet and something went really, really wrong that set subscription[''free''] to 0.
+	!!  1. Sveta is using minute based internet and ran out of minutes.
+	!!  2. Sveta is using a subscription, she didn''t have enough money to pay the monthly fee, the grace period expired and the interned service has been cut off.
+	!!  3. Sveta is using free internet and something went really, really wrong that set subscription[''free''] to 0.
 	if subscription[$subs] < 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/eror.jpg"></center>'
-		'You have no internet access, '+iif(access['metered'], ' you have to buy more minutes.', ' maybe you forgot to pay the internet bill?')
+		'You have no internet access. '+iif(access['metered'], ' You have to buy more minutes.', ' Maybe you forgot to pay the internet bill?')
-		if  camwhore = 1 and access['nocamshow'] = 0 and mc_inventory['tech_webcam'] = 1: 
+		if camwhore = 1 and access['nocamshow'] = 0 and mc_inventory['tech_webcam'] = 1: 
 			'Since MyFreeCams will cover the cost, you can still log on to do a cam show.'
 			act 'Go to': gt 'komp_camgirl', 'start'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
 		if access['general-text'] = 1: '<center><h4 style="color: red;"><b><<$access[''general-text'']>></b></h4></center>'
-		'You go to your favourite start page, while you try to decide on what you want to see right now.'		
+		'You head to your favourite start page while you decide what you want to do.'		
 		'A blinking banner for a <a href="exec: gt ''komp'',''agent''">Kirsanova Real Estate Agency</a> keeps popping up in the corner.'
 		if access['noporn'] = 1:
@@ -94,7 +92,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'browse':
 		if hour < 20 and hour > 7:
 			if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
-				'You need to be dressed before searching for jobs.'
+				'You should get dressed before searching for jobs.'
 				act 'Look for a job online': gt 'komp', 'rabota'
@@ -110,7 +108,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'browse':
 		if fuckornot_uni = 1: act 'Visit ''Fuckable or not'' University site': $view_location = 'komp' & gt 'komp_HF_or_not', 'fuckornot_uni'
 		if hotornot_uni = 1: act 'Visit ''Hot or not'' University site': $view_location = 'komp' & gt 'komp_HF_or_not', 'hotornot_uni'
-		!!if bankAccount > 0: act 'Visit your bank, maybe to purchase more online time': gt 'komp', 'bank'
+		!!if bankAccount > 0: act 'Visit the bank website': gt 'komp', 'bank'
 		if gor_dorm = 7: act 'Read letter from Eugene': gt 'etoexhib', 'pos91'
 		if camwhore = 1 and access['nocamshow'] = 0 and mc_inventory['tech_webcam'] = 1: act 'Go to': gt 'komp_camgirl', 'start'
 		if (mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0) or func('uniutil', 'student', 'enrolled'): act 'Spend time studying': gt 'komp', 'study'
@@ -121,7 +119,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sale':
 	*clr & cla
 	!! TODO: Update time and internet
 	!! IMPORTANT: What happens if an activity takes more time than the minutes Sveta has? We just say "You tried, but could not finish"?
 	if access['metered'] and subscription[$subs] < 15:
 		'You check the website, but realize that <<subscription[$subs]>> minutes won''t be enough to fill out all the forms.'
@@ -129,19 +127,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sale':
 		minut += 30
 		elektro += 3
 		gs 'internet_mobile', 'use_internet', $subs, 30
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
 		'You go to a popular website where people can post advertisements for free. You could post an advertisement here.'
-		if obkvsdam >= 1 and func('homes_properties', 'property_status', 'city_apartment') = 2: 'You placed an advertisement to rent out your apartment. You should probably check every once in a while to see if anyone responded.'
+		if obkvsdam >= 1 and func('homes_properties', 'property_status', 'city_apartment') = 2: 'You place an advertisement to rent out your apartment. You should check every once in a while to see if anyone responds.'
 		if obkvsdam = 0 and func('homes_properties', 'property_status', 'city_apartment') = 2:
-			act 'Rent out your city residential apartment':obkvsdam = 1 & gt 'komp', 'sale'
+			act 'Rent out your city residential apartment': obkvsdam = 1 & gt 'komp', 'sale'
 		elseif obkvsdam > 0:
 			act 'Check if you got any replies':
 				if obkvsdam = 1:
-					'No one has responded to your offer to rent out your apartment just yet.'
+					'Nobody has responded to your offer to rent out your apartment yet.'
 				elseif obkvsdam > 1: 
 					predsum = 14000 + (obkvsdam*1000)
 					'Someone wants to stay in your apartment for a month! They''re offering you <<predsumm>> <b>₽</b> in cash.'
@@ -168,9 +165,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'porno':
 	if subscription[$subs] < 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/eror.jpg"></center>'
-		'You have no internet access, '+iif(access['metered'], ' you have to buy more minutes.', ' maybe you forgot to pay the internet bill?')
+		'You have no internet access. '+iif(access['metered'], ' You have to buy more minutes.', ' Maybe you forgot to pay the internet bill?')
-		act '<B>Close the browser</B>': gt 'komp','start'
+		act 'Close the browser': gt 'komp','start'
 	elseif access['noporn'] = 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
@@ -178,23 +175,109 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'porno':
 		act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp', 'browse'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
-		'You go to a porn site and browse for a few minutes, trying to find a hot video.'
+		'You go to a porn site and browse through videos for a few minutes.'
+		if fame['city_porn'] >= 100:
+			act 'Watch one of your own videos':
+				*clr & cla
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/porno.jpg"></center>'
+				'You find a video you like the look of and click on it before getting comfortable. When the video loads up, you''re surprised to find that the girl starring in it is you!'
+				act 'Watch it':
+					cla
+					elektro += 3
+					pcs_mood += rand(10,20)
+					minut += 30
+					gs 'internet_mobile', 'use_internet', $subs, 30
+					gs 'stat'
+					'Watching yourself performing on camera is an oddly erotic experience.'
+					if fame['city_porn'] < 300:
+						'Most of the people commenting don''t appear to really know who you are. You wonder if anyone you know has seen your videos?'
+					else
+						'The viewers have no trouble recognizing you and a lot of the comments refer to you by your stage name. You wonder if anyone you know has seen your videos?'
+					end
+					gs 'arousal', 'porn', 30
+					gs 'arousal', 'erotic', 30
+					minut -= 30
+					gs 'stat'
-		act 'Watch porn':
+					act 'The video ends': gt 'komp', 'porno'
+				end
+				act 'Turn it off':
+					cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'You immediately turn the video off and leave the website. If you found that video yourself, then how many people have seen you?'
+					act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp', 'browse'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Watch vanilla porn':
 			*clr & cla
 			elektro += 3
-			pcs_mood += rand(10, 20)
+			pcs_mood += rand(10,20)
 			minut += 30
 			gs 'internet_mobile', 'use_internet', $subs, 30
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/porno.jpg"></center>'
-			'You find a video you think you''d enjoy and spend some time watching it. Wow, that girl is so lucky...'
+			'You find a video of a girl getting fucked and spend some time watching it while imagining yourself being in her place.'
+			gs 'arousal', 'porn', 30
+			minut -= 30
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'The video ends': gt 'komp', 'porno'
+		end
+		act 'Watch anal porn':
+			*clr & cla
+			elektro += 3
+			pcs_mood += rand(10,20)
+			minut += 30
+			gs 'internet_mobile', 'use_internet', $subs, 30
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/porno.jpg"></center>'
+			'You find a video of a girl getting fucked in the ass and spend some time watching it while imagining yourself being in her place.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'porn', 30
 			minut -= 30
 			gs 'stat'
-			act 'The video ends...': gt 'komp', 'porno'
+			act 'The video ends': gt 'komp', 'porno'
+		end
+		act 'Watch lesbian porn':
+			*clr & cla
+			elektro += 3
+			pcs_mood += rand(10,20)
+			minut += 30
+			gs 'internet_mobile', 'use_internet', $subs, 30
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/porno.jpg"></center>'
+			'You find a video of two girls licking each other''s pussies and imagine yourself as one of them.'
+			gs 'arousal', 'porn', 30
+			minut -= 30
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'The video ends': gt 'komp', 'porno'
+		end
+		act 'Watch BBC porn':
+			*clr & cla
+			elektro += 3
+			pcs_mood += rand(10,20)
+			minut += 30
+			gs 'internet_mobile', 'use_internet', $subs, 30
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/porno.jpg"></center>'
+			'You find a video of a girl getting fucked by a BBC and spend some time watching it. You can''t keep your eyes off the massive cock on your screen as you imagine yourself being in the girl''s place.'
+			gs 'arousal', 'porn', 30
+			minut -= 30
+			gs 'stat'
+			act 'The video ends': gt 'komp', 'porno'
 		if pcs_horny >= 50: act 'Masturbate': gt 'komp', 'masturbate'
@@ -205,10 +288,9 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'masturbate':
 	*clr & cla
-	!! needs this because can arrive here from this code block and time can be gone
+	!! needs this because you can arrive here from this code block and time can be gone
 	if subscription[$subs] < 1:
-		'You have no internet access, '+iif(access['metered'], ' you have to buy more minutes.', ' maybe you forgot to pay the internet bill?')
+		'You have no internet access. '+iif(access['metered'], ' You have to buy more minutes.', ' Maybe you forgot to pay the internet bill?')
 		gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
@@ -219,21 +301,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'masturbate':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/kompmas.jpg"></center>'
-		'You get comfortable in front of your computer and with one hand begin to fondle your breasts, while you click on a link to something really dirty.'
-		'You let go of the mouse and start rubbing your pussy, imagining you''re the woman in the video. The fantasy and your touching are getting you all hot and bothered.'
+		'You click on a link to something really dirty and get comfortable in front of your computer, rubbing your clit and fingering yourself while imagining you''re the girl in the video.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'clit_finger', 30, 'masturbate'
+		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 30, 'masturbate'
 		minut -= 30
 		gs 'stat'
 		if pcs_horny >= 100:
 			$orgasm_or = 'yes'
-			$orgasm_txt = 'Suddenly your muscles tighten and you cum powerfully, while you stifle your moans so your neighbors won''t find out. Afterward, you have goosebumps all over your skin. That was just what you needed!'
+			$orgasm_txt = 'Your muscles suddenly tighten and you stifle your moans as you have a powerful orgasm. That was just what you needed!'
 			gs 'arousal', 'clit_finger', -1, 'masturbate'
 			gs 'stat'
-		act 'Stop masturbating':divanmastr = 0 & gt 'komp', 'porno'
+		act 'Stop masturbating': divanmastr = 0 & gt 'komp', 'porno'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -247,10 +328,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pasians':
 	minut += 20
 	elektro += 3
 	pcs_mood += rand(10, 20)
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
-	'You entertain yourself for about twenty minutes, playing a game of solitaire on the computer.'
+	'You entertain yourself by playing a game of solitaire on the computer.'
 	act 'Play for another 20 minutes': gt 'komp', 'pasians'
 	act 'Return to desktop': gt 'komp', 'start'
@@ -271,45 +351,47 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'znak':
 		act 'Pick someone suitable for Eugenia':
 			gor_dorm = 9
-			'You click through dozens of profiles, before choosing a guy who you think would be a good match for Eugenia. You send him a message, asking if he wants to meet up somewhere.'
+			'You click through dozens of profiles before choosing a guy you think would be a good match for Eugenia. You send him a message, asking if he wants to meet up somewhere.'
 			'Now the waiting game begins! Let''s hope you picked a nice guy for her...'
 			act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp', 'browse'
 	!! Eligible homes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 , 10, 11, 15
 	elseif $home['type'] ! 'permanent_residence':
-		pcs_mood += rand(5, 10)
-		'You spend time looking at the various profiles, but it won''t let you register unless you have your own home and it is set as your current home.'
+		pcs_mood += rand(5,10)
+		'You spend time looking at the various profiles, but it won''t let you register unless you have your own home.'
 		'Still, some of the pictures were quite raunchy and the more desperate profiles were really funny.'
 		if pcs_lover < 3:
 			act 'Look for a kind man':
-				gs 'boy'
+				gs 'npcgeneratec', 0
+				gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
 				gs 'boyfrend', 'start'
 				haraklover[lover_number] = 0
-				'You find a guy named <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> and send him your number after checking out his profile. You hope he will call you!'
+				'You find a guy named <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> and send him your number after checking out his profile. You hope he''ll call you!'
 				act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp', 'browse'
 			act 'Look for a normal guy':
-				gs 'boy'
+				gs 'npcgeneratec', 0
+				gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
 				gs 'boyfrend', 'start'
 				haraklover[lover_number] = 1
-				'You find a guy named <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> and send him your number after checking out his profile. You hope he will call you!'
+				'You find a guy named <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> and send him your number after checking out his profile. You hope he''ll call you!'
 				act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp', 'browse'
 			act 'Look for a strong man':
-				gs 'boy'
+				gs 'npcgeneratec', 0
+				gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
 				gs 'boyfrend', 'start'
 				haraklover[lover_number] = 2
-				'You find a guy named <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> and send him your number after checking out his profile. You hope he will call you!'
+				'You find a guy named <<$loverdesc[lover_number]>> and send him your number after checking out his profile. You hope he''ll call you!'
 				act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp', 'browse'
@@ -335,7 +417,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'kabtv':
 			kabel = 0
 			karta -= 300
-			msg 'Your subscription has been canceled and you can no longer watch the extra channels. The cable firm charges a one-time fee of 300 <b>₽</b> for disconnecting you.'
+			msg 'Your subscription has been cancelled and you can no longer watch the extra channels. The cable firm charges a one-time fee of 300 <b>₽</b> for disconnecting you.'
 			gt 'komp', 'browse'
 	elseif kabel = 0 and mc_inventory['tech_tv'] >= 1 and mc_inventory['plasma_tv'] = 0:
@@ -343,7 +425,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'kabtv':
 		act 'Get cable services for your TV':
-			msg 'Unfortunately your TV is too old and crap for cable. You''ll have to get a modern TV first.'
+			msg 'Your TV is too old for cable. You''ll have to upgrade to a better one first.'
 			gt 'komp', 'browse'
 	elseif kabel = 0 and mc_inventory['plasma_tv'] >= 1:
@@ -373,12 +455,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'foto':
 	if subscription[$subs] < 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/eror.jpg"></center>'
-		'You have no internet access, '+iif(access['metered'], ' you have to buy more minutes.', ' maybe you forgot to pay the internet bill?')
-		act '<B>Close the browser</B>': gt 'komp','start'
+		'You have no internet access. '+iif(access['metered'], ' You have to buy more minutes.', ' Maybe you forgot to pay the internet bill?')
+		act 'Close the browser': gt 'komp','start'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
 		'You''re currently on Russia''s biggest social network site, "Assbook". Almost everyone has an account here, probably including the girl you took that photo of the other day!'
-		'"Maybe if I can find her, I can blackmail her", you think to yourself. "This photo is very raunchy, after all... I bet she would hate to see it published if she''s important!"'
+		'"Maybe if I can find her, I can blackmail her?" you think to yourself. "This photo is very raunchy, after all... I bet she would hate to see it published if she''s important!"'
 		'You can''t help but rub your pussy every now and then while you look at it. You''ll probably keep a copy of this for yourself, either way!'
 		if shantfoto > 0:
@@ -397,28 +479,28 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'foto':
 				if fotsearchrand > 7:
 					shantfoto -= 1
-					'Despite your best efforts, you don''t manage to... wait, that''s her! You found her!'
+					'Despite your best efforts, you don''t manage to... Wait, that''s her! You found her!'
 					gerofotorand = rand(0,100)
 					if gerofotorand > 30:
-						'Your dreams of making a fortune are quickly shattered when you check out her profile. Cheap clothes, few friends, lives in a poor district of the city... this girl is not worth blackmailing.'
+						'Your hopes are quickly shattered when you check out her profile. Cheap clothes, few friends, lives in a poor district of the city... This girl isn''t worth blackmailing.'
 						act 'Go back to the "Assbook" main page': gt 'komp', 'foto'
 					if gerofotorand >= 5 and gerofotorand <= 30:
 						shantsr += 1
-						'When you click through her profile, you estimate she''s an unknown middle-class girl. Still, she has a lot of friends and the outfits she''s wearing in her photos look stylish... she has money to spend.'
-						'"Why not make her spend some of it on me?" you laugh to yourself, and begin to write a private message.'
-						'You send her a copy of the photo with the private message and tell her to transfer a very modest amount of 5,000 <b>₽</b> to your bank account. If she doesn''t want that photo to be sent to her entire friends list (which you secured before sending the message), the money needs to be on your bank account within 48 hours.'
+						'As you click through her profile, you find that the outfits she''s wearing in her photos look stylish, so she definitely has money.'
+						'"Why not spend some of it on me?" you laugh to yourself.'
+						'You send a copy of the photo with a message telling her she has 48 hours to transfer 5,000 <b>₽</b> into your bank account, otherwise you''ll send the photo to her entire friends list.'
 						act 'Go back to the "Assbook" main page': gt 'komp', 'foto'
 					if gerofotorand < 5:
 						shantbog += 1
-						'You can barely believe it when you read her profile, this girl is a celebrity! It would be a major scandal if this photo got published!'
-						'You send her a copy of the photo with a private message, telling her to transfer 30,000 <b>₽</b> to your bank account. If she doesn''t want that photo to be sent to the press, the money needs to be on your bank account within 48 hours.'
+						'You can hardly believe it when you check out her profile. This girl is a celebrity! It would be a major scandal if this photo got published!'
+						'You send a copy of the photo with a message telling her she has 48 hours to transfer 30,000 <b>₽</b> into your bank account, otherwise you''ll leak the photo to the press.'
 						act 'Go back to the "Assbook" main page': gt 'komp', 'foto'
@@ -435,60 +517,59 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rabota':
 	if subscription[$subs] < 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/eror.jpg"></center>'
-		'You have no internet access, '+iif(access['metered'], ' you have to buy more minutes.', ' maybe you forgot to pay the internet bill?')
+		'You have no internet access. '+iif(access['metered'], ' You have to buy more minutes.', ' Maybe you forgot to pay the internet bill?')
-		act '<B>Close the browser</B>': gt 'komp','start'
+		act 'Close the browser': gt 'komp','start'
 		minut += 30
 		elektro += 3
 		gs 'internet_mobile', 'use_internet', $subs, 30
-		komprabota = rand(0, 10)
-		if $loc = 'vasilyhome':komprabota = rand(5, 15)
+		komprabota = rand(0,12)
+		if $loc = 'vasilyhome': komprabota = rand(5,15)
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
 		if komprabota = 0 and gorodokkomp = 0:
-			'You find a job vacancy, on a legit-looking website. It reads: "Wanted! <b>URGENTLY!</b> Female underwear model, for a photoshoot. Pay: 2000 <b>₽</b> cash."'
-			'The description explains that they need someone today. If you decide to take this job, you will have to shut down your computer and go there right away.'
+			'You find a job vacancy on a legit-looking website. It reads: "Wanted <b>URGENTLY</b>! Female underwear model for a photoshoot. Pay: 2000 <b>₽</b> cash."'
+			'The description explains that they need someone today. If you decide to take this job, then you''ll need to go there right away.'
 			if pcs_apprnc < 120:
 				'You consider it for a moment but decide against it. You''re probably not pretty enough to be an underwear model.'
 			elseif pcs_apprnc >= 120:
-				act 'Accept the job and go there': gt 'qjob', 'var1'
+				act 'Accept the job': gt 'qjob', 'var1'
 			if hour < 20 and hour > 7: act 'Search for more jobs': gt 'komp', 'rabota'
 			act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp', 'browse'
 		elseif komprabota = 1 and gorodokkomp = 0:
-			'You find a job vacancy, on a legit-looking website. It reads: "Wanted! <b>URGENTLY!</b> Female underwear model, for a photoshoot. Pay: 2000 <b>₽</b> cash."'
-			'The description explains that they need someone today. If you decide to take this job, you will have to shut down your computer and go there right away.'
+			'You find a job vacancy on a legit-looking website. It reads: "Wanted <b>URGENTLY</b>! Female underwear model for a photoshoot. Pay: 2000 <b>₽</b> cash."'
+			'The description explains that they need someone today. If you decide to take this job, then you''ll need to go there right away.'
 			if pcs_apprnc < 120:
 				'You consider it for a moment, but decide against it. You''re probably not pretty enough to be an underwear model.'
 			elseif pcs_apprnc >= 120:
-				act 'Accept the job and go there': gt 'qjob', 'var2'
+				act 'Accept the job': gt 'qjob', 'var2'
 			if hour < 20 and hour > 7: act 'Search for more jobs': gt 'komp', 'rabota'
 			act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp', 'browse'
 		elseif komprabota > 1 and komprabota < 5 and gorodokkomp = 0:
-			'You find a job vacancy, on a legit-looking website. It reads: "Wanted! <b>URGENTLY!</b> Good-looking female model, posing for artwork. Must be able to stand still in one pose for a long time. Pay: 1000 <b>₽</b> cash."'
-			'The description explains that they need someone today. If you decide to take this job, you will have to shut down your computer and go there right away.'
+			'You find a job vacancy on a legit-looking website. It reads: "Wanted <b>URGENTLY</b>! Good-looking female model, posing for artwork. Must be able to stand still in one pose for a long time. Pay: 1000 <b>₽</b> cash."'
+			'The description explains that they need someone today. If you decide to take this job, then you''ll need to go there right away.'
 			if pcs_apprnc < 60:
 				'You consider it for a moment but decide against it. You''re probably not pretty enough to be a model.'
 			elseif pcs_apprnc >= 60:
-				act 'Accept the job and go there': gt 'qjob', 'var3'
+				act 'Accept the job': gt 'qjob', 'var3'
 			if hour < 20 and hour > 7: act 'Search for more jobs': gt 'komp', 'rabota'
 			act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp', 'browse'
 		elseif komprabota > 4 and komprabota < 8 and camwhore = 0:
-			'You find a job vacancy, on a legit-looking website. It reads: "Wanted! Webcam models. Flexible working hours. Click for more info."'
+			'You find a job vacancy on a legit-looking website. It reads: "Webcam models wanted! Flexible working hours. Click for more info."'
 			act 'Gather more information':
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
@@ -497,12 +578,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rabota':
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/camwhore1.jpg"></center>'
 				'You click the button and get taken to the full job description.'
-				'<i>For this job, you will have to expose your body in front of customers, fulfilling their wishes. Payment is completely based on a tip system: customers on the website can buy tokens, which they can use to tip girls they enjoy watching.'
-				'The website will cover all costs during your shows. But how much money you make is up to you: the better you are at attracting viewers, and the more you are willing to do to please them, the more likely they will be to tip you.'
-				'After a quick verification, you usually get paid immediately after a session ends. The tokens you earn will be converted to rubles, and paid to your bank account right away.'
-				'The website hides your stream for viewers from your region, so the chance of being recognized by someone you know in real life is very low.'
-				'If you''re interested in becoming a webcam girl, please fill in this questionnaire below.</i>'
+				'<i>You will be required to expose your body in front of viewers and fulfil their every wish. Payment is based on a tip system: Customers on the website buy tokens which they can use to tip girls they enjoy watching.'
+				'The website will cover all costs during your shows, but how much money you make is up to you: The better you are at attracting viewers, and the more you''re willing to do to please them, the more likely they will be to tip you.'
+				'Any tokens you earn will be converted to rubles and paid into your bank account immediately after a session ends. The website also hides your stream for viewers from your region, so the chance of you being recognized by someone you know in real life is very low.'
+				'If you''re interested, please fill in the questionnaire below.</i>'
 				if bankAccount = 0:
 					'You need a valid bank account to be able to register for this job.'
@@ -521,8 +601,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rabota':
 									$pcs_webcamname = input("Which name would you like to use? (Leave blank for <<$pcs_nickname>>)")
 								if $pcs_webcamname = '':$pcs_webcamname = '<<$pcs_nickname>>'
-							'You fill out the questionnaire and register yourself as a webcam model. Ten minutes later, you have already been approved and you can now earn money as a webcam girl.'
-							'Of course, you will need a functioning webcam to do this! If you don''t have one yet, they are fairly cheap to buy at most local supermarket chains.'
+							'You fill out the questionnaire and register yourself as a webcam model. Ten minutes later, you''re approved and can now earn money as a webcam girl.'
+							'Of course, you''ll need a functioning webcam to do this! If you don''t have one yet, they''re fairly cheap to buy at most local supermarket chains.'
 							act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp','browse'
 						act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp','browse'
@@ -535,8 +615,38 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'rabota':
 				if hour < 20 and hour > 7: act 'Search for more jobs': gt 'komp','rabota'
 				act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp','browse'
+		elseif komprabota > 7 and komprabota < 10 and film = 0:
+			'You find a job vacancy on a legit-looking website. It reads: "Nude female models wanted! Flexible hours and pay. Click for more info."'
+			act 'Gather more information':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				elektro += 1
+				gs 'internet_mobile', 'use_internet', $subs, 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/komp.jpg"></center>'
+				'You click the button for the full job description, but it''s brief and not entirely helpful.'
+				'<i>Are you a girl who likes exposing herself on camera in erotic situations for other people''s pleasure? If so, then come to this address and ask for Dimitri! Under 21s preferred.</i>"'
+				'A quick search of the listed address tells you that it''s located somewhere in the red light district of the city.'
+				if pornstudio = 0: 'You''ve heard rumors that an underground porn studio is located somewhere in that area.'
+				if pornstudio = 1: 'The porn studio is located in that area. This job listing suddenly makes more sense to you.'
+				if pcs_inhib >= 40:
+					act 'Write down the address':
+						cla
+						minut += 2
+						if pornstudio = 0: pornstudio = 1
+						gs 'stat'
+						'You quickly take a note of the address. A job is a job, even if it is seedy.'
+						act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp','browse'
+					end
+				else
+					*nl
+					'You have a good idea what this listing is implying, and don''t feel comfortable going along with it. You quickly close the tab.'
+					act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp','browse'
+				end
+			end
-			'Unfortunately, you do not find any jobs you would consider doing.'
+			'Unfortunately, you don''t find any jobs you would consider doing.'
 			if hour < 20 and hour > 7: act 'Search for more jobs': gt 'komp','rabota'
 			act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp','browse'
@@ -549,13 +659,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'study':
 	minut += 30
 	elektro += 3
 	gs 'internet_mobile', 'use_internet', $subs, 30
-	gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', 1 + (mentats_dose - rand(0,mentats_dose))
+	gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', 1 + rand(0, drugVars['mentats_dose'])
 	gs 'exp_gain', 'compskl', 1
 	'<center><b>The Institute for Education Measurement</b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/study.jpg"></center>'
 	'You spend an hour on the IEM website, reading news articles and educational blogs. You already feel a bit smarter.'
-	act 'Leave this website': gt'komp','browse'
+	act 'Leave this website': gt 'komp','browse'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'agent' :
@@ -574,11 +684,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'agent' :
 	'<b>Property listing</b>:'
 	if func('homes_properties', 'is_property_of_status', 'rented', 'city_apartment') :
-		if func('homes_properties', 'get_rent_days', 'city_apartment') > 0: 
+		if func('homes_properties', 'get_rent_days', 'city_apartment') > 0:
 			'You have <B><<func(''homes_properties'', ''get_rent_days'', ''city_apartment'')>> days</B> remaining on the rental of your St. Petersburg apartment.'
-		if karta + bankDebtLimit >= func('homes_properties', 'get_rent_amount', 'city_apartment'):
+		if karta >= func('homes_properties', 'get_rent_amount', 'city_apartment'):
 			act 'Pay rent on St. Petersburg':
 				gs 'homes_properties', 'pay_rent', 'city_apartment', 'card'
@@ -597,14 +707,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'agent' :
 		'Current sale price is listed at: <<func(''homes_properties'', ''get_property_sales_price'', ''village_cottage'')>> <b>₽</b>.'
 	if func('homes_properties', 'is_property_of_status', 'rented', 'old_town_apartment'):
-		if func('homes_properties', 'get_rent_days', 'old_town_apartment') >= 0: 
+		if func('homes_properties', 'get_rent_days', 'old_town_apartment') >= 0:
 			'You have <B><<func(''homes_properties'', ''get_rent_days'', ''old_town_apartment'')>> days</B> remaining on the rental of your Pushkin apartment.'
-		if karta + bankDebtLimit >= func('homes_properties', 'get_rent_amount', 'old_town_apartment'):
+		if karta >= func('homes_properties', 'get_rent_amount', 'old_town_apartment'):
 			act 'Pay rent on Pushkin':
 				gs 'homes_properties', 'pay_rent', 'old_town_apartment', 'card'
@@ -629,19 +739,17 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'bank':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/items/accessories/computer/online_bank.jpg"></center>'
-	if karta + bankDebtLimit >= 10:
+	if karta >= 10:
 		'You can buy prepaid internet access online through your bank account. 1 hour of internet only costs 10 <b>₽</b>! *'
-		if karta >= 0:
-			'You have <<karta>> <b>₽</b> in your account.'
+		if karta >= bankDebtLimit:
+			'You have <<karta - bankDebtLimit>> <b>₽</b> in your account.'
 			'You have an overdraft limit of <font color="blue"><<bankDebtLimit>></font>!'
-			'You are overdrawn by <font color="red"><<-1 * karta>> <b>₽</b></font>.'
-			'You have a remaining credit limit of <font color="blue"><<bankDebtLimit + karta>></font>!'
+			'You are overdrawn by <font color="red"><<bankDebtLimit - karta>> <b>₽</b></font>.'
+			'You have a remaining credit limit of <font color="blue"><<karta>></font>!'
@@ -651,7 +759,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bank':
 			intinp = input ("How many hours of internet access do you wish to purchase? (1hr = 10 <b>₽</b>)")
-			if intinp <= 0 or intinp * 10 > karta + bankDebtLimit:
+			if intinp <= 0 or karta < intinp * 10:
 				'Invalid amount.'
 				karta -= intinp * 10

+ 1 - 1

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	act 'Let him lead':
 		*clr & cla	
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/bimbo.knees3.jpg"></center>'		
-		'<<$boydesc>> continues kissing you as he begins unzipping his pants, revealing his bulge. He proceeds to run his hand across your body, feeling your breasts, all the way down to your ass. Looking down, you see his cock is rock hard.'
+		'<<$boydesc>> continues kissing you as he begins unzipping his pants, revealing his bulge. He proceeds to run his hand across your body, feeling your breasts, all the way down to your ass. Looking down, you see his cock is rock-hard.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5 
 		gs 'stat' 

+ 36 - 36

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start1':
 	horand = rand(1, 100)+ 40
 	gs 'dinSex', 'std_trigger_oral'
 	gs 'dinSex', 'std_trigger'
 	randLCpay = 1000
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start1':
 	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'gangbang', 'prostitution'
 	minut -= 10
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Continue':
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start1':
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 120, 'sub', 'gangbang', 'prostitution'
 		minut -= 240
 		gs 'stat'
 	    if horand <= pcs_horny:pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You reach an orgasm throughout their rough treatment of you, and lay quivering while they continue to pound you mercilessly.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 	    if horand > pcs_horny:pcs_horny += 10 & 'The guys are too focused on their own pleasure to give you any, and you leave unsatisfied.'
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start2':
 	horand = rand(1, 100)
 	spafinloc = 11
 	gs 'cum_manage'
 	randLCpay = 500
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start2':
 	'The older man gives you a dirty grin, and ogles your body for a few seconds before he says: "Very good, you will do. Follow me."'
 	'You get into a van with the older man, and are a bit surprised when he enters a narrow side road that leads into the woods. You''re in the middle of nowhere here!'
 	'He stops the van, and tells you to get out of the van and undress. He lays you on your back in the open side door of his van. As soon as your legs are apart he shoves his old dick in your cunt and starts fucking it. He never says a word, or touches you in any other way, he just fucks your pussy.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 120, 'sub', 'prostitution'
-	if horand <= pcs_horny:pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'The old man is a skilful lover, and he brings you to a spectacular orgasm. Since you''re in the middle of the woods and no one can hear you anyway, you fully surrender yourself to him and moan loudly when he keeps fucking you throughout your orgasm, making it all the more intense.'
+	if horand <= pcs_horny:pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'The old man is a skillful lover, and he brings you to a spectacular orgasm. Since you''re in the middle of the woods and no one can hear you anyway, you fully surrender yourself to him and moan loudly when he keeps fucking you throughout your orgasm, making it all the more intense.'
 	$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 	if horand > pcs_horny:pcs_horny += 10 & 'The old man focuses solely on his own pleasure, and doesn''t do much to try and get you off too. You''re not satisfied.'
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start2':
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Get out of his van':money += randLCpay & gt 'city_residential'
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start3':
 	horand = rand(1, 100) + 20
 	spafinloc = 11
 	gs 'cum_manage'
 	spafinloc = 12
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start3':
 	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 120, 'sub', 'group', 'prostitution', 'rough'
 	minut -= 120
 	gs 'stat'
 	if horand <= pcs_horny:pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'The intensity at which they were fucking your pussy and ass at the same time makes your own orgasm all the more intense. Your loud groans cause some disturbed knocking on the walls, from neighbours complaining about the noise. Oops...'
 	$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 	if horand > pcs_horny:pcs_horny += 10 & 'The guys are mostly focused on their own pleasure, using your body as if you were a sex doll of some kind. It doesn''t feel unpleasant, but they don''t stimulate you enough to reach orgasm.'
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start3':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bbq/sex/3b.jpg"></center>'
-		'Finally in a small mercy they both pull out of you and put you on your knees where they jerk off, covering your face and tits with their sperm. As soon as they finish, before you even have a chance to do anything, one of them grabs you roughly by the hair and drags you out of the apartment naked, while the other throws your clothes out into the hallway. With that done, they toss <<randLCpay>> <b>₽</b> out and slam the door. Leaving you standing naked, with your clothes and money scattered around the hall floor and your ass and pussy aching from the rough fucking.'
+		'Finally, in a moment of mercy they both pull out of you and put you on your knees where they jerk off, covering your face and tits with their sperm. As soon as they finish, before you even have a chance to do anything, one of them grabs you roughly by the hair and drags you out of the apartment naked, while the other throws your clothes out into the hallway. With that done, they toss <<randLCpay>> <b>₽</b> out and slam the door. Leaving you standing naked, with your clothes and money scattered around the hall floor and your ass and pussy aching from the rough fucking.'
 		'Wincing you gather up the money and put on your clothes, then you head down the stairs out of the apartment.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 20, 'sub', 'group', 'prostitution', 'rough'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave the apartment building':money += randLCpay & gt 'city_industrial'
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start4':
 	gs 'dinSex', 'std_trigger'
 	gs 'dinSex', 'std_trigger_oral'
 	if lcwork_counter = 0:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bbq/sex/4a.jpg"></center>'
 		'As you walk up to the couple, you notice the guy grinning deviously while his girlfriend''s face is a deep shade of red. Before you can get a word in, the guy looks at his girl and grins: "What do you say, babe? She''s cute, right?"'
@@ -165,15 +165,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start4':
 		'They live in the residential area of the city, and it''s a short drive there. You''re fairly sure the guy is the one in charge of this relationship, and when you arrive at their home, you''re proven right.'
 		'He acts like a director, telling you and the other girl to do all sorts of acts on one another while he watches, and then has the two of you please him together.'
 		'He''s particularly interested in your ass. "I hope you like anal, sweetie..." he whispers in your ear after a while. "Because my girlfriend won''t take anything up there, you''ll have to take it for the both of you!"'
-		'Fortunately he takes it slow, and it doesn''t feel all that unpleasant. The girl is very fascinated by it all, and asks you a few questions while she absent-mindedly rubs your clit and kisses your boobs as if you''re doing her a huge favour. After all: as long as her boyfriend enjoys your ass, her''s can remain unfucked.'
+		'Fortunately, he takes it slow, and it doesn''t feel all that unpleasant. The girl is very fascinated by it all and asks you a few questions while she absent-mindedly rubs your clit and kisses your boobs as if you''re doing her a huge favor. After all: as long as her boyfriend enjoys your ass, her''s can remain unfucked.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 120, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 120, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'arousal', 'anal', 120, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 		minut -= 240
 		gs 'stat'
 		if horand <= pcs_horny:pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You were already fairly turned on before going with them, and the girl turns out to be an expert at pleasing other women! She has you begging and moaning in no time, and licks you to an intense orgasm within moments.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 		if horand > pcs_horny:pcs_horny += 10 & 'The guy is so demanding, you and the other girl don''t get to focus much on your own pleasure but only cater to his desires. You were not satisfied.'
@@ -187,23 +187,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start4':
 			'After some time the guy pulls out of your ass and shoots his hot load all over your stomach. The girl laps some of it up, but leaves most of it on you and politely thanks you for a lovely evening. She''s adorable!'
 			'As you get up, the guy is very happy. He grins and says: "Thanks, you were great! She''s still a bit shy, but at this rate it won''t be long before I can properly introduce her to my buddies, if you know what I mean."'
 			'He walks you out of the bedroom, after you get dressed, leaving her behind. "Maybe we can do it again next week and you can help me talk her into trying anal." He gives you a dirty wink and gives you <<randLCpay>> <b>₽</b> as he walks you out.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 20, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Leave their apartment building':money += randLCpay & gt 'city_residential'
 		!!second visit, only happens if you have seen them once.
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bbq/sex/couple.jpg"></center>'
 		'As you walk up to the couple, you remember them from before. The guy grins at you and the girl smiles. "Told you we would be back, are you ready to go?"'
-		'They live in the residential area of the city, and it''s a short drive there. You remember it form last time, they inform you, she is ready to try anal, but wants you to coach her through it and get her ready.'
+		'They live in the residential area of the city, and it''s a short drive there. You remember it from last time, they inform you, she is ready to try anal, but wants you to coach her through it and get her ready.'
 		'Once inside he watches the two of you have fun. He waits until you bring his girlfriend to an orgasm.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 60, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
 		if horand <= pcs_horny:pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You were already fairly turned on before going with them, and the girl turns out to be an expert at pleasing other women! She has you begging and moaning in no time, and licks you to an intense orgasm within moments.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 		if horand > pcs_horny:pcs_horny += 10 & 'The guy is so demanding, you and the other girl don''t get to focus much on your own pleasure but only cater to his desires. You were not satisfied.'
@@ -213,25 +213,25 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start4':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bbq/sex/couple1.jpg"></center>'
 			'At that point he comes over and sits on the couch with the two of you. He lubes up his dick, while you lube up her asshole. You help her ease down on his dick, he is very gentle with her and lets her lead the action. You help by licking her clit while she rides his dick with her ass.'
 			'By the sounds of it, you can tell she kinda likes it but also finds it a bit painful. Before long she gets off him and says she can''t take anymore and applogises to him. He tells her it''s ok they can try again some other time. With that he bends you over the couch and starts to fuck you in the ass. He is fairly gentle with you, but not nearly as much as he was with his girlfriend, which is kinda sweet.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 60, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'lesbian'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 60, 'sub', 'prostitution'
-		    minut -= 20 
+		    minut -= 20
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Continue':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bbq/sex/couple2.jpg"></center>'
 				'After an extended period of fucking your ass, she watches obviously a bit envious by how easily you are taking his anal fucking.'
-				'Some time later the guy shoots his load deep in your ass, pulling his dick out, she catches a few drops of sperm from his dick with her tongue.'
-				'After you get dressed and he walks you to the door, he grins and says: "Thanks, you were great! She''s still a bit shy, but at this rate it won''t be long before I can properly introduce her to my buddies, if you know what I mean. Maybe we can do it again next week and you can help her get use to anal." He gives you a dirty wink and gives you <<randLCpay>> <b>₽</b> as he walks you out.'
+				'Sometime later the guy shoots his load deep in your ass, pulling his dick out, she catches a few drops of sperm from his dick with her tongue.'
+				'After you get dressed and he walks you to the door, he grins and says: "Thanks, you were great! She''s still a bit shy, but at this rate it won''t be long before I can properly introduce her to my buddies, if you know what I mean. Maybe we can do it again next week and you can help her get used to anal." He gives you a dirty wink and gives you <<randLCpay>> <b>₽</b> as he walks you out.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 20, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Leave their apartment building':money += randLCpay & gt 'city_residential'
 				!!end of expanded scene
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start5':
 	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 90, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'lesbian'
 	gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 90, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'lesbian'
-	minut -= 90 
+	minut -= 90
 	if horand <= pcs_horny:Set pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 2 & 'Even though the girl had no prior experience with women, she touches you in all the right places and you reach an orgasm more than once during your session.'
 	$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 	if horand > pcs_horny:Set pcs_horny += 10 & 'You mostly focus on making this a pleasurable experience for her, and don''t orgasm yourself. That''s fine, though... the ecstatic look in her eyes when you gave her the third orgasm of the evening more than makes up for it!'
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start6':
 	horand = rand(1, 100)
 	randLCpay = 500
 	guy += 1
@@ -288,11 +288,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start6':
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 90, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 90, 'sub', 'prostitution'
-	minut -= 90 
+	minut -= 90
 	if horand <= pcs_horny:Set pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'The guy brings you to a mind-blowing orgasm! You wouldn''t think it at first given his posture but he''s a great and experienced lover, knowing exactly what he has to do to make a woman feel good.'
 	$orgasm_or = 'yes'
-	if horand > pcs_horny:Set pcs_horny += 10 & 'The man is making you very aware of the fact that he hired you, and that his needs always come before yours. As a result you don''t get to even think about getting off yourself, and are left unsatisfied.'
+	if horand > pcs_horny:pcs_horny += 10 & 'The man is making you very aware of the fact that he hired you, and that his needs always come before yours. As a result you don''t get to even think about getting off yourself, and are left unsatisfied.'
 	act 'Continue':
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start6':
 		'Finally, the man''s cock erupts in your mouth, and he doesn''t explain when you take his cock out of your mouth after a few spurts and release the rest onto your boobies.'
 		'He gives you a satisfied grin and lets you use his shower to clean yourself up before you go. He peeks into the shower once or twice while you''re washing yourself, but you don''t care, it''s not like he hasn''t seen you naked before!'
 		'He gives you <<randLCpay>> <b>₽</b>, and walks you to the door when you''re all freshened up.'
-		if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'	
+		if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toiletsex':
 	gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Stranger from the diner restroom', rand(18,32)
 	gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bbq/sex/toiletsexend.jpg"></center>'
-	'You come up from behind the man, and suddenly wrap your arms around him. He''s startled for a moment, but relaxes when you whisper: "That''s a nice cock you have there! I bet we could have some fun together, you and I..."'
+	'You come up from behind the man and suddenly wrap your arms around him. He''s startled for a moment, but relaxes when you whisper: "That''s a nice cock you have there! I bet we could have some fun together, you and I..."'
 	'The man gives you a toothy grin when he feels you wrap your fingers around his cock, but he wants more. He takes you by the hand and guides you to the rear entrance of the diner, into the back alley. He positions you against the dumpsters and eagerly shoves his cock inside you.'
 	gs 'dinsex', 'vaginal_sex', 6, 'unknown'
 	'Not a surprise, he barely lasts any time at all, with in a few minutes he grunts and pulls out of your pussy and shoots his load all over your ass and without a further word he goes back into the cafe.'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ if debug['trace_loc_change'] = 1:
 	gs 'debug_tools', 'trace', 'loc_change'
-if settingmode!0: killvar '$cheatmenu'
+if settingmode = 0: killvar 'cheatmenu'
 msg "Changed Location 

+ 1 - 1

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ride':
 			'The apartment is actually in decent shape. The minimal amount of furniture and decorations don''t make it look very hospitable though, and you assume this might just be one of the places Vadim rented for business or pleasure, not for living in. Noticing you''re spending too much time looking around and aren''t following him swiftly enough, he grabs you by your hair and pulls your face to his, roughly shoving his tongue in your mouth. You can smell the tabacco on his breath, and do your best to ignore the taste as he kisses you.'
-			act'Kiss him':gt 'BelSex'
+			act 'Kiss him': gt 'BelSex'

+ 3 - 5

@@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ $gL_boy_z = {
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/event/sunbathe_lake.jpg"></center>'
 		'He seems nice enough so you decide to give him your name.'
-		randvnesh = rand(40,120)
-		if rand(0,10) = 0 and pcs_apprnc >= randvnesh:
+		if rand(0,10) = 0 and pcs_apprnc >= rand(40,120):
 			'<<$boydesc>> smiles as he says, "You''re a pretty cool girl. Maybe we can hang out again?"'
 			gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'easy'
 			if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
-				act 'Smile and leave (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':	
+				act 'Smile and leave (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
 					gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
 					gt 'pav_lake'
@@ -24,8 +23,7 @@ $gL_boy_z = {
 			act 'Give him your phone number':
 				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood += 10
-				gs 'boy', 'details'
-				if rand(0,2) = 0: gs 'boyfrend','start'
+				if rand(0,2) = 0: gs 'lover', 'add_boyfriend', $boy
 				minut += 5
 				bmFrend[Tboynum] = 1
 				gs 'stat'

+ 8 - 7

@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'front_door':
 		elseif locat['Lariska'] = 21:
 			$text_home = 'Lariska is at the volleyball game.'
 		elseif locat['Lariska'] = 1:
-			$text_home = 'Lariska is asleep right now. She should be up around 9am.'
+			$text_home = 'Lariska is asleep right now. She should be up around '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'.'
 		elseif locat['Lariska'] = 13:
 			$text_home = 'Lariska is unable to answer the door right now.'
 		elseif locat['Lariska'] = 15:
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hallway':
 		$text_home = 'is in the kitchen'
 	elseif locat['Lariska'] = 13:
 		$text_home = 'is in the shower'
-	elseif locat['Lariska'] = 8:
+	elseif locat['Lariska'] = 20:
 		$text_home = 'is in the bathroom, cleaning'
 	elseif locat['Lariska'] = 14 or locat['Lariska'] = 16 or locat['Lariska'] = 18:
 		$text_home = 'should be in the living room'
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'livingroom_exercise_1':
 	menu_off = 1
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/lariska_exercise_1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You find Lariska stretching in front of her tv. Since you don''t feel like working out right now, you simply keep her company for awhile.'
+	'You find Lariska stretching in front of her tv. Since you don''t feel like working out right now, you simply keep her company for a while.'
 	minut += 20
 	gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A13', 'like'
 	pcs_mood += 5
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom_join_2':
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/lariska_shower_2.jpg"></center>'
 	'You quickly strip your clothing off, and gently tap on the shower door. Startled, she turns to see you standing there, before smiling shyly and opening the door for you.'
 	act 'Finish the shower':
 		noshampoo = 1
 		dynamic $showerdin
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom_join_3':
 	menu_off = 1
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/lariska_shower_3.jpg"></center>'
-	'Doesn''t take long before long before washing her back leads to kissing her neck. She turns and wraps her arms around you, and kisses your lips. You tease each other for awhile, taking your time.'
+	'Doesn''t take long before long before washing her back leads to kissing her neck. She turns and wraps her arms around you, and kisses your lips. You tease each other for a while, taking your time.'
 	'Pulling back she smiles sweetly at you and goes to her knees in front of you. She starts by kissing your feet softly, keeping her eyes locked on yours as she slowly works her way up your legs.'
 	minut += 10
 	pcs_horny += 10
@@ -481,7 +481,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lariska_bedroom':
 		'Her bed sits directly on the floor, without space underneath.'
-	'<table><tr><td valign="top">Your <a href="exec:gt ''alarmclock'', ''start''">phone alarm</a> is set to <<func(''alarmclock'', ''alarm_display'', alarmVars[''timerH''], alarmVars[''timerM''])>> during the week and <<func(''alarmclock'', ''alarm_display'', alarmVars[''timerEndH''], alarmVars[''timerEndM''])>> during the weekend. It is currently turned ' + iif(alarmVars['alarmOn'] = 0, '<a href="exec: alarmVars[''alarmOn''] = 1 & gt $loc, $loc_arg">OFF</a>.', '<a href="exec: alarmVars[''alarmOn''] = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg">ON</a>.')
+	'<table><tr><td valign="top">'
+	func('alarmclock', 'base_alarmclock_text')
 	if locat['Lariska'] = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''LariskaHome'', ''lariska_asleep_1''">Lariska</a> is sound asleep, curled up and wrapped in blankets.'
 	if locat['Lariska'] = 2:'<a href="exec:gt ''LariskaHome'', ''lariska_dressing_1''">Lariska</a> is getting dressed right now.'
@@ -557,7 +558,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lariska_bedroom':
 				lariskalove += 1
 				gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5, 'lesbian'
 				gs 'stat'
-			else 
+			else
 				'No longer shy around you, she wraps her hands around your waist and starts kissing you. You move your left hand down to the top of her butt while putting your right on her stomach and start rubbing in circular motions. You slowly start leaning back, pulling her with you until you are both laying on your sides, and her tongue slips between your lips and starts playing with yours. You feel her left hand slide down from your waist and starts rubbing your butt before working its way down from there to your thigh. Hooking her hand around it, she pulls your leg up and over her own before going back to massaging your butt again. Eventually she pulls back from your tongue fight, face flushed a deep red and panting from lack of breath. She gives you a long, hungry look, telling you without words she wants, no, NEEDS, to keep going.'
 				gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A13', 'like'
 				lariskalove += 1

+ 3 - 3

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'undressed2':
 	if lariskalove >= 18 and mc_inventory['strapon'] > 0:
 		act 'Lariska wears the Strap-on': gt 'LariskaSex', 'bj_1'
-	act 'Get dressed': 
+	act 'Get dressed':
 		if analplugout = 1: gs 'dinsex', 'after_anal'
 		if vibratorOUT = 1:
 			vibratorIN = 1
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'anal_miss_give_1':
 	menu_off = 1
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/home/strapgive_4.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'Lariska lays on her back, opens her legs, and spreads her cheeks, inviting you in. As you ease the dildo in, already wet from her mouth, she groans in both pain and pleasure, clearly enjoying it.'
-	'Pulling her legs over each of your shoulders you start thrusting into her ass as she cries out "Uhh, don''t stop! Fuck my ass!" Needing no more encouragment you pick up your speed, pounding her with everything you have.'
+	'Pulling her legs over each of your shoulders you start thrusting into her ass as she cries out "Uhh, don''t stop! Fuck my ass!" Needing no more encouragement you pick up your speed, pounding her with everything you have.'
 	'Her cries of pleasure and pain grow with each moment, until she starts orgasming, hard. You wrap your left arm around her legs to keep her from kicking you and start pinching her nipples with your right. She grips the bed sheets with both hands as her chest heaves and her eyes roll back in her head.'
 	'As her body starts to settle down, you pull out, drop her legs, and crawl up next to her to snuggle for a few minutes, until her breathing normalizes. She looks at you in adoration, and you cannot help but to plant a few soft kisses on her lips, happy just to be there with her.'
 	pcs_horny += 10
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'anal_dog_give_1':
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/sex/home/strapgive_6.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You flip her over and pull her ass into the air and place the head of your strap-on against her asshole. As you ease the dildo in, already wet from her mouth, she groans in pain and pleasure, clearly enjoying it.'
 	'She lets out deep moans with each thrust as her asshole stretches to accommodate the rubber dick. Satisfied she can take it, you lean over her and push down on her back with your left hand, and reach around with your right to rub her pussy.'
-	'Staying away from her sensitive clit for now, you give her long, deep strokes with the strap-on, letting her enjoy the double sensation for awhile. Her hands grip the blankets of her bed as she moans and groans below you, loving every minute.'
+	'Staying away from her sensitive clit for now, you give her long, deep strokes with the strap-on, letting her enjoy the double sensation for a while. Her hands grip the blankets of her bed as she moans and groans below you, loving every minute.'
 	'She stay down as you draw your left hand back and start lightly spanking her, alternating between each cheek, until there is a nice pink spot on each side. With every smack she squeals in pleasure, then begs you to do it again.'
 	'Reaching back up to her head, you grab a fistful of hair, focus your right hand onto her clit, and start pounding her ass as hard as you can. The screams she makes make you wonder if all of Pavlovsk can hear her, but you don''t relent, forcing her closer and closer to an orgasm.'
 	'The multiple sensations of hair pulling, frigging her clit, and fucking her ass prove to be too much, and she lets out one long, loud scream as she starts shaking and flopping around. Keeping her pinned, you ride out the orgasm until she finally stops moving.'

+ 36 - 77

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	if knowsfairy = 1:
+		'You find yourself in the area where you know the fairy to hang around.'
 		if fairyshoo = 0:
 			act 'Look for the fairy to chat': gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'fairy_chat'
 			act 'Just be on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -15,11 +16,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			act 'Shoo the pesky fairy away': gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'fairy_shoo'
 	elseif pcs_magik + rand (1,10) >= 8:
+		'There appears to be a firefly here and its getting closer.'
 		act 'Investigate the strange glow': gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'fairy_chat_no1'
 		act 'Shoo the pesky firefly away': gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'fairy_shoo'
 		act 'Ignore the firefly': fairyskip = 1 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gs 'stat'
+		'This part of the park has a weird feel to it causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end.'
 		'You have the strange feeling of being watched, but looking around you don''t see anybody.'
 		act 'Shake off the feeling and move on': fairyskip = 1 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -47,8 +50,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat_no1':
 			pcs_horny += 10
 			gs 'stat'
 			'The fairy bids you farewell. Just as she flies off, she returns fluttering in front of your face.'
-			''
 			wait 725
+			*nl
 			'"You know, someone as nice as you should look just as lovely.", she says. "Hold still and don''t breath!"'
 			'Before you can do anything, the fairy blows some sparkling dust into your face. Surprised you hold your breath, albeit barely. You feel the powdery substance soak into your skin and your face starts tingling. It is not uncomfortable, rather like the brush of a feather.'
 			' ''That must have been MAGICAL FAIRY DUST!'', it hits you as the fairy flies off.'
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat':
 	act 'Chat with the fairy':
 		minut += 30
-		if fairyshoo = 1 and rand (1, 3) = 2:
+		if fairyshoo = 1 and rand(1,3) = 2:
 			fairyshoo = 0
 		elseif fairyshoo > 1 and (fairyshoo * 3 - fairychat) <= 0:
 			fairyshoo -= 1
@@ -99,111 +102,75 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat':
 		fairychat += 1
 		pcs_mana += 25 * pcs_magik
 		pcs_mood += 15
+		gs 'stat'
 		gs 'MagEncounterFairy', 'fairychattopic'
 		if fairyday['skin_increase'] <= 10 and fairyday ! daystart and fairyshoo = 0:
+			cla
 			pcs_skin += 10
 			if pcs_skin > 1000: pcs_skin = 1000
 			fairyday['skin_increase'] += 1
 			fairyday = daystart
 			gs 'stat'
 			'The fairy bids you farewell.'
-			*nl
 			wait 725
+			*nl
 			'Just as she flies off, she returns fluttering in front of your face.'
 			'"You know, you could still look lovelier.", she says. "Don''t move."'
 			'Remembering the last time you hold your breath and close your eyes. Just a moment later you feel your skin start tingling, again, as if brushed by a feather.'
+			act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		elseif fairyday['skin_increase'] > 10 and fairyday < daystart and fairyshoo = 0 and pcs_magik >= 8 and fairychat > 9 and succubusQW < 1:
 			!Sets the Succubus setup dream
+			cla
 			succubusQW = 1
 			pcs_horny = 100
 			fairyday = daystart
 			gs 'stat'
 			'The fairy bids you farewell.'
-			*nl
 			wait 725
+			*nl
 			'Just as she flies off, she returns fluttering in front of your face.'
 			'"You know, you''re almost a magical creature now.", she says. "Don''t move."'
 			'Remembering the last time you hold your breath and close your eyes. Just a moment later you feel a much more intense tingling, this time seeming to go all the way through you.'
+			act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		elseif fairyday ! daystart and (pcs_nips < 80 or clit_size < 80):
 			fairyday = daystart
-			gs 'stat'
 			'The fairy takes another quick look at you, rubs her chin, and says "Hmm, since you''ve been a little nice to me, maybe I could be a little nice to you."'
 			act 'Huh?':
-				'You look at her, puzzled, wondering if you heard her right.  She just shrugs her shoulders and says "Okay, if you''re not interested"'
+				'You look at her, puzzled, wondering if you heard her right. She just shrugs her shoulders and says "Okay, if you''re not interested"'
 				act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 			act 'Sure':
 				fday_surprise += 1
-				fairy_surprise = RAND(1,9)
-				if fairy_surprise =< 2:
+				fairy_surprise = rand(1,8)
+				if fairy_surprise = 1:
 					pcs_nips += 5
 					pcs_horny += 10
-					gs 'stat'
-					if pcs_nips < 20:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples1.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif pcs_nips < 40:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples2.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif pcs_nips < 60:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples3.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif pcs_nips < 80:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples4.jpg"></center>'
-					else
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples5.jpg"></center>'
-					end
+					*clr
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples<<max(1,min(5,pcs_nips/20+1))>>.jpg"></center>'
 					'You hear a giggle.  Suddenly, your nipples get really firm and pointed, and seem to be a bit larger now.'
 					'You can''t help but rub both breasts, feeling the warm tingling in them, and in your pussy.'
-				elseif fairy_surprise = 3:
+				elseif fairy_surprise = 2:
 					pcs_nips -= 5
-					gs 'stat'
-					if pcs_nips < 20:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples1.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif pcs_nips < 40:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples2.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif pcs_nips < 60:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples3.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif pcs_nips < 80:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples4.jpg"></center>'
-					else
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples5.jpg"></center>'
-					end
+					*clr
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples<<max(1,min(5,pcs_nips/20+1))>>.jpg"></center>'
 					'You hear a giggle.  Suddenly, your nipples get really firm and pointed, yet seem to be smaller then before.'
 					'You can''t help but rub both breasts, feeling the warm tingling in them, and in your pussy.'
-				elseif fairy_surprise <= 4:
+				elseif fairy_surprise = 3:
 					clit_size += 5
 					pcs_horny += 10
-					gs 'stat'
-					if clit_size < 20:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit1.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif clit_size < 40:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit2.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif clit_size < 60:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit3.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif clit_size < 80:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit4.jpg"></center>'
-					else
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit5.jpg"></center>'
-					end
+					*clr
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit<<max(1,min(5,clit_size/20+1))>>.jpg"></center>'
 					'You hear a giggle and you feel a warm tingle at the top of your slit, you reach down and part your pussy lips with your fingers.'
 					'Your clitoris has swollen, and seems to stand out even more than before! You can''t help but rub all around it, feeling the warm tingling and the moisture build at the entrance.'
 					'The fairy admires the changes she''s made, and smiles at you, looking again at your puffy pussy and licking her lips.'
 					'You two say your goodbyes and the fairy flies off.'
-				elseif fairy_surprise = 5:
+				elseif fairy_surprise = 4:
 					clit_size -= 5
-					gs 'stat'
-					if clit_size < 20:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit1.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif clit_size < 40:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit2.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif clit_size < 60:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit3.jpg"></center>'
-					elseif clit_size < 80:
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit4.jpg"></center>'
-					else
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit5.jpg"></center>'
-					end
+					*clr
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit<<max(1,min(5,clit_size/20+1))>>.jpg"></center>'
 					'You hear a giggle and you feel a warm tingle at the top of your slit, you reach down and part your pussy lips with your fingers.'
 					'Your clitoris has shunk, and seems to more demure than before! You can''t help but rub all around it, feeling the warm tingling and the moisture build at the entrance.'
 				elseif fairy_surprise <= 6:
@@ -215,14 +182,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat':
 					'You hear a giggle, then sparkles surround your body and you get all tingly.'
 					'You suddenly feel colder and less aroused then before.'
+				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
-killvar '$din_fairy_chat_no1' & killvar '$din_fairy_shoo' & killvar '$din_fairy_chat'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fairychattopic':
 !!	These are the random chat texts for the Fairy from UsagiTripleSix
 	frandchat = rand(1,16)
@@ -258,10 +224,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairychattopic':
 	elseif frandchat = 15:
 		'Today the fairy introduces you to fairy knock-knock jokes. She spends almost half an hour telling joke after joke, but you failed to understand a single one. By the time you''re ready to leave, she''s complaining about how humans have no sense of humor.'
-		killvar 'frandchat' & gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'teleport'
+		killvar 'frandchat'
+		gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'teleport'
-	act 'Go on your way': killvar 'frandchat' & gt $loc, $loc_arg
+	killvar 'frandchat'
+	act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -270,34 +238,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teleport':
 	if spellKnown['teleport'] = 0:
 		!show and teach Teleport spell
 		'The Fairy wraps her arms around your thumb and lightly tugs you over to a mysterious circle of trees.'
-		''
 		'She says, "You may have seen these circles of trees around the lands. Fairies planted them long ago and used their magic to tether them together. Since you also have Fae magic, I can show you how to use them."'
-		''
 		'She continues, "Most of the work was already done in the binding. In a way, the trees of each circle are the same trees. You just have to stand inside the circle, then hold in your mind a picture of another circle that you have been to before. Then you say the word <i>inla</i>. If your will is strong enough and you have enough magical energy, your energy can be used to enact your will."'
-		''
 		'She giggles. "This lets you dance through any field you like! "Let''s go!"'
-		''
 		'She grunts and give you a nudge into the circle.'
 		act 'Stumble into Circle':
-			''
 			'The view outside the circle seems blurry and a little indistinct.  The Fairy''s face scrunches up in concentration as she incants "inla", and the world outside seems to shimmer a little. You feel like you understand how she did that.  Though you can''t tell exactly where you are now in the blurriness, it does look different.'
-			''
 			'The Fairy says, "It''s important to take the time to feel each Fairy Ring, that''s how you can find your way back."  She flies off.'
-			''
 			'You decide it would be wise to memorize your surroundings.'
 			spellKnown['teleport'] = 1
-			tpKnown['GadForest'] = 1
+			tpKnown['gad_forest'] = 1
-			act 'You step out of the circle...':gt 'gadforest', 'forest_edge'
+			act 'You step out of the circle...': gt 'gad_forest', 'forest_edge'
 		!take the user to random location
 		'The Fairy nudges you into the nearby tree circle, and giggles as you hear her incant "inla", then flies out of the ring.'
-		$tpRand[0]='GadForest'
-		$tpRand[1]='PushkinPark'
-		$tpRand[2]='Village'
+		$tpRand[0] = 'gad_forest'
+		$tpRand[1] = 'PushkinPark'
+		$tpRand[2] = 'Village'
 		act 'See where the Fairy teleports you to': gt 'treeCircle', $tpRand[rand(0,2)]
@@ -305,6 +266,4 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teleport':
 --- MagEncounterFairy ---------------------------------

+ 31 - 31

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			'As nice as this exchange is, something is different about this, you can tell. You have been chatting with him for a while now and yet you have never felt this... tense before, as if you were mentally preparing for something.'
-			'But it''s not just you: You have had plenty of time to watch him while he worked, seen the way he looks at the women who come to the bar, even the attractive ones: He is appreciative of beauty but self-confident enough to not try to hide his brief stare. The way his eyes jump down to your curves, lingering on your' + iif(tatback>0,'tattooed ','') + 'back, ass,' + iif(tatupb>0,' the tramp stamp in between,','') + ' and ' + iif(tatleg>0,'tattooed ','') + 'legs for a moment before jumping back, as if he couldn''t keep himself from doing it but didn''t want you to notice... It''s almost like he''s a different man. And not an unattractive one at that...'
+			'But it''s not just you: You have had plenty of time to watch him while he worked, seen the way he looks at the women who come to the bar, even the attractive ones: He is appreciative of beauty but self-confident enough to not try to hide his brief stare. The way his eyes jump down to your curves, lingering on your <<$pc_desc[''back'']>> back, ass,' + iif(pcs_tattoos['tramp'] > 0,' the tramp stamp in between,','') + ' and  <<$pc_desc[''legs'']>> legs for a moment before jumping back, as if he couldn''t keep himself from doing it but didn''t want you to notice... It''s almost like he''s a different man. And not an unattractive one at that...'
 			act 'Leave the bar':
@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 				if exhibitionist_lvl > 0 and cycle ! 0:
-					act 'Go on the offensive - Strip':MartinStripVar = 1 & gt'MartinSex','MartinTease'
+					act 'Go on the offensive - Strip':MartinStripVar = 1 & gt 'MartinSex', 'MartinTease'
 				if exhibitionist_lvl > 0 and stat['bj'] > 20:
-					act 'Be even more aggressive - Give Martin a blowjob': MartinConvinceBJ = 1 & gt'MartinSex3','MartinBlowTease'
+					act 'Be even more aggressive - Give Martin a blowjob': MartinConvinceBJ = 1 & gt 'MartinSex3', 'MartinBlowTease'
 				act 'I understand (calm)':
@@ -237,11 +237,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		if exhibitionist_lvl > 0 and cycle ! 0:
-			act 'Go on the offensive - Strip':MartinStripVar = 1 & gt'MartinSex','MartinTease'
+			act 'Go on the offensive - Strip':MartinStripVar = 1 & gt 'MartinSex', 'MartinTease'
 		if exhibitionist_lvl > 0 and stat['bj'] > 20:
-			act 'Be even more aggressive - Give Martin a blowjob': MartinConvinceBJ = 1 & gt'MartinSex3','MartinBlowTease'
+			act 'Be even more aggressive - Give Martin a blowjob': MartinConvinceBJ = 1 & gt 'MartinSex3', 'MartinBlowTease'
 	elseif MartinSexTalk = 2 and MartinSex = 0:
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 				'"I don''t know what I''ll want a year from now," you answer honestly, "I don''t even know what I''ll want a week from now, but I know that, right now, I want you."'
 				'For a few seconds, nothing happens - Martin seems indecisive, a feeling you know all too well.'
-				'Then, all of a sudden, you feel his lips against yours, showing without a doubt which side of him won the argument, and you kiss him back with a passion, your <<$pcdesc_tongue>> finally united with his.'
+				'Then, all of a sudden, you feel his lips against yours, showing without a doubt which side of him won the argument, and you kiss him back with a passion, your <<$pc_desc[''tongue'']>> tongue finally united with his.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 					'"Okay, then I''ll see you soon?"'
 					'"Yeah. You know where to find me, corazón." Martin gives you the most lighthearted smile you have ever seen on him - it''s strange how that can make a man look younger, and how that can make you weak in the knees.'
-					'With a goofy smile of your own plastered on your ' + iif(tatfce>0,'tattooed ','') + 'face, you turn around and leave the bar.'
+					'With a goofy smile of your own plastered on your  <<$pc_desc[''face'']>> face, you turn around and leave the bar.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
@@ -387,11 +387,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		if exhibitionist_lvl > 0 and cycle ! 0:
-			act 'Go on the offensive - Strip':MartinStripVar = 1 & gt'MartinSex','MartinTease'
+			act 'Go on the offensive - Strip':MartinStripVar = 1 & gt 'MartinSex', 'MartinTease'
 		if exhibitionist_lvl > 0 and stat['bj'] > 20:
-			act 'Be even more aggressive - Give Martin a blowjob': MartinConvinceBJ = 1 & gt'MartinSex3','MartinBlowTease'
+			act 'Be even more aggressive - Give Martin a blowjob': MartinConvinceBJ = 1 & gt 'MartinSex3', 'MartinBlowTease'
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			'You share a kiss, and a fondle or two, but you don''t wanna make this <b>harder</b> on him than it already is, so you finally step away, smiling inwardly at your stupid pun.'
 			'"Be careful on your way home," Martin admonishes, as usual.'
-			'You raise your <<$pcdesc_eyebrowrandom>> at that, but there''s no helping it - he''s gonna worry anyway.'
+			'You raise your <<$pc_descRandom[''brow'']>> eyebrow at that, but there''s no helping it - he''s gonna worry anyway.'
 			'"Always am," you reassure him, turn around and leave the bar, wondering if, maybe instead of leaving, you should have fucked Martin''s brains out.'
 			act 'Leave': gt 'city_industrial'
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease1':
 	'Martin is utterly perplexed by that. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, what are you-"'
 	'"Oops, I seem to have accidentally pulled my panties down," you say innocently, giving him a broad smile.'
-	'Most of your crotch is revealed to him, but your ' + iif(tatvag>0,'tattooed ','') + 'pussy is only vaguely perceptible. Still, you can already tell that the situation is entirely different from how it was a minute ago - the suave barkeeper is on the defensive. And you are just getting started...'
+	'Most of your crotch is revealed to him, but your  <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy is only vaguely perceptible. Still, you can already tell that the situation is entirely different from how it was a minute ago - the suave barkeeper is on the defensive. And you are just getting started...'
 	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease1':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease2.jpg"></center>'
 		'You pull your panties all the way down to your knees and spin around for a moment to let him look at you from all sides. Spotting a growing bulge in his pants, you turn your back to Martin and bend over a nearby table.'
-		'"Well?" You ask flirtatiously over your shoulder, your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and asshole completely revealed to him. "Do I still look too young to you? Or... just old enough?"'
+		'"Well?" You ask flirtatiously over your shoulder, your pussy and asshole completely revealed to him. "Do I still look too young to you? Or... just old enough?"'
 		'His speechlessness is all the answer you need.'
 		'And you can''t blame him for this reaction - you went from being a friendly flirt to showing him your pussy in under a minute, so most men would need a second to catch up with a reality that has gone utterly mad.'
@@ -510,14 +510,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease1':
 		act 'Climb on the table':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/tease3.jpg"></center>'
-			'Deciding to make full use of the table being there, you climb on top of it and sit down, spreading your legs to give Martin a good view of your ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy.'
+			'Deciding to make full use of the table being there, you climb on top of it and sit down, spreading your legs to give Martin a good view of your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy.'
 			'"You could do more than just look, you know." The flirtatious tone is gone now - anything but being openly sultry just wouldn''t do this porno-esque situation justice.'
-			'Plus, Martin isn''t the only one getting turned on by this, and both of you can see it. "This <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> could be yours."'
+			'Plus, Martin isn''t the only one getting turned on by this, and both of you can see it. "This <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy could be yours."'
 			'Maybe something you said shook him out of his reverie, or maybe enough time has passed for him to snap out of it, but Martin seems to have regained the ability to speak. But he just loves saying things you don''t want to hear, doesn''t he?'
 			'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m trying to be <b>sensible</b> here. This is not a good idea. You should cover yourself and go."'
-			'It''s telling that his mouth says one thing while his eyes are transfixed with your glistening <<$pcdesc_genitals>>.'
+			'It''s telling that his mouth says one thing while his eyes are transfixed with your glistening pussy.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1, 'exhibitionism'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease1':
 				gs 'stat'
 				killvar 'MartinStripVar'
-				act 'Let Martin fuck you':$martinpos='missionary' & gt'MartinSex2','MartinSexDyn'
+				act 'Let Martin fuck you':$martinpos='missionary' & gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinSexDyn'
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease2':
 		'It wouldn''t be nice to tease Martin with a sight like that and keep him guessing if the carpets do indeed match the drapes.'
 		'Without putting the glass down, you turn your side to Martin and bare your lower half with your free hand. You can feel Martin''s eyes linger on your <<$pc_desc[''legs'']>> legs, but you know what he really wants to see, as much as he''d deny it.'
-		'Feeling ready to burn whatever bridge there''s left behind you, you face Martin, revealing your <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> to him. He seems shocked by your boldness; not just by you stripping for him, right here in the empty bar - although that must be a big part of it - but also by the fact that you had been walking around commando like there was nothing to it.'
+		'Feeling ready to burn whatever bridge there''s left behind you, you face Martin, revealing your <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> pussy to him. He seems shocked by your boldness; not just by you stripping for him, right here in the empty bar - although that must be a big part of it - but also by the fact that you had been walking around commando like there was nothing to it.'
 		'"Like what you see?"'
 		'You don''t know if he was even physically capable of saying no, given that he just barely managed to croak a "yes" - still, it was nice that he was being honest with you and himself.'
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease2':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease3.jpg"></center>'
 			'With an audience as appreciative as this, how could you possibly stop now?'
-			'Setting the glass, your trusty prop, aside, you pull down what little covers your ' + iif(tatbrst > 0,'tattooed ','') + 'chest and ' + iif(tatblly > 0 and tatbrst = 0,'tattooed ','') +'belly, giving Martin a good look at your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> tits, your <<$pc_desc[''nipples'']>> nipples standing hard thanks to the chilly, smoky air... and maybe also due to his intense stares.'
+			'Setting the glass, your trusty prop, aside, you pull down what little covers your <<$pc_desc[''chest'']>> chest and <<$pc_desc[''belly'']>> belly, giving Martin a good look at your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> tits, your <<$pc_desc[''nipples'']>> nipples standing hard thanks to the chilly, smoky air... and maybe also due to his intense stares.'
 			'You lift your arms a little, playing with your <<$pc_descWordy[''hair length'']>> and sticking out your breasts even more.'
 			'No, you <b>really</b> aren''t making it easy for Martin to adhere to his principles regarding celibacy and sexy young women, or whatever it is that''s holding him back from bending you over and nailing you into the fucking counter.'
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease2':
 				'"Really?" You look at your leg, confused. "Yeah, I guess you''re right."'
 				'You momentarily see something like hope or relief flare up in his eyes. You are not feeling very merciful tonight, though:'
-				'You put one of your hands on your ass and pull slightly, completely revealing what little of your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and <<$pc_desc[''anus'']>> asshole wasn''t already visible to him.'
+				'You put one of your hands on your ass and pull slightly, completely revealing what little of your pussy and <<$pc_desc[''anus'']>> asshole wasn''t already visible to him.'
 				'"There, better now?"'
 				if analplugin = 1:
@@ -621,14 +621,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease2':
 				act 'Just one last push...':
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease5.jpg"></center>'
-					'Ridding yourself of what little items you have still left on you, you put your leg up on the bar and bend over. Your ass and <<$pcdesc_genitals>> aren''t just visible to Martin - they are also very much accessible.'
+					'Ridding yourself of what little items you have still left on you, you put your leg up on the bar and bend over. Your ass and pussy aren''t just visible to Martin - they are also very much accessible.'
 					'"<<$pcs_firstname>>-" But you cut him off.'
 					'"If you are gonna say anything but ''I want to fuck you so bad right now'', I''m going to scream." You''re not sound very playful now, to be honest. All the cards are on the table, and you went about a million extra miles to show Martin just how much you want him. If he doesn''t finally take a hint, you''re going to-'
 					'But before you can even finish the thought, Martin kissing you, hard, his hands are roaming your body and exploring every mound and every crevice.'
 					'"Alright, you asked for it," he growls, "but I''m not gonna play nice."'
-					'"I never wanted you to," you moan, his fingers stroking your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and clit.'
+					'"I never wanted you to," you moan, his fingers stroking your pussy and clit.'
 					'You don''t know if his zipper exploded at your last words or if he was just that damn good with his hands that you didn''t even notice when he opened it to reveal his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick, but you cannot wait to feel him inside you and, judging by how he''s now taking position behind you, neither can he.'
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease2':
 					gs 'stat'
 					killvar 'MartinStripVar'
-					act 'Let Martin fuck you':$martinpos='doggystyle' & gt'MartinSex2','MartinSexDyn'
+					act 'Let Martin fuck you':$martinpos='doggystyle' & gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinSexDyn'
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease3':
 		'You pull your panties all the way down to your knees and spin around for a moment, to let him look at you from all sides... and to bar him from seeing your exposed crotch right away. Still, you quickly spot the growing bulge in his pants - knowing that you are half-naked and seeing you in glorious, pantiless profile seems to be enough to get his engine going.'
 		'You ever so slowly turn your back to Martin and lasciviously bend over a nearby table.'
-		'"Well?" You ask flirtatiously over your shoulder, your <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and asshole completely revealed to him. "Enjoying the view?"'
+		'"Well?" You ask flirtatiously over your shoulder, your <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> pussy and asshole completely revealed to him. "Enjoying the view?"'
 		'"You have no idea," he breathes, a lustful glint in his eyes.'
 		if analplugin = 0:
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease3':
 					'At first, Martin probably thinks you''re joking, but seeing as you''re putting your other clothes back on as well, he gets up, frowning.'
 					'"You''d leave me here, alone, in this state?" He points towards his crotch where his dick is straining against the fabric of his pants. "You couldn''t possibly be this cruel."'
-					'You walk up to Martin, put your ' + iif(tatarm>0,'tattooed ','') + 'arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss. When you break it, you whisper: "If I wasn''t cruel at least once in a while, you wouldn''t appreciate it when I''m not."'
+					'You walk up to Martin, put your <<$pc_desc[''arms'']>> arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss. When you break it, you whisper: "If I wasn''t cruel at least once in a while, you wouldn''t appreciate it when I''m not."'
 					'With that, you quickly move out of his range, towards the door, blow the perplexed barkeeper a final kiss and make off like a bandit.'
 					'... A horny bandit.'
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease4':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Without putting the glass down, you turn your side to Martin and bare your lower half with your free hand, making it blatantly obvious that you were indeed going commando. You can feel Martin''s eyes linger on your <<$pc_desc[''legs'']>> legs, but you know what he really wants to see - he wants you to confirm what he already knows.'
-		'You slowly turn to face Martin, revealing your <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> to him. Your boldness to strip for him, right here in the empty bar, and to walk around without underwear seem to turn him on immensely, if the bulge in his pants is any indication.'
+		'You slowly turn to face Martin, revealing your <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> pussy to him. Your boldness to strip for him, right here in the empty bar, and to walk around without underwear seem to turn him on immensely, if the bulge in his pants is any indication.'
 		'"Like what you see?" You ask, taking another small sip of wine.'
 		'"You little minx", is all he says, sounding as incredulous as he does admiring - not to mention horny.'
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease4':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/nopanties_tease3.jpg"></center>'
 			'With an audience as appreciative as this, how could you possibly stop now?'
-			'Setting the glass aside, you pull down what little covers your ' + iif(tatbrst > 0,'tattooed ','') + 'chest and ' + iif(tatblly > 0 + tatbrst = 0,'tattooed ','') +'belly, giving Martin a good look at your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> tits, your <<$pc_desc[''nipples'']>> nipples standing hard thanks to the chilly, smoky air... and maybe also due to his intense stares.'
+			'Setting the glass aside, you pull down what little covers your <<$pc_desc[''chest'']>> chest and <<$pc_desc[''belly'']>> belly, giving Martin a good look at your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> tits, your <<$pc_desc[''nipples'']>> nipples standing hard thanks to the chilly, smoky air... and maybe also due to his intense stares.'
 			'You lift your arms a little, playing with your <<$pc_descWordy[''hair length'']>> and sticking out your breasts even more.'
 			'Honestly, it wouldn''t have surprised you if he had just bent you over and nailed you into the fucking counter then and there - his eyes are certainly burning with desire enough to tell you that he wants to.'
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease4':
 				'When you look up from the stool, you are stunned to see Martin give you a look of indifference. "That''s okay, I guess."'
 				'You almost burst into laughter after your brain has caught up with his challenge, but you are only too happy to indulge him, if it''s an even sexier display he wants.'
-				'You put one of your hands on your ass and pull slightly, completely revealing what little of your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and <<$pc_desc[''anus'']>> asshole wasn''t already visible to him.'
+				'You put one of your hands on your ass and pull slightly, completely revealing what little of your pussy and <<$pc_desc[''anus'']>> asshole wasn''t already visible to him.'
 				'"Just okay, huh?"'
 				if analplugin = 0:
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTeaseDildo':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
 	inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/teasedildo1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You roll to your ' + iif(tatside>0,'tattooed ','') + 'side. Grinning like a Cheshire cat, you rummage through your purse and, under the curious looks of Martin, pull out your ' + iif(dildo = 1,'10cm','15cm') + ' dildo.'
+	'You roll to your <<$pc_desc[''side'']>> side. Grinning like a Cheshire cat, you rummage through your purse and, under the curious looks of Martin, pull out your ' + iif(dildo = 1,'10cm','15cm') + ' dildo.'
 	'"Whatever am I going to do with this?" you wonder out loud, locking eyes with Martin as you give the tip of the dildo a lick or three.'
 	'"Yes, whatever indeed," he muses, his pants stretched to their limit around his crotch.'
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTeaseDildo':
 		'Your smile fades fast as lust overtakes you.'
 		'Time moves different when you are aroused like this, when every sensation is like a shockwave in your head and every nerve of your body is on edge. A giant crowd could have been watching you right now and you wouldn''t even care - no, actually, at this point it would probably only make this more intense.'
-		'You can sense every tiny movement of the dildo inside your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> <<$pcdesc_genitals>> as you shift around, move it in and out, rubbing it against this wall and that and making sure to brush against your clit every now and then.'
+		'You can sense every tiny movement of the dildo inside your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy as you shift around, move it in and out, rubbing it against this wall and that and making sure to brush against your clit every now and then.'
 		'There are plenty of instances when you wouldn''t be able to cum without rubbing your sensitive nub, but this situation is so hot that you have no trouble at all getting yourself off.'
 		$orgasm_txt = 'no'
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 5, 'exhibitionism'
@@ -982,9 +982,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTeaseDildo':
 				'At first, Martin probably thinks you''re joking, but seeing as you''re putting your other clothes back on as well, he gets up, frowning.'
 				'"You''d leave me here, alone, in this state?" He points towards his crotch where his dick is straining against the fabric of his pants. "You couldn''t possibly be this cruel."'
-				'You walk up to Martin, put your arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss, the taste of your ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy on your ' + iif(tatlip>0,'tattooed ','') + 'lips and tongue. When you break it, you whisper: "If I wasn''t cruel at least once in a while, you wouldn''t appreciate it when I''m not."'
+				'You walk up to Martin, put your arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss, the taste of your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy on your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips and tongue. When you break it, you whisper: "If I wasn''t cruel at least once in a while, you wouldn''t appreciate it when I''m not."'
-				if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
+				if $pantyworntype = 'none':
 					'"Besides," you add with a naughty smile, "you just saw me cum really hard, so I think you''ll cum immediately when I''m out that door once you realize that I''m going commando again."'
 					'With that, you quickly move out of his range, towards the door, blow the perplexed barkeeper a final kiss and make off like a bandit.'

+ 163 - 165

@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexPrep':
 	*clr & cla
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
-	if $martinpos = 'cowgirl':	
+	if $martinpos = 'cowgirl':
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/cowgirl/cowgirl_rub.mp4"></center>'
 	elseif $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/rev_cowgirl/rev_cowgirl_rub.mp4"></center>'
@@ -19,70 +19,70 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexPrep':
 	elseif $martinpos = 'sideways':
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/sideways/sideways_rub.mp4"></center>'
 	if MartinPussyLick = 1:
 		'With your pussy thoroughly eaten out, you wet and ready for the real thing.'
 		'You could certainly tease Martin more, arouse him and yourself until the slightest touch could set you off, but you want his hard dick inside you and you want it <b>now</b>.'
 	if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
 		'Giving Martin a saucy look, you quickly strip down, completely exposing yourself to the bartender. Now that you''re dressed for the occasion, nothing''s standing between you and a night to remember.'
 		gs 'clothing', 'strip_all'
 		'And your little show earlier not only removed all possible obstacles but got you and your lover all hot and bothered.'
 	if $martinpos = 'cowgirl' or $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 		'"Lie down," you say, sounding a little more forceful than you really wanted to, "I want to ride you."'
 		'Martin smiles. "If you insist." He unceremoniously rids himself of his pants and lies down quickly, knowing better than to argue with a horny woman.'
-		'Without delay, you climb on top of him, ' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl','facing away from him','face to face with him') + ', his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock tantalizingly close to your wet <<$pcdesc_genitals>>' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl',' and giving him a fantastic view of your ass','') + ' as you rub your slit along his length, sending ripples of pleasure through your body.'
+		'Without delay, you climb on top of him, ' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl','facing away from him','face to face with him') + ', his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock tantalizingly close to your wet pussy' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl',' and giving him a fantastic view of your ass','') + ' as you rub your slit along his length, sending ripples of pleasure through your body.'
 	elseif $martinpos = 'doggystyle':
-		'You bend over, giving Martin unrestricted access to your exposed <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and a sexy view of your <<$pc_desc[''anus'']>> anus.'
+		'You bend over, giving Martin unrestricted access to your exposed pussy and a sexy view of your <<$pc_desc[''anus'']>> anus.'
 		'Martin smiles, clearly pleased with your shamelessness and urgency. He unceremoniously rids himself of his pants and comes up behind you, his erect penis so close to your wet folds you can feel the warmth it emanates. Not being able to see everything he does really turns you on.'
 		'To say that you are ready would be an understatement, which is probably the reason Martin... doesn''t penetrate you. Instead, he rubs his dick up and down the length of your slit, spreading your juices all around your lips and teasing you with the tip of his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock until you are about ready to scream.'
 	elseif $martinpos = 'missionary':
-		'You get on your back and spread your legs, giving Martin a lovely view of your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> and a smoldering ''come hither'' look.'
+		'You get on your back and spread your legs, giving Martin a lovely view of your pussy and a smoldering ''come hither'' look.'
 		'Martin smiles, clearly pleased with the urgency and horniness you''re showing. He unceremoniously rids himself of his pants and comes up to you, his erect penis so close to your wet folds you can feel the warmth it emanates. Being face to face with him like this, nothing but air separating his dick from your wet hole, arouses you to no end.'
 		'It''s painfully obvious how much you want him to fuck you, which is probably why Martin... doesn''t penetrate you. Instead, he whips his dick against your slit, sending tiny shockwaves through your body each time he hits your clit and teasing you with the tip of his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock until you are about ready to scream.'
 	elseif $martinpos = 'sideways':
-		'You lie down on your side, pulling on your ass and thigh to expose your wet <<$pcdesc_genitals>> to Martin and looking at him with unashamed want.'
+		'You lie down on your side, pulling on your ass and thigh to expose your wet pussy to Martin and looking at him with unashamed want.'
 		'Martin smiles, your urgency pleasing and arousing him. He unceremoniously rids himself of his pants and comes up to you, his erect penis so close to your wet folds you can feel the warmth it emanates.'
-		'To say that you are ready would be an understatement, but Martin doesn''t seem to care because... he doesn''t penetrate you. Instead, he flips you on your back, pushes your legs back and rubs the length of his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick along your slit. You reach down to push his cock against your <<pcs_vag>> sex, increasing the friction of each thrust, both relishing and cursing this pleasurable torture.'
+		'To say that you are ready would be an understatement, but Martin doesn''t seem to care because... he doesn''t penetrate you. Instead, he flips you on your back, pushes your legs back and rubs the length of his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick along your slit. You reach down to push his cock against your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> sex, increasing the friction of each thrust, both relishing and cursing this pleasurable torture.'
 	if stat['think_virgin'] = 1:
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a nagging thought that''s been floating around the back of your head pushes to the foreground of your mind: You are a virgin. Is Martin <i>really</i> the man you want to have your first time with? Not to mention all the risks involved if you didn''t take all necessary precautions against pregnancy...'
-	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype ! 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype ! 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0:
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. And unless your count is off, today is a dangerous day to boot. You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', the condoms sitting in it materializing before your inner eye.' + iif(preziktype=1,' You usually prefer to have sex without condoms, but...', ' ')
-	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype ! 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype ! 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000:
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. Today isn''t really a dangerous day, but it might be better to be safe than sorry. And while Martin doesn''t seem like the type who fucks random sluts, you can never be entirely sure of that, can you? You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', the condoms sitting in it materializing before your inner eye.' + iif(preziktype=1,' You usually prefer to have sex sans condoms, but...', ' ')
-	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype = 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype = 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0:
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. And unless your count is off, today is a dangerous day to boot. You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', the sabotaged condoms sitting in it materializing before your inner eye. You could put one on Martin and get pregnant, and he would be none the wiser...'
-	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype = 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype = 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000:
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. Today isn''t really a dangerous day, so the odds of that are relatively small, but still... You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', the sabotaged condoms sitting in it materializing before your inner eye. You could put one on Martin and get pregnant, and he would be none the wiser...'
-	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0:
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. And unless your count is off, today is a dangerous day to boot. You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', only to realize that you don''t have any condoms anyway. You could stop this, of course... but then again, could you really, with his beautiful dick just inches from your pussy?'
-	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000:
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', only to realize that you don''t have any condoms anyway. You could stop this, of course... but then again, could you really, with his beautiful dick just inches from your pussy?'
-	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype ! 2: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype ! 2:
 		'But before either of you can make another move, your eyes come to rest on your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ' and you remember the condoms sitting inside it. Sure, you don''t really need to use them since you can''t get pregnant thanks to the birth control' + iif(tabletkishot > 0,' shot',' pills') + ', but it might be less of a mess if Martin wore one. Then again, it would also be a little less intense.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1
 	killvar 'MartinPussyLick'
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Stop and get dressed':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
@@ -101,20 +101,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexPrep':
 		gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave the bar': gt 'city_industrial'
 	act 'Get him off with your mouth':MartinSexStop = 1 & gt 'MartinSex3','MartinBlowjob'
-	act 'Have anal sex instead':MartinSurpAnal = 1 & gt'MartinSex2','MartinAnalDyn'
-	act 'Ask Martin to wear a condom':MartinPrezik = 1 & gt'MartinSex2','MartinSexDyn'
+	act 'Have anal sex instead':MartinSurpAnal = 1 & gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinAnalDyn'
+	act 'Ask Martin to wear a condom':MartinPrezik = 1 & gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinSexDyn'
 	if $martinpos = 'cowgirl' or $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 		act 'Lower yourself onto his dick':gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexDyn'
 	elseif $martinpos = 'sideways' or $martinpos = 'doggystyle' or $martinpos = 'missionary':
 		act '"Fuck me, Martin"':gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexDyn'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 	*clr & cla
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 		pic_rand = rand(1,3)
-	if $martinpos = 'cowgirl':	
+	if $martinpos = 'cowgirl':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/cowgirl/cowgirl<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
 	elseif $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/rev_cowgirl/rev_cowgirl<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 	elseif $martinpos = 'sideways':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/sideways/sideways<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
 	if MartinPrezik = 1:
 		'You reach into your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', quickly finding a condom.'
 		'You decide that, if you''re gonna ask, you might as well get it over with quickly - like ripping off a bandage, except the bandage is a condom and it''s being put on.'
@@ -143,21 +143,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 		'"Can we use this today?"'
 		'His disappointment is clear as day. There''s not a man in the world who likes to be asked that question, and right when the fun is about to start and he''s inches away from his prize too. But after a second or two, he recovers, probably remembering that sex is, after all, still sex, rubber or not, and takes the condom from you, wrapping his shaft in latex with practiced ease.'
-		if preziktype = 2: 
+		if preziktype = 2:
 			'You could have just let him go bareback, of course; the condom is about as fit to catch sperm as a sieve, and has about as many holes in it, too.'
 			'But... maybe he would have pulled out. Maybe he would have held himself back.'
 			'With ''protection'' like this, he has no reason to. Before he knows it, he''ll have filled your pussy with his cum, and that mental image makes you feel giddy with anticipation as you reach for his dick.'
-		elseif preziktype = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+		elseif preziktype = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000:
 			'You were tempted to just put him inside you. He was so tantalizingly close... but the prospect of getting pregnant was scary enough to hold you back.'
 			'Sure, he could have pulled out, and he still can, but you know that the only way to make sure you don''t get pregnant is to take the pill or use a condom, and lacking a hormonal solution, this is what you and your lover will have to put up with.'
 			'You sigh inwardly and bite your lip when your mind wanders, revisiting the sight of his bare cock, tempting you... but you''ve made your choice and almost defiantly reach for his rubber-wrapped cock.'
-		elseif preziktype = 0: 
+		elseif preziktype = 0:
 			'You could have just let him go bareback, of course. There''s no way you could get pregnant right now, just no way...'
 			'But when you think about his cum dripping out and running down your legs, going to the "bathroom" to clean yourself up, and still having the stuff drip out of you for at least another hour or two... You''re just not in the mood for that.'
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 			'Sure, condoms make it feel a little muted, and you could just let him cum elsewhere - still can, but this way, all your options are on the table and you can just enjoy it without having to worry about a messy clean-up... unless that''s what strikes your fancy when you''re in the moment.'
 	if $martinpos = 'cowgirl':
 		'Your hand feels small around his cock as you hold him in place, teasingly rubbing him against your pussy lips a few times and shooting him a quick glance before impaling yourself on him.'
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 		'Martin is all too happy to finally put an end to the teasing: He flips you on your side again and deftly guides the tip of his cock to your wet hole and enters you, pushing his length deeper and deeper inside you with this first, slow stroke.'
 	if pcs_vag = 0:
 		npc_rel['A216'] -= 2
 		'The trickle of blood from your broken hymen doesn''t escape his sharp eyes, though, and he brings your carnal act to a grinding halt.'
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 		'"<i>Was</i>," you correct proudly, "I <i>was</i> a virgin. Now I''m a woman." You can feel some pain from having his throbbing <<$dick_girth>> cock where that small membrane used to be, but while neither of you move, it''s bearable.'
 		'You certainly don''t want to stop, though - not halfway into your first time.'
 		if ($martinpos = 'cowgirl' or $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl'):
 			'In fact, before Martin can get any ideas, like pulling out, you go back to impaling your pussy on your first proper cock, although you''re not sure he''s completely over the fact that he took your virginity.'
@@ -196,23 +196,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
-	if pcs_vag < dick and ($martinpos = 'cowgirl' or $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl'): 
-		'And it really does feel like you are impaling yourself: You aren''t wide enough to accommodate a dick of Martin''s size just like that and you groan in pain as you take more and more of him inside. Your wetness and arousal make it bearable and you don''t want to stop, but it takes a little while until you have fully adapted to his size.' 
+	if pcs_vag < dick and ($martinpos = 'cowgirl' or $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl'):
+		'And it really does feel like you are impaling yourself: You aren''t wide enough to accommodate a dick of Martin''s size just like that and you groan in pain as you take more and more of him inside. Your wetness and arousal make it bearable and you don''t want to stop, but it takes a little while until you have fully adapted to his size.'
 		'With the pain slowly fading, you start moving up and down. Martin must have picked up on your discomfort, because he gently strokes your leg and doesn''t make any attempt to speed things up until you yourself are ready for it. Soon, sooner than you expected, the pain is... no, not gone, but overtaken by that familiar, wonderful heat.'
-	elseif pcs < dick and ($martinpos = 'doggystyle' or $martinpos = 'missionary' or $martinpos = 'sideways'):
-		'But despite his obvious restraint, there''s no helping the fact that your pussy isn''t wide enough to accommodate a dick of Martin''s size just like that, and you groan in pain as he parts your inner walls. Your wetness and arousal make it bearable and you don''t want him to stop, nor does he seem capable of it, now that he is finally inside you. Still, it takes a little while until you have fully adapted to his size.' 
+	elseif pcs_vag < dick and ($martinpos = 'doggystyle' or $martinpos = 'missionary' or $martinpos = 'sideways'):
+		'But despite his obvious restraint, there''s no helping the fact that your pussy isn''t wide enough to accommodate a dick of Martin''s size just like that, and you groan in pain as he parts your inner walls. Your wetness and arousal make it bearable and you don''t want him to stop, nor does he seem capable of it, now that he is finally inside you. Still, it takes a little while until you have fully adapted to his size.'
 		'With the pain slowly fading, you start to relax and focus on the pleasant sensations he is giving you. When you open your eyes - which you had unconsciously screwed shut at the pain - and turn your head to face to him, you see Martin give you a comforting look, and you notice that he had slowed down almost to a stop. You give him a tender smile and move against him to show that you are fine. He picks up the pace again and soon, sooner than you expected, the pain is... no, not gone, but overtaken by that familiar, wonderful heat.'
-	*nl	
-	if tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+	*nl
+	if tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000:
 		'The thought that you could get pregnant is still present in the back of your head, now that Martin''s dick is deep inside you, but you have long passed the point of no return. <<$OpenInnerThought>>I can always have him pull out,<<$CloseInnerThought>> you think to yourself and allow the thought to fade as you give in to the sensations that flood your senses.'
-	*nl	
+	*nl
 	if $martinpos = 'cowgirl':
 		'Feeling Martin''s <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock slowly move inside you as you lift yourself up and fall back down is incredible; the control you have over the situation makes it even more satisfying. You moan softly as you ever so slightly speed up your movements, looking at Martin from under hooded eyes and enjoying the sight of his slightly parted lips, or the intense look with which he focuses on your swaying breasts - he is completely under your spell.'
 	elseif $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 	elseif $martinpos = 'sideways':
 		'Feeling Martin''s <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock move inside you as he enters you and withdraws is wonderful. You have little control over the situation, now that everything''s said and done and the barkeeper is balls-deep inside you, and that is exactly what makes you moan so loud. You look up at him and find his eyes moving back and forth between your face, your swaying breasts and ass - you can see him and what he''s doing to you and yet this position makes you feel wonderfully vulnerable and exposed.'
 	$orgasm_txt = 'You only lasted a few minutes, that''s how horny you were. You and Martin haven''t even really had the time to get into a proper rhythm before you feel your orgasm build up and sweep you off your feet. You cum with loud moans, your insides quivering around Martin''s cock as you buck against your lover and desperately try to keep up your movements. But you fail and have to stop after a few seconds because your legs feel like jelly. After a short break in Martin''s arms, you start moving once again, shifting here and there to allow Martin to explore every inch of your now tightened pussy.'
 	if $martinpos = 'cowgirl' or $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
@@ -234,14 +234,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 	$orgasm_txt = ''
 	minut += 3
-	killvar 'MartinPrezik'
-	gs 'stat'	
+	gs 'stat'
 	if $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl' or $martinpos = 'doggystyle':
 		if $martinpos = 'doggystyle':
-			act '"Fuck my ass, Martin"':gt'MartinSex2','MartinAnalDyn'
+			act '"Fuck my ass, Martin"':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinAnalDyn'
 		elseif $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
-			act 'Lower your ass onto his dick':gt'MartinSex2','MartinAnalDyn'
+			act 'Lower your ass onto his dick':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinAnalDyn'
@@ -254,7 +253,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 			pic_rand2 = rand(4,5)
 		if pic_rand = pic_rand2:jump 'pic_loop'
 		if $martinpos = 'cowgirl' or $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 			if $martinpos = 'cowgirl':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/cowgirl/cowgirl<<pic_rand2>>.jpg"></center>'
@@ -264,52 +263,52 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 			'You are moving ever faster, trying to take Martin''s wonderful cock deeper into your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy, fucking him harder, moaning louder as you go. It may have started off gently but there''s no gentleness left to be found here anymore: You are riding this man in the middle of his bar, giving him a fantastic view of your ' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl','ass','tits') + ' in the same spot some guys talked about their shitty jobs and marital problems a few hours ago.'
 			'It only adds to the excitement of it all to know that this is a public place, even if nobody else is here right now.'
 			if exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or exhibitionism['pref'] > 50: 'This idea, and the memories of your previous exhibitionist acts manifest themselves in a small fantasy: You imagine what it would be like if the bar wasn''t empty but bustling with people, what it might be like to fuck the bartender right here in the center, with all of their eyes on you...' & pcs_horny += 10
 			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 			'Martin, who has been relatively passive so far, leaving you in control, shakes you out of your reverie when his hands move to your hips. No doubt he intends to take a little more initiative.'
-			$orgasm_txt = 'Your sense of ' + iif(dominance > 20,'control over','submission to') + ' Martin and the intense feeling of him moving inside your ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy drive you ever closer to the edge until you can no longer take it. You cum loudly, shivering all over, your pussy massaging Martin''s cock with its contractions as if it wanted to squeeze the cum out of him. The orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity, but when it has passed' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl',' and you look back at him','') + ', Martin gives you a smug, self-satisfied look that makes you chuckle. You''re not done with each other yet, though, and before long, you''ve resumed your fast, hard rhythm.'
+			$orgasm_txt = 'Your sense of ' + iif(dominance > 20,'control over','submission to') + ' Martin and the intense feeling of him moving inside your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy drive you ever closer to the edge until you can no longer take it. You cum loudly, shivering all over, your pussy massaging Martin''s cock with its contractions as if it wanted to squeeze the cum out of him. The orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity, but when it has passed' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl',' and you look back at him','') + ', Martin gives you a smug, self-satisfied look that makes you chuckle. You''re not done with each other yet, though, and before long, you''ve resumed your fast, hard rhythm.'
 			!!if pcs_dom > 20:
-				!!'But you are having none of it: You lay your own hands on Martin''s and pull them away again, giving Martin a coquette smile' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl',' over your shoulder','') + ' as you do. You demonstratively lift yourself up, up, until only the tip of his <<$dick_girth>> penis is still inside your <<$pcdesc_genitals>>, and hold it there. The message is all too clear: You are in charge right now and you intend to keep it that way.'
+				!!'But you are having none of it: You lay your own hands on Martin''s and pull them away again, giving Martin a coquette smile' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl',' over your shoulder','') + ' as you do. You demonstratively lift yourself up, up, until only the tip of his <<$dick_girth>> penis is still inside your '+$pc_desc['pubes']+' pussy, and hold it there. The message is all too clear: You are in charge right now and you intend to keep it that way.'
 				!!'Martin, understanding completely, chuckles and lays back. "This is how you wanna play it, huh? Show me what you''ve got, then."'
 				!!'You comply, slamming down on him, taking his entire length inside once more, evoking a soft groan from your lover. You lift yourself up and, again, slam down in one hard stroke that ' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl','causes your ass to meet Martin''s crotch with an audible slap','bounces your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> breasts up and down as well') + '. Again and again, you penetrate yourself on his <<dick>>cm dick like this, speeding up as you go, filling the empty bar with the sounds of a hard fuck, as well as your and Martin''s moans of pleasure.'
 				!!gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 8, 'dom'
 				!!gs 'stat'
 				'And you could have resisted him; surely you could have stayed in control. But the simple fact of the matter was that you didn''t want to. You were on top of him, you had proven to yourself and to him that you could make him do what you want. And now, you <b>want</b> him to take charge of you again.'
-				'With no resistance from you, Martin grabs onto your hips and stops your movement, only the tip of his <<$dick_girth>> penis still inside your <<$pcdesc_genitals>>. You want him inside you again, but he doesn''t let you move, forcing you to look' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl',' over your shoulder','') + ' at your lover, feeling both aroused and vulnerable.'
+				'With no resistance from you, Martin grabs onto your hips and stops your movement, only the tip of his <<$dick_girth>> penis still inside your pussy. You want him inside you again, but he doesn''t let you move, forcing you to look' + iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl',' over your shoulder','') + ' at your lover, feeling both aroused and vulnerable.'
 				'"Do you want it?" He asks imperiously.'
 				'"Yes, please," you pant.'
 				'"Please what?"'
 				'"Please fuck me with your hard cock again. I need it!"'
-				'That was all he wanted to hear. In the blink of an eye, Martin is balls-deep inside you again, his pelvis slamming into your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> hole from below. You cannot move, his strong arms firmly holding you in place, and are helpless to let him fuck you from below.' 
+				'That was all he wanted to hear. In the blink of an eye, Martin is balls-deep inside you again, his pelvis slamming into your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> hole from below. You cannot move, his strong arms firmly holding you in place, and are helpless to let him fuck you from below.'
 				'And you are loving every second of it.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 8, 'sub'
 				gs 'stat'
 		elseif $martinpos = 'doggystyle':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/doggystyle/doggy<<pic_rand2>>.jpg"></center>'
 			'Martin is pounding you from behind like he''s possessed. He may have started off gently but there''s no gentleness left in him: Your lover is fucking you like a whore, right in the middle of his own establishment where only a few hours ago people were talking about their shitty jobs and martial problems.'
 			'It only adds to the excitement of it all to know that this is a public place, even if nobody''s here now.'
 			if exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or exhibitionism['pref'] > 50: 'This idea, and the memories of your previous exhibitionist acts manifest themselves in a small fantasy: You imagine what it would be like if the bar wasn''t empty but bustling with people, what it might be like to be fuck by the bartender right here in the center, with all of their eyes on you...' & pcs_horny += 10
 			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 			'Martin was firmly in control so far, but it seems like it''s not enough for him: All of a sudden, you can feel his hand at your neck, grabbing you, forcing you to look at him and increasing both his leverage and sense of power over you.'
-			$orgasm_txt = iif(dominance > 20,'Wresting control from','Submitting to') + ' Martin and the intense feeling of him moving inside your ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy drive you ever closer to the edge until you can no longer take it. You cum loudly, shivering all over, your pussy massaging Martin''s cock with its contractions as if it wanted to squeeze the cum out of him as he fucks you. The orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity and makes your legs feel like jelly, but when it has passed and you look back at him, Martin gives you a smug, self-satisfied look that makes you chuckle. You''re not done with each other yet, though, and before long, you''ve resumed your fast, hard rhythm.'
+			$orgasm_txt = iif(dominance > 20,'Wresting control from','Submitting to') + ' Martin and the intense feeling of him moving inside your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy drive you ever closer to the edge until you can no longer take it. You cum loudly, shivering all over, your pussy massaging Martin''s cock with its contractions as if it wanted to squeeze the cum out of him as he fucks you. The orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity and makes your legs feel like jelly, but when it has passed and you look back at him, Martin gives you a smug, self-satisfied look that makes you chuckle. You''re not done with each other yet, though, and before long, you''ve resumed your fast, hard rhythm.'
 			!!if pcs_dom > 20:
 				!!'But despite how much you''ve enjoyed what he has been doing to you so far, you are still longing for a bit of control yourself. You aren''t the kind of girl who will just roll over and let anybody fuck her however they want - you <b>like</b> being in charge and you want to have a say in how this fuck is going to continue.'
@@ -332,22 +331,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 8, 'sub'
 				gs 'stat'
 		elseif $martinpos = 'missionary':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/missionary/missionary<<pic_rand2>>.jpg"></center>'
 			'Martin is giving your <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> pussy a good pounding and what few kisses he gives you are rough and demanding. He may have started off gently but there''s no gentleness left in him: Your lover is fucking you possessively, right in the middle of his establishment where only a few hours ago people were talking about their shitty jobs and martial problems.'
 			'It only adds to the excitement of it all to know that this is a public place, even if nobody''s here now.'
 			if exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or exhibitionism['pref'] > 50: 'This idea, and the memories of your previous exhibitionist acts manifest themselves in a small fantasy: You imagine what it would be like if the bar wasn''t empty but bustling with people, what it might be like to be fuck by the bartender right here in the center, with all of their eyes on you...' & pcs_horny += 10
 			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 			'Martin was firmly in control so far, but it seems like it''s not enough to him: All of a sudden, you can feel his hand at your neck, grabbing you, forcing you to look at him and increasing both his leverage and sense of power over you.'
-			$orgasm_txt = iif(dominance > 20,'Wresting control from','Submitting to') + ' Martin and the intense feeling of him moving inside your ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy drive you ever closer to the edge until you can no longer take it. You cum loudly, shivering all over, your pussy massaging Martin''s cock with its contractions as if it wanted to squeeze the cum out of him as he fucks you. The orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity, but when it has passed and you look up at him, Martin gives you a smug, self-satisfied look that makes you chuckle. You''re not done with each other yet, though, and before long, you''ve resumed your fast, hard rhythm.'
+			$orgasm_txt = iif(dominance > 20,'Wresting control from','Submitting to') + ' Martin and the intense feeling of him moving inside your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy drive you ever closer to the edge until you can no longer take it. You cum loudly, shivering all over, your pussy massaging Martin''s cock with its contractions as if it wanted to squeeze the cum out of him as he fucks you. The orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity, but when it has passed and you look up at him, Martin gives you a smug, self-satisfied look that makes you chuckle. You''re not done with each other yet, though, and before long, you''ve resumed your fast, hard rhythm.'
 			!!if pcs_dom > 20:
 				!!'But despite how much you''ve enjoyed what he has been doing to you so far, you are still longing for a bit of control yourself. You aren''t the kind of girl who will just roll over and let anybody fuck her however they want - you <b>like</b> being in charge and you want to have a say in how this fuck is going to continue.'
@@ -357,7 +356,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 				!!'The only difference is that you aren''t just lying down and taking it - you are matching Martin thrust for thrust and giving as hard as you''re getting... not that either of you is complaining.'
 				!!gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 8, 'dom'
 				!!gs 'stat'
 				'Sure, you could have resisted him, but... you choosing this position had already been a submission in and of itself. You <b>wanted</b> him to take charge of you, to fuck you any way he wanted, treat you as he pleased. And the kinky side of you was curious about where he was going with this.'
@@ -375,21 +374,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 8, 'sub'
 				gs 'stat'
 		elseif $martinpos = 'sideways':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/sideways/sideways<<pic_rand2>>.jpg"></center>'
-			'Martin has been slowly picking up the pace but he is clearly getting frustrated. You don''t know if it''s the position, personal preference or something else entirely, but when he pulls you to your feet, these questions are quickly swept aside:' 
+			'Martin has been slowly picking up the pace but he is clearly getting frustrated. You don''t know if it''s the position, personal preference or something else entirely, but when he pulls you to your feet, these questions are quickly swept aside:'
 			'In a few swift motions, he has lifted your <<$pc_desc[''legs'']>> leg and entered you again from behind, fucking you sideways... only standing up. All this may have started off gently but there''s no gentleness left in him: Martin is fucking you possessively, right in the middle of his establishment where only a few hours ago, people were talking about their shitty jobs and martial problems.'
 			'It only adds to the excitement of it all to know that this is a public place, even if nobody''s here now.'
 			if exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or exhibitionism['pref'] > 50: 'This idea, and the memories of your previous exhibitionist acts manifest themselves in a small fantasy: You imagine what it would be like if the bar wasn''t empty but bustling with people, what it might be like to be fuck by the bartender right here in the center, with all of their eyes on you...' & pcs_horny += 10
 			$orgasm_txt = 'And it''s this fantasy that sets you off, causing you to cry out in heat and your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy to quiver around Martin''s cock as you imagine how strangers jerk off to your fucking. As you come down from your high, you feel like a pervert... but that''s not a bad thing, right?'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 3, 'exhibitionism'
 			'Martin was firmly in control so far, and his switch of position only served to emphasize that, but it seems like it''s not enough to him: All of a sudden, you can feel one of his hands leave your hips and grab your neck, forcing you to look back at him and increasing both his leverage and sense of power over you.'
-			$orgasm_txt = iif(dominance > 20,'Wresting control from','Submitting to') + ' Martin and the intense feeling of him moving inside your ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy drive you ever closer to the edge until you can no longer take it. You cum loudly, shivering all over, your pussy massaging Martin''s cock with its contractions as if it wanted to squeeze the cum out of him as he fucks you. The orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity and your legs feel so weak that Martin has to support you, but when it has passed and you look back at him, Martin gives you a smug, self-satisfied look that makes you chuckle. You''re not done with each other yet, though, and before long, you''ve resumed your fast, hard rhythm.'
+			$orgasm_txt = iif(dominance > 20,'Wresting control from','Submitting to') + ' Martin and the intense feeling of him moving inside your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy drive you ever closer to the edge until you can no longer take it. You cum loudly, shivering all over, your pussy massaging Martin''s cock with its contractions as if it wanted to squeeze the cum out of him as he fucks you. The orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity and your legs feel so weak that Martin has to support you, but when it has passed and you look back at him, Martin gives you a smug, self-satisfied look that makes you chuckle. You''re not done with each other yet, though, and before long, you''ve resumed your fast, hard rhythm.'
 			!!if pcs_dom > 20:
 				!!'But despite how much you''ve enjoyed what he has been doing to you so far, you are still longing for a bit of control yourself. You''ve given him free reign over you so far, but you don''t want to anymore - it''s time to take back the initiative.'
@@ -415,14 +414,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 				gs 'stat'
 		'Unsurprisingly, Martin cannot withstand this kind of pleasure for too long: After a few minutes of this, he groans your name and you know that he is about to cum.'
 		gs 'stat'
 		$orgasm_txt = ''
 		killvar 'pic_rand2'
-		killvar 'MartinPrezik'
 		act 'Let him cum in your mouth':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCumshot_Mouth'
 		act 'Let him cum on your face':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCumshot_Face'
 		act 'Let him cum on your tits':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCumshot_Tits'
@@ -436,7 +434,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 					gs 'cum_call', '', $boy, 1, 3
 				if $martinpos = 'cowgirl':
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/cumshot/cum_cowgirl.mp4"></center>'
@@ -450,41 +448,41 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/cumshot/cum_sideways.mp4"></center>'
 				'But you make no attempts to pull him out of you and after a few more moments, you feel Martin tense and his penis grow inside you even more; two or three seconds later, he groans and cums, filling your pussy with hot sperm.'
-				gs 'cum_call', '', $boy, 1	
+				gs 'cum_call', '', $boy, 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			if $martinpos = 'cowgirl':
 				'"Did you enjoy yourself?" You ask coquettishly, leaning forward onto his chest.'
 				'Martin smiles up at you, and pulls you down to give you a kiss. "I think you know the answer."'
-				'"Perhaps..." You grin and lift yourself off, feeling his softening <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock slide out of your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy.' 
+				'"Perhaps..." You grin and lift yourself off, feeling his softening <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock slide out of your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy.'
 			elseif $martinpos = 'rev_cowgil':
 				'"Did you enjoy yourself?" You ask coquettishly, wiggling your butt as you look back over your shoulder.'
 				'Martin smiles up at you, and gives your ass a resounding smack. "I think you know the answer."'
 				'"Perhaps..." You grin and lift yourself off, feeling his softening <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock slide out of your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy.'
 				if $martinpos = 'doggystyle':
 					'Martin is still catching his breath when you look at him over your shoulder and grin when you see the expression of bliss on his face.'
 					'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, you are something else." Martin chuckles and pats your ass.'
 					'"So, I guess it was good for you."'
 				elseif $martinpos = 'missionary':
 					'You pull Martin in for a tender kiss, enjoying the afterglow of all the sex and orgasming.'
 					'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, you are something else." Martin chuckles and gives you another kiss.'
 					'"So, I guess it was good for you."'
 				elseif $martinpos = 'sideways':
 					'Martin lets go of your leg and both your feet stand firmly on the ground again. You feel sore, but if every workout was like this, you wouldn''t mind feeling sore every night.'
 					'"<<$pcs_firstname>>, you are something else." Martin chuckles and pats your ass.'
 					'"So, I guess it was good for you."'
 				!!if pcs_dom > 20:
 					!!'"Yes, I''ll admit... you knew what you were doing."'
 					!!'"You''re welcome," you tease.'
@@ -494,27 +492,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 			if MartinPrezik = 1:
 				if sexcontra = 3:
 					'Martin pulls the condom off and ties it together at the end. It seems to have done its job admirably.'
-				elseif sexcontra = 4 and preziktype = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+				elseif sexcontra = 4 and preziktype = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000:
 					'"Shit, I think the condom broke," Martin curses under his breath. A shiver runs through you as you realize that, despite your precautions, you could just have been impregnated after all.'
-				elseif sexcontra = 4 and preziktype = 0: 
-					'"Shit, I think the condom broke," Martin curses under his breath.' 
+				elseif sexcontra = 4 and preziktype = 0:
+					'"Shit, I think the condom broke," Martin curses under his breath.'
 					'"Don''t worry," you say with a comforting smile, "I''m on the pill."'
-				elseif sexcontra = 5 and preziktype = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+				elseif sexcontra = 5 and preziktype = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000:
 					'"Shit, I think the condom slipped off," Martin curses under his breath. A shiver runs through you as you realize that you have an used condom stuck inside you and could just have been impregnated after all.'
-				elseif sexcontra = 5 and preziktype = 0: 
-					'"Shit, I think the condom slipped off," Martin curses under his breath.' 
+				elseif sexcontra = 5 and preziktype = 0:
+					'"Shit, I think the condom slipped off," Martin curses under his breath.'
 					'"Don''t worry," you say with a comforting smile, "I''m on the pill." <<$OpenInnerThought>>Still need to get that condom out of my vagina though,<<$CloseInnerThought>> you think to yourself.'
 				elseif sexcontra = 7:
-					'"Shit, I think the condom broke," Martin curses under his breath.' 
+					'"Shit, I think the condom broke," Martin curses under his breath.'
 					'"Don''t worry," you say with a comforting smile, "I''m on the pill." It was a blatant lie, of course - you poked those holes into the condom and no hormone would get in the way of that sperm.'
 					'Whether you''d actually get pregnant, though, was a different question entirely.'
 				if $martinpos = 'cowgirl' or $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 					'You shiver when you feel the trickle of sperm dripping down on Martin and running down your thigh. He really filled you up good.'
@@ -524,13 +522,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 					'You look ' + iif($martinpos='missionary','up at him','back at him') + ' and roll your eyes in mock-exasperation. "What is it with men and your fascination with your own sperm?"'
 					'"Just admiring my work, corazón, that''s all," Martin replies and ' + iif($martinpos='missionary','gives you a kiss that silences any further response.','gives your butt a resounding slap.')
-				if tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+				if tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000:
 					'Odds are that you just got yourself pregnant, but your brain is still too preoccupied with the ebbing ripples of the pleasure that you experienced until a few short moments ago to really register what consequences this could have.'
 			act 'Get cleaned up':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
@@ -546,7 +544,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexDyn':
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				killvar 'MartinPrezik'
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Leave the bar':gt 'city_industrial'
@@ -558,20 +556,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
 	pic_rand = rand(1,3)
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/anal/anal_fore<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
 	if cycle = 0 or MartinPussyLick = 1:
 		if cycle = 0:
-			'Since you are on your period, regular sex would be a pretty messy option, so you do what any good girl who''s not an anal virgin would for her lover:' 
+			'Since you are on your period, regular sex would be a pretty messy option, so you do what any good girl who''s not an anal virgin would for her lover:'
 			'You give Martin an innocent smile and say, "I''m on my period right now. Would you like to put your hard cock in my ass instead?"'
 			'Martin has taken such good care of your pussy that you feel like rewarding him... or are you really just rewarding yourself with different experience? No matter, what you tell Martin remains the same:'
 			'You give Martin an innocent smile and say, "I think you deserve a special treat tonight. Would you like to put your hard cock in my ass?"'
-		'"Yes, a thousand times yes," he replies, smiling.' 
+		'"Yes, a thousand times yes," he replies, smiling.'
 		'Any other day, you''d have him to work up to it, fuck your pussy first, let him ''earn'' anal, but you really want to feel him in your puckered hole right now.'
 		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
 			'Giving Martin a saucy look, you quickly strip down, completely exposing yourself to the bartender. Now that you''re dressed for the occasion, nothing''s standing between you and a night to remember.'
 			gs 'clothing', 'strip_all'
@@ -579,46 +577,46 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 			'And your little show earlier not only removed all possible obstacles but got you and your lover all hot and bothered.'
 		if $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 			'You tell Martin to lay down and get on top of him, facing away from him, his dick tantalizingly close to your nether holes.'
 			'You bend over, wiggling your ass invitingly and spreading your cheeks a little to give Martin a good look at the <<$pcs_ass>> hole he is about to fill.'
 	elseif MartinSurpAnal = 1:
 		'Your change of heart is a little sudden, no doubt, but when you tell Martin that you want him to fuck your ass instead, he doesn''t look unhappy about it. After all, what man would refuse an offer like that?'
 		'With your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy thoroughly plowed, you moan: "I want your hard cock in my ass right now!"'
 		'"You and me both, corazón," Martin murmurs as he pulls out.'
 	if $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 		'You take Martin''s cock and gently slap it against your ass cheeks a couple of times, enjoying how hard Martin is at the prospect of penetrating your ass.'
 		'Martin rubs his cock against your ass, obviously liking what he sees. He gives your ass a soft smack, eliciting a surprised yelp from you.'
 	if mc_inventory['lubricant'] > 0:
 		if $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
-			'You grab the lube from your bag and put a generous amount on your puckered hole, Martin''s finger and your own hand. Your hand quickly finds Martin''s penis and you immediately start coating it in lubricant.' 
+			'You grab the lube from your bag and put a generous amount on your puckered hole, Martin''s finger and your own hand. Your hand quickly finds Martin''s penis and you immediately start coating it in lubricant.'
-			'Martin is more teasing, first rubbing against your asshole for a while before pushing inside. You don''t know if it''s his experience or the way his finger or, after a minute, finger<b>s</b> feel, but you find your free hand wandering down to your pussy and stroking it absentmindedly, enjoying the sensations from your ass.' 
+			'Martin is more teasing, first rubbing against your asshole for a while before pushing inside. You don''t know if it''s his experience or the way his finger or, after a minute, finger<b>s</b> feel, but you find your free hand wandering down to your pussy and stroking it absentmindedly, enjoying the sensations from your ass.'
 			'If you were wet before, you are sopping wet now, quivering with excitement and more than ready to take a dick up your ass, or so you hope.'
 			'It just so happens that the <<$dick_girth>> dick you''ve been stroking is ready for penetration.'
-			'You grab the lube from your bag and put a generous amount on your puckered hole, Martin''s finger and your own hand. Your hand quickly finds Martin''s penis and you immediately start coating it in lubricant. Martin is more teasing, first rubbing against your asshole for a while before pushing inside.' 
+			'You grab the lube from your bag and put a generous amount on your puckered hole, Martin''s finger and your own hand. Your hand quickly finds Martin''s penis and you immediately start coating it in lubricant. Martin is more teasing, first rubbing against your asshole for a while before pushing inside.'
 			'After two or three minutes, you are content with how slick Martin''s dick is, but he is still driving his finger, now joined by a second one, in and out of your anus, and you are enjoying the sensation. You don''t even notice how one of your hands wanders down between your legs and starts rubbing your clit. You can hear yourself moan, and you''re getting sopping wet...'
 			'Your mind is still trying to catch up with how a little lubrication turned into foreplay while Martin seems pleased with himself, though. "You like it when I play with your ass, huh?"'
 			'Suffice to say, your ass is ready for anything... or so you hope.'
 	elseif pcs_ass >= dick:
-		'That''s when you realize that neither of you have any lube handy.' 
+		'That''s when you realize that neither of you have any lube handy.'
 		'But honestly, you''re not too worried. Your asshole has already seen a bit of dick (rubber or otherwise) and while Martin isn''t exactly small and might not fit perfectly, he is not going to break you by any <i>stretch</i> of imagination.'
 		'Feeling almost like a pornstar, you put a little spit on your fingers and rub it around your asshole and the tip of his dick.'
@@ -626,17 +624,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 		'His free hand isn''t idle, though, reaching around to rub your tits and stroke your pussy as he prepares your asshole.'
 		'You are definitely ready for him now.'
-		'That''s when you realize that neither of you have any lube handy.' 
+		'That''s when you realize that neither of you have any lube handy.'
 		'That alone might not have been a problem, but even through the rose-tinted glasses of horniness, you realize that his dick may well be too big for your poor butthole.'
-		'But you don''t let that frighten you and try to lubricate your ass and the tip of his <<$dick_girth>> cock with a little bit of spit.' 
+		'But you don''t let that frighten you and try to lubricate your ass and the tip of his <<$dick_girth>> cock with a little bit of spit.'
 		'Martin seems to notice that you''re a little worried because he not only does his spit-covered finger take your finger''s place at and, after a few minutes of careful prodding, inside your rear entrance, but he also reaches around you and strokes your pussy to help you relax.'
 		'You are enjoying what he''s doing so much that it takes a minute or so before you remember to stroke the dick in your hand, getting him nice and hard for what you are about to do.'
 	$orgasm_txt = 'But that will have to wait another minute or two, because Martin''s fingers seem to know exactly which way they have to bend inside your ass, touching you in all the right places, and he''s not letting up. It certainly wasn''t your intention to cum during foreplay but your intentions mean very little now: Your anal orgasm hits like a truck and while it lasts, your ass clenches so hard around Martin''s fingers that you could swear you heard him sigh with relief when you finally release them.'
 	if mc_inventory['lubricant'] > 0:
@@ -653,7 +651,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 	gs 'stat'
 	$orgasm_txt = ''
 	act 'Time for anal':
 		*clr & cla
 		killvar 'MartinPussyLick'
@@ -664,12 +662,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/anal/anal_doggy<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
-		if $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':	
+		if $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 			if anal_slip > 0:
 				'With lubrication taken care off, you lower yourself onto Martin''s dick, teasingly rubbing and tapping its tip against your rosebud a few times before straightening your back and pushing down.'
 				if pcs_ass < dick:
 					'It''s still a tight fit though, lubed up or not, so once the tip of his cock has made it past your sphincter, you move more sideways than up and down at first. Sure, you could have gone full pornstar and tried to take his dick inside your ass in one fell swoop, but odds are that would have hurt. A lot.'
@@ -685,14 +683,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 					'<<$OpenInnerThought>>You ain''t seen nothing yet<<$CloseInnerThought>>, you think to yourself and lift yourself up. This time, however, you push down faster. Up again and, encouraged by the lack of pain the first time around, you slam your ass down, slapping against Martin''s hips as you take him balls-deep again.'
-			elseif pcs_ass >= dick:	
+			elseif pcs_ass >= dick:
 				'With your ass as prepared as it''ll ever be tonight, you lower yourself onto his cock. You have to move carefully, given the lack of proper lubrication, but given your anal experience, his size really is a non-issue. All it takes is a little bit of time and moaning until his cock is completely inside your ass, your cheeks resting against Martin''s pelvis.'
-				*nl			
+				*nl
 				'You feel incredibly full, and a single look over the shoulder confirms that Martin is no less pleased: He is looking at where you are connected, spell-bound by the sight of his cock hilted in your ass.'
 				'<<$OpenInnerThought>>You ain''t seen nothing yet<<$CloseInnerThought>>, you think to yourself and lift yourself up. This time, however, you push down faster. Up again and, encouraged by the lack of pain the first time around, you slam your ass down, slapping against Martin''s hips as you take him balls-deep again.'
 				gt 'MartinSex2', 'PainalDyn'
@@ -703,14 +701,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'dom'
 			gs 'stat'
 			$orgasm_txt = ''
 			if anal_slip > 0:
 				'You are definitely done with foreplay and wiggle your ass invitingly as you look back at your lover. Martin looks like he wants to make a remark about your impatience, but you are having none of it.'
 				'"Shut up and fuck my ass already," you say, huskily, and spread your ass cheeks for him.'
 				'He knows better than to leave a lady waiting. Martin pulls his fingers out and, with lubrication taken care off, rubs his cock up and down your slit and asshole a few times, a final tease to emphasize his position behind and over you, before he starts pushing forward.'
 				if pcs_ass < dick:
 					'It''s a tight fit though, lubed up or not, and Martin seems very concerned with not hurting you, so once the tip of his cock has made it past your sphincter, his movements slow down to a crawl, giving you time to adjust to the foreign object in your ass.'
 					'Grateful but also a little impatient as you are, you ignore the pain of being stretched out like that as best you can and ever so gently push back against Martin, meeting his tentative thrusts, inching along his cock with your ass a little farther each time. The sensation of him sliding in and out more than makes up for the pain, and knowing that he can do what he wants with you, that he could stop being gentle and start punishing your ass at a moment''s notice to pleasure himself with your ass, really turns you on and causes you to coo softly as you go.'
@@ -723,7 +721,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 					'After a start like that, you know that the time for gentleness has passed. Indeed, Martin pulls back, but this time, he meets your ass with a resounding smack and a soft moan escapes you. Encouraged by these sounds, Martin withdraws again and hilts himself into your ass again, his balls smacking against your pussy as you meet him halfway.'
 			elseif pcs_ass >= dick:
 				'As much as you enjoyed the foreplay, you are about ready to move on to the main course. With your ass as ready as it''ll ever be tonight, you tell Martin to stop teasing you and fill your hole.'
 				'Who is he to deny a lady''s request?'
@@ -732,7 +730,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 				'Your ass feels incredibly full, and a single look over the shoulder confirms that Martin is no less pleased: He is looking at where you are connected, spell-bound by the sight of his cock deep inside your ass and probably no less amazed that you took him inside in a single, slow thrust.'
 				'After a start like that, you know that the time for gentleness has passed. Indeed, Martin pulls back, but this time, he meets your ass with a resounding smack and a soft moan escapes you. Encouraged by these sounds, Martin withdraws again and hilts himself into your ass again, his balls smacking against your pussy as you meet him halfway.'
 				gt 'MartinSex2', 'PainalDyn'
@@ -744,11 +742,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 			gs 'stat'
 			$orgasm_txt = ''
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
 			$orgasm_txt = iif(dominance > 20,'Wresting control from','Submitting to') + ' Martin and the intense feeling of him filling your ass drive you ever closer to the edge until you can no longer take it. You cum loudly, shivering all over' + iif(exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or exhibitionism['pref']>50,' as your mind basks in your exhibitionist fantasy','') + ', your ass clenching around and massaging Martin''s cock with its contractions as if it wanted to squeeze the cum out of him as' + iif($martinpos='doggystyle',' he fucks you',' you fuck him') + '. Your anal orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity, but when it has passed and you look back at him, Martin gives you a smug, self-satisfied look that makes you chuckle. You''re not done with each other yet, though, and before long, you''ve resumed your fast, hard rhythm.'
 			if $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/anal/anal_rev.mp4"></center>'
@@ -761,7 +759,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 					!!'You are having none of it, though: <i>You</i> decided that you wanted him in your ass. <i>You</i> decided that you were going to fuck him, not the other way around. Here, today, you have no intention of letting him take control.'
 					!!'Gently, yet resolutely, you remove his hands from your sides and move them up to your breasts so he can play with your tits - a consolation price, but certainly not one he can complain about. You are going to give Martin the fuck of a lifetime and show him what a woman can do with her ass.'
-					!!'With your roles reestablished, you change your angle slightly for more leverage and increase your pace, really slamming down now, almost drowning the sound of your own moaning as you go - you love this: Love this position, the sense of power, the hard dick in your <<$pc_desc['anus']>> ass, his fingers brushing against your ' + iif(pirsF>0,'pierced ','') + 'nipples, and doing all that right here in the middle of an empty bar...' 
+					!!'With your roles reestablished, you change your angle slightly for more leverage and increase your pace, really slamming down now, almost drowning the sound of your own moaning as you go - you love this: Love this position, the sense of power, the hard dick in your <<$pc_desc['anus']>> ass, his fingers brushing against your <<$pc_desc[''nipples'']>> nipples, and doing all that right here in the middle of an empty bar...'
 					'You originally decided on this position because you wanted to be in control, wanted to be on top... but you cannot say that you really mind him taking a more active role in this.'
 					'Sensing no resistance, Martin tightens his grip and starts moving, pounding up into your <<$pc_desc[''anus'']>> ass, his balls slapping against your pussy lips every time. You can do little more than hold on for dear life, moving to meet him a little bit and moaning like a slut.'
@@ -772,7 +770,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 				if exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or exhibitionism['pref'] > 50: 'This final thought, and the memories of your previous exhibitionist acts manifest themselves in a small fantasy: You imagine what it would be like if the bar wasn''t empty but bustling with people, what it might be like to take the bartender''s cock up your ass right here in the center, with all of their eyes on you...' & pcs_horny += 10
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/anal/anal_doggy.mp4"></center>'
@@ -802,7 +800,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 			'But nobody, not even your Latin lover, can resist the tightness of your ass forever, especially not when you two are fucking like rabbits, and when you sense a change in his movements, you know that he''s very close to coming.'
 			gs 'stat'
 			$orgasm_txt = ''
 			act 'Let him cum in your mouth':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCumshot_Mouth'
 			act 'Let him cum on your face':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCumshot_Face'
 			act 'Let him cum on your tits':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCumshot_Tits'
@@ -817,8 +815,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 1
 				$orgasm_txt = ''
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'Get cleaned up':gt'MartinSex2','MartinCleanup'
+				act 'Get cleaned up':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCleanup'
@@ -834,7 +832,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 	'You could probably force it inside, but without lube, that''s bound to be painful...'
 	'Maybe you could finish Martin off with your mouth instead, if you''re not feeling too horny or adventurous anymore tonight.'
 	'Or... well, maybe you don''t want to continue at all?'
 	act 'Force his dick inside your ass':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/anal/painal2.mp4"></center>'
@@ -842,11 +840,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 			'No, you don''t want to quit, not now. Maybe it''s because of the position you''re in, just a bad angle for penetration, right? You climb off Martin and bend over in front of him. When you look back at him to give him an inviting look, you do feel a little intimidated by his size, though...'
 			'Maybe this wasn''t such a good idea after all?'
-		end		
+		end
 		iif($martinpos='rev_cowgirl','But f','F') + 'eeling both stubborn and horny, you think <<$OpenInnerThought>>fuck it, I can do this<<$CloseInnerThought>>, literally, anally.'
 		'Trying to help move things along with a little more spit, you push against Martin''s cock once more, ignoring the unpleasant sensations that go with it. You succeed, too: His cock slips inside your asshole.'
 		if maso['pref'] >= 60:
 			'The only problem is that your butthole feels like somebody has given it the sandpaper treatment. It genuinely hurts and itches, but it''s the pain, of all things, that makes you want to continue.'
@@ -861,7 +859,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 			$orgasm_txt = 'no'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 3, 'maso'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Continue':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/anal/painal3.mp4"></center>'
@@ -870,7 +868,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 				'Your lover starts moving on his own. At first, he is gentle, careful, only adding a tiny bit of extra sensation to your mutual experience, but with ever stroke, he loses his inhibitions and turns more and more into an animal, possessed by the need to destroy your ass and fill it with cum.'
 				'But he''s not being inconsiderate: As soon as his pace quickens, he reaches around to your pussy, rubbing your clit as he drills your <<$pc_desc[''anus'']>> asshole, adding a more familiar note of lust to the sharp pain from your butt.'
-				'The conflicting sensations rack you, hurting and arousing and bewildering all at once.' 
+				'The conflicting sensations rack you, hurting and arousing and bewildering all at once.'
 				'You cannot tell how long this maelstrom tosses to and fro, the pain getting stronger the longer you keep going. All you know is that, eventually, Martin hammers his cock into your ass with abandon and finally, loudly, fills your bowels with his sperm.'
 				$orgasm_txt = 'Even though you were enjoying the pain, you didn''t think you would actually orgasm. But the feeling of Martin''s hot cum in your ass seems to flip a switch inside you, setting all the nerves in your ass on edge and flooding your brain with pleasure. You cum, your yelps of pain mixing with moans of pleasure as your mind goes blank.'
@@ -880,7 +878,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 				$orgasm_txt = ''
 				minut -= 5
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Get cleaned up':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
@@ -895,17 +893,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 					gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Leave the bar': gt 'city_industrial'
 			'The only problem is that your butthole feels like somebody has given it the sandpaper treatment. It genuinely hurts and itches, and even though you really wanted to have anal sex with Martin a minute, you are not feeling in a super sexy mood anymore.'
 			'You are slightly startled when you feel Martin''s hand on your shoulder. You realize only now that you were muttering "Ow" under your breath over and over again.'
 			'You give your lover an awkward look, but he doesn''t say anything. He moves back slightly, withdrawing from your ass, and hugs you.'
-			'His questions - "Do you need anything?", "Does it hurt much?" et cetera - only make you feel more awkward, but his genuine worry is endearing.' 
+			'His questions - "Do you need anything?", "Does it hurt much?" et cetera - only make you feel more awkward, but his genuine worry is endearing.'
 			'After a few minutes, you say: "I''m sorry I killed the mood. I could take care of you though."'
 			'But he just shakes his head. "Don''t worry about me, mi amor. I''m fine. Let''s get you cleaned, shall we?"'
@@ -914,13 +912,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 			minut += 4
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'asshole', 'tear'
 			pcs_horny -= 30
-			act 'Get cleaned up':gt'MartinSex2','MartinCleanup'
+			act 'Get cleaned up':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCleanup'
 	act 'Get him off with your mouth':MartinSexStop = 1 & gt 'MartinSex3', 'MartinBlowjob'
 	act 'Stop and get dressed':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
@@ -939,9 +937,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 		gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave the bar': gt 'city_industrial'
-	end	
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCumshot_Mouth':
@@ -958,25 +956,25 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCumshot_Mouth':
 	$orgasm_txt = ''
 	pcs_energy += 5
 	gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1
-	act 'Get cleaned up':gt'MartinSex2','MartinCleanup'
+	act 'Get cleaned up':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCleanup'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCumshot_Face':
 	*clr & cla
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/cumshot/cum_facial.mp4"></center>'
 	!Variation for pic and text sticking out your tongue for the cumshot
 	if $martinpos ! 'MartinBlowjob_dressed' or $martinpos ! 'MartinBlowjob_undressed': 'You quickly move off Martin''s cock and get on your knees in front of him, taking his dick into your mouth and savoring the taste of yourself on your man as you help him finish.'
-	'He pulls out, about ready for the moneyshot.' 
+	'He pulls out, about ready for the moneyshot.'
 	'For a moment, you think about saying something dirty, like asking him to cum all over your face, but by the time this thought has manifested, Martin has already complied with it, shooting his hot sperm all over your cheek and forehead. You flinch a little, screwing your eyes shut as you feel his spurt hit you right at the corner of one of them, but you are acutely aware of how hot it feels, literally and figuratively, to have Martin''s sperm run down your face.'
 	'It takes a moment or three until Martin stops painting your face white, but when you tentatively open your eyes, you are met with a smile of self-satisfaction and adoration.'
 	gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy, 1
-	act 'Get cleaned up':gt'MartinSex2','MartinCleanup'
+	act 'Get cleaned up':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCleanup'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCumshot_Tits':
@@ -987,9 +985,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCumshot_Tits':
 	'"Go ahead", you whisper in your sultriest voice, "Cum all over my tits, baby."'
 	'That''s all the invitation Martin needs: With a final moan, the first hot jet of cum hits your breasts, soon followed by another, and another. By the time his cock stops twitching, your breast and chin are covered in sperm. Cleaning up is gonna take a while, but with a single look at Martin and the satisfied boyish grin the sight of you puts on his face, you know that it''s worth it.'
 	gs 'cum_call', 'breasts', $boy, 1
-	act 'Get cleaned up':gt'MartinSex2','MartinCleanup'
+	act 'Get cleaned up':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCleanup'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCleanup':
 	*clr & cla
@@ -1004,7 +1002,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCleanup':
 	gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Leave the bar': gt 'city_industrial'

+ 51 - 51

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
 	if pcs_dom > 20:
 		if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_undressed'
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 			'"Come on. Suck it like you mean it, <<$pcs_firstname>>," he growls instead.'
 			$orgasm_txt = 'The sense of complete control over Martin is fanning the flames your striptease has lighted and you are starting to lose yourself in them. The heat spreads inside your belly, building up like a wave and, finally, washing over you. You cum without ever laying a hand on yourself, your moans muffled by Martin''s cock in your mouth.'
 		elseif MartinConvinceBJ = 1:
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_dressed'
 			pic_rand = rand(1,2)
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/martinconvincebj<<pic_rand>>.jpg"></center>'
 			'Honestly, you are tired of talking, of subtle hints, of waiting for Martin to notice what you''re getting at. You want him, plain and simple, and you are confident and just slutty enough to chose the easy way to get him.'
-			'Without another, you take a step back and bare your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> breasts to the bartender. Ignoring the sounds he makes, you immediately take the next step and reveal your <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> pussy as well before you as much as take a glance at him.' 
+			'Without another, you take a step back and bare your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> breasts to the bartender. Ignoring the sounds he makes, you immediately take the next step and reveal your <<$pc_desc[''pubes'']>> pussy as well before you as much as take a glance at him.'
 			'The look of utter amazement he gives you is priceless, but you are not done yet, not in the slightest.'
 			if pic_rand = 1:
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 				'Before he can recover from that first blow, you have already pushed him back to sit on a stool as you bend over his zipper.'
 				'"<<$pcs_firstname>>," Martin begins, but as you release his hardening <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock from its prison, you doubt that he''s actually going to resist you when he''s only an inch away from your mouth.'
-			'He says your name again, more urgent, but whatever he intended to say next turns into a groan as the tip of your ' + iif(pirsA>0,'pierced ','') + 'tongue meets the tip of his dick for the first time and enthusiastically explores it.'
+			'He says your name again, more urgent, but whatever he intended to say next turns into a groan as the tip of your <<$pc_desc[''tongue'']>> tongue meets the tip of his dick for the first time and enthusiastically explores it.'
 			'Whatever thoughts or doubts he might have had didn''t survive that first contact, that much is clear. The longer you play with his dick, the more he relaxes his body and hardens between your lips. He''s given himself up to your licks and kisses, to your perfect little torture, and you doubt he''ll be able to go back to keeping his distance after you are done with him...'
 			$orgasm_txt = 'Maybe it''s the sense of control you have right now, maybe you were just really horny to begin with; whatever the reason, you find that familiar heat in your lower abdomen rising and spilling over, causing you to cum without ever laying a hand on yourself, your moans muffled by his cock in your mouth.'
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_dressed'
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressdom_bjtease.mp4"></center>'
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 			'You give Martin a lingering kiss, wiping any conscious thought from his mind, then slowly get down on your knees. Every man knows what that means, no matter where they were born. You look up at Martin, smiling seductively as you''re opening his fly and freeing his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick from its textile prison.'
 			'Taking his cock into your hand, you can feel the heat emanating from it, can see it growing to its full size before your eyes. It''s a wondrous sight... but not so much so that it would make you forget what you intended to do.'
-			'The key is to tease before you please: You lick the tip, kiss it, take a little of it inside your mouth, then most of it... but you do so delicately and quickly, doing barely more than brushing against his cock with your lips and retreating immediately, only to start all over again.' 
+			'The key is to tease before you please: You lick the tip, kiss it, take a little of it inside your mouth, then most of it... but you do so delicately and quickly, doing barely more than brushing against his cock with your lips and retreating immediately, only to start all over again.'
 			'At the end of each ''cycle'', you look up at him, gauging his reaction. It''s a torture alright, but judging by his closed eyes and low groans, he would gladly submit himself to it any day.'
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dom'
 		$orgasm_txt = ''
 		gs 'stat'
 		if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_undressed'
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 				'Teasing Martin was fun, but rather than being a merciless cock tease, you''d like him to see you as a generous sex goddess, or at least a girl who isn''t afraid to put her mouth where the money shot comes from (or however that saying goes).'
-				'Feeling Martin''s eyes on your more or less naked body, you get up and move up to him, swaying your hips as you go. The strange thing is how the situation changes as you cross that short distance: Out of his reach, you were the undisputed queen of this bar and master of his destiny - but now, a few steps closer, you seem to have crossed a mystical barrier into his domain, and in it, you are subject to his will.' 
+				'Feeling Martin''s eyes on your more or less naked body, you get up and move up to him, swaying your hips as you go. The strange thing is how the situation changes as you cross that short distance: Out of his reach, you were the undisputed queen of this bar and master of his destiny - but now, a few steps closer, you seem to have crossed a mystical barrier into his domain, and in it, you are subject to his will.'
 			'The kiss you give him is demure, compared to your performance mere seconds ago - it is his passion that heats it up and cements his reign. Sex goddess or not, you are his to take now.'
@@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 			'You undo his fly, liberating his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock, rock-hard from the show you put on for him. You feel drawn to it, mesmerized by his display of manliness, but strangely enough, the hand you feel at the back of your head seems to hold you back rather than push you down.'
 			'He wants you to take it slowly, tease him a little bit more... or has he sensed your impatience and is it really him that''s teasing <b>you</b>?'
-			'Whichever it is, you submit, grasping his cock at its base and sticking out your <<$pcdesc_tongue>>, licking around the head of his dick like pleasing Martin was your only concern in life.'
+			'Whichever it is, you submit, grasping his cock at its base and sticking out your <<$pc_desc[''tongue'']>> tongue, licking around the head of his dick like pleasing Martin was your only concern in life.'
 			'How long you lose yourself in this task, how long he withstands the temptation of fucking your mouth you don''t know. What you <b>do</b> know is that, suddenly, his grip on your <<$pc_desc[''hair length'']>> <<$pcs_haircol>> hair tightens.'
 			'"Go on. Suck it like you mean it, <<$pcs_firstname>>," he commands.'
 			$orgasm_txt = 'This sense of complete obedience fans the flames your striptease has lighted. The familiar heat of lust spreads inside your belly, building up like a wave and then washing over you. You cum without ever laying a hand on yourself, your moans muffled by Martin''s cock in your mouth.'
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_dressed'
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dresssub_bjtease.mp4"></center>'
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 			'You look up at Martin, smiling devotedly as you''re opening his fly and freeing his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> dick from its textile prison. You could feel in charge if it wasn''t for his hand at the back of your head, it''s weight reassuring in a way but leaving no doubt as to who is giving the orders.'
 			'Taking his cock into your hand, you can feel the heat emanating from it, can see it growing to its full size before your eyes. It''s a wondrous sight... but not so much so that it would make you forget what Martin wants you to do.'
-			'Sensing no pressure from Martin, you conclude that he wants you to surprise and tease him, so rather than crudely plunging him into your <<$pc_desc[''throat'']>> throat, you take it slow, give his cock lingering strokes and tasting the underside of the tip, then teasingly moving the your tongue around the head.' 
+			'Sensing no pressure from Martin, you conclude that he wants you to surprise and tease him, so rather than crudely plunging him into your <<$pc_desc[''throat'']>> throat, you take it slow, give his cock lingering strokes and tasting the underside of the tip, then teasingly moving the your tongue around the head.'
 			'You look up at Martin and find him watching you intently, a shiver running through him when your eyes meet - it must be turning him on immensely to have a girl submissively look up at him while she''s licking his cock.'
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 !!	end
 	killvar 'MartinPussyLick'
 	killvar 'MartinConvinceBJ'
 	act 'No more teasing - Blow him':gt 'MartinSex3', 'MartinBlowjob'
 	if cycle = 0 and anal > 0:
 		act 'Let Martin fuck your ass (From behind)':$martinpos='doggystyle' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinAnalDyn'
 		act 'Ride Martin with your ass (<b>Reverse</b> Cowgirl)':$martinpos='rev_cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinAnalDyn'
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowTease':
 		act 'Tell Martin you wanna ride him (<b>Reverse</b> Cowgirl)':$martinpos='rev_cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
@@ -140,51 +140,51 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 		! if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			! $martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_undressed'
 			! '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressdom_bj.mp4"></center>'
 			! if MartinSexStop = 1:
 				! 'Instead of plunging Martin''s dick inside you as you originally wanted (and as your wet pussy demands), you scramble to get on your knees. His confusion at this change of heart only lasts for about two seconds - coincidentally the time you needed to take his cock into your mouth.'
 				! 'You move your head up and down, swirling your tongue around his sizable cock and enjoying the tangy taste of your own juices and the hints of precum, telltale signs of your horniness and of him enjoying your impromptu blowjob.'
 				! *nl
-				! 'Between the sight of him, his musky smell, the sounds he makes, the dick in your mouth and your regret over not getting the fuck you had been waiting for, you find your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> desperately longing for attention.'
+				! 'Between the sight of him, his musky smell, the sounds he makes, the dick in your mouth and your regret over not getting the fuck you had been waiting for, you find your pussy desperately longing for attention.'
 				! 'Snaking a hand between your <<$pc_desc[''legs'']>> legs, you run your fingers along your wet slit, the sigh that would escape you drowned by the other noises in the room. But when your eyes lock with his, there''s not a doubt in your mind that he heard it, that he knows what your other hand is doing, and that he is breathing even harder because of it.'
 				! $orgasm_txt = 'Your own frustration over denying yourself the joy of proper sex is enough for your body to seek and find pleasure where it can, namely in the blowjob you give Martin and a little bit of masturbation. The heat spreads inside your belly, building up like a wave and then washing over you. You cum, your fingers busy on your clit, your moans muffled by Martin''s cock in your mouth and feeling at least a little compensated for what you missed out on.'
 			! else
 				! 'You''re tempted to ask what he intends to do if you don''t, but he has suffered enough. You put an end to his agony, get a firm grip an his shaft, take the tip of his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock into your mouth once more and give him a proper blowjob.'
 				! 'His audible exhale speaks volumes of his anticipation, of the excitement you have stirred in him, and his groans grow in volume as you bob your head up and down his length again and again.'
 				! *nl
-				! 'Between the sight of him, his musky smell, the sounds he makes, the dick in your mouth and your little performance earlier, you find your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> desperately longing for attention.'
+				! 'Between the sight of him, his musky smell, the sounds he makes, the dick in your mouth and your little performance earlier, you find your pussy desperately longing for attention.'
 				! 'Snaking a hand between your <<$pc_desc[''legs'']>> legs, you run your fingers along your wet slit, the sigh that would escape you drowned by the other noises in the room. But when your eyes lock with his, there''s not a doubt in your mind that he heard it, that he knows what your other hand is doing, and that he is breathing even harder because of it.'
 				! $orgasm_txt = 'The sense of complete control over Martin is fanning the flames your striptease has lighted and you are starting to lose yourself in them. The heat spreads inside your belly, building up like a wave and, finally, washing over you. You cum, your fingers busy on your clit, your moans muffled by Martin''s cock in your mouth.'
 			! end
 		! else
 			! $martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_dressed'
 			! '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressdom_bj.mp4"></center>'
 			! 'Content that you have tormented him enough, you put an end to his agony, take the tip of his <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock into your mouth and suck. His audible exhale speaks volumes of how big his anticipation must have been and it turns into a groan when you pull back only to plunge more of his cock into your hot mouth.'
-			! 'You''re not letting him get used to this, though - not yet. You pull him out of your mouth once more, brushing your <<$pc_descWordy[''lips'']>> lips and <<$pcdesc_tongue>> along the length and underside of his cock. Your shoot a quick glance up to his face and find him staring at you in rapture.'
+			! 'You''re not letting him get used to this, though - not yet. You pull him out of your mouth once more, brushing your <<$pc_descWordy[''lips'']>> lips and <<$pc_desc[''tongue'']>> tongue along the length and underside of his cock. Your shoot a quick glance up to his face and find him staring at you in rapture.'
 			! *nl
 			! 'And you''re just getting started.'
 			! 'In an instant, your lips find the tip of his cock again. You move your head up and down, swirling your tongue around his sizable cock and enjoying the faint taste of his pre-cum. You cannot bring yourself to stop, either. You are enjoying this, and so is Martin.'
 			! 'Not that there was any doubt as to that: At this point, Martin is putty in your hands(/mouth) and moaning as you are closing your lips even tighter around his dick and sucking stronger than before, determined to get him off.'
 			! $orgasm_txt = 'Maybe it''s the sense of control you have right now, maybe you were just really horny to begin with; whatever the reason, you find that familiar heat in your lower abdomen rising and spilling over, causing you to cum without ever laying a hand on yourself, your moans muffled by his cock in your mouth.'
 		! end
 		! if deepthroat['pref'] > 50:
 			! *nl
 			! if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 				! '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undressdom_deep.mp4"></center>'
 			! else
 				! '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dressdom_deep.mp4"></center>'
-			! end	
-			! 'But that''s not enough for you. You like having a dick in your mouth, but you <b>love</b> having one in your throat. Martin seems a little too gentlemanly (or intimidated by your attitude) to take what he doubtlessly wants, so when you feel his cock approach that magic threshold in the depths of your mouth again, you force your head down further than before, plunging Martin''s hard <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock down your <<$pc_desc[''throat'']>> throat until your ' + iif(pirsD>0,'pierced ','') + 'nose almost touches his belly.'
-			! 'You hold it there for a moment, revelling in the feeling of self-inflicted abuse, before you pull back, only to go right back down again. You''re not holding back, and you''re making it all too clear to Martin that you don''t want him to hold back either as you''re taking him deep again and again, all the way to its base, proud and horny at your accomplishment.'
+			! end
+			! 'But that''s not enough for you. You like having a dick in your mouth, but you <b>love</b> having one in your throat. Martin seems a little too gentlemanly (or intimidated by your attitude) to take what he doubtlessly wants, so when you feel his cock approach that magic threshold in the depths of your mouth again, you force your head down further than before, plunging Martin''s hard <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock down your <<$pc_desc[''throat'']>> throat until your <<$pc_desc[''nose'']>> nose almost touches his belly.'
+			! 'You hold it there for a moment, reveling in the feeling of self-inflicted abuse, before you pull back, only to go right back down again. You''re not holding back, and you''re making it all too clear to Martin that you don''t want him to hold back either as you''re taking him deep again and again, all the way to its base, proud and horny at your accomplishment.'
 			! gs 'arousal', 'bj', 2, 'deepthroat', 'dom'
 		! end
 		! *nl
 		! 'Your dedication pays off: Before long, his dick seems to swell and you can hear him say your name. Martin is about to cum.'
 		! if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			! gs 'arousal', 'clit_finger', 4, 'dom', 'masturbate'
 			! minut -= 4
@@ -192,12 +192,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 		! gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'dom'
 		! $orgasm_txt = ''
 		! gs 'stat'
 	! else
 		if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_undressed'
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undresssub_bj.mp4"></center>'
 			if MartinSexStop = 1:
 				'Instead of plunging Martin''s dick inside you as you originally wanted (and as your wet pussy demands), you scramble to get on your knees. His confusion at this change of heart only lasts for about two seconds - coincidentally the time you needed to take his cock into your mouth.'
 				'You move your head up and down, swirling your tongue around his sizable cock and enjoying the tangy taste of your own juices and the hints of precum, telltale signs of your horniness and of him enjoying your impromptu blowjob.'
@@ -207,23 +207,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 				'There is little more you can do but try to keep your teeth away from him and hold on for dear life as he''s fucking your mouth and thoroughly enjoying himself.'
 				'Well... There is something.'
-				'One of your hands inadvertently makes its way down south, following the heat you feel in your groin, and finds your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> dripping wet. Being used by Martin, reduced to an object for him to satisfy himself with, is arousing in ways that even you yourself have trouble understanding.'
+				'One of your hands inadvertently makes its way down south, following the heat you feel in your groin, and finds your pussy dripping wet. Being used by Martin, reduced to an object for him to satisfy himself with, is arousing in ways that even you yourself have trouble understanding.'
 				'But you don''t have to understand. All you have to do is leave your fingers to themselves and reap the rewards, moaning softly as you let your lover fuck your mouth.'
 				$orgasm_txt = 'Your brain seems to have no issue channeling your own frustration and complete sense of surrender to Martin into unbridled lust, fanned by Martin''s facefuck and you playing with yourself. The familiar heat spreads inside your belly, building up like a wave and then washing over you. You cum, your fingers busy on your clit, your moans muffled by Martin''s cock in your mouth and feeling at least a little compensated for what you missed out on.'
-			else			
-				'You take the tip of his <<$dick_girth>> cock into your mouth, pausing to savour its size and texture and exploring its details with your <<$pc_desc[''lip size'']>> lips and <<$pcdesc_tongue>>, intent on giving Martin a slow and sensual blowjob.'
+			else
+				'You take the tip of his <<$dick_girth>> cock into your mouth, pausing to savour its size and texture and exploring its details with your <<$pc_desc[''lip size'']>> lips and <<$pc_desc[''tongue'']>> tongue, intent on giving Martin a slow and sensual blowjob.'
 				'But you have all but forgotten about your earlier performance while Martin absolutely hasn''t. He is well past ''sensual'' as you quickly realize when a sizable portion of his <<dick>>cm cock fills your mouth. He pulls out, only to drive it right back in, again and again in rapid succession.'
 				'There is little more you can do but try to keep your teeth away from him and hold on for dear life as he''s fucking your mouth and thoroughly enjoying himself.'
 				'Well... There is something.'
-				'One of your hands inadvertently makes its way down south, following the heat you feel in your groin, and finds your <<$pcdesc_genitals>> dripping wet. Being used by Martin, reduced to an object for him to satisfy himself with, is arousing in ways that even you yourself have trouble understanding.'
+				'One of your hands inadvertently makes its way down south, following the heat you feel in your groin, and finds your pussy dripping wet. Being used by Martin, reduced to an object for him to satisfy himself with, is arousing in ways that even you yourself have trouble understanding.'
 				'But you don''t have to understand. All you have to do is leave your fingers to themselves and reap the rewards, moaning softly as you let your lover fuck your mouth.'
 				$orgasm_txt = 'This sense of complete obedience fans the flames your striptease has lighted. The familiar heat of lust spreads inside your belly, building up like a wave and then washing over you. You cum, your fingers busy on your clit, your moans muffled by Martin''s cock in your mouth.'
 			$martinpos = 'MartinBlowjob_dressed'
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dresssub_bj.mp4"></center>'
@@ -231,21 +231,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 			'You sensually slide your <<$pc_descWordy[''lips'']>> lips over the head of Martin''s <<$dick_girth>> dick, your eyes closed as you enjoy the sensations: His musky, manly smell; the sense of security and guidance he gives you; the texture of his cock''s tip.'
-			'You move back and forth, never taking him too deep - all your attention is focused on his crown, your <<$pcdesc_tongue>> circling around the head, teasing that sensitive little spot on its underside.' 
+			'You move back and forth, never taking him too deep - all your attention is focused on his crown, your <<$pc_desc[''tongue'']>> tongue circling around the head, teasing that sensitive little spot on its underside.'
 			'The faint taste of precum is the only sign of pleasure you are getting from him at the moment. He seems so focused on what you are doing to him that he is not making a sound. Or is he? Are you just too engrossed in your task to hear him?'
 			'No matter which it is, you couldn''t bring yourself to stop. You close your lips even tighter around his dick, suck stronger than before, move your tongue with even greater purpose, determined to get him off.'
 			$orgasm_txt = 'Maybe it''s the sense of submission you have right now, maybe you were just really horny to begin with; whatever the reason, you find that familiar heat in your lower abdomen rising and spilling over, causing you to cum without ever laying a hand on yourself, your moans muffled by his cock in your mouth.'
 		if deepthroat['pref'] > 50:
 			if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/undresssub_deep.mp4"></center>'
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/blowjob/dresssub_deep.mp4"></center>'
-			end	
-			'But that''s not enough for him yet. Martin wants to claim all of your mouth and more, and after only a hint of a warning, he takes what he wants: One assertive push at the back of your head is all it takes to drive his hard <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock down your <<$pc_desc[''throat'']>> throat until your ' + iif(pirsD>0,'pierced ','') + 'nose almost touches his belly...'
+			end
+			'But that''s not enough for him yet. Martin wants to claim all of your mouth and more, and after only a hint of a warning, he takes what he wants: One assertive push at the back of your head is all it takes to drive his hard <<dick>>cm <<$dick_girth>> cock down your <<$pc_desc[''throat'']>> throat until your <<$pc_desc[''nose'']>> nose almost touches his belly...'
 			'You can feel your gag reflex piping up, but Martin is insistent, holding you there just a few moments longer, groaning softly. You like having a dick in your mouth, but you <b>love</b> having one in your throat. There''s a sense of safety in this carefully-measured abuse, a sense of freedom in giving up control to somebody, a sense of empowerment and arousal in letting him use you for his own pleasure.'
@@ -254,14 +254,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinBlowjob':
 		'Your dedication pays off: Before long, his dick seems to swell and you can hear him say your name. Martin is about to cum.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'custom'
 		gs 'arousal', 'clit_finger', -4, 'masturbate', 'sub'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
 		killvar 'MartinSexStop'
 	act 'Let him cum in your mouth':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCumshot_Mouth'
 	act 'Let him cum on your face':gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinCumshot_Face'
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinPussyLick':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A216'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/martinpussylick.jpg"></center>'
 	!!if pcs_dom > 20:
-		!!'You lift yourself up on the counter and spread your legs invitingly for Martin, your moist ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy fully exposed to him.' 
+		!!'You lift yourself up on the counter and spread your legs invitingly for Martin, your moist <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy fully exposed to him.'
 		!!'"Bartender, I think there''s something here that really ought to be cleaned," you say in your sultriest voice.'
 		!!'The smile that flashes across Martin''s face only lasts a split-second before he plays along: "Everything to please my patrons..."'
@@ -283,36 +283,36 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinPussyLick':
 		!!'You watch him, smiling inwardly at the fact that you are getting the pleasure of watching him the way most men like watching women as he is licking your wet pussy out. He seems to genuinely enjoy it, savoring your smell and taste, and the moans that escape you tell him that you are just as happy as him; so happy that you barely notice how minutes pass in utter bliss.'
-		!!$orgasm_txt = 'You told him to do this. That thought keeps flashing before your inner eye as you watch Martin lick your ' + iif(tatvag>0,'tattooed ','') + 'pussy. He is eating you out because you willed it, and hitting all the right spots, too. He is doing an amazing job, but it''s this incredible sense of power that pushes you over the edge and has you cumming all over his tongue.'
+		!!$orgasm_txt = 'You told him to do this. That thought keeps flashing before your inner eye as you watch Martin lick your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy. He is eating you out because you willed it, and hitting all the right spots, too. He is doing an amazing job, but it''s this incredible sense of power that pushes you over the edge and has you cumming all over his tongue.'
 		!!gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 5, 'dom'
 		!!$orgasm_txt = ''
 		!!gs 'stat'
-		'He lifts you on the counter and spreads your legs, completely exposing your wet ' + iif(pirsG>0,'pierced ','') + 'pussy to him.'
+		'He lifts you on the counter and spreads your legs, completely exposing your wet <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy to him.'
 		'"Like what you see?" You ask quietly.'
 		'He bends down to your slit and dives right in, his tongue moving up and down its length and finding, or rather avoiding your clit with practiced (t)ease.'
 		'"Does that answer your question?" You hear between two languid strokes of his tongue.'
 		'You chuckle softly and that chuckle turns into a moan as he flicks the tip of his tongue across your swollen nub.'
-		'You watch him, somewhat amazed at how hot it is to watch a man go down on you. Even if it didn''t feel as good as it does, that alone might explain why men like getting blowjobs so much. You barely even notice how minutes pass as Martin licks your ' + iif(tatvag>0,'tattooed ','') + 'pussy like an ice cream in summer.'
+		'You watch him, somewhat amazed at how hot it is to watch a man go down on you. Even if it didn''t feel as good as it does, that alone might explain why men like getting blowjobs so much. You barely even notice how minutes pass as Martin licks your <<$pc_desc[''pussy'']>> pussy like an ice cream in summer.'
 		$orgasm_txt = 'Strange how, despite having the ''superior'' position, you are feeling like a toy, like a leaf in the wind. Martin is eating you out because he wanted to. He has buried his face between your legs because he willed it, and even though you are looking down at him, he has full control over the situation, over you, over your body, and he knows exactly what he''s doing. You don''t know whether it''s his wonderful tongue or your sense of submission that sets you off, but he has you cumming all over his tongue in no time.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 5, 'sub'
 		$orgasm_txt = ''
 		gs 'stat'
 	act 'Return the favor (Blowjob)':gt 'MartinSex3', 'MartinBlowTease'
 	act 'Lie down on your back (On your back)':$martinpos='missionary' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
 	act 'Get up and bend over for Martin (From behind)':$martinpos='doggystyle' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
 	act 'Lie down on your side (Sideways)':$martinpos='sideways' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
 	act 'Get up and tell Martin you wanna ride him (Cowgirl)':$martinpos='cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
 	act 'Get up and tell Martin you wanna ride him (<b>Reverse</b> Cowgirl)':$martinpos='rev_cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2','MartinSexPrep'
-	act '"Fuck my ass, Martin"':$martinpos = 'doggystyle' & gt'MartinSex2','MartinAnalDyn'
-	act 'Lower your ass onto his dick': $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl' & gt'MartinSex2','MartinAnalDyn'
+	act '"Fuck my ass, Martin"':$martinpos = 'doggystyle' & gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinAnalDyn'
+	act 'Lower your ass onto his dick': $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl' & gt 'MartinSex2', 'MartinAnalDyn'
 	act 'Blueball him - Get dressed and leave':
 		minut += 5
@@ -321,11 +321,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinPussyLick':
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/gettingdressed.mp4"></center>'
 		'"That was wonderful," you say, pushing yourself off the counter, "but I''m afraid I have to go now."'
-		'At first, Martin probably thinks you''re joking, but seeing as you''re putting your other clothes back on as well, he gets up, frowning.' 
+		'At first, Martin probably thinks you''re joking, but seeing as you''re putting your other clothes back on as well, he gets up, frowning.'
 		'"You''d leave me here, alone, in this state?" He points towards his crotch where his dick is straining against the fabric of his pants. "You couldn''t possibly be this cruel."'
 		'You walk up to Martin, put your arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss, the taste of your pussy on your lips and tongue. When you break it, you whisper: "If I wasn''t cruel at least once in a while, you wouldn''t appreciate it when I''m not."'
 		if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
 			'"Besides," you add with a naughty smile, "you just saw me cum really hard, so I think you''ll cum immediately when I''m out that door once you realize that I''m going commando again."'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
-		if swinbeggor > 0:
+		if runnerQW['pav_wins2'] > 0:
 			act 'Athletics':
 				$MartinHobby = 'athletics training'

+ 6 - 9

@@ -14,17 +14,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath':
 	if npc_rel['A240'] < 90:npc_rel['A240'] = 90	
 	pcs_hairbsh = 0
 	pcs_makeup = 1
-	pcs_sleep += 45
 	cumspclnt = 1
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
-	pcs_sweat += 5	
-	minut += 270
+	pcs_sweat += 5
 	NikoAftermath = 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'sleep_simple', 'forced', 270
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00><<"Viktoriya [Vicky] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/vicky/vickySmile.jpg"></center>'
 	'You slowly open your eyes, and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but... where am I?" <<$VK_VikName>> replies, "After what happened at school, we couldn''t just leave you alone, to be abused by the boys, so we brought you back to our place." You scratch your head. "We?" <<$VK_VikName>> smiles then turns to her left.' 
 	act 'Turn with her':	
 		*clr & cla		
 		minut += 5
@@ -94,10 +93,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Aftermath 2':
 	*clr & cla
 	music_loop = 0
 	close all
-	pcs_sleep += 10
 	pcs_sweat += 10
-	minut += 60
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'sleep_simple', 'forced', 60
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja [Kat] Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
 	'You quickly jump up, and see Katja with a concerned look on her face. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. You were just having a bad dream." You look around the room, trying to get your bearings then turn to Katja, "Thank you Katja, I hope these nightmare don''t become a habit." Katja rubs your forehead, as she responds, "Everything will be alright. You don''t worry need to worry about anything right now. You are among friends. Remember that." As she lightly rubs your forehead. You give her a smile and an approving nod. Katja returns the smile before saying, "Now that''s what I like to see, a fresh smile."' 
@@ -782,7 +779,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Natalia Park 2':
 	minut += 15
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big240.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big240.jpg"></center>'
 	'You, and Natalia continue chatting for a few minutes before Natalia looks at her phone then says, "Wow, I can''t believe it gotten so late. We should really get home." You both walk home. When you reach your door Natalia says, "Stay safe <<$pcs_firstname>>, and remember to follow your heart. Have a good night." You then wave goodbye to Natalia, as she walks away.'
 	act 'Enter your apartment':gt 'korrPar'

+ 8 - 9

@@ -61,19 +61,19 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'npcdisplay':
 	*nl 'NPC[A<<n>>] = '
-	if $npc_firstname['A<<n>>'] = 0:
-	*p ''
+	if isnum($npc_firstname['A<<n>>']):
+		*p ''
-	*p '<<$npc_firstname[''A<<n>>'']>>'
+		*p $npc_firstname['A<<n>>']
-	if $npc_firstname['A<<n>>'] = $npc_nickname['A<<n>>'] or $npc_nickname['A<<n>>'] = 0:
+	if $npc_firstname['A<<n>>'] = $npc_nickname['A<<n>>'] or isnum($npc_nickname['A<<n>>']):
 		*p ' "<<$npc_nickname[''A<<n>>'']>>"'
-	if $npc_lastname['a<<n>>'] = 0:
+	if isnum($npc_lastname['a<<n>>']):
 		*p ''
 		*p ' <<$npc_lastname[''A<<n>>'']>>'
@@ -81,10 +81,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'npcdisplay':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'selection':
-	s = input("Which NPC do you want to edit? Enter #")
-		!!cla
-		!!*clr
-	if s = '':
+	s = val(input("Which NPC do you want to edit? Enter #"))
+	!!*clr & cla
+	if s = 0:
 		n = (o - 10)
 		gt 'NPCChanger', 'NPCLoop'

+ 4 - 7

@@ -580,13 +580,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'date_rape':
 					act '...':
 						*clr & cla
 						gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
-						if NikoEv < 4:NikoEv = 4
-						if hour > 6:gs 'cikl'
-						hour = 6
-						minut = 0
-						pcs_sleep = 100
+						if NikoEv < 4: NikoEv = 4
 						NikoDate = 0
-						gs 'stat'
+						gs 'sleep_simple', 'sleep_until', 6, 0
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/dates/2/Home/wake.jpg"></center>'
 						'You awaken to birds chirping and roll around in the bed before a splitting headache suddenly hits you as Niko walks into the room with a bowl of cereal in his hand and lays down next to you. "Hey you''re up. You were way too tipsy yesterday, so I took you to my place to catch some shut eye." He takes a spoonful of cereal and puts it in his mouth, chomping down on his breakfast before continuing. "I hope you slept well."'
 						'"I feel awful!" you reply. "My head is killing me."'
@@ -595,7 +592,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'date_rape':
 						act 'Continue':
 							*clr & cla
-							gs 'stat'						
+							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile1.jpg"></center>'							
 							'Niko kisses your leg. "You were a bit wild. It was a side of you that I haven''t seen before and I liked it."' 
 							'"Really?" you reply. "Well, I guess I could try cutting loose a bit more often."'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'friends':
 										gs 'stat'							
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/friends/darkness.jpg"></center>'
 										'You fall to the ground and stare at your stomach, watching as an almost endless stream of cum pours out of you. You suddenly hear someone whisper in your ear. "Hey, are you alright?" You look around to see who it was, but see nothing at all. You''re surrounded by darkness. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where did everyone go? Where am I? It''s so dark.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You hear the voice whisper again. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, wake up..."'
-										act '...':minut += 120 & gt 'NikoEv2', 'niko_wake'
+										act '...': gt 'NikoEv2', 'niko_wake'

+ 4 - 6

@@ -219,8 +219,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Reward':
 												act 'Enter Niko''s room':	
 													*clr & cla
-													minut += 10
-													gs 'stat'
+													gs 'sleep_simple', 'forced', 130
 													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/home/bedroom/laying.jpg"></center>'
 													'As you enter the room, Niko lays you down and climbs into the bed next to you, running his fingers through your hair while staring into your eyes. You feel incredibly lightheaded as your nerves have drained you of any focused thoughts. You close your eyes as you feel your energy slowly fading away...'
@@ -241,11 +240,10 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'niko_wake':
 	*clr & cla
-	pcs_sleep += 20
 	NikoVolkovQW = 10
 	NikoEv = 12
-	minut += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/charmer2.jpg"></center>'
 	'You open your eyes and see Niko with a concerned look on his face, his hand on your shoulder shaking you. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, are you alright? You looked like you were having an intense dream."' 
 	'You quickly look around the room and take several deep breaths as Niko gives you a kiss on the forehead. "I''m so worried about you. Are you alright?"'
@@ -504,7 +502,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Lunch Chat 2':
 						gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/petia2.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'You climb on top of Petia and feel his rock hard penis entering your vagina, the jolt of pleasure causing you to moan loudly. Petia moans with you, almost in perfect harmony, as you start riding his cock. He breathes heavily in your ear before his breath suddenly stops and he lets out a loud moan as he fills the condom, cumming almost immediately.'
+						'You climb on top of Petia and feel his rock-hard penis entering your vagina, the jolt of pleasure causing you to moan loudly. Petia moans with you, almost in perfect harmony, as you start riding his cock. He breathes heavily in your ear before his breath suddenly stops and he lets out a loud moan as he fills the condom, cumming almost immediately.'
 						act 'Watch Petia cum':
 							*clr & cla
@@ -718,7 +716,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Diner 1':
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/cum/cumface/blonde/15.jpg"></center>'
 									'"Wow, she walks around like that?" one of the bikers asks.'
 									'"Well she''s obviously a slut looking for customers," another replies.'
-									if salocatnow >= 5:
+									if pcs_bmi >= 26:
 										'"A slut, huh?" a trucker asks. "She looks more like a cow to me."'
 										'"Yeah, she looks like my old lady," another biker says. "But a pussy''s a pussy, I guess."'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Customer 3':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/diner/3/Ride1.jpg"></center>'
 			'You lightly push the man down on the toilet. "I want to ride that hard cock of yours."' 
 			'The man happily smiles. "Hell yeah! We can do that."' 
-			'You slowly approach and mount the man''s rock hard cock while keeping your ass to his face. You feel his dick slowly pushing its way inside you, causing a very gradual build of pleasure to fill your body as you start riding him at an increased pace.' 
+			'You slowly approach and mount the man''s rock-hard cock while keeping your ass to his face. You feel his dick slowly pushing its way inside you, causing a very gradual build of pleasure to fill your body as you start riding him at an increased pace.' 
 			'The man starts moaning as you ride him. "Damn girl, you''re so fucking hot!"'

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 214 - 214

+ 13 - 12

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if PCloswimwear = 1 or $clothingworntype = 'nude':
 		gs 'bras', 'wear', $lastwornbratype['swim'], lastwornbranumber['swim']
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/secluded_beach/dress/dress_nudebeach.jpg"></center>'
 		'You put your clothes back on.'
-		act'Continue':gt'Nudelake'
+		act 'Continue': gt'Nudelake'
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ if temper >= 15 and month >= 5 and month <= 9 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 20:
 				'You want to change into a swimsuit, but with no changing room here and your pussy oozing juices down your leg, coupled with the thought that people will see, horrifies you. You abandon the idea.'
 				'"I should sort out my arousal first." you think to yourself.'
-				act'Continue':gt'Nudelake'
+				act 'Continue': gt'Nudelake'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/secluded_beach/dress/swimsuit_nudebeach.jpg"></center>'
 				'You wrap a towel around yourself and you''re ready to change into your swimsuit.'
-				act'Choose outfit':gt'changingroom', 'view_swim_list'
+				act 'Choose outfit': gt'changingroom', 'view_swim_list'
@@ -57,14 +57,7 @@ if temper >= 15 and month >= 5 and month <= 9 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 20:
 				minut += 5
-				$lastwornclothingtype['swim'] = $clothingworntype
-				lastwornclothingnumber['swim'] = clothingwornnumber
-				$lastwornpantytype['swim'] = $pantyworntype
-				lastwornpantynumber['swim'] = pantywornnumber
-				$lastwornbratype['swim'] = $braworntype
-				lastwornbranumber['swim'] = brawornnumber
-				gs 'clothing', 'strip_all'
-				if pcs_horny >= 80 and exhibitionist_lvl > 1 and PCloPanties > 0:
+				if pcs_horny >= 80 and exhibitionist_lvl > 1 and (PCloPanties = 1 or $pantyworntype ! 'none'):
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/secluded_beach/self/wetpussypants3.jpg"></center>'
 					'You strip off. A few passing men do a double-take and pause to look at your sopping wet panties, probably thinking about what is making you so excited. You don''t care about what they might say or think of you.'
 				elseif pcs_inhib >= 60:
@@ -74,13 +67,21 @@ if temper >= 15 and month >= 5 and month <= 9 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 20:
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/secluded_beach/dress/undressnudebeach.jpg"></center>'
 					'You quickly check to see if anyone is watching, and when you''re satisfied no one is paying you undue attention, you take off your clothes. You''re naked now.'
+				$lastwornclothingtype['swim'] = $clothingworntype
+				lastwornclothingnumber['swim'] = clothingwornnumber
+				$lastwornpantytype['swim'] = $pantyworntype
+				lastwornpantynumber['swim'] = pantywornnumber
+				$lastwornbratype['swim'] = $braworntype
+				lastwornbranumber['swim'] = brawornnumber
+				gs 'clothing', 'strip_all'
+				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/secluded_beach/self/shyness.jpg"></center>'
 				'Even though no one is around, you don''t feel confident enough to actually take your clothes off.'
-			act'Continue':gt'Nudelake'
+			act 'Continue': gt'Nudelake'

+ 1 - 3

@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	act 'Leave': gt 'Military', 'start'
 	act 'Sleep':
-		minut += 480
-		gs 'stat'
-		pcs_sleep = 100
+		gs 'sleep_simple', 'forced', 480
 		gt 'palatka', 'start'

+ 49 - 49

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'table':
 		if pk_rand = 1:'Observing the people while enjoying your meal you notice a <a href="exec:gt ''ParkKafe'', ''youth''">group</a> of younger people making noise.'
 		if pk_rand = 2:'Observing the people while enjoying your meal you notice a younger lonely <a href="exec:gt ''ParkKafe'', ''the_boy''">man</a> sitting by the table.'
 		if pk_rand = 3:'You are watching the world go by when you see some <a href="exec:gt ''ParkKafe'', ''blacks''">Africans</a>.'
-		if pk_rand = 4:'Observing the people while enjoying your meal you notice a <a href="exec:gt ''ParkKafe'', ''woman''">woman</a> who''ve just recieved her meal.'
+		if pk_rand = 4:'Observing the people while enjoying your meal you notice a <a href="exec:gt ''ParkKafe'', ''woman''">woman</a> who''ve just received her meal.'
 		if pk_rand = 5:'Observing the people while enjoying your meal you notice a middle-aged <a href="exec:gt ''ParkKafe'', ''man''">man</a> sitting and observing the people at the café.'
 		if pk_rand = 6:'Observing the people while enjoying your meal you notice a <a href="exec:gt ''ParkKafe'', ''seniors''">senior</a> walking back and forth outside the café.'
 		if pk_rand = 7:'Observing the people while enjoying your meal you notice two <a href="exec:gt ''ParkKafe'', ''guys''">sporty guys</a> sitting at a table and drinking beer.'
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guys':
 	menu_off = 1
 	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
-	if hotcat >= 5: 
+	if pcs_hotcat >= 5:
 		if kloftimes > 0:
 			'You notice Jora and Semyon sitting a bit further away from you. They clearly notice you as one of them nods towards your general direction to the other one. In the end, they ignore you to continue drinking beer and talking to each other.'
 			act 'Leave': gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guys':
 				*clr & cla
 				gs 'boyStat', 'A44'
 				gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Sporty Guy', rand(18,35)
-				gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated				
+				gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
 				gs 'fame', 'city', 'sex', 3
 				gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'beer'
 				'You drink a glass of beer while the guys order another. One of them quietly slips something into your glass. You get drunk very quickly and the guys guide you to the nearest woods.'
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guys':
 					gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Become acquainted':gt 'parkkafe', 'klof 1'
 					if parkara = 0:parkara = 1
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'guys':
 					gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Become acquainted':gt 'parkkafe', 'klof 1'
@@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'klof 1':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/jora/11 1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You try to rise from the grass in front of the guys, but your legs and hands are shaking from the rough pounding they gave you.' 
+	'You try to rise from the grass in front of the guys, but your legs and hands are shaking from the rough pounding they gave you.'
 	if parkarainmouthnow = 0:
 		'Your vagina feels itchy as warm gooey sperm tickles down your legs. "Did you like it baby?" one of the guys mockingly asks.'
-	else	
+	else
 		'You still have the taste of the guys sperm in your mouth as you hear one of the guys, mockingly ask, "Did you like it baby?"'
 		parkarainmouthnow = 0
-	end	
+	end
 	act 'Yes':gt 'event', 'klof 2'
 	act 'No, walk away': gt 'parkKafe', 'end'
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'seniors':
 	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/cafe/oldman.jpg"></center>'
-	if hotcat >= 4:
+	if pcs_hotcat >= 4:
 		'A senior citizen, looking a bit scrappy, suddenly stops in his tracks and yells out, "Hey, girl! You don''t want to drink that piss that they serve. Come with me and I''ll get you the real stuff..."'
 		'You look around thinking that the senior is yelling at someone else, but you notice he''s got his eyes locked on you. Pointing at yourself he starts yelling again, "Yes, you!"'
 		gs 'willpower', 'drink', 'resist'
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 	menu_off = 1
 	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
-	if hotcat >= 6:
+	if pcs_hotcat >= 6:
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 15
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/cafe/drink.jpg"></center>'
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/cafe/parkcafe.jpg"></center>'
 			'You look over towards the man, smile, and politely nod your thanks to him.'
-			'The man probably expected a different outcome, but there''s nothing he can do except smile and nod back.'	
+			'The man probably expected a different outcome, but there''s nothing he can do except smile and nod back.'
 			act 'Go back to your own': gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'
 		act 'Walk over to him':
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 								act 'Stop! (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
-							end	
+							end
 							act 'Give in':
 								*clr & cla
 								gs 'stat'
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 												gs 'arousal', 'end'
 												gs 'stat'
 												act 'Leave':gt 'city_center'
-											end									
+											end
 										act 'Pull out':
 											*clr & cla
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 							'The man gives you a small breather before he continues fucking you rapidly, and recognizing the usual grunts, you know what is about to happen...'
 							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15
 							$orgasm_or = 'yes'
-							gs 'stat'		
+							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Cum inside me':
 								*clr & cla
 								gs 'cum_call', 'vaginal'
@@ -459,11 +459,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 									'As you''re finished, he leans in and kisses you one last time. "You were great. Talk about getting lucky with my first try..."'
 									'You can''t help yourself and chuckle as you hear him talk, "Luckily for you, you were also good. So I''m glad I followed you home..."'
 									'The two of you get dressed and chat a little before you decide to leave, "I had a great time" you say as you wink.'
-									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here" he replies, with a smirk.'	
+									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here" he replies, with a smirk.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'end'
 									gs 'stat'
 									act 'Leave':gt 'city_center'
-								end									
+								end
 							act 'Pull out':
 								*clr & cla
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 									'As you''re finished, he leans in and kisses you one last time. "You were great. Talk about getting lucky with my first try..."'
 									'You can''t help yourself and chuckle as you hear him talk, "Luckily for you, you were also good. So I''m glad I followed you home..."'
 									'The two of you get dressed and chat a little before you decide to leave, "I had a great time" you say as you wink.'
-									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here" he replies, with a smirk.'	
+									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here" he replies, with a smirk.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'end'
 									gs 'stat'
 									act 'Leave':gt 'city_center'
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 							'You lay with your back to him and tuck yourself in as the little spoon while he embraces you. With one of his arms he grabs his hard cock and starts teasing you with it by going up and down your pussy.'
 							'You let out a moan telling him that you''re ready as he slowly leads his cock inside you. He starts slowly thrusting into you as you feel an indescribable feeling hit you. Your moans get louder as he picks up his pace in reaction to you.'
 							'You keep squeaking, "Yes, yes, yes! Fuck me!" as he''s really picked up the pace by now. It doesn''t take long before it darkens in front of your eyes and you orgasm. You forget all about him as your insides enclose themselves and you have an amazing orgasm.'
-							'The man gives you a small breather before he continues fucking you rapidly. You recognize the usual grunts, so you know what is about to happen...'	
+							'The man gives you a small breather before he continues fucking you rapidly. You recognize the usual grunts, so you know what is about to happen...'
 							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15
 							$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 							gs 'stat'
@@ -515,11 +515,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 									'As you''re finished, he leans in and kisses you one last time. "You were great. Talk about getting lucky with my first try..."'
 									'You can''t help yourself and chuckle as you hear him talk, "Luckily for you, you were also good. So I''m glad I followed you home..."'
 									'The two of you get dressed and chat a little before you decide to leave, "I had a great time" you say as you wink.'
-									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here" he replies, with a smirk.'	
+									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here" he replies, with a smirk.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'end'
 									gs 'stat'
 									act 'Leave':gt 'city_center'
-								end									
+								end
 							act 'Pull out':
 								*clr & cla
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 									'As you''re finished, he leans in and kisses you one last time. "You were great. Talk about getting lucky with my first try..."'
 									'You can''t help yourself and chuckle as you hear him talk, "Luckily for you, you were also good. So I''m glad I followed you home..."'
 									'The two of you get dressed and chat a little before you decide to leave, "I had a great time" you say as you wink.'
-									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here" he replies, with a smirk.'	
+									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here" he replies, with a smirk.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'end'
 									gs 'stat'
 									act 'Leave':gt 'city_center'
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 							'You take a small breather before continuing to bounce on top of him. It doesn''t take long before you recognize the usual grunt, you know what awaits next...'
 							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'dom'
 							$orgasm_or = 'yes'
-							gs 'stat'	
+							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Cum inside me':
 								*clr & cla
 								gs 'cum_call', ''
@@ -572,11 +572,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 									'As you''re finished, he leans in and kisses you one last time. "You were great. Talk about getting lucky with my first try..."'
 									'You can''t help yourself and chuckle as you hear him talk, "Luckily for you, you were also good. So I''m glad I followed you home..."'
 									'The two of you get dressed and chat a little before you decide to leave, "I had a great time," you say as you wink.'
-									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here," he replies, with a smirk.'	
+									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here," he replies, with a smirk.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'end'
 									gs 'stat'
 									act 'Leave':gt 'city_center'
-								end									
+								end
 							act 'Pull out':
 								*clr & cla
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 									'As you''re finished, he leans in and kisses you one last time. "You were great. Talk about getting lucky with my first try..."'
 									'You can''t help yourself and chuckle as you hear him talk, "Luckily for you, you were also good. So I''m glad I followed you home..."'
 									'The two of you get dressed and chat a little before you decide to leave, "I had a great time," you say as you wink.'
-									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here," he replies, with a smirk.'	
+									'"Me too! They didn''t lie about the girls here," he replies, with a smirk.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'end'
 									gs 'stat'
 									act 'Leave':gt 'city_center'
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'man':
 				'The man, noticing that he messed up, tries to save the situation, "I-It came out wrong. I didn''t mean it like that..."'
 				'However, it''s already too late because you''ve made up your mind. "No thank you! I see that ring on your finger. Go back to your wife instead of chasing girls in a different city... jerk!"'
 				act 'Leave': gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'
-			end		
+			end
 		'You stealthily glance at the respectable man, but during the time you two sit there he doesn''t give any attention to you.'
@@ -659,12 +659,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'youth':
 	minut += 10
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/cafe/drinking.jpg"></center>'
-	if hotcat >= 4:
+	if pcs_hotcat >= 4:
 		'As you take a seat, you notice a loud group of people that are a bit farther away. Judging by the bottles on their table, you can tell that they''ve been drinking for a while. While you''re waiting for a waiter, you notice that some of them look at and then point towards you and whisper something to each other. Before you know it, there''s a younger woman standing in front you. "Me and my friends were wondering if you would like to join us?" She''s clearly tipsy from alcohol.'
 		'She turns around and looks towards her friends. She turns back to you while leaning into your personal space. "Listen, I was dared to come over to talk to you and..." she stops because she is having a hard time remembering what she wanted to say. "So what do you say? I promise it''s nothing dangerous and we''ll remain in the park."'
 		gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist'
 		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
-			act 'Decline (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': 
+			act 'Decline (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
 				*clr & cla
 				gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'youth':
 			'"Well yeah, the next part is quite simple. We want the two of you to walk around the park and give us a little show." They start to snicker at the thought of the two of you.'
 			'You look at them suspiciously. "What kind of show?"'
 			'They give you a look like you''re an idiot. "To go fuck of course."'
-			act 'Decline': 
+			act 'Decline':
 				*clr & cla
 				pcs_mood -= 20
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'youth':
 									minut += 15
 									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/cafe/join.jpg"></center>'
-									'As you return, the girl has already started asking if the group were pleased with the show and if you''ve managed to complete the dare.' 
+									'As you return, the girl has already started asking if the group were pleased with the show and if you''ve managed to complete the dare.'
 									'The group is still flabbergasted as they didn''t expect it to play out the way it did, but are very pleased with the show.'
 									'The next few minutes are spent on putting your panties back on, and chatting with the rest of the group. At the same time you can hear the girl describe how good you taste.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -807,8 +807,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'youth':
 								minut += 15
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/cafe/join.jpg"></center>'
-								'You let out a moan, but before it escalates farther she stops and smiles. "Can''t have too much fun." You frown a little as though you''ve been robbed of something. However, you accept. The girl has already dressed herself and ran towards the group.' 
-								'As you return, the girl has already started asking if the group were pleased with the show and if you''ve managed to complete the dare.' 
+								'You let out a moan, but before it escalates farther she stops and smiles. "Can''t have too much fun." You frown a little as though you''ve been robbed of something. However, you accept. The girl has already dressed herself and ran towards the group.'
+								'As you return, the girl has already started asking if the group were pleased with the show and if you''ve managed to complete the dare.'
 								'The group is still flabbergasted as they didn''t expect it to play out the way it did, but are very pleased with the show.'
 								'The next few minutes are spent putting your panties back on, and chatting with the rest of the group. At the same time you can hear the girl describe how good you taste.'
 								gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'youth':
 								minut += 15
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/cafe/join.jpg"></center>'
-								'The two of you start laughing. "What is your problem old man?! Enjoy the show instead" the girl yells out before the two of you dress yourselves and run off giggling. He yells out after you.' 
+								'The two of you start laughing. "What is your problem old man?! Enjoy the show instead" the girl yells out before the two of you dress yourselves and run off giggling. He yells out after you.'
 								'As you return, the girl starts telling the group what happened and that you managed to complete the dare. They sit in awe as the two of you tell them about the old man that interrupted you.'
 								'The next few minutes are spent putting your panties back on, and chatting with the rest of the group as suddenly the old man passes by. "There he is!" she exclaims as she points to him. The group start making a lot of noise, laughing as the man passes by.'
 								gs 'arousal', 'end'
@@ -868,8 +868,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'youth':
-			end	
-		end	
+			end
+		end
 		'You look at the group of snickering youth, but they don''t seem to pay attention towards you and are mostly ignoring everyone around them.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'blacks':
 			'You pull away from him. "What are you doing?"'
 			'His friends laugh and he blushes a bit. "Sorry, I just thought after last time... anyways, we should get going." With that he gets up to head for the door and his friends follow him.'
 			act 'Leave': gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'
-		end	
+		end
 		act 'Sit in his lap':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'blacks':
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/cafe/africantable2.jpg"></center>'
 			'You take a seat on his lap. One of them asks Djibril "Is this the girl?" He nods and they all smile. Apparently, he has been talking about you. They all start talking to you in an overtly flirty and sexual way before Djibril finally says "We were about to head back to our dorm. We were wondering if you would like to come with us and fuck. I promise that it will be a lot of fun. Are you interested?"'
-			act 'Accept': 
+			act 'Accept':
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 20
 				DjibrilQW['invite'] = 1
@@ -928,10 +928,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'blacks':
 			'He glances over at them, then looks back to you. "Sorry, I have to go. But it was nice meeting you again. Have a nice day." after saying that, he turns and leaves to join his friends outside. Then he stops at the door. "Hey if you want, why don''t you stop by my dorm some time." Then he tells you which building it is and which room is his. After that he walks outside with his friends and they walk away.'
 			act 'Leave': gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'
-	elseif DjibrilQW['meet'] = 1 and hotcat >= 5:
+	elseif DjibrilQW['meet'] = 1 and pcs_hotcat >= 5:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/cafe/africantable1.jpg"></center>'
 		'You notice Djibril sitting with a few other young African men at another table. They see you and start to talk among themselves. From their constant glances, you are sure that they are talking about you. Djibril gives you a huge grin and waves you over. You, not wanting to be rude, get up to walk over to their table. "Hello again, <<$pcs_nickname>>! We are about to head back to our dorm. We were wondering if you would like to come with us and fuck. I promise that it will be a lot of fun. Are you interested?"'
-		act 'Accept': 
+		act 'Accept':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 20
 			DjibrilQW['invite'] = 1
@@ -963,8 +963,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'blacks':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/cafe/djibril_talk.jpg"></center>'
 		'You notice Djibril sitting with a few other young African men at another table. They see you and start to talk amongst themselves. After a few minutes they get up, and Djibril heads over to your table as his friends head outside. "Hello again <<$pcs_nickname>>, I didn''t expect to see you in the city." You talk to him for a few moments before one of his friends peeks their head back inside to yell, "Djibril, come on, let''s go."'
 		'He glances over at them, then looks back to you. "Sorry, I have to go. But it was nice meeting you again. Have a nice day." after saying that, he turns and leaves to join his friends outside. Then he stops at the door. "Hey if you want, why don''t you stop by my dorm some time." Then he tells you which building it is and which room is his. After that he walks outside with his friends and they walk away.'
-		act 'Leave': gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'		
-	elseif hotcat >= 5:
+		act 'Leave': gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'
+	elseif pcs_hotcat >= 5:
 		DjibrilQW['meet'] = 1
 		'A few young African men sitting at another table see you and start to talk among themselves. From the constant glances you receive, you are sure they are talking about you. Eventually, they get up and come over to your table. One of them introduces himself. "I am Djibril. What''s your name?"'
 		'You smile to him. "<<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>, but most people call me <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'blacks':
 		'He shakes his head with a slight laugh. "He is my uncle. They have told me about you. Small world, huh?"'
 		'You giggle as well, small world indeed. "Yeah, it really is."'
 		'He says. "We were about to head back to our dorm, so I was wondering if you would like to come with us. I promise it will be a lot of fun. Are you interested?"'
-		act 'Accept': 
+		act 'Accept':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 20
 			DjibrilQW['invite'] = 1
@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'the_boy':
 	menu_off = 1
 	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
-	if hotcat >= 5 or gosh >= 1:
+	if pcs_hotcat >= 5 or gosh >= 1:
 		if gosh >= 1:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big127.jpg"></center>'
 			'The two of you exchange glances, you do recognize him from somewhere. Then it hits you... it''s Gosha! Just as you remember, he comes to the same realization. Before you know it, he''s heading over. "Hi, <<$pcs_nickname>>! I''m surprised to see you here."'
@@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'the_boy':
 										gs 'stat'
 										act 'Head back to the café': gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'
 									gs 'willpower', 'bj', 'self'
 									if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
 										act 'Suggest a blowjob (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
@@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'the_boy':
 											'You pull down his pants and briefs then his cock pops out. It stands ready for you to play with. You look at him and lick your lips as you move in. You start playing with his head and he groans lightly as you keep on teasing him.'
 											'"Want me to keep teasing you?" you playfully ask him. The only response you get is his head shaking no as you grab hold of his shaft and start sucking him off. You bob your head front and back while savoring every moment. Gosha is also enjoying himself. He grabs the back of your head to slightly push you deeper and deeper.'
-											'"Don''t stop, <<$pcs_nickname>>..." you hear him panting as he says. He''s rock hard and you can feel that he''s ready to cum. You tease him a little more as you wrap your lips around him one last time. He explodes in your mouth.'
+											'"Don''t stop, <<$pcs_nickname>>..." you hear him panting as he says. He''s rock-hard and you can feel that he''s ready to cum. You tease him a little more as you wrap your lips around him one last time. He explodes in your mouth.'
 											gs 'arousal', 'bj', 15, 'sub'
 											gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', '127', 1
 											gs 'stat'
@@ -1125,13 +1125,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'the_boy':
 										act 'Suggest a blowjob (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
-									end	
+									end
 									gs 'willpower', 'flash', 'resist', 'easy'
 									if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
 										act 'What for? (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
 											*clr & cla
 											gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
-											minut += 15	
+											minut += 15
 											npc_rel['A127'] -= 1
 											gs 'stat'
 											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/parkcafe.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'the_boy':
 										act 'What for? (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
-							end	
+							end
 							gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'self', 'easy'
 							if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
 								act 'Head back (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'the_boy':
 			'"Cute name!" he says as the two of you become acquainted with one another. You learn that he is a student and that he lives in the hostel. Gosha invites you visit him. He even gives you directions to the hostel and how to find his dorm. "Well, I won''t disturb you anymore, <<$pcs_nickname>>! Don''t be a stranger and come by!"'
 			act 'Leave': gosh = 1 & gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'
-	elseif hotcat < 5 and gosh = 0:
+	elseif pcs_hotcat < 5 and gosh = 0:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big127.jpg"></center>'
 		'The two of you exchange glances, but you keep yourselves to only that. After a while, he finishes his meal and leaves the café without either of you saying anything to each other.'
 		act 'Leave': gt 'parkKafe', 'end', 'cafe'

+ 1 - 2

@@ -295,7 +295,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work2':
 		gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, '"John"', rand(18,45)
 		gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
-		!! gs 'boy', 'details'    & !! does not seem to be needed for "Johns"
 		guy += 1
 		if pcs_throat < dick: pcs_throat += 1
@@ -520,7 +519,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work2':
 							if prostRand <= 50:
 								pose = 1
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/sex/car/sexcar<<rand(1, 7)>>.jpg"></center>'
-								'You lean against the car and expose your bare ass to the man. He''s not wasting any time and immediately gets behind you, eagerly rubbing his cock against your vagina. The feeling of a rock hard erection rubbing on your pussy lips excites you. Your hips move involuntarily seeking out more friction. The man smiles at your eagerness to be fucked and grants your wish by slamming powerfully his hard member deep into your willing vagina. '
+								'You lean against the car and expose your bare ass to the man. He''s not wasting any time and immediately gets behind you, eagerly rubbing his cock against your vagina. The feeling of a rock-hard erection rubbing on your pussy lips excites you. Your hips move involuntarily seeking out more friction. The man smiles at your eagerness to be fucked and grants your wish by slamming powerfully his hard member deep into your willing vagina. '
 								gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'prostitution', 'unknown'
 								gs 'stat'
 							elseif prostRand <= 75:

+ 36 - 36

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ gs 'stat'
 'You go over to Rima who smiles affably as she greets you.'
 '"Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>. My shift is almost over. Do you want to do something?"'
-act '"Sorry, I can''t right now"':gt 'moncheri', 'start'
+act '"Sorry, I can''t right now"':gt 'shop_moncheri', 'start'
 if money >= 250:
 	act '"Sure. How about we go to my place?"':
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	if RimmaRandEvent = 23:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma14.jpg"></center>'
 		pcs_throat += 3
-		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.' 
+		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.'
 		'You instinctively start moving your tongue around its thick tip, her hand at the back of your head holding you in place as she guides it into your throat. Given its size, it doesn''t come as a surprise that your gag reflex starts acting up but you endure as best you can, covering it generously in saliva.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 22:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimmabj.jpg"></center>'
 		pcs_throat += 3
-		'Rima pulled the strap-on out of her purse, followed by collar with a chain attached to it. At her order, you put on the collar and hand the chain to Rima who put on the strap-on while you were occupied. She roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.' 
+		'Rima pulled the strap-on out of her purse, followed by collar with a chain attached to it. At her order, you put on the collar and hand the chain to Rima who put on the strap-on while you were occupied. She roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.'
 		'You instinctively start moving your tongue around its thick tip, her hand at the back of your head holding you in place as she guides it into your throat. Given its size, it doesn''t come as a surprise that your gag reflex starts acting up but you endure as best you can, covering it generously in saliva.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 21:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma21.jpg"></center>'
 		gs 'arousal', 'pee', -5, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'lesbian'
-		'Rimma orders you to squat and gets over you, her legs spread wide. Your face an inch from her pussy, you suddenly feel something warm running over it: Without warning, Rima just started peeing on you! Shocked by this, you sit motionless until the jet subsides, the smell intense as the last droplets drip from your chin.' 
+		'Rimma orders you to squat and gets over you, her legs spread wide. Your face an inch from her pussy, you suddenly feel something warm running over it: Without warning, Rima just started peeing on you! Shocked by this, you sit motionless until the jet subsides, the smell intense as the last droplets drip from your chin.'
 		'When she''s done, Rima orders you to lick her clean and you comply without question.'
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 20:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma14.jpg"></center>'
 		if pcs_throat < 25: pcs_throat += 3
-		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.' 
+		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.'
 		'You instinctively start moving your tongue around its thick tip, her hand at the back of your head holding you in place as she guides it into your throat. Given its size, it doesn''t come as a surprise that your gag reflex starts acting up but you endure as best you can, covering it generously in saliva.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 			if pcs_ass < 25: pcs_ass += 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma20.jpg"></center>'
-			'Rima bends you over and her strap-on enters your ass sans additional lubrication. The friction and fullness are intense but you are also suddenly aware that your bladder is not only full but feels like it''s about to burst.' 
+			'Rima bends you over and her strap-on enters your ass sans additional lubrication. The friction and fullness are intense but you are also suddenly aware that your bladder is not only full but feels like it''s about to burst.'
 			'As Rima fucks you, you tighten the muscles in your lower body to try and keep control of your urethra but all you do is make the stimulation by her that much more intense. When you come, and you come very quickly, the orgasm deprives you of all control and you feel your own piss running down your leg. Rima chuckles but doesn''t stop, driving the strap-on even harder into you, sending you right over the edge again, your shame and sudden relaxation fueling your second climax.'
 			$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal_strap', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 19:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimmabj.jpg"></center>'
 		pcs_throat += 3
-		'Rima pulled the strap-on out of her purse, followed by collar with a chain attached to it. At her order, you put on the collar and hand the chain to Rima who put on the strap-on while you were occupied. She roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.' 
+		'Rima pulled the strap-on out of her purse, followed by collar with a chain attached to it. At her order, you put on the collar and hand the chain to Rima who put on the strap-on while you were occupied. She roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.'
 		'You instinctively start moving your tongue around its thick tip, her hand at the back of your head holding you in place as she guides it into your throat. Given its size, it doesn''t come as a surprise that your gag reflex starts acting up but you endure as best you can, covering it generously in saliva.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 			pcs_vag += 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma19.jpg"></center>'
-			'You bend over for Rima when she orders you to, presenting your bare ass to her, feeling the pull on the chain as she enters your wet pussy. As demeaning as this is, it feels right with Rima, experience speaking from each of her actions and her movements inside you so intensely arousing that your moans are no doubt audible to your neighbors.' 
+			'You bend over for Rima when she orders you to, presenting your bare ass to her, feeling the pull on the chain as she enters your wet pussy. As demeaning as this is, it feels right with Rima, experience speaking from each of her actions and her movements inside you so intensely arousing that your moans are no doubt audible to your neighbors.'
 			'At some point, you feel Rima pulling hard on the chain, hard enough to make you rear, and at that exact moment, she pulls the strap-on out and inserts it into your ass, your wetness making it as easy as it''s going to be. A few thrusts later, you are already at your limit and come so hard that all strength leaves your body and Rima has to let go of the chain, lest she choke you.'
 			$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_strap', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 18:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma14.jpg"></center>'
 		pcs_throat += 3
-		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.' 
+		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.'
 		'You instinctively start moving your tongue around its thick tip, her hand at the back of your head holding you in place as she guides it into your throat. Given its size, it doesn''t come as a surprise that your gag reflex starts acting up but you endure as best you can, covering it generously in saliva.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 			pcs_ass += 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma18.jpg"></center>'
-			'Rima bends you over doggystyle and you feel the tip of her strap-on resting against your anus as she pulls the bottle of lube out of her purse. You groan and try to relax, preparing yourself mentally as she spreads the cool liquid around and inside your puckered hole, but even after all the things you''ve done with Rima, taking this gigantic strap-on up your ass is not an easy feat.' 
+			'Rima bends you over doggystyle and you feel the tip of her strap-on resting against your anus as she pulls the bottle of lube out of her purse. You groan and try to relax, preparing yourself mentally as she spreads the cool liquid around and inside your puckered hole, but even after all the things you''ve done with Rima, taking this gigantic strap-on up your ass is not an easy feat.'
 			'But slowly, ever so slowly, the woman works it into you, inch by inch, and starts moving back and forth, going a little deeper with every thrust, going a little faster every time. Your voice rises with her, the mix of pain and pleasure making it impossible to remain silent, and when you feel her grabbing your hair and pulling your head back, it sends you over the edge, screaming, hurting, but satisfied nonetheless.'
 			$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal_strap', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 17:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma14.jpg"></center>'
 		pcs_throat += 3
-		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.' 
+		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.'
 		'You instinctively start moving your tongue around its thick tip, her hand at the back of your head holding you in place as she guides it into your throat. Given its size, it doesn''t come as a surprise that your gag reflex starts acting up but you endure as best you can, covering it generously in saliva.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 16:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma14.jpg"></center>'
 		pcs_throat += 3
-		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.' 
+		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.'
 		'You instinctively start moving your tongue around its thick tip, her hand at the back of your head holding you in place as she guides it into your throat. Given its size, it doesn''t come as a surprise that your gag reflex starts acting up but you endure as best you can, covering it generously in saliva.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 			pcs_vag += 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma16.jpg"></center>'
-			'Rima puts you on your back and spreads your legs, driving the strap-on into your pussy with one slow thrust, stopping just short of your cervix, your moan music to her ears. She doesn''t move fast today, focusing entirely on slowly driving you towards the edge and gauging your reactions as she goes.' 
+			'Rima puts you on your back and spreads your legs, driving the strap-on into your pussy with one slow thrust, stopping just short of your cervix, your moan music to her ears. She doesn''t move fast today, focusing entirely on slowly driving you towards the edge and gauging your reactions as she goes.'
 			'Your eyes never leave hers, not on your slow ascent, not as you fall over the edge, not as you''re coming back down. When the last wave of your orgasm has passed, Rima rips the strap-on off and sits down on your face. Her own climax is only a few licks away.'
 			$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_strap', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 15:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma14.jpg"></center>'
 		pcs_throat += 3
-		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.' 
+		'Rima pulls a massive strap-on out of her purse and puts it on, and you feel a hint of fear mingled into your excitement, knowing that she''s going to fuck you with it. Wasting no time on ordering you around, she roughly pushes you down on your knees and slips it past your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips.'
 		'You instinctively start moving your tongue around its thick tip, her hand at the back of your head holding you in place as she guides it into your throat. Given its size, it doesn''t come as a surprise that your gag reflex starts acting up but you endure as best you can, covering it generously in saliva.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma15.jpg"></center>'
 			'Rima lies down on the couch with you, spooning you from behind, rubbing the strap-on''s tip against your lower lips, teasing you only for a moment before she pushes it in. Between your spit and lust, the artificial dick goes in without resistance.'
-			'Only when it hits your cervix do you reach back to stop her, the sudden pain shaking you out of your reverie, but Rima whispers encouragingly into your ear as she pulls back. When she starts moving in earnest, she doesn''t hit that threshold again, filling you up as much as she can without actually hurting you, even as she furiously fucks you.' 
+			'Only when it hits your cervix do you reach back to stop her, the sudden pain shaking you out of your reverie, but Rima whispers encouragingly into your ear as she pulls back. When she starts moving in earnest, she doesn''t hit that threshold again, filling you up as much as she can without actually hurting you, even as she furiously fucks you.'
 			'Your folds tighten so much during your orgasm and grip the strap-on so violently that Rima has trouble pulling out afterwards.'
 			$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_strap', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
@@ -219,9 +219,9 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 14:
 		pcs_ass += 8
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma13.jpg"></center>'
-		'You bend over on the couch for Rima as she lubes up her hands, followed by your anus. She doesn''t have to say a word as she does; you know what''s coming.' 
-		'She places both of her hands at your puckered hole and works her fingers in - left, right, left, right, almost like she''s following an obscure sexual knitting manual - but you don''t care as long as she doesn''t stop, her expert stimulation causing you to moan like a bitch in heat right from the start.' 
-		'Not only does she fit both hands into you but she does so in record time, her soft chuckle speaking of her own surprise at this. Then, she comes to the main course: Without warning or warm-up, she begins pounding you with her hands, your yelp turning into a sustained moan as she hits all the right spots.' 
+		'You bend over on the couch for Rima as she lubes up her hands, followed by your anus. She doesn''t have to say a word as she does; you know what''s coming.'
+		'She places both of her hands at your puckered hole and works her fingers in - left, right, left, right, almost like she''s following an obscure sexual knitting manual - but you don''t care as long as she doesn''t stop, her expert stimulation causing you to moan like a bitch in heat right from the start.'
+		'Not only does she fit both hands into you but she does so in record time, her soft chuckle speaking of her own surprise at this. Then, she comes to the main course: Without warning or warm-up, she begins pounding you with her hands, your yelp turning into a sustained moan as she hits all the right spots.'
 		'When you come down from your climax, Rima sits down in front of you, dripping wet. You are more than happy to return the favor...'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 		gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 13:
 		pcs_ass += 8
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma12.jpg"></center>'
-		'Rima tells you to lie back on your couch and lubricate your anus while she does the same with her hands. You are too excited to question her order, instead taking the bottle of lube she presents to you and making sure your backdoor is ready for anything.' 
-		'Even when you tell her that you are done, Rima lifts your ass to check if your anus is properly lubed up, by pushing several fingers at once it. When her hand is almost all the way in, she seems to be convinced... and adds a finger from her other hand. Then another. And another. What you are feeling is beyond description, beyond comprehension, and it leaves you breathless and almost mute.' 
+		'Rima tells you to lie back on your couch and lubricate your anus while she does the same with her hands. You are too excited to question her order, instead taking the bottle of lube she presents to you and making sure your backdoor is ready for anything.'
+		'Even when you tell her that you are done, Rima lifts your ass to check if your anus is properly lubed up, by pushing several fingers at once it. When her hand is almost all the way in, she seems to be convinced... and adds a finger from her other hand. Then another. And another. What you are feeling is beyond description, beyond comprehension, and it leaves you breathless and almost mute.'
 		'Only when she starts to move, both of her hands all the way inside you, do you make noises again: Soft, understated coos that swell to loud screams when the woman picks up the pace and fucks your ass with both of her hands. The orgasm comes loud and hard and you feel deaf and numb. All you can see is Rima, grinning like a Cheshire cat, and you weakly return that grin.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 		gs 'arousal', 'anal_fist', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 		pcs_ass += 6
 		pcs_vag += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma11.jpg"></center>'
-		'Once again, Rima leads you into your bedroom and you lie down on your back for her, curious what she intends to do today. She doesn''t keep you wondering for long: Rima rummages around her purse until she finds a bottle of lube and generously applies it to both of her hands, giving you suggestive smiles as she does.' 
+		'Once again, Rima leads you into your bedroom and you lie down on your back for her, curious what she intends to do today. She doesn''t keep you wondering for long: Rima rummages around her purse until she finds a bottle of lube and generously applies it to both of her hands, giving you suggestive smiles as she does.'
 		'Your previous experiences with her have prepared you well for what she has in mind: With terrifying ease and very little patience, Rima pushes one of her hands into your vagina and works the other into your anus. It''s a testament to the times you have spent with her that you don''t hurt as much as you feel full as, knuckle by knuckle, her fingers sink into you, your groans leaving little doubt as to your pleasure.'
 		'Soon, both of her hands are all the way inside you and Rima starts slowly pulling them out again, then back in, fucking you with her entire limbs, the fullness ebbing away only to return in force. It''s an incredible, maddening feeling and your orgasm hits you with the suddenness and violence of a tsunami.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 9:
 		pcs_ass += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma8.jpg"></center>'
-		'You find yourself lying on your side, spreading your legs to give Rima easier access to your sex. Indeed, her fingers penetrate your wet pussy and her wonderful touch has you panting in no time at all.' 
+		'You find yourself lying on your side, spreading your legs to give Rima easier access to your sex. Indeed, her fingers penetrate your wet pussy and her wonderful touch has you panting in no time at all.'
 		'Between two strokes, though, she pulls out entirely and instead works the well-lubricated fingers into your ass. You gasp as she gets the speed back to where it was and have your backdoor thoroughly fingerfucked by her. She skillfully teases your clit for additional stimulation but you even without it, you''d have come anyway.'
 		'And come you do, feeling your sphincter twitch around her index and middle finger, beckoning them to stay a little longer as you ride out the waves of your anal climax.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 8:
 		pcs_ass += 3
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma7.jpg"></center>'
-		'Rima puts you on your back, your soft bed ever-willing to serve, and dives right in, her tongue finding your clit with pin-point precision.' 
+		'Rima puts you on your back, your soft bed ever-willing to serve, and dives right in, her tongue finding your clit with pin-point precision.'
 		'At the same time, her hand explores your nether regions, stroking up and down your legs, outside and inside, caresses your stomach and sides, squeezing your buttcheeks, teasing your wet folds with quick flicks and lingering strokes, but it doesn''t come to rest... until it finds your rosebud.'
 		'She circles around your backdoor as if she had all the time in the world, pretending to push a finger in one moment only to pull it away the next, her constant back and forth driving you crazy and making you hornier the longer she persists.'
 		'At some point, you simply cannot hold out any longer and clamp down hard the instant you feel her pushing in. At the same time, you put one hand at the back of her head and pull her against you. This tiny push is all you need to cum, finally.'
@@ -292,30 +292,30 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 7:
 		pcs_vag += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma6.jpg"></center>'
-		'The couch in the living room is where Rima wants to have you, and you have no reason to deny her. Spreading your legs for her, you watch as she patiently puts one finger after the other into you, teasing you with gusto and nipping at your clit every now and then to put you even more on edge.' 
+		'The couch in the living room is where Rima wants to have you, and you have no reason to deny her. Spreading your legs for her, you watch as she patiently puts one finger after the other into you, teasing you with gusto and nipping at your clit every now and then to put you even more on edge.'
 		'Her second hand squeezes your tits, teases your nipples, strokes your stomach, caresses your cheek - seems to be everywhere at once. Her hand inside your pussy doesn''t go easy on you, not this time: Rima immediately goes from massaging your insides to fist-fucking you and you love every second of it.'
 		'Your climax builds quickly - no surprise after almost half an hour of teasing - when you feel her second hand linger on your throat... and tightening around it. You open your eyes to look at her and while it''s harder to breathe, the passion in Rima''s eyes is infectious.'
 		'The orgasm hits you like a truck, the slight lack of air increasing its intensity by an order of magnitude, and by the looks of it, Rima is just about ready to come herself, getting off immensely on dominating you.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
-		gs 'arousal', 'anal_fist', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
+		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_fist', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 6:
 		pcs_vag += 5
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma5.jpg"></center>'
-		'Once again, Rima takes you into your bedroom and has you lie down. Your memories of how she went down on you very present in your mind, you eagerly spread your legs for her and she smiles broadly as lowers her mouth onto you.' 
-		'Two of her fingers are inside your wet pussy in an instant but other than that, she takes her time, teasing and touching you with unfathomable skill, only slowly picking up speed. When you are getting closer to orgasm, she inserts a third finger but slows down at the same time, your groans turning from lust to frustration as she teases you, inches away from release.' 
+		'Once again, Rima takes you into your bedroom and has you lie down. Your memories of how she went down on you very present in your mind, you eagerly spread your legs for her and she smiles broadly as lowers her mouth onto you.'
+		'Two of her fingers are inside your wet pussy in an instant but other than that, she takes her time, teasing and touching you with unfathomable skill, only slowly picking up speed. When you are getting closer to orgasm, she inserts a third finger but slows down at the same time, your groans turning from lust to frustration as she teases you, inches away from release.'
 		'But Rima is merciless: She slowly, ever so slowly works you down from that almost-climax, then back up again, to that same breaking point... then introduces a fourth finger and slows down once again.'
-		'You barely even register when she sinks her whole hand into your depths - at that point, you are so desperately horny that you are literally begging her to make you cum, and this time, her fist inside you, she finally relents.' 
+		'You barely even register when she sinks her whole hand into your depths - at that point, you are so desperately horny that you are literally begging her to make you cum, and this time, her fist inside you, she finally relents.'
 		'From one moment to the next, she starts fucking you with her whole hand, pushing you right to the edge and over, then right to the next and over again. You can feel yourself twitching around her hand, gripping her like a vice, but the rest of your body is a shaking, screaming, sweating mess. That doesn''t change the fact, though, that Rima gave you a couple of incredible orgasms, though.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
-		gs 'arousal', 'anal_fist', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
+		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_fist', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 5:
 		pcs_vag += 2
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma4.jpg"></center>'
 		'Rima and you go into the bedroom and you lie down on your back, opening yourself to your female company. She doesn''t even try to resist the enticing view and you can feel her tongue on your clit before she''s come to rest on the bed.'
-		'You feel her fingers penetrate you, your folds wet and ready with anticipation, and her touch is heavenly. Rima seems to have an almost supernatural intuition for where she has to touch your insides to elicit the highest moans from you and you are all too willing to let them erupt.' 
+		'You feel her fingers penetrate you, your folds wet and ready with anticipation, and her touch is heavenly. Rima seems to have an almost supernatural intuition for where she has to touch your insides to elicit the highest moans from you and you are all too willing to let them erupt.'
 		'While there is a lot of variation in the way she angles her hand and hooks her fingers, she never gets slower - her index and middle finger went from teasingly slow to a good, hard fingerfuck and she seems certain that she can hold out longer than you.'
 		'She''s right, too: When she adds a third finger - without slowing down - an incredible orgasm rips through you and you have to hold on for dear life. All you can manage when Rima kisses you is a weak smile as you taste yourself on her lips.'
@@ -324,23 +324,23 @@ $rimmasexdi = {
 		gs 'stat'
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 4:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma3.jpg"></center>'
-		'Rima leads you into the bedroom and has you lie down. You''ve barely come to rest when she''s already on top of you, her wet pussy mere inches from your mouth, her eyes sparkling as she bends backwards and you feel her fingers caressing your sex.' 
-		'You lose yourself in her expert touch and the arousing taste of her juices, your tongue and lips working tirelessly to pleasure her.' 
+		'Rima leads you into the bedroom and has you lie down. You''ve barely come to rest when she''s already on top of you, her wet pussy mere inches from your mouth, her eyes sparkling as she bends backwards and you feel her fingers caressing your sex.'
+		'You lose yourself in her expert touch and the arousing taste of her juices, your tongue and lips working tirelessly to pleasure her.'
 		'When you feel her crotch pressing more strongly against your face, you know that she won''t take much longer and redouble your efforts, as does she. In seconds, you have her screaming and thrashing, your own orgasm muffled by her nether lips.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 3:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma2.jpg"></center>'
-		'You go into the living room where she sits down on the sofa, legs spread. You understand the invitation and drop to your knees, languidly licking her pussy up and down, teasing her greedy hole with one hand while you rub your own clit with the other.' 
-		'Rima moans with joy and you can feel her hands on your head, stroking it, urging you on.' 
+		'You go into the living room where she sits down on the sofa, legs spread. You understand the invitation and drop to your knees, languidly licking her pussy up and down, teasing her greedy hole with one hand while you rub your own clit with the other.'
+		'Rima moans with joy and you can feel her hands on your head, stroking it, urging you on.'
 		'As her passion grows, her movements become rougher and in her bliss, her fingers claw into your hair. She pulls you closer, grinding her hips against your face and is quickly overcome by her orgasm. Thanks to her rough treatment and your "free" hand, you follow her immediately.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 20, 'lesbian', 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
 	elseif RimmaRandEvent = 2:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/bestmod/images/beast/zoo/rimma.jpg"></center>'
-		'You barely make it into the bedroom. As soon as you''re there, Rima pushes you onto the bed and lays on top of you in a 69, offering you her pussy and immediately going down on yours.' 
+		'You barely make it into the bedroom. As soon as you''re there, Rima pushes you onto the bed and lays on top of you in a 69, offering you her pussy and immediately going down on yours.'
 		'The passion she licks you with is infectious and as you desperately try to hold onto her, you do your best to reciprocate, exploring Rima''s delicate folds and hole with your tongue and fingers.'
 		'Your moans, muffled as they are, grow louder, loud enough for the neighbors to hear, you''re sure, but they don''t last for long: Within minutes, the unearthly bliss you''re experiencing culminates in an overwhelming orgasm that leaves you and your partner gasping and shaking.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'

+ 326 - 90

@@ -43,23 +43,41 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'show_sms':
-	$temp_curSMS = $SMSMessage[ARGS[1]]
-	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMS_selfietext
-	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', ARGS[1]
-	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = $temp_curSMS
-	killvar '$temp_SMS_selfietext'
+	$temp_curSMS = $SMSMessage[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']]
+	$temp_curReplies = $SMSReplies[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']]
+	$SMSMessage[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']] = $SMSSelfieVars['text']
+	$SMSReplies[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']] = ''
+	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']
+	$SMSMessage[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']] = $temp_curSMS
+	$SMSReplies[SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']] = $temp_curReplies
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] = ''
+	killvar 'temp_curSMS'
+	killvar 'temp_curReplies'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'exit':
-	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', ARGS[1]
+	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', SMSSelfieVars['SMSid']
+	killvar 'SMSSelfieVars'
+	!!===========================================================!!
+	!!                                                           !!
+	!!                     RETREIVE A SELFIE                     !!
+	!!                                                           !!
+	!!===========================================================!!
 ! $ARGS[1] = control string
 !  ARGS[2] = telefon['SMSid']
 ! $ARGS[3] -> onward = return string
-if $ARGS[0] = 'selfie_menu':
-	gs 'phone_selfies', 'Phone_selfie_totals'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'send_selfie':
+	killvar 'SMSSelfieVars'
+	$SMSSelfieVars['control'] = $ARGS[1]
+	SMSSelfieVars['SMSid'] = ARGS[2]
 	!! Create the return string
 	$temp_return_string = ''
 	sms_s_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
@@ -71,80 +89,66 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'selfie_menu':
 		jump 'add_rest_ARGS_loop'
 	$temp_return_string = mid($temp_return_string, 1, len($temp_return_string)-2)
+	$SMSSelfieVars['return_string'] = $temp_return_string
+	killvar 'temp_return_string'
+	killvar 'sms_s_n_args'
+	killvar 'sms_s_i'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'selfie_menu'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'selfie_menu':
+	gs 'phone_selfies', 'Phone_selfie_totals'
 	! reset temp_SMS_selftext
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext = '<table width=80%><th>Selfies</th><tr><td>'
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] = '<table width=80%><th>Selfies</th><tr><td>'
 	temp_locationCnt = 0
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''showlocation'', <<temp_locationCnt>>, ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', <<ARGS[2]>>, <<$temp_return_string>>"><<$selfieLocDesc[temp_locationCnt]>> selfies</a>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''showlocation'', <<temp_locationCnt>>"><<$selfieLocDesc[temp_locationCnt]>> selfies</a>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
 		temp_locationCnt += 1
 	if temp_locationCnt < arrsize('$selfieLoc'): jump 'LocationLoop'
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit''">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
-	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms', ARGS[3]
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit'', <<ARGS[2]>>">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms'
 	killvar 'temp_locationCnt'
-	killvar '$temp_return_string'
 	killvar 'sms_s_i'
 	killvar 'sms_s_n_args'
 !  ARGS[1] = temp_locationCnt
-! $ARGS[2] = control string
-!  ARGS[3] = telefon['SMSid']
-! $ARGS[4] -> onward = return string
 if $ARGS[0] = 'showlocation':
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] = '<table width=80%><tr><th><font color="maroon"><<$selfieLocDesc[ARGS[1]]>> selfies</font></th></tr>'
-	!! Create the return string
-	$temp_return_string = ''
-	sms_s_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
-	sms_s_i = 4
-	:add_rest_ARGS_loop2
-	if sms_s_i < sms_s_n_args:
-		$temp_return_string += '''<<$ARGS[sms_s_i]>>'', '
-		sms_s_i += 1
-		jump 'add_rest_ARGS_loop2'
-	end
-	$temp_return_string = mid($temp_return_string, 1, len($temp_return_string)-2)
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext = '<table width=80%><tr><th><font color="maroon"><<$selfieLocDesc[ARGS[1]]>> selfies</font></th></tr>'
-	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'listretrieve', ARGS[1], $selfieLoc[ARGS[1]], $ARGS[2], ARGS[3], $temp_return_string
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'listretrieve', ARGS[1], $selfieLoc[ARGS[1]]
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''selfie_menu'', ''<<$ARGS[2]>>'', ''<<ARGS[3]>>'', <<$temp_return_string>>">Go Back</a></td></tr>'
-	$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit''">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''selfie_menu''">Go Back</a></td></tr>'
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit''">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
-	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms', ARGS[4]
-	killvar '$temp_return_string'
-	killvar 'sms_s_i'
-	killvar 'sms_s_n_args'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms'
 !  ARGS[1] = the index of the location in $selfieLoc[]
 ! $ARGS[2] = the selfie location (park, home, etc)
-! $ARGS[3] = control string
-!  ARGS[4] = telefon['SMSid']
-! $ARGS[5] = return string
 if $ARGS[0] = 'listretrieve':
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'c')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_clothed_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'sw')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_swim_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'u')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_underwear_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'n')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_nude_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'b')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_bath_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'sh')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_shower_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'ft')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_titflash_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'fa')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_assflash_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
-	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'fp')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_pussyflash_selfies',	ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'c')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_clothed_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'sw')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_swim_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'u')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_underwear_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'n')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_nude_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'b')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_bath_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'sh')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_shower_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'ft')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_titflash_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'fa')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_assflash_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
+	if strpos($SMSSelfieVars['control'], 'fp')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_pussyflash_selfies',	ARGS[1], $ARGS[2]
 !  ARGS[1] = the index of the location in $selfieLoc[]
 ! $ARGS[2] = the selfie location (park, home, etc)
-! $ARGS[3] = return string
-!  ARGS[4] = telefon['SMSid']
 if $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_clothed_selfies':
 	!!Loop for clothed selfies, dynamics set variables as mixing them in loop instructions is bad
 	if selfieClotot[ARGS[1]] > 0:
@@ -156,14 +160,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_clothed_selfies':
 			!!setting value to unmixed variable so it can be checked in the if below
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_closelfie[<<temp_clocnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 3: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 3: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'clothed', ARGS[1], temp_clocnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'clothed', ARGS[1], temp_clocnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_clocnt += 1
 		if temp_clocnt <= selfieClotot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_clocnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -180,14 +184,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_swim_selfies':
 			!!setting value to unmixed variable so it can be checked in the if below
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_swim[<<temp_swicnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'bikini', ARGS[1], temp_swicnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'bikini', ARGS[1], temp_swicnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_swicnt += 1
 		if temp_swicnt <= selfieClotot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop1'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_swicnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -202,15 +206,15 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_underwear_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_undselfie[<<temp_undcnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'underwear', ARGS[1], temp_undcnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'underwear', ARGS[1], temp_undcnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_undcnt += 1
 		if temp_undcnt <= selfieUndtot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop2'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_swicnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -225,14 +229,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_nude_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_nudselfie[<<temp_nudcnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'nude', ARGS[1], temp_nudcnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'nude', ARGS[1], temp_nudcnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_nudcnt += 1
 		if temp_nudcnt <= selfieNudtot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop3'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_nudcnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -248,14 +252,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_bath_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_bathselfie[<<temp_bathcnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'bath', ARGS[1], temp_bathcnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'bath', ARGS[1], temp_bathcnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_bathcnt += 1
 		if temp_bathcnt <= selfieBathtot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop4'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_bathcnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -271,14 +275,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_shower_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_showerselfie[<<temp_showercnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'shower', ARGS[1], temp_showercnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'shower', ARGS[1], temp_showercnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_showercnt += 1
 		if temp_showercnt <= selfieShowertot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop5'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_showercnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -294,14 +298,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_titflash_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_titflash[<<temp_flashtitscnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'titflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashtitscnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'titflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashtitscnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_flashtitscnt += 1
 		if temp_flashtitscnt <= selfieTitflash[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop6'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_flashtitscnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -317,14 +321,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_assflash_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_assflash[<<temp_flashasscnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'assflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashasscnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'assflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashasscnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_flashasscnt += 1
 		if temp_flashasscnt <= selfieAssflash[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop7'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_flashasscnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -340,14 +344,14 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_pussyflash_selfies':
 			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_pussyflash[<<temp_flashpussycnt>>]'
 			if phone_locval = 1:
-				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
 				temp_cnum += 1
-				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'pussyflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashpussycnt) + '</td>'
+				$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td width="33%">' + func('phone_selfies_popup', 'SMS_set_selfie', $ARGS[2], 'pussyflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashpussycnt) + '</td>'
 			temp_flashpussycnt += 1
 		if temp_flashpussycnt <= selfiePussyflash[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop8'
-		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
-		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<td></td>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr>'
 		killvar 'temp_flashpussycnt'
 		killvar 'temp_cnum'
@@ -356,4 +360,236 @@ end
+	!!===========================================================!!
+	!!                                                           !!
+	!!                       TAKE A SELFIE                       !!
+	!!                                                           !!
+	!!===========================================================!!
+if $ARGS[0] = 'take_selfie_menu':
+	gs 'phone_selfies', 'Phone_selfie_totals'
+	if $locclass = 'bedr':
+		$phone_loc = 'bedroom'
+	elseif $locclass = 'kitr':
+		$phone_loc = 'kitchen'
+	elseif $locclass = 'livingr':
+		$phone_loc = 'livingroom'
+	elseif $locclass = 'changingroom':
+		$phone_loc = 'changingroom'
+	elseif $locclass = 'city_park':
+		$phone_loc = 'park'
+	elseif $locclass = 'locker':
+		$phone_loc = 'locker'
+	elseif $locclass = 'beach':
+		$phone_loc = 'beach'
+	elseif $locclass = 'classroom':
+		$phone_loc = 'classroom'
+	elseif $locclass = 'school_bathroom':
+		$phone_loc = 'school_bathroom'
+	elseif $locclass = 'restroom':
+		$phone_loc = 'restroom'
+	elseif $location_type = 'bathroom':
+		$phone_loc = 'bathroom'
+	else
+		$phone_loc = ''
+	end
+	!! Create the return string
+	$temp_return_string = ''
+	sms_s_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
+	sms_s_i = 3
+	:add_rest_ARGS_loop
+	if sms_s_i < sms_s_n_args:
+		$temp_return_string += '''<<$ARGS[sms_s_i]>>'', '
+		sms_s_i += 1
+		jump 'add_rest_ARGS_loop'
+	end
+	$temp_return_string = mid($temp_return_string, 1, len($temp_return_string)-2)
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] = '<table width=80%><th>Camera</th><tr><td>'
+	if $phone_loc ! '' or strpos($ARGS[1], 'c') > 0:
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', '''', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>>"><b>Take a selfie</b></a>'
+		$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+	end
+	!! Flashing selfie
+	if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $phone_loc <> '':
+		if Enable_Android = 1:
+			locIndex = arrpos('$selfieLoc', $phone_loc, 1)
+		else
+			locIndex = arrpos(1, '$selfieLoc', $phone_loc)
+		end
+		if strpos($ARGS[1], 'ft') > 0 and (pcs_inhib >= 35 or exhibitionist_lvl > 0 or $phone_loc = 'bedroom') and selfieTitflash[locIndex] > 0:
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', ''tits'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>> "><b>Flash your tits for a selfie</b></a><br>'
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+		end
+		if strpos($ARGS[1], 'fa') > 0 and (exhibitionist_lvl > 0 or $phone_loc = 'bedroom') and selfieAssflash[locIndex] > 0:
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', ''ass'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>> "><b>Flash your ass for a selfie</b></a><br>'
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+		end
+		if strpos($ARGS[1], 'fp') > 0 and (exhibitionist_lvl > 1 or $phone_loc = 'bedroom') and selfiePussyflash[locIndex] > 0:
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec:gs ''exp_gain'', ''photoskl'', 1 & gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_camera_selfie'', ''<<$phone_loc>>'', ''pussy'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ARGS[2], <<$temp_return_string>> "><b>Flash your pussy for a selfie</b></a><br>'
+			$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+		end
+	end
+	$SMSSelfieVars['text'] += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit'', <<ARGS[2]>>">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms', ARGS[3]
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Phone_camera_selfie':
+	$temp_return_string = ''
+	sms_s_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
+	sms_s_i = 5
+	:add_rest_ARGS_loop2
+	if sms_s_i < sms_s_n_args:
+		$temp_return_string += '''<<$ARGS[sms_s_i]>>'', '
+		sms_s_i += 1
+		jump 'add_rest_ARGS_loop2'
+	end
+	$temp_return_string = mid($temp_return_string, 1, len($temp_return_string)-2)
+	if $ARGS[1] ! '':
+		if Enable_Android = 1:
+			temp_pos = arrpos('$selfieLoc', $ARGS[1], 1)
+		else
+			temp_pos = arrpos(1, '$selfieLoc', $ARGS[1])
+		end
+		dynamic 'gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''Phone_selfie_image'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[2]>>'', <<temp_pos>>, ''<<$ARGS[3]>>'', <<ARGS[4]>>, <<$temp_return_string>>'
+		killvar 'temp_pos'
+	else
+		phone_rand = rand(1, selfieClotot[0])
+		dynamic '<<$selfieLoc[0]>>_closelfie[<<phone_rand>>] = 1'
+		gs 'stat'
+		$temp_imloc = 'images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$selfieLoc[0]>>/clothed/<<$selfieFilePrefix[0]>><<phone_rand>>.jpg'
+		dynamic 'gs <<$temp_return_string>>, <<ARGS[4]>>, ''<<$temp_imloc>>'', ''<<$selfieLoc[0]>>'', ''clothed'', 0, <<phone_rand>>'
+		killvar 'phone_rand'
+		killvar 'temp_imloc'
+	end
+	!if cumsumbod-cumsumvag-cumsumass > 0: phone_rand = RAND (m,n) - for SELF in the semen
+	!if photo_event_pic = x: phone_rand = RAND (x,y) - for photos during the events (by heart)
+	!msg '<img src="images/system/phone/phone_selfie<<phone_rand>>.jpg">'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Phone_selfie_image':
+	$temp_return_string = ''
+	sms_s_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
+	sms_s_i = 6
+	:add_rest_ARGS_loop2
+	if sms_s_i < sms_s_n_args:
+		$temp_return_string += '''<<$ARGS[sms_s_i]>>'', '
+		sms_s_i += 1
+		jump 'add_rest_ARGS_loop2'
+	end
+	$temp_return_string = mid($temp_return_string, 1, len($temp_return_string)-2)
+	if $ARGS[2] = '':
+		if PCloswimwear = 1:
+			!!changing to and unmixed variable so the rng will work
+			temp_swim = selfieSwimtot[ARGS[3]]
+			if temp_swim > 0:
+				phone_rand = rand(1, temp_swim)
+				!!Setting the image owned flag to 1
+				dynamic '<<$ARGS[1]>>_swim[<<phone_rand>>] = 1'
+				gs 'stat'
+				$temp_imloc = 'images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/bikini/<<$selfieFilePrefix[ARGS[3]]>><<phone_rand>>.jpg'
+				dynamic 'gs <<$temp_return_string>>, <<ARGS[5]>>, ''<<$temp_imloc>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''bikini'', <<ARGS[3]>>, <<phone_rand>>'
+				killvar 'phone_rand'
+				killvar 'temp_imloc'
+			end
+			killvar 'temp_swim'
+		elseif $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
+			!!changing to and unmixed variable so the rng will work
+			temp_clotot = selfieClotot[ARGS[3]]
+			if temp_clotot > 0:
+				phone_rand = rand(1, temp_clotot)
+				!!Setting the image owned flag to 1
+				dynamic '<<$ARGS[1]>>_closelfie[<<phone_rand>>] = 1'
+				gs 'stat'
+				$temp_imloc = 'images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/clothed/<<$selfieFilePrefix[ARGS[3]]>><<phone_rand>>.jpg'
+				dynamic 'gs <<$temp_return_string>>, <<ARGS[5]>>, ''<<$temp_imloc>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''clothed'', <<ARGS[3]>>, <<phone_rand>>'
+				killvar 'phone_rand'
+				killvar 'temp_imloc'
+			end
+			killvar 'temp_clotot'
+		elseif $pantyworntype ! 'none':
+			temp_undtot = selfieUndtot[ARGS[3]]
+			if temp_undtot > 0:
+				phone_rand = rand(1, temp_undtot)
+				dynamic '<<$ARGS[1]>>_undselfie[<<phone_rand>>] = 1'
+				gs 'stat'
+				$temp_imloc = 'images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/underwear/<<$selfieFilePrefix[ARGS[3]]>><<phone_rand>>.jpg'
+				dynamic 'gs <<$temp_return_string>>, <<ARGS[5]>>, ''<<$temp_imloc>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''underwear'', <<ARGS[3]>>, <<phone_rand>>'
+				killvar 'phone_rand'
+				killvar 'temp_imloc'
+			end
+			killvar 'temp_undtot'
+		else
+			temp_nudtot = selfieNudtot[ARGS[3]]
+			if temp_nudtot > 0:
+				phone_rand = rand(1, temp_nudtot)
+				dynamic '<<$ARGS[1]>>_nudselfie[<<phone_rand>>] = 1'
+				gs 'stat'
+				$temp_imloc = 'images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/nude/<<$selfieFilePrefix[ARGS[3]]>><<phone_rand>>.jpg'
+				dynamic 'gs <<$temp_return_string>>, <<ARGS[5]>>, ''<<$temp_imloc>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''nude'', <<ARGS[3]>>, <<phone_rand>>'
+				killvar 'phone_rand'
+				killvar 'temp_imloc'
+			end
+			killvar 'temp_nudtot'
+		end
+	else
+		if $ARGS[2] = 'tits':
+			temp_titflash = selfieTitflash[ARGS[3]]
+			if temp_titflash > 0:
+				phone_rand = rand(1, temp_titflash)
+				dynamic '<<$ARGS[1]>>_titflash[<<phone_rand>>] = 1'
+				gs 'stat'
+				$temp_imloc = 'images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/titflash/<<$selfieFilePrefix[ARGS[3]]>><<phone_rand>>.jpg'
+				dynamic 'gs <<$temp_return_string>>, <<ARGS[5]>>, ''<<$temp_imloc>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', ''titflash'', <<ARGS[3]>>, <<phone_rand>>'
+				killvar 'phone_rand'
+				killvar 'temp_imloc'
+			end
+			killvar 'temp_titflash'
+		elseif $ARGS[2] = 'ass':
+			temp_assflash = selfieAssflash[ARGS[3]]
+			if temp_assflash > 0:
+				phone_rand = rand(1, temp_assflash)
+				dynamic '<<$ARGS[1]>>_assflash[<<phone_rand>>] = 1'
+				gs 'stat'
+				if usePopUps = 1:
+					msg '<img src="images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/assflash/<<phone_rand>>.jpg">'
+				else
+					view 'images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/assflash/<<phone_rand>>.jpg'
+				end
+			end
+		elseif $ARGS[2] = 'pussy':
+			if Enable_Android = 1:
+				temp_pussyflash = selfiePussyflash[arrpos('$selfieLoc', $ARGS[1], 1)]
+			else
+				temp_pussyflash = selfiePussyflash[arrpos(1, '$selfieLoc', $ARGS[1])]
+			end
+			if temp_pussyflash > 0:
+				phone_rand = rand(1, temp_pussyflash)
+				dynamic '<<$ARGS[1]>>_pussyflash[<<phone_rand>>] = 1'
+				gs 'stat'
+				if usePopUps = 1:
+					msg '<img src="images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/pussyflash/<<phone_rand>>.jpg">'
+				else
+					view 'images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/pussyflash/<<phone_rand>>.jpg'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
 --- SMS_selfies ---------------------------------

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# SMS_selfies_popup
-!	$ARGS[1] = Return string
-!	$ARGS[2] = telefon['SMSid']
-!!	$ARGS[3] = Location where the selfie is taken
-!!	$ARGS[4] = State of dress in the selfie
-!!	 ARGS[5] = is the index of the location in $selfieLoc[] and $selfieFilePrefix
-!!	 ARGS[6] = the selfie number
-if $ARGS[0] = 'set_selfie':
-	$temp_imloc = func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'get_imloc', $ARGS[3], $ARGS[4], ARGS[5], ARGS[6])
-	$result = '<a href="exec: gs <<$ARGS[1]>>, <<ARGS[2]>>, ''<<$temp_imloc>>'', ''<<$ARGS[3]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[4]>>'', <<ARGS[5]>>, <<ARGS[6]>>"><img src="<<$temp_imloc>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"></a>'
-	killvar '$temp_imloc'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'get_imloc':
-	$result = 'images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/<<$ARGS[2]>>/<<$selfieFilePrefix[ARGS[3]]>><<ARGS[4]>>.jpg'
---- SMS_selfies_popup ---------------------------------

+ 191 - 51

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 !				So if you are used:
 !					gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', [$text], [$file_name], [$file_args0], [$file_args1].
 !				Then you would pass ARGS[2] (since you used $ARGS[0] and $ARGS[1]):
-!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_sms', ARGS[2]
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'show_sms', ARGS[2]
 !	Finally after the player has made a choice, everything but the replies are stored.
 !	If you want to reset the text (but not the end images), use gs 'SMStext_builder', 'reset'
@@ -39,51 +39,160 @@
 !		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'end'
+	!!=====================================================!!
+	!!                                                     !!
+	!!                      Examples                       !!
+	!!                                                     !!
+	!!=====================================================!!
+!	This example is in a non-existing file called "lukaqw". Here luka has npc code A6969
+!	if $ARGS[0] = 'SMS1':
+!		if $ARGS[1] = 'start':
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'start'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', '"hey Sveta", it''s Luka!'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', '"how are you doing?"'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', 'im good, you?', 'lukaqw', 'SMS1', '1'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_sms', 'A6969'
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'end'
+!		end
+!		if $ARGS[1] = '1':
+!			!! The replies are removed, but the rest is not. We first send the reply text, wait, then 
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'start'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send', 'im good, you?'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'show_sms', ARGS[2]
+!				wait 500
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'could you send me a picture?'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', 'sure!', 'lukaqw', 'SMS1', 'send_pic'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', 'you first', 'lukaqw', 'SMS1', 'receive_pic'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', 'no', 'lukaqw', 'SMS1', 'no'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'show_sms', ARGS[2]
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'end'
+!		end
+!		if $ARGS[1] = 'send_pic':
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'start'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send', 'sure!'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'show_sms', ARGS[2]
+!				wait 500
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'better make it sexy :))!'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send_selfie', 'c|u|n|b|sh|ft', 'lukaqw', 'SMS1', 'Selfie_send'
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'end'
+!		end
+!		if $ARGS[1] = 'Selfie_send':
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'start'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send_img', $ARGS[3]
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'show_sms', ARGS[2]
+!				wait 500
+!				!$ARGS[5] is the state of dress:
+!				if $ARGS[5] = 'clothed':
+!					gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'disapointing, but better than nothin i sup'
+!				elseif $ARGS[5] = 'nude' or $ARGS[5] = 'pussyflash':
+!					gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'DAMN!'
+!				else
+!					gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'nice'
+!				end
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'end'
+!		end
+!		if $ARGS[1] = 'receive_pic':
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'start'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send', 'you first'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'show_sms', ARGS[2]
+!				wait 500
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive_img', 'image/characters/pavlovsk/resident/luka/selfies/sexy3.jpg'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'now you'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', 'sure!', 'lukaqw', 'SMS1', 'send_pic'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', 'no', 'lukaqw', 'SMS1', 'no2'
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', end
+!		end
+!		if $ARGS[1] = 'no':
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'start'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send', 'no'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'show_sms', ARGS[2]
+!				wait 500
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'sad'
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', end
+!		end
+!		if $ARGS[1] = 'no2':
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'start'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send', 'no'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'show_sms', ARGS[2]
+!				wait 500
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'what? but i send you mine?!'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', 'get blackmailed noob', 'lukaqw', 'SMS1', 'blackmail'
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', 'that time of month, sorry', 'lukaqw', 'SMS1', 'excuses'
+!			gs 'SMStext_builder', end
+!		end
+!		...
+!		...
+!	end
+	!!=====================================================!!
+	!!                                                     !!
+	!!                        CODE                         !!
+	!!                                                     !!
+	!!=====================================================!!
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	$temp_SMStext = ''
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderVars'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderReplies'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderImages'
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'end':
-	killvar '$temp_SMStext'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSreplies'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSimgs'
 	killvar 'stb_i'
 	killvar 'stb_maxi'
-	killvar '$temp_SMS_reset_flag'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderVars'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderReplies'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderImages'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'reset':
-	$temp_SMS_reset_flag = 1
+	SMSBuilderVars['reset_flag'] = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = 'send':
 	temp_text_width = max(10, 90 - 2 * len($ARGS[1]))
-	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td width=<<temp_text_width>>%></td><td collspan=2 bgcolor=pink style="padding-top:5pt; padding-bottom:5pt; padding-left:10pt; padding-right:3pt"><font color=black>'
-	$temp_SMStext += $ARGS[1]
-	$temp_SMStext += '</font></td></tr></table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<table width=80%><tr><td width=<<temp_text_width>>%></td><td collspan=2 bgcolor=pink style="padding-top:5pt; padding-bottom:5pt; padding-left:10pt; padding-right:3pt"><font color=black>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += $ARGS[1]
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '</font></td></tr></table>'
 	killvar 'temp_text_width'
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'send_img':
-	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td width=10%></td><td collspan=2 bgcolor=pink align=center style="white-space:pre-wrap">'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<table width=80%><tr><td width=10%></td><td collspan=2 bgcolor=pink align=center style="white-space:pre-wrap">'
 	if $ARGS[2] = '': $ARGS[2] = $ARGS[1]
-	$temp_SMStext += '<br><img src="<<$ARGS[1]>>" alt="<<$ARGS[2]>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"><br><br>'
-	$temp_SMStext += '</td></tr></table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<br><img src="<<$ARGS[1]>>" alt="<<$ARGS[2]>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"><br><br>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '</td></tr></table>'
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'receive':
 	temp_text_width = max(10, 90 - 2 * len($ARGS[1]))
-	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td collspan=2 bgcolor="#D4CEF9" style="padding-top:5pt; padding-bottom:5pt; padding-left:10pt; padding-right:3pt"><font color=black>'
-	$temp_SMStext += $ARGS[1]
-	$temp_SMStext += '</font></td><td width=<<temp_text_width>>%></td></tr></table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<table width=80%><tr><td collspan=2 bgcolor="#D4CEF9" style="padding-top:5pt; padding-bottom:5pt; padding-left:10pt; padding-right:3pt"><font color=black>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += $ARGS[1]
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '</font></td><td width=<<temp_text_width>>%></td></tr></table>'
 	killvar 'temp_text_width'
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'receive_img':
-	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td collspan=2 bgcolor="#D4CEF9" align=center style="white-space:pre-wrap">'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<table width=80%><tr><td collspan=2 bgcolor="#D4CEF9" align=center style="white-space:pre-wrap">'
 	if $ARGS[2] = '': $ARGS[2] = $ARGS[1]
-	$temp_SMStext += '<br><img src="<<$ARGS[1]>>" alt="<<$ARGS[2]>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"><br><br>'
-	$temp_SMStext += '</td><td width=10%></td></tr></table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '<br><img src="<<$ARGS[1]>>" alt="<<$ARGS[2]>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"><br><br>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] += '</td><td width=10%></td></tr></table>'
@@ -103,24 +212,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'add_reply':
 	$temp_reply_str += 'telefon[''SMSid'']">' + $ARGS[1] + '</a>'
-	$temp_SMSreplies[] = $temp_reply_str
+	$SMSBuilderReplies[] = $temp_reply_str
 	killvar 'temp_reply_str'
 	killvar 'stb_i'
 	killvar 'stb_n_args'
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'private_set_replies':
-	$temp_SMSRepliestext += '<table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] += '<table>'
-	stb_maxi = arrsize('temp_SMSreplies')
+	stb_maxi = arrsize('SMSBuilderReplies')
 	stb_i = 0
-		$temp_SMSRepliestext += '<tr><td>' + $temp_SMSreplies[stb_i] + '</td></tr>'
+		$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] += '<tr><td>' + $SMSBuilderReplies[stb_i] + '</td></tr>'
 		stb_i += 1
 	if stb_i < stb_maxi: jump 'SMS_reply_loop'
-	$temp_SMSRepliestext += '</table>'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] += '</table>'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSreplies'
+	killvar 'SMSBuilderReplies'
 	killvar 'stb_i'
 	killvar 'stb_maxi'
@@ -128,61 +237,61 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'add_end_img':
 	if $temp_imgs[0] = '':
-		$temp_SMSimgs[0] = $ARGS[1]
+		$SMSBuilderImages[0] = $ARGS[1]
 	elseif $temp_imgs[1] = '':
-		$temp_SMSimgs[1] = $ARGS[1]
+		$SMSBuilderImages[1] = $ARGS[1]
 	elseif $temp_imgs[2] = '':
-		$temp_SMSimgs[2] = $ARGS[1]
+		$SMSBuilderImages[2] = $ARGS[1]
 	elseif $temp_imgs[3] = '':
-		$temp_SMSimgs[3] = $ARGS[1]
+		$SMSBuilderImages[3] = $ARGS[1]
 if $ARGS[0] = 'private_set_end_img':
 	stb_i = 0
-	if stb_i < arrsize('temp_SMSimgs'):
+	if stb_i < arrsize('SMSBuilderImages'):
 		if $SMSPicture1[ARGS[1]] = '':
-			$SMSPicture1[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+			$SMSPicture1[ARGS[1]] = $SMSBuilderImages[stb_i]
 		elseif $SMSPicture2[ARGS[1]] = '':
-			$SMSPicture2[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+			$SMSPicture2[ARGS[1]] = $SMSBuilderImages[stb_i]
 		elseif $SMSPicture3[ARGS[1]] = '':
-			$SMSPicture3[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+			$SMSPicture3[ARGS[1]] = $SMSBuilderImages[stb_i]
 		elseif $SMSPicture4[ARGS[1]] = '':
-			$SMSPicture4[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+			$SMSPicture4[ARGS[1]] = $SMSBuilderImages[stb_i]
 		stb_i += 1
 	killvar 'stb_i'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSimgs'
+	killvar '$SMSBuilderImages'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'add_sms':
-	if arrsize('temp_SMSreplies') > 0: 
+	if arrsize('SMSBuilderReplies') > 0: 
 		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_replies'
-		$temp_SMSRepliestext = ''
+		$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] = ''
-	gs 'telefon', 'add_sms', $ARGS[1], $temp_SMStext, $temp_SMSRepliestext, $temp_SMSimgs[0], $temp_SMSimgs[1], $temp_SMSimgs[2], $temp_SMSimgs[3]
+	gs 'telefon', 'add_sms', $ARGS[1], $SMSBuilderVars['text'], $SMSBuilderVars['replies'], $SMSBuilderImages[0], $SMSBuilderImages[1], $SMSBuilderImages[2], $SMSBuilderImages[3]
-	killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+	$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] = ''
 elseif $ARGS[0] = 'show_sms':
-	if arrsize('temp_SMSreplies') > 0:
+	if arrsize('SMSBuilderReplies') > 0:
 		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_replies'
-		killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+		$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] = ''
-	if arrsize('temp_SMSimgs') > 0: gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_end_img', ARGS[1]
-	if temp_SMS_reset_flag = 1: $SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = ''
+	if arrsize('SMSBuilderImages') > 0: gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_end_img', ARGS[1]
+	if SMSBuilderVars['reset_flag'] = 1: $SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = ''
-	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] += $temp_SMStext
-	$SMSReplies[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSRepliestext
+	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] += $SMSBuilderVars['text']
+	$SMSReplies[ARGS[1]] = $SMSBuilderVars['replies']
 	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', ARGS[1]
-	killvar 'temp_SMS_reset_flag'
-	killvar '$temp_SMStext'
-	killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+	SMSBuilderVars['reset_flag'] = 0
+	$SMSBuilderVars['text'] = ''
+	$SMSBuilderVars['replies'] = ''
 ! $ARGS[1] = displayed text
@@ -193,7 +302,37 @@ end
 ! $ARGS[3] -> onward = the return location.
 ! gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send_selfie', 'Send a sexy selfie', 'c|b|ft', 'band_tour_anushka_SMS', 'Week8', 'Choice_a'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'send_selfie':
-	$temp_reply_str = '[Selfie] <a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''selfie_menu'', ''<<lcase($ARGS[2])>>'', telefon[''SMSid'']'
+	$temp_reply_str = '[Selfie] <a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''send_selfie'', ''<<lcase($ARGS[2])>>'', telefon[''SMSid'']'
+	stb_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
+	stb_i = 3
+	:SMS_build_send_selfie_loop
+	if stb_i < stb_n_args:
+		$temp_reply_str += ', ''<<$ARGS[stb_i]>>'''
+		stb_i += 1
+		jump 'SMS_build_send_selfie_loop'
+	end
+	$temp_reply_str += '"><<$ARGS[1]>></a>'
+	$SMSBuilderReplies[] = $temp_reply_str
+	killvar 'temp_reply_str'
+	killvar 'stb_i'
+	killvar 'stb_n_args'
+!!	Might add directly taking a selfie in the future.
+! $ARGS[1] = displayed text
+! $ARGS[2] = control string = 'c|sw|u|n|b|sh|ft|fa|fp'
+!		c: clothed | sw: bikini | u: underwear
+!		n: nude | b: bath | sh: shower
+!		ft: titflash | fa: assflash | fp: pussyflash
+! $ARGS[3] -> onward = the return location.
+! gs 'SMStext_builder', 'take_selfie', 'Send a sexy selfie', 'c|b|ft', 'band_tour_anushka_SMS', 'Week8', 'Choice_a'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'take_selfie':
+	$temp_reply_str = '[Selfie] <a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''take_selfie_menu'', ''<<lcase($ARGS[2])>>'', telefon[''SMSid'']'
 	stb_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
 	stb_i = 3
@@ -205,12 +344,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'send_selfie':
 	$temp_reply_str += '"><<$ARGS[1]>></a>'
-	$temp_SMSreplies[] = $temp_reply_str
+	$SMSBuilderReplies[] = $temp_reply_str
 	killvar 'temp_reply_str'
 	killvar 'stb_i'
 	killvar 'stb_n_args'

+ 2 - 8

@@ -100,13 +100,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sleep':
 				'You get comfortable in Sergey''s bed, and sleep for a few hours.'
 				npc_rel['A112'] += 1
-				minut += 240
-				if pcs_sleep >= 60: 
-					pcs_sleep = 100
-				else
-					pcs_sleep += 40
-				end
-				gs 'stat'
+				gs 'sleep_simple', 'forced', 240
 				act 'Get out of bed': gt 'vasilyhome', 'sergey_room'
 			if pcs_horny > 30 and mesec <= 0: act 'Try to seduce Sergey': gt 'Serge_Shulgin','hide','sleep_prstsex'
@@ -565,7 +559,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hide':
 		serge_textb = rand(0,6)
 		if serge_textb = 0:$serge_textb = 'When you ask about Vasily''s mother, Sergey shrugs: "It''s a short story, really. I met Vasily''s mother at my graduation party. We all got drunk and she and I had some fun. When she turned out to be pregnant, we got married. We didn''t have much of a say in the matter, that''s just how it worked back then. Shulga was born a few months after that. We tried to make it work, but she got bored and left me a year later when she got offered a job abroad, leaving Shulga with me. I haven''t heard from her since. It''s fine, though... me and him managed just fine, without her."'
 		if serge_textb = 1:$serge_textb = 'You spend fifteen minutes talking to Sergey about everyday things.'
-		if serge_textb = 2:$serge_textb = 'When you ask Sergey what he does for a living, he smiles and says: "I work in a factory where we produce bricks. I work the day shift, from 09:00 to 15:00, five days a week. I''m a foreman there, managing the laborers and keeping an eye on the machinery. Of course I pitch in as well, when the men need help. It''s dusty, hard work, and it doesn''t pay well, but it''s work worth doing!"'
+		if serge_textb = 2:$serge_textb = 'When you ask Sergey what he does for a living, he smiles and says: "I work in a factory where we produce bricks. I work the day shift, from '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' to '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 15, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+', five days a week. I''m a foreman there, managing the laborers and keeping an eye on the machinery. Of course I pitch in as well, when the men need help. It''s dusty, hard work, and it doesn''t pay well, but it''s work worth doing!"'
 		if serge_textb = 3:$serge_textb = 'When you ask about his relationship with his son, Sergey shrugs and says in a tired voice: "Eh. We do okay, given the circumstances. He''s... changed, though. He''s rather difficult to handle nowadays. For the last year or so, he has shown no interest in school and he stays out until late every day, doing God knows what. I''m just not sure how to get through to him any more."'
 		if serge_textb = 4:$serge_textb = 'Sergey tells you a funny story.'
 		if serge_textb = 5:$serge_textb = 'Sergey is actually a pretty smart guy, and you listen to him for fifteen minutes while he tells you anecdotes about his past.'

+ 31 - 31

@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		if sergebazarkuh_count > 0: npc_rel['A112'] +=1
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/serge/serge1.jpg"></center>'
-		'Sergey is standing at the kitchen counter. He''s making soup, cutting up ingredients and throwing them into a large pan.' 
+		'Sergey is standing at the kitchen counter. He''s making soup, cutting up ingredients and throwing them into a large pan.'
 		'You don''t want to get in his way and sit down on a chair near the kitchen table, so you can have a chat with him while he keeps preparing the food.'
 		serge_textbk = rand(0,4)
 		if serge_textbk = 0:$serge_textbk = 'When you ask about Vasily''s mother, Sergey shrugs: "It''s a short story, really. I met Vasily''s mother at my graduation party. We all got drunk and she and I had some fun. When she turned out to be pregnant, we got married. We didn''t have much of a say in the matter, that''s just how it worked back then. Shulga was born a few months after that. We tried to make it work, but she got bored and left me a year later when she got offered a job abroad, leaving Shulga with me. I haven''t heard from her since. It''s fine, though... me and him managed just fine, without her."'
 		if serge_textbk = 1:$serge_textbk = 'You spend fifteen minutes talking to Sergey about everyday things.'
-		if serge_textbk = 2:$serge_textbk = 'When you ask Sergey what he does for a living, he smiles and says: "I work in a factory where we produce bricks. I work the day shift, from 09:00 to 15:00, five days a week. I''m a foreman there, managing the labourers and keeping an eye on the machinery. Of course I pitch in as well, when the men need help. It''s dusty, hard work, and it doesn''t pay well, but it''s work worth doing!"'
+		if serge_textbk = 2:$serge_textbk = 'When you ask Sergey what he does for a living, he smiles and says: "I work in a factory where we produce bricks. I work the day shift, from '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' to '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 15, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+', five days a week. I''m a foreman there, managing the labourers and keeping an eye on the machinery. Of course I pitch in as well, when the men need help. It''s dusty, hard work, and it doesn''t pay well, but it''s work worth doing!"'
 		if serge_textbk = 3:$serge_textbk = 'When you ask about his relationship with his son, Sergey shrugs and says in a tired voice: "Eh. We do okay, given the circumstances. He''s... changed, though. He''s rather difficult to handle nowadays. For the last year or so, he has shown no interest in school and he stays out until late every day, doing God knows what. I''m just not sure how to get through to him any more."'
 		if serge_textbk = 4:$serge_textbk = 'Sergey is actually a pretty smart guy, and you listen to him for fifteen minutes while he tells you stories about his past.'
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vodka':
 	minut += 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/event/alko2.jpg"></center>'
-	'He looks at you intently and says: "No, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''m not giving you any vodka."' 
+	'He looks at you intently and says: "No, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''m not giving you any vodka."'
 	'"Aww, why not?" you ask him.'
 	'Sergey takes a sip of his vodka and laughs: "I''ve seen women drink... it never ends well. Besides that, you''re still a girl! I''m not giving you any, end of discussion!"'
 	act 'Leave him alone': gt 'vasilyhome', 'vasilykitchen'
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vodka':
 						act 'Continue':
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/event/alko5.jpg"></center>'
-							'"My turn. <<$pcs_nickname>>, get on the table, I''ll return the favour now", Sergey grins.'
+							'"My turn. <<$pcs_nickname>>, get on the table, I''ll return the favor now", Sergey grins.'
 							'You''re not really sure what he means by that, but you''re not about to say no! You obediently sit down on the corner of the table, and pull up your legs. "Like this, uncle Sergey?" you ask him.'
 							'Sergey gives you a pleased nod: "Excellent. Now, let me help you with these..."'
 							'He begins to tug at your clothes, wanting easy access to your wet slit. "There we go... show me that young pussy and those cute tits of yours, <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'posuda':
 	if sergehelppos_count > 0 or sergehelppol_count > 0 : 'Sergey smiles: "Actually, that would be nice! <<$pcs_nickname>>, if it''s not too much trouble, could you do the dishes or mop the floor?"'
 	if sergehelppos_count <= 0 and sergehelppol_count <= 0 : 'Sergey shakes his head with a smile on his face: "No need, <<$pcs_nickname>>! You''ve already helped me out a great deal today, thank you!"'
 	act 'Finish': gt 'Serge_kuh'
-	if sergehelppos_count > 0: 
-		act 'Do the dishes for Sergey': 
+	if sergehelppos_count > 0:
+		act 'Do the dishes for Sergey':
 			*clr & cla
 			if sergehelppos_count > 0:minut += 15
 			sergehelppos_day = daystart
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'posuda':
 	if sergehelppol_count > 0:
-		act 'Mop the floors for Sergey': 
+		act 'Mop the floors for Sergey':
 			*clr & cla
 			if sergehelppol_count > 0:minut += 15
 			sergehelppol_day = daystart
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'help_ev1':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/vert'+rand(1,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
 			'That was fun, but you can do better! When you bend over exaggeratedly and show him your ass, you can''t help but giggle. Oops!'
 			'Sergey sighs, realizing your game now... and feeling a bit busted at the same time.'
-			'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, stop tormenting me!" he tells you. "I''m not a robot, I''m a man with needs and desires! If you keep that up, you have no one but yourself to blame for what happens next..."'	
+			'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, stop tormenting me!" he tells you. "I''m not a robot, I''m a man with needs and desires! If you keep that up, you have no one but yourself to blame for what happens next..."'
 			gs 'arousal', 'flash', 5
 			gs 'stat'
 			if npc_rel['A112'] >= 50 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev2':
 						'"Come here, girl. Put that mouth of yours to use", he grunts.'
 						'You quickly move over to him and drop to your knees, covering his large cock in kisses. You don''t forget his testicles either, placing kisses all over them before you slowly lick your way back up to the head of his member.'
 						'You lick it like a lollipop for a moment, before carefully taking it in your mouth. After you suck him off for a little while, he grows impatient and grabs you by the hair, fucking your throat more and more roughly.'
-						'"You thought you could just tease me like that, didn''t you? You little minx..." Sergey scolds you, right before plunging his cock all the way down your throat again.'	
+						'"You thought you could just tease me like that, didn''t you? You little minx..." Sergey scolds you, right before plunging his cock all the way down your throat again.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat', 'rough'
 						gs 'stat'
 						act 'Continue':
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev2':
 								'"Time for the next part of my tour", Sergey grins. He pulls out of your pussy and switches to your ass, immediately slamming his cock in you.'
 								'You scream and wince, despite his preparation that was a bit too sudden! Just when you were about to complain, Sergey puts his hand over your throat and pulls you up against his chest. He grunts in your ear: "My tour, my rules... I warned you, I don''t play nice. Now stand there and take it."'
 								'Sergey begins to move his hips, fucking you more and more roughly in your ass while he dominates your body.'
-								'He''s much stronger than you, and you can do little more than just let it happen.'	
+								'He''s much stronger than you, and you can do little more than just let it happen.'
 								'After a few minutes he pulls out of you and demands: "Show me your ass, <<$pcs_nickname>>. Show me how it looks so far."'
 								gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
 								gs 'stat'
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev4':
 		minut += 2
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/za1-2.jpg"></center>'
-		'You turn your back to him and take the back of your dress in your hand, asking him: "Uncle Sergey, do you think this is too short?"' 
+		'You turn your back to him and take the back of your dress in your hand, asking him: "Uncle Sergey, do you think this is too short?"'
 		'Sergey coughs nervously, not really sure how to respond to that. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, stop that!" he tells you.'
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev5':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/za3-6.jpg"></center>'
 						'"Wait! I''ll just take my clothes off for you, so you can have a better look!" you suggest, and promptly begin to undress in front of him.'
-						'Realizing there''s no stopping you, Sergey just sits back in his chair and lets it all happen. You can tell he''s about to devour you, when you stand in front of him naked. You nearly have him where you want him!'	
+						'Realizing there''s no stopping you, Sergey just sits back in his chair and lets it all happen. You can tell he''s about to devour you, when you stand in front of him naked. You nearly have him where you want him!'
 						gs 'arousal', 'flash', 5, 'dom'
 						gs 'arousal', 'flashlite', 5, 'dom'
 						minut -= 5
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev7':
 					act 'Continue':
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/za11-6.jpg"></center>'
-						'You let the dress slip off your shoulder, showing Sergey your boobs too. "This dress is so annoying... stupid straps..." you mutter.'	
+						'You let the dress slip off your shoulder, showing Sergey your boobs too. "This dress is so annoying... stupid straps..." you mutter.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'flashlite', 5, 'dom'
 						gs 'stat'
 						act 'Continue':
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev7':
 							minut += 2
 							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/za11-7.jpg"></center>'
-							'You forget about your dress and just pose for Sergey, who is upon you in an instant. From the large bulge in his pants, you can tell your teasing definitely had an effect on him!'				
+							'You forget about your dress and just pose for Sergey, who is upon you in an instant. From the large bulge in his pants, you can tell your teasing definitely had an effect on him!'
 							act 'Continue': gt 'Serge_kuh', $rand_kuh_sex
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev10':
 						minut += 2
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/za7-6.jpg"></center>'
-						'"You want me, don''t you?" you smile at Sergey, who swallows nervously. He knows he shouldn''t, but... you''re making it very hard on him to do the right thing and say no.'	
+						'"You want me, don''t you?" you smile at Sergey, who swallows nervously. He knows he shouldn''t, but... you''re making it very hard on him to do the right thing and say no.'
 						act 'Continue':
 							*clr & cla
 							minut += 2
@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev10':
 							act 'Continue':
 								*clr & cla
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/za7-8.jpg"></center>'
-								'When you''re completely naked, you lean back against the kitchen counter and spread your legs, spreading your pussy for him. Sergey immediately gets out of his chair and follows you, greedily putting his hands on your hips.'				
+								'When you''re completely naked, you lean back against the kitchen counter and spread your legs, spreading your pussy for him. Sergey immediately gets out of his chair and follows you, greedily putting his hands on your hips.'
 								gs 'arousal', 'flash', 5, 'sub'
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Continue': gt 'Serge_kuh', $rand_kuh_sex
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev13':
 							'After a while Sergey pulls his cock out of your mouth, grinning at the strand of spittle dripping fron the head. He then helps you up and takes your ankle in his hand, making you rest one knee on the table surface. He rubs his fingers over your pussy, and slips two fingers inside you.'
 							'"Dripping... just as I suspected", he grins. He fucks you with his fingers for a moment, and then wipes his wet fingers on your ass cheeks. You yelp in surprise when he gives you two loud slaps on your buttocks, ouch!'
 							'Without any warning, he rams his penis all the way inside you in one firm thrust. You cry out in pain from the sudden intrusion, and to your relief he begins slowly, so as to not cause you more pain. Despite his size you can take him fairly well, and soon he has you moaning and mewling on the table as he picks up the pace.'
-							'Your juices are running down your legs now, and your sopping cunt is making a loud squelching sound every time Sergey drives his dick deep into you.'				
+							'Your juices are running down your legs now, and your sopping cunt is making a loud squelching sound every time Sergey drives his dick deep into you.'
 							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 10, 'sub'
 							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'rough'
 							minut -= 10
@@ -1192,13 +1192,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev13':
 								'"Fuck me, uncle Sergey! Fuck me harder!" you cry out, rubbing your clitoris frantically.'
 								'He grins and does as you ask, entertained by the thought of how eager you were to please him. His balls slap against your buttocks while he pounds you hard.'
 								$orgasm_or = 'custom'
-								$orgasm_txt = 'Then your orgasm hits you: its powerful waves rip through your body, making your whole body tremble and tingle. Sergey has to actually hold you in place, to make sure you don''t fall off the table.'	
+								$orgasm_txt = 'Then your orgasm hits you: its powerful waves rip through your body, making your whole body tremble and tingle. Sergey has to actually hold you in place, to make sure you don''t fall off the table.'
 							 	act 'Continue':
 									*clr & cla
 									pcs_horny += 10
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/sex1-9.jpg"></center>'
 									'Sergey gives you a minute or two to catch your breath, holding perfectly still. He never pulls his cock out of you though; he''s not finished with you yet, and his posture is making it very clear that he''s not about to let you go.'
-									'He then helps you up from the table and lies down on it himself, his erection still pointing straight up in the air. "Ride me, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I made you feel good... now it''s time for you to return the favour", he grins.'
+									'He then helps you up from the table and lies down on it himself, his erection still pointing straight up in the air. "Ride me, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I made you feel good... now it''s time for you to return the favor", he grins.'
 									'You happily do as he says, and slowly lower yourself onto his cock after you climb on top of him. You have full control over the situation like this, and ride him eagerly. Sometimes increasing the pace and fucking him enthusiastically, sometimes slowing down to catch your breath and tease him at the same time.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 									gs 'stat'
@@ -1213,12 +1213,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev13':
 										'When you wait for him to jerk off on your face, he smirks at you and says: "What, you thought I was going to do it? No, no. For a little slut like yourself, that''s your job... get to work."'
 										'You wrap your fingers around his erection and begin to pump your fist up and down, aiming his dick at your face when he begins to groan more intently. When you feel the first drop of sperm land on your face, you quickly take the head of his dick in your mouth and let him shoot the rest in your mouth. It''s not what he wanted, but from the satisfied look on his face, he''s not about to complain.'
 										'You swallow some of it, but wow... it''s a lot! You let the rest flow down your skin, and look up at Sergey with a sweet smile on your face while his cum slowly drips onto your boobs. You give the head of his cock one more kiss and smile: "I''m sorry for teasing you so much, uncle Sergey. I hope that made up for it?"'
-										'Sergey laughs: "It sure did, <<$pcs_nickname>>. Fair warning though: I went easy on you this time..."'	
+										'Sergey laughs: "It sure did, <<$pcs_nickname>>. Fair warning though: I went easy on you this time..."'
 										gs 'arousal', 'end'
 										gs 'stat'
 										act 'Finish': gt 'vasilyhome', 'vasilykitchen'
-								end	
+								end
@@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev15':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/za2-2.jpg"></center>'
 		'"Oops!" you exclaim. You excitedly cover your chest with your arm, your clothes all wet from the water.'
-		'Sergey looks intently at your nipples, that are tenting through the fabric now.' 
+		'Sergey looks intently at your nipples, that are tenting through the fabric now.'
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 2
@@ -1335,7 +1335,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev15':
 			act 'Continue':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/za2-4.jpg"></center>'
-				'With a deep sigh, you decide that you can''t keep this shirt on and decide to just pull it up. It did a very poor job of covering anything up anyway, as wet as it was.'	
+				'With a deep sigh, you decide that you can''t keep this shirt on and decide to just pull it up. It did a very poor job of covering anything up anyway, as wet as it was.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'flashlite', 5, 'sub'
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Continue':
@@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev15':
-	end	
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev16':
@@ -1433,14 +1433,14 @@ end
 !HELP: attitude > 50, possible rape scenes!
 if $ARGS[0] = 'izn1':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A112'
 	npc_sex['A112'] += 1
 	serge_countsex += 1
 	rape += 1
 	pcs_hairbsh = 0
-	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/bj'+rand(1,11)+'.mp4"></video></center>' 
+	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/bj'+rand(1,11)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
 	if $clothingworntype ! 'nude': 'Sergey roughly strips you, easily overpowering you. He tosses your clothes aside, laughing at your futile attempts to break free.'
 	'"Why do you keep flaunting your body like you''re some cheap whore, <<$pcs_nickname>>? Are you a cheap whore?" Sergey demands. He pressed you against the wall, and has one hand around your throat.'
 	'"Uncle Sergey, please! I w-" you try to explain, but he interrupts you.'
@@ -1468,7 +1468,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izn1':
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
 			if agape < 2:agape = 2
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/ra'+rand(5,7)+'.mp4"></video></center>' 
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/ra'+rand(5,7)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'Sergey orders you: "Stand before me with your hands behind your back, and look at the floor!"'
 			'You do as he says, not daring to look back at him. With your eyes cast down, you stand before him obediently.'
 			'Suddenly, he slaps your left boob hard, with the palm of his hand. "Ow! That hurts!" you yell, and try to reach out to massage the pain out of it.'
@@ -1521,14 +1521,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izn2':
 	serge_countsex += 1
 	rape += 1
 	pcs_hairbsh = 0
-	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/bj'+rand(1,3)+'.mp4"></video></center>' 
+	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/bj'+rand(1,3)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'"You''re such a slut, <<$pcs_nickname>>... you''re not even wearing a bra! Everyone can see your nipples poking through your clothes!" Sergey scolds you, making you blush and lower your head in shame.'
 	'"How big are those tits of yours, anyway?" he asks.'
 	'"<<$titsize>>, uncle Sergey", you say softly.'
 	'"Speak up, girl! Answer the question" he insists, pretending he didn''t hear you. You loudly repeat your answer, and Sergey grins: "Actually... why don''t we have a little chat about you? Sit down."'
 	'When you sit down at the table, Sergey begins to ask you all sorts of questions. Intimate questions! How long ago you''ve lost your virginity, how many partners you''ve had, your favourite position, whether you like anal sex, how often you masturbate...'
 	'You answer all his questions truthfully, without exaggerating. Sergey likes your answers and continues asking more and more. "Do you like sucking dick, <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
-	'All these questions have really made you think about your sexuality... and you feel very turned on right now! Your pussy is wet, you feel a tingle in your lower abdomen, and your nipples are rock hard, poking through your clothes again.'
+	'All these questions have really made you think about your sexuality... and you feel very turned on right now! Your pussy is wet, you feel a tingle in your lower abdomen, and your nipples are rock-hard, poking through your clothes again.'
 	'Sergey notices you fidgeting in your chair and laughs: "You''re thinking about cock right now, aren''t you? Here, suck."'
 	'He pulls you down to the ground in front of him, and exposes his fully erect penis. Deciding you don''t need to get used to it slowly, he begins to fuck your throat right away.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'rough', 'deepthroat'
@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izn2':
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
 			if agape < 1:agape = 1
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/bj'+rand(4,11)+'.mp4"></video></center>' 
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/bj'+rand(4,11)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'"Actually, I''m in a good mood", Sergey says. "You''re being such a good little slut for me today, I''ll let you lube up my cock before I fuck your ass. With your mouth, of course."'
 			'You smile at him thankfully and quickly drop to your knees before he changes his mind. That will actually help a lot! You eagerly take his cock in your mouth and begin to suck and lick it eagerly.'
 			'"You''ll never get enough saliva like that", he mutters. "Here, I''ll help."'
@@ -1674,7 +1674,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex2':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/sex2-2.jpg"></center>'
 		'"I''m sorry, uncle Sergey... but your dick is just so beautiful!" you whisper at him. "It''s like it was made to please women! I''m so lucky!"'
-		'Sergey relaxes when you open your mouth wide and close your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips around the head of his penis. You take your time, but skilfully suck his dick to about half its length. Then a few minutes later, the whole of it is in your mouth!'
+		'Sergey relaxes when you open your mouth wide and close your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips around the head of his penis. You take your time, but skillfully suck his dick to about half its length. Then a few minutes later, the whole of it is in your mouth!'
 		'You look up at Sergey''s face intently while you try out different techniques, doing your best to make him feel wonderful. Oral sex can be so much fun! You especially remember his impressed look when you took him as deep as possible down your throat, and were licking the side of his balls with your tongue out of your mouth.'
 		'He put his hand behind your head a long time ago, but never forces you to do anything; everything you do today is because you want to please him. Even when you deepthroat him repeatedly... it''s because you want to. You''re such a slut sometimes, and you love it!'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat'

+ 12 - 12

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		act 'Watch TV (1:00)': minut += 60 & gt 'TV', 'kable'
-	if daystart < 10 and $start_type[1] = 'tg':'Sometimes while watching TV, you catch a glimpse of your legs or chest, and every time, it''s a bit shocking for you to see that your body is now that of a woman.'
+	if daystart - daystart_start < 9 and $start_type[1] = 'tg':'Sometimes while watching TV, you catch a glimpse of your legs or chest, and every time, it''s a bit shocking for you to see that your body is now that of a woman.'
 	act 'Turn off the TV and get off the couch':
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nokable':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/telek.jpg"></center>'
 	'You watch the network channel, lying on the couch. It''s all repeats and cheesy infomercials.'
-	if daystart < 10 and $start_type[1] = 'tg':'Sometimes while watching TV, you catch a glimpse of your legs or chest, and every time, it''s a bit shocking for you to see that your body is now that of a woman.'
+	if daystart - daystart_start < 9 and $start_type[1] = 'tg':'Sometimes while watching TV, you catch a glimpse of your legs or chest, and every time, it''s a bit shocking for you to see that your body is now that of a woman.'
 	act 'Watch TV (1:00)': minut += 60 & gt 'TV', 'nokable'
 	act 'Turn off the TV and get off the couch': gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'kable':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/telek.jpg"></center>'
 	'You watch cable television. It''s really good these days.'
-	if daystart < 10 and $start_type[1] = 'tg':'Sometimes while watching TV, you catch a glimpse of your legs or chest, and every time, it''s a bit shocking for you to see that your body is now that of a woman.'
+	if daystart - daystart_start < 9 and $start_type[1] = 'tg':'Sometimes while watching TV, you catch a glimpse of your legs or chest, and every time, it''s a bit shocking for you to see that your body is now that of a woman.'
 	act 'Watch TV (1:00)': minut += 60 & gt 'TV', 'kable'
 	act 'Turn off the TV and get off the couch': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pav':
-	if tvtime = 0: 
+	if tvtime = 0:
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		tvtime = 1
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pav':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/telek.jpg"></center>'
 		'You are watching one of the half dozen or so television channels that you can get without cable. None of their programs are really worth watching, but the distraction is welcome anyway.'
 		act 'Watch TV (1:00)': minut += 60 & gt 'TV', 'pav'
-		act 'Turn off the TV': 
+		act 'Turn off the TV':
 			*clr & cla
-			tvtime = 0 
+			tvtime = 0
 			'<center><video autoplay src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/tv/tv_turn_off_effect.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'You turn off the TV and the image folds in on itself to form a bright line across the screen which then shrinks into a tiny white dot that slowly fades. The speakers emit a high pitched squawk in protest.'
 			act 'Continue': gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pav':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gad':
-	if tvtime = 0: 
+	if tvtime = 0:
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		tvtime = 1
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gad':
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/tv/tv'+rand(1,5)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'You are watching one of the three television channels that you can get here in the country. None of their programs are really worth watching, but the distraction is welcome anyway.'
 		act 'Watch TV (1:00)': minut += 60 & gt 'TV', 'gad'
-		act 'Turn off the TV': 
+		act 'Turn off the TV':
 			*clr & cla
-			tvtime = 0 
+			tvtime = 0
 			'<center><video autoplay src="images/locations/gadukino/grandparents/tv/tv_turn_off_effect.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'You turn off the TV and the image folds in on itself to form a bright line across the screen which then shrinks into a tiny white dot that slowly fades. The speakers emit a high pitched squawk in protest.'
 			act 'Continue': gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gad':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'meyhome':
-	if tvtime = 0: 
+	if tvtime = 0:
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
 		tvtime = 1
@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'meyhome':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/tvon.jpg"></center>'
 		'You watch cable television. It''s really good these days.'
 		act 'Watch TV (1:00)': minut += 60 & gt 'TV', 'meyhome'
-		act 'Turn off the TV and get off the couch': 
+		act 'Turn off the TV and get off the couch':
 			*clr & cla
-			tvtime = 0 
+			tvtime = 0
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/tvoff.jpg"></center>'
 			'You turn off the TV and the image blinks out of existence, while you stand up and stretch your legs.'
 			act 'Continue': gt $loc, $loc_arg

+ 4 - 4

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ $askfather = {
 				'You went to your father but forgot about the semen smeared on your face.'
 				'You tell him who you are and his eyes widen as rage builds within him.'
 				'"You fucking whore, Get fuck out of here, go back to your slut of a mother."'
-				'You feel very ashamed and realise looking for your father has been a terrible mistake as you have blown any hope of ever building a relationship with him.'
+				'You feel very ashamed and realize looking for your father has been a terrible mistake as you have blown any hope of ever building a relationship with him.'
 				trfatherQW = -1
 				act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'Terminal'
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ $askfather = {
 						'Sitting at the table, you order food and drinks, and dad starts asking you about everything.'
 						'You reply to his questions with enthusiasm and talk about yourself, what you do, where go to school. Talk about Anya, that she did not go to the university, and works as a salesgirl in the supermarket.'
 						'You tell him about your mother, she remarried, and you now have a stepfather and half brother Kolka...'
-						'After talking for awhile your father says. "<<$pcs_nickname>> I have to go, I have a schedule to keep. I am here on weekends 12 00 to 14 00, I would be happy if you would visit me sometimes." With that he gets up, pays for lunch and kisses you on the cheek goodbye.'
+						'After talking for a while your father says. "<<$pcs_nickname>> I have to go, I have a schedule to keep. I am here on weekends 12 00 to 14 00, I would be happy if you would visit me sometimes." With that he gets up, pays for lunch and kisses you on the cheek goodbye.'
 						trfatherQW = 4
 						act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'city_industrial'
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ if trfatherQW = 2:
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/terminal/trfatherqw_3.jpg"></center>'
 			'You go up to the managers office. "Good afternoon! What I can help you?" he says.'
 			'"Hello, I wanted to know, if you know a Mikhail Kuznetsov or if he works here?"'
-			'He turns to his computer and pulls something up. "I''ll check in our database, yes, we have a driver by that name. He is on the road right now and only comes in on Saturday at 12:00."'
+			'He turns to his computer and pulls something up. "I''ll check in our database, yes, we have a driver by that name. He is on the road right now and only comes in on Saturday at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 12, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'."'
 			'"Thank you very much, you helped me a lot."  With that you leaved but now you know when and where to find him.'
 			act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'Terminal'
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ if trfatherQW = 2:
 						'You got out of the truck with sperm all over your face.'
 						'"So, What did you want to know?" The first man asked.'
 						'"I wanted you to know, whether you know a Mikhail Kuznetsov?"'
-						'"Aaa, Micah, Sure, great guy, he is out on a run. He will be back Saturday at 12:00."'
+						'"Aaa, Micah, Sure, great guy, he is out on a run. He will be back Saturday at '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 12, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'."'
 						act 'Leave':minut += 5 & gt 'Terminal'

+ 71 - 71

@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ end
 !Office a Manager = 1x
 if $ARGS[0] = '11':
 	!You can buy the item if you know that you can buy
 	!Can try to give the documents from Anatoly Chubais
 	!Can I ask when running accounting
 	!Can I ask when works Director
 	gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'Sales', 'terminal2'
 	'"What can I help you with?" the manager asks you.'
@@ -63,27 +63,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '11':
 	act 'Leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
 	if verakassir > 0:
 		!Buy goods
 		!Flag zapolanski storage, reduction
 		!this flag allows you to go shopping
 		DoNotBuy = 2
 		!Amount and Quantity that we can buy(store)
 		MaxQuantityA = 0
 		MaxQuantity1 = 0
 		MaxQuantity2 = 0
 		MaxCost = 0
 		!Description size of storage
 		TovarLimitRepository1 = 30
 		TovarLimitRepository2 = 100
 		'You talk with the Manager about buying small trinkets...'
 		!Get current balances
-		TovarRepository1 = tovarL
+		TovarRepository1 = mc_inventory['trinkets_home']
 		if TovarRepository1 => TovarLimitRepository1:
 			'There is no more free space at home.'
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '11':
 			'You have '+ TovarRepository1 +' trinkets stored in your home. You''re only able to store <<TovarLimitRepository1>> trinkets.'
 			MaxQuantity1 = TovarLimitRepository1 - TovarRepository1
 		if YouCanGar > 0:
 			!Get the current balances in the garage
-			TovarRepository2 = GarTorgItem
+			TovarRepository2 = mc_inventory['trinkets_garage']
 			if TovarRepository2 => TovarLimitRepository2:
 				'There is no space in the garage.'
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '11':
 				MaxQuantity2 = TovarLimitRepository2 - TovarRepository2
 		if DoNotBuy = 2:
 			'You think about it for a while, realize that you just have nowhere to store the goods and decide to turn down the purchase.'
@@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '11':
 			act 'The small trinkets cost 100 <b>₽</b>. Please put in how many trinkets you want to purchase.':
 				minut += 13
 				MaxQuantityA = input("How many trinkets do you want to buy for 100 <b>₽</b> apiece?")
 				if MaxQuantityA > (MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2):
 					'<b><font color=red>You have nowhere to store the surplus <<MaxQuantityA-(MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2)>> ' + iif(MaxQuantityA - (MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2) = 1, 'trinket', 'trinkets') + '.</front></b>'
 					act 'Leave': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
 				MaxCost = MaxQuantityA * 100
-				if MaxCost > money:
+				if money < MaxCost:
 					!If not enough money
 					'You don''t have enough money on you. You will have to withdraw money before proceeding with the purchase.'
-					if (money + karta >= MaxCost) or (karta >= MaxCost):
+					if money + karta >= MaxCost:
 						!The player can be plastic money
 						'You have enough money on your credit card, and you offer them to pay with that.'
 						'"I''m sorry, we don''t own a card terminal," the Manager replies, "We accept only cash."'
@@ -132,110 +132,110 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '11':
 					act 'Leave': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
 					!If the money is written off money to fill warehouses
 					money -= MaxCost
 					'You''ve purchased <<MaxQuantityA>> trinkets, worth <<MaxCost>>.'
 					!First populate channelise 1
 					if MaxQuantityA => MaxQuantity1:
-						tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantity1
+						mc_inventory['trinkets_home'] = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantity1
 						MaxQuantityA -= MaxQuantity1
 						if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantity1>> PCs. storage room, garage <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs.'
 						if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs. storage room, garage 0 PCs.'
-						tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantityA
+						mc_inventory['trinkets_home'] = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantityA
 						MaxQuantityA = 0
 					!Now fill channelise 2
 					if MaxQuantityA > 0:
-						GarTorgItem = TovarRepository2 + MaxQuantityA
+						mc_inventory['trinkets_garage'] = TovarRepository2 + MaxQuantityA
-					if YouCanGar = 0 and money > 100: 
+					if YouCanGar = 0 and money > 100:
 						'You''ve purchased plenty of trinkets, but you''ve been thinking about expanding your business. But where could you store them all? Maybe you should ask your stepfather if you could use some free space in his garage...'
 					act 'Complete your purchase': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
-				end	
+				end
 			act 'Buy small trinkets for 100 <b>₽</b> called "Eyeballs".':
 				!Purchase spend time
 				minut += 13
 				MaxQuantityA = MaxQuantity1 + MaxQuantity2
 				MaxCost = MaxQuantityA * 100
 				!Hammered warehouses
-				if MaxCost > money:
+				if money < MaxCost:
 					!If not enough money
 					'You don''t have enough money on you. You will have to withdraw money before proceeding with the purchase.'
-					if (money + karta >= MaxCost) or (karta >= MaxCost):
+					if money + karta >= MaxCost:
 						!The player can be plastic money
 						'You have enough money on your credit card, and you offer them to pay with that.'
 						'"I''m sorry, we don''t own a card terminal," the Manager replies, "We accept only cash."'
 					act 'Leave': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
 					!If the money is written off money to fill warehouses
 					money -= MaxCost
 					'You''ve purchased <<MaxQuantityA>> trinkets, worth <<MaxCost>>.'
 					!First populate channelise 1
 					if MaxQuantityA => MaxQuantity1:
-						tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantity1
+						mc_inventory['trinkets_home'] = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantity1
 						MaxQuantityA -= MaxQuantity1
 						if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantity1>> PCs. storage room, garage <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs.'
 						if YouCanGar > 0 : *P ', in t.h. <<MaxQuantityA>> PCs. storage room, garage 0 PCs.'
-						tovarL = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantityA
+						mc_inventory['trinkets_home'] = TovarRepository1 + MaxQuantityA
 						MaxQuantityA = 0
 					!Now fill channelise 2
 					if MaxQuantityA > 0:
-						GarTorgItem = TovarRepository2 + MaxQuantityA
+						mc_inventory['trinkets_garage'] = TovarRepository2 + MaxQuantityA
-					if YouCanGar = 0 and money > 100: 
+					if YouCanGar = 0 and money > 100:
 						'You''ve purchased plenty of trinkets, but you''ve been thinking about expanding your business. But where could you store them all? Maybe you should ask your stepfather if you could use some free space in his garage...'
 					act 'Complete your purchase': gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
-				end	
-			end			
+				end
+			end
 	if YouNotOpenDoorDir = 1:
 		!Where the Director, the Door was closed dir
 		act 'Ask about the Director':
 			'"Excuse me, I wonder if I could meet your supervisor?" you ask.'
-			'The Manager grins, "Yuri is usually here every Monday through Friday, between 9:00 and 18:00 except lunch between 13:00 and 14:00."'
+			'The Manager grins, "Yuri is usually here every Monday through Friday, between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 18, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' except lunch between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 13, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 14, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'."'
 			act 'Leave': YouNotOpenDoorDir = 0 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
 	!Where is the accountant? Buch the door was closed
 	if YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 1:
 		act 'Ask about the accountant':
 			'"Excuse me, I wonder if I could meet your accountant?" you ask.'
-			'The Manager grins, "Elizabeth is usually here Monday through Friday, between 9:00 and 20:00 except lunch between 13:00 and 14:00."'
+			'The Manager grins, "Elizabeth is usually here Monday through Friday, between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 20, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' except lunch between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 13, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 14, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'."'
 			act 'Leave': YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 0 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '11'
 	!He Has papers, but a Manager should say to go to the accounting Department.
 	if AboutDocsManager=0 and BurgerQW['TerminalTask'] = 1 and BurgerQW['TerminalTaskDay'] = daystart:
 		'"I''m Anatoly Chubais from the company "OOO Bystroushka limited". Do you have the required documents with you?"'
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '11':
 	!The GG yet topics of conversation.
-	if verakassir = 0 and YouNotOpenDoorDir = 0 and YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 0 and BurgerQW['TerminalTask'] = 0: 
+	if verakassir = 0 and YouNotOpenDoorDir = 0 and YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 0 and BurgerQW['TerminalTask'] = 0:
 		'You have nothing to say or left to do. You can leave the office.'
@@ -261,14 +261,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '21':
 	if TerminalOfficeBuhWorkTime = 1:
 		!You can give the documents
 		gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The accountant''s office', 'terminal3'
 		act 'Leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
 		!GG not a complete idiot, so will limit communication with only Buch documents, then that thread again
 		'A cute girl looks up from her monitor, turns to you and asks, "What can I help you with?"'
 		if BurgerQW['TerminalTask'] = 1 and BurgerQW['TerminalTaskDay'] = daystart:
 			'"I was talking with Anatoly Chubais from the company ''OOO Bystroushka limited''. I was instructed to deliver these documents."'
 			'"Yes, I''ve been expecting these, may I?" She holds out her hand.'
@@ -280,22 +280,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '21':
 				'You hand the girl the folder. She opens it and quickly checks the contents.'
 				'"Tell Anatoly Borisovich that Elizabeth said thank you."'
 				'The girl smiles and then turns her attention to her monitor and starts rapidly typing away on her keyboard.'
 				act 'Leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
 			'You have nothing to say or left to do. You can leave the office.'
 		!Accountant is not in place
 		gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'A door with a sign', 'terminal6'
 		act 'Move away from the door': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
 		'You knock, but there is only silence. You try pushing down the handle, but realize that the door is locked. You''ll have to come back at a different time.'
 		YouNotOpenDoorBuh = 1
@@ -307,18 +307,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '31':
 	if TerminalOfficeDirWorkTime  = 1:
 		!You can try to give the documents
 		!You can try to talk
 		gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The Director''s office', 'terminal1'
 		act 'Leave the office': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
 		!Before the development of the plot 'Talk' the Director will constantly be on the phone and send he tries out of the office
 		'You knock and open the door. Behind a massive desk, you see a man. He''s talking on the phone and apparently not in the mood. He''s a bit surprised as you aren''t the person he was expecting, so he dismissively waves his hand, clearly indicating that you need to leave the office.'
-		if AboutBussines = 0: 
+		if AboutBussines = 0:
 			act 'Talk':
 				gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The Director''s office', 'terminal1'
 				'"I was told to come and see you about a business proposal..." you start.'
 				'"I heard there was a possibility of a good, legitimate and profitable trade business going on..." you continue.'
 				'The man puts the phone to his side and irritably answers, "Can''t you see I''m in middle of a phone call? Leave!"'
@@ -326,11 +326,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '31':
 				delact 'Talk'
 		if AboutDocs = 0 and BurgerQW['TerminalTask'] = 1 and BurgerQW['TerminalTaskDay'] = daystart:
 			act 'Give him the documents':
 				gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'The Director''s office', 'terminal1'
 				'You walk up to the desk. You''re ignored by the man, but you refuse to turn back, you have an important assignment from the boss.'
 				'"I was told by Anatoly Chubais from the company "OOO Bystroushka limited" to hand over these documents to you."'
 				'The man stops talking on the phone, frowns, and, pointing towards the door, asserts, "You need to head over to the accountant''s office."'
@@ -338,18 +338,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '31':
 				delact 'Give him the documents'
 		if AboutBussines = 1 or AboutDocs = 1: 'You have nothing to say or left to do. You can leave the office.'
 		!The Director is not in place
 		gs 'TerminalOffice', 'TerminalOfficeScreen', 'A door with a sign', 'terminal5'
 		act 'Move away from the door': minut += 1 & gt 'TerminalOffice', '00'
 		'You knock, but there is only silence. You try pushing down the handle, but realize that the door is locked. You''ll have to come back at a different time.'
 		YouNotOpenDoorDir = 1
 --- TerminalOffice ---------------------------------

+ 15 - 15

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenRow':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'GenRowBreak':
     if unitDisplayType = 0:
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenRowBreak':
             '<tr><th align="left"><<$ARGS[1]>></th><th align="right">clothingbonus Q1</th></th><th align="right">clothingbonus Q2</th></th><th align="right">clothingbonus Q3</th></th><th align="right">clothingbonus Q4</th></th><th align="right">clothingbonus Q5</th></th><th align="right">clothingbonus Q6</th></th><th align="right">clothingbonus Q7</th><th align="right">clothingbonus Nude</th></tr>'
-        '<<$ARGS[1]>>,hotcat,pcs_apprnc,bmi,bodykoef,HeadBonus,AttributeBonus,clothingbonus,AccessoriesBonus,GroomingBonus,GroomingPenalty,pcs_apprncbase'
+        '<<$ARGS[1]>>,pcs_hotcat,pcs_apprnc,bmi,bodykoef,HeadBonus,AttributeBonus,clothingbonus,AccessoriesBonus,GroomingBonus,GroomingPenalty,pcs_apprncbase'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'calcHotcat':
 	unitbmi_calc = FUNC('body', 'bmicalc', unitsalo, unitpcs_hgt)
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_apprncbase = 0
     unitResetBase = 1
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'GenerateSvetaOptions', $svetadesc
     $svetadesc = 'Computer Geek Start'
     unitsalo = 132
     unitpcs_hgt = 170
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_apprncbase = 0
     unitResetBase = 1
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'GenerateSvetaOptions', $svetadesc
     $svetadesc = 'Chess Player Start'
     unitsalo = 40
     unitpcs_hgt = 170
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_apprncbase = 0
     unitResetBase = 1
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'GenerateSvetaOptions', $svetadesc
     $svetadesc = 'Volleyball Start'
     unitsalo = 75
     unitpcs_hgt = 170
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_apprncbase = 0
     unitResetBase = 1
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'GenerateSvetaOptions', $svetadesc
     $svetadesc = 'Dancer Start'
     unitsalo = 55
     unitpcs_hgt = 170
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_apprncbase = 0
     unitResetBase = 1
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'GenerateSvetaOptions', $svetadesc
     $svetadesc = 'Runner Start'
     unitsalo = 51
     unitpcs_hgt = 170
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_apprncbase = 0
     unitResetBase = 1
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'GenerateSvetaOptions', $svetadesc
     $svetadesc = 'Football Start'
     unitsalo = 80
     unitpcs_hgt = 170
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_apprncbase = 0
     unitResetBase = 1
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'GenerateSvetaOptions', $svetadesc
     $svetadesc = 'Popular Friends Start'
     unitsalo = 80
     unitpcs_hgt = 170
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_apprncbase = 0
     unitResetBase = 1
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'GenerateSvetaOptions', $svetadesc
    gs 'UnitAppearance', 'GenRowBreak', 'BMI Maximums'
     unitstrenbuf = 100
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetaOptions':
     unitbmi_calc = FUNC('body', 'bmicalc', unitsalo, unitpcs_hgt)
     $svetadesc = 'Current Clothes'
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'calcHotcat', $svetadesc
     $svetadesc = 'Naked'
@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetaOptions':
     unitlegkoef = 0
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'calcHotcat', $svetadesc
 if $ARGS[0] = 'GetClothThick':
 	if ARGS[1] < 16:
@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ end
 if $args[0] = 'SaloGenerateRows':
-    $unitclothingworntype = ''    
+    $unitclothingworntype = ''
     unitPCloQuality = 1
     $svetadesc = '<<$ARGS[2]>> Q1'
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'calcHotcat', '<<$ARGS[1]>> <<$svetadesc>>'
@@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@ if $args[0] = 'SaloGenerateRows':
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'calcHotcat', '<<$ARGS[1]>> <<$svetadesc>>'
     unitclothingbonus7 = unitclothingbonus
-    $unitclothingworntype = 'nude'    
+    $unitclothingworntype = 'nude'
     $svetadesc = '<<$ARGS[2]>> Nude'
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'calcHotcat', '<<$ARGS[1]>> <<$svetadesc>>'
     unitclothingbonusnude = unitclothingbonus

+ 3 - 3

@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'awake_actions':
 						minut += 60
 						npc_rel['A220'] += 5
 						$sexloc = 'uni_dorm'
-						gt'lezbsex','start'
+						gt 'lezbsex', 'start'
 					act 'Suggest you do something fun (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'study':
 	minut += 60
-	gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', 1 + (mentats_dose - rand(0,mentats_dose))
+	gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', 1 + rand(0, drugVars['mentats_dose'])
 	gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A220', 'like'
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brothel_questions':
 					odkomp = 0
 					'"Do you think you could get me a job at the brothel?" you ask.'
-					'"Well I can ask the manager, but I can''t guarantee anything. Come by' + iif(hour < 20, ' after 20:00', '') + ', and I''ll see what I can do."'
+					'"Well I can ask the manager, but I can''t guarantee anything. Come by' + iif(hour < 20, ' after '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 20, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'', '') + ', and I''ll see what I can do."'

+ 9 - 9

@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ if ShowerIvan = 4 and centr = 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak11.jpg"></center>'
 		'After greeting Mikhail, an awkward silence follows because you don''t know what to say.'
 		'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, what are you doing here?" Mikhail asks you in astonishment.'
-		'"Well, I wanted to improve my physical fitness, and since the sports club doesn''t open until 14:00, I figured it was worth the trip into the city to come here," you explain hastily.'
+		'"Well, I wanted to improve my physical fitness, and since the sports club doesn''t open until '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 14, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+', I figured it was worth the trip into the city to come here," you explain hastily.'
 		'The coach looks at you with an approving nod, "That is good, <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
 		'The stranger smiles at you and says, "I am Guang. Your coach and I are old friends from when we used to compete against each other. He represented the people of the Soviet Republics, and I, naturally, represented the people of the Republic of China. After my team beat his so many times, his government finally convinced me to change sides as it were. Now I train the athletes of the Russian Federation, and Mikhail and I meet here from time to time."'
 		'"I am sorry, <<$pcs_nickname>> and Guang, but my wife is expecting me and I must be going," the coach says, looking at his watch. He then departs, leaving you in the company of the Chinese trainer.'
 		act 'Ask about the coach':
 			cla & *clr
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak12.jpg"></center>'
-			'As soon as Mikhail left, you bombard the other trainer with questions about the coach, wanting to know about his life, his girlfriend, competitions and, of course, the European championship. Dumbfounded, Guang stares at you, unable to get a word in edgewise for the next few minutes as you jump from subject to subject without pause.' 
+			'As soon as Mikhail left, you bombard the other trainer with questions about the coach, wanting to know about his life, his girlfriend, competitions and, of course, the European championship. Dumbfounded, Guang stares at you, unable to get a word in edgewise for the next few minutes as you jump from subject to subject without pause.'
 			'Guang finally manages to force himself into the conversation as you pause momentarily to draw in a breath.'
 			'"If you don''t know these things, it means that Misha didn''t tell you, so why should I tell you and betray my friend''s trust?" he asks you.'
 			'You are at a loss, not knowing how to proceed. Fearing that he is going to continue to scold you, you prepare to leave.'
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if ShowerIvan = 4 and centr = 1:
 			'The older man just smiles at you and shrugs.'
 			'You think about it and remember there were a couple of Chinese merchants at the market back home. Maybe one of them will have the rice wine.'
 			ShowerIvan = 5
-			act 'Move away':gt 'fit', 'start'
+			act 'Move away': gt 'havana', 'start'
 elseif ShowerIvan = 5 and centr = 2:
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ elseif ShowerIvan = 5 and centr = 2:
 	act 'Greet Guang':
 		cla & *clr
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak13.jpg"></center>'
-		'You go up to Guang and say hello.' 
+		'You go up to Guang and say hello.'
 		'"Have you brought it?" he asks.'
 		if ricewine = 1:
 			act 'Give him the wine':
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ elseif ShowerIvan = 5 and centr = 2:
 				act 'Ask question':
 					cla & *clr
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak15.jpg"></center>'
-					'About the European championship, tell me why the coach doesn''t want to talk about it," you ask after taking a deep breath.' 
-					'Guang bites his lip thoughtfully, then begins the story.' 
+					'About the European championship, tell me why the coach doesn''t want to talk about it," you ask after taking a deep breath.'
+					'Guang bites his lip thoughtfully, then begins the story.'
 					'"The stories are true, your coach really was on the national team. And they did make it to the European championships."'
 					'With bated breath, you listen to the story.'
 					act 'Play on':
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ elseif ShowerIvan = 5 and centr = 2:
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak17.jpg"></center>'
 								'"He almost ended up in jail, but the officials decided to avoid a scandal and just kicked Mikhail off of the team," Guang concluded his story.'
 								$OpenInnerThought+'"Now I understand why coach shies away from me whenever we start to get close,"'+$CloseInnerThought+'you think to yourself.'
-								act 'Move away':gt 'fit', 'start'
+								act 'Move away': gt 'havana', 'start'
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ elseif ShowerIvan = 5 and centr = 2:
 			'"Why are you here then?" he asks as he walks away from you.'
-			act 'Move away':gt 'fit', 'start'
+			act 'Move away': gt 'havana', 'start'

+ 17 - 17
locations/Voltrener - WIP.qsrc

@@ -144,21 +144,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
 					'Spewing out a torrent of words, you rush out the door and slam it shut behind you.'
 					'<i>What were you thinking?</i>'
-					act'Continue':gt'gdksport','start'
+					act 'Continue': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-				act'Follow him':gt'Voltrener','massage'
+				act 'Follow him': gt 'Voltrener', 'massage'
 			elseif vball['coach_lust'] >= 30:
 				'You see his gaze roam up and down your body and for a moment, you think he might be considering it before he suddenly looks away.'
 				'"No, you just need... rest. Don''t bother me right now <<$pcs_lastname>>."'
 				'He immediately turns back towards whatever he was working on on his desk.'
 				'<i>Tch. So close.</i>'
-				act'Continue':gt'gdksport','start'
+				act 'Continue': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 				'"No <<$pcs_lastname>>, you just need rest. Go home. Don''t bother me with this."'
 				'He doesn''t even give you another look as he continues looking at his stats.'
-				act'Continue':gt'gdksport','start'
+				act 'Continue': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 		elseif vball['coachsex'] >= 1:
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage':
 				$orgasm_txt = 'Despite the fact that it''s just a massage you can''t help but be aroused. Arousal builds to excitement, and before you know it you find yourself quivering in orgasm, biting hard on your lip to keep from crying out. "Are you feeling okay <<$pcs_lastname>>? Something wrong?" You simply shake your head in response, not trusting yourself to speak.'
 				gs 'arousal','massage', 30
-				act'Finish':gt'Voltrener','massage_end'
+				act 'Finish': gt 'Voltrener', 'massage_end'
 			elseif vball['coach_massage'] <= 4:
 				'It''s just as good as last time. You groan in pleasure as the coach''s hands work through your sore muscles, gasping when he hits those perfect spots that can''t help but turn you on.'
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage':
 				$orgasm_txt = 'Eventually you can''t take it anymore, and you find yourself climaxing under his touch. Even as every muscle in your body tenses up again, he doesn''t let up. "You''re <i>very</i> tight <<$pcs_lastname>>. You need to loosen up some more." Breathing slowly, you choose not to respond.'
 				gs 'arousal','massage', 25
 				gs 'arousal','foreplay', 5
-				act'Finish':gt'Voltrener','massage_end'
+				act 'Finish': gt 'Voltrener', 'massage_end'
 			elseif vball['coach_massage'] = 5:
 				'He''s starting to get bolder now.'
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage':
 				$orgasm_txt = 'When your climax comes, you don''t even try to hide it. It starts as soft grunts before becoming loud moans and then a gasping cry as you cum hard, your clit fingered through your pants as you ride out your orgasm.'
 				gs 'arousal','massage', 15
 				gs 'arousal','foreplay', 15
-				act'Finish':gt'Voltrener','massage_end'
+				act 'Finish': gt 'Voltrener', 'massage_end'
 				'<<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>>''s hands roam your body freely and you moan in response to his touch. Half massage, half foreplay, you enjoy yourself while <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> enjoys your body. Sore muscles are worked loose and erogenous zones are teased and played with. Through one way or another, you find yourself supremely relaxed.'
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage':
 				$orgasm_txt = 'Under <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>>''s magic touch, you find yourself gasping in orgasm in no time at all.'
 				gs 'arousal','massage', 15
 				gs 'arousal','foreplay', 15
-				act'Finish':gt'Voltrener','massage_end'
+				act 'Finish': gt 'Voltrener', 'massage_end'
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage_end':
 		'"Much better," you say, stretching your arms behind your back so your breasts push out against your top, heavily emphasizing your stiff nipples. "Thanks for the massage Coach."'
 		'"You''re welcome <<$pcs_lastname>>. Now hit the showers."'
-		act'Yes Coach':gt'gdksport','start'
+		act 'Yes Coach': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 		act'Gonna join me?':
 			cla & *clr
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage_end':
 				'"Nobody likes a tease, <<$pcs_lastname>>," he sighs.'
 				'"You know you love it," you say, slipping out the door.'
-			act'Continue':gt'gdksport','start'
+			act 'Continue': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage_end':
 			'"Why not?"'
 			'"We just... can''t." He takes a further step away from you. "You need to go. Now."'
 			'You sigh in dejection, moving out the door without another word.'
-			act'Leave':gt'gdksport','start'
+			act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 			'"What are you doing <<$pcs_lastname>>?"'
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage_end':
 				'You sigh in dejection, moving out the door without another word.'
-				act'Leave':gt'gdksport','start'
+				act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 			act'Paying you back for your massage':
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage_end':
 				'You sigh in dejection, moving out the door without another word.'
-				act'Leave':gt'gdksport','start'
+				act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 			act'Seducing you':
@@ -339,9 +339,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage_end':
 					'Taken aback by his anger, you shrink away and leave his office. You can only hope this hasn''t damaged your relationship with him too much.'
-					act'Leave':gt'gdksport','start'
+					act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-					'Mikhail''s body tenses up but he doesn''t move. It gives you a great opportunity to feel his rock hard erection beneath his clothes.'
+					'Mikhail''s body tenses up but he doesn''t move. It gives you a great opportunity to feel his rock-hard erection beneath his clothes.'
 					'"I want you," you whisper under your breath. "Don''t you want me too?"'
 					'"I... This is..." He hesitates.'
 					act'Pull out his cock':
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage_end':
 								'You quickly clean the cum up off the floor, wiping your hand with a tissue while you''re at it. Once that''s done, you move over to him and share one more kiss before quietly leaving his office.'
 								'<i>Maybe this will be the start of something else...</i>'
-								act'Leave':gt'gdksport','start'
+								act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 							act'Lick your hand clean':
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'massage_end':
 								'Finally, you move over to <<$npc_nickname[''A69'']>> and give him one more gentle kiss before departing his office.'
 								'<i>Maybe this will be the start of something else...</i>'
-								act'Leave':gt'gdksport','start'
+								act 'Leave': gt 'gdksport', 'start'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
 					elseif fame['pav_slut'] > 200:
-						'You ask the coach about joining the team. The coach thinks for a minute, "Hey <<$pcs_lastname>>, I hear loads of rumours about you. Such as you being a <<$gnikname>>. Is this true?"'
+						'You ask the coach about joining the team. The coach thinks for a minute, "Hey <<$pcs_lastname>>, I hear loads of rumors about you. Such as you being a <<$gnikname>>. Is this true?"'
 						act 'It''s all lies':
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/teacher/mikhail/volleytrener6.jpg"></center>'
-							'You tell him it''s not true and that some of the kids have been spreading false rumours about you.'
+							'You tell him it''s not true and that some of the kids have been spreading false rumors about you.'
 							'He doesn''t appear to be convinced, the only options are to go aggressive or drop it, for now.'
 							act 'Drop it': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 							gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'self', 'hard'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '5':
 				act 'On your knees':
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/sex/voltrenersexshower23.jpg"></center>'
-					'You drop to your knees and take a moment to admire Mikhail''s impressive, rock hard member. As it moves closer, you start to work your tongue, carefully licking first the head of the penis and then the whole thing, with determination burning in your eyes.'
+					'You drop to your knees and take a moment to admire Mikhail''s impressive, rock-hard member. As it moves closer, you start to work your tongue, carefully licking first the head of the penis and then the whole thing, with determination burning in your eyes.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Take it in your mouth':

+ 1 - 1

@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'milit':
 	military = 1
 	'Kat turns to you. "Listen, I''m scheduled to work this weekend, but I have plans. Here''s the deal: war games are often held not far from the city and, well, according to the rules, they need doctors on site before they can begin.' 
-	'She notices your reaction. "Don''t worry, you''ll have a doctor with you, so the most you''ll need to do is apply some bandages. If you feel up to it, you can catch a bus at the clinic on Saturday between 06:00 and 09:00. Oh yeah, I almost forgot! The pay for two days is 5000 <b>₽</b>. So what do you say?"'
+	'She notices your reaction. "Don''t worry, you''ll have a doctor with you, so the most you''ll need to do is apply some bandages. If you feel up to it, you can catch a bus at the clinic on Saturday between '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 6, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+' and '+func('time', 'get_time_string', 9, 0, cheatVars['time_format'])+'. Oh yeah, I almost forgot! The pay for two days is 5000 <b>₽</b>. So what do you say?"'
 	act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj_1':
 		'Submitting to him entirely, you open your mouth as wide as you can while staring straight into his eyes. Without any hesitation, he tries to shove it straight down your throat, making your eyes water as you drool all over his cock trying to breathe.'
-	'He finds a rythm pumping it down your throat for awhile before letting go of your head and pulling it out of your mouth.'
+	'He finds a rythm pumping it down your throat for a while before letting go of your head and pulling it out of your mouth.'
 	if pcs_makeup > 1: pcs_makeup = 0
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat', 'rough'

+ 101 - 92

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 1
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
@@ -89,21 +89,21 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloStyle2 = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
@@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -134,28 +134,28 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -168,77 +168,77 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 1
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 3
@@ -254,49 +254,51 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -304,28 +306,28 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -341,7 +343,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -349,14 +351,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -364,7 +366,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -372,14 +375,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 51:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -387,26 +390,26 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -419,14 +422,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -434,7 +437,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 60:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -442,7 +445,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 60:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 61:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -450,7 +453,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 61:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 62:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -458,7 +461,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 62:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 63:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -466,7 +469,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 63:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 64:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -475,7 +478,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 64:
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -484,33 +487,35 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 67:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -518,21 +523,21 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 72:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 73:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -540,7 +545,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 73:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 74:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 1
@@ -582,14 +587,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 81:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -597,13 +602,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 81:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloStyle2 = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 82:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 83:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -611,7 +616,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 83:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 84:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -619,7 +624,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 84:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 85:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -627,14 +632,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 85:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 86:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 87:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -642,27 +647,28 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 87:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 88:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 89:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 90:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 91:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -670,7 +676,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 91:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 92:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -678,49 +685,51 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 92:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 93:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 94:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 6
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 95:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 96:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 97:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 98:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloBra = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -728,14 +737,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloSkirtShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 --- $attributes_bomba_dress ---------------------------------

+ 99 - 98

@@ -8,117 +8,117 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -130,74 +130,74 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -205,49 +205,50 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -255,14 +256,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -270,94 +271,94 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 51:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -365,117 +366,117 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloBra = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 60:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 61:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 62:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 63:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 64:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloOnePiece = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 67:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -483,28 +484,28 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 72:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 73:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 74:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -512,7 +513,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 74:
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 75:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -520,14 +521,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 75:
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 76:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 1
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
@@ -542,14 +543,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -557,7 +558,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 81:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -565,20 +566,20 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 81:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 82:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 83:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 84:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -586,66 +587,66 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 84:
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 85:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 86:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 87:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 88:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 89:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 90:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 91:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 92:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 1
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 93:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 1
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 94:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -653,42 +654,42 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 94:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 95:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 96:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 1
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 97:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 1
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 98:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 1
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -696,7 +697,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 --- $attributes_bomba_outfits ---------------------------------

+ 48 - 38

@@ -7,175 +7,182 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
@@ -183,10 +190,11 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	ShoStyle = 0
@@ -231,17 +239,19 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 --- $attributes_bomba_shoes ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 2

@@ -679,7 +679,6 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
-	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -1406,7 +1405,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 207:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 208:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloTopCut = 4
+	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 209:

+ 2 - 3

@@ -688,10 +688,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 111:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 112:
 	CloQuality = 3
-	CloThinness = 5
+	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
-	CloPantsShortness = 5
-	CloStyle = 4
+	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 113:
 	CloQuality = 3

+ 48 - 45

@@ -7,175 +7,177 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
@@ -187,60 +189,61 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoHeels = 1

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 149 - 149

+ 163 - 163

@@ -7,127 +7,127 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -151,120 +151,120 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 	CloCoverTop = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -336,27 +336,27 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -419,57 +419,57 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 3
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 67:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 72:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 73:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -481,27 +481,27 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 74:
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 75:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 76:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -513,57 +513,57 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 81:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 82:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 83:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 84:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 85:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 86:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 87:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 88:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -575,13 +575,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 89:
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 90:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 91:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -613,25 +613,25 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 95:
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 96:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 97:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 98:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -643,129 +643,129 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 101:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 102:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 103:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 104:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 105:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 106:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 107:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 108:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 109:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 110:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 111:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 112:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 113:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 114:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 115:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 116:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 117:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 118:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 119:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 120:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -777,55 +777,55 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 121:
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 122:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 123:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 124:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 125:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 126:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 127:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 128:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 129:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 130:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -837,55 +837,55 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 131:
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 132:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 133:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 134:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 135:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 136:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 137:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 138:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 139:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 140:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -897,117 +897,117 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 141:
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 142:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 143:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 144:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 145:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 146:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 147:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 148:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 149:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 150:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 151:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 152:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 153:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 154:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 155:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 156:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 157:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 158:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 159:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 160:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4

+ 1 - 1

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	PanType = 1
 	PanFun = 2
-	PanQuality = 2
+	PanQuality = 3
 	PanThinness = 2
 	underwear['pair'] = 7

+ 86 - 43

@@ -7,241 +7,284 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
+	ShoStyle2 = 2
 --- $attributes_danilovich_shoes ---------------------------------

+ 123 - 71

@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -17,7 +18,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -25,7 +27,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -33,7 +36,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -41,7 +45,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -49,7 +54,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -57,7 +63,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -65,7 +72,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -73,7 +81,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -81,7 +90,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -89,7 +99,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -97,7 +108,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -105,7 +117,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -113,7 +126,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -121,7 +135,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -129,7 +144,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -137,7 +153,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -145,7 +162,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 1
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -153,7 +170,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -161,7 +179,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -169,14 +187,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -184,7 +202,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -192,7 +210,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
@@ -200,7 +219,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
@@ -208,35 +228,36 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -244,7 +265,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -252,21 +274,21 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -274,7 +296,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -282,7 +304,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -290,7 +312,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -298,7 +320,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
@@ -306,7 +328,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -314,7 +337,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -322,7 +345,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -330,7 +353,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -338,7 +361,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -346,7 +370,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -354,7 +379,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -362,7 +387,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -370,7 +395,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -378,14 +403,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -393,7 +418,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 51:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -401,7 +426,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 51:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -409,14 +434,15 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -424,7 +450,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -432,21 +458,26 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloStyle2 = 4
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloStyle2 = 4
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
@@ -454,7 +485,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -462,35 +493,39 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 60:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 61:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 62:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 63:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloStyle2 = 4
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 64:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
@@ -498,28 +533,28 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 64:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 67:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -527,14 +562,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -565,6 +600,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 73:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 74:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -572,6 +608,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 74:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 75:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -594,6 +631,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -632,6 +670,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 82:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 83:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -671,6 +710,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 87:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 88:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -685,7 +725,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 89:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 90:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -700,6 +740,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 91:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 92:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -724,6 +765,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 94:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 95:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -799,6 +841,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 104:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 105:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -806,6 +849,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 105:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 106:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -834,6 +878,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 109:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 110:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -856,6 +901,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 112:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 113:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -893,6 +939,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 117:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 118:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -908,6 +956,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 119:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 120:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -929,6 +978,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 122:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 123:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -949,6 +999,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 125:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 126:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -986,6 +1037,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 130:
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloCoverTop = 3
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 131:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -1058,7 +1110,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 140:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 --- $attributes_dolls_dress ---------------------------------

+ 76 - 49

@@ -8,224 +8,242 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -233,7 +251,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -241,91 +259,95 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloCoverTop = 3
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
@@ -333,21 +355,22 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 	CloCoverTop = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -396,6 +419,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -403,6 +427,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -480,6 +505,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -543,6 +569,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
 	CloQuality = 5

+ 341 - 219

@@ -6,242 +6,267 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
@@ -252,146 +277,174 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 1	
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 1	
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 51:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 5	
+	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoPunk = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 60:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 61:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 62:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 63:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 64:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
@@ -403,325 +456,394 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 67:
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 72:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 73:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 74:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 75:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 76:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 5	
+	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 81:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 82:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 83:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 84:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 85:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 86:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 87:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 88:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 89:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 90:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 91:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 92:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4	
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 93:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 94:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 95:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 96:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 97:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 98:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 101:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 102:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 103:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 104:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 4
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 105:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 4
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 106:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 4
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 107:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 4
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 108:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 4
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 109:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 110:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 4
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 111:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 4
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 112:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 4
-	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 113:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 114:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 4
-	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoHeels = 2
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 115:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 116:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 117:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 118:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 119:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 120:
-	ShoStyle = 3
+	ShoStyle = 1
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 4
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
+	ShoPunk = 1
 --- $attributes_dolls_shoes ---------------------------------

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 116 - 113

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 162 - 162

+ 39 - 39

@@ -7,141 +7,141 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 --- $attributes_fashionista_outfits ---------------------------------

+ 2 - 1

@@ -431,11 +431,12 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
 	PanThinness = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
-	PanType = 1
+	PanType = 3
 	PanFun = 1
 	PanMaterial = 6
 	PanQuality = 3
 	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
 	PanType = 1

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 152 - 152

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 139 - 139

+ 34 - 31

@@ -6,149 +6,152 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	ShoQuality = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	ShoQuality = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	ShoQuality = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	ShoQuality = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	ShoQuality = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	ShoQuality = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	ShoQuality = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
 	ShoCut = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoHeels = 1
 	ShoCut = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
 	ShoCut = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
 	ShoCut = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
 	ShoCut = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 	ShoCut = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 	ShoCut = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
 	ShoCut = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
 	ShoCut = 4
+	ShoGoth = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
 	ShoCut = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 	ShoCut = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	ShoQuality = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4

+ 3 - 4

@@ -365,14 +365,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	BraType = 7
-	BraMaterial = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
 	BraFun = 1
 	BraQuality = 6
-	BraThinness = 4
+	BraThinness = 3
 	BraCover = 3
 	PanThinness = 4
-	PanCoverFront = 3
-	PanCoverBack = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	BraType = 7

+ 35 - 35

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # $attributes_moncheri_dress
-!!Note: All items should have the wealthy style applied. 
+!!Note: All items should have the wealthy style applied.
 !!No items outside this category should be quality = 7, although not all items in it must be that quality
 if ARGS[1] = 1:
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 51:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
 	CloQuality = 6
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 61:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 62:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 89:
 	CloQuality = 6
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
-	CloSkirtShortness = 3
+	CloSkirtShortness = 2
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 3
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 94:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
 	CloStyle = 3
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 95:
 	CloQuality = 6

+ 199 - 165

@@ -3,791 +3,823 @@
 !!price range from 6 to 7 but please avoid adding too many 7s
 if ARGS[1] = 1:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 51:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 60:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 61:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 62:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 63:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 64:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 67:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 72:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 73:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 74:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 4
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 75:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 4
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 76:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 81:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 82:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 3
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 83:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 84:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 85:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 86:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 87:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 88:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 89:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 90:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 91:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 92:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 93:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 94:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 95:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 96:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 97:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 98:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 101:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 102:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 103:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 104:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 105:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 106:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 107:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 108:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 109:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 110:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 111:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 112:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 113:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 114:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 115:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 116:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 117:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 118:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 119:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 120:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 121:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 122:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 123:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 124:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 125:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 126:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 127:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 128:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 129:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 130:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 131:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 132:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 7
@@ -807,16 +839,18 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 134:
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 135:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 136:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 6
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 137:
 	ShoStyle = 0

+ 91 - 74

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 !!Quality range is 4-5 here. 4 for simple blouse and skirt combos, 5 for suits and expensive office dresses.
 if ARGS[1] = 1:
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 	CloStyle3 = 4
 	CloQuality = 7
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -14,286 +15,295 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	CloCoverFront = 4
 	CloCovertop = 4
 	CloBimbo =1
+	CloQuality = 4
+	CloThinness = 2
+	CloTopCut = 1
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+	CloStyle2 = 5
+>>>>>>> 6af3bb103cc93dca8524f56c2a75104978e92aff
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 1
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 3
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 2
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
-	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloStyle2 = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 	CloStyle3 = 4
 	CloQuality = 7
 	CloThinness = 6
@@ -305,6 +315,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	CloCoverFront = 4
 	CloCovertop = 4
 	CloBimbo =1
+	CloQuality = 6
+	CloThinness = 4
+	CloTopCut = 3
+	CloPantsShortness = 1
+	CloStyle2 = 5
+>>>>>>> 6af3bb103cc93dca8524f56c2a75104978e92aff

+ 1 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	CloDress = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
-	CloQuality = 4
+	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3

+ 2 - 2

@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
-	CloQuality = 5
+	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 5
-	CloTopCut = 4
+	CloBra = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloBimbo = 1
 	CloStyle = 4

+ 110 - 70

@@ -7,252 +7,277 @@ if ARGS[1] = 1:
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 5
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
 	ShoStyle = 0
@@ -267,16 +292,18 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
 	ShoHeels = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	ShoStyle = 0
@@ -333,34 +360,39 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
 	ShoHeels = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 3
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 60:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 61:
 	ShoStyle = 0
@@ -375,22 +407,25 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 62:
 	ShoHeels = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 63:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 64:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
 	ShoStyle = 0
@@ -399,28 +434,32 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
 	ShoHeels = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 67:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
-	ShoStyle = 1
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 2
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoStyle2 = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
 	ShoStyle = 0
@@ -465,10 +504,11 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 	ShoHeels = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
-	ShoStyle = 2
+	ShoStyle = 0
 	ShoQuality = 4
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
+	ShoBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	ShoStyle = 0
@@ -481,7 +521,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
 	ShoQuality = 5
 	ShoCut = 1
 	ShoHeels = 6
 --- $attributes_scandalicious_shoes ---------------------------------

+ 145 - 45

@@ -1,24 +1,134 @@
 # $body_image
 !This function will return url of image, and set additional texts to $body_image_msg
-!for example, you can   VIEW FUNC('$body_image', 'body')   to view body image in popup window, and
+!for example, you can   VIEW func('$body_image', 'body')   to view body image in popup window, and
 !pl $body_image_msg     to display extra texts
 $body_image_msg = ''
 if $ARGS[0] = 'body':
-	$bodyVars['img'] = func('body_structure', 'body_img')
+	$body_image_msg += 'You are <<pcs_hgt>>cm tall and <<$bodyVars[''desc'']>>.'
 	$result = $bodyVars['img']
-	$body_image_msg += 'You are <<pcs_hgt>>cm tall and <<$bodyVars[''desc'']>>'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'tits':
+	$body_image_msg += 'Your breasts would be considered an EU <<$titsize>>.'
+	$result = 'images/pc/body/tits/t<<tits>>.jpg'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'pubes' or $ARGS[0] = 'pussy':
+	$result = 'images/pc/body/pussy/'
+	if ARGS[1] ! 0: temp_pubes = ARGS[1]		else temp_pubes = pcs_pubes
+	if ARGS[2] ! 0: temp_pubecol = ARGS[2]		else temp_pubecol = pcs_pubecol[2]
+	if ARGS[3] ! 0: temp_pubestyle = ARGS[3]	else temp_pubestyle = pubestyle
+	if temp_pubecol = 0:
+		$temp_pubecol = 'black'
+	elseif temp_pubecol = 1:
+		$temp_pubecol = 'brunette'
+	elseif temp_pubecol = 2:
+		$temp_pubecol = 'ginger'
+	elseif temp_pubecol = 3:
+		$temp_pubecol = 'blonde'
+	elseif temp_pubecol = 4:
+		$temp_pubecol = 'red'
+	elseif temp_pubecol = 5:
+		$temp_pubecol = 'blue'
+	elseif temp_pubecol = 6:
+		$temp_pubecol = 'green'
+	elseif temp_pubecol = 7:
+		$temp_pubecol = 'pink'
+	elseif temp_pubecol = 8:
+		$temp_pubecol = 'purple'
+	end
+	if temp_pubes ! 0:
+		if temp_pubes <= 3:
+			$result += 'hair/pussy'
+		elseif temp_pubes <= 10:
+			$result += 'hair/stubble'
+		elseif temp_pubes <= 15:
+			$result += 'hair/very_short'
+		elseif temp_pubes <= 25:
+			if temp_pubestyle = 2:
+				$result += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_v'
+			elseif temp_pubestyle = 3:
+				$result += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_triangle'
+			elseif temp_pubestyle = 4:
+				$result += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_landing'
+			elseif temp_pubestyle = 5:
+				$result += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_heart'
+			elseif temp_pubestyle = 6:
+				$result += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_flame'
+			elseif temp_pubestyle = 7:
+				$result += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_cross'
+			elseif temp_pubestyle = 8:
+				$result += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_trimmed'
+			elseif temp_pubestyle = 12:
+				$result += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_mini'
+			else
+				$result += 'hair/<<$temp_pubecol>>_small'
+			end
+		elseif temp_pubes <= 35:
+			$result += 'hair/<<$temp_pubecol>>_mid'
+		else
+			$result += 'hair/<<$temp_pubecol>>_full'
+		end
+	else
+		$result += 'hair/pussy'
+	end
+	killvar 'temp_pubes' & killvar 'temp_pubecol' & killvar 'temp_pubestyle'
+	$result += '.jpg'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ass' or $ARGS[0] = 'butt':
+	$result = 'images/pc/body/ass/'
+	if bodyVars['butt_silicone'] > 0:
+		$result += '9s.jpg'
+		!$body_image_msg += 'Through the use of implants, you have given yourself a jiggly bubble <a href="exec:view''<<$result>>''">butt</a>.'
+	!natural butt
+	elseif pcs_buttsize <= 7:
+		$result += '1.jpg'
+		!$body_image_msg = 'Your <a href="exec:view''<<$result>>''">ass</a> is square and as flat as a plank.'
+	elseif pcs_buttsize <= 14:
+		$result += '2.jpg'
+		!$body_image_msg = 'Your <a href="exec:view''<<$result>>''">ass</a> is square but not completely flat.'
+	elseif pcs_buttsize <= 21:
+		$result += '3.jpg'
+		!$body_image_msg = 'You have an average, feminine looking <a href="exec:view''<<$result>>''">ass</a>.'
+	elseif pcs_buttsize <= 29:
+		$result += '4.jpg'
+		!$body_image_msg = 'You have an above-average, feminine looking <a href="exec:view''<<$result>>''">ass</a>.'
+	elseif pcs_buttsize <= 36:
+		$result += '5.jpg'
+		!$body_image_msg = 'Your <a href="exec:view''<<$result>>''">ass</a> is bigger, rounder and firmer than average.'
+	elseif pcs_buttsize <= 44:
+		$result += '6.jpg'
+		!$body_image_msg = 'Your ample <a href="exec:view''<<$result>>''">ass</a> is bigger, rounder and firmer than most.'
+	elseif pcs_buttsize <= 51:
+		$result += '7.jpg'
+		!$body_image_msg = 'You have a heart-shaped <a href="exec:view''<<$result>>''">butt</a> that jiggles as you walk.'
+	elseif pcs_buttsize <= 59:
+		$result += '8.jpg'
+		!$body_image_msg = 'You have a large heart-shaped <a href="exec:view''<<$result>>''">butt</a> that jiggles and sways as you walk.'
+	else
+		$result += '9.jpg'
+		!$body_image_msg = 'You have a large bubble <a href="exec:view''<<$result>>''">butt</a> that jiggles and sways as you walk.'
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'coat':
 	if $coatworntype = 'none':
-		$RESULT = ''
 		$body_image_msg += 'You will not wear a coat outside.'
 		$body_image_msg += '<br>Your health will suffer if you don''t wear a coat in the winter.'
+		$result = ''
-		$RESULT = 'images/pc/items/<<$coatworntype>>/coats/<<coatwornnumber>>.jpg'
 		$body_image_msg += 'Your current coat is <<$coatworntype>> no.<<coatwornnumber>>.<br>'
 		!make sure to sync these with [outdoors]~364
 		if PCoatWarm = 1:
@@ -28,28 +138,29 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'coat':
 		elseif PCoatWarm = 3:
 			$body_image_msg += 'You will be nice and warm even in the depths of winter.'
+		$result = 'images/pc/items/<<$coatworntype>>/coats/<<coatwornnumber>>.jpg'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'clothes':
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and towel = 1 and $pantyworntype = 'none':
-		$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/towel.jpg'
+		$result = 'images/pc/body/towel.jpg'
 		$body_image_msg += 'You are only wearing a towel'
 	elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude' and robe = 1:
-		$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/robe.jpg'
+		$result = 'images/pc/body/robe.jpg'
 		$body_image_msg += 'You are only wearing a robe'
 	elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype ! 'none':
-		$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/nude.jpg'
+		$result = 'images/pc/body/nude.jpg'
 		$body_image_msg += 'You are only wearing panties'
 	elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude' and $pantyworntype = 'none':
-		$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/nude1.jpg'
+		$result = 'images/pc/body/nude1.jpg'
 		$body_image_msg += 'You are completely naked.'
 	elseif $clothingworntype = 'misc_outfits' and clothingwornnumber = 1:
-		$RESULT = FUNC('$clothing_image', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
+		$result = func('$clothing_image', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
 		$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing a hessian sack the hunters gave you.'
-		$RESULT = FUNC('$clothing_image', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
-		$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing ' + FUNC('$short_description', $clothingworntype) + '<<clothingwornnumber>>.'
+		$result = func('$clothing_image', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
+		$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing ' + func('$short_description', $clothingworntype) + '<<clothingwornnumber>>.'
 		if PClobimbo = 1:$body_image_msg += '<br>You are dressed like a bimbo.'
 		if $clothingworntype ! 'coat' and PCloswimwear = 0:
 			gs 'clothing_attributes', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber
@@ -57,27 +168,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'clothes':
 			$body_image_msg += '<br><<$description>>'
 			if $clothingworntype = 'danilovich_swimsuit':
-				FUNC('$attributes_danilovich_swim_one', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
-				$body_image_msg += $swimwear_description
+				gs '$attributes_danilovich_swim_one', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber
 			elseif $clothingworntype = 'scandalicious_swimsuit':
-				FUNC('$attributes_scandalicious_swim_one', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
-				$body_image_msg += $swimwear_description
+				gs '$attributes_scandalicious_swim_one', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber
 			elseif $clothingworntype = 'scandalicious_bikinis':
-				FUNC('$attributes_scandalicious_swim_two', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
-				$body_image_msg += $swimwear_description
+				gs '$attributes_scandalicious_swim_two', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber
 			elseif $clothingworntype = 'allure_swimsuit':
-				FUNC('$attributes_allure_swim_one', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
-				$body_image_msg += $swimwear_description
+				gs '$attributes_allure_swim_one', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber
 			elseif $clothingworntype = 'allure_bikinis':
-				FUNC('$attributes_allure_swim_two', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
-				$body_image_msg += $swimwear_description
+				gs '$attributes_allure_swim_two', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber
 			elseif $clothingworntype = 'nerdvana_swimsuit':
-				FUNC('$attributes_nerdvana_swim_one', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
-				$body_image_msg += $swimwear_description
+				gs '$attributes_nerdvana_swim_one', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber
 			elseif $clothingworntype = 'nerdvana_bikinis':
-				FUNC('$attributes_nerdvana_swim_two', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber)
-				$body_image_msg += $swimwear_description
+				gs '$attributes_nerdvana_swim_two', $clothingworntype, clothingwornnumber
+			$body_image_msg += $swimwear_description
 		if $clothingworntype = 'gm_maid' or PCloStyle2 = 1:
@@ -92,45 +197,40 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'panties':
 	if $pantyworntype = 'none':
-		$RESULT = FUNC('$pube_image')
 		$body_image_msg += 'You are not wearing any panties.'
+		$result = func('$body_image', 'pussy')
-		$RESULT = FUNC('$panty_image', $pantyworntype, pantywornnumber)
-		!Kevin, please edit this line. I can not find panties description
-		!$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing ' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $shoeworntype) + '<<shoewornnumber>>.'
-		$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing <<$pantyworntype>> panty <<pantywornnumber>>'
+		$result = func('$panty_image', $pantyworntype, pantywornnumber)
+		$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing <<$pantyworntype>> panty no. <<pantywornnumber>>'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'bra':
 	if $braworntype = 'none':
-		$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/tits/t<<tits>>.jpg'
-		$body_image_msg += 'You are not wearing a bra. Your breasts would be considered an EU <<$titsize>>'
+		$body_image_msg += 'You are not wearing a bra. '
+		$result = func('$body_image', 'tits')
-		$RESULT = FUNC('$bra_image', $braworntype, brawornnumber)
-		!Kevin, please edit this line. I can not find bra description
-		!$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing ' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $shoeworntype) + '<<shoewornnumber>>.'
-		$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing <<$braworntype>> bra <<brawornnumber>>. Your breasts would be considered an EU <<$titsize>>'
+		$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing <<$braworntype>> bra no. <<brawornnumber>>. Your breasts would be considered an EU <<$titsize>>'
+		$result = func('$bra_image', $braworntype, brawornnumber)
 if $ARGS[0] = 'bodysuit':
 	if $braworntype = 'none':
-		$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/tits/t<<tits>>.jpg'
-		$body_image_msg += 'You are not wearing a bodysuit. Your breasts would be considered an EU <<$titsize>>'
+		$body_image_msg += 'You are not wearing a bodysuit. '
+		$result = func('$body_image', 'tits')
-		$RESULT = FUNC('$pcs_outfit_image', $bodysuitworntype+'_bodysuits', bodysuitwornnumber)
 		$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing <<$bodysuitworntype>> bodysuit <<bodysuitwornnumber>>. Your breasts would be considered an EU <<$titsize>>'
+		$result = func('$pcs_outfit_image', $bodysuitworntype+'_bodysuits', bodysuitwornnumber)
 if $ARGS[0] = 'shoes':
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude' or $shoeworntype = 'none':
-		$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/feet.jpg'
+		$result = 'images/pc/body/feet.jpg'
-		$RESULT = FUNC('$shoe_image', $shoeworntype, shoewornnumber)
-		$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing ' + FUNC('$shoe_description', $shoeworntype) + '<<shoewornnumber>>.'
+		$body_image_msg += 'You are wearing ' + func('$shoe_description', $shoeworntype) + '<<shoewornnumber>>.'
+		$result = func('$shoe_image', $shoeworntype, shoewornnumber)

+ 292 - 83

@@ -1,95 +1,304 @@
 # $face_image
-!!use with - <img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>">
-if player_avatar = 1:$RESULT = 'images/avatar.jpg' & exit
-!! These images are missing from my copy of the image folder, so I am commenting them out for now
-!!if glass = 2:
-!!	$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/hcolglass<<pcs_haircol>>.jpg'
-!!	exit
-!!if glass = 1:
-!!	$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/nerd.jpg'
-!!	exit
-!!if shorthair = 1:
-!!	$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/shcol<<pcs_haircol>>.jpg'
-!!	exit
-$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/hairstyles/'
-if pcs_haircol > 3: 
-	$RESULT += 'colours'
-	jump 'skipsteps'
+!!use with - <img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<func(''$face_image'')>>">
-!! length
-if pcs_hairlng > 400:
-	$RESULT += 'vlng'
-elseif pcs_hairlng > 260:
-	$RESULT += 'lng'
-elseif pcs_hairlng > 160:
-	$RESULT += 'medlo'
-elseif pcs_hairlng > 80:
-	$RESULT += 'med'
-elseif pcs_hairlng > 30:
-	$RESULT += 'short'
-	$RESULT += 'vshort'
-$RESULT += '/'
-!! style for medium or longer hair
-if pcs_hairlng > 80:
-	if hbraids > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'braids'
-	elseif hpigtail > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'pigtails'
-	elseif curly > 0 and hbangs > 0 and hpingripw > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'curly-bangs-buns'
-	elseif curly > 0 and hbangs > 0 and hscrunchw > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'curly-bangs-scrunch'
-	elseif curly > 0 and hbangs > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'curly-bangs'
-	elseif curly > 0 and hpingripw > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'curly-buns'
-	elseif curly > 0 and hscrunchw > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'curly-scrunch'
-	elseif hbangs > 0 and hpingripw > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'bangs-buns'
-	elseif hbangs > 0 and hscrunchw > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'bangs-scrunch'
-	elseif curly > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'curly'
-	elseif hbangs > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'bangs'
-	elseif hpingripw > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'buns'
-	elseif hscrunchw > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'scrunch'
+!! type = 1: custom image
+!! type = 2: 3D generated image
+!! type = 0: picture image
+if face_style['type'] = 1:
+	if $face_style['avatar_path'] = '': $face_style['avatar_path'] = 'images/avatar.jpg'
+	$result = $face_style['avatar_path']
+elseif face_style['type'] = 2:
+	$result = 'images/pc/body/head/'
+		!!----------GLASSES----------
+	!! stylish
+	if glass >= 2:
+		$result += 'stylish/'
+	!! cheap
+	elseif glass = 1:
+	!!	$result += 'cheap/'	!! missing !! will load stylish !!
+		$result += 'stylish/'
+	!! none
+	else
+		$result += 'noglass/'
+	end
+	!!----------EYE COLOR----------
+	!! hazel
+	if pcs_eyecol = 0:
+	!!	$result += 'hazel/'	!! missing !! will load blue !!
+		$result += 'blue/'
+	!! grey
+	elseif pcs_eyecol = 1:
+	!!	$result += 'grey/'	!! missing !! will load blue !!
+		$result += 'blue/'
+	!! green
+	elseif pcs_eyecol = 2:
+		$result += 'green/'
+	!! blue
+	elseif pcs_eyecol = 3:
+		$result += 'blue/'
+	!! other
+	else
+	!!	$result += 'other/'	!! missing !! will load blue !!
+		$result += 'blue/'
+	end
+	!!----------HAIR COLOR----------
+	!! black
+	if pcs_haircol = 0:
+		$result += 'black/'
+	!! brunette
+	elseif pcs_haircol = 1:
+		$result += 'brunette/'
+	!! red
+	elseif pcs_haircol = 2:
+		$result += 'red/'
+	!! blonde
+	elseif pcs_haircol = 3:
+		$result += 'blonde/'
+	!! other
+	else
+	!!	$result += 'other'	!! missing !! will load brunette !!
+		$result += 'brunette/'
+	end
+	!!----------HAIR LENGTH----------
+	!! very long
+	if pcs_hairlng > 400:
+	!!	$result += 'very_long/'	!! missing !! will load long !!
+		$result += 'long/'
+	!! long
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 260:
+		$result += 'long/'
+	!! medium long
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 160:
+	!!	$result += 'medium_long/'	!! missing !! will load medium !!
+		$result += 'medium/'
+	!! medium
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 80:
+		$result += 'medium/'
+	!! short
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 30:
+		$result += 'short/'
+	!! very short
+	else
+		$result += 'very_short/'
+	end
+	!!----------HAIR STYLE----------
+	!! messy/tangled
+	if pcs_hairbsh <= 0:
+		$result += 'messy/'
+	!! braids
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 80:
+		if hbraids > 0:
+			$result += 'braids/'
+		!! pigtails
+		elseif hpigtail > 0:
+			$result += 'pigtails/'
+		!! curly-bangs-buns
+		elseif curly > 0 and hbangs > 0 and hpingripw > 0:
+		!!	$result += 'curly-bangs-buns/'	!! missing !! will load curly !!
+			$result += 'curly/'
+		!! curly-bangs-scrunch
+		elseif curly > 0 and hbangs > 0 and hscrunchw > 0:
+		!!	$result += 'curly-bangs-scrunch/'	!! missing !! will load curly !!
+			$result += 'curly/'
+		!! curly-bangs
+		elseif curly > 0 and hbangs > 0:
+		!!	$result += 'curly-bangs/'	!! missing !! will load curly !!
+			$result += 'curly/'
+		!! curly-buns
+		elseif curly > 0 and hpingripw > 0:
+		!!	$result += 'curly-buns/'	!! missing !! will load curly !!
+			$result += 'curly/'
+		!! curly-scrunch
+		elseif curly > 0 and hscrunchw > 0:
+		!!	$result += 'curly-scrunch/'	!! missing !! will load curly !!
+			$result += 'curly/'
+		!! bangs-buns
+		elseif hbangs > 0 and hpingripw > 0:
+		!!	$result += 'bangs-buns/'	!! missing !! will load bangs !!
+			$result += 'bangs/'
+		!! bangs-scrunch
+		elseif hbangs > 0 and hscrunchw > 0:
+		!!	$result += 'bangs-scrunch/'	!! missing !! will load bangs !!
+			$result += 'bangs/'
+		!! curly
+		elseif curly > 0:
+			$result += 'curly/'
+		!! bangs
+		elseif hbangs > 0:
+			$result += 'bangs/'
+		!! buns (updo)
+		elseif hpingripw > 0:
+			$result += 'buns/'
+		!! scrunch (ponytail)
+		elseif hscrunchw > 0:
+			$result += 'scrunch/'
+		!! normal
+		else
+			$result += 'normal/'
+		end
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 30:
+		if hbangs > 0:
+			$result += 'bangs/'
+		elseif curly > 0:
+			$result += 'curly/'
+		else
+			$result += 'normal/'
+		end
-		$RESULT += 'normal'
+		$result += 'normal/'
-!! style for short hair (other images don''t exist)
-elseif pcs_hairlng <= 80 and pcs_hairlng > 30:
-	if hbangs > 0:
-		$RESULT += 'bangs'
+	!!----------MAKEUP----------
+	!! none
+	if pcs_makeup = 1:
+		$result += 'no_makeup_'
+	!! light
+	elseif pcs_makeup = 2:
+	!!	$result += 'light_'	!! missing !! will load vibrant !!
+		$result += 'vibrant_'
+	!! vibrant
+	elseif pcs_makeup = 3:
+		$result += 'vibrant_'
+	!! heavy
+	elseif pcs_makeup = 4:
+	!!	$result += 'heavy_'	!! missing !! will load vibrant !!
+		$result += 'vibrant_'
+	!! professional
+	elseif pcs_makeup = 5:
+	!!	$result += 'prof_'	!! missing !! will load vibrant !!
+		$result += 'vibrant_'
+	!! bimbo
+	elseif pcs_makeup = 6:
+	!!	$result += 'bimbo_'	!! missing !! will load vibrant !!
+		$result += 'vibrant_'
+	!! smeared
-		$RESULT += 'normal'
+		$result += 'smeared_'
-!! style for very short hair (other images don''t exist)
+	!!----------CUM----------
+	if cumloc[11] = 1:
+		!! enormous
+		if cumvol[11] > 250:
+		!!	$result += 'enormous'	!! missing !! will load decent !!
+			$result += 'decent'
+		!! huge
+		elseif cumvol[11] > 100:
+		!!	$result += 'huge'	!! missing !! will load decent !!
+			$result += 'decent'
+		!! decent
+		elseif cumvol[11] >= 20:
+			$result += 'decent'
+		!! small
+		else
+		!!	$result += 'small'	!! missing !! will load decent !!
+			$result += 'decent'
+		end
+	!! none
+	else
+		$result += 'no_cum'
+	end
+	$result += '.jpg'
-	$RESULT += 'normal'
+	!! These images are missing from my copy of the image folder, so I am commenting them out for now
+	!!if glass = 2:
+	!!	$result = 'images/pc/body/hcolglass<<pcs_haircol>>.jpg'
+	!!	exit
+	!!end
+	!!if glass = 1:
+	!!	$result = 'images/pc/body/nerd.jpg'
+	!!	exit
+	!!end
+	!!if shorthair = 1:
+	!!	$result = 'images/pc/body/shcol<<pcs_haircol>>.jpg'
+	!!	exit
+	!!end
-$RESULT += '/'
+	$result = 'images/pc/body/hairstyles/'
-!! color
-$RESULT += 'hcol<<pcs_haircol>>.jpg'
+	if pcs_haircol > 3:
+		$result += 'colours'
+		jump 'skipsteps'
+	end
---- $face_image ---------------------------------
+	!! length
+	if pcs_hairlng > 400:
+		$result += 'vlng'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 260:
+		$result += 'lng'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 160:
+		$result += 'medlo'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 80:
+		$result += 'med'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 30:
+		$result += 'short'
+	else
+		$result += 'vshort'
+	end
+	$result += '/'
+	!! style for medium or longer hair
+	if pcs_hairlng > 80:
+		if hbraids > 0:
+			$result += 'braids'
+		elseif hpigtail > 0:
+			$result += 'pigtails'
+		elseif curly > 0 and hbangs > 0 and hpingripw > 0:
+			$result += 'curly-bangs-buns'
+		elseif curly > 0 and hbangs > 0 and hscrunchw > 0:
+			$result += 'curly-bangs-scrunch'
+		elseif curly > 0 and hbangs > 0:
+			$result += 'curly-bangs'
+		elseif curly > 0 and hpingripw > 0:
+			$result += 'curly-buns'
+		elseif curly > 0 and hscrunchw > 0:
+			$result += 'curly-scrunch'
+		elseif hbangs > 0 and hpingripw > 0:
+			$result += 'bangs-buns'
+		elseif hbangs > 0 and hscrunchw > 0:
+			$result += 'bangs-scrunch'
+		elseif curly > 0:
+			$result += 'curly'
+		elseif hbangs > 0:
+			$result += 'bangs'
+		elseif hpingripw > 0:
+			$result += 'buns'
+		elseif hscrunchw > 0:
+			$result += 'scrunch'
+		else
+			$result += 'normal'
+		end
+	!! style for short hair (other images don''t exist)
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 30:
+		if hbangs > 0:
+			$result += 'bangs'
+		elseif curly > 0:
+			$result += 'curly'
+		else
+			$result += 'normal'
+		end
+	!! style for very short hair (other images don''t exist)
+	else
+		$result += 'normal'
+	end
+	:skipsteps
+	$result += '/'
+	!! color
+	$result += 'hcol<<pcs_haircol>>.jpg'
+--- $face_image ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # $menu_cheat
 gs 'Cheatmenu_din'
-dynamic $cheatmenu
+dynamic $cheatmenu['index']
 --- $menu_cheat ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # $menu_setting
 gs 'Cheatmenu_din'
-dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
+gs 'Cheatmenu_din', 'setting'
 --- $menu_setting ---------------------------------

+ 0 - 76

@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# $pube_image
-!!use with - <img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$pube_image'')>>">
-!! Expanded use that can call specific lengths, colours and styles (for shave menu):
-!! func('$pube_image', [pube length], [pube colour num], [pube style])
-$RESULT = 'images/pc/body/pussy/'
-if ARGS[0] ! 0: temp_pubes = ARGS[0] else temp_pubes = pcs_pubes
-if ARGS[1] ! 0: temp_pubecol = ARGS[1] else temp_pubecol = pcs_pubecol[2]
-if ARGS[2] ! 0: temp_pubestyle = ARGS[2] else temp_pubestyle = pubestyle
-if temp_pubecol = 0:
-	$temp_pubecol = 'black'
-elseif temp_pubecol = 1:
-	$temp_pubecol = 'brunette'
-elseif temp_pubecol = 2:
-	$temp_pubecol = 'ginger'
-elseif temp_pubecol = 3:
-	$temp_pubecol = 'blonde'
-elseif temp_pubecol = 4:
-	$temp_pubecol = 'red'
-elseif temp_pubecol = 5:
-	$temp_pubecol = 'blue'
-elseif temp_pubecol = 6:
-	$temp_pubecol = 'green'
-elseif temp_pubecol = 7:
-	$temp_pubecol = 'pink'
-elseif temp_pubecol = 8:
-	$temp_pubecol = 'purple'
-if temp_pubes ! 0:
-	if temp_pubes <= 3:
-		$RESULT += 'hair/pussy'
-	elseif temp_pubes <= 10:
-		$RESULT += 'hair/stubble'
-	elseif temp_pubes <= 15:
-		$RESULT += 'hair/very_short'
-	elseif temp_pubes <= 25:
-		if temp_pubestyle = 2:
-			$RESULT += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_v'
-		elseif temp_pubestyle = 3:
-			$RESULT += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_triangle'
-		elseif temp_pubestyle = 4:
-			$RESULT += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_landing'
-		elseif temp_pubestyle = 5:
-			$RESULT += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_heart'
-		elseif temp_pubestyle = 6:
-			$RESULT += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_flame'
-		elseif temp_pubestyle = 7:
-			$RESULT += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_cross'
-		elseif temp_pubestyle = 8:
-			$RESULT += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_trimmed'
-		elseif temp_pubestyle = 12:
-			$RESULT += 'shave/<<$temp_pubecol>>_mini'
-		else
-			$RESULT += 'hair/<<$temp_pubecol>>_small'
-		end
-	elseif temp_pubes <= 35:
-		$RESULT += 'hair/<<$temp_pubecol>>_mid'
-	else
-		$RESULT += 'hair/<<$temp_pubecol>>_full'
-	end
-	$RESULT += 'hair/pussy'
-killvar 'temp_pubes' & killvar 'temp_pubecol' & killvar 'temp_pubestyle'
-$RESULT += '.jpg'
---- $pube_image ---------------------------------

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff