12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 |
- @ECHO off
- :: The folder where the callvalidator.py can be found
- set VALIDATOR=tools
- :: The list file with the files that will be validated [optional]
- set LIST=glife-validate.qproj
- :: The qsrc file that will be validated [optional]
- :: set FILE=
- :: The folder where the LIST or the FILE can be found [optional, will use the root folder if not set]
- set FOLDER=tools
- :: The folder where the qsrc file can be found [mandatory]
- set SOURCE=locations
- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- cls
- echo.
- echo.
- :: python %VALIDATOR%\callvalidator.py source=%SOURCE%
- :: python %VALIDATOR%\callvalidator.py source=%SOURCE% file=%FILE% folder=%FOLDER%
- python %VALIDATOR%\callvalidator.py source=%SOURCE% list=%LIST% folder=%FOLDER%
- echo.
- echo Done.
- :exit