
inicialization of the repo

rachels 2 年之前
共有 43 個文件被更改,包括 14879 次插入0 次删除
  1. 36 0
  2. 102 0
  3. 1 0
  4. 153 0
  5. 98 0
  6. 320 0
  7. 18 0
  8. 20 0
  9. 35 0
  10. 2398 0
  11. 370 0
  12. 268 0
  13. 2047 0
  14. 258 0
  15. 1197 0
  16. 1161 0
  17. 151 0
  18. 183 0
  19. 219 0
  20. 294 0
  21. 134 0
  22. 30 0
  23. 996 0
  24. 130 0
  25. 1581 0
  26. 199 0
  27. 638 0
  28. 85 0
  29. 58 0
  30. 83 0
  31. 34 0
  32. 33 0
  33. 44 0
  34. 1122 0
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  37. 31 0
  38. 36 0
  39. 39 0
  40. 二進制
  41. 44 0
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  43. 46 0

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Music Life Wiki/
+# ignore Visual Studio build files
+# don't ignore this file
+# do NOT ignore editorconfig

+ 102 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+@ECHO off
+:: Set those lines to fit your setup. 
+:: This is where mod_bratva.qsp will be copied. If you don't want to move it just comment (::) the line below.
+:: set CP_TO=..\GL_ECV
+:: This is the program used to open the QSPFILE. If you comment this line windows will launch the default app for the ".qsp" extension.
+set QSPGUI=QSP\Player-video\qspgui.exe
+set QGEN=QSP\QGen5\QGen.exe
+:: The file that will be generated or open
+set QSPFILE=bratva.qsp
+echo :: QSP Compiler and Launcher
+if defined QGEN (
+	if not exist "%QGEN%" ( 
+		echo QGEN     : [ERROR] - %QGEN%  not found. Using DEFAULT application.
+		set QGEN=
+	) else ( echo QGEN     : [OK] - "%QGEN%")
+) else echo QGEN     : [NOT DEFINED] - Using DEFAULT application.
+if defined QSPGUI (
+	if not exist "%QSPGUI%" ( 
+		echo QSP EXEC : [ERROR] - %QSPGUI% not found.
+		set QSPGUI=
+	) else ( echo QSP EXEC : [OK] - "%QSPGUI%")
+) else ( echo QSP EXEC : [NOT DEFINED] - Using Windows DEFAULT.)
+if defined QSPFILE (
+	if not exist "%QSPFILE%" ( 
+		echo QSP FILE : [WARNING] - %QSPFILE% not found.
+	) else ( echo QSP FILE : [OK] - "%QSPFILE%")
+if defined CP_TO (
+	if not exist "%CP_TO%" (
+		echo COPY     : [ERROR] - Destination "%CP_TO%" not found. Copy DISABLED.
+		set CP_TO=
+	) else ( echo COPY     : [OK] - "%CP_TO%")
+) else (  echo COPY     : [DISABLED] )
+if defined NOT_FOUND (
+	echo ERROR: Option '%action%' wasn't recognized. Is it lowercase? 
+	set NOT_FOUND=
+echo ACTIONS: (B)uild  (R)un  (F)ull  (Q)Gen  (E)xit
+set /p action=Choose an action:
+if defined QSPFILE (
+	if %action% == b goto build
+	if %action% == r goto run
+	if %action% == f goto build
+	if %action% == q goto qgen
+if %action% == e goto exit
+set NOT_FOUND=1
+goto menu
+echo Building ...
+python tools\txtmerge.py locations mod_bratva.txt
+tools\txt2gam.exe mod_bratva.txt %QSPFILE% > nul
+if defined CP_TO ( echo Copying %QSPFILE% to "%CP_TO%" ... & copy %QSPFILE% %CP_TO% > nul )
+echo Done.
+if %action% == f ( goto run ) else ( goto menu )
+echo Running ...
+if defined CP_TO ( start %QGEN% %CP_TO%\%QSPFILE% ) else ( start %QGEN% %QSPFILE% )
+goto exit
+echo Running ...
+if defined CP_TO ( start %QSPGUI% %CP_TO%\%QSPFILE% ) else ( start %QSPGUI% %QSPFILE% )

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Bratva mod

+ 153 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  <Statements>
+    <Keyword name="pl" desc="PL [expression] / *PL [expression] - output text to an additional / main description window, then a new line"/>
+    <Keyword name="clear" desc="CLEAR / *CLEAR - cleaning additional / the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="clr" desc="CLR / *CLR - cleaning additional / the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="p" desc="P [expression] / *P [expression] - output text to an additional / main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="nl" desc="NL [expression] / *NL [expression] - transition to a new line, then output the text to an additional/ main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="msg" desc="MSG [expression] - output of the message in the information window"/>
+    <Keyword name="wait" desc="WAIT [#expression] - stop execution of the program for a specified number of milliseconds"/>
+    <Keyword name="act" desc="ACT [$variable],[$path to the image]:[operator] &amp; [operator] &amp; ... - adding an action"/>
+    <Keyword name="delact" desc="DELACT [$variable] / DEL ACT [$variable] - deleting an action"/>
+    <Keyword name="cla" desc="CLA - clearing the action list"/>
+    <Keyword name="cmdclear" desc="CMDCLEAR - clearing input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="cmdclr" desc="CMDCLEAR - clearing input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="cls" desc="CLS - clears the screen, leaving only a list of items"/>
+    <Keyword name="menu" desc="MENU [$expression] - displaying a menu with a given name"/>
+    <Keyword name="settimer" desc="SETTIMER [#expression] - specifies the timer interval for the counter location"/>
+    <Keyword name="dynamic" desc="DYNAMIC [$line of code],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - dynamic code execution"/>
+    <Keyword name="set" desc="SET [variable name]=[expression] - setting the value of a variable"/>
+    <Keyword name="let" desc="LET [variable name]=[expression] - setting the value of a variable"/>
+    <Keyword name="killvar" desc="KILLVAR [$name],[#index] - delete all variables / specified variable"/>
+    <Keyword name="copyarr" desc="COPYARR [$array-receiver],[$source array] - copying the contents of an array to another array"/>
+    <Keyword name="addobj" desc="ADDOBJ [$variable],[$path to the image],[#position] / ADD OBJ [$variable],[$path to the image],[#position] - adding an item"/>
+    <Keyword name="delobj" desc="DELOBJ [$variable] / DEL OBJ [$variable] - object removal"/>
+    <Keyword name="killobj" desc="KILLOBJ [#position] - removal of all items / of the item in the given position"/>
+    <Keyword name="unselect" desc="UNSELECT - cancellation of object selection"/>
+    <Keyword name="unsel" desc="UNSEL - cancellation of object selection"/>
+    <Keyword name="killall" desc="KILLALL - delete all variables and items"/>
+    <Keyword name="opengame" desc="OPENGAME [$expression] - Loading the game state"/>
+    <Keyword name="openqst" desc="OPENQST [$expression] - opening and launching a game file"/>
+    <Keyword name="addqst" desc="ADDQST [$expression] - adding locations from the specified file"/>
+    <Keyword name="killqst" desc="KILLQST - delete all added via ADDQST locations"/>
+    <Keyword name="savegame" desc="SAVEGAME [$expression] - preservation of the game state"/>
+    <Keyword name="refint" desc="REFINT - interface update"/>
+    <Keyword name="showacts" desc="SHOWACTS [#expression] - display / hiding action list"/>
+    <Keyword name="showinput" desc="SHOWINPUT [#expression] - display / hiding the input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="showobjs" desc="SHOWOBJS [#expression] - display / hiding a list of items"/>
+    <Keyword name="showstat" desc="SHOWSTAT [#expression] - display / hiding an additional description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="if" desc="IF [#expression]:[operator1] &amp; [operator2] &amp; ... ELSE [operator3] &amp; [operator4] &amp; ... - condition"/>
+    <Keyword name="else" desc="IF [#expression]:[operator1] &amp; [operator2] &amp; ... ELSE [operator3] &amp; [operator4] &amp; ... - condition"/>
+    <Keyword name="elseif" desc="ELSEIF [#expression]:[operator1] &amp; [operator2] &amp; ... - alternate state"/>
+    <Keyword name="exit" desc="EXIT - completion of the current code"/>
+    <Keyword name="end" desc="END - completion of a multi-line form IF / ACT"/>
+    <Keyword name="jump" desc="JUMP [$expression] - go to the specified label"/>
+    <Keyword name="gosub" desc="GOSUB [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - processing of the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="gs" desc="GS [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - processing of the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="goto" desc="GOTO [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - go to the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="gt" desc="GT [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - go to the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="xgoto" desc="XGOTO [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - go to the specified location without clearing the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="xgt" desc="XGT [$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ... - go to the specified location without clearing the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="play" desc="PLAY [$path to an audio file],[#volume] - playing an audio file with a specified volume"/>
+    <Keyword name="close" desc="CLOSE [$path to an audio file] / CLOSE ALL - stop playing a sound file / all sound files"/>
+    <Keyword name="view" desc="VIEW [$path to the graphic file] - image view"/>
+  </Statements>
+  <Expressions>
+    <Keyword name="and" desc="[#expression 1] AND [#expression 2] - logical &quot;and=&quot;"/>
+    <Keyword name="or" desc="[#expression 1] OR [#expression 2] - logical &quot;or&quot;"/>
+    <Keyword name="obj" desc="OBJ [$subject] - checking the presence of an object in a backpack"/>
+    <Keyword name="loc" desc="LOC [$location] - checking the existence of a location"/>
+    <Keyword name="no" desc="NO [#expression] - negation"/>
+    <Keyword name="mod" desc="[#expression 1] MOD [#expression 2] - calculation of the remainder from division"/>
+    <Keyword name="desc" desc="DESC([$expression]) - returns the text of the basic description of the location"/>
+    <Keyword name="$desc" desc="$DESC([$expression]) - returns the text of the basic description of the location"/>
+    <Keyword name="iif" desc="IIF([#expression],[Expression_Yes],[expression_no]) - возвращает одно из выражений по условию"/>
+    <Keyword name="$iif" desc="$IIF([#expression],[Expression_Yes],[expression_no]) - возвращает одно из выражений по условию"/>
+    <Keyword name="input" desc="INPUT([expression]) - shows the text input window and returns the entered value"/>
+    <Keyword name="$input" desc="$INPUT([expression]) - shows the text input window and returns the entered value"/>
+    <Keyword name="isplay" desc="ISPLAY([$expression]) - checks if the specified file is currently playing"/>
+    <Keyword name="max" desc="MAX([expression 1],[expression 2], ...) - returns the maximum of the argument values"/>
+    <Keyword name="$max" desc="$MAX([expression 1],[expression 2], ...) - returns the maximum of the argument values"/>
+    <Keyword name="min" desc="MIN([expression 1],[expression 2], ...) - returns the minimum of the argument values"/>
+    <Keyword name="$min" desc="$MIN([expression 1],[expression 2], ...) - returns the minimum of the argument values"/>
+    <Keyword name="rand" desc="RAND([#expression 1],[#expression 2]) - returns a random number between the given"/>
+    <Keyword name="rgb" desc="RGB([#red],[#green],[#blue]) - returns color code based on 3 components"/>
+    <Keyword name="getobj" desc="GETOBJ([#position]) - returns the name of the item located in the given position"/>
+    <Keyword name="$getobj" desc="$GETOBJ([#position]) - returns the name of the item located in the given position"/>
+    <Keyword name="dyneval" desc="DYNEVAL([$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ...) - returns the value of the dynamically evaluated expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="$dyneval" desc="$DYNEVAL([$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ...) - returns the value of the dynamically evaluated expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="func" desc="FUNC([$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ...) - processing specified location as a function"/>
+    <Keyword name="$func" desc="$FUNC([$expression],[parameter 1],[parameter 2], ...) - processing specified location as a function"/>
+    <Keyword name="arrsize" desc="ARRSIZE([$expression]) - returns the number of elements in the specified array"/>
+    <Keyword name="arrpos" desc="ARRPOS([#starting index],[$array name],[value]) - search in an array of an element with a given value"/>
+    <Keyword name="instr" desc="INSTR([#initial position],[$text],[$search text]) - search for text occurrences"/>
+    <Keyword name="isnum" desc="ISNUM([$expression]) - checks if the specified string is a number"/>
+    <Keyword name="trim" desc="TRIM([$expression]) - removes adjacent spaces and tabs from text"/>
+    <Keyword name="$trim" desc="$TRIM([$expression]) - removes adjacent spaces and tabs from text"/>
+    <Keyword name="ucase" desc="UCASE([$expression]) - converts small letters of text to large"/>
+    <Keyword name="$ucase" desc="$UCASE([$expression]) - converts small letters of text to large"/>
+    <Keyword name="lcase" desc="LCASE([$expression]) - converts large letters of text into small"/>
+    <Keyword name="$lcase" desc="$LCASE([$expression]) - converts large letters of text into small"/>
+    <Keyword name="len" desc="LEN([$expression]) - returns the length of the specified string"/>
+    <Keyword name="mid" desc="MID([$text],[#start],[#length]) - cuts out a string of the specified length starting from the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="$mid" desc="$MID([$text],[#start],[#length]) - cuts out a string of the specified length starting from the specified location"/>
+    <Keyword name="replace" desc="REPLACE([$text],[$search text],[$text to replace]) - replaces the specified string in the text"/>
+    <Keyword name="$replace" desc="$REPLACE([$text],[$search text],[$text to replace]) - replaces the specifieed string in the text"/>
+    <Keyword name="str" desc="STR([#expression]) - converts a number to a string"/>
+    <Keyword name="$str" desc="$STR([#expression]) - converts a number to a string"/>
+    <Keyword name="val" desc="VAL([$expression]) - converts a string to a number"/>
+    <Keyword name="arrcomp" desc="ARRCOMP([#starting index],[$array name],[$template]) - search in an array of an element corresponding to a regular expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="strcomp" desc="STRCOMP([$expression],[$template]) - checks the specified text for consistency with a regular expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="strfind" desc="STRFIND([$expression],[$template],[#number]) - returns a substring, corresponding to the group numbered [#number] regular expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="$strfind" desc="$STRFIND([$expression],[$template],[#number]) - returns a substring, corresponding to the group numbered [#number] regular expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="strpos" desc="STRPOS([$expression],[$template],[#number]) - returns the position of the substring, corresponding to the group with the number [#number] regular expression"/>
+    <Keyword name="countobj" desc="COUNTOBJ -returns the current number of items"/>
+    <Keyword name="msecscount" desc="MSECSCOUNT - returns the number of milliseconds, elapsed since the start of the game"/>
+    <Keyword name="rnd" desc="RND - returns a random value from 1 to 1000"/>
+    <Keyword name="curloc" desc="CURLOC - returns the name of the current location"/>
+    <Keyword name="$curloc" desc="$CURLOC - returns the name of the current location"/>
+    <Keyword name="qspver" desc="QSPVER - returns the version of the interpreter"/>
+    <Keyword name="$qspver" desc="$QSPVER - returns the version of the interpreter"/>
+    <Keyword name="selobj" desc="SELOBJ - returns the name of the selected item"/>
+    <Keyword name="$selobj" desc="$SELOBJ - returns the name of the selected item"/>
+    <Keyword name="selact" desc="SELACT - returns the name of the selected action"/>
+    <Keyword name="$selact" desc="$SELACT - returns the name of the selected action"/>
+    <Keyword name="curacts" desc="CURACTS - returns all current actions as code"/>
+    <Keyword name="$curacts" desc="$CURACTS - returns all current actions as code"/>
+    <Keyword name="user_text" desc="USER_TEXT - returns text in the input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="$user_text" desc="$USER_TEXT - returns text in the input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="usrtxt" desc="USRTXT - returns text in the input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="$usrtxt" desc="$USRTXT - returns text in the input line"/>
+    <Keyword name="maintxt" desc="MAINTXT - returns text in the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="$maintxt" desc="$MAINTXT - returns text in the main description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="stattxt" desc="STATTXT - returns text in an additional description window"/>
+    <Keyword name="$stattxt" desc="$STATTXT - returns text in an additional description window"/>
+  </Expressions>
+  <Variables>
+    <Keyword name="args" desc="ARGS - array with procedure parametersarray with procedure parameters / function"/>
+    <Keyword name="$args" desc="$ARGS - array with procedure parameters / function"/>
+    <Keyword name="result" desc="RESULT - the variable contains the result, returned by the current function"/>
+    <Keyword name="$result" desc="$RESULT - the variable contains the result, returned by the current function"/>
+    <Keyword name="disablescroll" desc="DISABLESCROLL - if the variable is not equal to 0, it prohibits auto-scrolling of the text in the output"/>
+    <Keyword name="disablesubex" desc="DISABLESUBEX - if the variable is not equal to 0, it prohibits the use of &quot;subexpressions&quot; in the text"/>
+    <Keyword name="nosave" desc="NOSAVE - if the variable is not equal to 0, the user can not save the game state"/>
+    <Keyword name="debug" desc="DEBUG - if the variable is not equal to 0, then disabling the game ID check when the state is loaded"/>
+    <Keyword name="$counter" desc="$COUNTER - variable contains the name of the location-counter"/>
+    <Keyword name="$ongload" desc="$ONGLOAD - variable contains the name of the location-the state load handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$ongsave" desc="$ONGSAVE - variable contains the name of the location-a stateful handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$onnewloc" desc="$ONNEWLOC - variable contains the name of the location-new location handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$onactsel" desc="$ONACTSEL - variable contains the name of the location-the action selector"/>
+    <Keyword name="$onobjsel" desc="$ONOBJSEL - variable contains the name of the location-object selector handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$onobjadd" desc="$ONOBJADD - variable contains the name of the location-addon handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$onobjdel" desc="$ONOBJDEL - variable contains the name of the location-object removal handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="$usercom" desc="$USERCOM - variable contains the name of the location-input line handler"/>
+    <Keyword name="usehtml" desc="USEHTML - if the variable is not equal to 0, then includes the possibility of using HTML"/>
+    <Keyword name="bcolor" desc="BCOLOR - the variable contains the background color"/>
+    <Keyword name="fcolor" desc="FCOLOR - variable contains the main font color"/>
+    <Keyword name="lcolor" desc="LCOLOR - variable contains the main color of links"/>
+    <Keyword name="fsize" desc="FSIZE - variable contains the main font size"/>
+    <Keyword name="$fname" desc="$FNAME - variable contains the name of the main font"/>
+    <Keyword name="$backimage" desc="$BACKIMAGE - the variable contains the path to the background image"/>
+  </Variables>

+ 98 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# anfisa
+*P 'cumface'
+$boy = 'Anfisa'
+dick = 10
+anfisaday = daystart
+if anfisa['horny'] < 70:
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Anfisa</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/anfisa'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	func('anfisa_strings', 1)
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Anfisa</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/anfisa'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	func('anfisa_strings', 2)
+!The conditions for starting an event with Anfisa in the Madame thread (you need to add the condition of dating that Sveta is familiar with Anfisa I did not find)
+if bratva['madam'] = 1 : act'Offer to have sex with the company of these brutal men': gt 'bratva_madam','eventmadam2'
+if cumface > 0:
+	if shameless['flag'] < 2:
+		func('anfisa_strings', 3)
+	elseif shameless['flag'] < 1:
+		func('anfisa_strings', 4)
+	else
+		func('anfisa_strings', 5)
+	end
+	if shameless['flag'] < 1: act 'Run away': gt 'Nudelake'
+act 'Further':
+	*clr & cla
+	if anfisa['horny'] < 70:
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk7.jpg"></center>'
+		func('anfisa_strings', 6)
+		if pcs_horny >= 50 and (anfisa['sex'] > 0 or shameless['flag'] > 2):
+			act 'Flirt':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 10
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/kiss'+rand(4,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				func('anfisa_strings', 7)
+				act 'Further': gt 'anfisa_events','kiss2'
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Chat': gt 'anfisa_events','talk'
+	else
+		if pcs_horny < 50:
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk7.jpg"></center>'
+			func('anfisa_strings', 8)
+		elseif pcs_horny < 70:
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk7.jpg"></center>'
+			func('anfisa_strings', 9)
+		elseif pcs_horny < 90:
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk7.jpg"></center>'
+			func('anfisa_strings', 10)
+		end
+		if pcs_horny < 90:
+			act 'Drink wine':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 30
+				alko += 3
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk'+rand(10,12)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				func('anfisa_strings', 11)
+				if pcs_horny < 70 or shameless['flag'] < 1:
+					act 'Remove hand':
+						*clr & cla
+						if lesbian = 0:
+							If pcs_horny < 70:
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk2.jpg"></center>'
+								func('anfisa_strings', 12)
+							else
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk2.jpg"></center>'
+								func('anfisa_strings', 13)
+							end
+						else
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk2.jpg"></center>'
+							func('anfisa_strings', 14)
+						end
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Kiss':
+					*clr & cla
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/kiss'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+					func('anfisa_strings', 15)
+					act 'Further': gt 'anfisa_events','kiss'
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			act 'Embrace':
+				*clr & cla
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/tits5.jpg"></center>'
+				func('anfisa_strings', 16)
+				act 'Further':gt 'anfisa_events','kiss'+iif(pcs_horny < anfisa['horny'],'',2)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- anfisa ---------------------------------

+ 320 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# anfisa_events
+anfisaday = daystart
+if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	anfisaQW = 1
+	anfisa['horny'] = 70
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/walk'+iif(hotcat >= 6,1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'Tanning, you'+iif(anfisaQW = 1,' again notice', ' notice')+' a drunken girl wandering along the beach with a bottle of wine in her hand, who idly inspects the beach, as if looking for someone among holidaymakers. **'+iif(hotcat < 6,'She slowly walked past, without even looking at you. Apparently you are not the one whom she looks out for, ”Noticing your look, she, smiles back, comes up to you: ** <do>- Hi! Do you mind if I sit here?</do>','')
+	if hotcat <= 5:
+		act 'Further': gt 'Nudelake'
+	else
+		act 'Of course not, Sit':
+			anfisaQW = 2
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk1.jpg"></center>'
+			'The girl sinks into the sand next to you:<do>- My name is "French Kiss". But I like it better when they call me Anfisa ...</do> - she smiles broadly.**<dh>- <<$pcs_firstname>>, -</dh> but my friends calls me <dh>- <<$pcs_nickname>>, -</dh> you respond.**<do>- <<$pcs_firstname>>... -</do> she pulls, as if tasting and savoring the name.<do> - So do I get to call you <<$pcs_nickname>>?</do>'
+			act 'Sure':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk2.jpg"></center>'
+				'<dh>- Of course it''s possible, -</dh> you smile back**<do>- That''s great, -</do> brightens your newest acquaintance.<do> - Shall we celebrate our new acquaintance?</do>**She nods towards the bottle of wine at her feet.'
+				act 'Why not':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 60
+					alko += 3
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk3.jpg"></center>'
+					'You both go find a quiet spot, away from prying eyes, and uncork the bottle. There are no cups - so you take turns drinking from the bottle, passing it back and forth, chatting merrily.**After finishing the bottle, you relax, leaning against your new girlfriend. Suddenly you feel her hand gently stroking your back. And it is very nice!'
+					act 'No reaction':
+						*clr & cla
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/kiss1.jpg"></center>'
+						'Seeing that you do not mind, Anfisa slowly brings her face to yours, your eyes meet. Another moment - and your lips merge in a hot kiss.'
+						act 'Kiss': gt 'anfisa_events','kiss'
+					end
+!!*					if pcs_horny < 70 and shameless['flag'] < 2:
+					if pcs_horny < 70:
+						act 'I can''t':
+							*clr & cla
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk4.jpg"></center>'
+							'<dh>- Anfisa, don''t be offended, but '+iif(lesbian = 0,' it''s not like that, I like boys')+'.</dh>**<do>- Okay, not so no, -</do> smiles Anfisa, winking at you.<do> - Maybe another time then, if you change your mind, you''ll find me here.</do>**She stands, waves goodbye and leaves.'
+							act 'Watch her go': gt 'Nudelake'
+						end
+					end
+				end
+				act 'Reluctantly no':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 10
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk1.jpg"></center>'
+					'<dh>- Reluctantly no -</dh> You answer Anfisa.<dh> - Just don''t be offended...</dh>**<do>- Oh well no so no, -</do> Anfisa smiled. <do> - Maybe another time maybe, if you change your mind, you''l find me here...</do>**Having chatted with you for another ten minutes, she stands, waves her hand in farewell, and wanders towards the beach exit'
+					act 'Walk away': gt 'Nudelake'
+				end
+			end
+			act 'Not possible':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk5.jpg"></center>'
+				'<do>- Well, you and the beech tree, - </do> Anfisa grins drunkly. <do> - If you ever thaw, come find me. </do> ** The girl, swaying, rose, and waving her hand in farewell, wanders off'
+				act 'Watch her go': gt 'Nudelake'
+			end
+		end
+		act 'No':
+			*clr & cla
+			anfisaQW = 3
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk6.jpg"></center>'
+			'<do>- Well, We get one here, - </do> the girl sticks out her tongue and wanders off in search of adventure, leaving you alone with youself.'
+			act 'Further': gt 'Nudelake'
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'alko':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/walk2.jpg"></center>'
+	'While sunbathing, you notice Anfisa, drunk on the beach, lazily walking along the beach with a bottle of wine in her hand. Seeing you, she''s delighted:**<do>- Oh, hi, <<$pcs_nickname>>, you miss me?</do>And without waiting for an invitation, flops on the sand next to you.'
+	act 'Smile':
+		*clr & cla
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk2.jpg"></center>'
+		'- Another boring day, -</do> Anfisa sighs and glances at you:<do> - <<$pcs_nickname>>, can you keep me company?</do>**She nods at the bottle of wine at her feet..'
+		act 'Join her':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 60
+			alko += 3
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk3.jpg"></center>'
+			'You both go find a quiet spot, away from prying eyes, and uncork the bottle. There are no cups - so you take turns drinking from the bottle, passing it back and forth, chatting merrily.**After finishing the bottle, you relax, leaning against your new girlfriend. Suddenly you feel her hand gently stroking your back. And it is very nice!'
+			act 'Relax':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/kiss1.jpg"></center>'
+				'Seeing that you do not mind, Anfisa brings her face to yours, your eyes meet. Another moment - and your lips merge in a hot kiss.'
+				act 'Kiss': gt 'anfisa_events','kiss'
+			end
+!!*			if pcs_horny < 70 and shameless['flag'] < 2:
+			if pcs_horny < 70:
+				act 'Move away':
+					*clr & cla
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk4.jpg"></center>'
+					'<dh>- Anfisa, don''t be offended, but '+iif(lesbian = 0,' it''s not like that, I like boys')+'.</dh>**<do>- Okay, not so no, -</do> smiles Anfisa, winking at you.<do> - Maybe another time then, if you change your mind, you''ll find me here.</do>**She stands, waves goodbye and leaves.'
+					act 'Watch her go': gt 'Nudelake'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Not today':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 10
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk1.jpg"></center>'
+			'<dh>- Reluctantly no -</dh> You answer Anfisa.<dh> - Just don''t be offended...</dh>**<do>- Oh well no so no, -</do> Anfisa smiled. <do> - Maybe another time maybe, if you change your mind, you''l find me here...</do>**Having chatted with you for another ten minutes, she stands, waves her hand in farewell, and wanders towards the beach exit'
+			act 'Watch her leave': gt 'Nudelake'
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 60
+	pcs_mood += 20
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/talk'+rand(8,9)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'For an hour, you and Anfisa sit, hugging, on the beach, just talking about all sorts of trivia.**<do>- Oh, <<$pcs_nickname>>, look at the time, -</do> glancing at her watch, Anfisa catches herself.<do>- I have to go...</do>** Quickly dressing and waving goodbye, she heads for the exit.'
+	act 'Back to the beach': gt 'Nudelake'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'kiss':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	if anfisa['sex'] = 0: girl += 1
+	anfisa['sex'] += 1
+	lesbian += 1
+	$boy = 'Anfisa'
+	dick3 = 10
+	protect = 1
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/tits'+iif(pcs_horny < 50,1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'You and Anfisa passionately kiss, forgetting everything in the world. Her hands wander your '+iif(pcs_horny < 50,'','excited ')+'body, bringing pleasure. Tearing away from your lips, she drops below and puts her lips into your chest, caressing and teasing your nipple, '+iif(pcs_horny < 50,'and at the same time running your hand to your pussy, rubbing you in earnest','tearing from your lips a voluptuous moan')+'.'
+	gs 'arousal', 'give_kiss', 5, 'lesbian'
+	gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'lesbian'
+	minut -= 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	act 'Enjoy': gt'anfisa_events','kuni'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'kiss2':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	if anfisa['sex'] = 0: girl += 1
+	anfisa['sex'] += 1
+	lesbian += 1
+	anfisa['horny'] += 5
+	protect = 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/tits'+iif(pcs_horny < 90,3,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'You break away from Anya''s lips and move down to her chest.'+iif(pcs_horny < 90,' licking a nipple by chance, you start playing with it, teasing it with the tip of your tongue, then gently licking in circular motions',' You literally bite her nipple, clasping your lips, and passionately caress them, then sucking hard, pulling the nipple ') +', enticing  moans of pleasure from deep within her.'
+	act 'Go lower': gt'anfisa_events','ukuni'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'variant':
+	cla
+	$boy = 'Anfisa'
+	dick3 = 10
+	minut += 5
+	protect = 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	if you_orgasm = 0 or girl_orgasm = 0:
+		if pcs_horny > anfisa['horny'] and girl_orgasm = 0 or pcs_horny < anfisa['horny'] and you_orgasm = 1:
+			act 'Lick her': gt'anfisa_events','ukuni'
+			act 'Fuck her with the bottle': gt'anfisa_events','bvag'
+			act 'Insert the bottle in her ass': gt'anfisa_events','banal'
+		elseif pcs_horny < anfisa['horny'] and you_orgasm = 0 or pcs_horny > anfisa['horny'] and girl_orgasm = 1:
+			act 'Get licked': gt'anfisa_events','kuni'
+			act 'Get rimmed': gt'anfisa_events','anuli'
+			if stat_vgape < 2:act 'Beg to be bottle-fucked': gt'anfisa_events','ubvag'
+			if stat_agape < 2:act 'Nod towards the bottle while spreading your asscheeks': gt'anfisa_events','ubanal'
+			if stat_agape < 2:act 'Sit down on the bottle': gt'anfisa_events','ubsit'
+		else
+			act 'Trib': gt'anfisa_events','sex'
+		end
+	else
+		act 'Finish': gt'anfisa_events','end'
+	end
+$text = ''
+$text[1] = 'Having buried your face between her legs, you' +iif(lesbian <20, 'clumsily', 'skillfully') + 'lick her pussy by running' +iif(lesbian <20, 'inexperienced', '') +' tongue along the entire length of the record '+iif(lesbian <20,' ',', without forgetting about the clitoris') + ','
+$text[2] = 'You' +iif(lesbian <20, 'timidly', '') + 'kiss her wrist, sucking the sex lips, sometimes' +iif(lesbian <20,' touching the inexperienced tongue clitoris ',' penetrating your tongue between them, touch the clitoris, ') +', '
+$text[3] = 'You' +iif(lesbian <20, 'cautiously', 'fast') + 'drive' +iif(lesbian <20, 'inexperienced', 'skillful') + 'tongue from top to bottom, sliding '+iif(lesbian <20,' along the entire length of her writing ',' along her entire crotch ') +', '+iif(lesbian <20,' sometimes carefully touching the clitoris', 'penetrating the vagina and caressing her clitoris' ) + ','
+$text[4] = 'By spreading her lips around her lips, she skillfully licks, waving her tongue along the entire length of your writing and tickling your clit,'
+$text[5] = 'She kisses your little pecker by sucking on her lips, sometimes trying to penetrate the playful tongue into your <<$vaginatipe2>> vagina,'
+$text[6] = 'She quickly leads a skillful tongue from top to bottom, along the entire length of your writing, sometimes making circular motions and gently touching the clitoris,'
+$text[7] = 'By spreading your buttocks with her fingers, she skillfully licks your <<$anustipe>> anus,'
+$text[8] = 'She licks your anus, sometimes' +iif(anus <= 10,' trying to penetrate ', iif(anus <= 15,' penetrating ',' easily penetrating ')) +' naughty tongue inside your <<$anustipe3>> priests, '
+$text[9] = 'She quickly leads a skillful tongue from top to bottom along your anus, sometimes making circular motions,'
+$text[10] = 'You take the bottle and put the neck in her pussy, the girl kisses you while you control the bottle with one hand and caress the breast with the other,'
+$text[11] = 'Taking a bottle in your hand, you put the neck into her pussy, and the second you caress her breast while sinking a hot kiss on your lips,'
+$text[12] = 'You take the bottle in your hand, and by sticking the neck into her pussy, you start moving back and forth, while caressing her breast with your second hand,'
+$text[13] = 'You take the bottle,' +iif(lubri> 0, 'lubricate with lubricant', 'lick the neck, trying to keep the maximum amount of saliva on it') + ', and gently insert it into the anus of the girl, starting to fuck her bottle ass'
+$text[14] = 'Taking a bottle in your hand, you' +iif(lubri> 0, 'lubricate it with a lubricant', 'diligently lick its neck, trying to leave the maximum amount of saliva on it') + ', and gently entering into the anus girls, you start to fuck her ass bottle, '
+$text[15] = 'You take the bottle,' +iif(lubri> 0, 'lubricate it with lubricant', 'diligently lick its neck, trying to better wet') + ', and gently inserting it into the girl''s anus, you start to fuck her ass a bottle'
+$text[16] = iif(pcs_horny <60, 'causing a storm of emotions in the lower abdomen.', iif(pcs_horny <80, 'causing you to groan in pleasure.', 'tearing from your lips the groan of pleasure and making your hips move towards you.' ))
+$text[17] = iif(anfisa['horny'] <60, 'making you shudder with your whole body, with every touch.', iif(anfisa['horny'] <80, 'tearing away the moans of pleasure from her lips.', 'forcing him to bend all his body and moan passionately.'))
+$text[18] = 'Gradually, pleasant warmth and pulsation increase in the lower abdomen, then sensations fall on you, and your body is covered with hot waves of orgasm. You involuntarily shout with pleasure, wriggling and shuddering all over.'
+$text[19] = 'After a while, <<$boy>> trembled with all her body, arched up in her orgasm, and no longer holding herself groaned in a loud voice.'
+$text[20] = 'Gradually, pleasant warmth and pulsation increase in the lower abdomen, then sensations fall on you and your entire body is covered with hot waves of orgasm. At the same time, you notice that <<$boy>> trembled with all her body and her pussy began to throb rhythmically. She arches in orgasm and no longer containing herself groans in a high voice. '
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ukuni':
+	*clr & cla
+	anfisa['horny'] += iif(lesbian < 20,10,20)
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/ukuni'+iif(anfisa['horny'] < 100,rand(1,3),4)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'You kiss her breasts, gradually descending lower and lower, until you reach her '+iif(anfisa['horny'] < 50,'',iif(anfisa['horny'] < 70,'excited','inflamed'))+'pussy. ' + $text[rand(1,3)] + $text[17] + $text[iif(anfisa['horny'] < 100,'',19)]
+	gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 10, 'lesbian'
+	gs 'stat'
+	if anfisa['horny'] >= 100: girl_orgasm = 1 & anfisa['horny'] = 0
+	gs'anfisa_events','variant'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'kuni':
+	*clr & cla
+	kuni += 1
+	pcs_horny += rand(15,25)
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/kuni'+iif(pcs_horny < 100,rand(1,2),3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'<<$boy>> holds her tongue over your thighs, kisses pubis and goes down to the vagina. '+$text[rand(4,6)] + $text[16] + $text[iif(pcs_horny < 100,'',18)]
+	gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 10, 'lesbian'
+	gs 'stat'
+	if pcs_horny >= 100: pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & you_orgasm = 1
+	gs'anfisa_events','variant'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'anuli':
+	*clr & cla
+	pcs_horny += rand(10,20)
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/anuli'+iif(pcs_horny < 100,rand(1,3),rand(4,5))+'.jpg"></center>'
+	$text[rand(7,9)] + $text[16] + $text[iif(pcs_horny < 100,'',18)]
+	gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 10, 'lesbian'
+	gs 'stat'
+	if pcs_horny >= 100: pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & you_orgasm = 1
+	gs'anfisa_events','variant'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'bvag':
+	*clr & cla
+	dick3 = 10
+	anfisa['horny'] += 20
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/bvag'+iif(anfisa['horny'] < 100,rand(1,2),3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	$text[rand(10,12)] + $text[17] + $text[iif(anfisa['horny'] < 100,'',19)]
+	gs 'dinsex2', 'd_vag_sex_bottle', 5, 'dick3'
+	gs'stat'
+	if anfisa['horny'] >= 100: girl_orgasm = 1 & anfisa['horny'] = 0
+	gs'anfisa_events','variant'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'banal':
+	*clr & cla
+		dick3 = 10
+	i = rand(1,2)
+	anfisa['horny'] += 10
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/banal'+iif(i = 1,iif(anfisa['horny'] < 100,1,2),iif(anfisa['horny'] < 100,rand(4,5),6))+'.jpg"></center>'
+	$text[rand(13,15)] + $text[17] + $text[iif(anfisa['horny'] < 100,'',19)]
+	gs 'dinsex2', 'd_analsex_bottle',5,'dick3'
+	gs'stat'
+	if anfisa['horny'] >= 100: girl_orgasm = 1 & anfisa['horny'] = 0
+	gt'anfisa_events','variant'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ubvag':
+	*clr & cla
+	if ubvag = 0: ubvag = 1 & sex += 1
+	you_orgasm = orgasm
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/ubvag'+iif(pcs_horny < 60,1,iif(pcs_horny < 80,2,iif(pcs_horny < 100,3,4)))+'.jpg"></center>'
+	gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_dildo', 10, 'lesbian'
+	gs 'stat'
+	$orgasm_or = 'yes' = iif(you_orgasm > orgasm,1,0)
+	gs'anfisa_events','variant'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ubanal':
+	*clr & cla
+	if ubanal = 0: ubanal = 1 & anal += 1
+	you_orgasm = orgasm
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/ubanal'+iif(pcs_horny < 100,rand(1,4),5)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	gs 'arousal', 'anal_dildo', 10, 'lesbian'
+	gs 'stat'
+	gs'anfisa_events','variant'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ubsit':
+	*clr & cla
+	if ubanal = 0: ubanal = 1 & anal += 1
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/ubsit'+iif(pcs_horny < 100,rand(1,2),3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	gs 'arousal', 'anal_dildo', 10, 'lesbian'
+	gs 'stat'
+	gs'anfisa_events','variant'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
+	*clr & cla
+	pcs_horny += rand(5,15)
+	anfisa['horny'] += iif(lesbian < 20,5,15)
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/sex'+iif(pcs_horny < 100,1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'You sit opposite each other, intertwining your legs until pussies are touching, and then start moving your hips caressing each other, ' + $text[16] + $text[iif(pcs_horny < 100,'',20)]
+	if pcs_horny >= 100: pcs_horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & girl_orgasm = 1 & you_orgasm = 1 & anfisa['horny'] = 0
+	if anfisa['horny'] >= 100: girl_orgasm = 1 & anfisa['horny'] = 0
+	gs'anfisa_events','variant'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 15
+	ubanal = 0
+	ubvag = 0
+	you_orgasm = 0
+	girl_orgasm = 0
+	protect = 0
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/anfisa/end.jpg"></center>'
+	'You and Anfisa are tired but very satisfied, you sit side by side for some time, resting and idly talking about all sorts of trivia. Finally, Anfisa, glancing at her watch, says that it''s time for her to go and begins to dress.**<do>- '+iif(anfisa['sex'] = 1,'I''m usually here on the beach in good weather, come sometime','See you soon, <<$pcs_nickname>>')+', -</do> she tells you and smiles as she leaves.'
+	act 'Watch her go': gt 'Nudelake'
+--- anfisa_events ---------------------------------

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# anfisa_events_strings
+$_vstr[1] = 'The girl sits down on the sand next to you ** \\\ - Names Anfisa, - /// she introduces herself and adds a smile. \\\ **\\- Light, - // you introduce yourself in response. ** \\\ - Light ... - /// she stretched out, as if savoring. \\\ - So <<$pcs_nickname>>, can I call you that? /// '
+$_vstr[2] = '\\ - You can, of course, - // you smiled back. ** \\\ - That''s great, - /// your new friend brightened. \\\ - Then we can celebrate our acquaintance ? /// ** She nodded at the bottle of wine at her feet. '
+$_vstr[3] = 'You found a secluded place on the beach, away from prying eyes, and started drinking wine, chatting merrily among themselves. ** Having drunk a bottle you relaxed leaned on a new girlfriend and suddenly felt her hand gently stroking your back. '
+$_vstr[4] = 'Seeing that you do not mind, Anfisa slowly brought her face to you, your eyes met your eyes, for a moment and your lips merged in a hot kiss.'
+$_vstr[5] = '\\ - No, reluctance, - // you answered Anfisa. \\ - Do not be offended only ... // ** \\\ - Come on, not so no, - /// Anfisa smiled. \\\ - Maybe another time ... I am here, on the beach, often in good weather, come ... /// ** Having chatted with you for another ten minutes, the girl stood up, and waving her hand in farewell , wandered to the exit from the beach. '
+$_vstr[6] = '\\\ - Well, you and the beech tree, - Anfisa smiled drunkenly. \\\ - If you thaw, join in, I am often here in good weather. ///** The girl, having reeled, has risen , and waving goodbye, walked to the exit from the beach. '
+$_vstr[7] = '\\\ - Well, take a look here alone, - /// the girl showed you her tongue and wandered further in search of adventure, leaving you alone with herself.'
+$_vstr[8] = 'You noticed the sunbathing, wandering along the beach, tipsy Anfisa, with a bottle of wine in her hand. When she saw you, she was delighted: ** \\\ - Oh, hello, Svetik, do you miss? /// And without waiting for an invitation plopped down on the sand next to you. '
+$_vstr[9] = '- Something boring today, - /// said Anfisa, sighing and looking at you. \\\ - Svetik, can you keep me company? /// ** She nodded at the bottle of wine lying her legs. '
+$_vstr[10] = 'You found a lonely place on the beach, away from prying eyes, and started drinking wine, chatting merrily among themselves. ** Having drunk a bottle you relaxed leaned on a new girlfriend and suddenly felt her hand gently stroking your back. '
+$_vstr[11] = 'Seeing that you do not mind, Anfisa slowly brought her face to you, your eyes met your eyes, for a moment and your lips merged in a hot kiss.'
+$_vstr[12] = '\\ - Anfisa, - // you said to the girl. - \\ Just do not be offended, but I don’t want now.//**\\\- Oh, well, you and a bore, - Anfisa said disagreeably. \\\ - Ok, maybe another time .. .///**Girl rose, and grabbing a bottle of wine left, leaving you alone. '
+$_vstr[13] = '\\ - No, Anfisa''s reluctance - // you answered her. - Just don''t be offended ... ** \\\ - Come on, not so no, - /// Anfisa smiled. \\\ - Maybe another time ... /// ** Having chatted with you for another minute ten, the girl rose, and waving goodbye, walked to the exit from the beach. '
+$_vstr[14] = 'For an hour, you and Anfisa sat hugging on the beach and just chatted about any trifles. ** \\\ - Oh, <<$pcs_nickname>>, I chatted with you, - Anfisa said looking at the clock. \\\ - It''s time for me to go ... /// ** Quickly dressed and waving goodbye with her hand, she headed for the exit from the beach. '
+$result = $_vstr[args[0]]
+killvar '$_vstr'
+--- anfisa_events_strings ---------------------------------

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# anfisa_strings
+$_vstr[1] = 'You approached Anfisa, sunbathing on the shore of the lake. ** \\\ - Oh, hello Svetik, - /// she was delighted to see you. ** \\ - Hello Anfisa, - // replied you smile.'
+$_vstr[2] = 'You came to a drunken Anfisa, wandering along the beach in search of adventure. ** \\\ - Oh, hello Svetik, - /// she was glad to see you. ** \\ - Hello Anfisa, - // you answered with a smile. '
+$_vstr[3] = '\\\ - I see you had fun without me, - Anfisa said mockingly, examining the sperm on your face. ** \\ - Yeah, - // you answered with embarrassment and blushing.'
+$_vstr[4] = '\\\ - I see you had fun without me, - Anfisa uttered derisively, examining the sperm on your face. ** You immediately blushed red and ran away without saying a word.'
+$_vstr[5] = '\\\ - I see you had fun without me, - Anfisa mockingly said, looking at the sperm on your face. ** \\ - Yes, it was the case ... - // with You answered with laughter.'
+$_vstr[6] = 'You sat down on the shore next to the girl. ** \\\ - Oh, oh, friend, you have problems ... - /// she says with a laugh, looking at your oozing pussy . '
+$_vstr[7] = 'Sitting on the shore next to Anfisa, you tried to keep the conversation started by her, but the itch in your puss contributed little to this. Finally, unable to bear it, you brought your face close to hers, and dug into her lips with a passionate kiss, literally breaking off in half a word. Judging by the reaction, Anfisa was not at all against such a development of events and began to respond just as passionately to you. '
+$_vstr[8] = 'You, along with the girl, walked away from prying eyes and sat down on the shore.'
+$_vstr[9] = 'You, along with the girl, walked away from prying eyes and sat down on the shore. ** \\\ - Someone here clearly does not interfere with help, - /// she says slyly, looking at your oozing pussy. '
+$_vstr[10] = 'You, along with the girl, walked away from prying eyes and sat down on the shore. ** \\\ - How lovely ... - // she says dreamily, looking at your excited nipples. * * \\\ - Houston, we have a problem ... - she says with a laugh, translating the look from her excited, oozing pussy to yours. '
+$_vstr[11] = 'You are sitting on the shore, leaning relaxed on Anfisa, and drinking wine, chatting merrily amongst yourself. She, as if by chance, then gently pat your back, then touch your chest or run your hand over the pope, hinting you to continue. '
+$_vstr[12] = '\\ - Anfisa, - // you said to the girl. - \\ Just do not be offended, but I don’t like that, I like the boys .//**\\\- Well, no, no, not so, - Anfisa smiled, giving you a wink. \\ - Maybe another time ... ///. '
+$_vstr[13] = '\\ - Anfisa, - // you said to the girl. - \\ Just do not be offended, but I do not like that, I like the boys. // * And you continued the interrupted conversation. '
+$_vstr[14] = '\\ - Anfisa, - // you said to the girl. - \\ Just do not be offended, but I don’t want now) \\\ - Oh, what a liar - Anfisa laughed ///, looking at your excited nipples. \\\ - But you don’t want, I’m not going to force ... '
+$_vstr[15] = 'Finally, unable to bear it, she brought her face close to you, and pierced your lips with a passionate kiss, literally cutting off half-words. You are not against such a development of events and began to respond to the kiss as passionately. '
+$_vstr[16] = 'Forgetting about the bottle of wine brought, you literally fell into each other''s arms. Your Anfisa freely walk on your body, gently stroking and caressing it. You try to keep up and caress, gently squeezing her breasts, delivering a lot of pleasure with these touches. '
+$result = $_vstr[args[0]]
+killvar '$_vstr'
+--- anfisa_strings ---------------------------------

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# bratva_Nudelake
+if $ARGS[0] = 'zagarat':
+	$location_type = 'event_outdoors'
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 30
+	if pcs_sweat < 35 : pcs_sweat += 5
+	inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
+	pcs_mood += 5
+	menu_off = 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/lake/nudezagarat.jpg"></center>'
+	if krem = 0:
+		pcs_tan += 1
+		'You go to the beach and sunbathe.'
+	else
+		krem -= 1
+		pcs_tan += 3
+		'You smear sunblock on your body and sunbathe.'
+	end
+	nzagrand = rand(0, 100)
+	if nzagrand >= 60 and nzagrand < 70 and npc_rel['A219'] > 30 and katkey = 0:gt 'Katlake', 'key'
+	if nzagrand >= 70 and nzagrand < 80 and kat = 0 and katday ! daystart:gt 'Katlake'
+	if nzagrand >= 80 and nzagrand < 90 and anfisaQW < 2 and anfisaday ! daystart: gt'anfisa_events','start'
+	if nzagrand >= 80 and nzagrand < 90 and anfisaQW = 2 and anfisaday ! daystart and anfisa['horny'] >= 70: gt'anfisa_events','alko'
+	if nzagrand >= 90:gt 'Vnlake2'
+	if anfisaday ! daystart and rand(1,5) = 1: anfisaday = daystart
+	act 'Finish':gt 'Nudelake'
+--- bratva_Nudelake ---------------------------------

+ 2398 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2398 @@
+# bratva_events
+if $args[0] = 'bratva_check':
+	! bratva['location'] - where and what is the gang doing
+	! 0 - rest at home
+	! 1 - houses thump
+	! 2 - in the park
+	! 3 - in stock
+	! 4 - in obscurity
+	bratva['location'] = 4
+	if bratva['stage'] > 0 and bratva['stage'] < 20:
+		if hour = 20: bratva['location'] = 1
+	else
+		if hour = 8 or hour = 9 or hour = 14 or (hour >= 17 and hour <= 19) or hour = 21 or hour = 22: bratva['location'] = 0
+		if hour = 20: bratva['location'] = 1
+		if week <= 5:
+			if hour = 15 or hour = 16: bratva['location'] = 3
+		else
+			if hour >= 10 and hour <= 13: bratva['location'] = 2
+		end
+	end
+!Event in the park for ugly sveka
+if $args[0] = 'bratva_event1':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['stage'] = 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 1)
+	act'Walk over, deliberately provocative.':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 2)
+		act'Drink' :
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			alko += 6
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/02.jpg"></center>' 
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 3)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 4)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 5)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 6)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 15
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 7)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 8)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 9)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 15
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 10)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 25
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/10.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 11)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/11.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 12)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													!!* arousal- ass/vag(double) mouth and hand
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/12.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 13)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 80
+														gs 'stat'
+														!!* arousal ass/vag(dp) blowjob, nipples(pull - pain???)
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/13.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 14)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 95
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/14.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 15)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																orgasm += 1
+																DPorgasm += 1
+																stat['bj'] += 1
+																pcs_horny = 0
+																gang += 1
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/15.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 16)
+																act 'Continue':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/16.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_events_strings', 17)
+																	act 'Continue':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_dom -= 3
+																		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/17.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_events_strings', 18)
+																		act 'Continue':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			alko += 3
+																			gs 'shortgs', 'smoker'
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/18.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_events_strings', 19)
+																			act 'Continue':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/19.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_events_strings', 20)
+																				act 'Continue':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 30
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'remove? no pic no real purpose'
+																					!!*REMOVE? no pic, no real purpose, change to inner thought, here or move to prev
+																					func('bratva_events_strings', 21)
+																					act 'Continue':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/01.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_events_strings', 22)
+																						act'Drink' :
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							alko += 6
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/02.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_events_strings', 23)
+																							act 'Continue': gt 'bratva_events','event1sub'
+																						end
+																						act'Politely refuse':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 30
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/02.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_events_strings', 24)
+																							act 'Continue': gt 'bratva_events','event1sub'
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Show fear and run away':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 25)
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/20.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 26)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/21.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 27)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/22.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 28)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/23.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 29)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/08.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 30)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 10
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/11.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 31)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/10.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 32)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/24.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 33)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 25
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/25.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 34)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/26.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 35)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny = 80
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/27.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 36)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 95
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/14.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 37)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															orgasm += 1
+															DPorgasm += 1
+															stat['bj'] += 1
+															pcs_horny = 0
+															gang += 1
+															rape += 1
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/16.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 38)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/17.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 39)
+																act 'Continue':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	mop = 0
+																	!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus',0,15,1
+																	pcs_mood = 0
+																	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/19.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_events_strings', 40)
+																	act 'Continue':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/21.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_events_strings', 41)
+																		act 'Continue':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/01.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_events_strings', 42)
+																			act 'Continue':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/22.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_events_strings', 43)
+																				act 'Continue':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/23.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_events_strings', 44)
+																					act 'Continue':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/24.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_events_strings', 45)
+																						act 'Continue':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/25.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_events_strings', 46)
+																							act 'Continue':
+																								*clr & cla
+																								minut += 5
+																								gs 'stat'
+																								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/26.jpg"></center>'
+																								func('bratva_events_strings', 47)
+																								act 'Continue':
+																									*clr & cla
+																									minut += 5
+																									gs 'stat'
+																									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/27.jpg"></center>'
+																									func('bratva_events_strings', 48)
+																									act 'Continue':
+																										*clr & cla
+																										minut += 5
+																										gs 'stat'
+																										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/28.jpg"></center>'
+																										func('bratva_events_strings', 49)
+																										act 'Continue':
+																											*clr & cla
+																											minut += 5
+																											gs 'stat'
+																											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/08.jpg"></center>'
+																											func('bratva_events_strings', 50)
+																											act 'Try to escape.' :
+																												*clr & cla
+																												minut += 5
+																												pcs_horny += 10
+																												gs 'stat'
+																												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/29.jpg"></center>'
+																												func('bratva_events_strings', 51)
+																												act 'Continue':
+																													*clr & cla
+																													minut += 5
+																													gs 'stat'
+																													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/30.jpg"></center>'
+																													func('bratva_events_strings', 52)
+																													act 'Continue':
+																														*clr & cla
+																														minut += 5
+																														gs 'stat'
+																														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/31.jpg"></center>'
+																														func('bratva_events_strings', 53)
+																														act 'Continue':
+																															*clr & cla
+																															minut += 5
+																															pcs_horny += 15
+																															gs 'stat'
+																															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/32.jpg"></center>'
+																															func('bratva_events_strings', 54)
+																															act 'Continue':
+																																*clr & cla
+																																minut += 5
+																																gs 'stat'
+																																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/33.jpg"></center>'
+																																func('bratva_events_strings', 55)
+																																act 'Continue':
+																																	*clr & cla
+																																	minut += 5
+																																	pcs_horny += 20
+																																	gs 'stat'
+																																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/34.jpg"></center>'
+																																	func('bratva_events_strings', 56)
+																																	act 'Continue':
+																																		*clr & cla
+																																		minut += 5
+																																		pcs_horny += 20
+																																		gs 'stat'
+																																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/35.jpg"></center>'
+																																		func('bratva_events_strings', 57)
+																																		act 'Continue': gt 'bratva_events','event1dom'
+																																	end
+																																end
+																															end
+																														end
+																													end
+																												end
+																											end
+																											act 'Do not rock the boat, wait what will happen next':
+																												*clr & cla
+																												minut += 5
+																												pcs_dom -= 2
+																												gs 'stat'
+																												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/36.jpg"></center>'
+																												func('bratva_events_strings', 58)
+																												act 'Continue':
+																													*clr & cla
+																													minut += 5
+																													pcs_horny += 5
+																													gs 'stat'
+																													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/37.jpg"></center>'
+																													func('bratva_events_strings', 59)
+																													act 'Continue':
+																														*clr & cla
+																														minut += 5
+																														gs 'stat'
+																														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/38.jpg"></center>'
+																														func('bratva_events_strings', 60)
+																														act 'Continue':
+																															*clr & cla
+																															minut += 5
+																															gs 'stat'
+																															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/39.jpg"></center>'
+																															func('bratva_events_strings', 61)
+																															act 'Continue':
+																																*clr & cla
+																																minut += 5
+																																pcs_horny += 15
+																																gs 'stat'
+																																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/40.jpg"></center>'
+																																func('bratva_events_strings', 62)
+																																act 'Continue':
+																																	*clr & cla
+																																	minut += 5
+																																	gs 'stat'
+																																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/41.jpg"></center>'
+																																	func('bratva_events_strings', 63)
+																																	act 'Continue':
+																																		*clr & cla
+																																		minut += 5
+																																		pcs_horny += 25
+																																		gs 'stat'
+																																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/42.jpg"></center>'
+																																		func('bratva_events_strings', 64)
+																																		act 'Continue': gt 'bratva_events','event1dom'
+																																	end
+																																end
+																															end
+																														end
+																													end
+																												end
+																											end
+																										end
+																									end
+																								end
+																							end
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Event in the park for beautiful Svetka
+if $args[0] = 'bratva_event':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['stage'] = 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 1)
+!!*	func('bratva_events_strings', 65)
+	act 'Walk provocatively over':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 2)
+!!*		func('bratva_events_strings', 66)
+		act 'Drink' :
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			alko += 6
+			gs 'stat'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 67)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 68)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 10
+					stat['bj'] += 2
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 69)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						stat['bj'] += 1
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 70)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 71)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 72)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 73)
+										if lubri >= 1:
+											lubri -= 1
+											bra_lubri = 1
+											'"Guys, guys, I have lube!" - you hurriedly warn, slightly recovering from lust.'
+'											"Well, who would doubt ahaha! Well, you''re such a slut, beautiful!", he states'
+										end
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 25
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 74)
+											if bra_lubri = 1:
+												bra_lubri = 0
+												'He lubes up your asshole, positions his member and drives it in all the way to the hilt!'
+												'You squawk in protest but are soon pushing back to meet his thrusts. Meanwhile another sees'
+												'your open mouth and decides to fill it.'
+											else
+												'He positions himself behind you, spits on your asshole and hammers his dick home!'
+												'You scream as he starts pounding your ass, further protests are uselesss as a cock fills your mouth mid-protest.'
+											end
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/10.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 75)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 85
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/11.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 76)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', iif(lubri>0,10,0),20,1
+													minut += 5
+													orgasm += 1
+													DPorgasm += 1
+													stat['bj'] += 1
+													pcs_horny = 0
+													gang += 1
+													anal += 1
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/12.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 77)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/13.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 78)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															alko += 3
+															gs 'shortgs', 'smoker'
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/14.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 79)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1/19.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 80)
+																act 'Continue': gt 'bratva_events','bratva_event2'
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Show fear and run away':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 81)
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/15.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 82)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/16.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 83)
+				act 'Hide' :
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event/17.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 84)
+					act 'Continue': gt 'bratva_events','bratva_event2'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!!* not sure in changing it to private works by putting it here
+$location_type = 'private'
+!The continuation of the event in the park with the move to the warehouse for not karsivoy Svetka if she herself agreed
+if $args[0] = 'event1sub':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/03.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 85)
+	act 'Continue':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/04.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 86)
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/05.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 87)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 15
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/06.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 88)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 10
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/07.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 89)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/08.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 90)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/09.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 91)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/10.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 92)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 25
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/11.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 93)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 10
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/12.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 94)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											lubri -= 1
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/13.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 95)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/14.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 96)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													orgasm += 1
+													DPorgasm += 1
+													stat['bj'] += 1
+													pcs_horny = 0
+													gang += 1
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/15.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 97)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/16.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 98)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/17.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 99)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_dom -= 3
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/18.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 100)
+																act'Wipe cum and eat' :
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_energy = 100
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/19.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_events_strings', 101)
+																	act 'Continue':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		bratva['studio_start'] = 1 &! Open gang "gangster warehouse"
+																		bratva['bratva_event1'] = 1 &! A kind of block so that the event does not repeat
+																		bratva['stage'] = 20 &! Go to (20) so that the gang schedule works correctly.
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/20.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_events_strings', 102)
+																		act'Walk away' : gt 'city_industrial'
+																	end
+																end
+																act'Refuse and just clean up':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/19.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_events_strings', 103)
+																	act 'Continue':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		bratva['studio_start'] = 1
+																		bratva['bratva_event1'] = 1
+																		bratva['stage'] = 20
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/20.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_events_strings', 104)
+																		act'Walk away' : gt 'city_industrial'
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!The continuation of the event in the park for not karsivoy Svetka if she refused
+if $args[0] = 'event1dom':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/43.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 105)
+	act 'Continue':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/44.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 106)
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/45.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 107)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				hornu = 85
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/46.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 108)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/47.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 109)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/48.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 110)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							orgasm += 1
+							analorgasm += 1
+							stat['bj'] += 1
+							pcs_horny = 0
+							gang += 1
+							rape += 1
+							!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'anus'
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/49.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 111)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/50.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 112)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/51.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 113)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', 0,20,1
+										mop = 0
+										bratva['stage'] = 255
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event1sub/52.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 114)
+										act 'Walk away': gt 'city_industrial'
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!The continuation of the event in the park with the move to the warehouse for the beautiful Svetka
+if $args[0] = 'bratva_event2':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/home/bedr.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 115)
+	act 'Continue':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 116)
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 117)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 118)
+				act'Resist':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/03.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 119)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/04.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 120)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/05.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 121)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 10
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/06.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 122)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/07.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 123)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/08.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 124)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/09.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 125)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/10.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 126)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/11.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 127)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/12.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 128)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny += 20
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/13.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 129)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/14.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 130)
+																act 'Continue':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/15.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_events_strings', 131)
+																	act 'Continue':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/16.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_events_strings', 132)
+																		act 'Continue':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/17.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_events_strings', 133)
+																			act 'Continue':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/18.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_events_strings', 134)
+																				act 'Continue':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/19.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_events_strings', 135)
+																					act 'Continue':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/20.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_events_strings', 136)
+																						act 'Continue':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/21.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_events_strings', 137)
+																							act 'Continue':
+																								*clr & cla
+																								minut += 5
+																								pcs_horny += 15
+																								gs 'stat'
+																								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/22.jpg"></center>'
+																								func('bratva_events_strings', 138)
+																								act 'Continue':
+																									*clr & cla
+																									minut += 5
+																									gs 'stat'
+																									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/23.jpg"></center>'
+																									func('bratva_events_strings', 139)
+																									act 'Continue':
+																										*clr & cla
+																										minut += 5
+																										pcs_horny = 75
+																										gs 'stat'
+																										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/24.jpg"></center>'
+																										func('bratva_events_strings', 140)
+																										act 'Continue':
+																											*clr & cla
+																											minut += 5
+																											gs 'stat'
+																											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/25.jpg"></center>'
+																											func('bratva_events_strings', 141)
+																											act 'Continue':
+																												*clr & cla
+																												minut += 5
+																												pcs_horny = 90
+																												gs 'stat'
+																												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/26.jpg"></center>'
+																												func('bratva_events_strings', 142)
+																												act 'Continue':
+																													*clr & cla
+																													minut += 5
+																													gs 'stat'
+																													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/27.jpg"></center>'
+																													func('bratva_events_strings', 143)
+																													act 'Continue':
+																														*clr & cla
+																														minut += 5
+																														orgasm += 1
+																														DPorgasm += 1
+																														stat['bj'] += 1
+																														rape += 1
+																														gang += 1
+																														pcs_horny = 0
+																														gs 'stat'
+																														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/28.jpg"></center>'
+																														func('bratva_events_strings', 144)
+																														act 'Continue':
+																															*clr & cla
+																															minut += 5
+																															gs 'stat'
+																															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/29.jpg"></center>'
+																															func('bratva_events_strings', 145)
+																															act 'Continue':
+																																*clr & cla
+																																minut += 5
+																																gs 'stat'
+																																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/30.jpg"></center>'
+																																func('bratva_events_strings', 146)
+																																act 'Continue':
+																																	*clr & cla
+																																	minut += 5
+																																	gs 'stat'
+																																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/31.jpg"></center>'
+																																	func('bratva_events_strings', 147)
+																																	act 'Continue':
+																																		*clr & cla
+																																		minut += 5
+																																		gs 'stat'
+																																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/32.jpg"></center>'
+																																		func('bratva_events_strings', 148)
+																																		act 'Continue':
+																																			*clr & cla
+																																			minut += 5
+																																			gs 'stat'
+																																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/33.jpg"></center>'
+																																			func('bratva_events_strings', 149)
+																																			act 'Continue':
+																																				*clr & cla
+																																				minut += 5
+																																				gs 'stat'
+																																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/34.jpg"></center>'
+																																				func('bratva_events_strings', 150)
+																																				act 'Continue':
+																																					*clr & cla
+																																					minut += 5
+																																					gs 'stat'
+																																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/35.jpg"></center>'
+																																					func('bratva_events_strings', 151)
+																																					act 'Continue':
+																																						*clr & cla
+																																						minut += 5
+																																						gs 'stat'
+																																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/36.jpg"></center>'
+																																						func('bratva_events_strings', 152)
+																																						act 'Continue':
+																																							*clr & cla
+																																							minut += 5
+																																							gs 'stat'
+																																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/37.jpg"></center>'
+																																							func('bratva_events_strings', 153)
+																																							act 'Continue':
+																																								*clr & cla
+																																								minut += 5
+																																								pcs_dom -= 1
+																																								pcs_mood < 20
+																																								!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', iif(lubri>0,10,0),20,1
+																																								!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny, 20, 1
+																																								mop = 0
+																																								pcs_energy += 7
+																																								sweat = 1
+																																								!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																																								!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																																								bratva['fail'] += 1
+																																								gs 'stat'
+																																								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/38.jpg"></center>'
+																																								func('bratva_events_strings', 154)
+																																								act'Get dressed' : gt 'bratva_home','room','start'
+																																							end
+																																						end
+																																					end
+																																				end
+																																			end
+																																		end
+																																	end
+																																end
+																															end
+																														end
+																													end
+																												end
+																											end
+																										end
+																									end
+																								end
+																							end
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+				act'Surrender voluntarily' :
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/39.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 155)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/40.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 156)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/41.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 157)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/42.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 158)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/43.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 159)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 15
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/44.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 160)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/45.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 161)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny += 15
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/46.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 162)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/47.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 163)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/48.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 164)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															lubri -= 1
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/49.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 165)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/50.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 166)
+																act 'Continue':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny += 10
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/51.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_events_strings', 167)
+																	act 'Continue':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/52.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_events_strings', 168)
+																		act 'Continue':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_horny = 80
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/53.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_events_strings', 169)
+																			act 'Continue':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/54.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_events_strings', 170)
+																				act 'Continue':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					pcs_horny = 90
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/55.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_events_strings', 171)
+																					act 'Continue':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/56.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_events_strings', 172)
+																						act 'Continue':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							orgasm += 1
+																							DPorgasm += 1
+																							gang += 1
+																							stat['bj'] += 1
+																							pcs_horny = 0
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/57.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_events_strings', 173)
+																							act 'Continue':
+																								*clr & cla
+																								minut += 5
+																								pcs_horny += 30
+																								gs 'stat'
+																								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/58.jpg"></center>'
+																								func('bratva_events_strings', 174)
+																								act 'Continue':
+																									*clr & cla
+																									minut += 5
+																									pcs_horny += 35
+																									gs 'stat'
+																									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/59.jpg"></center>'
+																									func('bratva_events_strings', 175)
+																									act 'Continue':
+																										*clr & cla
+																										minut += 5
+																										pcs_horny = 90
+																										gs 'stat'
+																										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/60.jpg"></center>'
+																										func('bratva_events_strings', 176)
+																										act 'Continue':
+																											*clr & cla
+																											minut += 5
+																											orgasm += 1
+																											analorgasm += 1
+																											pcs_horny = 0
+																											gs 'stat'
+																											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/61.jpg"></center>'
+																											func('bratva_events_strings', 177)
+																											act 'Continue':
+																												*clr & cla
+																												minut += 5
+																												gs 'stat'
+																												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/62.jpg"></center>'
+																												func('bratva_events_strings', 178)
+																												act 'Continue':
+																													*clr & cla
+																													minut += 5
+																													gs 'stat'
+																													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/63.jpg"></center>'
+																													func('bratva_events_strings', 179)
+																													act 'Continue':
+																														*clr & cla
+																														minut += 5
+																														gs 'stat'
+																														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/64.jpg"></center>'
+																														func('bratva_events_strings', 180)
+																														act 'Continue':
+																															*clr & cla
+																															minut += 5
+																															pcs_dom -= 4
+																															pcs_mood = 80
+																															!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', 0,20,1
+																															!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny, 20, 1
+																															mop = 0
+																															pcs_energy += 7
+																															sweat = 1
+																															!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																															!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																															gs 'stat'
+																															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event2/65.jpg"></center>'
+																															func('bratva_events_strings', 181)
+																															act'Get dressed' : gt 'bratva_home','room','start'
+																														end
+																													end
+																												end
+																											end
+																										end
+																									end
+																								end
+																							end
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!The first event for the opening of the studio
+if $args[0] = 'bratva_studio1':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 182)
+	act'Drink':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		alko += 6
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 183)
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/03.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 184)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/04.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 185)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 10
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/05.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 186)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(06,07)+'.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 187)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/08.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 188)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 15
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(09,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 189)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 20
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(11,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 190)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny = 50
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/14.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 191)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/15.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 192)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 65
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(16,17)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 193)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny = 80
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(18,19)+'.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 194)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 90
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(20,21)+'.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 195)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															orgasm += 1
+															DPorgasm += 1
+															gang += 1
+															stat['bj'] += 1
+															pcs_horny = 0
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/22.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 196)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/23.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 197)
+																act 'Continue':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(24,25)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_events_strings', 198)
+																	act 'Continue':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_horny += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/26.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_events_strings', 199)
+																		act 'Continue':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(27,28)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_events_strings', 200)
+																			act 'Continue':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				money += 1000
+																				pcs_dom -= 3
+																				pcs_energy += 5
+																				sweat = 1
+																				flag_bratva['studio_day'] = daystart
+																				flag_bratva['studio'] += 1
+																				!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																				!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																				alko += 3
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/29.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_events_strings', 201)
+																				act'Leave' : gt 'city_industrial', 'redlight'
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	act'No, I dont want':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 202)
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/03.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 203)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/04.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 204)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 10
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 205)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(05,06)+'.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 206)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/07.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 207)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 15
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(08,09)+'.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 208)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 20
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(10,12)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 209)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny = 50
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/13.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 210)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/14.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 211)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 65
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(15,16)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 212)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny = 80
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(17,18)+'.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 213)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 90
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(19,20)+'.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 214)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															orgasm += 1
+															DPorgasm += 1
+															gang += 1
+															stat['bj'] += 1
+															pcs_horny = 0
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/21.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 215)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/22.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 216)
+																act 'Continue':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(23,24)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_events_strings', 217)
+																	act 'Continue':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_horny += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/25.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_events_strings', 218)
+																		act 'Continue':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/'+rand(26,27)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_events_strings', 219)
+																			act 'Continue':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				money += 1000
+																				pcs_dom -= 3
+																				energe += 5
+																				sweat = 1
+																				flag_bratva['studio_day'] = daystart
+																				flag_bratva['studio'] += 1
+																				!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																				!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event1/28.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_events_strings', 220)
+																				act'Leave' : gt 'city_industrial', 'redlight'
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!The second event for the opening of the studio
+if $args[0] = 'bratva_studio2':
+	*clr & cla
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 221)
+	act 'Continue':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		pcs_horny += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 222)
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 10
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 223)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 224)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny = 50
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 225)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny = 65
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 226)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny = 85
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 227)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								orgasm += 1
+								DPorgasm += 1
+								gang += 1
+								stat['bj'] += 1
+								pcs_horny = 0
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 228)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 20
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 229)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny = 50
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 230)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 90
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/10.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 231)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												orgasm += 1
+												DPorgasm += 1
+												pcs_horny = 0
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/11.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 232)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/12.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 233)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/13.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 234)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/14.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 235)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/15.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 236)
+																act 'Continue':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/16.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_events_strings', 237)
+																	act 'Continue':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/17.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_events_strings', 238)
+																		act 'Continue':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			anus += 2
+																			pcs_mood = 100
+																			sweat = 1
+																			bratva['studio'] = 1
+																			!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/event2/18.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_events_strings', 239)
+																			act'Walk away' : gt 'city_industrial'
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Talking with a gang when the light slave
+if $args[0] = 'razgovor1':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 240)
+	act'Step Away': gt 'bratva_home','room'
+if $args[0] = 'razgovor2':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 241)
+	if rand(1,2) = 1:
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 242)
+			act 'Move Away': gt 'bratva_home','room'
+		end
+	else
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 243)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 244)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 10
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 245)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 246)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 247)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny = 75
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 248)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny = 85
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/'+rand(8,9)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 249)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny = 95
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/'+rand(10,11)+'.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 250)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											orgasm += 1
+											DPorgasm += 1
+											gang += 1
+											sex += 1
+											anal += 1
+											stat['bj'] += 1
+											pcs_horny = 0
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/12.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 251)
+											act'Ask for two cocks in the ass':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 95
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/13.mp4"></video></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 252)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													orgasm += 1
+													DPorgasm += 1
+													pcs_horny = 0
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/14.mp4"></video></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 253)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/15.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 254)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/16.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 255)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_mood = 100
+																sweat = 1
+																!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', iif(lubri>0,10,0),20,1
+																!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny, 20, 1
+																!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/17.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 256)
+																act'Get dressed' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+											act'Continue like this':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/15.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 257)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/16.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 258)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_mood = 100
+														sweat = 1
+														!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+														!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/razgovor/17.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 259)
+														act'Get dressed' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Repeating Event
+if $args[0] = 'bratva_event13':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	bratva['bratva_event13'] = daystart
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 260)
+	act'Drink':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		alko += 3
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 261)
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 262)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 263)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 264)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 15
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 265)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 266)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 267)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 25
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 268)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 269)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 70
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/'+rand(10,11)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 270)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 85
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/12.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 271)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/13.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 272)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														orgasm += 1
+														analorgasm += 1
+														gang += 1
+														stat['bj'] += 1
+														pcs_horny = 0
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/'+rand(14,15)+'.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 273)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny += 25
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/'+rand(16,17)+'.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 274)
+															act 'Continue':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny += 30
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/'+rand(18,19)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_events_strings', 275)
+																act 'Continue':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny = 90
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/20.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_events_strings', 276)
+																	act 'Continue':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		orgasm += 1
+																		analorgasm += 1
+																		pcs_horny = 0
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/21.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_events_strings', 277)
+																		act 'Continue':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/22.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_events_strings', 278)
+																			act 'Continue':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/23.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_events_strings', 279)
+																				act 'Continue':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					sweat = 1
+																					anus += 3
+																					!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', iif(lubri>0,10,0),20,1
+																					!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																					!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'ass'
+																					alko += 1
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event13/24.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_events_strings', 280)
+																					act'Get dressed' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Event to choose a profession in the gang
+if $args[0] = 'bratva_event15':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/15.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_events_strings', 281)
+	act 'Continue':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_events_strings', 282)
+		act'Watch':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_events_strings', 283)
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_events_strings', 284)
+				act 'Continue':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 15
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/04.mp4"></video></center>'
+					func('bratva_events_strings', 285)
+					act 'Continue':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><video autoplay loop src="/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/05.mp4"></video></center>'
+						func('bratva_events_strings', 286)
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 20
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_events_strings', 287)
+							act 'Continue':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/07.mp4"></video></center>'
+								func('bratva_events_strings', 288)
+								act 'Continue':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny = 70
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/08.mp4"></video></center>'
+									func('bratva_events_strings', 289)
+									act 'Continue':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/09.mp4"></video></center>'
+										func('bratva_events_strings', 290)
+										act 'Continue':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/10.mp4"></video></center>'
+											func('bratva_events_strings', 291)
+											act 'Continue':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/11.mp4"></video></center>'
+												func('bratva_events_strings', 292)
+												act 'Continue':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/12.mp4"></video></center>'
+													func('bratva_events_strings', 293)
+													act 'Continue':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/13.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_events_strings', 294)
+														act 'Continue':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 80
+															stat['bj'] += 1
+															bratva['bratva_event15'] = 1
+															!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+															!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/14.mp4"></video></center>'
+															func('bratva_events_strings', 295)
+															act'Go to the bathroom' : gt 'bratva_home','bathroom'
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- bratva_events ---------------------------------

+ 370 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# bratva_events_strings
+$_vstr[1] = 'You decide to take a morning stroll through the park, the deserted rides of the nearby fairground rising silently above the trees. 
+	A wolf whistle breaks the silience like a whip!
+Looking around you see a group of rough looking men still enjoying a few beers, obviously the tail end of a long night of drinking.
+	"Hey Beautiful! Come, let me take a look." shouts one of them as he waves you over.'
+$_vstr[2] = 'You stroll slowly over to the guys, whilst they eye you lustily, one whistling in delight. You smile, licking your lips as you assume a very
+ provocative pose, lifting your skirt slightly to show even more skin and say "Hello boys!"
+A strong bald man smoking a cigarette asks you, "What''s your name, beautiful?"
+<<$pcs_firstname>>, you reply, but my friends call me <<$pcs_nickname>> as you twirl your fingers in your hair.
+"Well <<$pcs_nickname>>, as you can see it''s just us guys and I could really use a blowjob, so be a Sweetheart and suck me dry", he winks
+as he offers you a drink.' 
+$_vstr[3] = 'You take the drink in one shot, your throat burning as it goes down. It settles in your stomach, warming it and then spreads that warmth through your veins, and it is easy and joyful for the soul.'
+$_vstr[4] = 'One of the men pulls you to him, embracing you, "Umm, you smell delicious, Bitch! Well, are you ready to work?"
+Meanwhile the rest unbutton their pants and pull out their erect members.'
+$_vstr[5] = 'You are unceremoniously seated on the ground while Bald with tattoos pulls off your clothes exposing your intimate places and brazenly spreads your labia with his fingers.
+"She''s ready boys, use her like the Slut she is"
+A muscular man in heavy shoes roughly grabs you by the head and puts his dick in your mouth. You start immediately sucking hard.'
+$_vstr[6] = 'You are seated on the carousel, the bald man fucks your mouth to cheering and encouragement.
+"Come on, Al! Gag her, make that bitch swallow!"
+"Yeah, let''s tame this fuck!"'
+$_vstr[7] = 'The men are spinning a merry-go-round, you squeal drunkenly: \\\ - Brake on every fuck, damn horse! ///'
+$_vstr[8] = 'You are being face-fucked in turns, each trying to get deep-throated.'
+$_vstr[9] = 'The bald guy, ?Al?, grabs you by the throat, which still has another cock in it and hisses,
+"Slobbering, damn stupid slut, now for the rest of your holes."
+You can feel the pressure, the stiffness and the humiliation as he squeezes your throat around that cock.'
+$_vstr[10] = 'They sit you on the railings of the carousel and thrust into your wet pussy, continuing to fuck your mouth so much that, despite your experience, you choke, feeling tears well.
+"What, Dimas, hot pussy?"
+"Uh, fuck, you have no idea! Sopping wet and easy to fuck. Oh you bitch! But I have to see how well her ass takes it"'
+$_vstr[11] = '"Aiiii!!!" you scream, as they ram it in your ass, "Fuck, guys, ever hear of lubricate Awww!"
+"Shut up, slut,"
+The tattoed bald man shoves hid fingers in your mouth and pulls on your lip,
+"Should be familiar to you! Okay, comrades, spit in her ass, she feels like a chick!"
+"Here''s a sausage for you. Eat!"'
+$_vstr[12] = '"Try shouting now Bitch! Now swallow!", the bald man as he drives his meat down your esophagus, strongly pressing your head to his groin.
+You feel a pair of hands grab your buttocks and pull them apart revealing your gaping holes.
+"She''s all ready, let''s split her!"'
+$_vstr[13] = ' You are placed atop one of the men who had time to undress who easily guides his dick into your sodden pussy
+while another guy starts fucking your ass while he kneads your cheeks.
+You moan under frantic double penetration, not forgetting to handle the rest of the company with your hands and mouth.'
+$_vstr[14] = ' The men turn you around, twirling you like a toy, and continuing the double penetration while in a new pose, legs spread wide apart.
+You let out a lusty moan muffled by another instrument, occupying your skillful mouth as someone decides to tug on your nipples.'
+$_vstr[15] = ' You try to scream as you cum loadly under the relentless assault, however one of the men laughs as he crucifies your mouth with his fingers.
+"I caught that!"," She''s really enjoying this"
+"Wider! Spread those elgs, Let''s see how deep we can go."'
+$_vstr[16] = 'Bald guy pulls your head back extending your throat,"Suck on this!", as he shoves his cock down your throat.'
+$_vstr[17] = 'He discharges into your mouth and wipes the remnants of his semen on your face.
+"Swallow bitch! and now for the rest."'
+$_vstr[18] = ' You swallow his salty seed flavoured by the drinks he had earlier. The others line up and finsih up on your face, your hair and your breasts.
+You do try and keep clean by swallowing as much as possibile.'
+$_vstr[19] = ' You sit back and enjoy the cigarette they pass you. 
+"Come on, follow us Golden Mouth."
+You dutifully follow behind the men, minimally putting yourself in order, and you are poured another drink.
+Through the alcoholic veil, you can overhear the bald resolutely tell his friends,
+"Not this one, just to the warehouse. There we''ll have some more fun."
+"The house is for PRIME pussie only, she doesn''t make the cut"
+"Hey Al, look, Sanek''s rolling up."
+"Well, let''s go for a ride. Pack up the slut."'
+$_vstr[20] = ' They haul you towards a van that pulls up. You try to protest but all you can do is argue incomprehensivly as they gag you and toss you in the back of the van.'
+$_vstr[21] = 'In the van, you wake up a little, trying to cope with intoxication - not very successful.'
+$_vstr[22] = ' You are pulled, kicking and screaming, sorta, the gag stops the screaming, out of the van into what appears to be an old warehouse.
+"CALM DOWN!!! We''re not out to hurt you.", says one of the men to you as he removes your gag.
+"Take a seat.",he states, directing you to a chair around a battered table.
+Too intoxicated to do much else you take a seat at the table with the men and look around.
+It looks like they wish to keep the night going, one of the men walks over to an old stereo and turns on some old school heavy metal,
+while another pours you a drink.'
+$_vstr[23] = 'With a lascivious grin, you take the proffered glass and drain it'
+$_vstr[24] = '"Thank you, that''s enough for me!", you mumble, inspecting the room with bated breath.
+"Well, whatever you want, it''s up to you.", bald guy shrugs," Your here to fuck anyways."
+You just sigh in response. You sit back and listen as the men drink and discuss affairs of a frankly criminal
+nature. As you listen you can start placing names to faces for some that is. The bald guy, Albert, appears to
+be the leader then there''s Dima or Dimas? or Demon! *>What''s up with that?<* and finally Gennady.
+None of the others really stand out, and finally after some time the group turns their attention to you'
+$_vstr[25] = 'Trying to escape, you stumble and fall. I think you sprained your ankle..'
+$_vstr[26] = 'Rescue of the men you caught and roughly grabbed by the throat:**\\\- Gotcha, bitch.!///**\\- Let me go immediately! I`m going to scream! Ahhh!//**\\\- Yes ori, nobody gives a fuck.///'
+$_vstr[27] = 'You tear the blouse, exposing the Boobs, pull up higher in the air and drag to some children`s carousel, where the company and was located on the stricken.**Are you talking about kicking, trying to scream, but his throat squeezed the breaks only a weak squeak.'
+$_vstr[28] = 'Bald man in tattoos tears your panties and sticks his fingers in pussy. Others hastily get tensed units of jeans and yelling:**\\\- Open your mouth, whore, or it will be worse!///**You, paralyzed with terror, submit. You immediately drive the cock, painfully grabbing her hair and planting her head deeper on the penis.'
+$_vstr[29] = 'Then throws to another tyrant and planting the next, even more harsh.'
+$_vstr[30] = 'You desperately swallow all the rearing men`s tools in turn.**Bald squeezes your larynx and sharply moves your head, trying to make you take every cock to the root.**You plaintively had she felt like a blur from the tears makeup. And yet inside the familiar flame of excitement.'
+$_vstr[31] = 'You perched on the carousel railing, with the force spread the buttocks and began to knead the opened anus with your fingers. You yelled, but the bald immediately vpendyurit you in the throat his farm:**\\\- Don`t move, you fucking whore, work hard!///**\\\- Haha, al, it crapper-Astrahan. Our client!///**\\\- Stomp her on the tomatoes!///'
+$_vstr[32] = 'To your anus spat and to immediately cut strong Indochina. You twitched in pain, releasing his mouth from the penis and tried to scream at the full power of the lungs.**A man in tattoos sharply pulled your lip with your fingers:\\\- Why are you yelling, slut, you should be familiar. Well, swallow it back!///**\\\- Let`s take it in three holes, what the fuck you just imagine!///**\\\- Ahaha, Yes we do not feel sorry for all enough!///'
+$_vstr[33] = 'You had stopped in time to strip the guy that stuck his hard rod right in the pussy:**\\\- Oh, that fucking wet, she likes it.!///**\\\- Yes, I immediately see,/// - said the one they called scarlet,\\\- come on, slut, open your eyes, fuck admire!///**You got your hands behind your back, in the ass again screwed a hefty hose. You suddenly felt that, despite the terrible situation, and maybe something thanks to her, the body responds and the excitement of a rough forced fuck is growing.'
+$_vstr[34] = 'Then you began to sit on the razdrakonennye male Cola alternately, pecking the ass in the pose of a rider:**\\\- Jump, bitch, show me what you can do!///**You howled with pain, steeply mixed with excitement. You again grabbed him by the throat, interrupting a slightly hysterical cry.'
+$_vstr[35] = 'The men put you on all fours and continued to drill the anus.**You suddenly felt the urge to go on and on, then began vigorously podmahivat, leading with the hips. The pain disappeared, leaving only lust.'
+$_vstr[36] = 'You were put in a different position and again drove into each hole. You mumbled under the furious members and realized with horror that you were about to finish.'
+$_vstr[37] = 'You let out an inarticulate scream.:\\- Waaaa!//**And the pleasure spread through all the cells, causing a shiver.**\\\- Yes, she finished, well, shit, what habalki!///**You with laughter stretched fingers opened in a cry of lust mouth.'
+$_vstr[38] = '\\\- Cup your pie hole, hole!/// - barked at you bald.**You readily bent and opened his mouth, getting him volleys of sperm.'
+$_vstr[39] = 'The men were okonchilas you in the mouth and on the face.After the rape, your hands were tied behind your back and thrown next to you. The men returned to drinking. The bald man began to call on the mobile phone. You, with a sinking heart, heard:**\\\-In short, the lads, now Sanek whore customize. Where the slut will determine?///**\\\- This is what at the warehouse. Will poboltaem drunk.///**\\- Well, decided to do so. Pack it.///'
+$_vstr[40] = 'You put a gag in your mouth and threw it in the van.'
+$_vstr[41] = 'You are pulled out of the car somewhere in the former industrial zone of the city, on pokes and kicks dragged into a lonely warehouse located among some ancient shops.'
+$_vstr[42] = 'You try to resist, but where there, it is healthy athletic boars.'
+$_vstr[43] = 'You are dragged into the depths of a gloomy room.'
+$_vstr[44] = 'Knocked to the floor and strangled so that you almost lose consciousness:**\\\- Stay here, stay here until we get to you.. Sucked, Horny teenager?!///**Men are clearly determined to have another drink. They play some heavy music, with croaking and metal sounds, and sit down to continue the Banquet.**Men in the process of discussing some of their business frankly criminal nature. The leading role is played by a bald, you remember that his name is albert. One, it seems, Dima, who was often called demAs, and sometimes a Demon and like Gennady. The rest of you do not understand.**Finally, the gang again draws attention to you.'
+$_vstr[45] = 'Bald draws back with you the remnants of clothes, strikes with open palms on the cheeks and grabs the head:**\\\- I`m quick to bitch throat protray. Who else will?///**\\\- Me too.,///- supports Gennady.'
+$_vstr[46] = 'The leader thrusts you in the mouth with his cock and presses the head to your groin. You choke on a member trying to pierce the larynx.'
+$_vstr[47] = '\\\- Come here bitch, how much is enough dyhalki!///**You have a gush of tears, rolling down smeared makeup.'
+$_vstr[48] = 'Then your mouth mercilessly progrevaet Gennady.'
+$_vstr[49] = 'Famously ottaskivaya you over the head two turns erupt down your throat.'
+$_vstr[50] = 'You`re barely holding back from vomiting.. However, somehow fit both portions of sperm in the esophagus.**Strange, but such a brutal the manner you slightly aroused.**\\\- Let`s go have another drink, slut is not going anywhere,///- says satisfied albert.**Men are distracted by something hotly discussing and laughing. You look back, notice in the distance the light from the half-closed entrance.'
+$_vstr[51] = 'You jumped up and ran as hard as you could.. Men jerked after you.'
+$_vstr[52] = 'You tried to get into the not completely closed exit, but suddenly the iron door fell and crushed your neck. The move was completely impossible.'
+$_vstr[53] = 'You tried to scream louder, “help, help, rape!” but it is unlikely in such a remote location you can someone to hear.**In the meantime, there was loud laughter and exclamations behind the lowered door:**\\\-Oh, that`s lucky.!///**\\\- So even feel more comfortable!///**\\\- It should have been used long ago!///**You felt rough hands squeezing your buttocks and feeling your crotch.**Your heart was pounding wildly and yet, despite your fear and despair, you felt a certain ecstasy of your helplessness. And growing desire.'
+$_vstr[54] = 'In the pussy someone drove a member and began to work steadily in your bosom.'
+$_vstr[55] = 'You put another cock in your hand and you mechanically began to please him.**Laughter at the door intensified.**It seems that in your crotch, pushing the buttocks, began to spit and shove saliva with your fingers into the anus.'
+$_vstr[56] = 'Then in your anus was screwed big hot rod. You screamed at all the surrounding warehouses..'
+$_vstr[57] = 'Ass in turn fucked each. In the end, you even got a taste and groaned, moving the pelvis towards the members.**Finally, you were pulled out of the trap.'
+$_vstr[58] = 'A little drunk and biting, men come back to you on the go undressing.**Dimas sticks you his balls and leads them on the lips:**\\\- Go ahead, suck them, slut!///**You obediently carry out the order, even slightly start in the process.'
+$_vstr[59] = '\\\- And lick my ass. Come on, come on, have fun!///**Your head is pressed between the male buttocks and you start to work the tongue, licking the anus.**\\\- More interesting as something need to,///- decides bald,\\\- let`s hang the bitch, bro..///'
+$_vstr[60] = 'You are tied to a stick and hanged, gagging. You hang, feeling completely helpless. Rapists have fun laughing and rocking you.'
+$_vstr[61] = 'In your live roughly shove your fingers inside and stretch. You howl through the gag and still feel the growing excitement, which is impossible to resist.'
+$_vstr[62] = 'You fuck pussy.'
+$_vstr[63] = 'Gennady shakes you and helps to plant on the penis already ass.'
+$_vstr[64] = 'Then once in two slits are another strong cocks.**You hang, getting in both holes, and gradually begin to enjoy such an unusual sex.'
+$_vstr[67] = ' You take the drink in one shot, your throat burning as it goes down. It settles in your stomach, warming it and then spreads that warmth through your
+veins, and it is easy and joyful for the soul. The men however are crude but gallant. You do find thier attention quite flattering and soon you are 
+laughing happily at their obviously greasy and bawdy jokes. They crowd around you as they speak, pawing at your body and tugging on your clothes.'
+$_vstr[68] = '"Come on, pretty one, let''s have some fun!"
+"Oh, I don''t know ... it''s all so sudden ...", you mumble a drunken giggle.
+One of the men steps up behind you pulling your blouse down exposing your breasts and nibbling on your neck.
+You struggle to replace your blouse under this onslaught which weaken as another leans in and starts sucking
+on your now erect nipples. Your resolve collapses as a third man reaches under your skirt and rubs your pussy,
+You groan as he stops rubbing and kneels down to remove your panties.'
+$_vstr[69] = 'Stripping themselves, the men try and force you to your knees.
+"Don''t nibble, take it into your mouth!", the one covered in intricate tattoos says in a commanding tone.
+Seeing their intent you drop down, grab a pair of cocks, and start sucking them in turn.'
+$_vstr[70] = '"We got lucky today! Well Done!" one of the men exclaims.
+Servicing three cocks now with more waiting, you have a growing desire for your other holes to be filled.'
+$_vstr[71] = 'Keeping your mouth and hands full, you stand and present your backside and one of your new acquaintances
+takes the hint and slides his cock into your wet pussy. You pause your actions just long enough to go
+"Awww," you exclaim, "Such gentlemen, knowing just what a lady needs."'
+$_vstr[72] = 'The guys take turns pounding your pussy while you continue to blow the rest.'
+$_vstr[73] = 'You start to moan loudly and intensely, a character steps forward from the circle around you and, at the next cry of passion,
+ thrust their fingers into your mouth.
+ "Horny bitch," he exclaims as you start gnawing on his hand, "Her Ass is mine!"'
+$_vstr[74] = 'You drop to your knees and present your asshole for the taking.'
+$_vstr[75] = 'The guys alternate taking turns fucking your holes in various positions.
+"Think it''s time to double-down" says the tattooed man.'
+$_vstr[76] = ' You couldn''t agree more at this point, you climb atop one guy, riding him, soon all three of your holes are filled. Within minutes
+you overload, having a shuddering ordasm that leaves you spent and you collapse into blissfulness.'
+$_vstr[77] = ' You are pulled off the man and onto your knees and multiple dicks surround you.
+"Well, that''s all, now open wide", you hear.'
+$_vstr[78] = ' Following instructions, you open wide to receive their salty loads. It doesn''t all make it there but 
+what does you swirl around your mouth before swallowing it. You do your best to wipe the remainder off your
+face, licking your fingers clean afterwards.'
+$_vstr[79] = ' You sit back and enjoy the cigarette they pass you. 
+"Come on, follow us Golden Mouth."
+You dutifully follow behind the men, minimally putting yourself in order, and you are poured another drink.
+Through the alcoholic veil, you can overhear the tattoed man tell his friends,
+"Rare luck, bros. Let''s get her back to the house, there we''ll have some more fun."
+"Hey Al, look, Sanek''s rolling up."
+"Well, let''s go for a ride. Pack up the slut."'
+$_vstr[80] = ' They haul you towards a van that pulls up. You try to protest but all you can do is argue incomprehensivly as they gag you and toss you in the back of the van.'
+$_vstr[81] = 'You turn around and start heading back down the trail. When you see the men rise and head your way you pick up the pace and once your get out of their site you dart into the thickets.'
+$_vstr[82] = ' Once you are far enough off the trail, you find a place to hide and listen. You hear them thrashing around in the bushes and some general curses directed your way, but it appears they have lost your trail.'
+$_vstr[83] = '“What to do? I`ll hide and they won`t find me!”'
+$_vstr[84] = 'You sit with bated breath in the bushes, occasionally looking out.**Suddenly you hear the crackle of a branch behind you, you want to turn around, but you get a punch on the top. The last thing you feel from behind is someone grabbing you, squeezing your neck:**\\\- Got you guys.!///**\\\- Taking her immediately to the house, Sanka now call!///'
+$_vstr[85] = '\\\- What a slut, ready to have fun.?///- muscular Gennady raises your head and squeezes your face.**\\- Yes, I don`t mind,//- you shrug..**\\\- Then put your hands behind your back and swallow.!///'
+$_vstr[86] = 'Gennady shoves the cock in your mouth. The rest of the surround and start nadrachivat member, commenting on your raunchy Blowjob.'
+$_vstr[87] = '	You in turn Harat in his mouth, dragging over the head.**You gradually begin to be excited by the sight of their naked strong bodies and tools risen on you.'
+$_vstr[88] = 'You humiliatingly call "dirty nipple", "slut", "slut" and many more as. Even sometimes spit on top of the face.**Suddenly it turns you on even more.**\\\- I seem to be coming soon,///- the most drunk of men roughly grabs your head and pushes on the penis with all his strength.'
+$_vstr[89] = 'You have shed tears from the fleshy body galbusera deep in the throat.**\\\- Cum down her throat!///- cheer up the rest.**Man, wincing, and hard view your face in your groin, you is discharged into the esophagus.'
+$_vstr[90] = 'The drunken laughter you swallow, holding back a gag reflex.'
+$_vstr[91] = 'Gennady raspalogaet you mouth rigidly compressing his lips, strong fingers:\\\- Fucking cock-fuck, drink up, now all the holes. Want the full program??///**\\- Yyy.!!//- you vote.'
+$_vstr[92] = 'Dimas comes in from behind, bends you over and drives you into the pussy. Tattooed albert occupies the mouth of her sickly dignity somewhere under 18 centimeters`.You, greedily smacking, obediently surrender, enjoying a rough fuck.'
+$_vstr[93] = 'You twirl on members in different poses, slightly strangling a rag thrown on a neck that only gets even more.'
+$_vstr[94] = 'Then they sit on the penis and liberally lubricate the ass.'
+$_vstr[95] = 'With a groan, you take in the anus, the excited body and begin to rapidly crawl, podmahivaya.'
+$_vstr[96] = 'You turn and squared in both holes with battened down upside down.**Powerful orgasm almost tears you to pieces, making you completely forget.**You end up biting your lip with pleasure. One of the men, laughing, sticks his finger in your mouth:**\\\- Just because okonchilas was such a bitch!///'
+$_vstr[97] = 'Men throw you on your knees and again shove members in her mouth.'
+$_vstr[98] = 'You happily milked them, faithfully watching the Fuckers.'
+$_vstr[99] = 'You alternately discharged into the mouth massive volleys. You, sticking out your tongue as much as possible, collect a harvest of sperm.'
+$_vstr[100] = 'You obsfuscate face, wiping members on the cheeks.**\\\- Awesome cocksucker, better professionals,///- concludes bald and throwing you the rag, which once was a towel,\\\- come on, wipe yourself.. Want to eat or already ate?///**\\\-	Ha ha ha.,///- men laughing together over a joke of a leader.'
+$_vstr[101] = 'You drive up for the men snack, having eaten to satiety.**\\\- Well, happy with the fuck-up?///- interested in Gennady.\\- Certainly,//- you nod confidently and smile obsequiously.**\\\- Then come to the Park again, on weekends, sometimes, there are going. Now fuck off, we have business to discuss..///'
+$_vstr[102] = 'You dress up and send kisses to the company, leave the warehouse.'
+$_vstr[103] = '\\\- Well, happy with the fuck-up?///- interested in Gennady.\\- Certainly,//- you nod confidently and smile obsequiously.**\\\- Come here again, on weekends here often have fun. We are here with 15 until 17 usually. Now fuck off, we have business to discuss.///'
+$_vstr[104] = 'You dress up and send kisses to the company, leave the warehouse.'
+$_vstr[105] = 'His hands slid behind your back, they wound a strong knot rope.'
+$_vstr[106] = 'Bound so that it is impossible to move, you are seated on the penis.'
+$_vstr[107] = 'And begin to furiously peck into all holes. You`re roaring, swallowing members and tears.**But gradually you light up, soon beginning to feel pleasure mixed with shame and pain.'
+$_vstr[108] = '\\\- Ahh, shit, now splash into her bunghole,///- yelling from behind seems to be Dimas and your gut erupts a stream of hot cum.'
+$_vstr[109] = 'A trickle of seed flows out of your broken ass.**Men obscene comment, bald calls on other:**\\\- Get her down there.!///'
+$_vstr[110] = 'You put cancer and each discharged into your anus. The third finish line you suddenly commit themselves samychow from trajkovska body orgasm.'
+$_vstr[111] = 'The last cock leaves your long-suffering ass and after the river breaks all the pumped sperm.'
+$_vstr[112] = 'Men step feet on your face and chest and lazily discuss further plans:**\\\- This only on the dustbin of. In the trunk and in the Parking lot throw.///**You sob with horror.'
+$_vstr[113] = 'Gennady strangles you with a rope until you lose consciousness.'
+$_vstr[114] = 'You wiped your eyes and looked around. Around the empty, night is falling. Next resteranno in the form of abandoned items of your clothing. You, painfully wincing and groaning at each movement, somehow dressed in rags and tried to waddle to go.'
+$_vstr[115] = 'You come to yourself during the trip, when the car in which you are transported, jumps on the traditional Russian potholes.**You are pulled out of the car somewhere in the former industrial zone of the city, on pokes and kicks dragged into a lonely residential house located among some ancient shops. Then give birth to an apartment on the first floor.**You see a modest room, most of which is a sofa and a large bed - rather, better to call Trichogramma. In the corner on the nightstand lonely perched TV. Barred window tightly curtained.**From the kitchen comes the smell of food waste-it seems that there has not been cleaned.**\\\ - Here, cocksucker, you`re here.,///- piano laughing men,\\\- make yourself at home.! You`re here long.///**\\\- Forever, ha-ha-ha!///'
+$_vstr[116] = '\\- Let me go, please.,//- you begin to beg,\\- I`ll keep quiet, I won`t tell anyone.. Honest.!//**You are rudely interrupted:\\\- Who let you open your fucking mouth, animal??///**\\\-Chill out, lads!///- enters bald,\\\- in short, the slut, the balance of this: you live here Maleh, will delight us with darimani. We`re slightly rasheem Yes release on all four when you replace look. Will be good to serve, even to thank. You fuck around, you blame yourself.. Well Cho, sucked?///**\\- And...I...but me home...I can`t.…,//- you babble.**\\\- Dimas, explain to the bitch read more.///'
+$_vstr[117] = 'One of the men pulls his hand to your crotch.'
+$_vstr[118] = 'And begins to pull off clothes. You freeze, trembling, thinking what to do.'
+$_vstr[119] = 'With your ridiculous attempts easily cope even one strong-built man:**\\\- Fuck a Horny teenager, and even rock the boat! Now you and I are gonna play choke dick blind.!///**\\- No, wait, what are you doing?,//- you wail, but it`s too late.'
+$_vstr[120] = 'Throwing on his knees, you are tied by the hands, and put on a blindfold. Dimas fingering your sex lips.**\\- Not-e-et!//- you yell in horror as noting the growing warmth in the abdomen.'
+$_vstr[121] = '\\- Oh, come on, come on.!!//**\\\- What, Manda, you don`t want? And the pussy is sweet, responds!///**You suddenly realize that this is the truth-responds.**\\\- Come on, Dimas, get her ready.!///- laughing at the others, looking at your helpless jerking.'
+$_vstr[122] = '\\\- Ready sobachkoy to work, whore?///- the rapist pushes his hand into your mouth and roughly stretches it. You feel the taste of your pussy on his fingers.**\\\- Now going to guess huidi taste. And a bandage, so you were not afraid of the swallowed size. See how we take care of you.///**\\-Ya-AA..Gee-eghhhh!//**\\\- All she has realized and wants, really wants to please us. All here.!///'
+$_vstr[123] = 'You are thrust into the mouth of a solid dignity and you are automatically sucked into a large head.**Men laughing, touching your Breasts and pussy.'
+$_vstr[124] = 'On the other hand shoved alpacino the cheek and sarcastically asked:**\\\- Well, fuck, whose tastes better?///'
+$_vstr[125] = '\\\- Let immediately two will try! Open your mouth wide, you fucking idiot.!///'
+$_vstr[126] = 'You are trying to shove two members at the same time.'
+$_vstr[127] = '\\\- Patient, don`t breathe.!///- mock you by pinching your nose. You sound pitiful, trying to draw in air..'
+$_vstr[128] = 'Rapists gradually enter into a rage and begin to fuck your throat, dragging you by the hair.**Someone squeezes the Breasts, twisting the strained nipples.'
+$_vstr[129] = '\\\- Wow, her mother through the knee, now pour the slut in the throat. Comrades, put her head on harder.!///- yelling tied you Dimas.'
+$_vstr[130] = '\\\- Swallow, bitch!///- again, you firmly pinch the nostrils and mouth erupted a stream of semen,\\\- Aah, fuck, cool....nah, swallow it all!///'
+$_vstr[131] = 'You swallow convulsively.'
+$_vstr[132] = 'And sobbing from helplessness and despair.**\\\- Don`t cry, the papilla, now razdolbay so that scream from the buzz!///**You tear the rest of his clothes and bind his hands and feet stiff rope bites into the body.'
+$_vstr[133] = 'Your holes are working out with your fingers. You with shame and horror feel as pussy is committing juices.**Rapists get naked, making fun of the demos, which so early is dead. He laughs:**\\\- Still not evening, I have in eggs many!///'
+$_vstr[134] = 'The bald leader pushes you like a doll on a trawler and, spitting between the buttocks, screws into his ass 18-inch bolt:**\\- Yaaahh, AI-I-II, NEA-AAT!!!//- you scream desperately.**\\\- You, in the course, no stranger, slut. Hey, guys, shut her up already..///'
+$_vstr[135] = 'You immediately put the cock in your mouth. Bald, clinging to the buttocks, hollowing your anus. You Moo in pain and humiliation.'
+$_vstr[136] = '\\\- This is shit.! Tight, hot! Fuck in turn!///'
+$_vstr[137] = 'You shifts ocharovat in the ass. Soon you take there cock without much screaming and suffering, gradually surrendering to the process and even try to get some pleasure, just still not to escape.\\\- Oh, relaxed buns, slut! In hole easily flies!///**\\\- We plant in all the cracks!///'
+$_vstr[138] = 'You pulled on the dick riding, penetrating onlineplease pussy.'
+$_vstr[139] = 'And then drive into the ass almost under the root.**You find yourself unconsciously lascivious moans, increasingly incensed.**And soon really taken animal squeal under the constantly working cock.'
+$_vstr[140] = '\\\- On ebony, sadakane soldier,///- your screams interrupt the member, chokushi your cheek.**Pretty bald looking at it intensely you raped:**\\\- Tighter, lads.! We don`t want the girl to be unhappy, haha!///'
+$_vstr[141] = 'You furiously pecked in different poses, squeezing his throat.**You`re suffocating, which only gets you more turned on.**Mind you realize, that you rudely raped: drunken brutes, but body, nevertheless, is behaving have treacherously. These men have strong arms, which bulge muscles, athletic brutal figures and if they were not so cruel, it would seem even attractive.'
+$_vstr[142] = 'One of the rapists bites your toes, and the second rubs the clitoris.'
+$_vstr[143] = 'You scream and orgasm..**\\\- Now she`s happy, I see. ,///- pretty bald says, slapping you on the titties,\\\- the real fuck, and still broke.///'
+$_vstr[144] = 'You continue to mercilessly zastrahovat all the holes, leading to the point of complete exhaustion. You`re sweating like a horse..'
+$_vstr[145] = 'Finally, remove from the members and bend his head down:\\\- Now feed! Vidoi fucking me dry!///**You are sucked into a hot cock trembling with excitement.'
+$_vstr[146] = 'Each of the rapists hammers you in the throat on the eggs.'
+$_vstr[147] = '\\\- Aah, fucking slut, take it! UY-e, fuck-a-a-ha, what a thrill...///- turning down you in an acrobatic pose, you pull the sperm up into the throat.'
+$_vstr[148] = 'Then another fucker shoots you, not letting you clear your throat from the previous portion:**\\\- Do not shed, spermogonia!///**\\\- Come on, lunch.. Like the best restaurants!///**You swallow warm salty seed. Men applaud.'
+$_vstr[149] = 'The rest of the cum in your wide open mouth.'
+$_vstr[150] = '\\\- Swallow, swallow! Don`t stop, slut.!///- shouts bald.**\\\- Do not swallow - ass will kick your ass, whore!///**You swallow again, closing your eyes. And almost vomit, however, cope with the urge to vomit. Tears run down your cheeks.'
+$_vstr[151] = 'You obsfuscate face and hair fountains of sperm'
+$_vstr[152] = 'And wipe their Dicks on you.'
+$_vstr[153] = '\\\- Look like it is sperm and! Even prettier than became. Did you like the nipple, answer?!///**\\- D-Yes.,//- you mumble shyly, for fear of angering the bandits.**\\\- Louder, whore.! And smile.. Today is your lucky day. And much more to come.///'
+$_vstr[154] = 'You force a smile, continuing to snuffle a little..**\\\- `t get used to staying, prisoner of the Caucasus, wah,///- powerful laughs the man, who everyone respectfully called Gennady,\\\- make yourself at home.///**\\\- Yes, in order themselves to bring,///- adds a bald albert.**Rapists, laughing, dress up and leave. You can hear them in the kitchen..**Near to the ground and ripped off your clothes.'
+$_vstr[155] = '\\- Oh, I`m on my own, boys.! Want a Striptease? I dance a little.//**\\\- Go, show!///- pretty men laugh and clap their hands as you shamelessly bare.'
+$_vstr[156] = 'You`re even a little happy that your body devour such greedy looks. Very flattering.!**\\- I am ready! You can start if you like!//- you giggle. Still gonna fuck after all, so it`s better to take the initiative.**\\\- Lads, looks like we found a diamond, I agree?///- unbuttoning his jeans bald asks his comrades.**\\\- Right, Albert.! In a slut, it`s necessary.///**\\\- Just like your sister, Dimas.!///**\\\- Uh, not here.. The girl is sick, she netmania.///**\\\- Heavy heredity, ha-ha-ha! Hey, pacifier, what`s your name again??///**\\- Light.//**\\\- Also sick?///**\\- I`m not sick, I`m enjoying!//**\\\- Otpad girl, as if not to fall in love! Come on, open your mouth, Sveta!///'
+$_vstr[157] = 'You open your mouth wide and take a fleshy penis, immediately licking the head with your tongue.'
+$_vstr[158] = 'You chpokayut cock on the cheek, quite gently stroking his head:**\\\- Good girl, show some class..///'
+$_vstr[159] = 'Men surround you with members at the ready and you diligently serve them with a mouth and hands.'
+$_vstr[160] = 'Bald tough progrevaet your throat:**\\\- To chops, to chops, bitch!///**\\- Ahh...glich!//'
+$_vstr[161] = '\\\- Get two Dicks, wider mouth, slut!///**You shoved just two bolts and you try to please both.'
+$_vstr[162] = '\\\- Fucking shit, I think right away she slurped shoot...ahh, can`t, faster, more!///**Dimas begins to pull you furiously by the hair, driving the unit deeper.'
+$_vstr[163] = '\\\- Swallow fucking UY-her dry vidoe, bitch-AA!///**The man gave a stifled moan and emptied the machine you in the mouth.**You swallowed a portion of hot seed, feeling it flow through the esophagus into the stomach.'
+$_vstr[164] = 'You were pushed to the sofa, tightly folded fucker, whom everyone respectfully called the full name Gennady, spread your legs wider, pulled the buttocks and began to knead the anus:**\\\- Working hole, in the ass love, yeah?///**\\- Grease, please! I have there..there`s lubricant in the bag over there.…//**\\\- Ouch we`re tender. Okay, whatever..///'
+$_vstr[165] = 'Your ass usastyle lubricant and tool Gennady was screwed back under your plaintive squeak:\\- Woo-Oh, Oh, not once, ahh-ooh!//'
+$_vstr[166] = 'After Gennady your anus was occupied by the tattooed leader albert with the solid staff in 18 centimeters`.**You closed your eyes and tried to relax as much as possible.**Someone painfully grabbed you by the boob, twisting her hard fingers.**\\\- Don`t shut the fuck down.!///**Rudeness and humiliation for some reason all the time turned you on even more.'
+$_vstr[167] = 'Albert, wildly growling, firmly fucked your ass alone, seated on a member and widely spreading his legs.**Then bailed on the rest of the:\\\- Bizdesk chick preventoria guys. To howled!///'
+$_vstr[168] = 'You began to take turns hammering into a wet, squishing pussy, slightly choking.**You`re incredibly aroused..'
+$_vstr[169] = 'You sat down on the first member, becoming eager to jump on it:**\\- God, fuck me in every crack.!//**\\\- Definitely a nymphomaniac, like she fucked the shit out of!///**\\\- And I like that!///'
+$_vstr[170] = 'You filled all the holes and you began to be given with all possible diligence, full of lust to the brim.'
+$_vstr[171] = '\\\- Get a couple in Muff cabbage, you`ll blow!///- famously, Gennady exclaimed, drilling into the cave on top of another member. The pussy began to wet two cock at once and this finally tore off the hot body from the thread.**You are heart-rending mumbled, trying as long as possible to stay at the highest point.'
+$_vstr[172] = 'Bald vpendyurit hefty economy as deeply as possible into your mouth, pinning his head.**At this very moment you were pierced by a powerful orgasm.'
+$_vstr[173] = 'You picked up in his arms and drove the bottom of another stake in the ass. You deliriously have zalozil on it, feeling like a big shot penetrates deep into the gut and yelled:**\\- More, more, fuck your fucking boys!//**\\\- In gives heat, asshole!///**You`re sweating like a horse, but you don`t care if you keep fucking.'
+$_vstr[174] = 'You, feeling an uncontrollable thirst to continue, began to caress your clitoris.'
+$_vstr[175] = 'You again sealed both slits and seeing that you are not in yourself from lust, began to laugh, stretch your mouth with your fingers.'
+$_vstr[176] = 'Two members at the same time cut into your back hole and you are again carried away in a blissful euphoria.**It seems you have experienced anal orgasm.'
+$_vstr[177] = '\\\- All, bitch, please enjoy vedivi milk!///**\\- Ummff..//**You greedily sucked the cock of a bald albert.'
+$_vstr[178] = 'He groaned, decked out in your helpful filled mouth.'
+$_vstr[179] = 'After the leader began to finish the rest.**\\\- Yes swallow you already, a whore!///**\\\- Here, suck me,///- Dimas shouted..'
+$_vstr[180] = 'You rushed to the tool and took another portion of sperm with pleasure.**Only, it seems, went too far with the protein and you threw up on your own chest received the seed.**The men laughed.'
+$_vstr[181] = '\\\- Back, back! Come on, pack up and eat, you fools.!///**You dutifully did, feeling like the whole impregnated with a strong smell konchalov.**\\\- Give East fantastic!///- with a smirk approved Gennady,\\\- Well Done, Shine! Get settled in.. Make yourself at home. Unable to go to the bathroom, where the repairs recently made.///**\\\- Only do not be scared by the toilet,///- added bald.**\\\- Ah ha ha.!///- amicably laughed bandits.**They dressed slowly and went out. You can hear them in the kitchen..**Nearby lies and your discarded clothes.**You sighed deeply, rolled his eyes and scratched his head, pondering the situation, which turned out to be: is everything so bad and what benefits can be derived. Oops, more sperm in the hair.!'
+$_vstr[182] = 'You went into the gloomy room of the warehouse.**Saw a bunch of men and greeted.**\\\- Oh, our wretched rzhevuski cornered! Get over here.. Bukhnesh`, Thursday, or once in a position?///- asked the tattooed albert.'
+$_vstr[183] = 'You knocked back the vodka and immediately zahoroshela.**\\\- Look, face red, and. Come on show yourself, we admire Striptease.///'
+$_vstr[184] = 'You become sexy to expose under the eyes of cheering men.'
+$_vstr[185] = '\\\- And nothing such a all same, a hard-on has place,///- identified one of the bandits, it seems, Pahan. The rest neighed.**\\\- In little animals play a game,///- nodding, he added, bald, looking at you,\\\- come here, get in..///'
+$_vstr[186] = 'You stood on the table in front of the rapists and you threw a rope around his neck.'
+$_vstr[187] = '\\\- Forward, crawl on all fours, animal, ha ha!///**You kneeling down began to exhibit, bending back, moving like a pet on the dirty concrete floor.**\\\- Al, pull the bitch by the rope, let him bark!///**\\\- Right, bark, pussy!///**\\- AV-a-AV!//- from a distance you feel sorry for smiling.**\\\- Wider mug open!///'
+$_vstr[188] = 'You sat on your knees and lifted his head, grabbing his hair:\\\- Work, nipple!///**The men pulled vbuhivaya bodies.'
+$_vstr[189] = 'You began to diligently serve them with your mouth, getting more and more wound up.'
+$_vstr[190] = 'You take turns hard fucked in the throat so that tears splashed from the eyes and slightly spread mascara.**\\\- Gennady, drive a slut!///'
+$_vstr[191] = 'You laid on your back and wet from the juices of the kitten poked the first fledgling to the stone hardness of the stick.**You sweetly moaned, al stuck his cock in your invitingly open mouth.'
+$_vstr[192] = '\\\- Now I`ll make a hole in the clay,///- joined demAs, having begun to push the bolt and you in the anus.**\\- III, mA-the knucklebones, and I have the same grease in there..Ah!,//- you screamed.**\\\- Don`t yell, bitch, add!///'
+$_vstr[193] = 'You stuffed into the anus of lubricant and in turn tore off in the ass.'
+$_vstr[194] = '\\\- Sit down, jump, fucking!///**You planted on my cock and raskatyvanie the men began to roast in the pose of a rider.**\\- Aah-Aah, boys, fuck in both slits!//**\\\- In hot, just atas, on, fucking!///'
+$_vstr[195] = 'You started to shove in both holes, summing up to a total ecstasy.**You selflessly mumbled with lust.'
+$_vstr[196] = 'Then turned and followed on the holes, so sped up, frantically moving inside you with a cry orgasmically, blissfully closed eyes.'
+$_vstr[197] = '\\\- Aah, open the breadbasket, slut!///- the bandits reached the condition, preparing to cum.'
+$_vstr[198] = 'And began to pull you with helpful filled her wide-open mouth and face.'
+$_vstr[199] = '\\\- UY fucking go eat bitch!///**You swallowed several servings of sperm.'
+$_vstr[200] = '\\\- You happy Shine? Well dragged?///**\\- Aamft ha...ugh, yeah.! I`m high.. I like it rough!//**You are slightly cleaned up, slightly altersys cloth.'
+$_vstr[201] = 'And steel is fun to shoot the breeze with the bandits, complimenting their merits.**\\\- Our lass! I like it,///- appreciated, Gennady.**\\\- Sucks a little.,///- albert shrugged..**\\- Hey, I`m actually here.!//- slightly remonstrated you.**\\\- Don`t flash when you`re not asked, pacifier.,///- Dimas barked..**\\- All right. Simply I want to you...with you boys...//**\\\- Let`s see, in short. Come more often,///- decided to the ringleader,\\\- And until freed. Walk.///**\\\- Wait, here`s some candy.. And for enthusiasm. Take care of yourself or something.. Potential like there is,///- Gennady handed you a thousandth bill.**\\- Thanks.,//- you smiled sweetly and made a curtsy..**Men neighed after you.'
+$_vstr[202] = 'n, already muzzle red, and. Come on show yourself, we admire Striptease.///'
+$_vstr[203] = 'You become sexy to expose under the eyes of cheering men.'
+$_vstr[204] = '\\\- And nothing such a all same, a hard-on has place,///- identified one of the bandits, it seems, Pahan. The rest neighed.**\\\- In little animals play a game,///- nodding, he added, bald, looking at you,\\\- come here, get in..///'
+$_vstr[205] = 'You stood on the table in front of the rapists and you threw a rope around his neck.'
+$_vstr[206] = '\\\- Forward, crawl on all fours, animal, ha ha!///**You kneeling down began to exhibit, bending back, moving like a pet on the dirty concrete floor.**\\\- Al, pull the bitch by the rope, let him bark!///**\\\- Right, bark, pussy!///**\\- AV-a-AV!//- from a distance you feel sorry for smiling.**\\\- Wider mug open!///'
+$_vstr[207] = 'You sat on your knees and lifted his head, grabbing his hair:\\\- Work, nipple!///**The men pulled vbuhivaya bodies.'
+$_vstr[208] = 'You began to diligently serve them with your mouth, getting more and more wound up.'
+$_vstr[209] = 'You take turns hard fucked in the throat so that tears splashed from the eyes and slightly spread mascara.**\\\- Gennady, drive a slut!///'
+$_vstr[210] = 'You laid on your back and wet from the juices of the kitten poked the first fledgling to the stone hardness of the stick.**You sweetly moaned, al stuck his cock in your invitingly open mouth.'
+$_vstr[211] = '\\\- Now I`ll make a hole in the clay,///- joined demAs, having begun to push the bolt and you in the anus.**\\- III, mA-the knucklebones, and I have the same grease in there..Ah!,//- you screamed.**\\\- Don`t yell, bitch, add!///'
+$_vstr[212] = 'You stuffed into the anus of lubricant and in turn tore off in the ass.'
+$_vstr[213] = '\\\- Sit down, jump, fucking!///**You planted on my cock and raskatyvanie the men began to roast in the pose of a rider.**\\- Aah-Aah, boys, fuck in both slits!//**\\\- In hot, just atas, on, fucking!///'
+$_vstr[214] = 'You started to shove in both holes, summing up to a total ecstasy.**You selflessly mumbled with lust.'
+$_vstr[215] = 'Then turned and followed on the holes, so sped up, frantically moving inside you with a cry orgasmically, blissfully closed eyes.'
+$_vstr[216] = '\\\- Aah, open the breadbasket, slut!///- the bandits reached the condition, preparing to cum.'
+$_vstr[217] = 'And began to pull you with helpful filled her wide-open mouth and face.'
+$_vstr[218] = '\\\- UY fucking go eat bitch!///**You swallowed several servings of sperm.'
+$_vstr[219] = '\\\- You happy Shine? Well dragged?///**\\- Aamft ha...ugh, yeah.! I`m high.. I like it rough!//**You are slightly cleaned up, slightly altersys cloth.'
+$_vstr[220] = 'And steel is fun to shoot the breeze with the bandits, complimenting their merits.**\\\- Our lass! I like it,///- appreciated, Gennady.**\\\- Sucks a little.,///- albert shrugged..**\\- Hey, I`m actually here.!//- slightly remonstrated you.**\\\- Don`t flash when you`re not asked, pacifier.,///- Dimas barked..**\\- All right. Simply I want to you...with you boys...//**\\\- Let`s see, in short. Come more often,///- decided to the ringleader,\\\- And until freed. Walk.///**\\\- Wait, here`s some candy.. And for enthusiasm. Take care of yourself or something.. Potential like there is,///- Gennady handed you a thousandth bill.**\\- Thanks.,//- you smiled sweetly and made a curtsy..**Men neighed after you.'
+$_vstr[221] = 'You went to the warehouse and immediately sat on his knees to albert:\\\- That, weary, Shine?///**\\- Oh, you have no idea! Want-want-want, entire week she has dreamed.//**\\\- Well, come on, in the office Cabinet on the couch you roll.///**You were taken to a sparsely furnished separate room and, pressing on his shoulders, put on his knees. The men took out of his pants dignity and stuck to your face.'
+$_vstr[222] = 'You in turn otmechanii, Coca bolts for the cheek.'
+$_vstr[223] = 'And began to push two cock in her mouth:\\\- Come on, play, slut, full!///**\\\- Dimas, take the camera, a movie for fun stir up.///'
+$_vstr[224] = 'You completely bared and began to remove the camera, pushing the buttocks and Usama ass with lube.'
+$_vstr[225] = 'Then they began to fart in the ass, coming one by one.**You squealed with lust and light pain, adjusting to the frantic rhythm of movements of hot pistons in the gut.**\\\- Bitch, fuck yell, ears lays. Shut her squishy.,///- albert ordered.'
+$_vstr[226] = 'You put a rag in your mouth and the leader tore you in the ass on camera, squeezing your buttocks.**You`re pretty wound up from filming.**\\\- She likes in both holes-ass movie will be released, then a few laughs!///**\\\- Put a slut in two bows!///'
+$_vstr[227] = 'You have become hollow in two slits, with his legs and squeezing the throat.**Lustfully Noah through the gag, you felt uncontrollably rolling wave of pleasure.'
+$_vstr[228] = 'And finished, shuddering all over.'
+$_vstr[229] = 'The men began to peck you in the ass, rubbing your fingers on the clitoris and passing each other like a doll.'
+$_vstr[230] = 'Gennady and Dimas again promarily a tool, greedily clutching your hot body.**\\\- Couple her in the shitter, this is gonna be a movie. ,///- someone from above laughed, it seems the Plough.**\\\- So do it, pierce slut!///'
+$_vstr[231] = 'You pushed two cock in the ass, mercilessly unfolding it.**You ready to do anything for the sake of satisfying again the set of lust, began enthusiastically to surrender, stony under three staves in the cracks.'
+$_vstr[232] = 'And soon again violently orgasmed, screaming hysterically.'
+$_vstr[233] = '\\\- There you are, you fucking sow.! A teat open.///'
+$_vstr[234] = 'Pahan, pulling the hair, fucked you on the cheek, swollen, ready to eruption bolt.'
+$_vstr[235] = 'And with a groan discharged.'
+$_vstr[236] = 'Bandits began to lower to you streams of a seed in the substituted mouth and on the face.**\\\- Take off the pacifier, the camera closer! And you swallow, Svetik!///'
+$_vstr[237] = '\\- Au..mnaa..ffhhh!//'
+$_vstr[238] = 'Your battered face captured in the video.'
+$_vstr[239] = 'You just cleaned up and sat down to chat with relaxed happy men.**\\\- Now you`re a porn star. Abruptly?///**\\- Yes at all! It`s my dream, boys to act in such films. Well, I would shoot myself. I have so many ideas! And if you were to help…//**\\\- Heh, so something can be and try,///- thoughtfully held out bald al, overturning a glass of cognac,\\\- What do you think, Vasilich?///**\\\- And that, let Svetulya will try. So the warehouse we don`t need yet. Here at least three studios do. Good idea - whores themselves to come will be, only fuck. Normal business. And the girl won what diligent.///**\\\- And it will pull business?///- Dimas asked with a grin.,\\\- it does not swallow Dicks.///**\\\- Screw up.: pen to the throat let Prikope.///**\\\- Decided, means. Take the warehouse, kisunya, order what you need-pay. But that chick was hot and it paid the rent, otherwise... Sucked?///**\\- Yep! Wow-! Awesome, I love you!!//'
+$_vstr[240] = 'You have fun chatting with men about this and that. You tell dirty jokes and funny stories from life.'
+$_vstr[241] = '\\- Oh, the boys, and I`m on edge, all fired up-burning sustainable-. Beat your chick with all your strength, and!//'
+$_vstr[242] = '\\\- Shine, so calm down, go stand under a cold shower. I milked it dry, wait until we recover. Nympho fucking...///**You, pouting, move away.'
+$_vstr[243] = 'You, playfully, grab, turn and chatter upside down. You laugh provocatively:\\- More-LLC!//'
+$_vstr[244] = 'Men take out tools. You greedily suck on the knees, each trying to make the blow job taste better.'
+$_vstr[245] = 'Albert with all the dope Sands your throat, dragging his head. You swallow his junk with your tongue out..'
+$_vstr[246] = 'You, holding on weight, play in a wet pussy from lust.'
+$_vstr[247] = 'Then in advance prudently lubricated ass.**You happily yelling, swinging on strong male hands.**\\- Put it in both, Ah, I want two holes!//'
+$_vstr[248] = 'You are satisfied on the couch and fulfill your request. You happily look back on prodosia you cocks.'
+$_vstr[249] = 'You stare in three holes, but you are not enough. The hand itself reaches for another member. You get on with the job of his palm.'
+$_vstr[250] = 'You turn over and with such passion rod that you emit a cry of Supreme pleasure and dissolve in multiorgasm.'
+$_vstr[251] = '\\\- Badge, how she screams!///- you silenced your underwear, lay in an intricate position in turn Herat in the anus.**Men with laughter drive on your bare feet powerful crimson units.**You are blissful.'
+$_vstr[252] = '\\- Drive me two in the ass!//- you whine lasciviously.**You are carried on a pair of hot bolts, deeply fidgeting in the anus. You`re screaming and begging like a man possessed.:\\- More, more, more,.. aw... yaaaaa, ya-Ah`m nearly finished op-I-I-ive!//'
+$_vstr[253] = 'You again vparivayut in both holes and you, frantically pulling the clitoris, catch another orgasm.'
+$_vstr[254] = 'Finally, you are seated on the floor and lowered the sperm in her mouth and face. You stick your tongue out to the max..'
+$_vstr[255] = 'You laugh under the streams of seed in unison with the bandits.'
+$_vstr[256] = 'And happily lick monchalovo.**\\\- You`re really crazy, beautiful.!///- neighs tattooed leader.**\\- Alicek, I love you-Yu-Yu, I-I.'
+$_vstr[257] = 'Finally, you are seated on the floor and lowered the sperm in her mouth and face. You stick your tongue out to the max..'
+$_vstr[258] = 'You laugh under the streams of seed in unison with the bandits.'
+$_vstr[259] = 'And happily lick monchalovo.**\\\- You`re really crazy, beautiful.!///- neighs tattooed leader.**\\- Alicek, I love you-Yu-Yu, I-I.'
+$_vstr[260] = 'Two bandits enter the room. One of them, Dimas, drags a bottle of obviously expensive alcohol:**\\\- Svetik, you want to hit? Come on Nakata, brandy what you need - just a song, I believe.///**\\\- Yeah, relax properly, stanochek. You and I are bullying.,///- winks Pahan.**\\- Well ......Pour.//**You pour cognac in a hefty pot-bellied wine glass.'
+$_vstr[261] = 'You vegetali strong drink without snacks and fast okosel:\\- UFF, and tasty! Oh, Chot-t-TA I`m drunk Taka-Aya!//**\\\- The very the! You will develop the mine in full.///**\\\- So to there any strategic missile has been stymied. Even Intercontinental, ha-ha-ha! Spread your legs..///'
+$_vstr[262] = 'You are in a drunken relaxation spread your legs, leaning back on the couch. The men then climb fingers in your rear hole.**\\\- Normalnenko. Everything is ready for the advanced program.**\\- Whoo!...hee-hee-hee...you guys are serious, yeah, boys.? I-t will not mind that at all, finally ha Uchuu!//**\\\- You better be a fucking asshole.!///'
+$_vstr[263] = 'You put your ass up. Dimas puts you in the anus, the neck of the bottle. You seem to have a drop of under-drunk alcohol in your gut..'
+$_vstr[264] = 'You are fucked with a bottle for the entire length of the neck, slapping on the buttocks. You gradually start.**\\- More, more, I NRA-Avida!//'
+$_vstr[265] = '\\\- Now gouging, don`t worry. With our miracle gel you all will be uneasy. Daemon, asshole open wide it!///**You are fully pushing the buttocks and pour some grease into the hole. It seems to have a slight anesthetic effect, you can feel it even through the intoxication.**\\\- Now let`s get you serious..///**\\- H-how is?//'
+$_vstr[266] = '\\- Aaaahhhh!!!!//- you squeal when a giant rubber Dildo pushes into your anus,\\- MA-mA.! Neuu, just not all at once!//**\\\- Relax, bitch.!///**You`re not really hurt you more drunk curry.'
+$_vstr[267] = 'With train funny Cunts ass super toy, playing with fingers in pussy. Soon you begin to moan from the inflamed lust.**\\- Yeah, yeah, fuck me.!//- you have a shameless scream.**\\\- Let`s fart the mine, baby.!///'
+$_vstr[268] = 'You pop wildchina in his ass. Dimas pushes his ready-for-action farm into your mouth.'
+$_vstr[269] = 'Passionately sucking for you now is exactly what you need. You show true class.'
+$_vstr[270] = 'Godfather occupies your current river the pussy while you develop your ass with increasing ecstasy.'
+$_vstr[271] = 'Then, in your prepared ass comes easy member Dimas and starts furiously peck precisely punch.'
+$_vstr[272] = 'You are seated astride a non-stop RAM and you with a long groan finish, dissolving in orgasm.'
+$_vstr[273] = 'The men continue in different poses intensively harit your ass, playing with pussy.**On you rolls a new wave of excitement.**\\\- Well let`s in the guts with a toy, teluha!///**\\- Yeah.! Tear me up like a fucking! I wanna cum again!//'
+$_vstr[274] = 'A gigantic rubber Dildo is added to the penis in the anus. You ask for my picture in full forgetfulness, again, all blazing with desire.'
+$_vstr[275] = 'Finally, two red-hot organs find themselves in your gut and begin to work in unison.**You completely lose control of yourself and howl with lust.**\\ -Yeahh! Boys, so her ass, stronger! Mom-and! Ahhh.!//'
+$_vstr[276] = 'You put on all fours and in turn play in her mouth, shoving in the ass a whole bunch of new variety of toys. Some vibrate in your bowels and you again come to the highest point, like a crazy sucking in members.'
+$_vstr[277] = 'And once again shake in anal orgasm.'
+$_vstr[278] = 'Dimas erupts on your buttocks.'
+$_vstr[279] = 'And the Plough descends into the mouth and face.'
+$_vstr[280] = '\\\- Well, there`s your strategic mine Shine!///- men, laughing, admire your broken-down hole,\\\- Happy?///**\\- Ah.? Yeah.…//**\\\- Eh! We were lucky with you exclusively. Well, do not miss, get ready for new feats.///**Merry satisfied bandits leave.'
+$_vstr[281] = 'You knock on the door of a familiar brothel, you open the leader albert:\\- Ah, Shine.! Come on in. We`re a little busy here, though.. Well, wait, look-warm up, heh.///'
+$_vstr[282] = 'Bald leads you into a room where some painted slut chokes on the chatter of men:\\\- In the throat, fucking, you will work my swallow for a long time!///**Gennady chick shoves the dick on the eggs.**Al chuckles:\\\- You see, Svetlana, fucking pussy in behu Gennady Vasilyevich flew on the old plow, and take it with nothing. You fall down, pour yourself a whiskey, if you want. We found you a case, even a few.. Shove it in when we`re done with this one..///**You shrug your shoulders and sit down with interest to see what will be done with the woman.'
+$_vstr[283] = 'Gennady fills up painted and spreading her legs, harit in pussy. Then starts the hand tightly protryahivayte already thoroughly developed huge ass. Chick howls, however, meekly given to you with a very clear hopeless view.**\\\- Nah, this one`s a shit-hole fuck, bro.! Cunt as well, in nature!///**\\\- So what`s easy!///'
+$_vstr[284] = 'Bandits take turns to stick the cock in the ass woman, turning her hands behind her back.**She seems to be starting to light up and soon she podmahivaet. You are amused and starts the sight.**\\\- Come on, swallow it all!///- Albert takes off his clothes and pulls the red-haired woman to the floor.'
+$_vstr[285] = 'Women already with full ecstasy sucks cock and wraps their hands like a wound.**You watch in fascination and lick.'
+$_vstr[286] = 'Heifer poryat in both slits, it is wildly screaming “More, yyyh-aay yet!”. You become covered with blush, recognizing yourself in it and begin to breathe heavily.**\\\- Similarly, Muff cabbage of habalki huge. Let her gopez couple will zasandalil!///'
+$_vstr[287] = 'Anus Apostol pushed two members. She growled, but quite easy to accept - it seems, are not used.'
+$_vstr[288] = 'Rapists furiously imprinting powerful tools into the victim`s anus. Albert harit her in the mouth.**You notice your hand involuntarily caressing your groin through your clothes, giggle and shake your head to relieve the obsession.'
+$_vstr[289] = 'The woman is placed between men as a filling sandwich and fuck in both holes Threesome. Albert, sitting on top, with mats cuts his 18-inch rod deeper between the soft fat rolls.**\\\- Svetik, come here, we`ll feed you. The protein will probably. On this even malofiy sorry...on, bitch a broken-down!///'
+$_vstr[290] = 'You`re laughing.:\\- Oh, I thought you wouldn`t ask.!//'
+$_vstr[291] = 'You habitually squat down and begin to serve tense quivering members. Men play them on your face. You laugh enthusiastically.'
+$_vstr[292] = 'Albert presses your head firmly and you will atopobium cheek:\\\- Yeah Wai, well, shit, all backed already...take, cum-Yu-Yu-Ah!///'
+$_vstr[293] = 'You are lowered into a wide open mouth.'
+$_vstr[294] = 'Dyed watches, blatantly lybyas.'
+$_vstr[295] = 'Bandits fill you with rivers of seed. You all swallow and pretty lick.**\\\- Fu-wow, that`s cool,///- says the last shot,\\\- Attaboy. Well, run and wash. We decide, and then the Affairs will chat.///'
+$result = $_vstr[args[0]]
+killvar '$_vstr'
+--- bratva_events_strings ---------------------------------

+ 268 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# bratva_home
+$loc = $curloc
+if $ARGS[0] = 'bcorridor':
+	$loc = 'bratva_home'
+	$loc_arg = 'bcorridor'
+	$locM_arg = 'bcorridor'
+	$location_type = 'private'
+	$menu_loc = 'bratva_home'
+	$menu_arg = 'bcorridor'
+	menu_off = 0
+	killvar '$locclass'
+	*clr & cla
+	frost = 0
+	minut += 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
+	gs 'bratva_events','bratva_check'
+	gs 'bratva_home', 'Bratva_tip_tip'
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Entrance hall</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/home/korr.jpg"></center>'
+	'Large wall hanging <a href="exec:GT ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>'
+	act 'To the room': gt 'bratva_home','room'
+	act 'To the kitchen': gt 'bratva_home','kitchen'
+	act 'Go to bathroom': gt 'bratva_home','bathroom'
+	!! Conditions for starting an event when the thief''s first event fails
+	if bratva['thieffail'] = 1 : gt 'bratva_thief','eventthief2'
+	!---
+	if bratva['location'] = 1 and bratva['stage'] < 20:
+		! Sveta finds documents of one of the bandits
+		if bratva['documents'] = 0: gt 'bratva_home_events','eventmini1'
+		! escape sveta slave
+		if bratva['escape_day'] ! daystart and bratva['stage'] >= 6 and bratva['stage'] <= 8: gt 'bratva_home_events','event13'
+	end
+	! Self care from the apartment
+	if bratva['stage'] >= 20: act '<b>Leave</b>': gt 'city_industrial'
+if $args[0] = '' or $args[0] = 'room':
+	$menu_loc = 'bratva_home'
+	$menu_arg = 'room'
+	menu_off = 0
+	$loc = 'bratva_home'
+	$loc_arg = 'room'
+	minut += 1
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	gs 'bratva_events','bratva_check'
+	gs 'bratva_home', 'Bratva_tip'
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Room</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/home/bedr.jpg"></center>'
+	'In the room there is a <a href="exec: gt ''bed'',''start''">bed</a>, a sofa and a <a href="exec: gt ''bratva_home'',''Bratva_telly''">television</a> opposite that. On the shelf near the TV there is a few <a href="exec: gt ''bratva_home'',''Bratva_journal''">pornographic magazines</a> and a <a href="exec: gt ''bratva_home'',''Bratva_book_marquise''">book.</a>'
+!!* might use rest in stead of wait
+	act 'Wait':gs 'obj_din', 'wait'
+	if bratva['location'] = 0: 'Sit on the couch <a href="exec: gt ''mod_bratva_start''">bandits</a>'
+	if bratva['location'] ! 0:
+		if bratva['counter'] < 2 and bratva['stage'] <= 10:
+			if (hour = 8 or hour = 9) and bratva['stage'] = 1: gt 'bratva_home_events','event1'
+			if (hour = 14 or hour = 15) and bratva['stage'] = 2: gt 'bratva_home_events','event2'
+			if (hour >= 17 and hour <= 19) and bratva['stage'] = 3: gt 'bratva_home_events','event3'
+			if hour = 21 or hour = 22:
+				if bratva['stage'] = 4: gt 'bratva_home_events','event4'
+				if bratva['stage'] = 5: gt 'bratva_home_events','event5'
+				if bratva['stage'] = 10: gt 'bratva_home_events','event10'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	! choice of profession
+	if bratva['stage'] = 20 and bratva['day'] ! daystart and bratva['location'] = 0 and ((bratva['sniper'] = 0 and bratva['thieffail'] = 0 and bratva['madam'] = 0) or (bratva['thieffail'] = 2 and pcs_agil >= 65)):
+		gt 'bratva_home_events','event14'
+	end
+	!The condition of the start of a recurring event
+	if hour >= 21 and hour < 23 and bratva['happyend'] > 10 and rand(1,5) = 1 and bratva['bratva_event13'] ! daystart: gt 'bratva_events','bratva_event13'
+	!----------------------
+	!The condition of the start of the second event with Samantha
+	if ((hour >= 8 and hour < 10) or hour = 14 or (hour >= 17 and hour < 20) or (hour >= 21 and hour < 23)) and bratva['madam'] = 3: gt 'bratva_madam','eventmadam4'
+	!The condition of the start of the third event with Samantha
+	if ((hour >= 10 and hour < 14) or (hour >= 15 and hour < 17)) and bratva['madam'] = 4: act'Have fun with Samantha': gt 'bratva_madam','eventmadam5'
+	!Conditions for the start of the event Svetka punishment
+	if ((hour >= 8 and hour < 10) or hour = 14 or (hour >= 17 and hour < 20) or (hour >= 21 and hour < 23)) and bratva['madam'] = 5: gt 'bratva_madam','eventmadam6'
+	!Conditions for starting a recurring event with Samantha
+	if ((hour >= 8 and hour < 10) or hour = 14 or (hour >= 17 and hour < 20) or (hour >= 21 and hour < 23)) and bratva['madam'] = 6 and bratva['eventmadam7'] ! daystart: gt 'bratva_madam','eventmadam7'
+	!----------------------
+	act 'To hallway': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'kitchen':
+	$menu_loc = 'bratva_home'
+	$menu_arg = 'kitchen'
+	$loc = 'bratva_home'
+	$loc_arg = 'kitchen'
+	$locclass = 'kitr'
+	menu_off = 0
+	minut += 2
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	gs 'kit_din'
+	gs 'bratva_events','bratva_check'
+	gs 'bratva_home', 'Bratva_tip'
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Kitchen</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/home/kuhr.jpg"></center>'
+	*nl
+	'It''s a modest kitchen, but has all that is required.'
+	!!* So when first brought here there is food and such
+	if bkitchen_first ! 1:
+		bkitchen_first = 1
+		cltarelka = 6
+		fairy = 21
+		eda = 21
+	end
+	! dishes
+	if cltarelka > 0:
+		'Above the sink are <b><<cltarelka>></b> the clean plates'
+	else
+		'<b><font color = red>You have no clean dishes left.</font></b>'
+	end
+	if dirttarelka > 0:'The sink has <b><<dirttarelka>></b> dirty dishes. <a href="exec: dynamic $dirtarm">that need to be washed</a>.'
+	if fairy > 0:
+		'Above the sink is some detergent to wash the dishes with. There is enough for <b><<fairy>></b> uses.'
+	else
+		'<b><font color = red>You do not have enough detergent, you should buy some from the supermarket.</font></b>'
+	end
+	! food
+	if eda > 0:
+		if cltarelka = 0 or edahot > 0:$edagot = ''
+		if cltarelka > 0 and edahot = 0:
+			$edagot = '<a href="exec:dynamic $edagotd">Cook a meal  for yourself (0:30)</a>'
+		end
+		'In the refrigerator there''s enough (your own) food for <b><<eda>></b> servings. <<$edagot>>'
+	end
+	if edahot > 0:'<a href="exec: dynamic $edahotd ">On the table is ready meal (0:30).</a>'
+	if edaD = 0 and eda = 0:'<b><font color="red">You have nothing to eat, the refrigerator is empty!</font></b>'
+	dynamic $edasnack
+	dynamic $driwater
+	dynamic $dritea
+	dynamic $edaD
+	dynamic $pranik
+	dynamic $fatdel
+	dynamic $lekarstvo
+	dynamic $vitamin
+	if bratva['location'] = 1:
+		'Sitting at the table <a href="exec: gt ''mod_bratva_start''">Cossacks-robbers</a>'
+		if bratva['counter'] < 2 and bratva['stage'] = 9:
+			gt 'bratva_home_events','event9'
+		end
+		! the end of the stay in the apartment is either discarded or a conversation about joining
+		if bratva['stage'] = 11:
+			if bratva['fail'] > 3:
+				bratva['stage'] = 255
+				gt 'bratva_home_events','event11'
+			else
+				bratva['stage'] = 20
+				bratva['day'] = daystart
+				bratva['agent_zeropussy'] = 1
+				gt 'bratva_home_events','event12'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Return to hallway':gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+if $args[0] = 'bathroom':
+	*clr & cla
+	$menu_loc = 'bratva_home'
+	$menu_arg = 'bathroom'
+	menu_off = 0
+	minut += 1
+	$location_type = 'bathroom'
+	$loc = 'bratva_home'
+	$loc_arg = 'bathroom'
+	$locM_arg = 'bathroom'
+	$locM = 'bratva_home'
+	gs 'bratva_events','bratva_check'
+	gs 'bratva_home', 'Bratva_tip'
+	'<center><h3>Bathroom</h3></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/home/bath.jpg"></center>'
+	*nl
+	'Modest bathroom, containing all that young people need for their daily life, such as:'
+	'A Shower, toilet, <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>, where you can ' +iif(pcs_hairbsh = 0,'<a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''brush''">brush</a>','brush') + ' your hair, a sink and even a bath tub.'
+	*nl
+	if bbath_first ! 1:
+		bbath_first = 1
+		shampoo += 14
+		stanok += 1
+	end
+	gs 'din_van', 'private'
+	gs 'stat'
+	if bratva['counter'] < 2 and bratva['location'] = 1:
+		if bratva['stage'] = 6: gt 'bratva_home_events','event6'
+		if bratva['stage'] = 7: gt 'bratva_home_events','event7'
+		if bratva['stage'] = 8: gt 'bratva_home_events','event8'
+!!*		if bratva['stage'] >= 6 and bratva['stage'] <= 8: gt 'bratva_home_events','event<<bratva['stage']>>'
+	end
+	act 'Leave':gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+!------- Мелкие занятия ------
+if $args[0] = 'Bratva_telly':
+'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/mini/04.jpg"></center>'
+	'In the TV there is only an informational news, sports channels and porn.'
+	act 'Watch sport channel':
+		*clr
+		minut += 30
+		pcs_mood += 10
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/mini/04.jpg"></center>'
+		'There is an American football broadcast on TV. ** You are watching this match for about half an hour.'
+		gs 'bratva_home', 'Bratva_tip'
+	end
+	act 'Switch to porn':
+		*clr
+		minut += 30
+		pcs_horny += 15
+		pcs_mood += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/mini/'+rand(5,6)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+		'You watch with excitement, as on the screen a group of men having fun with a girl.'
+		gs 'bratva_home', 'Bratva_tip'
+	end
+	act 'Turn off': gt $loc,$loc_arg
+if $args[0] = 'Bratva_journal':
+	act 'Browse magazines':
+		*clr
+		minut += 30
+		pcs_horny += 25
+		gs 'stat'
+		'You are looking at pictures with the most severe pornography. The pictures are mostly rough anal sex..'
+		gs 'bratva_home', 'Bratva_tip'
+	end
+	act 'Quit looking': gt $loc,$loc_arg
+if $args[0] = 'Bratva_book_marquise':
+'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/mini/03.jpg"></center>'
+	act 'Read a book':
+		*clr
+		minut += 60
+		pcs_horny += 30
+		pcs_dom -= 2
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/mini/03.jpg"></center>'
+		'You, without stopping, read the work of the Marquis de Sade for an hour with burning ears. And very excited.'
+		gs 'bratva_home', 'Bratva_tip'
+	end
+	act 'Put': gt $loc,$loc_arg
+!--- The end of the small classes ---
+!--- Tip about someone coming home ---
+if $args[0] = 'Bratva_tip':
+	if Bratva_single_day2 ! daystart and bratva['counter'] = 1:
+		Bratva_single_day2 = daystart
+		killvar 'Bratva_single_day'
+	elseif Bratva_single_day ! daystart and bratva['counter'] ! 2 and ((hour >= 8 and hour <= 9 and bratva['stage'] = 1) or ((hour = 14 or hour = 15) and bratva['stage'] = 2) or ((hour = 17 or hour = 19) and bratva['stage'] = 3) or ((hour = 21 or hour = 22) and (bratva['stage'] = 4 or bratva['stage'] = 5 or bratva['stage'] = 10)) or (hour = 20 and ((bratva['stage'] >= 6 and bratva['stage'] <= 9) or bratva['stage'] = 11))):
+!!*		gs 'zz_funcs','message','', '<center><green>You hear the front door slam the apartment, it seems someone came.</green></center>'
+		'<center><green>You hear the front door slam the apartment, it seems someone came.</green></center>'
+		Bratva_single_day = daystart
+	end
+--- bratva_home ---------------------------------

+ 2047 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2047 @@
+# bratva_home_events
+!The first event for the light slave - room
+if $args[0] = 'event1':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['stage'] += 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 1)
+	act'Further' :
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 2)
+		act'Humbly perform' :
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 3)
+			act'Further' :
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 4)
+				act'Further' :
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 5)
+					act'Further' :
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 6)
+						act'Further' :
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(6,7)+'.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 7)
+							act'Further' :
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 20
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(8,9)+'.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 8)
+								act'Further' :
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(10,11)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 9)
+									act'Further' :
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 25
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(12,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 10)
+										act'Further' :
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(14,15)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 11)
+											act'Further' :
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(16,17)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 12)
+												act'Further' :
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny += 25
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(18,19)+'.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 13)
+													act'Ask to fuck' :
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/20.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 14)
+														act'Further' :
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/21.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 15)
+															act'Further' :
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(22,23)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 16)
+																act'Further' :
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny = 85
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(24,25)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 17)
+																	act'Further' :
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		orgasm += 1
+																		analorgasm += 1
+																		anal += 1
+																		stat['bj'] += 1
+																		pcs_horny = 0
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/28.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 18)
+																		act 'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_dom -= 3
+																			!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/29.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 19)
+																			act 'Get dressed': gt 'bratva_home','room'
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+													act 'Keep sucking':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(26,27)+'.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 20)
+														act'Further' :
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/28.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 21)
+															act 'Further' :
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_dom -= 3
+																pcs_horny = 80
+																stat['bj'] += 1
+																!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/29.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 22)
+																act'Get dressed' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Resist'	:
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_dom += 2
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/30.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 23)
+			act 'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/31.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 24)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/32.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 25)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/33.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 26)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 10
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(34,35)+'.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 27)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/36.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 28)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/37.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 29)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/38.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 30)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 15
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/39.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 31)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(40,41)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 32)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(42,43)+'.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 33)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/'+rand(44,45)+'.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 34)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/46.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 35)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny += 5
+																jb += 1
+																anal += 1
+																rape += 1
+																pcs_dom -= 1
+																anus += 2
+																!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', 0,20,1
+																pcs_mood -= 30
+																bratva['fail'] += 1
+																!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event3/47.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 36)
+																act'Get dressed' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Второй ивент для светки рабыни - комната
+if $args[0] = 'event2':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['stage'] += 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 37)
+	act 'Always!':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 38)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 39)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 40)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 41)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 42)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 10
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 43)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 44)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 10
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 45)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 15
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 46)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/10.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 47)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/11.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 48)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/12.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 49)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/13.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 50)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/12.mp4"></video></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 51)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/15.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 52)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny += 10
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/16.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 53)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		stat['bj'] += 1
+																		gang += 1
+																		pcs_dom -= 2
+																		pcs_energy += 5
+																		sweat = 1
+																		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/17.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 54)
+																		act'Get dressed' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Resist':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/18.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 55)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/19.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 56)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/20.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 57)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/21.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 58)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/22.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 59)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/07.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 60)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/08.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 61)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 10
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/23.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 62)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/24.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 63)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 10
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/25.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 64)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny += 15
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/26.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 65)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/04.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 66)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/09.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 67)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/10.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 68)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny += 10
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/13.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 69)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/12.mp4"></video></center>'
+																	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 70)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/27.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 71)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/28.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 72)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/29.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 73)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					jb += 1
+																					gang += 1
+																					rape += 1
+																					pcs_dom -= 1
+																					pcs_energy += 5
+																					sweat = 1
+																					pcs_mood <  20
+																					bratva['fail'] += 1
+																					!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																					!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event4/30.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 74)
+																					act'Get dressed' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!The third event for the light of the slave - room
+if $args[0] = 'event3':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['stage'] += 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 75)
+	act 'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 76)
+		act 'Humbly perform':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 77)
+			act 'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 78)
+				act 'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 10
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 79)
+					act 'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 80)
+						act 'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 25
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 81)
+							act 'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 82)
+								act 'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(8,9)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 83)
+									act 'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 15
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/10.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 84)
+										act 'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 75
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(11,12)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 85)
+											act 'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(13,14)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 86)
+												act 'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny = 95
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/15.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 87)
+													act 'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														orgasm += 1
+														DPorgasm += 1
+														stat['bj'] += 1
+														gang += 1
+														pcs_horny = 0
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(16,17)+'.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 88)
+														act 'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(18,19)+'.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 89)
+															act 'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/20.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 90)
+																act 'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/21.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 91)
+																	act 'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_dom -= 3
+																		pcs_energy += 5
+																		sweat = 2
+																		pcs_mood <  20
+																		anus += 2
+																		!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', 0,20,1
+																		bratva['bratva_event5'] = daystart
+																		bratva['happyend'] += 1
+																		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'pussy'
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/22.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 92)
+																		act 'Get dressed': gt 'bratva_home','room'
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		act 'I will not!':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_dom += 2
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/23.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 93)
+			act 'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(24,25)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 94)
+				act 'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/26.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 95)
+					act 'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(27,28)+'.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 96)
+						act 'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 15
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/29.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 97)
+							act 'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 98)
+								act 'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(30,31)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 99)
+									act 'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 20
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(32,34)+'.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 100)
+										act 'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(35,36)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 101)
+											act 'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 80
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(37,38)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 102)
+												act 'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													orgasm += 1
+													DPorgasm += 1
+													stat['bj'] += 1
+													gang += 1
+													rape += 1
+													pcs_horny = 0
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/39.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 103)
+													act 'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/40.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 104)
+														act 'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/41.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 105)
+															act 'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/'+rand(42,44)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 106)
+																act 'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/45.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 107)
+																	act 'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_dom -= 1
+																		pcs_energy += 7
+																		sweat = 1
+																		anus += 2
+																		!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', 0,20,1
+																		bratva['fail'] += 1
+																		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event5/46.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 108)
+																		act 'Get dressed': gt 'bratva_home','room'
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!The fourth event for the servant slave - room
+if $args[0] = 'event4':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['stage'] += 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 109)
+	act 'Better not, I''m tired':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		bratva['fail'] += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 110)
+		act 'Walk away': gt 'bratva_home','room'
+	end
+	act 'Well, it''ll be interesting to try, of course.!':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 111)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 112)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 15
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 113)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 114)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 115)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 116)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 117)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 118)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 20
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 119)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/10.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 120)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny += 10
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/11.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 121)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/12.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 122)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 80
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/13.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 123)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 95
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/14.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 124)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																orgasm += 1
+																analorgasm += 1
+																anal += 1
+																stat['bj'] += 1
+																pcs_horny = 0
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/15.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 125)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_dom -= 3
+																	sweat = 1
+																	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'ass'
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event6/16.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 126)
+																	act 'Walk away' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Fifth Event for Sveta Slave - Room
+if $args[0] = 'event5':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['stage'] += 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 127)
+	act 'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 128)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 129)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 130)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 131)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 132)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 133)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 10
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 134)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 135)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 136)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 20
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/10.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 137)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/11.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 138)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny += 15
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/12.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 139)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/13.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 140)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 75
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/14.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 141)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny = 95
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/15.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 142)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	orgasm += 1
+																	DPorgasm += 1
+																	pcs_horny = 0
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/16.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 143)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/17.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 144)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/18.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 145)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				pcs_horny += 20
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/19.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 146)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					stat['bj'] += 1
+																					gang += 1
+																					rape += 1
+																					pcs_dom -= 3
+																					pcs_mood = 50
+																					!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', 0,20,1
+																					!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																					!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event7/20.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 147)
+																					act'Walk away' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Sixth Slave Event - Bathtub
+if $args[0] = 'event6':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['stage'] += 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 148)
+	act 'Open mouth':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event8/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 149)
+		act 'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_dom -= 4
+			pcs_mood -= 20
+			sweat = 4
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event8/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 150)
+			act'Walk away' : gt 'bratva_home','bathroom'
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Resist.':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event8/03.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 151)
+		act 'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_dom -= 2
+			pcs_mood < 20
+			sweat = 4
+			pcs_horny += 5
+			bratva['fail'] += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event8/04.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 152)
+			act 'Walk away': gt 'bratva_home','bathroom'
+		end
+	end
+!Seventh Event for Sveta Slave - Bathroom
+if $args[0] = 'event7':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['stage'] += 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 153)
+	act 'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event9/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 154)
+		act 'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 15
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event9/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 155)
+			act 'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 20
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event9/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 156)
+				act 'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event9/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 157)
+					act 'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 25
+						pcs_dom -= 4
+						sweat = 4
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event9/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 158)
+						act 'Walk away': gt 'bratva_home','bathroom'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Восьмой ивент для светки рабыни - ванная
+if $args[0] = 'event8':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['stage'] += 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 159)
+	act 'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event8/05.mp4"></video></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 160)
+		act 'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 15
+			pcs_dom -= 4
+			sweat = 4
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event8/06.mp4"></video></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 161)
+			act 'Walk away': gt 'bratva_home','bathroom'
+		end
+	end
+!Девятый ивент для светки рабыни - кухня
+if $args[0] = 'event9':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['stage'] += 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 162)
+	act 'Ask at the table':
+		i = rand(1,3)
+		if i = 1:
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_energy = 100
+			alko += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 163)
+			act 'Eat and drink vodka': gt 'bratva_home','kitchen'
+		elseif i = 2:
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 164)
+			act 'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/01.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 165)
+				act 'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/02.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 166)
+					act 'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/03.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 167)
+						act 'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/04.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 168)
+							act 'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/05.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 169)
+								act 'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 15
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/06.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 170)
+									act 'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 15
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/07.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 171)
+										act 'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 25
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/08.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 172)
+											act 'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/09.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 173)
+												act 'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny = 90
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/10.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 174)
+													act 'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														orgasm += 1
+														vaginalOrgasm += 1
+														gang += 1
+														stat['bj'] += 1
+														pcs_horny = 0
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/11.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 175)
+														act 'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/12.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 176)
+															act 'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny += 15
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/13.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 177)
+																act 'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/14.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 178)
+																	act 'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/15.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 179)
+																		act 'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_dom -= 1
+																			pcs_mood = 100
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/16.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 180)
+																			act 'Walk away': gt 'bratva_home','bathroom'
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 181)
+			act 'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/17.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 182)
+				act 'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/18.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 183)
+					act 'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/19.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 184)
+						act 'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 10
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/20.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 185)
+							act 'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/21.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 186)
+								act 'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/22.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 187)
+									act 'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 10
+										pcs_energy = 100
+										gs 'zz_funcs','alko', 1
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event11/23.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 188)
+										act 'Eat and drink brandy': gt 'bratva_home','kitchen'
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Leave quietly': gt 'bratva_home','kitchen'
+!The ninth event for the slave girl - room
+if $args[0] = 'event10':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['stage'] += 1
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 189)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 190)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/'+rand(2,3)
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 191)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/04.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 192)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/05.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 193)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 15
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/06.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 194)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/07.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 195)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/08.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 196)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 15
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/'+rand(9,10)
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 197)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny = 70
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/'+rand(11,12)
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 198)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 90
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/'+rand(13,14)
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 199)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												orgasm += 1
+												DPorgasm += 1
+												rape += 1
+												stat['bj'] += 1
+												gang += 1
+												pcs_horny = 0
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/15.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 200)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny += 15
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/'+rand(16,17)
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 201)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/18.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 202)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/19.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 203)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/20.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 204)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny += 5
+																	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'anus'
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/21.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 205)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/22.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 206)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/23.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 207)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/24.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 208)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/25.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 209)
+																					act 'Further':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/26.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 210)
+																						act 'Further':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							pcs_horny += 20
+																							sweat = 1
+																							pcs_dom -= 3
+																							pcs_mood -= 20
+																							anus += 2
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event14/27.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 211)
+																							act 'Walk away': gt 'bratva_home','bathroom'
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!the first mini event when Sveta slave
+if $args[0] = 'eventmini1':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 1
+	bratva['documents'] = 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/home/korr.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 212)
+	act 'Lift and see':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		if bratva['fail'] >= 1:
+			pcs_mood -= 30
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/mini/01.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 213)
+		else
+			pcs_mood += 20
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/mini/01.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 214)
+		end
+		gs 'stat'
+		act 'Put back': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+	end
+!second mini event when Sveta slave
+if $args[0] = 'eventmini2':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_mood -= 10
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/mini/02.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 215)
+	act 'Move Away': gt $loc, $loc_arg
+!The final event for Svetka who did not get into the gang
+if $args[0] = 'event11':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/02.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 216)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 217)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 218)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 219)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 10
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 220)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 15
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 221)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 20
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 222)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 223)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 224)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny = 80
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 225)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 90
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/10.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 226)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/11.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 227)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/12.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 228)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/13.mp4"></video></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 229)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															orgasm += 1
+															DPorgasm += 1
+															stat['bj'] += 1
+															gang += 1
+															rape += 1
+															pcs_horny = 0
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/14.mp4"></video></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 230)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/15.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 231)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/16.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 232)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		alko += 6
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/17.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 233)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_mood -= 20
+																			sweat = 1
+																			!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', 0,20,1
+																			!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'anus'
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event12/18.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 234)
+																			act'Walk away': gt 'city_industrial'
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Talk about joining a gang
+if $args[0] = 'event12':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_mood = 100
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/02.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 235)
+	act'Move Away': gt 'bratva_home','kitchen'
+!Escape Event for Sveta Slave
+if $args[0] = 'event13':
+	*clr & cla
+	bratva['counter'] += 1
+	bratva['escape_day'] = daystart
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 236)
+	act 'Stay':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		pcs_dom -= 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_home_events_strings', 237)
+		act'Leave' : gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+	end
+	act 'Attempt escape':
+		if rand(1,2) = 1:
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_dom += 3
+			bratva['stage'] = 255
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/01.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 238)
+			act'Run away': gt 'city_industrial'
+		else
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/01.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_home_events_strings', 239)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/02.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_home_events_strings', 240)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/03.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_home_events_strings', 241)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/04.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_home_events_strings', 242)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/05.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_home_events_strings', 243)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/06.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_home_events_strings', 244)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/07.mp4"></video></center>'
+									func('bratva_home_events_strings', 245)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/08.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_home_events_strings', 246)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/09.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_home_events_strings', 247)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/10.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_home_events_strings', 248)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/11.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_home_events_strings', 249)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/12.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_home_events_strings', 250)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/13.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_home_events_strings', 251)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_dom -= 1
+																pcs_mood < 20
+																!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',0,36,0
+																bratva['fail'] += 1
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event10/14.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_home_events_strings', 252)
+																act'Walk away' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Dialogue for choosing a profession
+if $args[0] = 'event14':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/mini/07.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 253)
+	!---
+	if bratva['thieffail'] = 2: *clr & '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/mini/07.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_home_events_strings', 254)
+	!---
+	if (bratva['thieffail'] = 0 or bratva['thieffail'] = 2) and bratva['madam'] = 0 and bratva['sniper'] = 0: act 'Rob a rich house': gt 'bratva_thief','eventthief1'
+	if bratva['madam'] = 0 and bratva['sniper'] = 0 and bratva['thieffail'] = 0: act 'Work at the brothel': gt 'bratva_madam','eventmadam1'
+	if bratva['sniper'] = 0 and bratva['thieffail'] = 0 and bratva['madam'] = 0: act 'Try to become a sniper': gt 'bratva_sniper','eventsniper1'
+	act 'Move Away': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+--- bratva_home_events ---------------------------------

+ 258 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# bratva_home_events_strings
+$_vstr[1] = 'The door to the apartment opens, and you with a sinking heart waiting for today to start the day.**But this time there is only one of the groups - is Gennady.'
+$_vstr[2] = 'It is gloomy and obscene grins:**\\\- Cock sang it`s time-good morning kids. My cock wants your neck, my preles-s-St! Come on, make it delicious as you can!'
+$_vstr[3] = 'You, for the form of a heavy sigh, lasciviously stuck out your tongue and ran a finger over it:\\- Mmm, it`s not hard.. You`re welcome.//'
+$_vstr[4] = 'Habitually knelt down and helped the man with the pants.**\\\- Come on you pie hole we practice, FIFA!///- Gennady slapped you in the mouth rubber didak.**\\- U-mmmmfff!//'
+$_vstr[5] = '\\\- Deeper, bitch.! Hard to exercise - easy in battle,///- you are not easily shoved the toy and showed that cope with any tests.**\\\- Yeah, you have a great working nipple.. Well, let`s get started.///'
+$_vstr[6] = 'Gennady shoved his prestasie farm you on the cheek. Very flattering that your views and efforts immediately caused a huge boner. You grabbed a breast and began to caress them, while the man, warming up, popping you in the cheek hardening unit.'
+$_vstr[7] = '\\\- Come on, let`s go, swallow!///**You began skillfully sucking, quickly aroused.'
+$_vstr[8] = '\\\- Great, Shine.! What you diligent! Stick out your tongue. Yes, more, fool! Just like this! Now get the fuck down.!///'
+$_vstr[9] = 'Gennady pushed your head on the bed and, standing on top, drove your cock in her mouth to the maximum, began to famously fuck throat.**You mumbled, playing his strong noodle, continuing to stroke his strained Boobs and involuntarily reaching the other hand to the clitoris.'
+$_vstr[10] = '\\\- Deeper of the nipple, even! Look at me.! Nah, buzz.! Work, work!...///'
+$_vstr[11] = 'Gennady began to rigidly bend down your head, pressing in the groin and finally shoved the cock deep into your throat. You began to gather tears in the corners of your eyes.'
+$_vstr[12] = 'The swollen man threw you on the bed like a limp doll and with such force cut into the throat convulsively sucked in the air and felt the tears still splashed from his eyes.**\\\- Aah, on, fuck, how do you fucking take!///'
+$_vstr[13] = '\\\- For its feet themselves grab and will continue!///- beside himself with excitement shouted Gennady.**You obeyed and lay down in this position tasty smacked member. The man happily dragged your head, sticking the tool.**The entire process only pleasure you humoured fucker how could.'
+$_vstr[14] = '\\- Oh, God, get me off for real, I`m so turned on!//- you moaned in a fever.**\\\- Wow, you`re a fucking light.! No question, sweetie, put your hard-working ass in there..///**\\- Yeah, yay.! I`ll lubricate!//- you quickly stuffed in the ass lubricant.'
+$_vstr[15] = 'And willingly pushed the rolls.'
+$_vstr[16] = 'Gennady drove the bolt into the anus and began to intensively prachanivate. You groaned with pleasure.'
+$_vstr[17] = 'And soon finished with widely spread legs, screaming with ecstasy.'
+$_vstr[18] = 'Finally, you framed her mouth under the final volley and milked a portion of the coveted sperm, slightly sobbing snot.**\\\- Phew, here you are nyasha! Well, thanks for the service, it`s time. Do not miss here, our joy! Wait and come back!///'
+$_vstr[19] = 'You waved your hand after swallowing the prize.'
+$_vstr[20] = 'Gennady himself lay down on the bed, putting you in front of him on his knees and continued to zealously pull your head.**\\\- Come on, bitch, deeper and faster.! You will succeed!///**\\- Hmmm-mmmfffff!//**\\\- Yes, swallow to the root, uuu, na-Ah, well done!///**"When will you be discharged? Damn, I had to substitute the slits!” thought you felt like his throat easily accepts the male staff.'
+$_vstr[21] = 'Finally, you framed her mouth under the final volley and milked a portion of the coveted sperm, slightly sobbing snot.**\\\- Phew, here you are nyasha! Well, thanks for the service, it`s time. Do not miss here, our joy! Wait and come back!///'
+$_vstr[22] = 'You waved your hand after swallowing the prize.'
+$_vstr[23] = '\\- Fuck you, asshole.! Myself suck, if you make it to pierce! Try another bottle from their podbiral!//- suddenly plucking courage, you answer, showing him the middle finger. You even take your breath away from the courage of their own words and begins some jitters, but you finally were able to fight back!'
+$_vstr[24] = '\\\- You`re fucking unbelievable.!///- Gennady furious grabs you by the throat and squeezes,\\\- Can, you right now repay the fuck?///**\\- Ghhh-xxx!//- griphite you prosadochnye and pitifully shake my head.**\\\- Well, you`re gonna fuck around.?///**\\- N-Xe-o, I p-hone-alaaa!//**\\\- Open your mouth wide, impudent whore!///'
+$_vstr[25] = 'The rapist puts you on your knees and snatching his pants, thrusts raised the dignity of you in the open mouth. He seems very excited to be messing with you..'
+$_vstr[26] = '\\\- Take the cheek, bitch.! Look at me, don`t get distracted!///**You helplessly ask for my picture while you drag over the head. And, despite everything, slightly start the engine.'
+$_vstr[27] = 'You start to play hard cock, entering into the taste.**\\\- Ahh, nah, not too bad, bledisha! Come on harder.! I`ll teach you discipline now, you fucking bitch.!'
+$_vstr[28] = 'Gennady firmly binds you with ropes, biting into the body, pulling his hands behind his back.'
+$_vstr[29] = 'And restorative on the bed up in the air, widely divorced feet.'
+$_vstr[30] = 'Then he puts his fingers in your rose and turns them inside. You groan from the humiliation, and suddenly Nakata lust.'
+$_vstr[31] = '\\\- What, fuck, leak? Want, Yes? Dick Lee fingers bent?///- bandit growls, squeezing your throat.**You try to scream with fear and lack of oxygen, but...only more excited!'
+$_vstr[32] = 'Gennady cuts the bolt into your anus and furiously hollows, then dragging you by the hair, then sticking his fingers in his mouth.**You squeal with pain in the anus mixed with perverted desire.**\\\- Well fuck your shit, tight shit on you, stupid rowdy, so donors did not show.///**\\- I-I, I won`t, I won`t.,//- you squeal.'
+$_vstr[33] = '\\\- Come here, suck, spermogonia!///- the rapist pulls you to the floor and roughly otherway in the mouth to tears and snot.'
+$_vstr[34] = '\\\- UY blyayaya, open mouth full schA-AAA cum-ooh!///**You filled my mouth pours a rich river of sperm. You swallow, shedding slightly.'
+$_vstr[35] = '\\\- All swallowed, bitch? Tongue out, show me! All right.. What to say?///'
+$_vstr[36] = '\\- Thanks!// - through the power of you spit out with drops of sperm.**\\\- It to you for Breakfast, for lunch feed to vomit, get ready!///**You sobbing, while Gennady casually unties you and tells him to put himself in order.'
+$_vstr[37] = 'The front door opens and the apartment falls all the same noisy company of men. Sober, cheerful, they are in joyful anticipation.**You have instantaneously fluttered in his stomach: "Oh, what will happen again!”.**Bald, which is kind of like they have in charge, seeing you grinning:\\\- And here is our devaloka!///**Gennady chuckles and looks at his watch:\\\- Al, come on, quick with the nipple, I have to report to the authorities today.///**Albert nods.:\\\- Well, ready quickly, but with the soul? In mochalku take so we rushed ahead.///'
+$_vstr[38] = 'You slutty Levites and winking at the men, throwing off the rags.'
+$_vstr[39] = '\\\- Come on guys!///**\\\- About! It`s our way! Well done, girl!///'
+$_vstr[40] = 'The leader grabs you by the hair, but suddenly just gently stroking:\\\- Svetik-sadakane, come to work, my fish! Bubbles pop!///'
+$_vstr[41] = 'Albert puts you on your knees..'
+$_vstr[42] = 'Men gather around and bending your head on the move shoved into the mouth meaty cock.**\\- Guu-uhff!//- make you hard and swallow.'
+$_vstr[43] = 'You take turns serving everyone. The rest is pretty Yuk and obscene comment:**\\\- Harder, push it all the way in.!///**\\\- Hey, my turn.!///'
+$_vstr[44] = 'You barely have time to each member, trying to please him sweeter.'
+$_vstr[45] = 'You zastrahovat the throat to tears, moving head. Someone behind you pulls your hands behind your back.**It`s just forest starts.'
+$_vstr[46] = 'At last, drive so that already sparks from eyes:**\\\- Come on, fucking deeper, yeah-Ah-Ah, swallow more, more, to the root!!///'
+$_vstr[47] = 'Bald squeezes your throat with pushed almost into the esophagus member:\\\- Aaah, bitch, goes, nah, Lesse cum!///**The fucker with a wheezing moan ejaculates you deep into the throat and you feel the flow of hot seed inside.'
+$_vstr[48] = 'You are roughly attracted to the next crotch and forced to lick the eggs.**What you do with enthusiasm and do, not forgetting the handle with the other, already trembling predlazeniy bolt.**\\\- Uh, lick, Shine, like this....OOO, all, Cup your mouth, now eat!///'
+$_vstr[49] = 'You readily open your mouth and get a portion of brackish sperm.'
+$_vstr[50] = '\\\- Ah, fuck, let me now...swallow, swallow!///'
+$_vstr[51] = 'You arrive in the mouth of a new jet. You close your eyes and swallow.'
+$_vstr[52] = 'The rest are abundantly discharged on your face.**\\\- Cool-Oh! Beauty! She`s crazy.!///**You really feel the rush of lust.**\\\- Let`s lick it off and wipe your face,///- tattooed leader throws you a towel.'
+$_vstr[53] = 'You wipe yourself with it and wrap yourself in it..**\\\- Did you like it?///- Dimas asks with a laugh.**\\- Wow, this is great!//**\\\- Our girl! Okay, don`t be bored, let`s go back.///'
+$_vstr[54] = 'You send thugs after outgoing air kiss.'
+$_vstr[55] = 'You stand in a hand-to-side pose:\\- Look, you`re tired. How many can?! Let me go already. I am not your slave!//**\\\- And who are you then?///- genuinely surprised the rapist,\\\- you are a slave and you will do as you are told. Intuite this ohamevshego fucking lads!///'
+$_vstr[56] = 'You can easily grab, overcoming a slight resistance, just laughing trying to fight back.'
+$_vstr[57] = 'Bring down on a trawler and completely expose.'
+$_vstr[58] = 'Bald squeezes your throat muscular tattooed hand and mercilessly squeezes.'
+$_vstr[59] = 'Dimas roughly crucifies your mouth. You roar, howling with despair.**\\\- What the fuck are you gonna do next??///**\\- Ahh....nohea-at, no, Lord!//**\\\- Come on, slut, suck it like it`s the last time!///'
+$_vstr[60] = 'You take turns shoving them in her face members.**You are taken to appease them hopelessly.'
+$_vstr[61] = 'Men drag you by the hair, spitted on rearing staffs.**You, crying, suck, gradually even starting to get excited.'
+$_vstr[62] = '\\\- On, bitch, deeper into the sperm collector! Don`t move, swallow it all!///**\\\- We must punish the bitch,///- decides the leader, grabbing you by the crotch,\\\- in a flash, we`ll split the shit, so she doesn`t fuck again!///'
+$_vstr[63] = 'You ruthlessly knead and stretch the anus. You squeal.**And still excited about it.'
+$_vstr[64] = 'Dimas cuts you cock in the anus and at the same time plunges his thumb into the pussy.**\\\- Ow-aaai, NEA-AAT,///- you yell plaintively, feeling like the body is weak again and the desire is growing.'
+$_vstr[65] = '\\\- Well pendure her from a couple in the ass!///- albert says.**You yell a good Mat when your ass is pierced by two hot hoses. Bald gags your mouth:**\\\- In uproarious, naughty, and deaf can.///'
+$_vstr[66] = 'Astrahov your ass, you back throw on the knees:**\\\- You`re gonna fucking choke.!///'
+$_vstr[67] = 'You otgremyat mercilessly in the throat to tears and snot under the helpless smykivka.**\\\- Plaque-and, all, suited…,///- moaning Dimas.'
+$_vstr[68] = 'And violently erupts you almost into the esophagus.**You can hardly keep from vomiting, and suddenly discover how the excitement flares up more in the lower abdomen.'
+$_vstr[69] = '\\\- Substitute the fuck!///- screaming bald and pulls you in razdavlenny mouth.'
+$_vstr[70] = '\\\- And now the next!///- another rapist approaches you and ejaculates.'
+$_vstr[71] = '\\\- Eat, whore!///**You pull in all the received cum and swallow, sobbing.'
+$_vstr[72] = 'You are forced to lick and suck the eggs ready to finish the bandits.'
+$_vstr[73] = 'And finally, abundantly obsfuscate face.'
+$_vstr[74] = 'Albert`s squeezing your neck.:**\\\- Just try to break more. Such Cunts	 you`ll get to forget your mom`s name.. Sucked, whore?///**\\- Moo-hoo-hoo.!//**You`re crying with your hands over your face..**\\\- Go wash yourself.. Come back - you`ll get more.///**Rapists, quickly gathering, leave.'
+$_vstr[75] = 'The room filled up bandits. A couple of them kind of tipsy, but not drunk.**\\\- Let`s go to the cards or something!///- offers Gennady.**\\\- And who loses - is to lick a sour pussy little girl,///- adds with a laugh bald.**\\\- Beneath one`s dignity to do such bets, al!///- outraged other rapist, they call him Godfather.**\\\- Don`t want to play. Hey, baby.,///- turns in your direction leader,\\\- get on all fours.. The card table will work.///**\\\- Inside! Blackjack and whores! Everything I love!///- Dimas laughs.'
+$_vstr[76] = 'You with a sigh become as ordered and on your back begins to play a merry band. Dimas loses, over him small neigh:**\\\- You blew it, demon.!///*\\\- Fuck.! This is because Svetochka, ass shines here, impossible to concentrate. Well, you screwball, spreading legs, now predlagaem you to the giblets.///**\\\- Svetka you do not drive, thump - do not sit down rampers, simpleton, ha ha ha!///**Gennady bends your head to the floor:\\\- Come on, table, suck my leg..///'
+$_vstr[77] = 'You lick the bare toes of the son, while the men play one more round.**\\\- Come on, me.,///- decides the leader with tattoos. You are lifted and albert puts his foot in your mouth.'
+$_vstr[78] = 'You obediently suck. Gennady squeezes your Boobs, starting to turn you on.'
+$_vstr[79] = 'You again put on all fours and begin to masat buttocks, stroking and patting on the ass.**\\\- Forward, Dimas, duty calls,///- laughs bald,\\\- interesting chick, just blew.///**\\\- Oh, no big deal!///'
+$_vstr[80] = 'Dmitry crawl under your legs apart and otlizal conocco. You groan with pleasure:\\- Yeah, Oh, that`s good.... more, please.!//**\\\- Come on, Svetulya, in position and hands behind your back!///'
+$_vstr[81] = 'The bald one shoves a finger in your anus, promazyvaya lubricant.'
+$_vstr[82] = 'Your buttocks push wider, together spit and knead the anus with your fingers all and Sundry.**You quietly moan and slutty expose the ass, moving the pelvis towards.'
+$_vstr[83] = 'Then they suck men at a time, usnsa members of saliva.'
+$_vstr[84] = 'And gladly substituted ass to the cock of a bald. Albert, puffing and breathing hard, punches you like a jackhammer.. You just squeal under particularly powerful blows and enjoy.'
+$_vstr[85] = 'The bandits vpendjurivajut you in both holes and fuck intensely.'
+$_vstr[86] = 'Albert puts a belt around your neck and tightens it.:\\\- Come on, swim away, Krasulya! Less oxygen, more buzz .!///**Gennady again shoves your foot in your mouth and you greedily sucked into it.'
+$_vstr[87] = 'You zastrahovat to oblivion and you really start to sail. In the eyes of the dark, you are almost disconnected, but suddenly the whole body permeates the long-awaited powerful orgasm at the very moment when you are thrust at once two cock in the ass.'
+$_vstr[88] = 'Men in turn shoot you in the mouth. You blissfully squinting, accept fountains of seed.'
+$_vstr[89] = 'Albert refills you a whole river of sharply smelling konchalov.'
+$_vstr[90] = '\\\- Well, swallow and you win,///- laughing bandits.**\\- UGC-XX,//- you unquestioningly swallow, even getting slightly wound up again.'
+$_vstr[91] = 'To stained sperm face respondeat card:\\\- All six are yours, Shine!///'
+$_vstr[92] = '\\\- Are you okay at all?///- Gennady is carefully interested in.**\\- S..IgA..cf-f...Yes, like. So it was fun!//**\\\- Smartly! Next time, maybe you can play with us..///You are gently ruffled on the hair and left alone.'
+$_vstr[93] = 'Bald grabs you by the throat, choking, and pulls up:\\\- Here`s what to do with you, bitch.?! Quite lose the scent! Now teach!///**\\\- Disciplinary sanction!///- stern is coming to you a hefty Gennady, removing the belt.'
+$_vstr[94] = 'You with force give birth to hands behind a back and throw a belt on a neck. Then shove the bolt into his mouth and sharply attracted to the groin.**You cry and suck cock. Gennady pushes deep into your throat.'
+$_vstr[95] = 'You are painfully dragged by the hair with a belt around your throat, forcing you to play the cock.**Habitual occupation, though with rough violence involuntarily excites.'
+$_vstr[96] = 'Put back on all fours, spanking the ass with belts.**Pahan unceremoniously pushes you a stronger lump in the pussy. You twitch, however, accept the inevitable.**A pussy, meanwhile, responds and slightly lets the juice.'
+$_vstr[97] = 'Rapists twist your hands and squeeze your buttocks:\\\- It`s time to break your shit, slut.!///'
+$_vstr[98] = 'You relish spit on the ass and roughly knead the anus.'
+$_vstr[99] = 'And each mercilessly progrevaet your anus. You`re squealing..**However, the pain soon mixed with a little pleasure.'
+$_vstr[100] = 'In your ass cut just a couple of bolts. You yell, trying to escape, but sandwiched between strong men you can not even move:**\\\- Son of a bitch, you don`t like something?!///**\\\- Yes, she likes everything, on, fuck, deeper, do not yell!///'
+$_vstr[101] = 'You fuck in both cracks, legs wide apart.**Instead of screaming from the throat already torn moans. The heated body itself is given to the process and you are suddenly thrown into ecstasy.'
+$_vstr[102] = 'The leader clamps your mouth and nose, squeezes the throat with a belt and you almost lose consciousness. His eyes darkened from lack of oxygen, and at this point you rocked the magical power of the discharge.'
+$_vstr[103] = '\\\- Let me shoot the slut in the pussy!///- yells Dimas and furiously drills your pussy.**The rapist orgasms with a strangled moan and you feel the tremors pouring into your bosom of sperm.'
+$_vstr[104] = 'Men pull you to the floor and fuck in the throat. You slurred mychite and Glorieta a cock.'
+$_vstr[105] = 'You are dragged on members to a semi-conscious state and crucify your mouth with your hands:**\\\- All, I on finish!///**\\\- In permotriassic dirani merge!///**\\\- Go teluha, take protein food.///'
+$_vstr[106] = 'The whole group together cums in your mouth, holding your head:**\\\- Now eat completely! Well, nipple.!///'
+$_vstr[107] = 'You pulled a face and swallow. Pleased with the bandits stuck to your face cards:**\\\- Lost, a Horny teenager!///**\\\-Ha ha ha.!///**\\\- Well, turn your ass around and open your pussy!///'
+$_vstr[108] = 'On your ass with marker writing something together and gogochut.**You only sobbing from the humiliation and shame that came under tyrants.**Men leave, leaving you to experience alone.'
+$_vstr[109] = 'One of the bandits, like a chase Pahan, comes into the room:**\\\- Svetik-Blowjob, want to have fun with you while the center of the case decide?///**\\- And how?//**\\\- Well, a little slave play. Although Cho for you to play, would-ha-ha... So, all sorts of things. Come on, you`ll like it!///'
+$_vstr[110] = '\\\- Okay, I`m tired so tired. Then somehow. You`ll break, heh..///'
+$_vstr[111] = '\\\- Then get on your knees over there.!///- you point out place.**\\- Yep!//**You settle in a habitual pose, rubbing knees a floor, the man puts on you a collar and suspends it on a chain..**\\\- First, with a whip, we`ll provoke you a little!///'
+$_vstr[112] = '\\- Ow! ow!!//- you scream when the Plough begins to slightly ohazhivat your naked body with a leather whip-nine-tail.**It suddenly turns you on and covers the desire.'
+$_vstr[113] = '\\- And it doesn`t hurt! Still! Abruptly!//**\\\- You got more, bitch.!///- man slapping your ass,\\\- How do you like it?///'
+$_vstr[114] = '\\- Yeah.! Uh, I thought it was a stupid Perv.! Still!//- you arrive with a whip on the Tits,\\- Wow, moms.!//**\\\- I`m gonna show you Perv, baby.!///'
+$_vstr[115] = 'A man hangs you by the shackled hands, and then bends cancer.'
+$_vstr[116] = 'He puts a burning candle on your back and shoves a hook with a steel ball in your ass.'
+$_vstr[117] = 'Balloon fun chpokaet, penetrating your anus.**You quietly moan, bending back and enjoying.'
+$_vstr[118] = 'Godfather throws your back and butt is melted with hot wax. You slightly twitch and squeal, getting more and more sensual pleasure.'
+$_vstr[119] = '\\\- Just like this! I look good to you, got a taste?///**\\- Ummm, I`m really psyched! You can still whip?//'
+$_vstr[120] = '\\\- Yeah, take that, motherfucker.!///**\\- Uiiii-yaah!//'
+$_vstr[121] = 'Bandit captures you in the new position and pushes the lifted bolt to your mouth:**\\\- Suck it now!///**\\-Me-Yaya!//'
+$_vstr[122] = 'You voluptuously Blowjob with professionalism dear whore, feeling like lust floods the whole body.'
+$_vstr[123] = 'Pahan unfolds you and drives back between the rolls, pre-lubricated cock.**16-inch easy Harith on your ass.**You give passionately, twirling backwards, and moving your pelvis forward.'
+$_vstr[124] = '\\\- Another hot one, bitch.!///- you on back again it`s dripping molten wax.**You shamelessly mooing from the piercing sensations, quickly reach a stunning anal orgasm and tremble like a leaf in the wind, ending.'
+$_vstr[125] = 'Godfather, you relish otdovat, erupts on your buttocks.**\\- Oh, that`s great.! I also came! Thanks.!//**Then you hear a noise and applause. It turns out the remaining members of the group were watching the whole scene. However, you are no longer confused.'
+$_vstr[126] = '\\\- Leave her so, Pachanyc, let Powys. Looks cool!///**You are happy to play a helpless doll-victim for satisfied viewers.**Before you leave, the men release you and advise a good wash.'
+$_vstr[127] = 'Into the room bursts a driver groupings Sanya, pretty young thug:**\\\- In, our tumbler!///'
+$_vstr[128] = 'He grabs you by the throat and squeezes you with both hands:**\\\- You behave badly, slit, they say you should be punished. I have to take care of your upbringing..///'
+$_vstr[129] = 'Sanya roughly promptly you for Boobs, twisting nipples. You squeal and beg:\\- No, it is not necessary! God, when will you leave me alone?!//**Your sensitive papillae, however, are strained.'
+$_vstr[130] = 'The bandit takes off his belt, engulfs it around your neck and pulls:\\\- Go, nipple.! We`ll beat the fucking feminism out of you with our Dicks.!///'
+$_vstr[131] = '\\\- Come on, talk to me open!///**You, sighing in despair, take a cock in your mouth.'
+$_vstr[132] = 'The guy, pulling you by the belt around the neck, intensely harit in the papilla. You even get excited by swallowing his tool.'
+$_vstr[133] = '\\\- Oh, Godfather, join, rasheem fucking couple so harder.///**You nariva alpacino feel someone behind starts you matzo for all the soft spots.'
+$_vstr[134] = '\\- MA-Umm-XX!//- you publish, shuddering when the second member is pushed into your pussy.'
+$_vstr[135] = '\\\- Al told the slave to tie,///- Pahan starts to tie you to the Cabinet. You`re a little frazzled, but resigned.. And again took a lover from behind, gradually warming up.'
+$_vstr[136] = 'You are in a helpless position, so do not move, fuck in turn. Pussy soon allow rich juice.'
+$_vstr[137] = '\\\- Fucking bitch, she`s all wet!///**\\\- Slut, only for mind kochevryazhitsya! Ugh, you stupid fuck!///- Godfather spits you right in the face.**You close your eyes and whimper with humiliation.'
+$_vstr[138] = 'Behind the cock screwed in the ass. You`re screaming through the rope.. Pahan presses his flushed 16-centimeter spat on your cheek.**Against my will, the pain and humiliation you give birth - you realize with horror. You want to they continued...doing things! And harder.!'
+$_vstr[139] = 'You insert a gag, put on handcuffs and sit astride a member:**\\\- Wow, her hole already raschehlili! Yes, there is soon the trolley will stop!///'
+$_vstr[140] = '\\\- Fucking both slits.!///**\\- Guyyyy-x!//- you muffled yell through the gag rather from pleasure.'
+$_vstr[141] = 'You turn over and again piled on the holes. The godfather pulls off the gag:\\\- Shit, you`re fucking high.! Come on, ori.: I`m a fucking whore!///**\\- Yyy-Ah...I-AA send-th-Juha fuckin ` -ya-a-a!//- you vote in perfect ecstasy.'
+$_vstr[142] = 'Soon you are shaken by a long multiorgasm and you dissolve in bliss.'
+$_vstr[143] = 'The bandits put you head down and mercilessly ocharovat throat.'
+$_vstr[144] = 'You swallow their trembling overexcited aggregates in the juice of your holes to the root, swirling your legs.'
+$_vstr[145] = '\\\- On you, whore, in a pizden finally!///- Sasha growls hoarsely, clenching his your throat and violently vulva dick in pussy.'
+$_vstr[146] = 'Both the rapist eyakulyat you in the mouth and in the process richly obsfuscate face.'
+$_vstr[147] = 'And left lying in the sperm tied. You`re ashamed.. You feel hotelsawana dirty cheap. But simultaneously it is necessary to suppress the sweet memories it was so good.**Before leaving, albert casually releases you and tells you to freshen up.'
+$_vstr[148] = 'Bathroom does not close on the latch and in your misery it leans slightly drunk Gennady:\\\- Ekha-Ah, nah. As the way! I need you, motherfucker.! Open your mouth, you`ll work the toilet!///'
+$_vstr[149] = 'You opened your mouth and a stream of urine immediately rushed into it.**\\\- In the already understand why you created the pig! Swallow and swallow, not cramps muzzle! Let me pour you all over...///**Hot, spicy-smelling urine drizzled over your face.'
+$_vstr[150] = 'You sobbed, lowered your eyes and, having overcome disgust, swallowed part of.**Gennady continued to urinate in your mouth until he emptied all the liquid reserves.**\\\- You spill a lot, you stupid cunt.! Ah nothing, will learn!///**When the man came out, you cried with humiliation and self-pity, but could not drive away one thought:**“But maybe it is better to obey? Like nothing terrible, and did not beat.”'
+$_vstr[151] = 'You with shout " No! Go to hell!"you try to push Gennady away, but the athletic bandit easily copes with you.**Then throws on his knees and grabbing her hair several times dips into the toilet with his whole head:\\\- You yet, fucking a twat?! Follow orders and don`t run.! Well, open your mouth, whore, or drown you right now.?!///**\\- Yeah.!//- with hatred spit out you,\\- do your job, just leave it alone.//**\\\- Bitch, you`re a Greyhound! To teach you more and teach! Nothing, then become as silk. Come on, wider fucking!///'
+$_vstr[152] = 'Gennady urinates in your open mouth and pours the whole face with a pungent smell of urine. You close your eyes, trying to turn away from what is happening.**\\\- Well you, Chushka, spill? Swallow it now!///**You, having overcome disgust, swallow salty nasty liquid.**The man leaves, and you can only cry uncontrollably from disgusting feelings, humiliation and despair. You suddenly, with horror felt a little bit excited. “Do what I can to make?! Maybe you should check? Next time, I won`t resist.. Better about yourself to know these things!”'
+$_vstr[153] = 'You go into the bathroom and find there disguised bandit. I think his nickname is " Dimas”:\\\- Op, FIFA! Long time no see, haha! Have a seat to push and shove his cunt dildos out there I`m a fucking game. Well, not understand, or what? Birr!///**\\- Okay.! Now!//'
+$_vstr[154] = 'You shoved a rubber Dildo between your labia, and Dimas, suddenly laughing, began to pee directly on your pussy.**You were seized by a strange excitement.**\\\- Come on, jump on the hose, you`re used to it.! Sit down.!///'
+$_vstr[155] = 'You, under the jets of urine, flooding your whole body, began to ride on an artificial penis, more and more wound up'
+$_vstr[156] = '\\\- Come in her mouth, obsosy even to the last drop!///**You sucked the drops of urine off the head with some sort of perverse pleasure.**\\\- Wait here, maybe someone else need the toilet, go at the lads ask. Yes, good to have Dildo fuck. On your knees wait, slave!///**"What I do?!” a shaking astonished you, obediently kneeling.'
+$_vstr[157] = 'Soon came another group, and zerjav, you peed in your helpful filled mouth:\\\- Well you fucked nyasha cool. I think we found you were high.. Uh, comrades, who else wants to drain?! Get over here.!///'
+$_vstr[158] = 'You poured urine into several powerful jets and you have really got. You started swallowing urine with pleasure, shaking your head, exposing your face and Breasts, even moaning.**After you piss, you are a few squeamish advised to wash thoroughly.**"I`m the last pervert!"- involuntarily giggling, you think, licking.'
+$_vstr[159] = 'In the bathroom after you unceremoniously enters a couple of bandits. They immediately take off his pants:**\\\- Get in the bath, open the smack.. You already know what to do, doll.!///'
+$_vstr[160] = 'One undressed gets near you in the tub and let the urine stream into your mouth:**\\\- Yeah, that`s it, drink, stay focused.. Look at me.! Attaboy! It`s been a good girl.///**Idiotically flapping eyelashes and almost sticking his tongue out of zeal, you clearly understand that something like that and waited, even secretly hoped.**You finally got easy. You spit on any norms, selflessly surrendering to the process.'
+$_vstr[161] = 'The second also uses your mouth as a toilet bowl while having fun laughing:**\\\- Look how she likes it!///**You have not crevices, swallowing urine, and catch myself start from smayh vulgar forms of humiliation and dirty perverted.**Men leave, leaving you to worry: "God, what`s happening to me? Who I turn into?! How can I like it?”'
+$_vstr[162] = 'You go into the kitchen, finding that the whole group together-having dinner, a little drinking and discussing business.'
+$_vstr[163] = '\\\Sit, eat, drink!///- albert throws indifferently.**\\\- You need to keep your strength up, haha,///- laugh the rest.'
+$_vstr[164] = '\\\- Come on, get out and MOP the floor.. Earn-eat,///- decides the ringleader in response to your request.**\\\- Yes let naked washes, so more fun,///- support others.'
+$_vstr[165] = 'You start wet cleaning in the Nude.'
+$_vstr[166] = '\\\- Oh, the way she swings her ass! I even got up. Come on, get your ass up, bend over.!///- encouraged you to “the Demon”.**You feel the excitement of greedily watching the eyes.'
+$_vstr[167] = '\\\- Svetik, oil????? in the chamber get. Olive, present. I brought from Italy,///- Gennady tells you.**\\\- And RUB, you`ll be like a show-off whore in porn magazines.///**\\- All right!//'
+$_vstr[168] = 'You RUB the body with oil in front of everyone.**\\\- Show, show! Come on, fuck yourself.!///**\\\- Come on, baby, the audience is asking,///- bald nods.'
+$_vstr[169] = 'You are exposed in every way, caressing pussy with your fingers.'
+$_vstr[170] = 'And soon, starting, you start to fuck yourself with your palm.'
+$_vstr[171] = 'Inflated, you began to breathe heavily and moan slightly, squeezing his buttocks.**And heard the cheering applause..**\\\- Well, now, and will fuck up, perhaps!///'
+$_vstr[172] = 'Men rise and take out ready-made cock out of his pants.**You`re willing to sit on his haunches and suck.'
+$_vstr[173] = 'You are laid back on the table and the bolt is punched into the expiring pussy.'
+$_vstr[174] = 'Each in turn Fucks a squishing pussy. Another fucker squeezes you Clit and you cry orgasmoral.**\\\- Bitch, she`s yelling again! At least shut your mouth.!///'
+$_vstr[175] = 'You, all smeared in food and oil, enjoy a rough fuck.'
+$_vstr[176] = '\\\- Well, that in the shit stuffed, easy to go! Like clockwork....haha!!///- Gennady screws you cock in the anus. On the other side of the table you shove in her mouth. You ask for my picture in full abandon.**\\\- About, all, nah, suitable conductive giveback right in her shoot! Nah, nah, nah.!///**\\\- Let`s tale, together ass skanks!///- team leader.'
+$_vstr[177] = 'The bandits end up in a queue in your anus.'
+$_vstr[178] = '\\- Ooh, whoa, whoa.,//- you mutter, feeling that a little more and the sphincter will not stand, releasing a river of sperm back.**And the laughter of men, bullet run to the bathroom.'
+$_vstr[179] = 'In the bathroom, relax the gut and with pleasure release all the seed from the hole at will.'
+$_vstr[180] = 'You are so satisfied that your lips do not slip lascivious smile.'
+$_vstr[181] = '\\\- Rags off, Shine amuse us for a while,///- tells you tattooed al.**\\\- Yeah, there`s the cream concentrated for the cakes from the tin.,///- Gennady nods. You have the impression that this "blat-Hata" belongs to him.**\\\-Only prettier, for show. Play a stripper..///**\\- Well...okay, I`ll try.//'
+$_vstr[182] = 'You were showing off, flashing your naked bodies..'
+$_vstr[183] = 'Then took the tube and squeezed on his tongue cream.'
+$_vstr[184] = 'And continued, mouth full nabasham.**The imitation of familiar actions, you are slightly aroused.**\\\- Ahaha, it seems, spermoholics,///- there was applause.**\\\- Deltacine take out the giant game. Play with yourself and we`ll see!///'
+$_vstr[185] = 'You, grabbing the enchanting size of an artificial penis, began to lick it, pouring cream.**\\\- Not a bad sight. Into sui`s mouth!///**\\\- Yeah, practice.!///**\\\- Practice make perfect,///- with a monstrous accent flashed Gennady.'
+$_vstr[186] = 'You tried to shove in his mouth dellacasa, even his eyes bulging from zeal.**The bandits snickered fun:**\\\- In the ass try!///'
+$_vstr[187] = 'You tried to shove a little bit into the anus:\\- Ow! ow!!//**\\\- Deeper, deeper, you`re used to!///'
+$_vstr[188] = '\\- Nope, not climbing, I tear!//**\\\- Okay, teluha, develop, don`t worry!///**\\\- A-ha-ha, yeah will try!///**\\\- Good to suffer, sufferer, sit down to eat, swing brandy, if you want.///'
+$_vstr[189] = 'The room comes from a couple of bandits - frostbite demos and young drove Sanya.**\\\- Well, you fucking Mare, you`re all fluttering.?///- you notice in the hands of have Dimas strange steel adjusting and scared cringe.**\\\- Come here, fuck.! Now you`ll be as quiet as a sheep.///'
+$_vstr[190] = 'You wear an iron pad that covers your neck and shackles your hands. Dimas puts a gag in his mouth:\\\- You know, you deserve to be punished, slut, yeah.?///'
+$_vstr[191] = 'You are whipped. However, more for the thrill.'
+$_vstr[192] = 'Then expose the ass and spreading her buttocks, begin to knead the anus.**Sanek takes a rubber toy:\\\ - Come on, young, mine her clean!///'
+$_vstr[193] = 'Your ass is invaded by a Dildo. Sanek hard perdolit your gut toy.**You scream through the gag..**Again, helplessness and violence excite you.**It`s starting to scare.'
+$_vstr[194] = '\\\- What, ready to work without quirks, whore?///**\\- Mmmm.!//- you desperately nod your head.**\\\- Then swallow!///- your mouth is released from the gag and immediately plugged with a member.'
+$_vstr[195] = 'Your head is planted on the cock, and the bolt is screwed in the ass Sanka.'
+$_vstr[196] = 'Herat you mercilessly and you start gradually, not feeling a pain in the ass poprawitsja.'
+$_vstr[197] = 'Men change, twirling you like a doll, and trying to zasandalit deeper. You are already involved in the process, getting perverted pleasure.**And once again hate yourself for it.'
+$_vstr[198] = 'You are slapped in both slits and slapped, legs wide apart. You clench your teeth so as not to moan with pleasure, but all in vain. Pussy is flowing abundantly and you just fly at full speed to the peak.'
+$_vstr[199] = '\\- Awww, yeah, Lord-and-! Deeper, here is the kind-aaaaaak!//**You orgasmoral violently, hysterically yelling.'
+$_vstr[200] = '\\\- What okonchilas bitch? Ready to take a couple to the shit?///**\\- No, no, no, no, please.!//'
+$_vstr[201] = 'You squeal, getting two Dicks in the anus, feeling that even a little bit and there something will break.**\\- Mammy! IAEA-x!//**\\\- Come on, bitch, practice.!///**You, through the pain, still begin to enjoy the fullness and even catch yourself on the crawling movements of the pelvis in time with male frictions.'
+$_vstr[202] = '\\\- On, slut, get, fuck the present,///- Sanek, pulling you by the hair, with a groan cums in your anus.'
+$_vstr[203] = 'Member since Spokane out of your hole and you feel it pouring from you after cum.'
+$_vstr[204] = 'Dimas, pressing your head, shoots a fountain in your mouth. You just seed covering eyes.'
+$_vstr[205] = '\\\- So lie down, now, ass expose, let the lads will look!///**The rest of the rapists laughing, entering the room, considering you in all your glory.**Pahan picks you up and drags you to the bathroom.'
+$_vstr[206] = 'You can barely move on your legs.:\\\- Come on, move your buns, nipple.! You haven`t got everything you deserve.!///'
+$_vstr[207] = 'In the bathroom you shove a roll of toilet paper in your mouth.'
+$_vstr[208] = 'Godfather with a laugh to piss on your face.'
+$_vstr[209] = '\\\- Come on, don`t turn the fuck away, you like it.!///'
+$_vstr[210] = 'You realize in horror that he is right and you it`s crazy hot.'
+$_vstr[211] = 'Finally, freeing from the pads, you paint the body obscene inscriptions, under a slightly drunken neighing gathering gang.**Men leave, leaving you alone.'
+$_vstr[212] = 'On the floor you notice someone dropped a document.'
+$_vstr[213] = 'Well, here we are. It turns out that this hefty male Gennady-some important bump in law enforcement. These reptiles will be nothing even if they write a statement! Only make yourself worse. You break through cold sweat: goes with you and then can do anything!**You are covered by a wave of despair and despair'
+$_vstr[214] = 'That`s a twist.! It turns out that this hefty male Gennady-some important bump in law enforcement. That`s what get up every lawlessness, without fear. Very, very interesting.. And promising.**You were even glad to find the information.'
+$_vstr[215] = '"God, how I look!” I think you almost do not recognize myself in the reflection.'
+$_vstr[216] = 'You go to the kitchen in the hope to agree on release.**\\\- Maybe you Caucasians to sell, the`ll blow?///- thoughtfully taps his chin, “demAs”.\\\- Hassle more, throw this stuff, tired of breaking. I`m one of those pacifier looked after, lads…///**\\\- In short, bind her, so as not twitched, finally upalm,///- decided to bald.**\\\- No, no, no, God, Yes, well again.!///- you have cried.'
+$_vstr[217] = 'You tied your hands to your feet and put the bolt in your mouth, plugging endless babble.**You with complete despair began to suck.'
+$_vstr[218] = '\\\- Bitch, take two in the smock!///**\\- Umphhhh…//**\\\- Here`s a stupid whore, does not learn!///'
+$_vstr[219] = 'You began to tear in the pussy, crushing his head with his feet and slapping his buttocks with all the dope.**You even the habit of violence were gradually instituted under a member.'
+$_vstr[220] = 'Pussy let the juice, you tried to give up and have fun, unwittingly opening her mouth. You immediately put there bare foot.**You instinctively sucked the thug`s fingers..'
+$_vstr[221] = '\\\- Give me your bitch`s pussy so I can remember.,///- you flunked albert, having begun intensively charity.**You groaned, giving in to the growing lust.'
+$_vstr[222] = '\\\- And now in the guts, nah,///- the leader slapped you in your anus 18-cm staff. You screamed and immediately got a cock in your mouth.'
+$_vstr[223] = 'The leader`s cock in your anus was replaced by a thick hose of Gennady.'
+$_vstr[224] = 'You sat on a member and began to tear furiously in two holes.**A hot wave of excitement doused the body and soon you gave up on their own.'
+$_vstr[225] = 'You shoved another tense bolt in your mouth and you sucked into it with all diligence.'
+$_vstr[226] = 'Someone slapped you hard in the face, and behind yelled, I think, Dimas:**\\\- Aaah, I`m taking the whores to the shithole....whoo-hoo, na-Ah!!///**Your intestine with the acceleration vburilsya natural jackhammer and let it charge hot seed.**You almost completely failed in animal sensations, hating yourself for it.'
+$_vstr[227] = '\\\- Now there grease even drown Huarte her ass doublet!///'
+$_vstr[228] = 'You screamed under a couple of members in the anus, but got used to just half a minute and even opened a trembling hand buttocks wider.'
+$_vstr[229] = 'Soon, getting in the ass to the full, you ached from the surging anal orgasm with three members in the holes.'
+$_vstr[230] = 'Bandits one by one began to cum in your ass.**\\\- Aah-GHH, that`s it, buzz,///- roared the last, slapping you fountain deep in the gut.**You have little thought of safetnet, hardly noticing that you painted the rolls labels.'
+$_vstr[231] = '\\\- Get up, wettail, show me how the art turned out!///- you are on faltering feet slipped and kicked ass.'
+$_vstr[232] = 'Albert with power opened your mouth and poured almost a whole bottle of vodka. You, choking and gurgling, he swallowed the alcohol and solovely.'
+$_vstr[233] = '\\\- Turn off you, fucking, in pace,///- behind you threw a rope around his throat and strangled. In the eyes of went black and you lost consciousness.'
+$_vstr[234] = 'Woke up on the street, through an unknown period of time, with a heavy head, completely Nude, lounging on the pavement. Nearby, however, were thrown the remains of your tattered clothes. You pulled REMCO and staggered his way into the dusk, trying to learn the area.**It seems to be the Northern part of the city.'
+$_vstr[235] = 'You go to the kitchen in the hope to agree on release.**\\- Boys, Alicec, I was thinking...you like me, right?? Well everyone is doing. Here is recognized that want to...//**\\\- Yes you brilliant, World-simpatyulya!///**\\- Can I come with you?? Well, in the Affairs of any. I also want to try!//**\\\- You`re driving, pacifier.!///- pakhan jumped up.**\\\- Shut the fuck up,///- pulled brother albert,\\\- The girl is suitable in any way. And use it will find it and in addition stuck-took. In the us, and the brains of this. What say you, Gennady light Sergeyevich, your advice?///**\\\- You are right,///- Gennady mastersky patted you on the cheek,\\\- why not try. We will test in business. If it doesn`t fail,…///**\\\- And if you fail, and it itself can fall off,///- added Dimas. You he at all always seemed the most frostbitten. It seems not in vain.**\\\- In short, I think. Plus to you for the initiative. Well, run, do something, baby.. Yes at all can go home. Dimas, doors open, something to keep when she is all ready.///**\\\- Come On, Shine,///- Gennady slapped you on the ass,\\\- Come. Will you deal.///**\\\- Grease don`t forget.///**\\\- Ha ha ha.!///**\\- Wow! Cool-cool! Yo, thanks, Alicec, Hanicke! I will not fail!//'
+$_vstr[236] = 'You see a door that`s not tightly closed.. I think one of the rapists forgot to lock her up.. This is a chance to get away from the gang and try to forget everything that happened.'
+$_vstr[237] = 'After thinking carefully, you decided that you are satisfied. Fuck? And well, that fuck! Humiliate? You like it. I`m not going anywhere, or they`ll catch me and punish me. Need to be obedient. Yes, and tough guys, they should be friends, and not run from such happiness.'
+$_vstr[238] = 'You that is spirit fly out the door and a bullet rush to the exit of the entrance. The street is dark, there is some industrial area and the area is completely unfamiliar to you.**You run where your eyes look and finally begin to recognize the neighborhood. This Northern district. Already to the Park at hand.'
+$_vstr[239] = 'Barely leaning out the door to give the Deru, you hear a shout from behind:**\\\- Hey, where are you going, slut??!///**\\- Aaaaaa, somebody help me!//- in desperation, you cry out loudly, feeling as you grab and drag back.'
+$_vstr[240] = 'Squeezing your throat and not giving to fight back, George and Dima drag you to the kitchen, to the rest of the company.'
+$_vstr[241] = '\\\- Albert, you know what, this motherfucker`s gonna leave us.!///**\\\- Yes you Cho? Ay-ay-ay! Well, this can not be lowered!///**You griphite, gasping, hands clenching your throat.'
+$_vstr[242] = 'You pinch your nose and under the cruel laughter shove almost the entire palm in your mouth:\\\- Fucking sperm collector.! Oh wait I have!///'
+$_vstr[243] = 'You put a tight plastic bag on your head and hold until you lose consciousness from lack of air.'
+$_vstr[244] = 'Bald brings you to your senses by sticking under a stream of cold tap water.'
+$_vstr[245] = 'Then fills the sink and keeps you under water. You almost choke, blowing bubbles.'
+$_vstr[246] = 'One of the rapists with a swing hits you with a rolling pin on the ass. You yell.'
+$_vstr[247] = 'You put to the wall and take turns whipping a piece of wire on bare Boobs. It hurts terribly. You`re roaring bitterly and vainly begging the bandits to left. On the body are abrasions.**\\\ - Don`t run, you bastard, don`t run, or we`ll tear your legs off. And don`t yell so fucking ears roll up.///'
+$_vstr[248] = '\\- Aaaaahhhh, enough, please.! I won`t! I`ll do anything for you, just stop.. Please, I understand.! Well, excuse me-e-e me-Aah!//**\\\- Good, do not spoil the goods,///- stops albert,\\\- maybe we`ll sell it to the Caucasians.///**\\\- Just bring it up first, haha!///**\\\- Come on, let`s fucking go.!///- Gennady drags you.**You throw on the sofa in the room and with the force of bred legs.'
+$_vstr[249] = 'Your pussy roughly gouge hand.'
+$_vstr[250] = 'Another bandit pushing your labia pushes you just two hands in the vagina.**\\- Waaaaahh-no-at, neaa-Eee!!!!//- in vain you tear from side to side.**\\\- Tight yet, but it`s temporary, bitch!///'
+$_vstr[251] = 'You get fucked with both hands. You screaming and yelling obscenities good, feeling so sever inside.'
+$_vstr[252] = 'Finally, you drive a bottle of champagne into the pussy and leave to lie in a semi-unconscious state.**You haggard pull out a foreign object from the long-suffering womb.'
+$_vstr[253] = '\\\- In short, we decided to check you in, Svetik. You will cope - there will be to you a lot of happiness and a pack of Huy in addition. Three tasks to choose from. If you do not pull something, it is better not to undertake, and then painfully punish.///**\\- I will try! I always try, you know.. And that to do?//'
+$_vstr[254] = '\\\- In short, we decided to test you again in Shine. You will cope - there will be to you a lot of happiness and a pack of Huy in addition. If you do not pull something, it is better not to undertake, and then painfully punish.///**\\- I will try! I always try, you know.. And that to do?//'
+$result = $_vstr[args[0]]
+killvar '$_vstr'
+--- bratva_home_events_strings ---------------------------------

+ 1197 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1197 @@
+# bratva_lake_event
+if $ARGS[0] = 'aquapark':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	if lake_people < 2:
+		$_str
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/aquapark.jpg"></center>'
+		'You go to the rides. Now there is almost no one.'
+	elseif lake_people < 4:
+		$_str
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/aquapark1.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы подошли к аттракционам. Вокруг развлекаются люди, но особого ажиотажа не наблюдается'
+	else
+		$_str
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/aquapark2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы подошли к аттракционам. Тут целое столпотворение народа, не протолкнуться. К аттракционам выстраиваются очереди'
+	end
+		'**Тут есть <a href="exec:gt''lake_event'',''gidro''">гидроциклы</a>
+		<a href="exec:gt''lake_event'',''banan''">банан</a> и <a href="exec:gt''lake_event'',''gorka''">горка</a>.'
+	act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'gidro':
+	*clr & cla
+	$_str
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/gidro.jpg"></center>'
+	'You come to a jet ski. ** Trip price 100 rubles.'
+	if money >= 100:
+		act 'Прокатиться':
+			*clr & cla
+			pcs_mood += 10
+			money -= 100
+			minut += 30
+			gs 'stat'
+			$_str
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/gidro'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы садитесь на гидроцикл. Вам надевают на руку браслет с чекой-"глушилкой" и объясняют на что жать. Вы катаетесь, визжа от восторга.'
+			if rand(1,5) = 1:gt'lake_event','kater1'
+			act 'Finish':gt'lake_event','aquapark'
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Move Away':gt'lake_event','aquapark'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'banan':
+	*clr & cla
+	$_str
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/banan.jpg"></center>'
+	'You come to an inflatable banana. ** Trip price 100 rubles.'
+	if money >= 100:
+		act 'Прокатиться':
+			*clr & cla
+			pcs_mood += 10
+			minut += 30
+			money -= 100
+			gs 'stat'
+			$_str
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/banan'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'You sit down on a banana and they pull you behind the boat. You scream, trying to hold onto it.'
+			i = RAND(0,100)
+			if i >= 80 and i < 90:gt'lake_event','kater2'
+			if i >= 90:gt'lake_event','kater3'
+			act 'Finish':gt'lake_event','aquapark'
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Move Away':gt'lake_event','aquapark'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'gorka':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	$_str
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/gorka.jpg"></center>'
+	'You come to the hill. ** Trip price 50 rubles.'
+	if money >= 50:
+		act 'Прокатиться':
+			pcs_mood += 20
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 15
+			money -= 50
+			$_str
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/gorka'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы поднимаетесь на горку и скатываетесь вниз, плюхаясь в воду с тучей брызг.'
+			act 'Finish':gt'lake_event','aquapark'
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Move Away':gt'lake_event','aquapark'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'horse':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	minut += 1
+	$_str
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/horse.jpg"></center>'
+	'Вы подходите к лошадям.**Цена поездки 100 руб.'
+	if money >= 100:
+		act 'Прокатиться':
+			pcs_mood += 10
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 30
+			money -= 100
+			$_str
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы садитесь в седло и отправляетесь кататься по берегу озера, опасливо вцепившись в узду. Но лошадка, похоже, привычная, и ведёт себя смирно.'
+			horserand = RAND(0,100)
+			if horserand >= 60 and horserand < 80: gt'lake_event','horse1'
+			if horserand >= 80: gt'lake_event','horse2'
+			act 'Finish':gt'city_lake'
+		end
+	end
+	act 'Move Away':gt'city_lake'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'voleybol':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 1
+	if lake_people >= 3:
+		$_str
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/voleybol1.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы подходите к волейбольной площадке.'
+		act 'Смотреть':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 30
+			pcs_mood += 20
+			gs 'stat'
+			$_str
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/voleybol'+rand(2,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы смотрите как отдыхающие на пляже люди, весело играют в волейбол.'
+			act 'Walk away': gt'city_lake'
+		end
+		act 'Играть':
+			*clr & cla
+			if pcs_stren < 20: pcs_stren += 1
+			if vital < 20: vital += 1
+			pcs_agil += iif(pcs_agil<40,1,rand(0,1))
+			if pcs_stren < 30: pcs_stren += iif(pcs_stren<30,1,rand(0,1))
+			if vital < 30: vital += iif(vital<30,1,rand(0,1))
+			speed += iif(speed<40,1,rand(0,1))
+			minut += 30
+			pcs_mood = 100
+			gs 'stat'
+			$_str
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/voleybol_play'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы подходите к играющим и спрашиваете можно ли вам присоединиться. Вас с удовольствием принимают в команду.'
+			act 'Finish': gt'city_lake'
+		end
+	else
+		$_str
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/voleybol.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы подходите к волейбольной площадке, но сейчас она пустует - желающих поиграть нет.'
+	end
+	act 'Walk away': gt'city_lake'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'voleybol_nude':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 1
+	if lake_people >= 3:
+		$_str
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/voleybol_nude1.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы подходите к волейбольной площадке'
+		act 'Смотреть':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 30
+			pcs_mood += 20
+			gs 'stat'
+			$_str
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/voleybol_nude'+rand(2,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы смотрите как играют другие.'
+			act 'Walk away':gt'Nudelake'
+		end
+		act 'Играть':
+			*clr & cla
+			if pcs_stren < 20: pcs_stren += 1
+			if vital < 20: vital += 1
+			pcs_agil += iif(pcs_agil<40,1,rand(0,1))
+			if pcs_stren < 30: pcs_stren += iif(pcs_stren<30,1,rand(0,1))
+			if vital < 30: vital += iif(vital<30,1,rand(0,1))
+			speed += iif(speed<40,1,rand(0,1))
+			minut += 30
+			pcs_mood = 100
+			gs 'stat'
+			$_str
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/voleybol_nude_play'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы подходите к играющим и спрашиваете можно ли вам присоединиться. Вас с удовольствием принимают в команду.'
+			act 'Finish':gt'Nudelake'
+		end
+	else
+		$_str
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/event/voleybol_nude.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы подходите к волейбольной площадке, но сейчас она пустует, желающих поиграть нет.'
+	end
+	act 'Walk away':gt'Nudelake'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'walklake':
+	if rand(1,2) = 1:
+		*clr & cla
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/walklake.jpg"></center>'
+		'Гуляя по берегу озера увидели рыбака дремавшего возле своих удочек.**\\\- Эй красавица иди сюда,/// - позвал он, услышав ваши шаги.'
+		if dom > -25: act 'Пройти мимо':minut += 5 & gt'city_lake'
+		if ribakSex = 0:
+			act 'Подойти':
+				*clr & cla
+				if dom > -10 or hotcat <= 2:act 'Walk away':minut += 5 & gt'city_lake'
+				if hotcat >= 3:
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/fisherman.jpg"></center>'
+					'Вы подошли к парню с удочкой. Он похотливо и вальяжно осмотрел вас с головы до ног**\\\- А ты ничего так, симпотная/// удовлетворённо кивнул парень, когда вы подошли ближе.'
+					act 'Чего тебе надо?':
+						*clr & cla
+						dick = 25
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/fisherman.jpg"></center>'
+						'Вы поинтересовались, что парню нужно.**\\\- У тебя на лице написано, что ты блядушка,/// - сказал парень ухмыляясь. -\\\ Хочешь соснуть?///'
+						if shameless['flag'] < 1:
+							act 'Да как ты смеешь?':
+								*clr & cla
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/resent.jpg"></center>'
+								'Вы возмутились таким наглым высказываниям. Парень только шире ухмыльнулся:**\\\- Да ладно, не парься, я люблю блядей...///** После этих слов парень расстегнул ширинку и достал немаленький член.**\\\- Ну же детка,/// - поманил вас к себе парень. -\\\ Смотри какая у папы есть вкусняшка, для твоего блядского ротика...///'
+								act 'Идиот! (уходить)':
+									*clr & cla
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/angry.jpg"></center>'
+									'Вы обозвали этого придурка идиотом и собрались уходить.**\\\ - Ну может я ошибся и ты не блядь, а шлюха?,/// - задумчиво произнёс парень. -\\\ Слышь шлюшка, хочешь штуку заработать?///'
+									act 'Walk away': gt 'lake_event','fisherman_fuck'
+								end
+							end
+						else
+							act 'Что?':
+								*clr & cla
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/surprised.jpg"></center>'
+								'Вы удивились подобной наглости. Парень только шире ухмыльнулся:**\\\- Ты еще сильнее удивишься, увидев ЭТО!...///** После этих слов парень расстегнул ширинку и достал немаленький член.**\\\- Ну же детка,/// - поманил вас к себе парень. -\\\ Смотри какая у папы есть вкусняшка, для твоего блядского ротика...///'
+								act 'Идиот! (уходить)':
+									*clr & cla
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/angry.jpg"></center>'
+									'Вы обозвали этого придурка идиотом и собрались уходить.**\\\ - Ну может я ошибся и ты не блядь, а шлюха?,/// - задумчиво произнёс парень. -\\\ Слышь шлюшка, хочешь штуку заработать?///'
+									act 'Walk away': gt 'lake_event','fisherman_fuck'
+									act 'Деньги вперед!':
+										*clr & cla
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/money.jpg"></center>'
+										'\\- Деньги вперед!,// - '+iif(shameless['flag'] < 2,'помявшись','решительно')+' сказали вы.**\\\- Ну так с этого бы и начинала!,/// - расхохотался парень. -\\\ Сказала бы что ты шлюха, а не пудрила бы мне мозг'+iif(shameless['flag'] < 2,' разыгрывая из себя школьницу целку!','')+'!///**Парень достал деньги и вальяжно протянул их вам.'
+										act 'Передумать': gt 'lake_event','fisherman_fuck'
+										act 'Взять деньги': gt 'lake_event','fisherman_oral_money'
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+						act 'Подойти ближе':
+							*clr & cla
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/grabbing.jpg"></center>'
+							'Вы неуверенно подошли ближе к парню, и тот, проворно схватив вас за запястье, буквально подтащил к себе.**\\\- Ну же детка, не еби мозг,/// - сказал он вам прямо в лицо. -\\\ Мы оба в курсе, что тебе до ужаса хочется попробовать мой хуй на вкус. Так не стесняйся!///'
+							if (pcs_stren + pcs_agil) > 50:
+								act 'Вырваться и убежать':
+									minut += 5
+									gt 'city_lake'
+								end
+							else
+								act 'Подчиниться': gt 'lake_event','fisherman_oral'
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				else
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/fisherman.jpg"></center>'
+					'Вы подошли к парню с удочкой. Он похотливо и вальяжно осмотрел вас с головы до ног**\\\-Ну чтож ты страшная такая/// усмехнулся он, напевая себе под нос, когда вы подошли ближе.'
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			act 'Подойти':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/fisherman.jpg"></center>'
+				'Вы подошли к парню и тот сказал вам:**\\\- Привет <<$ribakName>>, хочешь соснуть?///'
+				if dom > -25: act 'Walk away': gt 'lake_event','fisherman_fuck'
+				if $ribakName = 'шлюха':
+					act 'Штука!':
+						*clr & cla
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/money.jpg"></center>'
+						'\\- Штука!,// - сказали вы. -\\ И деньги вперед!//**Усмехнувшись, парень достал деньги, и вальяжно протянул их вам.'
+						act 'Взять деньги': gt 'lake_event','fisherman_oral_money'
+					end
+				else
+					act 'Встать перед парнем на колени':gt 'lake_event','fisherman_oral'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/stasValera.jpg"></center>'
+		'Гуляя по берегу вы заметили '+iif(StasikValera = 0,'двух парней','Стасика и Валеру') +' смотрящих на вас.'
+		act 'Пройти мимо':minut += 5 & gt'city_lake'
+		if StasikValera = 0:
+			act 'Посмотреть на них':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 1
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/talk1.jpg"></center>'
+				'Вы посмотрели на них и заметили как они стали перешептываться между собой. Затем один из парней подошел к вам. Он улыбаясь сказал:**\\\- Привет красавица, может познакомимся? Я Стасик, а это мой друг Валера. А тебя как зовут?///'
+				gs 'lake_event','stasValera'
+				act 'Мне пора идти':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 1
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/refuse1.jpg"></center>'
+					'Вы не собираетесь знакомится с этими мужиками и стали собираться уходить. Стасик начал вас уговаривать:**\\\- Да ладно, красотка. Мы что дикари какие? Мы же просто пообщаться хотели, а ты сразу пугаться. Может все же скажешь, как тебя зовут?///'
+					gs 'lake_event','stasValera'
+					act 'Walk away':minut += 5 & gt'city_lake'
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			act 'Помахать им':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/refuse3.jpg"></center>'
+				'Вы помахали знакомым парням и они, заулыбавшись, направились в вашу сторону.'
+				gs 'lake_event','stasValera'
+				if StVaGang > 0 and pcs_horny > 50:
+					act 'Раздеваться':
+						*clr & cla
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/undress.jpg"></center>'
+						'Глядя как они приближаются, вы демонстративно начинаете расстегивать свою одежду. Увидев это, парни чуть ли не бегом направились к вам, расстёгивая на бегу брюки.'
+						act 'Опуститься на колени': gt'lake_event','stasValera_oral'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'stasValera':
+	act iif(StasikValera = 0,'Света','Chat'):
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 2
+		gs 'stat'
+		if StasikValera = 0:
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/talk2.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы ответили парню, что вас зовут Света.**\\\- Приятно познакомиться, - ///парень улыбнулся ещё шире.** К вам, поздоровавшись, присоединился Валера, и парни, начали развлекать вас разговорами.'
+		else
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/talk'+rand(3,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'Парни подошли к вам, и поздоровавшись, начали развлекать вас разговорами.'
+		end
+		act 'Разговаривать':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 2
+			pcs_horny += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/talk6.jpg"></center>'
+			iif(StasikValera = 0,'Стасик стал рассказывать вам, что они с Валерой работают в торговом представительстве одной крупной фирмы, да и вообще они очень важные птицы, знающие людей','Стасик без умолку рассказывал о своей работе в торговом представительстве крупной фирмы, а Валера, время от времени, ему поддакивал')+'.'+iif(TPmainQW < 4,' Не прекращая болтать Стасик, как бы не взначай, начал играться с застёжкой, в районе вашей груди.','')
+			StasikValera = 1
+			if TPmainQW < 4:
+				act 'Убрать руки Стасика от себя':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 2
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/refuse2.jpg"></center>'
+					'Вы возмущенно убрали руки Стасика со своего тела. Стасик усмехнулся:\\\- Да ладно, детка, расслабься...///'
+					if StVaGang = 0 or shameless['flag'] < 1:
+						act 'Возмутиться и уйти':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 2
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/refuse3.jpg"></center>'
+							'Вы возмущенно встали на ноги и стали собираться уходить. Стасик вскочил вслед за вами и чтобы загладить вину начал уговаривать вас сходить с ними в кафе.'
+							act 'Walk away':minut += 5 & gt'city_lake'
+						end
+					end
+					act 'Промолчать':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 2
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/tits1.jpg"></center>'
+							'Вы промолчали и Стасик тут же воспользовался вашим замешательством. Его рука аккуратно сжала вашу груди и вы почувствовали как приятное тепло и нежность охватила всё ваше тело.'
+						gs 'lake_event','stasValera2'
+					end
+				end
+				if shameless['flag'] > 0:
+					act 'Улыбаться, делая вид, что ничего не происходит':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 2
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/tits1.jpg"></center>'
+						'Вы начали улыбаться, чувствуя как прикосновения Стасика возбуждают вас. Вы лишь на секунду прикрыли глаза и вдруг ощутили руку на своей груди. Вы удивленно открыли глаза и увидели, как совершенно невозмутимый Стасик мнет вашу грудь, с мечтательной улыбкой на лице.'
+						gs 'lake_event','stasValera2'
+					end
+				end
+			else
+				act 'Попрощаться и уйти':minut += 5 & gt'city_lake'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'stasValera2':
+	act 'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 2
+		pcs_horny += 20
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/tits2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы расслабились и стали наслаждаться ощущениями, возникающими от прикосновений Стасика. Парень, отточенным движением, растегнул вашу одежду, освободив ваши груди. Вы не успели и глазом моргнуть, как губы Стасика охватили ваш сосок.'
+		act 'Эй! Ты чего творишь?':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 2
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/refuse4.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы тут же очнулись и начали поправлять одежду. Стасик улыбнулся:**\\\- Не надо пугаться, '+iif(StasikSex > 0,'Светик','девочка')+'...///'
+			act 'Walk away': minut += 5 & gt'city_lake'
+		end
+		act iif(shameless['flag'] < 2,'Вяло протестовать','Молчать'):
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 2
+			pcs_horny += iif(shameless['flag'] < 2,10,20)
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/tits3.jpg"></center>'
+			iif(shameless['flag'] < 2,'Вы постарались натянуть лифчик обратно и зашептали:**\\- Не надо!//**Стасик улыбнулся:**\\\- Не надо стесняться, '+iif(StasikSex > 0,'Светик','девочка')+'///.**','')+'Вы закрыли глаза, наслаждаясь тем, как умело Стасик ласкал вашу грудь. Он тут же выпустил ваш сосок из рта и вы почувствовали, как его пальцы '+iif(cloth[1] = 0,'проникли в ваши трусики и ','')+'начали ласкать вашу киску. Тут же вы почувствовали как Валера, подойдя сзади, обнял вас, и его рука оказалась у вас на груди, лаская её, и доставляя вам неземное удовольствие. Вы нежились в этих двойных объятиях, когда почувствовали, что парни начинают настойчиво давить вам на плечи, заставляя опуститься на колени.'
+			if pcs_horny < 90 and (StVaGang = 0 or shameless['flag'] < 1):
+				act 'Вы что? Я не такая!':
+					*clr & cla
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/refuse4.jpg"></center>'
+					'\\- Вы что? Я не такая! -//воскликнули вы, выныривая из сладостной неги, и убирая от себя их руки.**\\\- Да ладно, '+iif(StasikSex > 0,'Светик','детка')+', расслабься - ///улыбнулся вам Стасик, продолжая давить на плечи.\\\ - Ничего страшного не происходит...///'
+					act 'Walk away':minut += 5 & gt'city_lake'
+					act 'Опуститься на колени': gt'lake_event','stasValera_oral'
+				end
+			else
+				act 'Опуститься на колени': gt'lake_event','stasValera_oral'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'stasValera_oral':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_horny += 10
+	if StasikSex = 0: guy += 1
+	if ValeraSex = 0: guy += 1
+	if $args[1] ! 'valera':
+		StasikSex += 1
+		ValeraSex += 1
+		StVaGang += 1
+		gang += 1
+		stat['bj'] += 1
+		dynamic $venerasiak
+	end
+	dick = iif($args[1] = 'valera',17,15)
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/oral'+iif($args[1] = 'valera',rand(4,6),rand(1,3))+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'Вы опустились перед парн'+iif($args[1] = 0,'ями','ем')+' на колени, где тут же столкнулись с '+iif($args[1] = 0,'их, уже вставшими, членами','его членом')+'. '+iif($args[1] > 0,'',''+iif(shameless['flag'] < 2,'Немного помявшись вы','Вы тут же')+' принялись сосать их поочерёдно, стараясь доставить наслаждения обоим парням поровну. По их нетерпеливым движения, вы понимаете, что они готовы приступить к более активным действиям.')
+	if $args[1] = 'valera':
+		!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'bj'
+		act 'Сосать дальше': gt'lake_event','stasValera_cum','valera'
+	else
+		act 'Сосать дальше': gt'lake_event','stasValera_cum'
+		act 'Дать Стасику': gt'lake_event','stasValera_sex'
+		act 'Дать Валерику': gt'lake_event','stasValera_sex','valera'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'stasValera_cum':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/cum'+iif($args[1] = 'valera',rand(1,3),'')+'.jpg"></center>'
+	iif($args[1] = 0,'Не обращая внимая, вы продолжили усердно сосать, и через некоторое время первая струя спермы ударила вам в рот. Парни по очереди кончали, изливаясь вам в рот и стараясь наполнить его до краёв. Спермы оказалось так много, что как вы не старались глотать, но она всё равно стекала по подбородку, капая вам на грудь. Наконец поток иссяк, парни отошли в сторону, а вы принялись поправлять на себе одежду.','')
+	if $args[1] = 'valera':!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'swallow'
+	act 'Приводить себя в порядок': gt'lake_event','stasValera_end'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'stasValera_sex':
+	$boy = iif($args[1] = 'valera','Валера','Стасик')
+	dick = iif($args[1] = 'valera',17,15)
+	silavag = 1
+	pose = 1
+	i = rand(1,5)
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/sex'+iif(i = 5,'',iif($args[1] = 'valera',rand(4,6),rand(1,3)))+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'Вы нагнулись раком, предоставляя '+iif($args[1] = 'valera','Валере','Стасику')+' доступ к своей  киске.'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'sex_start'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'vaginal', 'dick'
+	'','Пока вас трахал <<$boy>>, '+iif($args[1] = 'valera','Стасик','Валера')+' подобрался к вашему лицу и упер свой стоячий член в ваши губы.'
+	dick = iif($args[1] = 'valera',15,17)
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'bj'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'sex_cum'
+	if i = 5:
+		+iif($args[1] = 'valera','Стас','Валера')+' застонал сжав губы и его член вздрогнул в вашем рту.'
+		!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'swallow'
+		act 'Приводить себя в порядок': gt'lake_event','stasValera_end'
+	else
+		act 'Сосать дальше '+iif($args[1] = 'valera','Стасику','Валере')+'': gt'lake_event','stasValera_oral','valera'
+		act 'Дать '+iif($args[1] = 'valera','Стасику','Валере')+'': gt'lake_event','stasValera_sex2'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'stasValera_sex2':
+	$boy = iif($args[1] = 'valera','Стас','Валерик')
+	dick = iif($args[1] = 'valera',15,17)
+	silavag = 1
+	pose = 1
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/sex'+rand(7,9)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'sex_start'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'vaginal', 'dick'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'sex_cum'
+	act 'Приводить себя в порядок': gt'lake_event','stasValera_end'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'stasValera_end':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	if pcs_horny > 70:
+		pcs_horny = 0
+		orgasm += 1
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/orgasm.jpg"></center>'
+		'Видя, что вы всё еще не удовлетворены и возбуждены, к вам подошел Валера::**\\\- Стой спокойно, Светик, сейчас я тебе помогу...///**С этими словами он проник пальцами в вашу возбуждённую киску и начал быстро-быстро двигать ими. От этих движений, буквально через несколько мгновений, вас накрыл мощный оргазм.'
+		act 'Further': gt'lake_event','stasValera_end'
+	else
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/refuse4.jpg"></center>'
+		'Стасик помог вам привести одежду в порядок, после чего произнёс:**\\\- Ты классная девчонка, Светик. Хочешь мы тебя проводим домой?///'
+		act 'Не надо, я сама как-нибудь':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 10
+			cumface = 0
+			cumlip = 0
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/refuse2.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы отказались и Стасик пожал плечами:**\\\- Ну как знаешь...///**Приведя себя в порядок вы отправились на пляж.'
+			act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+		end
+		act 'Я не против':
+			*clr & cla
+			if cloth[0] < 3: gs 'zz_clothing2','redress',cloth[3]
+			minut += 60
+			cumface = 0
+			cumlip = 0
+			if StVaGang > 1:pcs_mood = 100
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/stasValera/talk'+iif(StVaGang = 1,3,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			'Парни дождались пока вы приведете себя в порядок и пошли в сторону вашего дома. По пути они много шутили и травили разные анекдоты, и просто смешные истории из жизни. Наконец вы остановились перед дверями вашей квартиры. И парни, попрощавшись с вами, ушли.'
+			act 'Walk away':gt'korr'
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'fisherman_fuck':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_dom += 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/fuck'+iif(cloth[0] > 2,'',iif(cloth[0] = 2,'_swim','_nude'))+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'\\- Fuck you, you jerk!, // you shouted, and pointing out your middle finger at parting, moved away.'
+	act 'Walk away': gt'city_lake'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'fisherman_oral_money':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	money += 1000
+	ribakSex += 1
+	if ribakSex = 0: guy += 1
+	stat['bj'] += 1
+	pcs_mood = 0
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/oral_money'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'You took the money from the guy and hid it. ** \\\ - On the knees of a whore! /// - the contented guy grinned. - \\\ Open your fucking mouth! /// ** You have reddened, but nevertheless knelt in front of the guy and opened his mouth.'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'bj'
+	'','\\\ - What the fuck do you like ?, /// asked the guy, looking at you from above. - \\\ Such a whore, you should like this! /// ** You didn’t react, you continued to move your head, increasing the pace, until the guy interrupted you, removing the penis from your mouth.'
+	act 'Wait':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 1
+		pcs_dom -= 1
+		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum','face'
+		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum','lip'
+		facial += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/cum_money'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+		'Парень начал кончать вам на лицо и губы. Струи его спермы залетали вам в рот, дав вам почувствовать вкус спермы.**///- Ты грязная шлюха,/// - приговаривал он. -\\\ Любишь деньги, тогда придется привыкать к подобному...///'
+		act 'Смотреть на парня':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			$ribakName = 'шлюха'
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/end_money.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы устало посмотрели на парня. Он взял ваши волосы в ладонь, и вытер ими свой член, грубо сказал :**\\\- Все шлюха, теперь можешь проваливать...///'
+			act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'fisherman_oral':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	ribakSex += 1
+	if ribakSex = 0: guy += 1
+	stat['bj'] += 1
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/oral'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'Он буквально силой нагнул вас к своему паху и нетерпеливо шлепнул вас залупой по носу.**\\\- Чего сиськи мнешь? Начинай сосать!,/// - услышали вы и тут же приступили к делу.'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'bj'
+	'','Но долго так продолжаться не могло.**\\\- Открой свой блядский рот,/// - рыкнул на вас парень. -\\\ И высунь свой язык!///'
+	act 'Открыть рот и высунуть язык':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 1
+		pcs_dom -= 1
+		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum','face'
+		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum','lip'
+		facial += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/cum'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы послушно открыли рот и выставили язык. Тут же вам по лицу хлестнула струя спермы. Затем еще одна и еще, покрывая ваше лицо спермой, попадая в ваш открытый рот, и заставляя ощущать её вкус.**\\\- А теперь десерт,/// - усмехнулся парень, когда поток спермы иссяк.'
+		act 'Смотреть на парня':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			$ribakName = 'блядь'
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/end1.jpg"></center>'
+			'По вашему лицу стекает сперма, вы ощущаете неприятный вкус во рту, и смотрите на парня. Парень усмехнувшись, выдавил из члена последние капли, и вытерев его об ваше лицо, сказал:**\\\- Проваливай отсюда тварь!///'
+			act 'Walk away': gt'city_lake'
+		end
+	end
+	if shameless['flag'] < 2 and dom > -10:
+		act 'Постараться убрать лицо':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+			$ribakName = 'блядинка'
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/fisherman/cum4.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы постарались увернуться, но парень схватил вас за волосы и струи спермы стали попадать вам на лицо. Наконец парень иссяк и сказал:**\\\- Проваливай отсюда, блядина!///'
+			act 'Walk away': gt'city_lake'
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'lake_3boys':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	if vnesh < 40:
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/lake_3boys/lake_3boys.jpg"></center>'
+		'Загорая на пляже вы обратили внимание на компанию из трёх симпатичных парней, расположившуюся неподалёку. Они что-то весело обсуждали, не обращая на вас никакого внимания. Поболтав еще какое-то время, они собрали свои вещи, оделись и ушли с пляжа.'
+		act 'Further': gt'city_lake'
+	else
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/lake_3boys/lake_3boys.jpg"></center>'
+		'Загорая на пляже вы обратили внимание на компанию из трёх симпатичных парней, расположившуюся неподалёку. Заметив ваш взгляд, один из парней, то-то шепнул остальным, и они всей компанией направились в вашу сторону.'
+		act 'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/lake_3boys/lake_boys_flirt.jpg"></center>'
+			'Подойдя к вам, парни присели рядом, и принялись наперебой развлекать вас, рассказывая анекдоты, и просто смешные истории из жизни. Флиртуя с вами, они старались, как бы украдкой, дотронуться до вашего тела, лаская его, и постепенно возбуждая вас...'
+			if pcs_horny < 70 or shameless['flag'] < 2: act 'Отшить': gt'city_lake'
+			if (shameless['flag'] > 0 and pcs_horny >= 70) or shameless['flag'] > 1:
+				act 'Расслабиться':
+					*clr & cla
+					guy += 3
+					dynamic $venerasiak
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/lake_3boys/start.jpg"></center>'
+					'Видя, что вы не против, парни берут вас за руки, и ведут в сторонку, чтобы никто из отдыхающих не мог вам помешать. Вы опустились перед ними на колени и тут же столкнулись с их выставленными членами, уже находящимися в боевой готовности..'
+					act 'Cосать':
+						*clr & cla
+						stat['bj'] += 3
+						gang += 1
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/lake_3boys/oral'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
+						'Вы принялись поочередно сосать члены парней, сидя перед ними на корточках, стараясь доставить им максимальное наслаждения, и показать своё оральное мастерство. Но парням видимо этого мало, они уже готовы приступить к основному блюду...'
+						act 'Сосать дальше': gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_cum'
+						act 'Раздвинуть ноги': gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_vag'
+						act 'Дать в попу': gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_anal'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'lake_3boys_vag':
+	*clr & cla
+	lake_sex += 1
+	$boy = 'Парень'
+	dick = rand(12,20)
+	silavag = rand(0,2)
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/lake_3boys/vag'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'Парни уложили вас на бок и один из них тут же начал пристраиваться к вашей  киске.'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'sex_start'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'vaginal', 'dick'
+	'Одновременно с этим вы не забывали и про двух других парней, отсасывая у них по очереди, то у одного, то у другого...'
+	if lake_sex < 3:
+		act 'Продолжать': gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_vag'
+		act 'Дать в попу': gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_anal'
+		act 'Давайте вдвоём':gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_dp'
+	else
+		act 'Встать на колени':gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_cum'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'lake_3boys_anal':
+	*clr & cla
+	lake_sex += 1
+	$boy = 'Парень'
+	dick = rand(12,20)
+	silavag = rand(0,2)
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/lake_3boys/anal'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'Один из парней лёг на песок и вы тут же начали пристраиваться своей  попкой к члену.'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'anal_start', 'dick'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'anal', 'dick'
+	'Двое других парней, оценив позу, поднесли к вашему лицу свои члены, и вы принялись отсасывать у них по очереди, не забывая скакать покой на члене первого...'
+	if lake_sex < 3:
+		act 'Продолжать': gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_anal'
+		act 'Раздвинуть ноги': gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_vag'
+		act 'Давайте вдвоём':gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_dp','anal'
+	else
+		act 'Продолжать':gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_cum','anal'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'lake_3boys_dp':
+	*clr & cla
+	lake_sex += 2
+	$boy = 'первый парень'
+	dick = rand(12,20)
+	silavag = 0
+	temp = rand(1,2)
+	$boy2 = 'второй парень'
+	dick2 = rand(12,20)
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/lake_3boys/dp'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'- Давайте вдвоём, - предложили вы.**Один из парней тут же лёг на песок и вы тут же начали прицеливаться своей киской к его члену, одновременно чувствуя, как второй член пристраивается к вашей попке.'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'dp_start'
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'double_penetration'
+	'','Оставшийся парень тут же воспользовался вашим последним, не занятым отверстием...'
+	dick = rand(12,20)
+	!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'bj'
+	act 'Встать на колени':gt'lake_event','lake_3boys_cum'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'lake_3boys_cum':
+	*clr & cla
+	lake_sex = 0
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'belly'
+	if $args[1] = 'anal':
+		!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'anus'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/lake_3boys/cum1.jpg"></center>'
+		'Внезапно парень снизу запыхтел, его член дёрнулся еще пару раз, и вы почувствовали как вашу попу наполняет тепло. Через какие-то мгновения стали кончать и два оставшихся парня, заливая ваше лицо и грудь спермой, оставляя её терпкий вкус во рту... После, вы все вместе валялись на песке, отдыхая и лениво перешучиваясь. Наконец парни глянув на часы начали собираться домой...'
+	else
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/lake_3boys/cum2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Предвидя скорый финал, вы принялись с удвоенной энергией отсасывать парням, стоя перед ними на коленях. Ваши труды были вскоре вознаграждены и первая струя спермы ударила вам в рот. Потом была, и вторая, и третья - парни долго кончали, изливаясь в ваш открытый ротик, попадая на лицо и тело. После, вы все вместе валялись на песке, отдыхая и лениво перешучиваясь. Наконец парни глянув на часы начали собираться домой...'
+	end
+	act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'vlake2':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Vlake2/vlake1.jpg"></center>'
+	'Tanning you noticed two naked men walking along the shore from the nudist beach.'
+	act 'Не обращать внимания':gt'city_lake'
+	act 'Wave':
+		*clr & cla
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Vlake2/vlake2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Мужчины подходят к вам, один из них резко опускается перед вами на колено и впивается своими губами в ваши, второй гладит рукой ваши трусики.'
+		act 'Оттолкнуть их и убежать':gt'city_lake'
+		act 'Kneel':
+			*clr & cla
+			guy += 2
+			stat['bj'] += 1
+			pcs_dom -= 1
+			dynamic $venerasiak
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Vlake2/vlake3.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы поднимаетесь на колени, берете в руки их фаллосы и принимаетесь поочередно отсасывать оба.'
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				sex += 1
+				!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny,15,1
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Vlake2/vlake4.jpg"></center>'
+				'Один из мужчин лег и вы продолжили ему сосать подняв свою попку вверх, второй сразу воспользовался открывшимся видом и вставил свой член в вашу влажную киску.'
+				act 'Войдите в меня оба':
+					*clr & cla
+					anal += 1
+					!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus',iif(lubri>0,10,0),15,1
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Vlake2/vlake5.jpg"></center>'
+					'"Войдите в меня оба" простонали вы и оседлали одного из мужчин, второй не остался глух к вашей просьбе и засунул свой хрен в ваш анус.'
+					act 'Сменить позу':
+						*clr & cla
+						!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'ass'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Vlake2/vlake6.jpg"></center>'
+						'Вы насадили свой анус на лежащего мужчину. Второй подошел к вам и держа одной рукой вашу голову начал трахать ваш ротик, проникая своим фаллосом все глубже и глубже. Через некоторое время вы почувствовали как горячая сперма заполняет ваш анус и кончили вмести с ним, второй мужчина приготовился кончить вам в рот.'
+						act 'Продолжить сосать':gt'city_lake','vlake2cum'
+						act 'Вынуть':
+							*clr & cla
+							!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Vlake2/vlake7.jpg"></center>'
+							'You took out a member from his mouth and the man finished on your face.'
+							act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'vlake2cum':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Vlake2/vlake8.jpg"></center>'
+	'You continued to suck and soon your mouth filled with a stream of sperm, swallowing it, you carefully licked his penis, nor leaving a drop of sperm.'
+	act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'andrey1':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	minut += 30
+	'You came to Andrei, he grinned, and said: "Let''s go swimming!"'
+	act 'Refuse':gt'city_lake'
+	act 'Go swim':
+		cla
+		andreiday = daystart
+		anreirape = 0
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Andrey1/andrey1.jpg"></center>'
+		'- I see, the lady agrees, - Andrei predatory grinned. - Then let''s go swimming. He picked you up in his arms, laughing at your inappropriate attempts to cover his chest from him, threw away your hand and gently pinched his lips with his lips against the right nipple. A sigh escaped from you, and a warm wave of excitement began to rise in the lower abdomen.'
+		'You swam a little, relaxing and relaxing. And so, you are already carried back to the bedspread, stroking your body in a relaxing rhythm. First, you must excite a man, - he said, pushing his penis to your mouth and rubbing his head a little on your lips.'
+		act 'Open mouth':
+			*clr & cla
+			stat['bj'] += 1
+			sex += 1
+			!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny,15,1
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Andrey1/andrey2.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы разомкнули губы и провели языком вдоль его ствола, затем втянули его в себя насколько могли. Андрей начал с упоением трахать вас в ротик. Внезапно до вашего слуха донесся какой-то всхлип от ближайших кустов. Вы подняли глаза и увидели, как из кустов за вами подсматривает юноша, дергает вверх-вниз рукой в области паха.'
+			'Андрей тоже понял, что за ними подглядывают, и повернул вашу голову так, чтобы наблюдателю были видны все детали того, как красная головка появляется и исчезает в вашем ротике. Вы демонстративно вылизывали член мужчины, то ускоряя, то замедляя темп, проводя своим язычком по уздечке и периодически вбирая в рот его яички. Откуда в вас родились эти инстинкты, вы не знали, но по реакции Андрея понимали, что вы все делаете правильно.'
+			'Наконец, Андрей отстранил вас от себя, опрокинул вас на спину и одним рывком глубоко вошел в ваше лоно. Вы сжалась от боли, но Андрей, не останавливаясь, начал двигаться внутри вас. Через пару минут монотонных движений вас окутала сладкая нега, а когда Андрей пальцами стал стимулировать ваш анус, проникая сразу в оба отверстия, вас унесло на волнах невероятного наслаждения. Сквозь прищуренные веки, вы наблюдали за тем, как подсматривающий юноша, затаив дыхание, завороженный, словно в трансе, жадно ловил каждое движение.'
+			act 'Позвать юношу':
+				*clr & cla
+				guy += 1
+				!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+				!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'ass'
+				anal += 1
+				!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus',iif(lubri>0,10,0),15,1
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Andrey1/andrey3.jpg"></center>'
+				'Юноша стесняясь подошел к вам. "Ну и чего ждешь, трусы спускай, пока девушка не против" бросил ему Андрей, переворачивая вас на себя и раздвигая руками ваши ягодицы. Юноша подошел сзади и вставил свой член вам в анус. Теперь два члена двигались в вас как поршни доставляя немыслимое удовольствие. Постанывая вы скакали на двух членах, пока юноша не кончил вам на попку, а Андрей поднялся и разрядился вам в рот.'
+				act 'Встать с пляжа':gt'city_lake'
+			end
+			act 'Глубже! Сильней!':
+				*clr & cla
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/Andrey1/andrey4.jpg"></center>'
+				'- Глубже, сильнее! – выкрикивали вы, не стесняясь, с упоением вбирая в себя всего мужчину. Он отвечал вам невнятным рычанием, вырывающимся из него в такт их рваному дыханию. Еще до того, как вы оба кончили, юноша убежал.'
+				!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'pussy'
+				act 'Встать с пляжа':gt'city_lake'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'kater1':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater1/kater1.jpg"></center>'
+	'Катаясь на гидроцикле вы делаете слишком крутой разворот, вас выбрасывает в воду, вы наглотались воды и начинаете тонуть. На ваше счастье вас замечает парень на катере он вытаскивает вас из воды, а гидроцикл привязывает к катеру. Через некоторое время когда вы отдышались и удобно устроились на носу катера, парень подходит к вам'
+	'"Well, how are you doing beautiful, she came to her senses, how about thanks?" he asks, simultaneously laying his hand on your pubis.'
+	act 'Take a jet ski and drive away':gt'city_lake'
+	act 'Раздвинуть ноги':
+		*clr & cla
+		guy += 1
+		kuni += 1
+		dynamic $venerasiak
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater1/kater2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы раздвигаете ноги, давая понять что готовы отблагодарить спасителя, парень улыбнулся, ввел свои пальцы в вашу вагину, а языком стал ласкать ваш клитор.'
+		act 'Сделать минет':
+			*clr & cla
+			stat['bj'] += 1
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater1/kater3.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы усаживаете парня облизываете фаллос, обхватываете его губами и начинаете самоотверженно сосать, через пару минут вы чувствуете как член в вашем рту начинает содрогаться готовый кончить.'
+			act 'Keep sucking':gt'lake_event','kater1cum'
+			act 'Остановиться':
+				*clr & cla
+				sex += 1
+				!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny,15,1
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater1/kater4.jpg"></center>'
+				'Вы останавливаетесь, парень ставит вас раком и буравит вашу вагину своим членом.'
+				act 'Сменить позу':
+					*clr & cla
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater1/kater5.jpg"></center>'
+					'Когда он устает, вы укладываете его, а сами запрыгиваете на него сверху и начинаете скакать как на необъезженном жеребце.'
+					act 'Сменить позу':
+						*clr & cla
+						orgasm += 1
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater1/kater6.jpg"></center>'
+						'Вы разворачиваетесь на нем не выпуская из себя фаллос, и продолжаете нещадно насаживать свою киску на его фаллос и вот уже из вас вырывается стон наслаждения. Обессилившая выпадаете рядом с ним.'
+						act 'Continue':
+							*clr & cla
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater1/kater7.jpg"></center>'
+							'Парень поворачивает вас на бок и вновь входит в вашу киску, продолжая буравить её своим фаллосом.'
+							act 'Сменить позу':
+								*clr & cla
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater1/kater8.jpg"></center>'
+								'Затем он поднимает вас на ноги, задирает одну и с силой вставляет свой член в вашу вагину, вы удовлетворенная и уставшая повисаете на нем ожидая когда он кончит. Через несколько толчков он выдергивает свой член и отпускает вас, вы падаете на колени, а парень вставляет вам в рот.'
+								act 'Suck':gt'lake_event','kater1cum'
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'kater1cum':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'belly'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater1/kater9.jpg"></center>'
+	'Поток спермы хлынувший в ваш рот оказался на столько велик что вы не успевали проглатывать и ваш рот оказался заполнен до краев, сперма лилась как из рога изобилия выливалась из вашего рта, растекалась по подбородку и заливала вашу грудь и живот.'
+	act 'Слизать остатки':
+		cla
+		*clr
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater1/kater10.jpg"></center>'
+		'Когда поток иссяк, вы как обезумевшая вся залитая спермой принялись слизывать остатки с его члена, смакуя каждую каплю.'
+		act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'kater2':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater2/kater1.jpg"></center>'
+	'Катаясь на банане вы не удержались, вас выбрасывает в воду, вы наглотались воды и начинаете тонуть. На ваше счастье вас замечают двое парней на катере они вытаскивает вас из воды. Через некоторое время вы отдышались, отдохнули и начали осматриваться. Вы увидели что на носу стоят оба ваших спасителя абсолютно голые.'
+	act 'Притворяться спящей пока не пришвартовались':gt'city_lake'
+	act 'Подойти к ним':
+		*clr & cla
+		guy += 2
+		sex += 1
+		!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny,15,1
+		dynamic $venerasiak
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater2/kater2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы снимаете купальник, подходите к парням и не говоря не слова, запрыгиваете на одного из парней и страстно его целуете, через секунду вы ощущаете как его вставший член упирается в ваши ягодицы, вы берете его в руку и направляете в свою киску.'
+		act 'Сменить позу':
+			*clr & cla
+			anal += 1
+			!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus',iif(lubri>0,10,0),15,1
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater2/kater3.jpg"></center>'
+			'Парень снимает вас со своего члена, поворачивает спиной к себе, хватает за ягодицы и поднимает, ваши ноги запрокидываются вверх, а парень прижав вас к себе натягивает ваш анус на свой фаллос. Вы стоните, то ли от боли причиняемой огромным фаллосом в вашей попе, то ли от наслаждения которое он вам доставляет, с каждым толчком вы пытаетесь принять его член как можно глубже в себя.'
+			'"Хочешь глубже?" спрашивает он'
+			act 'Да, глубже, сильнее!':
+				*clr & cla
+				stat['bj'] += 1
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater2/kater4.jpg"></center>'
+				'"Да, глубже, сильнее!" кричите вы.'
+				'"Ну тогда держись" говорит парень, ставя вас на четвереньки. Он входит в вас и засовывает свой член так глубоко в вашу задницу что его яица хлопают по вашим ягодицам. Второй парень который все это время смотрел на вас, подходит к тыкает хуем вам в лицо. Вы хватаете его член губами и начинаете сосать.'
+				act 'Войдите оба':
+					*clr & cla
+					orgasm += 1
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater2/kater5.jpg"></center>'
+					'"Трахните меня в две дырки" кричите вы, сами поражаясь своей похоти, парни не стали раздумывать и вошли оба, засунули свои члены так глубоко на сколько смогли. Вскоре вы как будто провалились, перед глазами поплыли круги все, тело трепетало, вам хотелось что-бы этот оргазм никогда не кончался'
+					act 'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater2/kater6.jpg"></center>'
+						'Поняв что вы удовлетворены парни посадили вас на палубу, встали рядом и начали мастурбировать.'
+						act 'Повернуться к одному':
+							*clr & cla
+							!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater2/kater7.jpg"></center>'
+							'Когда один из парней застонал, вы повернулись к нему открыв рот. И он выпрыснул свое семя вам в рот, вы с удовольствием его проглотили.'
+							act 'Повернуться ко второму':
+								*clr & cla
+								!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater2/kater8.jpg"></center>'
+								'Вскоре застонал и второй, вы повернулись к нему, но как только вы открыли рот, парень разрядился вам на лицо.'
+								act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'kater3':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater3/1.jpg"></center>'
+	'Катаясь на гидроцикле вы делаете слишком крутой разворот, вас выбрасывает в воду, вы наглотались воды и начинаете тонуть. На ваше счастье вас замечает парень на катере он вытаскивает вас из воды, а гидроцикл привязывает к катеру. Через некоторое время когда вы отдышались и удобно устроились на носу катера, парень подходит к вам.'
+	'"Ну как дела красавица, очухалась, как на счет благодарности?" спрашивает он, одновременно засовывая руку вам в трусы.'
+	act 'Сесть на гидроцикл и уехать':gt'city_lake'
+	act 'Раздвинуть ноги':
+		*clr & cla
+		guy += 2
+		kuni += 1
+		dynamic $venerasiak
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater3/2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы снимаете трусики и раздвигаете ноги, парень опускает свою голову к вашим ногам и лаская их языком постепенно добирается до вашего клитора.'
+		act 'Сделать минет':
+			*clr & cla
+			stat['bj'] += 1
+			sex += 1
+			!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny,15,1
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater3/4.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы усаживаете парня облизываете фаллос, обхватываете его губами и начинаете самоотверженно сосать, пока вы сосете из глубин катера появляется второй. Увидев такую картину он подходит к вам и вставляет свой член в вашу киску.'
+			act 'Farther':
+				*clr & cla
+				anal += 1
+				!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus',iif(lubri>0,10,0),15,1
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater3/6.jpg"></center>'
+				'Вы садитесь на одного из них сверху, а второй входит вам в зад.'
+				act 'Сменить позу':
+					*clr & cla
+					orgasm += 1
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater3/8.jpg"></center>'
+					'Парни разворачивают вас и снова входят вдвоем.'
+					act 'Сменить позу':
+						*clr & cla
+						!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/kater3/11.jpg"></center>'
+						'Насытившись они поочередно кончают вам в рот.'
+						act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'horse1':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse1.jpg"></center>'
+	'Катаясь по берегу вы заметили двух мужчин на квадроциклах, они подъехали к вам и предложили прогуляться вместе.'
+	act 'Refuse':gt'city_lake'
+	act 'Hang out with them':
+		*clr & cla
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы спускаетесь с лошади и идете вместе с мужчинами болтая о всякой ерунде.'
+		act 'Идти дальше':
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse3.jpg"></center>'
+			'Внезапно один из мужчин поворачивает вас к себе и начинает лапать грудь, в это время второй обнимает вас сзади, запуская руку в ваши трусики.'
+			act 'Оттолкнуть их и убежать':gt'city_lake'
+			act 'Достать их члены':
+				*clr & cla
+				guy += 2
+				stat['bj'] += 1
+				dynamic $venerasiak
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse4.jpg"></center>'
+				'Вы вынули их члены из штанов, опустились на корточки и начали жадно сосать.'
+				act 'Трахните меня':
+					*clr & cla
+					sex += 1
+					!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny,15,1
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse5.jpg"></center>'
+					'"Трахните меня" выкрикнули вы. Один из мужчин лег и вы продолжили ему сосать, второй подошел сзади и вставил в вашу изнывающую от желания киску'
+					act 'Сменить позу':
+						*clr & cla
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse6.jpg"></center>'
+						'Вы оседлали одного из мужчин скача на нем как скакали на лошади все несколько минут назад. Второй подошел к вам и принялся дразнить вас своим членом, то опуская его к вам, что-бы вы могли его пососать то поднимая вверх вынуждая вас тянутся к нему пытаясь ухватить его губами.'
+						act 'Сменить позу':
+							*clr & cla
+							orgasm += 1
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse7.jpg"></center>'
+							'Вы спрыгнули с члена и встали на четвереньки, мужчины обступили вас с разных сторон один трахал вашу вагину, второй засунул в рот. Вы принялись яростно сосать одновременно подмахивая бедрами, вскоре вы ощутили что член у вас во рту вот вот взорвется.'
+							act 'Вынуть изо рта':
+								*clr & cla
+								!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse8.jpg"></center>'
+								'Вы вынули член изо рта и начали дрочить высунув язык, через секунду ваши старания были вознаграждены потоком смермы на высунутый язычок'
+								act 'Сосать у второго':
+									*clr & cla
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse9.jpg"></center>'
+									'Вы встали на колени перед вторым мужчиной, провели языком от яиц до головки и взяли в рот, когда вы с наслаждением посасывали член, мужчина задрожал. "Сейчас кончит" пронеслось у вас в голове'
+									act 'Продолжить сосать':gt'city_lake','horse1bj'
+									act 'Вынуть':
+										*clr & cla
+										!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse10.jpg"></center>'
+										'Вы вынули член изо рта и мужчина кончил вам на лицо со словами "Вот тебе крем для лица малышка", вы удовольствием слизали остатки спермы с его члена.'
+										act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'horse1bj':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse1/horse11.jpg"></center>'
+	'And the flow of sperm poured into your mouth, you swallowed her rumbling with pleasure, licked the remnants of his penis and again swallowed'
+	act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'horse2':
+	*clr & cla
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse2/horse1.jpg"></center>'
+	'Когда вы катались вас догнали двое мужчин на лошадях и предложили прогуляться вместе.'
+	act 'Refuse':gt'city_lake'
+	act 'Пойти с ними':
+		*clr & cla
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse2/horse2.jpg"></center>'
+		'Вы спустились с лошадей и пошли пешком по берегу болтая о всякой ерунде.'
+		act 'Закончить прогулку':gt'city_lake'
+		act 'Коснуться их штанов':
+			*clr & cla
+			stat['bj'] += 1
+			guy += 2
+			dynamic $venerasiak
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse2/horse3.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы касаетесь их штанов в паху, мужчины замирают переглядываясь, тогда вы опускаетесь на колени достаете их члены и начинаете ласкать своим языком плавно переходя к минету.'
+			act 'Лечь на спину':
+				*clr & cla
+				anal += 1
+				!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus',iif(lubri>0,10,0),15,1
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse2/horse4.jpg"></center>'
+				'Отпустив их члены, вы легли на спину один из мужчин приподнял вас за ноги и вставил в зад, такого вы не ожидали и тихонько взвизгнули, второй расположился у вашей головы, пытаясь засунуть член в ваш рот.'
+				act 'Взять в рот':
+					*clr & cla
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse2/horse5.jpg"></center>'
+					'Вы схватили его член губами и жадно втянули в себя'
+					act 'Сменить позу':
+						*clr & cla
+						sex += 1
+						orgasm += 1
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse2/horse6.jpg"></center>'
+						'Вы сели на одного из мужчин верхом, второй подошел сзади засадив свой кол к вам в анус и сильными толчками трахал вашу попку, у вас потемнело в глазах от наслаждения, все тело задрожало и вас накрыло волной оргазма. Вскоре вы почувствовали как мужчины начали постанывать и сейчас взорвутся.'
+						act 'Сменить позу':
+							*clr & cla
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse2/horse7.jpg"></center>'
+							'Вы спрыгнули с членов и встали на колени, мужчины обступили вас с разных сторон, один кончил сразу же.'
+							act 'Сосать у второго':
+								*clr & cla
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse2/horse8.jpg"></center>'
+								'Вы повернулись ко второму, обхватили его член губами, но только вы втянули его член поглубже в себя как мужчина застонал его член напрягся готовый излить в ваш рот потоки спермы'
+								act 'Вынуть изо рта':
+									*clr & cla
+									!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+									!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/horse2/horse9.jpg"></center>'
+									'Вынув член, вы широко открыли рот, приготовившись поймать струю спермы, мужчина не заставил вас ждать, сперма брызнула вам в рот, обволакивая ваш язык и горло.'
+									act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'andrey_start':
+	*clr & cla
+	anreirape = 1
+	!find again
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/sunbathe_lake'+rand(1,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	'Вы задремали на пляже пока загорали. Вам снился что кто то ласкает вашу грудь. Ваши соски затвердели, грудь высоко поднималась от глубоких вздохов. Что-то мокрое очертило ореол на грудке, и вы сладко застонали.**Крепкая рука гладила складочки на вашем теле, от чего все тело охватывали мурашки, и вдруг палец проскользнул сквозь складочки половых губок и задел какую-то невообразимо приятную точку. Ваше тело бросило в жар, по спине пробежала сладкая дрожь, а внизу все увлажнилось. Уже чувствуя, что удовольствие наступает наяву, а не во сне, но еще не в силах преодолеть сонную негу и открыть глаза, вы раскинули ноги пошире, отдаваясь соблазнительным ласкам. Когда дерзкий палец, смоченный вашими соками, без труда проник в ваше лоно, вы даже успели удивиться, натуральности ощущений. Движения пальца ввели вас в некое подобие транса, вы уже стонали в полный голос, извиваясь всем телом под жаркими солнечными лучами. И вдруг, когда вам показалось, что вот-вот что-то должно было произойти, ощущение наполненности покинуло вас.'
+	act 'Открыть глаза':
+		*clr & cla
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/andrei/andrei1.jpg"></center>'
+		'Открыв глаза, вы увидели неясную фигуру небритого мужчины, с вожделением глядящего на вас. Вам стало неловко - вы лежите перед незнакомцем голая, да еще вся стонущая и текущая, как последняя шлюшка. Одновременно пришел испуг - на пляже никого нет, он ведь может сделать с вами все, что пожелает!**Все эти мысли промелькнули в вашей голове, пока мужчина стягивал с себя шорты. Вы с ужасом смотрели на его обнажившийся член, до того огромным он вам показался.'
+		act 'Вскочить':
+			*clr & cla
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/andrei/andrei1.jpg"></center>'
+			'Вы попытались вскочить но тут же были прижаты сильными руками к его волосатой груди.'
+			act 'Врезать ему коленом по яйцам':
+				*clr & cla
+				andrei = 1
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/andrei/andrei5.jpg"></center>'
+				'Вы очень точно ткнули его коленкой по яйцам, он заорал и отпустив вас упал.'
+				act 'Walk away':gt'city_lake'
+			end
+			act 'Вырываться из объятий':
+				*clr & cla
+				andrei = 2
+				andreiday = daystart
+				guy += 1
+				anal += 1
+				$boy = 'Андрей'
+				dick = 18
+				silavag = 2
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/andrei/andrei2.jpg"></center>'
+				'Вы стали вырываться из его объятий, но елозание привело к тому, что он еще больше возбудился и крепко прижал свой твердый член к вашему нагретому на солнце нежному бедру.**Незнакомец перевернул вас на живот и стал смачивать своей слюной ваш упругий анус.'
+				!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'anal_start', 'dick'
+				!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'anal', 'dick', 1
+				if stat_agape > 1:
+					'Никакого удовольствия вы не получали, только чуствовали острые приливы боли, отвращение к своему насильнику и чувство, будто вас используют, как шлюху.'
+				else
+					pcs_horny = 100
+					'Тут, его пальцы небрежно дотронулись до вашего лона, и вас подхватила волна вожделения. Раз за разом вас пробивал словно бы насквозь огромный член вашего насильника, а вы подмахивали ему, и не могли сдержать сладких стонов.'
+				end
+				act 'More, More, More, More...':
+					*clr & cla
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/andrei/andrei'+iif(pcs_horny = 100,3,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
+					'Еще, еще, еще, еще... бешено стучало в ваших висках одновременно с каждым толчком.Ваш клитор превратился в оголенный провод, казалось, еще миг – и вы взорветесь. Мужчина сменил позицию – теперь вы безвольно сидели у него на руках, а он подкидывал вас, продолжая насаживать на свой член.'
+					!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'anal_start', 'dick'
+					!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'anal', 'dick'
+					!!* gs 'zz_dynamic_sex', 'anal_cum'
+					'- Ну как, понравилось, Афродита? – с легкой иронией спросил мужчина.'
+					act 'Да пошёл ты!':
+						*clr & cla
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/south/lake/andrei/andrei.jpg"></center>'
+						'- Да пошёл ты!, - крикнули вы ему сквозь слёзы.**- Неужели так больно?- спросил он спокойным голосом. Вы округлили глаза от удивления, уставившись на него**- Больно?, - вы хотели закричать, но его спокойный тон, и взгляд посмеивающихся глаз, действовал на вас успокаивающе. - Да я теперь наделю на попе сидеть не смогу!**- Ну, извини, перестарался немного, - сказал парень улыбаясь. - Просто ты спящая так соблазнительно выглядела, что не смог сдержаться...**- А как вас зовут?? – вам собственный вопрос показался наиглупейшим, но слово, как говорится, не воробей...**- Андрей, - усмехнулся он. - А тебя как?**Света ответили вы.**- Надеюсь тебе понравилась наша игра, - вкрадчиво проговорил Андрей, одеваясь. - Хочешь поймать кайф? Приходи завтра, повторим наши подвиги...'
+						act 'Further':gt'city_lake'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'din_lake_adventure':
+	i = rand(0,100)
+	if i <= 30 and andrei = 0 and lake_people < 3 and vnesh >= 40:
+		gt'lake_event','andrey_start'
+	elseif i > 30 and i <= 35:
+		gt'lake_event','vlake2'
+	elseif i > 35 and i < 40:
+		gt'lake_event','lake_3boys'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'din_nudelake_adventure':
+	i = RAND(0,100)
+	if lake_people > 2 and $npc['33,relation'] >= 60 and temper >= 20 and katkey = 0 and cloth[0] = 0 and katday ! daystart: gt'Katlake','key'
+	if lake_people > 2 and $npc['33,know'] = 0 and cloth[0] = 0 and katday ! daystart: gt'Katlake'
+	if i >= 80 and i < 95 and anfisaQW < 2 and lake_people > 1 and anfisaday ! daystart: gt'anfisa_events','start'
+	if i >= 80 and i < 95 and anfisaQW = 2 and lake_people > 1 and anfisaday ! daystart and anfisa['horny'] >= 70: gt'anfisa_events','alko'
+--- bratva_lake_event ---------------------------------

+ 1161 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1161 @@
+# bratva_madam
+!Starting event branches Madame
+if $args[0] = 'eventmadam1':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_madam_strings', 1)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		bratva['madam'] = 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		func('bratva_madam_strings', 2)
+		act'Leave room': gt 'bratva_home', 'room'
+	end
+!The first event of the branch of Madame with Anfisa from the beach
+if $args[0] = 'eventmadam2':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_madam_strings', 3)
+	if rand(1,2) = 1:
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			func('bratva_madam_strings', 4)
+			act'Move Away': gt $loc, $loc_arg
+		end
+	else
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			func('bratva_madam_strings', 5)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/01.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_madam_strings', 6)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/02.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_madam_strings', 7)
+					act'Now! Now!':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/03.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_madam_strings', 8)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 10
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/04.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_madam_strings', 9)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 10
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/05.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_madam_strings', 10)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 15
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/06.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_madam_strings', 11)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/07.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_madam_strings', 12)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 20
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/08.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_madam_strings', 13)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/09.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_madam_strings', 14)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny = 80
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/10.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_madam_strings', 15)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 90
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/11.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_madam_strings', 16)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/12.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_madam_strings', 17)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																orgasm += 1
+																DPorgasm += 1
+																gang += 1
+																stat['bj'] += 1
+																pcs_horny = 0
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/13.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_madam_strings', 18)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny += 20
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/14.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_madam_strings', 19)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_horny = 60
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/15.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_madam_strings', 20)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_horny = 80
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/16.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_madam_strings', 21)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				orgasm += 1
+																				analorgasm += 1
+																				pcs_horny = 0
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/17.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_madam_strings', 22)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					pcs_horny += 10
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/18.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_madam_strings', 23)
+																					act'Further':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						pcs_horny += 5
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/19.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_madam_strings', 24)
+																						act'Further':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/20.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_madam_strings', 25)
+																							act'Further':
+																								*clr & cla
+																								minut += 5
+																								gs 'stat'
+																								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/21.jpg"></center>'
+																								func('bratva_madam_strings', 26)
+																								act'Further':
+																									*clr & cla
+																									minut += 5
+																									pcs_dom += 1
+																									pcs_mood -= 10
+																									bratva['madam'] = 2
+																									!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																									!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'anus'
+																									alko += 1
+																									gs 'stat'
+																									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/22.jpg"></center>'
+																									func('bratva_madam_strings', 27)
+																									act'Exit building': gt 'city_residential'
+																								end
+																							end
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+					act'Drink':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						alko += 3
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/03.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_madam_strings', 28)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 10
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/04.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_madam_strings', 29)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 10
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/05.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_madam_strings', 30)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 15
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/06.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_madam_strings', 31)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/07.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_madam_strings', 32)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 20
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/08.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_madam_strings', 33)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/09.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_madam_strings', 34)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny = 80
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/10.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_madam_strings', 35)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 90
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/11.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_madam_strings', 36)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/12.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_madam_strings', 37)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																orgasm += 1
+																DPorgasm += 1
+																gang += 1
+																stat['bj'] += 1
+																pcs_horny = 0
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/13.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_madam_strings', 38)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny += 20
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/14.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_madam_strings', 39)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_horny = 60
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/15.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_madam_strings', 40)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_horny = 80
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/16.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_madam_strings', 41)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				orgasm += 1
+																				analorgasm += 1
+																				pcs_horny = 0
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/17.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_madam_strings', 42)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					pcs_horny += 10
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/18.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_madam_strings', 43)
+																					act'Further':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						pcs_horny += 5
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/19.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_madam_strings', 44)
+																						act'Further':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/20.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_madam_strings', 45)
+																							act'Further':
+																								*clr & cla
+																								minut += 5
+																								gs 'stat'
+																								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/21.jpg"></center>'
+																								func('bratva_madam_strings', 46)
+																								act'Further':
+																									*clr & cla
+																									minut += 5
+																									pcs_dom += 1
+																									pcs_mood -= 10
+																									bratva['madam'] = 2
+																									!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																									!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'anus'
+																									gs 'stat'
+																									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event19/22.jpg"></center>'
+																									func('bratva_madam_strings', 47)
+																									act'Exit': gt 'city_residential'
+																								end
+																							end
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Первый ивент с Самантой
+if $args[0] = 'eventmadam3':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_madam_strings', 48)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_madam_strings', 49)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/03.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_madam_strings', 50)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/04.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_madam_strings', 51)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/05.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_madam_strings', 52)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						money += 17000
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/06.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_madam_strings', 53)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/07.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_madam_strings', 54)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/08.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_madam_strings', 55)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/09.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_madam_strings', 56)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 10
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/10.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_madam_strings', 57)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/11.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_madam_strings', 58)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/12.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_madam_strings', 59)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/13.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_madam_strings', 60)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny += 25
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/14.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_madam_strings', 61)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/15.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_madam_strings', 62)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/16.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_madam_strings', 63)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/17.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_madam_strings', 64)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/18.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_madam_strings', 65)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_horny = 70
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/19.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_madam_strings', 66)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/20.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_madam_strings', 67)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/21.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_madam_strings', 68)
+																					act'Further':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/22.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_madam_strings', 69)
+																						act'Further':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/23.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_madam_strings', 70)
+																							act'Further':
+																								*clr & cla
+																								minut += 5
+																								gs 'stat'
+																								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/24.jpg"></center>'
+																								func('bratva_madam_strings', 71)
+																								act'Further':
+																									*clr & cla
+																									minut += 5
+																									gs 'stat'
+																									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/25.jpg"></center>'
+																									func('bratva_madam_strings', 72)
+																									act'Further':
+																										*clr & cla
+																										minut += 5
+																										pcs_horny = 75
+																										gs 'stat'
+																										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/26.jpg"></center>'
+																										func('bratva_madam_strings', 73)
+																										act'Further':
+																											*clr & cla
+																											minut += 5
+																											pcs_horny = 85
+																											gs 'stat'
+																											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/27.jpg"></center>'
+																											func('bratva_madam_strings', 74)
+																											act'Further':
+																												*clr & cla
+																												minut += 5
+																												gs 'stat'
+																												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/28.jpg"></center>'
+																												func('bratva_madam_strings', 75)
+																												act'Further':
+																													*clr & cla
+																													minut += 5
+																													gs 'stat'
+																													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/29.jpg"></center>'
+																													func('bratva_madam_strings', 76)
+																													act'Further':
+																														*clr & cla
+																														minut += 5
+																														gs 'stat'
+																														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/30.jpg"></center>'
+																														func('bratva_madam_strings', 77)
+																														act'Further':
+																															*clr & cla
+																															minut += 5
+																															orgasm += 1
+																															pcs_horny = 0
+																															gs 'stat'
+																															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/31.jpg"></center>'
+																															func('bratva_madam_strings', 78)
+																															act'Further':
+																																*clr & cla
+																																minut += 5
+																																bratva['madam'] = 3
+																																pcs_dom += 2
+																																!madam['eventmadam3'] = (daystart + 7)
+																																criminal += rand(1,5)
+																																gs 'stat'
+																																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/32.jpg"></center>'
+																																func('bratva_madam_strings', 79)
+																																act'Exit': gt 'city_residential'
+																															end
+																														end
+																													end
+																												end
+																											end
+																										end
+																									end
+																								end
+																							end
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Воторой ивент с Самантой
+if $args[0] = 'eventmadam4':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_horny += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event21/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_madam_strings', 80)
+	act'Leave room': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+	act'Watch':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event21/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_madam_strings', 81)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event21/03.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_madam_strings', 82)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 15
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event21/04.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_madam_strings', 83)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event21/05.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_madam_strings', 84)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 15
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event21/06.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_madam_strings', 85)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event21/07.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_madam_strings', 86)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event21/08.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_madam_strings', 87)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event21/09.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_madam_strings', 88)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny = 50
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event21/10.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_madam_strings', 89)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/22.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_madam_strings', 90)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												bratva['madam'] = 4
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event20/32.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_madam_strings', 91)
+												act'Leave room': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Third Event with Samantha
+if $args[0] = 'eventmadam5':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_horny += 10
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event22/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_madam_strings', 92)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		pcs_horny += 10
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event22/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_madam_strings', 93)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event22/03.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_madam_strings', 94)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event22/04.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_madam_strings', 95)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 15
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event22/05.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_madam_strings', 96)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 25
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event22/06.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_madam_strings', 97)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event22/07.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_madam_strings', 98)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny = 75
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event22/08.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_madam_strings', 99)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									orgasm += 1
+									lesbian += 1
+									pcs_horny = 0
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event22/09.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_madam_strings', 100)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_dom += 3
+										bratva['madam'] = 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event22/10.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_madam_strings', 101)
+										act'Leave room': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Event punishment Sveta for Samantha
+if $args[0] = 'eventmadam6':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_madam_strings', 102)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_madam_strings', 103)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_madam_strings', 104)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				mop = 3
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_madam_strings', 105)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_madam_strings', 106)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_madam_strings', 107)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 15
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_madam_strings', 108)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_madam_strings', 109)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_madam_strings', 110)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 15
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_madam_strings', 111)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/10.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_madam_strings', 112)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/11.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_madam_strings', 113)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/12.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_madam_strings', 114)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny += 50
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/13.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_madam_strings', 115)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/14.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_madam_strings', 116)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny = 70
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/15.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_madam_strings', 117)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/16.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_madam_strings', 118)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_horny = 80
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/17.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_madam_strings', 119)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_horny = 90
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/18.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_madam_strings', 120)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				orgasm += 1
+																				DPorgasm += 1
+																				gang += 1
+																				stat['bj'] += 1
+																				pcs_horny = 0
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/19.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_madam_strings', 121)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/20.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_madam_strings', 122)
+																					act'Further':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/21.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_madam_strings', 123)
+																						act'Further':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 60
+																							bratva['eventmadam6'] = 1
+																							bratva['madam'] = 6
+																							!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event23/22.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_madam_strings', 124)
+																							act'Leave room': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Repeating Event with Samantha
+if $args[0] = 'eventmadam7':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_madam_strings', 125)
+	act'Peek and see':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		pcs_horny += 15
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/01.mp4"></video></center>'
+		func('bratva_madam_strings', 126)
+		act'Неа, потом, может':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_dom += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			func('bratva_madam_strings', 127)
+			act'Leave room': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+		end
+		act'Wow, of course! I am now!':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 20
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/02.mp4"></video></center>'
+			func('bratva_madam_strings', 128)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 15
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/03.mp4"></video></center>'
+				func('bratva_madam_strings', 129)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny = 60
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/04.mp4"></video></center>'
+					func('bratva_madam_strings', 130)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/05.mp4"></video></center>'
+						func('bratva_madam_strings', 131)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny = 75
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/06.mp4"></video></center>'
+							func('bratva_madam_strings', 132)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny = 95
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/07.mp4"></video></center>'
+								func('bratva_madam_strings', 133)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									orgasm += 1
+									analorgasm += 1
+									gang += 1
+									stat['bj'] += 1
+									pcs_horny = 0
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/08.mp4"></video></center>'
+									func('bratva_madam_strings', 134)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/09.mp4"></video></center>'
+										func('bratva_madam_strings', 135)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/10.mp4"></video></center>'
+											func('bratva_madam_strings', 136)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/11.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_madam_strings', 137)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/12.mp4"></video></center>'
+													func('bratva_madam_strings', 138)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny += 5
+														!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+														!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'anus'
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/13.mp4"></video></center>'
+														func('bratva_madam_strings', 139)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/14.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_madam_strings', 140)
+															act'Yes I''ll take the cheap stuff':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																func('bratva_madam_strings', 141)
+																act'Walk away': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+															end
+															act'Oh, I''m happy!':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/15.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_madam_strings', 142)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/16.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_madam_strings', 143)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_horny += 10
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/17.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_madam_strings', 144)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_horny += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/18.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_madam_strings', 145)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/19.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_madam_strings', 146)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					pcs_horny += 10
+																					pcs_dom += 3
+																					bratva['eventmadam7'] = daystart
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event24/20.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_madam_strings', 147)
+																					act'Leave': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- bratva_madam ---------------------------------

+ 151 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# bratva_madam_strings
+$_vstr[1] = '\\- I`ll bring you girls.!//- with enthusiasm, you say.**\\\- This case is right for you.. Just look at futato not get punish. We have aristocratic tastes, ha ha.,///- albert laughs, and the rest unanimously support it.**\\\- Here`s to a wonder-tool in case,///- you put their hands in some kind of bubble - “Dostatoshno single crack”.**This is clearly some kind of quote, everyone knows it and laugh, but you don`t remember, so dumb smile and batting eyelashes.**\\\- Where you find a bitch and prepare - you can call,///- adds Gennady,\\\- over Sanka came transportorul at its best.///**\\- Yep,//- you nod understandingly,\\- But first I`ll look for these that are ready. Have in mind…//**\\\- Well done, right thinking,///- you gently Pat on the cheeks,\\\- let`s fuck with the exploits!///'
+$_vstr[2] = '“Maybe this forever pickled pristavko from the beach boys to fit? Perhaps, it is better to start. Raspalaut fucking at its best, and she`s probably just glad to be. And I will not stay for nothing... " - you think.'
+$_vstr[3] = ' Hey, girl, got a suggestion.: go to some cool guys. Gonna tap that ass to multi-orgasm while using, I guarantee you passionately convince you girl.'
+$_vstr[4] = '\\\- Nah, whatever.,///- the girl shakes her head,\\\- not pulling, you know. I`d rather lie on the beach..**\\- In vain, you lose a lot,//- sorry to tell you. "Well, I`ll catch you when you`re all in the boob. Go like a lamb, goat!”'
+$_vstr[5] = '\\\- Ooh, very brutal, Yes.?///- Anya laughs drunkenly,\\\- And what, come on, let`s go!///**You lead the girl to the apartment of rapists.'
+$_vstr[6] = 'You ring the doorbell of the familiar pull-hut, you open the bandits and cheers downright enveloped both inside.**\\\- About Shine with podruzhaykoy!///- the men an appraising look at the girl.'
+$_vstr[7] = '\\\- Hmm.,///- albert chuckles,\\\- well .... Drink what, deluhi? Or just hunky-fics?///'
+$_vstr[8] = '\\\- Well, go on, on your knees and suck, tumblers!///- says Gennady, unbuttoning his pants. The rest of the bandits quickly release battle tools.**You show an example, on the move swallowing the first available member.'
+$_vstr[9] = 'Annie you are not far behind, and soon you too busy smacking the cock.**\\\- Svetik, show the whore how to work!///**\\- Umfff-gfff!//'
+$_vstr[10] = 'You tickle, sometimes trying to take just a couple of Dicks in her mouth.**\\\- Tie these whores to each other by the neck,///- albert orders.'
+$_vstr[11] = 'Anyuta doesn`t even try to resist. You knit and continue to play in the mouth.'
+$_vstr[12] = 'The men in turn substitute ass Anyuta:**\\- Lick, slut!//- and imprinted crotch right in the face of the girl. She obediently and skillfully otlizal anus.'
+$_vstr[13] = 'You`re getting laid.. Dimas itweet you let the juices of the pussy, and Anya immediately bolt screwed in the ass.**You enjoy a rough roar. Your friend squeals.'
+$_vstr[14] = 'DemAs changes your squishy little slit on the anus. Loud moaning Anyuta gagged with a powerful unit. She is professionally glycol, swallowing the most eggs.'
+$_vstr[15] = 'Albert sits you down on his 18-cm algacide and pulls in the ass. You are blissful, especially when the head of Anyuta is forcefully bent to your pussy and forced to lick. She herself enthusiastically working language.**\\- Yaaaaah, that`s good.!//- you yell,\\- Lick else goat drana-a-AAA!//**\\\- Let`s bitches in both cracks!///- excitedly offers someone from the gang.**\\- Yes, Yes, Yes!//- enthusiastically support you.'
+$_vstr[16] = 'And then put the machine under the two bolts.'
+$_vstr[17] = 'You both ocharovat in two slits, periodically changing the holes.**You have almost reached the desired point and heart-rending mooing, unable to articulate something to Express.'
+$_vstr[18] = 'Finally, getting cock in every hole, trembling all over, orgasmoral.**\\\- All on a brand new fuck, Bratva. Our nyasha was okonchilas,///- albert laughs,\\\- Well, polite her a broken-down Muff cabbage!///'
+$_vstr[19] = 'Men chorus rod Anyuta. Her designed pussy easily takes two tools at once.**\\- I want more, more cum, boys.,//- you`re whining imploringly, eagerly watching this spectacle.'
+$_vstr[20] = 'You helpful Herat in the pussy, which you persistently fumble on a course of action.'
+$_vstr[21] = 'You lift up your leg and insert into your ass a trembling organ of Gennady, clearly close to the final chord.**\\- Let the bitch lick me again!//- you require.'
+$_vstr[22] = 'Anya crawls out to lick you Clit. And then you feel like cum thrusts poured into your anus.**\\- MA-maaa!//- you cum again.**\\\- Ass dark-haired guys get,///- albert says,\\\- Shine, now you`re pleasuring her.///'
+$_vstr[23] = 'The bandits take turns furiously ramming Anyutka`s ass, spewing the seed there.**You suck her clitoris and even bite, pulling, labia.**The girl is shrieking wildly the whole Ivanovo, orgasmia and flooding your face with juice.**\\\- Svetik, swallow it-pay in the end!///- albert calls you.'
+$_vstr[24] = 'The leader will finish you in a mouth.:\\\- Ahhh...na-Ah, bitch-AA...ugh, buzz.! Come share with teluha malofiej!///'
+$_vstr[25] = 'You spit the received sperm on the face and in the girl`s mouth and lick with her tongues under the merry laughter of the gang.**\\\- That`ll blow, ass, pours, ha ha. Draw your bunghole, I will fill in everything.///**Annie throw in the towel.'
+$_vstr[26] = '\\\- Okay, Svetik, take a walk.. Go buy Yes the lemon devour entirely, or what. But this we will leave until then. Let`s have some more fun, perhaps.///'
+$_vstr[27] = 'You`re going to have to leave, but in the hallway you intercepts Gennady:**\\\- Stop, stupid.! Why are you such a cheap slut also brought, like?///**\\- Well, what was found,//- you mumble, spreading your hands.**\\\- You`ve been warned - look better. Cheap stuff is not necessary, do remove, if required. Look nice.. Sucked?///**\\- Yeah, I`ll try!//**\\\- Don`t try - do, young Padawan, Yoda-the master said so because, heh.///**\\\- Do you think the punishment is deserved?///**\\- Mmm...probably.//**\\\- Okay, let`s see... get Out while I`m being nice.!///**«Probably, it is necessary in a cafe heifers for the lads then look!» - a thought comes to mind.'
+$_vstr[28] = 'You pour some strong swill. You drink with a slight frown.. Annie waves the only way to go. Her eyes gleam orovela.**\\\- Well, go on, on your knees and suck, tumblers!///- says Gennady, unbuttoning his pants. The rest of the bandits quickly release battle tools.**You show an example, on the move swallowing the first available member.'
+$_vstr[29] = 'Annie you are not far behind, and soon you too busy smacking the cock.**\\\- Svetik, show the whore how to work!///**\\- Umfff-gfff!//'
+$_vstr[30] = 'You tickle, sometimes trying to take just a couple of Dicks in her mouth.**\\\- Tie these whores to each other by the neck,///- albert orders.'
+$_vstr[31] = 'Anyuta doesn`t even try to resist. You knit and continue to play in the mouth.'
+$_vstr[32] = 'The men in turn substitute ass Anyuta:**\\- Lick, slut!//- and imprinted crotch right in the face of the girl. She obediently and skillfully otlizal anus.'
+$_vstr[33] = 'You`re getting laid.. Dimas itweet you let the juices of the pussy, and Anya immediately bolt screwed in the ass.**You enjoy a rough roar. Your friend squeals.'
+$_vstr[34] = 'DemAs changes your squishy little slit on the anus. Loud moaning Anyuta gagged with a powerful unit. She is professionally glycol, swallowing the most eggs.'
+$_vstr[35] = 'Albert sits you down on his 18-cm algacide and pulls in the ass. You are blissful, especially when the head of Anyuta is forcefully bent to your pussy and forced to lick. She herself enthusiastically working language.**\\- Yaaaaah, that`s good.!//- you yell,\\- Lick else goat drana-a-AAA!//**\\\- Let`s bitches in both cracks!///- excitedly offers someone from the gang.**\\- Yes, Yes, Yes!//- enthusiastically support you.'
+$_vstr[36] = 'And then put the machine under the two bolts.'
+$_vstr[37] = 'You both ocharovat in two slits, periodically changing the holes.**You have almost reached the desired point and heart-rending mooing, unable to articulate something to Express.'
+$_vstr[38] = 'Finally, getting cock in every hole, trembling all over, orgasmoral.**\\\- All on a brand new fuck, Bratva. Our nyasha was okonchilas,///- albert laughs,\\\- Well, polite her a broken-down Muff cabbage!///'
+$_vstr[39] = 'Men chorus rod Anyuta. Her designed pussy easily takes two tools at once.**\\- I want more, more cum, boys.,//- you`re whining imploringly, eagerly watching this spectacle.'
+$_vstr[40] = 'You helpful Herat in the pussy, which you persistently fumble on a course of action.'
+$_vstr[41] = 'You lift up your leg and insert into your ass a trembling organ of Gennady, clearly close to the final chord.**\\- Let the bitch lick me again!//- you require.'
+$_vstr[42] = 'Anya crawls out to lick you Clit. And then you feel like cum thrusts poured into your anus.**\\- MA-maaa!//- you cum again.**\\\- Ass dark-haired guys get,///- albert says,\\\- Shine, now you`re pleasuring her.///'
+$_vstr[43] = 'The bandits take turns furiously ramming Anyutka`s ass, spewing the seed there.**You suck her clitoris and even bite, pulling, labia.**The girl is shrieking wildly the whole Ivanovo, orgasmia and flooding your face with juice.**\\\- Svetik, swallow it-pay in the end!///- albert calls you.'
+$_vstr[44] = 'The leader will finish you in a mouth.:\\\- Ahhh...na-Ah, bitch-AA...ugh, buzz.! Come share with teluha malofiej!///'
+$_vstr[45] = 'You spit the received sperm on the face and in the girl`s mouth and lick with her tongues under the merry laughter of the gang.**\\\- That`ll blow, ass, pours, ha ha. Draw your bunghole, I will fill in everything.///**Annie throw in the towel.'
+$_vstr[46] = '\\\- Okay, Svetik, take a walk.. Go buy Yes the lemon devour entirely, or what. But this we will leave until then. Let`s have some more fun, perhaps.///'
+$_vstr[47] = 'You`re going to have to leave, but in the hallway you intercepts Gennady:**\\\- Stop, stupid.! Why are you such a cheap slut also brought, like?///**\\- Well, what was found,//- you mumble, spreading your hands.**\\\- You`ve been warned - look better. Cheap stuff is not necessary, do remove, if required. Look nice.. Sucked?///**\\- Yeah, I`ll try!//**\\\- Don`t try - do, young Padawan, Yoda-the master said so because, heh.///**\\\- Do you think the punishment is deserved?///**\\- Mmm...probably.//**\\\- Okay, let`s see... get Out while I`m being nice.!///**«Probably, it is necessary in a cafe heifers for the lads then look!» - a thought comes to mind.'
+$_vstr[48] = 'You go to the cafe, some time to look closely.**And you see a suitable red-haired girl who drinks alone, litters with money and at the same time clearly feels a little insecure. Judging by the funny speech patterns and accent-it`s definitely non-Russian.'
+$_vstr[49] = 'You meet a girl and soon have fun drinking together. She says that she came here to study at the University of exchange from the United States. Red name is Samantha..**“Perfectly! It will fit!"- you decide, and when the intended victim goes to the toilet, pour it into the drinks knockout.**Then you say goodbye, drinking on the road.'
+$_vstr[50] = 'After waiting in the alley, hiding and wearing just a fire mask.'
+$_vstr[51] = 'The American comes with a lot of cash in the hands of stupid, calculated, I suppose, all lit up.**She`s barely standing..'
+$_vstr[52] = 'You grab her off completely and carry off in advance in a supervised quiet place.**Then call Sanka.'
+$_vstr[53] = 'And deliver the bound victim to the apartment of rapists, where the whole gang gathered.**\\- Albertik, I`m a real American dug! Look how many bucks she`s got.!//- you give money to a satisfied leader.**\\\- Well Done, Shine! Growing up.. Um. I think you should be rewarded, too.. DemAs, put our. tishonok ten, or what. On lipstick.///**DemAs, hmykaya, gives you two five-thousandth denominations.**\\\- Fuck, here you are.,///- Gennady pulls out his volumetric shovel and gives you a couple of bills,\\\- For Shine, keep it up. Sit down to admire as we have this bad lohuaru drag.///**\\- Yep!//- with joyful anticipation you say and make yourself comfortable.'
+$_vstr[54] = 'The bandits grabbing the bound girl, with a laugh, slap on an impressive ass and pulling down panties.'
+$_vstr[55] = 'Then lift up her legs and zastrahovat holes with your fingers.'
+$_vstr[56] = 'The rapists untie the victim, simultaneously pulling off the remains of her clothes, stretching on the floor.**Dimas first pushes in to her pussy.'
+$_vstr[57] = 'Gennady, meanwhile, roughly Fucks in his mouth, pressing his head to his groin.**The girl Moos, but does not resist.**Soon you see how she herself begins to serve members and giggle.'
+$_vstr[58] = 'Samantha put on all fours. Albert pushes his 18-centimeter bolt in the ass. The girl screams so that you almost choke.'
+$_vstr[59] = 'It is seated on indochino leader and plug the mouth.'
+$_vstr[60] = 'Then Haret in pussy two tools.'
+$_vstr[61] = 'You watch with crimson cheeks, gradually start and begin to breathe heavily.'
+$_vstr[62] = 'The girl is hammered with two devices in the anus.**You sigh voluptuously.'
+$_vstr[63] = 'The queue is planted on each cock ass.'
+$_vstr[64] = 'Gennady discharges into her anus and with a satisfied laugh pulls off the penis. You revel in the view oozing out of the hole sperm.'
+$_vstr[65] = 'Hot men on zastrahovat ass pomeshivaya American women.'
+$_vstr[66] = 'You notice that she orgasms, emitting a lingering moan and almost moan in unison with her, barely holding back. In panties you have wet-wet.'
+$_vstr[67] = 'The red profura is put on his knees and hammered into the throat of the cock.**\\\- Aah, bitch.! Eugh to the root, pindossky!///- shouts overexcited Groin.'
+$_vstr[68] = 'Samantha cum in her mouth.'
+$_vstr[69] = 'She swallows the portions with such diligence and sucks the bolts that you involuntarily smack and lick.'
+$_vstr[70] = 'Albert, chuckling mechanic Samantha widows it dry. And spits spits on top of her.'
+$_vstr[71] = 'A couple of bandits shelled fountains of semen face girl.'
+$_vstr[72] = '\\\- I`ll give the whore one last push.,///- growls Gennady, and he`s screwing them obsushennye girl in pussy.'
+$_vstr[73] = 'He cums on the overworked sex lips and blissfully falls off.**You find that you began to caress yourself mechanically.**The bandits notice you`re encouraging and fun.**\\\- Svetlana, let`s play with your prey! She seems to be getting high specifically from the stiff,///- says al.**\\\- Hey, you, stupid yankee-slut, do you like it?///- Gennady asks the wiping American woman.**\\\- Ummm, so rough...but...I cum, I cum twice! Hello, perhaps so? O my god...Vee who, geise, where I am? Mafia, Yes?///**\\\- Svetik, go explain where she is, who and what her number is.///'
+$_vstr[74] = 'You fill up Samantha on the table and show off in front of a gang of matzo and lick her Boobs.'
+$_vstr[75] = 'Then you put your fingers in her mouth:\\- Now you`ll lick me, you rascal.!//'
+$_vstr[76] = 'You expose the ass and the girl obediently licks it.**\\- Ooh, cool, come on.! Good thing I found you, yeah.? Guys, she definitely likes it.!//'
+$_vstr[77] = 'You pull the girl`s head to your groin and make her lick pussy.'
+$_vstr[78] = 'And soon with a groan, cumming under her tongue for sure.**\\- Ouff, mommy ... fuck, you submissive bitch, Samantha.!//**\\\- Cho, this redhead so called, in kind?///**\\- Yeah, let`s keep it.. I want to play with her again.! You want to stay? You want to, Yes?///**Samantha shyly shrugs.**\\\- What the fuck are you asking?? Yes, even a foreigner!///'
+$_vstr[79] = 'Albert ties Samantha up and puts a gag on her, pushes her into the closet.**\\\- Here is today, Svetik, you surpassed expectations. Yes, here`s the keys to the hut, and then as a second,///- grinning, Gennady gives you the keys to the bandits ` apartment.**\\- Hurrah! Thank You, Gena!//**\\\- Work.///**Men, laughing, applauding.'
+$_vstr[80] = 'You enter the apartment. Characteristic sounds are heard from the room.Looking, you see how men have red American. She seems happy to give herself up..'
+$_vstr[81] = 'You decide to watch.**Samantha poryat in three holes, to be replaced in the holes.'
+$_vstr[82] = 'Albert violently pulls her head on his fair dignity.'
+$_vstr[83] = 'Girl delicious glycol, mumbling in the nose.'
+$_vstr[84] = 'Gennady ruthlessly punches her in the ass. The other with a laugh pridushivayut and bred legs apart.**Samantha screams passionately.'
+$_vstr[85] = 'Horny thugs jerking off cocks about her eyes.'
+$_vstr[86] = 'The girl is used on the floor in different poses. She accepts members already with obvious weariness.'
+$_vstr[87] = 'Reached a peak Dimas merges into her limp mouth drop outspread substantial portion of semen.'
+$_vstr[88] = 'The rest of the bandits, squeezing the redhead`s throat with a leash, by turns, are shot in mouth.**\\\- Yeaah fucking fucking-ahh, GLA-Athy!///- albert shouts, cutting the organ to the eggs in the throat of Samantha and jerked convulsively, ejaculates her almost into the esophagus.'
+$_vstr[89] = 'You with a lustful smirk watching American swallows monchalovo.'
+$_vstr[90] = 'The girl finally relish sucking the cock of every gangster. She looks tired, but nevertheless radiates from satisfaction.'
+$_vstr[91] = 'Albert gets a used slave in the closet.'
+$_vstr[92] = 'You pull an American out of her hiding place in a closet..**\\- What, red bitch, let`s play?//**\\\- Mmmmfff!///**\\- Pump, beee, sheep! I know you`ll like it.. Itself such a same, hee-hee-hee!//**The helplessness of the girl frankly turns you on.'
+$_vstr[93] = 'You love to experiment with her BDSM devices from the Arsenal of rapists.**And admire the view.'
+$_vstr[94] = 'Whip the whip on the open crotch, reveling in the dominant role.'
+$_vstr[95] = 'And having fun with Boobs.'
+$_vstr[96] = 'Then you shove your fingers into her pussy, which let in a fair amount of juice.**\\- Here you are a fat cow, how quickly flowed! SchA I`ll fuck up worse than the boys!//'
+$_vstr[97] = 'You fry a pussy red improvised means, trying to find things more powerful.**She muffled howls through the gag, sobbing, however, is clearly experiencing pleasure.**You`re getting pretty wound up, too..'
+$_vstr[98] = 'You get the girl on the floor..'
+$_vstr[99] = 'And, pulling the strap-on, tarabanite her hefty artificial cock in the anus until she starts to shudder in anal orgasm.'
+$_vstr[100] = 'Slightly tear-stained, disheveled, but it seems satisfied Samantha gently licks your clitoris, completely succumbing to the slightest whim.**You quickly reach the peak of pleasure and, moaning, orgasms.'
+$_vstr[101] = 'Then, as if nothing had happened, bursting with red on girly cases discussing brutal Fucks, laughing at her mistakes and clumsy accent.**\\- I`ll call you Female, got it.?//**\\\- Okay!///**\\- I see you`ve settled in.? Culno, Yes.?//**\\\- Uh..little, sorry... legonko was zapacala and scared lose is where I…///**\\- Don`t worry, smash and return to base, will regret that a little!//**\\\- I was able to come after.,///- Samantha smiles timidly.**\\- WO, great.! Such guys like. You and I are gonna turn around, girl.! Don`t be bored here though you won`t have to, haha…//'
+$_vstr[102] = '\\\- Cornered, macnica?///- Gennady slaps you on the ass.**\\- And? And what?//- you ask in bewilderment.**\\\- Why redhead endosco not closed properly?///- Albert clicks on the nose,\\\- Having fun with the girl-keep her on a leash, got it?///**\\- Yep! And what she`ve done something?//**Men laugh:\\\- Yes, just all right, haha. Walking around here naked, lunch prepared as Putney - you will not wait! Well, we fucked her finally let go. She the next day she pinned back.///**\\\- Ha-ha, before she likes us, just stuck!///**\\\- But you should be punished!///- adds Gennady,\\\- Along with the song.///**\\- Aw!//**Gennady grabbed you ear leads to the mirror:\\\- Well, amaluisa as the latest slut I hope you!///'
+$_vstr[103] = 'You`re wearing makeup..**\\\- Come on, make it look like a fucking doll.!///'
+$_vstr[104] = 'You apply makeup in almost two layers and really look like a doll.**\\\- In the now you to the brothel sell more sense anyway not really,///- evaluates approached al.'
+$_vstr[105] = '\\\- Here, put this on. Fancy tchotchke with deluhi once removed. Can, and leave you…,///the leader considers how you look expensive earrings.**\\\- If you still do not hand over to the brothel.///'
+$_vstr[106] = 'You razdetoy and painted like a fucking lead “to punish”.'
+$_vstr[107] = 'Put cancer on the couch and spanked on the ass.'
+$_vstr[108] = 'Periodically thrusting his fingers into the anus.'
+$_vstr[109] = 'Gennady fingers pulls your tongue.'
+$_vstr[110] = '\\\- Now you for brothel managed by let us,///- reports Gennady, nodding at a whole set of different chips for sexual games.**\\- Oh, I`ll probably like it.!//- you giggle playfully.'
+$_vstr[111] = 'You put clothespins on the labia and push an intricate toy into the anus, ventilating the intestine for the entire length. You`re squeaking excitedly.'
+$_vstr[112] = 'Gennady pushes you to mouth rubber dellacasa.'
+$_vstr[113] = 'On nipples too put clothespins and delay them.**\\- Wye! A great! Freakin hot!//**\\\- No, you`re a naturally born whore, Svetlana.!///'
+$_vstr[114] = 'You are thrilled while the men have fun, pulling the clothespins in all places and gently squeal.**\\\- Come on swallow, nipple, balls crack!///'
+$_vstr[115] = 'You squat cocksucking with all possible diligence.'
+$_vstr[116] = 'Bandits quickly undress, and you even faster take off the remains of the whore clothes.**And stand in position on the couch with sticking out of the ass anal ball tape.**Gennady bends you to the groin and you are gladly sucked into the manufactured cock.**Strong bolt al cuts into your wet pussy and you make a blissful moan.**\\- Ummf..FH...aaau.!//**\\\- Suck it, don`t get distracted!///'
+$_vstr[117] = 'Guys are changing the holes and soon got your pussy burning with lust under the powerful blows.'
+$_vstr[118] = 'Gennady screws you cock in the anus. You stretch lustful buttocks swiveled his nasazhivayas and deeper.'
+$_vstr[119] = 'You take turns hammering in the ass with such force and intensity that begin to tremble legs and body, burning, shaking, from the approaching ecstasy.'
+$_vstr[120] = 'Jumping on hard coke leader you scream:\\- In-WA-a-udvi-e-EEM! Take me in both holes!//'
+$_vstr[121] = 'The men, having got your hands behind your back, ocharovat you in two bow.**You drawn-out groan cum, licking stick a finger in her mouth AB.'
+$_vstr[122] = 'Both the fucker down you in the mouth a portion of sperm and forced to swallow everything you unwittingly spilled past. You finger collect the seed, swallow and lick.**\\\- Ugh, Vasilich, fucking doll, that`s no fucking punishment! Yes after all, Svetik?///**\\- Well...can be more often so punish,//- innocent flapping eyelashes you agree,\\- But I won`t, honestly.!//'
+$_vstr[123] = '\\\- Come on, you sly motherfucker, sit in that closet.. Maybe even sometimes the brain, and not a cunt to think you will be.///'
+$_vstr[124] = 'You are taken to the closet and locked.**About an hour later you are released grinning sledge.'
+$_vstr[125] = 'From the room you hear the characteristic sounds and excited cries of " fuck! Two shits for her!", "Aaaaaaaah!", "Deeper, red bitch!”.'
+$_vstr[126] = 'You watch mesmerized as the bandits zastrahovat ass screaming Samantha. She yells:\\\- Yea-ah!!! Fuck-fuck-fuck my dirty ass!///**\\\- Oh, Shine! Come here.! Get in position.!///'
+$_vstr[127] = 'Are you shaking your head, "hmm." and krutanuv ass, removed.'
+$_vstr[128] = 'You take off your blouse and get on your knees..**Pahan and albert in turn fuck you throat:\\\- Come on, ass that slut taste try! Aah, fuck, swallow!///**You work hard with your mouth..'
+$_vstr[129] = '\\\- Stand up to cancer, bitches! Both my cock jam!///- orders al. You and Samantha are working on the leader`s cock.. You are generously pushed into the anus of lubrication and then cut the bolt.'
+$_vstr[130] = '\\\- Hop in, Shine, I fuck your bizdesk!///- invites Pahan. You happily sit down on his cock dripping pussy and moan with bliss under the rapid ramming blows.'
+$_vstr[131] = 'Albert screws you a hot bolt in the anus and you are dragged into two holes.**\\- Yeah, Alec, Alec, Jesus, more.!//**\\\- Turn and rotate, do not worry, young!///'
+$_vstr[132] = 'You turn on the members and bardolet, firmly pressing between male bodies. You, squealing, RUB the clitoris.**Next publishes a long long moan Samantha-I think she came.**\\\- Do you want to fuck a couple like that??///- albert asks, panting..**\\- Newton...IUU..Oh...Oh, yeah.!//'
+$_vstr[133] = 'You cut into razdrajennouu ass two cock. You enjoy biting your lip from mild pain, mixed with the growing ecstasy of bliss.'
+$_vstr[134] = '\\\- And now a redhead even a couple!///- Samantha again cut into the anus two slotting tools.**You blazing furiously massaging wet pussy anal and shuddering orgasm next.**\\\- Go, apocrita, legs up! In shits you shoot back!///- muffled growls albert.'
+$_vstr[135] = 'You Samantha battened down con ass.**\\\- Ahhh, fuck, motherfucker, get it!///'
+$_vstr[136] = 'American pumped charge of sperm in the anus.'
+$_vstr[137] = 'She reveals the raskurochennuyu ass, from which the seed flows.'
+$_vstr[138] = 'Albert violently erupts into your hole. Samantha came to the rescue then substitutes his mouth to lick trying to get out of the river konchalov.**\\\- Shine, let`s hit the fucking!///'
+$_vstr[139] = 'You, squatting passionately milked the last drops from the cock.'
+$_vstr[140] = 'You hold Samantha`s head against the couch.:\\- What, sheep, steep me Fuckers?!//**The girl mumbles peaky, doesn`t.**\\\- Come on, haha, show her!///- bandits are laughing in a relaxed way.'
+$_vstr[141] = 'You slowly dress, snorting about torn in a fit of passion belongings. And leave..'
+$_vstr[142] = 'Sitting on the girl`s head, you ask sarcastically:\\- Let`s play, you fucking cow.?//'
+$_vstr[143] = 'Take the whip, which likes to have fun Pahan, and insert the handle between her teeth.**Then saddle red and fun on her jump.**Bandits, laughing, clap their hands.'
+$_vstr[144] = 'Then slash his victim`s Tits.'
+$_vstr[145] = 'And, inserting the handle into the anus Samantha, spank on the ass.**She excitedly squeals a little and very quite.**\\- Boys, you do not want to piss on a slut?//**\\\- It`s easy!///'
+$_vstr[146] = 'Albert is the first to approach the American and urinate in a pliable open mouth. Samantha seems thrilled..'
+$_vstr[147] = 'Men pour urine on her. Red under the jets happily masturbating:\\\- O, good Saver, I love it, guys!///**\\- Clean it up, sheep.! Wedge, understood.?//**Red nods. You, snort, are going and leave.'
+$result = $_vstr[args[0]]
+killvar '$_vstr'
+--- bratva_madam_strings ---------------------------------

+ 183 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# bratva_pornstudio
+! sites of post-judgment
+! work office
+$location_type = 'public_indoors'
+$loc = $curloc
+gs 'bratva_events','bratva_check'
+if $args[0] = '' or $args[0] = 'main':
+	*clr & cla
+	$loc_arg = 'start'
+	$loc = 'pornstudio'
+	$menu_loc = 'pornstudio'
+	$menu_arg = 'start'
+	menu_off = 0
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
+	gs 'stat'
+	if studio['init'] = 0: gs 'bratva_pornstudio_init'
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Office</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/office.jpg"></center>'
+	'Studio Office. From here you direct casting and filming.
+		Monthly you pay 10000r. for rent + 500r. for each renovation of premises.
+		You give 25% of the profit for the "roof", another 20% - taxes.
+		10% of the remaining amount is credited to your card, the rest - to the studio balance.'
+	if hour >= 15 and hour <= 16: 'Sitting on the couch are some<a href="exec: gt ''mod_bratva_start''"> Bratva members</a>.'
+	gs 'bratva_pornstudio','navigation'
+	!Conditions start the event with masturbation
+	if pcs_horny >= 40 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 14: act' Caress yourself looking porn': gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent1'
+	!Terms and conditions start with Stamos
+	if week <= 5 and studio['ofisevent9_day'] ! daystart and rand(1,4) = 1: gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent9'
+	! 25% chance of tripping
+	if bratva['location'] = 3:
+		!Conditions of the start of the event with Inna and Gennady
+		if studio['inna'] = 1 and studio['ofisevent2_day'] ! daystart and rand(1,4) = 1: gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent2'
+		!The condition of the start of the event with Inna''s threesome
+		if studio['ofisevent2'] >= 5 and studio['ofisevent3_day'] ! daystart and rand(1,4) = 1: gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent3'
+		!Conditions for starting the event with Gennady
+		if week > 5 and studio['ofisevent10_day'] ! daystart: gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent10'
+		!The condition of the start of the event with Stas and Gennady
+		if studio['ofisevent11_day'] ! daystart and rand(1,4) = 1: gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent11'
+		!The condition for starting a mini event in the office with a make-up artist
+		if studio['ofisevent2'] = 0 and rand(1,3) = 1: gt 'bratva_studioQW','mini4'
+		!The condition for starting a mini-event in office 4 and above
+		if studio['room,2'] >= 4 and rand(1,3) = 1: gt 'bratva_studioQW','mini5'
+	end
+	if hour < 9 or hour > 18: exit
+	act 'List of actresses': gt 'bratva_pornstudio_actress','actress_list'
+	act 'Filmography studios': gt 'bratva_pornstudio_films','films'
+	act 'Studio information': gt 'bratva_pornstudio','studio'
+	!---
+	if studio['film_day'] ! daystart: act 'To make a movie': gs 'bratva_pornstudio_films','select_film',-1,-1
+	act 'How it works':
+		*clr & cla
+		act 'Close': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+			'Monthly you pay 10000r. for rent + 500r. for each renovation of premises.
+			You give 25% of the profit for the "roof", another 20% - taxes.
+			10% of the remaining amount is credited to your card, the rest - to the studio balance.
+			Only one movie can be made per day. The quality and, therefore, the rating of the film depends on the development of the infrastructure, but during the repair the shooting is impossible.
+			At the moment you can have a maximum of 5 actresses. Each of them has its own set of available genres for filming. For hiring you have to pay an actress bonus of 10,000 rubles.
+			To restore the actress need 2 days or more, depending on the genre of the previous film and the development of the recreation area.
+			In the lesboscenes, the second actress will always be your heroine - if she is not available, you will not be able to make a film.
+			Profit depends on the number of views, advertising can help increase them, but not all advertising is good - choose the right time and amount. After 10 days, the possibility of advertising the film is cut off.
+			Daily the number of views will fall and over time the film will cease to make a profit.'
+	end
+! гримерка
+if $args[0] = 'dressing_room':
+	*clr & cla
+	$loc_arg = $args[0]
+	gs 'bratva_pornstudio','navigation',$args[0]
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Office</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/grim.jpg"></center>'
+	'Make-up room, where entertainers of the cheerful genre are preparing for the shooting. Here you can dress up and apply make-up.'
+	! Conditions of the start of the event with Inna in the bathroom
+	if bratva['location'] = 3 and studio['ofisevent3'] >= 5 and rand(1,4) = 1 and studio['ofisevent4_day'] ! daystart: gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent4'
+	! The condition of the start of the event in the bathroom
+	if bratva['location'] = 3 and studio['ofisevent6'] = daystart: gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent8'
+	! The condition for starting mini-events in the dressing room
+	if hour >= 10 and hour < 18 and rand(1,4) = 1: gt 'bratva_studioQW','mini2'
+	! The condition for starting mini-events in the dressing room 3 and above
+	if hour >= 10 and hour < 18 and studio['room,1'] >= 3 and rand(1,4) = 1: gt 'bratva_studioQW','mini3'
+! set
+if $args[0] = 'shooting_space':
+	*clr & cla
+	$loc_arg = $args[0]
+	gs 'bratva_pornstudio','navigation',$args[0]
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Office</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/studia.jpg"></center>'
+	'Spacious studio with bright lighting and comfortable wide sofas and beds, on which most of the scenes are shot. It made a good repair, I can not believe that before it was the usual warehouse.'
+	!Conditions for starting a mini event in a studio
+	if hour >= 10 and hour <= 20 and rand(1,4) = 1: gt 'bratva_studioQW','mini1'
+! navigation
+if $args[0] = 'navigation':
+	act '<b>Leave<b>': minut += rand(10,15) & gt 'city_industrial'
+	if studio['upgrade'] > 0:
+		*clr
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/closed.jpg"></center>'
+		'The studio is closed for renovation! Opening through <<studio[''upgrade'']>> day.'
+		exit
+	end
+	if $args[1] ! '' and $args[1] ! 'main': act '<font color=maroon>Office</font>': gt 'bratva_pornstudio','main'
+	if $args[1] ! 'dressing_room': act '<font color=maroon>Dressing Room</font>': gt 'bratva_pornstudio','dressing_room'
+	if $args[1] ! 'shooting_space': act '<font color=maroon>Set</font>': gt 'bratva_pornstudio','shooting_space'
+! description of studio premises
+if $args[0] = 'studio':
+	*clr & cla
+	act 'Close': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+	$_studio_str = '<div class="film-info">Profit for the current month: <b><<studio[''money_month'']>></b>р.'
+	$_studio_str += 'Last month profit: <b><<studio[''money_last_month'']>></b>р.'
+	$_studio_str += 'Studio balance: <b><<studio[''money'']>></b>р.</div>'
+	$_studio_str
+	!--
+	$_studio_str = '<tr><th>Title</th><th>Status</th><th>...</th>'
+	$_studio_name[0] = 'Set'
+	$_studio_name[1] = 'Make-up room'
+	$_studio_name[2] = 'Office'
+	$_studio_name[3] = 'Rest zone'
+	i = 0
+	:loop_studio
+	if i < 4:
+		$_studio_str += '<tr><td>'+$_studio_name[i]+'</td><td><img src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/rating/'+(studio['room,<<i>>']*2)+'.png"></td><td>'+func('bratva_pornstudio','mk_upgrade_str','<<i>>')+'</td></tr>'
+		i += 1
+		jump 'loop_studio'
+	end
+	'<center><table width=700 class="film-table">'+$_studio_str+'</table></center>'
+	killvar '$_studio_name'
+	killvar '$_studio_str'
+! link building for studio improvement
+! $args[1] - room id
+if $args[0] = 'mk_upgrade_str':
+	_studio_id = val($args[1])
+	_studio_price[0] = 40000
+	_studio_price[1] = 20000
+	_studio_price[2] = 30000
+	_studio_price[3] = 50000
+	_studio_upgrade_price = (studio['room,<<_studio_id>>'] + 1)*_studio_price[_studio_id]
+	if studio['room,<<_studio_id>>'] < 5:
+		$result = iif(studio['money'] >= _studio_upgrade_price,'<a href="exec:gt''bratva_pornstudio'',''studio_upgrade'',<<_studio_id>>,<<_studio_upgrade_price>>">Upgrade (<<_studio_upgrade_price>>р.)</a>','Upgrade (<<_studio_upgrade_price>>р.)')
+	else
+		$result = ''
+	end
+	killvar '_studio_id'
+	killvar '_studio_price'
+	killvar '_studio_upgrade_price'
+! studio repair
+if $args[0] = 'studio_upgrade':
+	*clr & cla
+	act '<b>Leave<b>':
+		minut += rand(10,15)
+		gt 'city_industrial'
+	end
+	studio['upgrade_room'] = args[1]
+	studio['upgrade'] = 3 + studio['room,<<args[1]>>']
+	_studio_upgrade_price = args[2]
+	studio['money'] -= _studio_upgrade_price
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/closed.jpg"></center>'
+	'Studio closes on <<studio[''upgrade'']>> days for repairs which will cost <<_studio_upgrade_price>>р.'
+	killvar '_studio_upgrade_price'
+! daily recalculations
+if $args[0] = 'update_info':
+	! studio renovation
+	if studio['upgrade'] > 0:
+		studio['upgrade'] -= 1
+		if studio['upgrade'] = 0:
+			studio['room,<<studio[''upgrade_room'']>>'] += 1
+			studio['upgrade_room'] = -1
+		end
+	end
+	! movie ratings
+	gs 'bratva_pornstudio_films','update_films_info'
+	! actress ratings
+	gs 'bratva_pornstudio_actress','update_actress_info'
+	! studio ratings
+	studio['work_rating'] = studio['room,0'] * 6 + studio['room,1'] * 6 + studio['room,2'] * 3 + studio['room,3'] * 5
+	studio['rating'] = (func('bratva_pornstudio_films','avg_rating') + func('bratva_pornstudio_actress','avg_rating'))/2
+--- bratva_pornstudio ---------------------------------

+ 219 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# bratva_pornstudio_actress
+! list of current studio workers
+if $args[0] = 'actress_list':
+	*clr & cla
+	act '<b>Close</b>': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+	act 'Casting': gt 'bratva_pornstudio_actress','casting'
+	act 'Filmography studios': gt 'bratva_pornstudio_films','films'
+	_actress_count = arrsize('$actress')/8
+	_cell_count = 0
+	$_actress_str = ''
+	if i = 0 < _actress_count - 1:
+		if $actress['<<i>>,retire'] = 0 and $actress['<<i>>,hired'] = 1:
+			if _cell_count = 0: $_actress_str += '<tr>'
+			$_actress_str += '<td>'+func('bratva_pornstudio_actress','actress_box',i)+'</td>'
+			if _cell_count = 3:
+				_cell_count = 0
+				$_actress_str += '</tr>'
+			else
+				_cell_count += 1
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	! if necessary - we finish the table with empty cells
+	if _cell_count > 0:
+		if i = _cell_count < 3:
+			$_actress_str += '<td></td>'
+		end
+		$_actress_str += '</tr>'
+	end
+	'<center><table border=0>'+$_actress_str+'</table></center>'
+	killvar '$_actress_str'
+	killvar '_cell_count'
+! info by actress
+! args[1] - id actress
+if $args[0] = 'actress_info':
+	_actress_info_id = args[1]
+	*clr & cla
+	act '<b>Close</b>': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+	act 'List of actresses': gt 'bratva_pornstudio_actress','actress_list'
+	act 'Filmography studios': gt 'bratva_pornstudio_films','films'
+	! face actress
+	'<center><table border=0>'+func('bratva_pornstudio_actress','actress_box',_actress_info_id)+'</table></center>'
+	! инфо
+	$_actress_str = 'Available genres:' + func('bratva_pornstudio_actress','actress_genre',val($actress['<<_actress_info_id>>,genres'])) + '**'
+	if $actress['<<_actress_info_id>>,retire'] = 0:
+		_next_film_date = func('bratva_pornstudio_actress','calc_relax',_actress_info_id)
+		if _next_film_date >= daystart:
+			$_actress_str += $actress['<<_actress_info_id>>,name'] + ' will be available for filming through ' + (_next_film_date - daystart + 1) + ' days'
+		else
+			$_actress_str += $actress['<<_actress_info_id>>,name'] + ' available for filming.'
+		end
+	else
+		$_actress_str += $actress['<<_actress_info_id>>,name'] + ' more you can not be removed.'
+	end
+	'<div class="film-info">'+$_actress_str+'</div>'
+	killvar '$_actress_str'
+	killvar '_next_film_date'
+	! Filmography
+	gs 'bratva_pornstudio_films','film_list',_actress_info_id
+	killvar '_actress_info_id'
+! actress wrapper
+! args[1] - id actresses
+if $args[0] = 'actress_box':
+	_actress_id = args[1]
+	$result = '<div class="box actress">'
+	! photo of the actress
+	$result += '<img src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/actress/<<_actress_id>>.jpg">'
+	! the name of the actress, it is - a link to the filmography
+	$result += '<a href="exec:gt''bratva_pornstudio_actress'',''actress_info'',<<_actress_id>>">'+$actress['<<_actress_id>>,name']+'</a>'
+	! rating
+	$result += '<div><img src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/rating/'+$actress['<<_actress_id>>,rating']/10+'.png"></div>'
+	$result += '</div>'
+	killvar '_actress_id'
+! the timing of the availability of the actress, depending on the conditions in the studio
+! args[1] - actresses id
+if $args[0] = 'calc_relax':
+	_actress_last_id = args[1]
+	! if a last_film_id = -1 - the actress has not yet starred and then available
+	_last_film_id = $actress['<<_actress_last_id>>,last_film']
+	if _last_film_id < 0:
+		result = daystart - 1
+	else
+		! if already filmed
+		! we get the genre of the film by its id
+		_last_film_genre = $films['<<_last_film_id>>,genre']
+		! рассчитываем время отдыха в зависимости от условий в студии
+		_last_film_relax = (1 + _last_film_genre)*2 - studio['relax_area']*3/2
+		! Between shootings there should be at least 2 days, but according to the formula it is possible even less, we check
+		if _last_film_relax < 2: _last_film_relax = 2
+		! get the date of the last shooting of the actress and add rest days
+		result = val($actress['<<_actress_last_id>>,date']) + _last_film_relax
+		! cleaning variables
+		killvar '_actress_last_id'
+		killvar '_last_film_id'
+		killvar '_last_film_genre'
+		killvar '_last_film_relax'
+	end
+! we get the names of the actress who starred in the film
+! $args[1] - id array of actresses
+if $args[0] = 'get_actress_name':
+	$_actress_arr = $args[1]
+	! get the length of the array - the number of actresses
+	_actress_count = func('zz_funcs','get_count',$_actress_arr)
+	$_actress_names = ''
+	_actress_i = 0
+	:loop_actress_names
+	if _actress_i < _actress_count:
+		_actress_num = val(func('zz_funcs','get_item_string',$_actress_arr,_actress_i))
+		if $actress['<<_actress_num>>,retire'] = 0:
+			$_actress_names += '<a href="exec:gt''bratva_pornstudio_actress'',''actress_info'',<<_actress_num>>">' + $actress['<<_actress_num>>,name'] + '</a>, '
+		else
+			$_actress_names += $actress['<<_actress_num>>,name'] + ', '
+		end
+		_actress_i += 1
+		jump 'loop_actress_names'
+	end
+	$result = mid($_actress_names,1,len($_actress_names)-2)
+	killvar '$_actress_arr'
+	killvar '_actress_count'
+	killvar '_actress_i'
+	killvar '$_actress_names'
+	killvar '_actress_num'
+! list of genres for actresses
+! args[1] - maximum available genre
+if $args[0] = 'actress_genre':
+	_actress_genre_i = 0
+	$result = ''
+	:loop_genres
+		$result += '<span class="film-tag">' + $film_genre['<<_actress_genre_i>>,name'] + '</span>'
+		_actress_genre_i += 1
+		if _actress_genre_i <= args[1]: jump 'loop_genres'
+	!---
+	killvar '_actress_genre_i'
+! hiring an actress
+! args[1] - actresses id
+if $args[0] = 'actress_hire':
+	$actress['<<args[1]>>,hired'] = 1
+	! remove from the current profit bonus for signing
+	studio['money_month'] -= 10000
+	! remove the balance of the studio signing bonus
+	studio['money'] -= 10000
+	gt 'bratva_pornstudio_actress','casting',args[1]
+!calculation of the average rating of all studio actresses
+if $args[0] = 'avg_rating':
+	_actress_avg = 0
+	_actress_count = arrsize('$actress')/8
+	if _actress_count = 0:
+		result = 0
+	else
+		i = 0
+		:loop_avg_rating
+		if i < _actress_count:
+			_actress_avg += $actress['<<i>>,rating']
+			i += 1
+			jump 'loop_avg_rating'
+		end
+		result = _actress_avg / _actress_count
+		killvar '_actress_avg'
+		killvar '_actress_count'
+	end
+! recount actress stats
+if $args[0] = 'update_actress_info':
+	i = 0
+	:loop_actress_rating
+	if i < arrsize('$actress')/8:
+		j = 0
+		_actress_rating = 0
+		_actress_films_count = 0
+		_films_count = arrsize('films')/11
+		:loop_films_rating
+		if j < _films_count:
+			if func('zz_funcs','get_item_id',$films['<<j>>,actress'],str(i)) > 0:
+				_actress_rating += $films['<<j>>,rating']
+				_actress_films_count += 1
+			end
+			j += 1
+			jump 'loop_films_rating'
+		end
+		if _actress_films_count > 0:
+			$actress['<<i>>,rating'] = _actress_rating / _actress_films_count
+		else
+			$actress['<<i>>,rating'] = 0
+		end
+		i += 1
+		jump 'loop_actress_rating'
+	end
+	killvar '_actress_rating'
+	killvar '_actress_films_count'
+	killvar '_films_count'
+! casting
+if $args[0] = 'casting':
+	*clr & cla
+	act '<b>Leave</b>': killvar '_casting_id' &  gt 'bratva_pornstudio_actress','actress_list'
+	if arrsize('$actress')/8 <= 1: exit
+	_casting_id = args[1]
+	if _casting_id < 1: _casting_id = 1
+	if _casting_id >= arrsize('$actress')/8: _casting_id = 1
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/actress/casting/'+_casting_id+'.jpg"></center>'
+	$_casting_prev = '<a href="exec:gt''bratva_pornstudio_actress'',''casting'',<<_casting_id-1>>">Previous</a>'
+	$_casting_next = '<a href="exec:gt''bratva_pornstudio_actress'',''casting'',<<_casting_id+1>>">Next</a>'
+	$_casting_hire = ' <a href="exec:gt''bratva_pornstudio_actress'',''actress_hire'',<<_casting_id>>">Hire</a> '
+	if $actress['<<_casting_id>>,hired'] = 1:
+		'<div class="film-casting">' + $_casting_prev + ' <span>The actress is already busy!</span> ' + $_casting_next + '</div>'
+	elseif $actress['<<_casting_id>>,retire'] = 1:
+		'<div class="film-casting">' + $_casting_prev + ' <span>The actress is fired!</span> ' + $_casting_next + '</div>'
+	else
+		'<div class="film-casting">' + $_casting_prev + $_casting_hire + $_casting_next + '</div>'
+	end
+--- bratva_pornstudio_actress ---------------------------------

+ 294 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+# bratva_pornstudio_films
+if $args[0] = 'films':
+	*clr & cla
+	act '<b>Leave</b>': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+	act 'List of actresses': gt 'bratva_pornstudio_actress','actress_list'
+!	act 'test update':
+!		daystart += 1
+!		day += 1
+!		if day > 30: day = 1
+!		gs 'stat'
+!		gs 'bratva_pornstudio_films','update_films_info'
+!		gt 'bratva_pornstudio_films','films'
+!	end
+	gs 'bratva_pornstudio_films','film_list',-1
+! filmography studios and actresses
+! args[1] - actresses id, if id = -1 - for all actresses
+if $args[0] = 'film_list':
+	_actress_film_id = args[1]
+	$_film_str = ''
+	! cap
+	$_film_str += '<tr>'
+	$_film_str +=	'<th>date</th>'
+	$_film_str +=	'<th>Title</th>'
+	$_film_str +=	'<th>Rating</th>'
+	$_film_str +=	'<th>Views</th>'
+	$_film_str +=	'<th>The actresses</th>'
+	$_film_str +=	'<th>Genre</th>'
+	$_film_str +=	'<th>Budget</th>'
+	$_film_str +=	'<th>Advertising</th>'
+	$_film_str +=	'<th>Profit</th>'
+	$_film_str += '</tr>'
+	i = 0
+	:loop_films
+	if i < arrsize('$films')/11:
+		!--
+		! we display first the biggest id films - "unfold" array
+		_cur_id = arrsize('$films')/11 - 1 - i
+		! check the conditions for the withdrawal of films for a particular actress
+		if _actress_film_id >= 0:
+			if func('zz_funcs','get_item_id',$films['<<_cur_id>>,actress'],str(_actress_film_id)) < 0:
+				i += 1
+				jump 'loop_films'
+			end
+		end
+		!--
+		$_film_str += '<tr>'
+		$_film_str +=	'<td>'+$films['<<_cur_id>>,date_str']+'</td>'
+		$_film_str +=	'<td><a href="exec:gt''bratva_pornstudio_films'',''film_view'',<<_cur_id>>">'+$films['<<_cur_id>>,name']+'</a></td>'
+		$_film_str +=	'<td><img class="rating" src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/rating/'+$films['<<_cur_id>>,rating']/10+'.png"></td>'
+		$_film_str +=	'<td>'+$films['<<_cur_id>>,view']+'</td>'
+		$_film_str +=	'<td>'+func('bratva_pornstudio_actress','get_actress_name',$films['<<_cur_id>>,actress'])+'</td>'
+		$_film_str +=	'<td>'+$film_genre[val($films['<<_cur_id>>,genre'])+',name']+'</td>'
+		$_film_str +=	'<td>'+$films['<<_cur_id>>,price']+'</td>'
+		$_film_str +=	'<td>'+iif($films['<<_cur_id>>,promo']=0 and (daystart - val($films['<<_cur_id>>,date']) <= 10),'<a href="exec:gs''bratva_pornstudio_films'',''film_promo'',<<_cur_id>>,<<_actress_film_id>>">'+$films['<<_cur_id>>,promo']+'</a>',$films['<<_cur_id>>,promo'])+'</td>'
+		$_film_str +=	'<td>'+(val($films['<<_cur_id>>,profit']) - val($films['<<_cur_id>>,price']) - val($films['<<_cur_id>>,promo']))+'</td>'
+		$_film_str += '</tr>'
+		i += 1
+		jump 'loop_films'
+	end
+	'**<center><table class="film-table">' + $_film_str + '</table></center>'
+	! test
+	!$_studio_str = '<div class="film-info">Profit for the current month: <b><<studio[''money_month'']>></b>р.'
+	!$_studio_str += 'Last month profit: <b><<studio[''money_last_month'']>></b>р.'
+	!$_studio_str += 'Studio balance: <b><<studio[''money'']>></b>р.</div>'
+	!$_studio_str
+	!---
+	killvar '$_film_str'
+	killvar '_cur_id'
+	killvar '_actress_film_id'
+! film advertising
+! args[1] - id фильма
+! args[2] - actresses id
+if $args[0] = 'film_promo':
+	_promo_price = input('Enter the amount you want to advertise the movie. (0-10000):')
+	if _promo_price <= 0 or _promo_price > 10000:
+		killvar '_promo_price'
+		exit
+	else
+		$films['<<args[1]>>,promo'] = _promo_price
+		killvar '_promo_price'
+		if args[2] >= 0:
+			gt 'bratva_pornstudio_actress','actress_info',args[2]
+		else
+			gt 'bratva_pornstudio_films','films'
+		end
+	end
+! daily update movie ratings
+if $args[0] = 'update_films_info':
+	i = 0
+	_film_count = arrsize('$films')/11
+	_film_view = 0
+	:loop_films
+	if i < _film_count:
+		! the antiquity of the film
+		_film_old = daystart - val($films['<<i>>,date'])
+		if _film_old > 100: _film_old = 100
+		_film_quality = val($films['<<i>>,quality'])
+		_film_actress = 100
+		_film_genre = rand(($films['<<i>>,genre']+1)*10 - 5,($films['<<i>>,genre']+1)*10 + 5)
+		_film_promo = val($films['<<i>>,promo'])/(_film_old+11)
+		_film_view = (_film_quality*25/10 + (100-_film_old)*35/10 + _film_genre*20/10 + _film_actress + studio['rating'] + _film_promo)/(40+_film_old)
+		_film_view = _film_view * (100 - _film_old)/100 +iif(rand(0,10)=0,1,0)
+		if _film_view < 0: _film_view = 0
+		$films['<<i>>,profit'] += _film_view*50
+		studio['money_month'] += _film_view*50
+		$films['<<i>>,view'] += _film_view
+		i += 1
+		jump 'loop_films'
+	end
+	!---
+	! transition to the new month - recalculate finances
+ 	if day = 1:
+		! платежи
+		! 25% - крыше
+		! 20% - налоги
+		! 10% чистой прибыли за месяц - на счет ГГ
+		! 10000 + 500 за каждый апдейт помещений
+		studio['money_month'] -= iif(studio['money_month'] < 0,-1,1)*studio['money_month']*45/100 + 10000 + 500*(studio['room,0']+studio['room,1']+studio['room,2']+studio['room,3'])
+		if studio['money_month'] > 0:
+			karta += studio['money_month']/10
+			studio['money_month'] -= studio['money_month']/10
+		end
+		studio['money_last_month'] = studio['money_month']
+		studio['money'] += studio['money_month']
+		studio['money_month'] = 0
+	end
+	!---
+	killvar '_film_count'
+	killvar '_film_view'
+	killvar '_film_old'
+	killvar '_film_quality'
+	killvar '_film_actress'
+	killvar '_film_genre'
+	killvar '_film_promo'
+	killvar '_film_view'
+!calculation of the average rating of all studio films
+if $args[0] = 'avg_rating':
+	_films_avg = 0
+	_films_count = arrsize('$films')/11
+	if _films_count = 0:
+		result = 0
+	else
+		i = 0
+		:loop_avg_rating
+		if i < _films_count:
+			_films_avg += $films['<<i>>,rating']
+			i += 1
+			jump 'loop_avg_rating'
+		end
+		result = _films_avg / _films_count
+		killvar '_films_avg'
+		killvar '_films_count'
+	end
+! съемки фильма - добавление нового фильма в массив
+! args[1] - жанр фильма
+! args[2] - actresses id #1
+if $args[0] = 'add_film':
+	_film_id = arrsize('$films')/11
+	! снимаем с текущей прибыли деньги за фильм
+	studio['money_month'] -= 4000 + args[1]*500
+	! снимаем с баланса студии деньги за фильм
+	studio['money'] -= 4000 + args[1]*500
+	! приращиваем индекс в серии фильмов
+	$film_genre['<<args[1]>>,index'] += 1
+	! заносим инфо по фильму в досье актрисс
+	$actress['<<args[2]>>,date'] = daystart
+	$actress['<<args[2]>>,last_film'] = _film_id
+	if args[1] = 1:
+		$actress['0,date'] = daystart
+		$actress['0,last_film'] = _film_id
+	end
+	! рассчитываем средный рейтинг актрисс, снявшихся в фильме
+	if args[1] = 1:
+		_film_actress_rating = ($actress['<<args[2]>>,rating'] + $actress['0,rating'])/2
+	else
+		_film_actress_rating = $actress['<<args[2]>>,rating']
+	end
+	! расчитываем качество фильма
+	_film_quality = (studio['work_rating']*7 + _film_actress_rating*3)/10
+	! расчитываем рейтинг фильма
+	_film_rating = (_film_quality*5 + _film_actress_rating*3 + _studio['rating']*2)/10
+	! заносим инфо в массив фильмов
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,name'] = $film_genre['<<args[1]>>,filmname'] + ' #' + ($film_genre['<<args[1]>>,index'])
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,date'] = daystart
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,genre'] = args[1]
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,rating'] = _film_rating
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,actress'] = str(args[2]) +iif(args[1]=1,',0','')
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,promo'] = 0
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,profit'] = 0
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,price'] = 4000 + args[1]*500
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,view'] = 0
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,quality'] = _film_quality
+	$films['<<_film_id>>,date_str'] = func('zz_funcs','make_datetime',day,month,'.',year)
+	!---
+	killvar '_film_id'
+	killvar '_film_actress_rating'
+	killvar '_film_quality'
+	killvar '_film_rating'
+! выбор жанра и актрисс для фильма
+! args[1] - жанр фильма
+! args[2] - actresses id #1
+if $args[0] = 'select_film':
+	*clr & cla
+	act 'Закрыть': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+	_film_genre = args[1]
+	_film_actress = args[2]
+	! генерим список жанров для выбора
+	i = 0
+	$_film_genres = ''
+	:loop_genres
+	if i < 10:
+		! for lesbian scenes, the second actress is always you - check availability
+		if i = 1 and (mesec > 0 or func('bratva_pornstudio_actress','calc_relax',0) >= daystart): i += 1
+		$_film_genres += '<li class="film-select-link'+iif(i=_film_genre,'-checked','')+'"><a href="exec:gt''bratva_pornstudio_films'',''select_film'',<<i>>,-1">'+$film_genre['<<i>>,name']+'</a></li>'
+		i += 1
+		jump 'loop_genres'
+	end
+	! генерируем список актрисс, исходя из доступности и жанра фильма
+	$_film_actress = ''
+	! если лесбо - вторая актрисса всегда ГГ
+	i = iif(_film_genre = 1,1,0)
+	:loop_actress
+	if i < arrsize('$actress')/8:
+		if i = 0 and (mesec > 0 or func('bratva_pornstudio_actress','calc_relax',0) >= daystart): i += 1
+		if $actress['<<i>>,hired'] = 1 and $actress['<<i>>,retire'] = 0 and func('bratva_pornstudio_actress','calc_relax',i) < daystart and $actress['<<i>>,genres'] >= _film_genre:
+			$_film_actress += '<li class="film-select-link'+iif(i=_film_actress,'-checked','')+'"><a href="exec:gt''bratva_pornstudio_films'',''select_film'',<<_film_genre>>,<<i>>">'+$actress['<<i>>,name']+'</a></li>'
+		end
+		i += 1
+		jump 'loop_actress'
+	end
+	'<div class="film-select-container"><div class="film-select"><p>Choose a movie genre:</p><ul><<$_film_genres>></ul></div><div class="film-select"><p>Choose an actress:</p><ul><<$_film_actress>></ul></div></div>'
+	if _film_genre >= 0 and _film_actress >= 0: '<div class="film-shooting"><a href="exec:gt''bratva_pornstudio_films'',''shooting_film'',<<_film_genre>>,<<_film_actress>>">Make a movie</a></div>'
+	killvar '_film_genre'
+	killvar '_film_actress'
+	killvar '$_film_genres'
+	killvar '$_film_actress'
+! процедура съемки порнофильма
+! args[1] - жанр фильма
+! args[2] - actresses id #1
+! args[3] - стадия съемок
+if $args[0] = 'shooting_film':
+	*clr & cla
+	_film_genre = args[1]
+	_film_actress = args[2]
+	_stage = args[3]
+	'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/films/<<_film_genre>>/<<_film_actress>>/<<_stage>>.mp4"></video></center>'
+	act iif(_stage < 4,'...','Снято!'):
+		if _stage < 4:
+			gt 'bratva_pornstudio_films','shooting_film',_film_genre,_film_actress,_stage+1
+		else
+			! add a movie to the array and make changes to the actress file
+			gs 'bratva_pornstudio_films','add_film',_film_genre,_film_actress
+			studio['film_day'] = daystart
+			minut += rand(180,240)
+			killvar '_film_genre'
+			killvar '_film_actress'
+			killvar '_stage'
+			gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+		end
+	end
+! просмотр снятого фильма
+! args[1] - id фильма
+if $args[0] = 'film_view':
+	*clr & cla
+	_stage = args[2]
+	if _stage = 0:
+		_film_id = args[1]
+		if $films['<<_film_id>>,genre'] = 1:
+			_film_actress = val(func('zz_funcs','get_item_string',$films['<<_film_id>>,actress'],0))
+		else
+			_film_actress = val($films['<<_film_id>>,actress'])
+		end
+	end
+	'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/pornstudio/films/'+$films['<<_film_id>>,genre']+'/<<_film_actress>>/<<_stage>>.mp4"></video></center>'
+	act iif(_stage < 4,'...','Close'):
+		if _stage < 4:
+			gt 'bratva_pornstudio_films','film_view',_film_id,_stage+1
+		else
+			killvar '_film_id'
+			killvar '_film_actress'
+			killvar '_stage'
+			gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+		end
+	end
+--- bratva_pornstudio_films ---------------------------------

+ 134 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# bratva_pornstudio_init
+! init
+! porn studio
+! 0-5 star improvements
+! studio['room,0'] - film set
+! studio['room,1'] - dressing room
+! studio['room,2'] - office
+! studio['room,3'] - recreation area
+! studio['rating'] - a calculated rating of studio popularity with viewers
+! studio['work_rating'] - the estimated popularity rating of the studio among actresses
+! studio['init'] - check load base arrays
+! studio['upgrade'] - studio under repair, 0-7
+! studio['upgrade_room'] - room under repair
+! studio['money'] - money in the studio account
+! studio['money_month'] - current month profit
+! studio['money_last_month'] - profit for the previous month
+! studio['film_day'] - last filming day
+studio['room,0'] = 0
+studio['room,1'] = 0
+studio['room,2'] = 0
+studio['room,3'] = 0
+studio['film_day'] = 0
+studio['rating'] = 0
+studio['work_rating'] = 0
+studio['init'] = 1
+studio['upgrade'] = 0
+studio['upgrade_room'] = -1
+studio['money'] = 100000
+studio['money_month'] = 0
+studio['money_last_month'] = 0
+! film genres, total 10
+$film_genre['0,name'] = 'solo'
+$film_genre['1,name'] = 'lesbo'
+$film_genre['2,name'] = 'sex'
+$film_genre['3,name'] = 'ffm/mmf'
+$film_genre['4,name'] = 'anal'
+$film_genre['5,name'] = 'dp'
+$film_genre['6,name'] = 'orgy'
+$film_genre['7,name'] = 'orgy dp'
+$film_genre['8,name'] = 'orgy dap'
+$film_genre['9,name'] = 'hard-orgy (dp,dap,tap)'
+! movie titles depending on the genre
+$film_genre['0,filmname'] = 'Hot Pussy'
+$film_genre['1,filmname'] = 'Pink On Pink'
+$film_genre['2,filmname'] = 'Hardcore Vibes'
+$film_genre['3,filmname'] = 'The Young & The Beautiful'
+$film_genre['4,filmname'] = 'Butt Fuck Me'
+$film_genre['5,filmname'] = 'DP Mania'
+$film_genre['6,filmname'] = 'Teenage Gangbang Party'
+$film_genre['7,filmname'] = 'Teens Want Double'
+$film_genre['8,filmname'] = 'Hard Double Anal'
+$film_genre['9,filmname'] = 'Double Anal Festival'
+! working indexes for numbers in a movie series
+$film_genre['0,index'] = 0
+$film_genre['1,index'] = 0
+$film_genre['2,index'] = 0
+$film_genre['3,index'] = 0
+$film_genre['4,index'] = 0
+$film_genre['5,index'] = 0
+$film_genre['6,index'] = 0
+$film_genre['7,index'] = 0
+$film_genre['8,index'] = 0
+$film_genre['9,index'] = 0
+! actresses, a common array, at the same time a maximum of 10 actresses can work
+! actress['0,name'] is a pseudonym for acrissa
+! actress['0,rating'] - current popularity rating, 0-100
+! actress['0,genres'] - categories of films in which the actress is willing to act, 0-9, if 5 - agrees to everything up to dp inclusive
+! actress['0,age'] - age, 0-2, 0 - teen, 1 - teen / milf, 2 - milf
+! actress['0,date'] - the date of the last shooting - the actress will be available at least after [category] +1 days (depending on the equipment of the recreation area)
+! actress['0,last_film'] - id of the last movie made with actress
+! actress['0,retire'] - Fired / Finished, 0/1
+! actress id = 0 - yy
+$actress['0,name'] = 'Sveta'
+$actress['0,rating'] = 0
+$actress['0,genres'] = 9
+$actress['0,age'] = 0
+$actress['0,date'] = -1
+$actress['0,last_film'] = -1
+$actress['0,hired'] = 1
+$actress['0,retire'] = 0
+$actress['1,name'] = 'Bambi'
+$actress['1,rating'] = 0
+$actress['1,genres'] = 1
+$actress['1,age'] = 0
+$actress['1,date'] = -1
+$actress['1,last_film'] = -1
+$actress['1,hired'] = 0
+$actress['1,retire'] = 0
+$actress['2,name'] = 'Foxy'
+$actress['2,rating'] = 0
+$actress['2,genres'] = 4
+$actress['2,age'] = 0
+$actress['2,date'] = -1
+$actress['2,last_film'] = -1
+$actress['2,hired'] = 0
+$actress['2,retire'] = 0
+$actress['3,name'] = 'Ivana'
+$actress['3,rating'] = 0
+$actress['3,genres'] = 7
+$actress['3,age'] = 0
+$actress['3,date'] = -1
+$actress['3,last_film'] = -1
+$actress['3,hired'] = 0
+$actress['3,retire'] = 0
+$actress['4,name'] = 'Suzana'
+$actress['4,rating'] = 0
+$actress['4,genres'] = 8
+$actress['4,age'] = 0
+$actress['4,date'] = -1
+$actress['4,last_film'] = -1
+$actress['4,hired'] = 0
+$actress['4,retire'] = 0
+! films
+! $films['0,name'] - movie name
+! $films['0,date'] - filming date - daystart, there may be problems when scrolling through cheats
+! $films['0,date_str'] - date of filming in dd.mm.yyyy format
+! $films['0,rating'] - movie rating, 0-99, output in stars, divide by 5
+! $films['0,genre'] - film genre, see categories 0-10
+! $films['0,actress'] - id actress, starring in the film, text array: 0.1
+! $films['0,promo'] - the amount invested in the promotion of the film, 0 - 10,000
+! $films['0,profit'] - net profit, depends on the rating of the film and advertising
+! $films['0,price'] - budget of filming, depends on the rating of the actress and the genre of the film
+! $films['0,view'] - number of views
+gs 'bratva_pornstudio','update_info'
+--- bratva_pornstudio_init ---------------------------------

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# bratva_sklad
+!bratva['studio_start'] = 1 - assigned to a non-beautiful sveta if she herself agreed to go to the warehouse, OPENS Loka "Gangster warehouse"
+!flag_bratva['studio'] - number of repetitions bratva_studio1
+*clr & cla
+$loc_arg = $ARGS[0]
+$loc = $CURLOC
+minut += 1
+frost = 0
+gs 'themes', 'outdoors'
+gs 'bratva_events','bratva_check'
+gs 'stat'
+if bratva['location'] = 3:
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Warehouse</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/01.jpg"></center>'
+	'An empty warehouse in the center of which is a sofa on which they sit <a href="exec: gt ''mod_bratva_start''">bandits</a>'
+	'<center><b><font color="maroon">Warehouse</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/01.jpg"></center>'
+	'An empty warehouse in the center of which is a sofa, now there is nobody here.'
+bratva['location'] = 3
+if bratva['location'] = 3 and flag_bratva['studio'] < 4 and flag_bratva['studio_day'] ! daystart: gt 'bratva_events','bratva_studio1'
+if bratva['location'] = 3 and flag_bratva['studio'] = 4 and bratva['studio'] = 0: gt 'bratva_events','bratva_studio2'
+act 'Leave':
+	minut += 5
+	gt 'city_industrial','redlight'
+--- bratva_sklad ---------------------------------

+ 996 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+# bratva_sniper
+!The first event in the killer branch
+if $args[0] = 'eventsniper1':
+	*clr & cla
+	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 1)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 2)
+		if dom < 10:
+			act'No-o-o no i can''t!':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_mood -= 15
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/02.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_sniper_strings', 3)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/03.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_sniper_strings', 4)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/04.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_sniper_strings', 5)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/05.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_sniper_strings', 6)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/06.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_sniper_strings', 7)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/07.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_sniper_strings', 8)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 10
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/08.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_sniper_strings', 9)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/09.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_sniper_strings', 10)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny += 10
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/10.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_sniper_strings', 11)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny += 10
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/11.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_sniper_strings', 12)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/12.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_sniper_strings', 13)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/13.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_sniper_strings', 14)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny = 50
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/14.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_sniper_strings', 15)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/15.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 16)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/16.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 17)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_horny = 65
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/17.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_sniper_strings', 18)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				pcs_horny = 75
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/18.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_sniper_strings', 19)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/19.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_sniper_strings', 20)
+																					act'Further':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						pcs_horny = 90
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/20.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_sniper_strings', 21)
+																						act'Further':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							orgasm += 1
+																							DPorgasm += 1
+																							gang += 1
+																							stat['bj'] += 1
+																							pcs_horny = 0
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/21.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_sniper_strings', 22)
+																							act'Further':
+																								*clr & cla
+																								minut += 5
+																								pcs_horny += 5
+																								gs 'stat'
+																								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/22.jpg"></center>'
+																								func('bratva_sniper_strings', 23)
+																								act'Further':
+																									*clr & cla
+																									minut += 5
+																									gs 'stat'
+																									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/23.jpg"></center>'
+																									func('bratva_sniper_strings', 24)
+																									act'Further':
+																										*clr & cla
+																										minut += 5
+																										gs 'stat'
+																										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/24.jpg"></center>'
+																										func('bratva_sniper_strings', 25)
+																										act'Further':
+																											*clr & cla
+																											minut += 5
+																											gs 'stat'
+																											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/25.jpg"></center>'
+																											func('bratva_sniper_strings', 26)
+																											act'Further':
+																												*clr & cla
+																												minut += 5
+																												gs 'stat'
+																												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/26.jpg"></center>'
+																												func('bratva_sniper_strings', 27)
+																												act'Further':
+																													*clr & cla
+																													minut += 30
+																													pcs_mood -= 20
+																													pcs_dom -= 3
+																													!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny,15,1
+																													!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus',iif(lubri>0,10,0),15,1
+																													!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																													gs 'stat'
+																													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/27.jpg"></center>'
+																													func('bratva_sniper_strings', 28)
+																													act'Leave': gt 'city_industrial'
+																												end
+																											end
+																										end
+																									end
+																								end
+																							end
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			act'Uh, ok, I''m ready!':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event25/28.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_sniper_strings', 30)
+				if pcs_stren < 50 and pcs_agil < 50 :
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_mood -= 10
+						bratva['sniper'] = 1
+						gs 'stat'
+						func('bratva_sniper_strings', 31)
+						act'Leave': gt 'city_residential'
+					end
+				else
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_dom += 3
+						pcs_mood = 100
+						bratva['sniper'] = 1
+						gs 'stat'
+						func('bratva_sniper_strings', 32)
+						act'Walk away': gt 'city_residential'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Training strength and agility
+if $args[0] = 'eventsniper2':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 33)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 34)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/03.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_sniper_strings', 35)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/04.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_sniper_strings', 36)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/05.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_sniper_strings', 37)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/06.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_sniper_strings', 38)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny + 15
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/07.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_sniper_strings', 39)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/08.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_sniper_strings', 40)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 20
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/'+rand(9,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_sniper_strings', 41)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/11.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_sniper_strings', 42)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 65
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/'+rand(12,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_sniper_strings', 43)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 75
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/14.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_sniper_strings', 44)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													orgasm += 1
+													analorgasm += 1
+													anal += 1
+													stat['bj'] += 1
+													pcs_horny = 0
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/'+rand(15,16)+'.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_sniper_strings', 45)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/17.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_sniper_strings', 46)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny += 10
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/18.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_sniper_strings', 47)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/'+rand(19,20)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_sniper_strings', 48)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_agil += 2
+																	pcs_stren += 1
+																	vital += 2
+																	sweat = 1
+																	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event26/21.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 49)
+																	act'Walk away': gt 'city_residential'
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Shock training
+if $args[0] = 'eventsniper3':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 50)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 51)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/03.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_sniper_strings', 52)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/04.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_sniper_strings', 53)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/05.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_sniper_strings', 54)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/06.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_sniper_strings', 55)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 15
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/07.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_sniper_strings', 56)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 15
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/08.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_sniper_strings', 57)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/09.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_sniper_strings', 58)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/10.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_sniper_strings', 59)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 50
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/11.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_sniper_strings', 60)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 65
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/12.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_sniper_strings', 61)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/13.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_sniper_strings', 62)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 85
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/14.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_sniper_strings', 63)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 95
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/15.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_sniper_strings', 64)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																orgasm += 1
+																analorgasm += 1
+																gang += 1
+																stat['bj'] += 1
+																pcs_horny = 0
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/16.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_sniper_strings', 65)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/17.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 66)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/18.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 67)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_agil += 2
+																			KikDef += 10
+																			bratva['sniper_trening'] = 1
+																			!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'ass'
+																			!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'anus'
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event27/19.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_sniper_strings', 68)
+																			act'Walk away': gt 'city_residential'
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Accuracy Training
+if $args[0] = 'eventsniper4':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 69)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/02.mp4"></video></center>'
+		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 70)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/03.mp4"></video></center>'
+			func('bratva_sniper_strings', 71)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/04.mp4"></video></center>'
+				func('bratva_sniper_strings', 72)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/05.mp4"></video></center>'
+					func('bratva_sniper_strings', 73)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/06.mp4"></video></center>'
+						func('bratva_sniper_strings', 74)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/07.mp4"></video></center>'
+							func('bratva_sniper_strings', 75)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 20
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/08.mp4"></video></center>'
+								func('bratva_sniper_strings', 76)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny = 50
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/09.mp4"></video></center>'
+									func('bratva_sniper_strings', 77)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/10.mp4"></video></center>'
+										func('bratva_sniper_strings', 78)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/11.mp4"></video></center>'
+											func('bratva_sniper_strings', 79)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/12.mp4"></video></center>'
+												func('bratva_sniper_strings', 80)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/13.mp4"></video></center>'
+													func('bratva_sniper_strings', 81)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 65
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/14.mp4"></video></center>'
+														func('bratva_sniper_strings', 82)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 85
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/15.mp4"></video></center>'
+															func('bratva_sniper_strings', 83)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/16.mp4"></video></center>'
+																func('bratva_sniper_strings', 84)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny = 95
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/17.mp4"></video></center>'
+																	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 85)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		orgasm += 1
+																		DPorgasm += 1
+																		gang += 1
+																		stat['bj'] += 1
+																		pcs_horny = 0
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/18.mp4"></video></center>'
+																		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 86)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/19.mp4"></video></center>'
+																			func('bratva_sniper_strings', 87)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				accuracy += rand(1,5)
+																				bratva['eventsniper4'] = daystart
+																				!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event28/20.mp4"></video></center>'
+																				func('bratva_sniper_strings', 88)
+																				act'Walk away': gt 'city_residential'
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Advanced Accuracy Training
+if $args[0] = 'eventsniper5':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 89)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 90)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_sniper_strings', 91)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_sniper_strings', 92)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_sniper_strings', 93)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_sniper_strings', 94)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_sniper_strings', 95)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_sniper_strings', 96)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 10
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/'+rand(8,9)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_sniper_strings', 97)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/'+rand(10,11)+'.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_sniper_strings', 98)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/'+rand(12,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_sniper_strings', 99)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny += 20
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/14.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_sniper_strings', 100)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny = 50
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/15.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_sniper_strings', 101)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 75
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/'+rand(16,17)+'.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_sniper_strings', 102)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 95
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/'+rand(18,19)+'.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_sniper_strings', 103)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																orgasm += 1
+																DPorgasm += 1
+																gang += 1
+																stat['bj'] += 1
+																pcs_horny = 0
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/'+rand(20,21)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_sniper_strings', 104)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/22.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 105)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/23.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 106)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/24.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_sniper_strings', 107)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				accuracy += rand(5,10)
+																				bratva['eventsniper5'] = daystart
+																				!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																				!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'ass'
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event29/25.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_sniper_strings', 108)
+																				act'Walk away': gt 'city_residential'
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Advanced shock training
+if $args[0] = 'eventsniper6':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 109)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 110)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_sniper_strings', 111)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_sniper_strings', 112)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_sniper_strings', 113)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_sniper_strings', 114)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 10
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_sniper_strings', 115)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 10
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_sniper_strings', 116)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_sniper_strings', 117)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 15
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/'+rand(9,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_sniper_strings', 118)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 45
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/11.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_sniper_strings', 119)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 65
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/'+rand(12,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_sniper_strings', 120)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny = 70
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/14.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_sniper_strings', 121)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 95
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/'+rand(15,16)+'.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_sniper_strings', 122)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															orgasm += 1
+															DPorgasm += 1
+															pcs_horny = 0
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/'+rand(17,18)+'.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_sniper_strings', 123)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/19.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_sniper_strings', 124)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/20.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_sniper_strings', 125)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_horny += 5
+																		pcs_agil += 1
+																		pcs_stren += 2
+																		pcs_jab += 5
+																		pcs_punch += 5
+																		pcs_kick += 5
+																		bratva['eventsniper6'] = daystart
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event30/21.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_sniper_strings', 126)
+																		act'Walk away': gt 'city_residential'
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- bratva_sniper ---------------------------------

+ 130 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# bratva_sniper_strings
+$_vstr[1] = '\\- I want to be a cool fighter,//- strongly inform you,\\- And all killer like in the movies...well, this one`s like Nikita or Natasha Portman in Leone.”!//**\\\- Interesting idea,///- laughs Gennady,\\\- and cope?///**\\- Certainly!//**\\\- Do not pull-blame yourself,///- with threat pulling you by the nose bald,\\\- but Gene is right, the idea can play. No one will suspect the pacifier, and there is someone to bring down. Just have to practice a lot. You can shoot something, killer?///**\\- Well... But I`ll learn!//**\\\- Okay, let`s check for suitability first.. Come on, Sanya, coach give!///**You were brought to the suburbs to some farm.. You got out of the car and looked around.**\\\- Do not stop, Shine!///- Albert lightly slapped you on the ass,\\\- there, see the pig? Go say Hello.///'
+$_vstr[2] = 'You approach a hefty pig and examine it closer, stroking.**\\\- Play enough? Here, hold the pigeon and cut it.!///**\\- Eminem...here is what, so immediately?//**\\\- Well, you can drive around first.. Of course, immediately, what`re stupid! Let us help you. You pass the first and main test-maybe you do from the sight of blood fainting?///'
+$_vstr[3] = 'You even sob and flinch at the thought of killing a living creature. Pig, as if he felt something, grunts and pokes a Nickel directly into your chest.**\\- Oh, she`s so cute.! Don`t cut it!//- you with a plaintive smile scratching and petting the animal.**It seems that you need to gain rigidity, seriously strengthening the character.'
+$_vstr[4] = 'Angry leader grabs you sharply and shakes:**\\\- Here you fucking son of a bitch just from the things off! And well go into the suitcase until the cut is porosi. Fuck, instead of pork you go folded!///'
+$_vstr[5] = 'You are Packed in a hefty bag, Packed like a doll.'
+$_vstr[6] = 'You transporterowych as inanimate cargo.'
+$_vstr[7] = 'And delivered to the warehouse belonging to the group.'
+$_vstr[8] = 'Gennady fastens your shackled hands on the wall.'
+$_vstr[9] = 'Bandits whip you on the ass. You shrieking, twitching and excited by getting strikes with all his strength.'
+$_vstr[10] = 'Excite Gennady pierces you in the ass without any lube and gets on a dick:**\\- Ow!!//**\\\- Come on, slut fucking, only a machine for fucking and you can work,///- Dimas shouts, keeping you in the leg and painful grabbing of the face.**\\- Mom-and! Oh, boys, let me suck you.!//**\\\- In, got the place, bitch.!///'
+$_vstr[11] = 'You down on your knees and you`re under a hail of insults begin to serve friends vbuhivaya cocks.'
+$_vstr[12] = 'Albert hard pretracheal your mouth up to the tonsils.'
+$_vstr[13] = 'Then strengthens on the chain, throwing the collar around his throat:\\\- Get used to it, pig.! You`ll be an animal while you`re useless..///'
+$_vstr[14] = 'You, having wrapped hands, use serially in both cracks. The leader pulls you on a chain.'
+$_vstr[15] = 'Dimas steps on his head.**You give yourself slavishly, moaning.**The pussy catches fire. The rougher you are treated, the more you start.'
+$_vstr[16] = 'You drive the two bolts into the rapidly flowing rosettes:**\\\- Take that, you stupid whore, couple in the slot!///'
+$_vstr[17] = 'You mychite voluptuous, riding on two elsadig each other inside the womb of the cock.'
+$_vstr[18] = 'And enjoy the laughter of bandits. DemAs, sadistically having fun, stick with the palm slaps.'
+$_vstr[19] = '\\\- Spread your ass wide, whore.!///**You obediently dilute the buttocks and get two tools already in the anus.'
+$_vstr[20] = 'Shuddering under the rams, trembling with pain and lust, you almost lose consciousness.'
+$_vstr[21] = 'And rapidly orgasmoral, hardly you begin to perdolit in both holes.'
+$_vstr[22] = 'Albert Wade finally you in an intricate position with the greatest drop outspread legs.'
+$_vstr[23] = 'And shoots cum all over your face and hair.'
+$_vstr[24] = 'Bandits for laughter put on your head like a bow, insert a gag and spit on your face.'
+$_vstr[25] = 'Then they are released by the discharges of the seed. You blinked and muffled mychite.'
+$_vstr[26] = 'Gennady rigidly raises you eyelids:\\\- Zenk-open, cow fucking!///'
+$_vstr[27] = '\\\- Get back in the bag, bitch.. Learn to be modest in requests.///'
+$_vstr[28] = 'You can hardly fit in the container. Bandits snicker fotkayut memory.**After half an hour spent in the dark and uncomfortable crooked position, you pull out.**You, barely moving stiff limbs, covered in sticky sperm, dress. You vypinyvayut from the warehouse and told to come when something will represent. Well, or another funny fuck up.'
+!$_vstr[29] = 'Empty because of an old mistake...(too lazy to change all the lower numbers)'
+$_vstr[30] = 'Pig laid on the ground, tie and otherwise facilitate your work.'
+$_vstr[31] = 'You do not have enough strength and accuracy to kill blows. The knife slips, the pig squeals wildly, albert spits angrily and orders the Ploughman to finish the job.**\\- Man, I almost did it.!// - in desperation, you shout.**\\\- Okay, try not to torture me.. The potential is there, not solyndra left to train.'
+$_vstr[32] = 'You are accurate, strong shot pinned her, did not afraid of blood and triumphantly raise their arms:\\- Wow! I did.! As much as I can`t believe!//**Albert, expelling a `Hmph`, pretends that rubs eyes:\\\- With one blow! You have a specific talent.! It makes sense to cook.///**You happily embrace the leader and bandits, joking and discussing future successes on the way back to the city. You are kindly delivered to the house. Albert finally throws:**\\\- Get out, in short, organize you serious coaching received.///'
+$_vstr[33] = 'You came to the gym controlled by the group, changed clothes and went to warm up.**\\\- Durkee is good to drive, Svetlan, it`s not aerobics - two pritopa three prihlopa,///- barked coming up al,\\\- do a specific stretch!///'
+$_vstr[34] = 'You`re trying to do something like that.. Albert shakes his head and scowls, " fuck your mother."!”.'
+$_vstr[35] = 'You diligently practiced, indicating that it is not hopeless.**\\\- Bridge do!///**\\- Yep!//'
+$_vstr[36] = 'Bridge you do not really get.**\\\- Well, at least the splits!///**\\- I`m going to try!//**\\\- Fuck, Padawan hole, remember the words of authority Yoda: "Don`t try-do!”.///'
+$_vstr[37] = 'You are engaged under supervision of the leader to the seventh sweat.'
+$_vstr[38] = 'Albert raises you, underhive, and lifts up her t-shirt:\\\- Come here.! Fucking trying.!///**You are pliable to respond immediately and come to embrace.'
+$_vstr[39] = 'Albert puts his hand in your rudimentary shorts and paws pussy, rubbing the clitoris with your fingers:\\\- Come on, suck it, sport.!///'
+$_vstr[40] = 'You release of the sweatpants powerful, already on a tense and then stick yourself on the cheek.'
+$_vstr[41] = '\\\- Kounavi more tries, schA shit pomnim that ass twirling as elektrovenik, when practiced.///**You dutifully osnashhenie head with saliva and lick the member along the entire length.'
+$_vstr[42] = 'Albert screws you between the buttocks strengthened to stone hardness solid tool.**You drawl moan and bend back.'
+$_vstr[43] = '\\\- Stretch crapper Shine, more, deeper!///**\\- Mmmm...Oh, Alec.!//**You gradually start and begin to move the pelvis, helping to push a red-hot drill.'
+$_vstr[44] = 'The leader seats you on top and rushing in the pose of a rider.'
+$_vstr[45] = 'Then he knocks on his back and vigorously punches in the gut, spreading his legs. Your moans are replaced by ecstatic cries and soon a wave of uncontrollable anal orgasm spreads through the body.'
+$_vstr[46] = '\\\- Nah, sweaty Mare, open the hole, I`ll admire!///'
+$_vstr[47] = 'Bald puts you cancer and hollows with all the dope. You RUB your wet pussy with your hand and Moo, rolling your eyes.**\\\- Everything fits, take it in the kisser, Shine!///'
+$_vstr[48] = 'You voluptuously milk the bloated unit, swallowing the sperm.**The bandit shudders in orgasm and exhales with relief.'
+$_vstr[49] = '\\\- Whew, good.! That`s what you get, honey.! All right. Ate protein? Now jump a little more, shake your Tits, and we`re done for today..///**You jump naked in front of grinning relaxed albert, clapping your hands above your head.**Then you get dressed and you are taken home.'
+$_vstr[50] = 'You came with one of the bandits to the gym, controlled by the group.**Dimas, the best martial arts in the gang, introduces you to the coach:**\\\- Svyatoslav Andreevich, this NASA-promontary call Svetulia, need a little practice. No offense, you know..///**\\- Hello.!//**\\\- Healthier seen. You know how anything, red the damsel?///**\\- Well..it..so..//**\\\- I see. Okay, first, primitive self-defense nataschili.///**\\- Ah, Sambo, I know.!//- insert you.**\\\- Ooty, good job,///- the coach grins.'
+$_vstr[51] = 'Stanislav Andreevich shows you different tricks.'
+$_vstr[52] = 'And you practiced them with him and demAs, who had been very cruelly treated you:**\\\- Be patient, kitty! Hard to learn - not stonesi in fact.///'
+$_vstr[53] = 'Once filled up you, the coach asks Dimas:\\\- The body is collective farm? Popolzovavshis not a sin or strained will be?///**\\\- What are you, Stanislav Andreich! From our table-to your health. Yes she herself in witch! Svetik, show Sensei what you`re already super.///'
+$_vstr[54] = 'The trainer presses your head to a kimono and you feel its lifted economy:**\\- Oh, really, it`s better for me to turn!//**\\\-Heh, well, as you say, enthusiastic.///'
+$_vstr[55] = 'Stanislav Andreevich gets almost combat-ready male organ and you happily take it in your mouth.'
+$_vstr[56] = '\\\- Oh, not bad, let`s swallow!///**The coach Fucks your mouth hard, driving the straining bolt deeper to the tonsils.'
+$_vstr[57] = 'He is joined by an excited Dimas. You smack his tool, continuing to stand on his knees with the wound in the shown painful reception hand.'
+$_vstr[58] = '\\\- Well, two nipples Yes afedron substitute.///**You gnaw on hard cocks. Then take off your clothes and invitingly get cancer.'
+$_vstr[59] = 'Stanislav Andreevich slaps you on the buttocks and, again turning his hand back, drives a member into your anus.**You languidly bend and moan.'
+$_vstr[60] = 'The coach seat you on a red-hot Assembly and scraping, saying “so we`ll practice, EBA-up, bitch!”**Dimas, chuckling, tickles you.'
+$_vstr[61] = 'You blissfully twirling on my cock with his feet.'
+$_vstr[62] = '\\- Auui-yeah! Deeper, deeper and stronger!//- you whine, exhausted from lust.**Stanislav Andreevich hyped up and hits your ass like a man possessed.'
+$_vstr[63] = '\\\- Shine, well hop on to my!///- Dimas feverishly orders.**You are happy to sit down on a new tool and selflessly surrender, starting to the limit.'
+$_vstr[64] = 'You take turns to dig on all fours, changing the holes.'
+$_vstr[65] = 'And soon you, growling from bliss, fly away on the wings of anal orgasm.'
+$_vstr[66] = 'The coach runs down to you in razdrajennouu intestine, spilling the remnants of semen on buttocks.'
+$_vstr[67] = 'Dimas also lets the ass.'
+$_vstr[68] = 'You suck cock of happy men.**\\\- Great workout,///- grinning Stanislav Andreevich,\\\- But a real fighter, you still fight and tear up, beautiful.///**\\- Always ready!//- you giggle.**You dress, deliberately twirling a stained ass. Then Dimas throws you home.'
+$_vstr[69] = 'Gennady takes you to the departmental shooting gallery at the building of the regional Prosecutor`s office, conducts a standard instruction on the handling of weapons and shows how to shoot to achieve proper accuracy.**You enthusiastically shoot at targets.'
+$_vstr[70] = 'And soon even achieve some success. You seem talented.!**Gennady Vasilyevich comes to check how you are doing.'
+$_vstr[71] = '\\\- Well, how`s it going?///**\\- Perfectly,//- enthusiastically and several vzbudorazhen meet you.**\\\- Well done, and I have a gift for you-a personal weapon. With him to train regulation. Don`t carry it with you, keep it here. Then we will issue a permit.///**\\- Oh, thank you, Gena!//'
+$_vstr[72] = 'Gennady sniffs the air:\\\- Umm, love the smell of gunpowder...at any time. It turns me on,///- he says with a predatory smile, then kisses you.**Habitually grabs the ass from behind. You, lasciviously giggling, turn around and respond with a passionate kiss.'
+$_vstr[73] = 'A man caresses you for a while, fumbling with his hands under his clothes.'
+$_vstr[74] = 'You lift up your blouse, strong men`s hands crumple Boobs. You sigh sweetly.'
+$_vstr[75] = 'And, kneeling down, get to the coveted body, immediately nadrachivaya his handle and licking the entire length.'
+$_vstr[76] = 'Cock quickly strengthened. You humour his mouth, pretty getting started in the course of business.'
+$_vstr[77] = '\\- Come on, Gena, I`m burnin!//**Gennady puts you on the nearest flat surface and harit in a wet pussy.'
+$_vstr[78] = 'Gennady puts you cancer and furiously Fucks your mink.'
+$_vstr[79] = '\\- Oh God, who are you??!//**Oops! I think you`ve been caught doing something fun..**\\\- Oh, P.! What`s up, comrade? Join not wish?///'
+$_vstr[80] = '\\\- I`d love to.. All the forces of heavy industry. A lady does not mind?///**\\- Oh no, what are you!//**\\\- Oh no or Oh Yes, come on?///**\\- Yeah, come on.!//**\\\- That`s our way, in Brazilian!///'
+$_vstr[81] = 'You, beside yourself with desire, go straight to the point, getting to the member of the peasant.**And greedily suck his unit until Gennady changes pussy to the anus, drilling into your anus.'
+$_vstr[82] = 'You passionately surrender, pleasuring both men.'
+$_vstr[83] = 'Powerful trunk so scraping your hole that you just msmichele, sucking another cock.'
+$_vstr[84] = 'You, overwhelmed by lust from the change of members on the holes, matured to the bolt in both cracks at the same time.**\\\- Well, ready to fly, fishy.,///- asks the lit " Palych”.**\\- Yes, Yes, Yes, fit me for a few!// - you yell impatiently.'
+$_vstr[85] = 'You raise you hands and vduplyaesh cock in every hole working. You in ecstasy inarticulate squeal.'
+$_vstr[86] = 'And rapidly orgasmoral from a deep double penetration.**Partners are also ready to cum. You will slide with their tools and expertly lead up to ejaculation.'
+$_vstr[87] = 'Gennady, uterine uznykov that charges you eagerly open mouth portion of sperm.'
+$_vstr[88] = 'Next adds his colleague.**You swallow and lick.**\\\- Shots accurately in top ten, Yes? Haha!!///**\\- Umnaya, I`m the sniper..Sha! Here is, something learned!//**Men quite laugh. You get dressed, quickly tidied up.**Gennady takes you to the house, winking and slapping on the ass goodbye.'
+$_vstr[89] = 'You came to some abandoned base, where the bandits staged their training camp.**With you for learning he sent the demos, Godfather.**All dressed up in military. You have passed a small theoretical course, some time mastered the Assembly and disassembly of weapons and soon went to shoot.'
+$_vstr[90] = 'Wow! You even get somewhere!**You really like this case..'
+$_vstr[91] = 'There are so many cool guns and all you can pobachiti!'
+$_vstr[92] = 'Are you a sniper battle from different shelters.**And go with the men into the room to clean weapons.**\\\- Cho private, cool.?///- Dimas grins, seeing that you are still overflowing with delight.**\\- Yes, finally!//**\\\- Barrels cleared?///**\\- Yep. As shown.//**\\\- Nah.. On the course not all,///- grinning thug.'
+$_vstr[93] = 'It comes up to you exposing your Breasts while playing with your nipples.'
+$_vstr[94] = '\\\- But for training who will be grateful? Edges lose, nipple?///- Dimas raspalogaet you mouth tools at hand.**\\- Ooh!! Pfaa with atovastatin-f!//'
+$_vstr[95] = 'Back is suitable Groin and bites into your lips rough kiss. You not less feel hot respond.'
+$_vstr[96] = 'You, half-naked, paw and have fun, shoving in holes different stuff.'
+$_vstr[97] = 'You giggle and get more turned on.'
+$_vstr[98] = '\\\- Come on, GUNFIGHTER, turn to the dick in front and back to me.,///- Dimas lubricates and ventilate your ass while you take care of vbuhivaya Assembly in the Groin.'
+$_vstr[99] = 'You usually settle down and enthusiastically suck cock.'
+$_vstr[100] = 'Even lustful pushed into her mouth from a few.**\\- Ooh, boys, me, me lick it!//**\\\- Haha, come on, sweetie.!///'
+$_vstr[101] = 'You climb higher and substitute the crotch of two swift languages.**\\- Mmm....mummy, how cool! Now fuck me, I`m burning!//'
+$_vstr[102] = 'You take turns fucking in a wet pussy, with jokes and changing poses.'
+$_vstr[103] = 'Then fuck the ass.**You get excited almost to the limit and happily ask for my picture, soaked in cock.'
+$_vstr[104] = 'Finally, get a strong unit in each hole, and with a lingering groan orgasmoral.'
+$_vstr[105] = 'Pahan, lightly slapping you on the ass, accelerates in your anus.'
+$_vstr[106] = 'And lowers you on the buttocks.'
+$_vstr[107] = '\\\- Aah, swallow, Shine,///- in ecstasy yelling Dimas.**You take a fountain of seed in a greedily opened mouth.'
+$_vstr[108] = 'And makaniem swallow the entire portion.**Satisfied and relaxed, you are going with the whole company and go back to the city. You are taken to the house, warmly saying goodbye and winking at last.'
+$_vstr[109] = 'You came with one of the bandits to the gym, controlled by the group.'
+$_vstr[110] = 'Vigorously work out at the gym.**\\\- Come the beats put you, Shine!///- Dimas called, admiring your deliberately exposed ass.**\\- Hurrah! Finally.!//'
+$_vstr[111] = 'You put on gloves and began to learn to strike the correct direct blows.'
+$_vstr[112] = 'DemAs has trained you to the hooks, jabs and uppercuts.'
+$_vstr[113] = '\\\- Ugh, the storm of all fighters,///- he stopped your efforts,\\\- good exercise, all in soap already. Keep the main enemy, paraxerus with him, haha.///**The bandit has laid out his massive organ right on your glove.'
+$_vstr[114] = 'You with chuckles began to " box” with the new opponent.'
+$_vstr[115] = 'Then threw off his gloves and, without releasing his favorite toys, climbed the other hand in his shorts.**Dimas bared your Breasts and began to lick your nipples.**\\- Ayushki and, want, want!//- you have whined, covering his eyes with anticipation.'
+$_vstr[116] = 'You knelt down and sucked the head of the penis with pleasure.**\\\- In General, wait, Svetik, let`s go to the sauna to have fun.///**\\- Umm, Miu...great, let`s go!//'
+$_vstr[117] = 'In the sauna you went on with his work, nariva cock Dimas.**Soon there the trainer familiar to you - Stanislav approached:\\\- Wow, what a lonely smack? Forgot to invite me?///**\\\- Yes, all alone, to join not later. Truth, papilla?///**\\- Whumpf...Moo.!//'
+$_vstr[118] = 'You began to serve a mouth quickly jumped up body of the trainer..'
+$_vstr[119] = 'He, in turn, served tongue your clitoris. You let out a languid moan and spread her legs, enjoying.'
+$_vstr[120] = 'Stanislav Andreevich was hard protrial your the soggy kitten.'
+$_vstr[121] = 'Dimas turned cancer and drove into the anus.**You burst into flames and screamed, shaking your head.:\\- Otderite in two slits, the mA-and-alchemyii!//'
+$_vstr[122] = 'You were cheerfully charity with battened down upside down in two holes.**\\- Aaahhhh! More, more, more!!!//**\\\- UY, nah, Svetik, ears! Fuck.!///**\\- Mommy, I`m about to come.!//'
+$_vstr[123] = 'Partners quickly changed on your holes, putting you the other side, and dramatically accelerated the pace.**You almost immediately spread a hot puddle in a violent orgasm, almost losing consciousness from bliss.**\\- Oh, God....I can`t feel my legs....as well-!//**\\\- Suited, a pinch, nah, Svetik, for work! In your mouth!///'
+$_vstr[124] = 'You are in a light prostration slid to the floor and dragged tensely trembling cock in her mouth.'
+$_vstr[125] = 'You on the tongue with a groan shot back Dimas.'
+$_vstr[126] = 'Then came Stanislaw.**You swallowed the cum and licked your lips happily.**\\- Cool exercises! How I like to train!//**Dimas drove you home, dropping you off at the entrance.'
+$result = $_vstr[args[0]]
+killvar '$_vstr'
+--- bratva_sniper_strings ---------------------------------

+ 1581 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1581 @@
+# bratva_studioQW
+!Мини ивент в студии
+if $ARGS[0] = 'mini1':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_horny += 10
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north//bratva/studio/studia/mini/'+rand(1,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 1)
+	act'Walk away': gt 'bratva_pornstudio','shooting_space'
+!Мини ивент в гримерной
+if $ARGS[0] = 'mini2':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/mini/'+rand(1,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 2)
+	act'Walk away': gt 'bratva_pornstudio','dressing_room'
+!Mini event in the dressing room 3 and above
+if $ARGS[0] = 'mini3':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_horny += 10
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/mini/'+rand(6,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 3)
+	act'Walk away': gt 'bratva_pornstudio','dressing_room'
+!Mini event in the office with a dressing room
+if $ARGS[0] = 'mini4':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_horny += 10
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/mini/'+rand(1,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 4)
+	act'Walk away': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+!Mini Event in Office 4 and above
+if $ARGS[0] = 'mini5':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_horny += 20
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/mini/'+rand(6,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 5)
+	act'Walk away': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+!event in office with masturbation
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent1':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 6)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		pcs_horny += 10
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 7)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 10
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/03.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 8)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/04.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 9)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 10
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/'+rand(5,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 10)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/'+rand(7,8)+'.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 11)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 10
+							studio['ofisevent1'] += 1
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/'+rand(9,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 12)
+							if studio['ofisevent1'] = 5:
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/23.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 13)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/24.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 14)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/25.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 15)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/26.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 16)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/27.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 17)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/28.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 18)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/29.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 19)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/30.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 20)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	orgasm += 1
+																	lesbian += 1
+																	pcs_horny = 0
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/31.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 21)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/32.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 22)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_horny += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/33.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 23)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				pcs_horny += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/34.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 24)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					pcs_horny += 10
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/35.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 25)
+																					act'Further':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						studio['inna'] = 1
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/36.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 26)
+																						act'Put yourself in order': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							else
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny = 95
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/14.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 27)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										orgasm += 1
+										mastr += 1
+										pcs_horny = 0
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/'+rand(15,20)+'.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 28)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/21.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 29)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event1/22.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 30)
+												act'Put yourself in order': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Event with Inna and Gennady
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent2':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	pcs_horny += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event2/'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 31)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event2/'+rand(3,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 32)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event2/5.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 33)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 10
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event2/'+rand(6,7)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 34)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 15
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event2/'+rand(8,9)+'.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 35)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event2/10.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 36)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event2/'+rand(11,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 37)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event2/14.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 38)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									studio['ofisevent2'] += 1
+									studio['ofisevent2_day'] = daystart
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event2/'+rand(15,16)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 39)
+									act'Work': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Inventory with threesome Inna
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent3':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/1.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 40)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 41)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(4,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 42)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(6,7)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 43)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 10
+					studio['ofisevent3'] += 1
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(8,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 44)
+					if studio['ofisevent3'] = 1:
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 15
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(11,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 45)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 15
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(14,16)+'.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 46)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/17.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 47)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(18,20)+'.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 48)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(21,22)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 49)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny += 15
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(23,25)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 50)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(26,27)+'.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 51)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/28.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 52)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(29,31)+'.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 53)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/32.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 54)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	studio['ofisevent3_day'] = daystart
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/33.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 55)
+																	act'Work': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					else
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 15
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(11,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 56)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 15
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(14,16)+'.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 57)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(18,20)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 58)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(21,22)+'.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 59)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 15
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(23,25)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 60)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(26,27)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 61)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/28.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 62)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/'+rand(29,31)+'.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 63)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															studio['ofisevent3_day'] = daystart
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event3/32.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 64)
+															act'Work': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Event with Inna in the bathroom
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent4':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/1.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 65)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		pcs_horny += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 66)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(4,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 67)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(6,7)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 68)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/8.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 69)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(9,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 70)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 20
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(11,12)+'.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 71)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(13,14)+'.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 72)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny = 65
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(15,16)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 73)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/17.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 74)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 95
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(18,20)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 75)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												orgasm += 1
+												DPorgasm += 1
+												gang += 1
+												bg += 1
+												pcs_horny = 0
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(21,22)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 76)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													pcs_horny += 10
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(23,24)+'.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 77)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny += 25
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(25,26)+'.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 78)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 70
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(27,28)+'.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 79)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny = 90
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(29,30)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 80)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	orgasm += 1
+																	analorgasm += 1
+																	pcs_horny = 0
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/'+rand(31,32)+'.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 81)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		studio['ofisevent4_day'] = daystart
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event1/33.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 82)
+																		act 'Wash': gt 'bratva_pornstudio','dressing_room'
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Dialogue with the bandits
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisdialog1':
+	if rand(1,2) = 1:
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 83)
+		act'Show video':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			studio['ofisdialog1'] = daystart
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/1.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 84)
+			act'Chat again and tell them to relax with actresses': gt 'ofis'
+			act'Serve gangsters': gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent5'
+		end
+	else
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 85)
+		act'Показать видео':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 10
+			studio['ofisdialog1'] = daystart
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/1.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 86)
+			act'Talk again and tell them to relax with actresses': gt 'ofis'
+			act'Serve bandits': gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent6'
+		end
+	end
+!Диалог при красоте больше 60
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisdialog2':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	studio['ofisdialog2'] = daystart
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 87)
+	act'Chat a little more and get to work': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+	act'Flirt': gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisevent7'
+!The first event Svetka with the bandits after the dialogue
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent5':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/2.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 88)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		pcs_horny += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/3.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 89)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 10
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/4.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 90)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 10
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/'+rand(5,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 91)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny = 50
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/'+rand(7,9)+'.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 92)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny = 60
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/'+rand(10,11)+'.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 93)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny = 70
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/'+rand(12,14)+'.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 94)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny = 85
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/'+rand(15,16)+'.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 95)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									orgasm += 1
+									DPorgasm += 1
+									gang += 1
+									stat['bj'] += 1
+									pcs_horny = 0
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/'+rand(17,18)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 96)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/'+rand(19,20)+'.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 97)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/'+rand(21,22)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 98)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/'+rand(23,24)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 99)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'belly'
+													!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event4/'+rand(25,26)+'.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 100)
+													act'Get dressed': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!The second event with the bandits after the dialogue
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent6':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 101)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event5/1.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 102)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event5/2.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 103)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event5/'+rand(3,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 104)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event5/5.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 105)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event5/'+rand(6,7)+'.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 106)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 10
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event5/8.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 107)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 10
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event5/9.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 108)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event5/10.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 109)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event5/11.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 110)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 50
+											stat['bj'] += 1
+											studio['ofisdialog6'] = daystart
+											!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'belly'
+											!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event5/12.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 111)
+											act'Walk away': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Event with gangsters after a dialogue with beauty over 60
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent7':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/1.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 112)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		pcs_horny += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 113)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/4.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 114)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 10
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/'+rand(5,6)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 115)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/7.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 116)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/'+rand(8,9)+'.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 117)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 20
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/'+rand(10,11)+'.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 118)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny = 65
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/'+rand(12,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 119)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny = 85
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/'+rand(14,19)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 120)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										orgasm += 1
+										DPorgasm += 1
+										gang += 1
+										stat['bj'] += 1
+										pcs_horny = 0
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/'+rand(20,25)+'.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 121)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/26.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 122)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/'+rand(27,28)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 123)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/'+rand(29,30)+'.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 124)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+														!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'belly'
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event6/31.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 125)
+														act'Get dressed': gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Event in the bathroom after sucking the bandits
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent8':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/1.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 126)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(2,3)+'.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 127)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny = 60
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(4,5)+'.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 128)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny = 65
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(6,7)+'.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 129)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny = 75
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(8,9)+'.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 130)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny = 90
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(10,11)+'.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 131)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							orgasm += 1
+							vaginalOrgasm += 1
+							gang += 1
+							stat['bj'] += 1
+							pcs_horny = 0
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(12,13)+'.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 132)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny = 25
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(14,15)+'.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 133)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny = 45
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(16,17)+'.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 134)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny = 60
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/18.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 135)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 85
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(19,20)+'.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 136)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 95
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(21,22)+'.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 137)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													orgasm += 1
+													Dporgasm += 1
+													pcs_horny = 0
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(23,24)+'.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 138)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/25.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 139)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/'+rand(26,27)+'.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 140)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/grim/event2/28.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 141)
+																act'Wash up': gt 'dressing_room'
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Event with Stas in the office
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent9':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/1.mp4"></video></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 142)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/2.mp4"></video></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 143)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/3.mp4"></video></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 144)
+			act'Sometime later':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 145)
+				act'Work' :gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+			end
+			act'Seduce':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 146)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 10
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/'+rand(4,5)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 147)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						pcs_horny = 50
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/'+rand(6,7)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 148)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny = 60
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/'+rand(8,9)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 149)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/'+rand(10,11)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 150)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/12.mp4"></video></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 151)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny = 70
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/'+rand(13,15)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 152)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/'+rand(16,17)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 153)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 80
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/'+rand(18,19)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 154)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/20.mp4"></video></center>'
+													func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 155)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 90
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/'+rand(21,22)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+														func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 156)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 95
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/'+rand(23,24)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+															func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 157)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																orgasm += 1
+																analorgasm += 1
+																stat['bj'] += 1
+																anal += 1
+																pcs_horny = 0
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/25.mp4"></video></center>'
+																func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 158)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/26.mp4"></video></center>'
+																	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 159)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/27.mp4"></video></center>'
+																		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 160)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			studio['ofisevent9_day'] = daystart
+																			!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'belly'
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event7/28.mp4"></video></center>'
+																			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 161)
+																			act'Work' :gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!ивент с Геннадием в офисе
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent10':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/1.mp4"></video></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 162)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/2.mp4"></video></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 163)
+		act'Flirt and tell Gena to practice actress':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 164)
+			act'Work' :gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+		end
+		act'Wanna fuck?':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/3.mp4"></video></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 165)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/'+rand(4,6)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 166)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny = 50
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/7.mp4"></video></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 167)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/8.mp4"></video></center>'
+						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 168)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny = 60
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/'+rand(9,10)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 169)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny = 75
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/'+rand(11,12)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 170)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/13.mp4"></video></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 171)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny = 85
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/'+rand(14,15)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 172)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 90
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/'+rand(16,18)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 173)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 95
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/'+rand(19,20)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 174)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													orgasm += 1
+													analorgasm += 1
+													stat['bj'] += 1
+													anal += 1
+													pcs_horny = 0
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/'+rand(21,22)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+													func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 175)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny += 10
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/'+rand(23,24)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+														func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 176)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/25.mp4"></video></center>'
+															func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 177)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/26.mp4"></video></center>'
+																func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 178)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	sweat = 1
+																	studio['ofisevent10_day'] = daystart
+																	!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event8/27.mp4"></video></center>'
+																	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 179)
+																	act'Get dressed' :gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Event with Stas and Gennady
+if $ARGS[0] = 'ofisevent11':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/1.mp4"></video></center>'
+	func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 180)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		pcs_horny += 10
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/2.mp4"></video></center>'
+		func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 181)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			pcs_horny += 10
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/3.mp4"></video></center>'
+			func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 182)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 10
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/'+rand(4,5)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+				func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 183)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					pcs_horny += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/6.mp4"></video></center>'
+					func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 184)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/'+rand(7,8)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+						func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 185)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/9.mp4"></video></center>'
+							func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 186)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny = 50
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/'+rand(10,12)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+								func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 187)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny = 60
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/'+rand(13,14)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+									func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 188)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/'+rand(15,17)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+										func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 189)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny = 65
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/'+rand(18,19)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+											func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 190)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												pcs_horny = 85
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/'+rand(20,22)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+												func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 191)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													orgasm += 1
+													DPorgasm += 1
+													stat['bj'] += 1
+													gang += 1
+													pcs_horny = 0
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/'+rand(23,25)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+													func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 192)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/26.mp4"></video></center>'
+														func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 193)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/27.mp4"></video></center>'
+															func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 194)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny += 5
+																studio['ofisevent11_day'] = daystart
+																!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><video autoplay loop src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/studio/ofis/event9/'+rand(28,29)+'.mp4"></video></center>'
+																func('bratva_studioQW_strings', 195)
+																act'Get dressed' :gt 'bratva_pornstudio'
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- bratva_studioQW ---------------------------------

+ 199 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# bratva_studioQW_strings
+$_vstr[1] = 'You entered the Studio. Vengeance is working on the video.**Recruited Actresses, a couple of hired actors and the operator Stas sweat shoot hard scenes.**You some time with the satisfaction of watching a little plant, and, nodding to the guys, go.'
+$_vstr[2] = 'You went into the dressing room. The actress is preparing to shoot. And your hired makeup artist again somewhere wears. Maybe he`s hitting on the actor guys.? A little chat, you helped the girl with makeup and hair styling:\\- You look spectacular, well done! Come on, feats..//'
+$_vstr[3] = 'You looked in the dressing room.. In the bath once again fuck girls Actresses who came to the light of one of the bandits.**Admiring a little, you sent a kiss and left, so as not to interfere with entertainment.'
+$_vstr[4] = 'You went into your office. And there discovered as Gennady pulls Studio makeup artist. She is blissful, moaning.**\\- You slut, Inca. ,//- you chuckled,\\- Gena, attaches it - let the work goes!//**\\\- No problem, kitty.! Next time, I hope, the ass will substitute, and that straight anal virgin. Yes, Inca? For the fucking fun give!///**\\\- Oh, uh, Aah....nah, I`m not in the ass.!///- the makeup woman whined.**You shook your head and once again thought that it would be necessary to dismiss this goat.**And walked away so as not to disturb Gennady Vasilyevich to have fun.'
+$_vstr[5] = 'You went into your office. A gang of bandits flunked one of the Actresses and briskly fuck in all the cracks.**"Damn, the camera is necessary!”.**After evaluating the scene and a little watching, you felt like start and went out, so as not to interfere with the men to have fun.'
+$_vstr[6] = 'You include a newly-filmed pornomateriala on my laptop and see the fucking girls. The rollers are excellent, very Groovy!**The hand she reaches to lift the skirt.'
+$_vstr[7] = 'You get to the panties and stroke your crotch through the fabric.'
+$_vstr[8] = 'Then pushing her pussy and caress sexual sponges fingers.'
+$_vstr[9] = 'Pulling off the panties, you climb on the table - it`s more convenient. Pink Bud under your fingers noticeably moistened.'
+$_vstr[10] = 'You excitedly caress the pussy with your fingers, gradually deepening into the bosom.'
+$_vstr[11] = 'And, having shifted to the side, continue to quench the inflamed lust, starting to moan softly.'
+$_vstr[12] = 'Standing on all fours, you furiously pleasuring a trembling pussy.'
+$_vstr[13] = '\\\- Light...Oh boy...,///- to the office tried to enter the Studio make-up artist Inna, catching you in a spicy view,\\\- I must be at a bad time....I`ll Popo…///**\\- Stand!//- barely looking up from his exciting lessons you cry,\\- I need you.. Come on in....Ugh, damn, Inca, that`s ubiquitous. Go sit on the couch.//'
+$_vstr[14] = 'You sit next to the girl on the couch and then hug her.**\\- So, Gennady somersault, Yes?//**\\\- Well...sometimes...just...and that, he same himself and at all…///**\\- No one`s against it, even though you don`t know what kind of man he is.. And still showing off, in the ass do not give. You`re all gone, sweetheart.? What do you say Gennady, and do it. Understood?//**\\\- But I didn`t.! Not want. It hurts, they say.///**\\- Hoity toity, what FIFA! Where do you work?? And who gave you this job?? In short, not nomadic, Inca! Let`s try with you in the ass. I`ll help you.//**\\\- That...mmm....right now?///**\\- Exactly. Kiss me!//'
+$_vstr[15] = 'The girl obediently kisses you. She obviously likes it.'
+$_vstr[16] = 'You lower her blouse and squeeze the Boobs, licking the nipples.**\\\- Ohh, Sveta.!///**\\- Ohh, Sveta. ,//- you mimic,\\- get undressed..//'
+$_vstr[17] = 'The girl undresses and, in the course of action, caresses you, helping to remove clothes.**\\- I have one unfinished business.,//- with a chuckle you report and take out a couple of toys from the Desk drawer-such props you have in the Studio a lot,\\- Here.. Play with my kitty. I almost came when you broke it off..//'
+$_vstr[18] = 'You lay down on the couch and, closing his eyes, shoved one of the toys in his mouth, imagining another depraved scene.**Inna began to process your fluttering bosom, slowly introducing another Dildo.'
+$_vstr[19] = '\\- Oh boy......iyiiih, great, push, Inca.! And this.!//- you pobejali pussy from a pair of toys.'
+$_vstr[20] = 'Then, without removing toys, have fun with ina, which seriously fired up and engaged in his cave.'
+$_vstr[21] = '\\- Well, one more time I...Oh, God, I`m coming.!//- you, reaching the limit of bliss, massaged the clitoris with trembling fingers.**Inna helped to bring you to orgasm excited pussy, pushing her deltacom.**You finally cum.**\\- Naarmann-Oh, UV! And now, my love, let`s take care of you. Ass substitute!//**\\\- Maybe not.?///**\\- Need to, need to! You`ll like it. I can see you`re burning up..//**You lubricated the girl`s ass with lubricant.'
+$_vstr[22] = 'She settled back, holding the buttocks and gently entered her anus toy.**\\\- Ow! ow!...and like nothing...possible...Yes, come on, Sveta.!///'
+$_vstr[23] = '\\- What, bitch, like? Thought so.!//- you parted the buttocks of the girl and admired.**\\\- Mommy-Ah, Aah...yeah, a little....Oh, okay.!///**\\- Yeah, now we`ll insure, you`ll be no worse than our prima donnas!//'
+$_vstr[24] = 'You laid Inna on her back, pushing her legs apart as much as possible and opening her buttocks. And, laughing with relish slapped on the buns, while playing deltacom in the narrow hole.'
+$_vstr[25] = 'Then they began to vigorously push the girl`s toy into the anus. She moaned hysterically and soon violently ended, revealing the sex of the sponge with your hands.'
+$_vstr[26] = 'Embracing makeup artist after orgasm, satisfaction:\\- Ready, Inca. You`re not an anal virgin anymore.. Consider it elevated.. Well, no problem.?//**\\\- AM...well, sort of. That`s great.. Well, as men will?///**\\- I`ll find out sometime. On occasion. And you definitely will quickly turn up.//**You had a little friendly chat, solved a couple of business issues and escorted Inna out of the office.'
+$_vstr[27] = 'Then lie down on your back, revealing the pussy heated to the limit and, closing your eyes, imagine the scenes from the viewed videos.'
+$_vstr[28] = 'Issuing languid moans and slightly shaking his head from side to side, you quickly reach the highest point of pleasure and spread in a sweet orgasm.'
+$_vstr[29] = 'Sitting on his haunches, flushed and happy you finally caress the hole and lick my fingers.'
+$_vstr[30] = 'Phew, like let go, you can go back to work!'
+$_vstr[31] = 'You go to your office and see a very familiar spicy picture-your makeup artist Inca passionately sucks Gennady.**You, as usual, were going to move away, not to interfere, but Gennady called out to you:**\\\- And, Svetik, just come in, all your office! Lesse we here quickly!///'
+$_vstr[32] = 'The couple moved away from your table and took a fancy to the couch, and you sat down on your chair and began to watch with interest. Inca, straddling Gennady, began to jump and squeal on his instrument.'
+$_vstr[33] = 'Then Gennady laid her on her back and began to enter the ass, Inca squeaked and rubbed her clitoris, but did not mind, passionately sitting down.**\\- Ha! No wonder I then ass developed!//- you proudly commented.'
+$_vstr[34] = 'Inca continued to RUB her crotch, and Gennady began to RAM her ass.**This scene started to turn you on.**Turning to you, he winked:\\\- Well done Shine, without you, you would be a tight hole left unopened!///'
+$_vstr[35] = 'Inca knelt and deliberately framed his own buns.**\\\- Gennady Vasilyevich, still want! Plant it properly.,///- with a flush in the cheeks, asked the girl.**\\\- Svetka a distraction from work, is not the case...well, bitch.!///- Gene drove unit languidly arched Inna.**\\- Oh, fuck her all you want,//- enjoying the spectacle, replied you.**Happy couple stopped paying attention to you. Soon the girl burst into screams of violent orgasm and fell on the sofa.'
+$_vstr[36] = 'Slightly recovering herself, she got on all fours and began to suck Gennady`s cock.**\\\- Oh yeah, I`ll let you down! Come right in your mouth!///'
+$_vstr[37] = 'You with a lascivious smile admired how the Inca opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, Gene, as if on command, shot right on target.**\\\- Well, swallow? Come on, as an actress learn!///- he told the girl hoarsely..'
+$_vstr[38] = 'Inna, without hesitation, swallowed every drop.**\\- Brick!,//- you lightly clapped your hands,\\- Inca, maybe you`ll start filming.?//'
+$_vstr[39] = 'The Inca was smiling, and her face was dripping the remnants of sperm:**\\\- Well, thank you, of course, but I`m fine with the job now..///**\\- Oh, and sorry for such a lost talent...Although you would on the exterior work. Okay, look, I can`t get all the juice out of the actors.!//**\\\- Oh, right there actors! Here Is Gennady Vasilich... Well, except quite a bit, hee hee…///**\\- Go already, I have to work, and your obkonchennye mordaha distracting.//**The girl got dressed and left. Gennady also began to gather, and you went to work, feeling itchy panties.'
+$_vstr[40] = 'You went into his office and saw Gennady and Stas who openly groped Incubator.**\\\- Inna, come on, I`ve been shooting naked Babes all day.!///- passionately urged Stas.**\\\- The boys, well, I don`t even know if the Light will go?///**\\- I`m here.!//- entering the office and sitting on the couch you said.**\\\- Oh, Shine! Maybe you can help us?///- asked Gennady.**\\- Yes, I`d love to, but I still so much to be done... Inca , entertain men, don`t break!//'
+$_vstr[41] = 'Men, hearing your approval, quickly pulled off her skirt with makeup.**\\\* Oh, you have a nice ass, Inca. ,///- praised Stas,\\\- I`ve seen a lot of them, believe me.!///'
+$_vstr[42] = 'Then lifting her blouse, they began to caress a very attractive body. You, in what already times, thought: “Eh, what`s all the porn talent!!”**\\- Inca, serve the men like in the movies Actresses do, just for the role! You, heh, and play not need to.//'
+$_vstr[43] = 'Makeup girl got rid of her blouse and, kneeling, was virtually professionally to meet guys, before aggressively shaking his head:**\\\- Light, I will not be removed!///**\\- Yes, I understand, come on suck!//- disappointed you snorted.'
+$_vstr[44] = 'Men put New right on your Desk, she immediately began processing tool mostusers number of Stas, Gennadiy, slightly pushing her lace panties, he began to fuck her hole.'
+$_vstr[45] = 'Then Gennady sat down on the table, enjoying a Blowjob, and Stas fell in behind her.**\\- Stas, in strong loin its drag!//- enthusiastically cheered for you.**\\\- So she is... that does not give the same…///- banal has gycol Stas.**\\\- Insert, I do not mind…///- breaking away from the tool Gennady, said Inna.**Stas, noticeably cheerful, carefully entered her ass and began to fuck.'
+$_vstr[46] = '\\- So, the table I liquid do not fill!//**All three of them moved to the floor.. Gene lay down comfortably, the Inca immediately saddled his unit with his ass and began to sit on the entire length of a very impressive size, not forgetting the cock of Stas.'
+$_vstr[47] = '\\- Inca, you probably haven`t taken two yet.?// - you playfully inquired.**\\\- N-no.…///- in slight confusion she answered.**\\- Well then now is the perfect time to try! Stas push her pussy its good for you!//**\\\- Or maybe not... Ah-Ah-ahhh!///- Inca did not have time to finish, and the body of Stas was already in her pussy.'
+$_vstr[48] = 'Two members drilled Inca holes, she moaned and wriggled like a snake.**\\- Well, Inca, two is better than one?//- with a chuckle you asked, feeling all the growing excitement.**\\\- Vouch! So great.!///- through the moans she snapped.'
+$_vstr[49] = 'The men turned the makeup artist and changed the holes.**\\\- Inna, now I will come to you more often,///- said Stas.**\\\- Ho-o ro-o-shoo, Oh only-a grease grab!///'
+$_vstr[50] = 'Inca began to move herself on the cock, increasing the pace until she screamed and began to shake.**\\- That I understand.! Cumshot so cumshot! And I didn`t want,//- with excitement you stated.**\\\- Sveta, shut up, please... I`m ashamed enough.!///- hard breathing answered you Inca,\\\- God, you`re still watching and commenting..///**\\\- Ha ha ha.,///- Gennady laughed\\\- soon as your boss will be: she ends up like a machine gun when she puts a couple!///**You blushed slightly, and Inka looked at you and grinned knowingly.'
+$_vstr[51] = 'Stas still a little fuck Encino ass and pulled her buttocks.**\\\- Oh, thank you, Inusa whole day suffered!///**\\- Her holes are at your service truth, Inca?//- you were sarcastic..**\\\- Well ... I don`t mind…///- shamelessly babbled Inna.'
+$_vstr[52] = '\\\- Inca, about me not forgotten?///- asked Gennady bringing her back in my fantasies,\\\- Suck it, worker.!///**The makeup girl quickly woke up and began to diligently serve the powerful organ of the Gene.'
+$_vstr[53] = 'Soon Gennady discharged into her mouth, most of the truth Inca spilled, but looked very happy.**\\- Well, all the milk spilled!//- you complained,\\- all clothes will be in the end now!//'
+$_vstr[54] = 'Inca smiled sweetly, continuing to caress the hands of the cock. She didn`t seem to care a bit about what you said..**\\\- Don`t get dirty, I`ll go shower!///- she answered, then stood up, turned her ass to you and went naked into the shower, not paying attention to staring at her Studio workers.**\\\- Brazen yet,///- Gennady chuckled,\\\- you`d better bring her up..///** \\-Yes, it is useless,//- you waved your hand.**The men dressed and went about their business, and minutes later 15 came back for my clothes already solenopsae Inna.'
+$_vstr[55] = '\\- I look from the former embarrassment there is no trace left?//- maliciously asked you dressing makeup girl.**\\- Well, Light, you are always so Frank to ask questions... And comments from you - the port workers would envy... I.. I.. in general... obkonchalsya on two members in front of three people, and the cries of probably the whole Studio heard... In short, it is too late to be embarrassed.///**\\- That`s right.! The main thing is that she was happy, and Stas and Gena fuck so that little does not seem, I know, tested, so to speak, on their own experience!//**\\\- Oh, Sveta, I didn`t know they were already busy with you.,///- Inca said apologetically..**\\- Aah, don`t worry, they`re both enough and Gennady we rushing everything that moves,//- you laughed.,\\- you mean the work does not forget, and my office is at your disposal, it`s funny to look at you!//**\\\- Thanks, Light, I ran to work!///'
+$_vstr[56] = 'Then Gennady sat down on the table, enjoying a Blowjob, and Stas fell in behind her.**\\- Stas, in strong loin its drag!//- enthusiastically cheered for you.**\\\- Yeah, I can`t wait.! - breaking away from the instrument Gennady asked Inca.**Stas off the beaten path entered her ass tightly and began to gouge under the lustful yelps.'
+$_vstr[57] = '\\- So, the table I liquid do not fill!//**All three of them moved to the floor.. Gene lay down comfortably, the Inca immediately saddled his unit with his ass and began to sit on the entire length of a very impressive size, not forgetting the cock of Stas.'
+$_vstr[58] = 'Two members drilled Inca holes, she moaned and wriggled like a snake.**\\- Well, Inca, two is better than one?//- with a chuckle you asked, feeling all the growing excitement.**\\\- Vouch! So great.!///- through the moans she snapped.'
+$_vstr[59] = 'The men turned the makeup artist and changed the holes.**\\\- Inna, now I will come to you more often,///- said Stas.**\\\- Ho-o ro-o-shoo, Oh only-a grease grab!///'
+$_vstr[60] = 'Inca began to move herself on the cock, increasing the pace until she screamed and began to shake.**\\- That I understand.! Cumshot so cumshot! And I didn`t want,//- with excitement you stated.**\\\- And itself something can be think the entire such a the right,///- breathing heavily, Inca replied.**You blushed a little, and the Inca looked at you and smiled depraved:**\\- You make a deal, I`ll fire you, slut,//- whispered to you quite clearly, so that the girl heard.'
+$_vstr[61] = 'Stas still a little fuck Encino ass and pulled her buttocks.**\\\- Oh, thank you, Inusa whole day suffered!///**\\- Her holes are at your service truth, Inca?//- you were sarcastic..**\\\- Well ... I don`t mind…///- shamelessly babbled Inna.'
+$_vstr[62] = '\\\- Inca, about me not forgotten?///- asked Gennady bringing her back in my fantasies,\\\- Suck it, worker.!///**The makeup girl quickly woke up and began to diligently serve the powerful organ of the Gene.'
+$_vstr[63] = 'Soon Gennady discharged into her mouth, most of the truth Inca spilled, but looked very happy.**\\- Well, all the milk spilled!//- you complained,\\- all clothes will be in the end now!//'
+$_vstr[64] = 'Inca smiled sweetly, continuing to caress the hands of the cock. She didn`t seem to care a bit about what you said..**\\\- Don`t get dirty, I`ll go shower!///- she answered, then stood up, turned her ass to you and went naked into the shower, not paying attention to staring at her Studio workers.**\\\- Brazen yet,///- Gennady chuckled,\\\- you`d better bring her up..///** \\-Yes, it is useless,//- you waved your hand.**The men dressed and went about their business, and minutes later 15 came back for my clothes already solenopsae Inna.'
+$_vstr[65] = 'You went into the dressing room and heard a noise in the bathroom. Quietly coming and opening the door, you saw the Inca in the bathroom caressing with Gennady.**\\\- Take in the mouth, raise the combat readiness, In!///- rising, he said.'
+$_vstr[66] = 'The girl nodded understandingly and began to process his tool.**\\\- What is there?///- you heard a familiar voice behind you and turned around.**Albert was behind you.. You whispered softly:\\- Gennady with our make-up girl having fun as usual.//**\\\- Oh, let me see.!///- got interested in the ringleader.'
+$_vstr[67] = 'Meanwhile, Gennady had already roasted it in the pussy.**\\\- Let`s go say Hello or something.,///- albert said in your ear and pushed you forward..'
+$_vstr[68] = '\\\- So-so, Gene, have fun, means?///- entering the room he said,\\\- and about our World forgot?///**\\\- Oh, Alberty!///- as if nothing had happened, he said, as he continued to fry the Inca\\\- Well how about this forget! Join. Innochka, of course, not against, and? You don`t mind, my little slut.?///**\\\- Oh no, what are you. That is, Yes, join us,///- overcoming the slight embarrassment invited makeup artist.'
+$_vstr[69] = 'You came to a couple. Inca reluctantly climbed down from the tool and sent you in the mouth, hinting that it is necessary to process, albert also pulled up your dress and started farming matzo rolls.**\\\- Inca, go do my housework.,///- patting you on the buttocks, veel leader.'
+$_vstr[70] = 'The excited girl pulled out of the pants Assembly, and the Ala began to diligently work on it until Gennady give juice to your basking body.'
+$_vstr[71] = 'After parting with clothes, albert sat the makeup artist on his cock and began to intensively harit her. You just pulled off her panties, and then sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi and invitingly spread her legs, Gene without further ADO engaged in your mink, driving your tool to the full length.'
+$_vstr[72] = '\\\- Svetulya, come closer to us,///- moaning called Inca, blushing as fiery samovar.**You threw off your dress and climbed into the bathroom, exposing your back to Gennady.**\\- Let`s kiss, my slut,//- you whispered, starting to kiss the makeup girl.**\\\- That`s my slut,///- Gennady chuckled, vsazhivaya in your current pussy.**\\- Ahh....ouch, yeah, whatever.!//- you moaned.'
+$_vstr[73] = 'Men changed you, twirling in the tub. Albert quickly planted you in the ass, and you and the Inca for a couple began to process the organ of Gennady, bringing it to stone hardness.**\\\- Ohh, well-Oh, girls, go on.,///- blurring in a blissful smile hoarse published Gene.'
+$_vstr[74] = 'After some time, he has zealously banging New ass, and you vengeance gratified Alberta.**\\- Two want!//- pausing, you said.**\\\- Vasilich, lady wants doplatek,///- looking for a good seat winked at the leader.'
+$_vstr[75] = 'You are located near the bathroom, the men have become accustomed to tear you to the full, and the Inca began to play with your Breasts, obviously hoping to be in your place.**\\- Inca, and you will be dragged with a doublet! Really, boys.? - noticing her uneasiness, you said through moans.**\\\- No problem, just on the way!///- albert nodded..**\\- Fuck me first, and harder.!//- you blurted out, more and more losing control of lust.'
+$_vstr[76] = 'The men turned to you and began vigorously to clatter your holes, speeding up the pace, you fingers were prothalli pussy spread in front of you Inky. This continued until you screamed from orgasm and reflexively stuck in the Inkin mink almost all his palm.**\\\- Light, III-and-and it hurts!///- she screamed and jumped off your hand.**\\- Uh ... Oh, I accidentally...hee hee, almost.,//- panting from the waves of pleasure and realizing that went too far, you said,\\- now it`s your turn..//'
+$_vstr[77] = 'Inca rubbed her crotch for a while, apparently she was really hurt.**\\- And let`s go to the next room, on the couch,//- you suggested.**Going there Inna finally took a long-awaited couple of members, and you are located on the edge of the diva playing with his still oozing pussy and a new start.'
+$_vstr[78] = 'The men are already accustomed to themselves turned the girl and exchanged holes. Inca spread her legs apart, so wide that it seemed she sat on the twine.**\\- Wow, you`re a gymnast, Inca. ,//- laughing, you said,\\- Alik, she clearly wants you to RAM her deeper.!//**The leader began to furiously peck Inkina mink. She screamed and shook, then went limp.. When albert freed her pussy, she flowed juice.**\\- Albert, fuck me for the second round.,//- looking at the current girl, you said.'
+$_vstr[79] = 'You and albert settled on the couch and he began to fry you powerfully in the ass.**Departed from orgasm Inka, engaged in member Genes, his voluptuous sucking.'
+$_vstr[80] = 'Gennady lowered the first abundantly Bay Inkin mouth milk.**\\\- This tastes good,///- slazav leftovers from Genes tool, said happy makeup girl.'
+$_vstr[81] = 'You came to the second orgasm in a few minutes and suddenly felt as albert discharged directly to astrahany anus. You synchronously shook and you realized that orgasmed at the same time.**\\\- Oh, Svetik, Yes you did come from the hot jet of my milk in your ass?///**\\- Yep!//- giggling, you answered\\- Inca, come to me!//'
+$_vstr[82] = 'The girl climbed up to you on the sofa and you began to lick the remains of sperm on her face. When her face was already clean licked, you kissed Inca.**\\- It will be necessary to repeat,//- you said, getting up and going to the shower.'
+$_vstr[83] = '\\\- Well as business?///- asks al.**\\\- Beautiful girls brand new is?///- adds Gennady with a chuckle.**\\- Both.,//- you smile,\\- work hard and all other bodies.//**\\\- A show which filmed!///'
+$_vstr[84] = '\\- Ooh, it`s not relent, hee hee! Here, from the last, the most bottom-hole!//**The men watch the footage, commenting on the obscene. You can see how they stick their Dicks in their pants.**\\\- Proper!///- without looking up from the screen, albert estimates.'
+$_vstr[85] = 'This time the whole gang is in your office..**\\\- Svetik, as achievements? Cat, you`re not bored, becoming a business lyadi?///- men gurgle and lasciviously wink at you.**\\\- Let me see some movies.! And everything is so beautiful leaves. The clatter themselves, and not one pair of shoes, that`s really.///**\\- Yes, enjoy the boys,//- you`re showing recent footage..'
+$_vstr[86] = '\\\- Oh, fuck the cute, cool, straight boner.!///**You, along with the men watching videos and quickly start.'
+$_vstr[87] = '\\\- You`re getting good, Svetik.!///- albert looks at you appraisingly.**\\\- Exactly, the work is going well. That`s what it means to choose the right profession,///- adds Gennady.**\\- I try!// - proudly answer you and slightly spinning in front of the men, happy that your appearance appreciated.'
+$_vstr[88] = '\\- Boys, a movie, and me and in life want. All work and no play, and you are different skewer…,//- you settled in a seductive pose, throwing off your shoes.**Gennady pulled your leg:\\\- Well, correct what the Bazaar!///'
+$_vstr[89] = '\\- Yeah.? I`m ready.! Fry me like before!//**Guys, chobotov and peremignuvshis, spread your legs out to the sides.'
+$_vstr[90] = 'And began to pull off clothes. Gennady caressed your zatrepetali rosettes through panties and took in his mouth almost immediately napryachsiya nipple.'
+$_vstr[91] = 'You knelt down and, busily lowering his pants, began to play with the fluttering members of the hand and mouth.'
+$_vstr[92] = '\\\- Jump on the bolt, nah!///- Albert sat on top of you and pushing strong unit strong pretrial wet womb.**Then Gennady changed places with him and irritated your pussy to squish.**\\\- Open the back door, craftswoman.!///'
+$_vstr[93] = 'You with a languid moan took the unit in a slightly greased anus and sweetly fidgeted on it.'
+$_vstr[94] = 'You began to take turns hammering in the ass, putting cancer. You, beside yourself with lust, bent, pushing the buttocks and did not forget to suck the penis of the second partner.'
+$_vstr[95] = '\\- Oh, I can`t, both at once, boys.!//- have you whined happily and rolled his eyes, getting the desired,\\- WO-o, like this, ooh!//'
+$_vstr[96] = 'Placing you in another position, the pair of thugs were frantically ruscifolia both slits. You heartily mumbled, dissolving in the rolling wave of bliss and rubbed your fingers Clit:**\\- Uuuhh, mommy, Yes, as well!//**Orgasm sweet spread over his body, forcing him to falter spread legs.**\\\- Well, Shine, you, as always... AAA shit...come down.!///'
+$_vstr[97] = 'You are back from sweet space, again fell on his knees and began to milk the sperm from the shaking cock.'
+$_vstr[98] = 'Albert with a groan discharged into your greedy mouth. Sperm you for the most part merged on sisechki.'
+$_vstr[99] = 'Then swallowed the charge from the warhead Gennady.'
+$_vstr[100] = 'And again poured on his chest.**\\\- Whew, rollback! Cho milking, Svetlan, Actresses, huh caught?///**\\- While not hungry,//- you giggled.**\\\- Okay, mood all apnuli type, work, not let us hinder,///- Gennady grinned.**\\\- Labour...for my benefit - inspires,///- al laughed as he dressed..**The men left, leaving you piquantly neglected.'
+$_vstr[101] = '\\- What, overexerted from our bottom-hole products, Yes?//- with a chuckle you ask and resolutely take off your outer clothing,\\- Relax quickly?//'
+$_vstr[102] = 'Men happily nod and start to squeeze your charms.'
+$_vstr[103] = 'You get down on your knees and stroke their rearing Dicks through their pants.**\\\- We miss your Golden mouth, Svetik.!///- says Dimas.**\\\- Come more often!///'
+$_vstr[104] = 'You open your mouth wide and massive bolts hang over your face.**\\- Ah-Ah, so would all and ate!//'
+$_vstr[105] = 'And begin to work on the growing bodies, pushing a couple at once.'
+$_vstr[106] = 'Each bandit in turn fuck your hungry mouth.**\\\- Ah, buzz, nah, deeper take!///**\\\- Svetik, and three accept?///**\\- Umfff...APF..easy.!//'
+$_vstr[107] = 'You cram as many as three at a time, the mighty bolt.**\\\- Supersocke!///**\\\-Yes lads, finally, a real master!///'
+$_vstr[108] = 'Fuck you between Goecek while you are busily absorbed in the trembling delirium members, affectionately attracive their hands.'
+$_vstr[109] = '\\\- On-Ah, all, pussy, take!///**You open your mouth to the full, exposing the tongue.'
+$_vstr[110] = 'Men almost simultaneously pull you in the mouth and on the face flooding with sperm.'
+$_vstr[111] = 'You swallow and smile happily:\\- Wow, guys, long time not so fun, once all!//**\\- I`m gonna go take a bath in the dressing room.. Who gets bored-knows where to find me,//- you wink lasciviously and shake your hips, moving away.'
+$_vstr[112] = '\\- Maybe you will try?//- shamelessly putting his hand on the groin Gennady offer you,\\- I`m working....no privacy.! And then there`s the atmosphere we have a specific, even the most under the camera get up.//**\\\- So and get up, already well,///- albert said, looking at you with lust..'
+$_vstr[113] = 'The men immediately began to pull off your clothes and grabbed the Boobs:\\\- Ha, you know, you don`t have to ask us twice.!///**You sweet breathed.'
+$_vstr[114] = 'While Gennady greedily licked your strained nipples, al licked his ear and whispered:\\\- Show the class what you learned on the set.///'
+$_vstr[115] = '\\- Oh, I know how to better these things,//- you knelt down and, having got from trousers the shot-up bodies began to passionately suck.'
+$_vstr[116] = '\\\- Heh, substitute that machine, the mine will dissipate the old memory,///- Scarlet stole with you the rest of his clothes and stretched his anus adding to the lubrication of helpful submitted by you handbags.**You excitedly turned his ass under his fingers and giggled " Anal scene, double first!”'
+$_vstr[117] = '\\\- Right, Svetik, fucking all in work...take!///**You are standing on half-bent legs with cancer, got a solid dignity of albert in the anus and quite mumbled, sucking in the penis of the second partner.'
+$_vstr[118] = '\\\- My turn, bro.,///- said Gennady and put you in the position of a rider, becoming stronger to drive a stick on full.'
+$_vstr[119] = '\\\- On my jump, Shine, let me plant!///- You changed the pose and the partner receiving ass all the more powerful blows and happily nasazhivayas.**Moaning loudly from lust you asked the men to fill both holes.'
+$_vstr[120] = 'Hot bolts immediately drilled both cracks, gradually bringing you to ecstasy.'
+$_vstr[121] = 'The bandits also re-launched you and violently pushed his two guns with extended legs:\\- Awww, hospodi-AI, more-Eee-yo,-ka-aanchal th!//- you screamed hysterically, hugging and pulling Gennady closer.**And spread in the long-awaited orgasm.**\\\- Nah, Shine, finally became hot as a hydrogen bomb! Let`s take the mouth earned!///'
+$_vstr[122] = 'You quickly fell into the usual position and began enthusiastically to milk the members.'
+$_vstr[123] = 'Gennady shot back the first. You coyly looking up, merged with the tongue the cum on his chest.'
+$_vstr[124] = 'Then in your eagerly substituted mouth albert finished.'
+$_vstr[125] = 'You swallowed a salty charge of seed and quite stroked the bodies of the bandits:\\- Oh, I always miss that, boys.! Need to more often meet.//**\\\- Cases,///- al chuckled,\\\- but you`re good then don`t forget!///**Men, dressed, left the office, leaving you to work on.'
+$_vstr[126] = 'You take a bath and relax. A couple of center bandits comes to you "on the light", taking advantage of a kind invitation.**They undress.. Gennady joins you, sitting in soapy warm water. You have fun talking, laughing over dirty jokes.'
+$_vstr[127] = 'And, feeling an unbearable itch of excitement, you begin to turn, showing a naked wet body. Along the way, wash off the sweat, dust and sperm.**Gennady, grinning, admires and at the same time decides to shave quickly.**\\\- Well, Shine, I`m hard again.,///- Albert shows combat-ready dignity,\\\- do you want to jump on the soldier?///**\\- Still as,//- you nod enthusiastically.'
+$_vstr[128] = 'Albert gets to you in the bathroom and, bowing your head, shove in your mouth vosemnadtsatiletiya body.**You swallow him Horny and sit, legs outstretched in front of obrushilsya Gennady.**The language is a bit indulges your already trembling from lust pink rosebud.'
+$_vstr[129] = 'You suck growing aggregates both men.'
+$_vstr[130] = 'Albert bends you and duplay cock in pussy abundantly current.**You blissfully mychite, processing member Genes.'
+$_vstr[131] = 'Then the partners change on the hole and you with boorish jokes Fucks Gennady.**You frantically surrender, feeling the approach of orgasm.'
+$_vstr[132] = 'And you finish, standing on all fours, in ecstasy licking the cock in front of you.'
+$_vstr[133] = 'Gene drives you soapy tool in the ass. You all bend that trailing leg and prodolzhaete bliss.'
+$_vstr[134] = 'Then your anus occupies the staff of the leader, who firmly harits the ass, periodically slapping you on the buttocks.**You squeal happily.'
+$_vstr[135] = 'Pose back and spread her buns themselves, went a little deeper.'
+$_vstr[136] = '\\\- You`re gonna jump, boss.,///- Albert sits you on his hands and you get members in both thirsty mink, passionately hugging and kissing with the leader.'
+$_vstr[137] = 'Gene pulls you to face him and progrevaet squishing pussy:\\- Iiii, yeah, still want to cum!//**You are screaming hysterically, ready for a new orgasm.'
+$_vstr[138] = '\\\- Ah, nah, bitch.!///- Al cut in you in the ass and gets a powerful fucking.**You shake in ecstasy and all go small tremor violently rolling sweet feelings.'
+$_vstr[139] = 'Having bought the full, the men put you on your knees and you work hard on their trembling with excitement, ready to erupt bolts.'
+$_vstr[140] = 'And with zafakannoy istomlennostyu, finally, get a couple of almost simultaneous fountains of sperm in her mouth.'
+$_vstr[141] = 'After swallowing the seed and licking the heads of the members, you rise with satisfaction and quickly dressed go back to the office to work:**\\- Bye-bye, boys.. Thank you for a wonderful time!//**\\\- Yeah, please..///'
+$_vstr[142] = 'You work in an office Cabinet, dealing with cases.'
+$_vstr[143] = 'Comes your employee Stas, the main operator of the Studio:\\\- Light, can?///**\\- Yeah, come on in!//  - you say Hello to a friendly very attractive in your opinion guy.'
+$_vstr[144] = 'And discuss problems with equipment, capricious girls-Actresses, emerging complexity…**Stas complains about how it all got.**\\- Oh, I only here the brain is not par, Stas! I generally thought that to relax-then no!//**\\\- Well, I can help such a charming boss.,/// - with clear hint says Stas.'
+$_vstr[145] = 'You, with some regret, sigh, and discourage the employment.**Stas walks away, leaving you alone in the office.'
+$_vstr[146] = 'That would be great.. Tired, already stiff shoulders.'
+$_vstr[147] = 'Stas goes behind your chair and begins to massage the shoulders, quickly putting his warm hands to the Breasts. Squeezing and caressing Boobs, he quickly turns you on.**\\- Yeah, like this.!//- your nipples harden, she thinks the spark of excitement and you`re ready to have sex.'
+$_vstr[148] = 'Stas pulls a hand to your groin and fondles pussy, Stripping along the way.'
+$_vstr[149] = 'You, lying down on the table and spread her legs, enjoy cunnilingus. Your trembling pussy pushes out juices.'
+$_vstr[150] = 'Beside himself with excitement you get the body of the operator and quickly bring it to the stone hardness, pleasing her mouth and hand.'
+$_vstr[151] = '\\- All right, let`s go on the couch, fuck me hard.!//**You pull the man behind you and substitute a hole.'
+$_vstr[152] = 'Stas harit your exhausted pussy. You moan sweetly under his measured blows.'
+$_vstr[153] = 'Then sit on top and enjoy, stretching the pleasure as long as possible.'
+$_vstr[154] = 'The operator skillfully twirls you in different poses, but you do not have enough for the transition to complete bliss.**\\- U-Umm, Stas, let`s ass, resperdol as these Sluts for the site!//'
+$_vstr[155] = 'You substitute the ass and the operator licks and kneads the anus, adding grease.'
+$_vstr[156] = 'You sit down on a member and, rhythmically moving, pull the clitoris.**\\- Ooh-ooh..Yes, matter!//**\\\- Well, Light...ex...cool, you`re awesome finally! That`s where you should be.!///**\\- Z-zna-a-Yuu!//'
+$_vstr[157] = 'Stas fucking you from behind in between the buns. You bend over and moan, feeling that you will finish soon.'
+$_vstr[158] = 'Then resolutely arranged in a pose rider, putting his feet on the thighs of men. Entering in unison with his movements, you finally get the right stimulation, and tilt your head, catching the coveted anal orgasm.'
+$_vstr[159] = 'Stas accelerated sharply, placing you at the love nest.'
+$_vstr[160] = 'And, surono vzdrochnul, splash your hot body with jizz fountain.'
+$_vstr[161] = 'You, playing, lick the seed from the belly and Breasts.**\\- Nice, Stasik.! Thanks! I feel much better. M-Myya, well, let`s get back to work, or something…//**Happy operator, forgetting about their problems, going and leaving.**You also dress and bring yourself in relative order.'
+$_vstr[162] = 'In your office Cabinet comes Gennady:\\\- Well, look, the weekend, and she`s like a bee here, all in the work!///**\\- Oh, Gena! How nice of you to drop by..//**\\- Passing by,//- the man grins.'
+$_vstr[163] = '\\\- You`re good.?///- Gennady gently strokes your face.**\\- Oh, who would appreciate more,//- you slyly babble and languidly caress.'
+$_vstr[164] = '\\\- Ah, with our pleasure, heh.. I`m gonna go put one in..///**You go back to work.'
+$_vstr[165] = '\\- Gennady Vasilyevich, I`m all burning,//- you begin to openly molest a man,\\- pull me back stronger today!//**\\\- The idea was,//- laughing Gennady,\\\- come on, Shine.!///'
+$_vstr[166] = 'You get down on your knees and, having got from trousers the tool Gennady, pleasuring him with her mouth.'
+$_vstr[167] = 'A man puts you cancer and lustfully licks the crotch.'
+$_vstr[168] = '\\- Oh, I can`t! enter, Therefore, faster,//- you moan while your partner pulls off your clothes.'
+$_vstr[169] = 'The man puts you on the desktop and eagerly punches the leaking pussy.**You Horny give.'
+$_vstr[170] = 'And selflessly RUB your Clit while you enjoy rude.'
+$_vstr[171] = 'Gennady licks your anus. Then he adds lube to it..'
+$_vstr[172] = 'Cut in the hot and intense cock in your anus. You`re squealing and blissful..'
+$_vstr[173] = 'Then get up on all fours, exposing the ass for a radical fuck. And get into the gut to the root.'
+$_vstr[174] = '\\\- Top-Lightyear jump!///**You get in the pose of a rider and voluptuous must be mounted, reaching ecstasy.'
+$_vstr[175] = 'And soon you finish, completely dissolved in a violent anal orgasm, screaming loudly for the whole Studio.'
+$_vstr[176] = 'Gennady speeds up and frantically hammer your ass, squeezing your chest and thrusting your hand in the expiring juices pussy.'
+$_vstr[177] = '\\\- Get down, fucking, swallow...quickly, Shine, shore!///**You quickly fall to your knees and are sucked into the partner`s cock.'
+$_vstr[178] = 'A man with a groan cums in your mouth. You happily swallow a generous dose of sperm.'
+$_vstr[179] = 'Lick your cock and fingers from the last drops of seed and relaxed shake your head:\\- Ugh, that`s what I needed.! Well, you clatter, Gena - vaasche!//**\\\- Ha, mogem.!///- the bandit grins. Winks at you and dresses up.**\\\- I`ll go, kitty. In a couple of places, have to go. Don`t miss it.///**\\- Yeah, bye-bye, look in.!//'
+$_vstr[180] = 'To you in the office looked Gennady:\\\- As iTouch, Svetulya? You take guests to different places?///**\\- Oh, Gena, come!//- you drag a man to your workplace and start flirting.'
+$_vstr[181] = 'Gennady masterly kisses you and very unceremoniously pulls for immediately aroused pussy:\\\- Yeah, I miss you. I can smell you.!///'
+$_vstr[182] = 'Thug you strip, you happily throw yourself outerwear and laughing revel in its games with your napravleniya dochkami.'
+$_vstr[183] = 'Squatting down, you pull off the man`s pants and, with the experience of a skilled whore, swallow the rearing dignity.'
+$_vstr[184] = 'While you are pleasuring your partner, sucking his eggs, Stas comes into the office:\\\- Oh..oops! Bad timing, I guess. …///**\\\- Oh, come on, take part,///- laughing Gennady.**\\- Stasik, hee-hee, Ah join us!//**\\\- And..well..with pleasure, what.///'
+$_vstr[185] = 'You enthusiastically nasasyvayut both cock, shoving deeper.'
+$_vstr[186] = 'Then you pull off your clothes and you yourself help the process, trying to get down to business.'
+$_vstr[187] = 'Getting cancer continue to play the cock Genes. Stas duplay you wet Kisunko your body and steadily Harith.'
+$_vstr[188] = 'You sit down on a member of Gennady and get a sweet squishing pussy from below, not forgetting to smack the bolt of the second partner.'
+$_vstr[189] = 'Brushing the anus, you have to drive a stick in the ass.'
+$_vstr[190] = 'And banging ass in turns.**\\\- Yeah, avai, bitch.! Pori her young, tight, Shine likes it a little rough!///**\\- Mmmmhhhh!//- blissfully acknowledge you, not letting member of his mouth.'
+$_vstr[191] = 'Sitting on a cheerful Gennady, you substitute the ass Stas and happily squeal:\\- So, yeah, how good it is when everything is filled! Intelligence...Yii, mommy.! I`ll cum soon!//**\\\- Light, Svetlana.!///'
+$_vstr[192] = 'Partners change in your holes and talking so vehemently that you sexiw lip, and mumbling animal, shaking in orgasm.'
+$_vstr[193] = '\\\- Ow, fuck, swallow, Shine!///- Gennady first erupts in your outstretched wide-open mouth directly into protruding tongue.'
+$_vstr[194] = 'Stasik relish cums in her mouth and face.'
+$_vstr[195] = 'You blissfully swallow sperm and suck cock.**\\- K-ka-if, I-KF, you have something important at work, Stas?//**\\\- Uh, uh, no.…///**\\- Ah, okay.. Then free, hee hee hee.//**\\\- I also drove, Svetlana. Hang in there, in short, in front of his mouth.///**Men leave, leaving you pretty battered, but very happy.'
+$result = $_vstr[args[0]]
+killvar '$_vstr'
+--- bratva_studioQW_strings ---------------------------------

+ 638 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+# bratva_thief
+!Первый ивент ветки вора
+if $args[0] = 'eventthief1':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	func('bratva_thief_strings', 1)
+	act'And maybe then somehow? I''m not ready right now' :
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		func('bratva_thief_strings', 2)
+		act'Move Away': gt $loc, $loc_arg
+	end
+	act'Lets go':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_thief_strings', 3)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/02.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_thief_strings', 4)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_thief_strings', 5)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_thief_strings', 6)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_thief_strings', 7)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_thief_strings', 8)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_thief_strings', 9)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_thief_strings', 10)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_thief_strings', 11)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/10.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_thief_strings', 12)
+											if pcs_agil >= 65:
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/11.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_thief_strings', 13)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														sweat = 1
+														criminal += rand(1,5)
+														bratva['thief'] = 1
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/12.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_thief_strings', 14)
+														act'Get out of the car': gt 'city_residential'
+													end
+												end
+											else
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/13.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_thief_strings', 15)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/14.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_thief_strings', 16)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/15.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_thief_strings', 17)
+															act'Try to negotiate for sex services':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/16.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_thief_strings', 18)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny += 10
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/17.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_thief_strings', 19)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_horny += 20
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/18.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_thief_strings', 20)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/19.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_thief_strings', 21)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				pcs_horny += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/20.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_thief_strings', 22)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/21.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_thief_strings', 23)
+																					act'Further':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						pcs_horny = 70
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/22.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_thief_strings', 24)
+																						act'Further':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/23.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_thief_strings', 25)
+																							act'Further':
+																								*clr & cla
+																								minut += 5
+																								gs 'stat'
+																								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/24.jpg"></center>'
+																								func('bratva_thief_strings', 26)
+																								act'Further':
+																									*clr & cla
+																									minut += 5
+																									pcs_horny = 80
+																									gs 'stat'
+																									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/25.jpg"></center>'
+																									func('bratva_thief_strings', 27)
+																									act'Further':
+																										*clr & cla
+																										minut += 5
+																										pcs_horny = 90
+																										gs 'stat'
+																										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/26.jpg"></center>'
+																										func('bratva_thief_strings', 28)
+																										act'Further':
+																											*clr & cla
+																											minut += 5
+																											orgasm += 1
+																											vaginalorgasm += 1
+																											stat['bj'] += 1
+																											sex += 1
+																											pcs_horny = 0
+																											gs 'stat'
+																											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/27.jpg"></center>'
+																											func('bratva_thief_strings', 29)
+																											act'Further':
+																												*clr & cla
+																												minut += 5
+																												gs 'stat'
+																												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/28.jpg"></center>'
+																												func('bratva_thief_strings', 30)
+																												act'Further':
+																													*clr & cla
+																													minut += 5
+																													gs 'stat'
+																													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/29.jpg"></center>'
+																													func('bratva_thief_strings', 31)
+																													act'Further':
+																														*clr & cla
+																														minut += 5
+																														!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																														!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																														gs 'stat'
+																														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/30.jpg"></center>'
+																														func('bratva_thief_strings', 32)
+																														act'Further':
+																															*clr & cla
+																															minut += 5
+																															pcs_mood -= 25
+																															sweat = 1
+																															bratva['thieffail'] = 1
+																															gs 'stat'
+																															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event16/31.jpg"></center>'
+																															func('bratva_thief_strings', 33)
+																															act'Get out of the car': gt 'city_residential'
+																														end
+																													end
+																												end
+																											end
+																										end
+																									end
+																								end
+																							end
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!Ивент при неудачном прохождении первого
+if $args[0] = 'eventthief2':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event15/15.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_thief_strings', 34)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/01.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_thief_strings', 35)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_thief_strings', 36)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				pcs_horny += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/03.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_thief_strings', 37)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/04.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_thief_strings', 38)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/05.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_thief_strings', 39)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/06.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_thief_strings', 40)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								pcs_horny += 15
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/07.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_thief_strings', 41)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/08.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_thief_strings', 42)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/09.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_thief_strings', 43)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 25
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/10.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_thief_strings', 44)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/11.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_thief_strings', 45)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/12.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_thief_strings', 46)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/13.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_thief_strings', 47)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 75
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/14.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_thief_strings', 48)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																pcs_horny = 85
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/15.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_thief_strings', 49)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	orgasm += 1
+																	DPorgasm += 1
+																	gang += 1
+																	stat['bj'] += 1
+																	pcs_horny = 0
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/16.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_thief_strings', 50)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/17.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_thief_strings', 51)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			pcs_horny += 25
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/18.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_thief_strings', 52)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				pcs_horny += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/19.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_thief_strings', 53)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/20.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_thief_strings', 54)
+																					act'Further':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/21.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_thief_strings', 55)
+																						act'Further':
+																							*clr & cla
+																							minut += 5
+																							pcs_horny += 15
+																							gs 'stat'
+																							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/22.jpg"></center>'
+																							func('bratva_thief_strings', 56)
+																							act'Further':
+																								*clr & cla
+																								minut += 5
+																								gs 'stat'
+																								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/23.jpg"></center>'
+																								func('bratva_thief_strings', 57)
+																								act'Further':
+																									*clr & cla
+																									minut += 5
+																									gs 'stat'
+																									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/24.jpg"></center>'
+																									func('bratva_thief_strings', 58)
+																									act'Further':
+																										*clr & cla
+																										minut += 5
+																										dom -= 4
+																										sweat = 1
+																										spanked = 0
+																										bratva['thieffail'] = 2
+																										!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'lip'
+																										!!* gs 'zz_funcs', 'cum', 'face'
+																										gs 'stat'
+																										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event17/25.jpg"></center>'
+																										func('bratva_thief_strings', 59)
+																										act'Get dressed' : gt 'bratva_home','room'
+																									end
+																								end
+																							end
+																						end
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+!ивент для тренировки ловкости
+if $args[0] = 'eventthief3':
+	*clr & cla
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/01.jpg"></center>'
+	func('bratva_thief_strings', 60)
+	act'Further':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 5
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/02.jpg"></center>'
+		func('bratva_thief_strings', 61)
+		act'Further':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/03.jpg"></center>'
+			func('bratva_thief_strings', 62)
+			act'Further':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/04.jpg"></center>'
+				func('bratva_thief_strings', 63)
+				act'Further':
+					*clr & cla
+					minut += 5
+					gs 'stat'
+					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/05.jpg"></center>'
+					func('bratva_thief_strings', 64)
+					act'Further':
+						*clr & cla
+						minut += 5
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/06.jpg"></center>'
+						func('bratva_thief_strings', 65)
+						act'Further':
+							*clr & cla
+							minut += 5
+							pcs_horny += 5
+							gs 'stat'
+							'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/07.jpg"></center>'
+							func('bratva_thief_strings', 66)
+							act'Further':
+								*clr & cla
+								minut += 5
+								gs 'stat'
+								'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/08.jpg"></center>'
+								func('bratva_thief_strings', 67)
+								act'Further':
+									*clr & cla
+									minut += 5
+									pcs_horny += 25
+									gs 'stat'
+									'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/09.jpg"></center>'
+									func('bratva_thief_strings', 68)
+									act'Further':
+										*clr & cla
+										minut += 5
+										pcs_horny += 15
+										gs 'stat'
+										'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/10.jpg"></center>'
+										func('bratva_thief_strings', 69)
+										act'Further':
+											*clr & cla
+											minut += 5
+											pcs_horny += 5
+											gs 'stat'
+											'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/11.jpg"></center>'
+											func('bratva_thief_strings', 70)
+											act'Further':
+												*clr & cla
+												minut += 5
+												gs 'stat'
+												'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/12.jpg"></center>'
+												func('bratva_thief_strings', 71)
+												act'Further':
+													*clr & cla
+													minut += 5
+													gs 'stat'
+													'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/13.jpg"></center>'
+													func('bratva_thief_strings', 72)
+													act'Further':
+														*clr & cla
+														minut += 5
+														pcs_horny = 75
+														gs 'stat'
+														'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/14.jpg"></center>'
+														func('bratva_thief_strings', 73)
+														act'Further':
+															*clr & cla
+															minut += 5
+															pcs_horny = 90
+															gs 'stat'
+															'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/15.jpg"></center>'
+															func('bratva_thief_strings', 74)
+															act'Further':
+																*clr & cla
+																minut += 5
+																orgasm += 1
+																DPorgasm += 1
+																gang += 1
+																stat['bj'] += 1
+																pcs_horny = 0
+																gs 'stat'
+																'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/16.jpg"></center>'
+																func('bratva_thief_strings', 75)
+																act'Further':
+																	*clr & cla
+																	minut += 5
+																	pcs_horny = 50
+																	gs 'stat'
+																	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/17.jpg"></center>'
+																	func('bratva_thief_strings', 76)
+																	act'Further':
+																		*clr & cla
+																		minut += 5
+																		pcs_horny = 80
+																		gs 'stat'
+																		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/18.jpg"></center>'
+																		func('bratva_thief_strings', 77)
+																		act'Further':
+																			*clr & cla
+																			minut += 5
+																			orgasm += 1
+																			analorgasm += 1
+																			pcs_horny = 0
+																			gs 'stat'
+																			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/19.jpg"></center>'
+																			func('bratva_thief_strings', 78)
+																			act'Further':
+																				*clr & cla
+																				minut += 5
+																				gs 'stat'
+																				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/20.jpg"></center>'
+																				func('bratva_thief_strings', 79)
+																				act'Further':
+																					*clr & cla
+																					minut += 5
+																					gs 'stat'
+																					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/21.jpg"></center>'
+																					func('bratva_thief_strings', 80)
+																					act'Further':
+																						*clr & cla
+																						minut += 5
+																						pcs_agil += 3
+																						pcs_stren += 1
+																						!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', 10,20,1
+																						!!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny, 20, 1
+																						spanked = 0
+																						bratva['eventthief3'] = daystart
+																						gs 'stat'
+																						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/event18/22.jpg"></center>'
+																						func('bratva_thief_strings', 81)
+																						act'Get out of the car': gt 'city_residential'
+																					end
+																				end
+																			end
+																		end
+																	end
+																end
+															end
+														end
+													end
+												end
+											end
+										end
+									end
+								end
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+--- bratva_thief ---------------------------------

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# bratva_thief_strings
+$_vstr[1] = '\\- I want to learn how to steal!//- you say enthusiastically.**\\\- Perfectly. We`ve just got something coming up.. Hut one fryer break have. Quietly you will get, there the Plough will help you with a door.. Fleece all to what hands will reach out. But, more importantly, the papers, some of us preterani. Here`s a plan not to lose. See, will fall, will puff quiche in full, no one to pull you will not! Well, sucked it up, kitty?///**You nod vigorously..**\\\- Come on, then, or what?///- Godfather slams you in the arse.**\\- That, so immediately?//**\\\- Duc and Cho pull. While we watch, we will prepare. We`ll dress you in overalls. Not are you going there gonna put on?///'
+$_vstr[2] = '\\\- So what a bullshit artist? Not gonasi, work with your teat, what is your most.///'
+$_vstr[3] = 'You arrive in an inconspicuous van to the right house. The bandits give you more detailed instructions. Dressed and wearing a hat with slits for eyes and mouth, you go to your first business, jittering with excitement and danger.**Pahan professionally opens the locks, whispering:\\\- Here`s some bullshit, and! Come on, thief.. Good luck!///'
+$_vstr[4] = 'You carefully look inside. Like quietly.'
+$_vstr[5] = 'And penetrate into the apartment, stepping as quietly as possible. Giant butterflies flutter in the stomach. You`re a little shaken.'
+$_vstr[6] = 'Making his way past one of the rooms, you saw her peacefully sleeping couple.'
+$_vstr[7] = '“And the man did so,” didn`t fail to notice you purely mechanically. "Man, I gotta clean this up.! Means, and here, perhaps? And there on the tables and the keys to the drawer with the documents...”'
+$_vstr[8] = 'You snake crawled on the floor, whistled the keys.'
+$_vstr[9] = 'And at the same time cleaned the purse: "Wow, looks like currency! Rich Pinocchio something. Been!”'
+$_vstr[10] = 'Then, not reassured, went on.'
+$_vstr[11] = 'From the boxes povytaskivali the bling and need the bandits documents and tucked it in the bag.'
+$_vstr[12] = 'Checked all the tables, finding another pack of money.'
+$_vstr[13] = '"Well, it looks like there`s nothing else of value to restrain!"you decide and suddenly hear the slapping of bare feet on the floor. Quickly looking around, look for a place to hide.**You hide and freeze. I think the guy went to the bathroom.. What`s amiss?! You tremble like a leaf and almost piss yourself with fear. The adrenaline is off the charts. You feel like thumping heart.'
+$_vstr[14] = 'Phew, that was a close one! Soon the owner again, and falls asleep, even started snoring. You some time and listen on tiptoe to bring down the crime scene.**At the exit you are met by bandits, you jump into the van and leave as quickly as possible. Congratulate you, Pat you on the back, at the same time squeezing the soft spot and say that you are now “their own Board”.**Giving a bag of prey, you ask to drop you near his home. Force priblatnennym jargon, you`re mumbling:\\- Oh, boys, I`ve been overrunning, all on the retreat, already pounding. Go to shower and sleep!//'
+$_vstr[15] = 'Suddenly, behind you heard the slapping of bare feet on the floor.'
+$_vstr[16] = 'And then you were grabbed from behind. Heavy men`s hand tightened on the neck:\\\- Okay, and what the fuck kind of Ghost is that??!///'
+$_vstr[17] = '\\\- Oh, wow, girl.!///- the man was amazed.**\\\- Release me...I accidentally...I don`t...I apologize...it…//**\\\- Yeah, you can explain it to the police.!///**\\- Please don`t.!//- you whisper imploringly.'
+$_vstr[18] = '\\- Just don`t put me in jail.. I the first time this here is...I won`t, honestly.! I`ll do anything you want.. You want to fuck me?. Just let go!//**\\\- Fuck you say criminal element? Well, let`s try your mouth. Like - I`ll think.///**You get down on your knees and pull out of the panties privstavshiy body of the owner " Wow, he`s almost ready, an erection from sleep such that whether?”.'
+$_vstr[19] = 'You habitually covered your lips with the head of a pretty dignity of a peasant and began to suck hard.'
+$_vstr[20] = '\\\- Oh, there, swallow.!///**You are hard smacked, showing all they are capable of. The fear, the adrenaline rush and my favorite pastime has quickly taken you.'
+$_vstr[21] = 'The man took the mask off your head.:\\\- Ha, what a cute. Why did you become a thief?///**You shrugged, not letting the cock out of his mouth.'
+$_vstr[22] = 'The victim of an attempted robbery was easily thrown you to the extensive love nest and his clothes were torn at the crotch:\\\- Now work out the freedom, get in position!///'
+$_vstr[23] = 'You got down on all fours, holding his ass and into your pussy then rammed his fledgling staff.'
+$_vstr[24] = 'The owner of the apartment wrapped your hands behind your back and started with all the dope figachit your dripping pussy.'
+$_vstr[25] = '\\\- On you, bitch, like this.! Remember, stealing is not good.! Understood?///**\\- D-yeah.!//**\\\- Quiet, don`t yell, not alone in the house!///'
+$_vstr[26] = 'The man with obvious pleasure firmly spanked you on the ass'
+$_vstr[27] = 'Then he ordered to take his feet with his hands and began to harit in his mouth.'
+$_vstr[28] = 'Soon you were ripped off the remnants of clothing and you yourself, beside yourself with excitement, jumped on the cock, happily sitting down.'
+$_vstr[29] = 'Forgetting about everything, you quickly approached the finish line and groaned, ending.'
+$_vstr[30] = 'The man shoved you his body trembling with excitement and you skillfully milked him dry.'
+$_vstr[31] = 'Having lowered sperm to itself in a mouth and on a face.**Is a master sweet cachaca and reached:\\\- Like tried.///**\\- I can go.?//-  with bated hope you asked.**\\\- Tell me everything from the bag and scat, snot criminal. Only, ha-ha, clothes leave. Still tattered.. Naked you will run, in than mother has given birth! Put the mask back on, you fool.! Thief, nah!///'
+$_vstr[32] = 'You pulled on the mask, the man laughed and gave you a pendel.**You quickly ran to the exit.'
+$_vstr[33] = 'And, running away, faced with the awakened wife of the owner. “Oops!”.**Quickly jumping out the door, you got to waiting for you bandits, and hysterically shouting\\- Come on, come on, let`s go, I`m on fire.!//, huddled naked in a corner of the van.**The bandits, swearing, gave the gas.**Pahan slapped you in the face.:\\\- Fucking stupid.! Here`s how to know!///. You begged me to take you home.. Bandits threw you some rags to cover up and landed near your house.**\\\- This is where you live, bitch.? Tomorrow come to the house, you will work off a jamb Yes we will train you. And then wait, come here and easy punishment will not get off…///**You are still leaving your disastrous adventures, cotton legs skedaddle to yourself.'
+$_vstr[34] = 'You come to a familiar apartment and ring the doorbell.'
+$_vstr[35] = 'You met Gennady, and immediately presses against the wall:\\\- Well, slut, messed up?///**\\- Well, it happened, I tried.,//- you babble, making excuses.**\\\- Now you`re gonna try, chicken,///- Gennady squeezes your crotch,\\\- Well, clothes off, run to work!///'
+$_vstr[36] = 'You undress and wait for the bandits, sitting in a pose of slave obedience.'
+$_vstr[37] = 'The first falls Dimas and knocks you to the floor. He squeezes your face and slaps your pussy:\\\- If you`re ready, Horny teenager?///**\\- Ummm-GU.!//**From anticipation of a rough and dirty fuck-up you already take your breath away.'
+$_vstr[38] = 'Comes the rest a gang of. Dimas wringing your hands:\\\- Acrobatics will learn agility in the case you add, come on, slut fucking!///'
+$_vstr[39] = 'Dimas grabs your leg, lifting it up, you balance on tiptoe one leg while the men unbutton their pants.'
+$_vstr[40] = 'Habitually catch the mouth of the first member and suck on weight.'
+$_vstr[41] = 'Your leg is being lifted even higher.. Asprawl in the form you Minette the bandits, plant such a method even faster than usual.'
+$_vstr[42] = 'Bandits undress, Dimas continues to twist and wring your body like a toy.**You squeal.:\\- Aiy, Dima, you`ll break my bones!//**\\\- Nothing will break, Sally, practice! Lie down and keep your feet on the weight!///'
+$_vstr[43] = 'You lay down on the floor as ordered and spread your legs, lifting them up:\\\- Oh, wet pussy already, throat whore pass, so much fun!///**You step on your throat with your foot and start fucking in pussy in turn.'
+$_vstr[44] = 'You are blissful and moaning, one of the bandits, laughing, presses your face with his Shoe.**This rudeness only excites you more.'
+$_vstr[45] = 'Choking, with a crushed throat, you get another cock in a copiously oozing crack.'
+$_vstr[46] = 'You sit on the dick and fervently prostragivajut throat, replacing the members in your throat and zataskivaya to tears mixed with snot.'
+$_vstr[47] = 'Especially trying to chisel through the throat perevozbudilsya Dimas.'
+$_vstr[48] = 'And he couldn`t resist cumming you on the cheek, abushov a mouthful of cum:\\\- Ahhh, bitch, swallow!///**You mumbling and Gloria, swallowed a portion of the seed. Steamed and hot as a bath, the only thing you want is new members in holes.'
+$_vstr[49] = 'You fill up and pierce both cracks with members. You happily yell, sticking out your tongue.'
+$_vstr[50] = 'And orazmyrat violently with stifled once again by the throat.'
+$_vstr[51] = 'You continue to furiously fuck in different poses. Dimas puts his foot in your mouth and you diligently suck his fingers.'
+$_vstr[52] = 'Gennady sits on your chest and substitutes your ass. You enthusiastically lick, feeling that the more perverted you are, the more it gets you back.'
+$_vstr[53] = 'Finally, the men back and they start to pull you in the mouth the rivers of sperm.**You swallow greedily.'
+$_vstr[54] = 'And have fun taking your warm favorite liquid on your face.'
+$_vstr[55] = '\\\- Well, macnica still have fun?///**\\- Khaaaa-FFh!//- in addition, you spit on obruchalnoe face and told to open my hole.'
+$_vstr[56] = 'Then, pouring the body by the urine, piss aiming straight for the pussy.'
+$_vstr[57] = 'The Pahan laid you on the table and pissed on your face and head, forcing you to lick all the urine with your tongue.'
+$_vstr[58] = 'You diligently carried out the order.**\\\- Wash everything here, and today is free!///- says the leader albert,\\\- then going to train every day with guys that will give you two drove to the gym. And just try again to fill up the case, slut! Well, all understood?///**\\- Yes, Alec. ,//- obediently you nod, continuing to lick the piss.'
+$_vstr[59] = 'You washed the floor in the room and began to gather home, deciding not to tempt fate while the bandits in this mood.'
+$_vstr[60] = 'You came to the fancy gym. Sanek sent you to run on the simulator:**\\\- Run fast also important Shine!///**\\- Yeah, I see.…//'
+$_vstr[61] = 'You`ve been warming up a lot with the guy.. He even taught you to crawl quietly.**After stretching and different exercises for agility, bandit dragged you to another room.**\\\- Come on, pull the bar a little..///**\\- And it me, too, need to?//**\\\- We`re deciding what you need.!///'
+$_vstr[62] = 'You began to raise the bar in the stop lying down, finding just took a shower Pahan, who was not slow to join your workout.'
+$_vstr[63] = 'The bandits, having fun, dropped the barbell on your throat, pressing its steel crossbar.'
+$_vstr[64] = '\\- Akhhh-yahh!//**\\\- Don`t overdo it, pacifier.! Now we will train in a different way,///- whinnied the Pahan.'
+$_vstr[65] = 'You have your hands tied to the bar on the rack of the simulator.'
+$_vstr[66] = 'And immediately put in her mouth cock.'
+$_vstr[67] = '\\\- Suck, swallow and get! On your ass, a twat! Al said to properly teach you, so we will try!///**\\\- Slap her hard, mate.!///'
+$_vstr[68] = 'You spanked on the buttocks red marks, parallel nariva in her mouth. You felt that such a prelude turns you on wildly.'
+$_vstr[69] = 'Sanya launched its fledgling bolt in your onlineplease cave. You drawl moaned from pleasure, not releasing the second cock mouth.'
+$_vstr[70] = 'Tying you in another position, you again began to swing to beat on the ass.\\\- In your favorite hole dragging, asshole!///'
+$_vstr[71] = 'Bandit thoroughly kneaded you anus and poured some immediately stuck sports oil.**You even trembled in sweet anticipation.'
+$_vstr[72] = 'And arched under propanolide anus cock.'
+$_vstr[73] = '\\\- Come on, future star of the underworld, in both crevices, as you like!///**You were laid between two hot male bodies and began to furiously harit in two bows, pulling the hair. You, excitedly fidgeting, with pleasure gave.'
+$_vstr[74] = '\\\- Ahaha, you wet it, bro.///- "the star of the underworld”!\\\-Here, bitch.!///**\\- Uh-huh.! More strongly! Still! Fuck you....ahhh.!//'
+$_vstr[75] = '\\- Mom-and! Come on, come on, WA-AGH-cum-Yuu!//- you howled, echoed by the wave flowed around the room.**\\\- Yes, she is rather the star of hard porn. Well you`re always yelling something so, Svetik?!///**You only shake your head, experiencing a delightful orgasm.'
+$_vstr[76] = 'The guys tore your holes to a new uncontrollable wave of excitement.'
+$_vstr[77] = 'Then lowered to the floor and drove just two units in the ass. You enthusiastically shrieked, almost without feeling pain, only pleasure and delight.'
+$_vstr[78] = 'Caught Masturbation orgasm on a particularly violent frictions in your restarurantes intestine.'
+$_vstr[79] = 'You descend into the mouth two the dollop konchalov.**\\\- Don`t spill it, nipple, suck it to the last drop!///**\\- AAM-um!//'
+$_vstr[80] = 'You with feeling of full satisfaction sucked members.'
+$_vstr[81] = '\\\- Okay, practice is over for today.,///- decided to Pahan, admiring how you swallow cum.**You quickly ran into the shower and returned to the bandits.**\\\- Come on, I`ll give you a ride home. ,///- added Sanek, dressing.**You were taken to the place of residence and told to fix the material, training yourself.'
+$result = $_vstr[args[0]]
+killvar '$_vstr'
+--- bratva_thief_strings ---------------------------------

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# mod_bratva
+!input mod entry point here. this will be checked on every location, please keep it clean and brief to avoid game lag
+if Bratva_reset ! daystart:
+	Bratva_reset = daystart
+	bratva['counter'] = 0
+if $curloc = 'city_park' and $ARGS[0] = 'start':
+	if month >= 5 and month <= 9 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 11 and sunWeather > 0 and bratva['stage'] = 0:
+!!*	if month >= 5 and month <= 9 and week >= 6 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 11 and SchoolAtestat = 1 and home_owned[1] = 1 and sunWeather > 0 and bratva['stage'] = 0:
+		gt 'bratva_events',iif(hotcat < 5,'bratva_event1','bratva_event')
+	end
+if $curloc = 'city_industrial' and $ARGS[0] = '':
+	if bratva['agent_zeropussy'] = 1: '<a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''bratva_home'',''bcorridor''">The Bratva apartment </a> is located in one of the houses.'
+	act 'Go to Bratva apartment': gt 'bratva_home','bcorridor'
+if $curloc = 'city_industrial' and $ARGS[0] = 'redlight':
+	gs 'bratva_events','bratva_check'
+	if bratva['studio'] = 1:
+		'<a href="exec:minut += 30 & gt ''bratva_pornstudio'',''main''">Your new studio</a> located in an industrial area.'
+		act 'Enter your studio': minut += 30 & gt 'bratva_pornstudio','main'
+	end
+	if bratva['studio_start'] = 1 and bratva['studio'] = 0:
+		'<a href="exec:minut += 30 & gt ''bratva_sklad''">Bratva Warehouse</a> located on the outskirts, in the industrial zone.'
+		act 'Enter warehouse': minut += 30 & gt 'bratva_sklad'
+	end
+if $curloc = 'city_kafe':
+	if hour = 17 and bratva['madam'] = 2 and rand(1,2) = 1:	gt 'bratva_madam', 'eventmadam3'
+if $curloc = 'Nudelake':
+	delact 'Go sunbathe'
+	if $clothingworntype = 'nude':act 'Go sunbathe2': gt 'bratva_Nudelake', 'zagarat'
+if $curloc = 'Nudelake':
+	if anfisaday ! daystart and anfisaQW = 2 and $clothingworntype = 'nude': 
+		'You see '+iif(anfisa['horny'] < 70,'sunbathing on the beach','wandering along the beach, tipsy')+' <a href="exec: gt''anfisa''">Anfisa</a>.'
+		act 'Approach Anfisa':gt 'anfisa'
+	end
+if $curloc = 'mirror' and $ARGS[0] = 'start' and bratva['stage'] < 20:
+	if $loc = 'bratva_home': gt 'bratva_home_events','eventmini2'
+!!*'  in gs 'stat'
+	if studio['init'] = 1: gs 'bratva_pornstudio','update_info'
+	bratva['counter'] = 0
+--- mod_bratva ---------------------------------

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# mod_bratva_options
+! This is where you place the configuration options for your mod.
+!'There are currently no options available for this mod.'
+act 'Set color fonts': gt 'mod_bratva_options','cfonts'
+act 'Set black fonts':gt 'mod_bratva_optionst','bwfonts'
+if bratvatest = 0:
+	act 'test': bratvatest = 1 & gs 'mod_bratva_options'
+if bratvatest = 1:
+	act 'End test': bratvatest = 0 & gs 'mod_bratva_options'
+act 'return': gt 'mod_setting'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'cfonts':
+ !!	$OpenMaleVoice = '<font size="3" color="navy" face="Times" ><i>'
+ !!	$OpenFemaleVoice = '<font size="3" color="maroon" face="Times" ><i>'
+ !!	$OpenPCVoice = '<font size="3" color="purple" face="Times" ><i>'
+ !!	$OpenNPCVoice = '<font size="3" color="olive" face="Times" ><i>'
+ !!	$OpenInnerThought = '<font size="2" color="fuchsia" face="Times" ><i>'
+	$OpenMaleVoice = '<font color="navy">'
+	$CloseMaleVoice = '</font>'
+	$OpenFemaleVoice = '<font color="maroon">'
+	$CloseFemaleVoice = '</font>'
+	$OpenPCVoice = '<font color="purple">'
+	$ClosePCVoice = '</font>'
+	$OpenNPC1Voice = '<font color="olive">'
+	$OpenNPC2Voice = '<font color="teal">'
+	$CloseNPCVoice = '</font>'
+	$OpenInnerThought = '<font size="2" color="pink"><i>'
+	$CloseInnerThought = '</font></i>'
+	*clr
+	*nl
+	'color fonts'
+	*nl
+	'<<$OpenMaleVoice>>"Male voice"<<$CloseMaleVoice>>'
+	'<<$OpenFemaleVoice>>"Female voice"<<$CloseFemaleVoice>>'
+	'<<$OpenPCVoice>>"PC voice"<<$ClosePCVoice>>'
+	'<<$OpenNPC1Voice>>"NPC1 voice"<<$CloseNPCVoice>>'
+	'<<$OpenNPC2Voice>>"NPC2 voice"<<$CloseNPCVoice>>'
+	'<<$OpenInnerThought>>"Inner Thought"<<$CloseInnerThought>>'
+	act 'Return to Settings':gs 'mod_Ibiza_readme'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'bwfonts':
+!!	$OpenMaleVoice = '<font size="3" color="navy" face="Times" ><i>'
+!!	$OpenFemaleVoice = '<font size="3" color="maroon" face="Times" ><i>'
+!!	$OpenPCVoice = '<font size="3" color="purple" face="Times" ><i>'
+!!	$OpenNPCVoice = '<font size="3" color="olive" face="Times" ><i>'
+!!	$OpenInnerThought = '<font size="2" color="fuchsia" face="Times" ><i>'
+	$OpenMaleVoice = ''
+	$CloseMaleVoice = ''
+	$OpenFemaleVoice = ''
+	$CloseFemaleVoice = ''
+	$OpenPCVoice = ''
+	$ClosePCVoice = ''
+	$OpenNPC1Voice = ''
+	$OpenNPC2Voice = ''
+	$CloseNPCVoice = ''
+	$OpenInnerThought = '<font size="3" color="fuchsia"><i>'
+	$CloseInnerThought = '</font></i>'
+	*clr
+	*nl
+	'no color fonts'
+	*nl
+	'<<$OpenMaleVoice>>"Male voice"<<$CloseMaleVoice>>'
+	'<<$OpenFemaleVoice>>"Female voice"<<$CloseFemaleVoice>>'
+	'<<$OpenPCVoice>>"PC voice"<<$ClosePCVoice>>'
+	'<<$OpenNPC1Voice>>"NPC1 voice"<<$CloseNPCVoice>>'
+	'<<$OpenNPC2Voice>>"NPC2 voice"<<$CloseNPCVoice>>'
+	'<<$OpenInnerThought>>"Inner Thought"<<$CloseInnerThought>>'
+	act 'Return to Settings':gs 'mod_bratva_options'
+--- mod_bratva_options ---------------------------------

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# mod_bratva_readme
+'	Appears Anfisa and girl in "vnlake1" are same so vnlake1 no longer accessible in bratva_Nudelake
+shameless{'flag'] appears to be exhibition or close enough
+alot of pcs_horny = , need to seed arousal to replace
+	gt 'ofis'   ????
+	gt 'south' need to correct <- changed to 'street'
+	dom, sweat, spanked
+	agil, stren, jab etc trained, find correct way of doing this
+	 - have to determine if one time, or not, if one time, straight one time increase instead of using training method
+	renamed file name to avoid conflict with main game
+	-not required, i just like how it has events based on how many people at lake....lake_people
+	$_str ????
+	have lake all lake pictures included in image folder, image path was changed so kept to avoid errors if use file
+	do NOT use file as is will break, various funcs, clothing, cum, etc in there
+	-ubanal and ubvag - not used, even as counter as zeroed out, keeping in as might use in future
+	-girl_orgasm and you_orgasm - counters? need further investigation, not touched
+	-gs 'zz_dynamic_sex' -dinsex?? - commented out for now
+act 'return': gt 'mod_setting'
+--- mod_bratva_readme ---------------------------------

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# mod_bratva_setup
+!input basic mod information here. 
+!this location must be the first one
+$mod_info[0] = 'Bratva'
+!0=mod name, saved to $mod_name[i] array 
+$mod_info[1] = '100'
+!1=mod version
+!this will be displayed as version 1.2, fix3.
+!if you input 40500, will be showen as version 4.5
+$mod_info[2] = 'Tendaris'
+!2=mod author
+$mod_info[3] = 'Banda(gang) pulled from Provincial 1.4.0'
+!3=mod description, input a short brief here.
+!$mod_info[4] = 'Options'
+!4=mod options/settings link name.
+if curloc = 'mod_<<$mod_info[0]>>_setup':
+	!this will be only showed if you exec mod file. This location should be only called by gs, so this line will not trigger on normal mod playing
+	usehtml = 1
+	'<center><h1><font color=red>ACCESS DENIED</font></h1></center>'
+	'<<$mod_info[0]>> is a mod for <b>Girl Life - English Community Version</b>, and can not be played individually.'
+	''
+	'You can find the main game in <a href="https://www.tfgamessite.com/index.php?module=viewgame&id=597">Tfgames site</a> (external link)'
+	''
+	'Our forum: <a href="https://tfgamessite.com/phpbb3/viewforum.php?f=70">Tfgames site</a> (external link)'
+--- mod_bratva_setup ---------------------------------

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# mod_bratva_start
+! bratva['stage'] = 0 - the branch is not open
+! 1 - GG fucked in the park and dragged to the apartment
+! 2 - 11 - GG fucked at the hut, with 11 a dialogue about joining opens
+! 20 - gangsters agreed to accept GG as a gang, the further path has not yet been determined
+! 50 - entered the path of the thief
+! 100 - entered the studio path
+! 200 - entered the killer path
+! 255 - branch closed
+! bratva['fail'] - counter of the wrong choice in the apartment, if 3 or more - closing the branch
+! bratva['counter'] - event count per day - no more than 2
+! bratva['documents'] -
+! bratva['counter'] -
+	*clr & cla
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="mod/Bratva/locations/city/north/bratva/02.jpg"></center>'
+	'Albert, he''s Al, bald tattooed leader of the bandits'
+	act '<B>Move away</B>': gt $loc, $loc_arg
+!here you paint actions at home, chat to have sex and event starts
+if bratva['location'] = 0:
+	if bratva['stage'] >= 20:
+		act 'Chat' : gt 'bratva_events','razgovor1'
+		if pcs_horny > 50: act 'Flirt' : gt 'bratva_events','razgovor2'
+	end
+	!exit
+	!The conditions of the start of the event for training dexterity
+	if bratva['thieffail'] = 2 and pcs_agil < 65 and bratva['eventthief3'] ! daystart: act'Go to the gym to train': gt 'bratva_thief','eventthief3'
+	!The conditions of the start of the event for training strength and agility
+	if bratva['sniper'] = 1 and bratva['eventsniper2'] ! daystart: act'Engage in the gym general physical training with Albert.': gt 'bratva_sniper','eventsniper2'
+	!Starting conditions for the first event for training shots
+	if bratva['sniper'] = 1 and bratva['sniper_trening'] = 0: act'Engage in the gym martial arts with Dimas.': gt 'bratva_sniper','eventsniper3'
+	!Conditions of the start of the event for training accuracy
+	if bratva['sniper'] = 1 and bratva['eventsniper4'] ! daystart: act'Go to the shooting range to work Gennady shoot a pistol.': gt 'bratva_sniper','eventsniper4'
+	!Event start conditions for advanced accuracy training
+	if bratva['sniper'] = 1 and bratva['eventsniper5'] ! daystart: act'Go learn to shoot a rifle.': gt 'bratva_sniper','eventsniper5'
+	!The condition of the start of the event for advanced training shots
+	if bratva['sniper_trening'] = 1 and bratva['eventsniper6'] ! daystart: act'Engage in the gym martial arts with Dimas.': gt 'bratva_sniper','eventsniper6'
+	!here you paint actions when you are thumping, drinking, eating, chatting, having sex and starting events
+	elseif bratva['location'] = 3:
+	!conversation with the bandits in the studio
+	if bratva['studio'] = 1 and studio['ofisdialog1'] ! daystart :act'Talk about the studio': gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisdialog1'
+	!conversation with the bandits in the office with a beauty of 60 and above
+	if bratva['studio'] = 1 and hotcat >= 5 and studio['ofisdialog1'] ! daystart :act'Talk about yourself': gt 'bratva_studioQW','ofisdialog2'
+--- mod_bratva_start ---------------------------------

+ 1122 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1122 @@
+# zz_funcs
+! global variable
+! $zz_funcs_result
+! make array from comma-separated string
+! $args[1] - comma-separated string
+if $args[0] = 'make_array':
+	if len($args[1]) > 0:
+		$zz_arr = trim($args[1])
+		zz_pos = 0
+		! split string
+		:loop_split_arr
+		! find comma position
+		zz_pos = instr($zz_arr,',',1)
+		if zz_pos > 0:
+			! add word to array
+			$zz_funcs_result[] = str(mid($zz_arr, 1, zz_pos - 1))
+			! remove first word
+			$zz_arr = mid($zz_arr, zz_pos + 1)
+			jump 'loop_split_arr'
+		end
+		! last word
+		$zz_funcs_result[] = $zz_arr
+		killvar '$zz_arr'
+		killvar 'zz_pos'
+	else
+		$result = ''
+	end
+! получаем запись по id из строки-массива
+! $args[1] - строка-массив
+! args[2] - id строки
+if $args[0] = 'get_item_string':
+	_id = args[2]
+	! получаем массив со строки
+	gs 'zz_funcs','make_array',$args[1]
+	! копируем во временный массив и чистим $result
+	copyarr '$_arr','$zz_funcs_result'
+	killvar '$zz_funcs_result'
+	! если значение меньше 0 возвращает рандомный элемент
+	if _id < 0:
+		$result = $_arr[rand(0,arrsize('$_arr')-1)]
+	else
+		! сверяем размер массива с id и возвращаем результирующую строку
+		$result = iif(arrsize('$_arr') > _id,$_arr[_id],'')
+	end
+	killvar '_id'
+	killvar '$_arr'
+! получаем индекс искомого элемента со строки-массива
+! $args[1] - строка-массив
+! $args[2] - искомая строка
+if $args[0] = 'get_item_id':
+	$_item = lcase($args[2])
+	gs 'zz_funcs','make_array',lcase($args[1])
+	copyarr '$_arr','$zz_funcs_result'
+	killvar '$zz_funcs_result'
+	_pos = 0
+	:loop_item
+	if $_arr[_pos] = $_item:
+		result = _pos
+		killvar '$_item'
+		exit
+	end
+	_pos += 1
+	if _pos < arrsize('$_arr'): jump 'loop_item'
+	! если ничего не нашли - возвращаем -1
+	result = -1
+	killvar '$_item'
+	killvar '_pos'
+	killvar '$_arr'
+! получаем количество элементов строчного массива
+! $args[1] - строчный массив
+if $args[0] = 'get_count':
+	gs 'zz_funcs','make_array',lcase($args[1])
+	result = arrsize('$zz_funcs_result')
+	killvar '$zz_funcs_result'
+! return formatted date or time string
+! args[1] - day/hours
+! args[2] - month/minutes
+! $args[3] - delimeter
+! optional
+! args[4] - year
+if $args[0] = 'make_datetime':
+	$result = iif(args[1]<10,'0'+str(args[1]),args[1]) + $args[3] +iif(args[2]<10,'0'+str(args[2]),args[2]) +iif(args[4]>0,$args[3]+args[4],'')
+if $args[0] = 'colorize_day':
+	if $settings['enable_background'] = 0:
+		EXEC('JS:setBodyColors("#FFFFFF","#000000");')
+	else
+		EXEC('JS:setBodyColors("'+$settings['background_color']+'");')
+	end
+! args1 - value
+! args2 - max.value
+! args3 - reverse
+! $args4 - name
+if $args[0] = 'scale':
+	if args[2] = 0: args[2] = 1
+	_value = args[1] * 100 / args[2]
+	if _value < 1: _value = 1
+	if _value > 100: _value = 100
+	! scalewidth = 120px
+	_width = _value * 120 / 100
+	if _value < 30: $_color = iif(args[3] = 1,'#348017','#C11B17')
+	if _value >= 30 and _value < 70 and args[3] = 0: $_color = '#3BB9FF'
+	! reverse colors
+	if _value >= 30 and _value < 50 and args[3] = 1: $_color = '#FFA62F'
+	if _value >= 50 and _value < 70 and args[3] = 1: $_color = '#E56717'
+	if _value >= 70: $_color = iif(args[3]= 1,'#C11B17','#348017')
+	! colors 2
+	if _value < 20 and args[3] = 2: $_color = '#C11B17'
+	if _value >= 20 and _value < 40 and args[3] = 2: $_color = '#E56717'
+	if _value >= 40 and _value < 60 and args[3] = 2: $_color = '#FFA62F'
+	if _value >= 60 and _value < 80 and args[3] = 2: $_color = '#3BB9FF'
+	if _value >= 80 and args[3] = 2: $_color = '#348017'
+	! ---
+	$result = '<div class="scale_placer"><div class="scale_empty_row"><div class="scale_filled_row" style="width:<<_width>>px;background:<<$_color>>;"></div></div>&nbsp;<span style="color:<<$_color>>">'+args[1]+'&nbsp;'+$args[4]+'</span></div>'
+	killvar '_width'
+	killvar '_value'
+	killvar '$_color'
+! ---
+! check HEX-color
+if $args[0] = 'check_hex_color':
+	$result = iif(strcomp(lcase($args[1]),'^#[0-9a-f]{6}$') >= 0,'',lcase($args[1]))
+! функция возвращает RGB-цвет из HEX-строки
+if $args[0] = 'HEX2RGB':
+	! remove '#'
+	$_hex = mid($args[1],2)
+	! get RGB
+	_r = func('zz_funcs','HEX2DEC',mid($_hex,1,1))*16 + func('zz_funcs','HEX2DEC',mid($_hex,2,1))
+	_g = func('zz_funcs','HEX2DEC',mid($_hex,3,1))*16 + func('zz_funcs','HEX2DEC',mid($_hex,4,1))
+	_b = func('zz_funcs','HEX2DEC',mid($_hex,5,1))*16 + func('zz_funcs','HEX2DEC',mid($_hex,6,1))
+	result = RGB(_r,_g,_b)
+	killvar '_r'
+	killvar '_g'
+	killvar '_b'
+	killvar '$_hex'
+! функция конвертирует HEX-символ в десятичное число
+if $args[0] = 'HEX2DEC':
+	$_hchar = lcase($args[1])
+	if val($_hchar) > 0 and val($_hchar) < 10:
+		result = val($_hchar)
+	elseif $_hchar = '0':
+		result = 0
+	elseif $_hchar = 'a':
+		result = 10
+	elseif $_hchar = 'b':
+		result = 11
+	elseif $_hchar = 'c':
+		result = 12
+	elseif $_hchar = 'd':
+		result = 13
+	elseif $_hchar = 'e':
+		result = 14
+	elseif $_hchar = 'f':
+		result = 15
+	end
+	killvar '$_hchar'
+! make table row from comma-separated string
+! $args[1] - comma-separated string
+! optional:
+! $args[2] - row background color
+! args[3] - th tag, 0/1
+! optional - set color for some cell
+! args[4] - cell_id
+! $args[5] - cell color
+if $args[0] = 'make_table_row':
+	$_row_data = $args[1]
+	$_row_color = $args[2]
+	_row_th = args[3]
+	_row_cell_id = args[4]
+	$_row_cell_color = func('zz_funcs','check_hex_color',$args[5])
+	! start row & set bgcolor if needed
+	$_row_str = '<tr' +iif(func('zz_funcs','check_hex_color',$_row_color)='','',' bgcolor='+$_row_color) + '>'
+	! make array from string
+	gs 'zz_funcs','make_array',$_row_data
+	copyarr '$_row_arr','$zz_funcs_result'
+	killvar '$zz_funcs_result'
+	! fill row with columns
+	_col_i = 0
+	:make_row
+	! start cell & check TH-tag
+	$_row_str += '<'+iif(_row_th = 1,'th','td')
+	! set cell bgcolor if needed
+	$_row_str += iif(_row_cell_id = _col_i,iif(func('zz_funcs','check_hex_color',$_row_cell_color)='','',' bgcolor='+$_row_cell_color),'')+'>'
+	! add cell text
+	$_row_str += $_row_arr[_col_i]
+	! close cell & check TH-tag
+	$_row_str += '</'+iif(_row_th = 1,'th','td') + '>'
+	! ---
+	_col_i += 1
+	if _col_i < arrsize('$_row_arr'): jump 'make_row'
+	! close row
+	$_row_str += '</tr>'
+	$result = $_row_str
+	! clean
+	killvar '$_row_data'
+	killvar '_row_th'
+	killvar '$_row_color'
+	killvar '_row_cell_id'
+	killvar '$_row_cell_color'
+	killvar '$_row_str'
+	killvar '_col_i'
+	killvar '$_row_arr'
+! функция создает табличку с массива строк
+! $args[1] - массив строк
+! опционально:
+! args[2] - ширина таблицы, если меньше 200 - растягиваем на 100%
+! args[3] - вывод: 0 - в главное окно с помощью zz_render, 1 - вывод в окно доп.описания
+if $args[0] = 'make_table':
+	i = 0
+	$_table_width = iif(args[2] > 800 or args[2] < 200,'100%',args[2])
+	_table_func = args[3]
+	copyarr('$_table_arr','$zz_funcs_result')
+	killvar '$zz_funcs_result'
+	$_table = '<center><font color=#000000><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 border=0 width="'+$_table_width+'" align=center>'
+	:loop_table
+	$_table += func('zz_funcs','make_table_row',$_table_arr[i],iif(i=0,'#bbee77',iif(i mod 2 = 0,'#f3f4ee','#ffffff')),iif(i=0,1,0))
+	i += 1
+	if i < arrsize('$_table_arr'): jump 'loop_table'
+	$_table += '</table></font></center>'
+	if _table_func = 1:
+		pl $_table
+	else
+		$_table
+	end
+	killvar '$_table'
+	killvar '$_table_width'
+	killvar '_table_func'
+! создаем линк из условий - во вне рабочее время выводим текст
+! args[1] - время начала работы
+! args[2] - время конца работы
+! $args[3] - текст ссылки
+! $args[4] - адресс ссылки - локация перехода
+! $args[5] - аргумент, опционально
+! args[6] - время перехода, опционально, по умолчанию - 5 мин - //ArtRat//ВЫПЕЛЕНО Расчет Времени между точками на карте ведется в 'go_time'
+if $args[0] = 'mk_link':
+	!if args[6] <= 0: args[6] = 5
+	$_link = '<a href="exec:  gt ''<<$args[4]>>'',''<<$args[5]>>''"><<$args[3]>></a>'
+	!minut+=<<args[6]>> &
+	if args[1] < args[2]:
+		! если время начала меньше времени конца работы: 06.00 - 20.00
+		if hour >= args[1] and hour <= args[2]:
+			$result = $_link
+		else
+			$result = $args[3]
+		end
+	else
+		! если время конца работы меньше времени начала: 15.00 - 03.00
+		if hour >= args[1] or hour <= args[2]:
+			$result = $_link
+		else
+			$result = $args[3]
+		end
+	end
+	killvar '$_link'
+! relation desc
+if $args[0] = 'relations':
+	$zz_rel[0] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_1')
+	$zz_rel[1] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_2')
+	$zz_rel[2] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_3')
+	$zz_rel[3] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_4')
+	$zz_rel[4] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_5')
+	$result = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_6') + $zz_rel[iif(val($args[1])/20>4,4,val($args[1])/20)] + '.'
+	killvar '$zz_rel'
+if $args[0] = 'waiting':
+	act func('zz_funcs_strings_en', iif(args[1] > 0,'txt_7','txt_8')):
+		cla
+		act '1 минуту':
+			minut += 1
+			gs 'stat'
+			gt $curloc
+		end
+		act '10 минут':
+			minut += 10
+			gs 'stat'
+			gt $curloc
+		end
+		act 'Час':
+			minut += 60
+			gs 'stat'
+			gt $curloc
+		end
+		act '2 Часа':
+			minut += 120
+			gs 'stat'
+			gt $curloc
+		end
+		act func('zz_funcs_strings_en', iif(args[1] > 0,'txt_7','txt_8')):
+			waiting = input(func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_101'))
+			if waiting > 120: waiting = 120
+			if waiting < 0: waiting = 0
+			if waiting ! 0: minut += waiting
+			gs 'stat'
+			gt $curloc
+		end
+	end
+if $args[0] = 'hornyrand':
+	if rand(1,100) > pcs_horny:
+		pcs_horny += 10
+		func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_14')
+	else
+		pcs_horny = 0
+		orgasm += 1
+		func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_15')
+	end
+if $args[0] = 'cum':
+	if $args[1] = 'face': cumface = iif(minut < 30, 1, 2) & facial += 1 & exit
+	if $args[1] = 'lip': cumlip = iif(minut < 30, 1, 2) & exit
+	if $args[1] = 'belly': cumbelly = iif(minut < 30, 2, 3) & exit
+	if $args[1] = 'ass': cumass = iif(minut < 30, 2, 3) & exit
+	if $args[1] = 'pussy':
+		if pregnancyKnow > 0:
+			func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_16')
+		elseif mesec > 0:
+			func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_17')
+		elseif tabletki > 0:
+			func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_18')
+		else
+			gs 'preg'
+			pcs_mood -= 15
+			func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_19')
+		end
+		cumpussy = iif(minut < 30, 3, 4) & exit
+	end
+	if $args[1] = 'anus': cumanus = iif(minut < 30,3,4) & exit
+if $args[0] = 'wanted':
+	'wanted.png','<center><font size=3 color=red>Wanted photo corresponding to the description below!<br><br><br></font></center>'
+! обертка для рисунков
+if $args[0] = 'make_image_box':
+    ! $args[1] - image path
+    ! args[2] - image width
+    ! div class="compact" - убирает межстрочное растояние, может пригодится не только здесь
+    $mib_img = 'images/common/mobile'
+    $result = ' <div class="compact"><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>'
+    ! header
+    $result += '<tr><td width=10><img src="'+$mib_img+'/tl.png"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee"></td><td width=10><img src="'+$mib_img+'/tr.png"></td></tr>'
+    ! image
+    $result += '<tr><td width=10 bgcolor="#eeeeee"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><img '+iif(args[2]>0,'width='+args[2],'')+' src="'+$args[1]+'"></td><td width=10 bgcolor="#eeeeee"></td></tr>'
+    ! footer
+    $result += '<tr><td width=10><img src="'+$mib_img+'/bl.png"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee"></td><td width=10><img src="'+$mib_img+'/br.png"></td></tr>'
+    $result += '</table> </div>'
+    killvar '$mib_img'
+! $args[1] - image path
+! $args[2] - text
+if $args[0] = 'message':
+	$_msg_img = $args[1]
+	$_msg_str = $args[2]
+	! <red>, <green> tags
+	$_msg_str = replace($_msg_str,'<red>','<span class=' + "'red_color'" + '>')
+	$_msg_str = replace($_msg_str,'</red>','</span>')
+	$_msg_str = replace($_msg_str,'<green>','<span class=' + "'green_color'" +'>')
+	$_msg_str = replace($_msg_str,'</green>','</span>')
+	$_msg_str = replace($_msg_str,'"','&quot;')
+	EXEC('JS:showMessage("'+$_msg_str+'","'+$_msg_img+'");')
+	killvar '$_msg_img'
+	killvar '$_msg_str'
+! Алкоголь
+! args[1] - кол-во алкоголя. необязательный аргумент, прирост алко, по умолчанию +1
+if $args[0] = 'alko':
+	frost = 0
+	minut += rand(5,15)
+	pcs_mood += 10*args[1]
+	cumlip = 0
+	alko += iif(args[1]<=0,1,args[1])
+	if energy > 20: body['day_weight'] += 1
+	!Алкоголь плохо вляет на кожу
+	if args[1] > 2: gs 'zz_funcs', 'skin', '-'
+	!Алкоголь плохо вляет на внешность
+	if alko >= 6: vidageday -= 1
+! Спорт
+!gs 'zz_funcs', 'sport', args[1], args[2]
+! args[1] - необязательный аргумент, уменьшение енергии и потливости по умолчанию -1, жажды -2
+!args[2] - показатель, прогулка это или занятие спортом. Прогулка по минимуму изнашивает одежду
+if $args[0] = 'sport':
+	frost = 0
+	energy -= iif(args[1]<=0,1,args[1])
+	water -= iif(args[1]<=0,2,args[1]*2)
+	son -= iif(args[1]<=0,1,args[1]/2)
+	sweat += iif(args[1]<=0,1,args[1])
+	!Очень разный износ разной одежды при занятиях спортом
+	gs 'zz_clothing2','decrease_condition',iif($args[2]='walk',1,func('zz_clothing2','decrease_condition_level'))
+! Кожа
+!gs 'zz_funcs', 'skin', args[1], args[2]
+! args[1] - значения + или - повышение/понижение состояния
+! args[2] - насколько изменения. В числах, необязательный аргумент, по умолчанию 1
+if $args[0] = 'skin':
+	if $args[1] = '+':
+		skinvan += iif(args[2]<=0,1,args[2])
+		if skinvan >= 20:skinvan = 0 & skin += 1
+		if skin > 4: skin = 4
+	else
+		skinvan -= iif(args[2]<=0,1,args[2])
+		if skinvan < 0 and skin > 0: skinvan = 19 & skin -= 1
+		if skinvan < 0 and skin = 0: skinvan = 0 & skin = 0
+		if skin < 0: skin = 0
+	end
+! проверка даипазона
+! опционально:
+! args[1] - проверяемое значение
+! args[2] - мин.значение
+! args[3] - макс.значение
+if $args[0] = 'checker':
+	_check_min = iif(args[2] ! 0,args[2],0)
+	_check_max = iif(args[3] ! 0,args[3],100)
+	result = args[1]
+	if args[1] < _check_min: result = _check_min
+	if args[1] > _check_max: result = _check_max
+	killvar '_check_min'
+	killvar '_check_max'
+! проверка и установка попо и вагиноболи после секса
+! !!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','anus', iif(lubri>0,10,0),15,1
+! !!* gs 'zz_funcs','set_gape','vagina',horny, 15, 1
+! $args[1] - вагина или анус
+! args[2] - возбуждение для вагины или смазка для ануса/ Смазка дает 10, Слюна дает 5
+! args[3] - размер члена, если не указан - рандом от 8 до 23
+! args[4] - секс-умение партнера (0-неумеха, 1-середняк 2-ебарь)
+! stat_vgape - показатель боли вагины(от 1 до 3)
+! stat_agape - показатель боли ануса (от 1 до 3)
+! vgape - сколько будет идти заживление вагины
+! agape - сколько будет идти заживление ануса
+if $args[0] = 'set_gape':
+	if args[3] <= 0: args[3] = rand(8,23)
+	if $args[1] = 'vagina':
+		_gape_base = vagina + args[2]/20 + args[4] * 2 + 2
+	else
+		if args[2] = 10 : lubri -= 1
+		_gape_base = anus +iif(args[2]>0,10,0) + args[4] * 2 + 2
+	end
+	_gape_diff = args[3] - _gape_base
+	if _gape_diff <= 0:
+		_gape_time = 0
+	elseif _gape_diff <= 5:
+		_gape_time = 1*24 + rand(6,12)
+	elseif _gape_diff <= 10:
+		_gape_time = 2*24 + rand(6,16)
+	else
+		_gape_time = 3*24 + rand(6,20)
+	end
+	!увелечение дырок
+	if $args[1] = 'vagina':
+		! если вагина повреждена, а игрок все равно продолжает дрючить ГГ
+		if stat_vgape > 0 : vgape += 4
+		vgape += _gape_time
+		if _gape_diff <= 3:
+			if args[3] - 2 > vagina: vagina += 1
+		else
+			vagina += 2
+		end
+		stat_vgape = vgape/24
+	else
+		if stat_agape > 0 : agape += 4
+		agape += _gape_time
+		if _gape_diff <= 3:
+			if args[3] - 2 > anus: anus += 1
+		else
+			anus += 2
+		end
+		stat_agape = agape/24
+	end
+	killvar '_gape_base'
+	killvar '_gape_diff'
+	killvar '_gape_time'
+! покупка за нал, карту или нал + карта
+! args[1] - сумма покупки
+if $args[0] = 'money':
+	! сначала покупка за наличку
+	if money >= args[1]:
+		money -= args[1]
+		!gs 'zz_funcs','message','images/common/icons/money.png','<red>-<<args[1]>></red>'
+		result = 1
+	elseif karta >= args[1]:
+		! если мало налички - покупка по карте
+		karta -= args[1]
+		!gs 'zz_funcs','message','images/common/icons/card.png','<red>-<<args[1]>></red>'
+		result = 1
+	elseif money + karta >= args[1]:
+		! если мало налички и денег на карте - пробуем сумму
+		local _price = args[1] - money
+		money = 0
+		karta -= _price
+		!gs 'zz_funcs','message','images/common/icons/money.png','<red>-<<args[1]>></red>'
+		result = 1
+		killvar '_price'
+	else
+		result = 0
+		!gs 'zz_funcs','message','images/common/icons/money.png','<red>' + func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_20') + '</red>'
+	end
+	if result = 1: gs 'stat'
+! покупка за нал, карту или нал + карта
+!args[1] Только нал 0 или только картой 1 или любой способ 2
+!args[2] Сумма покупки
+!args[3] Режим функции
+!result 0 покупка несостоялась
+!result 1 покупка завершена успешно
+if $args[0] = 'payment':
+	local _sum_money = 0
+	local _sum_karta = 0
+	local _temp_sum = 0
+	if args[1] = 0:
+		!оплата только налом
+		if money >= args[2]:
+			money -= args[2]
+			_sum_money = args[2]
+		end
+	elseif args[1] = 1:
+		!оплата только картой
+		if karta >= args[2]:
+			karta -= args[2]
+			_sum_karta = args[2]
+		end
+	elseif args[1] = 2:
+		if $settings['payment_mode'] = 0:
+			!Берут все, но режим оплаты ИЛИ
+			if money >= args[2]:
+				money -= args[2]
+				_sum_money = args[2]
+			elseif karta >= args[2]:
+				karta -= args[2]
+				_sum_karta = args[2]
+			end
+		else
+			!Берут все, но режим оплаты И. Кеш в приоритете
+			if money + karta >= args[2]:
+				if money >= args[2]:
+					money -= args[2]
+					_sum_money = args[2]
+				else
+					_temp_sum = args[2] - money
+					_sum_money = money & money = 0
+					_sum_karta = _temp_sum & karta -= _temp_sum
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if _sum_money + _sum_karta = 0:
+		!gs 'zz_funcs','message','images/common/icons/money.png','<red>' + func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_21') + '</red>'
+		if args[3] = 1 : result = 0
+	else
+		if _sum_money > 0:
+			!gs 'zz_funcs','message','images/common/icons/money.png','<red>-<<str(_sum_money)>></red>'
+		end
+		if _sum_karta > 0:
+			!gs 'zz_funcs','message','images/common/icons/card.png','<red>-<<str(_sum_karta)>></red>'
+		end
+		if args[3] = 1 : result = 1
+		gs 'stat'
+	end
+	killvar '_temp_sum'
+	killvar '_sum_money'
+	killvar '_sum_karta'
+!проверка средств по сумме и способу платежа
+!args[1] Только нал 0 или только картой 1 или любой способ 2
+!args[2] Сумма покупки
+!result 0 мало средств
+!result 1 достаточно средств
+if $args[0] = 'prepayment':
+	local _flag_money = 0
+	local _flag_karta = 0
+	if args[1] = 0:
+		!оплата только налом
+		if money >= args[2]:
+			_flag_money = 1
+		end
+	elseif args[1] = 1:
+		!оплата только картой
+		if karta >= args[2]:
+			_flag_karta = 1
+		end
+	elseif args[1] = 2:
+		!берут все: и кеш и карту
+		if $settings['payment_mode'] = 0:
+			if money >= args[2]:
+				_flag_money = 1
+			end
+			if karta >= args[2]:
+				_flag_karta = 1
+			end
+		else
+			if money + karta >= args[2]:
+				_flag_money = 1
+				_flag_karta = 1
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if _flag_money+_flag_karta > 0:
+		result = 1
+	else
+		result = 0
+	end
+	killvar '_flag_money'
+	killvar '_flag_karta'
+! функция добавляет к рисунку время суток и года
+! $args[1] - путь к рисунку
+! args[2] - показать ночные фотки, 0/1, по умолчанию 0
+if $args[0] = 'mk_image':
+	$_img = $args[1]
+	_night_mode = args[2]
+	! проверяем длину входной строки
+	if len($_img) = 0 or (len($_img) > 0 and len($_img) < 5 and func('zz_funcs','get_item_id','.jpg,.png,.gif',$_img) >= 0):
+		$result = ''
+		exit
+	end
+	! получаем расширение
+	$_ext = mid($_img,len($_img)-3)
+	! проверяем, есть ли оно, если нет - присваиваем .jpg
+	if func('zz_funcs','get_item_id','.jpg,.png,.gif',$_ext) < 0:
+		! расширения нет
+		$_ext = '.jpg"></center>'
+	else
+		! расширение есть
+		! получаем путь без расширения файла
+		$_img = mid($_img,1,len($_img)-4)
+	end
+	! формируем путь с учетом времени суток и года
+	$result = $_img +iif(snow <= 0,'','_winter') +iif( _night_mode > 0,iif(func('zz_weather','is_day')=1,'','_night'),'') + $_ext
+	killvar '$_img'
+	killvar '_night_mode'
+	killvar '$_ext'
+! функция добавляет к рисунку время суток и года, а также текущую погоду
+! $args[1] - путь к рисунку
+! args[2] - переключатель лето/зима или весна/лето/осень/зима, 0/1
+! args[3] - переключатель день/ночь или утро/день/вечер/ночь, 0/1
+! args[4] - погода, 0 - отключено, 1 - включено
+if $args[0] = 'mk_image_ex':
+	$_img = $args[1]
+	_season_set = args[2]
+	_day_set = args[3]
+	_weather_set = args[4]
+	! проверяем длину входной строки
+	if len($_img) = 0 or (len($_img) > 0 and len($_img) < 5 and func('zz_funcs','get_item_id','.jpg,.png,.gif',$_img) >= 0):
+		$result = ''
+		exit
+	end
+	! получаем расширение
+	$_ext = mid($_img,len($_img)-3)
+	! проверяем, есть ли оно, если нет - присваиваем .jpg
+	if func('zz_funcs','get_item_id','.jpg,.png,.gif',$_ext) < 0:
+		! расширения нет
+		$_ext = '.jpg"></center>'
+	else
+		! расширение есть
+		! получаем путь без расширения файла
+		$_img = mid($_img,1,len($_img)-4)
+	end
+	! формируем путь с учетом дополнительных параметров
+	! получаем время рассвета и заката
+	_sunrise_hour = func('zz_weather','sunrise')
+	_sunset_hour = func('zz_weather','sunset')
+	! настройка по умолчанию - лето/зима
+	if _season_set = 0:
+		$_season_set = iif(snow <= 0,'','_winter')
+	else
+		! настройка весна/лето/осень/зима
+		if month >= 3 and month <= 5:
+			$_season_set = '_spring'
+		elseif month >= 6 and month <= 8:
+			$_season_set = '_summer'
+		elseif month >= 9 and month <= 11:
+			$_season_set = '_autumn'
+		else
+			$_season_set = '_winter'
+		end
+	end
+	! настройка по умолчанию - день/ночь
+	if _day_set = 0:
+		$_day_set = iif(hour >= _sunrise_hour and hour <= _sunset_hour,'','_night')
+	else
+		! настройка утро/день/вечер/ночь
+		if (hour >= _sunrise_hour and hour <= _sunrise_hour + 2):
+			! утро
+			$_day_set = '_sunrise'
+		elseif (hour >= _sunset_hour - 2 and hour <= _sunset_hour):
+			! вечер
+			$_day_set = '_sunset'
+		elseif (hour > _sunrise_hour + 2 and hour < _sunset_hour - 2):
+			! день
+			$_day_set = '_day'
+		else
+			! ночь
+			$_day_set = '_night'
+		end
+	end
+	! по умолчанию - отключено
+	if _weather_set = 0:
+		$_weather_set = ''
+	else
+		if temper > 0:
+			$_weather_set = iif(sunWeather >= 0,'_sun','_rain')
+		else
+			$_weather_set = iif(sunWeather >= 0,'_sun','_snow')
+		end
+	end
+	$result = $_img + $_season_set + $_day_set + $_weather_set + $_ext
+	killvar '$_img'
+	killvar '$_ext'
+	killvar '_season_set'
+	killvar '_day_set'
+	killvar '_weather_set'
+	killvar '_sunrise_hour'
+	killvar '_sunset_hour'
+if $args[0] = 'set_statuses':
+	! все статусы
+	! 0. болят соски, язык,влагалище после пирсинга
+	! 1. болит попа
+	! 2. волосатые ноги видны из-под юбки
+	! 3. потек макияж/насыщенность макияжа
+	! 4. потность
+	! 5. грязная одежда
+	! 6. месячные, нет прокладки/есть прокладка
+	! 7. беременность
+	! 8. запах спермы из рта
+	! 9. следы спермы по телу и одежде
+	!10. болит влагалище и/или анус из-за секса
+	!11. частичная/полная обнаженка, гг без трусиков
+	!12. пробка в заднице, вибратор в письке
+	!13. венерическое заболевание, простуда, депрессия
+	!14. статус нердизма
+	!15. опьянение или наркоманский кайф
+	!16. холод
+	!17. ломка
+	!18. корзинка с грибами и ягодами
+	!19. долг за квартиру
+	!20. каникулы
+	!21. напоминалка о работе
+	!22. напоминалка об ивентах
+	!No_status_show = 1 не надо показывать статусы на экране (1)
+	!-------------------
+	! обнуляем все статусы
+	killvar '$_statuses'
+	!-- 0 --
+	$_statuses_img[0] = 'pin'
+	$_status[0] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_22')
+	$_status[1] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_23')
+	$_status[2] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_24')
+	$_status[3] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_25')
+	$_status[7] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_26')
+	$_status[8] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_27')
+	$_status[9] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_28')
+	!-- 1 --
+	$_status[4] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_29')
+	$_status[5] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_30')
+	$_status[6] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_31')
+	$_statuses_img[1] = 'ass'
+	!-- 2 --
+	$_statuses_img[2] = 'depilation'
+	!-- 3 --
+	$_statuses_img[3] = 'makeup<<mop>>'
+	!-- 4 --
+	$_statuses_img[4] = 'sweat<<sweat>>'
+	$_status[10] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_32')
+	$_status[11] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_33')
+	$_status[12] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_34')
+	$_status[13] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_35')
+	!-- 5 --
+	$_statuses_img[5] = 'dirty'
+	$_status[14] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_36')
+	$_status[15] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_37')
+	!-- 6 --
+	$_statuses_img[6] = 'wday'+iif(isprok = 0 and $settings['autotampon'] = 0,0,1)
+	$_status[16] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_38')
+	$_status[17] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_39')
+	!-- 7 --
+	$_statuses_img[7] = 'pregnancy'
+	!-- 8 --
+	$_statuses_img[8] = 'mouthsmell'
+	!-- 9 --
+	$_statuses_img[9] = 'cum'
+	!-- 10 --
+	$_statuses_img[10] = 'pain'
+	$_status[18] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_40')
+	$_status[19] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_41')
+	$_status[20] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_42')
+	$_status[21] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_43')
+	$_status[22] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_44')
+	$_status[23] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_45')
+	!-- 11 --
+	$_statuses_img[11] = 'nude'
+	$_status[24] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_46')
+	$_status[25] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_47')
+	$_status[26] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_48')
+	$_status[27] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_49')
+	$_status[28] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_50')
+	!-- 12 --
+	$_statuses_img[12] = 'toy'
+	!-- 13 --
+	$_statuses_img[13] = 'remedy'
+	!-- 14 --
+	$_status[29] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_51')
+	$_status[30] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_52')
+	$_status[31] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_53')
+	$_status[32] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_54')
+	!-- 15 --
+	$_statuses_img[15] = 'drunk'
+	!-- 16 --
+	$_statuses_img[16] = 'frost'
+	!-- 17 --
+	$_statuses_img[17] = 'addict'
+	!-- 19 --
+	$_statuses_img[19] = 'debt'
+	!-- 20 --
+	$_statuses_img[20] = 'bell'
+	!-- 21 --
+	$_statuses_img[21] = 'work'
+	!-- 22 --
+	$_statuses_img[22] = 'info'
+	!--
+	$_statuses[0] = ''
+	if nippain > 0: $_statuses[0] += $_status[iif(nippain < 5,0,1)]
+	if painpub > 0: $_statuses[0] += $_status[iif(painpub < 5,2,3)]
+	if pirs_pain_ton > 0: $_statuses[0] += $_status[iif(pirs_pain_ton > 2,9,pirs_pain_ton + 6)]
+	!--
+	if spanked > 0: $_statuses[1] += $_status[iif(spanked/25 = 0, 4, iif(spanked/25 <= 2, spanked/25 + 4, 6))]
+	!--
+	if leghair > 0: $_statuses[2] = $leghair
+	!--
+	$_statuses[3] = $mop
+	!--
+	if sweat > 0: $_statuses[4] = $_status[9 + sweat]
+	!--
+	if dirtyclothes = 1: $_statuses[5] = $_status[iif(sweat > 3,14,15)]
+	!--
+	if mesec > 0 and pregnancy = 0: $_statuses[6] = $_status[iif(isprok = 0 and $settings['autotampon'] = 0,16,17)]
+	!--
+	if (pregnancyKnow = 1 or pregnancy > 30) and pregnancy < 280:
+		$_statuses[7] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_55')
+	elseif pregnancy = 280:
+		$_statuses[7] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_56')
+	end
+	!--
+	if cumlip > 0: $_statuses[8] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_57')
+	!--Сперма на одежде
+	$_statuses[9] = ''
+	if cumface > 0: $_statuses[9] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_58')
+	if cumfrot > 0: $_statuses[9] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_59')
+	if cumbelly > 0: $_statuses[9] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_60')
+	if cumpussy > 0: $_statuses[9] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_61')
+	if cumass > 0: $_statuses[9] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_62')
+	if cumanus > 0: $_statuses[9] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_63')
+	!--
+	$_statuses[10] = ''
+	if stat_vgape > 0: $_statuses[10] += $_status[17 + stat_vgape] + '<br>'
+	if stat_agape > 0: $_statuses[10] += $_status[20 + stat_agape]
+	!--
+	if cloth[0] = 0:
+		$_statuses[11] = $_status[iif(cloth[1] = 0,24,25)]
+	elseif cloth[0] = 1:
+		$_statuses[11] = $_status[26]
+	elseif cloth[0] > 2:
+		if cloth[1] = 0:
+			if func('zz_clothing2','is_skirt') = 1 and shameless['flag'] = 0:
+				$_statuses[11] = $_status[27]
+			else
+				$_statuses[11] = $_status[28]
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	!--Игрушки в дырках
+	$_statuses[12] = ''
+	if analplugIN = 1: $_statuses[12] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_64')
+	if vibratorin = 1: $_statuses[12] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_65')
+	!--Болезнь
+	$_statuses[13] = ''
+	if sick > 0:
+		if sick = 1: $_statuses[13] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_66')
+		if sick > 1 and sick < 24: $_statuses[13] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_67')
+		if sick >= 24 and sick < 48: $_statuses[13] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_68')
+		if sick >= 48 and sick < 72: $_statuses[13] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_69')
+		if sick >= 72: $_statuses[13] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_70')
+	end
+	if crazy >= 4 and crazy < 7: $_statuses[13] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_71')
+	if crazy >= 7 and crazy <= 10: $_statuses[13] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_72')
+	if crazy > 10: $_statuses[13] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_73')
+	!--Желание почитать
+	if nerdism > 0:
+		j = nerdism / 20 + 1
+		if j > 5: j = 5
+		if j < 2: j = 2
+		$_statuses[14] = $_status[27+j]
+		$_statuses_img[14] = 'books<<j-2>>'
+	end
+	!--Опьянение
+	if alko > 0:
+		if alko < 3:
+			$_statuses[15] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_74')
+		elseif alko >= 3 and alko < 6:
+			$_statuses[15] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_75')
+		else
+			$_statuses[15] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_76')
+		end
+	end
+	!--
+	if frost > 0:
+		if frost <= 5:
+			$_statuses[16] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_77')
+		elseif frost > 5 and frost <= 10:
+			$_statuses[16] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_78')
+		else
+			$_statuses[16] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_79')
+		end
+	end
+	!--
+	if drugs['status'] > 0:
+		if drugs['status'] > 75:
+			if drugs['effect'] = 0:
+				$_statuses[17] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_80')
+			else
+				$_statuses[17] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_81')
+			end
+		elseif (drugs['status'] > 50 and drugs['status'] <= 75) or (drugs['status'] > 0 and drugs['status'] <= 25):
+			$_statuses[17] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_82')
+		elseif drugs['status'] > 25 and drugs['status'] <= 50:
+			$_statuses[17] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_83')
+		end
+	else
+		$_statuses[17] = ''
+	end
+	!--
+	if boletus + bilberry >= 10:
+		$_statuses_img[18] = 'basket_full'
+		$_statuses[18] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_84')
+	else
+		$_statuses_img[18] = 'basket'
+		if boletus > 0 and bilberry = 0: $_statuses[18] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_85')
+		if boletus = 0 and bilberry > 0: $_statuses[18] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_86')
+		if boletus > 0 and bilberry > 0: $_statuses[18] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_87')
+	end
+	!--
+	if house_debt > 0: $_statuses[19] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_88')
+	!--
+	if school['vacation'] > 0: $_statuses[20] = $holiday
+	!--
+	if hour >= 8:
+		if hour < 12 and week > 1 and week < 5 and workKafe = 1: $_statuses[21] = func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_89')
+		if hour < 9 and week < 5 and workSec >= 1: $_statuses[21] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_90')
+		if hour <= 9 and week < 6 and PersSecWork = 1: $_statuses[21] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_91')
+		if (workFabrika = 1 and week => 1 and week <= 5 and hour = 8 and age >= 18) or (workFabrika = 1 and week => 1 and week <= 5 and hour = 16 and age < 18): $_statuses[21] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_92')
+	end
+	!if young_shop_work = 1 and week < 6:
+	!	if hour = 14: $_statuses[21] += 'В 15 часов вам надо быть на работе в магазине "Кис-Киска"'
+	!end
+	if uber['work'] = 1:
+		if uber['work_day'] ! daystart and week ! 3 and week ! 7:
+			if hour = uber['work_week']*8-1 or hour = uber['work_week']*8:
+				$_statuses[21] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_93')
+			elseif hour > uber['work_week']*8:
+				uber['work_day'] = daystart
+				uber['work_absent'] += 1
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if workrin = 1 and week mod 2 = 0 and hour <= 8: $_statuses[21] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_94')
+	if cafe['0,work'] = 1 and week mod 2 = 0 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 16:
+		$_statuses[21] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_95')
+	end
+	! Напоминание логистика
+	if logist >= 4 and hour <= 10 and week <= 5 and logist_work_day ! daystart and logist_day ! daystart and Logist_Otgul = 0:
+		$_statuses[21] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_102')
+	elseif logist >= 4 and hour = 11 and week <= 5 and logist_work_day ! daystart and logist_day ! daystart and Logist_Otgul = 0:
+		$_statuses[21] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_103')
+	else
+		$_statuses[21] += ''
+	end
+	!--
+	$_statuses[22] = ''
+	if svidanieA = 1:
+		if hour < meethour: $_statuses[22] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_96')
+		if hour = meethour: $_statuses[22] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_97')
+	end
+	if day = 29 and month = 12 and age <= 17 and school['certificate'] = 0 and school['block'] < 3:
+		if hour >= 5 and hour <= 14: $_statuses[22] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_98')
+	end
+	if sisboyday + 1 = daystart and hour < 19:
+		if ($npc['38,qwSisterBoy'] = 3 or $npc['38,qwSisterBoy'] = 5 or $npc['38,qwSisterBoy'] = 7 or ($npc['38,qwSisterBoy'] = 9 and $npc['38,qwSisterTrio'] ! 1)): $_statuses[22] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_99')
+		if $npc['38,qwSisterTrio'] = 1: $_statuses[22] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_100')
+	end
+	! Логистика-работа
+	if logist >= 4:
+		if office_assignments = 1: $_statuses[22] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_104')
+		if office_assignments = 2: $_statuses[22] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_105')
+		if office_assignments = 3: $_statuses[22] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_106')
+		if office_assignments = 4: $_statuses[22] += func('zz_funcs_strings_en', 'txt_107')
+		if office_assignments = 5: $_statuses[22] += 'You gave Lena an instruction: go to the archive, sort the folders into shelves.'
+		if office_assignments = 6: $_statuses[22] += 'You gave Lena an instruction: To carry documents to shippers..'
+	end
+		if logist = 200 and logist_status_day! day: $_statuses [22] + = 'A professional will be waiting for you near his office at 6:00 pm'
+		if logist = 215 and logist_status_day! day and week = 6: $_statuses [22] += 'Kadrovichka will be waiting for you at the railway station at 9:00'
+		if logist = 225 and logist_status_day! day: $_statuses[22] + = 'A professional will be waiting for you in his office at 6:00 pm'
+		if logist = 235 and logist_status_day! day: $_statuses[22] + = 'Nina and Igor will come to your home after work'
+		if logist = 245 and logist_status_day! day and week = 6: $_statuses[22] += 'Nina must wait for you on the street in front of the house at 12:00'
+		if logist = 246 and logist_status_day! day: $_statuses [22] += 'Nina is sitting in a hut watching TV, can she take a deep breath?'
+		if logist = 251 and logist_status_day! day and logist_qf> 0: $_statuses [22] += 'Nina seems to be released after dinner, she will need to look for her in the village'
+		if Logist_Otgul = 1: $_statuses[22] += 'Last day off left'
+	!--
+	! вывод статусов
+	! если больше 11 статусов - перекладываем на правый блок
+	_status_i = 0
+	_status_count = 0
+	$_statuses_str = ''
+	$_statuses_str2 = ''
+	:loop_statuses
+	if _status_i < arrsize('$_statuses'):
+		if len($_statuses[_status_i]) > 0:
+			if _status_count <= 10:
+				$_statuses_str += '<div class="hero_statuses tip" title="<font color=black>'+$_statuses[_status_i]+'</font>"><img src="images/system/icon/status_icons/'+$_statuses_img[_status_i]+'.png"></div>'
+			else
+				$_statuses_str2 += '<div class="hero_statuses tip" title="<font color=black>'+$_statuses[_status_i]+'</font>"><img src="images/system/icon/status_icons/'+$_statuses_img[_status_i]+'.png"></div>'
+			end
+			_status_count += 1
+		end
+		_status_i += 1
+		jump 'loop_statuses'
+	end
+	*p '<div id="hero_status">' + $_statuses_str + '</div>'
+	if len($_statuses_str2) > 0: *p '<div id="hero_status2">' + $_statuses_str2 + '</div>'
+	killvar '$_status'
+	killvar '$_statuses'
+	killvar '$_statuses_img'
+	killvar '$_statuses_str'
+	killvar '$_statuses_str2'
+	killvar '_statuses_i'
+	killvar '_status_count'
+!функция прибавляет / вычитает от даты определенное кол-во дней
+if $args[0] = 'date_diff':
+	!$args[1] - исходный месяц
+	!$args[2] - исходный день
+	!$args[3] - + / -
+	!$args[4] - кол-во дней
+	!возвращает результат вычисления в формате dd_mm
+	!(работает в пределах 1 месяца!) при необходимости допилю до большего интервала
+	m0 = val($args[1])
+	d0 = val($args[2])
+	r = val($args[4])
+	d = 0
+	m = 0
+	_monthlen[0] = 0
+	_monthlen[1] = 31
+	_monthlen[2] = 28
+	_monthlen[3] = 31
+	_monthlen[4] = 30
+	_monthlen[5] = 31
+	_monthlen[6] = 30
+	_monthlen[7] = 31
+	_monthlen[8] = 31
+	_monthlen[9] = 30
+	_monthlen[10] = 31
+	_monthlen[11] = 30
+	_monthlen[12] = 31
+	i1 = iif(m0 - 1 < 1, 12, m0 - 1)
+	i2 = iif(m0 + 1 > 12, 0, m0 - 1)
+	if $args[3] = '+':
+		if (d0 + r) > _monthlen[m0]:
+				d = (d0 + r) - _monthlen[m0]
+				m  = i2 + 2
+		else
+				d = (d0 + r)
+				m = m0
+		end
+	elseif $args[3] = '-':
+		if (d0 - r) < 1:
+			d = _monthlen[i1] + (d0 - r)
+			m = i2
+		else
+			d = (d0 - r)
+			m = m0
+		end
+	end
+	$result = str(d) + '_' + str(m)
+	killvar '_monthlen'
+	killvar 'd'
+	killvar 'm'
+	killvar 'd0'
+	killvar 'm0'
+	killvar 'r'
+	killvar 'i1'
+	killvar 'i2'
+if $args[0] = 'restart':
+	KILLALL & CLS & CLOSE ALL & OPENQST 'provinceQN.qsp'
+--- zz_funcs ---------------------------------

+ 105 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# zz_funcs_strings_en
+$_tstr['txt_1'] = 'bad relationship'
+$_tstr['txt_2'] = 'tensions'
+$_tstr['txt_3'] = 'normal relationship'
+$_tstr['txt_4'] = 'good relationship'
+$_tstr['txt_5'] = 'excellent relationship'
+$_tstr['txt_6'] = 'You'
+$_tstr['txt_7'] = 'Idle'
+$_tstr['txt_8'] = 'Wait'
+$_tstr['txt_9'] = '1 minute'
+$_tstr['txt_10'] = '10 minutes'
+$_tstr['txt_11'] = 'Hour'
+$_tstr['txt_12'] = '2 Hours'
+$_tstr['txt_13'] = 'How many minutes to wait? (Not more than 120 minutes) '
+$_tstr['txt_14'] = 'You were not satisfied'
+$_tstr['txt_15'] = 'You are overwhelmed by an orgasm'
+$_tstr['txt_16'] = 'You smiled to yourself, at least you won’t fly.'
+$_tstr['txt_17'] = '\\\ "- It''s good that the monthly ones, although I don’t heal ..." ///, - you thought with relief.'
+$_tstr['txt_18'] = '\\\ "- I hope the tablets will help" ///, you thought.'
+$_tstr['txt_19'] = '\\\ "- Damn, so you can fly," ///, you thought with horror.'
+$_tstr['txt_20'] = 'There is no money, but you hold on!'
+$_tstr['txt_21'] = 'You do not have enough money.'
+$_tstr['txt_22'] = 'Your nipples hurt a little. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_23'] = 'Your nipples hurt badly. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_24'] = 'Your vagina hurts a little. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_25'] = 'Your vagina hurts badly. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_26'] = 'Your tongue aches and it''s a bit swollen.'
+$_tstr['txt_27'] = 'Your tongue is sore and it is noticeably swollen.'
+$_tstr['txt_28'] = 'Your tongue hurts, it is very swollen and barely turns over in your mouth.'
+$_tstr['txt_29'] = 'Your buttocks are a little red with slaps and rough touches and ache.'
+$_tstr['txt_30'] = 'Your buttocks are burning with fire, with clearly visible stripes on them.'
+$_tstr['txt_31'] = 'Your poor ass mercilessly hurts, it shows bright red scars from the blows, sometimes turning into bruises.'
+$_tstr['txt_32'] = 'You sweat.'
+$_tstr['txt_33'] = 'You smell a little bit.'
+$_tstr['txt_34'] = 'It’s coming up later.'
+$_tstr['txt_35'] = 'It’s like a bomzhi from you.'
+$_tstr['txt_36'] = 'You are smeared with mud from head to foot.'
+$_tstr['txt_37'] = 'You have dirty clothes.'
+$_tstr['txt_38'] = 'You are bleeding between your legs, a gasket is urgently needed.'
+$_tstr['txt_39'] = 'You have your period, but laying protects you.'
+$_tstr['txt_40'] = 'Your vagina hurts a little.'
+$_tstr['txt_41'] = 'Your vagina hurts and you can barely move your legs together.'
+$_tstr['txt_42'] = 'Your vagina hurts badly, you even walk with difficulty, while trying to spread your legs wider.'
+$_tstr['txt_43'] = 'Your anus hurts and itches a little.'
+$_tstr['txt_44'] = 'Your anus hurts.'
+$_tstr['txt_45'] = 'Your anus is sore and bleeding.'
+$_tstr['txt_46'] = 'You are completely naked, and from this inside everything trembles.'
+$_tstr['txt_47'] = 'You are stripped down to your panties, and your boobs are swaying invitingly while walking.'
+$_tstr['txt_48'] = 'Your bare body covers only a short towel.'
+$_tstr['txt_49'] = 'A blush covers your face: you are not wearing panties and now naked ass sometimes sparkles from under your short skirt.'
+$_tstr['txt_50'] = 'You did not wear panties.'
+$_tstr['txt_51'] = 'You terribly want to read at least something !!!'
+$_tstr['txt_52'] = 'You really want to read something.'
+$_tstr['txt_53'] = 'You are a little bored and want to plunge into books again.'
+$_tstr['txt_54'] = 'You are immersed in your fantasies after reading a book.'
+$_tstr['txt_55'] = 'You are pregnant with <<pregnancy>> days, <<280 - pregnancy>> days before birth.'
+$_tstr['txt_57'] = 'It smells of sperm from your mouth.'
+$_tstr['txt_58'] = 'Your face and hair are smeared with sperm. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_59'] = 'You have sperm stain on your clothes. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_60'] = 'Your belly is smeared with semen. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_61'] = 'Sperm slowly flows out of your pussy. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_62'] = 'Your butt is smeared with sperm. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_63'] = 'Sperm slowly flows out of your ass. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_64'] = 'You have anal plug inserted in your ass. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_65'] = 'You have a vibrator in your vagina.'
+$_tstr['txt_66'] = 'Something is not right for you, it is sore in the throat and it flows a little from the nose. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_67'] = 'shakes you up. Your nose runs out and sore throat, you cough and sneeze — you seem to have caught a cold. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_68'] = 'Your temperature has risen. You constantly cough and sneeze - it looks like you have caught a cold. <br> '
+$_tstr['txt_69'] = 'You have a high fever. Maybe it''s the flu. <br> '
+$_tstr['txt_70'] = 'You are running hot. You are coughing with anguish - it looks like you are seriously ill. Maybe it''s a sore throat. <br> '
+$_tstr['txt_71'] = 'You are depressed. It is necessary to change something in life. '
+$_tstr['txt_72'] = 'You are depressed. It will not bring to the good, it is necessary to see a doctor. '
+$_tstr['txt_73'] = 'Your depression has been delayed, some more - and suicide is inevitable!'
+$_tstr['txt_74'] = 'You have drunk a little.'
+$_tstr['txt_75'] = 'You are drunk.'
+$_tstr['txt_76'] = 'You''re drunk.'
+$_tstr['txt_77'] = 'You are a little cold.'
+$_tstr['txt_78'] = 'You are cold.'
+$_tstr['txt_79'] = 'You are very cold.'
+$_tstr['txt_80'] = 'You are stoned and you feel inspired. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_81'] = 'You are stoned, but the sensations are not very. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_82'] = 'You feel unwell after taking drugs. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_83'] = 'You feel very bad after taking drugs. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_84'] = 'You have a full basket, nothing else can fit into it. It contains <b> << boletus >> </b> kg of mushrooms and <b> << bilberry >> </b> kg of berries. '
+$_tstr['txt_85'] = 'You have a <b><<boletus>> </b> kg of mushrooms in your basket.'
+$_tstr['txt_86'] = 'You have a <b><<bilberry>></b> kg of berries in your basket.'
+$_tstr['txt_87'] = 'You have in your basket <b><<boletus>></b> kg of mushrooms and <b><<bilberry>></b> kg of berries.'
+$_tstr['txt_88'] = 'You have debt for an apartment <<house_debt>> rubles.'
+$_tstr['txt_89'] = 'You can go to the work shift as a waitress in a cafe. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_90'] = 'You need to work as a secretary for the project organization. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_91'] = 'You need to work as a secretary in the Fast-Cutter, no later than 9 hours. <br>'
+$_tstr['txt_92'] = 'You need to be a seamstress at the Pavlovo factory.'
+$_tstr['txt_93'] = 'In <<uber[''work_week'']*8>> hours you need to be at work in a taxi service.'
+$_tstr['txt_94'] = 'You need to work on the market.'
+$_tstr['txt_95'] = 'At 16 o''clock you have to be at work at the cafe DelParco.'
+$_tstr['txt_96'] = '<<$boyA>> will wait for you near your home at <<meethour>> hours.'
+$_tstr['txt_97'] = '<<$boyA>> is already waiting for you near the house.'
+$_tstr['txt_98'] = 'The school Christmas party will take place at 14 o''clock.'
+$_tstr['txt_99'] = 'You promised your sister not to enter your room at 18 o''clock'
+$_tstr['txt_100'] = 'You promised your sister to come to your room at 18 o''clock'
+$_tstr['txt_101'] = 'How many minutes to wait? (Not more than 120 minutes) '
+$result = $_tstr[$args[0]]
+killvar '$_tstr'
+--- zz_funcs_strings_en ---------------------------------

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<QGen-project version="4.0.0 beta 1">
+  <Structure>
+	<Location name="mod_bratva_setup"/>
+	<Location name="mod_bratva_readme"/>
+	<Location name="mod_bratva_options"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_pornstudio"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_pornstudio_actress"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_pornstudio_films"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_pornstudio_init"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_madam"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_madam_strings"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_sniper"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_sniper_strings"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_thief"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_thief_strings"/>
+	<Location name="mod_bratva_start"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_events"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_events_strings"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_home"/>
+	<Location name="zz_funcs"/>
+	<Location name="zz_funcs_strings_en"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_home_events"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_home_events_strings"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_sklad"/>
+	<Location name="anfisa"/>
+	<Location name="anfisa_events"/>
+	<Location name="anfisa_events_strings"/>
+	<Location name="anfisa_strings"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_lake_event"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_Nudelake"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_studioQW"/>
+	<Location name="bratva_studioQW_strings"/>
+	<Location name="mod_bratva"/>
+  </Structure>

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# checks to make sure that mod_bratva.qproj is in sync with the location files
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import io
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import os.path
+# read the project xml file first
+tree = ET.parse('mod_bratva.qproj')
+root = tree.getroot()
+xml_locations = []
+os_locations = os.listdir("locations")
+print "Locations missing from ./locations/:"
+for location in root.iter('Location'):
+    name = location.attrib['name'].replace("$","_")
+    xml_locations.append(name)
+    if name not in os_locations:
+        print name
+print "Locations missing from .qproj:"
+for name in os_locations:
+    if name not in xml_locations:
+        print name

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import io
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+#path = os.getcwd()
+#print path
+startpattern = """mod/bratva/"""
+imgFormats = ['jpg','jpeg','gif','png','mp4']
+images = []
+ifile = io.open(
+    "mod_bratva.txt",
+    mode='rt',
+    encoding='utf-16'
+text = ifile.read()
+for match in re.finditer(r"mod/bratva/.+?[.](gif|jpg|jpeg|png|mp4)", text, flags=re.U):
+    imgfile = match.group().encode("utf-8")
+    randmatch = re.search(r"'\s*[+]\s*rand\s*[(]\s*(\d+)\s*[,]\s*(\d+)\s*[)]\s*[+]\s*'", imgfile)
+    if randmatch != None:
+        for i in range(int(randmatch.group(1)), 1+int(randmatch.group(2))):
+            images.append(re.sub(r"'\s*[+]\s*rand\s*[(].*?[)]\s*[+]\s*'", str(i), imgfile))
+    else:
+        images.append(imgfile)
+for image in images:
+    if not re.search(r"[<$]", image) and not os.path.isfile(image):
+        print "Image not found:", image

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import io
+import os
+import re
+#path = os.getcwd()
+#print path
+startpattern = """images/"""
+imgFormats = ['jpg','gif']
+infile = io.open('mod_bratva.txt',mode='r',encoding='utf-16')
+lines = infile.readlines()
+images = []
+for name in os.listdir("locations"):
+    ifile = io.open(
+        os.path.join("locations", name),
+        mode='rt',
+        encoding='utf-8'
+    )
+    text = ifile.read()
+    for match in re.finditer(r"images.+?[.](gif|jpg|png)", text, flags=re.U):
+        imgfile = match.group().encode("utf-8")
+        randmatch = re.search(r"'\s*[+]\s*rand\s*[(]\s*(\d+)\s*[,]\s*(\d+)\s*[)]\s*[+]\s*'", imgfile)
+        if randmatch != None:
+            for i in range(int(randmatch.group(1)), 1+int(randmatch.group(2))):
+                images.append(re.sub(r"'\s*[+]\s*rand\s*[(].*?[)]\s*[+]\s*'", str(i), imgfile))
+        else:
+            images.append(imgfile)
+    ifile.close()
+for image in images:
+    if not re.search(r"[<$]", image) and not os.path.isfile(image):
+        print "Image not found:", image


+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# usage: txtmerge.py <input_dir> <output_file_name> 
+# does the exact opposite of txtsplit.py
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import io 
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+assert len(sys.argv) == 3, "usage:\ntxtmerge.py <input_dir> <output_file_name>"
+idir = str(sys.argv[1])
+oname = str(sys.argv[2])
+# read the project xml file first
+# let's do this later in order to implement directory structure
+tree = ET.parse('mod_bratva.qproj')
+root = tree.getroot()
+ofile = io.open(oname, 'w', encoding='utf-16', newline='\r\n')
+for location in root.iter('Location'):
+    iname = location.attrib['name']
+    iname = iname.replace("$","_")
+    try:
+        ifile = io.open(os.path.join(idir,iname + '.qsrc'), 'rt', encoding='utf-8')
+        text = ifile.read()
+        # make sure there's a line at the end of file
+        # (why wouldn't there be one? WINDOWS!
+        if text[-1] != u'\n':
+            text += u'\n\n'
+        ofile.write(text)
+        ifile.close()
+    except IOError:
+        print("WARNING: missing location %s" % iname)
+        pass

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# usage: txtsplit.py <input_file_name> <output_dir>
+# splits a txt2gam file into individual location files
+# encoded in utf-8, for git to better handle
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import io
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+assert len(sys.argv) == 3, "usage:\ntxtsplit.py <input_file_name> <output_dir>"
+iname = str(sys.argv[1])
+odir = str(sys.argv[2])
+# read the project xml file first
+# let's do this later in order to implement directory structure
+tree = ET.parse('mod_bratva.qproj')
+root = tree.getroot()
+ifile = io.open(iname, 'rt', encoding='utf-16')
+counter = 1
+oname = None
+firstline = ifile.readline().replace(u'\ufeff','')
+match = re.search(ur'^#\s(\$?[_.\w]+)$', firstline)
+if match:
+    oname = os.path.join(odir, match.group(1).replace("$","_") + '.qsrc' )
+    counter += 1
+assert oname, "file is in the wrong format, must start with a location name"
+ofile = io.open(oname, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+for line in ifile:
+    match = re.search(ur'^#\s(\$?[_.\w]+)$', line)
+    if match:
+        ofile.close()
+        oname = os.path.join(odir, match.group(1).replace("$","_") + '.qsrc' )
+        counter += 1
+        ofile = io.open(oname, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+    ofile.write(line)

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# usage: txtsplit.py <input_file_name> <output_dir>
+# splits a txt2gam file into individual location files
+# encoded in utf-8, for git to better handle
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import io
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+assert len(sys.argv) == 3, "usage:\ntxtsplit.py <input_file_name> <output_dir>"
+iname = str(sys.argv[1])
+odir = str(sys.argv[2])
+# read the project xml file first
+# let's do this later in order to implement directory structure
+tree = ET.parse('mod_bratva.qproj')
+root = tree.getroot()
+ifile = io.open(iname, 'rt', encoding='utf-16')
+counter = 1
+oname = None
+firstline = ifile.readline().replace(u'\ufeff','')
+match = re.search('^#\s(\$?[_.\w]+)$', firstline)
+if match:
+    oname = os.path.join(odir, match.group(1).replace("$","_") + '.qsrc' )
+    counter += 1
+assert oname, "file is in the wrong format, must start with a location name"
+ofile = io.open(oname, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+for line in ifile:
+    match = re.search('^#\s(\$?[_.\w]+)$', line)
+    if match:
+        ofile.close()
+        oname = os.path.join(odir, match.group(1).replace("$","_") + '.qsrc' )
+        counter += 1
+        ofile = io.open(oname, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+    ofile.write(line)