Prechádzať zdrojové kódy

Merge branch 'master' of

Derryth_Love 5 mesiacov pred
100 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 11804 pridanie a 8619 odobranie
  1. 4 0
  2. 28 0
  3. 3 0
  4. 67 17
  5. 60 0
  6. 8 0
  7. 213 100
  8. 119 0
  9. 41 82
  10. 0 202
  11. 66 74
  12. 4 5
  13. 1 0
  14. 1 1
  15. 1 1
  16. 3911 3431
  17. 41 73
  18. 397 41
  19. 15 13
  20. 1 1
  21. 9 9
  22. 2 2
  23. 8 8
  24. 2 2
  25. 13 19
  26. 1 1
  27. 69 17
  28. 1 1
  29. 7 7
  30. 271 256
  31. 42 39
  32. 3 3
  33. 49 1271
  34. 2 2
  35. 5 5
  36. 2 2
  37. 7 2
  38. 4 2
  39. 12 5
  40. 4 10
  41. 0 23
  42. 0 56
  43. 0 27
  44. 0 17
  45. 37 47
  46. 12 12
  47. 13 13
  48. 2 2
  49. 12 12
  50. 345 269
  51. 163 145
  52. 335 345
  53. 339 287
  54. 360 318
  55. 226 214
  56. 318 287
  57. 330 267
  58. 17 19
  59. 1 1
  60. 58 77
  61. 3 3
  62. 359 0
  63. 21 0
  64. 217 0
  65. 11 12
  66. 15 2
  67. 2 2
  68. 83 83
  69. 2 2
  70. 1 1
  71. 1 1
  72. 81 64
  73. 2 2
  74. 30 33
  75. 2 5
  76. 2 2
  77. 1 1
  78. 2 2
  79. 155 182
  80. 308 0
  81. 512 0
  82. 3 0
  83. 6 2
  84. 63 0
  85. 1 1
  86. 69 69
  87. 63 0
  88. 1 0
  89. 3 0
  90. 209 0
  91. 18 4
  92. 34 0
  93. 365 0
  94. 4 2
  95. 332 0
  96. 2 2
  97. 590 0
  98. 12 0
  99. 17 0
  100. 140 0

+ 4 - 0

@@ -41,3 +41,7 @@

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+@ECHO off
+:: The folder where the can be found
+set VALIDATOR=tools
+:: The list file with the files that will be validated [optional]
+set LIST=glife-validate.qproj
+:: The qsrc file that will be validated [optional]
+:: set FILE=
+:: The folder where the LIST or the FILE can be found [optional, will use the root folder if not set]
+set FOLDER=tools
+:: The folder where the qsrc file can be found [mandatory]
+set SOURCE=locations
+:: python %VALIDATOR%\ source=%SOURCE%
+:: python %VALIDATOR%\ source=%SOURCE% file=%FILE% folder=%FOLDER%
+python %VALIDATOR%\ source=%SOURCE% list=%LIST% folder=%FOLDER%
+echo Done.

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@echo off
+python "%~dp0tools\"
+if errorlevel 1 pause

+ 67 - 17

@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 @ECHO off
+:: Set batch file path
+set BATDir=%~dp0
 :: Set those lines to fit your setup. 
 :: This is where glife.qsp will be copied. If you don't want to move it just comment (::) the line below.
 :: set CP_TO=..\GL_ECV
@@ -11,40 +14,52 @@ set QGEN=tools\QGen5\QGen.exe
 :: The file that will be generated or open
 set QSPFILE=glife.qsp
+:: Chimrod validation tool
+set QSPParser=tools\Parser\qsp_parser.exe
-echo :: QSP Compiler and Launcher
+echo :: Girl Life - QSP Compiler and Launcher ::
 if defined QGEN (
-	if not exist "%QGEN%" ( 
-		echo QGEN     : [ERROR] - %QGEN%  not found. Using DEFAULT application.
+	if not exist "%BATDir%%QGEN%" ( 
+		echo QGEN       : [ERROR] - "%BATDir%%QGEN%"  not found. Using DEFAULT application.
 		set QGEN=
-	) else ( echo QGEN     : [OK] - "%QGEN%")
+	) else ( 
+			echo QGEN       : [OK] - "%BATDir%%QGEN%")
 ) else echo QGEN     : [NOT DEFINED] - Using DEFAULT application.
 if defined QSPGUI (
-	if not exist "%QSPGUI%" ( 
-		echo QSP EXEC : [ERROR] - %QSPGUI% not found.
+	if not exist "%BATDir%%QSPGUI%" ( 
+		echo QSP EXEC   : [ERROR] -"%BATDir%%QSPGUI%" not found.
 		set QSPGUI=
-	) else ( echo QSP EXEC : [OK] - "%QSPGUI%")
-) else ( echo QSP EXEC : [NOT DEFINED] - Using Windows DEFAULT.)
+	) else ( echo QSP EXEC   : [OK] - "%BATDir%%QSPGUI%")
+) else ( echo QSP EXEC   : [NOT DEFINED] - Using Windows DEFAULT.)
 if defined QSPFILE (
-	if not exist "%QSPFILE%" ( 
-		echo QSP FILE : [WARNING] - %QSPFILE% not found.
-	) else ( echo QSP FILE : [OK] - "%QSPFILE%")
+	if not exist "%BATDir%%QSPFILE%" ( 
+		echo QSP FILE   : [WARNING] - "%BATDir%%QSPFILE%" not found.
+	) else ( echo QSP FILE   : [OK] - "%BATDir%%QSPFILE%")
 if defined CP_TO (
 	if not exist "%CP_TO%" (
-		echo COPY     : [ERROR] - Destination "%CP_TO%" not found. Copy DISABLED.
+		echo COPY       : [ERROR] - Destination "%CP_TO%" not found. Copy DISABLED.
 		set CP_TO=
-	) else ( echo COPY     : [OK] - "%CP_TO%")
-) else (  echo COPY     : [DISABLED] )
+	) else ( echo COPY      : [OK] - "%CP_TO%")
+) else (  echo COPY       : [DISABLED] )
+if defined QSPParser (
+	if not exist "%BATDir%%QSPParser%" ( 
+		echo QSP Parser : [WARNING] - "%BATDir%%QSPParser%" not found.
+		echo              Please visit the Girl Life Discord to download the latest version.
+	) else ( echo QSP Parser : [OK] - "%BATDir%%QSPParser%")
+) else ( echo QSP Parser : [NOT FOUND - DISABLED ]	)
@@ -54,18 +69,22 @@ if defined NOT_FOUND (
-echo ACTIONS: (B)uild  (R)un  (F)ull  (Q)Gen  (E)xit
+echo ACTIONS: (B)uild  (D)ebug  (R)un  (F)ull  (Q)Gen  (V)alidate  (E)xit
 set /p action=Choose an action:
 if defined QSPFILE (
 	if %action% == b goto build
+	if %action% == d goto build_debug
 	if %action% == r goto run
 	if %action% == f goto build
+	if %action% == v goto parser
 	if %action% == q goto qgen
 	if %action% == B goto build
+	if %action% == D goto build_debug
 	if %action% == R goto run
 	if %action% == F goto build
+	if %action% == V goto parser
 	if %action% == Q goto qgen
@@ -92,16 +111,47 @@ echo Done.
 if %action% == f ( goto run ) else ( goto menu )
+echo Building DEBUG ...
+python tools\ locations glife.txt
+tools\txt2gam.exe glife.txt %QSPFILE% > nul
+if defined CP_TO ( echo Copying %QSPFILE% to "%CP_TO%" ... & copy %QSPFILE% %CP_TO% > nul )
+echo Done.
+goto menu
 echo Running ...
 if defined CP_TO ( start %QGEN% %CP_TO%\%QSPFILE% ) else ( start %QGEN% %QSPFILE% )
 goto exit
+echo validating...
+"%BATDir%%QSPParser%" --level warn "%BATDir%glife.txt" > "%BATDir%validation.log"
+@ECHO off
+echo Done - Exiting.
+goto exit
 echo Running ...
-if defined CP_TO ( start %QSPGUI% %CP_TO%\%QSPFILE% ) else ( start %QSPGUI% %QSPFILE% )
+if defined CP_TO ( start "%BATDir%%QSPGUI%" %CP_TO%\%QSPFILE% ) else ( start "%BATDir%%QSPGUI%" %QSPFILE% )

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+@ECHO off
+:: The file that will be generated or open
+set TESTFOLDER=test
+set TESTSUITE=test\testsuite-basic.qproj 
+set QSPGUI=tools\QSPgui\qspgui.exe
+:: set QSPGUI=Qqsp.exe
+set LOCATIONSFOLDER=locations
+echo :: QSP Compiler and Launcher
+if defined QSPGUI (
+	if not exist "%QSPGUI%" ( 
+		echo QSP EXEC : [ERROR] - %QSPGUI% not found.
+		set QSPGUI=
+	) else ( echo QSP EXEC : [OK] - "%QSPGUI%")
+) else ( echo QSP EXEC : [NOT DEFINED] - Using Windows DEFAULT.)
+if defined NOT_FOUND (
+	echo ERROR: Option '%action%' wasn't recognized. Is it lowercase? 
+	set NOT_FOUND=
+echo Building ...
+SET /p MYVAR=<_temp-filename.txt
+tools\txt2gam.exe  %TXTFILE% %QSPFILE% : > nul
+del %TXTFILE%
+del _temp-filename.txt
+echo Done.

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+	"folders": [
+		{
+			"path": "."
+		}
+	],
+	"settings": {}

+ 213 - 100

@@ -8,14 +8,17 @@
 	<Location name="begin"/>
 	<Location name="onobjsel"/>
 	<Location name="obj_din"/>
-	<Location name="journal"/>
-	<Location name="journal_work"/>
-	<Location name="journal_school"/>
-	<Location name="journal_uni"/>
-	<Location name="journal_quests"/>
-	<Location name="journal_portfolio"/>
-	<Location name="Cheatmenu_din"/>
 	<Location name="themes"/>
+	<Folder name="Journal">
+		<Location name="journal"/>
+		<Location name="journal_work"/>
+		<Location name="journal_school"/>
+		<Location name="journal_uni"/>
+		<Location name="journal_quests"/>
+		<Location name="journal_portfolio"/>
+		<Location name="journal_NPC_information"/>
+		<Location name="Cheatmenu_din"/>
+	</Folder>
 	<Folder name="System">
 		<Location name="counter"/>
 		<Location name="loadg"/>
@@ -28,6 +31,8 @@
 		<Location name="mod_setting"/>
 		<Location name="$difficulty"/>
 		<Location name="UnitAppearance"/>
+		<Location name="notification"/>
+		<Location name="debug_tools"/>
 	<Folder name="Stats">
 		<Location name="DNA"/>
@@ -38,6 +43,7 @@
 		<Location name="MenuMainLoc"/>
 		<Location name="starenie"/>
 		<Location name="stat"/>
+		<Location name="hourly_events"/>
 		<Location name="stat_display"/>
 		<Location name="stat_sklattrib"/>
 		<Location name="stat_sklattrib_lvlset"/>
@@ -53,6 +59,7 @@
 		<Location name="homes_properties_attr"/>
 	<Folder name="Functions">
+		<Location name="tabhead"/>
 		<Location name="indik"/>
 		<Location name="indiktab"/>
 		<Location name="shortgs"/>
@@ -64,18 +71,33 @@
 		<Location name="beverage"/>
 		<Location name="food_menu"/>
 		<Location name="schedule"/>
-		<Location name="sleep"/>
 		<Location name="willpower"/>
 		<Location name="drugs"/>
 		<Location name="npc_relationship"/>
+		<Location name="npc_finder"/>
 		<Location name="npc_reactions"/>
+		<Location name="npc_set_preference"/>
+		<Location name="set_npc_attraction"/>
+		<Location name="pcs_has_attr"/>
 		<Location name="grades"/>
 		<Location name="internet_mobile"/>
+	<Folder name="Sleep">
+		<Location name="pre_sleep"/>
+		<Location name="pre_sleep_events"/>
+		<Location name="sleep_reflections"/>
+		<Location name="dream_events"/>
+		<Location name="sleep"/>
+		<Location name="sleep_simple"/>
+		<Location name="sleep_events"/>
+		<Location name="wakeup"/>
+		<Location name="wakeup_events"/>
+	</Folder>
 	<Folder name="Body">
-		<Location name="ApperanceSystem"/>
+		<Location name="AppearanceSystem"/>
 		<Location name="body"/>
 		<Location name="body_desc"/>
+		<Location name="body_structure"/>
 		<Location name="lact_lib"/>
 		<Location name="lact_bp"/>
 		<Location name="body_din"/>
@@ -90,6 +112,7 @@
 		<Location name="boyStat"/>
 		<Location name="pain"/>
 		<Location name="arousal"/>
+		<Location name="arousal_oneline"/>
 		<Location name="orgasm"/>
 		<Location name="dinSex"/>
 		<Location name="dinSex2"/>
@@ -123,7 +146,7 @@
 		<Location name="$attributes_flamingos_dress"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_coco_outfits"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_coco_dress"/>
-		<Location name="$attributes_fashionista"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_fashionista_dress"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_fashionista_outfits"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_moncheri_gown"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_moncheri_dress"/>
@@ -154,7 +177,8 @@
 		<Location name="$attributes_misc_outfits"/>
 		<Location name="lost_clothes_here"/>
 		<Location name="portnoi"/>
-		<Location name="portnoi2"/>
+		<Location name="tailor"/>
+		<Location name="tailor2"/>
 	<Folder name="Shoes">
 		<Location name="shoes"/>
@@ -191,10 +215,22 @@
 		<Location name="underwear_bodysuits"/>
 		<Location name="underwear_attributes"/>
 		<Location name="underwear_descriptions"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_gm_bra"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_gm_panties"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_cats_bra"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_cats_panties"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_eroto_bra"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_eroto_panties"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_danilovich_bra"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_danilovich_panties"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_fashionista_bra"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_fashionista_panties"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_lusso_bodysuit"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_lusso_bra"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_lusso_panties"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_moncheri_bodysuit"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_salacious_panties"/>
+		<Location name="$attributes_salacious_bra"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_salacious_bodysuit"/>
 		<Location name="$attributes_scandalicious_bodysuit"/>
@@ -208,6 +244,9 @@
 		<Location name="telefon"/>
 		<Location name="phone_selfies"/>
 		<Location name="phone_selfies_popup"/>
+		<Location name="SMStext_builder"/>
+		<Location name="SMS_selfies"/>
+		<Location name="SMS_selfies_popup"/>
 	<Folder name="Prostitution">
 		<Location name="street_walker"/>
@@ -226,8 +265,6 @@
 		<Location name="lesbidomhouse"/>
 		<Location name="lesbimistress"/>
 		<Location name="lesbisubhouse"/>
-		<Location name="city_kafeevents2"/>
-		<Location name="city_kafeevents3"/>
 		<Location name="ParkKafe"/>
 	<Folder name="Magic Quests">
@@ -253,6 +290,7 @@
 		<Location name="intro_sg_select"/>
 		<Location name="intro_sg_select_custom"/>
 		<Location name="intro_city_select"/>
+		<Location name="intro_functions"/>
 	<Folder name="NPCManage">
 		<Location name="npccleanc"/>
@@ -267,9 +305,11 @@
 		<Location name="npcstatic4"/>
 		<Location name="npcstatic5"/>
 		<Location name="npcstatic6"/>
+		<Location name="npc_standard_preferences"/>
 		<Location name="fight_npcdata"/>
 		<Location name="npc"/>
 		<Location name="saveupdater"/>
+		<Location name="boy_updater"/>
 		<Location name="NPCChanger"/>
 		<Location name="pet_dog"/>
@@ -286,15 +326,20 @@
 	<Folder name="Furniture">
 		<Location name="bed"/>
+		<Location name="bed_events"/>
 		<Location name="bed2"/>
-		<Location name="dreams"/>
-		<Location name="budilnik"/>
+		<Location name="bed_get_out"/>
+		<Location name="bed_get_out_events"/>
+		<Location name="alarmclock"/>
 		<Location name="divan"/>
 		<Location name="Komp"/>
+		<Location name="komp_camgirl"/>
 		<Location name="kompMFC"/>
 		<Location name="kompMFCtwo"/>
 		<Location name="kompMFCanal"/>
 		<Location name="kompMFCoral"/>
+		<Location name="komp_HF_or_not"/>
+		<Location name="komp_assbook"/>
 		<Location name="mirror"/>
 		<Location name="stol"/>
 		<Location name="kit_din"/>
@@ -308,19 +353,28 @@
 		<Location name="bank"/>
 		<Location name="kiosk"/>
 		<Location name="taxi"/>
-		<Location name="train"/>
-		<Location name="train_incidental"/>
-		<Location name="metro"/>
-		<Location name="metro_events"/>
 		<Location name="events"/>
 		<Location name="flash"/>
 		<Location name="street_event"/>
+		<Location name="rape_events"/>
 		<Location name="fame_events"/>
 		<Location name="noticeboard"/>
 		<Location name="shop_allure"/>
 		<Location name="gloryhole"/>
 		<Location name="home_activity"/>
+	<Folder name="Transportation">
+		<Location name="transport_functions"/>
+		<Location name="train"/>
+		<Location name="train_events"/>
+		<Location name="train_incidental"/>
+		<Location name="metro"/>
+		<Location name="metro_events"/>
+		<Location name="bus"/>
+		<Location name="bus_events"/>
+		<Location name="bus_incidental"/>
+		<Location name="bicycle"/>
+	</Folder>
 	<Folder name="Post office">
 		<Location name="post_office"/>
 		<Location name="post_master"/>
@@ -328,23 +382,21 @@
 		<Location name="post_events"/>
 	<Folder name="BDSM Club">
-		<Location name="BDSM_Club"/>
-		<Location name="BDSM_training"/>
-		<Location name="MHall"/>
-		<Location name="MDressing"/>
-		<Location name="MLanding"/>
-		<Location name="MDining"/>
-		<Location name="MLibrary"/>
-		<Location name="MBallroom"/>
-		<Location name="MRear"/>
-		<Location name="MConservatory"/>
-		<Location name="MKitchen"/>
-		<Location name="MBasement"/>
-		<Location name="MWestbed"/>
-		<Location name="MEastbed"/>
-		<Location name="MGames"/>
-		<Location name="MLiving"/>
-		<Location name="MBathrooms"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_mansion"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_training"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_hallway"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_dressing"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_landing"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_dining"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_ballroom"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_garden"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_conservatory"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_kitchen"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_basement"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_bedwest"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_bedeast"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_gameroom"/>
+		<Location name="bdsm_bathrooms"/>
 	<Folder name="Trade Representative">
 		<Location name="city_trademission"/>
@@ -385,26 +437,6 @@
 		<Location name="WorkHosp"/>
 		<Location name="worksalon"/>
-	<Folder name="Nicholas">
-		<Location name="nichApartment"/>
-		<Location name="nichBathGuest"/>
-		<Location name="nichBathMaster"/>
-		<Location name="nichBathServant"/>
-		<Location name="nichBedroomMaster"/>
-		<Location name="nichBedroomServant"/>
-		<Location name="nichBedroomTanja"/>
-		<Location name="nichChore"/>
-		<Location name="nichClub"/>
-		<Location name="nichCook"/>
-		<Location name="nichGala"/>
-		<Location name="nichKitchen"/>
-		<Location name="nichLivingroom"/>
-		<Location name="nichNicholas"/>
-		<Location name="nichStudy"/>
-		<Location name="nichTanya"/>
-		<Location name="nichTaras"/>
-		<Location name="nichUtil"/>
-	</Folder>
 	<Folder name="Home- City Residental Apartment">
 		<Location name="bedr"/>
 		<Location name="sitr"/>
@@ -448,10 +480,12 @@
 		<Location name="fathersex"/>
 		<Location name="dinfather"/>
 		<Location name="mother"/>
+		<Location name="mother_chats"/>
 		<Location name="mother_sextalk"/>
 		<Location name="dinmother"/>
 		<Location name="sister"/>
 		<Location name="sister_chat"/>
+		<Location name="sister_sex_talk"/>
 		<Location name="sistersleep"/>
 		<Location name="sisterQW"/>
 		<Location name="ludahome"/>
@@ -460,6 +494,7 @@
 		<Location name="brother2"/>
 		<Location name="brother_voyeur"/>
 		<Location name="brother_voyeur_sex"/>
+		<Location name="brother_shower_sex"/>
 		<Location name="brother_lessons"/>
 		<Location name="seeporn"/>
@@ -475,6 +510,26 @@
 		<Location name="rex_party_smallEvents"/>
 		<Location name="rex_party_sexEvents"/>
+	<Folder name="Nicholas">
+		<Location name="nichApartment"/>
+		<Location name="nichBathGuest"/>
+		<Location name="nichBathMaster"/>
+		<Location name="nichBathServant"/>
+		<Location name="nichBedroomMaster"/>
+		<Location name="nichBedroomServant"/>
+		<Location name="nichBedroomTanja"/>
+		<Location name="nichChore"/>
+		<Location name="nichClub"/>
+		<Location name="nichCook"/>
+		<Location name="nichGala"/>
+		<Location name="nichKitchen"/>
+		<Location name="nichLivingroom"/>
+		<Location name="nichNicholas"/>
+		<Location name="nichStudy"/>
+		<Location name="nichTanya"/>
+		<Location name="nichTaras"/>
+		<Location name="nichUtil"/>
+	</Folder>
 	<Folder name="Dima Nosov">
 		<Location name="dimaEv"/>
 		<Location name="dimaHome"/>
@@ -501,12 +556,17 @@
 		<Location name="KatjaHomeTalk"/>
 		<Location name="katja_sex"/>
 		<Location name="Katja_Tanga"/>
+		<Location name="katja_pantyquest"/>
 		<Location name="katja_meynold_schedule"/>
 		<Location name="katja_uni"/>
 		<Location name="katja_uni_sex"/>
 		<Location name="katja_dorm"/>
+		<Location name="katja_party"/>
 		<Location name="katja_chat"/>
 		<Location name="katja_city"/>
+		<Location name="katja_city_sex"/>
+		<Location name="katja_nightclub"/>
+		<Location name="katja_nightclub_sex"/>
 	<Folder name="Viky Meynold">
 		<Location name="mey_home"/>
@@ -531,9 +591,16 @@
 		<Location name="anushkaev2"/>
 		<Location name="anushapt"/>
 		<Location name="anush_bedroom"/>
-		<Location name="anushaptbr"/> 
+		<Location name="anush_bedroom_city"/>
+		<Location name="anushaptbr"/>
 		<Location name="anushkachat"/>
+		<Location name="anushkachat_city"/>
 		<Location name="anushkamaksim"/>
+		<Location name="anushka_konstantinov_schedule"/>
+		<Location name="valentin_bogdanov_schedule" />
+		<Location name="radomir_popov_schedule" />
+		<Location name="arkadi_fyodorov_schedule" />
+		<Location name="band_tour_anushka_SMS"/>
 	<Folder name="Sonia">
 		<Location name="soniadisco"/>
@@ -557,6 +624,12 @@
 		<Location name="fbDormD"/>
 		<Location name="fbGar"/>
 		<Location name="zsoft_gopskverGorSlut"/>
+        <Location name="pav_park_meet_event"/>
+        <Location name="pav_park_meet_kol_event"/>
+	</Folder>
+	<Folder name="Employment Systems">
+		<Location name="emp_functions"/>
+		<Location name="emp_job_array"/>
 	<Folder name="Fedor">
 		<Location name="FedorEv"/>
@@ -609,9 +682,9 @@
 	<Folder name="Home-Shared_appartment">
 		<Location name="pav_shared_apt"/>
-		<Location name="pav_shared_gp"/>
-		<Location name="pav_shared_nd"/>
-		<Location name="pav_shared_sp"/>
+		<Location name="pav_shared_nestor"/>
+		<Location name="pav_shared_oleg"/>
+		<Location name="pav_shared_yakov"/>
 	<Folder name="Community center">
 		<Location name="pav_commcenter"/>
@@ -627,7 +700,7 @@
 		<Location name="VolleyTrenCentr"/>
 		<Location name="VolleyTrenerSpeak"/>
 		<Location name="Voltrenersex"/>
-		<Location name="chessplay"/>git
+		<Location name="chessplay"/>
 		<Location name="boilerroom"/>
 		<Location name="krupo"/>
 		<Location name="kruchess"/>
@@ -647,23 +720,36 @@
 		<Location name="danceGev"/>
 		<Location name="volAndGev"/>
-	<Folder name="Booty call">
+	<Folder name="Sex Events For Generic NPCs">
+		<Location name="sex_ev_after"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_condoms"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_cowgirl"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_cum"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_doggy"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_events"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_foreplay"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_foreplay_desc"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_miss"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_wakeup"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_morning"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_pillow_talk"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_pillow_talk2"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_favorite_part"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_work_talk1"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_sex"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_shower"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_start"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_stats"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_talk"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_reactions"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_reactions_creampie"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_virgin"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_leave"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_hookup_leave"/>
+		<Location name="sex_ev_dress_talking"/>
 		<Location name="booty_call"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_after"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_condoms"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_cowgirl"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_cum"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_doggy"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_miss"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_morning"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_pillow_talk"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_sex"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_shower"/>
 		<Location name="booty_call_sms"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_start"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_stats"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_talk"/>
-		<Location name="booty_call_virgin"/>
 	<Folder name="Station Campus">
 		<Location name="pav_market"/>
@@ -707,6 +793,9 @@
 		<Location name="natkolEv"/>
 		<Location name="natpimp"/>
+	<Folder name="Natalia Pavlova">
+		<Location name="natalia_pavlova"/>
+	</Folder>
 	<Folder name="Petka">
 		<Location name="petkaEv"/>
@@ -714,6 +803,8 @@
 		<Location name="albina_starlets_aftermath"/>
 		<Location name="albinahome"/>
 		<Location name="albina_chat"/>
+		<Location name="albina_chat2"/>
+		<Location name="albina_sex_chat"/>
 		<Location name="albina_lazar_sex"/>
 		<Location name="albina_school_sex"/>
 		<Location name="albina_house_events"/>
@@ -721,6 +812,7 @@
 		<Location name="albina_election_events"/>
 		<Location name="albina_starlets"/>
 		<Location name="albina_wine_event"/>
+		<Location name="albina_starlets_sex"/>
 	<Folder name="Lariska">
 		<Location name="LariskaGo"/>
@@ -762,6 +854,7 @@
 		<Location name="foto_practice"/>
 		<Location name="foto_events"/>
 		<Location name="foto_events2"/>
+		<Location name="foto_nude_debut"/>
 		<Location name="foto_model_documentary"/>
 		<Location name="foto_albums"/>
 		<Location name="foto_models"/>
@@ -769,12 +862,15 @@
 	<Folder name="Models">
 		<Location name="model_anastasia"/>
+		<Location name="model_emily1"/>
+		<Location name="model_jeff1"/>
 		<Location name="model_krystal"/>
 		<Location name="model_mari"/>
 	<Folder name="Crime and Punishment">
 		<Location name="police_station"/>
 		<Location name="sentence"/>
+		<Location name="courtletter"/>
 		<Location name="shoplifting"/>
 	<Folder name="Mansion">
@@ -801,7 +897,7 @@
 		<Location name="music_bedroompractice"/>
 		<Location name="music_onlinemusic"/>
  		<Location name="music_gigstarts"/>
-   		<Location name="music_guitarlesson"/>   
+   		<Location name="music_guitarlesson"/>
    		<Location name="music_buskingevents"/>
 		<Location name="music_delparco"/>
 		<Location name="music_checks"/>
@@ -834,9 +930,9 @@
 		<Location name="city_nightclub"/>
 		<Location name="city_nightclubToilet"/>
 		<Location name="Club2"/>
-		<Location name="vipclub"/>
 		<Location name="danceclass"/>
 		<Location name="city_library"/>
+		<Location name="city_hermitage"/>
 		<Location name="fit"/>
 		<Location name="talent_agency"/>
 		<Location name="casting"/>
@@ -861,6 +957,7 @@
 		<Location name="city_musicstore_stock"/>
 		<Location name="shop_materinstvo"/>
 		<Location name="shop_photography"/>
+		<Location name="photography_work"/>
 	<Folder name="City Residential">
 		<Location name="city_residential"/>
@@ -868,12 +965,9 @@
 		<Location name="city_pharmacy"/>
 		<Location name="city_smalloffice"/>
 		<Location name="city_dima"/>
-		<Location name="city_kafegivisex"/>
 		<Location name="city_irinaroom"/>
 		<Location name="city_kafe"/>
-		<Location name="city_kafe2"/>
 		<Location name="city_kafeend"/>
-		<Location name="city_kavkazkafe"/>
 		<Location name="city_jorahouse"/>
 		<Location name="city_lake"/>
 		<Location name="city_drugden"/>
@@ -882,6 +976,10 @@
 		<Location name="park_walkeventsrnd"/>
 		<Location name="park_walkevents"/>
 		<Location name="city_clinic"/>
+		<Location name="city_experimental_trials"/>
+		<Location name="city_experimental_trials_pharmacy"/>
+		<Location name="city_experimental_trials_list"/>
+		<Location name="city_experimental_trials_events"/>
 		<Location name="city_market"/>
 		<Location name="city_marketwork"/>
 		<Location name="city_sauna"/>
@@ -934,7 +1032,7 @@
 		<Location name="cfnm"/>
 		<Location name="stwork"/>
 		<Location name="stwork2"/>
-		<Location name="hookahlounge"/>	
+		<Location name="hookahlounge"/>
 	<Folder name="City_Island">
 		<Location name="city_island"/>
@@ -943,6 +1041,8 @@
 		<Location name="shop_nerdvana"/>
 		<Location name="shop_flamingos"/>
 		<Location name="city_coffee_hole"/>
+		<Location name="anushapt_city"/>
+		<Location name="anushapt_city_schedule"/>
 	<Folder name="University">
 		<Location name="uni_grounds"/>
@@ -962,15 +1062,19 @@
 		<Location name="uni_exams2"/>
 		<Location name="uni_exams3"/>
 		<Location name="uni_exams4"/>
+		<Location name="uni_lessons_electives1"/>
+		<Location name="uni_lessons_electives2"/>
+		<Location name="uni_lessons_electivesev1"/>
 		<Location name="uni_events"/>
 		<Location name="uniutil"/>
 	<Folder name="University Characters">
 		<Location name="vecher"/>
 		<Location name="djibril"/>
+		<Location name="djibrilev1"/>
 		<Location name="gosha"/>
 		<Location name="kendra"/>
-		<Location name="djibrilev1"/>
+		<Location name="sofia"/>
 		<Location name="Vika"/>
 		<Location name="vikaev1"/>
@@ -989,6 +1093,7 @@
 		<Location name="pav_clinic"/>
 		<Location name="therapist"/>
 		<Location name="therapist_reminder"/>
+		<Location name="therapist_hotel"/>
 		<Location name="gevent"/>
 		<Location name="pav_park"/>
 		<Location name="pav_park_sex"/>
@@ -1010,6 +1115,8 @@
 		<Location name="tour_guide"/>
 		<Location name="shop_coco_carmen"/>
 		<Location name="marisha_ev"/>
+		<Location name="pav_pool"/>
+		<Location name="pav_pool_events"/>
 	<Folder name="Pav Lake">
 		<Location name="pav_lake"/>
@@ -1031,7 +1138,6 @@
 		<Location name="gadriver"/>
 		<Location name="meadow"/>
 		<Location name="gadprostitutes"/>
-		<Location name="bicycle"/>
 		<Location name="gadfield"/>
 		<Location name="gadgarden"/>
 		<Location name="gadmarket"/>
@@ -1171,15 +1277,8 @@
 		<Location name="Gnpc"/>
 		<Location name="Gnpc_cinema"/>
 		<Location name="Gnpc2"/>
-		<Location name="hookup"/>
-		<Location name="hookup_sms"/>
-		<Location name="hookup_sex"/>
-		<Location name="hookup_rape"/>
-		<Location name="hookup_virgin"/>
-		<Location name="hookup_after"/>
-		<Location name="hookup_talk"/>
-		<Location name="hookup_morning"/>
 		<Location name="hookup_female"/>
+		<Location name="hookup_after"/>
 	<Folder name="Misc">
 		<Location name="beg"/>
@@ -1189,11 +1288,8 @@
 		<Location name="husbSex"/>
 		<Location name="Peterroom"/>
 		<Location name="sexorg"/>
-		<Location name="$stock_item_info"/>
-		<Location name="$stock_item"/>
-		<Location name="$single_stock_item"/>
-		<Location name="$buy_item"/>
-		<Location name="$buy_single_item"/>
+		<Location name="item_cart"/>
+		<Location name="item_stock_db"/>
 	<Folder name="New Year 2010">
 		<Location name="nyp_school"/>
@@ -1225,15 +1321,15 @@
 		<Location name="belpicknick"/>
 	<Folder name="Old Town">
-		<Location name="liam"/>
-		<Location name="liamelkafe"/>
+		<Location name="pushkin"/>
+		<Location name="pushkin_cafe"/>
 		<Location name="stallion"/>
 		<Location name="larek"/>
 		<Location name="dvor"/>
 		<Location name="ugol"/>
 		<Location name="ugol1"/>
 		<Location name="artstudia"/>
-		<Location name="liames"/>
+		<Location name="pushkin_sq"/>
 		<Location name="burlesque"/>
 		<Location name="rasputin_entrance"/>
 		<Location name="rasputin_host"/>
@@ -1278,6 +1374,23 @@
 		<Location name="treeCircActs"/>
 		<Location name="treeCircEntry"/>
+	<Folder name="Ballet_career">
+		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_init"/>
+		<Location name="core_library"/>
+		<Location name="ballet_npc"/>
+		<Location name="npc_3501_init"/>
+		<Location name="npc_3510_init"/>
+		<Location name="maya_residence"/>
+		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_center"/>
+		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_res"/>
+		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_class"/>
+		<Location name="pushkin_ballet_evt"/>
+		<Location name="ballet_global_evt"/>
+		<Location name="ballet_secrets"/>
+		<Location name="marlilnsky_theatre"/>
+		<Location name="pushkin_theatre"/>
+		<Location name="st_petersburg_canals"/>
+	</Folder>
 	<Location name="cleanHTML"/>

+ 119 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+<<$deckImg[playerHand[i * 16 + j]]>>
+images/system/phone/theme/' + $phonetheme_name[i] + '/icon_call.png
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/bra/' + rand(1,dress_ind_bra) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/bra/' + rand(1,dress_out_bra) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/bra/' + rand(1,pants_ind_bra) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/outside/bra/' + rand(1,pants_out_bra) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/tits/' + rand(1,dress_ind_tits) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/tits/' + rand(1,dress_out_tits) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/tits/' + rand(1,pants_ind_tits) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/outside/tits/' + rand(1,pants_out_tits) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/panty/' + rand(1,dress_ind_panties) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/panty/' + rand(1,dress_out_panties) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/panty/' + rand(1,pants_ind_panties) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/outside/panty/' + rand(1,pants_out_panties) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/pussy/' + rand(1,dress_ind_pussy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/pussy/hairy' + rand(1,dress_ind_pussy_hairy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/pussy/' + rand(1,dress_out_pussy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/pussy/hairy' + rand(1,dress_out_pussy_hairy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/pussy/' + rand(1,pants_ind_pussy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/pussy/hairy' + rand(1,pants_ind_pussy_hairy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/outside/pussy/' + rand(1,pants_out_pussy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/outside/pussy/hairy' + rand(1,pants_out_pussy_hairy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/pussy/' + rand(1,pants_ind_pussy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/pussy/hairy' + rand(1,pants_ind_pussy_hairy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/pussy/' + rand(1,pants_out_pussy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/pussy/hairy' + rand(1,pants_out_pussy_hairy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/pantyrear/' + rand(1,dress_ind_pantyrear) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/pantyrear/' + rand(1,dress_out_pantyrear) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/pantyrear/' + rand(1,pants_ind_pantyrear) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/outside/pantyrear/' + rand(1,pants_out_pantyrear) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/butt/' + rand(1,dress_ind_butt) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/butt_plug/' + rand(1,dress_out_butt_plug) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/butt/' + rand(1,dress_out_butt) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/butt/' + rand(1,pants_ind_butt) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/outside/butt_plug/' + rand(1,pants_out_butt_plug) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/outside/butt/' + rand(1,pants_out_butt) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/full/' + rand(1,dress_ind_full) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/inside/full/hairy' + rand(1,dress_ind_full_hairy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/full/' + rand(1,dress_out_full) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/dress/outside/full/hairy' + rand(1,dress_out_full_hairy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/full/' + rand(1,pants_ind_full) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/inside/full/hairy' + rand(1,pants_ind_full_hairy) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/outside/full/' + rand(1,pants_out_full) + '.jpg
+images/pc/activities/flashing/pants/outside/full/hairy' + rand(1,pants_out_full_hairy) + '.jpg
+images/locations/highway/guy (<<ARGS[2]>>).jpg
+images/' + $epayments['banner'] +  '

+ 41 - 82
locations/ApperanceSystem.qsrc → locations/AppearanceSystem.qsrc

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 # AppearanceSystem
-$this = 'AppearanceSystem'
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
@@ -9,18 +8,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	if pcs_makeup = 6 and bimbolevel >= 2: extra_supnatvnesh = 2*bimbolevel - 2
-	!STD check. STD will make appearance automatically -10
-	if Gerpes >= 3 or Sifilis >= 21 or Triper > 2:
-		pcs_apprnc = -10
-		hotcat = -1
-	else
-		clothingBonus = func($this, 'CalcClothingBonus')
-		accessoriesBonus = func($this, 'CalcAccessoriesBonus', bonusZ, PShoQuality)
-		groomingBonus = func($this, 'CalcGroomingBonus')
-		groomingPenalty = func($this, 'CalcGroomingPenalty')
-		pcs_apprnc = func($this, 'CalcAppearance', (supnatvnesh + extra_supnatvnesh))
-		Hotcat = func($this, 'ConvertToHotcat')
-	end
+	clothingBonus = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcClothingBonus')
+	accessoriesBonus = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcAccessoriesBonus', bonusZ, PShoQuality)
+	groomingBonus = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcGroomingBonus')
+	groomingPenalty = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcGroomingPenalty')
+	pcs_apprnc = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcAppearance', (supnatvnesh + extra_supnatvnesh))
+	Hotcat = func('AppearanceSystem', 'ConvertToHotcat')
 	killvar 'clothingBonus'
 	killvar 'accessoriesBonus'
@@ -28,17 +21,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	killvar 'groomingPenalty'
-if $args[0] = 'UpdateBaseAppearnce':
+if $args[0] = 'UpdateBaseAppearance':
 		Base Appearance is updated once a day at midnight and called from cikl
 		Base Appearance is calculated from:
 			vidage, skin, body shape (fat and strength), attributes (endurance and agility)
-	attributeBonus = func($this, 'CalcAttributeBonus')
+	attributeBonus = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcAttributeBonus')
 	skinBonus = pcs_skin / 10
-	bodyShapeBonus = func($this, 'SetBodyShapeBonus')
-	visibleAgePenalty = func($this, 'CalcVisibleAgePenalty')
-	teethPenalty = func($this, 'CalcTeethPenalty')
+	bodyShapeBonus = func('AppearanceSystem', 'SetBodyShapeBonus')
+	visibleAgePenalty = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcVisibleAgePenalty')
+	teethPenalty = func('AppearanceSystem', 'CalcTeethPenalty')
 	! Calculte base appearance
 	pcs_apprncbase = skinBonus + bodyShapeBonus + attributeBonus - visibleAgePenalty - teethPenalty + supnatvnesh
@@ -62,7 +55,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcFaceBonus':
 		eyelashesBonus = 0
-	eyelashesBonus = FUNC($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', eyelashesBonus)
+	eyelashesBonus = FUNC('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', eyelashesBonus)
 	!!	Setting Eye Size bonus
 	if pcs_eyesize = 1:
@@ -74,7 +67,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcFaceBonus':
 		eyeSizeBonus = 0
-	eyeSizeBonus = FUNC($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', eyeSizeBonus)
+	eyeSizeBonus = FUNC('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', eyeSizeBonus)
 	!!	Setting the Lip size bonus
 	if pcs_lip = 0:
@@ -88,7 +81,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcFaceBonus':
 		lipBonus = 3
-	lipBonus = FUNC($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', lipBonus)
+	lipBonus = FUNC('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', lipBonus)
 	result = eyelashesBonus + eyeSizeBonus + lipBonus
@@ -97,7 +90,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcAttributeBonus':
 	tempAttributeBonus = (pcs_agil / 5) + (pcs_vital / 5)
-	result = func($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', tempAttributeBonus)
+	result = func('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', tempAttributeBonus)
 	killvar 'tempAttributeBonus'
@@ -108,7 +101,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcVisibleAgePenalty':
 		tempAttributePenalty = 0
-	result = func($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', tempAttributePenalty)
+	result = func('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', tempAttributePenalty)
 	killvar 'tempAttributePenalty'
@@ -125,7 +118,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcTeethPenalty':
 		tempAttributePenalty +=  10 * pcs_missing_teeth
-	result = func($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', tempAttributePenalty)
+	result = func('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', tempAttributePenalty)
 	killvar 'tempAttributePenalty'
@@ -145,66 +138,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'SetBodyShapeBonus':
 	!!Setting the pcs_apprnc bonus based on fat and strength
-		if pcs_bmi < 16:
-			!! severely underweight
-			tempBodyShapeBonus = -10
-		elseif pcs_bmi < 19:
-			!! underweight
-			tempBodyShapeBonus = 25
-		elseif pcs_bmi < 25:
-			!! healthy weight
-			tempBodyShapeBonus = 50
-		elseif pcs_bmi < 30:
-			!! overweight
-			tempBodyShapeBonus = 25
-		elseif pcs_bmi < 35:
-			!! moderately obese
-			tempBodyShapeBonus = 10
-		elseif pcs_bmi < 40:
-			!! severely obese
-			tempBodyShapeBonus = -15
-		elseif pcs_bmi < 45:
-			!! very severely obese
-			tempBodyShapeBonus = -40
-		else
-			!! morbidly obese
-			tempBodyShapeBonus = -80
-		end
+		tempBodyShapeBonus = func('body_structure', 'appearance_bonus')
-		if succubusflag = 1:
-			tempBodyShapeBonus += 10
-		else
-			if strenbuf > 180:
-				tempBodyShapeBonus -= 70
-			elseif strenbuf > 160:
-				tempBodyShapeBonus -= 50
-			elseif strenbuf > 140:
-				tempBodyShapeBonus -= 30
-			elseif strenbuf <= 5 or strenbuf > 120:
-				tempBodyShapeBonus -= 20
-			elseif strenbuf <= 10 or strenbuf > 100:
-				tempBodyShapeBonus -= 15
-			elseif strenbuf <= 15 or strenbuf > 95:
-				tempBodyShapeBonus -= 10
-			elseif strenbuf <= 25 or strenbuf > 85:
-				tempBodyShapeBonus -= 5
-			elseif strenbuf <= 35 or strenbuf > 75:
-				tempBodyShapeBonus += 0
-			elseif strenbuf <= 45 or strenbuf > 60:
-				tempBodyShapeBonus += 5
-			else
-				tempBodyShapeBonus += 10
-			end
-		end
-		!!This modifies bodykoef for high or low salo values
+		!!This modifies bodykoef for high or low pcs_mass['body'] values
 		if salocatnow = 0 or salocatnow >= 7:
 			tempBodyShapeBonus -= 8
 		elseif salocatnow = 1 or salocatnow = 6:
 			tempBodyShapeBonus -= 4
-		if vofat > 0: tempBodyShapeBonus -= vofat
+		if bodyVars['vofat'] > 0: tempBodyShapeBonus -= bodyVars['vofat']
 		result = tempBodyShapeBonus
@@ -245,16 +188,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcAccessoriesBonus':
 	shoesQualityBonus = ARGS[2] & !! PShoQuality
 	!!bonuses for certain underwear
-	if $pantyworntype = 'boutique':
+	if PanQuality = 6:
 		pantyBonus = 4
-	elseif $pantyworntype = 'fashionista':
+	elseif PanQuality = 5:
+		pantyBonus = 3
+	elseif PanQuality >= 3:
 		pantyBonus = 2
+	else
+		pantyBonus = PanQuality - 1
-	if $braworntype = 'boutique':
+	if BraQuality = 6:
 		braBonus = 4
-	elseif $braworntype = 'fashionista':
+	elseif BraQuality = 5:
+		braBonus = 3
+	elseif BraQuality >= 3:
 		braBonus = 2
+	else
+		braBonus = BraQuality - 1
 	result = coatQualityBonus + shoesQualityBonus + pantyBonus + braBonus
@@ -277,7 +228,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcGroomingBonus':
 	tempGroomingBonus = makeupBonus + breathBonus
 	!result = tempGroomingBonus
-	result = func($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', tempGroomingBonus)
+	result = func('AppearanceSystem', 'AdjustFromBMI', tempGroomingBonus)
@@ -336,6 +287,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CalcGroomingPenalty':
 	result = sweatPenalty + glassesPenalty + hairDyePenalty + buzzCutPenalty + legPenalty + lipBalmPenalty + hairPenalty + deodorantPenalty
+	killvar 'buzzCutPenalty'
+	killvar 'deodorantPenalty'
+	killvar 'glassesPenalty'
+	killvar 'hairDyePenalty'
+	killvar 'hairPenalty'
+	killvar 'legPenalty'
+	killvar 'lipBalmPenalty'
+	killvar 'sweatPenalty'

+ 0 - 202

@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-# BDSM_Club
-if $ARGS[0] = 'Hos':
-	*clr & cla
-	menu_off = 1
-	minut += 10
-	lesbiday = daystart
-	BDSMClub = 1
-	gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'wine'
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/hosjaika.jpg"></center>'
-	'After a few visits to your Mistress you are getting a little closer. Seeing her this evening, you catch her a little tipsy. Instead of already familiar perversions, you just sit in the kitchen and drink wine, talking about life. In conversation, the Mistress mentions a BDSM club. Sounds interesting, you and the Mistress pour glass after glass and slowly you gather details from her. Turns out, the city has an elite BDSM-club, and the missus is in it. After much persuasion, she gives you a business card – a piece of cardboard with three-dimensional logo without inscriptions, and explains how to get to the Club.'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'city_residential'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	$loc_arg = 'start'
-	$loc = 'BDSM_Club'
-	$location_type = 'public_outdoors'
-	$menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
-	$menu_arg = 'start'
-	menu_off = 0
-	*clr & cla
-	minut += 10
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/club.jpg"></center>'
-	if BDSMtaxi = 1 and BDSMmeet = 0:
-		'The taxi brings you in a gated community outside of town and drops you off at the closed wrought iron gate. From the booth comes a guard, you show him the business card. Without saying anything, he opens the gate and points you in the direction. You walk to a marble tiled walkway past the neatly clipped shrubs and flower beds. An other guard meets you, and leads you into the mansion through an inconspicuous side door.'
-		act 'Enter club':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'in'
-	elseif BDSMClubIn = 1 and BDSMday ! daystart:
-		if BDSMpayDay < daystart - 30 and $BDSMrole = 's':
-			act 'Enter the club':gt 'BDSM_Club', 's_start'
-		elseif BDSMpayDay < daystart - 30 and $BDSMrole = 'd':
-			act 'Enter the club':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'd_start'
-		else
-			act 'Enter the club':BDSMday = daystart & gt 'MHall', 'foyer'
-		end
-	elseif BDSMmeet = 1 and BDSMday ! daystart:
-		if money < 10000:
-			'You go to the Club entrance but don''t have enough money, you try to negotiate a deal to pay later, but the staff, realising you are not going to pay, call security. You are walked back to the gate.'
-		elseif $clothingworntype ! 'gm_maid' or PCloStyle2 ! 1:
-			'You are not wearing a maid uniform and security refuse you entry.'
-		else
-			if $BDSMrole = 's':
-				gt 'BDSM_training', 'start'
-			else
-				gt 'BDSM_training', 'd_start'
-			end
-		end
-	elseif BDSMmeet > 1 and BDSMmeet < 4 and BDSMday ! daystart:
-		if BDSMpayDay >= daystart - 30 or money >= 10000:
-			gt 'BDSM_training', 'start'
-		else
-			'You are in a Club but don''t have enough money, you try to negotiate a deal to pay later, but the staff, realising you are not going to pay, call security. You are walked back to the gate.'
-		end
-	end
-	gs 'taxi'
-	act 'Elite settlement':gt 'city_suburbs', 'start'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'in':
-	*clr & cla
-	menu_off = 1
-	BDSMmeet += 1
-	BDSMday = daystart
-	gs 'stat'
-	if BDSMmeet = 1:
-		*clr & cla
-		minut += 10
-		$BDSMrole = ''
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You''re standing in an office, at a table in front of you sits a woman in a strict business suit. Her strict gaze as looks right through you. You show her the card, she briefly says.'
-		'"Candidate? Passport."'
-		'Your hand trembles as you reach out your passport.'
-		'The woman points you to a chair, turns to the computer and starts clicking on the keys. She nods a few times, but says nothing. Then takes the phone and speaks to someone called Vladimir Viktorovich, discussing you. "There''s candidacy, but a bit young, can you check and sort the paperwork? She hangs up, after a few minutes from the office comes a strapping man in a perfectly fitting suit and glasses with gold rim. He says, "Hello." And sits down next to you.'
-		'"What''s your name? <<$pcs_nickname>>? Fine. How old are you?"'
-		'You answer the questions.'
-		'"Tell me, are you sure you want this?"'
-		'You understand, all of the questions he is asking and why.'
-		'"Sure!" You tell him firmly.'
-		'"Well... everything here seems to be in order, there are no issues. Let''s sign some papers. A mere formality, to formally record, that you have grasped everything.'
-		'The man puts a sheet of paper on the table, take a videocamera from the draw and points it at you and clicks the button.'
-		'"Read aloud and sign."'
-		'You take the sheet and read "The application for voluntary informed consent" a long, binding document filled with legal terms, confirming your consent to voluntarily participate in actions of a sexual nature, which may be humiliating or degrading in nature and be accompanied by mild corporal punishment. You are not a lawyer, but you understand, this covers them if something goes wrong and takes every step to prevent that.'
-		'"I agree."'
-		'"Well," the woman puts her hands together and looks at you. Who do you want to be? Top or bottom?'
-		'"I do not know," you shrug. "What does that mean?"'
-		'"Dominant or submissive?"'
-		act 'Submissive':
-			*clr & cla
-			minut += 10
-			$BDSMrole = 's'
-			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
-			'The woman''s eyes light up. She stands up behind the desk and orders you.'
-			'"Stand up!"'
-			'You jump, than understand, why you did. The imperious voice of this Lady holds you in awe.'
-			'"No sitting lower in the presence of top. Understood?"'
-			'"Yes."'
-			'"Wrong! Try again!"'
-			'"Yes, Mistress."'
-			'The woman nods. "Undress!"'
-			'"But..."'
-			'"Undress, now! Or I''ll knock you out!" Mistress has her hand on the table.'
-			'You look to the man you were just talking to, but he just stands there, expressionless. You undress.'
-			'"Sign!"'
-			'You sign the document. The man places the paper in a folder.'
-			'"Listen carefully..."'
-			'She explains to you, that the club costs 20,000 <b>₽</b> per 30 days access, with a 10,000 ruble registration fee. For slaves there is a means for discount, if the slave is well behaved and earns enough merits, the membership will be automatically extended.'
-			'Untrained slaves are not allowed in the Mansion, you will require training. You''ll have to report to me for that, I''m going to enjoy it.'
-			'"Come back when you are ready for training. Be clean, have an enema. You must own a maid outfit, so you will be wearing it. Everything clear?'
-			'"But... what if I don''t have a maid outfit?..." You whisper.'
-			'"Find a branch of G & M and buy one, and don''t forget to bring the first installment of 10 thousand <b>₽</b>. We are not a charitable organization, nothing is free. However, if you prove yourself as a sub, you will be able to earn some tips in private sessions. But the main thing – do not talk. We have important clients, and don''t need advertising. Everything clear?"'
-			'"Clear... Mistress..."'
-			'As you are leaving, you think, where will you get the money for the down payment.'
-			act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'start'
-		end
-		gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'hard'
-		if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
-			act 'Dominant (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
-				*clr & cla
-				minut += 10
-				$BDSMrole = 'd'
-				gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'hard'
-				gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
-				gs 'stat'
-				!'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/bdsm_club/<<$BDSMrole>><<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
-				'The woman sighs disappointedly.'
-				'"Pity, we are short on subs."'
-				'"There is a registration fee of 10,000 <b>₽</b>. You should wear an expensive or formal clothing."'
-				'"That seems reasonable" You reply.'
-				'"If you find a submissive and come together, then they can earn you tips."'
-				'"Before you can get started, you will have some orientation under the guidance of an experienced mistress." She points at herself, "The cost of this is covered by your registration fee. If you are satisfied, sign this document."'
-				'You sign the document. The man places the paper in a folder.'
-				'As you are leaving, you think, where will you get the money for the registration fee and if you can persuade someone to come here as a sub.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_Club', 'start'
-			end
-		else
-			act 'Dominant (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
-		end
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 's_start':
-	*clr & cla
-	$menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
-	$menu_arg = 's_start'
-	menu_off = 0
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You enter the club and Mistress Elektra is sitting at her desk overseeing admissions.'
-	if money > 10000:
-		BDSMpayDay = daystart
-		BDSMday = daystart
-		money -= 10000
-		'You pay for another 30 days access to the club.'
-		act 'Enter the club':gt 'MHall', 'foyer'
-	else
-		'You cannot afford the 10,000 rubes required to extend your club membership.'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_club', 'start'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'd_start':
-	*clr & cla
-	$menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
-	$menu_arg = 'd_start'
-	menu_off = 0
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
-	'Elektra is sitting at the admissions desk and greets you informally.'
-	if money > 10000:
-		BDSMpayDay = daystart
-		BDSMday = daystart
-		money -= 10000
-		'You pay for another 30 days access to the club'
-		act 'Enter the club':gt 'MHall', 'foyer'
-	else
-		'You cannot afford the 10,000 rubes required to extend your club membership.'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_club', 'start'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'reception':
-	$location_type = 'event'
-	$menu_loc = 'BDSM_Club'
-	$menu_arg = 'reception'
-	menu_off = 0
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/1_1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You go to the reception, Mistress Elektra is sitting at her desk looking a little bored.'
-	act 'Go to west wing hall': gt 'MHall', 'west'
-	act 'Go to the garage': gt 'MRear', 'garage'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'office':
---- BDSM_Club ---------------------------------

+ 66 - 74

@@ -1,32 +1,29 @@
-# BDSM_training
-if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+# bdsm_training
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sub':
 	menu_off = 1
-	if BDSMpayDay < daystart - 30:
-		BDSMpayDay = daystart
-		money -= 10000
-		'You pay for another 30 days access to the club.'
-		act 'Continue':gt 'BDSM_training', 'start'
-	elseif BDSMmeet = 1:
-		BDSMmeet += 1
-		gt 'BDSM_training', '1'
-	elseif BDSMmeet = 2:
-		BDSMmeet += 1
-		gt 'BDSM_training', '2'
-	elseif BDSMmeet = 3:
-		BDSMmeet += 1
-		gt 'BDSM_training', '3'
+	bdsmclub['training_daystart'] = daystart
+	if bdsmclub['subtraining'] = 0:
+		bdsmclub['subtraining'] = 1
+		gt 'bdsm_training', '1'
+	elseif bdsmclub['subtraining'] = 1:
+		bdsmclub['subtraining'] = 2
+		gt 'bdsm_training', '2'
+	elseif bdsmclub['subtraining'] = 2:
+		bdsmclub['subtraining'] = 3
+		gt 'bdsm_training', '3'
 if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 	menu_off = 1
-	BDSMday = daystart
+	bdsmclub['training_daystart'] = daystart
 	money -= 10000
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 10
 	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_1.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_1.jpg"></center>'
 	'You are in the Club, security check your name off the list and let you in.  You give an elderly bookkeeper money and the security guard takes you into a small outbuilding away from the mansion. As you enter, you understand, almost the entire wing is a large room for BDSM-sessions.'
 	'Hanging from the ceiling chains with hooks and ropes, on the walls – lashes, whips, handcuffs, gags.  Submerged in the darkness of the far end of the hall you can just make out pads, tables, crosses and some odd device, you can only guess as to what it does. You are met by the lady from yesterday, her suit replaced by tight leather.  She holds in her hands a stick with glands at the ends.'
 	'"W-Hello," you just about manage.'
@@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 	act 'Further':
 		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_2.jpg"></center>'
 		'"This is for electrical shocks." Explains Mistress. "You will meet him later."'
 		'She licks the contacts, then shifts her gaze to you.'
 		'"Are you still dressed, bitch?"'
@@ -50,7 +47,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 		act 'Obey':
 			*clr & cla
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_3.jpg"></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_3.jpg"></center>'
 			'The Mistress removes from the wall and you puts on you, a leather collar, then wrist cuffs and ankle bracelets with hooks. The collar presses. You reach up to loosen it, but that earns you a slap. The Mistress walks around, the toe of her boot pushes your feet.'
 			'"That''s right! This is the posture of attention. Does this position make the sub?'
 			'"I don''t know, Mistress!" You answer. Between your legs burns a flame, you feel it building, and flowing down your legs.'
@@ -69,7 +66,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 			act 'Listen':
 				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_4.jpg"></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_4.jpg"></center>'
 				'Mistress hits you a few times on your inner thighs.'
 				'"During the session the submissive only speaks with permission. You may ask for permission to speak, but only if very important. Without permission sub only breathes. Permission is required to move, change positions or cum... we may only cum with permission.'
 				'Cumming without permission will be punished. You will usually be given just one minute to cum. Don''t manage it in that minute and you stop, immediately. When you cum, we need to report it.'
@@ -83,7 +80,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 				act 'Remember':
 					*clr & cla
 					gs 'stat'
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_5.jpg"></center>'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_5.jpg"></center>'
 					'You feel covered in arousal. The Mistress sees your condition and puts her hand between your legs.'
 					'"You''re all wet! I knew that you were a perverted bitch. Yes?'
 					'"Yes, Mistress, yes!'
@@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 						minut += 10
 						pcs_horny += 15
 						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_6.jpg"></center>'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_6.jpg"></center>'
 						'"Now we have found the first topic to practice - restraint."'
 						'Mistresses manicured finger lifts your chin and looks you in the eye.'
 						'"Cum only with permission, bitch! Clear?"'
@@ -117,7 +114,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 						act 'Follow':
 							*clr & cla
 							gs 'stat'
-							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_7.jpg"></center>'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_7.jpg"></center>'
 							'Mistress leads you to the diagonal cross and latches the bracelets to you. You can not move.'
 							'"Failure to comply will be punished."'
 							'Skillfully, Mistress plays with your clit, first fingers, then various tools. You moan, ready to cum, but she is very much aware. Noticing your condition, she removes her hand from your flower and whips you in the stomach.'
@@ -132,7 +129,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 								minut += 10
 								if pcs_horny < 100:pcs_horny = 100
 								gs 'stat'
-								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_8.jpg"></center>'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_8.jpg"></center>'
 								'Eventually, you stop noticing the difference between pain and pleasure. Your face is covered in sweat, you squirm on the cross. You beg mistress to let you cum, but she is adamant.'
 								'"You must earn it!"'
 								$orgasm_or = 'no'
@@ -147,7 +144,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 										gs 'willpower', 'hj', 'resist', 'hard'
 										gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
 										gs 'stat'
-										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_9.jpg"></center>'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_9.jpg"></center>'
 										'You decide to cheat and, with an incredible force of will, take control of the body. It goes unnoticed, Mistress continues, and you rapidly cum.'
 										'"What''s going on?!" Yells Mistress in your ear. "You bitch, tricking me like that!'
 										'She unhooks you from the cross, puts you on your knees and slaps you a few times. You are so happy, being able to cum, that you laugh.'
@@ -155,7 +152,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 										'Mistress picks up a rope and wraps it around your breasts, tightly binding the left and right. The pain makes you start crying, but Mistress is not through, she hangs on you nipple clamps with weights and forces you to crouch, so, the weights are swinging. You hurt, but at the same time it''s nice, and you stay there as instructed.'
 										$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 										gs 'stat'
-										act 'Further':gt 'BDSM_training', 'BDSMend'
+										act 'Further':gt 'bdsm_training', 'BDSMend'
 									act 'Cheat and cum (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
@@ -165,11 +162,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 									minut += 10
 									if pcs_horny < 100:pcs_horny = 100
 									gs 'stat'
-									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_8.jpg"></center>'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_8.jpg"></center>'
 									'Mistress forbids you to cum, and you struggle, hampered.'
 									$orgasm_or = 'no'
 									gs 'stat'
-									act 'Further':gt 'BDSM_training', 'BDSMend'
+									act 'Further':gt 'bdsm_training', 'BDSMend'
@@ -184,7 +181,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'BDSMend':
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_10.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_10.jpg"></center>'
 	'"Well, enough for today." You do not immediately understand, when Mistress announces the completion of the session. "A good start, but there is still work to do."'
 	'"Is that all?" You ask, having temporarily forgotten about the real world.'
@@ -193,17 +190,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'BDSMend':
 	gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'
 	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_Club','start'
+	act 'Leave':gt 'bdsm_mansion','start'
 if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 	menu_off = 1
-	BDSMday = daystart
+	bdsmclub['training_daystart'] = daystart
 	minut += 10
 	pcs_horny += 5
 	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_1.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_1.jpg"></center>'
 	'You are in the Club and go to the training hall. You are scared and excited. The thought of what awaits you, and of Mistress, has you wet between your legs.'
 	'Once you enter the hall, mistress walks up to you and slaps you.'
 	'"Late, bitch? I''ll teach you!"'
@@ -215,21 +212,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 10
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Mistress puts a collar, foot and hand bracelets on you, and puts you on the wooden platform.'
  		'"A good spanking will teach you not to be late!"'
 		'Mistress ties you onto the platform face down and picks up the whip.'
 		act 'Wait':
 			*clr & cla
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_3.jpg"></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_3.jpg"></center>'
 			'You are lying on the platform, Mistress, slowly and methodically, punishes you, using various whips, lashes and paddles.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Endure':
 				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_4.jpg"></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_4.jpg"></center>'
 				'It is becoming unbearable, and Mistress says.'
 				'"Tired, bitch? Take a break!"'
 				'She then sits in front of you, and squatting raises your head to her pussy. You diligently use your tongue to stimulate the labia and clitoris of mistress.'
@@ -240,7 +237,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 					if pcs_horny < 90: pcs_horny = 90
 					pcs_vag += 1
 					gs 'stat'
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_5.jpg"></center>'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_5.jpg"></center>'
 					'"Well, you deserve a little encouragement..."'
 					'Mistress unties you, flips you on your back and locks you up again. She holds up a huge vibrator and know it is intended for your pussy. Soon it has you ready to cum. Looking at Misstress, you ask.'
 					'"Mistress, cum! Please!'
@@ -252,14 +249,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 					act 'Further':
 						*clr & cla
 						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_6.jpg"></center>'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_6.jpg"></center>'
 						'Flogging resumes. The whole time you are kept on the brink of pain and pleasure.'
 						gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 						gs 'stat'
 						act 'Further':
 							*clr & cla
 							gs 'stat'
-							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_7.jpg"></center>'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_7.jpg"></center>'
 							'"Let''s get weaving..."'
 							'Mistress unties you, leads to a large box, makes to climb on top with your butt in the air. Squinting your eyes, you see, she is unwinding rope. Immediately it is obvious, she has great experience.'
 							'Ropes cover your ankles, wrists, knees and pulling your neck, forcing your nose to the box. After a few minutes you realise, that can''t move. Your ass points to the ceiling, feet apart, displaying your pussy and ass. From helplessness and complete openness you get excited once more.'
@@ -270,14 +267,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 								*clr & cla
 								pcs_vag += 1
 								gs 'stat'
-								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_8.jpg"></center>'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_8.jpg"></center>'
 								'Mistress puts on a strap-on, makes you lick and suck it, then walks around behind you. You feel it press against your pussy, slipping inside with no resistance, it begins to thrust back and forth.'
 								gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_strap', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Further':
 									*clr & cla
 									gs 'stat'
-									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_9.jpg"></center>'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_9.jpg"></center>'
 									'Mistress Fucks you with a strapon and again brings to your peak, but does not give you the finish the desire.'
  									'"Boring..." Disappointedly Mistress pulls out, while you try to catch your breath. "How about hanging you?"'
 									'Mistresses fingers flash so quickly, you can''t keep up. She changes the location of the ropes, turns to you and rattles some chains. You realize with horror, she has tied you hanging from the ceiling chain. The motor sounds, and your body rises.'
@@ -291,7 +288,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 										minut += 10
 										pcs_horny += 5
 										gs 'stat'
-										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_10.jpg"></center>'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_10.jpg"></center>'
 										'The ropes cut into your skin, but mistress knows her stuff. For all it hurts, it isn''t so much as to drive away the excitement. You hang upside down and the room slowly rotates around you.'
 										gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 										gs 'stat'
@@ -300,7 +297,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 											pcs_vag += 1
 											vgape = 2
 											gs 'stat'
-											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_11.jpg"></center>'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_11.jpg"></center>'
 											'"Well, let''s see, how ready is your hole!"'
 											'Mistress pulls out a huge Dildo, attached to a stick, and enters it into your pussy. You think you are being torn apart. You scream out and beg for mercy, but it is useless. Mistress energetically moves the stick up and down, like she is unblocking a toilet.'
 											gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound', 'rough'
@@ -308,7 +305,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 											act 'Stop it':
 												*clr & cla
 												gs 'stat'
-												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_12.jpg"></center>'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_12.jpg"></center>'
 												'Just as you are ready to scream "Red!", mistress takes the dildo out of you. Again the motor buzzes, you kneel on the floor. Madam binds your hands behind your back and puts you on the knees.'
 												'Mistresses leg is in your face, and you understand what to do. You kiss and lick the foot, sucking her toes.'
@@ -320,7 +317,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 													pcs_ass += 1
 													agape = 2
 													gs 'stat'
-													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_13.jpg"></center>'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_13.jpg"></center>'
 													'"And now for the ass!" Declares Mistress and knocks you sideways. You lose you balance and she quickly has you upside down supported on your shoulders and bound hands.'
 													'Her strapon rests on the edge of your anus, Mistress hisses with displeasure and with a sharp move of her hips, drives it in entirely. You scream and moan, but quickly the pain turns to pleasure.'
 													'"Oh fuck, cum! Please!" You can hardly form the words.'
@@ -332,7 +329,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 													act 'Recover':
 														*clr & cla
 														gs 'stat'
-														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_14.jpg"></center>'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_14.jpg"></center>'
 														'"Finished?"  Mistress leans over to you.'
 														'"Yes, Mistress, thank you, Mistress!" You cry.'
 														'Mistress unties you. For a moment you think, that the session is ending, but no. Rope again binds your wrists, and she plugs your mouth with a ball-gag.'
@@ -345,13 +342,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 															*clr & cla
 															pcs_vag += 1
 															gs 'stat'
-															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_15.jpg"></center>'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r3_15.jpg"></center>'
 															'Mistress lies on her back, and forces you to ride her, and you are grinding on her strap-on. The satisfied moans of Mistress and the clear visual evidence tell you she has already cum several times.'
 															'Satisfied, Mistress unties you, approvingly slaps you on the cheek and lets you go, ordering you to come tomorrow.'
 															gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_strap', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian', 'maso', 'bound'
 															gs 'arousal', 'end'
 															gs 'stat'
-															act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_Club','start'
+															act 'Leave':gt 'bdsm_mansion','start'
@@ -370,17 +367,17 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 	menu_off = 1
-	BDSMday = daystart
+	bdsmclub['training_daystart'] = daystart
 	minut += 10
 	pcs_horny += 10
 	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_1.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_1.jpg"></center>'
 	'You enter the training hall for your next training session. Mistress said you, this session is the last one before you will be admitted to the mansion. If you manage to fulfill all her instructions.'
 	'"Did you dress up pretty for me?" Says Mistress as she checks you out in a predatory manner, "Well, ready then? Get undressed and get over here!'
 	act 'Obey':
 		*clr & cla
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_2.jpg"></center>'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Mistress orders you to get into the cage, you are reminded of a parrot cage. Your body does not fit entirely, and your legs hang out. Your neck is held by a heavy iron collar, attached by chains to the bars of the cage. Mistress pushes a button and the cage rises.'
 		'"Straighten your legs! In front of you, here!" Orders Mistress. Your bare feet are in front of her.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'sub', 'lesbian','bound', 'feet'
@@ -388,7 +385,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 		act 'Further':
 			*clr & cla
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_3.jpg"></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_3.jpg"></center>'
 			'Mistress tickles your heels and growls at you everytime you try to move your legs.'
 			'"Return to position!"'
 			'You obey. Mistress leans forward and you feel something touching your pussy. Then you hear a buzzing sound, and you feel the vibration.'
@@ -397,7 +394,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 			act 'Further':
 				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_4.jpg"></center>'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_4.jpg"></center>'
 				'You lift up your leg. Mistress is holding a thin cane, with considerable force, see hits the sole of your foot.'
 				'"And again..."'
@@ -407,7 +404,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 				act 'Further':
 					*clr & cla
 					gs 'stat'
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_5.jpg"></center>'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_5.jpg"></center>'
 					'You are responding, feeling waves of pleasure spread through your body. The vibrator buzzing and twitching, driving you crazy. Unable to restrain himself, you shout.'
 					'"Mistress, please! Come!"'
 					'"No! Restraint! Restraint!"'
@@ -416,7 +413,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 					act 'Restrain':
 						*clr & cla
 						gs 'stat'
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_6.jpg"></center>'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_6.jpg"></center>'
 						'Mistress monitors your condition, and the moment before you orgasm, she turns off the vibrator.'
 						'"Well, you know the rules... Now let''s see you in action..."'
 						'Mistress frees you from the cage and puts you on your knees.'
@@ -428,7 +425,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 							*clr & cla
 							guy += 1
 							gs 'stat'
-							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_7.jpg"></center>'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_7.jpg"></center>'
 							'"Show me you know how to suck!"'
 							'You obediently take cock in your mouth and carefully suck. Mistress walks around and says.'
 							'"C grade suck, C grade! Need to practice!"'
@@ -438,14 +435,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 								*clr & cla
 								pcs_vag += 1
 								gs 'stat'
-								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_8.jpg"></center>'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_8.jpg"></center>'
 								'At a sign from Mistress, the man lies on the box. You climb up, lower your pussy onto his dick and start to ride. Mistress walks around and encourages with the cane.'
 								gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub'
 								gs 'stat'
 								act 'Further':
 									*clr & cla
 									gs 'stat'
-									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_9.jpg"></center>'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_9.jpg"></center>'
 									'"Stop!" Orders Mistress.'
 									'You stop, freezing in position. Mistress gets clothespins tied to ropes, and begins to attach them to you. The clothespins hurt, especially on your nipples and tongue, but you endure. At a silent command from Mistress, you resume movement.'
 									gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'sub', 'maso'
@@ -454,7 +451,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 										*clr & cla
 										pcs_mood += 25
 										gs 'stat'
-										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_10.jpg"></center>'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_10.jpg"></center>'
 										'"Now jerk!" Orders Mistress.'
 										'You begin to pull at your clit, while grinding on the dick. Soon you feel, that you are at the brink, and ask permission.'
 										'"Finish!" Allows Mistress.'
@@ -467,15 +464,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 										act 'Breathe':
 											*clr & cla
 											minut += 10
-											BDSMClubIn = 1
 											gs 'stat'
-											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r<<BDSMmeet>>_11.jpg"></center>'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r4_11.jpg"></center>'
 											'The lady takes you by the hair and turns your face to hers.'
  											'"Welcome to the Club, slave!"'
 											'Hardly able to walk and your legs buckling you get in the shower. As you exit, you are handed a membership card, you can now enter to the Club as a full member.'
 											gs 'arousal', 'end'
 											gs 'stat'
-											act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_Club','start'
+											act 'Leave':gt 'bdsm_mansion','start'
@@ -488,11 +484,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
-if $ARGS[0] = 'd_start':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'dom':
 	menu_off = 1
-	BDSMday = daystart
-	money -= 10000
 	*clr & cla
+	bdsmclub['domtraining'] = 1
 	minut += 10
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/r2_1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -525,8 +520,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd_start':
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Carry on':
 					*clr & cla
-					BDSMClubIn = 1
-					minut += 10
 					pcs_horny += 30
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/r3_5.jpg"></center>'
@@ -536,16 +529,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd_start':
 					'Using the body massager you tease the sub for about 10 minutes, but stop short of letting her orgasm. Eletra surprises you by kissing you on the cheek, "I think I''m going to like having you around."'
 					'She walks back to the front gate with you and gives you a shiny new membership card. Suddenly realising she is still in her leather outfit she blushes lightly and briskly walks back.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_vibe_give', 10, 'dom', 'lesbian'
-					gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 10, 'lesbian'
-					minut -= 10
+					gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 2, 'lesbian'
 					gs 'arousal', 'end'
 					gs 'stat'
-					act 'Leave':gt 'BDSM_Club','start'
+					act 'Leave':gt 'bdsm_mansion','start'
---- BDSM_training ---------------------------------
+--- bdsm_training ---------------------------------

+ 4 - 5

@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 		InYouHome = 0
 		'<<$boydesc>> politely says goodbye and leaves.'
-		act 'Leave':gt $home['entrance'], 'start'
+		act 'Leave':gt $home['entrance'], $home['entrance_arg']
 	elseif GoToGuy = 1:
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 		pcs_horny += 1
 		pcs_hairbsh = 1
 		pcs_makeup = 1
-		noShampoo = 1
+		noshampoo =  1
 		dynamic $showerdin
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/home/bathroom/dush.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'You go into the bathroom and turn on the shower, lathering body and washing as well as you can.'
@@ -556,8 +556,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'org':
 	protect = 0
-	vidageday -= 1
-	if tabletki <= 0 and prezik > 0:
+	if mc_inventory['contraceptive_pill'] <= 0 and mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0:
 		dynamic $prezik
 		protect = 1
 		'<<$boydesc>> takes a condom and puts it on his <<dick>> centimeter member.'
@@ -767,7 +766,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'autobj':
 		gs 'stat'
 	elseif harakBoy = 2:
 		if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0
-		pcs_hairbsh = 0
+		pcs_hairbsh = -1
 		'<<$boydesc>> grabs your hair and begins to fuck your mouth roughly, each thrust strikes against the back of your throat as tears flow from your eyes.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'rough'
 		gs 'stat'

+ 1 - 0

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ act 'Dance':
 	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'boystat', $bmNane[Tboynum]
+	$hookupboy = $bmNane[Tboynum]
 	$npc_usedname[$npclastcalled] = $npc_nickname[$npclastcalled]
 	if bmFrend[Tboynum] = 0:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shower':
 	'<<$boydesc>> is finally done with you. He looks at you all pleased as you get up and head off to the bathroom to take a quick shower and freshen up.'
 	act 'Take a 15 minute shower':
-		noShampoo = 1
+		noshampoo = 1
 		dynamic $showerdin
 		minut += 15
 		gs 'fame', 'pav', 'prostitute', 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work':
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/anatoly/sex/bossex.jpg"></center>'
 					'While you kiss him, Anatoly leads you to the couch. He soon has his face planted between your breasts, and a hand fondling your ass.'
-					gs 'arousal', 'give_kiss', 5, 'sub'
+					gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5, 'sub'
 					gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub'
 					minut -= 5
 					gs 'stat'

+ 3911 - 3431

@@ -1,3431 +1,3911 @@
-# Cheatmenu_din
-*clr & cla
-!All the active dynamics for the cheat menu are here
-$cheatmenu['empty'] = {
-	!Yes, intentionally empty, do not remove it
-$cheatmenu['work'] = {
-	if cheatWork = 0:
-		cheatWork = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatWork = 1:
-		cheatWork = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['willpower'] = {
-	if cheatWillpower = 0:
-		cheatWillpower = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatWillpower = 1:
-		cheatWillpower = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['hair'] = {
-	if cheatHapri = 0:
-		cheatHapri = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatHapri = 1:
-		cheatHapri = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['enema'] = {
-	if cheatKlisma = 1:
-		cheatKlisma = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatKlisma = 0:
-		cheatKlisma = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['nomakeup'] = {
-	if cheatNomakeup = 0:
-		cheatNomakeup = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNomakeup = 1:
-		cheatNomakeup = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['nosweat'] = {
-	if cheatNoSweat = 0:
-		cheatNoSweat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoSweat = 1:
-		cheatNoSweat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['noEat'] = {
-	if cheatNoEat = 0:
-		cheatNoEat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoEat = 1:
-		cheatNoEat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['noDrink'] = {
-	if cheatNoDrink = 0:
-		cheatNoDrink = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoDrink = 1:
-		cheatNoDrink = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['noSleep'] = {
-	if cheatNoSleep = 0:
-		cheatNoSleep = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoSleep = 1:
-		cheatNoSleep = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['noMood'] = {
-	if cheatNoMood = 0:
-		cheatNoMood = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoMood = 1:
-		cheatNoMood = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['noFat'] = {
-	if cheatNoFat = 0:
-		cheatNoFat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatNoFat = 1:
-		cheatNoFat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['health'] = {
-	if cheatHealth = 0:
-		cheatHealth = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatHealth = 1:
-		cheatHealth = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['fight'] = {
-	if fight_cheat = 0:
-		fight_cheat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif fight_cheat = 1:
-		fight_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['autocombat'] = {
-	if autocombat_cheat = 0:
-		autocombat_cheat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif autocombat_cheat = 1:
-		autocombat_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['age'] = {
-	:tooyoung
-	age = year - ((pcs_dob - (pcs_dob mod 10000)) / 10000)
-	if ((month * 100) + day) <= pcs_dob mod 10000: age -= 1
-	if age < 15: pcs_dob -= 10000 & jump 'tooyoung'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-$cheatmenu['visualage'] = {
-	vidage = input("For how many years you want to look?")
-	if vidage <= 14: vidage = 14
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-$cheatmenu['money'] = {
-	money = input("How much money do you want to have?")
-	if money < 0:money = 0
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
-$cheatmenu['bank_money'] = {
-	karta = input ("How much money do you want to have in the bank?")
-	if karta < 0: karta = 0
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
-$cheatmenu['bodyMod'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	act 'Return to last menu': dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Body Modification</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<center><b><font color="red">WARNING!</font></b></center>'
-	'Changing body shape does not resize clothes.'
-	'May cause adverse interactions, use at your own risk!'
-	''
-	'You are currently <<$body>>.'
-	''
-	'You may select from the following sizes:'
-	''
-	if bodset ! 3:
-		'starving (No, you may not select ''starving'', it''s here to show where the scale starts)'
-		''
-		if salocatnow ! 1:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 20 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 2:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 40 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 3:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 60 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 4:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 80 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 5:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 100 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 6:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 120 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if salocatnow ! 7:
-			'<a href="exec:salo = 140 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-	else
-		if (pregchem < 2688) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 100 & pregtime = 4 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10))]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 2688 and pregchem < 3192) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 2688 & pregtime = 112 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 3192 and pregchem < 3696) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 3192 & pregtime = 133 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 3696 and pregchem < 4200) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 3696 & pregtime = 154 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 4200 and pregchem < 4704) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 4200 & pregtime = 175 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 4704 and pregchem < 5208) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 4704 & pregtime = 196 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 5208 and pregchem < 5712) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 5208 & pregtime = 217 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 5712 and pregchem < 6216) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 5712 & pregtime = 238 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-		if (pregchem >= 6216) = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 6216 & pregtime = 259 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 8)]>></a>'
-			''
-		end
-	end
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['addict'] = {
-	if NarkImmune = 0:
-		NarkImmune = 1
-		smoker = 0
-		smokerNeed = 0
-		joint_count = 0
-		alcohol_count = 0
-		cocaine_count = 0
-		amphetamine_count = 0
-		SNarkTimes = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif NarkImmune = 1:
-		NarkImmune = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['cheatHorny'] = {
-	if cheatHorny = 0:
-		cheatHorny = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatHorny = 1:
-		cheatHorny = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['slutshot'] = {
-	if cheatSlut = 0:
-		cheatSlut = 1
-		cycle = 6
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatSlut = 1:
-		cheatSlut = 0
-		cycle = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['cheat_NoPregnancy'] = {
-	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 1:
-		killvar 'cheat_NoPregnancy'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	else
-		cheat_NoPregnancy = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['cheat_NoLactation'] = {
-	if cheat_NoLactation = 1:
-		killvar 'cheat_NoLactation'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	else
-		cheat_Nolactation = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['Vibrator'] = {
-	if cheatVib = 0:
-		cheatVib = 1
-		bedvibrator = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	elseif cheatVib = 1:
-		cheatVib = 0
-		bedvibrator = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['BimboCloth'] = {
-	if cheatBimbo = 0:
-		cheatBimbo = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		bimbo = 0
-		bimbolevel = 0
-		bimbowithdrawal = 0
-	elseif cheatBimbo = 1:
-		cheatBimbo = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['SmartBimbo'] = {
-	if cheatBimbo2 = 0:
-		cheatBimbo2 = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		bimbostupidity = 0
-	elseif cheatBimbo2 = 1:
-		cheatBimbo2 = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['SuccuBimbo'] = {
-	if cheatBimbo3 = 0:
-		cheatBimbo3 = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		bimbostupidity = 0
-	elseif cheatBimbo3 = 1:
-		cheatBimbo3 = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['exhib_block'] = {
-	if exhib_cheat = 0:
-		exhib_cheat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		pcs_exhib = 0
-		Exhibitionist_lvl = 0
-	elseif exhib_cheat = 1:
-		exhib_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['addictive_block'] = {
-	if addictive_cheat = 0:
-		addictive_cheat = 1
-		smoke_exp = 0
-		joint_exp = 0
-		heroin_exp = 0
-		cocaine_exp = 0
-		amphetamine_exp = 0
-		alcohol_exp = 0
-		addictive_exp = 0
-		addictive_trait_lvl = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	elseif addictive_cheat = 1:
-		addictive_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['cumtrait_block'] = {
-	if cumeater_cheat = 0:
-		cumeater_cheat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		trait['cumeater'] = 0
-	elseif cumeater_cheat = 1:
-		cumeater_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['consolecheat'] = {
-	if cheatConsole = 0:
-		cheatConsole = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatConsole = 1:
-		cheatConsole = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['timecheat'] = {
-	if cheatTime = 0:
-		cheatTime = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif cheatTime = 1:
-		cheatTime = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['random_bf_gf'] = {
-	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 0:
-		random_bf_gf_cheat = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-		exit
-	elseif random_bf_gf_cheat = 1:
-		random_bf_gf_cheat = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['street_robbers'] = {
-	if cheat_street_robbers = 0:
-		cheat_street_robbers = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	elseif cheat_street_robbers = 1:
-		cheat_street_robbers = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['street_rapists'] = {
-	if cheat_street_rapists = 0:
-		cheat_street_rapists = 1
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	elseif cheat_street_rapists = 1:
-		cheat_street_rapists = 0
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['permanent'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	if cheatWork = 0:$cheatWork = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatWork = 1:$cheatWork = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatWillpower = 0:$cheatWillpower = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatWillpower = 1:$cheatWillpower = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatHapri = 0:$cheatHapri = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatHapri = 1:$cheatHapri = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatKlisma = 1:$cheatKlisma = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatKlisma = 0:$cheatKlisma = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNomakeup = 0:$cheatNomakeup = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNomakeup = 1:$cheatNomakeup = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoSweat = 0:$cheatNoSweat = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoSweat = 1:$cheatNoSweat = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoEat = 0:$cheatNoEat = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoEat = 1:$cheatNoEat = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoDrink = 0:$cheatNoDrink = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoDrink = 1:$cheatNoDrink = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoSleep = 0:$cheatNoSleep = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoSleep = 1:$cheatNoSleep = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoMood = 0:$cheatNoMood = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoMood = 1:$cheatNoMood = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatNoFat = 0:$cheatNoFat = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatNoFat = 1:$cheatNoFat = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatHealth = 0:$cheatHealth = 'Enabled'
-	if cheatHealth = 1:$cheatHealth = 'Disabled'
-	if NarkImmune = 0:$NarkImmune = 'Currently OFF'
-	if NarkImmune = 1:$NarkImmune = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheatSlut = 0:$cheatSlut = 'Enabled'
-	if cheatSlut = 1:$cheatSlut = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatHorny = 0:$cheatHorny = 'Currently OFF'
-	if cheatHorny = 1:$cheatHorny = 'Currently ON'
-	if bedvibrator = 0:$cheatVib = 'Currently OFF'
-	if bedvibrator = 1:$cheatVib = 'Currently ON'
-	if fight_cheat = 0:$fight_cheat = 'Currently OFF'
-	if fight_cheat = 1:$fight_cheat = 'Currently ON'
-	if autocombat_cheat = 0:$autocombat_cheat = 'Currently OFF'
-	if autocombat_cheat = 1:$autocombat_cheat = 'Currently ON'
-	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 0:$cheat_NoPregnancy = 'Enabled'
-	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 1:$cheat_NoPregnancy = 'Disabled'
-	if cheat_NoLactation = 0:$cheat_NoLactation = 'Enabled'
-	if cheat_NoLactation = 1:$cheat_NoLactation = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatBimbo = 0:$cheatBimbo = 'Enabled'
-	if cheatBimbo = 1:$cheatBimbo = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatBimbo2 = 0:$cheatBimbo2 = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatBimbo2 = 1:$cheatBimbo2 = 'Enabled'
-	if cheatBimbo3 = 0:$cheatBimbo3 = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatBimbo3 = 1:$cheatBimbo3 = 'Enabled'
-	if cumeater_cheat = 0:$cheatcumtrait = 'Enabled'
-	if cumeater_cheat = 1:$cheatcumtrait = 'Disabled'
-	if exhib_cheat = 0:$cheatexhib = 'Enabled'
-	if exhib_cheat = 1:$cheatexhib = 'Disabled'
-	if addictive_cheat = 0: $cheataddictive = 'Enabled'
-	if addictive_cheat = 1: $cheataddictive = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatConsole = 0:$cheatConsole = 'Visible'
-	if cheatConsole = 1:$cheatConsole = 'Hidden'
-	if cheatTime = 0:$cheatTime = 'Disabled'
-	if cheatTime = 1:$cheatTime = 'Enabled'
-	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 0: $random_bf_gf_cheat = 'Enabled'
-	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 1: $random_bf_gf_cheat = 'Disabled'
-	if cheat_street_robbers = 0: $cheat_street_robbers = 'Enabled'
-	if cheat_street_robbers = 1: $cheat_street_robbers = 'Disabled'
-	if cheat_street_rapists = 0: $cheat_street_rapists = 'Enabled'
-	if cheat_street_rapists = 1: $cheat_street_rapists = 'Disabled'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Recurrent Cheats</h1></center>'
-	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Disabling states may cause some events not to trigger. Use at your own risk!</center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="450" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'More than one job is possible: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''work'']"><<$cheatWork>></a>'
-	'Willpower cost always zero: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''willpower'']"><<$cheatWillpower>></a>'
-	'Always combed: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''hair'']"><<$cheatHapri>></a>'
-	'Cosmetics never smeared: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''nomakeup'']"><<$cheatNomakeup>></a>'
-	'Never sweat: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''nosweat'']"><<$cheatNoSweat>></a>'
-	'Never eat: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noEat'']"><<$cheatNoEat>></a>'
-	'Never drink: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noDrink'']"><<$cheatNoDrink>></a>'
-	'Never sleep: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noSleep'']"><<$cheatNoSleep>></a>'
-	'Never unhappy: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noMood'']"><<$cheatNoMood>></a>'
-	'Never lose or gain weight: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noFat'']"><<$cheatNoFat>></a>'
-	'Never get addicted: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''addict'']"><<$NarkImmune>></a>'
-	if Enable_sforma = 1:
-		'Allow any clothing for school: <a href="exec:Enable_sforma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
-	else
-		'Allow any clothing for school: <a href="exec:Enable_sforma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'Random boyfriend/girlfriend events: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''random_bf_gf'']"><<$random_bf_gf_cheat>></a>'
-	'Random robbers in the streets: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''street_robbers'']"><<$cheat_street_robbers>></a>'
-	'Random rapists in the streets: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''street_rapists'']"><<$cheat_street_rapists>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'Enable sleeping with vibrator inserted: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''Vibrator'']"><<$cheatVib>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'Automatically win every fight: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''fight'']"><<$fight_cheat>></a>'
-	'Automatically resolve non-magical fights: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''autocombat'']"><<$autocombat_cheat>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'Bimbo trait and the effects of wearing bimbo clothes: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''BimboCloth'']"><<$cheatBimbo>></a>'
-	'Exhibitionist trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''exhib_block'']"><<$cheatexhib>></a>'
-	'Addictive personality trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''addictive_block'']"><<$cheataddictive>></a>'
-	'Cumeater trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cumtrait_block'']"><<$cheatcumtrait>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'Who says bimbos can''t be smart? Smart bimbo mode: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''SmartBimbo'']"><<$cheatBimbo2>></a>'
-	'Succubus bimbo mode: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''SuccuBimbo'']"><<$cheatBimbo3>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'Set arousal to always be at 50 or more: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheatHorny'']"><<$cheatHorny>></a>'
-	'Periods (and pregnancies): <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''slutshot'']"><<$cheatSlut>></a>'
-	'Impregnation: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheat_NoPregnancy'']"><<$cheat_nopregnancy>></a>'
-	'Lactation: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheat_NoLactation'']"><<$cheat_nolactation>></a>'
-	'STDs: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''health'']"><<$cheatHealth>></a>'
-	*nl
-	if Enable_autotampon = 1:
-		'Automatic cheat on Tampon: <a href="exec:Enable_autotampon = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
-	else
-		'Automatic cheat on Tampon: <a href="exec:Enable_autotampon = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if Enable_nodream > 0:
-		'No dream chance: <a href="exec:Enable_nodream=input(''Enter no dream chance (%)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']"><<Enable_nodream>>%</a>, <a href="exec:Enable_nodream=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
-	else
-		'No dream chance: <a href="exec:Enable_nodream=input(''Enter no dream chance (%)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
-	end & !1.2.3 new function
-	*nl
-	'Hide Console input in objects window: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''consolecheat'']"><<$cheatConsole>></a>'
-	'Time Cheat in Objects window: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''timecheat'']"><<$cheatTime>></a>'
-	*nl
-	'<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Disabling states may cause some events not to trigger. Use at your own risk!'
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['therapist_reset'] = {
-	gs 'therapist'
-	dynamic $RestTherapyVariables
-	gs 'stat'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
-$cheatmenu['state'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Character State Changes</h1></center>'
-	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save. Cheats manipulating pregnancy or the menstrual cycle are'
-	'especially dangerous unless you know what you''re doing. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'Set alcohol levels:'
-	'<a href="exec:alko = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Sober</a> <a href="exec:alko = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Tipsy</a> <a href="exec:alko = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Drunk</a> <a href="exec:alko = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Wasted</a> <a href="exec:alko = 11 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Barely coherent</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_horny = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Max arousal</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_horny = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Min arousal</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']">Body Modification</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_health = pcs_vital*10 + pcs_stren*5+1000 & pcs_willpwr = pcs_intel*5 + will*5+1000 & pcs_mana = (pcs_intel*pcs_magik) + pcs_magik*100 + pcs_vital*10 + rikudo & vgape = 0 & agape = 0 & nippain = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Health, Mana, Reason.</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_sleep = 100 & pcs_stam = stammax & pcs_mood = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Sleep, Stamina, Mood.</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_energy = 200 & pcs_hydra = 200 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Hunger and Water.</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''money''] & gs ''stat''">Change money</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:money = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Zero money</a>'
-	if bankAccount = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bank_money''] & gs ''stat''">Change money in the bank</a>'
-		'<a href="exec: karta = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Zero money in the bank</a>'
-	else
-		'<b>You need to open a bank account before getting access to change money in the bank</b>'
-	end
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''std_cure''] & gs ''stat''">Cure all stds</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:vgape = 0 & agape = 0 & nippain = 0 & painpub = 0 & pirs_pain_ton = 0 & mesec = 0 & spanked = 0 & SLomka = 0 & Narkoman = 0 & strongnark = 0 & SNarkTimes = 0 & nark = 0 & fingal = 0 & mosol = 0 & frost = 0 & sick = 0 & hypnoAddict = 0 & hypnoWithdrawal = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''std_cure''] & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain_killer''] & gs ''stat''">Cure all ailments.</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''force_preg''] & gs ''stat''">Force random pregnancy</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''remove_preg''] & gs ''stat''">Remove pregnancy</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gs''cum_cleanup'',''reset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Remove all cum</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cycle''] & gs ''stat''">Set stage of menstrual cycle</a>'
-	if lactation['active'] <= 0:
-		'You are not lactating'
-		'Your current prolactinlvl is <<lactation[''prolactinlvl'']>>ng/ml.'
-		'<a href="exec: gs ''lact_lib'',''lact_switch'' & gs ''lact_lib'',''BreastGrowth'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch ON</a>'
-	else
-		'You are lactating'
-		'<a href="exec: gs ''lact_lib'',''lact_switch'' & gs ''lact_lib'',''BreastGrowth'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch OFF</a>'
-		if lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1:
-			'The milk production is <a href="exec: lactation[''milkprod_type''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">realistic</a>. <<$pcs_firstname>> will produce breast milk based on her body resources.'
-		elseif lactation['milkprod_type'] = 0:
-			'The milk production is <a href="exec: lactation[''milkprod_type''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">permanent</a>. <<$pcs_firstname>> will produce breast milk disregarding her condition.'
-		else
-			lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1
-		end
-		if lactation['lactaterate'] <= 0:
-			'Lactate Rate: <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+10</a>'
-		elseif lactation['lactaterate'] >= 600000:
-			'Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-10</a> <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h'
-		else
-			'Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-10</a> <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+10</a>'
-			if lactation['caplactaterate'] <= 0:
-				'Cap Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] = 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch ON</a>'
-			elseif lactation['caplactaterate'] >= 72:
-				'Cap Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] -= 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-24h</a> <<lactation[''caplactaterate'']>>h'
-			else
-				'Cap Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] -= 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-24h</a> <<lactation[''caplactaterate'']>>h <a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] += 24 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+24h</a>'
-			end	
-			'<font color="grey">Cap lactate rate makes lactate rate stop growing if <<$pcs_firstname>> needs milking more often.</font>'
-		end
-		'Milk in Breasts: <<lactation[''breastmv'']/1000>>ml'
-		'Max Milk Storage: <<lactation[''breastmm'']/1000>>ml'
-		'<font color="grey">Maximum milk storage changes with breast size, and if <<$pcs_firstname>> went through pregnancy</font>'
-		if lactation['induced'] <= 0:
-			'Is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s lactation Induced?: <a href="exec:lactation[''induced''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">no</a>'
-		else
-			'Is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s lactation Induced?: <a href="exec:lactation[''induced''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">yes</a>'
-		end
-		'<font color="grey">Does <<$pcs_firstname>> know she induced lactation herself, or not? (This is only used for some events.)</font>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''therapist_reset'']">Reset therapist states</a>'
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['avatar_hair_set'] = {
-	$av_hair = input("Input your custom hair:")
-	if $av_hair='':exit
-	avatar_hair = 1
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-$cheatmenu['rename'] = {
-	!! player name is set in preSYS.qsrc
-	$temp_firstname = '<<$pcs_firstname>>'
-	$pcs_firstname = input("What is your first name? (Leave blank for Svetlana)")
-	if $pcs_firstname = '':$pcs_firstname = '<<$temp_firstname>>'
-	killvar '$temp_firstname'
-	$temp_lastname = '<<$pcs_lastname>>'
-	$pcs_lastname = input("What is your family name? (Leave blank for Lebedev)")
-	if $pcs_lastname = '':$pcs_lastname = '<<$temp_lastname>>'
-	killvar '$temp_lastname'
-	$temp_nickname = '<<$pcs_nickname>>'
-	$pcs_nickname = input("What is your nickname? (Leave blank for Sveta)")
-	if $pcs_nickname = '':$pcs_nickname = '<<$temp_nickname>>'
-	killvar '$temp_nickname'
-$cheatmenu['looks'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	if pcs_hgt < 100:
-		pcs_hgt = 100
-	elseif pcs_hgt > 200:
-		pcs_hgt = 200
-	end
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Character Appearance</h1></center>'
-	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save, use them with care. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
-	*nl
-	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
-	'<tr><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>> (<<$pcs_nickname>>). <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''rename'']">Rename</a>'
-	if player_avatar = 1:
-		'Custom Avatar: <a href="exec:player_avatar = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">ON</a>'
-	else
-		'Custom Avatar: <a href="exec:player_avatar = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">OFF</a>'
-	end
-	if avatar_hair = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:avatar_hair = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Custom Hair: ON</a>'
-		'<<$av_hair>>'
-	else
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''avatar_hair_set'']">Custom Hair: OFF</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''parameters'']">Show design parameters of body</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''vneshpara'']">Show beauty parameters</a>'
-	*nl
-	'You are <a href="exec: pcs_dob += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''age'']">(-1)</a> <<age>> <a href="exec: pcs_dob -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''age'']">(+1)</a> years old'
-	*nl
-	'<a href=>You look <<vidage>> years old</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''visualage'']">Change apparent age</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href=>You are <<pcs_hgt>> centimetres tall</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:pcs_hgt = input(''Enter <<$pcs_nickname>>s height in centimetres<br><br>(default 170, min 100, max 200, values below 160 and above 180 will cause problems in the calculation of BMI/weight the more you deviate from the default 170)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Change <<$pcs_nickname>>''s height</a>'
-	*nl
-	'You have <<$titsize>> breasts'
-	if tits => 0 and tits < 11:'<a href="exec:silicone += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge breasts(silicone)</a>'
-	if silicone => 1:'<a href="exec:silicone -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink breasts(silicone)</a>'
-	if tits => 0 and tits < 11:'<a href="exec:nbsize += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge breasts(natural)</a>'
-	if nbsize => 1:'<a href="exec:nbsize -= 5 & titreduc = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink breasts(natural)</a>'
-	*nl
-	if pcs_butt <= 4:
-		$pcs_butt[1] = 'flat'
-	elseif pcs_butt <= 8:
-		$pcs_butt[1] = 'average'
-	elseif pcs_butt <= 12:
-		$pcs_butt[1] = 'pert'
-	else
-		$pcs_butt[1] = 'bubble'
-	end
-	'You have <<$pcs_butt[1]>> butt'
-	if pcs_butt < 20:'<a href="exec:butt_cheat += 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge butt</a>'
-	if pcs_butt > 1:'<a href="exec:butt_cheat -= 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink butt</a>'
-	if butt_cheat ! 0:'<a href="exec:butt_cheat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reset butt shape to default</a>'
-	if silicone_butt => 1:'<a href="exec:silicone_butt = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Remove butt implants</a>'
-	if silicone_butt = 0:'<a href="exec:silicone_butt += 16 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Add butt implants</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$lip>>'
-	if pcs_lip < 4:'<a href="exec:pcs_lip += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge lips</a>'
-	if pcs_lip > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_lip -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink lips</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$skin>>'
-	if pcs_skin < 900: '<a href="exec:pcs_skin += 200 & gs ''body'', ''UpdateBaseAppearnce'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Improve skin</a>'
-	if pcs_skin > 0: '<a href="exec:pcs_skin -= 200 & gs ''body'', ''UpdateBaseAppearnce'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Worsen skin</a>'
-	if pcs_tan >= 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_tan += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Become tanned</a>'
-	if pcs_tan > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_tan = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Remove tan</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$pcs_throat>>'
-	if pcs_throat <= 31:'<a href="exec:pcs_throat += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase throat capacity</a>'
-	if pcs_throat >= 5:'<a href="exec:pcs_throat -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Decrease throat capacity</a>'
-	if dounspell = 1:
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:dounsplkil = 2 & gs ''body'', ''hardreset''">Hard Reset body shape</a>'
-	end
-	'</td><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<<$pcs_vag>>'
-	if pcs_vag > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_vag = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reinstate virginity</a>'
-	if pcs_vag <= 25:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''vagenlarge''">Enlarge comfortable vaginal capacity</a>'
-	if pcs_vag >= 5:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''vagreduce''">Reduce comfortable vaginal capacity</a>'
-	'Your comfortable vaginal capacity will reduce by <<vshrink>> every <<vshrinkdays>> days.'
-	if vshrink < 10:'<a href="exec:vshrink += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase amount of reduction</a>'
-	if vshrink > 0:'<a href="exec:vshrink -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce amount of reduction</a>'
-	if vshrinkdays < 10:'<a href="exec:vshrinkdays += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase number of days it takes</a>'
-	if vshrinkdays > 1:'<a href="exec:vshrinkdays -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce number of days it takes</a>'
-	'When gaped your vagina will reduce each stage (up to 4 for maximum gape) every <<vgape[4]>> minutes.'
-	if vgape[4] < 60:'<a href="exec:vgape[4] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase time by 5 minutes</a>'
-	if vgape[4] > 5:'<a href="exec:vgape[4] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce time by 5 minutes</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$pcs_ass>>'
-	if pcs_ass <= 25:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''assenlarge''">Enlarge comfortable anal capacity</a>'
-	if pcs_ass >= 5:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''assreduce''">Reduce comfortable anal capacity</a>'
-	'Your comfortable anal capacity will reduce by <<ashrink>> every <<ashrinkdays>> days.'
-	if ashrink < 10:'<a href="exec:ashrink += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase amount of reduction</a>'
-	if ashrink > 0:'<a href="exec:ashrink -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce amount of reduction</a>'
-	if ashrinkdays < 10:'<a href="exec:ashrinkdays += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase number of days it takes</a>'
-	if ashrinkdays > 1:'<a href="exec:ashrinkdays -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce number of days it takes</a>'
-	'When gaped your anus will reduce each stage (up to 4 for maximum gape) every <<agape[4]>> minutes.'
-	if agape[4] < 60:'<a href="exec:agape[4] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase time by 5 minutes</a>'
-	if agape[4] > 5:'<a href="exec:agape[4] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce time by 5 minutes</a>'
-	*nl
-	if dounspell = 0:
-		if fat ! 0: '<a href="exec:fat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Zero fat</a>'
-		'Body Fat = (<<salo>>): <a href="exec:salo -= 10 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:salo -= 5 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:salo -= 1 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-1</a> <a href="exec:salo += 1 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+1</a> <a href="exec:salo += 5 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:salo += 10 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+10</a>'
-		'Note: You need some Body Fat to survive, any value under 11 is clasified as "starving" and a value of 0 can lead to a Game Over.'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Tattoo removal</a>'
-	'</td><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<<$hair>>'
-	if pcs_haircol = 0:
-		'Your hair is now (prev) <<$pcs_haircol>> <a href="exec:pcs_haircol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks''] & nathcol = pcs_haircol">(next)</a>'
-	elseif pcs_haircol > 0 and pcs_haircol < 3:
-		'Your hair is now <a href="exec:pcs_haircol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & nathcol = pcs_haircol>(prev)</a> <<$pcs_haircol>> <a href="exec:pcs_haircol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & pcs_haircol = nathcol>(next)</a>'
-	elseif pcs_haircol = 3:
-		'Your hair is now <a href="exec:pcs_haircol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & nathcol = pcs_haircol>(prev)</a> <<$pcs_haircol>> (next)'
-	else
-		'To change your natural hair color, you have to <a href="exec:pcs_haircol = nathcol & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">restore your natural hair color</a> first.'
-	end
-	if pcs_hairlng > 975:
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a>'
-	elseif pcs_hairlng > 900:
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a>'
-	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 100:
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
-	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 25:
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
-	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 5:
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
-	else
-		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
-	end
-	if hairgrowcht = 0:'<a href="exec:hairgrowcht = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Stop hair growth</a>'
-	if hairgrowcht = 1:'<a href="exec:hairgrowcht = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Allow hair growth</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<<$glaza>>'
-	if pcs_naturallashes < 2:'<a href="exec:pcs_naturallashes += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge lashes</a>'
-	if pcs_naturallashes > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_naturallashes -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink lashes</a>'
-	if pcs_eyesize < 3:'<a href="exec:pcs_eyesize += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase the size of the eye</a>'
-	if pcs_eyesize > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_eyesize -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce the size of the eye</a>'
-	if pcs_eyecol <= 0:
-		'Your eyes are now (prev) <<$pcs_eyecol>> <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(next)</a>'
-	elseif pcs_eyecol > 0 and pcs_eyecol < 3:
-		'Your eyes are now <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(prev)</a> <<$pcs_eyecol>> <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(next)</a>'
-	elseif pcs_eyecol >= 3:
-		'Your eyes are now <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(prev)</a> <<$pcs_eyecol>> (next)'
-	end
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'vagenlarge':
-	if pcs_vag = 0:
-		pcs_vag = 5
-	elseif pcs_vag <= 5:
-		pcs_vag = 10
-	elseif pcs_vag <= 10:
-		pcs_vag = 15
-	elseif pcs_vag <= 15:
-		pcs_vag = 25
-	elseif pcs_vag <= 25:
-		pcs_vag = 35
-	end
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-if $ARGS[0] = 'vagreduce':
-	if pcs_vag > 25:
-		pcs_vag = 25
-	elseif pcs_vag > 15:
-		pcs_vag = 15
-	elseif pcs_vag > 10:
-		pcs_vag = 10
-	elseif pcs_vag > 5:
-		pcs_vag = 1
-	end
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-if $ARGS[0] = 'assenlarge':
-	if pcs_ass = 0:
-		pcs_ass = 5
-	elseif pcs_ass <= 5:
-		pcs_ass = 10
-	elseif pcs_ass <= 10:
-		pcs_ass = 15
-	elseif pcs_ass <= 15:
-		pcs_ass = 25
-	elseif pcs_ass <= 25:
-		pcs_ass = 35
-	end
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-if $ARGS[0] = 'assreduce':
-	if pcs_ass > 25:
-		pcs_ass = 25
-	elseif pcs_ass > 15:
-		pcs_ass = 15
-	elseif pcs_ass > 10:
-		pcs_ass = 10
-	elseif pcs_ass > 5:
-		pcs_ass = 1
-	end
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-$cheatmenu['parameters'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Appearance Stats</h1></center>'
-	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-	*nl
-	'Body Shape Parameters'
-	'<<pcs_bust>> - <<pcs_waist>> - <<pcs_hips>>, <<$titsize>> breasts, the difference between the hips and waist <<pcs_hips-pcs_waist>> cm'
-	'Muscularity: strenbuf = <<strenbuf>>, salo =	<<salo>>, fat = <<fat>>'
-	'Variable List:'
-	'agilbuf = <<agilbuf>>'
-	'strenbuf = <<strenbuf>>'
-	'vitalbuf = <<vitalbuf>>'
-	'BMI (pcs_bmi) = <<pcs_bmi>>'
-	'weight (pcs_weight) = <<pcs_weight>> kg'
-	'bust (pcs_bust) = <<pcs_bust>>'
-	'band (pcs_band) = <<pcs_band>>'
-	'waist (pcs_waist) = <<pcs_waist>>'
-	'hips (pcs_hips) = <<pcs_hips>>'
-	'bust - band (pcs_cupsize) = <<pcs_cupsize>>'
-	'silicone = <<silicone>>'
-	'nbsize = <<nbsize>>'
-	'magicf2b = <<magicf2b>>'
-	'genbsize = <<genbsize>>'
-	'vhips = <<vhips>>'
-	'vhtmp = <<vhtmp>>'
-	'wratio = <<wratio>>'
-	'bratio = <<bratio>>'
-	'hratio = <<hratio>>'
-	'vofat = <<vofat>>'
-	'salocatnow = <<salocatnow>>'
-	'salocatlast = <<salocatlast>>'
-	'magf2bdo = <<magf2bdo>>'
-	'mgf2bnocnt = <<mgf2bnocnt>>'
-	'magtarcup = <<magtarcup>>'
-	'normbuffpick = <<normbuffpick>>'
-	'nrmbfpckct = <<nrmbfpckct>>'
-	'btwarn = <<btwarn>>'
-	'salolast = <<salolast>>'
-$cheatmenu['vneshpara'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - ?</h1></center>'
-	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-	*nl
-	'Appearance Parameters'
-	'vidage = <<vidage>>'
-	'pcs_naturallashes = <<pcs_naturallashes>>'
-	'pcs_eyesize = <<pcs_eyesize>>'
-	'pcs_lip = <<pcs_lip>>'
-	'pcs_apprncbase = <<pcs_apprncbase>>'
-	'PXCloThinness = <<PXCloThinness>>'
-	'PXCloTopCut = <<PXCloTopCut>>'
-	'PXCloBottomShortness = <<PXCloBottomShortness>>'
-	'CloTotalBeauty = <<CloTotalBeauty>>'
-	'mopkoef = <<mopkoef>>'
-	'pcs_hairbsh = <<pcs_hairbsh>>'
-	'lipbalmKoef = <<lipbalmKoef>>'
-	'pcs_breath = <<pcs_breath>>'
-	'sweatKoef = <<sweatKoef>>'
-	'glassvnesh = <<glassvnesh>>'
-	'dyevmod = <<dyevmod>>'
-	'hairkoef = <<hairkoef>>'
-	'legkoef = <<legkoef>>'
-$cheatmenu['tatoo'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Tattoos</h1></center>'
-	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
-	*nl
-	if tatarm = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your arm</a>'
-	if tatarm >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatarm = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your arm tattoo</a>'
-	if tatass = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your ass</a>'
-	if tatass >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatass = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your ass tattoo</a>'
-	if tatback = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your back</a>'
-	if tatback >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatback = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your back tattoo</a>'
-	if tatblly = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your belly</a>'
-	if tatblly >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatblly = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your belly tattoo</a>'
-	if tatbrst = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your breast</a>'
-	if tatbrst >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatbrst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your breast tattoo</a>'
-	if tatchst = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your chest</a>'
-	if tatchst >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatchst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your chest tattoo</a>'
-	if tatfce = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your face</a>'
-	if tatfce >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatfce = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your face tattoo</a>'
-	if tatankle = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your ankle</a>'
-	if tatankle >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatankle = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your ankle tattoo</a>'
-	if tatleg = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your leg</a>'
-	if tatleg >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatleg = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your leg tattoo</a>'
-	if tatlip = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your lip</a>'
-	if tatlip >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatlip = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your lip tattoo</a>'
-	if tatneck = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your neck</a>'
-	if tatneck >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatneck = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your neck tattoo</a>'
-	if tatvag = 0:'You do not have a public tattoo</a>'
-	if tatvag >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatvag = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your pubic tattoo</a>'
-	if tatlech = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your shoulder</a>'
-	if tatlech >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatlech = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your shoulder tattoo</a>'
-	if tatside = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your side</a>'
-	if tatside >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatside = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your the tattoo on your side</a>'
-	if tatupb = 0:'You do not have a tramp stamp</a>'
-	if tatupb >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatupb = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your tramp stamp</a>'
-	if tatunder = 0:'You do not have an under breast tattoo</a>'
-	if tatunder >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatunder = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your under breast tattoo</a>'
-	if tatwrist = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your wrist</a>'
-	if tatwrist >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatwrist = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your wrist tattoo</a>'
-	if tathand = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your hand</a>'
-	if tathand >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tathand = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your hand tattoo</a>'
-$cheatmenu['setStat'] = {
-	temp_input = input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:")
-	dynamic "
-		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = temp_input
-		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = temp_input
-	"
-	killvar 'temp_input'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
-$cheatmenu['setStat1'] = {
-	temp_input = input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:")
-	dynamic "
-		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 100 - temp_input
-		<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 100 - temp_input
-	"
-	killvar 'temp_input'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
-$cheatmenu['setAttrs'] = {
-	loop_index = 0
-	:set_attrs_loop
-		dynamic "
-			<<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <<ARGS[0]>>
-			<<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <<ARGS[0]>>
-		"
-		loop_index += 1
-		! Magic is the last attribute, so if it's a non-magic game we'll end the loop one iteration early
-		if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic' and loop_index < arrsize('$att_name'):
-			jump 'set_attrs_loop'
-		elseif loop_index < arrsize('$att_name') - 1:
-			jump 'set_attrs_loop'
-		end
-	killvar 'loop_index'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
-$cheatmenu['setSkills'] = {
-	loop_index = 0
-	:set_skills_loop
-		!! Inhibition (number 33) isn''t a skill so we''ll skip it
-		if loop_index ! 33:
-			dynamic "
-				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <<ARGS[0]>>
-				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <<ARGS[0]>>
-			"
-			loop_index += 1
-		else
-			loop_index += 1
-			dynamic "
-				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = <<ARGS[0]>>
-				<<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = <<ARGS[0]>>
-			"
-		end
-		!! The size of the array is reduced by 1 because we skipped inhibition
-		if loop_index < arrsize('$skl_name') - 1: jump 'set_skills_loop'
-	killvar 'loop_index'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
-$cheatmenu['printStatLinks'] = {
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 100 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Max</a>  '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+1</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+10</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-1</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-10</a>  '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 0 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Min</a>  '
-	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>''" >Set</a>'
-$cheatmenu['printStatLinks1'] = {
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 0 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 0 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Max</a>  '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+1</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl -= 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+10</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 1 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-1</a> '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl += 10 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-10</a>  '
-	*p '<a href="exec:<<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl = 100 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvlst = 100 & <<$ARGS[0]>>_exp = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Min</a>  '
-	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat1''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>''" >Set</a>'
-$cheatmenu['stats'] = {
-	gs 'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	!Set a floor and ceiling for all attributes and skills
-	loop_index = 0
-	:attr_trim_loop
-		dynamic "
-			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl < 0: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 0
-			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst < 0: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 0
-			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl > 100: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 100
-			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst > 100: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 100
-		"
-		loop_index += 1
-		if loop_index < arrsize('$att_name'): jump 'attr_trim_loop'
-	loop_index = 0
-	:skill_trim_loop
-		dynamic "
-			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl < 0: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 0
-			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst < 0: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 0
-			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl > 100: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 100
-			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst > 100: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 100
-		"
-		loop_index += 1
-		if loop_index < arrsize('$skl_name'): jump 'skill_trim_loop'
-	killvar 'loop_index'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Attributes and Skills</h1></center>'
-	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save, use them with care. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
-	*nl
-	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
-	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	*pl'<b>Attributes</b> (values 0 - 100):'
-	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setAttrs''], 100" >Max Attributes</a>    <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setAttrs''], 0" >Min Attributes</a>'
-	*p 'Strength (<<stren_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'stren', 'Strength'
-	*p 'Agility (<<agil_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'agil', 'Agility'
-	*p 'Endurance (<<vital_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vital', 'Endurance'
-	*p 'Intelligence (<<intel_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'intel', 'Intelligence'
-	*p 'Reaction (<<react_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'react', 'Reaction'
-	*p 'Spirit (<<sprt_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'sprt', 'Spirit'
-	*p 'Charisma (<<chrsm_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'chrsm', 'Charisma'
-	*p 'Perception (<<prcptn_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'prcptn', 'Perception'
-	if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic': *p 'Magic (<<magik_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'magik', 'Magic'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Sexual:</b>'
-	*pl 'Inhibition level (<<100 - inhib_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks1'], 'inhib', 'Inhibition'
-	if willpowermax > 200: willpowermax = 200
-	if willpowermax < 50: willpowermax = 50
-	*pl 'Willpower Maximum (<<willpowermax>>): <a href="exec:willpowermax = 200 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Max</a>  <a href="exec:willpowermax += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+1</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+10</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-1</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-10</a>  <a href="exec:willpowermax = 50 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Min</a>'
-	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher+10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
-	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher-10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
-	*nl
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0:
-		*pl'<b>School:</b>'
-		if class['school_math_grade'] < 100:*pl'Math grade: <<class[''school_math_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_rus_grade'] < 100:*pl'Russian grade: <<class[''school_rus_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_lit_grade'] < 100:*pl'Literature grade: <<class[''school_lit_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_art_grade'] < 100:*pl'Art grade: <<class[''school_art_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_bio_grade'] < 100:*pl'Biology grade: <<class[''school_bio_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_eng_grade'] < 100:*pl'English grade: <<class[''school_eng_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_geo_grade'] < 100:*pl'Geography grade: <<class[''school_geo_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_sci_grade'] < 100:*pl'Science grade: <<class[''school_sci_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_his_grade'] < 100:*pl'History grade: <<class[''school_his_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_shop_grade'] < 100:*pl'Shop grade: <<class[''school_shop_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_comp_grade'] < 100:*pl'Computer grade: <<class[''school_comp_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_mus_grade'] < 100:*pl'Music grade: <<class[''school_mus_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_pe_grade'] < 100:*pl'P.E. grade: <<class[''school_pe_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if schoolprogul >= 0:*pl'<a href="exec:schoolprogul = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Zero Absenteeism (School): <<schoolprogul>></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	*pl'<b>Skills</b> (values 0 - 100, and adjusted total by attributes):'
-	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 100" >Max Skills</a>    <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 0" >Min Skills</a>'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Others:</b>'
-	*p 'Chess (<<chess_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_chess>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'chess', 'Chess'
-	*p 'Gaming (<<gaming_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_gaming>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'gaming', 'Gaming'
-	*p 'Social (<<humint_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_humint>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'humint', 'People Skills'
-	*p 'Persuasion (<<persuas_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_persuas>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'persuas', 'Persuasion'
-	*p 'Observation (<<observ_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_observ>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'observ', 'Observation'
-	*p 'Makeup (<<makupskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_makupskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'makupskl', 'Makeup'
-	*p 'Computers (<<compskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_compskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'compskl', 'Computer Skill'
-	*p 'Hacking (<<comphckng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_comphckng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'comphckng', 'Hacking'
-	*p 'Handy-work (<<hndiwrk_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_hndiwrk>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'hndiwrk', 'Handy-work'
-	*p 'Pool (<<pool_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_pool>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'pool', 'Pool'
-	*p 'Heels (<<pcs_heels>>) - Total (<<pcs_heels>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'heels', 'Heels'
-	if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic': *p 'Spell Casting (<<splcstng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_splcstng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'splcstng', 'Spellcasting'
-	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	*pl'<b>Combat:</b>'
-	*p 'Jabs (<<jab_lvl>>)- Total (<<pcs_jab>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'jab', 'Jabs'
-	*p 'Power Strikes (<<punch_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_punch>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'punch', 'Power Strikes'
-	*p 'Kicks (<<kick_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_kick>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'kick', 'Kicks'
-	*p 'Defence (<<def_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_def>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'def', 'Defence'
-	*p 'Marksmanship (<<shoot_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_shoot>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'shoot', 'Marksmanship'
-	*p 'Bushcraft (<<bushcraft_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_bushcraft>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'bushcraft', 'Bushcraft'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Craft:</b>'
-	*p 'Singing (<<vokal_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_vokal>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vokal', 'Singing'
-	*p 'Tailoring (<<sewng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_sewng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'sewng', 'Tailoring'
-	*p 'Instruments (<<instrmusic_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_instrmusic>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'instrmusic', 'Instrumental Music'
-	*p 'Photography (<<photoskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_photoskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'photoskl', 'Photography'
-	*p 'Artistic (<<artskls_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_artskls>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'artskls', 'Artistic Skills'
-	*p 'Performing (<<perform_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_perform>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'perform', 'Performance'
-	*p 'Music Production (<<musicprod_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_musicprod>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'musicprod', 'Music Production'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Dance:</b>'
-	*p 'Modern Dance (<<danc_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_danc>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'danc', 'Modern Dancing'
-	*p 'Erotic Dance (<<dancero_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_dancero>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'dancero', 'Erotic Dancing'
-	*p 'Pole Dance (<<dancpol_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_dancpol>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'dancpol', 'Pole Dancing'
-	*p 'Cheerleading (<<cheer_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_cheer>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'cheer', 'Cheerleading'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Sport:</b>'
-	*p 'Running (<<run_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_run>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'run', 'Running'
-	*p 'Volleyball (<<vball_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_vball>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vball', 'Volleyball'
-	*p 'Ice Skating (<<icesktng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_icesktng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'icesktng', 'Ice Skating'
-	*p 'Wrestling (<<wrstlng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_wrstlng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'wrstlng', 'Wrestling'
-	*p 'Football (<<ftbll_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_ftbll>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'ftbll', 'Football'
-	*nl
-	*pl'<b>Work:</b>'
-	*p 'Serving (<<servng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_servng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'servng', 'Serving'
-	*p 'Modeling (<<mdlng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_mdlng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'mdlng', 'Modeling'
-	*p 'Medicine (<<medcn_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_medcn>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'medcn', 'Medicine'
-	*p 'Cleaning (<<cleaning_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_cleaning>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'cleaning', 'Cleaning'
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['reputation'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Relationships and Renown</h1></center>'
-	'<center>Relationship values are from 0 - 100.</center>'
-	'<center>If they exceed this limit they will be reset overnight.</center>'
-	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
-	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	*nl
-	'Relationships in Pavlovsk'
-	*nl
-	'<font color="blue"><b>Family</b></font>'
-	if Enable_reputation_family = 0:
-		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_family = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_reputation_family = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_family = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-		'Stepfather: <<npc_rel[''A28'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'Mother: <<npc_rel[''A29'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'Sister: <<npc_rel[''A33'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'Brother: <<npc_rel[''A34'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-	end
-	'Your dog: '+iif($status['dog'] = 'active', '<b>Active</b>', '<a href="exec: $status[''dog''] = ''active'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Active</a>')+'|'+iif($status['dog'] = 'blocked', '<b>Blocked</b>', '<a href="exec: $status[''dog''] = ''blocked'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Blocked</a>')
-	if $status['dog'] ! 'blocked':
-		'Set the relationship and love of your dog to always be at maximum: '+iif(cheat['dog_rel'] = 0, '<a href="exec: cheat[''dog_rel''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Off</a>', '<a href="exec: cheat[''dog_rel''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Currently On</a>')
-		'You need to feed your dog <<rex[''count_feed_base'']>> per day: '+iif(rex['count_feed_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_feed_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_feed_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
-		'You need to walk your dog <<rex[''count_walk_base'']>> per day: '+iif(rex['count_walk_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_walk_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_walk_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
-		'You need to bath your dog <<rex[''count_bath_base'']>> per week: '+iif(rex['count_bath_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_bath_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_bath_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg':
-		'<font color="blue"><b>School</b></font>'
-		'<i>Popular Kids</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_popular = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_popular = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_popular = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_popular = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A1'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A1'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A1'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A1''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A1''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A4'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A4'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A4'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A4''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A4''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A14'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A14''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A14''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A15'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A15'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A15'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A15''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A15''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A17'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A17'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A17'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A17''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A17''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A22'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A22'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A22'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A22''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A22''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A146'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A146'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A146'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A146''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A146''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A147'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A147'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A147'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A147''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A147''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A148'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A148'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A148'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A148''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A148''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			if soniaPS = 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A25'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A139'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A139'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A139'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A139''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A139''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A140'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A140'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A140'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A140''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A140''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<i>Athletes</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_athletes = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_athletes = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_athletes = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_athletes = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A3'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A3'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A3'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A3''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A3''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			if fedormasha = 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A5'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A8'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A8'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A8'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A8''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A8''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A13'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A13'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A13'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A13''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A13''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A18'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A18'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A18'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A18''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A18''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A19'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A19'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A19'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A19''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A19''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A23'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A23'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A23'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A23''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A23''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A149'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A149'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A149'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A149''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A149''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A150'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A150'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A150'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A150''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A150''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A141'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A141'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A141'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A141''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A141''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A165'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A165'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A165'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A165''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A165''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<i>Nerds</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_nerds = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_nerds = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_nerds = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_nerds = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A2'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A2'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A2'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A2''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A2''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A6'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A6'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A6'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A6''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A6''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A12'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A12'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A12'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A12''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A12''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A16'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A16'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A16'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A16''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A16''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A151'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A151'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A151'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A151''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A151''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A152'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A152'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A152'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A152''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A152''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A153'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A153'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A153'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A153''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A153''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A142'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A142'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A142'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A142''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A142''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A240'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A240'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A240'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A240''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A240''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<i>Gopniks</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_gopniks = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_gopniks = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_gopniks = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_gopniks = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A9'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A9'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A9'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A9''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A9''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A10'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A10'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A10'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A10''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A10''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A11'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A11'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A11'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A11''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A11''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A20'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A20'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A20'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A20''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A20''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A21'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A21'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A21'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A21''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A21''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A24'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A24'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A24'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A24''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A24''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A154'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A154'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A154'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A154''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A154''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A155'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A155'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A155'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A155''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A155''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A156'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A156'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A156'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A156''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A156''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A157'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A157'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A157'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A157''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A157''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A158'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A158'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A158'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A158''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A158''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A143'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A143'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A143'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A143''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A143''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A144'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A144'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A144'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A144''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A144''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A145'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A145'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A145'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A145''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A145''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A189'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A189'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A189'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A189''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A189''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<i>Outcasts/Loners</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_outcasts = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_outcasts = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_outcasts = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_outcasts = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A7'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A7'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A7'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A7''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A7''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			if soniaPS > 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A25'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			if fedormasha = 1:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A5'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A159'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A159'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A159'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A159''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A159''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<i>Teachers/Coaches</i>'
-		if Enable_reputation_teachers = 0:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_teachers = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_reputation_teachers = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_teachers = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A26'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A26'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A26'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A26''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A26''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'Mikhail Nikolayevich: <<npc_rel[''A69'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A69''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A69''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A128'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A128'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A128'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A128''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A128''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A129'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A129'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A129'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A129''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A129''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A130'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A130'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A130'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A130''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A130''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A131'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A131'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A131'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A131''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A131''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A132'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A132'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A132'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A132''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A132''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A133'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A133'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A133'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A133''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A133''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A134'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A134'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A134'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A134''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A134''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A135'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A135'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A135'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A135''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A135''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A136'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A136'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A136'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A136''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A136''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A137'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A137'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A137'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A137''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A137''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-			'<<$npc_firstname[''A138'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A138'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A138'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A138''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A138''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<font color="blue"><b>Nicholas'' Family</b></font>'
-	'<a href="exec:gt ''nichUtil'', ''debug''">Storyline Debug Menu</a>'
-	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	*nl
-	'Miscellaneous relationships'
-	*nl
-	'<font color="blue"><b>Others</b></font>'
-	*nl
-	if Enable_reputation_others = 0:
-		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_others = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_reputation_others = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_others = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
-		if npc_rel['A112'] >= 0:
-			'Sergei Shulgin: <<npc_rel[''A112'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A112''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A112''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A219'] >= 0:
-			'Kat: <<npc_rel[''A219'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A219''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A219''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A220'] >= 0:
-			'Vika: <<npc_rel[''A220'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A220''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A220''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A93'] >= 0:
-			'Irina: <<npc_rel[''A93'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A93''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A93''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A43'] >= 0:
-			'Tamara: <<npc_rel[''A43'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A43''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A43''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if alla >= 0:
-			'Alla: <<alla>>	<a href="exec:alla += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:alla -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if masha >= 0:
-			'Masha: <<masha>>	<a href="exec:masha += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:masha -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A41'] >= 0:
-			'Givi: <<npc_rel[''A41'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A41''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A41''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A42'] >= 0:
-			'Ashot: <<npc_rel[''A42'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A42''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A42''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A89'] >= 0:
-			'Eugene: <<npc_rel[''A89'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A89''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A89''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A217'] >= 0:
-			'Pavlin: <<npc_rel[''A217'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A217''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A217''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if huntersAndreiQw >= 0:
-			'Hunter Andrew: <<huntersAndreiQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersAndreiQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersAndreiQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if huntersSergeiQw >= 0:
-			'Hunter Sergei: <<huntersSergeiQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersSergeiQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersSergeiQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if huntersIgorQw >= 0:
-			'Hunter Igor: <<huntersIgorQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersIgorQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersIgorQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-		if npc_rel['A217'] >= 0:
-			'Martin: <<npc_rel[''A216'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A216''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A216''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		end
-	end
-	if pcs_lovers[0] = 1:
-		*nl
-		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[0]>>.'
-		if loverrelation[0] < 0: loverrelation[0] = 0
-		if loverdays[0] < 0: loverdays[0] = 0
-		if haraklover[0] > 2: haraklover[0] = 0
-		if loverizvrat[0] > 1: loverizvrat[0] = 0
-		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[0] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[0]>></a>'
-		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[0] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[0]>></a>'
-		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[0]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[0] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[0] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[0]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[0] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[0] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
-	end
-	if pcs_lovers[1] = 1:
-		*nl
-		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[1]>>.'
-		if loverrelation[1] < 0: loverrelation[1] = 0
-		if loverdays[1] < 0: loverdays[1] = 0
-		if haraklover[1] > 2: haraklover[1] = 0
-		if loverizvrat[1] > 1: loverizvrat[1] = 0
-		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[1] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[1]>></a>'
-		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[1] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[1]>></a>'
-		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[1]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[1] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[1] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[1]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[1] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[1] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
-	end
-	if pcs_lovers[2] = 1:
-		*nl
-		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[2]>>.'
-		if loverrelation[2] < 0: loverrelation[2] = 0
-		if loverdays[2] < 0: loverdays[2] = 0
-		if haraklover[2] > 2: haraklover[2] = 0
-		if loverizvrat[2] > 1: loverizvrat[2] = 0
-		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[2] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[2]>></a>'
-		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[2] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[2]>></a>'
-		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[2]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[2] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[2] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
-		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[2]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[2] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[2] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if fame['pav_slut'] >= 50:
-		gs 'fame'
-		'In Pavlovsk you are known as a <font color="red"><<$gnikname>></font> <a href="exec:fame[''pav_sex''] = 0 & fame[''pav_prostitute''] = 0 & gs ''fame'', ''calculateSlut'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if opusk > 0 or gnewQW > 0 or sipovka > 0:'<a href="exec:opusk = 0 & gnewQW = 0 & sipovka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear reputation with Gopniks</a>'
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg':
-		*nl
-		'<font color="red"><b>WARNING</b></font>: Clearing reputation flags with your family may cause bugs. Use at your own risk!'
-		*nl
-		if motherKnowWhore > 0:
-			'Your mother knows, that you are sexually active and considers you are a whore. <a href="exec:motherKnowWhore = 0 & motherKnowSpravka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear both reputations</a>    <a href="exec:motherKnowWhore = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear only whore reputation</a>'
-		elseif motherKnowSpravka > 0:
-			'Your mother knows that you are sexually active. <a href="exec:motherKnowSpravka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		else
-			'Your mother thinks that you are a virgin.'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if evgenQW >= 4 and fame['pav_slut'] >= 250:
-			'Your brother thinks you are a total whore. <a href="exec:evgenQW = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		elseif evgenQW >= 3:
-			'Your brother thinks you are a slut. <a href="exec:evgenQW = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		elseif brotherknowslut = 1:
-			'Your brother saw semen on your body and thinks you fuck around. <a href="exec:brotherknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		elseif brotherknowslut >= 2:
-			'Your brother saw you in the park fucking the Gopniks. <a href="exec:brotherknowslut = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		else
-			'Your brother has a good opinion of you.'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if sisterknowslut > 1 and sisboypartyQW > 1:
-			'Your sister thinks you are a slut <a href="exec:sisboypartyQW = 0 & sisterknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		elseif sisterknowslut > 0:
-			'Your sister knows that you sleep around. <a href="exec:sisterknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
-		else
-			'Your sister has a good opinion of you.'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if func('homes_properties', 'can_live_here', 'parents_home') = 0:
-			'<a href="exec: gs ''homes_properties'', ''give_access'', ''parents_home'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Restore</a> access to your parent''s apartment.'
-		end
-		if momKnowsKolka = 1:
-			'Your mother knows Kolka is the father. <a href="momKnowsKolka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
-		end
-		if momKnowsVladimir = 1:
-			'Your mother knows Vladimir is the father. <a href="exec:momKnowsVladimir = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
-		end
-		if SchoolBlock = 1:
-			'You''ve been expelled from school. <a href="exec:SchoolBlock = 0 & schoolPredupr = 0 & schoolprogul = 0 & pcs_grades = 50 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
-		end
-	end
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['documents'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Diplomas, Licences, and Certificates</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="300" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	if SchoolAtestat = 0: '<a href="exec:SchoolAtestat = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get School Certificate</a>'
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0: '<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: This will end your school year!' & *nl
-	if SchoolAtestat = 1:'Already have a School Certificate'
-	if university['diploma'] > 0:
-		'You already have a Diploma'
-	else
-		'<a href="exec:gs ''uniutil'', ''diploma'', ''set_obtained'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Diploma</a>'
-	end
-	if secrdiplom = 0:'<a href="exec:secrdiplom = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Secretarial Diploma</a>'
-	if secrdiplom = 1:'You already have a Secretarial Diploma'
-	if masseuse['certification'] < 10:'<a href="exec:masseuse[''certification''] = 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Masseuse Certificate</a>'
-	if masseuse['certification'] >= 10:'You already have a Masseuse Certificate'
-	if prava = 0:'<a href="exec:prava = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Driving Licence</a>'
-	if prava = 1:'You already have Driving Licence'
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['input_time'] = {
-	inputtmp = input("Enter time with 4-digit (input 0102 for 1:02)")
-	if inputtmp/100 >= 0 and inputtmp/100 <= 23:hour = inputtmp/100
-	inputtmp = inputtmp mod 100
-	if inputtmp >= 0 and inputtmp <= 59:minut = inputtmp
-	killvar 'inputtmp'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['time']
-$cheatmenu['time'] = {
-	gs 'daystart'
-	gs 'outdoors', 'temp_set'
-	gs 'stat'
-	temp_daystart = (year - 2016) * 365
-!!2016 is a leapyear so no adjustment before division
-	temp_daystart += (year - 2016) / 4
-	i=1
-	:temp_daystart
-	if temp_month > i:
-		temp_daystart += monthsend[i]
-		i += 1
-		jump 'temp_daystart'
-	end
-	temp_daystart += temp_day
-	temp_daystart -= daystart_start
-	temp_daystart += 1
-	if currtimecheck = 1:
-		killvar 'currtimecheck'
-		if currday ! daystart:
-			if currday < daystart:
-				week = (week + daystart - currday) mod 7
-			else
-				temp = week - ((currday - daystart) mod 7)
-				if temp <= 0: week = 7 - temp else week = temp
-			end
-			currday = daystart
-		end
-		if currhour < (daystart-1) * 24 + hour:femcycloop = (daystart-1) * 24 + hour - currhour
-		:femcycloop
-		if femcycloop > 0:gs 'femcyc' & femcycloop -= 1 & jump 'femcycloop'
-	end
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Manipulate Time and Weather</h1></center>'
-	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats to manipulate time can <b>easily</b> break quests and cause bugs. Do not use them unless'
-	'you know what you''re doing. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	if temp_minut > 9:
-		if temp_hour > 9: $temptime = '<b><<temp_hour>>:<<temp_minut>></b>' else $temptime = '<b>0<<temp_hour>>:<<temp_minut>></b>'
-	else
-		if temp_hour > 9: $temptime = '<b><<temp_hour>>:0<<temp_minut>></b>' else $temptime = '<b>0<<temp_hour>>:0<<temp_minut>></b>'
-	end
-	if minut > 9:
-		if hour > 9: $tempcurtime = '<b><<hour>>:<<minut>></b>' else $tempcurtime = '<b>0<<hour>>:<<minut>></b>'
-	else
-		if hour > 9: $tempcurtime = '<b><<hour>>:0<<minut>></b>' else $tempcurtime = '<b>0<<hour>>:0<<minut>></b>'
-	end
-	if temp_daystart > daystart:
-		temp = (temp_daystart - daystart) mod 7
-		if (temp + week) mod 7 = 0:temp_week = 7 else temp_week = (temp + week) mod 7
-	elseif temp_daystart < daystart:
-		temp = (daystart - temp_daystart) mod 7
-		if (week - temp) mod 7 = 0:
-			temp_week = 7
-		elseif (week - temp) mod 7 < 0:
-			temp_week = ((week - temp) mod 7) + 7
-		else
-			temp_week = week - temp
-		end
-	else
-		temp_week = week
-	end
-	killvar 'temp'
-	'Current time: <b><<$week[week]>></b>, <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
-	'Target time: <b><<$week[temp_week]>></b>, <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
-	'Daychange: <<temp_daystart - daystart>>'
-	*nl
-	'Year:	<a href="exec:temp_year += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 Year</a>	<a href="exec:temp_year -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 Year</a>'
-	'Select <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''month'']">Month</a>'
-	$daychange = '	<a href="exec:temp_day += 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+7 Day</a>'
-	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 Day</a>'
-	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 Day</a>'
-	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day -= 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-7 Day</a>'
-	'Day:' +$daychange
-	killvar 'daychange'
-	$SS = 'Hour: '
-	if temp_hour > 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_hour > 3:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour -= 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-4</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_hour ! 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">0</a>	' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_hour < 23:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_hour < 20:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour += 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+4</a>'
-	$SS
-	$SS = 'Minute: '
-	if temp_minut > 14:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut -= 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-15</a> ' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_minut > 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1</a> ' else $SS += '	'
-	if temp_minut ! 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">0</a> ' else $SS += '   '
-	if temp_minut < 59:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1</a> '
-	if temp_minut < 46:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut += 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+15</a>'
-	$SS
-	killvar 'SS'
-	*nl
-	'Weather: <a href="exec:sunWeather=iif(sunWeather=0,1,0) & chWeather = 1 & gs ''outdoors'', ''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">'+iif(sunWeather=0,'Rain','Sunny')+'</a>'
-	*nl
-	'Temperature = <<$temperature>> - <a href="exec:temper += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 degree</a> - <a href="exec:temper += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+5 degrees</a> - <a href="exec:temper -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 degree</a> - <a href="exec:temper -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-5 degrees</a>'
-	*nl
-	'Switch to the <a href="exec:TempUnit = '+iif(TempUnit = 0,'1 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Fahrenheit','0 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Celsius')+'</a> scale'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''input_time'']">Direct input time</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:day = temp_day & $month = $temp_month & month = temp_month & year = temp_year & hour = temp_hour & minut = temp_minut & currtimecheck = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Accept target date & time</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_day = day & $temp_month = $month & temp_month = month & temp_year = year & temp_hour = hour & temp_minut = minut & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Reset target date & time</a>'
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['week'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu"><b>Cheat menu</b></a> - <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']"><b>Time</b></a></center>'
-	*nl
-	'Current time: <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
-	'Target time: <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:week = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Monday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Tuesday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Wednesday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Thursday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Friday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Saturday</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:week = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Sunday</a>'
-$cheatmenu['month'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu"><b>Cheat menu</b></a> - <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']"><b>Time</b></a></center>'
-	*nl
-	'Current time: <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
-	'Target time: <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 1 & $temp_month = ''January'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">January</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 2 & $temp_month = ''February'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">February</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 3 & $temp_month = ''March'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">March</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 4 & $temp_month = ''April'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">April</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 5 & $temp_month = ''May'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">May</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 6 & $temp_month = ''June'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">June</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 7 & $temp_month = ''July'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">July</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 8 & $temp_month = ''August'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">August</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 9 & $temp_month = ''September'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">September</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 10 & $temp_month = ''October'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">October</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 11 & $temp_month = ''November'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">November</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 12 & $temp_month = ''December'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">December</a>'
-$cheatmenu['magicTable'] = {
-	!Build a cheat table for spells with a given Array of spell names.
-	!	ARGS[0] = Friendly name for table
-	!	ARGS[1] = the name of the arraay to use
-	$SpellTabName = $ARGS[0]
-	$ThisArrName = $ARGS[1]
-	maxArrSizeC = dyneval("result=arrsize('<<$ThisArrName>>')")
-	! make the header for the table
-	$SpellListStr = "<center>
-		<table width='90%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' valign='top' border='1'>
-			<tr><th colspan='4'><b><<$SpellTabName>></b></th></tr>
-			<tr>
-				<th></th>
-				<th>Spell</th>
-				<th>Mana</th>
-				<th>Description</th>
-			</tr>"
-	i = 0
-	:CheatDinSpell1
-	$ThisSpellName = dyneval("$result=<<$ThisArrName>>[<<i>>]")
-	if i < maxArrSizeC:
-		if spellKnown[$ThisSpellName] = 1:
-			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['<<$ThisSpellName>>'] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Unlearn]</a>"
-		else
-			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['<<$ThisSpellName>>'] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Learn]</a>"
-		end
-		$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " <tr><td><<$spellFlipper>></td><td><<$spellName[$ThisSpellName]>></td><td><<spellMana[$ThisSpellName]>></td><td><<$spellDesc[$ThisSpellName]>></td></tr>"
-		i += 1
-		jump 'CheatDinSpell1'
-	end
-	$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
-		</table>
-	</center>"
-	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
-	killvar 'i'
-	killvar '$ThisSpellName'
-	killvar '$ThisArrName'
-	killvar 'maxArrSizeC'
-	killvar '$SpellTabName'
-	killvar '$spellFlipper'
-	killvar '$SpellListStr'
-$cheatmenu['magic'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Magic</h1></center>'
-	'<center>Is magical: <a href="exec:pcs_magik += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''magic'']">+1<<pcs_magik>></a></center>'
-	if succubusflag = 1:
-		'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''succubreset'']"><b>Remove & Reset Succubus status</b></a></center>'
-		'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Removing succubus status will not restart your menstrual cycle, it will remain permanently disabled!</center>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	!Make sure spell list is initialized
-	if spellMana['fog'] = 0:gs 'spellList'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['magicTable'], 'Combat Spells', '$combatSpells'
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['magicTable'], 'Non-Combat Spells', '$nonComSpells'
-	! Add in Teleport Location toggles.
-	! make the header for the table
-	$SpellListStr = "<center>
-		<table width='90%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' valign='top' border='1'>
-			<tr><th colspan='2'><b>Known Tree Circle Locations</b></th></tr>
-			<tr><td><a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['teleport']=<<iif(spellKnown['teleport']=1,'0','1')>> & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']""><<iif(spellKnown['teleport']=1,'[Unlearn]','[Learn]')>></a></td><td>Teleport Spell</td></tr>"
-	i = 0
-	:CheatDinTP1
-	$ThisLocation = $tpLocations[i]
-	if i < arrsize('$tpLocations'):
-		if tpKnown[$ThisLocation] = 1:
-			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: tpKnown['<<$ThisLocation>>'] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Unlearn]</a>"
-		else
-			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: tpKnown['<<$ThisLocation>>'] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Learn]</a>"
-		end
-		$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " <tr><td><<$spellFlipper>></td><td><<$treeCircName[$ThisLocation]>></td></tr>"
-		i += 1
-		jump 'CheatDinTP1'
-	end
-	$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
-		</table>
-	</center>"
-	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
-	killvar 'i'
-	killvar '$ThisLocation'
-	killvar '$spellFlipper'
-	killvar '$SpellListStr'
-$cheatmenu['dynamic'] = {
-	$dynamicCommand = input("Enter command to execute.")
-	if $dynamicCommand = '':exit
-	dynamic $dynamicCommand
-$cheatmenu['std_cure'] = {
-	venera = 0
-	GerpesOnce = 0
-	Gerpes = 0
-	SifacOnce = 0
-	Sifilis = 0
-	TriperOnce = 0
-	Triper = 0
-	TriperOral = 0
-	KandidozOnce = 0
-	Kandidoz = 0
-$cheatmenu['auto_period'] = {
-	if cyccustom = 0:
-		cyccustom = 1
-	else
-		cyccustom = 0
-	end
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
-$cheatmenu['force_preg'] = {
-	if mesec ! 0: mesec = 0
-	if FocH ! 0: FocH = 0
-	if EggRH ! 0: EggRH = 0
-	if Ovulate ! 0: Ovulate = 0
-	if UnfertEgg ! 0: UnfertEgg = 0
-	if LutH ! 0: LutH = 0
-	if RecovH ! 0: RecovH = 0
-	preg = 1
-	cycle = 5
-	!!Setting implantation date for the due date calculation
-	lastovulation = daystart - 5
-	PregChem = 150
-	$wombthfath = 'A sperm donor'
-	babyembryo += 1
-	if fertegg = 0:
-		Nextbaby = arrsize('$ChildFath')
-		Temppolkid = rand(0,1)
-		polkid[nextbaby] = Temppolkid
-		$kidname[nextbaby] = 'unborn'
-		kidage[nextbaby] = 0
-		daykid[nextbaby] = 0
-		monthkid[nextbaby] = 0
-		yearkid[nextbaby] = 0
-		Babyptype[nextbaby] = 0
-		$ChildFath[nextbaby] = 'A sperm donor'
-		$ChildThFath[nextbaby] = 'A sperm donor'
-		hairkid[nextbaby] = rand(0, 3)
-		eyeskid[nextbaby] = rand(0, 3)
-		ChildConType[nextbaby] = 0
-		Babyptype[nextbaby] = 1
-	else
-		fertegg -= 1
-	end
-$cheatmenu['remove_preg'] = {
-	gs 'medical_din', 'remove_preg'
-	knowpregloss = 2
-	if FertEgg > 0: FertEgg = 0
-$cheatmenu['cycle'] = {
-	*clr
-	if cycle ! 5:
-		EggRH = 0
-		LutH = 0
-		Ovulate = 0
-		UnfertEgg = 0
-		FertEgg = 0
-		RecovH = 0
-		mesec = 0
-		'<a href="exec:daylastperiod = daystart & Cycle = 0 & mesec = 96 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Menstration</a>'
-		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 1 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Follicular</a>'
-		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 2 & Ovulate = 24+rand(0,20) & EggRH = 160 + 160+rand(0, 5) & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Ovulation</a>'
-		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 3 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Luteal</a>'
-	end
-$cheatmenu['setting'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
-	'<center><h1>Gameplay Settings</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	if Enable_nogameover = 1:
-		'Prevent Non-Drama GAMEOVER: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_nogameover = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Prevent Non-Drama GAMEOVER: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_nogameover = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if music_on = 0:
-		'Music: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:music_on = 1 & music_loop = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	else
-		'Music: Currently ON - <a href="exec:music_on = 0 & music_loop = 0 & close all & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if disable_autosave = 1:
-		'AutoSave: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:disable_autosave = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	else
-		'AutoSave: Currently ON - <a href="exec:disable_autosave = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	end
-	if autohairbrush = 1:
-		'Auto brush hair on mirror visit: Currently ON - <a href="exec:autohairbrush = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Auto brush hair on mirror visit: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:autohairbrush = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if enfullmorrout = 1:
-		'Full morning routine enabled: Currently ON - <a href="exec:enfullmorrout = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Full morning routine enabled: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:enfullmorrout = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if cyccustom = 1:
-		'Automatic period tracking: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''auto_period'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Automatic period tracking: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''auto_period'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if cheatKlisma = 1:
-		'Enema realism: Currently ON - <a href="exec:cheatKlisma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''enema'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Enema realism: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:cheatKlisma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''enema'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if editpornname = 1:
-		'Editing of the names of the porn movies you stared enabled: Currently ON - <a href="exec:editpornname = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Renaming porn movies you star in: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:editpornname = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<B>Difficulty Setting</B>'
-	'At the moment it only improves rate of skill gain'
-	'Difficulty: Currently at <<func(''_difficulty'',''getdifficulty'')>>'
-	'<ul><li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''easy peasy'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">easy peasy</a></li>'
-	'<li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''relaxed'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">relaxed</a></li>'
-	'<li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''realistic'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">realistic</a></li>'
-	'<li>set to <a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''hardcore'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">hardcore</a></li></ul>'
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['display'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
-	'<center><h1>Display Setting</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	if usePopUps = 1:
-		'Allow Popup Pictures: Currently ON - <a href="exec:usePopUps = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Allow Popup Pictures: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:usePopUps = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if set_imgh > 0: set_imgw = 0
-	if set_imgw > 0: set_imgh = 0
-	if set_imgh <= 0 and set_imgw <= 0: $set_imgh = ''
-	if set_imgh > 0:
-		'Force Image Height: <a href="exec:set_imgw = 0 & set_imgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']"><<set_imgh>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-		$set_imgh = 'Height = <<set_imgh>>'
-	else
-		'Force Image Height: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_imgw = 0 & set_imgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if set_imgw > 0:
-		'Force Image Width: <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 & set_imgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']"><<set_imgw>></a>, Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_imgw=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-		$set_imgh = 'Width = <<set_imgw>>'
-	else
-		'Force Image Width: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 &set_imgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	!night_mode 0: dynamic
-	!night_mode 1: black
-	!night_mode 2: grey
-	!night_mode 99: no theme
-	if night_mode = 0:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
-	if night_mode = 1:'Girl Life Theme Selection: <a href="exec:night_mode = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Dynamic</a> | Pitch Black | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
-	if night_mode = 2:'Girl Life Theme Selection: <a href="exec:night_mode = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Dynamic</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | Modern Grey | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
-	if night_mode = 3:'Girl Life Theme Selection: Dynamic | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | White | <a href="exec:night_mode = 99 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">No Theme</a>'
-	if night_mode = 99:'Girl Life Theme Selection: <a href="exec:night_mode = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Dynamic</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Pitch Black</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">Modern Grey</a> | <a href="exec:night_mode = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display''] & gs ''$menu_obnovit''">White</a> | No Theme'
-	'<font color="grey">Dynamic theme (default) will change colour based on the game hour. No theme will remove table backgrounds.</font>'
-	*nl
-	if Enable_tablemap = 1:
-		'List friends in table: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_tablemap = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'List friends in table: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_tablemap = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if Enable_faceturn = 1:
-		'Always show face: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_faceturn = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Always show face: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_faceturn = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if Enable_Android = 1:
-		'Set Fontsize for Status: Unsupported'
-		'Android Mode:Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_Android = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
-		! 'click <a href="exec:*clr & cla & FUNC (''$menu_obnovit'')">refresh</a> to refresh status window.'
-		'click <B>refresh</B> on top of status window to renew.'
-	else
-		'Android Mode: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_Android = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['status'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><h1>Status Window Settings</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	if disable_LoadSave = 0:
-		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently Image - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Text</a>'
-	elseif disable_LoadSave = 1:
-		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Image</a>'
-	elseif disable_LoadSave = 2:
-		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently Text - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	!disabled inner thought font selection during char creation, as it breaks menu.
-	if settingmode = 0:
-		'<a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''fonts'', ''$cheatmenu[''''display'''']'',''$OpenInnerThought'',''$CloseInnerThought'' ">Set</a> the font style of inner thoughts'
-		$OpenInnerThought+'Oh my god, what will the neighbours think of us?'+$CloseInnerThought
-	end
-	*nl
-	'Switch to the <a href="exec:TempUnit = '+iif(TempUnit = 0,'1 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">Fahrenheit','0 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">Celsius')+'</a> scale'
-	*nl
-	'Scale Weather Banner: <a href="exec:default_wbanner = 1 & set_weatherht=input(''Weather Banner Height (Default: 72 Min: 50 Max: 100)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_weatherht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_wbanner = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(72)</a>'
-		if set_weatherht < 50:
-			set_weatherht = 50
-		elseif set_weatherht > 100:
-			set_weatherht = 100
-		end
-	'Scale Menu Icons: <a href="exec:default_menu_icons = 1 & set_miconht=input(''Weather Banner Height (Default: 54 Min: 10 Max: 75)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_miconht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_menu_icons = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(54)</a>'
-		if set_miconht < 10:
-			set_miconht = 10
-		elseif set_miconht > 75:
-			set_miconht = 75
-		end
-	if cheatStatusIcons = 0:
-		'Status icons: Click to <a href="exec:cheatStatusIcons = 1 & disable_show_icons = 1 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">hide</a> them.'
-		'Status Icon Height: <a href="exec:default_status_icons = 1 & set_siconht=input(''Input Status Icon Height (Default: 54 Min: 10 Max: 75)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_siconht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_status_icons = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(54)</a>'
-	elseif cheatStatusIcons = 1:
-		'Status icons: Click to <a href="exec: cheatStatusIcons = 0 & disable_show_icons = 0 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">show</a> them.'
-	end
-		if set_siconht < 10:
-			set_siconht = 10
-		elseif set_siconht > 75:
-			set_siconht = 75
-		end
-	if ETOmenu = 1:
-		'Status Display mode: Currently Text - <a href="exec:ETOmenu = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Scale Bar</a>'
-	else
-		'Status Display mode: Currently Scale Bar - <a href="exec:ETOmenu = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Text</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_scalepic = 1:
-		'Scalebar is now as <b>Image</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Character</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Table</a>'
-		if Enable_scalewidth > 0:
-			'Scalebar Width: <a href="exec:input(''Input Scalebar Width (default to 120)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_scalewidth-1>></a>, Set is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scalewidth = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">ON</a>'
-		else
-			'Scalebar Width: Lock is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scalewidth=1+input(''InputS calebar Width (default to 120)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">OFF</a>'
-		end
-		if Enable_scaleheight > 0:
-			'Scalebar Height: <a href="exec:input(''Input Scalebar Height (default to 15)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_scaleheight-1>></a>, Set is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scaleheight = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">ON</a>'
-		else
-			'Scalebar Height: Lock is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scaleheight=1+input(''InputS calebar Height (default to 15)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">OFF</a>'
-		end
-	elseif Enable_scalepic = 0:
-		'Scalebar is now as <b>Character</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Image</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Table</a>'
-		if cheatStatusBars = 1:
-			'Set status bar size: Currently Small - <a href="exec:cheatStatusBars = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Set large</a>'
-		else
-			'Set status bar size: Currently Large - <a href="exec:cheatStatusBars = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Set small</a>'
-		end
-	elseif Enable_scalepic = 2:
-		'Scalebar is now as <b>Table</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Image</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Character</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_statfsize<0:Enable_statfsize=0
-	if Enable_statfsize > 0:
-		'Set Fontsize for Status: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=input(''Enter Fontsize'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_statfsize>></a>, <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Set Fontsize for Status: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=input(''Enter fontsize'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'<center><B>Status Window toolbar</B></center>'
-	if Enable_showattr = 1:
-		'Show More attribute: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showattr = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Show More attribute: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showattr = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_showskill = 1:
-		'Show skill: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showskill = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Show skill: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showskill = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_showrelation = 1:
-		'Show relations: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showrelation = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Show relations: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showrelation = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	if Enable_showstatimg = 1:
-		'Show image toolbar: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showstatimg = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-	else
-		'Show image toolbar: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showstatimg = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if Enable_showstatimg = 1:
-		!control image toolbar position
-		'<center><B>Image Toolbar Settings</B></center>'
-		$stat_temp_text = '<br>Image toolbar position: <B>'
-		if Enable_statimg_loc = 0:
-			$stat_temp_text += 'Middle'
-		elseif Enable_statimg_loc = 1:
-			$stat_temp_text += 'Top'
-		elseif Enable_statimg_loc = 2:
-			$stat_temp_text += 'Bottom'
-		else
-			$stat_temp_text += 'ERROR! please reset it'
-		end
-		$stat_temp_text += '</B>. You can move it to '
-		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 0:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Middle</a>'
-		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 1:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Top</a>'
-		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 2:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Bottom</a>'
-		$stat_temp_text
-		killvar 'stat_temp_text'
-		!End control image toolbar position
-		if set_statimgh > 0: set_statimgw = 0
-		if set_statimgw > 0: set_statimgh = 0
-		if set_statimgh <= 0 and set_statimgw <= 0: $set_statimgh = ''
-		if set_statimgh > 0:
-			'Force Image toobar height: <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & set_statimgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_statimgh>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-			$set_statimgh = 'height = <<set_statimgh>>'
-		else
-			'Force Image toobar height: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & set_statimgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-		end
-		if set_statimgw > 0:
-			'Force Image toobar width: <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & set_statimgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_statimgw>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
-			$set_statimgh = 'width = <<set_statimgw>>'
-		else
-			'Force Image toobar width: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & set_statimgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
-		end
-	end
-	!<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><img src="images/system/phone/theme/<<$phonetheme_name[pcs_phonetheme]>>/icon_settings.png"></a>
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['theme'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
-	'<center><h1>Phone Theme Menu</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	*nl
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 0: $phoneNameTemp = 'Standard'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 1: $phoneNameTemp = 'Bimbo'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 2: $phoneNameTemp = 'Aluminus'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 3: $phoneNameTemp = 'Bottlecapped'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 4: $phoneNameTemp = 'Galactic'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 5: $phoneNameTemp = 'Vectored'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 6: $phoneNameTemp = 'Veneer'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 7: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 8: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker Red'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 9: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker Toxic'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 10: $phoneNameTemp = 'Gopnik'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 11: $phoneNameTemp = 'Sports'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 12: $phoneNameTemp = 'Succubus'
-	if pcs_phonetheme = 13: $phoneNameTemp = 'Woodshop'
-	'Current theme: <b><<$phoneNameTemp>></b>'
-	*nl
-	'Choose from the available themes'
-	*nl
-	i = 0
-	:phonethemeloop
-	if phonetheme[i] = 1:'<td align="center" valign="top"><a href="exec: pcs_phonetheme = <<i>> & gs ''telefon'',''Phone_menu'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme'']"><img height="100" width="100" src="images/system/phone/theme/' + $phonetheme_name[i] + '/icon_call.png"></a></td>'
-	i += 1
-	if i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i <= 3:
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 4:
-		'</tr><tr>'
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 4 and i <= 7:
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 8:
-		'</tr><tr>'
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 8 and i <= 11:
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 12:
-		'</tr><tr>'
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 12 and i <= 15:
-		jump 'phonethemeloop'
-	end
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['pain'] = {
-	if pain['head'] < 0:pain['head'] = 0
-	if pain['hair'] < 0:pain['hair'] = 0
-	if pain['ears'] < 0:pain['ears'] = 0
-	if pain['eyebrows'] < 0:pain['eyebrows'] = 0
-	if pain['eyes'] < 0:pain['eyes'] = 0
-	if pain['cheeks'] < 0:pain['cheeks'] = 0
-	if pain['nose'] < 0:pain['nose'] = 0
-	if pain['mouth'] < 0:pain['mouth'] = 0
-	if pain['lips'] < 0:pain['lips'] = 0
-	if pain['tongue'] < 0:pain['tongue'] = 0
-	if pain['throat'] < 0:pain['throat'] = 0
-	if pain['neck'] < 0:pain['neck'] = 0
-	if pain['back'] < 0:pain['back'] = 0
-	if pain['asscheeks'] < 0:pain['asscheeks'] = 0
-	if pain['asshole'] < 0:pain['asshole'] = 0
-	if pain['hips'] < 0:pain['hips'] = 0
-	if pain['thighs'] < 0:pain['thighs'] = 0
-	if pain['legL'] < 0:pain['legL'] = 0
-	if pain['legR'] < 0:pain['legR'] = 0
-	if pain['feet'] < 0:pain['feet'] = 0
-	if pain['toes'] < 0:pain['toes'] = 0
-	if pain['shoulders'] < 0:pain['shoulders'] = 0
-	if pain['armL'] < 0:pain['armL'] = 0
-	if pain['armR'] < 0:pain['armR'] = 0
-	if pain['hands'] < 0:pain['hands'] = 0
-	if pain['fingers'] < 0:pain['fingers'] = 0
-	if pain['chest'] < 0:pain['chest'] = 0
-	if pain['breasts'] < 0:pain['breasts'] = 0
-	if pain['nipples'] < 0:pain['nipples'] = 0
-	if pain['ribs'] < 0:pain['ribs'] = 0
-	if pain['tummy'] < 0:pain['tummy'] = 0
-	if pain['pubic'] < 0:pain['pubic'] = 0
-	if pain['vaginal'] < 0:pain['vaginal'] = 0
-	if pain['clitoris'] < 0:pain['clitoris'] = 0
-	if pain['urethra'] < 0:pain['urethra'] = 0
-	if pain['cervix'] < 0:pain['cervix'] = 0
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Pain Management</h1></center>'
-	'<center><a href="exec:killvar ''pain'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">No pain</a></center>'
-	*nl
-	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
-	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	'pain[head] = <<pain[''head'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''head''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''head''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[hair] = <<pain[''hair'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hair''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hair''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[ears] = <<pain[''ears'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''ears''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''ears''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[eyebrows] = <<pain[''ears'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''eyebrows''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''eyebrows''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[eyes] = <<pain[''eyes'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''eyes''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''eyes''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[cheeks] = <<pain[''cheeks'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''cheeks''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''cheeks''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[nose] = <<pain[''nose'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''nose''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''nose''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[mouth] = <<pain[''mouth'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''mouth''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''mouth''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[lips] = <<pain[''lips'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''lips''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''lips''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[tongue] = <<pain[''tongue'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''tongue''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''tongue''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[throat] = <<pain[''throat'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''throat''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''throat''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[neck] = <<pain[''neck'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''neck''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''neck''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[back] = <<pain[''back'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''back''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''back''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[asscheeks] = <<pain[''asscheeks'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''asscheeks''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''asscheeks''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[asshole] = <<pain[''asshole'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''asshole''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''asshole''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[hips] = <<pain[''hips'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hips''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hips''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[thighs] = <<pain[''thighs'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''thighs''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''thighs''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[left leg] = <<pain[''legL'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''legL''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''legL''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[right leg] = <<pain[''legR'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''legR''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''legR''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
-	'pain[feet] = <<pain[''feet'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''feet''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''feet''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[toes] = <<pain[''toes'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''toes''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''toes''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[shoulders] = <<pain[''shoulders'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''shoulders''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''shoulders''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[left arm] = <<pain[''armL'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''armL''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''armL''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[right arm] = <<pain[''armR'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''armR''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''armR''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[hands] = <<pain[''hands'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hands''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hands''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[fingers] = <<pain[''fingers'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''fingers''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''fingers''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[chest] = <<pain[''chest'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''chest''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''chest''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[breasts] = <<pain[''breasts'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''breasts''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''breasts''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[nipples] = <<pain[''nipples'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''nipples''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''nipples''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[ribs] = <<pain[''ribs'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''ribs''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''ribs''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[tummy] = <<pain[''tummy'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''tummy''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''tummy''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[pubic] = <<pain[''pubic'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''pubic''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''pubic''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[vaginal] = <<pain[''vaginal'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''vaginal''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''vaginal''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[labia] = <<pain[''labia'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''labia''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''labia''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[clitoris] = <<pain[''clitoris'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''clitoris''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''clitoris''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[urethra] = <<pain[''urethra'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''urethra''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''urethra''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'pain[cervix] = <<pain[''cervix'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''cervix''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''cervix''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['DNA'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - DNA Generation</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<center>DNA string generation<br>If parents are not in game, leave the respective IDs empty</center>'
-	*nl
-	if $cheatDNAC ! '':
-		'<b>Child: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAC>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAC>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAC>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAC'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
-		npctemp = 0
-		killvar 'cheatDNAM'
-		killvar 'cheatDNAF'
-		:npcparentfind
-			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
-					$cheatDNAM = 'A<<npctemp>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
-					$cheatDNAF = 'A<<npctemp>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
-					$cheatDNAM = 'B<<npctemp>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
-					$cheatDNAF = 'B<<npctemp>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
-					$cheatDNAM = 'C<<npctemp>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
-					$cheatDNAF = 'C<<npctemp>>'
-				end
-			end
-		if ($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '') and ($cheatDNAM = '' or $cheatDNAF = ''):npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcparentfind'
-		killvar 'npctemp'
-	else
-		'<a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAC'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAC'']"><b>ID of child (if it is known)</b></a>'
-	end
-	if $cheatDNAM ! '':
-		'<br><b>Mother: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAM>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAM>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAM>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAM'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
-	else
-		'<br><a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAM'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAM'']"><b>ID of mother (if it is known)</b></a>'
-	end
-	if $cheatDNAF ! '':
-		'<br><b>Father: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAF>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAF>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAF>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAF'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
-	else
-		'<br><a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAF'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAF'']"><b>ID of father (if it is known)</b></a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF ! '':
-		$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF])
-	elseif $cheatDNAM ! '':
-		if $cheatDNAC ! '':
-			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','generateF',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
-		else
-			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','create')
-			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],$tempDNAF)
-		end
-	elseif $cheatDNAF ! '':
-		if $cheatDNAC ! '':
-			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','generateM',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
-		else
-			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','create')
-			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$tempDNAM,$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF])
-		end
-	else
-		if $cheatDNAC = '':
-			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','create')
-			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','create')
-			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$tempDNAM,$tempDNAF)
-		else
-			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','generateM',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
-			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','generateF',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
-		end
-	end
-	if $cheatDNAM = '': '<br><b>Random mother DNA:</b> <<$tempDNAM>>'
-	if $cheatDNAF = '': '<br><b>Random father DNA:</b> <<$tempDNAF>>'
-	if $cheatDNAC = '': '<br><b>Random child DNA:</b> <<$cheatDNAgenerated>>'
-	'<br><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Generate again</a>'
-	if $cheatDNAC ! '':
-		npctemp = 0
-		:npcgparfind
-			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcgparfind'
-	end
-	if $cheatDNAM ! '' or $cheatDNAF ! '':
-		npctemp = 0
-		:npcchildfind
-			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
-					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcchildfind'
-		npctemp = 0
-		:npcgchildfind
-			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
-				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
-					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
-				end
-			end
-		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcgchildfind'
-		killvar 'npctemp'
-	end
-	killvar '$tempDNAF'
-	killvar '$tempDNAM'
-	killvar '$tempDNAC'
-	killvar 'cheatDNAgenerated'
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['DNAM'] = {
-	$cheatDNAM = input("Enter genetic mother ID (like A33, without apostrophe)")
-	if $cheatDNAM = '':exit
-	dynamic $cheatDNAM
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
-$cheatmenu['DNAF'] = {
-	$cheatDNAF = input("Enter genetic father ID (like A34, without apostrophe)")
-	if $cheatDNAF = '':exit
-	dynamic $cheatDNAF
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
-$cheatmenu['DNAC'] = {
-	$cheatDNAC = input("Enter genetic Child ID (like A34, without apostrophe)")
-	if $cheatDNAC = '':exit
-	dynamic $cheatDNAC
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
-$cheatmenu['fame'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Display Setting</h1></center>'
-	$table['fame'] = '<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" valign="top" border="1">'
-	$table['fame'] += '<th colspan="5"><b>Fame</b></th><tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<th></th><th>Pavlovsk</th><th>City</th><th>Pushkin</th><th>Gadukino</th><tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Actor</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Dancer</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Glamour model</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Painter</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Musician</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Ballet dancer</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Porn actor</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Stripper</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Sex</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Prostitution</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Kickboxer</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Runner</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Volleyball player</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic  $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Chess player</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Teacher</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td>Social media</td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
-	$table['fame'] += '</table></center>'
-	$table['fame']
-$cheatmenu['quicktime'] = {
-	minut += ARGS[0]
-	*clr
-	gs 'daystart'
-	gs 'outdoors', 'weather'
-	gs 'stat'
-	gs 'fertility', 'cum_arrcheat'
-$cheatmenu = {
-	gs'stat'
-	currhour = (daystart-1) * 24 + hour
-	currday = daystart
-	temp_week = week & temp_day = day & $temp_month = $month & temp_month = month & temp_year = year & temp_hour = hour & temp_minut = minut
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Index</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''dynamic'']">Dynamic Input Command</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gs ''fertility'',''cum_arrcheat''">OOX Debug</a>'
-	'Right now <<$week[week]>> <<$month>> <<day>> <<year>> <<hour>>:<<minut>>'
-	'Jump forward <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''quicktime''], 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu">+15</a> minutes'
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:gt''pav_residential''">Teleport to Pavlovsk</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gt''liam''">Teleport to Pushkin</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gt''city_residential''">Teleport to City</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gt''gadukino''">Teleport to Gadukino</a>'
-	'<a href="exec:gt''dachi''">Teleport to Suburban Cooperative</a>'
-	*nl
-	'<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Teleporting while in an event may break your game. Use at your own risk!'
-	*nl
-	'Pregnancy speed multiplier: <a href="exec:if pregspeedcheat < 3:pregspeedcheat += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu else pregspeedcheat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu"><b><<pregspeedcheat+1>></b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''vartracker'']"><b>Variable tracker</b></a>'
-	'</tr></table></b></center>'
-$cheatmenu['vartracker'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	act 'Return to cheat index': dynamic $cheatmenu
-	'<center><h1>Cheat menu</h1></center>'
-	'<center>For testing purposes.<br>If reporting a bug only the lines in red are neccessary.</center>'
-	*nl
-	'$loc: <<$loc>>'
-	'$locM: <<$locM>>'
-	'<font color = red>$CURLOC: <<$CURLOC>></font>'
-	'$location_type: <<$location_type>>'
-	'$home[''current'']: <<$home[''current'']>>'
-	'$home[''town'']: <<$home[''town'']>>'
-	'$home[''name'']: <<$home[''name'']>>'
-	'daystart: <<daystart>>'
-	'daystart_start: <<daystart_start>>'
-	'month: <<month>>'
-	'week: <<week>>'
-	'$temperature: <<$temperature>>'
-	'pfilmday: <<pfilmday>>'
-	'$pfname: <<$pfname>>'
-	'modelmon: <<modelmon>>'
-	'min_arousal: <<min_arousal>>'
-	'pcs_nips: <<pcs_nips>>'
-	'clit_size: <<clit_size>>'
-	'steroid_have: <<steroid_have>>'
-	'steroid_counter: <<steroid_counter>>'
-	'steroid_dose: <<steroid_dose>>'
-	'aphrodisiac_have: <<aphrodisiac_have>>'
-	'aphrodisiac_counter: <<aphrodisiac_counter>>'
-	'aphrodisiac_timer: <<aphrodisiac_timer>>'
-	'aphrodisiac_addiction: <<aphrodisiac_addiction>>'
-	'bcream_have: <<bcream_have>>'
-	'motherQW: <<npc_QW[''A29'']>>'
-	'Anastasia quest level: <<npc_QW[''A192'']>>'
-	'sex: <<stat[''vaginal'']>>'
-	'$clothingworntype: <<$clothingworntype>>'
-	'PCloQuality: <<PCloQuality>>'
-	'Mira''s Father Quest (npc_QW[''A64'']): <<npc_QW[''A64'']>>'
-	'Mira''s Quest (npc_QW[''A60'']): <<npc_QW[''A60'']>>'
-	'mirasextimes: <<mirasextimes>>'
-	'Mira''s Relationship (npc_rel[''A60'']): <<npc_rel[''A60'']>>'
-	'Mitka''s Quest (npc_QW[''A63'']): <<npc_QW[''A63'']>>'
-	'mirabrosextime: <<mirabrosextime>>'
-	'momslut: <<momslut>>'
-	'Kirill''s Relationship (Kirill): <<Kirill>>'
-	'Kirill''s Corruption (Kirill_Crpt): <<Kirill_Crpt>>'
-	'children: <<kid>>'
-	!! BabyEmbryo is for how many unborn babies inside PC.
-	'fetus number: <<BabyEmbryo>>'
-	!! preg is your pregnancy state. 0 is not pregnant, 1 is pregnant in general, 2 is in labor. 
-	'pregnancy state: <<preg>>'
-	!! thinkpreg is if svetka thinks she is pregnant
-	'thinkpreg: <<thinkpreg>>'
-	!! knowpreg is for solid proof svetlana is pregnant, like a pregnancy test.
-	'knowpreg: <<knowpreg>>'
-	!! knowpregrecover is for Svetlanas knowledge that she just gave birth.
-	'knowpregrecover: <<knowpregrecover>>'
-	!! knowpregloss is for Svetlanas knowledge that she lost a baby. 1 is for an abortion, 2 is for a miscarrage. 
-	'knowpregloss: <<knowpregloss>>'
-	!! cycle is Svetlanas current fertility cycle. 5 is pregnant, 4 is recovering, 3 is luteal, 2 is ovulation, 1 is foccular, 0 is menstration. 
-	'cycle: <<cycle>>'
-	!! menoage is the age Svetlana will be when she goes through menopause.
-	'menoage: <<menoage>>'
-	!! age is how old Svetlana is in years.
-	'age: <<age>>'
-	!! mesec is for how many hours of bleeding Svetlana has left in her current fertility cycle
-	'mesec: <<mesec>>'
-	!! FocH is for how many hours of Foccular cycle Svetlana has gone through in her current fertility cycle. Focular starts at the end of her Luteal and contains the bleeding period in Svetkas cycle.
-	'FocH: <<FocH>>'
-	!! EggRH is for the level of egg release that Svetlana has for her ovulation event. 150 generates a single egg, higher amounts might release more.
-	'EggRH: <<EggRH>>'
-	!! Ovulate is the amount of hours remaining in Svetlanas ovulation period of her current fertility cycle. 
-	'Ovulate: <<Ovulate>>'
-	!! UnfertEgg is how many unfertilized eggs Svetlana has in her for fertilization during her Ovulation period. Unfertilized eggs are removed at the end of her Ovulation period.
-	'UnfertEgg: <<UnfertEgg>>'
-	!! FertEgg is how many unimplanted eggs Svetlana has in her. These are possible babies, but they die 330 hours after ovulation if they do not implant.
-	'FertEgg: <<FertEgg>>'
-	!! babyptype is the pregnancy type of unborn babies. they might be unimplanted 0, healthy 1, or Ectopic 2. Future pregnancy complications should use this variable
-	if FertEgg > 0:
-		i = arrpos('$kidname','unborn')
-		imax = arrsize('$kidname')-1
-		:chlp
-			'	<<i+1>>. baby''s pregnancy type: <<babyptype[i]>>'
-		if i < imax: i += 1 & jump 'chlp'
-		killvar 'i'
-		killvar 'imax'
-	end
-	!! BabyEmbryo is for implanted babies. These are solid pregnancies. 
-	'Implanted Embryos: <<BabyEmbryo>>'
-	!! ferteggage is for the time since the ovulation event. They last 330 hours before they die if not implanted.
-	'ferteggage: <<ferteggage>>'
-	!! PregChem is the level of pregnancy, measured in hour parts. 
-	'PregChem: <<PregChem>>'
-	!! pillcon is the level of birth control to prevent svetlana from getting pregnant. Higher concentrations increase effectivity until it reaches it''s ideal level.
-	'pillcon: <<pillcon>>'
-	!! believed pillcon is the level of birth control svetlana thinks she has. This may be different from the actual level due to sabotage or a bad habit of not taking your pill.
-	'Believed pillcon: <<pillcon2>>'
-	!! RecovH is the amount of recover hours before Svetlanas fertility cycle resets after having a baby.
-	'RecovH: <<RecovH>>'
-	!! daylastperiod is for Svetlanas knowledge on when she began her last period
-	'daylastperiod: <<daylastperiod>> (daystart difference: <<daystart-daylastperiod>>)'
-	!! lastmens is for the last day that Svetlana bled during her last cycle.
-	'lastmens: <<lastmens>>'
-	!! firstmens is for the first day that Svetlana bled during her last cycle. this is different than daylastperiod because this is the actual date, while daylastperiod is when Svetlana remembers it being.
-	'firstmens: <<lastmens>> (daystart difference: <<daystart-firstmens>>)'
-	'hypnoTime: <<hypnoTime>>'
-	'hypnoStrength: <<hypnoStrength>>'
-	'hypnoDay: <<hypnoDay>>'
-	'hypnoAddict: <<hypnoAddict>>'
-	'missCum: <<missCum>>'
-	'condoms/bad condoms: <<prezik>>/<<badprezik>>'
-	if tabletki > 0:
-		'pack(s) of birth control pills: <<tabletki>>'
-		if tabletkiold > 0: '	<<tabletkiold>> expired pack'
-		if tabletkifake > 0: '	<<tabletkifake>> counterfeit pack'
-		if tabletkirej > 0: '	<<tabletkirej>> factory rejected pack'
-		if tabletkifert > 0: '	<<tabletkifert>> fertility hormones pack'
-		if tabletkisug > 0: '	<<tabletkisug>> sugar pills pack'
-	end
-	if pillsleft[ptype] > 0:
-		if ptype = 0: $pilltype = 'normal '
-		if ptype = 1: $pilltype = 'expired '
-		if ptype = 2: $pilltype = 'counterfeit '
-		if ptype = 3: $pilltype = 'factory rejected '
-		if ptype = 4: $pilltype = 'sugar '
-		if ptype = 5: $pilltype = 'fertility hormone '
-		'<<pillsleft[ptype]>> <<$pilltype>>pills left of your currently used pack'
-		killvar '$pilltype'
-	end
-$cheatmenu['bdimmain'] = {
-	gs 'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Body Image Sets</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
-	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<center><b>Body Image Controls</b></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You are currently using set: <<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
-	if bdsetlock = 1:
-		'The set used is locked to current.'
-	else
-		'The set used is unlocked.'
-	end
-	*nl
-	'This is the current default and custom (if any) body image sets:'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[9]>></b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[19]>></b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[29]>></b></a>'
-	*nl
-	if bodsetcnt >= 4:
-		'You may edit aspects of a custom image set by clicking on their folder names below.'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[49]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 3:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	if bodsetcnt >= 5:
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[59]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 4:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	if bodsetcnt >= 6:
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[69]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 5:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	if bodsetcnt >= 7:
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[79]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 6:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	if bodsetcnt >= 8:
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 8 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[89]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 7:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	if bodsetcnt >= 9:
-		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 9 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[99]>></b></a>'
-		*nl
-	elseif bodsetcnt = 8:
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
-		*nl
-	end
-	'</td></tr></table></center>'
-$cheatmenu['bdimdisplay'] = {
-	gs 'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><h1>Cheat menu</h1></center>'
-	*nl
-	'<center><b>Body Image Set Display</b></center>'
-	'<a href="exec:killvar ''chmbodset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimmain'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
-	*nl
-	if bdsetlock = 1 and chmbodset = fixbodset:
-		'This is the currently locked set.'
-		'<a href="exec:bdsetlock = 0 & bodset = 1 & killvar ''fixbodset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Clear the lock.</b></a>'
-	else
-		'<a href="exec:bdsetlock = 1 & bodset = chmbodset & fixbodset = chmbodset & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Use this set only.</b></a>'
-	end
-	*nl
-	if chmbodset <= 3:
-		'Folder: <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
-		'Descriptors:'
-		*nl
-		if chmbodset = 3:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/1.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/2.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/3.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/4.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/5.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
-		*nl
-		if chmbodset = 3:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if chmbodset = 3:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-		if chmbodset = 3:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/8.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 8)]>></a>'
-		end
-		*nl
-	else
-		'Folder: <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
-		'Descriptors: (Displayed as "You are:")'
-		if imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 0</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 0</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		end
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/1.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 1)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/2.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 2)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/3.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 3)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/4.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 4)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-		*nl
-		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/5.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 5)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-		*nl
-		if imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 6</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 6</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		end
-		if imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 7</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		else
-			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
-			*nl
-			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 7</a> for this set.'
-			*nl
-		end
-		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']">Delete this set.</a>'
-	end
-$cheatmenu['bdimcstdel'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><b>Body Image Set Removal</b></center>'
-	'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'This is where you remove a body image set from use, please note it does not delete anything, it just clears the custom set from this game instance/save.'
-	if klsetask = 1:
-		'<a href="exec:klsetask = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']"><b>Are you sure you want to remove set <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>?</b></a>'
-	elseif klsetask = 2:
-		if chmbodset <= 2:
-			'You have encoutered error 1'
-			'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
-			exit
-		end
-		if bdsetlock = 1 and fixbodset >= chmbodset: bdsetlock = 0 & killvar 'fixbodset'
-		if bodsetcnt > chmbodset:
-			cyci1 = 0
-			cyci2 = chmbodset
-			:overwriter1
-			$bodimgsets[((cyci2 * 10) + cyci1)] = $bodimgsets[(((cyci2 + 1) * 10) + cyci1)]
-			cyci1 += 1
-			if cyci1 < 10: jump 'overwriter1'
-			imgset6ovr[cyci2] = imgset6ovr[(cyci2 + 1)]
-			imgset7ovr[cyci2] = imgset7ovr[(cyci2 + 1)]
-			cyci1 = 0
-			cyci2 += 1
-			if cyci2 < bodsetcnt: jump 'overwriter1'
-			killvar 'cyci1' & killvar 'cyci2'
-		elseif bodsetcnt < chmbodset:
-			'You have encoutered error 2'
-			'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
-			exit
-		end
-		cyci1 = 9
-		:poofer1
-		killvar 'bodimgsets', ((bodsetcnt * 10) + cyci1)
-		cyci1 -= 1
-		if cyci1 >= 0: jump 'poofer1'
-		killvar 'cyci1'
-		killvar 'imgset6ovr', bodsetcnt
-		killvar 'imgset7ovr', bodsetcnt
-		bodsetcnt -= 1
-		killvar 'klsetask'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimmain']
-	else
-		'<a href="exec:klsetask = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']">Remove set <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>?</a>'
-	end
-$cheatmenu['bdimcstadd'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><b>Body Image Set Addition</b></center>'
-	'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimmain'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'This is where you can add a new image set to a game.'
-	'To add an image set, create a folder in images/pc/body/shape/ and name it anything you want (shorter will be easier to remember). Then put in it any images you want named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc. up 5, 6, or 7. Just make sure it contains images 1 to 5. Once you have done that, click the link below and put in your folder name to add that set.'
-	'Note: This will only be for this instance/save of the game and you will have to redo the click the link step if you want to add the same folder to a different instance/save.'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstaddpro'']">Add Image Set</a>'
-$cheatmenu['bdimcstaddpro'] = {
-	$tmpstrg = input("Enter folder name, do not include ''\''")
-	if $tmpstrg = '':
-		killvar '$tmpstrg'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimcstadd']
-	else
-		bodsetcnt += 1
-		cyci1 = 0
-		:addcyc
-		$bodimgsets[((bodsetcnt * 10) + cyci1)] = $bodimgsets[(10 + cyci1)]
-		cyci1 += 1
-		if cyci1 < 9: jump 'addcyc'
-		$bodimgsets[((bodsetcnt * 10) + 9)] = $tmpstrg
-		imgset6ovr[bodsetcnt] = 0
-		imgset7ovr[bodsetcnt] = 0
-		killvar '$tmpstrg'
-		killvar 'cyci1'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimmain']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['bdimcstdesed'] = {
-	$tmpstrg = input("Enter a new descriptor")
-	if $tmpstrg = '':
-		killvar 'chmbddes'
-		killvar '$tmpstrg'
-	else
-		$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + chmbddes)] = $tmpstrg
-		killvar 'chmbddes'
-		killvar '$tmpstrg'
-		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimdisplay']
-	end
-$cheatmenu['succubreset'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	'Are you sure you want to reset your Succubus status? You will lose all levels, saved power, and succubus skill levels.'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''magic'']"><b>No, nevermind.</b></a>'
-	*nl
-	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''sucresetdo'']"><b>Yes, remove & reset Succubus status</b></a>'
-$cheatmenu['sucresetdo'] = {
-!!	Probably do not need to kill all of these, but better to unload them.
-	killvar 'scfwon'
-	killvar 'scpopt'
-	killvar '$sclocrt'
-	killvar '$scargrt'
-	killvar '$scsubloc'
-	killvar 'suceatinit'
-	killvar 'succubusflag'
-	killvar 'succubusQW'
-	killvar '$sucself1'
-	killvar 'succublvl'
-	killvar 'succubxp'
-	killvar 'sucxpsnapshot'
-	killvar 'succhungry'
-	killvar 'sucexcess'
-	killvar 'sexnutrition'
-	killvar 'suclezsex'
-	killvar 'sucabslez'
-	killvar 'sucabscum'
-	killvar '$sucabs1'
-	killvar '$sucabs2'
-	killvar '$sucabs3'
-	killvar 'succonfail'
-	killvar 'sucpowzeroed'
-	killvar 'suchuntday'
-	killvar 'sucpcinfo'
-	killvar 'karinsucsex'
-	killvar 'karinsucsexday'
-	killvar 'karinsucsexask'
-	killvar 'tatianasucsex'
-	killvar 'tatianasucsexday'
-	killvar 'tatianasucsexask'
-	killvar 'sucwalkday'
-	killvar '$sucgoloc'
-	killvar '$sucgometka'
-	killvar 'sucskill'
-	killvar 'sucstorecap'
-	killvar 'sucinfoday'
-	killvar 'sctrainprep'
-!!	This list will be updated as new variables are added
-	dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']
-$cheatmenu['about'] = {
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
-	gs 'stat'
-	gs 'saveg'
-	gs 'addbuilddate'
-	'<center><h1>About Window</h1></center>'
-	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
-	'<tr><td><h3><center>Girl Life version <<version_major>>.<<version_minor>>.<<version_revision>>.<<version_patch>></center></h3></td></tr>'
-	'<tr><td><h3><center>built on <<$builddate>></center></h3></td></tr>'
-	'<tr><td><h5><center>if loaded so it was the save from</center></h5></td></tr>'
-	'<tr><td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><center><<$version>></center></td></tr>'
-	'</table></center>'
-	killvar '$tmp'
-$cheatmenu['items'] = {
-	gs'stat'
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
-	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Items</h1></center>'
-	'<center><h4>Pharmacy items</h4>'
-	if showPharmacyItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showPharmacyItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end
-	if showPharmacyItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showPharmacyItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		*pl 'Morning after pill: <a href="exec:morning_after_pill=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<morning_after_pill>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Condoms: <a href="exec:prezik=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<prezik>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Pregnancy test: <a href="exec:pregtest=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<pregtest>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Birth control pills: <a href="exec:tabletki=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tabletki>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Antibiotics: <a href="exec:lekarstvo=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lekarstvo>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Vitamins: <a href="exec:vitamin=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<vitamin>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Painkillers: <a href="exec:painkiller=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<painkiller>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Ointments for chafing: <a href="exec:mosolmaz=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mosolmaz>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Lubricants: <a href="exec:lubri=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lubri>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Lip balms: <a href="exec:lipbalm=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lipbalm>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Weight loss pill: <a href="exec:fatdel=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<fatdel>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Tampons: <a href="exec:tampon=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tampon>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Sanitary napkins: <a href="exec:sanpad=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<sanpad>> </b></a>'
-		if klisma = 0:
-			*pl 'Enema kit: <a href="exec:klisma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if klisma = 1:
-			*pl 'Enema kit: <a href="exec:klisma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end
-		if breastpump = 0:
-			*pl 'Breast pump: <a href="exec:breastpump = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if breastpump = 1:
-			*pl 'Breast pump: <a href="exec:breastpump = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end		
-		*pl 'Breastmilk bottle S: <a href="exec:bpbottles=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<bpbottles>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Breastmilk bottle M: <a href="exec:bpbottlem=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<bpbottlem>> </b></a>'
-	end
-	'<h4>Food items</h4>'
-	if showFoodItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showFoodItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end
-	if showFoodItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showFoodItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		*pl 'Regular food: <a href="exec:eda=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<eda>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Diet food: <a href="exec:edad=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<edad>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Tea biscuits: <a href="exec:pranik=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<pranik>> </b></a>'
-		if bag > 0:
-			if bottle = 0:
-				*pl 'Bottle of water: <a href="exec:bottle = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if bottle = 1:
-				*pl 'Bottle of water: <a href="exec:bottle = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end
-			if buterbrod = 0:
-				*pl 'Sandwich: <a href="exec:buterbrod = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if buterbrod = 1:
-				*pl 'Sandwich: <a href="exec:buterbrod = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end	
-			if wine = 0:
-				*pl 'Cheap Bottle of wine: <a href="exec:wine = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if wine = 1:
-				*pl 'Cheap Bottle of wine: <a href="exec:wine = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end	
-		end
-	end
-	'<h4>Cosmetics items</h4>'
-	if showCosmeticsItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showCosmeticsItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end
-	if showCosmeticsItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showCosmeticsItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		*pl 'Cosmetics: <a href="exec:kosmetica=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<kosmetica>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Moisturiser: <a href="exec:item_moisturizer=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<item_moisturizer>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Lip balms: <a href="exec:lipbalm=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<lipbalm>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Plain false lashes: <a href="exec:falselashesplain=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<falselashesplain>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Mink false lashes: <a href="exec:falselashesmink=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<falselashesmink>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Razors: <a href="exec:stanok=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<stanok>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Sunblock: <a href="exec:krem=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<krem>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Deodorant: <a href="exec:deodorant=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<deodorant>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Tampons: <a href="exec:tampon=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tampon>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Sanitary Napkins: <a href="exec:sanpad=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<sanpad>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Shampoo: <a href="exec:shampoo=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<shampoo>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Hair scrunchies: <a href="exec:hscrunch=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<hscrunch>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Hair pins: <a href="exec:hpingrip=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<hpingrip>> </b></a>'
-		if bag = 1:
-			*pl 'Wipes: <a href="exec:salfetka=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<salfetka>> </b></a>'
-			*pl 'Portable makeup: <a href="exec:kosmetitka=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<kosmetitka>> </b></a>'
-			*pl 'Mouthwash: <a href="exec:mouthwash=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mouthwash>> </b></a>'
-			if greben = 0:
-				*pl 'Comb: <a href="exec:greben = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if greben = 1:
-				*pl 'Comb: <a href="exec:greben = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end	
-			if compact_mirror = 0:
-				*pl 'Compact mirror: <a href="exec:compact_mirror = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if compact_mirror = 1:
-				*pl 'Compact mirror: <a href="exec:compact_mirror = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end	
-		end
-	end
-	'<h4>Hardware items</h4>'
-	if showHardwareItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showHardwareItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end 
-	if showHardwareItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showHardwareItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		*pl 'Dishwashing detergent: <a href="exec:fairy=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<fairy>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Clothing detergent: <a href="exec:poroshok=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<poroshok>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Plates: <a href="exec:cltarelka=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<cltarelka>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Fabric: <a href="exec:tkan=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<tkan>> </b></a>'
-		if sewing_kit = 0:
-			*pl 'Sewing kit: <a href="exec:sewing_kit = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if sewing_kit = 1:
-			*pl 'Sewing kit: <a href="exec:sewing_kit = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if bag = 1:
-			if umbrella = 0:
-				*pl 'Umbrella: <a href="exec:umbrella = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-			end
-			if umbrella = 1:
-				*pl 'Umbrella: <a href="exec:umbrella = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-			end	
-		end
-	end
-	'<h4>Narcotics items</h4>'
-	if showNarcoticsItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showNarcoticsItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end
-	if showNarcoticsItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showNarcoticsItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		*pl 'Cigarettes: <a href="exec:siga=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<siga>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Joints: <a href="exec:joint=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<joint>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Cocaine: <a href="exec:dur=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<dur>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Amphetamine: <a href="exec:amphetamine=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<amphetamine>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Neuroboosters: <a href="exec:mentats_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mentats_have>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Steroids: <a href="exec:steroid_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<steroid_have>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Breast cream: <a href="exec:bcream_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<bcream_have>> </b></a>'
-		*pl 'Aphrodisiacs: <a href="exec:aphrodisiac_have=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<aphrodisiac_have>> </b></a>'
-	end
-	'<h4>Sex shop items</h4>'
-	if showSexItems = 0:
-		'<a href = "exec: showSexItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
-	end
-	if showSexItems = 1:
-		'<a href = "exec: showSexItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
-		if pornMagazine = 0:
-			*pl 'Porn magazine: <a href="exec:pornMagazine = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if pornMagazine = 1:
-			*pl 'Porn magazine: <a href="exec:pornMagazine = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if vibrator = 0:
-			*pl 'Vibrator: <a href="exec:vibrator = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if vibrator = 1:
-			*pl 'Vibrator: <a href="exec:vibrator = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if analplug = 0:
-			*pl 'Butt plug: <a href="exec:analplug = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if analplug = 1:
-			*pl 'Butt plug: <a href="exec:analplug = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		*pl '15cm suction dildo: <a href="exec:suction_dildo=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<suction_dildo>> </b></a>'	
-		if strapon = 0:
-			*pl 'Strap-on harness: <a href="exec:strapon = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if strapon = 1:
-			*pl 'Strap-on harness: <a href="exec:strapon = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if dildo = 0:
-			*pl '10cm dildo: <a href="exec:dildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if dildo = 1:
-			*pl '10cm dildo: <a href="exec:dildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end
-		if middildo = 0:
-			*pl '15cm dildo: <a href="exec:middildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if middildo = 1:
-			*pl '15cm dildo: <a href="exec:middildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if largedildo = 0:
-			*pl '20cm dildo: <a href="exec:largedildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if largedildo = 1:
-			*pl '20cm dildo: <a href="exec:largedildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if bigdildo = 0:
-			*pl '25cm dildo: <a href="exec:bigdildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if bigdildo = 1:
-			*pl '25cm dildo: <a href="exec:bigdildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end
-		if extradildo = 0:
-			*pl '30cm dildo: <a href="exec:extradildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if extradildo = 1:
-			*pl '30cm dildo: <a href="exec:extradildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end	
-		if superdildo = 0:
-			*pl '35cm dildo: <a href="exec:superdildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if superdildo = 1:
-			*pl '35cm dildo: <a href="exec:superdildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end
-		if maddildo = 0:
-			*pl '40cm dildo: <a href="exec:maddildo = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
-		end
-		if maddildo = 1:
-			*pl '40cm dildo: <a href="exec:maddildo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
-		end
-	end
-	'</center>'
---- Cheatmenu_din ---------------------------------
+# Cheatmenu_din
+*clr & cla
+!All the active dynamics for the cheat menu are here
+$cheatmenu['empty'] = {
+	!Yes, intentionally empty, do not remove it
+$cheatmenu['work'] = {
+	if cheatWork = 0:
+		cheatWork = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatWork = 1:
+		cheatWork = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['willpower'] = {
+	if cheatWillpower = 0:
+		cheatWillpower = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatWillpower = 1:
+		cheatWillpower = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['hair'] = {
+	if cheatHapri = 0:
+		cheatHapri = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatHapri = 1:
+		cheatHapri = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['enema'] = {
+	if cheatKlisma = 1:
+		cheatKlisma = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatKlisma = 0:
+		cheatKlisma = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['nomakeup'] = {
+	if cheatNomakeup = 0:
+		cheatNomakeup = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNomakeup = 1:
+		cheatNomakeup = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['nosweat'] = {
+	if cheatNoSweat = 0:
+		cheatNoSweat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoSweat = 1:
+		cheatNoSweat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['noEat'] = {
+	if cheatNoEat = 0:
+		cheatNoEat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoEat = 1:
+		cheatNoEat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['noDrink'] = {
+	if cheatNoDrink = 0:
+		cheatNoDrink = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoDrink = 1:
+		cheatNoDrink = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['noSleep'] = {
+	if cheatNoSleep = 0:
+		cheatNoSleep = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoSleep = 1:
+		cheatNoSleep = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['noMood'] = {
+	if cheatNoMood = 0:
+		cheatNoMood = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoMood = 1:
+		cheatNoMood = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['noFat'] = {
+	if cheatNoFat = 0:
+		cheatNoFat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatNoFat = 1:
+		cheatNoFat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['static_assets'] = {
+	if bodyVars['cheat_staticAssets'] = 0:
+		bodyVars['cheat_staticAssets'] = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif bodyVars['cheat_staticAssets'] = 1:
+		bodyVars['cheat_staticAssets'] = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['health'] = {
+	if cheatHealth = 0:
+		cheatHealth = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatHealth = 1:
+		cheatHealth = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['pee'] = {
+	if cheatPee = 0:
+		cheatPee = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatPee = 1:
+		cheatPee = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['fight'] = {
+	if fight_cheat = 0:
+		fight_cheat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif fight_cheat = 1:
+		fight_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['autocombat'] = {
+	if autocombat_cheat = 0:
+		autocombat_cheat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif autocombat_cheat = 1:
+		autocombat_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['age'] = {
+	:tooyoung
+	age = year - ((pcs_dob - (pcs_dob mod 10000)) / 10000)
+	if ((month * 100) + day) <= pcs_dob mod 10000: age -= 1
+	if age < 15: pcs_dob -= 10000 & jump 'tooyoung'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+$cheatmenu['visualage'] = {
+	vidage = input("For how many years you want to look?")
+	if vidage <= 14: vidage = 14
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+$cheatmenu['money'] = {
+	money = input("How much money do you want to have?")
+	if money < 0:money = 0
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
+$cheatmenu['bank_money'] = {
+	karta = input ("How much money do you want to have in the bank?")
+	if karta < 0: karta = 0
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
+$cheatmenu['bodyMod'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	act 'Return to last menu': dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Body Modification</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<center><b><font color="red">WARNING!</font></b></center>'
+	'Changing body shape does not resize clothes.'
+	'May cause adverse interactions, use at your own risk!'
+	''
+	'You are currently <<$bodyVars[''desc'']>>.'
+	''
+	'You may select from the following sizes:'
+	''
+	if bodset ! 3:
+		'starving (No, you may not select ''starving'', it''s here to show where the scale starts)'
+		''
+		if salocatnow ! 1:
+			'<a href="exec: pcs_mass[''body''] = 20 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 2:
+			'<a href="exec: pcs_mass[''body''] = 40 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 3:
+			'<a href="exec: pcs_mass[''body''] = 60 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 4:
+			'<a href="exec: pcs_mass[''body''] = 80 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 5:
+			'<a href="exec: pcs_mass[''body''] = 100 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 6:
+			'<a href="exec: pcs_mass[''body''] = 120 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if salocatnow ! 7:
+			'<a href="exec: pcs_mass[''body''] = 140 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+	else
+		if (pregchem < 2688) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 100 & pregtime = 4 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10))]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 2688 and pregchem < 3192) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 2688 & pregtime = 112 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 3192 and pregchem < 3696) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 3192 & pregtime = 133 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 3696 and pregchem < 4200) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 3696 & pregtime = 154 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 4200 and pregchem < 4704) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 4200 & pregtime = 175 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 4704 and pregchem < 5208) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 4704 & pregtime = 196 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 5208 and pregchem < 5712) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 5208 & pregtime = 217 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 5712 and pregchem < 6216) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 5712 & pregtime = 238 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+		if (pregchem >= 6216) = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:pregchem = 6216 & pregtime = 259 & gs ''body'', ''softreset'' & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']"><<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 8)]>></a>'
+			''
+		end
+	end
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['addict'] = {
+	if drugVars['cheat_immune'] = 0:
+		drugVars['cheat_immune'] = 1
+		drugVars['cigarettes_used'] = 0
+		drugVars['cigarettes_need'] = 0
+		drugVars['weed_used'] = 0
+		drugVars['alcohol_used'] = 0
+		drugVars['cocaine_used'] = 0
+		drugVars['amphetamine_used'] = 0
+		drugVars['heroin_used'] = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif drugVars['cheat_immune'] = 1:
+		drugVars['cheat_immune'] = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	end
+$cheatmenu['willpower2'] = {
+	if InfWillpwer = 0:
+		InfWillpwer = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif InfWillpwer = 1:
+		InfWillpwer = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['cheatHorny'] = {
+	if cheatHorny = 0:
+		cheatHorny = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatHorny = 1:
+		cheatHorny = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['slutshot'] = {
+	if cheatSlut = 0:
+		cheatSlut = 1
+		cycle = 6
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatSlut = 1:
+		cheatSlut = 0
+		cycle = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['cheat_NoPregnancy'] = {
+	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 1:
+		killvar 'cheat_NoPregnancy'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	else
+		cheat_NoPregnancy = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['cheat_NoLactation'] = {
+	if cheat_NoLactation = 1:
+		killvar 'cheat_NoLactation'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	else
+		cheat_Nolactation = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['Vibrator'] = {
+	if sleepVars['cheatVib'] = 0:
+		sleepVars['cheatVib'] = 1
+		sleepVars['bedVibrator'] = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	elseif sleepVars['cheatVib'] = 1:
+		sleepVars['cheatVib'] = 0
+		sleepVars['bedVibrator'] = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['BimboCloth'] = {
+	if cheatBimbo = 0:
+		cheatBimbo = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		bimbo = 0
+		bimbolevel = 0
+		bimbowithdrawal = 0
+	elseif cheatBimbo = 1:
+		cheatBimbo = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['SmartBimbo'] = {
+	if cheatBimbo2 = 0:
+		cheatBimbo2 = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		bimbostupidity = 0
+	elseif cheatBimbo2 = 1:
+		cheatBimbo2 = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['SuccuBimbo'] = {
+	if cheatBimbo3 = 0:
+		cheatBimbo3 = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		bimbostupidity = 0
+	elseif cheatBimbo3 = 1:
+		cheatBimbo3 = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['exhib_block'] = {
+	if exhib_cheat = 0:
+		exhib_cheat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		pcs_exhib = 0
+		Exhibitionist_lvl = 0
+	elseif exhib_cheat = 1:
+		exhib_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['addictive_block'] = {
+	if addictive_cheat = 0:
+		addictive_cheat = 1
+		drugVars['cigarettes_exp'] = 0
+		drugVars['weed_exp'] = 0
+		drugVars['heroin_exp'] = 0
+		drugVars['cocaine_exp'] = 0
+		drugVars['amphetamine_exp'] = 0
+		drugVars['alcohol_exp'] = 0
+		addictive_exp = 0
+		addictive_trait_lvl = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	elseif addictive_cheat = 1:
+		addictive_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['cumtrait_block'] = {
+	if cumeater_cheat = 0:
+		cumeater_cheat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		pcs_traits['cumeater'] = 0
+	elseif cumeater_cheat = 1:
+		cumeater_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['consolecheat'] = {
+	if cheatConsole = 0:
+		cheatConsole = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatConsole = 1:
+		cheatConsole = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['timecheat'] = {
+	if cheatTime = 0:
+		cheatTime = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatTime = 1:
+		cheatTime = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['random_bf_gf'] = {
+	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 0:
+		random_bf_gf_cheat = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif random_bf_gf_cheat = 1:
+		random_bf_gf_cheat = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['street_robbers'] = {
+	if cheat_street_robbers = 0:
+		cheat_street_robbers = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	elseif cheat_street_robbers = 1:
+		cheat_street_robbers = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['street_rapists'] = {
+	if cheat_street_rapists = 0:
+		cheat_street_rapists = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	elseif cheat_street_rapists = 1:
+		cheat_street_rapists = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['shaveLegs'] = {
+	if cheatShaveLegs = 0:
+		cheatShaveLegs = 1
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+		exit
+	elseif cheatShaveLegs = 1:
+		cheatShaveLegs = 0
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['permanent']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['permanent'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	if cheatWork = 0: $cheatWork = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatWork = 1: $cheatWork = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatWillpower = 0: $cheatWillpower = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatWillpower = 1: $cheatWillpower = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatHapri = 0: $cheatHapri = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatHapri = 1: $cheatHapri = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatKlisma = 1: $cheatKlisma = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatKlisma = 0: $cheatKlisma = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNomakeup = 0: $cheatNomakeup = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNomakeup = 1: $cheatNomakeup = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoSweat = 0: $cheatNoSweat = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoSweat = 1: $cheatNoSweat = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoEat = 0: $cheatNoEat = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoEat = 1: $cheatNoEat = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoDrink = 0: $cheatNoDrink = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoDrink = 1: $cheatNoDrink = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoSleep = 0: $cheatNoSleep = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoSleep = 1: $cheatNoSleep = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoMood = 0: $cheatNoMood = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoMood = 1: $cheatNoMood = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatNoFat = 0: $cheatNoFat = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatNoFat = 1: $cheatNoFat = 'Currently ON'
+	if bodyVars['cheat_staticAssets'] = 0: $bodyVars['cheat_staticAssets_text'] = 'Currently OFF'
+	if bodyVars['cheat_staticAssets'] = 1: $bodyVars['cheat_staticAssets_text'] = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatHealth = 0: $cheatHealth = 'Enabled'
+	if cheatHealth = 1: $cheatHealth = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatPee = 0: $cheatPee = 'Enabled'
+	if cheatPee = 1: $cheatPee = 'Disabled'
+	if drugVars['cheat_immune'] = 0: $drugVars['cheat_immune_text'] = 'Currently OFF'
+	if drugVars['cheat_immune'] = 1: $drugVars['cheat_immune_text'] = 'Currently ON'
+	if InfWillpwer = 0: $InfWillpwer = 'Currently OFF'
+	if InfWillpwer = 1: $InfWillpwer = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheatSlut = 0: $cheatSlut = 'Enabled'
+	if cheatSlut = 1: $cheatSlut = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatHorny = 0: $cheatHorny = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatHorny = 1: $cheatHorny = 'Currently ON'
+	if sleepVars['bedVibrator'] = 0: $sleepVars['cheatVib'] = 'Currently OFF'
+	if sleepVars['bedVibrator'] = 1: $sleepVars['cheatVib'] = 'Currently ON'
+	if fight_cheat = 0: $fight_cheat = 'Currently OFF'
+	if fight_cheat = 1: $fight_cheat = 'Currently ON'
+	if autocombat_cheat = 0: $autocombat_cheat = 'Currently OFF'
+	if autocombat_cheat = 1: $autocombat_cheat = 'Currently ON'
+	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 0: $cheat_NoPregnancy = 'Enabled'
+	if cheat_NoPregnancy = 1: $cheat_NoPregnancy = 'Disabled'
+	if cheat_NoLactation = 0: $cheat_NoLactation = 'Enabled'
+	if cheat_NoLactation = 1: $cheat_NoLactation = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatBimbo = 0: $cheatBimbo = 'Enabled'
+	if cheatBimbo = 1: $cheatBimbo = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatBimbo2 = 0: $cheatBimbo2 = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatBimbo2 = 1: $cheatBimbo2 = 'Enabled'
+	if cheatBimbo3 = 0: $cheatBimbo3 = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatBimbo3 = 1: $cheatBimbo3 = 'Enabled'
+	if cumeater_cheat = 0: $cheatcumtrait = 'Enabled'
+	if cumeater_cheat = 1: $cheatcumtrait = 'Disabled'
+	if exhib_cheat = 0: $cheatexhib = 'Enabled'
+	if exhib_cheat = 1: $cheatexhib = 'Disabled'
+	if addictive_cheat = 0: $cheataddictive = 'Enabled'
+	if addictive_cheat = 1: $cheataddictive = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatConsole = 0: $cheatConsole = 'Visible'
+	if cheatConsole = 1: $cheatConsole = 'Hidden'
+	if cheatTime = 0: $cheatTime = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatTime = 1: $cheatTime = 'Enabled'
+	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 0: $random_bf_gf_cheat = 'Enabled'
+	if random_bf_gf_cheat = 1: $random_bf_gf_cheat = 'Disabled'
+	if cheat_street_robbers = 0: $cheat_street_robbers = 'Enabled'
+	if cheat_street_robbers = 1: $cheat_street_robbers = 'Disabled'
+	if cheat_street_rapists = 0: $cheat_street_rapists = 'Enabled'
+	if cheat_street_rapists = 1: $cheat_street_rapists = 'Disabled'
+	if cheatShaveLegs = 0: $cheatShaveLegs = 'Currently OFF'
+	if cheatShaveLegs = 1: $cheatShaveLegs = 'Currently ON'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Recurrent Cheats</h1></center>'
+	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Disabling states may cause some events not to trigger. Use at your own risk!</center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="450" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'More than one job is possible: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''work'']"><<$cheatWork>></a>'
+	'Willpower cost always zero: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''willpower'']"><<$cheatWillpower>></a>'
+	'Infinite willpower: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''willpower2'']"><<$InfWillpwer>></a>'
+	'Always combed: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''hair'']"><<$cheatHapri>></a>'
+	'Cosmetics never smeared: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''nomakeup'']"><<$cheatNomakeup>></a>'
+	'Never sweat: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''nosweat'']"><<$cheatNoSweat>></a>'
+	'Never eat: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noEat'']"><<$cheatNoEat>></a>'
+	'Never drink: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noDrink'']"><<$cheatNoDrink>></a>'
+	'Never sleep: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noSleep'']"><<$cheatNoSleep>></a>'
+	'Never unhappy: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noMood'']"><<$cheatNoMood>></a>'
+	'Never lose or gain weight: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''noFat'']"><<$cheatNoFat>></a>'
+	'Bust and butt unaffected by weight: <a href="exec: dynamic $cheatmenu[''static_assets'']"><<$bodyVars[''cheat_staticAssets_text'']>></a>'
+	'Never get addicted: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''addict'']"><<$drugVars[''cheat_immune_text'']>></a>'
+	'Never shave legs: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''shaveLegs'']"><<$cheatShaveLegs>></a>'
+	if Enable_sforma = 1:
+		'Allow any clothing for school: <a href="exec:Enable_sforma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
+	else
+		'Allow any clothing for school: <a href="exec:Enable_sforma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'Random boyfriend/girlfriend events: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''random_bf_gf'']"><<$random_bf_gf_cheat>></a>'
+	'Random robbers in the streets: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''street_robbers'']"><<$cheat_street_robbers>></a>'
+	'Random rapists in the streets: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''street_rapists'']"><<$cheat_street_rapists>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'Enable sleeping with vibrator inserted: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''Vibrator'']"><<$sleepVars[''cheatVib'']>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'Automatically win every fight: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''fight'']"><<$fight_cheat>></a>'
+	'Automatically resolve non-magical fights: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''autocombat'']"><<$autocombat_cheat>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'Bimbo trait and the effects of wearing bimbo clothes: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''BimboCloth'']"><<$cheatBimbo>></a>'
+	'Exhibitionist trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''exhib_block'']"><<$cheatexhib>></a>'
+	'Addictive personality trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''addictive_block'']"><<$cheataddictive>></a>'
+	'Cumeater trait: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cumtrait_block'']"><<$cheatcumtrait>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'Who says bimbos can''t be smart? Smart bimbo mode: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''SmartBimbo'']"><<$cheatBimbo2>></a>'
+	'Succubus bimbo mode: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''SuccuBimbo'']"><<$cheatBimbo3>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'Set arousal to always be at 50 or more: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheatHorny'']"><<$cheatHorny>></a>'
+	'Periods (and pregnancies): <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''slutshot'']"><<$cheatSlut>></a>'
+	'Impregnation: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheat_NoPregnancy'']"><<$cheat_nopregnancy>></a>'
+	'Lactation: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cheat_NoLactation'']"><<$cheat_nolactation>></a>'
+	'STDs: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''health'']"><<$cheatHealth>></a>'
+	'Peeing: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''pee'']"><<$cheatPee>></a>'
+	*nl
+	if Enable_auto_tampons =  1:
+		'Automatic cheat on Tampon: <a href="exec:Enable_auto_tampons =  0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
+	else
+		'Automatic cheat on Tampon: <a href="exec:Enable_auto_tampons =  1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if sleepVars['cheat_nodream_chance'] > 0:
+		'No dream chance: <a href="exec:sleepVars[''cheat_nodream_chance'']=input(''Enter no dream chance (%)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']"><<sleepVars[''cheat_nodream_chance'']>>%</a>, <a href="exec:sleepVars[''cheat_nodream_chance'']=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently ON</a>'
+	else
+		'No dream chance: <a href="exec:sleepVars[''cheat_nodream_chance'']=input(''Enter no dream chance (%)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''permanent'']">Currently OFF</a>'
+	end & !1.2.3 new function
+	*nl
+	'Hide Console input in objects window: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''consolecheat'']"><<$cheatConsole>></a>'
+	'Time Cheat in Objects window: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''timecheat'']"><<$cheatTime>></a>'
+	*nl
+	'<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Disabling states may cause some events not to trigger. Use at your own risk!'
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['therapist_reset'] = {
+	gs 'therapist'
+	dynamic $RestTherapyVariables
+	gs 'stat'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['state']
+$cheatmenu['state'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Character State Changes</h1></center>'
+	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save. Cheats manipulating pregnancy or the menstrual cycle are'
+	'especially dangerous unless you know what you''re doing. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'Set alcohol levels:'
+	'<a href="exec:alko = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Sober</a> <a href="exec:alko = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Tipsy</a> <a href="exec:alko = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Drunk</a> <a href="exec:alko = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Wasted</a> <a href="exec:alko = 11 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Barely coherent</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_horny = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Max arousal</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_horny = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Min arousal</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bodyMod'']">Body Modification</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_health = pcs_vital*10 + pcs_stren*5+1000 & pcs_willpwr = pcs_intel*5 + will*5+1000 & pcs_mana = (pcs_intel*pcs_magik) + pcs_magik*100 + pcs_vital*10 + rikudo & vgape = 0 & agape = 0 & nippain = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Health, Mana, Reason.</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_sleep = 100 & pcs_stam = stammax & pcs_mood = 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Sleep, Stamina, Mood.</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_energy = 200 & pcs_hydra = 200 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Full restoration of Hunger and Water.</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''money''] & gs ''stat''">Change money</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:money = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Zero money</a>'
+	if bankAccount = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bank_money''] & gs ''stat''">Change money in the bank</a>'
+		'<a href="exec: karta = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Zero money in the bank</a>'
+	else
+		'<b>You need to open a bank account before getting access to change money in the bank</b>'
+	end
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''std_cure''] & gs ''stat''">Cure all stds</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:vgape = 0 & agape = 0 & nippain = 0 & painpub = 0 & pirs_pain_ton = 0 & mesec = 0 & spanked = 0 & drugVars[''heroin_need''] = 0 & drugVars[''cocaine_addict''] = 0 & drugVars[''heroin_high''] = 0 & drugVars[''heroin_used''] = 0 & drugVars[''cocaine_system''] = 0 & fingal = 0 & mosol = 0 & frost = 0 & sick = 0 & hypnoAddict = 0 & hypnoWithdrawal = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''std_cure''] & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain_killer''] & gs ''stat''">Cure all ailments.</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''force_preg''] & gs ''stat''">Force random pregnancy</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''remove_preg''] & gs ''stat''">Remove pregnancy</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gs''cum_cleanup'',''reset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state''] & gs ''stat''">Remove all cum</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''cycle''] & gs ''stat''">Set stage of menstrual cycle</a>'
+	if lactation['active'] <= 0:
+		'You are not lactating'
+		'Your current prolactinlvl is <<lactation[''prolactinlvl'']>>ng/ml.'
+		'<a href="exec: gs ''lact_lib'',''lact_switch'' & gs ''lact_lib'',''BreastGrowth'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch ON</a>'
+	else
+		'You are lactating'
+		'<a href="exec: gs ''lact_lib'',''lact_switch'' & gs ''lact_lib'',''BreastGrowth'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Switch OFF</a>'
+		if lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1:
+			'The milk production is <a href="exec: lactation[''milkprod_type''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">realistic</a>. <<$pcs_firstname>> will produce breast milk based on her body resources.'
+		elseif lactation['milkprod_type'] = 0:
+			'The milk production is <a href="exec: lactation[''milkprod_type''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">permanent</a>. <<$pcs_firstname>> will produce breast milk disregarding her condition.'
+		else
+			lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1
+		end
+		if lactation['lactaterate'] <= 0:
+			'Lactate Rate: <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+10</a>'
+		elseif lactation['lactaterate'] >= 600000:
+			'Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-10</a> <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h'
+		else
+			'Lactate Rate: <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-10</a> <<lactation[''lactaterate'']/1000>>ml/h <a href="exec:lactation[''lactaterate''] += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+10</a>'
+			'Cap Lactate Rate: ' + _ 
+			iif(lactation['milkprod_type'] = 0 and lactation['caplactaterate'] > 0,'<a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] -= 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-2h</a> ','') + _ 
+			iif(lactation['milkprod_type'] = 1 and lactation['caplactaterate'] > 4,'<a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] -= 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">-2h</a> ','') + _ 
+			iif(lactation['caplactaterate'] > 0,'<<lactation[''caplactaterate'']>>h ','OFF ') + _ 
+			iif(lactation['caplactaterate'] < 72,'<a href="exec:lactation[''caplactaterate''] += 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">+2h</a>','')
+			'<font color="grey">Cap lactate rate makes lactate rate stop growing if <<$pcs_firstname>> needs milking more often.</font>'
+		end
+		'Milk in Breasts: <<lactation[''breastmv'']/1000>>ml'
+		'Max Milk Storage: <<lactation[''breastmm'']/1000>>ml'
+		'<font color="grey">Maximum milk storage changes with breast size, and if <<$pcs_firstname>> went through pregnancy</font>'
+		if lactation['induced'] <= 0:
+			'Is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s lactation Induced?: <a href="exec:lactation[''induced''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">no</a>'
+		else
+			'Is <<$pcs_firstname>>''s lactation Induced?: <a href="exec:lactation[''induced''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">yes</a>'
+		end
+		'<font color="grey">Does <<$pcs_firstname>> know she induced lactation herself, or not? (This is only used for some events.)</font>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''therapist_reset'']">Reset therapist states</a>'
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['avatar_hair_set'] = {
+	$av_hair = input("Input your custom hair:")
+	if $av_hair='':exit
+	avatar_hair = 1
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+$cheatmenu['rename'] = {
+	!! player name is set in preSYS.qsrc
+	$temp_firstname = '<<$pcs_firstname>>'
+	$pcs_firstname = input("What is your first name? (Leave blank for Svetlana)")
+	if $pcs_firstname = '':$pcs_firstname = '<<$temp_firstname>>'
+	killvar '$temp_firstname'
+	$temp_lastname = '<<$pcs_lastname>>'
+	$pcs_lastname = input("What is your family name? (Leave blank for Lebedev)")
+	if $pcs_lastname = '':$pcs_lastname = '<<$temp_lastname>>'
+	killvar '$temp_lastname'
+	$temp_nickname = '<<$pcs_nickname>>'
+	$pcs_nickname = input("What is your nickname? (Leave blank for Sveta)")
+	if $pcs_nickname = '':$pcs_nickname = '<<$temp_nickname>>'
+	killvar '$temp_nickname'
+$cheatmenu['setLooks'] = {
+	gs 'shortgs', 'setStat', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1]
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+$cheatmenu['setLooksInput'] = {
+	$temp_input = $input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:")
+	if isnum($temp_input) ! 0:
+		gs 'shortgs', 'setStat', $ARGS[0], val($temp_input)
+	elseif $temp_input ! '':
+		msg 'invalid input'
+	end
+	killvar '$temp_input'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+$cheatmenu['printLooksLinks'] = {
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setLooks''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', 100">Max</a>  '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setLooks''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl + 1">+1</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setLooks''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl + 10">+10</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setLooks''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl - 1">-1</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setLooks''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl - 10">-10</a>  '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setLooks''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', 0">Min</a>  '
+	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setLooksInput''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>''">Set</a>'
+$cheatmenu['looks'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	if pcs_hgt < 100:
+		pcs_hgt = 100
+	elseif pcs_hgt > 200:
+		pcs_hgt = 200
+	end
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	gs'stat'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Character Appearance</h1></center>'
+	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save, use them with care. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
+	*nl
+	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
+	'<tr><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>> (<<$pcs_nickname>>). <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''rename'']">Rename</a>'
+	if player_avatar = 1:
+		'Custom Avatar: <a href="exec:player_avatar = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">ON</a>'
+	else
+		'Custom Avatar: <a href="exec:player_avatar = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">OFF</a>'
+	end
+	if avatar_hair = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:avatar_hair = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Custom Hair: ON</a>'
+		'<<$av_hair>>'
+	else
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''avatar_hair_set'']">Custom Hair: OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''parameters'']">Show design parameters of body</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''vneshpara'']">Show beauty parameters</a>'
+	*nl
+	'You are <a href="exec: pcs_dob += 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''age'']">(-1)</a> <<age>> <a href="exec: pcs_dob -= 10000 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''age'']">(+1)</a> years old'
+	*nl
+	'You look <<vidage>> years old'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''visualage'']">Change apparent age</a>'
+	*nl
+	'You are <<pcs_hgt>> centimetres tall'
+	'<a href="exec:pcs_hgt = input(''Enter <<$pcs_nickname>>s height in centimetres<br><br>(default 165, min 100, max 200, values below 150 and above 180 will cause problems in the calculation of BMI/weight the more you deviate from the default 170)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Change <<$pcs_nickname>>''s height</a>'
+	*nl
+	*p 'Musculature (<<stren_plus_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printLooksLinks'], 'stren_plus', 'Musculature'
+	*pl '<font color="grey">Allows strength to go past 100'
+	*pl'<font color="red">Negatively</font> affects appearance</font>'
+	*nl
+	*p 'Toned Butt (<<butt_tr_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printLooksLinks'], 'butt_tr', 'Toned Butt'
+	*nl
+	'You have <<$titsize>> breasts'
+	if tits < 11:'<a href="exec: bodyVars[''bust_silicone''] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge breasts(silicone)</a>'
+	if bodyVars['bust_silicone'] => 1:'<a href="exec: bodyVars[''bust_silicone''] = min(0, bodyVars[''bust_silicone'']-5) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink breasts(silicone)</a>'
+	if tits < 11:'<a href="exec: gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''change_pcs_mass_bust'', 5">Enlarge breasts (natural)</a>'
+	if pcs_mass['bust'] => 6: '<a href="exec: titreduc = 1 & gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''change_pcs_mass_bust'', -5">Shrink breasts (natural)</a>'
+	*nl
+	if pcs_butt <= 14:
+		$pcs_butt[1] = 'flat'
+	elseif pcs_butt <= 25:
+		$pcs_butt[1] = 'average'
+	elseif pcs_butt <= 40:
+		$pcs_butt[1] = 'pert'
+	elseif pcs_butt <= 59:
+		$pcs_butt[1] = 'heart-shaped'
+	else
+		$pcs_butt[1] = 'bubble'
+	end
+	'You have a <<$pcs_butt[1]>> butt'
+	if pcs_butt < 60: '<a href="exec: bodyVars[''butt_silicone''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge butt (silicone)</a>'
+	if bodyVars['butt_silicone'] => 1: '<a href="exec: bodyVars[''butt_silicone''] = max(0, bodyVars[''butt_silicone'']-10) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink butt (silicone)</a>'
+	if pcs_butt < 60: '<a href="exec: gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''change_pcs_mass_butt'', 10">Enlarge butt (natural)</a>'
+	if pcs_mass['butt'] => 6: '<a href="exec: assreduc = 1 & gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''change_pcs_mass_butt'', -10">Shrink butt (natural)</a>'
+!	if pcs_butt < 20:'<a href="exec: bodyVars[''butt_cheat''] += 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge butt</a>'
+!	if pcs_butt > 1:'<a href="exec: bodyVars[''butt_cheat''] -= 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink butt</a>'
+!	if bodyVars['butt_cheat'] ! 0:'<a href="exec: bodyVars[''butt_cheat''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reset butt shape to default</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<<$lip>>'
+	if pcs_lip < 4:'<a href="exec:pcs_lip += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge lips</a>'
+	if pcs_lip > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_lip -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink lips</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<<$skin>>'
+	if pcs_skin < 900: '<a href="exec:pcs_skin += 200 & gs ''AppearanceSystem'', ''UpdateBaseAppearance'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Improve skin</a>'
+	if pcs_skin > 0: '<a href="exec:pcs_skin -= 200 & gs ''AppearanceSystem'', ''UpdateBaseAppearance'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Worsen skin</a>'
+	if pcs_tan >= 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_tan += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Become tanned</a>'
+	if pcs_tan > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_tan = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Remove tan</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<<$pcs_throat>>'
+	if pcs_throat <= 31:'<a href="exec:pcs_throat += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase throat capacity</a>'
+	if pcs_throat >= 5:'<a href="exec:pcs_throat -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Decrease throat capacity</a>'
+	if dounspell = 1:
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:dounsplkil = 2 & gs ''body'', ''hardreset''">Hard Reset body shape</a>'
+	end
+	'</td><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<<$pcs_vag>>'
+	if pcs_vag > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_vag = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reinstate virginity</a>'
+	if stat['think_virgin'] < 1:'<a href="exec:stat[''vaginal''] = 0 & stat[''vaginal_fist''] = 0 & stat[''vaginal_dildo''] = 0 & stat[''vaginal_strap''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Make Sveta believe she is a virgin again (resets the related sex stats)</a>'
+	if pcs_vag <= 25:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''vagenlarge''">Enlarge comfortable vaginal capacity</a>'
+	if pcs_vag >= 5:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''vagreduce''">Reduce comfortable vaginal capacity</a>'
+	'Your comfortable vaginal capacity will reduce by <<vshrink>> every <<vshrinkdays>> days.'
+	if vshrink < 10:'<a href="exec:vshrink += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase amount of reduction</a>'
+	if vshrink > 0:'<a href="exec:vshrink -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce amount of reduction</a>'
+	if vshrinkdays < 10:'<a href="exec:vshrinkdays += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase number of days it takes</a>'
+	if vshrinkdays > 1:'<a href="exec:vshrinkdays -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce number of days it takes</a>'
+	'When gaped your vagina will reduce each stage (up to 4 for maximum gape) every <<vgape[4]>> minutes.'
+	if vgape[4] < 60:'<a href="exec:vgape[4] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase time by 5 minutes</a>'
+	if vgape[4] > 5:'<a href="exec:vgape[4] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce time by 5 minutes</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<<$pcs_ass>>'
+	if pcs_ass <= 25:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''assenlarge''">Enlarge comfortable anal capacity</a>'
+	if pcs_ass >= 5:'<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''assreduce''">Reduce comfortable anal capacity</a>'
+	'Your comfortable anal capacity will reduce by <<ashrink>> every <<ashrinkdays>> days.'
+	if ashrink < 10:'<a href="exec:ashrink += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase amount of reduction</a>'
+	if ashrink > 0:'<a href="exec:ashrink -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce amount of reduction</a>'
+	if ashrinkdays < 10:'<a href="exec:ashrinkdays += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase number of days it takes</a>'
+	if ashrinkdays > 1:'<a href="exec:ashrinkdays -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce number of days it takes</a>'
+	'When gaped your anus will reduce each stage (up to 4 for maximum gape) every <<agape[4]>> minutes.'
+	if agape[4] < 60:'<a href="exec:agape[4] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase time by 5 minutes</a>'
+	if agape[4] > 5:'<a href="exec:agape[4] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce time by 5 minutes</a>'
+	*nl
+	if dounspell = 0:
+		if fat ! 0: '<a href="exec:fat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Zero fat</a>'
+		'Body Fat = (<<pcs_mass[''body'']>>): <a href="exec: gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''change_pcs_mass_body'', -10">-10</a> <a href="exec: gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''change_pcs_mass_body'', -5">-5</a> <a href="exec: gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''change_pcs_mass_body'', -1">-1</a> <a href="exec: gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''change_pcs_mass_body'', 1">+1</a> <a href="exec: gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''change_pcs_mass_body'', 5">+5</a> <a href="exec: gs ''Cheatmenu_din'', ''change_pcs_mass_body'', 10">+10</a>'
+		'Note: You need some Body Fat to survive, any value under 11 is clasified as "starving" and a value of 0 can lead to a Game Over. <<func(''body'', ''CalcOptBodyMass'')>> gives a bmi of 22.5.'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Tattoo removal</a>'
+	'</td><td width="33%" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<<$hair>>'
+	if pcs_haircol = 0:
+		'Your hair is now (prev) <<$pcs_haircol>> <a href="exec:pcs_haircol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks''] & nathcol = pcs_haircol">(next)</a>'
+	elseif pcs_haircol > 0 and pcs_haircol < 3:
+		'Your hair is now <a href="exec:pcs_haircol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & nathcol = pcs_haircol>(prev)</a> <<$pcs_haircol>> <a href="exec:pcs_haircol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & pcs_haircol = nathcol>(next)</a>'
+	elseif pcs_haircol = 3:
+		'Your hair is now <a href="exec:pcs_haircol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']" & nathcol = pcs_haircol>(prev)</a> <<$pcs_haircol>> (next)'
+	else
+		'To change your natural hair color, you have to <a href="exec:pcs_haircol = nathcol & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">restore your natural hair color</a> first.'
+	end
+	if pcs_hairlng > 975:
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a>'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng > 900:
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a>'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 100:
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-100</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 25:
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
+	elseif pcs_hairlng >= 5:
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">-5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
+	else
+		'Hair length (<<pcs_hairlng>>)	<a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 25 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+25</a> <a href="exec:pcs_hairlng += 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">+100</a>'
+	end
+	if hairgrowcht = 0:'<a href="exec:hairgrowcht = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Stop hair growth</a>'
+	if hairgrowcht = 1:'<a href="exec:hairgrowcht = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Allow hair growth</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<<$glaza>>'
+	if pcs_naturallashes < 2:'<a href="exec:pcs_naturallashes += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Enlarge lashes</a>'
+	if pcs_naturallashes > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_naturallashes -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Shrink lashes</a>'
+	if pcs_eyesize < 3:'<a href="exec:pcs_eyesize += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Increase the size of the eye</a>'
+	if pcs_eyesize > 0:'<a href="exec:pcs_eyesize -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">Reduce the size of the eye</a>'
+	if pcs_eyecol <= 0:
+		'Your eyes are now (prev) <<$pcs_eyecol>> <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(next)</a>'
+	elseif pcs_eyecol > 0 and pcs_eyecol < 3:
+		'Your eyes are now <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(prev)</a> <<$pcs_eyecol>> <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol +=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(next)</a>'
+	elseif pcs_eyecol >= 3:
+		'Your eyes are now <a href="exec:pcs_eyecol -=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''looks'']">(prev)</a> <<$pcs_eyecol>> (next)'
+	end
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'change_pcs_mass_body':
+	gs 'body', 'Set_mass_distribution_using_body', pcs_mass['body'] + ARGS[1]
+	pcs_mass['body_message'] = pcs_mass['body']
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+if $ARGS[0] = 'change_pcs_mass_bust':
+	pcs_mass['bust'] += ARGS[1]
+	pcs_mass['bust_gen'] += ARGS[1]
+	if pcs_mass['bust'] < 2: pcs_mass['bust'] = 2
+	if pcs_mass['bust_gen'] < 2: pcs_mass['bust_gen'] = 2
+	pcs_mass['bust_message'] = pcs_mass['bust']
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+if $ARGS[0] = 'change_pcs_mass_butt':
+	pcs_mass['butt'] += ARGS[1]
+	pcs_mass['butt_gen'] += ARGS[1]
+	if pcs_mass['butt'] < 2: pcs_mass['butt'] = 2
+	if pcs_mass['butt_gen'] < 2: pcs_mass['butt_gen'] = 2
+	pcs_mass['butt_message'] = pcs_mass['butt']
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+if $ARGS[0] = 'vagenlarge':
+	if pcs_vag = 0:
+		pcs_vag = 5
+	elseif pcs_vag <= 5:
+		pcs_vag = 10
+	elseif pcs_vag <= 10:
+		pcs_vag = 15
+	elseif pcs_vag <= 15:
+		pcs_vag = 25
+	elseif pcs_vag <= 25:
+		pcs_vag = 35
+	end
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+if $ARGS[0] = 'vagreduce':
+	if pcs_vag > 25:
+		pcs_vag = 25
+	elseif pcs_vag > 15:
+		pcs_vag = 15
+	elseif pcs_vag > 10:
+		pcs_vag = 10
+	elseif pcs_vag > 5:
+		pcs_vag = 1
+	end
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+if $ARGS[0] = 'assenlarge':
+	if pcs_ass = 0:
+		pcs_ass = 5
+	elseif pcs_ass <= 5:
+		pcs_ass = 10
+	elseif pcs_ass <= 10:
+		pcs_ass = 15
+	elseif pcs_ass <= 15:
+		pcs_ass = 25
+	elseif pcs_ass <= 25:
+		pcs_ass = 35
+	end
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+if $ARGS[0] = 'assreduce':
+	if pcs_ass > 25:
+		pcs_ass = 25
+	elseif pcs_ass > 15:
+		pcs_ass = 15
+	elseif pcs_ass > 10:
+		pcs_ass = 10
+	elseif pcs_ass > 5:
+		pcs_ass = 1
+	end
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+$cheatmenu['parameters'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Appearance Stats</h1></center>'
+	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+	*nl
+	'Body Shape Parameters'
+	'<<pcs_bust>> - <<pcs_waist>> - <<pcs_hips>>, <<$titsize>> breasts, the difference between the hips and waist <<pcs_hips-pcs_waist>> cm'
+	'Muscularity: strenbuf = <<strenbuf>>, pcs_mass[''body''] =	<<pcs_mass[''body'']>>, fat = <<fat>>'
+	'Variable List:'
+	'agilbuf = <<agilbuf>>'
+	'strenbuf = <<strenbuf>>'
+	'vitalbuf = <<vitalbuf>>'
+	'BMI (pcs_bmi) = <<pcs_bmi[0]>>.<<pcs_bmi[1]>>'
+	'weight (pcs_weight) = <<pcs_weight[0]>>.<<pcs_weight[1]>> kg'
+	'bust (pcs_bust) = <<pcs_bust>>'
+	'band (pcs_band) = <<pcs_band>>'
+	'waist (pcs_waist) = <<pcs_waist>>'
+	'hips (pcs_hips) = <<pcs_hips>>'
+	'bust - band (pcs_cupsize) = <<pcs_cupsize>>'
+	'pcs_mass[''bust''] = <<pcs_mass[''bust'']>>'
+	'pcs_mass[''bust_gen''] = <<pcs_mass[''bust_gen'']>>'
+	'bodyVars[''bust_magic''] = <<bodyVars[''bust_magic'']>>'
+	'bodyVars[''bust_silicone''] = <<bodyVars[''bust_silicone'']>>'
+	'bodyVars[''bust_other''] = <<bodyVars[''bust_other'']>>'
+	'pcs_mass[''butt''] = <<pcs_mass[''butt'']>>'
+	'pcs_mass[''butt_gen''] = <<pcs_mass[''butt_gen'']>>'
+	'bodyVars[''butt_silicone''] = <<bodyVars[''butt_silicone'']>>'
+	'bodyVars[''butt_other''] = <<bodyVars[''butt_other'']>>'
+	'bodyVars[''vhips''] = <<bodyVars[''vhips'']>>'
+	'bodyVars[''wratio''] = <<bodyVars[''wratio'']>>'
+	'bodyVars[''bratio''] = <<bodyVars[''bratio'']>>'
+	'bodyVars[''hratio''] = <<bodyVars[''hratio'']>>'
+	'bodyVars[''vofat''] = <<bodyVars[''vofat'']>>'
+	'salocatnow = <<salocatnow>>'
+	'salocatlast = <<salocatlast>>'
+	'magf2bdo = <<magf2bdo>>'
+	'mgf2bnocnt = <<mgf2bnocnt>>'
+	'magtarcup = <<magtarcup>>'
+	'normbuffpick = <<normbuffpick>>'
+	'nrmbfpckct = <<nrmbfpckct>>'
+	'bodyVars[''weight_warning''] = <<bodyVars[''weight_warning'']>>'
+	'salolast = <<salolast>>'
+$cheatmenu['vneshpara'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - ?</h1></center>'
+	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+	*nl
+	'Appearance Parameters'
+	*nl
+	'Base Appearance'
+	'pcs_skin = <<pcs_skin>> and skin_bonus = <<skinBonus>> (between 0 and 100)'
+	'bodyShapeBonus = <<bodyShapeBonus>> (between -158 and 70)'
+	'visableAgePenalty = <<visibleAgePenalty>> (-2.5 for every year below 20)'
+	'pcs_teeth = <<pcs_teeth>> and teethPenalty = <<teethPenalty>>  (10*(pcs_teeth +pcs_missing_teeth)'
+	'attributeBonus = <<attributeBonus>> (pcs_agil / 5) + (pcs_vital / 5)'
+	'these are adjusted by BMI if it is outside <18 and >29'
+	'pcs_apprncbase = <<pcs_apprncbase>>'
+	*nl
+	*nl
+	'Bonus'
+	'groomingBonus = <<func(''AppearanceSystem'',''CalcGroomingBonus'')>> (pcs_breath and makeup)'
+	'groomingPenalty = <<func(''AppearanceSystem'',''CalcGroomingPenalty'')>> '
+	'(lipbalm, hair brushed, hair length, deo, sweat, glasses, hair color fade, leg hair..)'
+	'accessoriesBonus = <<func(''AppearanceSystem'',''CalcAccessoriesBonus'')>> '
+	'CalcClothingBonus = <<func(''AppearanceSystem'',''CalcClothingBonus'')>> '
+	'((PXCloThinness + PXCloTopCut + PXCloBottomShortness)/2)/ 76 * PCloQuality'
+	*nl
+	*nl
+	'coatQualityBonus = <<bonusZ>>'
+	'shoesQualityBonus = <<PShoQualityZ>>'
+	'PXCloThinness = <<PXCloThinness>>'
+	'PXCloTopCut = <<PXCloTopCut>>'
+	'PXCloBottomShortness = <<PXCloBottomShortness>>'
+	'PCloQuality = <<PCloQuality>>'
+	'lipBalmPenalty = <<lipBalmPenalty>>'
+	'hairPenalty = <<hairPenalty>>'
+	'deodorantPenalty = <<deodorantPenalty>>'
+	'sweatPenalty = <<sweatPenalty>>'
+	'glassesPenalty = <<glassesPenalty>>'
+	'hairDyePenalty = <<hairDyePenalty>>'
+	'legPenalty = <<legPenalty>>'
+	'pcs_eyesize = <<pcs_eyesize>>'
+	'pcs_lip = <<pcs_lip>>'
+$cheatmenu['tatoo'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Tattoos</h1></center>'
+	act 'Return to appearance menu':dynamic $cheatmenu['looks']
+	*nl
+	if tatarm = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your arm</a>'
+	if tatarm >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatarm = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your arm tattoo</a>'
+	if tatass = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your ass</a>'
+	if tatass >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatass = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your ass tattoo</a>'
+	if tatback = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your back</a>'
+	if tatback >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatback = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your back tattoo</a>'
+	if tatblly = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your belly</a>'
+	if tatblly >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatblly = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your belly tattoo</a>'
+	if tatbrst = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your breast</a>'
+	if tatbrst >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatbrst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your breast tattoo</a>'
+	if tatchst = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your chest</a>'
+	if tatchst >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatchst = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your chest tattoo</a>'
+	if tatfce = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your face</a>'
+	if tatfce >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatfce = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your face tattoo</a>'
+	if tatankle = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your ankle</a>'
+	if tatankle >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatankle = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your ankle tattoo</a>'
+	if tatleg = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your leg</a>'
+	if tatleg >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatleg = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your leg tattoo</a>'
+	if tatlip = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your lip</a>'
+	if tatlip >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatlip = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your lip tattoo</a>'
+	if tatneck = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your neck</a>'
+	if tatneck >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatneck = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your neck tattoo</a>'
+	if tatvag = 0:'You do not have a pubic tattoo</a>'
+	if tatvag >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatvag = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your pubic tattoo</a>'
+	if tatlech = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your shoulder</a>'
+	if tatlech >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatlech = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your shoulder tattoo</a>'
+	if tatside = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your side</a>'
+	if tatside >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatside = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your the tattoo on your side</a>'
+	if tatupb = 0:'You do not have a tramp stamp</a>'
+	if tatupb >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatupb = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your tramp stamp</a>'
+	if tatunder = 0:'You do not have an under breast tattoo</a>'
+	if tatunder >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatunder = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your under breast tattoo</a>'
+	if tatwrist = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your wrist</a>'
+	if tatwrist >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tatwrist = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your wrist tattoo</a>'
+	if tathand = 0:'You do not have a tattoo on your hand</a>'
+	if tathand >= 1:'<a href="exec:tattCount-=1 & tathand = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your hand tattoo</a>'
+	if cosmetic_tattoo = 0:'You do not have the makup tattoo</a>'
+	if cosmetic_tattoo >= 1:'<a href="exec:cosmetic_tattoo = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''tatoo'']">Remove your makup tattoo</a>'
+$cheatmenu['setStat'] = {
+	gs 'shortgs', 'setStat', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1]
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
+$cheatmenu['setStatInput'] = {
+	$temp_input = $input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:")
+	if isnum($temp_input) ! 0:
+		gs 'shortgs', 'setStat', $ARGS[0], val($temp_input)
+	elseif $temp_input ! '':
+		msg 'invalid input'
+	end
+	killvar '$temp_input'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
+$cheatmenu['setStatInputInverted'] = {
+	$temp_input = $input("Set your <<$ARGS[1]>> level:")
+	if isnum($temp_input) ! 0:
+		gs 'shortgs', 'setStat', $ARGS[0], (100 - val($temp_input))
+	elseif $temp_input ! '':
+		msg 'invalid input'
+	end
+	killvar '$temp_input'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
+$cheatmenu['setAttrs'] = {
+	loop_index = 0
+	!! skip stren_plus and butt_tr
+	loop_index_max = arrsize('$att_name') - 2
+	!! skip magik in nonmagic starts
+	if $start_type[1] = 'nomagic': loop_index_max -= 1
+	:set_attrs_loop
+		gs 'shortgs', 'setStat', $att_name[loop_index], ARGS[0]
+		loop_index += 1
+		if loop_index < loop_index_max: jump 'set_attrs_loop'
+	killvar 'loop_index' & killvar 'loop_index_max'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
+$cheatmenu['setSkills'] = {
+	loop_index = 0
+	loop_index_max = arrsize('$skl_name')
+	:set_skills_loop
+		!! Inhibition (number 33) isn''t a skill so we''ll skip it
+		if loop_index = 33: loop_index += 1 & jump 'set_skills_loop'
+		gs 'shortgs', 'setStat', $skl_name[loop_index], ARGS[0]
+		loop_index += 1
+		if loop_index < loop_index_max: jump 'set_skills_loop'
+	killvar 'loop_index' & killvar 'loop_index_max'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['stats']
+$cheatmenu['printStatLinks'] = {
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', 100">Max</a>  '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl + 1">+1</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl + 10">+10</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl - 1">-1</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl - 10">-10</a>  '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', 0">Min</a>  '
+	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStatInput''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>''">Set</a>'
+$cheatmenu['printStatLinksInverted'] = {
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', 0">Max</a>  '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl - 1">+1</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl - 10">+10</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl + 1">-1</a> '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[0]>>_lvl + 10">-10</a>  '
+	*p '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStat''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', 100">Min</a>  '
+	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setStatInputInverted''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[1]>>''">Set</a>'
+$cheatmenu['stats'] = {
+	gs 'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	!Set a floor and ceiling for all attributes and skills
+	loop_index = 0
+	:attr_trim_loop
+		dynamic "
+			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl < 0: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 0
+			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst < 0: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 0
+			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl > 100: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 100
+			if <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst > 100: <<$att_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 100
+		"
+		loop_index += 1
+		if loop_index < arrsize('$att_name'): jump 'attr_trim_loop'
+	loop_index = 0
+	:skill_trim_loop
+		dynamic "
+			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl < 0: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 0
+			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst < 0: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 0
+			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl > 100: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvl = 100
+			if <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst > 100: <<$skl_name[loop_index]>>_lvlst = 100
+		"
+		loop_index += 1
+		if loop_index < arrsize('$skl_name'): jump 'skill_trim_loop'
+	killvar 'loop_index'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Attributes and Skills</h1></center>'
+	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats can cause bugs and break your save, use them with care. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
+	*nl
+	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
+	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	*pl'<b>Attributes</b> (values 0 - 100):'
+	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setAttrs''], 100" >Max Attributes</a>    <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setAttrs''], 0" >Min Attributes</a>'
+	*p 'Strength (<<stren_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'stren', 'Strength'
+	*p 'Agility (<<agil_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'agil', 'Agility'
+	*p 'Endurance (<<vital_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vital', 'Endurance'
+	*p 'Intelligence (<<intel_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'intel', 'Intelligence'
+	*p 'Reaction (<<react_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'react', 'Reaction'
+	*p 'Spirit (<<sprt_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'sprt', 'Spirit'
+	*p 'Charisma (<<chrsm_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'chrsm', 'Charisma'
+	*p 'Perception (<<prcptn_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'prcptn', 'Perception'
+	if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic': *p 'Magic (<<magik_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'magik', 'Magic'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Sexual:</b>'
+	*pl 'Inhibition level (<<100 - inhib_lvl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinksInverted'], 'inhib', 'Inhibition'
+	if willpowermax > 150: willpowermax = 150
+	if willpowermax < 50: willpowermax = 50
+	*pl 'Willpower Maximum (<<willpowermax>>): <a href="exec:willpowermax = 150 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Max</a>  <a href="exec:willpowermax += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+1</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >+10</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-1</a> <a href="exec:willpowermax -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >-10</a>  <a href="exec:willpowermax = 50 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']" >Min</a>'
+	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher+10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
+	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher-10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
+	*nl
+	if $start_type['loc'] = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0:
+		*pl'<b>School:</b>'
+		*pl 'Math grade: <<class[''school_math_grade'']>> '      + iif(class['school_math_grade'] < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_math_grade'] > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Russian grade: <<class[''school_rus_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_rus_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_rus_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Literature grade: <<class[''school_lit_grade'']>> ' + iif(class['school_lit_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_lit_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Art grade: <<class[''school_art_grade'']>> '        + iif(class['school_art_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_art_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Biology grade: <<class[''school_bio_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_bio_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_bio_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'English grade: <<class[''school_eng_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_eng_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_eng_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Geography grade: <<class[''school_geo_grade'']>> '  + iif(class['school_geo_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_geo_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Science grade: <<class[''school_sci_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_sci_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_sci_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'History grade: <<class[''school_his_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_his_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_his_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Shop grade: <<class[''school_shop_grade'']>> '      + iif(class['school_shop_grade'] < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_shop_grade'] > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Computer grade: <<class[''school_comp_grade'']>> '  + iif(class['school_comp_grade'] < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_comp_grade'] > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Music grade: <<class[''school_mus_grade'']>> '      + iif(class['school_mus_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_mus_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'P.E. grade: <<class[''school_pe_grade'']>> '        + iif(class['school_pe_grade']   < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'',   10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_pe_grade']   > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'',   -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		if schoolprogul >= 0: *pl '<a href="exec: schoolprogul = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Zero Absenteeism (School): <<schoolprogul>></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	*pl'<b>Skills</b> (values 0 - 100, and adjusted total by attributes):'
+	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 100" >Max Skills</a>    <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 0" >Min Skills</a>'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Others:</b>'
+	*p 'Chess (<<chess_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_chess>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'chess', 'Chess'
+	*p 'Gaming (<<gaming_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_gaming>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'gaming', 'Gaming'
+	*p 'Social (<<humint_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_humint>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'humint', 'People Skills'
+	*p 'Persuasion (<<persuas_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_persuas>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'persuas', 'Persuasion'
+	*p 'Observation (<<observ_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_observ>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'observ', 'Observation'
+	*p 'Makeup (<<makupskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_makupskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'makupskl', 'Makeup'
+	*p 'Computers (<<compskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_compskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'compskl', 'Computer Skill'
+	*p 'Hacking (<<comphckng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_comphckng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'comphckng', 'Hacking'
+	*p 'Handy-work (<<hndiwrk_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_hndiwrk>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'hndiwrk', 'Handy-work'
+	*p 'Pool (<<pool_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_pool>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'pool', 'Pool'
+	*p 'Heels (<<pcs_heels>>) - Total (<<pcs_heels>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'heels', 'Heels'
+	if $start_type[1] ! 'nomagic': *p 'Spell Casting (<<splcstng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_splcstng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'splcstng', 'Spellcasting'
+	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	*pl'<b>Combat:</b>'
+	*p 'Jabs (<<jab_lvl>>)- Total (<<pcs_jab>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'jab', 'Jabs'
+	*p 'Power Strikes (<<punch_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_punch>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'punch', 'Power Strikes'
+	*p 'Kicks (<<kick_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_kick>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'kick', 'Kicks'
+	*p 'Defence (<<def_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_def>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'def', 'Defence'
+	*p 'Marksmanship (<<shoot_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_shoot>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'shoot', 'Marksmanship'
+	*p 'Bushcraft (<<bushcraft_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_bushcraft>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'bushcraft', 'Bushcraft'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Craft:</b>'
+	*p 'Singing (<<vokal_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_vokal>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vokal', 'Singing'
+	*p 'Tailoring (<<sewng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_sewng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'sewng', 'Tailoring'
+	*p 'Instruments (<<instrmusic_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_instrmusic>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'instrmusic', 'Instrumental Music'
+	*p 'Photography (<<photoskl_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_photoskl>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'photoskl', 'Photography'
+	*p 'Artistic (<<artskls_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_artskls>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'artskls', 'Artistic Skills'
+	*p 'Performing (<<perform_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_perform>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'perform', 'Performance'
+	*p 'Music Production (<<musicprod_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_musicprod>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'musicprod', 'Music Production'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Dance:</b>'
+	*p 'Modern Dance (<<danc_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_danc>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'danc', 'Modern Dancing'
+	*p 'Erotic Dance (<<dancero_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_dancero>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'dancero', 'Erotic Dancing'
+	*p 'Pole Dance (<<dancpol_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_dancpol>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'dancpol', 'Pole Dancing'
+	*p 'Cheerleading (<<cheer_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_cheer>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'cheer', 'Cheerleading'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Sport:</b>'
+	*p 'Running (<<run_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_run>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'run', 'Running'
+	*p 'Volleyball (<<vball_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_vball>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'vball', 'Volleyball'
+	*p 'Ice Skating (<<icesktng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_icesktng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'icesktng', 'Ice Skating'
+	*p 'Wrestling (<<wrstlng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_wrstlng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'wrstlng', 'Wrestling'
+	*p 'Football (<<ftbll_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_ftbll>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'ftbll', 'Football'
+	*nl
+	*pl'<b>Work:</b>'
+	*p 'Serving (<<servng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_servng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'servng', 'Serving'
+	*p 'Modeling (<<mdlng_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_mdlng>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'mdlng', 'Modeling'
+	*p 'Medicine (<<medcn_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_medcn>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'medcn', 'Medicine'
+	*p 'Cleaning (<<cleaning_lvl>>) - Total (<<pcs_cleaning>>): ' & dynamic $cheatmenu['printStatLinks'], 'cleaning', 'Cleaning'
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['reputation'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Relationships and Renown</h1></center>'
+	'<center>Relationship values are from 0 - 100.</center>'
+	'<center>If they exceed this limit they will be reset overnight.</center>'
+	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
+	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	*nl
+	'Relationships in Pavlovsk'
+	*nl
+	'<font color="blue"><b>Family</b></font>'
+	if Enable_reputation_family = 0:
+		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_family = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_reputation_family = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_family = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+		'Stepfather: <<npc_rel[''A28'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A28''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'Mother: <<npc_rel[''A29'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A29''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'Sister: <<npc_rel[''A33'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A33''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'Brother: <<npc_rel[''A34'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A34''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+	end
+	'Your dog: '+iif($status['dog'] = 'active', '<b>Active</b>', '<a href="exec: $status[''dog''] = ''active'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Active</a>')+'|'+iif($status['dog'] = 'blocked', '<b>Blocked</b>', '<a href="exec: $status[''dog''] = ''blocked'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Blocked</a>')
+	if $status['dog'] ! 'blocked':
+		'Set the relationship and love of your dog to always be at maximum: '+iif(cheat['dog_rel'] = 0, '<a href="exec: cheat[''dog_rel''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Off</a>', '<a href="exec: cheat[''dog_rel''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Currently On</a>')
+		'You need to feed your dog <<rex[''count_feed_base'']>> per day: '+iif(rex['count_feed_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_feed_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_feed_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
+		'You need to walk your dog <<rex[''count_walk_base'']>> per day: '+iif(rex['count_walk_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_walk_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_walk_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
+		'You need to bath your dog <<rex[''count_bath_base'']>> per week: '+iif(rex['count_bath_base'] > 1, '<a href="exec: rex[''count_bath_base''] -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-1</a>', '-1')+'|<a href="exec: rex[''count_bath_base''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+1</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg':
+		'<font color="blue"><b>School</b></font>'
+		'<i>Popular Kids</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_popular = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_popular = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_popular = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_popular = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A1'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A1'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A1'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A1''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A1''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A4'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A4'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A4'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A4''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A4''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A14'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A14''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A14''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A15'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A15'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A15'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A15''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A15''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A17'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A17'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A17'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A17''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A17''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A22'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A22'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A22'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A22''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A22''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A146'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A146'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A146'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A146''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A146''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A147'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A147'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A147'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A147''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A147''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A148'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A148'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A148'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A148''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A148''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			if soniaPS = 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A25'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A139'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A139'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A139'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A139''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A139''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A140'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A140'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A140'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A140''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A140''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<i>Athletes</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_athletes = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_athletes = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_athletes = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_athletes = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A3'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A3'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A3'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A3''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A3''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			if fedormasha = 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A5'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A8'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A8'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A8'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A8''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A8''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A13'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A13'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A13'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A13''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A13''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A18'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A18'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A18'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A18''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A18''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A19'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A19'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A19'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A19''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A19''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A23'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A23'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A23'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A23''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A23''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A149'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A149'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A149'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A149''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A149''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A150'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A150'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A150'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A150''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A150''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A141'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A141'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A141'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A141''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A141''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A165'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A165'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A165'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A165''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A165''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<i>Nerds</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_nerds = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_nerds = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_nerds = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_nerds = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A2'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A2'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A2'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A2''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A2''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A6'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A6'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A6'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A6''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A6''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A12'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A12'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A12'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A12''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A12''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A16'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A16'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A16'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A16''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A16''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A151'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A151'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A151'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A151''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A151''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A152'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A152'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A152'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A152''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A152''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A153'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A153'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A153'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A153''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A153''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A142'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A142'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A142'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A142''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A142''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A240'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A240'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A240'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A240''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A240''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<i>Gopniks</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_gopniks = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_gopniks = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_gopniks = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_gopniks = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A9'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A9'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A9'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A9''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A9''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A10'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A10'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A10'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A10''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A10''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A11'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A11'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A11'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A11''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A11''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A20'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A20'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A20'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A20''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A20''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A21'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A21'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A21'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A21''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A21''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A24'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A24'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A24'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A24''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A24''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A154'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A154'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A154'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A154''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A154''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A155'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A155'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A155'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A155''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A155''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A156'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A156'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A156'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A156''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A156''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A157'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A157'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A157'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A157''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A157''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A158'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A158'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A158'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A158''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A158''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A143'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A143'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A143'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A143''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A143''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A144'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A144'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A144'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A144''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A144''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A145'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A145'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A145'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A145''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A145''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A189'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A189'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A189'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A189''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A189''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<i>Outcasts/Loners</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_outcasts = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_outcasts = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_outcasts = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_outcasts = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A7'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A7'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A7'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A7''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A7''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			if soniaPS > 0:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A25'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A25''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			if fedormasha = 1:	'<<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A5'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A5''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A159'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A159'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A159'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A159''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A159''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<i>Teachers/Coaches</i>'
+		if Enable_reputation_teachers = 0:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_teachers = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_reputation_teachers = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_teachers = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A26'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A26'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A26'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A26''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A26''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'Mikhail Nikolayevich: <<npc_rel[''A69'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A69''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A69''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A128'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A128'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A128'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A128''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A128''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A129'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A129'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A129'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A129''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A129''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A130'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A130'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A130'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A130''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A130''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A131'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A131'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A131'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A131''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A131''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A132'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A132'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A132'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A132''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A132''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A133'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A133'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A133'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A133''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A133''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A134'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A134'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A134'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A134''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A134''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A135'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A135'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A135'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A135''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A135''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A136'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A136'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A136'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A136''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A136''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A137'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A137'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A137'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A137''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A137''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+			'<<$npc_firstname[''A138'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A138'']>>: <<npc_rel[''A138'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A138''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A138''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<font color="blue"><b>Nicholas'' Family</b></font>'
+	'<a href="exec:gt ''nichUtil'', ''debug''">Storyline Debug Menu</a>'
+	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	*nl
+	'Miscellaneous relationships'
+	*nl
+	'<font color="blue"><b>Others</b></font>'
+	*nl
+	if Enable_reputation_others = 0:
+		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_others = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Show details</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_reputation_others = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:Enable_reputation_others = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Hide details</a>'
+		if npc_rel['A112'] >= 0:
+			'Sergei Shulgin: <<npc_rel[''A112'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A112''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A112''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A219'] >= 0:
+			'Kat: <<npc_rel[''A219'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A219''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A219''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A220'] >= 0:
+			'Vika: <<npc_rel[''A220'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A220''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A220''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A93'] >= 0:
+			'Irina: <<npc_rel[''A93'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A93''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A93''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A43'] >= 0:
+			'Tamara: <<npc_rel[''A43'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A43''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A43''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if alla >= 0:
+			'Alla: <<alla>>	<a href="exec:alla += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:alla -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if masha >= 0:
+			'Masha: <<masha>>	<a href="exec:masha += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:masha -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A41'] >= 0:
+			'Givi: <<npc_rel[''A41'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A41''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A41''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A42'] >= 0:
+			'Ashot: <<npc_rel[''A42'']>>  <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A42''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A42''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A89'] >= 0:
+			'Eugene: <<npc_rel[''A89'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A89''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A89''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A217'] >= 0:
+			'Pavlin: <<npc_rel[''A217'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A217''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A217''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if huntersAndreiQw >= 0:
+			'Hunter Andrei: <<huntersAndreiQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersAndreiQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersAndreiQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if huntersSergeiQw >= 0:
+			'Hunter Sergei: <<huntersSergeiQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersSergeiQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersSergeiQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if huntersIgorQw >= 0:
+			'Hunter Igor: <<huntersIgorQw>>	<a href="exec:huntersIgorQw += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:huntersIgorQw -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+		if npc_rel['A217'] >= 0:
+			'Martin: <<npc_rel[''A216'']>>	<a href="exec:npc_rel[''A216''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:npc_rel[''A216''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		end
+	end
+	if pcs_lovers[0] = 1:
+		*nl
+		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[0]>>.'
+		if loverrelation[0] < 0: loverrelation[0] = 0
+		if loverdays[0] < 0: loverdays[0] = 0
+		if haraklover[0] > 2: haraklover[0] = 0
+		if loverizvrat[0] > 1: loverizvrat[0] = 0
+		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[0] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[0]>></a>'
+		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[0] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[0]>></a>'
+		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[0]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[0] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[0] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[0]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[0] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[0] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
+	end
+	if pcs_lovers[1] = 1:
+		*nl
+		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[1]>>.'
+		if loverrelation[1] < 0: loverrelation[1] = 0
+		if loverdays[1] < 0: loverdays[1] = 0
+		if haraklover[1] > 2: haraklover[1] = 0
+		if loverizvrat[1] > 1: loverizvrat[1] = 0
+		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[1] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[1]>></a>'
+		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[1] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[1]>></a>'
+		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[1]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[1] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[1] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[1]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[1] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[1] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
+	end
+	if pcs_lovers[2] = 1:
+		*nl
+		'You are dating <<$loverdesc[2]>>.'
+		if loverrelation[2] < 0: loverrelation[2] = 0
+		if loverdays[2] < 0: loverdays[2] = 0
+		if haraklover[2] > 2: haraklover[2] = 0
+		if loverizvrat[2] > 1: loverizvrat[2] = 0
+		'Change lover''s personality: <a href="exec:haraklover[2] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<haraklover[2]>></a>'
+		'Change lover''s perversion: <a href="exec:loverizvrat[2] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']"><<loverizvrat[2]>></a>'
+		'Relationship: <<loverrelation[2]>> <a href="exec:loverrelation[2] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:loverrelation[2] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-10</a>'
+		'You''ve been dating for <<loverdays[2]>> days. <a href="exec:loverdays[2] += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">+5</a> <a href="exec:loverdays[2] -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">-5</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if fame['pav_slut'] >= 50:
+		gs 'fame'
+		'In Pavlovsk you are known as a <font color="red"><<$gnikname>></font> <a href="exec:fame[''pav_sex''] = 0 & fame[''pav_prostitute''] = 0 & gs ''fame'', ''calculateSlut'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if opusk > 0 or gnewQW > 0 or sipovka > 0:'<a href="exec:opusk = 0 & gnewQW = 0 & sipovka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear reputation with Gopniks</a>'
+	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg':
+		*nl
+		'<font color="red"><b>WARNING</b></font>: Clearing reputation flags with your family may cause bugs. Use at your own risk!'
+		*nl
+		if motherKnowWhore > 0:
+			'Your mother knows, that you are sexually active and considers you are a whore. <a href="exec:motherKnowWhore = 0 & motherKnowSpravka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear both reputations</a>    <a href="exec:motherKnowWhore = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear only whore reputation</a>'
+		elseif motherKnowSpravka > 0:
+			'Your mother knows that you are sexually active. <a href="exec:motherKnowSpravka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		else
+			'Your mother thinks that you are a virgin.'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if evgenQW >= 4 and fame['pav_slut'] >= 250:
+			'Your brother thinks you are a total whore. <a href="exec:evgenQW = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		elseif evgenQW >= 3:
+			'Your brother thinks you are a slut. <a href="exec:evgenQW = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		elseif brotherknowslut = 1:
+			'Your brother saw semen on your body and thinks you fuck around. <a href="exec:brotherknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		elseif brotherknowslut >= 2:
+			'Your brother saw you in the park fucking the Gopniks. <a href="exec:brotherknowslut = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		else
+			'Your brother has a good opinion of you.'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if sisterknowslut > 1 and sisboypartyQW > 1:
+			'Your sister thinks you are a slut <a href="exec:sisboypartyQW = 0 & sisterknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		elseif sisterknowslut > 0:
+			'Your sister knows that you sleep around. <a href="exec:sisterknowslut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>'
+		else
+			'Your sister has a good opinion of you.'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if func('homes_properties', 'can_live_here', 'parents_home') = 0:
+			'<a href="exec: gs ''homes_properties'', ''give_access'', ''parents_home'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Restore</a> access to your parent''s apartment.'
+		end
+		if momKnowsKolka = 1:
+			'Your mother knows Kolka is the father. <a href="momKnowsKolka = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
+		end
+		if momKnowsVladimir = 1:
+			'Your mother knows Vladimir is the father. <a href="exec:momKnowsVladimir = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
+		end
+		if SchoolBlock = 1:
+			'You''ve been expelled from school. <a href="exec:SchoolBlock = 0 & schoolPredupr = 0 & schoolprogul = 0 & pcs_grades = 50 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''reputation'']">Clear</a>.'
+		end
+	end
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['documents'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Diplomas, Licences, and Certificates</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="300" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	if SchoolAtestat = 0: '<a href="exec:SchoolAtestat = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get School Certificate</a>'
+	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0: '<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: This will end your school year!' & *nl
+	if SchoolAtestat = 1:'Already have a School Certificate'
+	if university['diploma'] > 0:
+		'You already have a Diploma'
+	else
+		'<a href="exec:gs ''uniutil'', ''diploma'', ''set_obtained'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Diploma</a>'
+	end
+	if secrdiplom = 0:'<a href="exec:secrdiplom = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Secretarial Diploma</a>'
+	if secrdiplom = 1:'You already have a Secretarial Diploma'
+	if masseuse['certification'] < 10:'<a href="exec:masseuse[''certification''] = 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Masseuse Certificate</a>'
+	if masseuse['certification'] >= 10:'You already have a Masseuse Certificate'
+	if prava = 0:'<a href="exec:prava = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''documents'']">Get Driving Licence</a>'
+	if prava = 1:'You already have Driving Licence'
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['input_time'] = {
+	inputtmp = input("Enter time with 4-digit (input 0102 for 1:02)")
+	if inputtmp/100 >= 0 and inputtmp/100 <= 23:hour = inputtmp/100
+	inputtmp = inputtmp mod 100
+	if inputtmp >= 0 and inputtmp <= 59:minut = inputtmp
+	killvar 'inputtmp'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['time']
+$cheatmenu['time'] = {
+	if currtimecheck = 1:
+		if ((year mod 4 = 0) and (year mod 100 ! 0)) or (year mod 400 = 0):
+			monthsend[2] = 29
+		else
+			monthsend[2] = 28
+		end
+	end
+	gs 'daystart'
+	gs 'outdoors', 'temp_set'
+	gs 'stat'
+	temp_daystart = (temp_year - 2016) * 365
+	!! leap year correction
+	temp_daystart += (temp_year - 2013) / 4
+	copyarr 'temp_monthsend', 'monthsend'
+	if ((temp_year mod 4 = 0) and (temp_year mod 100 ! 0)) or (temp_year mod 400 = 0):
+		temp_monthsend[2] = 29
+	else
+		temp_monthsend[2] = 28
+	end
+	i=1
+	:temp_daystart
+	if temp_month > i:
+		temp_daystart += temp_monthsend[i]
+		i += 1
+		jump 'temp_daystart'
+	end
+	killvar 'temp_monthsend'
+	temp_daystart += temp_day
+	temp_daystart -= daystart_start
+	temp_daystart += 1
+	if currtimecheck = 1:
+		killvar 'currtimecheck'
+		if currday ! daystart:
+			if currday < daystart:
+				temp = (week + daystart - currday) mod 7
+				if temp <= 0: week = 7 else week = temp
+			else
+				temp = week - ((currday - daystart) mod 7)
+				if temp <= 0: week = 7 - temp else week = temp
+			end
+			currday = daystart
+		end
+		if currhour < (daystart-1) * 24 + hour:femcycloop = (daystart-1) * 24 + hour - currhour
+		:femcycloop
+		if femcycloop > 0:gs 'femcyc' & femcycloop -= 1 & jump 'femcycloop'
+	end
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Manipulate Time and Weather</h1></center>'
+	'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Using cheats to manipulate time can <b>easily</b> break quests and cause bugs. Do not use them unless'
+	'you know what you''re doing. When reporting bugs, please mention any cheats you used.</center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	if temp_minut > 9:
+		if temp_hour > 9: $temptime = '<b><<temp_hour>>:<<temp_minut>></b>' else $temptime = '<b>0<<temp_hour>>:<<temp_minut>></b>'
+	else
+		if temp_hour > 9: $temptime = '<b><<temp_hour>>:0<<temp_minut>></b>' else $temptime = '<b>0<<temp_hour>>:0<<temp_minut>></b>'
+	end
+	if minut > 9:
+		if hour > 9: $tempcurtime = '<b><<hour>>:<<minut>></b>' else $tempcurtime = '<b>0<<hour>>:<<minut>></b>'
+	else
+		if hour > 9: $tempcurtime = '<b><<hour>>:0<<minut>></b>' else $tempcurtime = '<b>0<<hour>>:0<<minut>></b>'
+	end
+	if temp_daystart > daystart:
+		temp = (temp_daystart - daystart) mod 7
+		temp_week = (temp + week) mod 7
+		if temp_week = 0: temp_week = 7
+	elseif temp_daystart < daystart:
+		temp = (daystart - temp_daystart) mod 7
+		if (week - temp) mod 7 = 0:
+			temp_week = 7
+		elseif (week - temp) mod 7 < 0:
+			temp_week = ((week - temp) mod 7) + 7
+		else
+			temp_week = week - temp
+		end
+	else
+		temp_week = week
+	end
+	killvar 'temp'
+	'Current time: <b><<$week[week]>></b>, <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
+	'Target time: <b><<$week[temp_week]>></b>, <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
+	'Daychange: <<temp_daystart - daystart>>'
+	*nl
+	'Year:	<a href="exec:temp_year += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 Year</a>	<a href="exec:temp_year -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 Year</a>'
+	'Select <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''month'']">Month</a>'
+	$daychange = '	<a href="exec:temp_day += 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+7 Day</a>'
+	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 Day</a>'
+	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 Day</a>'
+	$daychange += '	<a href="exec:temp_day -= 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-7 Day</a>'
+	'Day:' +$daychange
+	killvar 'daychange'
+	$SS = 'Hour: '
+	if temp_hour > 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_hour > 3:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour -= 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-4</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_hour ! 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">0</a>	' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_hour < 23:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1</a>  ' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_hour < 20:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_hour += 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+4</a>'
+	$SS
+	$SS = 'Minute: '
+	if temp_minut > 14:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut -= 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-15</a> ' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_minut > 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1</a> ' else $SS += '	'
+	if temp_minut ! 0:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">0</a> ' else $SS += '   '
+	if temp_minut < 59:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1</a> '
+	if temp_minut < 46:$SS += '<a href="exec:temp_minut += 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+15</a>'
+	$SS
+	killvar 'SS'
+	*nl
+	'Weather: <a href="exec:sunWeather=iif(sunWeather=0,1,0) & chWeather = 1 & gs ''outdoors'', ''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">'+iif(sunWeather=0,'Rain','Sunny')+'</a>'
+	*nl
+	'Temperature = <<$temperature>> - <a href="exec:temper += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+1 degree</a> - <a href="exec:temper += 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">+5 degrees</a> - <a href="exec:temper -= 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-1 degree</a> - <a href="exec:temper -= 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">-5 degrees</a>'
+	*nl
+	'Switch to the <a href="exec:TempUnit = '+iif(TempUnit = 0,'1 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Fahrenheit','0 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Celsius')+'</a> scale'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''input_time'']">Direct input time</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:day = temp_day & $month = $temp_month & month = temp_month & year = temp_year & hour = temp_hour & minut = temp_minut & currtimecheck = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Accept target date & time</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_day = day & $temp_month = $month & temp_month = month & temp_year = year & temp_hour = hour & temp_minut = minut & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Reset target date & time</a>'
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['week'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu"><b>Cheat menu</b></a> - <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']"><b>Time</b></a></center>'
+	*nl
+	'Current time: <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
+	'Target time: <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:week = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Monday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Tuesday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Wednesday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Thursday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Friday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Saturday</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:week = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">Sunday</a>'
+$cheatmenu['month'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu"><b>Cheat menu</b></a> - <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']"><b>Time</b></a></center>'
+	*nl
+	'Current time: <b><<day>></b>. day of <b><<$month>></b>, <b><<year>></b>, <<$tempcurtime>>'
+	'Target time: <b><<temp_day>></b>. day of <b><<$temp_month>></b>, <b><<temp_year>></b>, <<$temptime>>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 1 & $temp_month = ''January'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">January</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 2 & $temp_month = ''February'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">February</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 3 & $temp_month = ''March'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">March</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 4 & $temp_month = ''April'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">April</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 5 & $temp_month = ''May'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">May</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 6 & $temp_month = ''June'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">June</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 7 & $temp_month = ''July'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">July</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 8 & $temp_month = ''August'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">August</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 9 & $temp_month = ''September'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">September</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 10 & $temp_month = ''October'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">October</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 11 & $temp_month = ''November'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">November</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:temp_month = 12 & $temp_month = ''December'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''time'']">December</a>'
+$cheatmenu['magicTable'] = {
+	!Build a cheat table for spells with a given Array of spell names.
+	!	ARGS[0] = Friendly name for table
+	!	ARGS[1] = the name of the arraay to use
+	$SpellTabName = $ARGS[0]
+	$ThisArrName = $ARGS[1]
+	maxArrSizeC = dyneval("result=arrsize('<<$ThisArrName>>')")
+	! make the header for the table
+	$SpellListStr = "<center>
+		<table width='90%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' valign='top' border='1'>
+			<tr><th colspan='4'><b><<$SpellTabName>></b></th></tr>
+			<tr>
+				<th></th>
+				<th>Spell</th>
+				<th>Mana</th>
+				<th>Description</th>
+			</tr>"
+	i = 0
+	:CheatDinSpell1
+	$ThisSpellName = dyneval("$result=<<$ThisArrName>>[<<i>>]")
+	if i < maxArrSizeC:
+		if spellKnown[$ThisSpellName] = 1:
+			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['<<$ThisSpellName>>'] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Unlearn]</a>"
+		else
+			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['<<$ThisSpellName>>'] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Learn]</a>"
+		end
+		$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " <tr><td><<$spellFlipper>></td><td><<$spellName[$ThisSpellName]>></td><td><<spellMana[$ThisSpellName]>></td><td><<$spellDesc[$ThisSpellName]>></td></tr>"
+		i += 1
+		jump 'CheatDinSpell1'
+	end
+	$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
+		</table>
+	</center>"
+	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
+	killvar 'i'
+	killvar '$ThisSpellName'
+	killvar '$ThisArrName'
+	killvar 'maxArrSizeC'
+	killvar '$SpellTabName'
+	killvar '$spellFlipper'
+	killvar '$SpellListStr'
+$cheatmenu['magic'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Magic</h1></center>'
+	'<center>Is magical: <a href="exec:pcs_magik += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''magic'']">+1<<pcs_magik>></a></center>'
+	if succubusflag = 1:
+		'<center><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''succubreset'']"><b>Remove & Reset Succubus status</b></a></center>'
+		'<center><font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Removing succubus status will not restart your menstrual cycle, it will remain permanently disabled!</center>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	!Make sure spell list is initialized
+	if spellMana['fog'] = 0:gs 'spellList'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['magicTable'], 'Combat Spells', '$combatSpells'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['magicTable'], 'Non-Combat Spells', '$nonComSpells'
+	! Add in Teleport Location toggles.
+	! make the header for the table
+	$SpellListStr = "<center>
+		<table width='90%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' valign='top' border='1'>
+			<tr><th colspan='2'><b>Known Tree Circle Locations</b></th></tr>
+			<tr><td><a href=""EXEC: spellKnown['teleport']=<<iif(spellKnown['teleport']=1,'0','1')>> & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']""><<iif(spellKnown['teleport']=1,'[Unlearn]','[Learn]')>></a></td><td>Teleport Spell</td></tr>"
+	i = 0
+	:CheatDinTP1
+	$ThisLocation = $tpLocations[i]
+	if i < arrsize('$tpLocations'):
+		if tpKnown[$ThisLocation] = 1:
+			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: tpKnown['<<$ThisLocation>>'] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Unlearn]</a>"
+		else
+			$spellFlipper = "<a href=""EXEC: tpKnown['<<$ThisLocation>>'] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']"">[Learn]</a>"
+		end
+		$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + " <tr><td><<$spellFlipper>></td><td><<$treeCircName[$ThisLocation]>></td></tr>"
+		i += 1
+		jump 'CheatDinTP1'
+	end
+	$SpellListStr = $SpellListStr + "
+		</table>
+	</center>"
+	*pl func('cleanHTML',$SpellListStr)
+	killvar 'i'
+	killvar '$ThisLocation'
+	killvar '$spellFlipper'
+	killvar '$SpellListStr'
+$cheatmenu['dynamic'] = {
+	$dynamicCommand = input("Enter command to execute.")
+	if $dynamicCommand = '':exit
+	dynamic $dynamicCommand
+$cheatmenu['std_cure'] = {
+	venera = 0
+	GerpesOnce = 0
+	Gerpes = 0
+	SifacOnce = 0
+	Sifilis = 0
+	TriperOnce = 0
+	Triper = 0
+	TriperOral = 0
+	KandidozOnce = 0
+	Kandidoz = 0
+$cheatmenu['auto_period'] = {
+	if cyccustom = 0:
+		cyccustom = 1
+	else
+		cyccustom = 0
+	end
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['setting']
+$cheatmenu['force_preg'] = {
+	if mesec ! 0: mesec = 0
+	if FocH ! 0: FocH = 0
+	if EggRH ! 0: EggRH = 0
+	if Ovulate ! 0: Ovulate = 0
+	if UnfertEgg ! 0: UnfertEgg = 0
+	if LutH ! 0: LutH = 0
+	if RecovH ! 0: RecovH = 0
+	preg = 1
+	cycle = 5
+	!!Setting implantation date for the due date calculation
+	lastovulation = daystart - 5
+	PregChem = 150
+	$wombthfath = 'A sperm donor'
+	babyembryo += 1
+	if fertegg = 0:
+		Nextbaby = arrsize('$ChildFath')
+		Temppolkid = rand(0,1)
+		polkid[nextbaby] = Temppolkid
+		$kidname[nextbaby] = 'unborn'
+		kidage[nextbaby] = 0
+		daykid[nextbaby] = 0
+		monthkid[nextbaby] = 0
+		yearkid[nextbaby] = 0
+		Babyptype[nextbaby] = 0
+		$ChildFath[nextbaby] = 'A sperm donor'
+		$ChildThFath[nextbaby] = 'A sperm donor'
+		hairkid[nextbaby] = rand(0, 3)
+		eyeskid[nextbaby] = rand(0, 3)
+		ChildConType[nextbaby] = 0
+		Babyptype[nextbaby] = 1
+	else
+		fertegg -= 1
+	end
+$cheatmenu['remove_preg'] = {
+	gs 'medical_din', 'remove_preg'
+	knowpregloss = 2
+	if FertEgg > 0: FertEgg = 0
+$cheatmenu['cycle'] = {
+	*clr
+	if cycle ! 5:
+		EggRH = 0
+		LutH = 0
+		Ovulate = 0
+		UnfertEgg = 0
+		FertEgg = 0
+		RecovH = 0
+		mesec = 0
+		'<a href="exec:daylastperiod = daystart & Cycle = 0 & mesec = 96 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Menstration</a>'
+		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 1 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Follicular</a>'
+		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 2 & Ovulate = 24+rand(0,20) & EggRH = 160 + 160+rand(0, 5) & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Ovulation</a>'
+		'<a href="exec:Cycle = 3 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''state'']">Luteal</a>'
+	end
+$cheatmenu['setting'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	if $theme['name'] = 'Custom': gs 'themes', 'check_custom_vars' & gs 'themes', 'set_custom' & gs '$menu_obnovit'
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	'<center><h1>Gameplay Settings</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	if Enable_nogameover = 1:
+		'Prevent Non-Drama GAMEOVER: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_nogameover = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Prevent Non-Drama GAMEOVER: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_nogameover = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if music_on = 0:
+		'Music: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:music_on = 1 & music_loop = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	else
+		'Music: Currently ON - <a href="exec:music_on = 0 & music_loop = 0 & close all & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if disable_autosave = 1:
+		'AutoSave: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:disable_autosave = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	else
+		'AutoSave: Currently ON - <a href="exec:disable_autosave = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	end
+	if autohairbrush = 1:
+		'Auto brush hair on mirror visit: Currently ON - <a href="exec:autohairbrush = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Auto brush hair on mirror visit: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:autohairbrush = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if enfullmorrout = 1:
+		'Full morning routine enabled: Currently ON - <a href="exec:enfullmorrout = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Full morning routine enabled: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:enfullmorrout = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if cyccustom = 1:
+		'Automatic period tracking: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''auto_period'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Automatic period tracking: <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''auto_period'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if cheatKlisma = 1:
+		'Enema realism: Currently ON - <a href="exec:cheatKlisma = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''enema'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Enema realism: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:cheatKlisma = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''enema'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if editpornname = 1:
+		'Editing of the names of the porn movies you stared enabled: Currently ON - <a href="exec:editpornname = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Renaming porn movies you star in: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:editpornname = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<B>Difficulty Setting</B>'
+	'At the moment it only improves rate of skill gain'
+	$temp_diff = func('_difficulty', 'getdifficulty')
+	'Difficulty: Currently at <<$temp_diff>>'
+	'<ul>'
+	'<li>set to ' + iif($temp_diff = 'easy peasy', 'easy peasy', '<a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''easy peasy'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">easy peasy</a>') + '</li>'
+	'<li>set to ' + iif($temp_diff = 'relaxed', 'relaxed', '<a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''relaxed'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">relaxed</a>') + '</li>'
+	'<li>set to ' + iif($temp_diff = 'realistic', 'realistic', '<a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''realistic'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">realistic</a>') + '</li>'
+	'<li>set to ' + iif($temp_diff = 'hardcore', 'hardcore', '<a href="exec:FUNC(''_difficulty'',''setdifficulty'',''hardcore'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''setting'']">hardcore</a>') + '</li>'
+	'</ul>'
+	killvar '$temp_diff'
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['display'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	'<center><h1>Display Setting</h1></center>'
+	*p '<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr><td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	if usePopUps = 1:
+		'Allow Popup Pictures: Currently ON - <a href="exec:usePopUps = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Allow Popup Pictures: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:usePopUps = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if set_imgh > 0: set_imgw = 0
+	if set_imgw > 0: set_imgh = 0
+	if set_imgh <= 0 and set_imgw <= 0: $set_imgh = ''
+	if set_imgh > 0:
+		'Force Image Height: <a href="exec:set_imgw = 0 & set_imgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']"><<set_imgh>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+		$set_imgh = 'Height = <<set_imgh>>'
+	else
+		'Force Image Height: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_imgw = 0 & set_imgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if set_imgw > 0:
+		'Force Image Width: <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 & set_imgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']"><<set_imgw>></a>, Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_imgw=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+		$set_imgh = 'Width = <<set_imgw>>'
+	else
+		'Force Image Width: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_imgh = 0 &set_imgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	*p 'Girl Life Theme Selection: '
+	*p iif($theme['name'] = 'Dynamic', 'Dynamic&nbsp;|&nbsp;', '<a href="exec:gs ''themes'', ''set_dynamic'' & gs ''$menu_obnovit'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Dynamic</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;')
+	*p iif($theme['name'] = 'White', 'White&nbsp;|&nbsp;', '<a href="exec:gs ''themes'', ''set_white'' & gs ''$menu_obnovit'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">White</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;')
+	*p iif($theme['name'] = 'Black', 'Pitch Black&nbsp;|&nbsp;', '<a href="exec:gs ''themes'', ''set_black'' & gs ''$menu_obnovit'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Pitch Black</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;')
+	*p iif($theme['name'] = 'Modern Grey', 'Modern Grey&nbsp;|&nbsp;', '<a href="exec:gs ''themes'', ''set_gray'' & gs ''$menu_obnovit'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Modern Grey</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;')
+	*p iif($theme['name'] = 'Custom', 'Custom&nbsp;', '<a href="exec:gs ''themes'', ''set_custom'' & gs ''$menu_obnovit'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Custom</a>&nbsp;')
+	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/preferences<<iif(theme[''is_dark''] = 0, ''_b'', ''_w'')>>.png" height="<<fsize*15/10>>"></a>'
+	'<font color="grey">Dynamic theme (default) will change colour based on the game hour.</font>'
+	*nl
+	if Enable_tablemap = 1:
+		'List friends in table: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_tablemap = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'List friends in table: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_tablemap = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if Enable_faceturn = 1:
+		'Always show face: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_faceturn = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Always show face: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_faceturn = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if Enable_Android = 1:
+		'Set Fontsize for Status: Unsupported'
+		'Android Mode:Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_Android = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+		! 'click <a href="exec:*clr & cla & FUNC (''$menu_obnovit'')">refresh</a> to refresh status window.'
+		'click <B>refresh</B> on top of status window to renew.'
+	else
+		'Android Mode: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_Android = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if loadg_show_debug = 0:
+		'Show Debug window on save load: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:loadg_show_debug = 1 & debug_warning_closed = 1 & showobjs 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn ON</a>'
+	else
+		'Show Debug window on save load: Currently ON - <a href="exec:loadg_show_debug = 0 & debug_warning_closed = 1 & showobjs 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''display'']">Turn OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*p '</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['theme_customize_input'] = {
+	if $ARGS[0] = 'fname':
+		$temp_input = $trim($input('Enter Font name:'))
+		if $temp_input ! '': $custom_theme['fname'] = $temp_input
+	elseif $ARGS[0] = 'fsize':
+		$temp_input = $trim($input('Enter Font size:'))
+		if $temp_input ! '':
+			if isnum($temp_input):
+				custom_theme['fsize'] = iif(val($temp_input) <= 9, 9, val($temp_input))
+			else
+				msg 'invalid input'
+			end
+		end
+	elseif $ARGS[0] = 'increment':
+		$temp_input = $trim($input('Enter increment:'))
+		if $temp_input ! '':
+			if isnum($temp_input):
+				custom_theme['increment'] = iif(val($temp_input) <= 1, 1, val($temp_input))
+			else
+				msg 'invalid input'
+			end
+		end
+	elseif $ARGS[0] = 'rgb':
+		result = ARGS[2]
+		$temp_input = $ucase($trim($input('Enter <<$ARGS[1]>> color component in 0 - 255 or 00 - FF format')))
+		if $temp_input ! '':
+			if isnum($temp_input) ! 0:
+				if val($temp_input) < 0 or val($temp_input) > 255:
+					msg 'invalid input'
+				else
+					temp_result = val($temp_input)
+				end
+			else
+				if len($temp_input) > 2 or instr('0123456789ABCDEF', $mid($temp_input, 1, 1)) = 0 or instr('0123456789ABCDEF', $mid($temp_input, 2, 1)) = 0:
+					msg 'invalid input'
+				else
+					temp_result = func('shortgs', 'hex_str_to_int', $temp_input)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if arrsize('temp_result') = 1:
+			if $ARGS[1] = 'red':
+				result = ((ARGS[2] and (-256)) or temp_result)
+			elseif $ARGS[1] = 'green':
+				result = ((ARGS[2] and (-65281)) or (temp_result * 256))
+			elseif $ARGS[1] = 'blue':
+				result = ((ARGS[2] and (-16711681)) or (temp_result * 65536))
+			end
+		end
+		killvar 'temp_result'
+	elseif $ARGS[0] = 'hex':
+		result = ARGS[1]
+		$temp_input = $ucase($trim($input('Enter color in ABC or AABBCC format')))
+		if $temp_input ! '':
+			$temp_input = $replace($temp_input, '#')
+			temp_length = len($temp_input)
+			if temp_length = 3 or temp_length = 6:
+				temp_index = 1
+				:is_hex_loop
+					if instr('0123456789ABCDEF', $mid($temp_input, temp_index, 1)) = 0:
+						msg 'invalid input' & jump 'invalid_input_exit'
+					end
+				if temp_index < temp_length: temp_index += 1 & jump 'is_hex_loop'
+				killvar 'temp_index'
+				if temp_length = 3:
+					$temp_red = $mid($temp_input, 1, 1) & $temp_red = $temp_red + $temp_red
+					$temp_green = $mid($temp_input, 2, 1) & $temp_green = $temp_green + $temp_green
+					$temp_blue = $mid($temp_input, 3, 1) & $temp_blue = $temp_blue + $temp_blue
+				else
+					$temp_red = $mid($temp_input, 1, 2)
+					$temp_green = $mid($temp_input, 3, 2)
+					$temp_blue = $mid($temp_input, 5, 2)
+				end
+				result = rgb(func('shortgs', 'hex_str_to_int', $temp_red), func('shortgs', 'hex_str_to_int', $temp_green), func('shortgs', 'hex_str_to_int', $temp_blue))
+				killvar '$temp_red' & killvar '$temp_green' & killvar '$temp_blue'
+			else
+				msg 'invalid input'
+			end
+			:invalid_input_exit
+			killvar 'temp_length'
+		end
+	end
+	killvar '$temp_input'
+$cheatmenu['extract_color_component'] = {
+	if $ARGS[0] = 'red':
+		result = (ARGS[1] and 255)
+	elseif $ARGS[0] = 'green':
+		result = ((ARGS[1] and 65280) / 256)
+	elseif $ARGS[0] = 'blue':
+		result = ((ARGS[1] and 16711680) / 65536)
+	end
+$cheatmenu['theme_customize_increment'] = {
+	if $ARGS[0] = 'rgb':
+		result = dyneval($cheatmenu['extract_color_component'], $ARGS[1], ARGS[2]) + ARGS[3]
+		result = iif(result > 255, result - 256, iif(result < 0, 256 + result, result))
+		if $ARGS[1] = 'red':
+			result = ((ARGS[2] and (-256)) or result)
+		elseif $ARGS[1] = 'green':
+			result = ((ARGS[2] and (-65281)) or (result * 256))
+		elseif $ARGS[1] = 'blue':
+			result = ((ARGS[2] and (-16711681)) or (result * 65536))
+		else
+			result = ARGS[2]
+		end
+	end
+$cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'] = {
+	$result = '<a href="exec: <<$ARGS[1]>> = dyneval($cheatmenu[''theme_customize_increment''], ''rgb'', ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[1]>>, -custom_theme[''increment'']) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/less<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	$result += '&nbsp;<<dyneval($cheatmenu[''extract_color_component''], ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', dyneval(''result = <<$ARGS[1]>>''))>>&nbsp;'
+	$result += '<a href="exec: <<$ARGS[1]>> = dyneval($cheatmenu[''theme_customize_increment''], ''rgb'', ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[1]>>, custom_theme[''increment'']) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/more<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	$result += '&nbsp;'
+	$result += '<a href="exec: <<$ARGS[1]>> = dyneval($cheatmenu[''theme_customize_input''], ''rgb'', ''<<$ARGS[0]>>'', <<$ARGS[1]>>) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/pencil<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+$cheatmenu['theme_customize'] = {
+	*clr
+	gs 'themes', 'check_custom_vars'
+	if $theme['name'] = 'Custom': gs 'themes', 'set_custom' & gs '$menu_obnovit'
+	menu_page = -1
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	cla
+	act 'Return': menu_page = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu['display']
+	act 'Presets': dynamic $cheatmenu['theme_presets']
+	act 'Export': dynamic $cheatmenu['theme_export']
+	act 'Import': killvar 'menu_page' & gt 'initg', 'set_game_set'
+	'<center><h1>Customize Theme</h1></center>'
+	*p '<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr><td bgcolor="black" width="50%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><font face="Tahoma" size="4" color="white">'
+	$icon_selector = '_w'
+	icon_height = 13
+!!  --- FONT ---
+	*p 'Font Family: <<$custom_theme[''fname'']>>&nbsp;'
+	*pl '<a href="exec: dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize_input''], ''fname'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/pencil<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*p 'Font Size:&nbsp;'
+	*p '<a href="exec: custom_theme[''fsize''] = iif(custom_theme[''fsize''] <= 9, 9, custom_theme[''fsize''] - 1) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/less<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*p '&nbsp;<<custom_theme[''fsize'']>>&nbsp;'
+	*p '<a href="exec: custom_theme[''fsize''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/more<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*pl '&nbsp;<a href="exec: dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize_input''], ''fsize'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/pencil<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+!!  --- BCOLOR ---
+	*nl
+	*p 'BG Color: <<func(''shortgs'', ''rgb_to_hex'', custom_theme[''bcolor''])>>&nbsp;'
+	*pl '<a href="exec: custom_theme[''bcolor''] = dyneval($cheatmenu[''theme_customize_input''], ''hex'', custom_theme[''bcolor'']) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/pencil<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*p 'R:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'red', 'custom_theme[''bcolor'']') + '&nbsp;|&nbsp;'
+	*p 'G:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'green', 'custom_theme[''bcolor'']') + '&nbsp;|&nbsp;'
+	*pl 'B:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'blue', 'custom_theme[''bcolor'']')
+!!  --- FCOLOR ---
+	*nl
+	*p 'FG (text) Color: <<func(''shortgs'', ''rgb_to_hex'', custom_theme[''fcolor''])>>&nbsp;'
+	*pl '<a href="exec: custom_theme[''fcolor''] = dyneval($cheatmenu[''theme_customize_input''], ''hex'', custom_theme[''fcolor'']) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/pencil<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*p 'R:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'red', 'custom_theme[''fcolor'']') + '&nbsp;|&nbsp;'
+	*p 'G:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'green', 'custom_theme[''fcolor'']') + '&nbsp;|&nbsp;'
+	*pl 'B:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'blue', 'custom_theme[''fcolor'']')
+!!  --- LCOLOR ---
+	*nl
+	*p 'Link Color: <<func(''shortgs'', ''rgb_to_hex'', custom_theme[''lcolor''])>>&nbsp;'
+	*pl '<a href="exec: custom_theme[''lcolor''] = dyneval($cheatmenu[''theme_customize_input''], ''hex'', custom_theme[''lcolor'']) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/pencil<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*p 'R:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'red', 'custom_theme[''lcolor'']') + '&nbsp;|&nbsp;'
+	*p 'G:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'green', 'custom_theme[''lcolor'']') + '&nbsp;|&nbsp;'
+	*pl 'B:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'blue', 'custom_theme[''lcolor'']')
+!!  --- TABLE BG ---
+	*nl
+	*p 'Table BG: <<func(''shortgs'', ''rgb_to_hex'', custom_theme[''table_bg''])>>&nbsp;'
+	*pl '<a href="exec: custom_theme[''table_bg''] = dyneval($cheatmenu[''theme_customize_input''], ''hex'', custom_theme[''table_bg'']) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/pencil<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*p 'R:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'red', 'custom_theme[''table_bg'']') + '&nbsp;|&nbsp;'
+	*p 'G:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'green', 'custom_theme[''table_bg'']') + '&nbsp;|&nbsp;'
+	*pl 'B:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'blue', 'custom_theme[''table_bg'']')
+!!  --- TABLE BG ALT ---
+	*nl
+	*p 'Alt Table BG: <<func(''shortgs'', ''rgb_to_hex'', custom_theme[''table_bg_alt''])>>&nbsp;'
+	*pl '<a href="exec: custom_theme[''table_bg_alt''] = dyneval($cheatmenu[''theme_customize_input''], ''hex'', custom_theme[''table_bg_alt'']) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/pencil<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*p 'R:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'red', 'custom_theme[''table_bg_alt'']') + '&nbsp;|&nbsp;'
+	*p 'G:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'green', 'custom_theme[''table_bg_alt'']') + '&nbsp;|&nbsp;'
+	*pl 'B:&nbsp;' + dyneval($cheatmenu['theme_customize_print_color_line'], 'blue', 'custom_theme[''table_bg_alt'']')
+!!  --- DARK MODE ---
+	*nl
+	*p 'Dark Mode&nbsp;'
+	if $custom_theme['is_dark'] = '0':
+		*pl '<a href="exec: $custom_theme[''is_dark''] = ''1'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/box<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	else
+		*pl '<a href="exec: $custom_theme[''is_dark''] = ''0'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/check<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	end
+!!  --- INCREMENT ---
+	*nl
+	if custom_theme['increment'] = 0: custom_theme['increment'] = 16
+	*p 'Increment:&nbsp;'
+	*p '<a href="exec: custom_theme[''increment''] = iif(custom_theme[''increment''] <= 1, 1, custom_theme[''increment''] - 1) & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/less<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*p '&nbsp;<<custom_theme[''increment'']>>&nbsp;'
+	*p '<a href="exec: custom_theme[''increment''] += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/more<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*pl '&nbsp;<a href="exec: dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize_input''], ''increment'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme_customize'']"><img src="images/system/ui/pencil<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></img></a>'
+	*p '</font></td>'
+!!  --- LOREM IPSUM ---
+	$icon_selector = iif(theme['is_dark'] = 0, '_b', '_w')
+	icon_height = fsize * 15 / 10
+	*p '<td width="50%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	*p '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."'
+	*p '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20">'
+	*p '<tr><td></td></tr>'
+	$temp_bgcolor = func('themes', 'alt_color', $temp_bgcolor)
+	*p '<tr bgcolor="<<$temp_bgcolor>>"><td>Table Color</td><td align="center" width="6%"><img src="images/system/ui/more<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></td></tr>'
+	$temp_bgcolor = func('themes', 'alt_color', $temp_bgcolor)
+	*p '<tr bgcolor="<<$temp_bgcolor>>"><td>Alt Table Color</td><td align="center" width="6%"><img src="images/system/ui/less<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></td></tr>'
+	$temp_bgcolor = func('themes', 'alt_color', $temp_bgcolor)
+	*p '<tr bgcolor="<<$temp_bgcolor>>"><td>Table Color</td><td align="center" width="6%"><img src="images/system/ui/preferences<<$icon_selector>>.png" height="<<icon_height>>"></td></tr>'
+	*p '</table>'
+	*p '</td></tr></table></center>'
+	killvar '$icon_selector' & killvar 'icon_height' & killvar '$temp_bgcolor'
+	*nl
+	'<b>The standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s</b>'
+	*nl
+	'"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."'
+	*nl
+	'<b>Section 1.10.32 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC</b>'
+	*nl
+	'"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"'
+	*nl
+	'<b>1914 translation by H. Rackham</b>'
+	*nl
+	'"But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?"'
+	*nl
+	'<b>Section 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC</b>'
+	*nl
+	'"At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat."'
+	*nl
+	'<b>1914 translation by H. Rackham</b>'
+	*nl
+	'"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."'
+$cheatmenu['theme_presets'] = {
+	cla
+	act 'Return': dynamic $cheatmenu['theme_customize']
+	act 'White': gs 'themes', 'set_white' & dynamic $cheatmenu['theme_presets_copy']
+	act 'Black': gs 'themes', 'set_black' & dynamic $cheatmenu['theme_presets_copy']
+	act 'Modern Grey': gs 'themes', 'set_gray' & dynamic $cheatmenu['theme_presets_copy']
+$cheatmenu['theme_presets_copy'] = {
+	$custom_theme['fname'] = $theme['fname']
+	custom_theme['fsize'] = theme['fsize']
+	custom_theme['bcolor'] = theme['bcolor']
+	custom_theme['fcolor'] = theme['fcolor']
+	custom_theme['lcolor'] = theme['lcolor']
+	custom_theme['table_bg'] = theme['table_bg']
+	custom_theme['table_bg_alt'] = theme['table_bg_alt']
+	$custom_theme['is_dark'] = str(theme['is_dark'])
+	gs 'themes', 'set_custom'
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['theme_customize']
+$cheatmenu['theme_export'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	act 'Return': dynamic $cheatmenu['theme_customize']
+	"$custom_theme['fname'] = '<<$custom_theme['fname']>>'"
+	"custom_theme['fsize'] = <<custom_theme['fsize']>>"
+	""
+	"custom_theme['bcolor'] = <<custom_theme['bcolor']>>"
+	"custom_theme['fcolor'] = <<custom_theme['fcolor']>>"
+	"custom_theme['lcolor'] = <<custom_theme['lcolor']>>"
+	""
+	"custom_theme['table_bg'] = <<custom_theme['table_bg']>>"
+	"custom_theme['table_bg_alt'] = <<custom_theme['table_bg_alt']>>"
+	""
+	"$custom_theme['is_dark'] = '<<$custom_theme['is_dark']>>'"
+$cheatmenu['status'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><h1>Status Window Settings</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	if disable_LoadSave = 0:
+		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently Image - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Text</a>'
+	elseif disable_LoadSave = 1:
+		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Image</a>'
+	elseif disable_LoadSave = 2:
+		'Save/Load Buttons: Currently Text - <a href="exec:disable_LoadSave = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	!disabled inner thought font selection during char creation, as it breaks menu.
+	if settingmode = 0:
+		'<a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''fonts'', ''$cheatmenu[''''display'''']'',''$OpenInnerThought'',''$CloseInnerThought'' ">Set</a> the font style of inner thoughts'
+		$OpenInnerThought+'Oh my god, what will the neighbours think of us?'+$CloseInnerThought
+	end
+	*nl
+	'Switch to the <a href="exec:TempUnit = '+iif(TempUnit = 0,'1 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">Fahrenheit','0 & gs ''outdoors'',''weather'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">Celsius')+'</a> scale'
+	*nl
+	'Scale Weather Banner: <a href="exec:default_wbanner = 1 & set_weatherht=input(''Weather Banner Height (Default: 72 Min: 50 Max: 100)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_weatherht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_wbanner = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(72)</a>'
+		if set_weatherht < 50:
+			set_weatherht = 50
+		elseif set_weatherht > 100:
+			set_weatherht = 100
+		end
+	'Scale Menu Icons: <a href="exec:default_menu_icons = 1 & set_miconht=input(''Weather Banner Height (Default: 54 Min: 10 Max: 75)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_miconht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_menu_icons = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(54)</a>'
+		if set_miconht < 10:
+			set_miconht = 10
+		elseif set_miconht > 75:
+			set_miconht = 75
+		end
+	if cheatStatusIcons = 0:
+		'Status icons: Click to <a href="exec:cheatStatusIcons = 1 & disable_show_icons = 1 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">hide</a> them.'
+		'Status Icon Height: <a href="exec:default_status_icons = 1 & set_siconht=input(''Input Status Icon Height (Default: 54 Min: 10 Max: 75)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_siconht>></a>, Reset to default <a href="exec:default_status_icons = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">(54)</a>'
+	elseif cheatStatusIcons = 1:
+		'Status icons: Click to <a href="exec: cheatStatusIcons = 0 & disable_show_icons = 0 & gs ''stat'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status'']">show</a> them.'
+	end
+		if set_siconht < 10:
+			set_siconht = 10
+		elseif set_siconht > 75:
+			set_siconht = 75
+		end
+	if ETOmenu = 1:
+		'Status Display mode: Currently Text - <a href="exec:ETOmenu = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Scale Bar</a>'
+	else
+		'Status Display mode: Currently Scale Bar - <a href="exec:ETOmenu = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Select Text</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_scalepic = 1:
+		'Scalebar is now as <b>Image</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Character</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Table</a>'
+		if Enable_scalewidth > 0:
+			'Scalebar Width: <a href="exec:input(''Input Scalebar Width (default to 120)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_scalewidth-1>></a>, Set is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scalewidth = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">ON</a>'
+		else
+			'Scalebar Width: Lock is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scalewidth=1+input(''InputS calebar Width (default to 120)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">OFF</a>'
+		end
+		if Enable_scaleheight > 0:
+			'Scalebar Height: <a href="exec:input(''Input Scalebar Height (default to 15)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_scaleheight-1>></a>, Set is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scaleheight = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">ON</a>'
+		else
+			'Scalebar Height: Lock is currently <a href="exec:Enable_scaleheight=1+input(''InputS calebar Height (default to 15)'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">OFF</a>'
+		end
+	elseif Enable_scalepic = 2:
+		'Scalebar is now as <b>Character</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Image</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Table</a>'
+		if cheatStatusBars = 1:
+			'Set status bar size: Currently Small - <a href="exec:cheatStatusBars = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Set large</a>'
+		else
+			'Set status bar size: Currently Large - <a href="exec:cheatStatusBars = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Set small</a>'
+		end
+	elseif Enable_scalepic = 0:
+		'Scalebar is now as <b>Table</b>, you can switch to <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Image</a> or <a href="exec:Enable_scalepic = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Character</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_statfsize<0:Enable_statfsize=0
+	if Enable_statfsize > 0:
+		'Set Fontsize for Status: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=input(''Enter Fontsize'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<Enable_statfsize>></a>, <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Set Fontsize for Status: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_statfsize=input(''Enter fontsize'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'<center><B>Status Window toolbar</B></center>'
+	if Enable_showattr = 1:
+		'Show More attribute: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showattr = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Show More attribute: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showattr = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_showskill = 1:
+		'Show skill: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showskill = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Show skill: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showskill = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_showrelation = 1:
+		'Show relations: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showrelation = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Show relations: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showrelation = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	if Enable_showstatimg = 1:
+		'Show image toolbar: Currently ON - <a href="exec:Enable_showstatimg = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+	else
+		'Show image toolbar: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:Enable_showstatimg = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if Enable_showstatimg = 1:
+		!control image toolbar position
+		'<center><B>Image Toolbar Settings</B></center>'
+		$stat_temp_text = '<br>Image toolbar position: <B>'
+		if Enable_statimg_loc = 0:
+			$stat_temp_text += 'Middle'
+		elseif Enable_statimg_loc = 1:
+			$stat_temp_text += 'Top'
+		elseif Enable_statimg_loc = 2:
+			$stat_temp_text += 'Bottom'
+		else
+			$stat_temp_text += 'ERROR! please reset it'
+		end
+		$stat_temp_text += '</B>. You can move it to '
+		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 0:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Middle</a>'
+		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 1:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Top</a>'
+		if Enable_statimg_loc ! 2:$stat_temp_text += ' <a href="exec:Enable_statimg_loc=2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Bottom</a>'
+		$stat_temp_text
+		killvar 'stat_temp_text'
+		!End control image toolbar position
+		if set_statimgh > 0: set_statimgw = 0
+		if set_statimgw > 0: set_statimgh = 0
+		if set_statimgh <= 0 and set_statimgw <= 0: $set_statimgh = ''
+		if set_statimgh > 0:
+			'Force Image toobar height: <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & set_statimgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_statimgh>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+			$set_statimgh = 'height = <<set_statimgh>>'
+		else
+			'Force Image toobar height: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & set_statimgh=input(''Enter the height of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+		end
+		if set_statimgw > 0:
+			'Force Image toobar width: <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & set_statimgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><<set_statimgw>></a>: Currently ON - <a href="exec:set_statimgw=0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn OFF</a>'
+			$set_statimgh = 'width = <<set_statimgw>>'
+		else
+			'Force Image toobar width: Currently OFF - <a href="exec:set_statimgh=0 & set_statimgw=input(''Enter the width of the images'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''">Turn ON</a>'
+		end
+	end
+	!<a href="exec:gs ''Cheatmenu_din'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''status''] & gs ''stat''"><img src="images/system/phone/theme/<<$phonetheme_name[pcs_phonetheme]>>/icon_settings.png"></a>
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['theme'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	'<center><h1>Phone Theme Menu</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	*nl
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 0: $phoneNameTemp = 'Standard'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 1: $phoneNameTemp = 'Bimbo'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 2: $phoneNameTemp = 'Aluminus'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 3: $phoneNameTemp = 'Bottlecapped'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 4: $phoneNameTemp = 'Galactic'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 5: $phoneNameTemp = 'Vectored'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 6: $phoneNameTemp = 'Veneer'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 7: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 8: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker Red'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 9: $phoneNameTemp = 'Voidwalker Toxic'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 10: $phoneNameTemp = 'Gopnik'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 11: $phoneNameTemp = 'Sports'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 12: $phoneNameTemp = 'Succubus'
+	if pcs_phonetheme = 13: $phoneNameTemp = 'Woodshop'
+	'Current theme: <b><<$phoneNameTemp>></b>'
+	*nl
+	'Choose from the available themes'
+	*nl
+	i = 0
+	:phonethemeloop
+	if phonetheme[i] = 1:'<td align="center" valign="top"><a href="exec: pcs_phonetheme = <<i>> & gs ''telefon'',''Phone_menu'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''theme'']"><img height="100" width="100" src="images/system/phone/theme/' + $phonetheme_name[i] + '/icon_call.png"></a></td>'
+	i += 1
+	if i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i <= 3:
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 4:
+		'</tr><tr>'
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 4 and i <= 7:
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 8:
+		'</tr><tr>'
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 8 and i <= 11:
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i = 12:
+		'</tr><tr>'
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	elseif i <= ARRSIZE('phonetheme') and i > 12 and i <= 15:
+		jump 'phonethemeloop'
+	end
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['pain'] = {
+	if pain['head'] < 0: pain['head'] = 0
+	if pain['hair'] < 0: pain['hair'] = 0
+	if pain['ears'] < 0: pain['ears'] = 0
+	if pain['eyebrows'] < 0: pain['eyebrows'] = 0
+	if pain['eyes'] < 0: pain['eyes'] = 0
+	if pain['cheeks'] < 0: pain['cheeks'] = 0
+	if pain['nose'] < 0: pain['nose'] = 0
+	if pain['mouth'] < 0: pain['mouth'] = 0
+	if pain['lips'] < 0: pain['lips'] = 0
+	if pain['tongue'] < 0: pain['tongue'] = 0
+	if pain['throat'] < 0: pain['throat'] = 0
+	if pain['neck'] < 0: pain['neck'] = 0
+	if pain['back'] < 0: pain['back'] = 0
+	if pain['asscheeks'] < 0: pain['asscheeks'] = 0
+	if pain['asshole'] < 0: pain['asshole'] = 0
+	if pain['hips'] < 0: pain['hips'] = 0
+	if pain['thighs'] < 0: pain['thighs'] = 0
+	if pain['legL'] < 0: pain['legL'] = 0
+	if pain['legR'] < 0: pain['legR'] = 0
+	if pain['feet'] < 0: pain['feet'] = 0
+	if pain['toes'] < 0: pain['toes'] = 0
+	if pain['shoulders'] < 0: pain['shoulders'] = 0
+	if pain['armL'] < 0: pain['armL'] = 0
+	if pain['armR'] < 0: pain['armR'] = 0
+	if pain['hands'] < 0: pain['hands'] = 0
+	if pain['fingers'] < 0: pain['fingers'] = 0
+	if pain['chest'] < 0: pain['chest'] = 0
+	if pain['breasts'] < 0: pain['breasts'] = 0
+	if pain['nipples'] < 0: pain['nipples'] = 0
+	if pain['ribs'] < 0: pain['ribs'] = 0
+	if pain['tummy'] < 0: pain['tummy'] = 0
+	if pain['pubic'] < 0: pain['pubic'] = 0
+	if pain['vaginal'] < 0: pain['vaginal'] = 0
+	if pain['clitoris'] < 0: pain['clitoris'] = 0
+	if pain['urethra'] < 0: pain['urethra'] = 0
+	if pain['cervix'] < 0: pain['cervix'] = 0
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Pain Management</h1></center>'
+	'<center><a href="exec:killvar ''pain'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">No pain</a></center>'
+	*nl
+	'<center><table  width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">'
+	'<tr><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	'pain[head] = <<pain[''head'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''head''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''head''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[hair] = <<pain[''hair'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hair''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hair''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[ears] = <<pain[''ears'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''ears''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''ears''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[eyebrows] = <<pain[''eyebrows'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''eyebrows''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''eyebrows''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[eyes] = <<pain[''eyes'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''eyes''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''eyes''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[cheeks] = <<pain[''cheeks'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''cheeks''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''cheeks''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[nose] = <<pain[''nose'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''nose''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''nose''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[mouth] = <<pain[''mouth'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''mouth''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''mouth''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[lips] = <<pain[''lips'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''lips''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''lips''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[tongue] = <<pain[''tongue'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''tongue''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''tongue''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[throat] = <<pain[''throat'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''throat''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''throat''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[neck] = <<pain[''neck'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''neck''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''neck''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[back] = <<pain[''back'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''back''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''back''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[asscheeks] = <<pain[''asscheeks'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''asscheeks''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''asscheeks''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[asshole] = <<pain[''asshole'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''asshole''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''asshole''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[hips] = <<pain[''hips'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hips''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hips''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[thighs] = <<pain[''thighs'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''thighs''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''thighs''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[left leg] = <<pain[''legL'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''legL''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''legL''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[right leg] = <<pain[''legR'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''legR''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''legR''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'</td><td width="50%" cellpadding="10" valign="top">'
+	'pain[feet] = <<pain[''feet'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''feet''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''feet''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[toes] = <<pain[''toes'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''toes''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''toes''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[shoulders] = <<pain[''shoulders'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''shoulders''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''shoulders''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[left arm] = <<pain[''armL'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''armL''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''armL''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[right arm] = <<pain[''armR'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''armR''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''armR''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[hands] = <<pain[''hands'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''hands''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''hands''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[fingers] = <<pain[''fingers'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''fingers''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''fingers''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[chest] = <<pain[''chest'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''chest''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''chest''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[breasts] = <<pain[''breasts'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''breasts''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''breasts''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[nipples] = <<pain[''nipples'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''nipples''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''nipples''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[ribs] = <<pain[''ribs'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''ribs''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''ribs''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[tummy] = <<pain[''tummy'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''tummy''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''tummy''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[pubic] = <<pain[''pubic'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''pubic''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''pubic''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[vaginal] = <<pain[''vaginal'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''vaginal''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''vaginal''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[labia] = <<pain[''labia'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''labia''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''labia''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[clitoris] = <<pain[''clitoris'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''clitoris''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''clitoris''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[urethra] = <<pain[''urethra'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''urethra''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''urethra''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'pain[cervix] = <<pain[''cervix'']>> <a href="exec:pain[''cervix''] -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:pain[''cervix''] += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''pain'']">+10</a>'
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+	*nl
+	'You may still have pain from gaping or having been spanked, you can clear these using "Cure all ailments." in "Cheat Menu - Character State Changes"'
+	'You currently have vaginal gaping of <<vgape>>'
+	'You currently have anal gaping of <<agape>>'
+	'You currently have spanked level <<spanked>>'
+$cheatmenu['DNA'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - DNA Generation</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<center>DNA string generation<br>If parents are not in game, leave the respective IDs empty</center>'
+	*nl
+	if $cheatDNAC ! '':
+		'<b>Child: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAC>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAC>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAC>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAC'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
+		npctemp = 0
+		killvar 'cheatDNAM'
+		killvar 'cheatDNAF'
+		:npcparentfind
+			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
+					$cheatDNAM = 'A<<npctemp>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
+					$cheatDNAF = 'A<<npctemp>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
+					$cheatDNAM = 'B<<npctemp>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
+					$cheatDNAF = 'B<<npctemp>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],12,10):
+					$cheatDNAM = 'C<<npctemp>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],23,10):
+					$cheatDNAF = 'C<<npctemp>>'
+				end
+			end
+		if ($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '') and ($cheatDNAM = '' or $cheatDNAF = ''):npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcparentfind'
+		killvar 'npctemp'
+	else
+		'<a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAC'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAC'']"><b>ID of child (if it is known)</b></a>'
+	end
+	if $cheatDNAM ! '':
+		'<br><b>Mother: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAM>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAM>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAM>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAM'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
+	else
+		'<br><a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAM'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAM'']"><b>ID of mother (if it is known)</b></a>'
+	end
+	if $cheatDNAF ! '':
+		'<br><b>Father: <<$npc_firstname[''<<$cheatDNAF>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''<<$cheatDNAF>>'']>></b> (<<$cheatDNAF>>)<br><<$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF]>><br><a href="exec:killvar ''cheatDNAF'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Remove</a>'
+	else
+		'<br><a href="exec:killvar ''tempDNAF'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNAF'']"><b>ID of father (if it is known)</b></a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF ! '':
+		$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF])
+	elseif $cheatDNAM ! '':
+		if $cheatDNAC ! '':
+			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','generateF',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
+		else
+			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','create')
+			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],$tempDNAF)
+		end
+	elseif $cheatDNAF ! '':
+		if $cheatDNAC ! '':
+			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','generateM',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
+		else
+			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','create')
+			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$tempDNAM,$npc_dna[$cheatDNAF])
+		end
+	else
+		if $cheatDNAC = '':
+			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','create')
+			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','create')
+			$cheatDNAgenerated = func('DNA','generate',$tempDNAM,$tempDNAF)
+		else
+			$tempDNAM = func('DNA','generateM',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
+			$tempDNAF = func('DNA','generateF',$npc_dna[$cheatDNAC])
+		end
+	end
+	if $cheatDNAM = '': '<br><b>Random mother DNA:</b> <<$tempDNAM>>'
+	if $cheatDNAF = '': '<br><b>Random father DNA:</b> <<$tempDNAF>>'
+	if $cheatDNAC = '': '<br><b>Random child DNA:</b> <<$cheatDNAgenerated>>'
+	'<br><a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''DNA'']">Generate again</a>'
+	if $cheatDNAC ! '':
+		npctemp = 0
+		:npcgparfind
+			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],34,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],56,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandmother: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],45,10) = mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],1,10) or mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAC],67,10) = mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Grandfather: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcgparfind'
+	end
+	if $cheatDNAM ! '' or $cheatDNAF ! '':
+		npctemp = 0
+		:npcchildfind
+			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10):
+					'<br><b>Existing child: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcchildfind'
+		npctemp = 0
+		:npcgchildfind
+			if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (A<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''A<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''B<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (B<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''B<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+			if $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':
+				if $cheatDNAM ! '' and $cheatDNAF = '' and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif $cheatDNAM = '' and $cheatDNAF ! '' and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				elseif ((mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],12,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) and (mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],45,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],67,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10))) or ((mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],34,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10) or mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],56,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAM],1,10)) and mid($npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'],23,10) = mid($npc_dna[$cheatDNAF],1,10)):
+					'<br><b>Existing grandchild: <<$npc_firstname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''C<<npctemp>>'']>></b> (C<<npctemp>>)<br><<$npc_dna[''C<<npctemp>>'']>>'
+				end
+			end
+		if $npc_dna['A<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['B<<npctemp>>'] ! '' or $npc_dna['C<<npctemp>>'] ! '':npctemp += 1 & jump 'npcgchildfind'
+		killvar 'npctemp'
+	end
+	killvar '$tempDNAF'
+	killvar '$tempDNAM'
+	killvar '$tempDNAC'
+	killvar 'cheatDNAgenerated'
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['DNAM'] = {
+	$cheatDNAM = input("Enter genetic mother ID (like A33, without apostrophe)")
+	if $cheatDNAM = '':exit
+	dynamic $cheatDNAM
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
+$cheatmenu['DNAF'] = {
+	$cheatDNAF = input("Enter genetic father ID (like A34, without apostrophe)")
+	if $cheatDNAF = '':exit
+	dynamic $cheatDNAF
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
+$cheatmenu['DNAC'] = {
+	$cheatDNAC = input("Enter genetic Child ID (like A34, without apostrophe)")
+	if $cheatDNAC = '':exit
+	dynamic $cheatDNAC
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['DNA']
+$cheatmenu['fame'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Display Setting</h1></center>'
+	$table['fame'] = '<center><table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" valign="top" border="1">'
+	$table['fame'] += '<th colspan="5"><b>Fame</b></th><tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<th></th><th>Pavlovsk</th><th>City</th><th>Pushkin</th><th>Gadukino</th><tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Actor</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_acting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''acting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Dancer</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_dance'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''dance'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Glamour model</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_modelling'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''modelling'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Painter</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_painting'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''painting'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Musician</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_music'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''music'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Ballet dancer</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_ballet'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''ballet'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Porn actor</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_porn'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''porn'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Stripper</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_stripping'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''stripping'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Sex</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_sex'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''sex'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Prostitution</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_prostitute'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''prostitute'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Kickboxer</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_kickboxing'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''kickboxing'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Runner</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_running'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''running'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Volleyball player</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic  $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_volleyball'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''volleyball'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Chess player</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_chess'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''chess'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Teacher</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_teaching'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''teaching'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<tr>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td>Social media</td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td> <<fame[''pav_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pav'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''city_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''city'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''pushkin_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''pushkin'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '<td><<fame[''village_media'']>>   <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', 100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">+100</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''fame'', ''village'', ''media'', -100 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''fame'']">-100</a> </td>'
+	$table['fame'] += '</table></center>'
+	$table['fame']
+$cheatmenu['quicktime'] = {
+	minut += ARGS[0]
+	*clr
+	gs 'daystart'
+	gs 'outdoors', 'weather'
+	gs 'stat'
+	gs 'fertility', 'cum_arrcheat'
+$cheatmenu = {
+	gs'stat'
+	currhour = (daystart-1) * 24 + hour
+	currday = daystart
+	temp_week = week & temp_day = day & $temp_month = $month & temp_month = month & temp_year = year & temp_hour = hour & temp_minut = minut
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Index</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''dynamic'']">Dynamic Input Command</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gs ''fertility'',''cum_arrcheat''">OOX Debug</a>'
+	'Right now <<$week[week]>> <<$month>> <<day>> <<year>> <<hour>>:<<minut>>'
+	'Jump forward <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''quicktime''], 15 & dynamic $cheatmenu">+15</a> minutes'
+	*nl
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:gt''pav_residential''">Teleport to Pavlovsk</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gt''pushkin''">Teleport to Pushkin</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gt''city_residential''">Teleport to City</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gt''gadukino''">Teleport to Gadukino</a>'
+	'<a href="exec:gt''dachi''">Teleport to Suburban Cooperative</a>'
+	*nl
+	'<font color="red"><b>WARNING!</b></font>: Teleporting while in an event may break your game. Use at your own risk!'
+	*nl
+	'Pregnancy speed multiplier: <a href="exec:if pregspeedcheat < 3:pregspeedcheat += 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu else pregspeedcheat = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu"><b><<pregspeedcheat+1>></b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''vartracker'']"><b>Variable tracker</b></a>'
+	'</tr></table></b></center>'
+$cheatmenu['vartracker'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	act 'Return to cheat index': dynamic $cheatmenu
+	'<center><h1>Cheat menu</h1></center>'
+	'<center>For testing purposes.<br>If reporting a bug only the lines in red are neccessary.</center>'
+	*nl
+	'$loc: <<$loc>>'
+	'$locM: <<$locM>>'
+	'<font color = red>$CURLOC: <<$CURLOC>></font>'
+	'$location_type: <<$location_type>>'
+	'$home[''current'']: <<$home[''current'']>>'
+	'$home[''town'']: <<$home[''town'']>>'
+	'$home[''name'']: <<$home[''name'']>>'
+	'daystart: <<daystart>>'
+	'daystart_start: <<daystart_start>>'
+	'month: <<month>>'
+	'week: <<week>>'
+	'$temperature: <<$temperature>>'
+	'pfilmday: <<pfilmday>>'
+	'$pfname: <<$pfname>>'
+	'modelmon: <<modelmon>>'
+	'min_arousal: <<min_arousal>>'
+	'pcs_nips: <<pcs_nips>>'
+	'clit_size: <<clit_size>>'
+	'steroids: <<mc_inventory[''steroids'']>>'
+	'steroids_used: <<drugVars[''steroids_used'']>>'
+	'steroid_dose: <<drugVars[''steroids_dose'']>>'
+	'aphrodisiac pills: <<mc_inventory[''aphrodisiac'']>>'
+	'aphrodisiac_counter: <<aphrodisiac_counter>>'
+	'aphrodisiac_timer: <<drugVars[''aphrodisiac_timer'']>>'
+	'aphrodisiac_addiction: <<drugVars[''aphrodisiac_addict'']>>'
+	'breastcream: <<mc_inventory[''breastcream'']>>'
+	'motherQW: <<npc_QW[''A29'']>>'
+	'Anastasia quest level: <<npc_QW[''A192'']>>'
+	'sex: <<stat[''vaginal'']>>'
+	'$clothingworntype: <<$clothingworntype>>'
+	'PCloQuality: <<PCloQuality>>'
+	'Mira''s Father Quest (npc_QW[''A64'']): <<npc_QW[''A64'']>>'
+	'Mira''s Quest (npc_QW[''A60'']): <<npc_QW[''A60'']>>'
+	'mirasextimes: <<mirasextimes>>'
+	'Mira''s Relationship (npc_rel[''A60'']): <<npc_rel[''A60'']>>'
+	'Mitka''s Quest (npc_QW[''A63'']): <<npc_QW[''A63'']>>'
+	'mirabrosextime: <<mirabrosextime>>'
+	'momslut: <<momslut>>'
+	'Kirill''s Relationship (Kirill): <<Kirill>>'
+	'Kirill''s Corruption (Kirill_Crpt): <<Kirill_Crpt>>'
+	'children: <<kid>>'
+	!! BabyEmbryo is for how many unborn babies inside PC.
+	'fetus number: <<BabyEmbryo>>'
+	!! preg is your pregnancy state. 0 is not pregnant, 1 is pregnant in general, 2 is in labor.
+	'pregnancy state: <<preg>>'
+	!! thinkpreg is if svetka thinks she is pregnant
+	'thinkpreg: <<thinkpreg>>'
+	!! knowpreg is for solid proof svetlana is pregnant, like a pregnancy test.
+	'knowpreg: <<knowpreg>>'
+	!! knowpregrecover is for Svetlanas knowledge that she just gave birth.
+	'knowpregrecover: <<knowpregrecover>>'
+	!! knowpregloss is for Svetlanas knowledge that she lost a baby. 1 is for an abortion, 2 is for a miscarrage.
+	'knowpregloss: <<knowpregloss>>'
+	!! cycle is Svetlanas current fertility cycle. 5 is pregnant, 4 is recovering, 3 is luteal, 2 is ovulation, 1 is foccular, 0 is menstration.
+	'cycle: <<cycle>>'
+	!! menoage is the age Svetlana will be when she goes through menopause.
+	'menoage: <<menoage>>'
+	!! age is how old Svetlana is in years.
+	'age: <<age>>'
+	!! mesec is for how many hours of bleeding Svetlana has left in her current fertility cycle
+	'mesec: <<mesec>>'
+	!! FocH is for how many hours of Foccular cycle Svetlana has gone through in her current fertility cycle. Focular starts at the end of her Luteal and contains the bleeding period in Svetkas cycle.
+	'FocH: <<FocH>>'
+	!! EggRH is for the level of egg release that Svetlana has for her ovulation event. 150 generates a single egg, higher amounts might release more.
+	'EggRH: <<EggRH>>'
+	!! Ovulate is the amount of hours remaining in Svetlanas ovulation period of her current fertility cycle.
+	'Ovulate: <<Ovulate>>'
+	!! UnfertEgg is how many unfertilized eggs Svetlana has in her for fertilization during her Ovulation period. Unfertilized eggs are removed at the end of her Ovulation period.
+	'UnfertEgg: <<UnfertEgg>>'
+	!! FertEgg is how many unimplanted eggs Svetlana has in her. These are possible babies, but they die 330 hours after ovulation if they do not implant.
+	'FertEgg: <<FertEgg>>'
+	!! babyptype is the pregnancy type of unborn babies. they might be unimplanted 0, healthy 1, or Ectopic 2. Future pregnancy complications should use this variable
+	if FertEgg > 0:
+		i = arrpos('$kidname','unborn')
+		imax = arrsize('$kidname')-1
+		:chlp
+			'	<<i+1>>. baby''s pregnancy type: <<babyptype[i]>>'
+		if i < imax: i += 1 & jump 'chlp'
+		killvar 'i'
+		killvar 'imax'
+	end
+	!! BabyEmbryo is for implanted babies. These are solid pregnancies.
+	'Implanted Embryos: <<BabyEmbryo>>'
+	!! ferteggage is for the time since the ovulation event. They last 330 hours before they die if not implanted.
+	'ferteggage: <<ferteggage>>'
+	!! PregChem is the level of pregnancy, measured in hour parts.
+	'PregChem: <<PregChem>>'
+	!! pillcon is the level of birth control to prevent svetlana from getting pregnant. Higher concentrations increase effectivity until it reaches it''s ideal level.
+	'pillcon: <<pillcon>>'
+	!! believed pillcon is the level of birth control svetlana thinks she has. This may be different from the actual level due to sabotage or a bad habit of not taking your pill.
+	'Believed pillcon: <<pillcon2>>'
+	!! RecovH is the amount of recover hours before Svetlanas fertility cycle resets after having a baby.
+	'RecovH: <<RecovH>>'
+	!! daylastperiod is for Svetlanas knowledge on when she began her last period
+	'daylastperiod: <<daylastperiod>> (daystart difference: <<daystart-daylastperiod>>)'
+	!! lastmens is for the last day that Svetlana bled during her last cycle.
+	'lastmens: <<lastmens>>'
+	!! firstmens is for the first day that Svetlana bled during her last cycle. this is different than daylastperiod because this is the actual date, while daylastperiod is when Svetlana remembers it being.
+	'firstmens: <<lastmens>> (daystart difference: <<daystart-firstmens>>)'
+	'hypnoTime: <<hypnoTime>>'
+	'hypnoStrength: <<hypnoStrength>>'
+	'hypnoDay: <<hypnoDay>>'
+	'hypnoAddict: <<hypnoAddict>>'
+	'missCum: <<missCum>>'
+	if preziktype = 0:
+		'condoms: in use(normal)/damaged/bad condoms: <<mc_inventory[''equipped_condoms'']+mc_inventory[''normal_condoms''] >>/<<mc_inventory[''sabotaged_condoms'']>>/<<mc_inventory[''bad_condoms'']>>'
+	elseif preziktype = 1:
+		'condoms: (Not in use) normal/damaged/bad condoms: <<mc_inventory[''normal_condoms'']>>/<<mc_inventory[''sabotaged_condoms'']>>/<<mc_inventory[''bad_condoms'']>>'
+	else
+		'condoms: in use (damaged)/normal/bad condoms: <<mc_inventory[''equipped_condoms'']+mc_inventory[''sabotaged_condoms'']>>/<<mc_inventory[''normal_condoms'']>>/<<mc_inventory[''bad_condoms'']>>'
+	end
+	if mc_inventory['contraceptive_pill'] > 0:
+		'pack(s) of birth control pills: <<mc_inventory[''contraceptive_pill'']>>'
+		if tabletkiold > 0: '	<<tabletkiold>> expired pack'
+		if tabletkifake > 0: '	<<tabletkifake>> counterfeit pack'
+		if tabletkirej > 0: '	<<tabletkirej>> factory rejected pack'
+		if tabletkifert > 0: '	<<tabletkifert>> fertility hormones pack'
+		if tabletkisug > 0: '	<<tabletkisug>> sugar pills pack'
+	end
+	if pillsleft[ptype] > 0:
+		if ptype = 0: $pilltype = 'normal '
+		if ptype = 1: $pilltype = 'expired '
+		if ptype = 2: $pilltype = 'counterfeit '
+		if ptype = 3: $pilltype = 'factory rejected '
+		if ptype = 4: $pilltype = 'sugar '
+		if ptype = 5: $pilltype = 'fertility hormone '
+		'<<pillsleft[ptype]>> <<$pilltype>>pills left of your currently used pack'
+		killvar '$pilltype'
+	end
+$cheatmenu['bdimmain'] = {
+	gs 'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Body Image Sets</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><tr>'
+	'<td width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<center><b>Body Image Controls</b></center>'
+	*nl
+	'You are currently using set: <<$bodimgsets[((bodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
+	if bdsetlock = 1:
+		'The set used is locked to current.'
+	else
+		'The set used is unlocked.'
+	end
+	*nl
+	'This is the current default and custom (if any) body image sets:'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[9]>></b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[19]>></b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[29]>></b></a>'
+	*nl
+	if bodsetcnt >= 4:
+		'You may edit aspects of a custom image set by clicking on their folder names below.'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[49]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 3:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	if bodsetcnt >= 5:
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[59]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 4:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	if bodsetcnt >= 6:
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[69]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 5:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	if bodsetcnt >= 7:
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[79]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 6:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	if bodsetcnt >= 8:
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 8 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[89]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 7:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	if bodsetcnt >= 9:
+		'<a href="exec:chmbodset = 9 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b><<$bodimgsets[99]>></b></a>'
+		*nl
+	elseif bodsetcnt = 8:
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstadd'']"><b>Add new set</b></a>'
+		*nl
+	end
+	'</td></tr></table></center>'
+$cheatmenu['bdimdisplay'] = {
+	gs 'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><h1>Cheat menu</h1></center>'
+	*nl
+	'<center><b>Body Image Set Display</b></center>'
+	'<a href="exec:killvar ''chmbodset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimmain'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
+	*nl
+	if bdsetlock = 1 and chmbodset = fixbodset:
+		'This is the currently locked set.'
+		'<a href="exec:bdsetlock = 0 & bodset = 1 & killvar ''fixbodset'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Clear the lock.</b></a>'
+	else
+		'<a href="exec:bdsetlock = 1 & bodset = chmbodset & fixbodset = chmbodset & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Use this set only.</b></a>'
+	end
+	*nl
+	if chmbodset <= 3:
+		'Folder: <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
+		'Descriptors:'
+		*nl
+		if chmbodset = 3:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/1.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 1)]>></a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/2.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 2)]>></a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/3.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 3)]>></a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/4.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 4)]>></a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/5.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 5)]>></a>'
+		*nl
+		if chmbodset = 3:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if chmbodset = 3:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+		if chmbodset = 3:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/8.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 8)]>></a>'
+		end
+		*nl
+	else
+		'Folder: <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>'
+		'Descriptors: (Displayed as "You are:")'
+		if imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 0</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/0.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 0)]>></a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset0ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 0</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		end
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/1.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 1)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/2.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 2)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/3.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 3)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 3 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/4.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 4)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 4 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+		*nl
+		'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/5.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 5)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 5 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+		*nl
+		if imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 6 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 6</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/6.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 6)]>></a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset6ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 6</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		end
+		if imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 1:
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/<<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a> -- <a href="exec:chmbddes = 7 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdesed'']">Edit this</a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using a <a href="exec:imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">custom image 7</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		else
+			'<a href="exec:view ''images/pc/body/shape/7.jpg''"><<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 7)]>></a>'
+			*nl
+			'You are using the <a href="exec:imgset7ovr[chmbodset] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']">default image 7</a> for this set.'
+			*nl
+		end
+		'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']">Delete this set.</a>'
+	end
+$cheatmenu['bdimcstdel'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><b>Body Image Set Removal</b></center>'
+	'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'This is where you remove a body image set from use, please note it does not delete anything, it just clears the custom set from this game instance/save.'
+	if klsetask = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:klsetask = 2 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']"><b>Are you sure you want to remove set <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>?</b></a>'
+	elseif klsetask = 2:
+		if chmbodset <= 2:
+			'You have encoutered error 1'
+			'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
+			exit
+		end
+		if bdsetlock = 1 and fixbodset >= chmbodset: bdsetlock = 0 & killvar 'fixbodset'
+		if bodsetcnt > chmbodset:
+			cyci1 = 0
+			cyci2 = chmbodset
+			:overwriter1
+			$bodimgsets[((cyci2 * 10) + cyci1)] = $bodimgsets[(((cyci2 + 1) * 10) + cyci1)]
+			cyci1 += 1
+			if cyci1 < 10: jump 'overwriter1'
+			imgset6ovr[cyci2] = imgset6ovr[(cyci2 + 1)]
+			imgset7ovr[cyci2] = imgset7ovr[(cyci2 + 1)]
+			cyci1 = 0
+			cyci2 += 1
+			if cyci2 < bodsetcnt: jump 'overwriter1'
+			killvar 'cyci1' & killvar 'cyci2'
+		elseif bodsetcnt < chmbodset:
+			'You have encoutered error 2'
+			'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimdisplay'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
+			exit
+		end
+		cyci1 = 9
+		:poofer1
+		killvar 'bodimgsets', ((bodsetcnt * 10) + cyci1)
+		cyci1 -= 1
+		if cyci1 >= 0: jump 'poofer1'
+		killvar 'cyci1'
+		killvar 'imgset6ovr', bodsetcnt
+		killvar 'imgset7ovr', bodsetcnt
+		bodsetcnt -= 1
+		killvar 'klsetask'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimmain']
+	else
+		'<a href="exec:klsetask = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstdel'']">Remove set <<$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + 9)]>>?</a>'
+	end
+$cheatmenu['bdimcstadd'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><b>Body Image Set Addition</b></center>'
+	'<a href="exec:killvar ''klsetask'' & dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimmain'']"><b>Go Back</b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'This is where you can add a new image set to a game.'
+	'To add an image set, create a folder in images/pc/body/shape/ and name it anything you want (shorter will be easier to remember). Then put in it any images you want named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc. up 5, 6, or 7. Just make sure it contains images 1 to 5. Once you have done that, click the link below and put in your folder name to add that set.'
+	'Note: This will only be for this instance/save of the game and you will have to redo the click the link step if you want to add the same folder to a different instance/save.'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''bdimcstaddpro'']">Add Image Set</a>'
+$cheatmenu['bdimcstaddpro'] = {
+	$tmpstrg = input("Enter folder name, do not include ''\''")
+	if $tmpstrg = '':
+		killvar '$tmpstrg'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimcstadd']
+	else
+		bodsetcnt += 1
+		cyci1 = 0
+		:addcyc
+		$bodimgsets[((bodsetcnt * 10) + cyci1)] = $bodimgsets[(10 + cyci1)]
+		cyci1 += 1
+		if cyci1 < 9: jump 'addcyc'
+		$bodimgsets[((bodsetcnt * 10) + 9)] = $tmpstrg
+		imgset6ovr[bodsetcnt] = 0
+		imgset7ovr[bodsetcnt] = 0
+		killvar '$tmpstrg'
+		killvar 'cyci1'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimmain']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['bdimcstdesed'] = {
+	$tmpstrg = input("Enter a new descriptor")
+	if $tmpstrg = '':
+		killvar 'chmbddes'
+		killvar '$tmpstrg'
+	else
+		$bodimgsets[((chmbodset * 10) + chmbddes)] = $tmpstrg
+		killvar 'chmbddes'
+		killvar '$tmpstrg'
+		dynamic $cheatmenu['bdimdisplay']
+	end
+$cheatmenu['succubreset'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	'Are you sure you want to reset your Succubus status? You will lose all levels, saved power, and succubus skill levels.'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''magic'']"><b>No, nevermind.</b></a>'
+	*nl
+	'<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''sucresetdo'']"><b>Yes, remove & reset Succubus status</b></a>'
+$cheatmenu['sucresetdo'] = {
+!!	Probably do not need to kill all of these, but better to unload them.
+	killvar 'scfwon'
+	killvar 'scpopt'
+	killvar '$sclocrt'
+	killvar '$scargrt'
+	killvar '$scsubloc'
+	killvar 'suceatinit'
+	killvar 'succubusflag'
+	killvar 'succubusQW'
+	killvar '$sucself1'
+	killvar 'succublvl'
+	killvar 'succubxp'
+	killvar 'sucxpsnapshot'
+	killvar 'succhungry'
+	killvar 'sucexcess'
+	killvar 'sexnutrition'
+	killvar 'suclezsex'
+	killvar 'sucabslez'
+	killvar 'sucabscum'
+	killvar '$sucabs1'
+	killvar '$sucabs2'
+	killvar '$sucabs3'
+	killvar 'succonfail'
+	killvar 'sucpowzeroed'
+	killvar 'suchuntday'
+	killvar 'sucpcinfo'
+	killvar 'karinsucsex'
+	killvar 'karinsucsexday'
+	killvar 'karinsucsexask'
+	killvar 'tatianasucsex'
+	killvar 'tatianasucsexday'
+	killvar 'tatianasucsexask'
+	killvar 'sucwalkday'
+	killvar '$sucgoloc'
+	killvar '$sucgometka'
+	killvar 'sucskill'
+	killvar 'sucstorecap'
+	killvar 'sucinfoday'
+	killvar 'sctrainprep'
+!!	This list will be updated as new variables are added
+	dynamic $cheatmenu['magic']
+$cheatmenu['about'] = {
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'settingtabs'
+	gs 'stat'
+	gs 'saveg'
+	gs 'addbuilddate'
+	'<center><h1>About Window</h1></center>'
+	'<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top">'
+	'<tr><td><h3><center>Girl Life version <<version_major+"."+version_minor+"."+version_revision+"."+version_patch+iif($git_hash ! "", "<br>"+$git_hash+" (dev build)", "")>></center></h3></td></tr>'
+	'<tr><td><h3><center>built on <<$builddate>></center></h3></td></tr>'
+	'<tr><td><h5><center>if loaded so it was the save from</center></h5></td></tr>'
+	'<tr><td cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" valign="top"><center><<$version>></center></td></tr>'
+	'</table></center>'
+	killvar '$tmp'
+$cheatmenu['items'] = {
+	gs'stat'
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'obj_din', 'cheattabs'
+	'<center><h1>Cheat Menu - Items</h1></center>'
+	'<center><h4>Pharmacy items</h4>'
+	if showPharmacyItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showPharmacyItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showPharmacyItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showPharmacyItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		*pl 'Morning after pill: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''morning_after_pill'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''morning_after_pill'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Condoms: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''normal_condoms'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''normal_condoms'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Pregnancy test: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''pregnancy_test'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''pregnancy_test'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Birth control pills: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''contraceptive_pill'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''contraceptive_pill'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Antibiotics: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''antibiotics'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''antibiotics'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Vitamins: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''vitamins'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''vitamins'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Painkillers: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''painkillers'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''painkillers'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Ointments for chafing: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''chaffing_cream'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''chaffing_cream'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Lubricants: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''lubricant'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''lubricant'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Lip balms: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''lipbalm'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''lipbalm'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Weight loss pill: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''weight_loss_pill'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''weight_loss_pill'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Tampons: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''tampons'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''tampons'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Sanitary napkins: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''sanitary_pads'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''sanitary_pads'']>> </b></a>'
+		if mc_inventory['enema_kit'] = 0:
+			*pl 'Enema kit: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''enema_kit''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['enema_kit'] = 1:
+			*pl 'Enema kit: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''enema_kit''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['breast_pump'] = 0:
+			*pl 'Breast pump: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''breast_pump''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['breast_pump'] = 1:
+			*pl 'Breast pump: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''breast_pump''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		*pl 'Breastmilk bottle S: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''bottle_s'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''bottle_s'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Breastmilk bottle M: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''bottle_m'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''bottle_m'']>> </b></a>'
+	end
+	'<h4>Food items</h4>'
+	if showFoodItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showFoodItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showFoodItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showFoodItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		*pl 'Regular food: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''food_basic'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''food_basic'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Diet food: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''food_diet'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''food_diet'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Tea biscuits: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''food_biscuits'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''food_biscuits'']>> </b></a>'
+		if bag > 0:
+			if mc_inventory['food_water'] = 0:
+				*pl 'Bottle of water: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''food_water''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if mc_inventory['food_water'] = 1:
+				*pl 'Bottle of water: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''food_water''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end
+			if mc_inventory['food_sandwich'] = 0:
+				*pl 'Sandwich: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''food_sandwich''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if mc_inventory['food_sandwich'] = 1:
+				*pl 'Sandwich: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''food_sandwich''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end
+			if mc_inventory['food_wine'] = 0:
+				*pl 'Cheap Bottle of wine: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''food_wine''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if mc_inventory['food_wine'] = 1:
+				*pl 'Cheap Bottle of wine: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''food_wine''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	'<h4>Cosmetics items</h4>'
+	if showCosmeticsItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec:showCosmeticsItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showCosmeticsItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec:showCosmeticsItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		*pl 'Cosmetics: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''cosmetics''] =input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''cosmetics'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Moisturiser: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''moisturiser'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''moisturiser'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Lip balms: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''lipbalm'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''lipbalm''] >> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Plain false lashes: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''eyelash_fake'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''eyelash_fake'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Mink false lashes: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''eyelash_mink'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''eyelash_mink'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Razors: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''razor'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''razor'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Sunblock: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''suncream'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> << mc_inventory[''suncream'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Deodorant: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''deodorant'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''deodorant'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Tampons: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''tampons'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''tampons'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Sanitary Napkins: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''sanitary_pads'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''sanitary_pads'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Shampoo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''shampoo'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''shampoo'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Hair scrunchies: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''scrunchies'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''scrunchies'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Hair pins: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''kirbygrips'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''kirbygrips'']>> </b></a>'
+		if bag = 1:
+			*pl 'Wipes: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''makeup_wipes'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''makeup_wipes'']>> </b></a>'
+			*pl 'Portable makeup: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''travel_makeup'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''travel_makeup'']>> </b></a>'
+			*pl 'Mouthwash: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''mouthwash'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''mouthwash'']>> </b></a>'
+			if mc_inventory['comb'] =  0:
+				*pl 'Comb: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''comb''] =  1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if mc_inventory['comb'] =  1:
+				*pl 'Comb: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''comb''] =  0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end
+			if mc_inventory['travel_mirror'] =  0:
+				*pl 'Compact mirror: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''travel_mirror''] =  1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if mc_inventory['travel_mirror'] =  1:
+				*pl 'Compact mirror: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''travel_mirror''] =  0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	'<h4>Hardware items</h4>'
+	if showHardwareItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showHardwareItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showHardwareItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showHardwareItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		*pl 'Dishwashing detergent: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dish_soap'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''dish_soap'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Clothing detergent: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''laundry_soap'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''laundry_soap'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Plates: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dish_plates'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''dish_plates'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Fabric: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''sewing_fabric'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''sewing_fabric'']>> </b></a>'
+		if mc_inventory['sewing_kit'] = 0:
+			*pl 'Sewing kit: <a href="exec:sewing_kit = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['sewing_kit'] = 1:
+			*pl 'Sewing kit: <a href="exec:sewing_kit = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if bag = 1:
+			if mc_inventory['umbrella'] = 0:
+				*pl 'Umbrella: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''umbrella''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+			end
+			if mc_inventory['umbrella'] = 1:
+				*pl 'Umbrella: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''umbrella''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	'<h4>Narcotics items</h4>'
+	if showNarcoticsItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showNarcoticsItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showNarcoticsItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showNarcoticsItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		*pl 'Cigarettes: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''cigarettes'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''cigarettes'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Joints: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''joints'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''joints'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Cocaine: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''cocaine'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''cocaine'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Amphetamine: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''amphetamine'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''amphetamine'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Neuroboosters: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''mentats'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''mentats'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Steroids: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''steroids'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''steroids'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Breast cream: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''breastcream'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''breastcream'']>> </b></a>'
+		*pl 'Aphrodisiacs: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''aphrodisiac'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''aphrodisiac'']>> </b></a>'
+	end
+	'<h4>Sex shop items</h4>'
+	if showSexItems = 0:
+		'<a href = "exec: showSexItems = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Show Details </a>'
+	end
+	if showSexItems = 1:
+		'<a href = "exec: showSexItems = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']">Hide Details </a>'
+		if mc_inventory['mag_porn'] = 0:
+			*pl 'Porn magazine: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''mag_porn''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['mag_porn'] = 1:
+			*pl 'Porn magazine: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''mag_porn''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['vibe'] = 0:
+			*pl 'Vibrator: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''vibe''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['vibe'] = 1:
+			*pl 'Vibrator: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''vibe''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['buttplug'] = 0:
+			*pl 'Butt plug: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''buttplug''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['buttplug'] = 1:
+			*pl 'Butt plug: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''buttplug''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		*pl '15cm suction dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_suction'']=input(''Set number'') & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b> <<mc_inventory[''dildo_suction'']>> </b></a>'
+		if mc_inventory['strapon'] = 0:
+			*pl 'Strap-on harness: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''strapon''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['strapon'] = 1:
+			*pl 'Strap-on harness: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''strapon''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_small'] = 0:
+			*pl '10cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_small''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_small'] = 1:
+			*pl '10cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_small''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_normal'] = 0:
+			*pl '15cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_normal''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_normal'] = 1:
+			*pl '15cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_normal''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_big'] = 0:
+			*pl '20cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_big''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_big'] = 1:
+			*pl '20cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_big''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_large'] = 0:
+			*pl '25cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_large''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_large'] = 1:
+			*pl '25cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_large''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_huge'] = 0:
+			*pl '30cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_huge''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_huge'] = 1:
+			*pl '30cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_huge''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_enormous'] = 0:
+			*pl '35cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_enormous''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_enormous'] = 1:
+			*pl '35cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_enormous''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_gigantic'] = 0:
+			*pl '40cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_gigantic''] = 1 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>none</b></a>'
+		end
+		if mc_inventory['dildo_gigantic'] = 1:
+			*pl '40cm dildo: <a href="exec:mc_inventory[''dildo_gigantic''] = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''items'']"><b>owned</b></a>'
+		end
+	end
+	'</center>'
+--- Cheatmenu_din ---------------------------------

+ 41 - 73

@@ -8,34 +8,26 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet1':
 	gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Gloryhole Client', rand(18,60)
 	gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory.jpg"></center>'
-	*nl
-	'You went into the booth and closed the door. The walls are covered with obscene graffiti, and holes are carved in opposite walls. Sitting on the toilet you hear a noise coming from the next stall, and then someone''s eye appears at the hole.'
-	'The next thing you know, a cock is pushed through the hole. A lustful voice says, "here''s a treat for you, baby."'
-	'This is so unexpected, that you hardly believe any of this is real, as you tentatively touch their member. It is hard and hot.'
+	'You head into the stall and close the door. The walls are covered with obscene graffiti and circular holes are carved in the walls. Sitting on the toilet, you hear a noise coming from the next stall.'
+	'The next thing you know, a cock is pushed through the hole. "Here''s a treat for you, baby," a lustful voice says with a laugh.'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
+	act 'Leave': gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
 	act 'Take a closer look':
 		*clr & cla
-		if TQuest = 1:TQuest = 2
+		if TQuest = 1: TQuest = 2
 		guy += 1
 		pcs_throat += 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory1.jpg"></center>'
-		*nl
-		'This is so surreal, but you lean closer to their member and impulsively find yourself licking it, again and again.'
+		'You lean closer and find yourself impulsively licking the cock in front of you.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Cover lips':
+		act 'Suck it':
 			*clr & cla
+			minut += 2
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory2.jpg"></center>'
-			*nl
-			'You wrap your lips around the head and start sucking, trying to take it as deep as possible.'
-			'Suddenly, the reality of the situation comes flooding back into your head - and a warm liquid comes flooding into your mouth.'
+			'You wrap your lips around the head and start sucking, trying to take it as deep as possible. After a few minutes, a warm liquid starts flooding into your mouth as you hear a loud groan coming from the next stall.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
@@ -44,31 +36,26 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet1':
 				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth_swallow', $boy
 				money += 1000
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory3.jpg"></center>'
-				*nl
-				'You gather a mouthful of sperm, and then swallow it. Their sperm has a sticky and sharp taste which makes you grimace.'
-				'A man''s voice tells you - "That was fucking great, here, you deserve it." and then 1,000 RUB are pushed through the hole.'
+				'You swallow. The cum has a sharp, tart taste which makes you grimace.'
+				'"That was fucking great, and you swallow! Here, you deserve it."' 
+				'1000 rubles is pushed through the hole.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
+				act 'Leave': gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
-			act 'Spit out':
+			act 'Spit it out':
 				spafinloc = 11
 				gs 'cum_manage'
 				money += 500
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory3.jpg"></center>'
-				*nl
-				'You gather a mouthful of sperm, but the sticky and sharp taste overwhelms you, and you spit it on the floor.'
-				'A man''s voice tells you - "Here, your money." and then 500 RUB are pushed through the hole.'
+				'The sharp, tart taste overwhelms you and you spit the cum out onto the floor.'
+				'500 RUB is pushed through the hole.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
-			end
+				act 'Leave': gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
+			end 
@@ -76,12 +63,10 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet':
 	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
-	'You pee sitting on the toilet and begin to wipe with toilet paper. Apparently you pressed too hard, as you feel a thrill coming from between the legs.'
+	'You grab some toilet paper to wipe yourself, but press a little too hard and feel a warmth growing between your legs.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'clit_finger', 3 
 	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Leave':gs 'arousal', 'end' & gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
+	act 'Leave': gs 'arousal', 'end' & gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
 	act 'Caress yourself':
@@ -90,35 +75,29 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet':
 		money += 500
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/mast/tomas.jpg"></center>'
-		*nl
-		'You caress swollen pussy with your fingers until you orgasm enthusiastically.'
-		'After orgasm, you catch your breath, but then notice someone is peeking at you through a hole in the wall.'
-		'The man behind the wall realises he has been caught, and giggles that you put on a great show. Suddenly the eye disappears, and 500 rubles are pushed through the hole.'
+		'You caress your swollen pussy with your fingers until you orgasm. When you catch your breath, you notice someone peeking at you through a hole in the wall.'
+		'500 rubles is pushed through the hole as the man thanks you for the show.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 		gs 'arousal', 'clit_finger', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'masturbate'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
+		act 'Leave': gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet2':
 	*clr & cla
-	'You sit in a booth and hear both adjacent doors closing as two others enter.'
-	'A voice from the next stall tells you - "Don''t be afraid baby, we won''t hurt you! On the contrary, we will give you some delicious candy with extra cream filling.'
+	'As you''re sitting on the toilet, you hear both adjacent stall doors closing.'
+	'"Don''t be afraid baby, we won''t hurt you. On the contrary, we''ll give you some delicious candy with extra cream filling!" a voice says with a laugh.'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
+	act 'Leave': gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
-	act 'Take a closer look':
+	act 'Continue':
 		*clr & cla
 		slutiness += 10
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory4.jpg"></center>'
-		*nl
-		'On both sides of your booth cocks poke through holes in the wall. The same voice says, "Come on, baby, come on, feeding time".'
-		'You take both members and begin to caress them, then bend over to one and take it into your mouth.'
+		'Two cocks poke through the holes in the walls. "Come on, baby. You know you want to..." the voice says.'
+		'You reach out and start stroking both cocks before leaning over and taking one into your mouth.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'hj', 10, 'sub', 'group'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'group'
 		minut -= 10
@@ -127,33 +106,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet2':
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory5.jpg"></center>'
-			*nl
-			'You are enthusiastically fucked in the mouth by both members in turn.'
+			'You alternate between sucking one cock while jerking off the other.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'group'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Continue':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory6.jpg"></center>'
-				*nl
-				'Finally one of the men finishes in your mouth.'
-				'You lick it up and turn all your attention to the other.'
+				'After a few minutes, one of the men finishes in your mouth. You lick it up and turn all your attention to the other.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'group'
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Continue':
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/nightclub/sex/glory7.jpg"></center>'
-					*nl
-					'Before long, the second man also comes in your mouth.'
-					'You swallow a mouthful and wipe your face, but find semen smeared all over it.'
+					'Before long, the second man also cums in your mouth. You swallow both loads and wipe your face.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 10, 'sub', 'group'
-					if rand(1, 100) > pcs_horny:
-						pcs_horny += 10 & 'You were not satisfied - after all, they were only in your mouth!'
+					if rand(1,100) > pcs_horny:
+						pcs_horny += 10 & 'You were not satisfied and feel your pussy burning with desire.'
 						$orgasm_or = 'no'
 						pcs_horny = 0 & 'Even though they only fucked your mouth, you feel an orgasm wash over you from the sheer depravity of the situation.'
@@ -165,9 +135,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet2':
 						money += 2000
 						TQuest = 3
-						'A pleased voice says from behind the wall - "You were great, I think you''ve earned a reward."'
-						'2,000 RUB pokes through the hole.'
+						'"You were great, I think you''ve earned a reward."'
+						'2000 rubles pokes through the hole.'
 						guy += 2
 						gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Gloryhole Client', rand(18,60)
 						gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
@@ -180,14 +149,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet2':
 						if pornstudio = 0:
 							act 'Continue':
-								pornstudio = 2
-								'A male voice says "I have some more work for you."'
-								'He pushes a card through the hole and says "Come find me at my studio if you want to have fun and make more money."'
-								act 'Leave':gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
+								pornstudio = 1
+								'A business card is then pushed through the hole. "That was some amazing cock sucking there, girl! Come here if you want to have some fun and make more money with that mouth of yours."'
+								'You look at the card. It''s for a porn studio located in the city''s industrial district.'
+								act 'Leave': gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
-							act 'Leave':gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
+							act 'Leave': gt 'city_nightclub', 'inside'
@@ -196,4 +164,4 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet2':
---- Club2 ---------------------------------
+--- Club2 ---------------------------------

+ 397 - 41

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 !!	cumarrppt : Sperm Potential Potency (max sperm delivery)
 !!	cumarrcpt : Sperm Current Potency	(current amount of sperm)
 !!	cumarrdel : Sperm "Delivery" (method of *VAGINAL ONLY* acquisition)
-!!	cumarrcon :	Contraception typ used
+!!	cumarrcon :	Contraception type used
 !!	cumarrage : Sperm age in hours
 !!	cumarrkno : Did you know/realize who did it?
 !!	cumarrcnt : Unique identifier of the exact which time the MC has had this sperm incident occur.
@@ -106,15 +106,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	stat['cum_count'] += 1
 	condom_break = 0
+!!{ no STDs from NPC you know }
+	if (mid($boy,1,1) = 'A' or mid($boy,1,1) = 'B') and isnum(mid($boy,2,1)) ! 0: cumnostd = 1
+	cumnostd = min(1, max(cumnostd, sexpartkno))
 !!{	Here we define our important variables.}
 	dick = npc_dick[$boy]
 	if sexvolume <= 0: sexvolume = 40
 	if sexspecpot = 0: sexspecpot = npc_spermpot[$boy]
 	if sexspecpot = 0: sexspecpot = sexvolume * rand(250, 300)
 	if sexspecpot < 0: sexspecpot = 0
-	if vibratorIN = 1 and spafinloc = 0 and replace_vib = 0: vibratorIN = 0
-	if analplugIN = 1 and spafinloc = 3 and replace_analplug = 0: analplugIN = 0
+	if vibratorIN = 1 and spafinloc = 0: vibratorIN = 0
+	if isprok = 1 and spafinloc = 0: isprok = 0
+	if analplugIN = 1 and spafinloc = 3: analplugIN = 0
 !!{	Set the cum array temp to the current size of the cum array to add a new entry to the end of file. Then checks to see if you are on the pill. If you are and there is no contraception used, it flags this as a "done with pill" act, which means a pregnancy will be a pill failure.}
@@ -234,6 +238,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 						cumsumvag += sexvolume
 						condom_break = 1
 						stat['broken_condoms'] += 1
+						stat['last_broken_condom'] = daystart
 						sparridt[sparrtemp] = cumarrkno[cumarrtemp]
 						sparrslc[sparrtemp] = 0
@@ -329,6 +334,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	!! creampie vaginal statistics:
 			if spafinloc = 0:
+				stat['last_creampie'] = daystart
 				!!STD checks
 				if cumnostd = 0: gs 'dinSex', 'std_trigger'
 				!! safe creampie (if cycle > 3 or on pill or succubus):
@@ -509,8 +515,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cumgather':
 			$part = 'unknown'
-		if salfetka > 0:
-			salfetka -= 1
+		if mc_inventory['makeup_wipes'] > 0:
+			mc_inventory['makeup_wipes'] -= 1
 			minut += 5
 			'You use a wipe to clean the sperm from your <<$part>>.'
 			gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleanloc', cloc
@@ -523,7 +529,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cumeater_icon':
 	j = 0
-	if cumloc[j] > 0 and j ! 12: gs 'cum_manage', 'cumeater', j
+	if cumloc[j] > 0 and j <> 12 and ((j <> 0 and j <> 3) or FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', j) = 1 or cheatKlisma = 0): gs 'cum_manage', 'cumeater', j
 	if j < 17: j += 1 & jump 'cumeater_icon_jump'
@@ -533,12 +539,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cumeater':
 	if i ! -1 and i < arrsize('sparrloc'):
 		cumloc[12] = 1
+		spafinloc = 12 & sexvolume = sparrvol[i] & sexunaware = 0 & sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[i] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[i] & cumarrkno = sparridt[i] & cumarrage = sparrage[i] & cumnostd = 1 & gs 'Cum_Manage'
 		pcs_breath = 0
 		$part = ''
 		if cloc = 13:
 			gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleanloc', cloc
-			'You carefully lick the sperm residue from both hands, enjoying the tart taste of semen.'
+			'You carefully lick the sperm residue from your hands, enjoying the tart taste.'
 			if cloc = 0:
 				$part = 'pussy'
@@ -575,12 +582,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cumeater':
 			if rand(0, 1) = 0:
-				'You collect a handful of sperm from your <<$part>> in your hand and lick it all up, enjoying the tart taste of semen.'
+				'You collect a handful of sperm from your <<$part>> in your hand and lick it up, enjoying the tart taste.'
-				'You collect the sperm from your <<$part>> with your fingers and lick them, enjoying the tart taste of semen.'
+				'You collect the sperm from your <<$part>> with your fingers and lick them, enjoying the tart taste.'
-			gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleanloc', cloc
+			if FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', cloc) = 1 and cheatKlisma = 1:
+				cumspclnt = 15 & gs 'cum_cleanup'
+			elseif (cloc <> 0 and cloc <> 3) or cheatKlisma = 0:
+				gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleanloc', cloc
+			end
 		minut += 2
@@ -675,6 +686,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 	$stat_cum_text = ''
 	stat_visible_cum = 0
 	stat_cumloc_check = 0
+	cumsumbod = 0
+	cumsumvag = 0
+	cumsumass = 0
 	i = 0
@@ -682,71 +696,87 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your pussy'
 			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/creampie/cumpussy'+rand(1,14)+'.jpg''">pussy</a>'
 		elseif i = 1:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'all over '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your labia'
 			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumpussy/cumpus'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg''">labia</a>'
-		elseif i = 2:
+		elseif i = 2 and PCloPanties > 0:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'across '
 			$txtloc = 'the front of your panties'
 			$icon_txtloc = $txtloc
 		elseif i = 3:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'across '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your ass'
 			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumanal/cumanal'+rand(1,11)+'.jpg''">ass</a>'
 		elseif i = 4:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'all over '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your butt'
 			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumass/cumass'+rand(1,6)+'.jpg''">butt</a>'
-		elseif i = 5:
+		elseif i = 5 and PCloPanties > 0:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'painting '
 			$txtloc = 'the back of your panties'
 			$icon_txtloc = $txtloc
-		elseif i = 6:
+		elseif i = 6 and PCloPants > 0:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'on '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your clothes near your groin'
 			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumclothes/'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg''">clothes near your groin</a>'
-		elseif i = 7:
+		elseif i = 7 and $clothingworntype <> 'nude':
+			$txtloc_adj = 'on '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your clothes'
 			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumclothes/cumclothes'+rand(1,21)+'.jpg''">clothes</a>'
 		elseif i = 8:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'down '
 			$txtloc = 'your back'
 			$icon_txtloc = $txtloc
 		elseif i = 9:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'on '
 			$txtloc = 'your legs'
 			$icon_txtloc = $txtloc
 		elseif i = 10:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'on '
 			$txtloc = 'your arms'
 			$icon_txtloc = $txtloc
 		elseif i = 11:
 			if pcs_haircol = 0:
 				$cum_face_image = 'brown/'
-				$cum_face_image += rand(1, 31)
+				$cum_face_image += rand(1,31)
 			elseif pcs_haircol = 1:
 				$cum_face_image = 'black/'
-				$cum_face_image += rand(1, 23)
+				$cum_face_image += rand(1,23)
 			elseif pcs_haircol = 2:
 				$cum_face_image = 'red/'
-				$cum_face_image += rand(1, 19)
+				$cum_face_image += rand(1,19)
 			elseif pcs_haircol = 3:
 				$cum_face_image = 'blonde/'
-				$cum_face_image += rand(1, 25)
+				$cum_face_image += rand(1,25)
 			elseif pcs_haircol > 3:
 				$cum_face_image = 'custom/'
-				$cum_face_image += rand(1, 20)
+				$cum_face_image += rand(1,20)
+			$txtloc_adj = 'across '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your face'
 			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumface/<<$cum_face_image>>.jpg''">face</a>'
 			killvar 'cum_face_image'
 		elseif i = 13:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'over '
 			$txtloc = 'your hands'
 			$icon_txtloc = $txtloc
 		elseif i = 14:
-			$icon_txtloc = 'your stomach'
-			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumbelly/cumbelly'+rand(1,12)+'.jpg''">stomach</a>'
+			$txtloc_adj = 'across '
+			$icon_txtloc = 'across your stomach'
+			$txtloc = 'across your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumbelly/cumbelly'+rand(1,12)+'.jpg''">stomach</a>'
 		elseif i = 15:
-			$icon_txtloc = 'your breasts'
+			$txtloc_adj = 'on '
+			$icon_txtloc = 'on your breasts'
 			$txtloc = 'your <a href="exec:view''images/pc/body/cum/cumtits/cumtits'+rand(1,19)+'.jpg''">breasts</a>'
 		elseif i = 16:
+			$txtloc_adj = 'in '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'your hair'
 			$txtloc = 'your hair</a>'
 		elseif i = 17:
 			$txtloc = 'in your vagina in a slipped condom'
 			$icon_txtloc = $txtloc
+			$txtloc_adj = 'on '
 			$icon_txtloc = 'the gusset of your panties'
 			$txtloc = 'the gusset of your panties</a>'
@@ -775,12 +805,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 				!! if sperm age stage is 4, it means inside the body
 				if j = 4:
-					if (vibratorIN = 1 and i = 0) or (analplugin = 1 and i = 3):
+					cumsumbod += cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>']
+					cumsumvag += iif(i=0,cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>'],0)
+					cumsumass += iif(i=3,cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>'],0)
+					if ((vibratorIN = 1 or isprok = 1) and i = 0) or (analplugin = 1 and i = 3):
 						$txtproxy = 'being plugged in '
-					elseif i = 0 and cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>'] < pcs_vag*5:
-						$txtproxy = 'staying inside of '
-					elseif i = 3 and pcs_ass <= 25:
-						$txtproxy = 'staying inside of '
+					elseif i = 0 and cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>'] < FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 0, 1):
+						$txtproxy = 'staying inside '
+					elseif i = 3 and cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>'] < FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 3, 1):
+						$txtproxy = 'staying inside '
 						if cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>'] > 250:
 							$txtproxy = 'gushing out of '
@@ -789,7 +822,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 						elseif cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>'] >= 40:
 							$txtproxy = 'seeping out of '
-							$txtproxy = 'staying inside of '
+							$txtproxy = 'staying inside '
 				elseif j >= 5:
@@ -803,6 +836,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 					if cumcondslip_deep > (vagina / 2): $txtproxy += 'deep '
 				elseif j < 4 and j > 0:
+					cumsumbod += cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>']
 					!!amount setting
 					if cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>'] > 160:
 						!! 10 ml, about two load, flowing
@@ -812,7 +846,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 						$txtproxy = 'covering '
 						!! residue amount, no leakage
-						$txtproxy = 'spattering '
+						$txtproxy = 'spattered '
 					if j = 1:
 						$txtproxy += 'wetly '
@@ -821,6 +855,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 						$txtproxy += 'powderly '
+					if cumvolume['<<i>>:<<j>>'] < 40:
+						$txtproxy += $txtloc_adj
+					end
 				$txtperson = ''
@@ -832,7 +869,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 					if cumcount['<<i>>:<<j>>'] = knownguy['<<i>>:<<j>>']:
 					!! everyone is known (one or more)
 						if knownguy['<<i>>:<<j>>'] = 1:
-							$txtperson = $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:0']] + ' '
+							if $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:0']] = 'stranger':
+								$txtperson = $npc_firstname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:0']] + ' '
+							else
+								$txtperson = $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:0']] + ' '
+							end
 							kmax = 0
@@ -843,7 +884,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 								$txtperson += $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:<<k>>']]
 							if k < kmax-1:$txtperson += ', ' & k += 1 & jump 'knownloop'
 							k += 1
-							$txtperson += ' and ' + $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:<<k>>']] + ' '
+							if $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:<<k>>']] = 'stranger':
+								$txtperson += ' and ' + $npc_firstname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:<<k>>']] + ' '
+							else
+								$txtperson += ' and ' + $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:<<k>>']] + ' '
+							end
 					elseif knownguy['<<i>>:<<j>>'] = 0:
 					!! no one is known (one or more)
@@ -855,7 +900,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 					!! there are known and unknown guys in the mix
 						if knownguy['<<i>>:<<j>>'] = 1:
-							$txtperson = $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:0']] + ' and some guy'
+							if $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:<<k>>']] = 'stranger':
+								$txtperson = $npc_firstname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:0']] + ' and some guy'
+							else
+								$txtperson = $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:0']] + ' and some guy'
+							end
 							kmax = 0
@@ -863,7 +912,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 							kmax -= 1
 							k = 0
-								$txtperson += $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:<<k>>']] + ', '
+								if $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:<<k>>']] = 'stranger':
+									$txtperson += $npc_firstname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:<<k>>']] + ', '
+								else
+									$txtperson += $npc_usedname[$cumowner['<<i>>:<<j>>:<<k>>']] + ', '
+								end
 							if k < kmax: k += 1 & jump 'mixloop'
 							$txtperson += 'and some guy'
@@ -875,7 +928,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 				$icon_txtiscum = $txtiscum
-				if j <= 4 and trait['cumeater'] = 1 and $txtiscum = 'cum': $txtiscum = '<a href="exec:gs ''cum_manage'', ''cumeater'', <<i>>"><font color=#0064FF>' + $txtiscum + '</font></a>'
+				if j <= 4 and pcs_traits['cumeater'] = 1 and $txtiscum = 'cum' _ 
+				and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_private', i) = 1 and ((i <> 0 and i <> 3) or FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', i) = 1 or cheatKlisma = 0):
+					$txtiscum = '<a href="exec:gs ''cum_manage'', ''cumeater'', <<i>>"><font color=#0064FF>' + $txtiscum + '</font></a>'
+				end
 				if $txtperson ! '':
 					$txtperson = ' from ' + $txtperson
@@ -898,6 +954,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 		if j < 7: j+=1 & jump 'ageloop'
+		if stat_cumloc_check = 1 and (FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_private', i) = 0 _ 
+		or (i <> 0 and cumsumass = 0 and cumsumvag > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 0) = 0) _ 
+		or (i <> 3 and cumsumvag = 0 and cumsumass > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 3) = 0) _ 
+		or (i > 3 and cumsumvag > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 0) = 0 and cumsumass > 0 and FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 3) = 0)):
+			stat_cumloc_check = 2
+		end
 	if i < 18: i+=1 & jump 'cumlocloop'
 	killvar 'i'
 	killvar 'j'
@@ -923,30 +987,30 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 		if cumloc[6] = 1:
 			stat_visible_cum = 1
 			if $stat_visible_cum_temp ! '': $stat_visible_cum_temp += ', '
-			$stat_visible_cum_temp += 'your clothes near your groin'
+			$stat_visible_cum_temp += 'on your clothes near your groin'
 		if cumloc[7] = 1:
 			stat_visible_cum = 1
 			if $stat_visible_cum_temp ! '': $stat_visible_cum_temp += ', '
-			$stat_visible_cum_temp += 'your clothes'
+			$stat_visible_cum_temp += 'on your clothes'
 		if cumloc[11] = 1:
 			stat_visible_cum = 1
 			if $stat_visible_cum_temp ! '': $stat_visible_cum_temp += ', '
-			$stat_visible_cum_temp += 'your face'
+			$stat_visible_cum_temp += 'on your face'
 		if cumloc[13] = 1:
 			stat_visible_cum = 1
 			if $stat_visible_cum_temp ! '': $stat_visible_cum_temp += ', '
-			$stat_visible_cum_temp += 'your hands'
+			$stat_visible_cum_temp += 'on your hands'
 		if cumloc[16] = 1:
 			stat_visible_cum = 1
 			if $stat_visible_cum_temp ! '': $stat_visible_cum_temp += ', '
-			$stat_visible_cum_temp += 'your hair'
+			$stat_visible_cum_temp += 'in your hair'
-		$stat_visible_cum_msg = 'People can see the cum on '+ $stat_visible_cum_temp + '.'
+		$stat_visible_cum_msg = 'People can see the cum '+ $stat_visible_cum_temp + '.'
 	cum_loc['vagina'] = cumloc[0]
 	cum_loc['labia'] = cumloc[1]
@@ -966,6 +1030,298 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_stat_display':
 	cum_loc['tits'] = cumloc[15]
 	cum_loc['hair'] = cumloc[16]
 	cum_loc['condom_in_pussy'] = cumloc[17]
+	cum_vol['vagina'] = cumvol[0]
+	cum_vol['labia'] = cumvol[1]
+	cum_vol['panty_front'] = cumvol[2]
+	cum_vol['anus'] = cumvol[3]
+	cum_vol['butt'] = cumvol[4]
+	cum_vol['panty_back'] = cumvol[5]
+	cum_vol['clothes_groin'] = cumvol[6]
+	cum_vol['clothes'] = cumvol[7]
+	cum_vol['back'] = cumvol[8]
+	cum_vol['legs'] = cumvol[9]
+	cum_vol['arms'] = cumvol[10]
+	cum_vol['face'] = cumvol[11]
+	cum_vol['mouth'] = cumvol[12]
+	cum_vol['hands'] = cumvol[13]
+	cum_vol['stomach'] = cumvol[14]
+	cum_vol['tits'] = cumvol[15]
+	cum_vol['hair'] = cumvol[16]
+	cum_vol['condom_in_pussy'] = cumvol[17]
+if $ARGS[0] = 'check_private':
+!! Checks whether the current location is private for cleaning cum in intimate places
+!! ARGS[1] - cum location (see cum_cleanup)
+!! no ARGS[1] means 0, means vagina, means you must be in a private location to interact
+!! FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_private') = 1
+!! FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_private', 7) = 1
+	RESULT = 0
+	if $location_type = 'private' or $location_type = 'private_indoors' or $location_type = 'private_shared' or $location_type = 'bathroom': RESULT = 1
+	if ARGS[1] > 5 and ARGS[1] <> 15 and ARGS[1] <> 17: RESULT = 1
+if $ARGS[0] = 'check_innards':
+!! Cum overflow check inside vagina or anus
+!! ARGS[1] - 0 (vagina) or 3 (anus)
+!! ARGS[2] - return max capacity
+!! capvag - vagina max capacity
+!! capanus - anus max capacity
+!! FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards') = 1
+!! FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 3) = 1
+!! FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 0, 1) <= cumsumvag
+	capvag  = pcs_vag*3 - vgape*30 - min(100,pcs_horny)/10
+	capanus = pcs_ass*6 - agape*40
+	RESULT = 0
+	if ARGS[1] = 0:
+		if ARGS[2] > 0:
+			RESULT = capvag
+		elseif cumsumvag >= capvag and isprok = 0 and vibratorIN = 0:
+			RESULT = 1
+		end
+	elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
+		if ARGS[2] > 0:
+			RESULT = capanus
+		elseif cumsumass >= capanus and analplugin = 0:
+			RESULT = 1
+		end
+	end
+	killvar 'capvag'
+	killvar 'capanus'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_decay':
+!! ARGS[1] forced cum leak (sex intercourse) in values like 20-100
+	cumforced = ARGS[1]
+	if (menu_off = 1 or cumdectime+15 > totminut) and cumforced = 0: exit
+	if arrsize('sparrvol') > 0:
+		cumsumvag = 0
+		cumsumass = 0
+        killvar 'cumloc'
+        killvar 'cumvol'
+		i = 0
+		!!go through every location
+		:sparrvolloop
+			!!start from the freshest load
+			idx = arrsize('sparrloc')-1
+			:sparrlocloop
+				!!if the currently examined load loaction is the location of the current cycle, execute
+				if sparrloc[idx] = i and sparrvol[idx] > 0:
+					!! 0 = 'In your Vagina'
+					if i = 0:
+						!! passive absorption, succubus has its own
+						!! InSleep - increase the amount during sleep, isprok - tampon absorption
+						if succubusflag = 0:
+							cumamount = (totminut-cumdectime)/15 * max(rand(0,1), rand(sparrvol[idx]/60, sparrvol[idx]/30) + rand(0, InSleep*rand(1,3)) + isprok*rand(5,10) + rand(0, iif(pcs_hydra<30,(30-pcs_hydra)/10,0)) + rand(0, iif(pcs_horny<100,(100-pcs_horny)/20,0)))
+							sparrvol[idx] -= cumamount
+						end
+						if sparrvol[idx] > 0:
+							cumsumvag += sparrvol[idx]
+							!! seeping out
+							if FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 0) = 1 or cumforced/rand(2,3) > sparrvol[idx]:
+								cumamount = min(sparrvol[idx]*3/2, (totminut-cumdectime)/15 * max(rand(1,3), rand(sparrvol[idx]/pcs_vag, vgape*40) - InSleep*rand(2,5) + iif(pcs_horny>50, min(100,pcs_horny)/10 - 4,0)) + cumforced/rand(5,10))
+								sparrvol[idx] -= cumamount & cumsumvag -= cumamount
+								cumvol[0] -= cumamount
+								!! 1 = 'On your labia'
+								sexvolume = max(cumamount/10, cumamount/2 - iif(cumforced=0,isprokp*rand(10,20),0))
+								if sexvolume > 0:
+									spafinloc = 1
+									sexunaware = iif(cumforced=0,iif(rand(0,4)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0),0)
+									sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = 0 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+									gs 'Cum_Manage'
+									cumvol[1] += sexvolume & cumloc[1] = 1
+								end
+								if cumforced = 0:
+									!! 2 = 'On your panties over your vagina'
+									if $pantyworntype <> 'none' or PCloPanties > 0:
+										!! isprokp - sanitary pad absorption
+										if isprokp <> 1:
+											spafinloc = 2
+											sexvolume = max(1, cumamount/2)
+											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,3)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
+											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = 0 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											gs 'Cum_Manage'
+											cumvol[2] += sexvolume & cumloc[2] = 1
+										end
+									!! 9 = 'On your legs'
+									elseif ($clothingworntype = 'nude' or PCloSkirt > 0 or PCloDress > 0) and rand(1,10) > 6 + InSleep*2:
+										sexvolume = max(0, cumamount/4)
+										if sexvolume > 0:
+											spafinloc = 9
+											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,2)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
+											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = 0 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											gs 'Cum_Manage'
+											cumvol[9] += sexvolume & cumloc[9] = 1
+										end
+									end
+									!! 6 = 'On your clothes in your groin area'
+									if PCloPants > 0:
+										sexvolume = max(0, cumamount / (3 + iif($pantyworntype<>'none',12,0)))
+										if sexvolume > 0:
+											spafinloc = 6
+											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,4)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
+											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = 0 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											gs 'Cum_Manage'
+											cumvol[6] += sexvolume & cumloc[6] = 1
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+						if sparrvol[idx] <= 0: gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleandeposit', idx
+					!! 3 = 'In your anus'
+					elseif i = 3:
+						!! passive absorption, succubus has its own
+						if succubusflag = 0:
+							cumamount = (totminut-cumdectime)/15 * max(rand(0,2), rand(sparrvol[idx]/40, sparrvol[idx]/20) + rand(0, InSleep*rand(3,6)) + rand(0, iif(pcs_hydra<50,(50-pcs_hydra)/10,0)))
+							sparrvol[idx] -= cumamount
+						end
+						if sparrvol[idx] > 0:
+							cumsumass += sparrvol[idx]
+							!! seeping out
+							if FUNC('Cum_Manage', 'check_innards', 3) = 1 or cumforced/rand(2,4) > sparrvol[idx]:
+								cumamount = min(sparrvol[idx]*3/2, (totminut-cumdectime)/15 * max(rand(0,1), rand(sparrvol[idx]/(pcs_ass*3/2), agape*20) - InSleep*rand(4,8)) + cumforced/rand(7,15))
+								sparrvol[idx] -= cumamount & cumsumass -= cumamount
+								cumvol[3] -= cumamount
+								!! 1 = 'On your labia'
+								sexvolume = max(cumamount/10, cumamount/4 - iif(cumforced=0,isprokp*rand(10,20),0))
+								if sexvolume > 0:
+									spafinloc = 1
+									sexunaware = iif(cumforced=0,iif(rand(0,4)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0),0)
+									sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/2 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+									gs 'Cum_Manage'
+									cumvol[1] += sexvolume & cumloc[1] = 1
+								end
+								if cumforced > 0:
+									!! 4 = 'On your butt'
+									sexvolume = max(cumamount/15, cumamount/3)
+									if sexvolume > 0:
+										spafinloc = 4
+										sexvolume = max(0, cumamount/2)
+										sexunaware = 0
+										sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/3 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+										gs 'Cum_Manage'
+										cumvol[4] += sexvolume & cumloc[4] = 1
+									end
+								else
+									!! 5 = 'On your panties over your butt'
+									if $pantyworntype <> 'none' or PCloPanties > 0:
+										!! isprokp - sanitary pad absorption
+										if isprokp <> 1:
+											spafinloc = 5
+											sexvolume = max(1, cumamount/3)
+											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,3)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
+											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/3 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											gs 'Cum_Manage'
+											cumvol[5] += sexvolume & cumloc[5] = 1
+										end
+									!! 9 = 'On your legs'
+									elseif ($clothingworntype = 'nude' or PCloSkirt > 0 or PCloDress > 0) and rand(1,10) > 4 + InSleep*3:
+										sexvolume = max(0, cumamount/5)
+										if sexvolume > 0:
+											spafinloc = 9
+											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,2)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
+											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/4 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											gs 'Cum_Manage'
+											cumvol[9] += sexvolume & cumloc[9] = 1
+										end
+									end
+									!! 6 = 'On your clothes in your groin area'
+									if PCloPants > 0:
+										sexvolume = max(0, cumamount / (4 + iif($pantyworntype<>'none',16,0)))
+										if sexvolume > 0:
+											spafinloc = 6
+											sexunaware = iif(rand(0,4)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
+											sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/3 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+											gs 'Cum_Manage'
+											cumvol[6] += sexvolume & cumloc[6] = 1
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+						if sparrvol[idx] <= 0: gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleandeposit', idx
+					!! 1 = 'On your labia'  4 = 'On your butt'
+					elseif (i = 1 and sparrvol[idx]*((totminut-cumdectime)/15) > rand(2,5)) _ 
+						or (i = 4 and sparrvol[idx]*((totminut-cumdectime)/15) > rand(4,8)):
+						if $pantyworntype <> 'none' or PCloPanties > 0:
+							!! 2 = 'On your panties over your vagina'  5 = 'On your panties over your butt'
+							sexvolume = rand(sparrvol[idx]/2, sparrvol[idx]) - iif(i=1,isprokp*rand(15,30),0)
+							if sexvolume > 0:
+								sparrvol[idx] -= sexvolume
+								spafinloc = iif(i=1,2,5)
+								sexunaware = 1
+								sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx] & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 0
+								gs 'Cum_Manage'
+								cumvol[iif(i=1,2,5)] += sexvolume & cumloc[iif(i=1,2,5)] = 1
+							end
+						!! 6 = 'On your clothes in your groin area'
+						elseif PCloPants > 0:
+							sexvolume = rand(sparrvol[idx]/2, sparrvol[idx])
+							if sexvolume > 0:
+								spafinloc = 6
+								sexunaware = iif(rand(0,4)=1 or sparridt[idx]=-2,1,0)
+								sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx]/3 & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 1
+								gs 'Cum_Manage'
+								cumvol[6] += sexvolume & cumloc[6] = 1
+							end
+						end
+						if sparrvol[idx] <= 0: gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleandeposit', idx
+					!! 17 = 'In a condom in your vagina'
+					elseif i = 17 and sparrvol[idx] > rand(10,15):
+						!! 0 = 'In your Vagina'
+						sexvolume = min(sparrvol[idx]/3, (totminut-cumdectime)/15 * max(0, cumamount/5 - isprokp*rand(2,5)) + cumforced/rand(5,10))
+						if sexvolume > 0:
+							!! condom in vagina is summed in cumsumvag and Cum_Manage call will added more, so subtract here
+							cumsumvag -= sexvolume
+							sparrvol[idx] -= sexvolume
+							spafinloc = 0
+							sexunaware = 1
+							sexspecpot = -1 & cumarrnam = sparrnam[idx] & cumarrcpt = sparrppt[idx] & cumarrkno = sparridt[idx] & cumarrage = sparrage[idx] & cumnostd = 0
+							gs 'Cum_Manage'
+							cumvol[17] -= sexvolume & cumvol[0] += sexvolume & cumloc[0] = 1
+						end
+					!! 12 = 'Inside your mouth'
+					elseif i <> 12 and sparrvol[idx] > rand(0,3):
+						!! dry out
+						!! 1: in this hour
+						!! 2: in four hours
+						!! 3: at least five hours ago
+						if rand(min(-1+InSleep, sparrvol[idx]/-5), sparrage[idx] + (totminut-cumdectime)/30) >= 1:
+							!! 5 and 7 = not clothes
+							if i <> 6 and i <> 7: pcs_sweat += rand(0, max(1,sparrvol[idx]/10))
+							gs 'cum_cleanup', 'cleandeposit', idx
+						end
+					end
+					if sparrvol[idx] > 0: cumloc[i] = 1 & cumvol[inx] += sparrvol[idx] else cumloc[i] = 0 & cumvol[inx] = 0
+				end
+				!! reset just in case
+				sexvolume = 0 & cumnostd = 0 & cumarrkno = 0
+			if idx > 0:idx -= 1 & jump 'sparrlocloop'
+		if i < 18:i += 1 & jump 'sparrvolloop'
+		killvar 'i'
+		killvar 'idx'
+		killvar 'cumamount'
+		if cumsumvag <= 0: cumsumvag = 0 & cum_vol['vagina'] = 0 & cumvol[0] = 0 & cum_loc['vagina'] = 0 & cumloc[0] = 0
+		if cumsumass <= 0: cumsumass = 0 & cum_vol['anus'] = 0   & cumvol[3] = 0 & cum_loc['anus'] = 0   & cumloc[3] = 0
+		if cumsumbod < 0: cumsumbod = 0
+	end
+	killvar 'cumforced'
+	cumdectime = totminut
 --- Cum_Manage ---------------------------------

+ 15 - 13

@@ -41,30 +41,32 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'relate':
 	!!paternal grandfather ID
 	temp2[6] = $mid ($ARGS[2], 67, 10)
+	killvar 'gen_relationship'
 	if temp1[0] = temp2[1] or temp1[0] = temp2[2] or temp2[0] = temp1[1] or temp2[0] = temp1[2]:
-		'Parent-child relation'
+		$gen_relationship += 'Parent-child relationship. '
 		if temp1[0] = temp2[1] or temp1[0] = temp2[2]:
 			!!temp1 is the parent, temp2 is child
-			if temp2[1] = temp2[5] or temp2[2] = temp2[4]:'Child is the result of incest (parent is also grandparent)'
-			if temp2[3] = temp2[5] and temp2[4] = temp2[6]:'Child is result of incest with close family member (sibling)'
-			if temp2[3] = temp2[5] or temp2[4] = temp2[6]:'Child is result of incest with close family member (half sibling)'
+			if temp2[1] = temp2[5] or temp2[2] = temp2[4]: $gen_relationship += 'Child is the result of incest (parent is also grandparent)'
+			if temp2[3] = temp2[5] and temp2[4] = temp2[6]: $gen_relationship += 'Child is result of incest with close family member (sibling)'
+			if temp2[3] = temp2[5] or temp2[4] = temp2[6]:$gen_relationship += 'Child is result of incest with close family member (half sibling)'
 		elseif temp2[0] = temp1[1] or temp2[0] = temp1[2]:
 			!!temp2 is the parent, temp1 is child
-			if temp1[1] = temp1[5] or temp1[2] = temp1[4]:'Child is the result of incest (parent is also grandparent)'
-			if temp1[3] = temp1[5] and temp1[4] = temp1[6]:'Child is result of incest with close family member (sibling)'
-			if temp1[3] = temp1[5] or temp1[4] = temp1[6]:'Child is result of incest with close family member (half sibling)'
+			if temp1[1] = temp1[5] or temp1[2] = temp1[4]: $gen_relationship += 'Child is the result of incest (parent is also grandparent)'
+			if temp1[3] = temp1[5] and temp1[4] = temp1[6]: $gen_relationship += 'Child is result of incest with close family member (sibling)'
+			if temp1[3] = temp1[5] or temp1[4] = temp1[6]: $gen_relationship += 'Child is result of incest with close family member (half sibling)'
 	elseif temp1[0] = temp2[3] or temp1[0] = temp2[4] or temp1[0] = temp2[5] or temp1[0] = temp2[6] or temp2[0] = temp1[3] or temp2[0] = temp1[4] or temp2[0] = temp1[5] or temp2[0] = temp1[6]:
-		'Grandparent-grandchild relation'
+		$gen_relationship += 'Grandparent-grandchild relationship.'
 	elseif temp1[1] = temp2[1] or temp1[2] = temp2[2]:
-		'Sibling relation'
-		if temp1[1] = temp2[1] and temp1[2] = temp2[2]:'Full sibling'
-		if temp1[1] ! temp2[1] or temp1[2] ! temp2[2]:'Half sibling'
+		$gen_relationship += 'Sibling relation'
+		if temp1[1] = temp2[1] and temp1[2] = temp2[2]: $gen_relationship += 'Full sibling'
+		if temp1[1] ! temp2[1] or temp1[2] ! temp2[2]: $gen_relationship += 'Half sibling'
 	elseif temp1[1] ! temp2[1] and temp1[2] ! temp2[2]:
 		if temp1[3] = temp2[3] and temp1[4] = temp2[4] or temp1[3] = temp2[5] and temp1[4] = temp2[6]:
-			'first cousins'
+			$gen_relationship += 'first cousins'
 		elseif temp1[3] = temp2[3] or temp1[4] = temp2[4] or temp1[3] = temp2[5] or temp1[4] = temp2[6]:
-			'distand blood relation'
+			$gen_relationship += 'distand blood relation'
 	killvar 'temp1'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ act 'Play a new game':
 	$FSname = input("Enter nickname")
-	if $FSname <= 0:$FSname = 'Player'
+	if $FSname = '':$FSname = 'Player'
 	'Character Name <<$FSname>>'

+ 9 - 9

@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '' or $ARGS[0] = 'Start':
 		gt 'FedorEv', 'Strela Chat'
 	elseif FedorvsDimka = 2:
 		gt 'FedorEv4', 'Dimka Aftermath'
-	elseif GorSlut = 1 and fedorkoztalk = 0 and FedorLove = 0:
+	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and fame['pav_slut'] >= 150 and fame['pav_slut'] < 250 and fedorkoztalk = 0 and FedorLove = 0:
 		gt 'FedorEv', 'Gorslut'
-	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and GorSlut > 1 and FedorLove = 0:
+	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and fame['pav_slut'] >= 250 and FedorLove = 0:
 		gt 'FedorEv', 'Gorslut 2'
 	elseif fedorKozlovQW = 10 and FedorLuv < -5:
 		gt 'FedorEv2', 'Fedor Breakup'
 	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 10 and dimaFilm = 1 and FedorvsDimka = 1:
 		gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Vs Dimka'	
-	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 20 and GorSlut < 2:
+	elseif fedorKozlovQW >= 20 and fame['pav_slut'] < 250:
 		if rand(0,1) = 0:
 			gt 'FedorEv', 'Fedor Date 2'
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big9.jpg"></center>'
-	'When you approach Fedor, Vitek sees you walking Fedor''s way and follows you right away. He shoves Fedor roughly: "What do you think you''re doing, punk? <<$pcs_firstname>> is <b>mine!</b>" Fedor turns his face to Vitek and calmly says, "I''m not doing anything. <<$pcs_firstname>> is with me now, so you should just leave us alone." Vitek theatrically moves his hand to his ear, and says, in a threatening voice: "What did you just say!?" to which Fedor calmly replies: "You heard me." You can tell that Vitek is seething with rage now, the knuckles on his clenched fists turning white. Fedor moves his face even closer to Vitek''s and repeats, also clenching his fists: "You heard me. Get away from <<$pcs_firstname>>, Vitek."'
+	'You approach Fedor, and wrap you arms around him, as he does the same, embracing you firmly, when Vitek quickly approaches Fedor from behind, before violently shoving Fedor back, and saying in a menacing tone, "What do you think you''re doing, punk? <<$pcs_firstname>> is <b>mine!</b>" Fedor turns his face to Vitek, and firmly states, "<<$pcs_firstname>> is with me now, so why don''t you hit the road?" Vitek theatrically moves his hand to his ear, and says, in a threatening tone, "What did you just say!?" To which Fedor boldly replies, "You heard me." You can tell that Vitek is seething with rage now, as his face turns red, and the knuckles on his clenched fists, turn a deathly white. Fedor moves his face even closer to Vitek''s, and repeats, also clenching his fists: "You heard me. Get away from <<$pcs_firstname>>, Vitek."'
 	act 'Tell Vitek you want to be with Fedor':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big9.jpg"></center>'
-		'You tell Vitek that you don''t want to be with him any more. You can tell he''s very angry, and has to restrain himself from hitting you in the face. Ultimately he exclaims "Fuck you, bitch!" and leaves, kicking over several garbage cans on the way. You fear that this might not be the last thing you''ve heard of him.'
+		'Not wanting to see Fedor hurt, you tell Vitek the truth, "Vitek please calm down, I know we had some fun together, but I''m with Fedor now." Vitek grimaces, obviously furious with both of you, but fortunately, has enough composure to restrain himself from hitting you in the face. He ultimately, calms himself, before looking you in the eyes, and shouting, "You''re going to pay for this, you fucking cheating, bitch!" Vitek begins walking away, but not before kicking over several garbage cans on the way. you can''t help but shutter at the feeling that this might not be the last you''ve heard of him.'
 		act 'Continue':gt $curloc
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 		minut += 5
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/Strela/fvsv.jpg"></center>'
-		'Vitek suddenly hits Fedor on the chin with a quick jab, which sends Fedor flying backwards landing on his back on the pavement. Vitek immediately gets on top of him, grabbing him by the collar with his left hand while he keeps punching Fedor in the face with his right hand. Fedor tries to ball up and kick Vitek, but doesn''t manage and Vitek gives him a hard kick in the ribs when he gets back up, which makes Fedor double over grasping his stomach. When Fedor tries to get up, Vitek kicks him against the head which makes Fedor fall over again. Then you see Vasily and Dan coming around the corner, they run towards Vitek when they notice he''s fighting. "Vitek, what''s going on?" Vasily asks. Vitek kicks the now prone Fedor once more in his sides. "This fucker is trying to steal my girl!" he exclaims, pointing at Fedor. For a moment' 
+		'Vitek suddenly hits Fedor on the chin with a quick jab, which sends Fedor flying backwards; landing backward on the pavement. Vitek immediately climbs on top of him, grabbing him by the collar, with his left hand, while punching Fedor in the face with his right one. Fedor tries to ball up and kick Vitek, but doesn''t manage to phase him, as Vitek gives him a hard kick in the ribs when he gets back up, which makes Fedor fall over grasping his stomach. As Fedor tries to get up, Vitek kicks him in his head, which causes Fedor fall over again. As Fedor hits the ground, you see Vasily and Dan coming around the corner, they run towards Vitek when they notice that he''s fighting. "Vitek, what''s going on?" Vasily asks. Vitek kicks the now prone Fedor, once more in his sides. "This fucker is trying to steal my girl!" He exclaims, pointing at Fedor.' 
-		'you''re scared he''s going to beat you up too, but he doesn''t. Dan moves over to Fedor''s barely conscious body and asks: "Hasn''t anyone told you that it''s rude to steal someone''s girl, Fedor? What do you have to say for yourself?" Fedor looks up, barely realizing what''s going on any more. His face is all busted up, but he''s not willing to let it go: "<<$pcs_firstname>> is my girl..." he moans. Vasily laughs like a jackal, while Vitek is furious once more: "You little shit! I''m going to..." Dan interrupts him: "Relax, Vitek. Look at his face. I think he realizes his mistake. Or do you want to make things even worse for yourself?" That last question was directed at Fedor.'
+		'Feeling terrified that Vitek might hurt you too, in his blind rage, you remain silent. Dan moves over to Fedor''s, as Fedor struggles to remain conscious, and asks: "Hasn''t anyone told you that it''s rude to steal someone''s girl, Fedor? What do you have to say for yourself?" Fedor looks up, barely realizing what''s going on any more. His face is all busted up, but he''s not willing to let it go: "<<$pcs_firstname>> is my girl..." He groans. Vasily begins laughing like a jackal, while Vitek furiously shouts at Fedor once more: "You little shit! I''m going to..." Dan interrupts him: "Relax, Vitek. Look at his face. I think he realizes his mistake. Or do you want to make things even worse for yourself?" That last question was directed at Fedor.'
 		'<center><b><font color="maroon"><<"Vasily [Shulga] Shulgin">></font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big11.jpg"></center>'
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/fedorangry.jpg"></center>'
-			'Fedor slowly rises to his feet, and softly mutters: "Fucking Gopniks..." Vasily hears him though, and immediately slams his fist into Fedor''s face. Fedor tries to keep standing, but immediately gets hit by Dan as well. No longer able to support his weight, he falls to his hands and knees. Vasily jokes: "Look at him... already assuming the position!" making the other Gopniks laugh. Vitek kicks him in the stomach again, and Fedor lies flat on the ground. Vitek looks at Dan and asks: "Can you believe I have to put up with this shit?"' 
+			'Fedor slowly rises to his feet, and softly mutters: "Fucking Gopniks..." Vasily hears him clearly, immediately slamming his fist into Fedor''s face, but Fedor refuses to fall until he is immediately hit by Dan in his stomach. No longer able to support his weight, he falls to his hands and knees. Vasily jokes: "Look at him... already assuming the position!" Making the other Gopniks laugh. Vitek kicks him in the stomach again, knocking Fedor onto his back, laying flat on the ground. Realizing he won, Vitek looks to Dan and asks: "Can you believe the shit I have to put up with?"' 
 			act 'Hear what Dan has to say':
 				*clr & cla
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Vs Fedor':
 				gs 'stat'			
 				'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/Strela/fedor.jpg"></center>'				
-				'Dan replies: "We could ask Vadim Bely to take care of him. He''ll know how to punish Fedor in a way that he''ll never forget." Vitek nods: "Good plan. Set it up, will you?" He then turns to Fedor "We''re settling this tomorrow, kid. You better be here after school, it''ll be ten times worse for you if you don''t." He then waves for his friends to follow him "Come on guys. Let''s go have some beers in the park, I need to relax. <<$pcs_nickname>>, if you want to join us, you know where we''ll be." Vitek and Dan leave Fedor on the ground and head for the schoolyard exit, but Vasily walks over to Fedor and kicks him in the ribs one more time, still laughing that signature jackal laugh of his. He then joins his friends, and moments later they''re gone.'
+				'Dan replies: "We could ask Vadim Bely to take care of him. He''ll know how to punish Fedor in a way that he''ll never forget." Vitek nods: "Good plan. Set it up, will you?" He then turns to Fedor "We''re settling this tomorrow, kid. You better be here after school, it''ll be ten times worse for you if you don''t." He then waves for his friends to follow him "Come on guys. Let''s go have some beers in the park, I need to relax. <<$pcs_nickname>>, if you want to join us, you know where we''ll be." Vitek and Dan leave Fedor on the ground then head for the schoolyard exit, but as they pass Fedor, Vasily quickly kicks him in the ribs one more time, still laughing that signature jackal laugh of his. He then joins his friends, and moments later, they''re gone.'
 				act 'Leave the school courtyard':gt 'pav_residential'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -575,11 +575,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Wash Up':
 	menu_off = 1
 	pcs_mood += 25
 	if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
-	sweat = 7 + rand(0,4)
+	gs 'sweat', 'add', 7 + rand(0,4)
 	hapri = 1
 	mop = 1
 	cumspclnt = 1
-	gs 'cum_cleanup'	
+	gs 'cum_cleanup'
 	frost = 0
 	FedorLuv = 100
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A5'

+ 8 - 8

@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home 3':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/sitting2.jpg"></center>'
 	'Fedor leans over toward you and begins kissing and licking your neck, obviously ready for some fun. You lay back enjoying his tongue on your neck which turns you on as well as feeling his strong hands caressing your breasts. Fedor continues licking and feeling up your body as you both start undressing each other. Fedor whispers in your ear, "<<$pcs_firstname>>, I want you right now."'
-	act 'Take me':gt 'FedorEv4', 'Random Sex'
+	act 'Take me':gt 'FedorEv4', 'random_sex'
 	act 'Suck Fedor''s dick':
 		VK = rand(1,2)
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Home 3':
 	if VKwIp = 100: act 'Is that a yoga ball?': gt 'FedorEv4_sex', 'LivingRoom 3'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'Random Sex':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'random_sex':
 	VK = rand(1,8)
 	if VK <= 1:
 		gt 'FedorEv4_sex', 'Livingroom 1'
@@ -295,9 +295,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Random Sex':
 	elseif VK = 7 and FedorLove = 1:
 		gt 'FedorEv4_sex', 'Bedroom Cam'
 	elseif VK = 8 and FedorLove = 1:
-		gt 'FedorEv4', 'Bedroom 1'
+		gt 'FedorEv4_sex', 'Bedroom 1'
-		gt 'FedorEv4', 'Random Sex'
+		gt 'FedorEv4', 'random_sex'
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Livingroom':
 	if pcs_health < 100: 'Fedor looks at you and frowns. "<<$pcs_firstname>> you''re hurt. My mother works as a nurse, if she is home then you should have her take a look at you."'
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude': 'Fedor reaches over, then begins rubbing your ass, "You have a body to die for <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
-	if pcs_hairbsh = 0: 'Fedor notices your messy hair and pulls out his <a href="exec:gt ''FedorMisc'', ''Comb''">comb</a>.'
+	if pcs_hairbsh < 1: 'Fedor notices your messy hair and pulls out his <a href="exec:gt ''FedorMisc'', ''Comb''">comb</a>.'
 	act 'Walk away':gt 'FedorEv4', 'Livingroom'
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Kitchen':
 	if FedorKoz_Daystart ! daystart: '"<<$pcs_firstname>> would you like something to eat?"'
 	if pcs_health < 100: 'Fedor looks at you and frowns. "<<$pcs_firstname>> you''re hurt. My mother works as a nurse, if she is home then you should have her take a look at you."'
-	if pcs_hairbsh = 0: 'Fedor notices your messy hair and pulls out his <a href="exec:gt ''FedorMisc'', ''Comb''">comb</a>.'
+	if pcs_hairbsh < 1: 'Fedor notices your messy hair and pulls out his <a href="exec:gt ''FedorMisc'', ''Comb''">comb</a>.'
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude': 'Fedor reaches over, then begins feeling up your legs, "You are so hot, <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
 	act 'Walk away':gt 'FedorEv4', 'Kitchen'
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Bedroom':
 		'Fedor looks at you then frowns. "<<$pcs_firstname>> you''re hurt. My mother works as a nurse. You should have her take a look at you."'
-	if pcs_hairbsh = 0:
+	if pcs_hairbsh < 1:
 		'Fedor notices your messy hair and pulls out his <a href="exec:gt ''FedorMisc'', ''Comb''">comb</a>.'
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Bedroom 2':
 	'Fedor is watching videos on his computer. As you approach, Fedor turns to you and asks "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, wanna check out some videos?"'
 	if pcs_health < 100: 'Fedor looks at you and frowns. "<<$pcs_firstname>> you''re hurt. My mother works as a nurse, if she is home then you should have her take a look at you."'
-	if pcs_hairbsh = 0: 'Fedor notices your messy hair and pulls out his <a href="exec:gt ''FedorMisc'', ''Comb''">comb</a>.'
+	if pcs_hairbsh < 1: 'Fedor notices your messy hair and pulls out his <a href="exec:gt ''FedorMisc'', ''Comb''">comb</a>.'
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude': 'Fedor reaches over, then begins gently squeezing your breasts, "You have great tits, <<$pcs_firstname>>."'
 	if func('homes_properties', 'has_access', 'parents_home') = 0 and FedorShelter = 0:act 'Ask about moving in':gt 'FedorEv4', 'Fedor Shelter'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Bedroom Cam':
 		'"Sorry Fedor but I can''t risk a video like that getting out." Fedor gives you a smile as he replies, "Don''t worry <<$pcs_firstname>>, I understand." Fedor then puts the camera away then walks up to you and gives you a soft kiss.'
-		act 'Lead him out of the room':gt 'FedorEv4', 'Random Sex'
+		act 'Lead him out of the room':gt 'FedorEv4', 'random_sex'
 		act 'Walk away':gt 'FedorEv4', 'Bedroom'
@@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Shower 2':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/home/bathroom/dush.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You climb into the shower and begin lathering your body, cleaning yourself as thoroughly as possible until you can hear Fedor enter the room and you peek out of the curtain to see him taking a piss and as soon as he notices you, he gives you a wink with a mischievous grin on his face.'
-	noShampoo = 1
+	noshampoo = 1
 	dynamic $showerdin
 	if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'

+ 13 - 19

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Chat':
 		'Fedor is a decent athlete. He often trains with his good friend Ivan, but lacks the level of talent that Ivan does have.'
-	if pcs_hairbsh = 0:
+	if pcs_hairbsh < 1:
 		'Fedor notices your messy hair and pulls out his <a href="exec:gt ''FedorMisc'', ''Comb'', <<ARGS[1]>>">comb</a>.'
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Chat':
 		act 'Move away': gt 'pav_disco_classmates', 'classmates'
 	act 'Chat':
 		*clr & cla
 		npc_rel['A5'] += rand(5,10)
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Locker Room 1':
 		act 'Vaginal':
 			*clr & cla
-			minut -= -5
+			minut += 5
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/lockerroom/lr3.jpg"></center>'
 			'After a few more seconds, Fedor lifts you up by your shoulders then lightly pushes you onto the bench then climbs up in front of you. You look down at Fedor''s penis as it slowly enters your vagina, giving you a jolt of pleasure which emits a moan from you. Fedor begins fucking you slowly while gradually increasing his pace. Fedor lifts one of your legs up, giving himself easier access to your vagina as he continues ramming his penis inside you. After a few minutes, Fedor looks down to you and says, "I''m ready to cum for you."'
@@ -513,8 +513,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Smoke':
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	npc_rel['A5'] += 5
-	siga += 1
-	gs 'drugs', 'smoke'
+	gs 'drugs', 'smoke', 1
 	cumspclnt = 2
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
 	pcs_breath = 0
@@ -531,13 +530,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Smoke 2':
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	npc_rel['A5'] += 5
-	siga += 1
-	gs 'drugs', 'smoke'
-	cumspclnt = 2
-	gs 'cum_cleanup'
-	pcs_breath = 0
-	pcs_mood += 100
-	gs 'stat'
+	gs 'drugs', 'smoke', 1
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/school/Hall/smoke.jpg"></center>'
 	'"Sure thing." Fedor hands you a cigarette then puts one in his mouth as he collects his lighter from his pocket then lights both cigarettes. You both spend the next few minute gossiping about your classmates.'
@@ -552,14 +546,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Workout':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/gym/fedor.jpg"></center>'
-	if $ARGS[1] = 'workout_date': 
+	if $ARGS[1] = 'workout_date':
 		'Fedor gives you a warm smile after he has finished his warm up. "What do you want to do?."'
 		'You can see Fedor on his phone by some of the punching bags and as you approach, he lowers his phone then he flashes you a warm smile. "<<$pcs_firstname>> It''s always good to see you. Are you here to workout? or are you waiting for someone?" You reply, "I''m just keeping fit. I wanna look good for my handsome boyfriend." Fedor gives you a warm smile as he responds, "I''ve just been doing some warm ups. You can join me for some workouts, if you like."'
 		act 'I can''t right now but maybe later':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 	act 'Build strength':
 		*clr & cla
 		FedorWorkout = 1
@@ -597,7 +591,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Workout':
 	act 'Increase endurance':
 		*clr & cla
 		FedorWorkout = 3
@@ -644,7 +638,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Strength':
 	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	minut += 30
-	gs 'exp_gain', 'stren', rand(1, 4) + (steroid_dose - rand(0,steroid_dose)) & gs 'obj_din', 'steroids'
+	gs 'exp_gain', 'stren', rand(1, 4) + rand(0, drugVars['steroids_dose']) & gs 'obj_din', 'steroids'
 	fat -= 1
 	pcs_mood += 5
 	gs 'sweat', 'add', 30
@@ -841,7 +835,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Outcast Intro':
 				minut += 5
 				FedorOutcast = 1
 				fedormasha = 0
-				$npc_notes[5] = 'Ever since Fedor gave Vasily a blowjob in the school courtyard, everyone calls him Masha but to you, he will always be Fedor.'
+				$npc_notes['A5'] = 'Ever since Fedor gave Vasily a blowjob in the school courtyard, everyone calls him Masha but to you, he will always be Fedor.'
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/Outcast/outcast2.jpg"></center>'
@@ -880,7 +874,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Outcast':
 			'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/Outcast/outcast1.jpg"></center>'
 			'You walk up to Fedor and he immediately turns to face you with a very welcoming smile on his face. "Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>, I''ve been reflecting on what we spoke about last time and I really need to thank you for cheering me up. I really needed that." You place your hand on his shoulder. "It was the least I can do Fedor." Fedor rubs your hand on his shoulder while still keeping his welcoming smile intact as he asks "So, is there anything I can do for you?" You wrap your fingers around his as you reply, "Fedor I... I just... I can''t stop thinking of you Fyodor. I need you in my life. Will you please take me back." Fedor replies with a shocked look on his face "If we hooked up again then Viktor will tear me apart. I''m just not strong enough to deal with him. I''m sorry."'
 			act 'Continue':
 				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
@@ -907,7 +901,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Outcast':
 				act 'I need some time to think about it':gt 'pav_park', 'start'
-		end	
+		end
 	elseif fedorKozlovQW = -15:
 		act 'Ask out on a date':
 			*clr & cla

+ 1 - 1

@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ act 'Apologize and leave': otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 5 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 act 'Take a walk through the park':
-	if pcs_hairbsh = 0:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 5
+	if pcs_hairbsh < 1:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] -= 5
 	if pcs_hairbsh = 1:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] += 1
 	if pcs_makeup = 2:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] += 1
 	if pcs_makeup = 3:otnBoyFrend[numnpc] += 2

+ 69 - 17

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'normal':
 	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelRoomDays[$hotel] - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
 	'Your hotel room is not very large, but it has everything you need and is quite stylish. The large <a href="exec:gt ''bed2''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
-	'Your hotel room also has a <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(komp = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
+	'Your hotel room also has a <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(mc_inventory['tech_computer'] = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
 	if $ml_guitar['location'] = $loc: 'Your guitar rests on its stand next to your bed.'
 	gs 'music_actions', 'music_icon'
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'better':
 	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelRoomDays[$hotel] - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
 	'Your hotel room is not very large, but it has everything you need and is quite stylish. The large <a href="exec:gt ''bed2''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
-	'Your hotel room also has a small flat-screen <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(komp = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
+	'Your hotel room also has a small flat-screen <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(mc_inventory['tech_computer'] = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
 	if $ml_guitar['location'] = $loc: 'Your guitar rests on its stand next to your bed.'
 	gs 'music_actions', 'music_icon'
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'best':
 	'<center>You have paid to stay for <<hotelRoomDays[$hotel] - daystart>> more nights in the room.</center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'
 	'Your hotel room is quite spacious, and is beautifully furnished. For a second, you wonder why a hotel in a town like Pavlovsk even has such a luxurious suite. The room is filled with expensive appliances. The gorgeous <a href="exec:gt ''bed2''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
-	'Your hotel room also has a huge flat-screen <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(komp = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
+	'Your hotel room also has a huge flat-screen <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(mc_inventory['tech_computer'] = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
 	if $ml_guitar['location'] = $loc: 'Your guitar rests on its stand next to your bed.'
 	gs 'music_actions', 'music_icon'
@@ -141,14 +141,60 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'best':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'therapist':
+	*clr & cla
+	$hotel = 'pav_hotel'
+	$locM_arg = 'therapist'
+	$locM = 'HotelRoom'
+	$loc_arg = 'therapist'
+	$loc = 'HotelRoom'
+	$prevloc = $loc
+	$menu_loc = 'HotelRoom'
+	$menu_arg = 'therapist'
+	menu_off = 0
+	hotelWiFi = 1
+	$location_type = 'private'
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
+	gs 'stat'	
+	gs 'internet_mobile', 'get_access', 'free'
+	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Your husband''s hotel room</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/room.jpg"></center>'
+	'Your hotel room is not very large, but it has everything you need and is quite stylish. The large <a href="exec:gt ''bed2''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
+	'Your hotel room also has a small flat-screen <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(mc_inventory['tech_computer'] = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
+	if $ml_guitar['location'] = $loc: 'Your guitar rests on its stand next to your bed.'
+	gs 'music_actions', 'music_icon'
+	act'Go to the hotel lobby':
+		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
+			hotelWiFi = 0
+			gt 'pav_hotel'
+			killvar '$hotel'
+		else
+			msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before leaving your hotel room.</font></b>'
+			gt 'HotelRoom', 'therapist'
+		end
+	end
+	if hotelRoom[$hotel] ! 0:
+		if money >= 100: act'Order room service (0:30) (100 <b>₽</b>)': gs 'food', 'h_food'
+		act 'Drink some water (0:01)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_wat'
+		act 'Have a coffee (0:05)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_cof'
+		dynamic $fatdel
+		dynamic $lekarstvo
+		dynamic $vitamin
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'shower1':
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 1
-	hotelShampoo = 1
+	hotelmc_inventory['shampoo'] =  1
 	$locM_arg = 'shower1'
 	$locM = 'HotelRoom'
 	$loc_arg = 'shower1'
-	$loc = 'HotelRoom'	
+	$loc = 'HotelRoom'
 	$location_type = 'bathroom'
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
@@ -156,13 +202,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shower1':
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>The bathroom of your hotel room</font></b></center>'
 	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A small and unpretentious bathroom, that is nevertheless quite stylish and has everything you need.'
-	elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 2:
+	elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 2 or therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A nice looking and spacious bathroom, with separate bath tub.'
 	elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 3:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A very luxurious and spacious bathroom, fit for a king.'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0:
+	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
 			gt $hotel
@@ -170,35 +216,41 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shower1':
 		act 'Return to your room':
-			hotelShampoo = 0
+			hotelmc_inventory['shampoo'] =  0
 			if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 1:
-				gt'HotelRoom','normal'
+				gt 'HotelRoom', 'normal'
 			elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 2:
-				gt'HotelRoom','better'
+				gt 'HotelRoom', 'better'
 			elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 3:
-				gt'HotelRoom','best'
+				gt 'HotelRoom', 'best'
+			elseif therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
+				gt 'HotelRoom', 'therapist'
-	gs 'din_van', 'private', 'hotelroom', iif(hotelroom = 1, '', 'bath')
+	gs 'din_van', 'private', 'hotelroom', iif(hotelRoom[$hotel] = 1, '', 'bath')
 if $ARGS[0] = 'tv':
 	*clr & cla
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv<<hotelroom>>.jpg"></center>'
+	if therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv2.jpg"></center>'
+	else
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv<<hotelroom>>.jpg"></center>'
+	end
 	'You turn on the TV and make yourself comfortable on the bed.'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0:
+	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
 			gt $hotel
 			killvar '$hotel'
-		act 'Get up from the bed':gt $loc, $loc_arg
+		act 'Get up from the bed': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		act 'Watch TV (1:00)': gt 'hotelroom', 'watch_tv'
@@ -211,14 +263,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'watch_tv':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv0,'+rand(0,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
 	'You are watching the country''s main television channel. None of their programs are really worth watching, but the distraction is welcome anyway.'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0:
+	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
 			gt $hotel
 			killvar '$hotel'
-		act 'Get up from the bed':gt $loc, $loc_arg
+		act 'Get up from the bed': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		act 'Watch TV (1:00)': gt 'hotelroom', 'watch_tv'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'School Chat':
 					'<center><b><font color=#00eaff>School Hallway</font></b></center>'
-					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
 					'You don''t feel like attending all of your classes this morning. Surely no one will miss you if you skip one of your three morning classes.'
 					act 'Go to girl''s bathroom':gt 'gschool_girls_bathroom', 'start'

+ 7 - 7

@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom':
 	act 'Take a shower':
 		menu_off = 1
 		minut += 10
-		noShampoo = 1
+		noshampoo = 1
 		dynamic $showerdin
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_room':
 			juliaQW['homework_day'] = daystart
 			gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'love' 
 			lern += rand(3,6)
-			gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', rand(1,2) + (mentats_dose - rand(0,mentats_dose))
+			gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', rand(1,2) + rand(0, drugVars['mentats_dose'])
 			gs 'stat'
 			*clr & cla
@@ -408,12 +408,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_room':
 			act 'Leave Julia''s room': gt 'JuliaMilHome', 'hallway'
 			act 'Chat with Julia': gt 'JuliaMilHome', 'julia_chat'
-			if wine = 1:
+			if mc_inventory['food_wine'] = 1:
 				act 'Drink your wine with Julia':
 					juliaQW['JulMilBestFrend'] += 1
 					menu_off = 1
 					minut += 30
-					wine = 0
+					mc_inventory['food_wine'] = 0
 					gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'wine', 2
 					gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A12', 'like'
 					gs 'stat'
@@ -589,10 +589,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'julia_chat':
 				act 'Stop talking': gt 'JuliaMilHome','julia_room'
 				act 'Keep talking': gt 'JuliaMilHome', 'julia_chat'
-			act 'Say nothing, just hug him back':
+			act 'Say nothing, just hug her back':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big12.jpg"></center>'
-				'You kiss her and hug her back. You have never seen her look so happy, she looks at you like you are the most amazing thing in the world. She looks at you like you are the most amazing thing in the world. She kisses you for a moment before shyly breaking away and putting a little space between you, but she holds your hand as you both sit on the bed.'
+				'You kiss her and hug her back. You have never seen her look so happy, she looks at you like you are the most amazing thing in the world. She kisses you for a moment before shyly breaking away and putting a little space between you, but she holds your hand as you both sit on the bed.'
 				act 'Stop talking': gt 'JuliaMilHome','julia_room'
 				act 'Keep talking': gt 'JuliaMilHome', 'julia_chat'
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ end
 				!!'"What? How could she repay you if she doesn''t have any money?" Julia asks you.'
 				!!'"Well, she does know how to use that mouth of hers. I''ve been putting it to good use." You answer, blushing.'
 				!!'You notice Julia''s cheeks flushing red at this comment. She''s clearly getting aroused just by talking of this.'
-				!!if strapon = 1:
+				!!if mc_inventory['strapon'] = 1:
 					!!'"You know, I''ve bought myself a strap-on. I was planning to use it on Julia." You admit.'
 					!!'"If you''re up for it, you could get yourself one too and we can both have some fun with Julia." You offer.'
 					!!'"That does sound, uhm ..., like it could be a lot of fun." Julia responds, unconsciously rubbing her thighs together. "Ok, I''m in."'

Rozdielové dáta súboru neboli zobrazené, pretože súbor je príliš veľký
+ 271 - 256

+ 42 - 39

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'secretroom':
 	*clr & cla
 	if katjaQW['school_sex'] = 0: katjaQW['school_sex'] = 1 & ! Flag sex with Kate at the school
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga4_4.jpg"></center>'
-	'You hurry down the hall hand in hand with Katja towards the storage room she told you about as each of you try to pull up the other''s skirt. Once at the door, she pulls out a key and unlocks it. You grab and squeeze her ass as she does before she pushes the door open and turns towards you. You both immediately start kissing and fondling each other, barely avoiding tumbling into the room before you manage to close the door and lock it.'
+	'You hurry down the hall hand in hand with Katja towards the storage room she told you about as each of you tries to pull up the other''s skirt. Once at the door, she pulls out a key and unlocks it. You grab and squeeze her ass as she does before she pushes the door open and turns towards you. You both immediately start kissing and fondling each other, barely avoiding tumbling into the room before you manage to close the door and lock it.'
 	act 'Bare her breasts':
 		*clr & cla
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', -5, 'lesbian'
@@ -19,25 +19,25 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'secretroom':
 			gs 'stat'
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/sex/school/tanga4_10.jpg"></center>'
-			'After a few minutes of teasing her nipples, you kiss your way down to her stomach, pulling off her skirt as you do. Your lips descend down her body and you begin kissing and teasing her clit with your tongue. You pull her down and gentle push her down on her back. Once she''s comfortable, you slide two of your fingers into her wet pussy and begin to finger fuck her. She moans in pleasure she squeezes her breasts firmly in her hands.'
+			'After a few minutes of teasing her nipples, you kiss your way down to her stomach, pulling off her skirt as you do. Your lips descend down her body and you begin kissing and teasing her clit with your tongue. You pull her down and gently push her down on her back. Once she''s comfortable, you slide two of your fingers into her wet pussy and begin to finger fuck her. She moans in pleasure as she squeezes her breasts firmly in her hands.'
 			!!The requirements here are to make sure you own a dildo and that neither you or Katja has a hymen, since the scene does not acount for that possibility.
-			if (middildo = 1 or dildo = 1 or largedildo = 1 or bigdildo = 1 or extradildo = 1 or superdildo = 1 or maddildo = 1) and stat['think_virgin'] = 0 and npc_vag['A14'] > 0:
+			if (mc_inventory['dildo_normal'] = 1 or mc_inventory['dildo_small'] = 1 or mc_inventory['dildo_big'] = 1 or mc_inventory['dildo_large'] = 1 or mc_inventory['dildo_huge'] = 1 or mc_inventory['dildo_enormous'] = 1 or mc_inventory['dildo_gigantic'] = 1) and stat['think_virgin'] = 0 and npc_vag['A14'] > 0:
 				act 'Get dildo':
 					if dildonumber > 0:
 						gs 'boyStat', 'D<<dildonumber>>'
-					elseif dildo = 1:
+					elseif mc_inventory['dildo_small'] = 1:
 						gs 'boyStat', 'D1'
-					elseif middildo = 1:
+					elseif mc_inventory['dildo_normal'] = 1:
 						gs 'boyStat', 'D2'
-					elseif largedildo = 1:
+					elseif mc_inventory['dildo_big'] = 1:
 						gs 'boyStat', 'D3'
-					elseif bigdildo = 1:
+					elseif mc_inventory['dildo_large'] = 1:
 						gs 'boyStat', 'D4'
-					elseif extradildo = 1:
+					elseif mc_inventory['dildo_huge'] = 1:
 						gs 'boyStat', 'D5'
-					elseif superdildo = 1:
+					elseif mc_inventory['dildo_enormous'] = 1:
 						gs 'boyStat', 'D6'
-					elseif maddildo = 1:
+					elseif mc_inventory['dildo_gigantic'] = 1:
 						gs 'boyStat', 'D7'
@@ -51,16 +51,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'secretroom':
 						gs 'arousal', 'rimming_give', 5, 'lesbian'
 						if npc_vag['A14'] < dick: npc_vag['A14'] += 1
 						if npc_vag['A14']*2 < dick: npc_vag['A14'] += 1
-						katjaQW['Horny'] = 0
-						KatjaQW['Slut'] += 2
+						katjaQW['horny'] = 0
+						katjaQW['slut'] += 2
 						gs 'stat'
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/sex/school/tanga4_9.jpg"></center>'
-						'Katja begins moaning louder and bucking her hips against your fingers. You pull the dildo out of her mouth and your fingers out of her pussy before rolling her onto her stomach and sliding the wet dildo into her soaking wet pussy. You bury your face between hr ass cheeks and lick her asshole as you start thrusting the dildo as deep as it will go. Her moans of pleasure get ever louder and she begins to arch her hips up, trying to take even more of the dildo into herself, but there is no more to give. Instead, you stick your tongue in her ass and begin to tongue fuck her ass. This casuses her to moan even louder and before long she starts bucking her hips as her body spasms in an intense orgasm as she cums.'
+						'Katja begins moaning louder and bucking her hips against your fingers. You pull the dildo out of her mouth and your fingers out of her pussy before rolling her onto her stomach and sliding the wet dildo into her soaking wet pussy.'
+						'You bury your face between her ass cheeks and lick her asshole as you start thrusting the dildo as deep as it will go. Her moans of pleasure get ever louder and she begins to arch her hips up, trying to take even more of the dildo into herself, but there is no more to give.'
+						'Instead, you stick your tongue in her ass and begin to tongue fuck her ass. This causes her to moan even louder and before long she starts bucking her hips as her body spasms in an intense orgasm as she cums.'
 						act'Use dildo':
 							*clr & cla
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/sex/school/tanga4_7.jpg"></center>'
-							'As her quivering body subsides and her panting breath gets under control, you pull the dildo out of her pussy and your tongue out of her ass. She gives you a dreamy smile and reaches over to take the dildo out of your hand. She gets up and sits down between your legs, lifting them up and dragging your pussy up to her. "You''re so beautiful, I could just eat you right up..." she whispers before she starts licking your pussy, her tongue occasionally darting inside you. As your pussy gets wetter, you reach up and grab her hair. "Yes, faster, faster!" you moan, wanting more. For several minutes, she only uses her tongue before she pulls away, slides the dildo into your wet pussy and begins furiously fucking you with it. Using her other hand, she slips one of her fingers in your ass and begins to finger fuck your ass at the same time.'
+							'As her quivering body subsides and her panting breath gets under control, you pull the dildo out of her pussy and your tongue out of her ass. She gives you a dreamy smile and reaches over to take the dildo out of your hand. She gets up and sits down between your legs, lifting them up and dragging your pussy up to her. "You''re so beautiful, I could just eat you right up..." she whispers before she starts licking your pussy, her tongue occasionally darting inside you.'
+							'As your pussy gets wetter, you reach up and grab her hair. "Yes, faster, faster!" you moan, wanting more. For several minutes, she only uses her tongue before she pulls away, slides the dildo into your wet pussy and begins furiously fucking you with it. Using her other hand, she slips one of her fingers in your ass and begins to finger fuck your ass at the same time.'
 							$orgasm_txt = 'You can''t take it and quickly orgasm. Your pussy overflows with your juices and you feel them running down your stomach as the intense orgasm rocks your body.'
 							$orgasm_or = 'custom'
 							gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', -5, 'lesbian'
@@ -78,8 +81,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'secretroom':
 			act 'Tongue fuck Katja':
 				*clr & cla
 				gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 10, 'lesbian'
-				katjaQW['Horny'] = 0
-				KatjaQW['Slut'] += 2
+				katjaQW['horny'] = 0
+				katjaQW['slut'] += 2
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/sex/school/tanga4_8.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'Pulling your fingers out of her pussy, you run your lips along her inner thighs until you reach her clit. You kiss, lick and tease her clit with your tongue, causing her to moan in pleasure while raising her hips to try and force your tongue into her as her wetness soaks her inner thighs and your face. Giving in, you slip your tongue inside her pussy and moans loudly and bucks against your face before she reaches down and grabs your hair, holding your head in place as she grinds her crotch against your face and you tongue fuck her pussy, completely covering your face with her pussy juices. After several minutes, she begins moaning loudly as she cums.'
@@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'school':
 		*clr & cla
 		if katjaQW['pantiesQWstage'] = 5:
 			gt 'Katja_Tanga', 'school5'
-		elseif katjaQW['school_sex'] >= 1 and KatjaQW['slut'] > 60:
+		elseif katjaQW['school_sex'] >= 1 and KatjaQW['slut'] > 60 and katjaQW['sex_clossedness'] < 2:
 			gt 'Katja_Tanga', 'school4'
 		elseif KatjaQW['slut'] > 40:
 			gt 'Katja_Tanga', 'school3'
@@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'school2':
 	gs 'arousal', 'erotic', -5
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'
 	katjaQW['horny'] += 5
-	KatjaQW['Slut'] += 1
+	katjaQW['slut'] += 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga3_<<rand(1,6)>>.jpg"></center>'
 	'Katja looks around to make sure nobody is nearby before furtively lifting up her skirt and showing you her panties. "See? I''m wearing panties."'
@@ -168,13 +171,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'school3':
 		katjaQW['horny'] += 10
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga4_2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Katja looks around to make sure nobody is watching before she unbuttons her shirt and pulls it open to reveal her bare breasts. With a smile, you reach up and grab her breasts in your hands, teasing her nipples with your fingers. A moan of pleasure escapes from her mouth.'
-		if pcs_horny >= 50 and katjaQW['Horny'] >= 40 and npc_sex['A14'] > 0 and mesec <= 0 and katjaQW['school_sex'] = 0:
+		if pcs_horny >= 50 and katjaQW['horny'] >= 40 and npc_sex['A14'] > 0 and mesec <= 0 and katjaQW['school_sex'] = 0:
 			'Blushing, Katja pulls away from you and buttons her shirt back up, but looks at you with a sly grin. "I have a key to a storage closet. We can go there for a bit more privacy if you want..." She gives you pleading eyes, hoping that you''ll agree.'
 			act 'Go': gt 'Katja_tanga', 'secretroom'
 			katjaQW['horny'] += 10
 			if katjaQW['school_sex'] = 1: katjaQW['slut'] +=1
-			'Blushing, Katja pulls away from you and buttons her shirt back up, looking around to see if anyone had seen you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you crazy?! Someone could have seen us! What would they say?!"'
+			'Blushing, Katja pulls away from you and buttons her shirt back up, looking around to see if anyone has seen you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you crazy?! Someone could have seen us! What would they say?!"'
 		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -183,13 +186,13 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'school4':
 	*clr & cla
 	!katschoolsex=1 Flag sex with Katja at the school
-	KatjaQW['Slut'] += 1
+	katjaQW['slut'] += 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga5_1.jpg"></center>'
 	if katjaQW['pantiesQWstage'] = 4:
-		'Katja quickly lifts her skirt, showing you her thong clad ass. "You''re back to wearing panties again?" you cry. 
+		'Katja quickly lifts her skirt, showing you her thong-clad ass. "You''re back to wearing panties again?" you cry. 
 		Katja hisses at you. "So? It''s not like you haven''t seen everything before."'
-		'Katja quickly lifts her skirt, showing her thong clad ass. "Still wearing panties, huh?" you ask and Katja hisses at you. "So? It''s not like you haven''t seen everything before."'
+		'Katja quickly lifts her skirt, showing her thong-clad ass. "Still wearing panties, huh?" you ask and Katja hisses at you. "So? It''s not like you haven''t seen everything before."'
 	act 'Denied':
 		*clr & cla
@@ -219,7 +222,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'school4':
 				'Turning away from you and bending over, Katja lifts up her skirt and pulls down her panties, showing you her ass and pussy. She starts to pull her panties back up as you pout. "Is that it?"'
 				act 'That''s all?':
 					*clr & cla
-					if KatjaQW['Slut'] > 80 and katjaQW['pantiesQWstage'] = 4: katjaQW['pantiesQWstage'] = 5
+					if katjaQW['slut'] > 80 and katjaQW['pantiesQWstage'] = 4: katjaQW['pantiesQWstage'] = 5
 					if katjaQW['pantiesQWstage'] = 3: katjaQW['pantiesQWstage'] = 4
 					katjaQW['take_of_panties_day'] = daystart
 					gs 'arousal', 'erotic', -5
@@ -242,7 +245,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'school5':
 	gs 'arousal', 'end'
 	gs 'stat'
 	katjaQW['horny'] += 10
-	KatjaQW['Slut'] += 1
+	katjaQW['slut'] += 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga6_<<rand(1,6)>>.jpg"></center>'
 	'Without any hesitation, Katja pulls up her skirt and shows you her pussy. 
 	"Like what you see?" she asks with a teasing smile.'
@@ -259,23 +262,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dance':
 	'You lift the edge of your skirt up and flash your pussy at Katja. "I showed you mine, now show me yours."'
 	act 'Ask to see':
 		*clr & cla
-		if KatjaQW['Slut'] <= 20:
-			katjaQW['Horny'] += 10
+		if katjaQW['slut'] <= 20:
+			katjaQW['horny'] += 10
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/katja_disco3.jpg"></center>'
 			'Katja blushes in embarrassment. "I''m not as brave as you! I can''t to go to a dance without my panties on."'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		elseif KatjaQW['Slut'] <= 40:
+		elseif katjaQW['slut'] <= 40:
 			gs 'arousal', 'erotic', -5
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
-			katjaQW['Horny'] += 10
+			katjaQW['horny'] += 10
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/katja_disco4.jpg"></center>'
 			'Katja looks around to make sure nobody is watching before partially bending over and lifting her skirt, showing you her thong and giving you a nice view of her ass.'
-		elseif KatjaQW['Slut'] <= 60:
+		elseif katjaQW['slut'] <= 60:
 			gs 'arousal', 'erotic', -5
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
-			katjaQW['Horny'] += 10
-			KatjaQW['Slut'] += 1
+			katjaQW['horny'] += 10
+			katjaQW['slut'] += 1
 			gs 'stat'
 			if katjaQW['disco_Foto'] = 0:
 				katjaQW['disco_Foto'] = 1 & !The flag in the photo
@@ -285,13 +288,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dance':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/katja_disco5_2.jpg"></center>'
 				'Katja unbuttons her shirt and exposes her bra.'
-		elseif KatjaQW['Slut'] <= 80:
-			if	katjaQW['Horny'] > 70:
+		elseif katjaQW['slut'] <= 80:
+			if	katjaQW['horny'] > 70:
 				gs 'arousal', 'erotic', -5
-				katjaQW['Horny'] += 10
-				KatjaQW['Slut'] += 1
+				katjaQW['horny'] += 10
+				katjaQW['slut'] += 1
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/katja_disco6_1.jpg"></center>'
-				'Katja resolutely lifts her dress up to her neck, showing not only her panties, but her bare breasts. She smiles as she pulls her dress back down. "Now show me your tits."'
+				'Katja resolutely lifts her dress up to her neck, showing not only her panties but also her bare breasts. She smiles as she pulls her dress back down. "Now show me your tits."'
 				if pcs_horny > 70 or alko > 1:
 					act 'Show your tits':
 						*clr & cla
@@ -335,8 +338,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'dance':
 			gs 'arousal', 'erotic', -10
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
-			katjaQW['Horny'] += 10
-			KatjaQW['Slut'] += 1
+			katjaQW['horny'] += 10
+			katjaQW['slut'] += 1
 			katjaQW['no_panties_at_disco']= 1 &!Event at the end of the disc
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/katja_disco7_<<rand(1,3)>>.jpg"></center>'

+ 3 - 3

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 gs 'stat'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/lake/kat.jpg"></center>'
-'The warm rays of sun on your naked body feel nice, but at the same time... you have nothing to do! You get bored just lying there and kill the time by looking around you, examining the other beach-goers.'
+'The warm rays of sun on your naked body feel nice, but at the same time... you have nothing to do! You get bored just lying there and try to kill time by looking around you, examining the other beach-goers.'
 'After a few minutes, a beautiful girl lies down near you. She''s truly gorgeous, and you can''t help but stare in her direction every once in a while.'
 act 'Ignore her':gt 'Nudelake'
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'znakomstvo':
 		katday = daystart
 		'"Erm... hello!" you say, a bit shyly.'
 		'The girl wrinkles her nose when she sees you, but says nothing. She keeps giving you a cold stare that indicates that she wants nothing to do with you.'
-		'"Damn, that didn''t go well", you think to yourself while you walk away, a bit disheartened. You look at her again from a distance, and notice how perfect she looks. She must spend a lot of time on trying to look good every day... maybe that''s why she didn''t like you?'
+		'"Damn, that didn''t go well", you think to yourself while you walk away, a bit disheartened. You look at her again from a distance and notice how perfect she looks. She must spend a lot of time trying to look good every day... maybe that''s why she didn''t like you?'
 		act 'Continue sunbathing until the hour is over':gt 'Nudelake'
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'znakomstvo':
 		minut += 30
 		'"Erm... hello!" you say, a bit shyly.'
 		'The girl takes off her sunglasses and examines your body, top to bottom. Her face breaks out into a small smile and she says: "Hey, you!"'
-		'She keeps looking at you with that gorgeous smile of her and waits for you to continue. Damn, she expects you to continue!'
+		'She keeps looking at you with that gorgeous smile of hers and waits for you to continue. Damn, she expects you to continue!'
 		'You frantically try to think of something to say, and blush when you can''t think of anything.'
 		'Her smile widens when she sees how nervous you are, and she decides to help you out: "I''m Katja, but my friends call me Kat! What''s your name?"'
 		'"<<$pcs_nickname>>", you exhale with relief. Feeling a lot more at ease, you have a nice conversation with her for another half hour while you enjoy the warmth of the sun together.'

Rozdielové dáta súboru neboli zobrazené, pretože súbor je príliš veľký
+ 49 - 1271

+ 2 - 2

@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vaginal':
 	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5
 	gs 'stat'
-	if prezik >= 1 and preziktype = 0:
+	if mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] >= 1 and preziktype = 0:
 		act 'Cum inside':
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/vadim/sex/mitka2.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Shower':
 	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/home/bathroom/dush.mp4"></video></center>'
 	'You grab your stuff and walk over to the bathroom to have a shower. You carefully run the faucet, checking the water temperature before washing yourself off, enjoying the warm water hitting your body.'
 	if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
-	noShampoo = 1
+	noshampoo = 1
 	dynamic $showerdin
 	minut += 15
 	pcs_hairbsh = 1

+ 5 - 5

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'firsttime':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bbq/sex/<<randlcpic>>.jpg"></center>'
 		'You smile encouragingly at Eugene and tell her that she is even hotter than you imagined. Eugene, emboldened by your reaction, starts to help you undress. Finally, she descends upon your naked body like a hungry predator...'
 		gs 'dinsex', 'boy_puts_his_condom'
-		gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',40,'futa'
+		gs 'dinsex','vaginal_sex',40,'shemale'
 		'Finally, a good half hour after the two of you started fucking, Eugene lets out a loud and husky moan as she orgasmed.'
 		gs 'dinsex','sexcum'
 		'She kisses you and begins to get dressed while tells you: "Thanks, <<$pcs_nickname>>! That was amazing... but I really need to get back to work before someone take a notice! Please do visit me again, <<$pcs_nickname>>!"'
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 		'Eugene grins and says: "I was hoping you''d say that. Come on, <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
 		'She helps you to undress, and lies down on the mattress with you. She slips her cock into your pussy and starts to fuck you. She skillfully rubs your clit while she thrusts in and out of you, to keep you nice and wet.'
 		gs 'dinsex', 'boy_puts_his_condom'
-		gs 'dinsex', 'vaginal_sex', 40, 'futa', 'sub'
+		gs 'dinsex', 'vaginal_sex', 40, 'shemale', 'sub'
 		'Finally, a good half hour after the hot sex session, Eugene lets out a loud girly moan.'
 		gs 'dinsex','sexcum'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bbq/sex/<<randlcpic>>.jpg"></center>'
 		'You take your clothes off, give Eugene a deep kiss before drop to your knees in front of her. "Mmmm...<<$pcs_nickname>>!" she whispers and looks at you intently.'
 		'Eugene shoves her harden cock deep into your mouth as soon as you open your lips. She helds you firmly by the hair and begins to thrust her hips back and forth, making you take her whole length repeatedly. After a while, with her cock deep down your throat, you begin to wonder how it''s possible that she still hasn''t reached orgasm yet... guys never last this long!'
-		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 20, 'futa', 'sub', 'deepthroat'
+		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 20, 'shemale', 'sub', 'deepthroat'
 		'Finally, a good half hour after you started sucking her cock, Eugene finally lets out a loud and girly moan and releases her load all over your face. Thick strands of saliva are running down your chin by now.'
 		gs 'cum_call', 'face', $boy, 1
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 			analplugout = 1
 		'After some intense foreplay and stimulation, Eugene grabs some cooking oil and lubes up her cock and then does the same to your ass as well. With that done she bends you over and lifts one of your legs off the ground. You put your hands against the wall to help keep your balance. Then she slides her cock inside your ass and begins to thrust away as if her life depends on it.'
-		lubri +=1
+		mc_inventory['lubricant'] +=1
 		gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 1,'lube' 
-		gs 'arousal', 'anal', 40, 'futa'
+		gs 'arousal', 'anal', 40, 'shemale'
 		'She pounds and enjoys your ass for a surprising amount of time, considering how hard and fast she is hammering it. She makes sure to reapply some of the cooking oil as needed, while greatly helps you enjoy the experience as well. Finally, a good half hour after she started fucking your ass, Eugene finally lets out a loud and girly scream and shoots her load deep inside your ass.'
 		gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
 		gs 'stat'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start4':
 		'They live in the residential area of the city, and it''s a short drive there. You remember it form last time, they inform you, she is ready to try anal, but wants you to coach her through it and get her ready.'
 		'Once inside he watches the two of you have fun. He waits until you bring his girlfriend to an orgasm.'
-		gs 'arousal', 'give_cuni', 60, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'lesbian'
+		gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 60, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
 		if horand <= pcs_horny:pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You were already fairly turned on before going with them, and the girl turns out to be an expert at pleasing other women! She has you begging and moaning in no time, and licks you to an intense orgasm within moments.'
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start4':
 			'At that point he comes over and sits on the couch with the two of you. He lubes up his dick, while you lube up her asshole. You help her ease down on his dick, he is very gentle with her and lets her lead the action. You help by licking her clit while she rides his dick with her ass.'
 			'By the sounds of it, you can tell she kinda likes it but also finds it a bit painful. Before long she gets off him and says she can''t take anymore and applogises to him. He tells her it''s ok they can try again some other time. With that he bends you over the couch and starts to fuck you in the ass. He is fairly gentle with you, but not nearly as much as he was with his girlfriend, which is kinda sweet.'
-			gs 'arousal', 'give_cuni', 60, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'lesbian'
+			gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 60, 'sub', 'prostitution', 'lesbian'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 60, 'sub', 'prostitution'
 		    minut -= 20 
 			gs 'stat'

+ 7 - 2

@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
+if debug['trace_loc_change'] = 1:
+	copyarr '$trace_args', '$ARGS'
+	copyarr 'trace_args', 'ARGS'
+	gs 'debug_tools', 'trace', 'loc_change'
 if settingmode!0: killvar '$cheatmenu'
 msg "Changed Location 
 	$menu_loc		<<$menu_loc>> 
 	$menu_arg		<<$menu_arg>> 
-	$loc_arg			<<$loc_arg>> 
+	$loc_arg		<<$loc_arg>> 
 	$loc			<<$loc>> 
 	$location_type	<<$location_type>> 
 	$locM			<<$locM>>
@@ -32,4 +38,3 @@ if mod_list > 0:
 --- LOCA ---------------------------------

+ 4 - 2

@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'ride':
 		'You quickly get dressed and follow the fat man to his car. He guides you to an old Mitsubishi Pajero, and takes place behind the wheel while he invites you to relax in the passenger seat. Once you get in the car, he puts his hand on your knee as he starts the engine.'
-		'"My name is Vadim Bely... you can call me Mr. Bely. What''s your name, girl?"'
-		'You''re still a bit intimidated by his presence, and just say your name: "<<$pcs_nickname>>."'
+		if npc_QW['A113'] = 0 and belgangday = 0:
+			'"My name is Vadim Bely... you can call me Mr. Bely. What''s your name, girl?"'
+			'You''re still a bit intimidated by his presence, and just say your name: "<<$pcs_nickname>>."'
+		end
 		'Vadim slides his hand up your leg a little, and gently kneads your thigh as you drive through town, the engine roaring. Within minutes, you approach a five-storey apartment. Vadim parks the car in front of it and says: "Get out and follow me", not waiting for a response.'
 		act'Look around':

+ 12 - 5

@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/lariska/lariska_bathroom.jpg"></center>'
 	'The room is clean, and even smells like sage.'
-	'There is a shower, toilet, sink, <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>, where you can ' + iif(pcs_hairbsh = 0,'<a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''brush''">brush</a>','brush') + ' your hair, and even a separate bath tub.'
+	'There is a shower, toilet, sink, <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>, where you can ' + iif(pcs_hairbsh < 1,'<a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''brush''">brush</a>','brush') + ' your hair, and even a separate bath tub.'
 	if locat['Lariska'] = 13:'Since <a href="exec: gt ''LariskaHome'', ''bathroom_join_1''">Lariska</a> didn''t lock the door, you are able to enter unnoticed. Maybe you can join her...'
 	if locat['Lariska'] = 20:'<a href="exec: gt ''LariskaHome'', ''bathroom_cleaning_1''">Lariska</a> is here, cleaning the bathroom.'
 	act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'LariskaHome', 'hallway'
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom_join_2':
 	'You quickly strip your clothing off, and gently tap on the shower door. Startled, she turns to see you standing there, before smiling shyly and opening the door for you.'
 	act 'Finish the shower':
-		noShampoo = 1
+		noshampoo = 1
 		dynamic $showerdin
 		minut += 15
 		pcs_horny += 10
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom_join_3':
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		'As your body comes down from its high, she stands back up and kisses you some more. You taste yourself on her lips, you taste great! Eventually you break away to continue the shower.'
 		act 'Finish your shower':
-			noShampoo = 1
+			noshampoo = 1
 			dynamic $showerdin
 			minut += 5
 			pcs_horny += 10
@@ -480,7 +480,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lariska_bedroom':
 		'Her bed sits directly on the floor, without space underneath.'
-	'<table><tr><td valign="top">Your <a href="exec:gt ''budilnik'', ''start''">phone alarm</a> is set to <b>'+iif(timer < 10,'0<<timer>>','<<timer>>')+':'+iif(timerM < 10,'0<<timerM>>','<<timerM>>')+'</b> during the week and <b>'+iif(timerEnd < 10,'0<<timerEnd>>','<<timerEnd>>')+':'+iif(timerEndM < 10,'0<<timerEndM>>','<<timerEndM>>')+'</b> during the weekend. It is currently turned '+iif(budilnikOn = 0, '<a href="exec: budilnikOn = 1 & gt $loc">OFF</a>.', '<a href="exec: budilnikOn = 0 & gt $loc">ON</a>.')
+	'<table><tr><td valign="top">Your <a href="exec:gt ''alarmclock'', ''start''">phone alarm</a> is set to <<func(''alarmclock'', ''alarm_display'', alarmVars[''timerH''], alarmVars[''timerM''])>> during the week and <<func(''alarmclock'', ''alarm_display'', alarmVars[''timerEndH''], alarmVars[''timerEndM''])>> during the weekend. It is currently turned ' + iif(alarmVars['alarmOn'] = 0, '<a href="exec: alarmVars[''alarmOn''] = 1 & gt $loc, $loc_arg">OFF</a>.', '<a href="exec: alarmVars[''alarmOn''] = 0 & gt $loc, $loc_arg">ON</a>.')
 	if locat['Lariska'] = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''LariskaHome'', ''lariska_asleep_1''">Lariska</a> is sound asleep, curled up and wrapped in blankets.'
 	if locat['Lariska'] = 2:'<a href="exec:gt ''LariskaHome'', ''lariska_dressing_1''">Lariska</a> is getting dressed right now.'
@@ -489,7 +490,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'lariska_bedroom':
 	if locat['Lariska'] = 17:'<a href="exec:gt ''LariskaHome'', ''lariska_cleaning_1''">Lariska</a> is here cleaning.'
 	if locat['Lariska'] = 22:'Lariska is here, doing various things.'
 	if locat['Lariska'] = 9:gt 'LariskaHome', 'community_center_invite'
-	act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'LariskaHome', 'hallway'
+	act 'Return to the hallway':
+		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
+			gt 'LariskaHome', 'hallway'
+		else
+			msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed first.</font></b>'
+		end
+	end
 	if locat['Lariska'] = 2 or locat['Lariska'] = 8 or locat['Lariska'] = 22 or locat['Lariska'] = 15 or locat['Lariska'] = 17:
 		act 'Chat with Lariska': gt 'LariskaHome', 'chat'

+ 4 - 10

@@ -25,17 +25,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'undressed2':
 	if lariskalove >= 12:
 		act 'Play with dildos': gt 'LariskaSex', 'dildo1'
-	if lariskalove >= 18 and strapon > 0:
+	if lariskalove >= 18 and mc_inventory['strapon'] > 0:
 		act 'Wear your Strap-On': gt 'LariskaSex', 'bj_give_1'
-	if lariskalove >= 18 and strapon > 0:
+	if lariskalove >= 18 and mc_inventory['strapon'] > 0:
 		act 'Lariska wears the Strap-on': gt 'LariskaSex', 'bj_1'
 	act 'Get dressed': 
-		if analplugout = 1:
-			analplugout = 0
-			analplugin = 1
-		end
+		if analplugout = 1: gs 'dinsex', 'after_anal'
 		if vibratorOUT = 1:
 			vibratorIN = 1
 			vibratorOUT = 0
@@ -709,10 +706,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'boyfriend_sex':
 							gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5,'lesbian', 'group'
 							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Clean up':
-								if analplugout = 1:
-									analplugout = 0
-									analplugin = 1
-								end
+								if analplugout = 1: gs 'dinsex', 'after_anal'
 								if vibratorOUT = 1:
 									vibratorIN = 1
 									vibratorOUT = 0

+ 0 - 23

@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# MDressing
-$loc_arg = $ARGS[0]
-$loc = 'MDressing'
-$locM_arg = $ARGS[0]
-$locM = 'MDressing'
-$location_type = 'private'
-$loc = 'MDressing'
-$loc_arg = ''
-$menu_loc = 'MDressing'
-$menu_arg = ''
-menu_off = 0
-gs 'stat'
-'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/dressingroom.jpg"></center>'
-'A huge dressing room. Mostly used by submissives to dress as staff and because of this, it is a safe space and games are not allowed.'
-'It contains several <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobes</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing).'
-'There are whole cabinets filled with designer clothing belonging to various club members and plenty of <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirrors</a> you can use.'
-act 'Go to foyer': gt 'MHall', 'foyer'
-act 'Go to east wing hall': gt 'MHall', 'east'
---- MDressing ---------------------------------

+ 0 - 56

@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# MLanding
-$location_type = 'private'
-killvar '$locclass'
-if $ARGS[0] = 'west':
-	*clr & cla
-	$loc = 'MLanding'
-	$loc_arg = 'west'
-	$menu_loc = 'MLanding'
-	$menu_arg = 'west'
-	menu_off = 0
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/wlanding.jpg"></center>'
-	act 'Go to the east wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'east'
-	act 'Go downstairs to the foyer':gt 'MHall', 'foyer'
-	act 'Visit the master bedroom':gt 'MWestbed', 'master'
-	act 'Visit guest bedroom A':gt 'MWestbed', 'guest'
-	act 'Visit the games room':gt 'MGames'
-	if rand (0,100) < 3:
-		menu_off = 1
-		*clr & cla
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/sex/maid_sex_b1.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'A maid is being helped with the vacuum cleaning by a man in casual clothing, you think about reporting him, but he''s a bit busy right now.'
-		gs 'arousal', 'voyeur_sex', 5
-		gs 'arousal', 'end'
-		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Return': gt 'MLanding', 'west'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'east':
-	*clr & cla
-	killvar '$locclass'
-	$loc = 'MLanding'
-	$loc_arg = 'east'
-	$menu_loc = 'MLanding'
-	$menu_arg = 'east'
-	menu_off = 0
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/elanding.jpg"></center>'
-	act 'Go to the west wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'west'
-	act 'Go downstairs to the foyer':gt 'MHall', 'foyer'
-	act 'Go downstairs to the west wing hallway':gt 'MHall', 'west'
-	act 'Visit guest bedroom B':gt 'MEastbed', 'guestB'
-	act 'Visit guest bedroom C':gt 'MEastbed', 'guestC'
-	act 'Visit guest bedroom D':gt 'MEastbed', 'guestD'
-	act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'MBathrooms', 'bath'
-	act 'Go to the living room': gt 'MLiving'
---- MLanding ---------------------------------

+ 0 - 27

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# MLibrary
-$location_type = 'private'
-$loc = 'MLibrary'
-$loc_arg = ''
-$menu_loc = 'MLibrary'
-$menu_arg = ''
-menu_off = 0
-*clr & cla
-gs 'stat'
-'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/library.jpg"></center>'
-'Library, full of books.'
-if hour = 18:
-	menu_off = 1
-	pcs_horny += 10
-	*clr & cla
-	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/librand.mp4"></video></center>'
-	'It looks like the librarian has put one of the books back in the wrong place, she really does seem to like the being punished.'
-	act 'Leave her to it': gt 'MHall', 'west'
-act 'Go to west wing hall': gt 'MHall', 'west'
---- MLibrary ---------------------------------

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# MLiving
-$location_type = 'private'
-$locclass = 'livingr'
-$loc = 'MLiving'
-$loc_arg = ''
-$menu_loc = 'MLiving'
-$menu_arg = ''
-menu_off = 0
-*clr & cla
-gs 'stat'
-'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/suburb/bdsm_club/living.jpg"></center>'
-'Living room'
-act 'Go to the east wing landing':gt 'MLanding', 'east'
---- MLiving ---------------------------------

+ 37 - 47

@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
 # MagEncounterFairy
+!! 30/07 - image for the fairy now added.
 menu_off = 1
 if $ARGS[0] = '':
 	if knowsfairy = 1:
+		'You find yourself in the area where you know the fairy to hang around.'
 		if fairyshoo = 0:
 			act 'Look for the fairy to chat': gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'fairy_chat'
 			act 'Just be on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -13,11 +16,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			act 'Shoo the pesky fairy away': gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'fairy_shoo'
 	elseif pcs_magik + rand (1,10) >= 8:
+		'There appears to be a firefly here and its getting closer.'
 		act 'Investigate the strange glow': gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'fairy_chat_no1'
 		act 'Shoo the pesky firefly away': gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'fairy_shoo'
 		act 'Ignore the firefly': fairyskip = 1 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gs 'stat'
+		'This part of the park has a weird feel to it causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end.'
 		'You have the strange feeling of being watched, but looking around you don''t see anybody.'
 		act 'Shake off the feeling and move on': fairyskip = 1 & gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -27,6 +32,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat_no1':
 	gs 'stat'
 	knowsfairy = 1
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/fae.jpg"></center>'
 	'You take a closer look at the floating glowing orb. What you mistook for a large firefly is actually a small woman with translucent wings on her back: A fairy!'
 	'"Hello, biggie!", she says in a high pitched voice. "You can see me, right?'
 	'"It''s so nice to meet you! Finally someone who can see me!", she goes on before you have a chance to answer. "Finally someone to chat with!!! You have no idea how annoying it is to be here and nobody recognizes you. It''s sooo BORING!!!"'
@@ -44,8 +50,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat_no1':
 			pcs_horny += 10
 			gs 'stat'
 			'The fairy bids you farewell. Just as she flies off, she returns fluttering in front of your face.'
-			''
 			wait 725
+			*nl
 			'"You know, someone as nice as you should look just as lovely.", she says. "Hold still and don''t breath!"'
 			'Before you can do anything, the fairy blows some sparkling dust into your face. Surprised you hold your breath, albeit barely. You feel the powdery substance soak into your skin and your face starts tingling. It is not uncomfortable, rather like the brush of a feather.'
 			' ''That must have been MAGICAL FAIRY DUST!'', it hits you as the fairy flies off.'
@@ -83,11 +89,12 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat':
 	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/park/fae.jpg"></center>'
 	'You take the few steps over to the glowing orb that apparently only you can recognize as what it truly is: a fairy.'
 	act 'Chat with the fairy':
 		minut += 30
-		if fairyshoo = 1 and rand (1, 3) = 2:
+		if fairyshoo = 1 and rand(1,3) = 2:
 			fairyshoo = 0
 		elseif fairyshoo > 1 and (fairyshoo * 3 - fairychat) <= 0:
 			fairyshoo -= 1
@@ -95,87 +102,75 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat':
 		fairychat += 1
 		pcs_mana += 25 * pcs_magik
 		pcs_mood += 15
+		gs 'stat'
 		gs 'MagEncounterFairy', 'fairychattopic'
 		if fairyday['skin_increase'] <= 10 and fairyday ! daystart and fairyshoo = 0:
+			cla
 			pcs_skin += 10
-			if pcs_skin > 900: pcs_skin = 900
+			if pcs_skin > 1000: pcs_skin = 1000
 			fairyday['skin_increase'] += 1
 			fairyday = daystart
 			gs 'stat'
 			'The fairy bids you farewell.'
-			*nl
 			wait 725
+			*nl
 			'Just as she flies off, she returns fluttering in front of your face.'
 			'"You know, you could still look lovelier.", she says. "Don''t move."'
 			'Remembering the last time you hold your breath and close your eyes. Just a moment later you feel your skin start tingling, again, as if brushed by a feather.'
+			act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		elseif fairyday['skin_increase'] > 10 and fairyday < daystart and fairyshoo = 0 and pcs_magik >= 8 and fairychat > 9 and succubusQW < 1:
 			!Sets the Succubus setup dream
+			cla
 			succubusQW = 1
 			pcs_horny = 100
 			fairyday = daystart
 			gs 'stat'
 			'The fairy bids you farewell.'
-			*nl
 			wait 725
+			*nl
 			'Just as she flies off, she returns fluttering in front of your face.'
 			'"You know, you''re almost a magical creature now.", she says. "Don''t move."'
 			'Remembering the last time you hold your breath and close your eyes. Just a moment later you feel a much more intense tingling, this time seeming to go all the way through you.'
+			act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		elseif fairyday ! daystart and (pcs_nips < 80 or clit_size < 80):
 			fairyday = daystart
-			gs 'stat'
 			'The fairy takes another quick look at you, rubs her chin, and says "Hmm, since you''ve been a little nice to me, maybe I could be a little nice to you."'
 			act 'Huh?':
-				'You look at her, puzzled, wondering if you heard her right.  She just shrugs her shoulders and says "Okay, if you''re not interested"'
+				'You look at her, puzzled, wondering if you heard her right. She just shrugs her shoulders and says "Okay, if you''re not interested"'
 				act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 			act 'Sure':
 				fday_surprise += 1
-				fairy_surprise = RAND(1,9)
-				if fairy_surprise =< 2:
+				fairy_surprise = rand(1,8)
+				if fairy_surprise = 1:
 					pcs_nips += 5
 					pcs_horny += 10
-					gs 'stat'
-					if pcs_nips < 20:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples1.jpg"></center>'
-					if pcs_nips >= 20 and pcs_nips < 40:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples2.jpg"></center>'
-					if pcs_nips >= 40 and pcs_nips < 60:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples3.jpg"></center>'
-					if pcs_nips >= 60 and pcs_nips < 80:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples4.jpg"></center>'
-					if pcs_nips >= 80:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples5.jpg"></center>'
+					*clr
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples<<max(1,min(5,pcs_nips/20+1))>>.jpg"></center>'
 					'You hear a giggle.  Suddenly, your nipples get really firm and pointed, and seem to be a bit larger now.'
 					'You can''t help but rub both breasts, feeling the warm tingling in them, and in your pussy.'
-				elseif fairy_surprise = 3:
+				elseif fairy_surprise = 2:
 					pcs_nips -= 5
-					gs 'stat'
-					if pcs_nips < 20:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples1.jpg"></center>'
-					if pcs_nips >= 20 and pcs_nips < 40:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples2.jpg"></center>'
-					if pcs_nips >= 40 and pcs_nips < 60:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples3.jpg"></center>'
-					if pcs_nips >= 60 and pcs_nips < 80:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples4.jpg"></center>'
-					if pcs_nips >= 80:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples5.jpg"></center>'
+					*clr
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/nipples/nipples<<max(1,min(5,pcs_nips/20+1))>>.jpg"></center>'
 					'You hear a giggle.  Suddenly, your nipples get really firm and pointed, yet seem to be smaller then before.'
 					'You can''t help but rub both breasts, feeling the warm tingling in them, and in your pussy.'
-				elseif fairy_surprise <= 4:
+				elseif fairy_surprise = 3:
 					clit_size += 5
 					pcs_horny += 10
-					gs 'stat'
-					if clit_size < 20:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit1.jpg"></center>'
-					if clit_size >= 20 and clit_size < 40:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit2.jpg"></center>'
-					if clit_size >= 40 and clit_size < 60:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit3.jpg"></center>'
-					if clit_size >= 60 and clit_size < 80:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit4.jpg"></center>'
-					if clit_size >= 80:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit5.jpg"></center>'
+					*clr
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit<<max(1,min(5,clit_size/20+1))>>.jpg"></center>'
 					'You hear a giggle and you feel a warm tingle at the top of your slit, you reach down and part your pussy lips with your fingers.'
 					'Your clitoris has swollen, and seems to stand out even more than before! You can''t help but rub all around it, feeling the warm tingling and the moisture build at the entrance.'
 					'The fairy admires the changes she''s made, and smiles at you, looking again at your puffy pussy and licking her lips.'
 					'You two say your goodbyes and the fairy flies off.'
-				elseif fairy_surprise = 5:
+				elseif fairy_surprise = 4:
 					clit_size -= 5
-					gs 'stat'
-					if clit_size < 20:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit1.jpg"></center>'
-					if clit_size >= 20 and clit_size < 40:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit2.jpg"></center>'
-					if clit_size >= 40 and clit_size < 60:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit3.jpg"></center>'
-					if clit_size >= 60 and clit_size < 80:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit4.jpg"></center>'
-					if clit_size >= 80:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit5.jpg"></center>'
+					*clr
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/clit/clit<<max(1,min(5,clit_size/20+1))>>.jpg"></center>'
 					'You hear a giggle and you feel a warm tingle at the top of your slit, you reach down and part your pussy lips with your fingers.'
 					'Your clitoris has shunk, and seems to more demure than before! You can''t help but rub all around it, feeling the warm tingling and the moisture build at the entrance.'
 				elseif fairy_surprise <= 6:
@@ -187,14 +182,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairy_chat':
 					'You hear a giggle, then sparkles surround your body and you get all tingly.'
 					'You suddenly feel colder and less aroused then before.'
+				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
-killvar '$din_fairy_chat_no1' & killvar '$din_fairy_shoo' & killvar '$din_fairy_chat'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fairychattopic':
 !!	These are the random chat texts for the Fairy from UsagiTripleSix
 	frandchat = rand(1,16)
@@ -230,10 +224,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'fairychattopic':
 	elseif frandchat = 15:
 		'Today the fairy introduces you to fairy knock-knock jokes. She spends almost half an hour telling joke after joke, but you failed to understand a single one. By the time you''re ready to leave, she''s complaining about how humans have no sense of humor.'
-		killvar 'frandchat' & gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'teleport'
+		killvar 'frandchat'
+		gt 'MagEncounterFairy', 'teleport'
-	act 'Go on your way': killvar 'frandchat' & gt $loc, $loc_arg
+	killvar 'frandchat'
+	act 'Go on your way': gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -242,20 +238,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teleport':
 	if spellKnown['teleport'] = 0:
 		!show and teach Teleport spell
 		'The Fairy wraps her arms around your thumb and lightly tugs you over to a mysterious circle of trees.'
-		''
 		'She says, "You may have seen these circles of trees around the lands. Fairies planted them long ago and used their magic to tether them together. Since you also have Fae magic, I can show you how to use them."'
-		''
 		'She continues, "Most of the work was already done in the binding. In a way, the trees of each circle are the same trees. You just have to stand inside the circle, then hold in your mind a picture of another circle that you have been to before. Then you say the word <i>inla</i>. If your will is strong enough and you have enough magical energy, your energy can be used to enact your will."'
-		''
 		'She giggles. "This lets you dance through any field you like! "Let''s go!"'
-		''
 		'She grunts and give you a nudge into the circle.'
 		act 'Stumble into Circle':
-			''
 			'The view outside the circle seems blurry and a little indistinct.  The Fairy''s face scrunches up in concentration as she incants "inla", and the world outside seems to shimmer a little. You feel like you understand how she did that.  Though you can''t tell exactly where you are now in the blurriness, it does look different.'
-			''
 			'The Fairy says, "It''s important to take the time to feel each Fairy Ring, that''s how you can find your way back."  She flies off.'
-			''
 			'You decide it would be wise to memorize your surroundings.'
 			spellKnown['teleport'] = 1
 			tpKnown['GadForest'] = 1
@@ -277,5 +266,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'teleport':
 --- MagEncounterFairy ---------------------------------

+ 12 - 12

@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 				'You don''t know when this thing with Martin went from friendly chats and idle flirts to something else, but there is a tingling in your belly, and lower, when you look at him that you would very much like to act on...'
 				'And since Martin is trying his best to hide his interest and it doesn''t look like he is gonna do you the favor of making the first step, you will have to take matters into your own hands.'
-				'You flirt more aggressively than you have up until now: You smile more,' + iif(pcs_hairlng>81,' play with your <<$pc_descWordy[''hair length'']>>,','') + ' touch his arm every now and then, even move and lean over in ways that give him good looks at your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> cleavage or <<$body>> butt - in other words, you drop about as many hints as womanly possible, short of stripping right then and there.'
+				'You flirt more aggressively than you have up until now: You smile more,' + iif(pcs_hairlng>81,' play with your <<$pc_descWordy[''hair length'']>>,','') + ' touch his arm every now and then, even move and lean over in ways that give him good looks at your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> cleavage or <<$bodyVars[''desc'']>> butt - in other words, you drop about as many hints as womanly possible, short of stripping right then and there.'
 				'Twenty minutes pass like that and you are starting to wonder if Martin is playing hard to get or if he really is oblivious to what you''re doing... when he visibly catches himself staring at your <<$pc_desc[''lip gloss'']>> lips and suddenly declares: "You shouldn''t get involved with me."'
 				'"Excuse me?" You are so astonished by what he said that you are almost sure you misheard him.'
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			'But you decide not to indulge him today. After all, you are a respectable woman who would <b>never</b> have sex in a public place, right?'
 			'So instead, you just have a normal chat with Martin. Well, as normal as can be in this situation.'
-			'You catch up on the day-to-day' + iif($MartinHobby!'',', your <<$MartinHobby>>,','') + ' and talk about a few other trivial things, but this conversation is at regular intervals interrupted by double entendres, kisses, you giving Martin generous looks at your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> cleavage and <<$body>> ass, and other things you cannot or will not do while the bar is open.'
+			'You catch up on the day-to-day' + iif($MartinHobby!'',', your <<$MartinHobby>>,','') + ' and talk about a few other trivial things, but this conversation is at regular intervals interrupted by double entendres, kisses, you giving Martin generous looks at your <<$pc_desc[''breast'']>> cleavage and <<$bodyVars[''desc'']>> ass, and other things you cannot or will not do while the bar is open.'
 			'After about half an hour of talking, among other things, you decide that you should let Martin finish up for the night. After a final goodnight kiss, you leave the bar with a tingly stomach, your mind still lingering at the bulge in his pants and all the things you could do with him instead of talking...'
 			gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease1':
 		'And you can''t blame him for this reaction - you went from being a friendly flirt to showing him your pussy in under a minute, so most men would need a second to catch up with a reality that has gone utterly mad.'
 		if analplugin = 1:
-			analplugin = 0
+			analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
 			minut += 1
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease2':
 				'"There, better now?"'
 				if analplugin = 1:
-					analplugin = 0
+					analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
 					minut += 1
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
@@ -668,9 +668,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease3':
 		if analplugin = 0:
-			'Considering how reluctant he was to let you "settle for an old man", he seems to be awfully happy about that same young <<$body>> woman stripping and exposing her privates to him.'
+			'Considering how reluctant he was to let you "settle for an old man", he seems to be awfully happy about that same young <<$bodyVars[''desc'']>> woman stripping and exposing her privates to him.'
-			analplugin = 0
+			analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
 			minut += 1
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease3':
 				'You could certainly make him, and yourself, even happier, if you wanted to.'
 				'But at least part of the excitement you are feeling right now came from teasing Martin, from having control over the situation and over him. And, as cruel as that may be, what could possibly emphasize your power over him more than leaving him with blue balls?'
-				if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
+				if mc_inventory['dildo_small'] = 1 or mc_inventory['dildo_normal'] = 1 and bag > 0:
 					'Or... well, you could take your ''little friend'' out of your purse and take care of your own needs before deciding anything...'
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease3':
 					act 'Leave the bar': gt 'city_industrial'
-				if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
+				if mc_inventory['dildo_small'] = 1 or mc_inventory['dildo_normal'] = 1 and bag > 0:
 					act 'Masturbate with your dildo':gt 'MartinSex','MartinTeaseDildo'
@@ -826,9 +826,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease4':
 				if analplugin = 0:
 					'"Maybe a little better than okay," he smirks.'
-					'Considering how reluctant he was to let you "settle for an old man", he seems to be awfully happy about teasing that same young <<$body>> woman while she''s stripping and exposing her privates to him.'
+					'Considering how reluctant he was to let you "settle for an old man", he seems to be awfully happy about teasing that same young <<$bodyVars[''desc'']>> woman while she''s stripping and exposing her privates to him.'
-					analplugin = 0
+					analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
 					minut += 1
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/industrial/bar/sex/bar/martin/tease/buttplug.jpg"></center>'
@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease4':
 					'You could certainly make him, and yourself, even happier, if you wanted to.'
 					'But at least part of the excitement you are feeling right now came from teasing Martin, from having control over the situation and over him. And, as cruel as that may be, what could possibly emphasize your power over him more than leaving him with blue balls?'
-					if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
+					if mc_inventory['dildo_small'] = 1 or mc_inventory['dildo_normal'] = 1 and bag > 0:
 						'Or... well, you could take your ''little friend'' out of your purse and take care of your own needs before deciding anything...'
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinTease4':
 						act 'Leave the bar': gt 'city_industrial'
-					if dildo = 1 or middildo = 1 and bag > 0:
+					if mc_inventory['dildo_small'] = 1 or mc_inventory['dildo_normal'] = 1 and bag > 0:
 						act 'Masturbate with your dildo':gt 'MartinSex','MartinTeaseDildo'

+ 13 - 13

@@ -64,19 +64,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinSexPrep':
 	if stat['think_virgin'] = 1:
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a nagging thought that''s been floating around the back of your head pushes to the foreground of your mind: You are a virgin. Is Martin <i>really</i> the man you want to have your first time with? Not to mention all the risks involved if you didn''t take all necessary precautions against pregnancy...'
-	elseif prezik > 0 and preziktype ! 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype ! 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0: 
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. And unless your count is off, today is a dangerous day to boot. You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', the condoms sitting in it materializing before your inner eye.' + iif(preziktype=1,' You usually prefer to have sex without condoms, but...', ' ')
-	elseif prezik > 0 and preziktype ! 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype ! 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. Today isn''t really a dangerous day, but it might be better to be safe than sorry. And while Martin doesn''t seem like the type who fucks random sluts, you can never be entirely sure of that, can you? You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', the condoms sitting in it materializing before your inner eye.' + iif(preziktype=1,' You usually prefer to have sex sans condoms, but...', ' ')
-	elseif prezik > 0 and preziktype = 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype = 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0: 
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. And unless your count is off, today is a dangerous day to boot. You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', the sabotaged condoms sitting in it materializing before your inner eye. You could put one on Martin and get pregnant, and he would be none the wiser...'
-	elseif prezik > 0 and preziktype = 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype = 2 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. Today isn''t really a dangerous day, so the odds of that are relatively small, but still... You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', the sabotaged condoms sitting in it materializing before your inner eye. You could put one on Martin and get pregnant, and he would be none the wiser...'
-	elseif prezik = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000 and ovulate > 0: 
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. And unless your count is off, today is a dangerous day to boot. You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', only to realize that you don''t have any condoms anyway. You could stop this, of course... but then again, could you really, with his beautiful dick just inches from your pussy?'
-	elseif prezik = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] = 0 and tabletkishot < 1 and pillcon2 < 30000: 
 		'But before either of you can make another move, a simple, powerful thought crosses your mind: You could get pregnant. You take a tentative look at your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ', only to realize that you don''t have any condoms anyway. You could stop this, of course... but then again, could you really, with his beautiful dick just inches from your pussy?'
-	elseif prezik > 0 and preziktype ! 2: 
+	elseif mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0 and preziktype ! 2: 
 		'But before either of you can make another move, your eyes come to rest on your ' + iif(bag > 0,'purse','pocket') + ' and you remember the condoms sitting inside it. Sure, you don''t really need to use them since you can''t get pregnant thanks to the birth control' + iif(tabletkishot > 0,' shot',' pills') + ', but it might be less of a mess if Martin wore one. Then again, it would also be a little less intense.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
-	if lubri > 0:
+	if mc_inventory['lubricant'] > 0:
 		if $martinpos = 'rev_cowgirl':
 			'You grab the lube from your bag and put a generous amount on your puckered hole, Martin''s finger and your own hand. Your hand quickly finds Martin''s penis and you immediately start coating it in lubricant.' 
@@ -639,12 +639,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinAnalDyn':
 	$orgasm_txt = 'But that will have to wait another minute or two, because Martin''s fingers seem to know exactly which way they have to bend inside your ass, touching you in all the right places, and he''s not letting up. It certainly wasn''t your intention to cum during foreplay but your intentions mean very little now: Your anal orgasm hits like a truck and while it lasts, your ass clenches so hard around Martin''s fingers that you could swear you heard him sigh with relief when you finally release them.'
-	if lubri > 0:
+	if mc_inventory['lubricant'] > 0:
 		gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5, 'lube'
 		gs 'arousal', 'hj', 3
-		gs 'arousal', 'masturbation', 5
+		gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 5
 		minut -= 8
-		lubri -= 1
+		mc_inventory['lubricant'] -= 1
 		gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 5
 		gs 'arousal', 'hj', 3
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'PainalDyn':
 				$orgasm_txt = 'Even though you were enjoying the pain, you didn''t think you would actually orgasm. But the feeling of Martin''s hot cum in your ass seems to flip a switch inside you, setting all the nerves in your ass on edge and flooding your brain with pleasure. You cum, your yelps of pain mixing with moans of pleasure as your mind goes blank.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy, 1
-				gs 'arousal', 'masturbation', 5
+				gs 'arousal', 'masturbate', 5
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'maso'
 				$orgasm_txt = ''
 				minut -= 5
@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'MartinCumshot_Mouth':
 	$orgasm_txt = 'The taste of Martin''s hot cum on your tongue finally pushes you over the edge, causing you to moan around his cock as you keep pleasing him, both him and you completely taken off-guard by your oral orgasm.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 1
-	'When his ' + iif(pcs_horny=0,'and your orgasm have','orgasm has') + ' subsided, you release his softening dick from your mouth once more and show Martin his jizz on your tongue before swallowing it' + iif(trait['cumeater']=1,', savoring the taste you come to love as the thick liquid goes down your throat',' reluctantly, knowing that men love it when women do that') + '. The smile he gives you as you show him your clean tongue is simply priceless.'
+	'When his ' + iif(pcs_horny=0,'and your orgasm have','orgasm has') + ' subsided, you release his softening dick from your mouth once more and show Martin his jizz on your tongue before swallowing it' + iif(pcs_traits['cumeater']=1,', savouring the taste you come to love as the thick liquid goes down your throat',' reluctantly, knowing that men love it when women do that') + '. The smile he gives you as you show him your clean tongue is simply priceless.'
 	$orgasm_txt = ''
 	pcs_energy += 5
 	gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', $boy, 1

+ 2 - 2

@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 		'"You''re skinny," he observes.'
 		'"Excuse me?"' 
-		'You ' + iif($body='skinny','would call yourself skinny, too, but','see yourself as <<$body>> rather than skinny, so') + ' you don''t really see why he would bring this up.'
+		'You ' + iif($bodyVars['desc']='skinny','would call yourself skinny, too, but','see yourself as <<$bodyVars[''desc'']>> rather than skinny, so') + ' you don''t really see why he would bring this up.'
 		'"Are you eating right, <<$pcs_firstname>>?" He inquires, completely ignoring your visible confusion.'
 		'"Uh... I guess. Wait, you didn''t, by any chance, talk to my mother, did you?"'
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
-		if swinbeggor > 0:
+		if runnerQW['pav_wins2'] > 0:
 			act 'Athletics':
 				$MartinHobby = 'athletics training'

+ 12 - 12

@@ -890,37 +890,37 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Kat Bath':
 		act 'Continue':	
 			cla & *clr
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath1.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/1.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'Realizing your pain, Katja quickly stops then whispers in your ear, "Get in the tub." You do as she says and climb into the tub as Katja undresses herself and joins you. She begins soaping up the sponge then says, "Sit up." You do as she says and she begins lathering your body with the soft sponge while being very careful not to put too much pressure on your sore spots.'
 			act 'Let Katja rinse you':	
 				cla & *clr
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath2.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/2.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'After Katja finishes rinsing off the soap she grabs onto the back of your head then pulls you forward toward her nipple and you obediently begin licking her nipple passionately while occasionally looking up to see her lightly bitting her lip, obviously pleased at your performance. She then lightly grips your neck, gently pushing you off her, before climbing on top of the side of the tub before spreading her legs and rubbing her pussy gently.'
 				act 'Lick her pussy':	
 					cla & *clr
-					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath3.mp4"></video></center>'
+					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/3.mp4"></video></center>'
 					'You lean forward then begin lightly licking her pussy as Katja leans back against the wall. You continue licking her vagina gently at first then begin quickening your pace while occasionally looking up to see her tilting her head back and moaning. You can see her legs tensing up as you pleasure her.'
 					act 'Continue':	
 						cla & *clr
-						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath4.mp4"></video></center>'
+						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/4.mp4"></video></center>'
 						'As you continue licking Katja''s pussy, you decide to slide one of your fingers into her vagina then do your best to please her with it. You run your finger inside of her, brushing her g-spot with the tip of your finger as Katja begins moaning louder. You look up to Katja to see her fidgeting as she moans out loud.'
 						act 'Increase your pace':	
 							cla & *clr
-							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath5.mp4"></video></center>'
+							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/5.mp4"></video></center>'
 							'You increase your pace before Katja suddenly slams her head back. Katja''s body begins to spasm as she experiences a powerful orgasm. Her moaning is erratic and her hands tightly clench around the shelf. You look up at her and watch her writhing in pleasure. <font color=#FF00FF>Yes Katja. Feel what you mean to me. You deserve every second of pleasure I can give you. I want you to feel pure ecstasy.</font>'
 							act 'Continue':	
 								cla & *clr
-								'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath6.mp4"></video></center>'
+								'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/receiving/6.mp4"></video></center>'
 								'Katja finishes her orgasm then lays still for a few seconds, catching her breath before looking into your eyes and saying, "You did good <<$pcs_nickname>>... Real good." She then leans forward and places her hand on your cheek, "You''re such a good girl aren''t you?" She then shares a soft passionate kiss with you for what feels like an eternity, but an eternity that you welcome.'
 								act 'Finish the kiss':	
@@ -1005,37 +1005,37 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Katja Bath':
 		act 'Continue':	
 			cla & *clr
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath1.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/1.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'Realizing your pain, Katja quickly stops then whispers in your ear, "I''m sorry I just... I forgot." You stroke her cheek then say, "Take off your clothes then get in." Katja quickly undresses herself and joins you. She begins soaping up the sponge then says, "Can you sit up please." You nod and she begins lathering your body with the soft sponge while being very careful not to put too much pressure on your sore spots.'
 			act 'Let Katja rinse you off':	
 				cla & *clr
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath2.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/2.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'After Katja finishes rinsing off the soap you grab onto the back of her head then pull her forward toward your nipple and she obediently begins licking your nipple passionately while occasionally looking up to see if you approve. You give her a nod then lightly grip her neck, gently pushing her off of you, before climbing on top of the side of the tub before laying back and spreading your legs and rubbing your pussy gently.'
 				act 'Let Katja lick your pussy':	
 					cla & *clr
-					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath3.mp4"></video></center>'
+					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/3.mp4"></video></center>'
 					'Katja leans forward then begin lightly licking your pussy as you lean back laying against the side of the tub. Katja continues licking your vagina gently at first then begins quickening her pace while occasionally looking up to see your reaction, obviously wanting to please you. You reach down then stroke her cheek as she continues licking your vagina.'
 					act 'See what she does':	
 						cla & *clr
-						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath4.mp4"></video></center>'
+						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/4.mp4"></video></center>'
 						'Katja slowly begins to slide one of her fingers into your vagina then dooes her best to please her with it. She runs her finger inside of you, brushing against your g-spot with the tip of her finger as you begin moaning louder. Katja looks up to you as you feel the pleasure building to an almost unsustainable amount, as you begin moaning loudly, feeling like you will burst into an orgasm at any second.'
 						act 'Orgasm':	
 							cla & *clr
-							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath5.mp4"></video></center>'
+							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/5.mp4"></video></center>'
 							'Katja notices your loud moaning then begins increasing her pace, causing you to suddenly slam your head back. You feel your breath stop as waves of pleasure begin pulsing throughout your body. You lose all control as your body is filled with perfect ecstasy. You can hear yourself moaning loudly and feel your body spasming wildly while Katja remains latched onto your vagina, licking vigorously. <font color=#FF00FF>Yes Katja. Please me. Show me what I mean to you. Make me feel pure ecstasy!</font>'
 							act 'Continue':	
 								cla & *clr
-								'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/bath6.mp4"></video></center>'
+								'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/bathroom/giving/6.mp4"></video></center>'
 								'You finish your orgasm then lay still for a few seconds, catching your breath before looking into Katja''s eyes and saying, "You did great Kat... Really good." You then lean forward and places your hand on her cheek, "You''re such a good girl aren''t you?" You both then share a soft passionate kiss for what feels like an eternity, but an eternity that you welcome.'
 								act 'Meekly nod':	

Rozdielové dáta súboru neboli zobrazené, pretože súbor je príliš veľký
+ 345 - 269

+ 163 - 145

@@ -2,72 +2,76 @@
 !!Music by Derek and Brandon Fiechter
-if $ARGS[0] = 'Family':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'family':
 	*clr & cla
 	pcs_hairbsh = 0
 	pcs_makeup = 1
 	cumspclnt = 1
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Anya <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/progulka.jpg"></center>'
-	'You feel a hand patting your leg. You open your eyes to see Anya kneeling next to you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you okay? It looks like you were having a bad dream." You quickly look around and realize that you are in your bedroom. Anya stands up. "Come on, everyone''s waiting for us." You tilt your head as you reply. "Who''s waiting for us?" Anya smiles. "You know, Mom, Vlad and Kolka. Have you hit your head or something? Come on, you know that we can''t eat breakfast without you." Anya takes your hand and leads you to the kitchen.'
+	'You feel a hand patting your leg and open your eyes to see Anya kneeling next to you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you okay? It looks like you were having a bad dream." You quickly look around and realize that you''re in your bedroom as Anya stands up. "Come on, everyone''s waiting for us."' 
+	'You tilt your head as you reply. "Who''s waiting for us?"' 
+	'She smiles. "You know. Mom, Vlad and Kolka. Have you hit your head or something? Come on, you know that we can''t eat breakfast without you." She takes your hand and leads you to the kitchen.'
 	act 'Enter kitchen':	
 		*clr & cla
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Vladimir <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vladimir/father.jpg"></center>'
 		'You enter the kitchen to see your stepfather and Kolka laughing at a joke that you can''t quite hear. They both stop laughing as you enter. Anya offers you a chair and sits down next to you. You look around in relief until you hear something bumping against the kitchen door.' 
 		act 'Turn to see what it is':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'				
-			'Your mother backs out of the kitchen with a tray of food and places some in front of each of you. "Nice of you to finally join us <<$pcs_nickname>>. I was beginning to think that you were never going to wake up." You giggle as you begin eating.'		
+			'Your mother backs out of the kitchen with a tray of food and places some in front of each of you. "Nice of you to finally join us, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I was beginning to think that you were never going to wake up." You giggle as you start eating.'		
 			act 'Eat breakfast':
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
+				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your mother suddenly shouts out. "HEY! No eating until your brother gets here!" You look and see your stepfather whispering in Kolka''s ear, but stopping as soon as you face them. You point at Kolka. "He''s right there..." Your mother crosses her arms. "I''m not talking about Kolka." Sh walks back to the kitchen as your brother and stepfather continue cackling and whispering at each other. You look around in confusion until you hear light moaning nearby. You peek over the kitchen doorway to see your mother bent over the stove with a dark burly figure pressing against her before you suddenly feel someone''s hand on one of your breasts.'
+				'Your mother suddenly shouts out. "HEY! No eating until your brother gets here!" You look and see your stepfather whispering in Kolka''s ear, but stopping as soon as you face them.' 
+				'You point at Kolka. "He''s right there..."'
+				'Your mother crosses her arms. "I''m not talking about Kolka." She walks back to the kitchen as your brother and stepfather continue cackling and whispering at each other. You look around in confusion until you hear light moaning nearby.'
+				'You peek over the kitchen doorway to see your mother bent over the stove with a dark burly figure pressing against her before you suddenly feel someone''s hand on one of your breasts.'
 				act 'Turn around':	
 					*clr & cla
-					gs'stat'
-					'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Kolka <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
+					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/kolka/brother.jpg"></center>'
-					'You turn to see Kolka squeezing your right breast as he gives your stepfather a thumbs up. You push Kolka away and hear your stepfather shouting. "Hey, don''t push your little brother like that!" You''re taken aback as you respond. "But he touched me!" Your mother then enters the room with her pants around her ankles. "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, it''s not like all the other boys haven''t already fucked you before. Why not let your brother have a chance?" Kolka quickly chimes in. "Yeah <<$pcs_nickname>>, don''t be selfish!" You see everyone in the room scolding you before you hear a voice shout. "Don''t worry everyone, I''ll put this bitch in her place!"' 
+					'You turn to see Kolka squeezing your right breast as he gives your stepfather a thumbs up. You push Kolka away and hear your stepfather shouting. "Hey, don''t push your little brother like that!"' 
+					'You''re taken aback as you respond. "But he touched me!"' 
+					'Your mother then enters the room with her pants around her ankles. "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, it''s not like all the other boys haven''t already fucked you before. Why not let your brother have a chance?"' 
+					'Kolka quickly chimes in. "Yeah <<$pcs_nickname>>, don''t be selfish!"' 
+					'You see everyone in the room scolding you before you hear a voice shout. "Don''t worry everyone, I''ll put this bitch in her place!"' 
 					act 'Turn to see who it is':	
 						*clr & cla
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Yurik Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/avatars/threaten1.jpg"></center>'					
 						'You turn to see Yurik without any clothes on walking into the room before grabbing you by your throat and pushing you against the wall.'				
 						act 'Continue':	
 							*clr & cla
-							gs'stat'
+							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/ra8.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'You can faintly feel something entering your pussy and feel tears streaming down your cheeks. You faintly hear some soft voices in the distance. "Hey watch her head! Don''t drop her! Come on, get that door open!" A few seconds later, you hear someone whispering in your ear. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. This is your place now. You didn''t think that you could keep that precious body to yourself, did you?"'
+							'You can faintly feel something entering your pussy and feel tears streaming down your cheeks. You faintly hear some soft voices in the distance. "Watch her head! Don''t drop her! Come on, get that door open!"' 
+							'A few seconds later, you hear someone whispering in your ear. "It''s okay <<$pcs_firstname>>. This is your place now. You didn''t think that you could keep that precious body to yourself, did you?"'
 							act 'Turn around':
 								*clr & cla
-								gs'stat'
-								'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile1.jpg"></center>'					
-								'You slowly turn to see Niko standing right next to you with a wide grin on his face. "You never need to worry my princess. I''ll keep your pussy well fed with all the cocks in town." He leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek.' 
+								'You slowly turn to see Niko standing next to you with a wide grin on his face. "You never need to worry my princess. I''ll keep your pussy well fed with all the cocks in town." He leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek.' 
 								act 'Continue':
 									*clr & cla
 									'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/cum/cum10.mp4"></video></center>'								
-									'You suddenly hear Yurik groan as he begins pumping his cum inside your pussy before talking to Niko. "What a worthless whore. Couldn''t even rock her hips a little. If I wanted to fuck a blow up doll, I would have kept fucking her mother." He then leaves as you start hearing the soft voices again, but they sound closer. "Is she going to be okay? She''ll be fine. She just needs some more rest... she''s moving. Do you think she''s...?"'
+									'You suddenly hear Yurik groan as he starts pumping his cum inside your pussy before talking to Niko. "What a worthless whore. Couldn''t even rock her hips a little. If I wanted to fuck a blow up doll, I would have kept fucking her mother."'
+									'He then leaves as you start hearing the soft voices again, but they sound closer. "Is she going to be okay? She''ll be fine. She just needs some more rest... She''s moving. Do you think she''s...?"'
-									act '...':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath'
+									act '...':gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'aftermath'
@@ -78,33 +82,34 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Family':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'woods':
 	*clr & cla
 	if music_on = 1:
 		$track_loop = 'sound/happyhome/HappyHome.mp3'
 		volume = 100
 		music_loop = 1
-		pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 0 & gt ''NikoDreams'', ''Woods''">Turn off the music</a>'
+		pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 0 & gt ''NikoDreams'', ''woods''">Turn off the music</a>'
 		music_loop = 0
 		close all
-		pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 1 & gt ''NikoDreams'', ''Woods''">Play music</a>'
+		pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 1 & gt ''NikoDreams'', ''woods''">Play music</a>'
 	PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 25
 	VKWoods = 1
 	VKSmiley = 3
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You can feel grass on your face which you quickly brush away before looking around and noticing that you''re in the middle of the woods, surronded by an eerie mist. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What''s going on? Why am I here? How did I get here? Where am I?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You stand up and look around, trying to get your bearings when you begin hearing music and the sounds of laughing in the far distance. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where is this music coming from? Was that a person laughing? Maybe they can help me.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You begin heading in the direction of the noise when you suddenly feel a cold chill running down your spine. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Something about that laughter is... unnerving.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
+	'You can feel grass on your face which you quickly brush away before looking around and noticing that you''re in the middle of the woods, surronded by an eerie mist. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What''s going on? Why am I here? How did I get here? Where am I?'+$CloseInnerThought+'' 
+	'You stand up and look around, trying to get your bearings when you hear music and the sounds of laughter in the far distance. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where is this music coming from? Was that a person laughing? Maybe they can help me.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You start heading in the direction of the noise when you suddenly feel a cold chill running down your spine. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Something about that laughter is... unnerving.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
-	act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 2'
+	act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods2'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 2':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'woods2':
 	*clr & cla
 	VKWoods = 2
 	VKSmiley -= 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/2.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'These woods are so dark. How did I get here?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
@@ -119,19 +124,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 2':
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'smiley1'
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 3'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods3'
-	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
+	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods_hide'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 3':
+if $ARGS[0] =  'woods3':
 	*clr & cla
 	VKWoods = 3
 	VKSmiley -= 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/3.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'Still so dark. Am I even going the right way?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
@@ -146,19 +151,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 3':
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'smiley1'
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 4'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods4'
-	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
+	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods_hide'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 4':
+if $ARGS[0] =  'woods4':
 	*clr & cla
 	VKWoods = 4
 	VKSmiley -= 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/4.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'More woods? At least I can see some light.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
@@ -173,19 +178,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 4':
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'smiley1'
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 5'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods5'
-	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
+	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods_hide'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 5':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'woods5':
 	*clr & cla
 	VKWoods = 5
 	VKSmiley -= 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/5.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'Must keep moving. There must be a way out of here.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
@@ -200,19 +205,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 5':
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'smiley1'
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 6'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods6'
-	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
+	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods_hide'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 6':
+if $ARGS[0] =  'woods6':
 	*clr & cla
 	VKWoods = 6
 	VKSmiley -= 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/6.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'Will this ever end? That freak is still lurking around.'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
@@ -227,20 +232,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 6':
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'smiley1'
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 7'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods7'
-	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
+	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods_hide'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 7':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'woods7':
 	*clr & cla
 	PLAY 'sound/happyhome/WeePee.mp3', 40
 	VKWoods = 7
 	VKSmiley -= 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/7.jpg"></center>'
 	''+$OpenInnerThought+'Will I be trapped here forever? Wait, what''s that?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You see a set of train tracks ahead of you. The music gets louder the closer you approach them.'
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
@@ -256,20 +261,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 7':
 	'You can hear a woman crying in the distance.'
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		act 'Head toward the train tracks':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
+		act 'Head toward the train tracks':gt 'NikoDreams', 'smiley1'
-		act 'Head toward the train tracks':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods 8'
+		act 'Head toward the train tracks':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods8'
-	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
+	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods_hide'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 8':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'woods8':
 	*clr & cla
 	PLAY 'sound/happyhome/WeePee.mp3', 60
 	VKWoods = 8
 	VKSmiley -= 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/8.jpg"></center>'
 	'You start following the tracks towards a light at what appears to be the end of the forest. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Is this it? Am I finally out of this forest?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
@@ -285,36 +290,36 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods 8':
 	'You can hear a woman crying nearby.'
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Smiley 1'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'smiley1'
-		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Home'
+		act 'Move deeper into the woods':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods_home'
-	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Hide'
+	act 'Hide':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods_hide'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods Home':
+if $ARGS[0] =  'woods_home':
 	*clr & cla
 	PLAY 'sound/happyhome/WeePee.mp3', 80
 	if VKHappyHome = 0:VKHappyHome = 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Happy Home">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/mansion/happyhome.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKTeeHee = 0:
 		'You finally approach the end of the forest and see a derelict house. As you walk towards it, you can can see what appears to be a woman standing in the middle of the path leading to the house crying. '+$OpenInnerThought+'She must be stranded here like me. Maybe I can help her.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You suddenly feel a cold chill run down your spine before seeing a strange looking <a href="exec:gt ''NikoDreams'', ''TeeHee''">cat</a> sitting on a tree stump, licking its paw.'
-		'There is an old derelict house in the distance, but the path to the house is blocked by a crying woman. <a href="exec:gt ''NikoDreams'', ''TeeHee''">TeeHee</a> continuously rubs against your leg while purring softly.'
+		'There is an old derelict house in the distance, but the path to the house is blocked by a crying woman. <a href="exec:gt ''NikoDreams'', ''teehee''">TeeHee</a> continuously rubs against your leg while purring softly.'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/weepeeidle.jpg"></center>'
-	act 'Approach the crying woman':gt 'NikoDreams', 'WeePee 1'
+	act 'Approach the crying woman':gt 'NikoDreams', 'weepee1'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'TeeHee':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'teehee':
 	*clr & cla
 	PLAY 'sound/happyhome/TeeHee.mp3', 100
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	if VKTeeHee = 0:
 		'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"Strange Cat">></font></h4></b></center>'
@@ -322,140 +327,149 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'TeeHee':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/teehee.jpg"></center>'
 	if VKTeeHee = 0:
-		'You approach the cat and it turns to you with a creepy grin. "Tee hee, who is thee?" You recoil in shock. "You can talk?!" 
+		'You approach the cat and it turns to you with a creepy grin. "Tee hee, who is thee?"' 
+		'You recoil in shock. "You can talk?!" 
 		The cat grins wider. "Only if you want me to. Tee hee." 
-		"Umm, what do you want exactly?" The cat laughs. "What do I want? You approached me. Tee hee." 
-		"My name is <<$pcs_firstname>>. What is yours?" The cat grins again. "My name is TeeHee and I am so happy to meet thee."' 
+		"Umm, what do you want exactly?"' 
+		'The cat laughs. "What do I want? You approached me. Tee hee." 
+		"My name is <<$pcs_firstname>>. What''s yours?"' 
+		'The cat grins again. "My name is TeeHee and I am so happy to meet thee."' 
-		'You pet TeeHee''s head, causing her to begin purring. "This is the end of the path for now. Come with me to return to your own path."
-		"But that woman might need my help." TeeHee frowns as she responds. "She doesn''t need you for reasons you may think. You really should come with me, not WeePee."'
+		'You pet TeeHee''s head, causing her to start purring. "This is the end of the path for now. Come with me to return to your own path."
+		"But that woman might need my help."' 
+		'TeeHee frowns as she responds. "She doesn''t need you for the reasons you may think. You really should come with me, not WeePee."'
-		'We meet again <<$pcs_firstname>>. Have you come to re-join your own path, or do you wish to stay and face WeePee''s wrath?'
+		'We meet again, <<$pcs_firstname>>. Have you come to re-join your own path, or do you wish to stay and face WeePee''s wrath?'
-	act 'Accept TeeHee''s offer': VKTeeHee = 1 & VKWoods = -1 & VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
+	act 'Accept TeeHee''s offer': VKTeeHee = 1 & VKWoods = -1 & VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'aftermath2'
-	act 'Walk away':VKTeeHee = 1 & gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods Home'
+	act 'Walk away':VKTeeHee = 1 & gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods_home'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Smiley 1':
+if $ARGS[0] =  'smiley1':
 	*clr & cla
 	PLAY 'sound/happyhome/RIP1.mp3', 90
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Smiley">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/smiley2.jpg"></center>'
 	'As you walk through the forest, you hear loud laughing behind you and suddenly feel something rubbing across your throat, causing a stream of blood to begin pouring out of your neck. You let out a gurgled scream as your energy fades and the ground rushes toward you...'
-	act 'Rest in peace': VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
+	act 'Rest in peace': VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'aftermath2'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'WeePee 1':
+if $ARGS[0] =  'weepee1':
 	*clr & cla
 	PLAY 'sound/happyhome/WeePee.mp3', 0
 	PLAY 'sound/happyhome/WeePee2.mp3', 100
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"WeePee">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/weepee.jpg"></center>'
 	'As you approach the crying woman, she instantly turns around and lunges toward you, shoving her hand into your chest and pulling out your heart, staring into your eyes as she watches your life slowly drain away...'
-	act 'Rest in peace': VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'Aftermath 2'
+	act 'Rest in peace': VKSmiley = 3 & gt 'NikoMeyHome', 'aftermath2'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Woods Hide':
+if $ARGS[0] =  'woods_hide':
 	*clr & cla
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	if VKSmiley = 1:
 		'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Smiley">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/smiley.jpg"></center>'
-		'You quickly duck behind a tree just as a horrific looking man, wielding a bloody battle axe and wearing clown makeup, comes out of the mist. He begins laughing loudly as he walks past the tree that you''re hiding behind. He doesn''t seem to notice you and disappears back into the mist.'
+		'You quickly duck behind a tree just as a horrific looking man, wielding a bloody battle axe and wearing clown makeup, comes out of the mist. He laughs loudly as he walks past the tree that you''re hiding behind. He doesn''t seem to notice you and disappears back into the mist.'
 		VKSmiley = rand(3,4)
 		PLAY 'sound/happyhome/Smiley.mp3', 100
-		'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff00cc><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
 		*pl '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'	
-		'You quickly duck behind a tree and stare into the forest. You wait for a few seconds before realizing that there is nothing there. You get out from behind the tree and brush the dirt from your leg.'
+		'You quickly duck behind a tree and stare into the forest. You wait for a few seconds before realizing that there''s nothing there. You get out from behind the tree and brush the dirt from your leg.'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/woods/<<VKWoods>>.jpg"></center>'
-	act 'Continue':gt 'NikoDreams', 'Woods <<VKWoods>>'
+	act 'Continue':gt 'NikoDreams', 'woods<<VKWoods>>'
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Friends':
+if $ARGS[0] =  'friends':
 	*clr & cla
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffae00>Viktoria "Vicky" Meynold</font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/vicky.jpg"></center>'
-	'You slowly open your eyes and see <<$VK_VikName>> playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there sleepy head! Did you sleep well?" You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but... where am I?"
-	"After what happened at school, we were bored, so we decided to have you dance for us." Vicky replies and you tilt your head. "Dance... for us?" Vicky giggles as she points to her right. You turn to see Katja and Natalia sitting next to the bed. "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>. What are you waiting for?" Katja asks and Natalia nods before speaking. "Don''t worry, I threw away all your clothes. Whores don''t need clothes." You look down and notice that you''re naked before Katja suddenly slams the bed frame. "Enough messing around! DANCE WHORE!"'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color=#ff0090><<"Katja Meynold">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	'You slowly open your eyes and see Vicky playfully shaking your shoulder. "Hey there, sleepy head! Did you sleep well?"'
+	'You give <<$VK_VikName>> a warm smile. "I guess but... Where am I?"
+	"After what happened at school, we were bored, so we decided to have you dance for us." Vicky replies and you tilt your head.' 
+	'"Dance... for us?" Vicky giggles as she points to her right. You turn to see Katja and Natalia sitting next to the bed.' 
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/meynold/bedroom/katja.jpg"></center>'
+	'"Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>. What are you waiting for?" Katja asks.' 
+	'Natalia nods "Don''t worry, I threw away all your clothes. Whores don''t need clothes." You look down and notice that you''re naked before Katja suddenly slams the bed frame. "Enough messing around! DANCE WHORE!"'
 	act 'Dance':	
 		*clr & cla
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/sex/Cam/cam2.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You quickly stand up and begin dancing. '+$OpenInnerThought+'I need to keep dancing because... Umm... Why am I dancing?'+$CloseInnerThought+' Vicky reaches forward and shoves her fingers inside your pussy while Katja sticks her finger in your ass. Natalia walks up to you and begins squeezing your breasts. "And they thought that Sonia was a whore." Vicky says and Katja giggles as she responds. "That''s just silly. <<$pcs_firstname>> is the only whore here." Natalia nods. "I agree, I don''t even know why she thought that she could hide it." '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why are they being so mean to me? And why can''t I stop dancing?'+$CloseInnerThought+' Vicky gives your ass a firm smack. "Alright, we''ve kept the boys waiting long enough!"'
+		'You quickly stand up and start dancing as Vicky reaches forward and shoves her fingers inside your pussy while Katja sticks her finger in your ass. Natalia walks up to you and starts squeezing your breasts.' 
+		'"And they thought that Sonia was a whore." Vicky says and Katja giggles.' 
+		'"That''s just silly! <<$pcs_firstname>> is the only whore here."'
+		'Natalia nods. "I agree. I don''t even know why she thought that she could hide it."' 
+		''+$OpenInnerThought+'Why are they being so mean to me? And why can''t I stop dancing?'+$CloseInnerThought+''
+		'Vicky gives your ass a firm smack. "Alright, we''ve kept the boys waiting long enough!"'
 		act 'Boys?':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/exposed1.jpg"></center>'
-			'Vicky pulls you toward the door, which opens on it''s own and you suddenly find yourself in the school hallway with all the boys hollering at you. "Hey everyone! The whore is here!" The boys all charge you and begin rubbing on your body while making lude comments.'
-			'"Here''s the whore again! <<$pcs_firstname>> doesn''t even care about trying to hide it." Artems says.'
-			'"I know right? She''s such a worthless whore. I almost don''t even want her anymore." Petka responds.'
-			'"I know right? Her pussy is probably all stretched out by now. It''s like ground zero." Radomir adds.'
+			'Vicky pulls you toward the door, which opens on it''s own and you suddenly find yourself in the school hallway with all the boys hollering at you. "Hey everyone! The whore is here!" The boys all charge you and start rubbing on your body while making lude comments.'
+			'"Here''s the whore again! <<$pcs_firstname>> doesn''t even care about trying to hide it!" Artem says.'
+			'"I know right? She''s such a worthless whore. I almost don''t even want her anymore," Petka responds.'
+			'"Her pussy is probably all stretched out by now. It''s like ground zero," Radomir adds.'
 			act 'Boys?':	
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'			
-				'<center><b><h4><font color=#ffa200><<"Lesco Tsarev">></font></h4></b></center>'
+				gs 'stat'			
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big7.jpg"></center>'		
 				'Lesco then walks up to you. "It may be used up, but I might as well try it." He then grabs you by the hair, pulls out his dick and shoves it in your mouth.'
 				act 'Suck Lesco''s dick':	
 					*clr & cla
-					gs'stat'
+					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/blowjob3.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You begin sucking Lesco''s dick as the boys around you begin hollering.'
-					'"Wow! <<$pcs_firstname>> is even sucking Lesko''s dick. What a fucking cumdumpster!" Lena comments.'
+					'You start sucking Lesco''s dick as the boys around you begin hollering.'
+					'"Wow! <<$pcs_firstname>> is even sucking Lesco''s dick. What a fucking cum dumpster!" Lena comments.'
 					'"She seems to be enjoying it too. Gross!" Lera responds.'
 					'"Don''t look at me. I never taught her that." Mr Tsarev adds.'
 					act 'Continue':	
 						*clr & cla
-						gs'stat'
+						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/locker/hall1.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'Lesco pulls you up on top of him and you begin riding his dick as tears stream down your face. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why is this happening? Why are they all laughing at me? Please someone make this stop!'+$CloseInnerThought+''
+						'Lesco pulls you up on top of him and you start riding his dick as tears stream down your face. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why is this happening? Why are they all laughing at me? Please someone make this stop!'+$CloseInnerThought+''
 						act 'Continue riding him':	
 							*clr & cla
-							gs'stat'
+							gs 'stat'
 							'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/home/bedroom/cum/cum3.mp4"></video></center>'
-							'Lesco groans as he begins pumping his cum inside you. You look down to see your belly inflating as a seemingly endless stream of cum pours into you.' 
+							'Lesco groans as he pumps his cum inside you. You look down to see your belly inflating as a seemingly endless stream of cum pours into you.' 
 							act 'Continue':	
 								*clr & cla
-								gs'stat'					
-								'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Anya <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
+								gs 'stat'					
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/progulka.jpg"></center>'	
 								'Anya suddenly grabs you by the hair and leads you to the door. "Mom needs to speak with you, <<$pcs_firstname>>."'
 								act 'Walk through the door':	
 									*clr & cla
-									gs'stat'
-									'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
+									gs 'stat'
 									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
-									'You enter the room, recognizing it as your apartment. Your mother is standing in front of you with a sneer on her face. "<<$pcs_firstname>>! You let those boys get you prenant? I can''t believe you!"  
-									"Not only that. She''s also been eating my pussy." Anya adds and your mother''s eyes widen. "SHE WHAT?" Kolka speaks up too. "She also had sex with me and is the mother of my child." Your mother is seething with rage as she grabs onto a knife and drives it into your inflated stomach, causing the cum to flood out.' 
+									'You enter the room, recognizing it as your apartment. Your mother is standing in front of you with a sneer on her face. "<<$pcs_firstname>>! You let those boys get you pregnant? I can''t believe you!"  
+									"Not only that. She''s also been eating my pussy," Anya adds and your mother''s eyes widen.'
+									'Kolka speaks up too. "She also had sex with me and is the mother of my child."'
+									'Your mother is seething with rage as she grabs onto a knife and drives it into your inflated stomach, causing the cum to flood out.' 
 									act 'Fall':	
 										*clr & cla
-										gs'stat'							
+										gs 'stat'							
 										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/friends/darkness.jpg"></center>'
-										'You fall to the ground and stare at your stomach, watching as an almost endless stream of cum pours out of you. You suddenly hear someone whisper in your ear. "Hey, are you alright?" You look around to see who it was, but see nothing at all. You are surrounded by darkness. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where did everyone go? Where am I? It''s so dark.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You hear the voice whisper again. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, wake up..."'
-										act '...':minut += 120 & gt 'NikoEv2', 'Niko Wake'
+										'You fall to the ground and stare at your stomach, watching as an almost endless stream of cum pours out of you. You suddenly hear someone whisper in your ear. "Hey, are you alright?" You look around to see who it was, but see nothing at all. You''re surrounded by darkness. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Where did everyone go? Where am I? It''s so dark.'+$CloseInnerThought+' You hear the voice whisper again. "<<$pcs_firstname>>, wake up..."'
+										act '...':minut += 120 & gt 'NikoEv2', 'niko_wake'
@@ -467,50 +481,54 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Friends':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Classroom Dream':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'classroom_dream':
 	*clr & cla
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/rest.jpg"></center>'
-	'You can feel yourself getting tired, so you lay your head down on your desk to rest as you wait for the period to end. After a few seconds, you hear someone shouting. "Who''s that, sleeping in my class?" You immediately sit up, pretending that you weren''t laying down as you continue listening to the teacher. "Always remember to double check the problem, so that you can be confident with your solution. Now let''s move on to the next lesson... How to treat a whore. For this lesson, I will need a volunteer. Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, get up here now."' 
+	'You can feel yourself getting tired, so you lay your head down on your desk to rest as you wait for the period to end. After a few seconds, you hear someone shouting. "Who''s that sleeping in my class?" You immediately sit up, pretending that you weren''t laying down as you continue listening to the teacher. "Always remember to double check the problem, so that you can be confident with your solution. Now let''s move on to the next lesson... How to treat a whore. For this lesson, I will need a volunteer. Miss <<$pcs_lastname>>, get up here now."' 
 	act 'Who me?':	
 		*clr & cla
-		gs'stat'	
-		'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00CC><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
+		gs 'stat'	
 		*pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'	
-		'You recoil in shock. "Wha... me?" The teacher places both hands on your desk. "Of course I mean you. Do you know of any other whores that haven''t already volunteered?" You can just barely make out Sonia under the table sucking on the teacher''s dick.'
+		'You recoil in shock. "Wha... Me?" The teacher places both hands on your desk. "Of course I mean you. Do you know of any other whores that haven''t already volunteered?" You can just barely make out Sonia under the table sucking on the teacher''s dick.'
 		act 'Walk to the front of the class':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/stand.jpg"></center>'
 			'As you walk to the front of the class, you suddenly feel your clothes falling off. You quickly try to grab them, but they dissolve in your hands. You try covering your body, but the teacher shouts at you. "STOP COVERING YOURSELF YOUNG LADY! Whores should always keep their fuckholes on display." You can feel your body trembling as you finally approach the front of the class. "Now this is what you do to a whore. Notice her pussy here? This is the best place to fuck, but don''t get carried away, or she could end up pregnant with a whore baby." He then motions you to come toward him.'		
 			act 'Move closer':	
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'
+				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/blowjob/blowjob1.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'As soon as you get close, the teacher grabs you and forces you onto your knees. He pushes his dick against your lips. "Open up for your reward." You open your mouth, allowing his dick to enter. You begin eagerly sucking his dick for what feels like a few minutes before he grabs your waist, lifts you up and drops you on top of his desk.' 
+				'As soon as you get close, the teacher grabs you and forces you onto your knees. He pushes his dick against your lips. "Open up for your reward." You open your mouth, allowing his dick to enter. You start eagerly sucking his dick for what feels like a few minutes before he grabs your waist, lifts you up and drops you on top of his desk.' 
 				act 'See what he does':	
 					*clr & cla
-					gs'stat'				
+					gs 'stat'				
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/sex.jpg"></center>'
-					'He pushes you over, rams his dick inside you and begins thrusting. All you can think about is the humiliation of being fucked by your teacher in front of your class. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why is this happening? Why me? Will I never have a normal life again? Will I always be...'+$CloseInnerThought+' You suddenly hear a soft voice whispering in your ear. "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, are you okay? Come on, get up..."'
+					'He pushes you over, rams his dick inside you and starts thrusting. All you can think about is the humiliation of being fucked by your teacher in front of your class. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Why is this happening? Why me? Will I never have a normal life again? Will I always be...'+$CloseInnerThought+' You suddenly hear a soft voice whispering in your ear. "Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, are you okay? Come on, get up..."'
 					act 'Continue':	
 						*clr & cla
-						gs'stat'
+						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/leave.jpg"></center>'
-						'You open your eyes and see all of the students getting out of their chairs and leaving the class while chatting with each other. You feel a hand on your shoulder shaking you, so you quickly turn to see Natalia with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright <<$pcs_firstname>>?" You take a second to collect your thoughts before responding. "I don''t know why I keep having these terrible nightmares." Natalia rubs your back as she responds. "Things must be so hard for you. I''m so sorry." Not wanting to worry Natalia, you give her a fake smile. "They''re just dreams, I''ll be fine."' 
+						'You open your eyes and see all of the students getting out of their chairs and leaving the class while chatting with each other. You feel a hand on your shoulder shaking you, so you quickly turn to see Natalia with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright, <<$pcs_firstname>>?"' 
+						'You take a second to collect your thoughts before responding. "I don''t know why I keep having these terrible nightmares."' 
+						'Natalia rubs your back as she responds. "Things must be so hard for you. I''m so sorry."'
+						'Not wanting to worry Natalia, you give her a fake smile. "They''re just dreams, I''ll be fine."' 
 						act 'Smile at Natalia':	
 							*clr & cla
 							NikoEv = 13
-							gs'stat'	
-							'<center><b><h4><font color=#00eaff><<"Natalia [Nat] Pavlova">></font></h4></b></center>'
+							gs 'stat'	
 							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natalia/love/smile1.jpg"></center>'									
-							'Natalia rubs on your forehead when you suddenly hear heavy breathing and turn to see Petia. "Are you two gonna kiss?" Natalia recoils in shock. "Go away, you perv!" Petia quickly walks away and Natalia looks back at you. "We can talk later." You smile as you respond. "That sounds great." You both walk out of the class.'	
+							'Natalia rubs your forehead when you suddenly hear heavy breathing and turn to see Petia. "Are you two gonna kiss?"' 
+							'Natalia recoils in shock. "Go away, perv!" Petia quickly walks away and Natalia looks back at you. "We can talk later."'
+							'You smile. "That sounds great."'
+							'You then both walk out of the class.'	
 							act 'Leave classroom':minut += 5 & gt 'NikoEv2', 'Lunch Chat'
@@ -524,7 +542,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] =  'Puppeteer':
 	*clr & cla
 	VKPuppetDream = 1
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/class/rest.jpg"></center>'
 	'You can feel the day dragging in slowly, so you rest your head on the desk trying your best to focus on anything but today''s lesson. The light occasionally creeps in between your arms so you keep re-adjusting until it stops, causing you to feel at peace as you slumber through the lesson.'
@@ -547,31 +565,31 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Puppeteer':
 				pl '<a href="exec: music_on = 1 & gt ''NikoDreams'', ''Woods''">Play music</a>'
 			PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3', 25
-			gs'stat'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/2.jpg"></center>'
 			'As soon as you reach the hallway, you hear a strange muffled laugh in the distance, along with a strange melody which sounds very far away. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Who could that be? Maybe someone is flooding one of the bathrooms again. That music though. Where is it coming from? Outside maybe?'+$CloseInnerThought+''		
 			act 'Head downstairs':	
 				*clr & cla
 				PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3', 50
-				gs'stat'
+				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/3.jpg"></center>'
 				'You reach the bottom of the stairs and hear the laughter getting louder. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Hmm, I must be getting closer.'+$CloseInnerThought+' The hallway is dark, but you can see a light at the end.'
 				act 'Continue down the hallway':	
 					*clr & cla
 					PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3',75
-					gs'stat'
+					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img src="images/shared/home/bedroom/dream/class/4.jpg"></center>'
 					'You continue walking down the hallway until you reach a strange puddle on the floor, coming from one of the lockers. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What is this stuff? Did someone have a drink in their locker that''s spilled?'+$CloseInnerThought+' When you look closer, you notice that the locker is slightly open and leaking the strange liquid.'
 					act 'Open the locker':	
 						*clr & cla
 						PLAY 'sound/happyhome/puppet.mp3', 100
-						gs'stat'
+						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><b><h4><font color=#FFA200><<"Puppet">></font></h4></b></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/nightmares/happyhome/residents/puppet.jpg"></center>'	
-						'You slowly open the locker to find a creepy doll inside, which is constantly laughing in an automated voice. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Who left this here? And why is it all wet? What is this stuff?'+$CloseInnerThought+' The doll is heavier than it looks and seems to be covered in a thick warm liquid. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What is this?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You look closely as you hold up the doll to the light and notice that the liquid is dark red; almost like blood. The doll has some strings attached to it''s wrists and ankles. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Maybe it''s a puppet?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You look into it''s eyes and notice your own reflection next to something else...'
+						'You slowly open the locker to find a creepy doll inside, which is constantly laughing in an automated voice. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Who left this here? And why is it all wet? What is this stuff?'+$CloseInnerThought+' The doll is heavier than it looks and seems to be covered in a thick warm liquid. '+$OpenInnerThought+'What is this?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You look closely as you hold up the doll to the light and notice that the liquid is dark red, almost like blood. The doll has some strings attached to it''s wrists and ankles. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Maybe it''s a puppet?'+$CloseInnerThought+' You look into it''s eyes and notice your own reflection next to something else...'
 						act 'Turn around':	
 							*clr & cla

Rozdielové dáta súboru neboli zobrazené, pretože súbor je príliš veľký
+ 335 - 345

Rozdielové dáta súboru neboli zobrazené, pretože súbor je príliš veľký
+ 339 - 287

Rozdielové dáta súboru neboli zobrazené, pretože súbor je príliš veľký
+ 360 - 318

+ 226 - 214

@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback':
 	NikoPayback_Day = daystart
 	NikoPayback = 2
 	minut += 5
-	gs'stat'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/fight/grab.jpg"></center>'
-	'As you are walking toward the hallway, you feel hands covering your mouth then you feel your ribs being struck, causing you to recoil in pain as you are dragged into the nearby bathroom.'
+	'As you''re walking towards the hallway, hands covering your mouth and you feel your ribs being struck, causing you to recoil in pain as you''re dragged into the nearby bathroom.'
 	act 'Continue':	
 		*clr & cla
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev2/movies/Restroom/Men/scene.jpg"></center>'
 		if NikoVolkovQW = -1:
 			'As soon as you reach the bathroom, you feel your shirt being pulled up as someone leans in and whispers in your ear. "You think that you can just dump me after all I''ve done for you? Well you''re so fucking wrong! You''re now my bitch, whether you like it or not." You recognize Niko''s voice as he continues stripping you.'	
@@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback':
 		act 'Plead':	
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
 			if NikoVolkovQW = -1:
-				'"Please, stop! I''m so sorry for breaking up with you. I was just really upset and didn''t give you a chance. Please forgive me." Niko just scoffs "Don''t give me that bullshit! You don''t give a shit about me, but you will pay me back. From now on you will either pay me 200 <b>₽</b> every day or I will be using your body as payment. Do you understand bitch?"'
+				'"Please stop! I''m sorry for breaking up with you. I was just really upset and didn''t give you a chance. Please forgive me!"' 
+				'Niko just scoffs. "Don''t give me that bullshit! You don''t give a shit about me, but you will pay me back. From now on you will either pay me 200 <b>₽</b> every day or I''ll be using your body as payment. Do you understand, bitch?"'
-				'"Please, stop! I''m so sorry for insulting you. I don''t know what came over me. I''m sorry I never gave you a chance. Please forgive me." Niko just scoffs. "Don''t give me that bullshit! You''re not fucking sorry, but you will be. From now on you will either pay me 200 <b>₽</b> every day or I will be using your body as payment. Do you understand bitch?"'
+				'"Please stop! I''m sorry for insulting you. I don''t know what came over me. I''m sorry I never gave you a chance. Please forgive me!"' 
+				'Niko just scoffs. "Don''t give me that bullshit! You''re not fucking sorry, but you will be. From now on you will either pay me 200 <b>₽</b> every day or I''ll be using your body as payment. Do you understand, bitch?"'
 			act 'Yes':	
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 5
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
-				'You silently nod and Niko smiles. "Good, that''s what I like to hear. So what''s it gonna be today? Money or that pretty mouth of yours?"'
+				'You silently nod and Niko smiles. "Good, that''s what I like to hear. So what''s it going to be today? Money or that pretty mouth of yours?"'
 				if money >= 200:
 					act 'Money (200 <b>₽</b>)':	
@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback':
 						money -= 200
 						minut += 5
 						NikoPayed = daystart
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
 						'You hand Niko 200 <b>₽</b> and he counts it before giving you an approving nod. "Excellent. See you tomorrow <<$pcs_nickname>>. Don''t try to avoid me or things will end badly for you." He puts the money in his pocket and walks away. You take a minute to get dressed and try to regain your composure before leaving the restroom.'
@@ -57,24 +56,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback':
-				act 'Sex (Blowjob)':	
+				act 'Blowjob':	
 					*clr & cla
 					minut += 5
-					gs'stat'
+					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/bj1.mp4"></video></center>'
-					'You lower your head as you slowly drop to your knees in front of Niko. He gives you a confident grin as he begins unbuttoning his pants. You soon feel Niko''s penis rubbing against your lips so you take a deep breath before wrapping your lips around it, sucking it intently as you try to make him cum as quicly as possible. Niko leans back while holding your head with one hand.'
+					'You lower your head as you slowly drop to your knees in front of Niko. He gives you a confident grin as he unbuttons his pants. You soon feel his dick rubbing against your lips, so you take a deep breath before wrapping your lips around it, sucking it intently as you try to make him cum as quicly as possible. He leans back while holding your head with one hand.'
 					act 'Make Niko cum':	
 						*clr & cla
 						NikoPayed = daystart
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/facial1.mp4"></video></center>'
-						'You increase your pace as you look up at Niko, noticing how much he is enjoying your performance. You stare him in the eyes as you hear him begin groaning and suddenly feel his warm cum filling your mouth. You look up at Niko with his cum slowly leaking out of your mouth and he looks down at you. "What are you waiting for? Swallow my cum bitch!" You give him a meek nod and swallow his cum. After you finish, Niko pushes your head to the ground. "You missed a bit! Lick it up bitch!" Not wanting to anger him further, you obediently begin licking the last drops of cum off the floor. "That''s better. I''ll see you tomorrow, bitch. Remember what I said and don''t ever try to avoid me."'	
 						gs 'cum_call', 'mouth_swallow', 'A189', 1
 						gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5
 						gs 'arousal', 'end'
-						gs'stat'
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/facial1.mp4"></video></center>'
+						'You increase your pace as you look up at Niko, noticing how much he''s enjoying your performance. You stare him in the eyes as you hear him begin groaning and suddenly feel his warm cum filling your mouth. Niko looks down at you as his cum leaks out of your mouth. "What are you waiting for? Swallow my cum, bitch!"'
+						'You give him a meek nod and swallow his cum. After you finish, he pushes your head to the ground. "You missed a bit! Lick it up bitch!" Not wanting to anger him further, you obediently start licking the last drops of cum off the floor. "That''s better. I''ll see you tomorrow, bitch. Remember what I said and don''t ever try to avoid me."'	
 						act 'Stand up':gt 'FedorMisc', 'Restroom'
@@ -83,20 +82,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback':
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 2':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback 2':
 	*clr & cla
 	NikoPayback_Day = daystart
 	minut += 5
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
 	'You walk out of the cafeteria and see Niko standing in the hallway on his phone.'
 	act 'Approach him':	
 		*clr & cla
 		npc_rel['A189'] += rand(1,5)
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
 		'You approach Niko and a confident grin creeps onto his face. "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?"'		
@@ -106,10 +103,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 2':
 				NikoPayed = daystart
 				money -= 200
 				minut += 5
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-				'"I have your money right here." You extend your hand, giving Niko (200 <b>₽</b>). He quickly counts it and gives you an approving nod. "It''s all here. Good, you''re all paid up for today, so you can get going now."'
+				'"I have your money right here." You extend your hand, giving him 200 <b>₽</b>.' 
+				'He quickly counts it and gives you an approving nod. "It''s all here. You''re all paid up for today, so you can get going now."'
 				act 'Walk away':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'
@@ -119,10 +116,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 2':
 			*clr & cla
 			NikoPayed = daystart
 			minut += 5
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
-			'You look down at the floor, avoiding eye contact with him. "You can use my body as payment." His eyes light up. "I was hoping you''d say that. Let''s not waste time." He grabs your ass firmly while leading you to the lesser used restroom.'
+			'You look down at the floor, avoiding eye contact with him. "You can use my body as payment..."' 
+			'His eyes light up. "I was hoping you''d say that. Let''s not waste time." He grabs your ass firmly while leading you to the lesser used restroom.'
 			act 'Go with him':gt 'NikoPayback', 'Payback 3'
@@ -133,7 +130,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 2':
 		if VK = 1:
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 5
-			gs'stat'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall01.jpg"></center>'
 			'You lower your head and quickly dash past him, hoping that he won''t notice you. To your relief, he doesn''t seem to notice. You let out a sigh of relief before heading to the hallway.'
@@ -144,43 +141,41 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 2':
 			minut += 5
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/fight/grab.jpg"></center>'
-			'You lower your head and quickly dash past him, hoping that he won''t notice you. After a few steps, you suddenly feel a hand on your throat, choking you firmly as he whispers in your ear. "You aren''t trying to avoid me, are you?" You meekly shake your head, trying to speak but unable breathe due to his firm grip on your neck. He pulls you into the restroom.'
+			'You lower your head and quickly dash past him, hoping that he won''t notice you. After a few steps, you suddenly feel a hand on your throat, choking you firmly as he whispers in your ear. "You aren''t trying to avoid me, are you?"' 
+			'You meekly shake your head, trying to speak but unable breathe due to his firm grip on your neck. He pulls you into the restroom.'
 			act 'Continue':gt 'NikoPayback', 'Payback 4'			
-if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Payback 3':
 	*clr & cla
 	NikoPayback_Sex = daystart
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A189'
 	minut += 5
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
 	'After you enter the restroom, Niko smacks your ass. "Since you came here without any fuss, I''ll let you choose how I fuck you today. So what will it be?"'
 	act 'Blowjob':	
 		*clr & cla
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/bj1.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You drop to your knees and begin unbuttoning his pants. He looks down at you with a confident grin as you finish pulling down his pants and starts rubbing his dick against your lips, signaling for you to suck on it. You wrap your lips around his dick and begin licking and sucking it firmly, not wanting to anger him. After a few seconds, Niko looks down at you. "Good girl. Keep it up." You continue sucking his dick at a moderate pace, not wanting to overdo it.'
+		'You drop to your knees and unbutton his pants. He looks down at you with a confident grin as you start rubbing his dick against your lips, signaling for you to suck on it. You wrap your lips around his dick and start licking and sucking it firmly, not wanting to anger him. After a few seconds, Niko looks down at you. "Good girl. Keep it up." You continue sucking his dick at a moderate pace, not wanting to overdo it.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'					
 		gs 'stat'	
 		act 'Continue sucking':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/bj2.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'After a few more seconds, Niko begins moaning as he runs his fingers through your hair before grabbing your head with both hands and pushing his dick down your throat as his warm cum squirts down your throat. You try your best not to gag as you swallow every drop of it. After he finishes, he looks down to you. "You''re really good at that. I''ll see you again soon." He buttons his pants then walks out of the restroom.'
-			*nl
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow8.mp4"></video></center>'	
 			gs 'cum_call', 'mouth_swallow', $boy
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
-			gs 'stat'	
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/bj2.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'After a few more seconds, Niko starts moaning as he runs his fingers through your hair before grabbing your head with both hands and pushing his dick down your throat as his warm cum squirts into your mouth. You try your best not to gag as you swallow every drop of it.' 
+			'After he finishes, he looks down to you. "You''re really good at that. I''ll see you again soon." He buttons his pants and walks out of the restroom.'
 			if NikoDiscoPay = 1:
 				act 'Finish':NikoDiscoPay = 0 & gt 'pav_disco'
@@ -190,24 +185,25 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 	if pcs_vag = 0:
-		act 'Vaginal [<font color=#FF00FF>Lose Virginity</font>]':
+		act 'Vaginal [<font color=#FF00FF>Lose virginity</font>]':
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/virgin.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You look at the floor as you reply. "I''m a virgin, but I don''t want to be one anymore." Niko recoils in shock before responding. "Wow, you are? I guess I can help you with that. Thanks for offering." He gently guides you toward the sink and undresses you from the waist down before unbuttoning his pants and pressing his dick against your pussy and whispering in your ear. "I''ll take this slow for you, okay?" You gratefully nod as Niko slowly pushes his dick inside your pussy and you feel your hymen break. The pain increases when Niko thrusts his hips, pushing his dick deeper inside you and fucking you at a moderate rate.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
-			gs 'stat'	
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/virgin.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You look at the floor as you reply. "I''m a virgin, but I don''t want to be one anymore."' 
+			'Niko recoils in shock before responding. "Wow, you are? I guess I can help you with that. Thanks for offering." He gently guides you towards the sink and undresses you from the waist down before unbuttoning his pants and pressing his dick against your pussy and whispering in your ear. "I''ll take this slow for you, okay?"' 
+			'You gratefully nod as Niko slowly pushes his dick inside your pussy and you feel your hymen break. The pain increases when Niko thrusts his hips, pushing his dick deeper inside you and fucking you at a moderate rate.'
 			act 'Continue':
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyvag.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'After a minute, the pain fades and is replaced by pleasure. You try your best to give in to the pleasure as Niko begins fucking you harder before quickly pulling out of you and groaning as he cums over your ass. He takes a few seconds to catch his breath before saying "You were great <<$pcs_firstname>>! I can''t wait to fuck you again." He buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'			
 				gs 'cum_call', 'butt', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
-				gs 'stat'	
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyvag.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'After a minute, the pain fades and is replaced by pleasure. You try your best to give in to it as Niko starts fucking you harder before quickly pulling out and groaning as he cums over your ass.' 
+				'He takes a few seconds to catch his breath before saying "You were great <<$pcs_firstname>>! I can''t wait to fuck you again." He buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'			
 				if NikoDiscoPay = 1:
 					act 'Finish':NikoDiscoPay = 0 & gt 'pav_disco'
@@ -219,21 +215,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 		act 'Vaginal':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You grab Niko''s hand and place it between your legs. "I want you to fuck my pussy." His eyes light up. "Good girl. That''s just what I wanted to hear." He begins undressing you before spinning you around and pulling you toward him. You can feel his dick pressing against your pussy before you suddenly feel it enter you, causing a wave of pleasure to fill you. Niko lightly grips your neck and close your eyes, giving in to the pleasure as he continues to fuck your pussy.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You grab Niko''s hand and place it between your legs. "I want you to fuck my pussy."' 
+			'His eyes light up. "Good girl. That''s just what I wanted to hear."' 
+			'He starts undressing you before spinning you around and pulling you toward him. You can feel his dick pressing against your pussy before you suddenly feel it enter you, causing a wave of pleasure to fill you. Niko lightly grips your neck and you close your eyes, giving in to the pleasure as he continues to fuck your pussy.'
 			act 'Continue':	
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal2.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Niko suddenly grabs onto your stomach and leg, lifting you as he continues fucking you. You start moaning out loud as he whispers in your ear. "You''re really liking this, aren''t you <<$pcs_firstname>>?" You turn to him and nod, which seems to excite him, resulting in him greatly increasing his pace. He continues fucking you until he suddenly pulls out and begins rubbing his dick inbetween your thighs as his cum splatters on the ground in front of you. After he catches his breath, he turns to you and says "You''re a great fuck <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll see you again soon." He buttons his pants before walking out of the restroom.'		
 				gs 'cum_call', 'legs', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal2.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'Niko suddenly grabs onto your stomach and leg, lifting you as he continues fucking you. You start moaning out loud as he whispers in your ear. "You''re really liking this, aren''t you <<$pcs_firstname>>?"' 
+				'You turn to him and nod, which seems to excite him, resulting in him greatly increasing his pace. He continues fucking you until he suddenly pulls out and starts rubbing his dick in between your thighs as his cum splatters on the ground in front of you.' 
+				'After he catches his breath, he turns to you and says "You''re a great fuck <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll see you again soon." He buttons his pants before walking out of the restroom.'		
 				if NikoDiscoPay = 1:
 					act 'Finish':NikoDiscoPay = 0 & gt 'pav_disco'
@@ -246,22 +244,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 	act 'Ride him':
 		*clr & cla
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/ride.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You approach Niko and place your hand on his crotch. "I want to ride your cock, so why don''t you make yourself comfortable?" His eyes light up. "You really are a naughty little minx, aren''t you?" He unbuttons his pants and sits on top of a nearby toilet. You quickly undress before approaching Niko and straddling him before sliding down onto his dick, moaning as it penetrates you. Niko begins moaning as you start riding his cock and you moan with him as you feel his dick pushing its way deeper inside you.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/ride.mp4"></video></center>'
+		'You approach Niko and place your hand on his crotch. "I want to ride your cock, so why don''t you make yourself comfortable?"' 
+		'His eyes light up. "You really are a naughty little minx, aren''t you?"' 
+		'He unbuttons his pants and sits on top of a nearby toilet as you quickly undress and straddle him before sliding down onto his dick, moaning as it penetrates you. Niko starts moaning as you start riding his cock and you moan with him as you feel his dick pushing its way deeper inside you.'
 		act 'Continue':
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/sex/bimbo.boy1,7.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You ride him harder while closing your eyes and focusing on the pleasure building up inside of you as Niko spanks your ass. "You seem to be getting the hang of this <<$pcs_nickname>>. Good girl." He then suddenly groans before he pushes you forward off of his dick. You let out a satisfied moan as cum splatters across your ass. "You''re getting better at this, <<$pcs_nickname>>. That''s you paid up for today. See you next time." He smacks your ass before buttoning his pants and leaving the restroom.'		
 			gs 'cum_call', 'butt', $boy
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/sex/bimbo.boy1,7.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You ride him harder while closing your eyes and focusing on the pleasure building up inside you as Niko spanks your ass. "You seem to be getting the hang of this, <<$pcs_nickname>>. Good girl."' 
+			'He then suddenly groans before he pushes you forward off his dick. You let out a satisfied moan as cum splatters across your ass. "That''s you paid up for today. See you next time." He smacks your ass before buttoning his pants and leaving the restroom.'		
 			if NikoDiscoPay = 1:
 				act 'Finish':NikoDiscoPay = 0 & gt 'pav_disco'
@@ -272,22 +271,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 3':
 	act 'Anal':	
 		*clr & cla
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyanal.mp4"></video></center>'
-		'You lean forward and whisper in his ear. "I want you to fuck my ass." His eyes light up. "I always knew that you were a wild girl. Let''s do this." He gives your ass a firm smack as he begins wetting his hand in the sink and lubing up his dick. You pull down your pants and bend over, closing your eyes and focusing on his dick firmly pushing its way inside your ass, evoking moans from both you and Niko.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyanal.mp4"></video></center>'
+		'You lean forward and whisper in his ear. "I want you to fuck my ass."' 
+		'His eyes light up. "I always knew that you were a wild girl. Let''s do this."' 
+		'He gives your ass a firm smack as he wets his hand in the sink and lubes up his dick. You pull down your pants and bend over, closing your eyes and focusing on his dick firmly pushing its way inside your ass, evoking moans from both you and Niko.'
 		act 'Continue':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'Niko begins thrusting his dick deeper into your ass as you lift your leg up to give him better access. You continue staring into Niko''s eyes when they suddenly squint and he groans as he begins filling your ass with his warm cum.' 
-			'You can feel his dick throbbing inside you, filling you with a pleasant warmth as he finishes unloading in your ass. Niko catches his breath before saying "You did good today. Keep it up." He smacks your ass before buttoning his pants and leaving the restroom.'	
 			gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'sub'
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal1.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'Niko starts thrusting his dick deeper into your ass as you lift your leg up to give him better access. You continue staring into Niko''s eyes when they suddenly squint and he groans as he fills your ass with his warm cum.' 
+			'You can feel his dick throbbing inside you, filling you with a pleasant warmth as he finishes unloading in your ass.' 
+			'He catches his breath before saying "You did good today. Keep it up." He smacks your ass before buttoning his pants and leaving the restroom.'	
 			if NikoDiscoPay = 1:
 				act 'Finish':NikoDiscoPay = 0 & gt 'pav_disco'
@@ -305,47 +305,51 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 	gs 'boyStat', 'A189'
 	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 	minut += 5
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
-	'Niko roughly pushes you into the restroom. "Where were you heading off to in such a hurry?" You take a second to think of an excuse when he quickly storms up to you. "You were trying to fucking avoid me, you stupid bitch!" he snarls before slapping you. He then begins ripping your clothes off.'
+	'Niko roughly pushes you into the restroom. "Where were you heading off to in such a hurry?" You take a second to think of an excuse when he quickly storms up to you. "You were trying to fucking avoid me, you stupid bitch!" he snarls before slapping you. He then starts ripping your clothes off.'
 	if VK = 1:
 		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "It''s time for you to put that mouth of yours to good use. Suck my fucking dick bitch!" He pushes you onto your knees and pulls down his pants before pressing the tip of his dick against your lips.'
 	elseif VK = 2:
-		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "You''ll be my little pee slut today, understand?" You lower your head and nod as Niko pulls down his pants. "Open your mouth and say ahh."'
+		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "You''ll be my little pee slut today, understand?" You lower your head and nod as he pulls down his pants. "Open your fucking mouth!"'
 	elseif (VK = 3 or VK = 4) and stat['think_virgin'] = 1:
-		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "I''m gonna fuck your pussy today, so spread those legs!" You fearfully shake your head. "But I can''t... I''m... I''m a virgin." His eyes light up. "Really? Today really is my lucky day. I get to fuck a virgin <i>and</i> take your innocence from you at the same time." You recoil in shock. "Please no! Why would you do that to me?!" He just smiles. "Because it will make you sad, that''s why. Now get over to the sink and spread those fucking legs of yours or I will!"'
+		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "I''m gonna fuck your pussy today, so spread those legs!" You fearfully shake your head. "But I can''t... I''m... I''m a virgin."' 
+		'His eyes light up. "Really? Today really is my lucky day. I get to fuck a virgin <i>and</i> take your innocence from you at the same time."' 
+		'You recoil in shock. "Please no! Why would you do that to me?!"'
+		'He just smiles. "Because it will make you sad, that''s why. Now get over to the sink and spread those fucking legs of yours or I will!"'
 	elseif VK = 3:
 		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "I''m gonna fuck your pussy today, so spread those legs!"'		
 	elseif VK = 4 and stat['think_virgin'] = 1:
-	    'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "You''ll be riding my dick today, so get over here." You fearfully shake your head. "But I can''t... I''m... I''m a virgin." His eyes light up. "Really? Today really is my lucky day. I get to fuck a virgin <i>and</i> take your innocence from you at the same time." You recoil in shock. "Please no! Why would you do that to me?!" He just smiles. "Because it will make you sad, that''s why. Now get over here and sit on my dick. I won''t ask again!"'
+	    'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "You''ll be riding my dick today, so get over here."' 
+		'You fearfully shake your head. "But I can''t... I''m... I''m a virgin."' 
+		'His eyes light up. "Really? Today really is my lucky day. I get to fuck a virgin <i>and</i> take your innocence from you at the same time."' 
+		'You recoil in shock. "Please no! Why would you do that to me?!"' 
+		'He just smiles. "Because it will make you sad, that''s why. Now get over here and sit on my dick. I won''t ask again!"'
 	elseif VK = 4:
 		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "You''ll be riding my dick today, so get over here." You meekly nod as you approach him. He unbuttons his pants and grabs you before turning you around and wrapping his hand around your neck, pulling you onto his dick.'
 	elseif VK = 5:
-		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "I want to fuck your ass, so spread those cheeks of yours." You meekly nod before bending over and spreading your cheeks as Niko approaches you while unbuttoning his pants.'
+		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "I want to fuck your ass, so spread those cheeks of yours." You meekly nod before bending over and spreading your cheeks as he approaches you while unbuttoning his pants.'
 	elseif VK = 6:
-		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "I gonna fuck that tight ass. Now get over here bitch!" Niko grabs you by the hair and pulls you toward the urinal, shoving your head into it as he unbuttons his pants.'	
+		'Once you''re fully naked, Niko smiles. "I gonna fuck that tight ass. Now get over here bitch!" He grabs you by the hair and pulls you toward the urinal, shoving your head into it as he unbuttons his pants.'	
 	if VK = 1:
 		act 'Blowjob':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/bj3.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You wrap your lips around his dick and begin sucking it firmly. Niko looks down at you and spits on your face. "You''re my fucking bitch! Don''t you ever forget that!" You continue sucking his dick while trying to ignore him as he occasionally spits in your face.'		
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/gif/bj3.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You wrap your lips around his dick and start sucking it firmly as Niko looks down at you and spits on your face. "You''re my fucking bitch! Don''t you ever forget that!" You continue sucking his dick while trying to ignore him as he occasionally spits in your face.'		
 			act 'Continue sucking':	
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/cum/throat6.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Niko grabs the back of your head and begins fucking your throat. You gag heavily as you try to relax your throat. "This is your place and you better remember that. You''re my fucking bitch and nothing more." You''re too focused on not gagging to respond. After a few more seconds, Niko groans as he fills your throat with his cum. You swallow as much of it as you can, knowing that you have no choice. Niko then buttons his pants and walks out of the restroom without saying another word.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth_swallow', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/yurikev/cum/throat6.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'Niko grabs the back of your head and starts fucking your throat, causing you to gag heavily. "This is your place and you better remember that. You''re my fucking bitch and nothing more." You''re too focused on not gagging to respond. After a few more seconds, Niko groans as he fills your throat with his cum. You swallow as much of it as you can, knowing that you have no choice. He then buttons his pants and walks out of the restroom without saying another word.'
 				act 'Finish':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'FedorMisc', 'Restroom'
@@ -353,21 +357,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 	elseif VK = 2:		
 		act 'Open your mouth':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/piss1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You open your mouth and close your eyes, waiting for Niko to start. A few seconds later, you feel a warm liquid splashing across your face, filling your mouth and getting in your nose as Niko shouts "SWALLOW IT ALL BITCH!" You try your best not to gag as you attempt to swallow all of his bitter tasting urine. You can''t keep yourself from gagging as Niko continues shooting his urine down your throat. He then suddenly rubs his dick against your lips before shoving it into your mouth.'			
 			gs 'arousal', 'pee', -5, 'sub', 'humiliation'
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/piss1.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You open your mouth and close your eyes, waiting for Niko to start. A few seconds later, you feel a warm liquid splashing across your face, filling your mouth and getting in your nose as Niko shouts "SWALLOW IT ALL BITCH!"'
+			'You try your best not to gag as you attempt to swallow all of his bitter tasting urine. You can''t keep yourself from gagging as Niko continues shooting his urine down your throat. He then suddenly rubs his dick against your lips before shoving it into your mouth.'			
 			act 'Suck his dick':	
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow3.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You know exactly what he wants and begin sucking his dick, trying your best to get him off as quickly as possible, knowing that the sooner he finishes, the sooner you can wash up and leave. You lick and suck his dick, trying your best to ignore the rotten taste in your mouth as Niko looks down at you. "There you go <<$pcs_firstname>>. Keep behaving like this and we''ll get along just fine." He then tilts his head back and begins moaning before suddenly grabbing the back of your head as his warm cum starts spurting into your mouth. You try your best to swallow every drop of it and after he finishes, he turns to you and says "You''re learning. Good. Keep it up." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth_swallow', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/swallow3.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'You know exactly what he wants and start sucking his dick, trying your best to get him off as quickly as possible, knowing that the sooner he finishes, the sooner you can wash up and leave. You lick and suck his dick, trying your best to ignore the rotten taste in your mouth as Niko looks down at you. "There you go <<$pcs_firstname>>. Keep behaving like this and we''ll get along just fine."' 
+				'He then tilts his head back and starts moaning before suddenly grabbing the back of your head as his warm cum starts spurting into your mouth. You try your best to swallow every drop of it and after he finishes, he turns to you and says "You''re learning. Good. Keep it up." He then buttons his pants before leaving the restroom.'
 				act 'Finish':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'FedorMisc', 'Restroom'
@@ -375,22 +380,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 	elseif VK = 3 and stat['think_virgin'] = 1:
 		act 'Do as he says':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyvag.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You slowly approach the sink and spread your legs as Niko approaches you from behind. You feel tears streaming down your face as he drops his pants and rubs his dick against your pussy before forcing it inside you, causing a powerful jolt of pain to shoot through you. He wastes no time and begins thrusting his dick inside you very roughly as he whispers in your ear. "Oops. There goes your virginity. How does it feel to be a real woman?" You lower your head in shamed silence while trying to focus on anything but the pain.'		
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyvag.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You slowly approach the sink and spread your legs as Niko approaches you from behind. You feel tears streaming down your face as he drops his pants and rubs his dick against your pussy before forcing it inside you, causing a powerful jolt of pain to shoot through you. He wastes no time and starts thrusting his dick inside you very roughly as he whispers in your ear. "Oops. There goes your virginity. How does it feel to be a real woman?" You lower your head in shamed silence while trying to focus on anything but the pain.'		
 			act 'Continue':	
 				*clr & cla
 				if pcs_vag = 0:pcs_vag += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/virgin.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Niko quickly increases the pace of his thrusts, fucking you harder as you close your eyes, waiting for it to be over. His breathing hastens before stopping as he pulls out and begins squirting his cum over your ass. You wait for him to finish before asking "May I please go now?" Niko catches his breath before replying. "Yeah sure. You''re all paid up for today." You quickly grab a few paper towels and clean the blood off your legs before grabbing your clothes and getting dressed. Once you''re fully dressed, you quickly run out of the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'butt', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/virgin.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'He quickly increases the pace of his thrusts, fucking you harder as you close your eyes, waiting for it to be over. His breathing hastens before stopping as he pulls out and starts squirting his cum over your ass. You wait for him to finish before asking "May I please go now?"'
+				'He catches his breath before replying. "Yeah sure. You''re all paid up for today." You quickly grab a few paper towels and clean the blood off your legs before grabbing your clothes and getting dressed. Once you''re fully dressed, you quickly run out of the restroom.'
 				act 'Finish':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'FedorMisc', 'Restroom'
@@ -399,22 +403,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 	elseif VK = 3:
 		act 'Vaginal':
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You slowly approach the sink and spread your legs as Niko approaches you from behind. You feel Niko''s dick pressing against your pussy before he shoves it inside, evoking a moan from you as Niko whispers in your ear. "You like it when I shove my dick inside you, don''t you <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You slowly approach the sink and spread your legs as Niko approaches you from behind. You feel Niko''s dick pressing against your pussy before he shoves it inside, evoking a moan from you as Niko whispers in your ear. "You like it when I shove my dick inside you, don''t you <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
 			act 'Continue':	
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/vaginal2.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You turn to Niko as he points toward the mirror and says "Look. Do you know what I see? A filthy whore, getting what she deserves. Get used to that sight." You do as he says as tears run down your cheeks. Seeing this must have pushed Niko to the edge as he suddenly pulls out and his cum starts splattering over your back. "Remember your place bitch and never try to avoid me again." he snarls before buttoning his pants and leaving the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'butt', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/vaginal2.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'You turn to Niko as he points toward the mirror and says "Look. Do you know what I see? A filthy whore, getting what she deserves. Get used to that sight." You do as he says as tears run down your cheeks. Seeing this must have pushed Niko to the edge as he suddenly pulls out and his cum starts splattering over your back. "Remember your place bitch and never try to avoid me again!" he snarls before buttoning his pants and leaving the restroom.'
 				act 'Finish':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'FedorMisc', 'Restroom'
@@ -422,44 +424,42 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 	elseif VK = 4 and stat['think_virgin'] = 1:		
 		act 'Vaginal':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You squirm as Niko turns you around and lifts you up by the legs. Tears well up in your eyes as you feel his dick pushing its way inside your virgin pussy, causing you to cry out as a wave of pain shoots through you. He wastes no time and begins thrusting his dick inside you very roughly as he whispers in your ear. "Oops. There goes your virginity. How does it feel to be a real woman?" You lower your head in shamed silence while trying to focus on anything but the pain.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You squirm as Niko turns you around and lifts you up by the legs. Tears well up in your eyes as you feel his dick pushing its way inside your virgin pussy, causing you to cry out as a wave of pain shoots through you. He wastes no time and begins thrusting his dick inside you very roughly as he whispers in your ear. "Oops. There goes your virginity. How does it feel to be a real woman?" You lower your head in shamed silence while trying to focus on anything but the pain.'
 			act 'Continue':	
 				*clr & cla
 				if pcs_vag = 0:pcs_vag += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/thighs.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Niko continues fucking you as he whispers in your ear. "How are you liking it?" You look back at him and reluctantly nod, which seems to turn him on as he quickly pulls out and cums on the floor in front of you. You turn to him once he''s finished. "Are you satisfied? Can I leave now?" He gives your ass a firm smack. "You can go now, but never forget that you belong to me." You quickly clean yourself up before getting dressed and leaving the restroom.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/thighs.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'He continues fucking you as he whispers in your ear. "How are you liking it?" You look back at him and reluctantly nod, which seems to turn him on as he quickly pulls out and cums on the floor in front of you. You turn to him once he''s finished. "Are you satisfied? Can I leave now?"' 
+				'He gives your ass a firm smack. "You can go now, but never forget that you belong to me." You quickly clean yourself up before getting dressed and leaving the restroom.'
 				act 'Finish':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'FedorMisc', 'Restroom'
 	elseif VK = 4:
 	    act 'Vaginal':
-		*clr & cla
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'Niko quickly turns you around and lifts you up by the legs. You feel his dick pushing its way inside your pussy, causing a wave of pleasure to fill you. Niko starts fucking you as he leans forward and whispers in your ear. "Who do you belong to bitch?" Knowing better than to anger him, you reluctantly reply "I belong to you Niko." He chuckles as he responds "Yes you do. Never forget that."'
+			*clr & cla
 			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/vaginal1.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'He quickly turns you around and lifts you up by the legs. You feel his dick pushing its way inside your pussy, causing a wave of pleasure to fill you. He starts fucking you as he leans forward and whispers in your ear. "Who do you belong to bitch?" Knowing better than to anger him, you reluctantly reply "I belong to you Niko." He chuckles as he responds "Yes you do. Never forget that."'
 			act 'Continue':	
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/thighs.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Niko continues fucking you as he whispers in your ear. "How are you liking it?" You look back at him and nod, which seems to turn him on as he quickly pulls out and cums on the floor in front of you. You turn to him once he''s finished. "Are you satisfied? Can I leave now?" He gives your ass a firm smack. "You can go now, but never forget that you belong to me." You quickly pick up your clothes and get dressed before leaving the restroom.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/cum/thighs.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'He continues fucking you as he whispers in your ear. "How are you liking it?" You look back at him and nod, which seems to turn him on as he quickly pulls out and cums on the floor in front of you. You turn to him once he''s finished. "Are you satisfied? Can I leave now?"' 
+				'He gives your ass a firm smack. "You can go now, but never forget that you belong to me." You quickly pick up your clothes and get dressed before leaving the restroom.'
 				act 'Finish':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'FedorMisc', 'Restroom'
@@ -467,22 +467,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 	elseif VK = 5:		
 		act 'Anal':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyanal.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You feel Niko''s dick pressing against your anus before he suddenly forces it inside you, evoking a groan of pain from you. He wastes no time and begins roughly fucking your ass. You let out a few groans of pain as he continues fucking you before leaning forward and whispering in your ear. "How does it feel knowing that you belong to me?" You look back at him in silence, not knowing what he wants you to say, and he grins as he firmly smacks your ass.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/voyanal.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You feel Niko''s dick pressing against your anus before he suddenly forces it inside you, evoking a groan of pain from you. He wastes no time and starts roughly fucking your ass. You let out a few groans of pain as he continues fucking you before leaning forward and whispering in your ear. "How does it feel knowing that you belong to me?" You look back at him in silence, not knowing what he wants you to say, and he grins as he firmly smacks your ass.'
 			act 'Continue':	
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal1.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'Knowing that the faster he cums, the quicker this torment will be over, you turn to stare into his eyes. He struggles to hold back and begins groaning as he blows his load in your ass. He pulls out once he''s finished, causing a stream of cum to leak out of your ass and onto the floor. "You did good <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll see you tomorrow." You gather your clothes and get dressed before leaving the restroom.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal1.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'Knowing that the faster he cums, the quicker this torment will be over, you turn to stare into his eyes. He struggles to hold back and begins groaning as he blows his load in your ass. He pulls out once he''s finished, causing a stream of cum to leak out of your ass and onto the floor. "You did good <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll see you tomorrow." You gather your clothes and get dressed before leaving the restroom.'
 				act 'Finish':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'FedorMisc', 'Restroom'
@@ -490,23 +488,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] =  'Payback 4':
 	elseif VK = 6:		
 		act 'Anal':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal2.mp4"></video></center>'
-			'You look back at Niko as he pushes his dick inside your ass, evoking a groan from you as a sharp pain shoots through you. You grasp onto the bottom of the urinal as Niko starts roughly fucking your ass and grabs onto your hair. "You really shouldn''t have tried to avoid me bitch. This could have been quick and painless, but you had to piss me off."'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal2.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You look back at Niko as he pushes his dick inside your ass, evoking a groan from you as a sharp pain shoots through you. You grasp onto the bottom of the urinal as Niko starts roughly fucking your ass and grabs onto your hair. "You really shouldn''t have tried to avoid me bitch. This could have been quick and painless, but you had to piss me off."'
 			act 'Continue':	
 				*clr & cla
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal3.mp4"></video></center>'
-				'You squeal as he suddenly lifts you by your hair and drags you into one of the stalls before shoving your head into the toilet. You hold your breath as the water covers your face, hoping that he lets you out to breathe soon. Thankfully, he pulls you out of the toilet for a few seconds to catch your breath before shoving you back in. After a few more seconds, he suddenly pulls you out of the toilet as he begins groaning; you feel a warmth filling your ass.' 
-				'He gives your ass a hard slap once he''s finished. "Now hopefully you''ve learned your lesson and won''t try to avoid me again." You turn to him and meekly nod as he buttons his pants and leaves the restroom while you try to catch your breath.'
 				gs 'cum_call', 'anus', $boy
 				gs 'arousal', 'anal', 5, 'rough', 'sub'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/payback/rough/anal3.mp4"></video></center>'
+				'You squeal as he suddenly lifts you by your hair and drags you into one of the stalls before shoving your head into the toilet. You hold your breath as the water covers your face, hoping that he lets you out to breathe soon. Thankfully, he pulls you out of the toilet for a few seconds to catch your breath before shoving you back in. After a few more seconds, he suddenly pulls you out of the toilet and starts groaning as you feel a warmth filling your ass.' 
+				'He gives your ass a hard slap once he''s finished. "Now hopefully you''ve learned your lesson and won''t try to avoid me again." You turn to him and meekly nod as he buttons his pants and leaves the restroom while you try to catch your breath.'
 				act 'Finish':gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' & gt 'FedorMisc', 'Restroom'
@@ -523,14 +519,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Help':
 	minut += 5
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/console1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You move toward Fedor and wrap your arms around him. "Fedor I... I need your help." Fedor gently rubs your back. "Please <<$pcs_nickname>>, tell me what''s wrong." Tears stream down your face as you reply. "Niko has been bullying me at lunch every day. Please make him stop." Fedor clenches his fist. "That little gopnik shit! I''ll make him pay. Don''t worry, the next time he tries, I''ll bash his face in!"'
+	'You move toward Fedor and wrap your arms around him. "Fedor I... I need your help."' 
+	'Fedor gently rubs your back. "Please <<$pcs_nickname>>, tell me what''s wrong."' 
+	'Tears stream down your face as you reply. "Niko has been bullying me at lunch every day. Please make him stop."' 
+	'Fedor clenches his fist. "That little gopnik shit! I''ll make him pay. Don''t worry, the next time he tries, I''ll bash his face in!"'
 	act 'Thank him':
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
-		gs'stat'	
+		gs 'stat'	
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/console2.jpg"></center>'		
-		'You quickly look up to Fedor and give him a passionate kiss. "Thanks Fedor, I always feel so safe with you." Fedor wipes your tears as he responds. "You''ll always be safe with me. I''ll make sure that gopnik punk finds out the hard way what happens when someone fucks with you." You thank him again before hearing the school bell ring. "Well it''s time for class. Don''t forget that I''ll always keep you safe." You give Fedor a loving smile before walking toward your next class.'
+		'You quickly look up at Fedor and give him a passionate kiss. "Thanks Fedor, I always feel so safe with you."' 
+		'Fedor wipes your tears away. "You''ll always be safe with me. I''ll make sure that gopnik punk finds out the hard way what happens when someone fucks with you."' 
+		'You thank him again before hearing the school bell ring. "Well it''s time for class. Don''t forget that I''ll always keep you safe." You give Fedor a loving smile before walking toward your next class.'
 		act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -541,41 +542,43 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fedor Help 2':
 	FedorVsNiko = 2
 	NikoPayback = 3
 	NikoFightDay = daystart
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face. "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?" You hesitate before looking him in the eye. "I... I want you to leave me alone." He just chuckles. "Well that''s not up to you now is it? For wasting my time, you''ll pay me in both money and pleasure. Now let''s get moving." Niko grabs your hand and begins pulling you into the restroom.'
+	'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face. "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?"' 
+	'You hesitate before looking him in the eye. "I... I want you to leave me alone."' 
+	'He just chuckles. "Well that''s not up to you now is it? For wasting my time, you''ll pay me in both money and pleasure. Now let''s get moving." Niko grabs your hand and starts pulling you into the restroom.'
 	act 'Continue':	
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 1
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><b><h4><font color="blue"><<"Fyodor [Fedor] Kozlov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big5.jpg"></center>'
-		'After turning the corner, Niko suddenly recoils as Fedor''s fist makes contact, causing Niko to drop to the ground holding his face. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH <<$pcs_nickname>>! I''LL SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENS WITH SHITHEADS LIKE YOU!" Fedor screams as he begins punching Niko, who tries to block the blows before Fedor is suddenly tackled.'		
+		'After turning the corner, Niko suddenly recoils as Fedor''s fist makes contact, causing Niko to drop to the ground holding his face. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH <<$pcs_nickname>>! I''LL SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENS WITH SHITHEADS LIKE YOU!" Fedor screams as he starts punching Niko, who tries to block the blows before Fedor is suddenly tackled.'		
 		act 'Turn to Fedor':	
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 1
-			gs'stat'
-			'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Roman Yakovlev">></font></h4></b></center>'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big157.jpg"></center>'
-			'You turn to see Roman trying to hold Fedor down while Niko holds his face in pain, still unable to recover. Roman punches Fedor before Fedor returns the blow, knocking Roman off him before Niko finally recovers and kicks Fedor in the face, knocking him to the ground before Roman grabs onto Fedor''s arms and holds him down while Niko begins kicking him in the ribs. You grab Niko by his shirt and pull him away before he slaps you across the face. Niko winds up to kick Fedor again when someone''s fist rams into his face.'
+			'You turn to see Roman trying to hold Fedor down while Niko holds his face in pain, still unable to recover. Roman punches Fedor before Fedor returns the blow, knocking Roman off him before Niko finally recovers and kicks Fedor in the face, knocking him to the ground before Roman grabs onto Fedor''s arms and holds him down while Niko starts kicking him in the ribs. You grab Niko by his shirt and pull him away before he slaps you across the face. Niko winds up to kick Fedor again when someone''s fist rams into his face.'
 			act 'See who it was':	
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Ivan Prokhorov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big3.jpg"></center>'
-				'You turn to see Ivan standing over Niko. Ivan immediately rushes toward Roman, grabbing him by his arms and lifting him up before slamming him onto the ground. "Teaming up on my friend and his girl? Not on my watch." Ivan helps Fedor up before kicking Roman''s face. Fedor takes a second to recover before immediately climbing on Niko and repeatedly punching him. After a few punches, Ivan pulls Fedor off. "Come on man, it''s done."'
+				'You turn to see Ivan standing over Niko before he rushes towards Roman and grabs him by his arms, lifting him up and slamming him onto the ground. "Teaming up on my friend and his girl? Not on my watch." Ivan helps Fedor up before kicking Roman''s face. Fedor takes a second to recover before immediately climbing on Niko and repeatedly punching him. After a few punches, Ivan pulls Fedor off. "Come on man, it''s done."'
 				act 'Place your hand on Fedor''s shoulder':
 					*clr & cla
 					minut += 1
-					gs'stat'
+					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/console1.jpg"></center>'
-					'Fedor takes a few seconds to catch his breath before turning to you. "Are you okay <<$pcs_nickname>>? You took quite a hit there." You quickly hug him. "I''m great, thanks to you two." Ivan smiles at you. "It was nothing special. I won''t let some punks like them hurt my friends." Fedor wraps his arms around you. "This is the last time that punk will ever hurt you. You''re safe now." You return the hug and hear the class bell, signaling the beginning of class. Fedor takes your hand and leads you toward your next class while Ivan stays behind to "chat" with Niko and Roman.'
+					'Fedor takes a few seconds to catch his breath before turning to you. "Are you okay <<$pcs_nickname>>? You took quite a hit there."' 
+					'You quickly hug him. "I''m great, thanks to you two."' 
+					'Ivan smiles at you. "It was nothing special. I won''t let some punks like them hurt my friends."' 
+					'Fedor wraps his arms around you. "This is the last time that punk will ever hurt you. You''re safe now."' 
+					'You return the hug and hear the class bell, signaling the beginning of class. Fedor takes your hand and leads you towards your next class while Ivan stays behind to ''chat'' with Niko and Roman.'
 					act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -589,25 +592,28 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Fyodor Help':
 	FyodorVsNiko = 2
 	NikoPayback = 3
 	NikoFightDay = daystart
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face. "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?" You hesitate before looking him in the eye. "I... I want you to leave me alone." He just chuckles. "Well that''s not up to you now is it? For wasting my time, you''ll pay me in both money and pleasure. Now let''s get moving." Niko grabs your hand and begins pulling you into the restroom.'
+	'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face. "You showed up? Good. How will you be paying today?"' 
+	'You hesitate before looking him in the eye. "I... I want you to leave me alone."' 
+	'He just chuckles. "Well that''s not up to you now is it? For wasting my time, you''ll pay me in both money and pleasure. Now let''s get moving." Niko grabs your hand and starts pulling you into the restroom.'
 	act 'Continue':	
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 2
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/fight/down.jpg"></center>'
 		'As you reach the restroom, Niko tosses you to the ground and approaches you when Fedor quickly walks into the room and punches Niko in the face, knocking him to the ground before climbing on him and punching him repeatedly. After a few punches, Niko holds his hands up. "Whoa, chill out man! <<$pcs_nickname>> and I were just playing! See? She''s laughing right now." Fedor turns to you just as Niko winds up his fist, ramming it into Fedor''s face before quickly pushing Fedor off him and running to the door. You quickly grab Niko''s shirt, turning him to you before scratching his face and pushing him on the ground, giving Fedor enough time to recover and climb on top of Niko and start punching him again.'	
 		act 'Enjoy the show':	
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 2
-			gs'stat'
+			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedormisc/console2.jpg"></center>'
-			'You watch in satisfaction as Niko gets what he deserves before Fedor finally calms down and climbs off Niko. He walks up and wraps his arms around you. "Are you okay? He didn''t hurt you did he?" You hug him tighter. "No, but I did enjoy you hurting him." Fedor chuckles. "Anyone who messes with you will share the same fate." You lean forward and give him a passionate kiss which lasts for almost a full minute. "You should get back before someone notices. I''ll have a chat with Niko. Go on, enjoy your break." You give Fedor a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the restroom.'
+			'You watch in satisfaction as Niko gets what he deserves before Fedor finally calms down and climbs off him. He walks up and wraps his arms around you. "Are you okay? He didn''t hurt you did he?"' 
+			'You hug him tighter. "No, but I did enjoy you hurting him."' 
+			'Fedor chuckles. "Anyone who messes with you will share the same fate." You lean forward and give him a passionate kiss which lasts for almost a full minute. "You should get back before someone notices. I''ll have a chat with Niko. Go on, enjoy your break."' 
+			'You give Fedor a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the restroom.'
 			act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'
@@ -618,17 +624,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ivan Help':
 	*clr & cla
 	IvanVsNiko = 1
 	minut += 5
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Ivan Prokhorov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/ivan/sad1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You walk up to Ivan and downcast your eyes. "Ivan I need your help... I..." Ivan''s face saddens as he wraps his arms around you. "What''s wrong <<$pcs_nickname>>? You can tell me."'	
+	'You walk up to Ivan and downcast your eyes. "Ivan I need your help... I..."' 
+	'Ivan''s face saddens as he wraps his arms around you. "What''s wrong <<$pcs_nickname>>? You can tell me."'	
 	act 'Tell him':	
 		*clr & cla
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Ivan Prokhorov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/ivan/angry1.jpg"></center>'
-		'You collect your thoughts before speaking. "Ever since I broke up with Niko, he''s been raping me at lunchtime and I..." Ivan angrily slams his fist on one of the lockers. "That slimy little shit! This won''t continue <<$pcs_nickname>>, I''ll put an end to it. You don''t need to worry." You wrap your arms around him. "Thank you so much. I didn''t know what to do." Ivan smiles at you. "That kind of shit is unacceptable. You''ll be safe again, I promise you that." You give Ivan a soft kiss on the cheek and walk away while he angrily begins cracking his knuckles.'			
+		'You collect your thoughts before speaking. "Ever since I broke up with Niko, he''s been raping me at lunchtime and I..."' 
+		'Ivan angrily slams his fist on one of the lockers. "That slimy little shit! This won''t continue <<$pcs_nickname>>, I''ll put an end to it. You don''t need to worry."' 
+		'You wrap your arms around him. "Thank you so much. I didn''t know what to do."' 
+		'Ivan smiles at you. "That kind of shit is unacceptable. You''ll be safe again, I promise you that." You give Ivan a soft kiss on the cheek and walk away while he angrily cracks his knuckles.'			
 		act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -638,17 +646,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Ivan Help 2':
 	*clr & cla
 	IvanVsNiko = 2
 	NikoPayback = 3
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'	
-	'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face. "You showed up? Goo..." He quickly pauses when he notices Ivan approaching. Ivan drives his fist into Niko''s stomach.  "I hear that you''ve been giving <<$pcs_nickname>> a hard time. Allow me to return the favor." He then begins chocking Niko, who tries to squirm out of Ivan''s grasp. After a few seconds, Ivan releases Niko, causing Niko to drop to the ground. "That was a warning. Give <<$pcs_nickname>> a hard time again and I won''t hold back."'
+	'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face. "You showed up? Goo..." He quickly pauses when he notices Ivan approaching.' 
+	'Ivan drives his fist into Niko''s stomach.  "I hear that you''ve been giving <<$pcs_nickname>> a hard time. Allow me to return the favor." He then begins chocking Niko, who tries to squirm out of Ivan''s grasp. After a few seconds, Ivan releases Niko, causing Niko to drop to the ground. "That was a warning. Give <<$pcs_nickname>> a hard time again and I won''t hold back."'
 	act 'Continue':
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 2
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/ivan/hug1.jpg"></center>'
-		'Niko quickly nods, obviously frightened of Ivan. Ivan then gives you a hug. "You''ll be fine now. If he bothers you again, then let me know and I''ll set him straight." You gratefully nod as Ivan turns around and walks away. You turn around to leave when you notice Vitek walking up to Niko and place his foot on his back. "I always told you that your big mouth would get you into trouble." he laughs before he steps off Niko and walks away.'		
+		'Niko quickly nods, clearly frightened of Ivan. Ivan then gives you a hug. "You''ll be fine now. If he bothers you again, then let me know and I''ll set him straight." You gratefully nod as Ivan turns around and walks away.' 
+		'You turn around to leave when you notice Vitek walking up to Niko and place his foot on his back. "I always told you that your big mouth would get you into trouble," he laughs before he steps off Niko and walks away.'		
 		act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'
@@ -656,17 +665,16 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Nush Help':
 	*clr & cla
-	anushka['vs_niko'] = 2
+	anushkaQW['vs_niko'] = 2
 	NikoPayback = 3
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'	
 	'You approach Niko and a confident grin covers his face. "You showed up? Goo..." He never finishes the sentence as Anushka rushes up behind him with a baseball bat and hits him with it. He recoils and turns, only to get hit by Alyona wielding another bat. He tries to fight back, but the surprise of the sudden attack and being outnumbered makes it hard. When he manages to get his hands on one of the bats, the other one smacks him in the legs and he goes down holding his knee. He curls up on the floor as the girls beat him with the bats.'
 	act 'Just watch':
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 5
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/fight/down.jpg"></center>'		
 		'After a few minutes, they stop. "Roll over pig!" Anushka snarls at him.'		
 		'He gingerly rolls over and starts to get up, but stays on the ground when Alyona threatens him with her bat. "What the fuck Nush?! What did I ever do to you?"'
@@ -676,7 +684,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Nush Help':
 		'Anushka interrupts him. "Save it pig! I don''t believe a single fucking word you say. It ends now. If we have to come back, we won''t stop until you''re a bloody mess! Got it?"'
 		'Alyona pulls out her knife to help make her point. "And I''ll cut your balls off and feed them to you."'
-		'Niko looks back and forth between them, then gives you an angry glare before looking back at them and sighing. "Fine, the bitch isn''t worth it anyways."'
+		'Niko looks back and forth between them, then gives you an angry glare before looking back at them and sighing. "Fine, the bitch isn''t worth it anyway."'
 		'Anushka spits on him. "Fuck you!" She then turns to you. "Why don''t you head back to class? We''ll keep him here a bit longer and make sure he understands." You see Niko''s smile fade as you nod and start walking away. You glance back to see him still on the ground looking truly defeated; you can''t help but smile as you leave.'
 		act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'
@@ -688,44 +696,44 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Help':
 	NikoPayback = 3
 	NikoFightDay = daystart
 	minut += 5
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big9.jpg"></center>'
-	'"Um Vitek, I need..." you start, but Dan unintentionally cuts you off. "Have you guys seen that big breasted bitch handing out freebies by..." Vitek interrupts him. "Hold that thought. <<$pcs_nickname>> we''re having guy talk right now. We can chat later." You try to speak up, but Vasily intentionally interrupts you. "You need to cheer up <<$pcs_nickname>>, you look so glum. Here, I''ll tell you a joke." The guys start laughing amongst themselves as you get more and more agitated at them ignoring you.'
+	'"Um Vitek, I need..." you start, but Dan unintentionally cuts you off. "Have you guys seen that big breasted bitch handing out freebies by..."' 
+	'Vitek interrupts him. "Hold that thought. <<$pcs_nickname>>, we''re having guy talk right now. We can chat later."' 
+	'You try to speak up, but Vasily intentionally interrupts you. "You need to cheer up <<$pcs_nickname>>, you look so glum. Here, I''ll tell you a joke."' 
+	'The guys start laughing amongst themselves as you get more and more agitated at them ignoring you.'
 	act 'Shout out':	
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 1
-		gs'stat'
-		'<center><b><h4><font color=#FF00FF><<"<<$pcs_firstname>> [<<$pcs_nickname>>] <<$pcs_lastname>>">></font></h4></b></center>'
+		gs 'stat'
 		*pl '<center><img src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
-		'"NIKO RAPED ME!!!" you scream and the guys freeze. "He did WHAT?!" Niko suddenly stands up and begins sprinting toward the door when Vasily shoulder tackles him into the wall. Roman tries to help Niko but Dan stands in front of him, blocking him from interfering. Roman punches Dan in the face, but Vasily returns the punch, staggering Roman before Dan tackles him to the ground.' 
+		'"NIKO RAPED ME!!!" you scream and the guys freeze as Niko suddenly stands up and starts sprinting toward the door when Vasily shoulder tackles him into the wall. Roman tries to help Niko but Dan stands in front of him, blocking him from interfering. Roman punches Dan in the face, but Vasily returns the punch, staggering Roman before Dan tackles him to the ground.' 
 		act 'Turn to Vitek':	
 			*clr & cla
 			minut += 1
-			gs'stat'		
-			'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+			gs 'stat'		
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/fight/down.jpg"></center>'		
 			'As Dan and Vasily deal with Roman, Vitek lunges forward and drives his foot into Niko''s face, slamming his head against the wall. "YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS SACK OF SHIT!!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY GIRL!!!"'	
 			act 'Continue watching':
 				*clr & cla
 				minut += 1
-				gs'stat'
-				'<center><b><h4><font color="maroon"><<"Vasily [Shulga] Shulgin">></font></h4></b></center>'
+				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big11.jpg"></center>'
-				'Vitek continuously kicks Niko in the ribs as Vasily joins him. "We''ll show you what happens to those who fuck with <<$pcs_nickname>>!!" Dan grabs onto Roman''s head and holds him against the wall before Vitek speaks up. "Enough, you two. This shit is getting old." Roman nods and Dan releases him before Roman leaves the room.'
+				'Vitek continuously kicks Niko in the ribs as Vasily joins him. "We''ll show you what happens to those who fuck with <<$pcs_nickname>>!!"' 
+				'Dan grabs onto Roman''s head and holds him against the wall before Vitek speaks up. "Enough! This shit is getting old." Roman nods and Dan releases him before Roman leaves the room.'
 				act 'Continue watching':
 					*clr & cla
 					minut += 2
-					gs'stat'	
-					'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+					gs 'stat'	
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big9.jpg"></center>'					
-					'Vitek takes a few seconds to catch his breath before approaching and wrapping his arms around you. "I''m sorry that I didn''t listen to you, but don''t worry, I''ll make this sack of shit pay for touching you. You shouldn''t stick around for this. Go on, I''ll see you later." You lean forward and give Vitek a passionate kiss. "Thanks. I always feel so safe with you." Vitek gives your ass a light smack. "You know it <<$pcs_nickname>>. Now get going, I have some business to finish here." You happily nod before leaving the restroom.'	
-					*nl
-					'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/kiss3.mp4"></video></center>'
+					'Vitek takes a few seconds to catch his breath before approaching and wrapping his arms around you. "I''m sorry that I didn''t listen to you, but don''t worry, I''ll make this sack of shit pay for touching you. You shouldn''t stick around for this. Go on, I''ll see you later."' 
+					'You lean forward and give Vitek a passionate kiss. "Thanks. I always feel so safe with you."' 
+					'Vitek gives your ass a light smack. "You know it <<$pcs_nickname>>. Now get going, I have some business to finish here."'
+					'You happily nod before leaving the restroom.'	
 					act 'Leave':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
@@ -740,26 +748,31 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Vitek Help 2':
 	NikoPayback = 3
 	NikoFightDay = daystart
 	minut += 5
-	gs'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color="red"><<"Viktor [Vitek] Kotov">></font></h4></b></center>'
+	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big9.jpg"></center>'	
-	'You approach Vitek and he smiles. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, want a drink?" You shake your head. "I need your help. Niko has been raping me at lunch and..." Vitek''s eyes widen in rage. "He did WHAT?!" You remain quiet as tears stream down your cheeks. Vitek tosses his bottle to the ground, causing a loud shatter which draws everyone''s attention. Vitek angrily walks over the broken glass as he approaches Niko. "Whoa, what''s going on?" he asks as Vitek continues walking towards him. "YOU LAID YOUR HANDS ON MY GIRL!?"'
+	'You approach Vitek and he smiles. "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, want a drink?"' 
+	'You shake your head. "I need your help. Niko has been raping me at lunch and..."' 
+	'Vitek''s eyes widen in rage. "He did WHAT?!" You remain quiet as tears stream down your cheeks. Vitek tosses his bottle to the ground, causing a loud shatter which draws everyone''s attention as he angrily approaches Niko.' 
+	'"Whoa, what''s going on?" Niko asks as Vitek continues walking towards him.' 
 	act 'See what happens next':	
 		*clr & cla
-		gs'stat'
+		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/Strela/fvsv.jpg"></center>'
-		'Niko immediately tries to run away, but Vasily drives his fist into Niko''s face. "You don''t fuck with <<$pcs_nickname>> without dealing with us." You can feel your heart warming as you realize how safe you are with Vitek and Vasily around. Niko continuously tries to crawl away, but is grabbed by Vitek, who lifts him up and slams him onto the ground before climbing on top of him and repeatedly punching him in the face.' 
+		'Niko immediately tries to run away, but Vasily drives his fist into Niko''s face. "You don''t fuck with <<$pcs_nickname>> without dealing with us."' 
+		'You can feel your heart warming as you realize how safe you are with Vitek and Vasily around. Niko continuously tries to crawl away, but is grabbed by Vitek, who lifts him up and slams him onto the ground before climbing on top of him and repeatedly punching him in the face.' 
 		act 'Turn to Vasily':	
 			*clr & cla
-			gs'stat'	
-			'<center><b><h4><font color="maroon"><<"Vasily [Shulga] Shulgin">></font></h4></b></center>'
+			gs 'stat'	
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big11.jpg"></center>'		
-			'Vasily approaches you. "You''re safe now <<$pcs_firstname>>. We''ll make sure that Niko never touches you again." You give Vasily a hug. "Thank you all so much for your help. You''re the best." Vasily gives you a pat on the back. "You don''t need to thank us. It''s a man''s job to keep girls safe. Here, have a drink on me." Vasily hands you a bottle of beer and turns back to join Vitek and Dan in beating up Niko.'				
+			'Vasily approaches you. "You''re safe now <<$pcs_firstname>>. We''ll make sure that Niko never touches you again."' 
+			'You give him a hug. "Thank you all so much for your help. You''re the best."' 
+			'He gives you a pat on the back. "You don''t need to thank us. It''s a man''s job to keep girls safe. Here, have a drink on me."' 
+			'He hands you a bottle of beer and turns back to join Vitek and Dan in beating up Niko.'				
 			act 'Walk away':gt 'pav_disco'
 			act 'Have a drink and walk away': gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'beer' & gt 'pav_disco'
@@ -767,13 +780,12 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Albina Help':
     *clr & cla
-	AlbVsNiko = 2 
+	AlbinaQW['niko_help'] = 2 
 	NikoPayback = 3
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'stat'
-	'<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/4.jpg"></center>'
-	'You approach Niko and he glares at you, causing you to freeze. "What do you want, bitch?" he snarls and you look at him fearfully, but he just scoffs. "Don''t act stupid. You asked that bitchy buttslut whore of a friend to help you out. Well guess what? Wish granted, so you''re off the hook. Now piss off!"'
+	'You approach Niko and he glares at you, causing you to freeze. "What do you want, bitch?" he snarls and you look at him fearfully, but he just scoffs. "Don''t act stupid. You asked that buttslut fucking whore of a friend to help you out. Well guess what? Wish granted, so you''re off the hook. Now piss off!"'
     'Not wanting to anger him further, you quickly walk away as he mutters under his breath about Albina screwing him over. Whatever she done, Albina has saved you from Niko''s torment. You smile happily as you continue on your way.'
 	act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'

Rozdielové dáta súboru neboli zobrazené, pretože súbor je príliš veľký
+ 318 - 287

Rozdielové dáta súboru neboli zobrazené, pretože súbor je príliš veľký
+ 330 - 267

+ 17 - 19

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ $menu_arg = ''
 killvar '$locclass'
 menu_off = 0
 $location_type = 'secluded'
+gs 'stat'
 '<center><b>nudist beach</b></center>'
 '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/lake/nudelake.jpg"></center>'
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ if PCloswimwear = 1 or $clothingworntype = 'nude':
-if temper >= 15 and month >= 5 and month <= 9:
+if temper >= 15 and month >= 5 and month <= 9 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 20:
 	if func('changingroom','count_swim_item') > 0 and PCloswimwear = 0:
 		act'Change into your swimwear':
 			menu_off = 1
@@ -48,9 +49,7 @@ if temper >= 15 and month >= 5 and month <= 9:
-if temper >= 15 and month >= 5 and month <= 9:
 	if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
 		act'Take off your clothes':
 			menu_off = 1
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ if temper >= 15 and month >= 5 and month <= 9:
 				$lastwornbratype['swim'] = $braworntype
 				lastwornbranumber['swim'] = brawornnumber
 				gs 'clothing', 'strip_all'
-				if pcs_horny >= 80 and exhibitionist_lvl > 1:
+				if pcs_horny >= 80 and exhibitionist_lvl > 1 and PCloPanties > 0:
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/lake/secluded_beach/self/wetpussypants3.jpg"></center>'
 					'You strip off. A few passing men do a double-take and pause to look at your sopping wet panties, probably thinking about what is making you so excited. You don''t care about what they might say or think of you.'
 				elseif pcs_inhib >= 60:
@@ -84,16 +83,20 @@ if temper >= 15 and month >= 5 and month <= 9:
-gs 'stat'
-if hour >= 6 and hour <= 20 and temper >= 15:
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
 		'Here you can <a href="exec:gt ''Nudelake'', ''zagarat''">sunbathe</a> and <a href="exec:gt ''Nudelake'', ''swim''">swim</a>'
-		act 'Go swimming': gt 'Nudelake', 'swim'
+		if pcs_stam >= (20 * (10 - sport_clothes_exercise_bonus)) / 2:
+			act 'Go swimming': gt 'Nudelake', 'swim'
+		end
 		act 'Sunbathe': gt 'Nudelake', 'zagarat'
 		'You can play <a href="exec:gt ''Nudelake'', ''voleybol''">beach volleyball</a>.'
+	if katday ! daystart and kat >= 1:
+		'You see Kat on the beach.'
+		act 'Approach Kat':gt 'Katlake', 'kat'
+	end
 elseif hour >= 6 and hour <= 20:
 	'It''s too cold for any nudist activities.'
@@ -110,12 +113,6 @@ else
 	act 'Return to the main beach':gt 'city_lake', 'start'
-if katday ! daystart and npc_rel['A219'] >= 1 and temper >= 15:
-	'You see Kat on the beach.'
-	act 'Approach Kat':gt 'Katlake', 'kat'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'voleybol':
 	$location_type = 'event_outdoors'
 	$menu_loc = 'Nudelake'
@@ -156,11 +153,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'zagarat':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/lake/tanning_nude.jpg"></center>'
-	if krem = 0:
+	if mc_inventory['suncream'] =  0:
 		pcs_tan += 1
 		'You go to the beach and sunbathe.'
-		krem -= 1
+		mc_inventory['suncream'] -=  1
 		pcs_tan += 3
 		'You smear sunblock on your body and sunbathe.'
@@ -183,12 +180,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'swim':
 	pcs_makeup = 1
 	cumspclnt = 4
 	gs 'cum_cleanup'
-	minut += 60
+	gs 'exercise', 'tier1', 60, 'stren', 'vital'
 	if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
-		gs 'exercise', 'tier1', 1, 'stren'
+		gs 'exercise', 'tier1', 1, 'stren', 'vital'
+		minut -= 1
 		inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
-		gs 'exercise', 'tier1', 1, 'stren'
 		if pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
 	pcs_sweat = 10 + rand(0,4)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'youth':
 							'Since you see it as a challenge, and you''re wanting to break her, you slide your hand lower towards her exposed pussy. As you reach her clit, you slowly start massaging it which makes her moan louder and louder. You''ve finally managed to break her and you start thinking about your next move.'
 							'"What the hell are you doing?!" the old man starts yelling as he walks up to the gazebo. "This is a public area! This is not the place for this kind of debauchery!"'
 							gs 'arousal', 'flash', 5, 'exhibitionism', 'lesbian', 'humiliation'
-							gs 'arousal', 'give_massage', -5, 'exhibitionism', 'lesbian', 'dom'
+							gs 'arousal', 'massage_give', -5, 'exhibitionism', 'lesbian', 'dom'
 							gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger_give', -5, 'exhibitionism', 'lesbian', 'dom'
 							gs 'stat'
 							act 'Return to the group':

+ 58 - 77

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # Peterroom
+!! Peter, the owner of the sexshop
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start_door':
-	cla
-	*clr
+	*clr & cla
 	$menu_loc = 'Peterroom'
 	$menu_arg = 'start_door'
 	menu_off = 0
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start_door':
 			petersexday += 1
 			'You ring the doorbell and wait. After a few seconds, Peter opens the door and smiles. "Come in and get changed."'
-			act 'Enter the apartment':gt 'peterroom', 'start'
+			act 'Enter the apartment': gt 'peterroom', 'start'
 			'You ring the doorbell a few times, but no one answers.'
@@ -41,25 +41,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start_door':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	cla
-	*clr
+	*clr & cla
 	menu_off = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	if peter > 0 :
-		peterrand = rand(1, 2)
+		peterrand = rand(1,2)
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/9.jpg"></center>'
 		'You get undressed and fasten your collar around your neck.'
 		'"Who''s my good bitch?" you hear Peter ask from the next room.'
 		act 'I am, Master':
 			petersex = petersex + 1
-			if analplugin = 1 :gt 'peterroom', 'klap'
-			if peterrand < 2 :gt 'peterroom', 'd1'
-			if peterrand > 1 :gt 'peterroom', 'd2'
+			if analplugin = 1: gt 'peterroom', 'klap'
+			if peterrand < 2: gt 'peterroom', 'd1'
+			if peterrand > 1: gt 'peterroom', 'd2'
-	elseif peter < 1 :
+	elseif peter < 1:
 		petersexday += 1
 		minut += 10
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/1.jpg"></center>'
@@ -67,60 +65,56 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		'He puts the collar down in front of you. It''s a broad strip of leather with a ring at the front where a leash can be attached.'
 		act 'Put it on':
-			*clr
-			cla
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/2.jpg"></center>'
 			'You eagerly put the collar on and Peter strokes you gently on the cheek, but then suddenly pulls his hand back and slaps you.'
-			'"Lustful girl! Stand up and turn around - hands behind your back!"'
+			'"Lustful girl! Stand up and turn around, hands behind your back!"'
 			'You do as he says and feel leather cuffs being tightly fastened around your wrists.'
-			if analplugin = 1 :
-				analplugin = 0
-				'"What do we have here?" Peter grips the end of the butt plug sticking out of your ass, and eases it out.'
+			if analplugin = 1:
+				analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
+				'"What do we have here?" he asks as he grips the end of your butt plug and eases it out.'
 			act 'Smile':
-				cla
-				*clr
+				*clr & cla
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/3.jpg"></center>'
 				'Peter pulls you by the collar and forces you onto your knees in front of him. "Open your mouth, bitch!" he sternly orders.'
 				act 'Please him':
-					cla
-					*clr
+					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/4.jpg"></center>'
 					'Peter unbuttons his pants and pulls out his cock before grabbing you by the hair and shoving it into your mouth. You obediently wrap your lips around it and start sucking it, feeling it grow and strain inside your mouth.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Continue':
-						cla
-						*clr
+						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/5.jpg"></center>'
-						'After a few minutes, Peter slides his dick out of your mouth, pulls you to your feet and pushes you onto the bed. He pushes your legs up to your chest before binding your hand cuffs behind them.'
-						'He climbs onto the bed and thrusts his dick into your pussy before he starts fucking you hard and fast. After a few minutes, he stops and pulls out, unties you and shoves you to the floor.'
+						'After a few minutes, Peter slides his dick out of your mouth, pulls you to your feet and pushes you onto the bed. He pushes your legs up to your chest before binding your handcuffs behind them.'
+						'He climbs onto the bed and thrusts his dick into your pussy before he starts fucking you hard and fast. After a few minutes, he stops and pulls out, unties you and shoves you on the floor.'
 						'He walks across the room before turning back to you. "Crawl to me, bitch!"'
 						gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'sub'
 						gs 'stat'
-						act 'Crawl' :gt 'peterroom', 'klap'
+						act 'Crawl': gt 'peterroom', 'klap'
 				gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'hard'
 				if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
 					act 'Refuse (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
-						cla & *clr
+						*clr & cla
 						gs 'pain', 8, 'asscheeks', 'spank'
 						gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
 						gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/4_1.jpg"></center>'
 						'You remain where you are and refuse to move. Peter scowls with disappointment.'
-						'"A disobidient bitch like you needs to be punished!" he says as he rounds the table and forces you onto your knees and pulling your ass high in the air. You squeal when he shoves a butt plug deep into your ass, but it gets worse. He reaches for his whip and starts flogging your ass. He counts the strikes aloud, ignoring your sobs as the leather tails burn across your raw, stinging ass.'
+						'"A disobidient bitch like you needs to be punished!" he says as he rounds the table and forces you onto your knees before pulling your ass high in the air. You squeal when he shoves a butt plug deep into your ass, but it gets worse. He reaches for his whip and starts flogging your ass. He counts the strikes aloud, ignoring your sobs as the leather tails burn across your raw, stinging ass.'
 						'"Beg me to fuck you, whore!" he snarls as he whips you extra hard.'
 						'"Please fuck me, Master! Fuck me like the dirty little whore I am!" you beg through your tears and you see a faint smile on his face.'
-						act 'Continue' :gt 'peterroom', 'klap'
+						act 'Continue': gt 'peterroom', 'klap'
 					act 'Refuse (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
@@ -133,8 +127,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'klap':
-	cla
-	*clr
+	*clr & cla
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/6.jpg"></center>'
 	'Peter puts you on a leash and leads you into the bedroom. He pushes you onto the bed and ties your hands and feet to the headboard before fastening a ball gag into your mouth.'
@@ -143,28 +136,27 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'klap':
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Moan':
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/7.jpg"></center>'
 		'Your moans are muffled by the gag as Peter bears down on you from above. "Let''s see how well your sweet ass takes me..." he says'
-		if analplugin = 1 :
-			analplugin = 0
+		if analplugin = 1:
+			analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
 			', pulls out your butt plug'
-		'and starts pushing his dick against your asshole. After a few seconds, the tip pops into you and you moan into the gag. You can''t wait for him to bury himself in your ass completely. Peter sees your reaction and begins to fuck your ass, penetrating deeper with each stroke, until his dick is completely buried inside you and his balls slap hard against your buttocks. He fucks you so hard that your knees start to shake, and pussy juices trickle down your ass.'
+		'and starts pushing his dick against your asshole. After a few seconds, the tip pops into you and you moan into the gag. You can''t wait for him to bury himself in your ass completely. Peter sees your reaction and starts fucking your ass, penetrating deeper with each thrust until his dick is completely buried inside you. He fucks you so hard that your knees start to shake and pussy juices trickle down your leg.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Moan again':
-			cla & *clr
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/8.jpg"></center>'
 			'He continues to fuck you hard and fast, then slows the rhythm, finishing with several sharp uneven thrusts that fill your insides with a hot stream of cum.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
-			if pcs_ass < 25:pcs_ass += 1
+			if pcs_ass < 25: pcs_ass += 1
 			if pcs_horny >= 100:
 				$orgasm_or = 'yes'
@@ -174,40 +166,39 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'klap':
 			'Your ass makes a loud squelching noise when he pulls his dick out. Peter sits on the bed, breathing heavily while you remain bound, his cum slowly leaking from your asshole.'
-			act 'Relax' :gt 'peterroom', 'end'
+			act 'Relax': gt 'peterroom', 'end'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
-	cla
-	*clr
+	*clr & cla
 	minut += 30
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/vanroom.jpg"></center>'
-	'"You were great." Peter says as he smacks your ass. He then picks you up and carries you to the bathroom, where you take a bath together.'
+	'"You were great," he says as he smacks your ass. He then picks you up and carries you to the bathroom, where you take a bath together.'
     'He greatly enjoys "washing" you, his hands paying special attention to your breasts and pussy as you lean back and make out with him.'
 	act 'Leave':
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		peter += 1
 		minut += 20
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/mash.jpg"></center>'
-		'You relax in the bath together for a while until Peter states that he has business to attend to. You climb out of the bath and dry off before getting dressed. Peter grabs his keys and locks up before you walk outside together. When you reach his car, Peter leans in to kiss you.'
-		'"You''re a breath of fresh air, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You never fail to brighten my day." he says while gently stroking your cheek. "I hope I can see you against soon."'
-		'He climbs into his car and starts the engine, but just as he''s about to drive off, he suddenly calls to you. "Do you need a lift?"'
+		'You relax in the bath together for a while until Peter states that he has business to attend to elsewhere. You climb out of the bath and dry off before getting dressed. Peter then grabs his keys and locks up before you walk outside together. When you reach his car, he leans in to kiss you.'
+		'"You''re a breath of fresh air, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You never fail to brighten my day," he says while gently stroking your cheek. "I hope I can see you against soon."'
+		'He climbs into his car and starts the engine, but just as he''s about to drive off, he suddenly calls out to you. "Do you need a lift?"'
 		act 'To the city center':
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			'You nod and get into the car next to him. "Just into the city center is fine, thanks."'
-            'You spend the journey talking about the sex you just had and you reach the city center a few minutes later. Peter leans over and gives your ass a firm squeeze as you climb out of the car. "Until next time <<$pcs_nickname>>." You smile at him and close the door before he drives off.' 			
+            'You spend the journey talking about the sex you just had and you reach the city center a few minutes later. Peter leans over and gives your ass a firm squeeze as you climb out of the car. "Until next time, <<$pcs_nickname>>." You smile at him and close the door before he drives off.' 			
 			gt 'city_center'
 		if func('homes_properties', 'has_access', 'city_house'):
 			act 'To your apartment':
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				'You nod and get into the car next to him, giving him directions to your apartment complex.'
-				'You spend the journey talking about the sex you just had and you eventually reach your apartment building. Peter leans over and gives your ass a firm squeeze as you climb out of the car. "Until next time <<$pcs_nickname>>." You smile at him and close the door before he drives off.' 
+				'You spend the journey talking about the sex you just had and you eventually reach your apartment building. Peter leans over and gives your ass a firm squeeze as you climb out of the car. "Until next time, <<$pcs_nickname>>." You smile at him and close the door before he drives off.' 
 				gt 'city_residential'
@@ -215,15 +206,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'd1':
-	cla
-	*clr
-	if pcs_ass < 25:pcs_ass += 1
+	*clr & cla
+	if pcs_ass < 25: pcs_ass += 1
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/d1-1.jpg"></center>'
 	'Peter binds your torso and hands before he lifts you up and hangs you from a hook.'
 	act 'Suck his fingers':
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/d1-2.jpg"></center>'
 		'Peter grabs your head and shoves all of his fingers into your mouth, forcing you to suck on them.'
 		'After a few seconds of you sucking and gagging on his fingers, he withdraws them and moves around behind you.'     
@@ -231,8 +220,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd1':
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Penetration':
-			cla
-			*clr
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/d1-3.jpg"></center>'
 			'You think he is about to finger your ass, but squeal in surprise when he shoves his dick into you instead.'
             'You moan in a mix of pleasure and pain as he starts thrusting, quickly picking up the pace.'
@@ -240,10 +228,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd1':
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Moan':
-				cla
-				*clr
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/d1-4.jpg"></center>'
-				'He continues to fuck you hard and you submit yourself to the pleasure of your ass being hammered, your pussy juices running down your legs.'
+				'He continues to fuck you hard and you submit yourself to the pleasure of your ass being hammered as your pussy juices run down your legs.'
 				if pcs_horny >= 100:
 					$orgasm_or = 'yes'
@@ -257,56 +244,50 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd1':
 				'Your ass makes a loud squelching noise when he pulls his dick out. Peter sits on the bed, breathing heavily while you remain kneeling with your ass in the air, his cum trickling down your leg.'
-				act 'Further' :gt 'peterroom', 'end'
+				act 'Further': gt 'peterroom', 'end'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'd2':
-	cla
-	*clr
+	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/d2-1.jpg"></center>'
-	'Peter forces you on your knees, then lifts your head and thrusts his cock into your mouth. The head of his cock goes down your throat, but he continues to thrust, forcing more of its 25cm length inside.'
+	'Peter forces you on your knees, then lifts your head and thrusts his cock into your mouth. The head of his cock goes down your throat, but he continues to thrust, forcing more of it inside.'
 	gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
 	gs 'stat'
 	act 'Suck':
-		cla
-		*clr
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/d2-2.jpg"></center>'
 		'He thrusts mercilessly, fucking deeper into your mouth. Eventually, you feel his balls slap your chin, and realize that he''s bottomed out.'
-		'You feel a sense of pride in managing to take it all, but the feeling melts away as he begins to use your throat.'
+		'You feel a sense of pride in managing to take it all, but the feeling melts away as he starts to fuck your throat.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Moan':
-			cla
-			*clr
+			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/d2-3.jpg"></center>'
-			'Tears stream from your eyes as he begins moving slowly. He takes his hands away from your head, and you desperately grab onto him while you let him use your throat. Trembling, you are lost in sensations - caught between the fire raging between your legs and your shameless awareness of the depravity of the situation.'
+			'Tears stream from your eyes and you desperately grab onto him, trembling as you let him use you in such a depraved manner.'
 			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat'
 			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Moan':
-				cla
-				*clr
+				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/peter/sex/d2-4.jpg"></center>'
-				'Peter is nearing climax, his thrusts becoming ragged, when he suddenly stops and pushes in deep. His balls draw up, coated with your saliva, and you feel his sperm shooting down your throat.'
+				'Peter is nearing climax, his thrusts becoming ragged, when he suddenly stops and pushes in deep. His balls draw up, coated with your saliva, and you feel his cum shooting down your throat.'
 				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub', 'deepthroat'
 				gs 'stat'
 				if pcs_horny >= 100:
 					$orgasm_or = 'yes'
-					'Your orgasm suddenly hits you. Waves of pleasure ripple through your body, and you moan and shudder with release, but Peter holds you in place and refuses to allow his cock to slip out of your mouth.'
+					'Your orgasm suddenly hits you. Waves of pleasure ripple through your body, and you moan and shudder with release, but Peter holds you in place and refuses to allow his cock out of your mouth.'
-				act 'Swallow' :gt 'peterroom', 'end'
+				act 'Swallow': gt 'peterroom', 'end'
---- Peterroom ---------------------------------
+--- Peterroom ---------------------------------

+ 3 - 3

@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 								gs 'fight','initFight'
-								gs 'fight_npcdata', 'prostitue2'
+								gs 'fight_npcdata', 'prostitute2'
 								gt 'fight', 'start'
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work1':
 	elseif pcs_sweat < 15:
 		vnpr += 1
-	if pcs_hairbsh = 0:vnpr -= 1
+	if pcs_hairbsh < 1:vnpr -= 1
 	if pcs_lip = 4:vnpr += 1
 	if vnpr >= 0:
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work2':
 		'Once you''re in the car you slide your hand on his crotch. The man quickly drives to a quiet place, about two streets away from where he picked you up. You can already feel an impressive bulge as you reach into his pants and you compliment him on his nice cock when you finally liberate it. He''s nearly fully erect, and if you look closely you can actually see his cock throbbing.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'prostitution', 'unknown'
 		gs 'stat'
-		if prezik > 0:
+		if mc_inventory['equipped_condoms'] > 0:
 			protect = 1
 			act 'Put on a condom, using your mouth':

+ 359 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+# SMS_selfies
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Trial':
+	gs 'SMStext_builder', 'start'
+		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'Come on, send me a selfie'
+		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send', 'Alright'
+		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send_selfie', '[send selfie]', 'c|sw|u|n|b|sh|ft|fa|fp', 'SMS_selfies', 'Trial2'
+		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_sms', 'A144'
+	gs 'SMStext_builder', 'end'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'Trial2':
+	gs 'SMStext_builder', 'start'
+		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'Come on, send me a selfie'
+		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send', 'Alright'
+		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send_img', $ARGS[2]
+		if $ARGS[4] = 'clothed':
+			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'Just a basic selfie'
+		elseif $ARGS[4] = 'bikini':
+			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'Nice, a bikini selfie'
+		elseif $ARGS[4] = 'underwear':
+			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'Cute underwear!'
+		elseif $ARGS[4] = 'nude':
+			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'wow, a nudie!'
+		elseif $ARGS[4] = 'bath':
+			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'Nice, a bath selfie'
+		elseif $ARGS[4] = 'shower':
+			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'Nice, a shower selfie'
+		elseif $ARGS[4] = 'titflash':
+			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'Naughty! Did someone see you flashing your tits?'
+		elseif $ARGS[4] = 'assflash':
+			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'Naughty! Did someone see you flashing your butt?'
+		elseif $ARGS[4] = 'pussyflash':
+			gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', 'Naughty! Did someone see you flashing your pussy?'
+		end
+		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'show_sms', ARGS[1]
+	gs 'SMStext_builder', 'end'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'show_sms':
+	$temp_curSMS = $SMSMessage[ARGS[1]]
+	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMS_selfietext
+	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', ARGS[1]
+	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = $temp_curSMS
+	killvar '$temp_SMS_selfietext'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'exit':
+	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', ARGS[1]
+! $ARGS[1] = control string
+!  ARGS[2] = telefon['SMSid']
+! $ARGS[3] -> onward = return string
+if $ARGS[0] = 'selfie_menu':
+	gs 'phone_selfies', 'Phone_selfie_totals'
+	!! Create the return string
+	$temp_return_string = ''
+	sms_s_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
+	sms_s_i = 3
+	:add_rest_ARGS_loop
+	if sms_s_i < sms_s_n_args:
+		$temp_return_string += '''<<$ARGS[sms_s_i]>>'', '
+		sms_s_i += 1
+		jump 'add_rest_ARGS_loop'
+	end
+	$temp_return_string = mid($temp_return_string, 1, len($temp_return_string)-2)
+	! reset temp_SMS_selftext
+	$temp_SMS_selfietext = '<table width=80%><th>Selfies</th><tr><td>'
+	temp_locationCnt = 0
+	:LocationLoop
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''showlocation'', <<temp_locationCnt>>, ''<<$ARGS[1]>>'', <<ARGS[2]>>, <<$temp_return_string>>"><<$selfieLocDesc[temp_locationCnt]>> selfies</a>'
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr></td><tr><td>'
+		temp_locationCnt += 1
+	if temp_locationCnt < arrsize('$selfieLoc'): jump 'LocationLoop'
+	$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit''">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms', ARGS[3]
+	killvar 'temp_locationCnt'
+	killvar '$temp_return_string'
+	killvar 'sms_s_i'
+	killvar 'sms_s_n_args'
+!  ARGS[1] = temp_locationCnt
+! $ARGS[2] = control string
+!  ARGS[3] = telefon['SMSid']
+! $ARGS[4] -> onward = return string
+if $ARGS[0] = 'showlocation':
+	!! Create the return string
+	$temp_return_string = ''
+	sms_s_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
+	sms_s_i = 4
+	:add_rest_ARGS_loop2
+	if sms_s_i < sms_s_n_args:
+		$temp_return_string += '''<<$ARGS[sms_s_i]>>'', '
+		sms_s_i += 1
+		jump 'add_rest_ARGS_loop2'
+	end
+	$temp_return_string = mid($temp_return_string, 1, len($temp_return_string)-2)
+	$temp_SMS_selfietext = '<table width=80%><tr><th><font color="maroon"><<$selfieLocDesc[ARGS[1]]>> selfies</font></th></tr>'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'listretrieve', ARGS[1], $selfieLoc[ARGS[1]], $ARGS[2], ARGS[3], $temp_return_string
+	$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''selfie_menu'', ''<<$ARGS[2]>>'', ''<<ARGS[3]>>'', <<$temp_return_string>>">Go Back</a></td></tr>'
+	$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<tr><td colspan=3><a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''exit''">Exit</a></td></tr></table>'
+	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'show_sms', ARGS[4]
+	killvar '$temp_return_string'
+	killvar 'sms_s_i'
+	killvar 'sms_s_n_args'
+!  ARGS[1] = the index of the location in $selfieLoc[]
+! $ARGS[2] = the selfie location (park, home, etc)
+! $ARGS[3] = control string
+!  ARGS[4] = telefon['SMSid']
+! $ARGS[5] = return string
+if $ARGS[0] = 'listretrieve':
+	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'c')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_clothed_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'sw')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_swim_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'u')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_underwear_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'n')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_nude_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'b')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_bath_selfies',			ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'sh')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_shower_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'ft')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_titflash_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'fa')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_assflash_selfies',		ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+	if strpos($ARGS[3], 'fp')	> 0:	gs 'SMS_selfies', 'retrieve_pussyflash_selfies',	ARGS[1], $ARGS[2], $ARGS[5], ARGS[4]
+!  ARGS[1] = the index of the location in $selfieLoc[]
+! $ARGS[2] = the selfie location (park, home, etc)
+! $ARGS[3] = return string
+!  ARGS[4] = telefon['SMSid']
+if $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_clothed_selfies':
+	!!Loop for clothed selfies, dynamics set variables as mixing them in loop instructions is bad
+	if selfieClotot[ARGS[1]] > 0:
+		$temp_SMS_selfietxt += '<tr><th colspan=3>Clothed selfies</th></tr><tr>'
+		temp_cnum = 1
+		temp_clocnt = 1
+		:temp_loop
+			!!setting value to unmixed variable so it can be checked in the if below
+			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_closelfie[<<temp_clocnt>>]'
+			if phone_locval = 1:
+				if temp_cnum = 3: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				temp_cnum += 1
+				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'clothed', ARGS[1], temp_clocnt) + '</td>'
+			end
+			temp_clocnt += 1
+		if temp_clocnt <= selfieClotot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		killvar 'temp_clocnt'
+		killvar 'temp_cnum'
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_swim_selfies':
+	!!Loop for clothed selfies, dynamics set variables as mixing them in loop instructions is bad
+	if selfieSwimtot[ARGS[1]] > 0:
+		$temp_SMS_selfietxt += '<tr><th colspan=3>Swimwear selfies</th></tr><tr>'
+		temp_cnum = 0
+		temp_swicnt = 1
+		:temp_loop1
+			!!setting value to unmixed variable so it can be checked in the if below
+			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_swim[<<temp_swicnt>>]'
+			if phone_locval = 1:
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				temp_cnum += 1
+				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'bikini', ARGS[1], temp_swicnt) + '</td>'
+			end
+			temp_swicnt += 1
+		if temp_swicnt <= selfieClotot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop1'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		killvar 'temp_swicnt'
+		killvar 'temp_cnum'
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_underwear_selfies':
+	if selfieUndtot[ARGS[1]] > 0:
+		$temp_SMS_selfietxt += '<tr><th colspan=3>Underwear selfies</th></tr><tr>'
+		temp_cnum = 0
+		temp_undcnt = 1
+		:temp_loop2
+			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_undselfie[<<temp_undcnt>>]'
+			if phone_locval = 1:
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				temp_cnum += 1
+				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'underwear', ARGS[1], temp_undcnt) + '</td>'
+			end
+			temp_undcnt += 1
+		if temp_undcnt <= selfieUndtot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop2'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		killvar 'temp_swicnt'
+		killvar 'temp_cnum'
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_nude_selfies':
+	if selfieNudtot[ARGS[1]] > 0:
+		$temp_SMS_selfietxt += '<tr><th colspan=3>Nude selfies</th></tr><tr>'
+		temp_cnum = 0
+		temp_nudcnt = 1
+		:temp_loop3
+			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_nudselfie[<<temp_nudcnt>>]'
+			if phone_locval = 1:
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				temp_cnum += 1
+				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'nude', ARGS[1], temp_nudcnt) + '</td>'
+			end
+			temp_nudcnt += 1
+		if temp_nudcnt <= selfieNudtot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop3'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		killvar 'temp_nudcnt'
+		killvar 'temp_cnum'
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_bath_selfies':
+	!!loop for bath selfies
+	if selfieBathtot[ARGS[1]] > 0:
+		$temp_SMS_selfietxt += '<tr><th colspan=3>Bath selfies</th></tr><tr>'
+		temp_cnum = 0
+		temp_bathcnt = 1
+		:temp_loop4
+			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_bathselfie[<<temp_bathcnt>>]'
+			if phone_locval = 1:
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				temp_cnum += 1
+				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'bath', ARGS[1], temp_bathcnt) + '</td>'
+			end
+			temp_bathcnt += 1
+		if temp_bathcnt <= selfieBathtot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop4'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		killvar 'temp_bathcnt'
+		killvar 'temp_cnum'
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_shower_selfies':
+	!!loop for shower selfies
+	if selfieShowertot[ARGS[1]] > 0:
+		$temp_SMS_selfietxt += '<tr><th colspan=3>Shower selfies</th></tr><tr>'
+		temp_cnum = 0
+		temp_showercnt = 1
+		:temp_loop5
+			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_showerselfie[<<temp_showercnt>>]'
+			if phone_locval = 1:
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				temp_cnum += 1
+				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'shower', ARGS[1], temp_showercnt) + '</td>'
+			end
+			temp_showercnt += 1
+		if temp_showercnt <= selfieShowertot[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop5'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		killvar 'temp_showercnt'
+		killvar 'temp_cnum'
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_titflash_selfies':
+	!!loop for flashing tits selfies
+	if selfieTitflash[ARGS[1]] > 0:
+		$temp_SMS_selfietxt += '<tr><th colspan=3>Flashing tits selfies</th></tr><tr>'
+		temp_cnum = 0
+		temp_flashtitscnt = 1
+		:temp_loop6
+			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_titflash[<<temp_flashtitscnt>>]'
+			if phone_locval = 1:
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				temp_cnum += 1
+				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'titflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashtitscnt) + '</td>'
+			end
+			temp_flashtitscnt += 1
+		if temp_flashtitscnt <= selfieTitflash[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop6'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		killvar 'temp_flashtitscnt'
+		killvar 'temp_cnum'
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_assflash_selfies':
+	!!loop for flashing ass selfies
+	if selfieAssflash[ARGS[1]] > 0:
+		$temp_SMS_selfietxt += '<tr><th colspan=3>Flashing ass selfies</th></tr><tr>'
+		temp_cnum = 0
+		temp_flashasscnt = 1
+		:temp_loop7
+			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_assflash[<<temp_flashasscnt>>]'
+			if phone_locval = 1:
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				temp_cnum += 1
+				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'assflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashasscnt) + '</td>'
+			end
+			temp_flashasscnt += 1
+		if temp_flashasscnt <= selfieAssflash[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop7'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		killvar 'temp_flashasscnt'
+		killvar 'temp_cnum'
+	end
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'retrieve_pussyflash_selfies':
+	!!loop for flashing pussy selfies
+	if selfiePussyflash[ARGS[1]] > 0:
+		$temp_SMS_selfietxt += '<tr><th colspan=3>Flashing pussy selfies</th></tr><tr>'
+		temp_cnum = 0
+		temp_flashpussycnt = 1
+		:temp_loop8
+			dynamic 'phone_locval = <<$ARGS[2]>>_pussyflash[<<temp_flashpussycnt>>]'
+			if phone_locval = 1:
+				if temp_cnum = 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr><tr>' & temp_cnum = 0
+				temp_cnum += 1
+				$temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td width="33%">' + func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'set_selfie', $ARGS[3], ARGS[4], $ARGS[2], 'pussyflash', ARGS[1], temp_flashpussycnt) + '</td>'
+			end
+			temp_flashpussycnt += 1
+		if temp_flashpussycnt <= selfiePussyflash[ARGS[1]]: jump 'temp_loop8'
+		if temp_cnum ! 2: $temp_SMS_selfietext += '<td></td>'
+		$temp_SMS_selfietext += '</tr>'
+		killvar 'temp_flashpussycnt'
+		killvar 'temp_cnum'
+	end
+--- SMS_selfies ---------------------------------

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# SMS_selfies_popup
+!	$ARGS[1] = Return string
+!	$ARGS[2] = telefon['SMSid']
+!!	$ARGS[3] = Location where the selfie is taken
+!!	$ARGS[4] = State of dress in the selfie
+!!	 ARGS[5] = is the index of the location in $selfieLoc[] and $selfieFilePrefix
+!!	 ARGS[6] = the selfie number
+if $ARGS[0] = 'set_selfie':
+	$temp_imloc = func('SMS_selfies_popup', 'get_imloc', $ARGS[3], $ARGS[4], ARGS[5], ARGS[6])
+	$result = '<a href="exec: gs <<$ARGS[1]>>, <<ARGS[2]>>, ''<<$temp_imloc>>'', ''<<$ARGS[3]>>'', ''<<$ARGS[4]>>'', <<ARGS[5]>>, <<ARGS[6]>>"><img src="<<$temp_imloc>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"></a>'
+	killvar '$temp_imloc'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'get_imloc':
+	$result = 'images/pc/activities/phone/selfies/<<$ARGS[1]>>/<<$ARGS[2]>>/<<$selfieFilePrefix[ARGS[3]]>><<ARGS[4]>>.jpg'
+--- SMS_selfies_popup ---------------------------------

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# SMStext_builder
+!	How to use SMStext_builder:
+!	Start with:
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'start'
+!	Then add your content through "send" and "receive":
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send', [$text]
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive', [$text]
+!		...
+!		...
+!	You can send/receive an image using "send_img" and "receive_img". Optionally, you can add an alt-name to the image in case it does not load
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send_img', [$img_path], ([$img_name])
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'receive_img', [$img_path], ([$img_name])
+!	If you want Sveta to reply to this (and thus the player potentially having a choice):
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', [$text], [$file_name], [$file_args0], [$file_args1], ...
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', [$text], [$file_name], [$file_args0], [$file_args1], ...
+!	If you want Sveta to choose a selfie to send, use:
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send_selfie', [$text], [$file_name], [$file_args0], [$file_args1]
+!		Where the file_name and args are where the text chain continues.
+!	Finally, if this is a new sms-chain, use:
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_sms', [$npc_code]
+!	If you are updating an ongoing sms-chain (usually in reponse to a choice made in the replies), use:
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'show_sms', ARGS[{n}]
+!				where {n} is one more than the number of args you passed to the choice.
+!				So if you are used:
+!					gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', [$text], [$file_name], [$file_args0], [$file_args1].
+!				Then you would pass ARGS[2] (since you used $ARGS[0] and $ARGS[1]):
+!				gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_sms', ARGS[2]
+!	Finally after the player has made a choice, everything but the replies are stored.
+!	If you want to reset the text (but not the end images), use gs 'SMStext_builder', 'reset'
+!	Starting fresh or having done your final update (even if you never updated it anyway)
+!	End it with:
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'end'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+	$temp_SMStext = ''
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'end':
+	killvar '$temp_SMStext'
+	killvar '$temp_SMSreplies'
+	killvar '$temp_SMSimgs'
+	killvar 'stb_i'
+	killvar 'stb_maxi'
+	killvar '$temp_SMS_reset_flag'
+	killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'reset':
+	$temp_SMS_reset_flag = 1
+if $ARGS[0] = 'send':
+	temp_text_width = max(10, 90 - 2 * len($ARGS[1]))
+	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td width=<<temp_text_width>>%></td><td collspan=2 bgcolor=pink style="padding-top:5pt; padding-bottom:5pt; padding-left:10pt; padding-right:3pt"><font color=black>'
+	$temp_SMStext += $ARGS[1]
+	$temp_SMStext += '</font></td></tr></table>'
+	killvar 'temp_text_width'
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'send_img':
+	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td width=10%></td><td collspan=2 bgcolor=pink align=center style="white-space:pre-wrap">'
+	if $ARGS[2] = '': $ARGS[2] = $ARGS[1]
+	$temp_SMStext += '<br><img src="<<$ARGS[1]>>" alt="<<$ARGS[2]>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"><br><br>'
+	$temp_SMStext += '</td></tr></table>'
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'receive':
+	temp_text_width = max(10, 90 - 2 * len($ARGS[1]))
+	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td collspan=2 bgcolor="#D4CEF9" style="padding-top:5pt; padding-bottom:5pt; padding-left:10pt; padding-right:3pt"><font color=black>'
+	$temp_SMStext += $ARGS[1]
+	$temp_SMStext += '</font></td><td width=<<temp_text_width>>%></td></tr></table>'
+	killvar 'temp_text_width'
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'receive_img':
+	$temp_SMStext += '<table width=80%><tr><td collspan=2 bgcolor="#D4CEF9" align=center style="white-space:pre-wrap">'
+	if $ARGS[2] = '': $ARGS[2] = $ARGS[1]
+	$temp_SMStext += '<br><img src="<<$ARGS[1]>>" alt="<<$ARGS[2]>>" style="horizontal-align:center; max-height:90%; max-width:90%"><br><br>'
+	$temp_SMStext += '</td><td width=10%></td></tr></table>'
+!	How to use 'add_reply':
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', $reply_text, $file_loc, $file_arg1, $file_arg2, $file_args2, ...
+!		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'add_reply', 'Hello', 'band_tour_anushka_SMS', 'week1', 'choice_a'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'add_reply':
+	$temp_reply_str = '[Reply] <a href="exec: gs '
+	stb_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
+	stb_i = 2
+	:SMS_build_reply_loop
+	if stb_i < stb_n_args:
+		$temp_reply_str += '''<<$ARGS[stb_i]>>'', '
+		stb_i += 1
+		jump 'SMS_build_reply_loop'
+	end
+	$temp_reply_str += 'telefon[''SMSid'']">' + $ARGS[1] + '</a>'
+	$temp_SMSreplies[] = $temp_reply_str
+	killvar 'temp_reply_str'
+	killvar 'stb_i'
+	killvar 'stb_n_args'
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'private_set_replies':
+	$temp_SMSRepliestext += '<table>'
+	stb_maxi = arrsize('temp_SMSreplies')
+	stb_i = 0
+	:SMS_reply_loop
+		$temp_SMSRepliestext += '<tr><td>' + $temp_SMSreplies[stb_i] + '</td></tr>'
+		stb_i += 1
+	if stb_i < stb_maxi: jump 'SMS_reply_loop'
+	$temp_SMSRepliestext += '</table>'
+	killvar '$temp_SMSreplies'
+	killvar 'stb_i'
+	killvar 'stb_maxi'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'add_end_img':
+	if $temp_imgs[0] = '':
+		$temp_SMSimgs[0] = $ARGS[1]
+	elseif $temp_imgs[1] = '':
+		$temp_SMSimgs[1] = $ARGS[1]
+	elseif $temp_imgs[2] = '':
+		$temp_SMSimgs[2] = $ARGS[1]
+	elseif $temp_imgs[3] = '':
+		$temp_SMSimgs[3] = $ARGS[1]
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'private_set_end_img':
+	stb_i = 0
+	:stb_psei_loop
+	if stb_i < arrsize('temp_SMSimgs'):
+		if $SMSPicture1[ARGS[1]] = '':
+			$SMSPicture1[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+		elseif $SMSPicture2[ARGS[1]] = '':
+			$SMSPicture2[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+		elseif $SMSPicture3[ARGS[1]] = '':
+			$SMSPicture3[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+		elseif $SMSPicture4[ARGS[1]] = '':
+			$SMSPicture4[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSimgs[stb_i]
+		end
+		stb_i += 1
+	end
+	killvar 'stb_i'
+	killvar '$temp_SMSimgs'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'add_sms':
+	if arrsize('temp_SMSreplies') > 0: 
+		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_replies'
+	else
+		$temp_SMSRepliestext = ''
+	end
+	gs 'telefon', 'add_sms', $ARGS[1], $temp_SMStext, $temp_SMSRepliestext, $temp_SMSimgs[0], $temp_SMSimgs[1], $temp_SMSimgs[2], $temp_SMSimgs[3]
+	killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+elseif $ARGS[0] = 'show_sms':
+	if arrsize('temp_SMSreplies') > 0:
+		gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_replies'
+	else
+		killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+	end
+	if arrsize('temp_SMSimgs') > 0: gs 'SMStext_builder', 'private_set_end_img', ARGS[1]
+	if temp_SMS_reset_flag = 1: $SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] = ''
+	$SMSMessage[ARGS[1]] += $temp_SMStext
+	$SMSReplies[ARGS[1]] = $temp_SMSRepliestext
+	gs 'telefon', 'show_sms', ARGS[1]
+	killvar 'temp_SMS_reset_flag'
+	killvar '$temp_SMStext'
+	killvar '$temp_SMSRepliestext'
+! $ARGS[1] = displayed text
+! $ARGS[2] = control string = 'c|sw|u|n|b|sh|ft|fa|fp'
+!		c: clothed | sw: swim | u: underwear
+!		n: nude | b: bath | sh: shower
+!		ft: flash tits | fa: flash ass | fp: flash pussy
+! $ARGS[3] -> onward = the return location.
+! gs 'SMStext_builder', 'send_selfie', 'Send a sexy selfie', 'c|b|ft', 'band_tour_anushka_SMS', 'Week8', 'Choice_a'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'send_selfie':
+	$temp_reply_str = '[Selfie] <a href="exec: gs ''SMS_selfies'', ''selfie_menu'', ''<<lcase($ARGS[2])>>'', telefon[''SMSid'']'
+	stb_n_args = arrsize('$ARGS')
+	stb_i = 3
+	:SMS_build_send_selfie_loop
+	if stb_i < stb_n_args:
+		$temp_reply_str += ', ''<<$ARGS[stb_i]>>'''
+		stb_i += 1
+		jump 'SMS_build_send_selfie_loop'
+	end
+	$temp_reply_str += '"><<$ARGS[1]>></a>'
+	$temp_SMSreplies[] = $temp_reply_str
+	killvar 'temp_reply_str'
+	killvar 'stb_i'
+	killvar 'stb_n_args'
+--- SMStext_builder ---------------------------------

+ 11 - 12

@@ -488,16 +488,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev2':
 							'He slips his dick into your soppy pussy with one firm thrust, and begins to fuck you thoroughly. "Very nice, very wet... you''re a good little slut, <<$pcs_nickname>>. Did getting me off with your mouth really turn you on so much?"'
 							'To your shame you have to admit that: yes, yes it did.'
 							if analplugin = 1:
-								analplugin = 0
+								analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
 								'While Sergey keeps pounding your pussy, he begins to tug at your butt plug. It''s not that easy to take out while you''re moving constantly, and eventually Sergey stops fucking you for a second to pull it out.'
 							'With his cock still inside your pussy, he begins to finger your tight little asshole.'
-							if lubri > 0:
-								lubri -= 1
+							if mc_inventory['lubricant'] > 0:
+								mc_inventory['lubricant'] -= 1
 								if agape < 1:agape = 1
 								'"Uncle Sergey, wait!" you gasp. "I have lube, you should use some if you want to go there!"'
 								'Sergey wordlessly takes the lube out of your pocket and smears some on his fingers before he penetrates you again. They go in a lot easier now.'
-							elseif lubri = 0:
+							elseif mc_inventory['lubricant'] = 0:
 								if agape < 2:agape = 2
 							'Sergey keeps fingering your ass while he fucks your pussy. The sensation feels weird, but oddly arousing!'
@@ -925,18 +925,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izdev9':
 							'"When Sergey tells you to stop after a few minutes of throatfucking, his cock is covered in a layer of saliva. "Very good, <<$pcs_nickname>>. You''re almost as good as your classmate. Now get on your hands and knees."'
 							'Sergey''s hands explore your body greedily, but end up a little bit higher than you had anticipated.'
 							if analplugin = 1:
-								analplugin = 0
+								analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
 								'Sergey laughs when he finds your butt plug and says: "Wow, <<$pcs_nickname>>! I never would''ve thought... good for you, though. Let''s get this out of the way for now."'
 								'He carefully pulls your butt plug out of your ass, and plunges his fingers in to test how loose your ass is. "Very nice. That should make the next step easier. Will save some time, too... no need to take it slow!"'
 							'He guides his hard cock to your anus and rubs it over your tight sphincter a few times.'
-							if lubri > 0:
-								lubri -= 1
+							if mc_inventory['lubricant'] > 0:
+								mc_inventory['lubricant'] -= 1
 								if agape < 1:agape = 1
 								'"Wait! I brought some lubricant with me, it''ll feel better for both of us if you use that!" you offer quickly.'
 								'"Really? Go get it for me", Sergey smiles benevolently, and squirts a generous amount onto his fingers when you offer him the tube. He spends a few minutes preparing your anus for his cock, making you feel surprisingly good in response. Anal really does feel nice, if your partner takes the time to prepare you first.'
 								'Then he spreads some lube on his dick and guides it to your anus once more, pushing it past your sphincter relatively easily.'
-							elseif lubri = 0:
+							elseif mc_inventory['lubricant'] = 0:
 								if agape < 2:agape = 2
 								'You wince when you feel Sergey slowly but surely push the large head of his cock past your sphincter. You thought you did a good job lubricating it when you deepthroated him, but it was not enough. You want to please Sergey though, so you bite through the pain and let him do it anyway.'
@@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izn1':
 			'"I have all day, slut! We''ll repeat this until you get it right! Hands behind your back!" he growls, and slaps your hand away once more.'
 			'He repeats this three more times. When he realizes you''re no longer trying to disobey him, he nods: "That''s better, slut. Turn around."'
 			if analplugin = 1:
-				analplugin = 0
+				analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
 				'Sergey notices your butt plug and pulls it out of you in one quick motion, tossing it aside carelessly.'
 			'When you turn your back to him, you feel his raging erection poking against the small of your back. He takes it in his hand and guides it towards your tight anus, and begins to work the head inside your asshole. "You handle pain well, slut", Sergey groans. "This should be easy for you."'
@@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'izn2':
 		'Then he stops, and rubs his cock against your puckered asshole.'
 		$orgasm_or = 'yes'
 		if analplugin = 1:
-			analplugin = 0
+			analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
 			'Or at least, he tries to. "What''s this?" he asked, a bit amazed... he was not expecting you to be wearing a butt plug! He grins as he pulls it out, and holds it in front of your mouth: "Lick it clean while I stuff your ass with something else, slut."'
 		'He slips one finger inside your ass, and then another. And then another! With three fingers inside you, he begins to move his hand.'
@@ -1700,7 +1700,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex2':
 					*clr & cla
 					minut +=10
 					pcs_mood = 100
-					gs 'cum_manage'
 					gs 'cum_call','',$boy,1
 					pcs_hairbsh = 0
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/kuh/help/event/sex2-5.jpg"></center>'
@@ -1749,7 +1748,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex3':
 			'"Uncle Sergey, fuck me!" you tell him. It''s more of an order than a question, but Sergey seems happy to oblige and turns you around, showing his cock inside you in one firm thrust.'
 			'He''s satisfied enough to just fuck you for a while, but you notice his attention is going to your asshole more and more.'
 			if analplugin = 1:
-				analplugin = 0
+				analplugin = 0 & analplugout = 1
 				'Sergey laughs when he finds your butt plug and says: "Wow, <<$pcs_nickname>>! I never would''ve thought... good for you, though. Let''s get this out of the way for now."'
 				'He carefully pulls your butt plug out of your ass, and plunges his fingers in to test how loose your ass is. "Very nice. That should make the next step easier. Will save some time, too... no need to take it slow!"'

+ 15 - 2

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ $static_num = 'A<<numnpc>>'
 if npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] < 20:'They really don''t like you.'
 if npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] >= 20 and npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] < 40:'They are fairly indifferent to you.'
-if npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] < 60:'The two of you get along together fairly well, more of casual friends.'
+if npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] < 60:'The two of you get along together fairly well, like casual friends.'
 if npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] < 80:'You get along great with them. They are one of your friends.'
 if npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] >= 80:'They are one of your best friends.'
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ else
 	act 'Move away': gt $loc, $loc_arg
+!!Chat. You come here eg from school lunch.
 act 'Chat':
 	*clr & cla
@@ -38,6 +38,19 @@ act 'Chat':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big<<numnpc>>.jpg"></center>'
 	if $loc ! 'pav_disco':
+	'You chat a bit with <<$npc_firstname[''A<<numnpc>>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<<numnpc>>'']>>'
+		if npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] < 20:
+			'"I have to go now, goodbye."'
+		elseif npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] >= 20 and npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] < 40:
+			'"Nice talking to you. I will see you in class."'
+		elseif npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] < 60:
+			'"Really nice to talk to you. I will see you in class."'
+		elseif npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] < 80:
+			'"It was really nice chatting with you. I will see you in class."'
+		elseif npc_rel['A<<numnpc>>'] >= 80:
+			'"Really nice chatting with you, but I really need to go now. You konw, preparing my lecture. Oh, and you look great by the way!"'
+		end
 		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
 		act 'Move away':gt $loc, $loc_arg

+ 2 - 2

@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/telek.jpg"></center>'
 	'You turn on the TV and settle comfortably on the couch.'
-	if TV = 1:'Your ancient TV warms up, and you''re greeted by adverts. The sound is terrible.'
-	if TV = 2:'Your huge plasma comes to life, and you hear the crisp sound of some advert. It looks great in HD.'
+	if mc_inventory['tech_tv'] = 1 and mc_inventory['plasma_tv'] = 0:'Your ancient TV warms up, and you''re greeted by adverts. The sound is terrible.'
+	if mc_inventory['plasma_tv'] >= 1:'Your huge plasma comes to life, and you hear the crisp sound of some advert. It looks great in HD.'
 	if kabel = 0:
 		'You do not have cable, so it shows only one channel that''s just constant advertising and news.'

+ 83 - 83

@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
 	$svetadesc = 'Current Sveta'
-	unitsalo = salo
+	unitsalo = pcs_mass['body']
 	unitpcs_hgt = pcs_hgt
 	unitstrenbuf = strenbuf
 	unitsalocatnow = salocatnow
-	unitvofat = vofat
+	unitvofat = bodyVars['vofat']
 	unitpcs_lashes = pcs_lashes
 	unitpcs_eyesize = pcs_eyesize
 	unitpcs_lip = pcs_lip
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
 	unitPShoQuality = PShoQuality
 	$unitpantyworntype = $pantyworntype
 	$unitbraworntype = $braworntype
-	unitpcs_lipbalm = pcs_lipbalm
+	unitpcs_lipbalm  = pcs_lipbalm
 	unitmopkoef = mopkoef
 	unitpcs_hairbsh = pcs_hairbsh
 	unitpcs_breath = pcs_breath
@@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -293,9 +293,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -331,9 +331,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -369,9 +369,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 0
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -407,9 +407,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -445,9 +445,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -483,9 +483,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -521,9 +521,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -559,9 +559,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -597,9 +597,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -635,9 +635,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -673,9 +673,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -711,9 +711,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -749,9 +749,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -787,9 +787,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -825,9 +825,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
     $unitbraworntype = 'none'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -863,9 +863,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     $unitclothingworntype = 'gm_outfits'
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 0
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 0
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 0
     unitmopkoef = 0
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_vital = 100
     unitvidage = 20
     unitpcs_skin = 100
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 1
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 1
     unitmopkoef = 30
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 1
@@ -909,8 +909,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitPCloQuality = 7
     unitbonusZ = 5
     unitPShoQuality = 7
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'boutique'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'boutique'
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'lusso'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'lusso'
     $svetadesc = 'Max morbidly obese'
     unitsalo = 220
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_vital = 30
     unitvidage = 16
     unitpcs_skin = 50
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 1
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 1
     unitmopkoef = 19
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -981,8 +981,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitPCloQuality = 1
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 1
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'cheap'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'cheap'
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'gm'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'gm'
     $svetadesc = 'morbidly obese'
     unitsalo = 220
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitpcs_vital = 30
     unitvidage = 16
     unitpcs_skin = 50
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 1
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 1
     unitmopkoef = 19
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 0
@@ -1053,8 +1053,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetas':
     unitPCloQuality = 7
     unitbonusZ = 0
     unitPShoQuality = 7
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'boutique'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'boutique'
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'lusso'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'lusso'
     $svetadesc = 'morbidly obese'
     unitsalo = 220
@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetaOptions':
     unitpcs_skin = 100
     unitpcs_lashes = 5
     unitmopkoef = 30
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 1
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 1
     unitlegkoef = 0
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'calcHotcat', $svetadesc
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'RestoreBase'
@@ -1183,8 +1183,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetaOptions':
     $unitclothingworntype = ''
     unitbonusZ = 5
     unitPShoQuality = 7
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'boutique'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'boutique'
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'lusso'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'lusso'
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'calcHotcat', $svetadesc
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'RestoreBase'
@@ -1194,13 +1194,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'GenerateSvetaOptions':
     $unitclothingworntype = ''
     unitbonusZ = 5
     unitPShoQuality = 7
-    $unitpantyworntype = 'boutique'
-    $unitbraworntype = 'boutique'
+    $unitpantyworntype = 'lusso'
+    $unitbraworntype = 'lusso'
     unitpcs_teeth = -1
     unitpcs_skin = 100
     unitpcs_lashes = 5
     unitmopkoef = 30
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 1
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 1
     unitlegkoef = 0
     gs 'UnitAppearance', 'calcHotcat', $svetadesc
@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ if $args[0] = 'SaloTest':
     unitpcs_vital = 100
     unitvidage = 20
     unitpcs_skin = 1
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = 1
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = 1
     unitmopkoef = 5
     unitpcs_hairbsh = 1
     unitpcs_breath = 1
@@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'SaveBase':
     tunitPShoQuality = unitPShoQuality
     $tunitpantyworntype = $unitpantyworntype
     $tunitbraworntype = $unitbraworntype
-    tunitpcs_lipbalm = unitpcs_lipbalm
+    tunitpcs_lipbalm  = unitpcs_lipbalm
     tunitmopkoef = unitmopkoef
     tunitpcs_hairbsh = unitpcs_hairbsh
     tunitpcs_breath = unitpcs_breath
@@ -1488,7 +1488,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'RestoreBase':
     unitPShoQuality = tunitPShoQuality
     $unitpantyworntype = $tunitpantyworntype
     $unitbraworntype = $tunitbraworntype
-    unitpcs_lipbalm = tunitpcs_lipbalm
+    unitpcs_lipbalm  = pcs_lipbalm
     unitmopkoef = tunitmopkoef
     unitpcs_hairbsh = tunitpcs_hairbsh
     unitpcs_breath = tunitpcs_breath
@@ -1507,12 +1507,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CurVal':
     $SvetaDesc = input("Enter a description for Sveta")
-	'    $svetadesc = ''<<$SvetaDesc>>'''
-	'    unitsalo = <<salo>>'
+	'    $svetadesc = ''<<$SvetaDesc>>'' '
+	'    unitsalo = <<pcs_mass[''body'']>>'
 	'    unitpcs_hgt = <<pcs_hgt>>'
 	'    unitstrenbuf = <<strenbuf>>'
 	'    unitsalocatnow = <<salocatnow>>'
-	'    unitvofat = <<vofat>>'
+	'    unitvofat = <<bodyVars[''vofat'']>>'
 	'    unitpcs_lashes = <<pcs_lashes>>'
 	'    unitpcs_eyesize = <<pcs_eyesize>>'
 	'    unitpcs_lip = <<pcs_lip>>'
@@ -1525,11 +1525,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'CurVal':
 	'    unitPXCloTopCut = <<PXCloTopCut>>'
 	'    unitPXCloBottomShortness = <<PXCloBottomShortness>>'
 	'    unitPCloQuality = <<PCloQuality>>'
-	'    $unitclothingworntype = ''<<$clothingworntype>>'''
+	'    $unitclothingworntype = ''<<$clothingworntype>>'' '
 	'    unitbonusZ = <<bonusZ>>'
 	'    unitPShoQuality = <<PShoQuality>>'
-	'    $unitpantyworntype = ''<<$pantyworntype>>'''
-	'    $unitbraworntype = ''<<$braworntype>>'''
+	'    $unitpantyworntype = ''<<$pantyworntype>>'' '
+	'    $unitbraworntype = ''<<$braworntype>>'' '
 	'    unitpcs_lipbalm = <<pcs_lipbalm>>'
 	'    unitmopkoef = <<mopkoef>>'
 	'    unitpcs_hairbsh = <<pcs_hairbsh>>'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'study':
 	minut += 60
-	gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', 1 + (mentats_dose - rand(0,mentats_dose))
+	gs 'exp_gain', 'intel', 1 + rand(0, drugVars['mentats_dose'])
 	gs 'npc_relationship', 'modify', 'A220', 'like'
 	gs 'stat'
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'brothel_questions':
 				'You are taken aback by these words. Why would you not want to be her friend? "Yes, Of course we''ll still be friends."'
 				'"I will show you then," she tells you'
-				act 'Follow Vika': gt 'bordelv', 'start'
+				act 'Follow Vika': gt 'bordelv'
 		elseif vikaslut = 1:
 			if bordel = 0:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ act 'Kiss':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/lake/sex/vnlake1/vnlake2.jpg"></center>'
 	'You turn to her and kiss her lips. She begins to fondle your breasts with her tongue, and her hand massages your pussy.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'give_kiss', 5, 'lesbian'
+	gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5, 'lesbian'
 	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'lesbian'
 	minut -= 5
 	gs 'stat'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ elseif ShowerIvan = 5 and centr = 2:
 								cla & *clr
 								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak17.jpg"></center>'
 								'"He almost ended up in jail, but the officials decided to avoid a scandal and just kicked Mikhail off of the team," Guang concluded his story.'
-								+$OpenInnerThought+'"Now I understand why coach shies away from me whenever we start to get close,"'+$CloseInnerThought+'you think to yourself.'
+								$OpenInnerThought+'"Now I understand why coach shies away from me whenever we start to get close,"'+$CloseInnerThought+'you think to yourself.'
 								act 'Move away':gt 'fit', 'start'

+ 81 - 64

@@ -157,85 +157,102 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/teacher/mikhail/volleytrener6.jpg"></center>'
 				gs 'stat'
-				if fame['pav_slut'] <= 125:
-					if trenerSex = 1:
-						volleysostav = 1
-						'You ask the coach about joining the team. He smiles and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, honey, I can do that, but you''ll have to start as a sub or people might be suspicious."'
-					elseif pcs_vball < 60:
-						'You ask the coach about joining the team, but he just shakes his head. "<<$pcs_lastname>>, it''s not personal, you have good amateur skills. Just not enough to make the team."'
-					else
-						'You ask the coach about joining the team. He thinks for a minute, then says "You have good skills for an amateur, but you''re still not good enough to start on the team. However, I have room for a substitute, and we can put you there. How does that sound?"'
+				if pcs_vball > 75:
+					'You ask the coach about joining the team and Mikhail smiles and nods his head then giving you the thumbs up he says, "<<$pcs_lastname>>, you have very good skills. Umm... Okay, just about enough to make the team. I want to congratulate you as I''ve decided to make you a first string regular. From now on, you''ll be starting."'
+					'"But," he adds, shaking his finger at you admonishingly. "You still need to keep practicing, and less drinking!"'
+					act 'Accept the starter position':
+						*clr & cla
+						gs 'stat'
+						grupvalue[2] += 5
+						volleysostav = 2
+						trener_Speak = 8
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/teacher/mikhail/volleytrener6.jpg"></center>'
+						'You happily accept, "Oh Mikhail! Thank you so much, I won''t let you down." The coach grins at you and nods his head in confirmation.'
+						'"Okay, welcome to the team <<$pcs_lastname>>. Remember, tournament matches are on Saturdays. Don''t forget to show up!"'
+						act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+					end
+				else
+					if fame['pav_slut'] <= 125:
+						if trenerSex = 1:
+							volleysostav = 1
+							'You ask the coach about joining the team. He smiles and says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, honey, I can do that, but you''ll have to start as a sub or people might be suspicious."'
+						elseif pcs_vball < 60:
+							'You ask the coach about joining the team, but he just shakes his head. "<<$pcs_lastname>>, it''s not personal, you have good amateur skills. Just not enough to make the team."'
+						else
+							'You ask the coach about joining the team. He thinks for a minute, then says "You have good skills for an amateur, but you''re still not good enough to start on the team. However, I have room for a substitute, and we can put you there. How does that sound?"'
-						act 'Accept the substitute position':
+							act 'Accept the substitute position':
+								*clr & cla
+								gs 'stat'
+								grupvalue[2] += 3
+								volleysostav = 1
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/teacher/mikhail/volleytrener6.jpg"></center>'
+								'You accept the substitute position and the coach nods his head in confirmation.'
+								'"Okay, welcome to the team <<$pcs_lastname>>. Remember, tournament matches are on Saturdays. Don''t forget to show up!"'
+								act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+							end
+						end
+					elseif fame['pav_slut'] > 200:
+						'You ask the coach about joining the team. The coach thinks for a minute, "Hey <<$pcs_lastname>>, I hear loads of rumours about you. Such as you being a <<$gnikname>>. Is this true?"'
+						act 'It''s all lies':
 							*clr & cla
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/teacher/mikhail/volleytrener6.jpg"></center>'
+							'You tell him it''s not true and that some of the kids have been spreading false rumours about you.'
+							'He doesn''t appear to be convinced, the only options are to go aggressive or drop it, for now.'
+							act 'Drop it': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+							gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'self', 'hard'
 							gs 'stat'
-							grupvalue[2] += 3
-							volleysostav = 1
-							'You accept the substitute position and the coach nods his head in confirmation.'
-							'"Okay, welcome to the team <<$pcs_lastname>>. Remember, tournament matches are on Saturdays. Don''t forget to show up!"'
-							act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+							if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
+								act 'Persuade him to let you join the team (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+									*clr & cla
+									gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'self'
+									gs 'stat'
+									!!if volleysostav > 0:npc_rel['A69'] -= 1
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/teacher/mikhail/volleytrener6.jpg"></center>'
+									if npc_rel['A69'] > 20:
+										npc_rel['A69'] = 20
+										volleysostav = 1
+										'You try to prove to the coach that he should put you on the team, the coach tries to protest, and you get into an argument. Eventually you shout him down and he gives up. "Fine <<$pcs_lastname>>, I''ll put you in the team, but you''re on the bench and any more stunts like this and you''re out."'
+									else
+										'You try to prove to the coach that he should put you on the team, but you are not forceful enough and the coach countered all your arguments, denying you a place on the team.'
+									end
+									act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+								end
+							else
+								act 'Persuade him to let you join the team (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to persuade him to join the team.'
+							end
-					end
-				elseif fame['pav_slut'] > 200:
-					'You ask the coach about joining the team. The coach thinks for a minute, "Hey <<$pcs_lastname>>, I hear loads of rumours about you. Such as you being a <<$gnikname>>. Is this true?"'
-					act 'It''s all lies':
-						*clr & cla
-						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/teacher/mikhail/volleytrener6.jpg"></center>'
-						'You tell him it''s not true and that some of the kids have been spreading false rumours about you.'
-						'He doesn''t appear to be convinced, the only options are to go aggressive or drop it, for now.'
-						act 'Drop it': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-						gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'self', 'hard'
-						gs 'stat'
+						act 'Okay, it''s true. I am a <<$gnikname>>': gt'Voltrener', 'gorslut'
+					else
+						'You ask the coach about joining the team. After thinking for a minute, he says "I have a spot for a substitute, but I don''t know if you have what it takes."'
+						gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'self'
 						if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
-							act 'Persuade him to let you join the team (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
+							act 'Persuade him (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
 								*clr & cla
+								minut += rand(20,30)
 								gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'self'
 								gs 'stat'
-									!!if volleysostav > 0:npc_rel['A69'] -= 1
-								if npc_rel['A69'] > 20:
-									npc_rel['A69'] = 20
+								if npc_rel['A69'] >= 60:
 									volleysostav = 1
-									'You try to prove to the coach that he should put you on the team, the coach tries to protest, and you get into an argument. Eventually you shout him down and he gives up. "Fine <<$pcs_lastname>>, I''ll put you in the team, but you''re on the bench and any more stunts like this and you''re out."'
+									grupvalue[2] += 3
+									'You appeal to the coach and ask him to at least give you a chance to prove yourself. Since he likes you, he decides to give you a break. "Okay, <<$pcs_nickname>>, I do have an opening for a sub. You''re on the team as a substitute player.'
+									act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-									'You try to prove to the coach that he should put you on the team, but you are not forceful enough and the coach countered all your arguments, denying you a place on the team.'
+									'You try to prove to the coach that he should let you on the team, but he counters all your arguments, denying you a place on the team.'
+									act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-								act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-							act 'Persuade him to let you join the team (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to persuade him to join the team.'
-						end
-					end
-					act 'Okay, it''s true. I am a <<$gnikname>>': gt'Voltrener', 'gorslut'
-				else
-					'You ask the coach about joining the team. After thinking for a minute, he says "I have a spot for a substitute, but I don''t know if you have what it takes."'
-					gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'self'
-					if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
-						act 'Persuade him (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
-							*clr & cla
-							minut += rand(20,30)
-							gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'self'
-							gs 'stat'
-							if npc_rel['A69'] >= 60:
-								volleysostav = 1
-								grupvalue[2] += 3
-								'You appeal to the coach and ask him to at least give you a chance to prove yourself. Since he likes you, he decides to give you a break. "Okay, <<$pcs_nickname>>, I do have an opening for a sub. You''re on the team as a substitute player.'
-								act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-							else
-								'You try to prove to the coach that he should let you on the team, but he counters all your arguments, denying you a place on the team.'
-								act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-							end
+							act 'Persuade him (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to persuade him to join the team.'
-					else
-						act 'Persuade him (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to persuade him to join the team.'
+					act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 				act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-			act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 		act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 		if trenerSex = 0:
@@ -406,7 +423,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'trener_speak':
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak4.jpg"></center>'
 				'You pull on your shorts as if you were adjusting them, pulling them so hard that your pussy is clearly outlined in a camel-toe. From the way he stares at your crotch, you know your attempts to catch his interest were successful.'
 				'"The ball is in your court, so watch carefully." you say with a mischievous smile. Mikhail, a bit confused, turns away.'
-				+$OpenInnerThought+'"I''ll have to do something more to tease him, maybe not wear panties during our next workout."'+$CloseInnerThought+' The thought flashes through your mind, followed by butterflies in your stomach.'
+				$OpenInnerThought+'"I''ll have to do something more to tease him, maybe not wear panties during our next workout."'+$CloseInnerThought+' The thought flashes through your mind, followed by butterflies in your stomach.'
 			act 'Say goodbye':
 				if Discoclose = 1:
@@ -426,10 +443,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'trener_speak':
 			cla & *clr
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/event/voltrenerspeak20.jpg"></center>'
 			'"<<$pcs_lastname>>, I will not be drawn into talking about the championship. And no, coaches don''t get paid a lot. I spend my Sunday mornings training rich women in the fitness center. One lesson there pays more than a month working as a coach in our town."'
-			+$OpenInnerThought+'"Didn''t get anything out of him there, <<$pcs_lastname>>. Although, the classes in the fitness center should be worth investigating."'+$CloseInnerThought 
+			$OpenInnerThought+'"Didn''t get anything out of him there, <<$pcs_lastname>>. Although, the classes in the fitness center should be worth investigating."'+$CloseInnerThought 
 			npc_rel['A69'] += 3
 			'Seeing Mikhail a little upset by your questions, you decide to cheer him up.'
-			!! the flag on the emergence of Turner in the centre
+			!! the flag on the emergence of Turner in the center
 			ShowerIvan = 4
 			act 'Kiss':
 				cla & *clr
@@ -508,7 +525,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'trener_speak':
 				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/community/gym/volley/sex/voltrenerspeak23.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'Putting a hand on your ass, Mikhail pulls the crotch of your panties to the side and spread your ass. You feel his fingers, strong and rough from years of athletic training, massaging your holes.'
-			+$OpenInnerThought+'"If it makes you horny, then I think it is good behaviour."'+$CloseInnerThought
+			$OpenInnerThought+'"If it makes you horny, then I think it is good behaviour."'+$CloseInnerThought
 			'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I''m not talking about your training. Why does it always come to this with you?"'
 			'You chuckle and decide to be patient, you know the Mikhail''s quirks now and how far you can push him. Based on previous experience, it seems you won''t be getting him this time, but next time...'
 			act 'Leave':

+ 2 - 2

@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 					'You can see from the look in his eyes that he''s been at the wine, and his slurring and unsteady legs confirm this. "Your ass isn''t that special." He spits on you and stumbles out of the showers.'
 					gs 'stat'
 					act 'Wash your ass':
-						noShampoo = 1
+						noshampoo = 1
 						dynamic $showerdin
 						gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
 				act 'Wash your ass':
-					noShampoo = 1
+					noshampoo = 1
 					dynamic $showerdin
 					gt 'gdksport', 'start'

+ 30 - 33

@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		minut += 60
 		gs 'exp_gain', 'medcn', rand (0,2) 
-		if jobhosprand = 0:gt 'WorkHosp', '2'
+		if jobhosprand = 0: gt 'WorkHosp', '2'
 		'You work as part of the operating team, helping the doctors with whatever tasks they request of you.'
-		act 'Move away':gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
+		act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
 	act 'Help the doctors in the emergency room (1:00)':
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		minut += 60
 		gs 'exp_gain', 'medcn', rand (0,2)
-		if jobhosprand = 0:gt 'WorkHosp', '3'
+		if jobhosprand = 0: gt 'WorkHosp', '3'
 		'You spend a frenzied hour helping patients that come into the emergency room.'
-		act 'Move away':gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
+		act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
 	act 'Relax in the nurse station':
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 		if pcs_inhib > 20:
 			act 'Masturbate (0:15)':
-				mastrrand = rand(0, 2)
+				mastrrand = rand(0,2)
 				if mastrrand = 0:
 					gt 'WorkHosp', '1'
@@ -54,55 +54,52 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 					*clr & cla
 					picrand = 11
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/mastr11.jpg"></center>'
-					'You begin to secretly masturbate whenever nobody is watching.'
+					'You secretly masturbate whenever nobody is watching.'
 					$orgasm_or = 'yes'
-					$orgasm_txt = 'Gradually a pleasant warmth and sensation radiates from your needy sex, culminating in a powerful orgasm that sends waves of pleasure through your entire body.'
+					$orgasm_txt = 'Gradually, a pleasant warmth and sensation radiates from your needy pussy, culminating in a powerful orgasm that sends waves of pleasure through your entire body.'
 					gs 'arousal', 'clit_finger', 15, 'masturbate'
 					gs 'stat'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
+				act 'Leave': gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
-		act 'Move away':gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
+		act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
-	act 'Eat in the cafeteria (0:30)':gs 'food', 'm_meal'
+	act 'Eat in the cafeteria (0:30)': gs 'food', 'm_meal'
 	act 'Chat with Kat':
 		minut += 30
 		kat += 1
-		if npc_rel['A219'] > 60 and military = 0:gt 'WorkHosp', 'milit'
+		if npc_rel['A219'] > 60 and military = 0: gt 'WorkHosp', 'milit'
 		'You spend some time chatting with Kat.'
 		if npc_rel['A219'] > 50:
-			act 'Suggest going to an empty room together':gt 'WorkHosp', '0'
+			act 'Suggest going to an empty room together': gt 'WorkHosp', '0'
-		act 'Move away':gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
+		act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
 	if hour >= 16:
-		cls
+		*clr & cla
 		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Clinic</font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/hospital.jpg"></center>'
 		'Your shift has ended.'
-		act 'Go home':gt 'city_residential'
+		act 'Go home': gt 'city_residential'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'milit':
 	military = 1
-	'"Listen, I am scheduled to work this weekend, but I have plans. Here''s the deal: war games are often held not far from the city and, well, according to the rules, they need doctors on site before they can begin. Don''t worry, you will have a doctor with you, so the most you''ll need to do is apply some bandages. If you feel up to it, on Saturday you can catch a bus at the clinic between 6 and 9. Oh yeah, I almost forgot! The pay for two days is 5000 <b>₽</b>. So what do you say?" asks Kat.'
+	'Kat turns to you. "Listen, I''m scheduled to work this weekend, but I have plans. Here''s the deal: war games are often held not far from the city and, well, according to the rules, they need doctors on site before they can begin.' 
+	'She notices your reaction. "Don''t worry, you''ll have a doctor with you, so the most you''ll need to do is apply some bandages. If you feel up to it, you can catch a bus at the clinic on Saturday between 06:00 and 09:00. Oh yeah, I almost forgot! The pay for two days is 5000 <b>₽</b>. So what do you say?"'
-	act 'Move away':gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
+	act 'Move away': gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = '0':
@@ -116,10 +113,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '0':
 		xgt 'lezbsex', 'var'
 	elseif katprorand = 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/sex/hospsex7.jpg"></center>'
-		'You and Kat have just begun to fondle each other when a patient enters the room. You back away from her, trying to pretend that nothing was happening. In contrast, Kat does not hesitate and lies down on the couch with her legs spread wide, proudly showing off her wet pussy. She guides you back down to her pussy, leaving no doubt what she expects your tongue to be doing, while looking hungrily at the guy and inviting him to join in the fun.'
+		'You and Kat have just begun to fondle each other when a patient enters the room. You back away from her, trying to pretend that nothing was happening. In contrast, Kat doesn''t hesitate and lies down on the couch with her legs spread wide, proudly showing off her wet pussy.' 
+		'She guides you back down to her pussy, leaving no doubt what she expects your tongue to be doing while looking hungrily at the guy and inviting him to join in the fun.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 10, 'lesbian'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
+		act 'Leave': gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
 		act 'Sounds like fun':
 			girl += 1
@@ -137,7 +135,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '0':
 	elseif katprorand = 2:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/sex/hospsex8.jpg"></center>'
-		'While Kat and you are in full swing, two doctors enter the room. You are both so engrossed with each other that you don''t even notice them until they started to caress you. You both spread your legs wider, inviting them to join the fun.'
+		'While you and Kat are in full swing, two doctors enter the room. You are both so engrossed with each other that you don''t even notice them until they start caressing you. You both spread your legs wider, inviting them to join the fun.'
 		act 'Entertain them':
 			gang += 1
@@ -163,11 +161,11 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 	cla & *clr
-	mastrrand = rand(0, 1)
+	mastrrand = rand(0,1)
 	if mastrrand = 0:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/sex/hospsex9.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you masturbate, you totally abandon yourself to the pleasure of your coming orgasm. A doctor enters the room, but you are so absorbed in your own pleasure that you only notice him when his hand starts to guide your head to his erect cock.'
+		'As you masturbate, you totally abandon yourself to the pleasure of your coming orgasm. A doctor enters the room, but you''re so absorbed in your own pleasure that you only notice him when his hand starts to guide your head to his erect cock.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'clit_finger', 10, 'masturbate'
 		gs 'stat'
@@ -186,17 +184,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 			guy += 1
 			picrand = 12
 			gs 'WorkHosp', 'randdoc'
-			if docfuck[randdoc] = 1:guy += 1
+			if docfuck[randdoc] = 1: guy += 1
 			gt 'sex', 'minet'
 		picrand = rand(12, 13)
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/sex/hospsex10.jpg"></center>'
-		'As you lose yourself in pleasure, two doctors come into the room. You are so distracted that you only notice them when they start to openly masturbate in front of you.'
+		'As you lose yourself in pleasure, two doctors come into the room. You''re so distracted that you only notice them when they start to openly masturbate in front of you.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'clit_finger', 10, 'masturbate'
 		gs 'stat'
 		act 'Leave':
 			gs 'arousal', 'end'
 			gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
@@ -232,7 +229,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 	*clr & cla
 	picrand = rand(13, 15)
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/sex/hospsex11.jpg"></center>'
-	'A patient comes through the door and takes off his pants to show you his flaccid penis. He asks you to help him, as he can''t seem to get an erection and it''s causing him depression. You realize that it''s all just a silly game and that he hopes to fuck you, but you still feel sorry for him. You wonder what caused him to come up with this plan and decide it might just be that he has no luck with girls, and if today is not his lucky day, he may jump out of the window.'
+	'A patient comes through the door and takes off his pants to show you his flaccid penis. He asks you to help him as he can''t seem to get an erection and it''s causing him depression. You realize that it''s all just a silly game and that he hopes to fuck you, but you still feel sorry for him. You wonder what caused him to come up with this plan and decide it might just be that he has no luck with girls, and if today is not his lucky day, he may jump out of the window.'
 	act 'Oust him':
 		gs 'exp_gain', 'medcn', rand (0,1) 
@@ -254,9 +251,9 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/clinic/sex/hospsex12.jpg"></center>'
-	'A pretty patient comes into the room, and the doctor tries to examine her. Then she touches his trousers near his poorly hidden erection. The doctor glances at you with a question in his eyes.'
+	'A pretty patient comes into the room and the doctor tries to examine her. She touches him near his poorly hidden erection and the doctor glances at you with a question in his eyes.'
-	act 'Ask if she actually needs treatment':gs 'exp_gain', 'medcn', rand (0,1) & gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
+	act 'Ask if she actually needs treatment': gs 'exp_gain', 'medcn', rand (0,1) & gt 'WorkHosp', 'start'
 	gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'self'
 	if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr: 

+ 2 - 5

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Sly_random_sex_acts':
 		if slyQW['Chris_peek_daystart'] ! daystart:
 			slyQW['Chris_peek_daystart'] = daystart
-			if slyQW['Chris_caught'] <= 5:
+			if slyQW['Chris_caught'] < 5:
 				if rand(1, 4) = 1:
 					slyQW['Chris_caught'] += 1
 					slyQW['Chris_peeking'] = 1
@@ -172,10 +172,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex_end':
 		killvar '$pursebratype' & killvar 'pursebranumber'
 		gs 'clothing','wear_last_worn'
-		if analplugout = 1:
-			analplugout = 0
-			analplugin = 1
-		end
+		if analplugout = 1: gs 'dinsex', 'after_anal'
 		if vibratorOUT = 1:
 			vibratorIN = 1
 			vibratorOUT = 0

+ 2 - 2

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 if $ARGS[0] = 'cikl':
 	!!failsafe, should be used whenever adding or subtracting with bully events 
 	if npc_rel['A18'] > 20:
-		gs 'npc_relationship', 'set', 'A18', '20'
+		gs 'npc_relationship', 'set', 'A18', 20
 	if christinaQW['set_bully'] = 1:
 		if christinaQW['bully'] < 1: christinaQW['bully'] = 1
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'christina_bu_2':
 			christinaQW['bully'] -= 2
 			'Your face burns as you imagine everybody in school looking at a picture of your panties, and can''t stop yourself from saying "You pervert. Do you get off looking at girls panties?"'
-			'Christina just shrugs and responds with "You''re the one showing them to the world. I bet you did it on purpose so people could see your'+iif($pantyworntype = 'cheap', ' ugly',' cute')+' panties, slut." She finishes sending the picture, gives you a smirk, and walks away.'
+			'Christina just shrugs and responds with "You''re the one showing them to the world. I bet you did it on purpose so people could see your'+iif($pantyworntype = 'gm', ' ugly',' cute')+' panties, slut." She finishes sending the picture, gives you a smirk, and walks away.'
 			'All you can do at this point is gather your fallen stuff and head out.'
 			act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bathr':
 	act 'Leave the room': gt 'Zvereva_house', 'hallw'
-	'The stylish room has a large glass shower, toilet, sink, and a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a> where you can ' + iif(pcs_hairbsh = 0,'<a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''brush''">brush</a>','brush') + ' your hair.'
+	'The stylish room has a large glass shower, toilet, sink, and a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a> where you can ' + iif(pcs_hairbsh < 1,'<a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''brush''">brush</a>','brush') + ' your hair.'
 	if locat['Christina'] = 13: '<a href="exec:gt ''Zvereva_house_events'',''chris_shower''">Christina</a> is here, taking a shower.'
 	if locat['Silvestr'] = 3: 'Silvestr is in the shower right now.'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'chris_shower':
 		'When she sees you, she opens the door and says "Get in here, I need my back washed."'
 		'You step inside, lather your hands in soap, and start washing her.'
-		noShampoo = 1
+		noshampoo = 1
 		dynamic $showerdin
 		pcs_horny += 10
 		pcs_hairbsh = 1
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bed_chat':
 			'Giving you an appraising look, she says "Silvestr is the youngest of my older brothers and the only one of them I actually like. He taught me how to fight, and where I learned to push my body to achieve the perfection you see today."'
 			'"When will I meet him?"'
 			'"Why haven''t you already? It''s why I brought you home. What, did you think I wanted to fuck you? Get out there and say hello. He will take it from there. Remember, do what he says or else."'
-			if stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
+			if stat['think_virgin'] = 1:
 				'"But I''m a virgin. My mother makes me do regular check ups at the gynaecologist!"'
 				'Christina starts laughing. "Yeah right!"'
 				'"Really, Mistress. I don''t have a choice. If she finds out I''ve lost my virginity to your brother there will be a lot of trouble." You let the unspoken threat hang in the air.'

+ 155 - 182

@@ -258,46 +258,50 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'showers' or $ARGS[0] = '':
 	act 'Continue':
-		if zverhumiliation < 9:
-			gKristinaZvtemp = rand(0,zverhumiliation)
+		if christinaQW['subpath'] = 3:
+			if zverhumiliation = 0:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','0'
+			elseif zverhumiliation = 1:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','1'
+			elseif zverhumiliation = 2:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','2'
+			elseif zverhumiliation = 3:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','3'
+			elseif zverhumiliation = 4:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','4'
+			elseif zverhumiliation = 5:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','5'
+			elseif zverhumiliation = 6:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','6'
+			else
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','default'
+			end	
-			gKristinaZvtemp = min(rand(2, 16),zverhumiliation)
-		end
+			if stat['think_virgin'] = 1:
+				gKristinaZvtemp = rand(14, 15)
+			else
+				gKristinaZvtemp = rand(7, 15)
+			end
-		if gKristinaZvtemp = 0:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','0'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 1:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','1'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 2:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','2'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 3:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','3'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 4:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','4'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 5:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','5'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 6:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','6'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 7 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','7'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 8 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','8'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 9 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','9'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 10 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','10'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 11 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','11'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 12 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','12'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 13:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','13'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 14:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','14'
-		elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 15:
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','15'
-		else
-			gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','default'
+			if gKristinaZvtemp = 7 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','7'
+			elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 8 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','8'
+			elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 9 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','9'
+			elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 10 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','10'
+			elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 11 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','11'
+			elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 12 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','12'
+			elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 13 and stat['think_virgin'] = 0:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','13'
+			elseif gKristinaZvtemp = 14:
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','14'
+			else
+				gt 'Zvereva_sub_1','default'
+			end
@@ -316,7 +320,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '0':
 	act 'Suck on the dildo':
 		*clr & cla
-		if zverhumiliation < 6: zverhumiliation += 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj.jpg"></center>'
 		if christinaQW['fight'] = -1:
 			'You stare at her a moment, but the memory of her beating your ass is too fresh for you to resist. You squat down in front of the dildo, and take it in your hands before carefully licking it and closing your lips around it. You expected an awful rubber taste, but it''s actually not that bad. You give the dildo a blowjob as all the girls in your class watch you, while Christina laughs. After a few minutes, she has seen enough and allows you to change.'
@@ -327,7 +330,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '0':
 		gs 'arousal', 'dildo_suck', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
+		zverhumiliation = 1
 		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
@@ -345,14 +349,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 	act 'Suck on the dildo':
 		*clr & cla
-		if zverhumiliation < 6:zverhumiliation += 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj2.jpg"></center>'
-		'You nod obediently, not wanting to anger her. You kneel down in front of the dildo, and take it in your hands before carefully licking it and closing your lips around it. Then you stretch your body and rest your hands next to the stone before pushing yourself up. The dildo makes you have to push up higher than you normally would, and after only a few your arms get tired. As you struggle to keep your weight up, the dildo is driven further and further down your throat. All of the girls in your class watch you do your best to not choke on the dildo while Christina laughs evilly, and after a few more push-ups Christina has seen enough and allows you to stop and change.'
+		'You nod obediently, not wanting to anger her. You kneel down in front of the dildo, and take it in your hands before carefully licking it and closing your lips around it. Then you stretch your body and rest your hands next to the stone before pushing yourself up. The dildo makes you have to push up higher than you normally would, and after only a few your arms get tired. As you struggle to keep your weight up, the dildo is driven further and further down your throat.'
+		'All of the girls in your class watch you do your best to not choke on the dildo while Christina laughs evilly, and after a few more push-ups Christina has seen enough and allows you to stop and change.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'dildo_suck', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'deepthroat'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
+		zverhumiliation = 2
 		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
@@ -370,7 +375,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 	act 'Suck on the dildo':
 		*clr & cla
-		if zverhumiliation < 6:zverhumiliation += 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj3.jpg"></center>'
 		'No moving your feet... this is going to be tricky. You spread your legs and awkwardly bend over, while one of the girls in your class holds the dildo up straight to help you out a little. Once you close your lips around it she pulls away, while you do your best to give the dildo a blowjob in this awkward position.'
 		'After a while, Christina nods approvingly. "Not bad, bitch. You''re getting good at this. Go get changed, I''ll have to think of something more challenging for you for next time."'
@@ -378,7 +382,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 		gs 'arousal', 'dildo_suck', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
+		zverhumiliation = 3
 		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
@@ -392,7 +397,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 	act 'Suck on the dildos':
 		*clr & cla
-		if zverhumiliation < 6:zverhumiliation += 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj4.jpg"></center>'
 		'You get down on your knees in front of the middle dildo, and take it in your mouth. You close your lips around it and begin to suck it off, while rhythmically stroking the other two with your hands. You hear the girls of your class quietly whisper things amongst each other while you do what you''re told, and while Christina applauds you. "Very nice, bitch! Very nice! You''re a natural! Or is this just something you do on a regular basis?"'
 		'After a few minutes, she allows you to get changed.'
@@ -400,7 +404,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
 		gs 'arousal', 'dildo_suck', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
+		zverhumiliation = 4
 		act 'Continue':gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
@@ -415,7 +420,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '4':
 	act 'Suck on the dildo':
 		*clr & cla
-		if zverhumiliation < 6:zverhumiliation += 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj5.jpg"></center>'
 		'You get down on your haunches, and obediently lick the dildo before taking it in your mouth. You look yourself in the eye the whole time as instructed, and are intrigued by the look... this must be what you look like when you suck a guy off. Rather fascinated by the concept, you try to do some different things with your lips, and test out a few facial expressions.'
 		'Hearing the whispers of your classmates suddenly remind you that you''re not alone here, there are a dozen girls watching you! Your face turns crimson red, and when Christina tells you can stop, you do so immediately, feeling deeply embarrassed.'
@@ -423,6 +427,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '4':
 		gs 'arousal', 'dildo_suck', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
+		zverhumiliation = 5
 		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
@@ -436,13 +442,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '5':
 	act 'Suck on the large dildo':
 		*clr & cla
-		if zverhumiliation < 6:zverhumiliation += 1
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj6.jpg"></center>'
 		'You move the dildo to your mouth, and slowly lick the head a few times. Urgh, this one tastes awful. Nevertheless, you don''t want to face the consequences for refusing so you open your mouth as wide as you can, and barely manage to get the dildo past your lips. It''s too big to go down your throat, so you spend the next few minutes licking it and sucking on the tip, while the girls encourage you. After a few minutes, Christina says you can stop.'
 		gs 'arousal', 'dildo_suck', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
+		zverhumiliation = 6
 		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
@@ -450,83 +457,77 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = '6':
 	menu_off = 1
 	*clr & cla
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj7.jpg"></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/locker/chrispeek.jpg"></center>'
 	'Christina stops right in front of you. You notice she doesn''t have her sports bag in her hands like usual.'
 	'"Alright, bitch. We''re doing something a little different today. Show us your smelly pussy. Now!"'
-	'Knowing better than to disobey, you obediently sit down on the floor and spreads your legs wide. Then you move your fingers to your pussy lips and pull them aside, opening your pussy for Christina and the rest of the girls to see.'
-	if stat['think_virgin'] = 1: '"I''m a virgin," you say softly.'
-	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub', 'humiliation'
-	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Continue':
+	act 'Obey':
 		*clr & cla
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj7.jpg"></center>'
+		'Knowing better than to disobey, you obediently sit down on the floor and spreads your legs wide. Then you move your fingers to your pussy lips and pull them aside, opening your pussy for Christina and the rest of the girls to see.'
 		if stat['think_virgin'] = 1:
-			if zverhumiliation < 7:zverhumiliation += 1
+			'"I''m a virgin," you say softly.'
+			'Christina looks surprised. "Still a virgin? How unexpected. Alright, I''m nothing if not flexible. We''ll work on your ass skills instead then. You will need them later..."'
+		end
+		gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'sub', 'humiliation'
+		gs 'stat'
+		act 'Continue':
+			zverhumiliation = 7
 			*clr & cla
-			if pcs_ass < 15:
-				pcs_ass += 1
-				if pcs_ass < 5:agape = 1
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj9.jpg"></center>'
-				'Christina looks surprised. "Still a virgin? How unexpected. Alright, I''m nothing if not flexible. We''ll work on your ass skills instead then."'
-				'She grabs her bag and throws a dildo your way. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Wait. She expects me to put this in my butt! It will never fit!'+$CloseInnerThought
-				'You try for a minute, but your suspicions were right... it doesn''t fit. Christina sees your helpless look and says "Fine, use your fingers instead. But you better make a good show of it, or else!"'
-				'You do as she says, slowly licking your fingers before slowly sliding one up your butthole. Once you get used to it you add a second, but Christina is already bored by then. She tells you to get dressed, and then threatens you. "That was weak, <<$pcs_lastname>>. I''ll definitely be expecting a better effort from you next time."'
-				gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
-				gs 'arousal', 'end'
-				gs 'stat'
-			elseif pcs_ass >= 15 and pcs_ass < 25:
-				pcs_ass += 1
-				if pcs_ass < 20:agape = 2
-				if pcs_ass >= 20:agape = 1
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj10.jpg"></center>'
-				'Christina looks surprised. "Still a virgin? How unexpected. Alright, I''m nothing if not flexible. We''ll work on your ass skills instead then."'
-				'She grabs her bag and throws a dildo your way. You''re relieved to see it''s not the huge one, this one should fit okay.'
-				'You lean backwards and after you spit on the dildo a few times, move it against your backside. All of the girls from your class watch you attentively as you slowly work the head in, and then begin to fuck your ass with it. Christina smiles and says "You''re quite good at taking stuff up your butt, <<$pcs_nickname>>. How is this so easy for you? Do you practice on a daily basis or something?"'
-				'After a while Christina has seen enough, and allows you to change.'
-				gs 'arousal', 'anal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
-				gs 'arousal', 'end'
-				gs 'stat'
+			if stat['think_virgin'] = 1:
+				if pcs_ass < 15:
+					if pcs_ass < 5:agape = 1
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj9.jpg"></center>'
+					'She grabs her bag and throws a dildo your way. '+$OpenInnerThought+'Wait. She expects me to put this in my butt! It will never fit!'+$CloseInnerThought
+					'You try for a minute, but your suspicions were right... it doesn''t fit. Christina sees your helpless look and says "Fine, use your fingers instead. But you better make a good show of it, or else!"'
+					'You do as she says, slowly licking your fingers before slowly sliding one up your butthole. Once you get used to it you add a second, but Christina is already bored by then. She tells you to get dressed, and then threatens you. "That was weak, <<$pcs_lastname>>. I''ll definitely be expecting a better effort from you next time."'
+					gs 'arousal', 'anal_finger', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
+					gs 'arousal', 'end'
+					gs 'stat'
+				elseif pcs_ass >= 15 and pcs_ass < 25:
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj10.jpg"></center>'
+					'She grabs her bag and throws a dildo your way. You''re relieved to see it''s not the huge one, this one should fit okay.'
+					'You lean backwards and after you spit on the dildo a few times, move it against your backside. All of the girls from your class watch you attentively as you slowly work the head in, and then begin to fuck your ass with it. Christina smiles and says "You''re quite good at taking stuff up your butt, <<$pcs_nickname>>. How is this so easy for you? Do you practice on a daily basis or something?"'
+					'After a while Christina has seen enough, and allows you to change.'
+					gs 'arousal', 'anal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
+					gs 'arousal', 'end'
+					gs 'stat'
+				else
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj11.jpg"></center>'
+					'She grabs her bag and throws a dildo your way. By now you''ve had bigger things up there, this shouldn''t be too hard.'
+					'You do as you''re told and ease the dildo into your ass. As you thought, it''s no challenge and it slides in rather easily.'
+					'Christina notices, and says "Too easy, bitch! That dildo is too small for your broken ass. Give it back and use your hand instead!"'
+					'You meekly obey and give the dildo back, before you slowly begin to work your entire hand into your asshole. The other girls in your class are stunned by your performance, but Christina indifferently moves up to you and gives your wrists a few light tugs, watching your sphincter stretch to its limits around it. "Very nice, bitch. Much better."'
+					'She then allows you to get dressed and leave.'
+					gs 'arousal', 'anal_fist', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
+					gs 'arousal', 'end'
+					gs 'stat'
+				end
-				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj11.jpg"></center>'
-				'Christina looks surprised. "Still a virgin? How unexpected. Alright, I''m nothing if not flexible. We''ll work on your ass skills instead then."'
-				'She grabs her bag and throws a dildo your way. By now you''ve had bigger things up there, this shouldn''t be too hard.'
-				'You do as you''re told and ease the dildo into your ass. As you thought, it''s no challenge and it slides in rather easily.'
-				'Christina notices, and says "Too easy, bitch! That dildo is too small for your broken ass. Give it back and use your hand instead!"'
-				'You meekly obey and give the dildo back, before you slowly begin to work your entire hand into your asshole. The other girls in your class are stunned by your performance, but Christina indifferently moves up to you and gives your wrists a few light tugs, watching your sphincter stretch to its limits around it. "Very nice, bitch. Much better."'
-				'She then allows you to get dressed and leave.'
-				gs 'arousal', 'anal_fist', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj12.jpg"></center>'
+				'After Christina invites some of the other girls over to have a closer look as well, she nods contently as she tosses you her dildo.'
+				'"Good bitch. Now show us what you can do with it".'
+				'You nod obediently and stick the dildo onto the tiled floor. Then you squat over it, guiding its head to your snatch. You sink yourself down on it until it''s mostly inside you, and begin to ride it. The other girls watch you intently as you slowly increase the tempo... you can see one or two of them squirming in their seats.'
+				if pcs_horny >= 100:
+					gs 'pain', 2, 'nipples', 'pinch'
+					gs 'pain', 2, 'face', 'slap'
+					'When you are close to reaching orgasm, you close your eyes and moan softly. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your nipples! It''s Christina, pinching them hard. She slaps you in the face and says "Bad bitch! Whores don''t get to cum on my dildo!"'
+				end
+				'After a few minutes, Christina tells you to stop and wash the dildo before handing it back to her. With your tongue. You quickly lick your juices off and hand it back, and she then allows you to get changed. Some girls avoid your gaze, the blush on their faces telling you that they definitely enjoyed today''s show.'
+				$orgasm_or  = 'no'
+				gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 				gs 'arousal', 'end'
 				gs 'stat'
-			act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
-		else
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj12.jpg"></center>'
-			'After Christina invites some of the other girls over to have a closer look as well, she nods contently as she tosses you her dildo.'
-			'"Good bitch. Now show us what you can do with it".'
-			'You nod obediently and stick the dildo onto the tiled floor. Then you squat over it, guiding its head to your snatch. You sink yourself down on it until it''s mostly inside you, and begin to ride it. The other girls watch you intently as you slowly increase the tempo... you can see one or two of them squirming in their seats.'
-			if zverhumiliation < 7:zverhumiliation += 1
-			pcs_vag += 1
-			if pcs_vag < 10:vgape = 2 & pcs_horny = rand(5,15)
-			if pcs_vag >= 10 and pcs_vag < 15:vgape = 1 & pcs_horny = rand(25,35)
-			if pcs_vag >= 15:pcs_horny = rand(40,75)
-			if pcs_horny >= 100:
-				gs 'pain', 2, 'nipples', 'pinch'
-				gs 'pain', 2, 'face', 'slap'
-				pcs_horny -= rand(15,40)
-				'When you are close to reaching orgasm, you close your eyes and moan softly. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your nipples! It''s Christina, pinching them hard. She slaps you in the face and says "Bad bitch! Whores don''t get to cum on my dildo!"'
-			end
-			'After a few minutes, Christina tells you to stop and wash the dildo before handing it back to her. With your tongue. You quickly lick your juices off and hand it back, and she then allows you to get changed. Some girls avoid your gaze, the blush on their faces telling you that they definitely enjoyed today''s show.'
-			$orgasm_or  = 'no'
-			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
-			gs 'arousal', 'end'
-			gs 'stat'
 			act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
@@ -543,14 +544,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '7':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj13.jpg"></center>'
 		'Ride it... hmm. After you take a second to see how you could best approach this, Christina slaps your ass with a towel. "Today, bitch."'
 		'Okay, okay. You turn your back towards the dildo, letting it rest in your ass crack before you bend over. One of the other girls quickly moves a bench over for you to rest your hands on, and you give her a grateful smile as you bend over further and guide the dildo into your pussy. You can feel your pussy getting wetter and wetter from the sensations, and within minutes the showers are filled with the squishy sound of your pussy getting filled by the dildo over and over.'
-		if zverhumiliation < 14:zverhumiliation += 1
-		if pcs_vag < 10:vgape = 2 & pcs_horny = rand(5,15)
-		if pcs_vag >= 10 and pcs_vag < 15:vgape = 1 & pcs_horny = rand(25,35)
-		if pcs_vag >= 15:pcs_horny = rand(40,75)
 		if pcs_horny >= 100:
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'nipples', 'pinch'
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'face', 'slap'
-			pcs_horny -= rand(15,40)
 			'When you are close to reaching orgasm, you close your eyes and moan softly. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your nipples! It''s Christina, pinching them hard. She slaps you in the face and says "Bad bitch! Whores don''t get to cum on my dildo!"'
@@ -560,7 +557,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '7':
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
+		gs 'Zvereva_sub_1', 'finished'
@@ -576,14 +573,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '8':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj14.jpg"></center>'
 		'You try to hide your smile. You have gotten used to the idea that this is how gym class will be from now on, and today''s assignment looks like it could even be fun. You stand directly over the dildo before you squat down and guide it inside you. You begin slowly, but soon enough you pick up the pace and need to support your weight with your arms as you grind your hips down on it.'
-		if zverhumiliation < 14:zverhumiliation += 1
-		if pcs_vag < 10:vgape = 2 & pcs_horny = rand(5,15)
-		if pcs_vag >= 10 and pcs_vag < 15:vgape = 1 & pcs_horny = rand(25,35)
-		if pcs_vag >= 15:pcs_horny = rand(40,75)
 		if pcs_horny >= 100:
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'nipples', 'pinch'
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'face', 'slap'
-			pcs_horny -= rand(15,40)
 			'When you are close to reaching orgasm, you close your eyes and moan softly. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your nipples! It''s Christina, pinching them hard. She slaps you in the face and says "You know the rules, bitch! Whores don''t get to cum on my dildo!"'
@@ -594,7 +586,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '8':
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
+		gs 'Zvereva_sub_1', 'finished'
@@ -611,25 +603,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '9':
 		'You sit down in front of the dildo and raise your hips to lower yourself down on it. Not fast enough for Christina''s tastes however, and she slaps your inner thigh with a towel. "Faster, bitch! We all have other places to be today!"'
 		'The other girls giggle as you slam your hips down on the rubber dong, and ride it. Christina instructs you to keep your legs spread while you ride the dildo, and keeps slapping you with her towel as you move your hips up and down. Your yelps of pain whenever the towel lands on your thighs put an evil grin on her face.'
-		if zverhumiliation < 14:zverhumiliation += 1
-		if pcs_vag < 10:vgape = 2 & pcs_horny = rand(5,15)
-		if pcs_vag >= 10 and pcs_vag < 15:vgape = 1 & pcs_horny = rand(25,35)
-		if pcs_vag >= 15:pcs_horny = rand(40,75)
+		gs 'pain', 2, 'thigh', 'slap'
 		if pcs_horny >= 100:
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'nipples', 'pinch'
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'face', 'slap'
-			pcs_horny -= rand(15,40)
 			'When you are close to reaching orgasm, you close your eyes and moan softly. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your nipples! It''s Christina, pinching them hard. She slaps you in the face and says: "You know the rules, bitch! Whores don''t get to cum on my dildo!"'
 		'After a while, Christina stops whipping you with her towel and begins to get ready for her shower. As you try to move up she snarks "I didn''t say you could stop, bitch. Keep going!" You mumble an apology and keep riding it until she finally says you can stop. You gently rub your thighs as you give her the dildo back, after licking it clean as always.'
-		gs 'pain', 2, 'thigh', 'slap'
 		$orgasm_or = 'no'
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
+		gs 'Zvereva_sub_1', 'finished'
@@ -645,14 +632,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '10':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj16.jpg"></center>'
 		'Several of the girls walk towards the dong and spit on it, and you gratefully nod at them as you spread the saliva over it with your fingers, adding some of your own. Then you squat directly over the dildo and slowly rub it against your pussy lips. You can feel your snatch being stretched to its limits when you lower yourself down on it, and when you begin to move your hips you feel your pussy lips gripping the dildo tightly.'
-		if zverhumiliation < 14:zverhumiliation += 1
-		if pcs_vag < 10:vgape = 2 & pcs_horny = rand(5,15)
-		if pcs_vag >= 10 and pcs_vag < 20:vgape = 1 & pcs_horny = rand(25,35)
-		if pcs_vag >= 20:pcs_horny = rand(40,75)
 		if pcs_horny >= 100:
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'nipples', 'pinch'
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'face', 'slap'
-			pcs_horny -= rand(15,40)
 			'When you are close to reaching orgasm, you close your eyes and moan softly. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your nipples! It''s Christina, pinching them hard. She slaps you in the face and says "You know the rules, bitch! Whores don''t get to cum on my dildo!"'
@@ -663,7 +645,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '10':
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
+		gs 'Zvereva_sub_1', 'finished'
@@ -679,14 +661,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '11':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj17.jpg"></center>'
 		'You accept the brush obediently and lie down on the ground, spreading your legs. You poke the handle between your legs and slowly spread your pussy lips with it before pushing it in. It doesn''t quite feel as good as the dildos Christina usually has for you, and is not quite as big either. Nevertheless, the sloshing of your pussy is quite audible in the locker room while the girls in your class are changing or stripping for their showers. You do notice one of them glancing at her hairbrush with a dreamy look in her eyes.'
-		if zverhumiliation < 14:zverhumiliation += 1
-		if pcs_vag < 10:pcs_horny = rand(40,60)
-		if pcs_vag >= 10 and pcs_vag < 15:pcs_horny = rand(30,50)
-		if pcs_vag >= 15:pcs_horny = rand(20,40)
 		if pcs_horny >= 100:
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'nipples', 'pinch'
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'face', 'slap'
-			pcs_horny -= rand(15,40)
 			'When you are close to reaching orgasm, you close your eyes and moan softly. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your nipples! It''s Christina, pinching them hard. She slaps you in the face and says "The rules didn''t change, bitch! Just because you don''t have a dildo today doesn''t mean you can cum all over my brush!"'
@@ -696,7 +673,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '11':
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
+		gs 'Zvereva_sub_1', 'finished'
@@ -712,14 +689,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '12':
 		'Knowing she expects a show, you lean back against the wall with your legs spread wide. You rub your fingers over your pussy lips, and then begin to slide your fingers in, one by one, with a questioning look in your eyes. At three, Christina says "Stop. Three will do for today, bitch. Start fucking yourself with them."'
 		'You slowly move your hand, and can''t help but moan when you feel your pussy grasping around your fingers.'
-		if zverhumiliation < 14:zverhumiliation += 1
-		if pcs_vag < 10:vgape = 1 & pcs_horny = rand(50,70)
-		if pcs_vag >= 10 and pcs_vag < 15:pcs_horny = rand(40,60)
-		if pcs_vag >= 15:pcs_horny = rand(30,50)
 		if pcs_horny >= 100:
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'nipples', 'pinch'
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'face', 'slap'
-			pcs_horny -= rand(15,40)
 			'When you are close to reaching orgasm, you close your eyes and try to hide it from Christina. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your nipples! It''s Christina, pinching them hard. She slaps you in the face and says "Nice try, bitch. You know the rules... do that again and I''ll have to punish you."'
@@ -730,7 +702,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '12':
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 10, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'masturbate'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
+		gs 'Zvereva_sub_1', 'finished'
@@ -744,15 +716,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '13':
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj19,'+rand(0,1)+'.jpg"></center>'
 		'You nod and get comfortable, before squeezing your fingers together tightly. Several girls spit on your fingers for you and you push them against your vagina, slowly rotating your wrist as you work them in deeper and deeper. Taking deep breaths, you eventually manage to get your entire hand inside your snatch.'
-		if zverhumiliation < 14:zverhumiliation += 1
-		if pcs_vag < 10:vgape = 3 & pcs_horny = rand(10,20)
-		if pcs_vag >= 10 and pcs_vag < 15:vgape = 2 & pcs_horny = rand(30,50)
-		if pcs_vag >= 15:vgape = 1 & pcs_horny = rand(50,75)
 		if pcs_horny >= 100:
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'nipples', 'pinch'
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'face', 'slap'
-			pcs_horny -= rand(15,40)
 			'When you are close to reaching orgasm, you close your eyes and try to hide it from Christina. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your nipples! It''s Christina, pinching them hard. She slaps you in the face and says "Orgasming on your own fist... you''re such a nasty whore, <<$pcs_nickname>>. Good thing I was there to stop you."'
@@ -767,7 +734,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '13':
 		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', -10, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
+		gs 'Zvereva_sub_1', 'finished'
@@ -782,12 +749,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '14':
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj20,'+rand(0,1)+'.jpg"></center>'
 		'It''s been so long, you barely even remember why you''re doing this any more. Obeying Christina in front of the other girls after gym class has become your second nature, it''s just part of your daily duties... and you wouldn''t have it any other way. You quickly drop to your knees and crawl your way over to her, sexily waving your ass back and forth to the girls behind you. When you arrive at Christina''s feet, you rise up and obediently run your tongue over her folds, tasting her sweet juices as you begin to lick away at her snatch.'
-		if zverhumiliation < 20:zverhumiliation += 1
-		pcs_horny = rand(10,20)
 		if pcs_horny >= 100:
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'nipples', 'pinch'
 			gs 'pain', 2, 'face', 'slap'
-			pcs_horny -= rand(15,40)
 			'While you do your best to give Christina a good licking, you feel your own orgasm encroaching upon you as well. Just when it''s about to hit, Christina yanks your head back by the hair and slaps your face. She pinches your nipples hard for good measure and as you feel your arousal drop, she snarks "You''re supposed to be focused on me, bitch. Don''t make me remind you."'
@@ -798,18 +762,42 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '14':
 		gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 20, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
+		gs 'Zvereva_sub_1', 'finished'
-if $ARGS[0] = '15':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'default':
+	menu_off = 1
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/locker/chrispeek.jpg"></center>'
+	if christinaQW['subpath'] = 3:
+		christinaQW['subpath'] = 4
+		'Christina grins as you walk up to her meekly, expecting your punishment. "Sorry bitch, I''m busy right now. Meet me after school, we will continue this at my house."'
+		'She quickly heads into the showers, and for a second you feel unsure as to what to do. The other girls in the room smirk at your behaviour; you''d gotten so used to Christina''s abuse that you have no idea how to posture yourself when she''s not here. You''re deeply embarrassed when you try to imagine what they must think of you, and you do your best to ignore them.'
+	else
+		'Christina grins as you walk up to her meekly, expecting your punishment. "Sorry bitch, I''m busy today. You''ll have to do without punishment this time."'
+		'She quickly heads into the showers, and for a second you feel unsure as to what to do. The other girls of your class smirk at your behaviour; you''d gotten so used to Christina''s abuse that you have no idea how to posture yourself when she''s not here. You''re deeply embarrassed when you try to imagine what they must think of you, and you do your best to ignore them.'
+	end
+	gs 'Zvereva_sub_1', 'finished'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'finished':
+	act 'Continue':
+		killvar 'zverhumiliation'
+		killvar 'gKristinaZvtemp'
+		gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
+	end
+!! Removed the next args until we get some sort of filter to allow or prevent watersports
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ws_1':
 	menu_off = 1
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/locker/chrispeek.jpg"></center>'
 	'Christina mutters about having to go to the bathroom, but then an idea strikes her when she sees you. "Excellent, just when I thought there was no toilet nearby. Bitch, come here. Get on your knees and open your mouth... and make it quick, I''m ready to burst!"'
 	act 'Obey and open your mouth':
-		if zverhumiliation < 30:zverhumiliation += 1
 		if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0
 		*clr & cla
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/sex/christina/dildobj21.jpg"></center>'
@@ -821,23 +809,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '15':
 		gs 'arousal', 'pee', 5, 'sub', 'humiliation', 'lesbian'
 		gs 'arousal', 'end'
 		gs 'stat'
-		act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
-	end
-if $ARGS[0] = 'default':
-	menu_off = 1
-	*clr & cla
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/gym/locker/chrispeek.jpg"></center>'
-	if christinaQW['subpath'] = 3:
-		christinaQW['subpath'] = 4
-		'Christina grins as you walk up to her meekly, expecting your punishment. "Sorry bitch, I''m busy right now. Meet me after school, we will continue this at my house."'
-		'She quickly heads into the showers, and for a second you feel unsure as to what to do. The other girls in the room smirk at your behaviour; you''d gotten so used to Christina''s abuse that you have no idea how to posture yourself when she''s not here. You''re deeply embarrassed when you try to imagine what they must think of you, and you do your best to ignore them.'
-	else
-		'Christina grins as you walk up to her meekly, expecting your punishment. "Sorry bitch, I''m busy today. You''ll have to do without punishment this time."'
-		'She quickly heads into the showers, and for a second you feel unsure as to what to do. The other girls of your class smirk at your behaviour; you''d gotten so used to Christina''s abuse that you have no idea how to posture yourself when she''s not here. You''re deeply embarrassed when you try to imagine what they must think of you, and you do your best to ignore them.'
+		act 'Continue': gs 'Zvereva_sub_1', 'finished'
-	act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons4', 'postphys2'
 --- Zvereva_sub_1 ---------------------------------

+ 308 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# $attributes_cats_bra
+if ARGS[1] = 1:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 5
+elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 6
+elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 7
+elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 8
+elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 9
+elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 2
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 10
+elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 2
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 11
+elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 12
+elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 13
+elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 14
+elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 15
+elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 16
+elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 17
+elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 18
+elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 19
+elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 2
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 20
+elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 21
+elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 22
+elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 23
+elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 24
+elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 25
+elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 26
+elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 27
+elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 28
+elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 29
+elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 30
+elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 31
+elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 32
+elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 33
+elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 34
+elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 35
+elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 36
+elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 37
+elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 38
+elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 39
+elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 40
+elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 41
+--- $attributes_cats_bra ---------------------------------

+ 512 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+# $attributes_cats_panties
+if ARGS[1] = 1:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 5
+elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 6
+elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 7
+elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 8
+elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 9
+elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 10
+elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 11
+elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 12
+elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 13
+elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 14
+elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 15
+elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 16
+elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 17
+elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 18
+elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 19
+elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 20
+elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 21
+elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 22
+elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 23
+elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 24
+elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 25
+elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 26
+elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 27
+elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 28
+elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 29
+elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 30
+elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 31
+elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 32
+elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 33
+elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 34
+elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 35
+elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 36
+elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 37
+elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 38
+elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 39
+elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 40
+elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 41
+elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 51:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 5
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 60:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 61:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 62:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 63:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 64:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 67:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 72:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+--- $attributes_cats_panties ---------------------------------

+ 3 - 0

@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -681,6 +682,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 95:
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 96:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -1125,6 +1127,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 158:
 	CloThinness = 5
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 159:
 	CloQuality = 3

+ 6 - 2

@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -141,6 +142,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -148,6 +150,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -155,6 +158,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -995,7 +999,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 158:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 4
-	CloPantsShortness = 5
+	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 159:
@@ -1008,7 +1012,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 160:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
-	CloPantsShortness = 6
+	CloPantsShortness = 5
 --- $attributes_coco_outfits ---------------------------------

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# $attributes_danilovich_bra
+if ARGS[1] = 1:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 2
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 2
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 2
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 2
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 2
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 5
+elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 2
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 6
+elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 2
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 7
+elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 2
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 8
+--- $attributes_danilovich_bra ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
 	CoatQuality = 5
     CoatWarm = 3
-	$coat_description = 'Great: A very decent quality sports coat in the color bone.'
+	$coat_description = 'Great: A very decent quality, ivory coloured sports coat.'
 elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CoatQuality = 5

+ 69 - 69

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloQuality = 2
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
@@ -102,13 +102,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
@@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloQuality = 2
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
@@ -156,31 +156,31 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	CloQuality = 2
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
 	CloQuality = 2
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
@@ -192,19 +192,19 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	CloQuality = 2
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloQuality = 2
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloQuality = 2
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
@@ -216,37 +216,37 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPanties = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPanties = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPanties = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	CloQuality = 2
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
@@ -276,37 +276,37 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 51:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
@@ -318,13 +318,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
@@ -336,13 +336,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 72:
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 75:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 76:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
@@ -468,14 +468,14 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 3
 	CloBimbo = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 3
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 96:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 97:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 98:
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 101:
@@ -619,13 +619,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 102:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 103:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 104:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 105:
@@ -662,31 +662,31 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 109:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 110:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 111:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 112:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 113:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 114:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 115:
@@ -716,31 +716,31 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 118:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 119:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 120:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 121:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 122:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 123:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 124:
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 124:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 125:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 126:
@@ -771,49 +771,49 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 127:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 128:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 129:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 130:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 131:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 132:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 133:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 134:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 135:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 136:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 137:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 138:
@@ -838,13 +838,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 138:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 139:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 140:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 141:
@@ -856,31 +856,31 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 141:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 142:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 143:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 144:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 145:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 146:
 	CloQuality = 3
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 147:
@@ -910,13 +910,13 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 150:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 151:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPanties =1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 152:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPanties =1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 153:
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 159:
 elseif ARGS[1] = 160:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
-	CloBra = 1
+	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 1

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# $attributes_danilovich_panties
+if ARGS[1] = 1:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 2
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 2
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 2
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 2
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
+	PanType = 2
+	PanFun = 2
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 5
+elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 2
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 6
+elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 2
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 7
+elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
+	PanType = 2
+	PanFun = 2
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 8
+--- $attributes_danilovich_panties ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 0

@@ -985,6 +985,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 130:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 5
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 131:
 	CloQuality = 4

+ 3 - 0

@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -239,6 +240,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -330,6 +332,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 2
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
 	CloQuality = 5

+ 209 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# $attributes_eroto_bra
+if ARGS[1] = 1:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 1
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 3
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 5
+elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 6
+elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 7
+elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 8
+elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 3
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 9
+elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 10
+elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 11
+elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 12
+elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 13
+elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 14
+elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 15
+elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 16
+elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 17
+elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 18
+elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 19
+elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 2
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 20
+elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 21
+elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 22
+elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 3
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 23
+elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 24
+elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraMaterial = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 25
+elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 8
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 6
+	underwear['pair'] = 26
+elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
+	BraQuality = 3
+	BraMaterial = 3
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 27
+--- $attributes_eroto_bra ---------------------------------

+ 18 - 4

@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 2
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -381,6 +382,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle3 = 3
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -647,6 +649,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 81:
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 3
+	CloCoverTop = 1
+	CloCoverBack = 1
+	CloCoverfront = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 82:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -800,6 +805,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 2
+	CloCoverTop = 2
+	CloCoverBack = 2
+	CloCoverfront = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 101:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -875,6 +883,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 109:
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 2
+	CloCoverTop = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 110:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -1061,6 +1070,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 132:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 6
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 2
+	CloCoverFront = 3
+	CloCoverBack = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 133:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -1091,8 +1102,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 136:
 	CloQuality = 5
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 2
-	CloSkirtShortness = 6
-	CloDress = 1
+	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 1
@@ -1100,8 +1110,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 137:
 	CloQuality = 4
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloBra = 2
-	CloSkirtShortness = 6
-	CloDress = 1
+	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 2
@@ -1113,6 +1122,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 138:
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 2
+	CloCoverTop = 4
+	CloCoverFront = 4
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 139:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -1122,6 +1134,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 139:
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 3
+	CloCoverFront = 4
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 140:
 	CloQuality = 4

+ 34 - 0

@@ -255,6 +255,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 2
+	CloCoverTop = 4
+	CloCoverBack = 4
+	CloCoverFront = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -381,6 +384,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle3 = 3
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -466,6 +470,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle3 = 3
 	CloBimbo = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 3
+	CloCoverBack = 4
+	CloCoverFront = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 67:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -497,6 +504,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 3
+	CloCoverFront = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -505,6 +513,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 3
+	CloCoverFront = 4
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 72:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -540,6 +550,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 76:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle3 = 3
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -548,6 +559,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 3
+	CloCoverTop = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -593,6 +605,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 83:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 6
 	CloStyle3 = 3
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 84:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -637,6 +650,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 88:
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloStyle3 = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 89:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -653,6 +667,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 90:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 1
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 91:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -669,6 +684,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 92:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 4
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 93:
 	CloQuality = 6
@@ -677,6 +694,8 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 93:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 4
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 94:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -685,6 +704,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 94:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 95:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -693,6 +713,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 95:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 96:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -701,6 +722,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 96:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 4
+	CloCoverBack = 4
+	CloCoverFront = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 97:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -709,6 +733,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 97:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 3
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 4
+	CloCoverBack = 4
+	CloCoverFront = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 98:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -717,6 +744,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 98:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 4
+	CloCoverBack = 4
+	CloCoverFront = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -725,6 +755,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 4
+	CloCoverBack = 4
+	CloCoverFront = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -733,6 +766,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloStyle3 = 2
 	CloOnePiece = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 4

+ 365 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+# $attributes_eroto_panties
+if ARGS[1] = 1:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 1
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
+	PanType = 4
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverFront = 1
+	underwear['pair'] = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 5
+elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 6
+elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverFront = 1
+	underwear['pair'] = 7
+elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 8
+elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanCoverFront = 1
+	underwear['pair'] = 9
+elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 10
+elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverFront = 1
+	underwear['pair'] = 11
+elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 1
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 12
+elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 13
+elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 14
+elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 1
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 15
+elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	PanCoverFront = 1
+	underwear['pair'] = 16
+elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 17
+elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 18
+elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 19
+elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	PanCoverFront = 1
+	underwear['pair'] = 20
+elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 21
+elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 22
+elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 23
+elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 1
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 24
+elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 25
+elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 26
+elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverBack = 1
+	PanCoverFront = 1
+	underwear['pair'] = 27
+elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 1
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 1
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 5
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	PanCoverFront = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 5
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	PanCoverFront = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 5
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	PanCoverFront = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 1
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 2
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+--- $attributes_eroto_panties ---------------------------------

+ 4 - 2

@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloThinness = 4
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloStyle2 = 3
-	CloSkirtShortness = 6
-	CloDress = 1
+	CloPanties = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -162,6 +161,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
 	CloPanties = 1
 	CloOnePiece = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
 	CloStyle2 = 3	
 	CloBra = 1
 	CloPanties = 1
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
 	CloStyle2 = 3	
 	CloTopCut = 6
 	CloPanties = 1
+	CloCoverBack = 4
 elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
 	CloQuality = 3

+ 332 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+# $attributes_fashionista_bra
+if ARGS[1] = 1:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 3
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 3
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 1
+	BraType = 10
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 5
+elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 6
+elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 7
+elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 8
+elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 5
+	BraCover = 1
+	underwear['pair'] = 9
+elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 10
+elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 11
+elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 12
+elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 13
+elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 14
+elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 15
+elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 16
+elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 7
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 17
+elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 18
+elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 19
+elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 20
+elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 21
+elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 22
+elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 23
+elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 24
+elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 25
+elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 26
+elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 27
+elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 28
+elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 29
+elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 30
+elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 31
+elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 32
+elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 33
+elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 34
+elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 35
+elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 36
+elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 37
+elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 3
+	BraType = 10
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 4
+	BraCover = 1
+	underwear['pair'] = 38
+elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 7
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 39
+elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 40
+elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
+	BraQuality = 4
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 41
+elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
+	BraQuality = 5
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 1
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 42
+--- $attributes_fashionista_bra ---------------------------------

+ 2 - 2
locations/_attributes_fashionista.qsrc → locations/_attributes_fashionista_dress.qsrc

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $attributes_fashionista
+# $attributes_fashionista_dress
 !prince range from 4 to 6, please avoid adding too many 4s
@@ -1457,5 +1457,5 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 200:
---- $attributes_fashionista ---------------------------------
+--- $attributes_fashionista_dress ---------------------------------

+ 590 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+# $attributes_fashionista_panties
+if ARGS[1] = 1:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 5
+elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 6
+elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 7
+elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 8
+elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 9
+elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
+	PanType = 2
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 10
+elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 11
+elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 12
+elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 13
+elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 14
+elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 15
+elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 16
+elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 17
+elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 18
+elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 19
+elseif ARGS[1] = 20:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 5
+	PanCoverBack = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 20
+elseif ARGS[1] = 21:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 21
+elseif ARGS[1] = 22:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 22
+elseif ARGS[1] = 23:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 23
+elseif ARGS[1] = 24:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 24
+elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 25
+elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 26
+elseif ARGS[1] = 27:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 27
+elseif ARGS[1] = 28:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 5
+	underwear['pair'] = 28
+elseif ARGS[1] = 29:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 29
+elseif ARGS[1] = 30:
+	PanType = 2
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 30
+elseif ARGS[1] = 31:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 31
+elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 32
+elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 33
+elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 34
+elseif ARGS[1] = 35:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 35
+elseif ARGS[1] = 36:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 36
+elseif ARGS[1] = 37:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 37
+elseif ARGS[1] = 38:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 3
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+	underwear['pair'] = 38
+elseif ARGS[1] = 39:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 39
+elseif ARGS[1] = 40:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 40
+elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 41
+elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 3
+	underwear['pair'] = 42
+elseif ARGS[1] = 43:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 44:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 48:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 49:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 50:
+	PanType = 5
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 51:
+	PanType = 5
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
+	PanType = 5
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
+	PanType = 5
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 54:
+	PanType = 5
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
+	PanType = 5
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 57:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 58:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 3
+	PanThinness = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 59:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 60:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 61:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 62:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 5
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 63:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 64:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 65:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 66:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 67:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 70:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 71:
+	PanType = 2
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 72:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 73:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 4
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 74:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 75:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 76:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 77:
+	PanType = 3
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanMaterial = 6
+	PanQuality = 5
+	PanThinness = 3
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 78:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+	PanCoverBack = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
+	PanType = 1
+	PanFun = 1
+	PanQuality = 4
+	PanThinness = 2
+--- $attributes_fashionista_panties ---------------------------------

+ 12 - 0

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -173,6 +174,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 25:
 	CloSkirtShortness = 3
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 2
+	CloCoverFront = 2
+	CloCoverBack = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 26:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -302,6 +306,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 45:
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -309,6 +314,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 46:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 47:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -352,6 +358,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 52:
 	CloDress = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 53:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -371,6 +378,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 55:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 56:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -525,6 +533,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	CloThinness = 6
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -553,6 +562,9 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 83:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloSkirtShortness = 4
 	CloDress = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 1
+	CloCoverFront = 1
+	CloCoverBack = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 84:
 	CloQuality = 3

+ 17 - 0

@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloQuality = 4
@@ -113,6 +117,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -120,6 +125,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -206,6 +212,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 32:
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloBimbo = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -213,6 +220,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 33:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 34:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -269,6 +277,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 41:
 	CloTopCut = 3
 	CloPantsShortness = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 42:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -449,6 +458,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 68:
 	CloPantsShortness = 4
 	CloBimbo = 1
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 69:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -519,6 +529,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 79:
 	CloTopCut = 1
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloBimbo = 1
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 80:
 	CloQuality = 5
@@ -645,6 +656,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 99:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -652,6 +664,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 100:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 101:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -659,6 +672,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 101:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 3
 elseif ARGS[1] = 102:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -705,6 +719,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 108:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 109:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -712,6 +727,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 109:
 	CloTopCut = 2
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 1
 elseif ARGS[1] = 110:
 	CloQuality = 3
@@ -987,6 +1003,7 @@ elseif ARGS[1] = 151:
 	CloTopCut = 4
 	CloPantsShortness = 5
 	CloStyle = 4
+	CloCoverTop = 2
 elseif ARGS[1] = 152:
 	CloQuality = 3

+ 140 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# $attributes_gm_bra
+if ARGS[1] = 1:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 1
+elseif ARGS[1] = 2:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 2
+elseif ARGS[1] = 3:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 3
+elseif ARGS[1] = 4:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 4
+elseif ARGS[1] = 5:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 5
+elseif ARGS[1] = 6:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraType = 2
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 6
+elseif ARGS[1] = 7:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 7
+elseif ARGS[1] = 8:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 8
+elseif ARGS[1] = 9:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 9
+elseif ARGS[1] = 10:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 10
+elseif ARGS[1] = 11:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 11
+elseif ARGS[1] = 12:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraType = 5
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 12
+elseif ARGS[1] = 13:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 13
+elseif ARGS[1] = 14:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 14
+elseif ARGS[1] = 15:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 6
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 15
+elseif ARGS[1] = 16:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 16
+elseif ARGS[1] = 17:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 17
+elseif ARGS[1] = 18:
+	BraQuality = 2
+	BraType = 9
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 18
+elseif ARGS[1] = 19:
+	BraQuality = 1
+	BraMaterial = 6
+	BraType = 4
+	BraFun = 1
+	BraThinness = 2
+	underwear['pair'] = 19
+--- $attributes_gm_bra ---------------------------------

Niektoré súbory nie sú zobrazené, pretože je v týchto rozdielových dátach zmenené mnoho súborov