swamp_yard.qsrc 36 KB

  1. # swamp_yard
  2. $loc = 'swamp_yard'
  3. $metka = ''
  4. $menu_loc = 'swamp_yard'
  5. $menu_arg = ''
  6. menu_off = 0
  7. $location_type = 'secluded'
  8. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  9. gs 'stat'
  10. !the chance of encountering hunters
  11. if week = 6 or week = 7:huntersrand = RAND(1,3)
  12. if week < 6:huntersrand = RAND(1,5)
  13. if huntersrand = 1:hunters = 1
  14. !the chance of hitting GG, if she`s a slut
  15. huntslutsexrand = rand(1,3)
  16. ! to remember were cowards or not
  17. !if lost_girl = 0:lost_girl += rand(40,60)
  18. if StoryLine = 1 and lost_girl = 0 and forest_lostday > 0: lost_girl=daystart+2
  19. dirty = 1
  20. swiss_army_random_number = rand(1,10)
  21. !Code blocks for leaf events (events not calling other dynamic events)
  22. $yard_cleanup = {
  23. cla
  24. *clr
  25. if dirty_swamp_yard < 10:
  26. minut += 60 & pcs_sweat += 10
  27. elseif dirty_swamp_yard < 20:
  28. minut += 120 & pcs_sweat += 20
  29. else
  30. minut += 180 & pcs_sweat += 30
  31. end
  32. if huntersAndreiQw < 15:huntersAndreiQw += 1
  33. if huntersIgorQw < 15:huntersIgorQw += 1
  34. if huntersSergeiQw < 15:huntersSergeiQw += 1
  35. gs 'stat'
  36. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/dirty_swamp_yard.jpg"></center>'
  37. 'You notice that the yard has gotten pretty dirty. "I need to do something about this." you think to yourself.'
  38. 'You grab a garbage bag and start picking up trash.'
  39. 'After a while you''ve finished tidying up the yard and put the trash in the garbage bag. You''re quite pleased with yourself.'
  40. act 'Done':dirty_swamp_yard = 0 & hunter_collective_opinion += 2 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  41. }
  42. $swamp_escape = {
  43. !add chance to swamped by illume
  44. if hunters = 1:
  45. if hour >= 6 and hour < 21:
  46. minut += 5
  47. if rand(1,10)>9:
  48. gt 'swamp'
  49. else
  50. gt 'gadforestswamp','2'
  51. end
  52. else
  53. *clr & cla
  54. gs 'stat'
  55. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/igorhanter.jpg"></center>'
  56. 'As you start moving into the swamp Igor calls after you.'
  57. !TODO: Different line depending on opinion and slut
  58. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, where are you going? You will get stuck in there!'
  59. act 'Turn back':gt 'swamp_yard'
  60. act 'Ignore him and keep going':
  61. minut += 5
  62. !TODO: Add skill clothing and temp check here instead of praying to RNGesus
  63. if rand(1,10)>8:
  64. gt 'swamp'
  65. else
  66. gt 'gadforestswamp','2'
  67. end
  68. end
  69. end
  70. else
  71. minut += 5
  72. !TODO: Here too, also see how to avoid duplicating. Maybe create a child event node?
  73. if (hour >= 6 and hour < 21) or rand(1,10)>7:
  74. gt 'swamp'
  75. else
  76. gt 'gadforestswamp','2'
  77. end
  78. end
  79. gt 'gadforestswamp','2'
  80. }
  81. $rescued_from_swamp = {
  82. *clr & cla
  83. minut += 5
  84. gs 'stat'
  85. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  86. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterhelp.jpg"></center>'
  87. else
  88. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterhelp1.jpg"></center>'
  89. end
  90. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  91. if huntersKnow = 0:
  92. if pcs_apprnc >= 100:
  93. '"Are you... a mermaid?" You hear one of the men blurt out before blushing'
  94. else
  95. 'What the hell happened to you? Are you alright?'
  96. end
  97. end
  98. if huntersKnow = 1 and huntersKnowSlut = 0:'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, what happened to you? Where are your clothes?" Andrei said concernedly.'
  99. if huntersKnow = 1 and huntersKnowSlut = 1:'Well isn''t this our favorite damsel in distress. And she''s even naked and ready for us so we can jump straight to the happy ending! Andrei grinned.'
  100. end
  101. if huntersKnow = 0:
  102. 'The hunters help you to a dry place. For some time you just sit there, staring blankly ahead, trying to catch your breath. After a while feeling better you decide to find out where you are and who it was that saved you.'
  103. act 'Look':hunterhelp = 2 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  104. else
  105. 'The hunters help you to a dry place. For some time you just sit there, staring blankly ahead, trying to catch your breath. After a short rest you go out to the yard.'
  106. act 'Further':hunterhelp = 0 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  107. end
  108. }
  109. $meet_hunters_after_rescue = {
  110. *clr & cla
  111. minut += 5
  112. huntersKnow = 1
  113. !TODO: More behavior variables w/ explanation
  114. hunter_collective_opinion = 30
  115. hunter_sexual_comfort = 10 + pcs_apprnc / 4
  116. hunters_violent = 0
  117. !TODO: Figure what to do with hunter inidividual opinion
  118. !huntersAndreiQw += 1
  119. !huntersIgorQw += 1
  120. !huntersSergeiQw += 1
  121. !!julzor: Why did you comment out the gs 'stat'? If you change something in the stat window like the time you should call gs 'stat' to update the stat window
  122. gs 'stat'
  123. 'You see the three men talking to each other. They stop and approach you after noticing you have calmed down.'
  124. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  125. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterhelp3.jpg"></center>'
  126. 'You realize that you are totally naked in front of these three strangers, you quickly try to cover up your most private parts with your hands'
  127. 'You start blushing feeling ashamed.'
  128. 'Shortest of the men starts ogling you while the overweight one freezes up like a deer in the headlights.'
  129. 'The third man turns his head away and hands you a burlap sack'
  130. '"Here, you can have this to cover up, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Sorry we do not have any change of clothes for you."'
  131. act 'Cover up with the burlap sack': gs 'clothing', 'swamp_clothes', 1
  132. !TODO: Add exhibitionist option
  133. !if exhibitionist > 1: act 'I think I am fine, thank you'
  134. else
  135. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterhelp2.jpg"></center>'
  136. hunter_collective_opinion += 3
  137. end
  138. if pcs_apprnc >= 70:'"Are you feeling better now? What''s your name, beautiful?" the short one asks.'
  139. if pcs_apprnc < 70:'"Are you feeling better now? What''s your name?" the short one asks.'
  140. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, well, you can call me <<$pcs_nickname>>." you answer.'
  141. '"I''m Andrei," he replied, "and these are my friends, from the city, Igor and Sergei."'
  142. '"Is your lastname possibly <<$pcs_lastname>>?" You look at him surprised for a moment before nodding.'
  143. '"You look a lot like your mother that''s how I knew. I am also from Gadukino."'
  144. if pcs_sweat > 2 or dirty = 1:
  145. 'You become aware of the dirty clothes sticking on your body, making you uncomfortable.'
  146. '"Is there somewhere I can clean myself up?"'
  147. '"Well, it''s still warm outside, so you can wash up in the creek, just follow the path behind the hut, you can''t miss it."'
  148. '"There is also a basin with some soap and a clothesline with a fresh towel you can use to wash and hang your clothes to dry."'
  149. act 'Walk too the creek': gt 'backwater'
  150. act '"Actually I am fine for now, I think"': gt 'swamp_yard'
  151. else
  152. '"Here, come have a seat" said Sergei, the overweight one, freeing up a place for you by the campfire.'
  153. act '"Sit down"': hunter_collective_opinion += 2 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  154. end
  155. }
  156. !Assorted sex scenes for the yard
  157. $andrei_quick_fuck = {
  158. cla & *clr
  159. !TODO: bunch of images needed here
  160. !if hunter_collective_opinion > 45:
  161. if hunter_collective_opinion < 25:
  162. !elseif hunter_collective_opinion > 25:
  163. !else
  164. 'Andrei walks up to you without saying another word and forcefully pulls you closer by your nipples.'
  165. gs 'pain', 10, 'pinch', 'nipples'
  166. 'You yelp but it is cut short when he shoves his tongue down your throat, roughly fondling you all over'
  167. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 25, 'sub'
  168. act 'You feel your pussy starting to get wet':
  169. cla & *clr
  170. !TODO: Yes, images
  171. 'He definitely feels it too as he keeps shoving his fingers in and out. Satisfied, he turns you around by the shoulders and forcefully bends you over'
  172. 'You close your eyes anticipating what is coming. He wastes no time unzipping his pants and shoves his rock hard cock all the way in your ready pussy, eliciting a loud moan from you.'
  173. 'He starts fucking you rough and hard, not caring what you are getting out of it. You are merely a cocksleeve for him.'
  174. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', '15', 'sub'
  175. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', '30', 'sub', 'rough'
  176. !!julzor: I removed the gs 'end' (also it was missing the 'arousal' part)
  177. act '...':
  178. cla & *clr
  179. !TODO: Image here
  180. 'After a few minutes he grabs you by the shoulders and unceremoniously shoves you on the ground on your back.'
  181. 'You watch him furiously jerk standing over you. You realize you have been playing with yourself for some time when he starts shooting his load all over your tits and belly'
  182. gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 15
  183. !!julzor: added the gs 'arousal', 'end' here, because it should be after all other arousal calls
  184. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  185. gs 'cum_call', 'breasts', 'A172', 1
  186. !!julzor: the number 1 indicates that the boy is known ... a 2 makes no sense, changed it into a 1
  187. !!you can check the files arousal, cum_call and so on ... there should be always a explanation at the top
  188. gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', 'A172', 1
  189. !!julzor: added missing gs 'stat'
  190. gs 'stat'
  191. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard'
  192. end
  193. end
  194. end
  195. }
  196. $igor_demonstration = {
  197. !TODO: Image here
  198. 'Seeing Igor staring at your naked body like a deer in the headlights gives you an idea.'
  199. act 'Show him it is no big deal':
  200. cla & *clr
  201. hunter_sexual_comfort += 3
  202. hunter_collective_opinion += 7
  203. !TODO: Gif here
  204. !!julzor: we don''t use gifs, only mp4
  205. 'You smile at Igor as you start swaying slowly, getting into something resembling a rhythm'
  206. '"The clothes just get in the way when I do this. Why not join me for a dance?" you say.'
  207. 'He starts awkwardly swaying to match you as you two get into it, with you acting like you are not dancing completely naked in front of the men.'
  208. 'As he starts getting into the rythm, the other men take notice and join in too. Sergei puts on some music as you all spend some time dancing like you are at a disco.'
  209. gs 'arousal', 'flash', 25, 'dom', 'exhibitionism'
  210. !!julzor: added missing gs 'stat' and arousal end
  211. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  212. gs 'stat'
  213. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard'
  214. end
  215. !!julzor: missing : after the end
  216. act 'Give him a hands on demonstration':
  217. cla & *clr
  218. hunter_sexual_comfort += 5
  219. hunter_collective_opinion += 1
  220. !TODO: Gif and images here as well as the rest of the scene
  221. 'You smile at Igor as you approach him and grab his hand'
  222. '"It is no big deal to me, why are you the one that''s embarrassed?" you say as you put his hand on your breasts'
  223. 'He starts blushing to his ears as you lead him to play with your tits. He starts kneading your breasts lightly after a minute but does not go further.'
  224. 'After a minute he stops and starts going away but not before you notice the satisfied smirk on his face.'
  225. gs 'arousal', 'breasts', 5, 'dom', 'exhibitionism'
  226. !!julzor: added missing gs 'stat' and arousal end
  227. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  228. gs 'stat'
  229. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard'
  230. end
  231. }
  232. $skirt_breeze = {
  233. *clr & cla
  234. hunter_sexual_comfort += 2
  235. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/no_tanga.jpg"></center>'
  236. 'You walk across the yard, when suddenly the wind lifts you skirt.'
  237. '"I forgot to put on panties...," you realize this seeing your bare pussy.'
  238. 'You nervously started looking around if anyone caught a glimpse of your little wardrobe malfunction...'
  239. 'You hoped that the men missed the opportunity seeing you exposed, however, Igor''s face had turned red and you see Andrei grinning, you realize quite quickly that your little show did not pass unappreciated.'
  240. !!julzor: The arousal call was missing the time (I put in one minute, you have to change it to something appropriate for the scene)
  241. gs 'arousal', 'flashlite', 1
  242. !!julzor: gs 'stat' should be at the end after all stat window changing things happen (arousal changes arousal and time)
  243. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  244. gs 'stat'
  245. act 'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
  246. }
  247. !Code blocks for branch events (events calling other dynamic events)
  248. !TODO: Return here to expand more.
  249. $naked_encounter = {
  250. if huntersKnowSlut = 0 and $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  251. cla
  252. *clr
  253. gs 'stat'
  254. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swampdvornude.jpg"></center>'
  255. 'Seeing some men in the yard, you try to cover up your private parts...'
  256. if FUNC('lost_clothes_here','swamphouse') = 1 and $lastwornclothingtype ! 'nude':
  257. act 'Run inside and get dressed':
  258. *clr & cla
  259. minut += 5
  260. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  261. gs 'clothing', 'recover_lost_clothes', 'swamphouse', 1
  262. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swampdvornude1.jpg"></center>'
  263. 'You rush inside the hut so you can get dressed.'
  264. act'Further':gt 'swamphouse'
  265. end
  266. else
  267. act 'Run inside and cover up with a burlap sack':
  268. *clr & cla
  269. minut+=5
  270. gs 'clothing', 'swamp_clothes', 1
  271. gs 'stat'
  272. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/tkan_cloth.jpg"></center>'
  273. 'You quickly rush inside the hut and wear a sack... It''s not much, but at least it''s better than nothing.'
  274. act'Further':gt 'swamphouse'
  275. end
  276. end
  277. !TODO: Make this dependent on exhibitionist or inhibition
  278. act'Remain naked':
  279. *clr & cla
  280. gs 'arousal', 'flash', 5, 'exhibitionism'
  281. !!julzor: added missing arousal end
  282. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  283. hunterknowday = daystart
  284. gs 'stat'
  285. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swampdvornude2.jpg"></center>'
  286. 'You decide that it doesn''t matter if you have clothes on or not, you leave it as is. The men stare at your naked body.'
  287. !Nudity reactions. Might need to split into more dynamic events if it gets too massive
  288. if hunter_sexual_comfort < 40:
  289. if hunter_collective_opinion > 45:
  290. hunter_sexual_comfort += 7
  291. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, why are you not wearing clothes?" says Sergei'
  292. '"Leave the girl alone Sergei. It is just us around. In fact, we should go naked too!" says Andrei and starts unzippping his jacket'
  293. '"Okay, okay, you made your point. You do not have to do a striptease, <<$pcs_nickname>> can do whatever she is comfortable with." says Sergei'
  294. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard'
  295. elseif hunter_collective_opinion > 25:
  296. hunter_sexual_comfort += 5
  297. hunter_collective_opinion -= 2
  298. '"Well well, we have ourselves a free spirit here!" says Andrei'
  299. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, please cover up. This is not very appropriate." says Sergei'
  300. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard'
  301. else
  302. hunter_sexual_comfort += 3
  303. hunter_collective_opinion -= 4
  304. '"What in the hell are you doing you dumb girl, put something on" says Sergei'
  305. '"Seriously <<$pcs_nickname>>. You are not a toddler, you can''t just run around naked like one." says Igor'
  306. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard'
  307. end
  308. else
  309. if hunter_collective_opinion > 45:
  310. hunter_sexual_comfort += 5
  311. hunter_collective_opinion += 5
  312. '"Wow nice dress!" says Andrei, grinning, and gives you a playful fondle and slap on the ass'
  313. gs 'arousal', 'fondling'
  314. !TODO: Find an image for here, preferably gif
  315. '"You sure do look good, <<$pcs_nickname>>" says Igor before pulling you in for a kiss.'
  316. act 'Return the kiss':
  317. *clr & cla
  318. !TODO: find image that fits here
  319. 'You happily return the kiss, not caring if you are making out completely naked outside with the other men watching you'
  320. !TODO: find image that fits here
  321. 'Igor''s fingers explore your body, fondling your tits and ass before slipping in your pussy. You start grinding against his fingers before he pulls back out and gives you a smirk before walking back, leaving you aching for more.'
  322. gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5, 'exhibitionism'
  323. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_fingering', 5, 'sub'
  324. !!julzor: added missing arousal end and missing gs 'stat'
  325. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  326. gs 'stat'
  327. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard'
  328. end
  329. act 'Lightly push him away':
  330. hunter_sexual_comfort -= 3
  331. hunter_collective_opinion += 3
  332. '"Whoa there guy! Getting ahead of ourselves aren''t we?" you say before giving Igor a slap on the ass.'
  333. 'He looks at you with a mix of confusion and amusement'
  334. gs 'arousal', 'fondling', 5, 'dom'
  335. !!julzor: added missing arousal end and missing gs 'stat'
  336. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  337. gs 'stat'
  338. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard'
  339. end
  340. elseif hunter_collective_opinion > 25:
  341. hunter_sexual_comfort += 3
  342. hunter_collective_opinion += 3
  343. '"That''s the spirit <<$pcs_nickname>>. You have got nothing to hide so why hide it?" says Andrei'
  344. '"I...uh...wow." stammers Igor. "Still not used to you prancing around like that"'
  345. act 'Help him get more used to it': dynamic $igor_demonstration
  346. else
  347. hunter_sexual_comfort += 3
  348. hunter_collective_opinion += 1
  349. '"What in the hell are you doing you dumb girl, put something on" says Sergei'
  350. '"Leave her Sergei, she is not useful for anything else anyway. Might as well be eye candy and easy acccess for a quick fuck." says Andrei'
  351. '"In fact, let me demonstrate" he says before looking at you, grinning wolfishly"'
  352. dynamic $andrei_quick_fuck
  353. end
  354. act'Keep moving':gt 'swamp_yard'
  355. end
  356. end
  357. end
  358. }
  359. $hunter_cleanup_request = {
  360. if hunters > 0 and huntersKnow = 1 and swiss_army_random_number < 3:
  361. *clr & cla
  362. swiss_army_random_number = rand(1,3)
  363. minut += 5
  364. !!julzor: Changed the three if conditions into one if/elseif and moved the pictures there so I was able to delete the second set of three if conditions
  365. if swiss_army_random_number = 1:
  366. gs 'boyStat', 'A172'
  367. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/andreihanter.jpg"></center>'
  368. elseif swiss_army_random_number = 2:
  369. gs 'boyStat', 'A174'
  370. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/sergeihanter.jpg"></center>'
  371. elseif swiss_army_random_number = 3:
  372. gs 'boyStat', 'A173'
  373. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/igorhanter.jpg"></center>'
  374. end
  375. gs 'stat'
  376. '<<$boydesc>> approaches you. "Hey I need your help with something"'
  377. act 'Sure what is it?':
  378. if dirty_swamphouse > 5:
  379. if huntersKnowSlut = 0:'"<<$pcs_nickname>>," he says. "The hut is a mess, could you take care of it please?"'
  380. if huntersKnowSlut = 1:'"<<$pcs_nickname>>," he uses his stern voice. "The house is a mess, take care of it."'
  381. act 'Clean the hut':hunter_collective_opinion += 2 & gt 'swamphouse', 'dirty_swamphouse'
  382. elseif dirty_swamp_yard > 5:
  383. if hunter_collective_opinion >= 15:'"<<$pcs_nickname>>," he says. "The yard is a mess. Can you please take care of it?"'
  384. if hunter_collective_opinion < 15:'"<<$pcs_nickname>>," he says sternly. "What the hell is all this trash doing out there? Go and pick it all."'
  385. act 'Clean the hut':hunter_collective_opinion += 2 & dynamic $yard_cleanup
  386. else
  387. if hunter_collective_opinion >= 15:'"Actually, nevermind. I got this, thanks though."'
  388. if hunter_collective_opinion < 15:'"Actually, nevermind. You are kinda useless for what I need"'
  389. act 'O...kay':hunter_collective_opinion += 1 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  390. end
  391. end
  392. act '"I''ll help later, busy right now"':
  393. *clr & cla
  394. minut += 5
  395. hunter_collective_opinion -= 3
  396. !TODO: Find new image
  397. gt 'swamp_yard'
  398. end
  399. !TODO: Make this act mood dependent
  400. act '"What?! Do I look like a servant to you?':
  401. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg"></center>'
  402. 'You walk away from <<$boydesc>>'
  403. hunter_collective_opinion -= 10
  404. gt 'swamp_yard'
  405. end
  406. !!julzor: missing end
  407. end
  408. }
  409. !TODO: Clean this up, divvy into leaf events, add additional checks and events for opinion and sexual comfort, and a random no check for the conversations to trigger instead of hunters being omniscient
  410. $hunter_convo_sexworker = {
  411. if huntersKnow = 1 and hunters_check = 0:
  412. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterstalk.jpg"></center>'
  413. 'While walking around the yard you hear the hunters discussing something excitedly.'
  414. convo_rng_roll = rand(1,50)
  415. !TODO: They do not just shut up when they notice Sveta, there is an opinion or comfort check
  416. if fame_sexind > 10 and city_modelling > 30 and huntersknowfoto = 0 and convo_rng_roll = 1:
  417. *clr & cla
  418. minut += 5
  419. hunters_check = 1
  420. huntersknowfoto = 1
  421. hunter_sexual_comfort += 5
  422. hunter_collective_opinion += 3
  423. gs 'stat'
  424. '"I''m telling you, I''ve seen her pictures in a men''s magazine." you overhear Igor.'
  425. 'As soon as they noticed you the men stop talking and changed the subject to another topic.'
  426. act 'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
  427. elseif stripdancesum > 0 and huntersknowstrip = 0 and convo_rng_roll = 2:
  428. *clr & cla
  429. minut += 5
  430. hunters_check = 1
  431. huntersknowstrip = 1
  432. hunter_sexual_comfort += 5
  433. hunter_collective_opinion -= 3
  434. gs 'stat'
  435. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterstalk.jpg"></center>'
  436. 'While walking around the swamp you hear the hunters discussing something very lively.'
  437. '"I promise you, it was her, I swear!" you overhear Sergei. "She was on the stage dancing."'
  438. 'As soon as they noticed you the men stop talking and changed the subject to another topic.'
  439. act 'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
  440. elseif film > 0 and huntersknowfilm = 0 and convo_rng_roll = 3:
  441. *clr & cla
  442. minut += 5
  443. hunters_check = 1
  444. huntersknowfilm = 1
  445. hunter_sexual_comfort += 7
  446. hunter_collective_opinion -= 5
  447. gs 'stat'
  448. '"I recently downloaded some porn, and guess who was in the video, trust me, she''s <<$pfname>>." you overhear Andrei.'
  449. 'As soon as they noticed you the men stop talking and changed the subject to another topic.'
  450. act 'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
  451. elseif gadriver_gang > 0 and convo_rng_roll > 45:
  452. *clr & cla
  453. minut += 5
  454. huntersRape = 1
  455. hunters_check = 1
  456. gs 'stat'
  457. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterstalk.jpg"></center>'
  458. 'While walking around the swamp you hear the hunters discussing something very lively.'
  459. '"I''m telling you, everyone in Gadukino has had the pleasure to "test out" the goods." you overhear Andrei. As soon as they noticed you the men stop talking and changed the subject to another topic.'
  460. act 'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
  461. else
  462. *clr & cla
  463. minut += 5
  464. '"I swear, it was a large orangutan standing by the trees watching us! I also saw those massive prints the other day!" you overhear Andrei'
  465. '"Sure, it had nothing to with that vodka bottle you were chugging." says Igor'
  466. '"Nah I totally believe him. It was just his mom making sure his baby boy was fine" says Sergei before starting to laugh loudly'
  467. 'As soon as they noticed you the men stop talking and changed the subject to another topic.'
  468. act 'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
  469. end
  470. end
  471. }
  472. $daytime_flavor_events = {
  473. !TODO: Move the conditionals inside the child events. Let''s keep this only foor rng rolls and event calls and no more
  474. if CloSkirtShortness > 1 and $pantyworntype = 'none' and rand(1,20) = 1: dynamic $skirt_breeze
  475. if rand(1,12) = 1 : dynamic $hunter_cleanup_request
  476. if rand(1,20) = 1: dynamic $hunter_convo_sexworker
  477. if rand(1,10) = 1: dynamic $naked_encounter
  478. }
  479. $nighttime_flavor_events = {
  480. !TODO: Add stuff here
  481. }
  482. '<center><B>The yard in front of the hut</B></center>'
  483. if month >= 5 and month <= 9:
  484. if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  485. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swamp_yard.jpg"></center>'
  486. else
  487. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swamp_yard_night.jpg"></center>'
  488. end
  489. else
  490. if hour >= 8 and hour < 18:
  491. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swamp_yard_winter.jpg"></center>'
  492. else
  493. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swamp_yard_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  494. end
  495. end
  496. 'The yard in front of the hut.'
  497. 'Behind the hut there is a <a href="exec: gt ''swampspring'' ">spring</a>, if you continue a little further down there is a small <a href="exec: gt ''backwater'' ">creek</a> with relatively clean water.'
  498. if findvel = 3:'On the side of the hut is an old <a href="exec:gt ''bicycle'',''swamp''">bike</a>.'
  499. if hunters > 0 and huntersKnow = 0:'You spot some unfamiliar <a href="exec: gt ''hunters'', ''start'' ">people</a> standing in front of the hut.'
  500. if hunters > 0 and huntersKnow > 0 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20:'You notice the <a href="exec: gt ''hunters'', ''start'' ">hunters</a> standing in the front yard.'
  501. act 'Go into the hut':gt 'swamphouse'
  502. !Conditional acts
  503. if dirty_swamp_yard > 10:act 'Clean up the trash outside': dynamic $yard_cleanup
  504. if collective_hunter_opinion < 10: act '<b>Escape to the swamp</b>': dynamic $swamp_escape
  505. ! TODO: Figure how to remove the sneaky gotos if not tied to other locations
  506. if hunterhelp = 1:
  507. dynamic $rescued_from_swamp
  508. end
  509. if hunterhelp = 2 and huntersKnow = 0:
  510. dynamic $meet_hunters_after_rescue
  511. end
  512. if hour >= 8 and hour < 20:
  513. dynamic $daytime_flavor_events
  514. !TODO: Get rid of all this below here and move the dialogue to other events after revamping the other locs
  515. !the conversation after a drunken Striptease and fuck GG hunters
  516. if huntdanceslut = 1:
  517. cla
  518. *clr
  519. minut+=5
  520. gs 'stat'
  521. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/andreihanter.jpg"></center>'
  522. 'As soon as you walk into the yard, you immediately walk up to Andrei.'
  523. '"I need to talk to you, <<$pcs_nickname>>," he said. "Can you recall what happened last night?"'
  524. '"Well... uh... Yes, I think I can..." you reply, blushing, staring down at the ground.'
  525. '"I used to say that you look just like your mother," said Andrei looking at you. "After your little show yesterday, as it turns out, the resemblance doesn''t stop at just the looks."'
  526. 'Andrei paused looking at you while you try to collect your thoughts to understand what he''s trying to imply.'
  527. '"To be frank, you''re as slutty as your mother was in her youth, the apple doesn''t fall far away from the tree as they say..." he chuckles. "Take it as a compliment."'
  528. 'You look at Andrei, completely stunned by what you just heard.'
  529. '"And what are sluts best at?" he continues. "That''s right, to pleasure men. Don''t you agree?"'
  530. !!julzor: I put the refuse option at the top ... we always try to put refuse/decline/leave options at the top
  531. if pcs_dom > 0 and alko < 8:act'Refuse':huntdanceslut = 3 & gt 'hunters', 'start'
  532. act'Agree':huntdanceslut = 2 & gt 'hunters', 'start'
  533. end
  534. !the conversation after the rape GG hunters
  535. if huntersRape = 4:
  536. cla
  537. *clr
  538. minut+=5
  539. huntersKnowSlut = 2
  540. huntersRape = 5
  541. gs 'stat'
  542. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/andreihanter.jpg"></center>'
  543. 'As soon as you walk into the yard, you immediately walk up to Andrei.'
  544. '"I need to talk to you, <<$pcs_nickname>>," he said. "Do you understand what happened yesterday and that you should keep quiet about it?"'
  545. 'You shamelessly nodded.'
  546. '"What happened to you is no one others fault but your own, you wanted to get fucked," said Andrei looking sternly at you. "Don''t pull off anything stupid like that anymore."'
  547. '"I wouldn''t advise you to call the police," he adds. "Sergei will cover for me. In fact, we''ll just cover for each other, and no one will believe your lying pretty ass. Understand?"'
  548. 'You''re too afraid to look straight at Andrei, you just nod.'
  549. '"Perfect," said Andrei, moving away from you.'
  550. act 'Go':gt 'swamp_yard'
  551. end
  552. !sex with Igor
  553. if hunters > 0 and huntersIgorLove > 0 and huntersIgorQw >= 10 and swiss_army_random_number = 4 and huntersIgorsex = 0:
  554. *clr & cla
  555. minut += 5
  556. huntersIgorsex += rand(12,36)
  557. gs 'stat'
  558. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.4.jpg"></center>'
  559. 'Igor appears in the yard noticing you. Smiling, he walks over and gives you a passionate kiss.'
  560. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I need you," he whispers, while breaking the kiss.'
  561. act 'Agree':
  562. *clr & cla
  563. huntersIgorQw += 1
  564. gs 'stat'
  565. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt2.'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
  566. 'You flirt lewdly with Igor, licking your lips and winking that you''re ready for some fun. Igor, noticing your obvious signals takes you by the hand and leads you away...'
  567. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
  568. gs 'stat'
  569. act 'Go':gt 'hunterLoveSex','Igor'
  570. end
  571. act 'Refuse':
  572. *clr & cla
  573. minut += 5
  574. huntersIgorQw -= 1
  575. gs 'stat'
  576. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg"></center>'
  577. '"I''m sorry, Igor. I''m not in the mood." you say avoiding eye contact. Disappointed Igor leaves...'
  578. act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka
  579. end
  580. end
  581. ! communication with Sergey
  582. if hunters > 0 and huntersKnowSlut = 0 and ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and $clothingworntype ! 'swimwear') and huntersSergeiQw >= 15 and swiss_army_random_number = 6 and huntersSergeiday ! daystart:
  583. *clr & cla
  584. minut += 5
  585. huntersSergeiday = daystart
  586. gs 'stat'
  587. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/sergeihanter.jpg"></center>'
  588. 'You notice Sergei in the yard, who smiles and heads in your direction.'
  589. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, let''s sit down and have a chat if you don''t mind?" he asks you a bit embarrassed.'
  590. act 'Agree':
  591. *clr & cla
  592. minut += 120
  593. hunterslut -= 1
  594. huntersSergeiQw += 1
  595. if huntersIgorQw >= 10 and huntersKnowSlut = 0:huntersIgorQw -= 2
  596. if huntersAndreiQw >= 10 and huntersKnowSlut = 0:huntersAndreiQw -= 2
  597. pcs_mood = 100
  598. gs 'stat'
  599. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove2.jpg"></center>'
  600. 'You happily agree and the two of you spend the next two hours together chatting with each other...'
  601. act 'Further':gt $loc, $metka
  602. end
  603. act 'Refuse':
  604. *clr & cla
  605. minut += 5
  606. huntersSergeiQw -= 2
  607. gs 'stat'
  608. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg"></center>'
  609. '"No, Sergei, as I''ve told you before, I don''t want to talk to you..."'
  610. act 'Further':gt $loc, $metka
  611. end
  612. end
  613. ! sex with Sergei
  614. if hunters > 0 and huntersSergeiLove > 0 and huntersSergeiQw >= 10 and swiss_army_random_number = 7 and huntersSergeisex = 0:
  615. *clr & cla
  616. minut += 5
  617. huntersSergeisex += rand(9,30)
  618. gs 'stat'
  619. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.4.jpg"></center>'
  620. 'You see Sergei steping out of the hut into the yard. Smiling, he walks over and gives you a long passionate kiss.'
  621. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I want you," he said.'
  622. act 'Agree':
  623. *clr & cla
  624. huntersSergeiQw += 1
  625. gs 'stat'
  626. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt2.'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
  627. 'You flirt lewdly with Sergei, licking your lips and winking that you''re ready for some fun. Sergei, noticing your obvious signals takes you by the hand and leads you away...'
  628. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
  629. gs 'stat'
  630. act 'Go':gt 'hunterLoveSex','Sergei'
  631. end
  632. act 'Refuse':
  633. *clr & cla
  634. minut += 5
  635. huntersSergeiQw -= 1
  636. gs 'stat'
  637. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg"></center>'
  638. '"I''m sorry, Sergei. I''m not in the mood." you say avoiding eye contact. Disappointed Sergei leaves...'
  639. act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka
  640. end
  641. end
  642. ! sex with Andrei
  643. if hunters > 0 and huntersAndreiLove > 0 and huntersAndreiQw >= 10 and swiss_army_random_number = 8 and huntersAndreisex = 0:
  644. *clr & cla
  645. huntersAndreisex += rand(6,24)
  646. gs 'stat'
  647. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.4.jpg"></center>'
  648. 'You notice Andrei standing in the yard. Suddenly, he gives you a passionate kiss and without a word he drags you away with him...'
  649. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
  650. gs 'stat'
  651. act 'Follow Andrei':
  652. *clr & cla
  653. minut += 5
  654. huntersAndreiQw += 1
  655. pcs_horny += 5
  656. gs 'stat'
  657. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterhands.jpg"></center>'
  658. 'You follow Andrei holding hands, knowing where he is about to lead you. You don''t mind you want him as bad as he wants you...'
  659. act 'Further':gt 'hunterLoveSex','Andrei'
  660. end
  661. act 'Refuse':
  662. *clr & cla
  663. minut += 5
  664. huntersAndreiQw -= 1
  665. gs 'stat'
  666. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg"></center>'
  667. '"I''m sorry, Andrei. I''m not in the mood." you say avoiding eye contact. Disappointed Andrei leaves...'
  668. act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka
  669. end
  670. end
  671. ! sex if GG whore
  672. if hunters > 0 and huntersRape = 5 and huntslutsexrand = 1 and huntslutsex = 0:
  673. *clr & cla
  674. minut += 5
  675. temphunt = rand(1,3)
  676. ! the choice of who will fuck GG
  677. slutgosex = 1
  678. gs 'stat'
  679. if temphunt = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/andreihanter.jpg"></center>'
  680. if temphunt = 2:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/sergeihanter.jpg"></center>'
  681. if temphunt = 3:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/igorhanter.jpg"></center>'
  682. if temphunt = 1:'Andrei steps out of the hut, heading straight towards you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, walk with me..." without uttering another word he grabs you by the arm and leads you to the nearest tree...'
  683. if temphunt = 2:'Sergei steps out of the hut, heading straight towards you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, let''s go a bit aside you need to help me out with my itch," he said and lead you in the direction of the nearest thicket.'
  684. if temphunt = 3:'Igor steps out of the hut, heading straight towards you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I need you to help me with this bulge," he says pointing at his groin, leading you away from the yard...'
  685. if pcs_horny < 40:' You obediently follow along, well knowing the reason he wanted you to tag along.'
  686. if pcs_horny >= 40 and pcs_horny < 70:'"I need you to take me..." is all you manage to say while he''s leading you away.'
  687. if pcs_horny >= 70:'"I was hoping this would happened," you think to yourself, feeling your wet pussy pulsating with desire. You jump onto him, taking charge, leaving him stunned about who wants it more, you or him.'
  688. act 'Go':gt 'hunters', 'start'
  689. end
  690. ! trio if GG whore
  691. if hunters > 0 and huntersRape = 5 and huntslutsexrand = 2 and huntslutsex = 0:
  692. *clr & cla
  693. minut += 5
  694. temphunt = rand(1,3)
  695. slutgosex = 2
  696. gs 'stat'
  697. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterswork1.2.jpg"></center>'
  698. !!julzor: Changed the three if''s into one if/elseif structure
  699. if temphunt = 1:
  700. 'You see Andrei talking with Sergei in the yard. They notice you, and start moving towards you. "Come with us <<$pcs_nickname>>," without uttering another word Andrei grabs you by the arm and leads you to the nearest tree.... Sergei follows after.'
  701. elseif temphunt = 2:
  702. 'Andrei and Igor notice you enter the yard, they call you over. "Come with us <<$pcs_nickname>>, you need to help us out with our itch," said Andrei pulling you in the direction of the nearest thicket. Igor follows behind.'
  703. elseif temphunt = 3:
  704. 'You notice Igor and Sergei standing in the yard whispering something to each other. Igor approaches you and says "<<$pcs_nickname>>, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I need you to help me with this bulge," he says pointing at his groin. He calls Sergei over and they start leading you away from the yard...'
  705. end
  706. !!julzor: Changed the three if''s into one if/elseif structure
  707. if pcs_horny < 40:
  708. 'You obediently follow along, well knowing the reason they wanted you to tag along.'
  709. elseif pcs_horny >= 40 and pcs_horny < 70:
  710. '"I need you to take me..." is all you manage to say while they''re leading you away.'
  711. elseif pcs_horny >= 70:
  712. '"I was hoping this would happened," you think to yourself, feeling your wet pussy pulsating with desire. You jump onto one of them, taking charge, leaving the other one stunned about who wants it more, they or you.'
  713. end
  714. act 'Go with the guys':
  715. *clr & cla
  716. minut += 5
  717. pcs_horny += 5
  718. gs 'stat'
  719. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/doublehanterlove.jpg"></center>'
  720. 'You go along with the men holding their hands, knowing where they''re about to lead you. You don''t mind you want them as bad as they wants you...'
  721. act 'Further':gt 'huntersex', 'sluthomesex'
  722. end
  723. end
  724. end
  725. --- swamp_yard ---------------------------------